Gen Med and Immediate Care

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Which of the following is an internal reaction or resistance of tissue that is also known as deformation?


A test used to determine the degree of attention span is the:


A condition that has a gradual onset with diffuse tenderness and swelling of a tendon is called:


In an effort to accurately assess the extent of a musculoskeletal injury, it is vitally important to know:

The mechanism of the injury

When an athlete is boing placed on a spine board, who is in control?

The person stabilizing the victim's head

Systolic blood pressure indicates:

The pressure on the blood vessel walls when the left ventricle contracts

If a uniform becomes saturated with blood, what is the proper action that should be taken for the athlete to continue participation?

The uniform should be changed immediately

What should not be done when managing a bleeding nose?

Tilt the head back

The most common cause of airway obstruction for athletes is:


The muscle most responsible for holding the abdominal contents in place and aiding in forced expiration is the:

Transverse abdominus

An excess fluid accumulation caused by a severe blow to the testicular region is characteristic of:

Traumatic hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis

When performing chest compressions on an adult, where does the rescuer place the heel of the hand?

Two fingers above the lower end of the sternum

In transporting an athlete with a suspected spinal or pelvic injury:

Use a spine board and move under medical direction

After a virus enters and attacks a host cell it:

Uses the cell to replicate

During the inflammatory phase there is a period of ___________ followed by ______________.

Vasoconstriction, vasodilation

Which of the following is not a common type ot referred pain seen in athletes?

Viceral sympathetic pain

An organism that depends on the nutrients it receives from other cells is known as a(n):


The more sensitive HIV test that detects antibodies to HIV proteins is the

Western blot

Sports during this season may require that athletes have influenza vaccines:


The rate of energy at which a force is applied to a long bone affects its elastic limit; this is sometimes called:

Yield point

Which of the following fractures is the third most comon and results in epistaxis anbd diplopia as well as numbness of the cheek?


AN inflammatory disease that involves the hair follicles and sebaceous glands and is usually seen near puberty is called:

acne vulgaris

Hay fever may be relieved by


Abdominal rigidity and pain at McBurney's point may indicate:


A hot spot in the skin may be the beginning of a:


A painful node that is covered by tight, reddish skin that later becomes very thin and emerges into a lesion that discharges yellowish-red pus is a:


The thin bony substance that covers the eroot of the tooth is known as the:


he medical term for nasal discharge is:


A secondary skin lesion characterized by dried fluid or exudates on the skin, such as that seen in the case of impetigo, is called a(n)


Which of the following should not be used to prevent ingrown toenails?

cutting of toenail margins

All of these conditions occur in an anemic individual except:

decrease in bone marrow

The female athlete triad includes all of the following except:


The syndrome identified by cramps, nausea, lower abdominal pain, and headache during menstruation is called:


Verrunca plana leads to the development of:

flat warts

Which of the following is used to detect a corneal abrasion?


Chafing of the skin stems from:

friction from unduly rubbing of the skin

What is not a symptom of insulin shock?

fruity-smelling breath

In men, this disease has an incubation period of 2 to 10 days with the onset marked by a tingling in the urethra; this is followed in 2-3 hours be a greenish-hellow discharge of pus and painful urination


An athlete with mononucleosis can return to participation if all of the following are true except:

he/she is febrile

Trauma to the helix fossa, or concha of the ear, that results in tearing of the overlying tissue from the cartilaginous plate and fluid accumulation is commonly referred to as:

hematoma auricular

If an athlete takes a violent blow or compression to the chest, without any accompanying rib fractures, and shows signs of painful breathing, expectoration of blood, and shock, he/she most likely has (a):


A vesicle producing a yellow crust on the lip is characteristic of:

herpes symplex type I

Crisis symptoms for sickle cell anemia include all of the follwoing symptoms except:


A complication of herpes simplex is which of the following conditions?


The solid organs, which are contained in the abdominal viscera, consist of the

kidneys, spleen, liver, suprarenals and pancreas

The gonadotropin that stimulates corpus luteum development is:

lutenizing hormone

Which of the following conditions is managed through analysis of cerebroshpinal fluid for diagnosis and a 24 hour isolation during treatment?


What is not a function of bone?

mineral production

Which of the following is not a symptoms of a diabetic coma?

moist, cool and pale skin

The factors that make up the chain of fungal infection are heat, darkness, and:


Which of the following viral conditions does not have a vaccine for prevention?


A skin lesion that has a solid elevation less than 1 cm in diameter, such as a wart, is called a:


A parasitic infestation characterized by the appearnace of lice is:


An acute seasonal allergic condition that results from airborne pollens is:


When testing for balance, if an athlete can balance with his or her eyes open but loses balance when the eyes are closed, he or she is considered to have a:

positive Romberg's sign

An athlete who starts to exhibit symptoms of giddiness, attention difficulties, anxiety, and headaches hours or days after a collision may be considered to have:

postconcussional syndrome

What is not a part of management during a seizure?

restrain the athlete so he/she does not hurt himself/herself

The kidneys are situated on each side of the spine. Because of the pressure of the lilver, which kidney is usually lower than the other?


A skin disease caused by a mite that burrows into the skin to lay its eggs is called:


Which of the following is not a characterisitc of a bronchial asthma attack?

sense of stimulation

Which of the following stems from an upper respiratory infection?


Getting the "wind knocked out" of you is characteristic of a:

solar plexus punch

The organism that is the most prevalent cause of infection in which pus is present is:


An acute disease causing fever and convulsions with tonic spasm of skeletal muscles is called:


The medical name for athlete's foot is:

tinea pedis

The main function(s) of the internal oblique muscle is (are):

trunk flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation

Which of the following is not a bacterial organism?

verruca plantaris

What is not a signs/ symptoms of HBV?

weight loss

WHich of the following appears when someone is having an allergic reaction and breaks out in hives?


Impetigo contagiosa is most associated with which sport?


How far must the sternum be depressed in an adult to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation effectively?

1 1/2 to 2 inches

The HBV vaccine is given in:

3 doses over a 6 month period

In transporting an athlete by stretcher, how many people will be needed to adequately support the athlete?


Flu generally has an incubation period of:

48 hours

A ruptured spleen is dangerous because of its:

Ability to splint itself, then produce delayed hemorrhage

Which of the following nerve fibers transmit impulses from nocioceptors toward the brain:

Affarent fibers

A tissue is said to be _____________ when it has greater or less strength depending on the direction of the load


Twisting of the spermatic cord may present clinically as:

Appearance of a cluster of swollen veins with a dragging feeling in the scrotum

When one is controlling external bleeding, the sequence of events is as follows:

Apply direct pressure over the wound and elevate the body part

Which of the meniges is extremely delicate and attached to the spinal cord?


Which of the following is a semifirm type of connective tissue with a high content of ground substance in the extracellular matrix?

Articular cartilage

One of the causes of osteochondrosis in which circulation has been disrupted is:

Aseptic necrosis

When is an individual who has suffered from his/her first Grade 2 concussion allowed to return to play?

Asymptomatic for 1 week

If there is poor blood supply to a fractured area and a portion of the bone does not heal, this is called:

Avascular necrosis

To reduce the risk of HIV infection, it is important to:

Avoid drugs that impair judgment

Any athlete who receives a servere blow to the abdomen or back region should be instructed to check for:

Blood in the urine

Which of the following has the best capacity for regeneration?


A yeast like fungus that is normally part of the skin, mouth, intestines, and vaginal area that can lead to infections is called:


After repeated joint sprains or microtraumas, a chronic inflammatory condition may occur called:


A force that, with enough energy, crushes tissue is a _________ force.


Three-point bending causes _____ on the concave side and ________on the convex side of the tissue.

Compression, tension

An athlete who has a bleeding fractured tooth should be handled the following way:

Continue to play and see the dentist after competition

A fracture that occurs on the side opposite to the part where the trauma was initiated is a(n) _________ fracture.


After the head is struck, the brain continues to move in the fluid and may be contused against the opposite side; this type of injury is called


A direct blow to the anterolateral aspect of the thorax, a sudden twist, or falling on the ball, can compress the rib cage and can result in a:

Costochondral seperation

The intent of using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to aid in healing is to:

Depress the perception of pain

When dealing with an unconscious athlete, the first action that must be taken is:

Determine the level of consciousness and responsiveness

The cephalic and caudal boundaries of the abdomoinal cavity are made up of the:

Diaphragm and pelvis

Of the three meninges, the outermost, consisting of a dense, fibrous, ineleastic sheath that encloses the brain and cord, is the:

Dura mater

Substances that produce hypothermia and profound analgesia in the entire body are called


Which of the following symptoms are not indicative of a serious eye injury?

Excessive watering of the eye

All of the following are at a high risk for HIV transmission except:


Which of the following is not a stage during blood clotting?

Formation of leukocytes

The external oblique muscle has a line of action that runs:

Forward and downward

Which of the following ice treatments should not be directly applied to the skin of an individual?

Frozen gel packs

Which pain control theory involves stimulation of ascending information?

Gate control

The pain theory that establishes the ability of the dorsal root to inhibit pain impulses ascending to the brain cortex for perception is called the:

Gate theory

The first step in establishing responsiveness of an athlete is to:

Gently tap his/her shoulder and ask "Are you OK?"

Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of mile head injury?

Glascow coma score of 10

A red skin color on a light-colored individual may indicate

Heatstroke, high blood pressure, or carbon monoxide poisoning

A protrusion of the abdominal viscera through a portion of the abdominal wall is called a(n):


Avascular necrosis is a condition commonly found in the _________________ in which there is a(n) ________________.

Hip, infection

Which of the following chemical mediators is a powerful vasodilator found in mast cells?


What type of dressing is most beneficial in providing a barrier against disease transmission and in keeping the owund moist to speed healing?


The type of shock that results from trauma in which there is blood loss is called:


After trauma, cellular death due to __________ occurs because of swelling; this causes more cells to die than the original trauma.

Impeding nutrition

Cold application has been shown to do all of the following except:

Increase exudate

WHich portion of the ear is formed by the temporal bone and is responsible for transportation of auditory impulses to the brain?


Which part of the anatomy of the eye is responsible for the production of tears?

Lacriminal glands

When using an AED, where are the pads placed on the chest?

Left apex and right base of the chest

When evaluating an unconscious athlete you would first:

Look for the possibility of impaired breathing

The prominent feature that distinguishes chronic inflammation from acute inflammation includes:


The condition common to children with head injuries and resulting from an intracerebral clot and a rise in intracranial blood pressure is:

Malignant brain edema

When leukocytes line up along the wall of the blood vessel it is called:


Injuries to the muscolotendinous unit commonly occur at all of the following sites except in the:

Mid-tendon area

Which of the following conditions predisposes an athlete to injuries of the spleen?


A common apophyseal injury is a(n):

Osgood-Schlatter disease

An example of an injury classified as microtrauma or abnormal repeated stress is:

Osgood-Schlatter disease

The constant ongoing remodeling of bone is caused by the:


Which of the following signs is not present during the actute inflammatory phase?


What is not a symptom of shock?

Patient has a very slow pulse

The osteoblasts that provide for bone growth and repair are located in the ________ of the bone.


A condition of the outer covering of the bone that often appears as skin in the overlying muscles is called:


The process of ingesting microorganisms, other cells, or foreign particles commonly performed by monocytes is called:


A condition in which the pleural cavity becomes filled with air that has entered through an opening in the chest is called:


Which of the following results in minimal scaring and can occur in a wound with smooth edges?

Primary intention

In carrying out cadiopulmonary resuscitation, the first step to ensure the athlete's airway is open is to:

Properly position the athlete's chin

Which of the following wounds is caused by an object that penetrates directly into the skin?


In managing a scrotal contusion, the first responsibility is to:

Reduce testicular spasm

Pain that is felt at a place other than the origin of the pain is known as:

Referred pain

Which of the following is not descriptive of the temporomandibular joint?

Saddle shaped

Epiphyseal growth plate injuries have been classified into five types by


Which of the following neurotransmitters is active in descending pathways?


An unconscious athlete who has a feeble and irregular pulse, breathing that is shallow and irregular, pale and cold skin, and equal pupils may be suffering from (a):


To protect an athlete from disease transmission, the USOC recommends:

Showering immediately after practice

What is NOT a quality of a diarthrotic joint?

Slightly movable

Fractures of the shoulder complex should be immobilized using an:

Sling and swathe

The organ that serves as a reservoir of red blood cells and a destroyer of ineffective red cells is the:


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