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I won´t pass the exam.

If I don't study,(not pass the exam)

I'm going to travel to Europe next year

Plan holidays.

this saturday, we will probably relax at the beach.

What is your family doing this Saturday?

She's going to cook a chicken

What is your mother going to cook ?

They offered him a job. I think he __________(take) it, but I'm not sure.

will take

when / celebrate / month

Alberto will celebrate his birthday next month

Yes, I am.

Are you going to work tomorrow?

Someday I will be a doctor

Future plan / doctor

homework (negative)

I'm not going to do the homework

I promise I won't tell anyone you broke the window

I'm scared to death. Mom will see I threw the ball at it.

No, he probably won't buy a new house.

Is he going to buy a new house? (negative)

______ he ______ (participate) in the football match?

Is he going to participate

No, He isn't.

Is he going to play soccer ? (neg)

Yes, she is

Is your mom going to watch tv tonight?

It is going to rain later.

It's a dull day with heavy clouds.

Don't worry, father will help her.

Mother is tired, (don´t worry father/help/her)

Plan / talk / father

She is going to talk to her father

OK, I will answer it.

The phone is ringing (OK/I/ answer/it)

I guess I'll read some books.

What are you going to do this weekend?

I'm not going to do anything

What are you going to do today? (Nothing)

I'm going to watch a movie tomorrow.

What are you going to do tomorrow?

Maybe I'll go shopping.

What are you going to do tomorrow?

I will probably eat Italian food.

What are you going to eat for lunch?

We are going to fix up the house.

What are your plans ?

I am going to take English.

What class are you going to take?

Maybe they will call you tomorrow.

When are they going to call me?

I'm going to eat at a restaurant

Where are you going to eat ?

I'll probably go to the movies.

Where are you going to go tonight?

We are going to travel to New York City.

Where are you going to travel ?

I think I'll visit Mary.

Who are you going to visit?

__________ you open the window, please? It's hot and humid here in the classroom.


I ________ (go) to the cinema tomorrow afternoon to see a film with my friends.

am going

I've got a ticket for the rock concert. I ______ be there tonight.

am going to

I've decided that I _______ (invite) 50 people to the party. I hope everyone will come

am going to invite

They _________ (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.

are driving

They _______ (fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.

are flying

- "What's the plan for tomorrow morning?" - "Oh, we ______ visit the museum."

are going to

Look at those fierce dogs! They're running wildly. They ________ attack those cats by the wall.

are going to

We ________ have an English exam tomorrow morning. I have to study all night

are going to

They ________ (play) cards this evening at Daniel's house.

are playing

A: Look at that woman over there. She is very fat. B: No, she has a big belly because she ______ have a baby

is going to

Fiona ______ buy an mp3 player for her brother. She has saved enough money.

is going to

Hey, that man is crossing the road at the red light. He ________ have an accident.

is going to

Joseph _______ fly to Berlin next week. That's what he plans on doing, but he still needs to buy his tickets!

is going to

My father _______ visit the dentist soon, because he has a terrible toothache!

is going to

Marco is at the library, studying. I think he ________ (come) home late at night, because he told me he had a lot of work to do.

is going to come

Take your umbrella with you. It ___________ (rain). Look! The sky is already cloudy!

is going to rain

He _______ (not leave) tomorrow. I know that for sure because he's staying at my house until the following day.

isn't leaving

"Stop or I _______ shoot you" the security guard shouted.


"You _________ get some good news at the office this week" the fortune teller said to me.


Can you lend me $100? I promise I _______ bring your money in five days.


Don't worry about the maths homework. I ________ help you.


I don't think my parents ______ give me permission to go to the school trip


I don't think the politicians _______ reach an agreement. They argue all the time!


OK. I _______ do the washing up for you


People ________ take food tablets instead of real food in 2040


Peter _______ probably come home late tonight. It's his birthday!


Scientists say people ________ produce artifical organs by the year 2070


Waiter: What would you like for a starter, sir? Man: I_______ have lentil soup, please.


Who do you think _______ win the tournament?


I hope the weather ________(be) nice for tomorrow's field trip.

will be

That exercise looks difficult. I _________ (help) you.

will help

She ________ probably _________ (stay) till Thursday.

will stay

Do you think they _______ (win) the match?

will win

Can you tell me your secret? I swear I _______ tell it to anybody


No, I _______ let you eat my hamburguer. You've already eaten yours. Stop trying to take my food!


I promise I _________(not tell) your secret to anyone.

won't tell

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