FSHN150 Chapter 5 Lipids

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True or false: HDL removes cholesterol from cells and returns to the liver for excretion.


True or false: Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are typically liquid at room temperature.

acid methyl

At one end of a fatty acid (the alpha end) is an _____ group, and the other end (omega end) has a _____ group.


Due to their high energy density (9 kcal per gram) ______ are the ideal form of energy storage for the body. Multiple choice question. alcohol carbohydrates proteins lipids

- omega-6 fatty acid

Linoleic acid is an ______. Multiple choice question. - omega-3 fatty acid - omega-9 fatty acid - omega-6 fatty acid

sex age heredity

Non-modifiable risk factors for heart disease include ______. Multiple select question. sex age smoking heredity

cardiovascular disease

The major cause of death among American adults is ______. Multiple choice question. automobile accidents type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease chronic lower respiratory diseases

- glycerol

The three-carbon alcohol that forms the backbone of a triglyceride is Multiple choice question. - cholesterol. - ethanol. - glycerol. - pyruvate.

- Triglycerides

are the major form of lipids found in foods and in the human body. Multiple choice question. - Triglycerides - Sterols - Lipoproteins - Phospholipids

- Saturated

fatty acids contain no carbon-carbon double bonds. Multiple choice question. - Trans - Monounsaturated - Saturated - Polyunsaturated


is a cholesterol-rich substance deposited in the blood vessels. Multiple choice question. Plaque Glycerol Wax Lecithin


transport lipids from the small intestine and liver to body tissues. Multiple choice question. Electrolytes Lipoproteins Hormones


A major function of phospholipids (e.g., lecithin) in foods is to act as (a)n Multiple choice question. antimicrobial agent. flavoring agent. antioxidant. emulsifier.

- fatty acid.

A molecule with a long chain of carbons bonded together and flanked by hydrogens with an acid group on one end and a methyl group on the other end is called a Multiple choice question. - triglyceride. - phospholipid. - fatty acid. - sterol.

heart attack.

A myocardial infarction is also known as a(n) Multiple choice question. heart attack. stroke. tumor. ulcer.


A triglyceride is composed of three fatty acids attached to a _____ backbone.

no more than 5% to 6% of total kilocalories

According to the American Heart Association, individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease (or who already have cardiovascular disease) should limit saturated fat intake to ______. Multiple choice question. no more than 5% to 6% of total kilocalories no more than 10% of total kilocalories 20% to 35% of total kilocalories


Atherosclerotic plaque buildup begins in ______. Multiple choice question. middle-age childhood infancy early adulthood

- saturated

Butter is solid at room temperature. Butter contains mostly ______ fatty acids. Multiple choice question. - monounsaturated - trans - polyunsaturated - saturated


Fat located just below the surface of the skin (subcutaneous fat) insulates the body and keeps it warm. This is because fat's ______ water content does not conduct heat well. Multiple choice question. high low

- solid

Most foods containing saturated fatty acids are ______ at room temperature. Multiple choice question. - solid - liquid

dietary cholesterol has little impact on blood cholesterol levels

The AHA have set no specific limits on dietary cholesterol because ______. Multiple choice question. the body can always regulate its blood cholesterol level depending on fat intake most Americans do not eat too much cholesterol dietary cholesterol helps to lower blood cholesterol levels dietary cholesterol has little impact on blood cholesterol levels

salivary glands pancreas stomach

What three organs and/or glands produce lipase? Multiple select question. liver gallbladder stomach salivary glands pancreas

Keep dietary cholesterol as low as possible while still meeting your needs for essential nutrients.

What is the latest recommendation from the Dietary Guidelines for dietary cholesterol? Multiple choice question. 300 mg 200 mg Keep dietary cholesterol as low as possible while still meeting your needs for essential nutrients. 150 mg

- Glycerol - Fatty acids - Phosphate

Which of the following are components of phospholipids? Multiple select question. - Phosphate - Amino acids - Glycerol - Fatty acids

Choose salmon instead of roast beef for a dinner entree.

Which of the following is a strategy to improve dietary fat quality? Multiple choice question. Choose reduced-fat cheddar cheese instead of full-fat cheddar cheese. Use 2 tablespoons of salad dressing instead of 4 tablespoons of salad dressing. Choose tea instead of coffee at breakfast. Choose salmon instead of roast beef for a dinner entree.

- phospholipid

A ______ is a type of lipid that contains a glycerol backbone, two fatty acids, and a phosphorus group. Multiple choice question. - triglyceride - phospholipid - sterol - diglyceride

no additional benefit

A greater intake of fish above two servings per week results in ______. Multiple choice question. additional benefits no additional benefit


About half of the energy used by the body at rest and during light activity comes from fat, the remainder comes from ______. Multiple choice question. carbohydrates vitamins and minerals protein water


An omega-3 fatty acid is Multiple choice question. saturated. unsaturated.

bread whole milk cheddar cheese canola oil

Arrange the following foods from lowest percentage of kcal from fat (at the top of the list) to highest percentage of kcal from fat (at the bottom of the list). whole milk canola oil bread cheddar cheese

low-density lipoprotein.

As very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) circulate through the bloodstream, they deliver triglycerides to cells throughout the body. After most of the triglycerides have been removed from a VLDL, the remaining lipoprotein is called a Multiple choice question. chylomicron remnant. high-density lipoprotein. chylomicron. low-density lipoprotein.

heart blood vessels

Cardiovascular disease includes a variety of diseases of the ______ and ______. Multiple select question. liver heart blood vessels lungs

omega-3 -><- alpha-linolenic acid omega-6 -><- linoleic acid

Categorize the essential fatty acids omega-3 -> omega-6 -> <- alpha-linolenic acid <- linoleic acid

Protect organs from injury

Choose a function of fat tissue. Multiple choice question. Protect organs from injury Important for producing energy during anaerobic glycolysis Helps to build and repair tissue Aides in fluid balance


Fatty acids containing carbon-carbon double bonds are considered ______ fatty acids. Multiple choice question. unsaturated saturated


For adults, the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range set by the Food and Nutrition Board for fat is _____% to _____% of total kilocalories.


In the small intestine, lipase breaks down ______ to produce a mixture of fatty acids, glycerol, and monoglycerides. Multiple choice question. phospholipids glycogen cholesterol triglycerides

omega-3 fatty acids

People who eat fish at least twice a week have lower risks for heart attacks. This protection is attributable to ______, which reduces blood clotting. Multiple choice question. omega-9 fatty acids omega-6 fatty acids omega-3 fatty acids

omega-3 fatty acids.

Reduced triglycerides, reduced blood clotting, and reduced pain from rheumatoid arthritis are benefits associated with intake of Multiple choice question. omega-3 fatty acids. omega-9 fatty acids. omega-6 fatty acids.

- decrease saturated fat intake

The American Heart Association recommends using plant oils rather than animal fats in food preparation to ______. Multiple choice question. - decrease polyunsaturated fat intake. - decrease saturated fat intake - decrease the intake of added sugars. - decrease total fat intake

chest pain shortness of breath jaw, neck, shoulder pain dizziness

What are some warning signs of a heart attack? Multiple select question. drooping on one side of the face chest pain shortness of breath jaw, neck, shoulder pain dizziness

monoglycerides fatty acids

What are the products of fat digestion in the small intestine? Multiple select question. monoglycerides fatty acids glucose lactic acid

- three attached fatty acids - glycerol backbone

What are the structural components of a triglyceride? Multiple select question. - three attached fatty acids - glycerol backbone - multiple-ring structure - three attached glycerol molecules

Lipoprotein lipase

What enzyme breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol in the bloodstream? Multiple choice question. Glycolytic lipase Lipoprotein lipase Pancreatic lipase

- Saturated fatty acid

Which of the following has only carbon-carbon single bonds? Multiple choice question. - Monounsaturated fatty acid - Saturated fatty acid - Essential fatty acid - Polyunsaturated fatty acid

olive oil

Which of the following is a leading source of fat in the Mediterranean diet? Multiple choice question. eggs whole milk margarine olive oil

triglycerides short-chain fats butterfat

Salivary and gastric lipase digest primarily ______. Multiple select question. fats in the small intestine triglycerides short-chain fats butterfat

- do not readily dissolve in water.

Lipids are a diverse group of chemical compounds. Which of the following properties do all types of lipids have in common? Multiple choice question. - composed primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen - liquid at room temperature - do not readily dissolve in water.

glycerol free fatty acids

Lipoprotein lipase breaks triglycerides into ______. Multiple select question. chylomicrons glycerol free fatty acids high-density lipoproteins

Mediterranean diet -><- olive oil, fish, nuts North American diet -><- mayonnaise, margarine, whole milk

Match popular sources of dietary fat to either the Mediterranean diet or the typical North American diet. Mediterranean diet -> North American diet -> <- olive oil, fish, nuts <- mayonnaise, margarine, whole milk

the breakdown of fatty acids by oxygen, heat, and UV light.

The disagreeable taste and odor of rancid oils are due to Multiple choice question. binding of sulfur to fatty acids. microbial fermentation of fatty acids. the conversion of essential fatty acids into nonessential fatty acids. the breakdown of fatty acids by oxygen, heat, and UV light.

lined up so they face the watery environments on the inside and outside of the cell water-soluble

The phosphate heads located in the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane are ______. Multiple select question. lined up so they face the interior of the cell membrane lined up so they face the watery environments on the inside and outside of the cell water-soluble fat-soluble


True or false: Dietary fats consist of a complex mixture of several different types of fatty acids.

Growth restriction Impaired wound healing Flaky/itchy skin

What are some deficiency symptoms experienced with inadequate consumption of essential fatty acids? Multiple select question. Growth restriction Impaired wound healing Flaky/itchy skin Fruity odor of breath

ice cream eggs chicken

What are some examples of food sources that contain cholesterol? Multiple select question. ice cream peanuts eggs chicken

milk chocolate bar peanut butter avocados

What are some food sources that contain 50% of total calories or more from fat? Multiple select question. skinless chicken milk chocolate bar sirloin peanut butter avocados

Smoking High blood cholesterol Family history of cardiovascular disease Hypertension

What are some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease? Multiple select question. Smoking High blood cholesterol Physically active lifestyle Family history of cardiovascular disease Hypertension

- An alcohol containing three carbons; it is the backbone of a triglyceride molecule

What is the structure and function of glycerol molecules? Multiple choice question. - An alcohol containing three carbons; it is the backbone of a triglyceride molecule - A fat-related substance containing phosphorous, fatty acids, and a nitrogen-containing base; it is an essential part of every cell - A fatty acid molecule that contains one carbon-carbon double bond; it may be a component of triglycerides - A fatty acid molecule that contains two or more carbon-carbon double bonds; it may be a component of triglycerides

carbon-carbon double bonds

When the ______ in polyunsaturated fatty acids break down, rancid by-products occur. Multiple choice question. carbon-carbon double bonds carbon-carbon single bonds hydrogen atoms trans configuration


Where does lipoprotein lipase break down triglycerides? Multiple choice question. small intestine mouth bloodstream stomach


Which fat is used to make bile acids? Multiple choice question. alpha-linolenic fatty acids phopholipids cholesterol triglycerides

- linoleic acid - alpha-linolenic acid

Which fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids? Multiple select question. - linoleic acid - alpha-linolenic acid - oleic acid


Which lipoprotein can be taken up by scavenger cells, leading to a buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels? Multiple choice question. lipoprotein A HDL LDL

Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)

Which lipoproteins are made by the liver? Multiple choice question. Chylomicrons Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)


Which nutrient does not readily dissolve in water? Multiple choice question. glucose carbohydrates lipids proteins

crushing pain or squeezing pressure in the chest

Which symptom of a heart attack is common among men but not seen as often in women? Multiple choice question. indigestion overwhelming fatigue dizziness and fainting crushing pain or squeezing pressure in the chest

They keep mixtures of oil and water from separating.

Why are emulsifiers important in cooking and baking? Multiple choice question. They enhance the fat-soluble vitamin content of baked goods. They limit microbial growth. They keep mixtures of oil and water from separating. They enhance the sweetness of foods when exposed to heat.


_____-density lipoprotein is considered the "bad" cholesterol. Multiple choice question. High Low

individuals at risk for heart disease.

The American Heart Association's recommendation to limit saturated fat intake to no more than 5% to 6% of total calories is intended for Multiple choice question. infants. individuals at risk for heart disease. athletes. the general population.


The Food and Nutrition Board recommends an Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) of 20% to 35% of total calories for ______. Multiple choice question. discretionary calories protein fat carbohydrate

- all

The body can make ______ of the cholesterol it needs. Multiple choice question. - about 50% - a very small amount - approximately 25% - all

- taste and smell

The complexity of the different fatty acids found in a triglyceride contributes to a food's unique ______. Multiple choice question. - consistency, color, and calorie content - fluid content - nutrient value - taste and smell

lined up so they point toward the interior of the membrane fat-soluble

The fatty acid tails located in the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane are ______. Multiple select question. lined up so they point to the watery environments on the outside of the cell lined up so they point toward the interior of the membrane fat-soluble water-soluble

intense, prolonged chest pain or pressure, sometimes radiating to other parts of the upper body. shortness of breath. irregular heartbeat.

Typical warning signs of a heart attack include Multiple select question. memory loss. irregular heartbeat. intense, prolonged chest pain or pressure, sometimes radiating to other parts of the upper body. shortness of breath.

- double bonds

Unsaturated fatty acids are liquid at room temperature because their ______ prevent them from packing closely together. Multiple choice question. - single bonds - double bonds - phosphate groups - amine groups

Essential fatty acids

What deficiency would you suspect if a person has flaky and itchy skin, diarrhea, and poor wound healing with infections? Multiple choice question. Vitamin B-6 Essential fatty acids Protein Thiamin

- a molecule consisting of three fatty acids bonded to a glycerol

What is a triglyceride? Multiple choice question. - a waxy lipid found in all body cells - a three-carbon alcohol molecule - a molecule consisting of three fatty acids bonded to a glycerol - a fatty acid molecule containing three carbon-carbon double bonds

choosing a healthy type of fat

What is most important when choosing the fat you consume daily? Multiple choice question. Keeping the total amount of fat below 40% of total calories choosing foods that are low in the fat-soluble vitamins choosing foods that are high in the fat-soluble vitamins choosing a healthy type of fat

- They are mostly in the form of triglycerides.

What is one characteristic that lipids found in foods and in the body have in common? Multiple choice question. - They are mostly in the form of diglycerides. - They are mostly in the form of cholesterol. - They are mostly in the form of phospholipids. - They are mostly in the form of triglycerides.

- by the number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbons on the fatty acid. - by whether they are saturated or unsaturated.

How are the different types of fatty acids distinguished? Multiple select question. - by the calorie cost of the fatty acid. - by the number of glycerol bonds along the skeleton. - by the number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbons on the fatty acid. - by whether they are saturated or unsaturated.


Fatty acids containing carbon-carbon double bonds are considered ______ fatty acids. Multiple choice question. saturated unsaturated

fat-soluble vitamins essential fatty acids

Just because a food is high in fat does not mean it is unhealthy. Some high-fat foods, such as plant oils and nuts, should be included in the diet because they are sources of ______. Multiple select question. sodium fat-soluble vitamins cholesterol essential fatty acids

- essential fatty acids.

Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are both Multiple choice question. - non-essential fatty acids. - essential fatty acids. - omega-6 fatty acids. - omega-3 fatty acids.

myocardial infarction -><- blood flow surrounding the heart is blocked resulting in damage to the heart muscle cerebrovascular accident -><- blood flow to the parts of the brain is blocked resulting in the death of brain cells.

Match the disease with its correct definition. myocardial infarction -> cerebrovascular accident -> <- blood flow surrounding the heart is blocked resulting in damage to the heart muscle <- blood flow to the parts of the brain is blocked resulting in the death of brain cells.

heart attack.

Pain in the jaw or neck may be a symptom of a(n) Multiple choice question. allergic reaction. seizure. heart attack. stroke.


Which nutrient is an important source of fuel for the body, a regulator of chemical processes in the body, and a structural component of all cells? Multiple choice question. vitamins protein lipids minerals

omega-3 -><- decrease blood clotting and inflammation omega-6 -><- increase blood clotting and inflammation ​

Pair the fatty acid with its correct effect on blood clotting and inflammation. omega-3 -> omega-6 -> <- decrease blood clotting and inflammation <- increase blood clotting and inflammation

saturated fat -><- no carbon-carbon double bond monosaturated fatty acid -><- one carbon-carbon double bond polysaturated fatty acid -><- two or more carbon-carbon double bonds

Pair the type of fatty acid with its correct structure. saturated fat -> monounsaturated fatty acid -> polyunsaturated fatty acid -> <- one carbon-carbon double bond <- two or more carbon-carbon double bonds <- no carbon-carbon double bond


Preparing meals with plant oils, such as olive oil, rather than animal fats, such as butter, is one way to improve the fat ______ of your diet. Multiple choice question. quantity quality

as part of lipoproteins.

Primarily, fatty acids are transported through the bloodstream Multiple choice question. bound to glucose. as part of lipoproteins. as free fatty acids.

nausea and vomiting. jaw, neck, and shoulder pain. dizziness.

Typical warning signs of a heart attack in women include Multiple select question. nausea and vomiting. jaw, neck, and shoulder pain. dizziness. feeling of euphoria.

- The first carbon-carbon double bond is on the third carbon from the methyl end of the carbon chain.

What is the chemical structure of an omega-3 fatty acid? Multiple choice question. - The first carbon-carbon double bond is on the third carbon from the methyl end of the carbon chain. - It contains three consecutive carbon-carbon double bonds within the carbon chain. - The first carbon-carbon double bond is on the third carbon from the acid end of the carbon chain.

suspends fats in water

What is the function of an emulsifier? Multiple choice question. enhances the umami flavor of foods neutralizes chyme as it enters the small intestine extends the shelf life of foods suspends fats in water

Picks up cholesterol from dying cells and other sources Donates cholesterol to other lipoprotein for transport back to the liver for excretion

Which of the following are functions of HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream? Multiple select question. Picks up cholesterol from dying cells and other sources Donates cholesterol to other lipoprotein for transport back to the liver for excretion Carries triglycerides to the liver

- Ranch salad dressing, 2 tablespoons - Croissant, 1 medium - Avocado, 1/2 cup

Which of the following foods contain more than 8 grams of fat in a typical serving? Multiple select question. - Croissant, 1 medium - Avocado, 1/2 cup - Ranch salad dressing, 2 tablespoons - Salmon, 3 ounces

bagels strawberries

Which of the following foods do not contain any cholesterol? Multiple select question. bagels whole milk strawberries hamburger

They are energy dense. They are chemically stable.

Why are triglycerides ideal for fat storage? Multiple select question. They are chemically stable. They are also a vitamin B-12 depot. They are energy dense. They maintain hydration.

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