fsem exam 2

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1800s population

By the mid-1800s, the Cape had a mixed population of Europeans, emancipated slaves, and indigenous people. British rule and the abolition of slavery in the British Empire led to the displacement of Boers and their establishment of independent states. British rule was marked by disputes with the Boers and attempts to expand British influence.

Graham v. Connor

determined that the reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of how a reasonable officer on the scene would respond, rather than from the 20/20 perspective of hindsight.

sol to current probs in Baltimore: peacebuilding authority

dismantling of BPD and Fraternal order of police, Blt. peacebuilding authority (BPA), reduces visible violence by addressing invisible violence (structural, cultural, and psychological)

resistance and rebellion of slaves

escaping, planning insurrections, and engaging in acts of sabotage against the slave system. The enslaved people created an Underground Railroad and participated in militant abolitionist resistance.

South African republican movement

far right wing, white

Chicago during great rebellion

fifth in 2017 murder rate, mass school closures, school funding crisis, South Shore residents clash with police after Augustus shooting

federation of Afrikaner cultural organizations

forms in 1929 after HNP wins white election

Baltimore had an exclusively White public school system

from 1829 to 1867, Baltimore had an exclusively White public school system, while the Black community had to establish a separate private school syst

solution to current probs in Baltimore: desegregating city and suburbs

green lined white communities vs redlined black communities, requires equitable resource allocation, boost mobility within the city

Cleveland during great rebellion

uprising in response to not guilty verdict of officer Michael Brelo, a police officer kills 12 year old Tamir rice, lead poisoning crisis

"White Supremacist Urban Violence and Property Raids on Black Homeowners"

"Hence, "a sort of Ku Klux Klan" was organized by White Baltimore homeowners to destroy the property of an incoming Black family, ultimately forcing them to move"

Federal Govt and Housing Authority of Baltimore during Balt. Aparth.

"In 1933, the federal government's Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) began drawing Residential Security Maps, which systematically redlined neighborhoods with higher percentages of Black people and structurally greenlined neighborhoods that were exclusively White "

"Negro Invasion"

"In effect, whenever Black homebuyers attempted to purchase property and move into a White neighborhood, they would be committing a violation against the white supremacist social order for the next 50-plus years. They were joined in their efforts by Baltimore City agencies and departments working together to engineer racial segregation. This included calling the police department to enforce Baltimore Apartheid. "

Baltimore Apartheid through Public Health and Code Enforcement

"municipality's police power to protect the health of its citizens, which would segregate black people in this city because of having a much higher rate of tuberculosis among them than there is among the whites. They constitute a menace to the health of the white population; racial disparities in infection disease rates reflected the idea that Black health didn't matter

Yellow lining

"yellow lining" in Baltimore, which involves marking streets for scheduled street sweeping, is a parking regulation and maintenance activity aimed at keeping streets clean and accessible for everyone. racist because -less driveways so more tickets -heavier fines

Dred Scott v. Sandford Case

(1857) U.S. Supreme Court ruling that slaves were not U.S. citizens and therefore could not sue for their freedom and that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the western territories.


- "Whole Foods Effect" - Growth and profit potential - Supplants community already there

South African apartheid timeline

1948 to 1990s

causes of SA apart

- Apartheid's causes debated: historical racial discrimination vs. economic factors. - Economic motivation: desire for cheap African workforce to boost profits. - Racially discriminatory laws favored white workers and farmers. - World War II as immediate cause: economic transformation, factory expansion. - Racial lines among workers led to labor strikes and conflict. - Economic growth and urbanization challenged segregation policies. - Urban Black population increased, leading to problems due to legal restrictions. - Temporary relaxation of restrictions during the war, followed by their re-imposition. - African communities formed in cities due to a lack of accommodation and services.

2015 Baltimore Riots

- Events leading to 2015 Baltimore riots after Freddie Gray's death in police custody - Gray's arrest, denial of medical attention, and death triggered anger and frustration - Widespread protests against police brutality - Deployment of riot police and shutdown of buses heightened tensions - Inflammatory rhetoric from the head of the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police - Clashes between protesters and baseball fans - Escalation of confrontations and tensions between law enforcement and protesters - Resulted in the outbreak of fires and riots in Baltimore.

Program of Action

- rejection of white dominance - african nationalism throughout the entire continent - an assertion of pride - demand for mass and direct action -protests, not necessarily peaceful

campaign for government-enforced racial segregation led by White political leaders in Baltimore.

-campaign = desire racial segregation in city life/residential neighborhoods -tries to create/enforce laws and ordinances that would prevent Black families from moving into White neighborhoods

important dates?? for South Africa from before 1948

1795- first British occupation 1806- second occupation 1828- emancipation of slaves in cape colony 1899-1902 South African war 1904 Chinese workers imported for gold mines 1918 natives land act limits ownership to 7% 1918 formation of Afrikaner broederbond AB 1924 native admin act says africans aren't employees 1936 africans can only vote for white people 1948 HNP wins election and is named national party

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

South African Native National Congress


Natives Land Act of 1913

1st major segregation law (blacks could only own specific land totaling about 7%)

Birmingham during great rebellion

3 years of increasing murder rate, school resegregation, spike in drug overdose deaths


A process by which banks draw lines on a map and refuse to lend money to purchase or improve property within the boundaries.

Afrikaner Broederbond

A secret society established in 1919 that promoted Afrikaner ethnic nationalism in South African society. Many Afrikaner politicians (including every prime minister during apartheid), military personnel, churchmen, academics, journalists, and other professionals were Broederbond members. It is still in existence today.

Black Consciousness Movement

A social and political movement inspired by the Black power movement in the US that pressed for increased rights and an end to separate development; the movement succeeded in winning young followers until it was banned in 1977

African response to segregation

African opposition to segregation began with the formation of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC) in 1912, later renamed the African National Congress (ANC) in 1923. The ANC and other organizations protested against racial discrimination and appealed for equal treatment before the law.


Afrikaner politician, cabinet minister, and founding leader of the Herstigte Nasionale Party.

post wat

After the war, efforts were made to reshape South African society. British policymakers, like Godfrey Lagden, proposed a policy of segregation that would confine Africans to designated areas and deny them political and land ownership rights. Africans, Coloureds, and Indians began to organize politically and demand their rights, forming various organizations. White politics also evolved, with the emergence of Afrikaner political parties and growing national sentiment among Dutch speakers. The failure of British immigration schemes led to political changes, as Louis Botha and J.B.M. Hertzog formed political parties to advocate for self-government, increased job opportunities for Afrikaners, and the repatriation of Chinese laborers.

apart support and republic of SA

Apartheid gained support from the white electorate, in part due to the endorsement of the Dutch Reformed Church, which justified it on religious grounds. The NP continued to win elections, and apartheid policies intensified under leaders like J.G. Strijdom and Hendrik F. Verwoerd. In 1961, South Africa became a republic and left the Commonwealth, further solidifying apartheid as government policy.

basic South African apartheid

Apartheid was a policy in South Africa introduced by the National Party government in 1948, which involved the separation of people by race in various aspects of life, including where they lived, went to school, worked, and died.

police state SA

As apartheid laws were enacted between 1950 and 1953, nonwhites organized to resist, protest, and overthrow the apartheid regime. The government responded with brutal suppression and increasingly repressive legislation, including detaining individuals without charges. The apartheid regime aimed to establish complete racial separation, effectively turning the government into a police state.

sol to current probs in Baltimore: reparations and budgeting

Balt. spent 500 millions towards policing and riot suppression and only 132 mil on health, housing, workforce devel., housing, homelessness, arts, and culture combined.

black, leftist take on SAf. Apart.

Black writers and intellectuals, many of whom emerged in the 1920s and later, offered a different perspective, highlighting the harsh treatment of blacks in mines and farms and calling for class revolution. A "liberal" school of thought considered ideas and ideology more critical than material conditions in shaping behavior. The 1970s saw the emergence of a "radical" or "revisionist" interpretation influenced by Marx, arguing that racism in South Africa was primarily driven by economic interests, particularly the exploitation of cheap black labor.

Illinois vs. Wardlow

Court ruled that flight from police can be important factor in whether police have a reasonable suspicion to stop suspect


Dutch, French, and German settlers and their descendants in South Africa

early writings of history in SA Apart.

Early historical writings were Eurocentric and paternalistic, emphasizing the "civilizing mission" of Europeans and the need for Africans to convert to Christianity and engage in manual labor. A settler version of history emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with Dutch-speaking settlers depicting themselves as victims of British imperialism.

White Religion during Baltimore Apartheid

White churches played central role in B. A., starting KKKs in churches, racially restrictive covenants/segregation, "god was pro-segregation"

European involvement in SA

European involvement in South Africa began with the Dutch in 1652 when they established a trading post. Over time, European settlers and slaves, including those from Asia, mixed to create a diverse society. When the British took control of the Cape in 1795, they continued the use of slaves and imported British settlers to establish their presence. The Dutch settlers, known as Boers, eventually embarked on the Great Trek in the 1830s, moving inland and establishing independent republics.

verrrry early S Afr

Evidence of early human existence, including fossils and cave paintings, dates back millions of years in South Africa. The indigenous populations, like the Khoikhoi and San, engaged in hunting, gathering, and fishing. Over time, Bantu-speaking groups migrated from the north and established settled communities, creating a dynamic and interconnected society.

1911 Mines and Works Act

Excluded Africans from most skilled jobs in the mines, which were reserved for whites

Three iterations of whitelash in B.B.

First Whitelash: Opposed African American political and economic empowerment during Black Reconstruction after the Civil War. Second Whitelash: Sought to reverse gains made by the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, resisting desegregation and social changes. Third Whitelash: Associated with Trump's 2016 election, aimed to repeal Obama's policies, representing a backlash against his legacy, including healthcare and immigration reforms.

Baltimore Main issues during Great Rebellion:

Freddie Gray protests, Mondawmin uprising, second in 2017 murder rates, second in rental evictions

Freddie Gray (Baltimore)

Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African American, died in police custody in 2015, after being arrested. He suffered severe spinal cord injuries during the arrest and was transported in a police van, and he was denied immediate medical attention. His death led to protests and raised concerns about police brutality and misconduct.

how the gov't created the ghetto

Ghettos in the United States are typically urban neighborhoods perceived as being high in crime and poverty. The origins of these areas are specific to the United States and its laws, which created ghettos through both legislation and private efforts to segregate America for political, economic, social, and ideological reasons: de jure and de facto segregation.

black butterfly

an apt description of the shape of segregated black communities fanning across the city's eastern and western halves.

shortly after apartheid in sa

In 1948, when the National Party (NP) took control of the government in South Africa, they were faced with defining the concept of apartheid, which was a complex and contradictory idea. The NP leaders wanted to establish apartheid as a legislative reality that would be difficult to overturn if they lost power in the next election. The opposition, led by Smuts, questioned the practicality of total segregation under apartheid, as it would displace much of the African population. They also raised concerns about the impact on white industrial workers. The NP itself was still grappling with the meaning of apartheid, with figures like H.F. Verwoerd suggesting that it was about moving towards an ideal of separation, not complete segregation

Transatlantic Slave Trade

approximately 388,000 Africans traded to America as property during this period,

shorter sa cause apart

It was driven by a combination of Afrikaner nationalism, the need for labor, and responses to African urbanization and political activism. Apartheid policies had profound and long-lasting effects on South Africa, leading to decades of racial segregation and injustice.

Ls of Apartheid

Law, Land, Language, Labor

J. B. M. Hertzog

Led the South African republican movement

St Louis during great rebellion

Mass protests for mike brown, police occupation, Ferguson Rebellion, St Louis Uprising, first in 2017 murder rate

solution to current probs in Baltimore: strengthen Balt. office of equity and civil rights

OECR: mandates nad monitors racial equity in city agencies and departments. they re very underfunded with a budget of 2 million yet requiring at least 20 million

Ossewabrandwag (OB)

Ossewabrandwag (OB), an organization inspired by Hitler's national socialist movement, which sought to create an Afrikaner-controlled republic. The division among Afrikaners regarding South Africa's entry into World War II is noted, with some supporting the war effort and others opposing it.

Native Affairs Act (1920)

Paved the way for creation of countrywide system of tribally based, government appointed, district councils.

de jure segregation

Racial segregation that occurs because of laws or administrative decisions by public agencies., legally required

Land in South Africa

Segregation policies had a profound impact on the rights of Africans. They restricted Africans from owning land, residing or traveling where they chose, and enjoying job security.

Native Administration Act (1927)

Set up the Department of Native Affairs to control all matters relating to Africans

Natives (Urban Areas) Act (1923)

Stated that Africans were only allowed in the cities to work for whites and could only live in townships, but African workers had to leave once contract ended

Terry v. Ohio (1968)

Supreme Court decision endorsing police officers' authority to stop and frisk suspects on the streets when there is reasonable suspicion that they are armed and involved in criminal activity

Mondawmin uprising

The Mondawmin Mall area became a focal point for protests as a result of the shutdown of public transportation and the presence of both protesters and law enforcement. The police presence in the area and the closure of public transportation had the effect of trapping high school students who had been protesting in the vicinity.

South African War (Boer War)

The South African War (1899-1902) was a conflict between the Boers and the British, primarily driven by the desire to control gold mines. British frustration with Boer policies undermining gold mine profitability led to the invasion of the gold-bearing South African Republic in 1899. Boer militia, known as "Commandos," retaliated by invading British colonies of the Cape and Natal. Initially, Boer forces outnumbered the British, resulting in early Boer victories and British defeats. The British mobilized a substantial force of over 400,000 soldiers and spent a significant amount to achieve victory in May 1902. The war caused significant human suffering and casualties, with the British employing a "scorched earth" policy and establishing concentration camps. Boer and African prisoners suffered high mortality rates in these camps. The Treaty of Vereeniging in 1902 ended the war, incorporating the Boer republics into the British Empire but promising local self-government.

Track 1 Black Butterfly

The Trump Card: The chapter discusses the 2016 U.S. presidential election, highlighting how the demographic composition of the country, with a significant number of predominantly White counties, contributed to the election of Donald Trump and the continuation of what the text refers to as "American Apartheid."


The business of profiting specifically from high levels of racial and economic segregation, predatory lending and renting, repeated uprooting, etc

gold discovery

The discovery of diamonds and gold in the late 19th century transformed South Africa's economy and political landscape. The mineral resources attracted foreign capital and immigrants, leading to an economic boom. However, these industries relied on cheap labor, and discriminatory practices were put in place to maintain a low-cost workforce. This period also saw tensions between the British and the Boers, particularly in the Transvaal where gold was discovered. The British-controlled capital and profits from the mines further exacerbated these tensions. These historical factors would ultimately contribute to the introduction of apartheid in 1948.

apartheid word meaning

The word "apartheid" (apartness) initially represented the Afrikaner desire to maintain a distinct cultural identity from English-speaking Europeans. However, during the war years, it took on new connotations as Afrikaner politicians engaged in race-baiting and promoted physical separation of black and white through legislative policies and state action.

Utah vs Strieff

This case addresses the legality of evidence obtained during an unlawful investigatory stop. The text suggests that it contributed to the legalization of such stops in certain circumstances.

African orginizations

Throughout the 1920s, African opposition expanded through various organizations. The Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union (ICU), the South African Communist Party, and the Non-European Trade Union Federation played significant roles in organizing African workers and advocating for their rights.

white population sa

While white South Africans represented no more than 20% (closer to 10% by the end of the century) of the population, they controlled the majority of economic resources. African labor, under strict control and paid very low wages, played a central role in South Africa's economy.


a backlash or reaction predominantly from White Americans against the political and social progress made by minority groups, particularly African Americans.

Great Rebellion (2014-2017)

a period of urban uprisings and protests that took place between 2014 and 2017, with a resurgence of protests in 2020. These uprisings were a response to a range of issues, including police violence, racial inequality, and systemic injustice. The term "Great Rebellion" emphasizes the scale and significance of these protests, highlighting the frustration and anger experienced by Black communities and their response to the challenging conditions they faced. The 2014-2017 period, referred to as "Wave 1" of the Great Rebellion, included incidents like the protests following the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement. In 2020, referred to as "Wave 2," nationwide protests and uprisings erupted after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which led to a significant and sustained outcry against police brutality and racial discrimination. The text argues that the root cause of these uprisings is "American Apartheid,"

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

allowed government officials to arrest any person accused of being a runaway slave; all that was needed to take away someone's freedoms was word of a white person; northerners required to help capture runaways if requested, suspects had no right to trial

economic and educational aspects of slavery

banks and insurance companies profiting from the commodification of enslaved people. the education system and various parts of the economy were connected to the exploitation of Black labor, particularly through practices like human breeding.

South Africa Act of 1909

laid the foundation for the Union of South Africa, stipulated that all elected representatives in the new parliament had to be male British subjects "of European descent" only. This restricted political participation to white males of European origin.

Industrial Conciliation Act (1924)

law stated that restricted trade unions and employee rights for Africans

solution to current probs in Baltimore: social impact bond

money going towards: abating toxic lead in black homes, soil, pipes, air emissions installation of solar panels, gardens, trees elimination of biking, transit, and food apartheid violence prevention counseling and sub. abuse treatment

Great Migration

movement of over 300,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920- before this black people lived scattered throughout cities and after this we begin segregating them again in northern cities

Each of the four colonies that formed the Union had its own set of voting rules:

n the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, the franchise was restricted to all white males, with no voting rights granted to black Africans. In the Cape Colony, voting eligibility depended on an economic qualification system, allowing most white men to vote, but it excluded many Coloureds and Africans. Even though the European population comprised a significant portion of eligible voters, only 24% of the Cape's population was of European descent. In Natal, voting rights were extended to all white men but excluded Indians and nearly all Africans. Indians and Africans who were eligible to vote represented an exceedingly small proportion of the total electorate.

black generational wealth

nearly impossible with redlining

Flint during Great Rebellion

ongoing lead poisoning crisis

Great Depression and New Deal

people lost homes, mass production of houses in suburban areas for whites, HOLC forbid them to be sold to nonwhites,

District Attorney William F. Broening

played a significant role in championing the cause of segregation, committed to upholding and enforcing segregation measures as they believed it was in the best interest of the city.

HUD impact on segregation

redlining, urban renewal, highways through flourishing black communities,

Native's Labour Regulation Act

regulated African employment conditions, including fingerprinting, issuing passes, and punishment for breaking employment contracts.


relocation; displacement

Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC!!!)

remember this I bet it'll be handy: enforced segregated public housing in the city by race, locally run but federally funded, black and white public housing is separate , "controlled desegregation in 1950s but still strategically placed and divided by class think red/yellow lining

Residential Racial Zoning in Baltimore

residential racial zoning in Baltimore, where certain neighborhoods sought to restrict Black homebuyers or institutions, such as Morgan College, from acquiring property in White areas. It notes that the Supreme Court partially struck down residential racial zoning in the Buchanan v. Warley case but highlights that this ruling was more about protecting White homeowners' rights to sell to anyone they chose.

de facto segregation

segregation by unwritten custom or tradition

stages of black oppression

slavery, Jim Crow, segregation/ghettos, new Jim Crow (more recently)

Civilized Labor Policy

sought to raise all white people to ' civilized ' standards of living, above rather than below or alongside the 'native' (African) population.

urban renewal

the clearing and rebuilding and redevelopment of urban slums... "urban renewal which means moving negros out" -baldwin, interstate highways,

Afrikaner Identity

the emergence of Afrikaner identity and the formation of the National Party (NP) in South Africa. The NP was created by J.B.M. Hertzog in 1914 to represent the interests of Afrikaners who felt marginalized by the English-speaking policies of the government, especially in the aftermath of the South African War. Hertzog's party aimed to promote Afrikaner culture and protect their interests, emphasizing the importance of the Afrikaans language.

Detroit during G. Rebellion

third in 2017 murder rates, first in rental evictions, mass school closures, teacher sickouts

White Flight

working and middle-class white people move away from racial-minority suburbs or inner-city neighborhoods to white suburbs and exurbs

During the late 1800s, railroad, streetcar, and steamboat companies enforced racial segregation in public transportation.


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