Gender Equity and equality

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Socialisation is a process by which females and males are assigned certain roles and responsibilities based on the value of a particular society.

an extended family

parents, children, other relatives in the same household

Effects of gender based violence

- Physical mental injury and death - Sexual violence contributes to the spread of HIV/AIDS and risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections - The abused may be fearful, angry or pre-occupied with their own safety and may may not be willing to perform duties that are expected of them. - Oppression of the spouse: the abused cannot realize his or her potential and contribute fully to the development of the family and society

The marriage contract is based on

- Rights: entitlements a wife or husband enjoys in the union - Obligations: These are duties that a wife or husband performs in tge union - Capacity: these are abilities ir capacities that each spouse brings to the union - Incapacites: These are inabilities or incapacities that each spouse brings to the union.

Testate Succession

Inheritance of property if a dead person who left a will

A single headed family

It consists of a single parent and children. This can be as a result of divorce ir being widowed

Psychological violence

It is concerned with violence towards the mind and often takes the form of humiliation, threats, harassment and attack on another person's self-worth


a woman who makes a valid will

Categories of persons eligible to adopt children

- A couple jointly wanting to adopt an infant - A mother ir father if the child either along or jointly with his/her present spouse. This means that if a person has a child ir children then remarries and the new partner wants to formally adopt the children from the former marriage, he/she or together can apply to adopt the children - A person who has reached the aged of 21 years old and is a relative of the infant

Causes of Gender Based violence

- low self esteem by the perpetrator - insecurity : social and financial economic dependency by the abused - Gender roles-stereo-typing, societal beliefs, myths or attitudes that men and women by virtue of their socialization should perform certain tasks. - Socialization: learned behavior based on cultural practices and beliefs that disadvantage women and children, especially the girl child

Ways of reducing Gender based violence

- speaking out about the problem - sensitizing the community about gender violence and the need to work together to stop the vice - Assisting couples to discuss and resolve their problems - reporting cases of violence to the police victim support unit for legal action and counseling - encouraging victims to go for legal advice to NGOs or Drop in centers dealing with gender based violence

Agents of Socialisation

1. The family 2. The School 3. The media 4. Religious institutions

The adoption of Childern Act, Chapter 136



A declaration Normally in writing, stating how a person wants his/ger property to be shared or distributed in the event if his/her death


A family is a group of people who are related by blood or marriage

A nuclear family

A family that consists of a man, his wife or wives in case of polygamous marriage and their children


A legal union of a man and woman ir women as husband and wife ir wives in an event if a polygamous marriage.

Types of marriages in Zambia

According to the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1973, there only two types of marriage, namely civil/statutory and customary marriage

A policy that has been used to promote fairness and foster equal opportunities

Affirmative action or positive discrimination

Gender Equity

Gender equity refers to a process by which women and men are treated fairly in accordance to their respective needs in society.

The difference between gender and sex

Gender is defined as socially constructed and varying roles that men and women play in their daily lives while sex is a physical or biological concept which determines the state of being male or female

Sex roles

Sex roles are roles which females and males perform on the basis of their reproductive physiological or biological makeup

Intestate Succession act of 1989

The act used to distribute the property (estate) of the deceased who did not leave a will ir someone who left a will but was nullified by tge courts of law


The legal dissolution of a marriage.


The person who makes the will in case of a male

Child headed family

The type of families in which children is heading a family A child takes on responsibilities a parent would

Gender roles

These are prescribed activities, tasks and responsibilities which are assigned as female or male by a society

structural violence

This form of violence includes all the violence that exists within the structures of institutions. Structural violence occurs in the economic, political, social and military systems. It arises from unjust and repressive social structures such as poverty, land eviction and lack of access to services.

Physical violence

This form of violence is directed in the body. Physical violence can take the form of fondling, beating, slapping, rape and sexual assault

Sex role stereotypes

This is a belief that males and females, by virtue of their sex, perform certain roles

Gender equality

This is a concept which states that all human beings, that is, girls and boys, women and men are free to develop their personal abilities without limitations set by stereotyped rigid gender roles and prejudice.

Gender Based Violence

This is violence involving men and women in which the female is usually the victim

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