fsw exam 3

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What are the options when it comes to community resources for eldercare (p. 430)?

-Home care: home health aids-Adult Day Care: place to get meals and spend the day-Congregate housing: private home within a residential compound-Assisted living: kinds of housing for people who need help with everyday tasks-Continuing care retirement community: complex of residents that includes independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care-Nursing home: residential facilities with twenty-four hour medical care available for those who need continuous attention

What are the reasons for negative effects of divorce on children as summarized by Amato?

. life stress perspective2. parental loss perspective3. parental adjustment perspective4. economic hardship perspective5. interparental conflict perspective6. selection perspective- at least some of a child's problems after divorce were present before divorce7. family instability perspective

Harper School: What are the seven Rules to Live By?

1. Look at a map - you don't join a gang; you are just in one based on where you live2. Never walk alone3. Never walk with someone else4. Don't use the sidewalks5. If they shoot - do not run6. You can be shot for reasons big and small7. Never go outside

For what proportion of older Americans is Social Security their only source of income? How has Social Security contributed to a decline in poverty amongst the elderly?

1/5 20 percent.

How does the make-up of the elderly population differ by gender, and why?

25 million are women and 19 million are men. women live about 5 years longer and are more likely to widowed and poor in old age.

According to Hetherington (and other researchers), how much does divorce affect children? What percent of these children are coping reasonably well?

25% of children of divorced parents had long term social, emotional, or psychological problems, compared to 10% of those whose parents had not divorced 75-80% of children are coping reasonably well

What percent of first marriages end in divorce? When did the divorce rate peak? What are some reasons why the divorce rate stabilized?

40 percent of marriages result in divorce. The divorce rate peaked in 1980 and since then divorce rate has declined and is now stablized. Divorce rates have stabelized because they originally where so high so it is hard for them to increase, people are getting married later when they are more financially stable, people are cohabiting more instead of marrying.

What percentage of divorced people remarry? And how are gender and race/ethnicity factors in likelihood of remarriage?

60 percent. men are more likely to remarry. white and asian people are more likely to remarry than black and hispanics.

What percentage of Americans see divorce as morally acceptable? (p. 357)

71 percent of americans see divorce as acceptable.

What are the 9 types of stressors? When does stressor overload or pile-up occur?

9 types of stressors: addition of a family member, loss of a family member, a family member is missing or absent, sudden unexpected change, ongiong family conflict, caring for a ill or disabled dependent family member, demoralizing event, daily family hassels, anxiety about children and what may happen to them. stressor overload: when a family may be stressed not by just one chronic problem but also by a series of other large/small stressors that build up on one another, too rapidly for the family member to cope effectively and make adjustments.

How many older adults are living in poverty in the U.S.? What percent of the homeless are age 65+?


What is boundary ambiguity and how does it relate to stepfamilies? In a study by Brown & Manning (2009), boundary ambiguity was evidenced most in which family form (see also Table 15.2, p. 397)?

A state when family members are uncertain in their perception of who is in or out of the family or who is performing what roles and tasks within the family system. It is common in stepfamilies.

What is role ambiguity and how does it relate to stepfamilies? How does it relate to remarital satisfaction? How does it relate to stepparents' relationships with their stepchildren?

A state when family members are uncertain in their perception of who is in or out of the family or who is performing what roles and tasks within the family system. It is common in stepfamilies.

What is eldercare? What is informal caregiving, and who is most likely to provide it - what are some gender differences in providing eldercare? What is the sandwich generation?

Care provided to the elderly

What is no-fault/unilateral divorce, as opposed to fault divorce [from notes & p. 358]?

Fault" divorce only available to "innocent spouse" in cases of adultery, desertion, or physical/mental cruelty- "No fault" or unilateral divorce is when one partner can get a divorce even if the other wants to continue the marriage

What do we know about sexuality in later life? Are older folks "still doing it"? What is the double standard of aging (p. 423) - and what problem can this pose for aging single women who are interested in sex?

Frequency of sexual intercourse declines with age. -men aren't considered old or sexually ineligible as soon as women are-Make them have more feelings of loneliness. This can cause issues for older women who want to have sex because they are expected not be as sexual.

How do remarriage/second weddings differ from first weddings (p. 392-393)?

Have fewer guests-have few or no wedding attendants-forgo the tradition of tossing the bouquet and garter. they are less likely to acceptable and supported by friends and family. because of the cost weddings as well the wedding celebration itself is typically smaller.

How does life expectancy differ by race/ethnicity, and what are these differences associated with?

Hispanics live longest (81) - exercise more and eat healthier in home countries so they continue to do that when they get here.

Why did the divorce rate increase through most of the 19th and 20th centuries?

Longer life expectancies-increase in women's labor force participation-marriage no longer necessary for women's economic survival-movement from fault to no fault divorce-emphasis on freedom and happiness. You do not have to prove that one partner is at fault for the divorce and can get divorces now simply because you are unhappy in the relationship.

According to the class notes/lecture, what do we know about stepfathers and their relationships with their stepchildren? What helps stepfathers to be more successful? Why is the stepmother role generally thought to be more difficult than the stepfather role?

Many children have positive relationships

In regard to relationship satisfaction in later life, what do older couples report in terms of marital happiness?

Married couples are happier and more satisfied than non-marrieds

What has recently been found in regard to race/ethnic differences in effects of divorce on children?

Negative effects of divorce and living with a single mother were less serious for black and Hispanic adolescents than were for whites

Who is better off economically - older women or older men? Why?

Older men because men, on average, earned more than women throughout their employment years and older women have smaller pensions and lower social security benefits

What do we know about legal issues in stepfamilies? What are some examples to illustrate the statement that "most states consider stepparents and stepchildren legal strangers"? (p. 406).

Stepparents do not have to pay child support; they do not have any parental rights if their spouse dies

Describe the ABC-X model and each of its components. According to this model, when might a family crisis develop?

The ABC-X model: tells how a family is able to react and cope with a stressor based on their perception of the issue and the behavioral coping and outword resources available. Based on these components the family is likely or not likely to result in crisis a- stressor. b- the ability to cope with behavioral changes and outword resources available. c-the families perception of the stressor. x- result in crisis or not.

When are children and their stepfathers more likely to feel positive about their relationship?

When the stepfather assumes a parental identity-when his parenting behavior meets his own and other family member's expectations-when his parental demands are not contested by an involved, nonresidential biological father

When does divorce tend to occur in marriage? What is the median length of a first marriage? (p. 355)

Within the first 5 years divorces tend to occur. The median length of a first marriage is 12 years.

What are the benefits/advantages of remarriage for women and men (p. 392)?

Women: financial, increase child's standard of living-Men: married men have healthier lifestyles than single or divorced men

What is a double remarriage, what is a single remarriage?

a double remarriage: is when both people in a relationship have been married previously a single remarriage: where only one partner in the relationship has been previously married.

What are stressors? When are they less/more difficult to cope with?

a preciptating event or events that create stress. Stressors vary in kind and degree and their nature is one factor that affects how a family responds. stressors are less difficult when they are expected, are brief, seen as not serious, and gradually build up over time.

Remarriages make up what percent of all marriages today?

about 25%

What rights do grandparents have after a divorce? How can grandparents help grandchildren adjust to divorce? (pp. 364

all fifty state have passed granparents visitation laws after divorce in the family. children who are close to their grandparents have an easier time adjusting to divorce. Grandparents often offer support to their children in maintaining strong relationships with their grandchildren in spending more time with them.

What are some examples of community (or community-based) resources?

community based resources: strength based programs, family counseling, social workers, government agencies, church programs.

Why do many researchers take a more optimistic look at outcomes for children of divorce than Wallerstein?

concern that children of divorce are disadvantaged does not rest solely on Wallerstein's research and what many see as her exaggerated presentation of the dangers of divorce.

What is co-parenting? What are rules for successful co-parenting (p. 380)?

coparenting is when parent work together as team to raise their child after divorce. Rules for successful coparenting: no negative talk about the other coparent, do not question children about the coparent, do not have argument between coparents when children are present, do not make promises to the children to try and win, do communicate with the other coparent and establish similar rules, decision should be made a child benefit, make a schedule with the childs consent and the other parents consent, do inform the coparent of any school related events or medical appointments, do refer to the coparent as their mother or father, do not involve the child in adult issues, do not ask them where they want to live, do not alienate the other parent, do not let stepparent negatively effect the child's life, and do not make the child feel guilty about spending time with the other parent

What are some examples of crisis-meeting resources?

crisis meeting resources: a families capabilities- resources and coping behaviors that constitute the families ability to prevent a stressor from causing disharmony or disruption. examples personal resources: individual problem solving skills, intelligence, and ones physical and mental health stability. examples family: family relationships and their level of trust, appreciation and support with each other. Along with sound finances.

What demographic factors are related to divorce (p. 356)

demographic factors in this case are factors with in a couples relationship that makes them less or more likely to divorce. examples: remarriage, young age in first marriage, women are more likely to divorce than men, heterogamous marriage ( marrying someone with different race ethnicity or religon is associated with higher rates of divorce, cohabitation couples are more likely to get divorced when they have less experience living with their partner, premarital sex and or pregnancy, having parents/grandparents are divorced, race and ethnicity: black and hispanics have the highest divorces rates.

What is the divorce divide? How do divorce rates differ for college-educated versus less-educated people?

divorce divide : is how divorce rates vary from group to group of different people and couples. divorce varies greatly by social class and maintaining a college degree or not. The large disparity in divorce rates between those with and without a college degree. Those who have a college degree are less likely to get divorced than those who do not have a college degree. The higher level of education one has the less likely they are to get divorced.

What is divorce mediation? What does research indicate about couples who use it? (p. 362-363)

divorce mediation: is an alternative nonadversarial means of dispute resolution by which a couple, with the assistance of a mediator or mediators negotiate the settlement of their custody, support and property. It is mandatory or recommended in all states for the purpose of resolving the childs custody. studies show that couples who use divorce mediation have less hostility and tension and overall report better relationships with their exspouse and children.

What is a family crisis? What leads to it? What does it require? Is the outcome always negative?

family crisis: a situation in which the usual behavior patterns are ineffective and new ones are called for immediately. It requires imediate change in behavior. The effect/outcome is not always negative.

What is family stress? Is it always negative? What does it call for?

family stress: is a state of tension that arises when demands test or tax a family's capability. This state of tension can be a result of a negative or positive stressor. positive stressor could be: moving to a new place, a promotion or new job with in the family, bringing home a new baby. negative stressors: poverty or financial issues, finding adequate housing, being laid off, death or injury in the family. pg328 family stress calls for family adjustment and the family to work together to cause less stress in their home.

See Table 16.2 (p. 425) for Types of Intergenerational Relations - how do these relationships between older parents and adult children vary by gender and race/ethnicity? And how does divorce impact these relations?

ight knit more likely to occur in racial minorities-NonHispanic whites were more likely to have detached or obligatory relationships-daughters were more likely than suns to have tight knit relationship with their mothers-sons more likely than daughters to have obligatory relations with their mother-daughters more likely to have close relationships with their parents

What do you know about rates of violent crime and gun- and gang-related violence in the U.S.? How does age matter when considering how many juveniles are murdered by firearms in the U.S.?

in 2015 1,290 juviniles where murdered in the U.S. 49 percent of these murders where done by fire arm and gun violence. age matter because children 0-11 are much more less likely to killed by firearm (16%) than children 12-17(77%)

Are the vast majority of remarrieds divorced individuals or widowed individuals?

in the past people who were remarried did so after they have become a widow but now a days the majority of remarried people are remarried after a previous divorce.

What do the authors mean when they say that "same-sex divorce is one of the benefits of same-sex marriage"? (p. 355)

it provides a formal clearly recognized way to address couple breakup issues regarding property, child custody and so on. in the past there were many legal barriers to divorce for gay and lesbian married couples for example if a couple moved to a different state where their marriage was not recognized getting a divorce could become an issue.

What is: Legal custody, physical custody, and joint custody?

legal custody refers to who has the right to make decisions with respect to a child's upbringing. physical custody: refers to where a child will live joint custody:both divorced parents continue to equal responsibility regarding their child's upbringing and making important decisions. Joint custody also refers equal time children spend with each parent, parents usually rotate this time spent in periods of days or weeks.

How many children have incarcerated parents (pp. 348-349)? What kind of impact does this have on children, and why? What is being done to help these families?

more than 2 million children have incarcerated parents. Has a negative impact on the families stigma and may cause financial and housing issues as the family is likely to have a lower income and may not be able to afford housing. It also has a negative effect on childrens mental health, children typically do better when raised in a household with both of their parents where they are receiving more support. Many things are being done to help families in this specific type of crisis such as: prison vistation programs allowing child to be in contact with their parents, allowing babies to be born in prison so mother and child can form a bond, and alternatives to prision like house arrest that allow parents to help their family out while doing time.

What do you know about gun death (including homicide and suicide) rates in the U.S.? How does our gun homicide rate compare to that of other countries?

more than 40,000 gun deaths per year-11,000 by homicide-20,000 by suicide 60 percent are sucides 1/3 are homecides or murder our country has the highest gun homicide rate when compared to other countries

What percentage of remarriages involve children?

more than 60%

How many divorces involve children? What percentage of children born to married parents will experience marital disruption? (Notes and p. 369)

more than half of all divorces involve children. 40 percent of children born to married parents will experience marital disruption or divorce of their parents.

What is the "child of divorce" perspective according to Wallerstein and her colleagues? On average, "children of divorce continue to have poorer outcomes than children from intact families" in what areas? (pp. 369-370)

n the initial aftermath of the divorce, children appeared worst in terms of their psychological adjustment at one year after separation.-By two years post divorce, households had generally stabilized.-After five years' children seem to come through the experience fairly well

According to the text, does the high divorce rate mean that Americans have given up on marriage? (p. 356)


Outcomes for children of divorce depend on what? In what situation do children benefit from divorce?

outcomes of a divorce depend on their parents economic status. The better economic status of they have the better off the child is likely to be. Divorce does not alway have a negative impact on children, children who lived in homes with high-conflict between parents often benefit from divorce. Living in a home with high tension and unresolved tension where parents are married has a worse effect on children than living in a single parent home where they children receive more support. Living with such tension and unresolved issues can take a toll n children's self worth and cause greater emotional stress.

How many "older people" (age 65+) are there in the U.S.? How is this number projected to change?

over 44 million. it is expected to double with future generations getting older. 88 million by 2050

How can we describe remarriages compared to first marriages (in regard to happiness and stability)?

partners are seen as happy or happier in a remarriage. although they are still more likely to get divorced.

What does the text mean by the following: "Society offers members of stepfamilies an underdeveloped (cultural) script"? (p. 395)

remarriage lacks the social norms of first marriage so couples and families are making things up as they go along

What is co-parenting? What are rules for successful co-parenting (p. 380)?

shared decision making and parental supervision in such areas as discipline and schoolwork or shared holidays and recreation

What are the primary sources of income for older Americans? How does Medicare help older Americans?

social security gives the elderly money to spend every month for things like groceries and housing. medicare is health insurrance that helps to support people as they get older and are more likely in need of hospital resources.

Is the thought of retiring at age 65 outdated?

sort of, because although most older people eventually retire, some do not-and many of those who don't are employed beyond age 70. for financial circumstances some people believe that they still need to work ages after 25.

What makes a blended/stepfamily? What are some pathways to stepfamily living - what are various types of stepfamilies?

step families/blended: families that one or both partner bring one or more children into the relationship. does not have to be a remarriage or marriage can be a result of a couple cohabiting. Divorce widowhood then remarriage or cohabitation-Non-marital childbearing then marriage, remarriage, or cohabitation

What are the important take-away messages from "Perceptions of Stepfamilies: Stereotypes and Stigmas"? How are stepparents usually portrayed in movies? What does it mean that some Black stepfamilies experience "double stigma?"

stepfamilies are stigmatized in that they are perceived as being less functional and desirable than original two-parent families

What is the stepmother trap? Why is the stepmother role considered to be especially difficult?

stepmother traditonally are expected to be "evil" as seen historically in movies. It also difficult because taking over the role original mother or not crossing those boundries is hard. contradiction in expectations-loving relationships with children-cruel, vain, selfish, competitive

When did the remarriage rate peak in the U.S., and what contributed to the recent decline?

the 1980s and it has declined because less people are likely to get remarried because they decide to cohabit instead.

Be familiar with Papernow's Stepfamily Cycle (Table 15.3, p. 409). What can stepparents do when creating supportive stepfamilies?

the process by which veritable strangers form nourishing, reliable relationshipsearly stage1. fantasy2. immersion3. awarenessmiddle stage:4. mobilization5. actionlater stage:6. contact7. resolution

What are vulnerable families? What are resilient families?

vulnerable families : evidence a lower sense of common purpose and feel less in control of what happens to them. They may cope with problems by showing dimished respect or understanding for one another. Vulnerable families are also less experienced in shifting responsibilities among family members and are more resistant to compromise. resilient families: tend to emphasize mutual acceptance, respect, and shared values. Family members rely on each other for support. Generally accepting they work together to solve problems, feeling that they have input into major decisions.

How do women lose financially in divorce? What are reasons for the income disparity between ex-husbands and their former wives? In what ways do men lose financially too?

wives' (and children's) income declined considerably after divorce while husband's disposable income increased-women's income declined by 27-51% Men and women's unequal wages and different work patterns-equitable division of tangible assets does not usually place a woman on an equal footing with her former husband- the reason being that the greatest assets are the "non-negotiable" kind such as a professional degree-a business or managerial position-work experience-or a skilled trade Men experience a decline in family income of anywhere between 8-41% because of the loss of the partner's income, more likely to have to pay child support

Historically, who has been more likely to initiate divorce - men or women?


What are the most common living arrangements of older Americans? How do these living arrangements differ by race/ethnicity and gender? Are older women or men more likely to live alone? Why?

xWith their spouses-White people least likely to live in multigenerational household. this because it is much more common for families to have a grandparent living with them in other cultures. women are more likely to live alone because their husband die sooner leaving them alone.

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