FSU:COM 3150

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Identify the appositive phrase(s) in the following sentence. Margaret Atwood, a Canadian poet and novelist, has written several best-sellers. A) A Canadian poet and novelist B) Has written C) Margaret Atwood . . . has written several best-sellers

A) A Canadian poet and novelist

Identify the appositive phrase(s) in the following sentence. Margaret Atwood, a Canadian poet and novelist, has written several best-sellers. A) A Canadian poet and novelist B) Has written C) Margaret Atwood . . . has written several best-sellers

A) A Canadian poet and novelist

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. This is the correct answer. A) An industrial power, the Germans have been reunited. B) An industrial power, Germany has been reunited. C) Germany, an industrial power, has been reunited.

A) An industrial power, the Germans have been reunited.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) As Sally sat next to Paul watching the hockey game on TV, she cursed the referee. B) As Sally sat next to Paul, she cursed the referee watching the hockey game on TV. C) Cursing the referee watching the hockey game on TV, Sally sat next to Paul.

A) As Sally sat next to Paul watching the hockey game on TV, she cursed the referee.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Because there was a delay on the tracks, the train didn't get us to the ballpark until after the seventh inning. B) Not until after the seventh inning did the train get us to the ballpark because there was a delay on the tracks. C) The train didn't get us to the ballpark because there was a delay on the tracks until after the seventh inning.

A) Because there was a delay on the tracks, the train didn't get us to the ballpark until after the seventh inning.

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Before you travel to some countries, you will need special vaccinations. A) Before you travel to some countries B) to some countries C) you will need special vaccinations

A) Before you travel to some countries

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Before you travel to some countries, you will need special vaccinations. A) Before you travel to some countries B) to some countries C) you will need special vaccinations

A) Before you travel to some countries

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Bryan cooked the salmon steaks, which had been marinated in lemon and pepper, on the grill in his backyard. B) Marinated in lemon and pepper, Bryan cooked the salmon steaks on the grill in his backyard. C) Bryan cooked the salmon steaks, marinated in lemon and pepper, on the grill in his backyard.

A) Bryan cooked the salmon steaks, which had been marinated in lemon and pepper, on the grill in his backyard.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) By brushing and flossing daily, dental decay can be avoided. B) Dental decay can be avoided if you brush and floss daily. C) If you brush and floss daily, you can avoid dental decay.

A) By brushing and flossing daily, dental decay can be avoided

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) By brushing and flossing daily, dental decay can be avoided. B) Dental decay can be avoided if you brush and floss daily. C) If you brush and floss daily, you can avoid dental decay

A) By brushing and flossing daily, dental decay can be avoided.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Catherine the Great of Russia, who was born Princess Sophie, married Czar Peter III. B) Catherine the Great of Russia married Czar Peter III, who was born Princess Sophie. C) Born Princess Sophie, Czar Peter III married Catherine the Great of Russia.

A) Catherine the Great of Russia, who was born Princess Sophie, married Czar Peter III.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away. B) Chasing one criminal, the police let the other get away. C) The police, while chasing one criminal, let the other get away.

A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. This is the correct answer. A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away. B) Chasing one criminal, the police let the other get away. C) The police, while chasing one criminal, let the other get away.

A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away. B) Chasing one criminal, the police let the other get away. C) The police, while chasing one criminal, let the other get away.

A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away. B) Chasing one criminal, the police let the other get away. C) The police, while chasing one criminal, let the other get away.

A) Chasing one criminal, the other got away.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Dreaming of the delectable movie star, my pulse began to race. B) My pulse began to race while I was dreaming of the delectable movie star. C) While I dreamed of the delectable movie star, my pulse began to race.

A) Dreaming of the delectable movie star, my pulse began to race.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Dreaming of the delectable movie star, my pulse began to race. B) My pulse began to race while I was dreaming of the delectable movie star. C) While I dreamed of the delectable movie star, my pulse began to race.

A) Dreaming of the delectable movie star, my pulse began to race.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Fearing the worst, it was decided to turn back. B) feared the worst and decided to turn back. C) Fearing the worst, I decided to turn back.

A) Fearing the worst, it was decided to turn back.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Fearing the worst, it was decided to turn back. B) feared the worst and decided to turn back. C) Fearing the worst, I decided to turn back.

A) Fearing the worst, it was decided to turn back.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. This is the correct answer. A) Fearing the worst, it was decided to turn back. B) feared the worst and decided to turn back. C) Fearing the worst, I decided to turn back.

A) Fearing the worst, it was decided to turn back.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Flipping through the channels, the television viewer can see violence, sex, mayhem, romance, and comedy all within the space of twenty seconds. B) The television viewer can see violence, sex, mayhem, romance, and comedy all within the space of twenty seconds flipping through the channels. C) Flipping through the channels, violence, sex, mayhem, romance, and comedy can be seen by the television viewer all within the space of twenty seconds.

A) Flipping through the channels, the television viewer can see violence, sex, mayhem, romance, and comedy all within the space of twenty seconds.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Going down in the elevator, their argument continued. B) Going down in the elevator, they continued their argument. C) They continued to argue while going down in the elevator.

A) Going down in the elevator, their argument continued.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Going down in the elevator, their argument continued. B) Going down in the elevator, they continued their argument. C) They continued to argue while going down in the elevator

A) Going down in the elevator, their argument continued.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Going down in the elevator, their argument continued. B) Going down in the elevator, they continued their argument. C) They continued to argue while going down in the elevator.

A) Going down in the elevator, their argument continued.

Identify the absolute phrase(s) in the following sentence. Her goal accomplished, Leslie felt proud. A) Her goal accomplished B) Leslie felt proud C) felt proud

A) Her goal accomplished

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) I can work for only two hours on Monday. B) I can only work for two hours on Monday.

A) I can work for only two hours on Monday.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) I cut off the jeans with holes in both knees and made them into shorts. B) With holes in both knees, I cut off the jeans and made them into shorts. C) I cut off the jeans and made them into shorts with holes in both knees.

A) I cut off the jeans with holes in both knees and made them into shorts.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. I like geography, but I could not find Shanghai on a map of Asia. A) I like geography/I could not find Shanghai B) on a map of Asia C) like geography/find Shanghai

A) I like geography/I could not find Shanghai

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. I like geography, but I could not find Shanghai on a map of Asia. A) I like geography/I could not find Shanghai B) on a map of Asia C) like geography/find Shanghai

A) I like geography/I could not find Shanghai

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. If you do not have a ticket, you will not be admitted. A) If you do not have a ticket B) you will not be admitted C) will not be admitted

A) If you do not have a ticket

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. If you do not have a ticket, you will not be admitted. A) If you do not have a ticket B) you will not be admitted C) will not be admitted

A) If you do not have a ticket

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Joanne's ski detached from her boot while skiing down the long slope. B) Joanne's ski detached from her boot while she was skiing down the long slope. C) While Joanne skied down the long slope, her ski detached from her boot.

A) Joanne's ski detached from her boot while skiing down the long slope.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Joanne's ski detached from her boot while skiing down the long slope. B) Joanne's ski detached from her boot while she was skiing down the long slope. C) While Joanne skied down the long slope, her ski detached from her boot.

A) Joanne's ski detached from her boot while skiing down the long slope.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Meditation is an activity that is practiced in many religions. A) Meditation is an activity B) that is practiced in many religions C) in many religions

A) Meditation is an activity

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Meditation is an activity that is practiced in many religions. A) Meditation is an activity B) that is practiced in many religions C) in many religions

A) Meditation is an activity

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Turning the corner, Natalie saw a large dog. A) Natalie saw a large dog B) large dog C) Turning the corner

A) Natalie saw a large dog

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Turning the corner, Natalie saw a large dog. A) Natalie saw a large dog B) large dog C) Turning the corner

A) Natalie saw a large dog

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Not long after signing a nonaggression pact with Stalin, an invasion of the Soviet Union was ordered. B) Not long after signing a nonaggression pact with Stalin, Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union. C) Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union not long after he signed a nonaggression pact with Stalin.

A) Not long after signing a nonaggression pact with Stalin, an invasion of the Soviet Union was ordered.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Not long after signing a nonaggression pact with Stalin, an invasion of the Soviet Union was ordered. B) Not long after signing a nonaggression pact with Stalin, Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union. C) Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union not long after he signed a nonaggression pact with Stalin.

A) Not long after signing a nonaggression pact with Stalin, an invasion of the Soviet Union was ordered.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Over the phone she apologized to her manager for her report, which was smeared with ink and covered with egg and coffee stains. B) She apologized to her manager for her report over the phone, which was smeared with ink and covered with egg and coffee stains. C) Over the phone she apologized for her report to her manager, which was smeared with ink and covered with egg and coffee stains.

A) Over the phone she apologized to her manager for her report, which was smeared with ink and covered with egg and coffee stains.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Overcome by the excessive heat, the game ended early. B) The game ended early because the players were overcome by the excessive heat. C) Since the players were overcome by the excessive heat, the game ended early.

A) Overcome by the excessive heat, the game ended early.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Overcome by the excessive heat, the game ended early. B) The game ended early because the players were overcome by the excessive heat. C) Since the players were overcome by the excessive heat, the game ended early.

A) Overcome by the excessive heat, the game ended early.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Overheated from the final sprint, the runner's face was red and flushed. B) The runner's face was red and flushed because she was overheated from the final sprint. C) The runner was overheated from the final sprint; her face was red and flushed.

A) Overheated from the final sprint, the runner's face was red and flushed.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Overheated from the final sprint, the runner's face was red and flushed. B) The runner's face was red and flushed because she was overheated from the final sprint. C) The runner was overheated from the final sprint; her face was red and flushed.

A) Overheated from the final sprint, the runner's face was red and flushed.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. B) People shouldn't throw stones living in glass houses.

A) People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Swinging from tree to tree, coconuts fell on the monkeys. B) Coconuts fell on the monkeys while they swung from tree to tree. C) While the monkeys swung from tree to tree, coconuts fell on them.

A) Swinging from tree to tree, coconuts fell on the monkeys.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Swinging from tree to tree, coconuts fell on the monkeys. B) Coconuts fell on the monkeys while they swung from tree to tree. C) While the monkeys swung from tree to tree, coconuts fell on them.

A) Swinging from tree to tree, coconuts fell on the monkeys.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. The Greeks defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. A) The Greeks defeated the Persians B) at the Battle of Marathon C) the Battle of Marathon

A) The Greeks defeated the Persians

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. The Greeks defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. A) The Greeks defeated the Persians B) at the Battle of Marathon C) the Battle of Marathon

A) The Greeks defeated the Persians

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) To do well in college, self-discipline is needed. B) To do well in college, one needs self-discipline. C) One needs self-discipline to do well in college.

A) To do well in college, self-discipline is needed.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) To do well in college, self-discipline is needed. B) To do well in college, one needs self-discipline. C) One needs self-discipline to do well in college.

A) To do well in college, self-discipline is needed.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) To do well in college, self-discipline is needed. B) To do well in college, one needs self-discipline. C) One needs self-discipline to do well in college.

A) To do well in college, self-discipline is needed.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. This is the correct answer. A) To reach the river, this path must be followed. B) To reach the river, you must follow this path. C) Follow this path to reach the river.

A) To reach the river, this path must be followed.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. This is the correct answer. A) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique's heart pounded. B) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique felt his heart pounding. C) Enrique's heart pounded as he touched Anna's hand.

A) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique's heart pounded

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique's heart pounded. B) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique felt his heart pounding. C) Enrique's heart pounded as he touched Anna's hand.

A) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique's heart pounded.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique's heart pounded. B) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique felt his heart pounding. C) Enrique's heart pounded as he touched Anna's hand.

A) Touching Anna's hand, Enrique's heart pounded.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Walking into the building, my dress got caught in the door. B) My dress got caught in the door while I was walking into the building. C) While I was walking into the building, my dress got caught in the door.

A) Walking into the building, my dress got caught in the door

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Walking into the building, my dress got caught in the door. B) My dress got caught in the door while I was walking into the building. C) While I was walking into the building, my dress got caught in the door.

A) Walking into the building, my dress got caught in the door.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Wanting to buy a soda, a dollar coin was placed on the counter. B) Wanting to buy a soda, the customer placed a dollar coin on the counter. C) The customer placed a dollar coin on the counter because she wanted to buy a soda.

A) Wanting to buy a soda, a dollar coin was placed on the counter.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Wanting to buy a soda, a dollar coin was placed on the counter. B) Wanting to buy a soda, the customer placed a dollar coin on the counter. C) The customer placed a dollar coin on the counter because she wanted to buy a soda.

A) Wanting to buy a soda, a dollar coin was placed on the counter.

Identify the adverb phrase(s) in the following sentence. When in Rome, visit the Vatican. A) When in Rome B) the Vatican C) visit the Vatican

A) When in Rome

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Whenever I am in Kansas City, I visit Hallmark's Crown Center. A) Whenever I am in Kansas City B) in Kansas City C) I visit Hallmark's Crown Center

A) Whenever I am in Kansas City

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Whenever I am in Kansas City, I visit Hallmark's Crown Center. A) Whenever I am in Kansas City B) in Kansas City C) I visit Hallmark's Crown Center

A) Whenever I am in Kansas City

Identify the adverb phrase(s) in the following sentence. While in Hungary, my grandmother visited Budapest. A) While in Hungary B) my grandmother visited Budapest. C) my grandmother

A) While in Hungary

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) While riding her bicycle, the child dropped the ice cream. B) Riding her bicycle, the ice cream was dropped by the child. C) The child dropped the ice cream riding her bicycle.

A) While riding her bicycle, the child dropped the ice cream. .

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) With a ruler, the teacher pointed to the rivers on a map of Canada. B) The teacher pointed to the rivers with a ruler on a map of Canada. C) The teacher pointed to the rivers on a map of Canada with a ruler.

A) With a ruler, the teacher pointed to the rivers on a map of Canada.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) With her usual combination of skill, speed, efficiency, and unflappable calm, the surgeon completed the operation in record time. B) The surgeon completed with her usual combination of skill, speed, efficiency, and unflappable calm the operation in record time. C) With her usual combination of skill, speed, efficiency, and unflappable calm, the surgeon in record time completed the operation

A) With her usual combination of skill, speed, efficiency, and unflappable calm, the surgeon completed the operation in record time.

Identify the prepositional phrase(s) in the following sentence. Babylon, a Long Island community, takes its name from an ancient Mesopotamian city. A) from an ancient Mesopotamian city B) Babylon . . . takes its name C) an ancient Mesopotamian city

A) from an ancient Mesopotamian city

Identify the prepositional phrase(s) in the following sentence. Babylon, a Long Island community, takes its name from an ancient Mesopotamian city. A) from an ancient Mesopotamian city B) Babylon . . . takes its name C) an ancient Mesopotamian city

A) from an ancient Mesopotamian city

Identify the participial phrase(s) in the following sentence. The bicycle broke apart, scattering metal and rubber everywhere. A) scattering metal and rubber everywhere B) The bicycle broke apart C) rubber everywhere

A) scattering metal and rubber everywhere

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Located in south central California, Fresno was founded in the year that Professor Lee's grandparents emigrated from China. A) that Professor Lee's grandparents emigrated from China B) located in south central California C) Fresno was founded

A) that Professor Lee's grandparents emigrated from China

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. In an attempt to surprise the Nazis, the Allies landed troops in Normandy. A) the Allies landed troops in Normandy B) in Normandy C) In an attempt to surprise the Nazis

A) the Allies landed troops in Normandy

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. In an attempt to surprise the Nazis, the Allies landed troops in Normandy. A) the Allies landed troops in Normandy B) in Normandy C) In an attempt to surprise the Nazis

A) the Allies landed troops in Normandy

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Hoping to reach the lake by noon, we left early. A) we left early B) by noon C) Hoping to reach the lake by noon

A) we left early

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Hoping to reach the lake by noon, we left early. A) we left early B) by noon C) Hoping to reach the lake by noon

A) we left early

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause (s) in the following sentence. The children screamed when the lights went out. A) when the lights went out B) The children screamed C) went out

A) when the lights went out

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. To begin the concert, the conductor chose a piece by Mahler, who was an Austrian composer. A) who was an Austrian composer B) the conductor chose a piece by Mahler C) To begin

A) who was an Austrian composer

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. To begin the concert, the conductor chose a piece by Mahler, who was an Austrian composer. A) who was an Austrian composer B) the conductor chose a piece by Mahler C) To begin

A) who was an Austrian composer

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Frederick II, who was king of Sicily, was also the Holy Roman Emperor. A) who was king of Sicily B) king of Sicily C) Frederick II . . . was also the Holy Roman Emperor

A) who was king of Sicily

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Frederick II, who was king of Sicily, was also the Holy Roman Emperor. A) who was king of Sicily B) king of Sicily C) Frederick II . . . was also the Holy Roman Emperor

A) who was king of Sicily

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Elizabeth Bishop, whose poetry we studied, once lived in Brazil. A) whose poetry we studied B) Elizabeth Bishop . . . once lived in Brazil. C) once lived in Brazil

A) whose poetry we studied

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Elizabeth Bishop, whose poetry we studied, once lived in Brazil. A) whose poetry we studied B) Elizabeth Bishop . . . once lived in Brazil. C) once lived in Brazil

A) whose poetry we studied

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) She heard a scream as she approached the house. B) A scream was heard approaching the house. C) Approaching the house, she heard a scream.

B) A scream was heard approaching the house.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) She heard a scream as she approached the house. B) A scream was heard approaching the house. C) Approaching the house, she heard a scream.

B) A scream was heard approaching the house.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) She heard a scream as she approached the house. B) A scream was heard approaching the house. C) Approaching the house, she heard a scream.

B) A scream was heard approaching the house.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) She heard a scream as she approached the house. This is the correct answer. B) A scream was heard approaching the house. C) Approaching the house, she heard a scream.

B) A scream was heard approaching the house.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) A young woman raised her hand seated in the rear of the auditorium. B) A young woman seated in the rear of the auditorium raised her hand.

B) A young woman seated in the rear of the auditorium raised her hand.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) My feet hurt a lot after I work all day. B) After working all day, my feet hurt a lot. C) After I work all day, my feet hurt a lot.

B) After working all day, my feet hurt a lot.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) My feet hurt a lot after I work all day. B) After working all day, my feet hurt a lot. C) After I work all day, my feet hurt a lot.

B) After working all day, my feet hurt a lot.

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Although we had little to spend, we ate well. A) we ate well B) Although we had little to spend C) little to spend

B) Although we had little to spend

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Holding her new baby, the mugger grabbed at Jana as he ran past. B) As the mugger ran past, he grabbed at Jana, who was holding her new baby. C) Running past Jana holding her new baby the mugger grabbed at her.

B) As the mugger ran past, he grabbed at Jana, who was holding her new baby.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Because they were vegetarians, the guests left the very rare roast beef uneaten. B) Being vegetarian, the very rare roast beef was left uneaten. C) The very rare roast beef was left uneaten because the guests were vegetarians.

B) Being vegetarian, the very rare roast beef was left uneaten.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Because they were vegetarians, the guests left the very rare roast beef uneaten. B) Being vegetarian, the very rare roast beef was left uneaten. C) The very rare roast beef was left uneaten because the guests were vegetarians.

B) Being vegetarian, the very rare roast beef was left uneaten.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Maria approached the high school auditorium stage carrying flowers. B) Carrying flowers, Maria approached the high school auditorium stage. C) Maria approached carrying flowers the high school auditorium stage.

B) Carrying flowers, Maria approached the high school auditorium stage.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Coffee and other drinks will be served during the intermission. A) Coffee and other drinks B) Coffee and other drinks will be served C) during the intermission

B) Coffee and other drinks will be served

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Coffee and other drinks will be served during the intermission. A) Coffee and other drinks B) Coffee and other drinks will be served C) during the intermission

B) Coffee and other drinks will be served

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) In the summer of 2006, Donna, a graduate of my high school, made a film about hurricanes. B) Donna, a graduate of my high school, made in the summer of 2006 a film about hurricanes. C) Donna, a graduate of my high school, made a film about hurricanes in the summer of 2006.

B) Donna, a graduate of my high school, made in the summer of 2006 a film about hurricanes.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) During the Second World War, gasoline only could be purchased by people with ration cards. B) During the Second World War, only people with ration cards could purchase gasoline. C) During the Second World War, people only with ration cards could purchase gasoline.

B) During the Second World War, only people with ration cards could purchase gasoline.

Identify the participial phrase(s) in the following sentence. Encouraged by good economic news, investors drove stock prices higher. A) investors drove stock prices higher B) Encouraged by good economic news C) stock prices

B) Encouraged by good economic news

Identify the participial phrase(s) in the following sentence. Encouraged by good economic news, investors drove stock prices higher. A) investors drove stock prices higher B) Encouraged by good economic news C) stock prices

B) Encouraged by good economic news

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Following a strict low-carb diet, you can lose weight rapidly. B) Following a strict low-carb diet, weight loss can occur rapidly. C) You can lose weight rapidly if you follow a strict low-carb diet.

B) Following a strict low-carb diet, weight loss can occur rapidly.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Following a strict low-carb diet, you can lose weight rapidly. B) Following a strict low-carb diet, weight loss can occur rapidly. C) You can lose weight rapidly if you follow a strict low-carb diet

B) Following a strict low-carb diet, weight loss can occur rapidly.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Jim watched the runners approach the finish line from his seat in the grandstand. B) From his seat in the grandstand, Jim watched the runners approach the finish line. C) Jim watched from his seat in the grandstand the runners approach the finish line.

B) From his seat in the grandstand, Jim watched the runners approach the finish line.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. In World War II, Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis powers. A) In World War II B) Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis powers C) In World War II, Germany, Japan, and Italy

B) Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis powers

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. In World War II, Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis powers. A) In World War II B) Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis powers C) In World War II, Germany, Japan, and Italy

B) Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis powers

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Because she grew up on the north shore of Oahu, surfing early became her favorite sport. This is the correct answer. B) Growing up on the north shore of Oahu, surfing early became her favorite sport. C) Surfing became her favorite sport while she was growing up on the north shore of Oahu.

B) Growing up on the north shore of Oahu, surfing early became her favorite sport.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While she walked across the room, her skirt fell to the floor. B) Her skirt fell to the floor while walking across the room. C) Her skirt fell to the floor while she walked across the room.

B) Her skirt fell to the floor while walking across the room.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While she walked across the room, her skirt fell to the floor. B) Her skirt fell to the floor while walking across the room. C) Her skirt fell to the floor while she walked across the room.

B) Her skirt fell to the floor while walking across the room.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While she walked across the room, her skirt fell to the floor. B) Her skirt fell to the floor while walking across the room. C) Her skirt fell to the floor while she walked across the room.

B) Her skirt fell to the floor while walking across the room.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Bought by his wife, he found it hard to program the DVD player. B) His DVD player, which his wife had bought him, proved hard to program. C) His DVD player proved hard to program, which his wife had bought him.

B) His DVD player, which his wife had bought him, proved hard to program.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) I need a dentist to fix my teeth badly. B) I badly need a dentist to fix my teeth. C) I need a dentist badly to fix my teeth.

B) I badly need a dentist to fix my teeth.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) I need a lawyer to prepare my contract badly. B) I badly need a lawyer to prepare the contract. C) I need a layer badly to prepare my contract

B) I badly need a lawyer to prepare the contract

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Irene said that she had been promoted yesterday. B) Irene said yesterday that she had been promoted.

B) Irene said yesterday that she had been promoted.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Irene said that she had been promoted yesterday. B) Irene said yesterday that she had been promoted.

B) Irene said yesterday that she had been promoted.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While looking out the window, I saw snowflakes falling. B) Looking out the window, snowflakes were falling. C) While looking out the window, I saw snowflakes falling.

B) Looking out the window, snowflakes were falling.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While looking out the window, I saw snowflakes falling. B) Looking out the window, snowflakes were falling. C) While looking out the window, I saw snowflakes falling.

B) Looking out the window, snowflakes were falling.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Born Malcolm Little, Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity after he split with the Black Muslims. A) Born Malcolm Little B) Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity C) after he split with the Black Muslims

B) Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Born Malcolm Little, Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity after he split with the Black Muslims. A) Born Malcolm Little B) Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity C) after he split with the Black Muslims

B) Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While I waited to be called upon, my foot fell asleep. B) My foot fell asleep while waiting to be called upon. C) My foot fell asleep while I waited to be called upon.

B) My foot fell asleep while waiting to be called upon.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While I waited to be called upon, my foot fell asleep. B) My foot fell asleep while waiting to be called upon. C) My foot fell asleep while I waited to be called upon.

B) My foot fell asleep while waiting to be called upon. .

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While I was writing letters, my pen ran out of ink. B) My pen ran out of ink while writing letters. C) My pen ran out of ink while I was writing letters.

B) My pen ran out of ink while writing letters.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While I was writing letters, my pen ran out of ink. B) My pen ran out of ink while writing letters. C) My pen ran out of ink while I was writing letters.

B) My pen ran out of ink while writing letters.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While eating a piece of pizza, I burned my tongue. B) My tongue got burned while eating a piece of pizza. C) I burned my tongue while eating a piece of pizza.

B) My tongue got burned while eating a piece of pizza.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While eating a piece of pizza, I burned my tongue. B) My tongue got burned while eating a piece of pizza. C) I burned my tongue while eating a piece of pizza.

B) My tongue got burned while eating a piece of pizza.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) His palms began to sweat when the police questioned him. This is the correct answer. B) Questioned by the police, his palms began to sweat. C) When the police questioned him, his palms began to sweat.

B) Questioned by the police, his palms began to sweat.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Starting this quarter, vacation time can be applied for only by employees who have been with the company for six months. B) Starting this quarter, only employees who have been with the company for six months can apply for vacation time. C) Starting this quarter, employees only with the company for six months can apply for vacation time.

B) Starting this quarter, only employees who have been with the company for six months can apply for vacation time.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Stranded in the middle of nowhere, we could find no one to help us. B) Stranded in the middle of nowhere, no help could be found. C) No one could help us because we were stranded in the middle of nowhere.

B) Stranded in the middle of nowhere, no help could be found.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Stranded in the middle of nowhere, we could find no one to help us. B) Stranded in the middle of nowhere, no help could be found. C) No one could help us because we were stranded in the middle of nowhere.

B) Stranded in the middle of nowhere, no help could be found.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. The battleship Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor in 1898. A) in Havana Harbor B) The battleship Maine was sunk C) in Havana Harbor in 1898

B) The battleship Maine was sunk

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. The battleship Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor in 1898. A) in Havana Harbor B) The battleship Maine was sunk C) in Havana Harbor in 1898

B) The battleship Maine was sunk

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The prisoner's desire to attend his daughter's wedding by one of the guards was communicated to the warden. B) The prisoner's desire to attend his daughter's wedding was communicated to the warden by one of the guards. C) The prisoner's desire by one of the guards to attend his daughter's wedding was communicated to the warden.

B) The prisoner's desire to attend his daughter's wedding was communicated to the warden by one of the guards.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Torn in three places, I managed to tape the ten-dollar bill together like new. B) The ten-dollar bill had been torn in three places, but I managed to tape it together like new. C) I managed, torn in three places, to tape together like new the ten-dollar bill.

B) The ten-dollar bill had been torn in three places, but I managed to tape it together like new.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) The attorney, to get at the truth, questioned the defendant again and again. B) To get at the truth, the defendant was questioned again and again. C) The defendant was questioned again and again by the attorney, who wanted to get at the truth.

B) To get at the truth, the defendant was questioned again and again.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) The attorney, to get at the truth, questioned the defendant again and again. B) To get at the truth, the defendant was questioned again and again. C) The defendant was questioned again and again by the attorney, who wanted to get at the truth.

B) To get at the truth, the defendant was questioned again and again.

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Unless you visit Mount Rainier National Park, your trip to Washington won't be complete. A) your trip to Washington won't be complete B) Unless you visit Mount Rainier National Park C) to Washington

B) Unless you visit Mount Rainier National Park

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Unless you visit Mount Rainier National Park, your trip to Washington won't be complete. A) your trip to Washington won't be complete B) Unless you visit Mount Rainier National Park C) to Washington

B) Unless you visit Mount Rainier National Park

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The patient paced up and down the hall waiting for the results of his X-ray. B) Waiting for the results of his X-ray, the patient paced up and down the hall.

B) Waiting for the results of his X-ray, the patient paced up and down the hall.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Mike stood next to the window wearing a grey suit waiting for the mail to arrive. B) Wearing a grey suit, Mike stood next to the window waiting for the mail to arrive. C) Waiting for the mail to arrive, Mike stood next to the window wearing a grey suit.

B) Wearing a grey suit, Mike stood next to the window waiting for the mail to arrive.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) They climbed the high mountains wearing hiking boots. B) Wearing hiking boots, they climbed the high mountains. C) They climbed wearing hiking boots the high mountains.

B) Wearing hiking boots, they climbed the high mountains.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The couple moved to a bigger apartment when their first child was born because they needed more space. B) When their first child was born, the couple moved to a bigger apartment because they needed more space. C) When their first child was born because they needed more space the couple moved to a bigger apartment.

B) When their first child was born, the couple moved to a bigger apartment because they needed more space.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While eating a piece of hard candy, I broke a tooth. B) While eating a piece of hard candy, a tooth broke. C) I broke a tooth while eating a piece of hard candy.

B) While eating a piece of hard candy, a tooth broke.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) While eating a piece of hard candy, I broke a tooth. B) While eating a piece of hard candy, a tooth broke. C) I broke a tooth while eating a piece of hard candy.

B) While eating a piece of hard candy, a tooth broke.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) The instructor was asked many questions while he lectured on the French Revolution. B) While lecturing on the French Revolution, many questions were asked. C) Lecturing on the French Revolution, the instructor was asked many questions.

B) While lecturing on the French Revolution, many questions were asked

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) The instructor was asked many questions while he lectured on the French Revolution. B) While lecturing on the French Revolution, many questions were asked. C) Lecturing on the French Revolution, the instructor was asked many questions.

B) While lecturing on the French Revolution, many questions were asked.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) The instructor was asked many questions while he lectured on the French Revolution. B) While lecturing on the French Revolution, many questions were asked. C) Lecturing on the French Revolution, the instructor was asked many questions.

B) While lecturing on the French Revolution, many questions were asked.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) My head began to ache, while I was playing the drums. B) While playing the drums, my head began to ache. C) My head began to ache while I was playing the drums.

B) While playing the drums, my head began to ache.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) My head began to ache, while I was playing the drums. B) While playing the drums, my head began to ache. C) My head began to ache while I was playing the drums.

B) While playing the drums, my head began to ache.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The branch with a startling crack broke from the tree and fell to the ground. B) With a startling crack, the branch broke from the tree and fell to the ground. C) The branch broke from the tree with a startling crack and fell to the ground.

B) With a startling crack, the branch broke from the tree and fell to the ground

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The eagles flew into the horizon with widespread wings. B) With widespread wings, the eagles flew into the horizon.

B) With widespread wings, the eagles flew into the horizon.

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. She let the students attend class even though they were not registered. A) She let the students attend class B) even though they were not registered C) were not registered

B) even though they were not registered

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Although the desert looks dead, it contains much life if you look closely. A) Although the desert looks dead B) it contains much life C) if you look closely

B) it contains much life

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Although the desert looks dead, it contains much life if you look closely. A) Although the desert looks dead B) it contains much life C) if you look closely

B) it contains much life

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Located in south central California, Fresno was founded in the year that Professor Lee's grandparents emigrated from China. A) that Professor Lee's grandparents emigrated from China B) located in south central California C) Fresno was founded

B) located in south central California

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Because mystics claim direct contact with God, some people think that they are fakes. A) Because mystics claim direct contact with God B) some people think C) that they are fakes

B) some people think

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Because mystics claim direct contact with God, some people think that they are fakes. A) Because mystics claim direct contact with God B) some people think C) that they are fakes

B) some people think

Identify the infinitive phrase(s) in the following sentence. He refused to call an attorney. A) an attorney B) to call an attorney C) He refused

B) to call an attorney

Identify the infinitive phrase(s) in the following sentence. Barring any complications in his plans, Dr. Bergin likes to ski in Quebec and to windsurf in British Columbia. A) Barring any complications in his plans B) to ski in Quebec/to windsurf in British Columbia C) Dr. Bergin likes to ski.

B) to ski in Quebec/to windsurf in British Columbia

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Damascus, which gave its name to damask cloth, is the capital of Syria. A) Damascus . . . is the capital of Syria B) which gave its name to damask cloth C) to damask cloth

B) which gave its name to damask cloth

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Damascus, which gave its name to damask cloth, is the capital of Syria. A) Damascus . . . is the capital of Syria B) which gave its name to damask cloth C) to damask cloth

B) which gave its name to damask cloth

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Sigmund Freud, who is the father of psychoanalysis, was born in Vienna, Austria. A) Sigmund Freud . . . was born in Vienna, Austria. B) who is the father of psychoanalysis C) in Vienna, Austria

B) who is the father of psychoanalysis

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Sigmund Freud, who is the father of psychoanalysis, was born in Vienna, Austria. A) Sigmund Freud . . . was born in Vienna, Austria. B) who is the father of psychoanalysis C) in Vienna, Austria

B) who is the father of psychoanalysis

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Barbara Kingsolver, who wrote Pigs in Heaven, is also the author of The Bean Trees. A) Barbara Kingsolver is also the author of The Bean Trees B) who wrote Pigs in Heaven C) the author of The Bean Trees

B) who wrote Pigs in Heaven

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Barbara Kingsolver, who wrote Pigs in Heaven, is also the author of The Bean Trees. A) Barbara Kingsolver is also the author of The Bean Trees B) who wrote Pigs in Heaven C) the author of The Bean Trees

B) who wrote Pigs in Heaven

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) They saw a deer while they drove along a dark road. B) They saw a deer while driving along a dark road. C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) They saw a deer while they drove along a dark road. B) They saw a deer while driving along a dark road. C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) They saw a deer while they drove along a dark road. B) They saw a deer while driving along a dark road. C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) They saw a deer while they drove along a dark road. B) They saw a deer while driving along a dark road. This is the correct answer. C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

C) A deer was seen while driving along a dark road.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) After I lie on the beach all day, my bathing suit is filled with sand. B) My bathing suit is filled with sand after I lie on the beach all day. C) After lying on the beach all day, my bathing suit is filled with sand.

C) After lying on the beach all day, my bathing suit is filled with sand.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) After I lie on the beach all day, my bathing suit is filled with sand. B) My bathing suit is filled with sand after I lie on the beach all day. C) After lying on the beach all day, my bathing suit is filled with sand.

C) After lying on the beach all day, my bathing suit is filled with sand.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) You must sign all waivers before entering the contest. B) Before entering the contest, contestants must sign all waivers. C) Before entering the contest, all waivers must be signed.

C) Before entering the contest, all waivers must be signed.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) You must sign all waivers before entering the contest. B) Before entering the contest, contestants must sign all waivers. C) Before entering the contest, all waivers must be signed.

C) Before entering the contest, all waivers must be signed.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Susan visited her mother in the hospital carrying flowers. B) Susan visited her mother carrying flowers in the hospital. C) Carrying flowers, Susan visited her mother in the hospital.

C) Carrying flowers, Susan visited her mother in the hospital.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The Allies defeated, despite their profound political and ideological differences, Nazi Germany during World War II. B) The Allies, despite their profound political and ideological differences during World War II, defeated Nazi Germany. C) Despite their profound political and ideological differences, the Allies defeated Nazi Germany during World War II.

C) Despite their profound political and ideological differences, the Allies defeated Nazi Germany during World War II.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Disgusted because the homework wasn't done, the professor dismissed the class early. B) Disgusted, the professor dismissed the class early because the homework wasn't done. C) Disgusted because the homework wasn't done, the class was dismissed early.

C) Disgusted because the homework wasn't done, the class was dismissed early.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Disgusted because the homework wasn't done, the professor dismissed the class early. B) Disgusted, the professor dismissed the class early because the homework wasn't done. C) Disgusted because the homework wasn't done, the class was dismissed early.

C) Disgusted because the homework wasn't done, the class was dismissed early.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) We saw quite a few fast-food places driving down the highway looking for a place to spend the night. B) Looking for a place to spend the night, we saw quite a few fast-food places driving down the highway. C) Driving down the highway looking for a place to spend the night, we saw quite a few fast-food places.

C) Driving down the highway looking for a place to spend the night, we saw quite a few fast-food places.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Lynn and Joe worked on the proposal eating popcorn late into the night. B) Late into the night, Lynn and Joe worked on the proposal eating popcorn. C) Eating popcorn, Lynn and Joe worked on the proposal late into the night.

C) Eating popcorn, Lynn and Joe worked on the proposal late into the night.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) In front of the house planted by my father were four pine trees. B) There were four pine trees in front of the house planted by my father. C) In front of the house were four pine trees planted by my father.

C) In front of the house were four pine trees planted by my father.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) In the kitchen baked by my mother were two pies. B) Two pies were in the kitchen baked by my mother. C) In the kitchen were two pies baked by my mother.

C) In the kitchen were two pies baked by my mother.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Jake read the sign written in Spanish on the side of the Mexican highway. B) Jake read the sign on the side of the Mexican highway written in Spanish. C) Jake read the sign that was on the side of the Mexican highway and written in Spanish

C) Jake read the sign that was on the side of the Mexican highway and written in Spanish

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Jake read the sign written in French on the side of the Quebec highway. B) Jake read the sign on the side of the Quebec highway written in French. C) Jake read the sign that was on the side of the Quebec highway and written in French.

C) Jake read the sign that was on the side of the Quebec highway and written in French

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Bob found two empty printer cartridges walking across the parking lot into the copy center to print the brochures. B) Walking across the parking lot into the copy center to print the brochures, two empty printer cartridges were found by Bob. C) On his way into the copy center to print the brochures, Bob found two empty printer cartridges walking across the parking lot.

C) On his way into the copy center to print the brochures, Bob found two empty printer cartridges walking across the parking lot.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Playing with the cat, I had an allergic reaction. B) I had an allergic reaction while playing with the cat. C) Playing with the cat, my allergies started acting up.

C) Playing with the cat, my allergies started acting up.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Playing with the cat, I had an allergic reaction. B) I had an allergic reaction while playing with the cat. C) Playing with the cat, my allergies started acting up.

C) Playing with the cat, my allergies started acting up.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Playing with the cat, I had an allergic reaction. B) I had an allergic reaction while playing with the cat. C) Playing with the cat, my allergies started acting up.

C) Playing with the cat, my allergies started acting up.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Shocked by the startling news, everyone in the house fell silent. B) Everyone in the house, shocked by the startling news, fell silent. C) Shocked by the startling news, the house fell silent.

C) Shocked by the startling news, the house fell silent

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Shocked by the startling news, everyone in the house fell silent. B) Everyone in the house, shocked by the startling news, fell silent. C) Shocked by the startling news, the house fell silent.

C) Shocked by the startling news, the house fell silent.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Sitting at the table, we ate the ice cream. B) We ate the ice cream while sitting at the table. C) Sitting at the table, the ice cream was eaten.

C) Sitting at the table, the ice cream was eaten.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Sitting at the table, we ate the ice cream. B) We ate the ice cream while sitting at the table. C) Sitting at the table, the ice cream was eaten.

C) Sitting at the table, the ice cream was eaten.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) Sitting at the table, we ate the ice cream. B) We ate the ice cream while sitting at the table. C) Sitting at the table, the ice cream was eaten.

C) Sitting at the table, the ice cream was eaten.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Travelling on the wrong side of the street and speeding, the police pulled over the red sports car. B) The red sports car was pulled over by the police travelling on the wrong side of the street and speeding. C) The police pulled over the red sports car, which had been travelling on the wrong side of the street and speeding.

C) The police pulled over the red sports car, which had been travelling on the wrong side of the street and speeding.

Click on the sentence that contains a dangling modifier. A) To do well in school, you must take good lecture notes. B) Take good lecture notes if you want to do well in school. This is the correct answer. C) To do well in school, your lecture notes must be good

C) To do well in school, your lecture notes must be good

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Only twenty-five years old, transoceanic flight became a reality when, in 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic in 33 hours and 30 minutes. B) Transoceanic flight became a reality in 1927 when Charles A. Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic only twenty-five years old in 33 hours and 30 minutes. C) Transoceanic flight became a reality in 1927 when Charles A. Lindbergh, only twenty-five years old, crossed the Atlantic in 33 hours and 30 minutes.

C) Transoceanic flight became a reality in 1927 when Charles A. Lindbergh, only twenty-five years old, crossed the Atlantic in 33 hours and 30 minutes.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The sales associate raised his voice trying to impress his coworkers. B) Trying to impress his coworkers, a voice was raised by the sales associate. C) Trying to impress his coworkers, the sales associate raised his voice.

C) Trying to impress his coworkers, the sales associate raised his voice.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Bob found two empty coolers walking across the parking lot into the stadium to watch the football game. B) On his way into the stadium to watch the football game, Bob found two empty coolers walking across the parking lot. C) Walking across the parking lot into the stadium to watch the football game, Bob found two empty coolers.

C) Walking across the parking lot into the stadium to watch the football game, Bob found two empty coolers.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) We saw three shooting stars walking across the street to our neighbor's house for a potluck dinner. B) For a potluck dinner, we saw three shooting stars walking across the street to our neighbor's house. C) Walking across the street to our neighbor's house for a potluck dinner, we saw three shooting stars.

C) Walking across the street to our neighbor's house for a potluck dinner, we saw three shooting stars.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) We saw quite a few fast food places walking down the street looking for an Internet café. B) Looking for an Internet café, we saw quite a few fast food places walking down the street. C) Walking down the street looking for an Internet café, we saw quite a few fast food places.

C) Walking down the street looking for an Internet café, we saw quite a few fast food places.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) Bryan cooked the salmon steaks standing in the pouring rain on the grill in his backyard. B) Bryan cooked the salmon steaks while standing in the pouring rain on the grill in his backyard. C) While standing in the pouring rain, Bryan cooked the salmon steaks on the grill in his backyard.

C) While standing in the pouring rain, Bryan cooked the salmon steaks on the grill in his backyard.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The display fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces with a loud crash. B) The display with a loud crash fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces. C) With a loud crash, the display case fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces.

C) With a loud crash, the display case fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces.

Choose the item that has no misplaced modifiers. A) The plate fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces with a loud crash. B) The plate with a loud crash fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces. C) With a loud crash, the plate fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces.

C) With a loud crash, the plate fell to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces.

Identify the independent (main) clause(s) in the following sentence. Looking into the mirror, the cat scared itself. A) Looking into the mirror B) into the mirror C) the cat scared itself

C) the cat scared itself

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. The Great Plains, which are east of the Rocky Mountains, are known as America's "breadbasket." A) The Great Plains . . . are known as America's "breadbasket." B) of the Rocky mountains C) which are east of the Rocky Mountains

C) which are east of the Rocky Mountains

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. The Great Plains, which are east of the Rocky Mountains, are known as America's "breadbasket." A) The Great Plains . . . are known as America's "breadbasket." B) of the Rocky mountains C) which are east of the Rocky Mountains

C) which are east of the Rocky Mountains

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Mexico, which was home to the Maya and Aztecs, contains the remains of several ancient cities. A) Mexico . . . contains the remains of several ancient cities B) the remains of several ancient cities C) which was home to the Maya and Aztecs

C) which was home to the Maya and Aztecs

Identify the dependent (subordinate) clause(s) in the following sentence. Mexico, which was home to the Maya and Aztecs, contains the remains of several ancient cities. A) Mexico . . . contains the remains of several ancient cities B) the remains of several ancient cities C) which was home to the Maya and Aztecs

C) which was home to the Maya and Aztecs

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