Gender Exam 2

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Marriage myths

It makes you rich Marriage is tradition Marriage makes you healthy

Title Nine

1972 Education Sports Girls volleyball in high school funding No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be educated from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance Protects everyone not just women in the institution of education Gender neutral- not to benefit girls over boys Focuses on all genders Private institutions not covered Have to be receiving federal funding Federal piece of legislation

Wage Gap

79 cents to the dollar men make Utah- 55 cents to the dollar men make Nevada, FL- 76 cents to the dollar men make Do we ever talk about this? Don't talk about money- rude to ask for a raise "Women aren't as good as negotiating" Agree to the pay instead of asking for more Men as assertive and as breadwinners Relies on sex stereotypes to explain inequality Who has the power? The employer- they have the responsibility to give their workers more pay (equal pay) We have laws on the book about wage equality but the inequality still exists

Appeal- why are you in this field

A good field for women Relying on gendered stereotypes Women are good with puppies and kitties More than liking animals What about you Are you good with puppies No- its more than that More than just liking puppies and kitties- I'm a scientist, I'm smart Some ways- women are naturally good caregivers that's why there are more women What about you- they become defensive I'm a good scientist Performing professionalism Introduce themselves as doctor Wear white lab coat Buff up authority They have to perform- recognize the sexism Value animals more now

Sexual Assault

An act of unwanted sexual penetration or touch committed by the use of force, threat of force, or when the victim was incapacitated or otherwise unable to provide consent; includes a broader spectrum of sexually violating acts that do not include rape; acts that lead up to rape Consent didn't used to be a part of our legal definition of rape Touch Can happen when still fully clothed So much more is happening that is legally protected It is all physical


A law doesn't mean we have achieved equity Inequalities exist across racial groups girls/ women's sports still have inferior resources including equipment, facilities, coaching, scheduling Segregated neighborhoods- leads to segregated schools Legally we got rid of segregation Segregation by law and segregation by practice are different Race and social class are still part of the inequality story Can't afford to live in certain neighborhoods Language in title 9 includes males Men's sports have not been negatively affected by title 9

The difference between men's and women's achievement in higher education

Lewin- new york times article Mullen- peer reviewed article Gender gap? Over half of college students are women Omg no sexism anymore! Not the case Increasing More women in higher education than previous times Before- women weren't allowed here at all Previously male dominated Numerically- female dominated Sex composition and equality aren't the same thing

Examples of Institutionalized Sexism

AP english, Ap history study exams- girls on the cover Ap calculus, AP physics- boys on the cover Consequences- limits our views on who will become this social role Women as role models within the working world- then over 50 percent of college applicants were women They can see a model that can be done Women are interested It matters if there isn't a model on how to do it Less likely to grow up seeing future as a physisist ESPN website All mens sports listed first Don't say men We have an understanding that they are mens teams NFL Womens teams- says women Don't need a qualifier Standpoint theory Person up front can make claims of the world- normative Sports by default is masculine

Alcohol and frat parties

Alcohol and parties Alcohol used to victim blame Social rite of passage in colleges and fraternities- alcohol (part of the culture) Structural restraints- campus rules about alcohol- has to happen in secret Age- drinking age- normative college student- first time away from home, exert independence Alcohol is part of the social script of college Greek life- symbolic to what it means to be a frat guy (alcohol) Doesn't excuse perpetrators Notion of brotherhood

Talk of Love

Ann Swindler Marriage Marriage formerly was an economic model

Sexual violence

Any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person's sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting including but not limited to home and work World health organization definition Assault is a type of sexual violence Bodily autonomy- recent parental trend Don't have to hug other people Will we see different rates of sexual violence when those kids grow up In any setting- crucial part of the definition Location matters Things that happen in the private sphere (home)- previously wasn't a place where the state could intervene Highly policed in the home Couldn't work on cases with domestic violence Doesn't have to include touch- can even talk about harming you (threats) Sexual assault- always includes touch Harassed- "they didn't actually act on it"= its still protected under the law Comments- includes catcalling on the street

Gender Work in Feminized Professions

Numerically dominated by women Feminized occupations We know there is gendered inequality in the workplace How do we lessen that Lets bring more women into certain jobs Give them more access Not that simple

Model of marriage used

Both are used, but practical model is favored and occasionally use idealistic romantic love Draw on different models in different situations - broader questions favored romantic answer day to day responses use practical model

What we know about sexual assault

Broaden what you think violence is Tend to think physical contact unwanted- specific type of assault- rape Gender is the most powerful predictor of rape, sexual assault, and relationship violence Who will be a perpetrator and a victim Gender predicts both sides of the equation Gender explains why violence is taking place, when, where, etc Most sexual assault and violence is perpetrated by men We only know reported cases- only the tip of the iceberg Responses to violence wrapped up in the narrative of gender and sexuality Women- virgins vs men- sexual A social problem not an individual problem The myth of the stranger in the bushes Most sexual assault and violence is perpetrated by intimate partners and family members not strangers More often the victim knows them and knows them quite well Commodified- dip strip into your drink to test for date rape drugs, little things of mace to put on your key ring Told to use precaution in clubs, be careful out in public- not told to be careful in your own home Walk in groups at night, park under a light

Gender violence

Broadest category All the previous definitions had to do with sexualized acts (catcalling) Violence against women, children, adolescents, and sexual and gender minorities based on women's subordinate status in society Femininity is disadvantaged Any type of gender expression that doesn't fall under hegemonic masculinity Middle school bullying- "sissies" Includes all forms of sexual violence as well as other forms of violence (honor killing) Killed by your family or community if you aren't living to your gendered name- sexual monogamy and purity is highly valued- woman being raped- bring dishonor to family Normalized- won't be punished So embedded into the culture Both the private and public sphere Often perpetrated by the State Dress code in the schools- gendered violence (body shaming) Circumcision Female genital mutilation Not allowing mothers to breastfeed in public Shaming and bullying- harming the mother Sexualizing the body of the mother- gender based Violence can actually be allowed in a society Embedded in our laws Gendered violence- sexual violence- sexual assault Gendered- based on women's subordinate status in society

Gaming competition

Competitions and conferences for gaming- one team (one of the players is a female individual- sexual harassment) Coach threatens to smell her if she does another mistake on the game Says her boyfriends name while she does it Feel uncomfortable She says stop he doesn't She keeps laughing- does know how to handle a social interaction Laughing- uncomfortable Everyone is encouraging him I'm going to tell your boyfriend- key figure Creates a challenge Ownership of an individual through intimate partnership Challenging possession and romantic connections That's how we constructed masculinity- the conquest Power, privilege, status- say I have a boyfriend to protect from unwanted suitors- align themselves with a man who has power- making choices to uphold patriarchy Construction of femininity- you're supposed to be attached to a man Woman yells- not in line with femininity I have to let them down politely- fake engagement ring- upholding heterosexuality and patriarchy- lining themselves with femininity (don't be rude) Don't put all the responsibility on the person with the least amount of power- ask the girl why didn't u speak up Frame women as props- you have a boyfriend

Heart Disease in Women

Conventional diagnostic tests were not detecting heart disease in women and were more risky for women Cultural and social assumptions come into play around the diagnosis Hematomas common among female patients- respond to heart testing negatively Women are more likely to experience so called "atypical" symptoms like nausea and jaw pain Women feel chest pain- think its something else not their heart Commonly held idea that estrogen prevents heart disease proven to be wrong (used to give estrogen to patients with heart disease) Prevalence of risk factors (assume women don't smoke- don't have heart disease) Largely discussed as a man's disease but a leading cause for women

Pregnant Crash Dummies

Conventional seatbelts do not fit pregnant women properly, and motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of fetal death related to maternal trauma Average body type- use male bodies Not every male or female fits this 50 percentile body Maternal and fetal death rates rise from car crashes Crash test dummies are created to model the 50th percentile man Children don't fit the standard Obese people don't fit the standard Disabled Fit properly into the seatbelt Important to include a broad sample of body shapes and sizes in crash Sexed outcome- certain female bodies can carry children How sex interacts with gender Development of pregnant crash test dummies

What examples of institutionalized sexism are or arent' addressed by Title 9?

GA is number 4 in STI rates and teen pregnancy Not talking about it in sex ed classrooms Laws are interpreted Being harrassed- oh you're intersex not covered by Title 9 Legislation is constantly being reinterpreted and decided on Language matters What did individuals do before Title 9? Populations that are invisible Undocumented citizens- are they protected Fear of engaging with law enforcement; English isn't your first language Don't understand laws, your rights What about trans and intersex individuals?

Gender norms, relations, and identities

Gender norms are attitudes about what is appropriate for men and women Expectations that it is a binary Gender relations are observations of actual roles women and men take on Who should be a teacher, doctor Who takes care of kids Gender identities refer to how individuals are perceived and how they present themselves How you present may not be in line with your identity

Title IX fact #9

Requires schools to adopt and disseminate policies that aid in the compliance of title 9 Have to prove that they are adhering to title 9 Paperwork and policies to show that they aren't discriminating Very good

Title IX fact #3

Requires schools to provide male and female students with equal opportunities to participate in athletics Equal opportunity not the same thing as equality Coaching staff, equipment, etc arent equal Still see inequality play out in sports

The culture of love

Cultural trope around the idea of marriage If a person is going to get married at all, they must have some sort of cultural logic that allows them to choose one person Swidler The narrative of "the one" We see some couples getting married- are they convincing us enough to show us they found the one? We are socialized into convincing people In order to marry, individuals must develop certain cultural, psychological, and even cognitive equipment They must be prepared to convince others that they feel that the one other person is "the one" Have to convince yourself that this is the right decision Performing for others and for ourselves

Cultural tropes

Cultural trope of the one Cultural tropes, then, don't persist because we are duped by movies and advertisements They persist because we need them Functionalist perspective We need them in order to make sure we are conforming around the ideals of the current model of marriage that we are defining Social notions of marriage We need this trope to uphold that notion Create these narratives to create the gap between the contradictions The irony

Fat Ugly or Slutty Blog

Created by women who are gamers Talk about their experiences- post screenshots of interaction in online games In order to be a female gamer you have to be one of these You are claimed to be one of these Gender is the master status through which others see you Death threats, comments about them being ugly or fat, asking for sex, x rated pictures, etc Its a common pattern- a whole site of these pictures The whole population of female gamers has to deal with this vs men Women entering previously female dominated fields Limit social mobility and social performance- consequences Threats, identity was compromised Virtual- is it violence Entering a gendered space and she is defined as not allowed

Masculine Origins of Vet Med

Dirty Farmwork Doctor Scientist Gross things- castration Historical deterrent- don't want women touching bull penises Veterinary medicine used to be dominated by men, now women 80% women in veterinary colleges Women only dominate companion animals exclusive practices All other private practices (large animals, mixed animals, equine, companion animal predominant) dominated by men We value our pets- see companion animal practices on every corner now (see women everywhere) Feminized profession- numerically dominated however it is a "masculine" job

Distancing from femininity

Distancing from other women They are women but they are performing masculinity They can play around with gender- I'm more in line with masculinity I'm not just a caregiver, I'm a scientist I'm smart Describe themselves in terms of gender

Traditional family model altered

Doesn't fall in line with the model with social shifts Women's increased entry into the workforce has changed the traditional model Game changer! Social shift that is so big that it changes everything Aren't able to achieve this goal and ideal of the traditional model- creates conflict These changes have produced moral dilemmas Balancing individualism (masculine trait shown through caring for family through work and individual achievements) and commitment feminine trait shown through caring for family through time and domestic labor)

Mullen article

Don't agree with this article Still more male dominated majors= have different prestige in society Its not just about getting your foot in the door Its about what is happening when they get in Women in the workplace High levels of harrassment Not the same experience as men Where are the women Where are not the women Can they get higher paying jobs Educational majors, English Not in STEM Prestige attached to physical sciences vs arts Compensation Jobs STEM field- career tracks lead to positions with high autonomy, high pay, high career ladder opportunities Concentration of women in higher education over here Does that lead to higher economic mobility no

Problems to avoid when analyzing sex

Don't assume All females or males are the same Don't assume females and males are different Put them often on opposite scales of the spectrum More similar than you think Don't assume differences are solely biological Don't assume apparent differences between male and females hold across cultures

Problems to avoid when analyzing gender

Don't assume all women as a group/ men are the same People are deviating from expectations all the time Men and women are different Observed differences between men and women are solely biological Testosterone- men are more aggressive Women have kids- better caretakers Hold across cultures

Swedish preschool

Egalia Completely gender neutral school No pronouns No girls or boys just friends Children books deals with LGBTQ No fairy tales Age 1-6 Aims to break down gender roles Report shows that Sweden is one of the most progressive schools Long waiting list for the school Outside of Egalia, gender does exist Ignoring race- raising racists Getting rid of gender altogether? Teaching them about gender at a young age Compare with Baby Storm- the rest of the world won't talk about it in the same way Young children can still talk about gender and sexuality Introduce it earlier- surprised at how much easily understandable it can be Its not that we're not introducing gender as a concept, we're leveling the playing field and introducing gender in non normative ways This is a way that we think change can be happening How are we responding to this- indicative of how we are talking about gender as a society

Marriage is pushed a lot:

Federal programs like the Healthy Marriage Initiative Federal money towards this Approximately $150 million of the federal annual budget is used to promote marriage among the poor Provide an incentive Personal incentive (wedding registries) Social incentives- if you are not a couple, you are not a responsible person (won't make a good employee) If men are married or have a family, they think they will be a good worker- have a family to support Negatively impacts women- woman reveals that she is married- hurts her in the job interview (think that they will be unreliable with sick children, etc) If you aren't a couple, can't go to couples events Looked down upon if you aren't married and you're older (old spinster, old bachelor) Unmarried woman- cougar, not as sexually active Unmarried man- seen as more sexually attractive Socially defined as different (gender discrimination and double standards)

masculine traits in vet med

If women don't want to seem pushy what about you Well i can be aggressive if i want to be Talk about themselves in a different way Money- I can be assertive, I own my own practice, etc How are you so successful- describe themselves in masculine ways I had a good mentor in vet school I learned how to be aggressive

Competence, mentorability, hireability

Female is lower Evaluations the professors make about students Have high consequences on students Resume of a female student vs male student Materials exactly the same- just change the gendered name (john vs jennifer) Do you think you want to hire them under your lab? They think males are more competent They dont think of themselves as sexist Power of the internalization of norms

Conclusions about vet med

Vet Med as a field that has been feminized numerically but remains gendered masculine Have to perform masculinity to stay and be successful Women are doing this Men aren't forcing this on them "We argue that within the masculined context, the resources available to help women veterinarians make sense of feminization help to maintain hegemonic masculinity" Women dominate the field- gender is maintained by the women

Gendered Innovations

Heart disease- seen as a masculine thing Number one killer for women as well Symptoms are different Call 911- not recognized as a heart attack- delay getting to the ER Create female voice for computers Men don't suffer osteoporosis as much as women but when they do they suffer more Take a disease that is defined as a female disease- reestablish the guidelines for recognizing the disease More research on women and gender

Traditional Family Model

Heterosexual: husband and wife Gendered roles Relationship legitimized and recognized by the state through legal marriage Legal- provides protections and benefits from this The state- the institution that governs society Expectation- you will go through the process of marriage paperwork, etc Millennial generation- delaying marriage, waiting to have kids, don't have kids at all Higher rates of cohabitation Traditional model is the goal Procreation is assumed and expected Leaves out families with infertility struggles Men's and women's work divided Husband's contribution to the family through working Wife's contribution through caring for the family

White Collar Occupations

High salaries, prestige, high autonomy Not just the paycheck, but a lot of benefits that come with the job Respect Increase of women in these areas, but Glass- Ceiling Effect Career ladder Work up the rung of the ladder, get more benefits Hilary Clinton- shattering the glass ceiling White, upper class, highly educated, husband was a previous president Look at patterns and trends- most women are still bumping their heads Glass- it is invisible, we don't talk about it a lot You can see through the invisible ceiling They can see- wait a second there are higher up positions that I can't gain access to People at top- see people at the bottom (why aren't you up top?) Use gender stereotypes to justify the glass ceiling- they aren't working as hard, they have kids

Single Sex education

Highly sex segregating All boys schools Athletics are segregated Segregation leads to inequality Justification for single sex education is often based on sex stereotypes Better school scenario= they will learn better No research upholds this notion Think boys will be distracted by girls Discount girls sexuality- don't think girls will be distract Stereotypes on how we think girls and boys learn Can be a form of discrimination against one group or the other Separate is not equal Not proven to improve educational outcomes

Men die quicker, women get sicker

Hospitals give data- you have to go to the doctor to be counted in this data (women are sicker) Average life expectancies- men vs women Men- suck it up, walk it off Notion that men don't feel pain Men not getting help Sicker- they aren't just more fragile Physicians are sexist as well (you should have kids) Middle aged men who have back problems- do more physical labor Sex segregated labor (military, physical exertion, blue collar jobs) Mens bodies give out sooner Women should be upkeeping with their bodies- have kids (be healthy) Normalized for women to go to the doctor Early on- puberty, menstruation- go to the doctor Women should be going to the doctor once a year for gyno Men should as well, but not as expected Afraid of going to the doctor Men as breadwinners- a lot of social pressure Cannot reach the ideal- economic recession Stress Men drinking and smoking- more acceptable (less acceptable for women) Men should drink more (drink shots, hard liquor) Women drink cocktails- smaller, watered down Black women, men- affects stress (more likely to have cardiovascular diseases)

4 I's of oppression

Ideological Ideas that are taken for granted that justify certain systems of oppression Men are better at the math and sciences Institutional Bigger than the individual; professors treating students differently Embedded in the institutions When the idea that one group is better than another gets embedded in the institutions of society Different than individualized sexism Interpersonal relationships Individuals do matter Symbolic interactionist micro approach to studying oppression Day to day Conversations Internal None of this works if all of this is internalized How do women think about their educational aptitude Highly internatlized- why oppression is so successful

Osteoporosis Research on Men

If men live long enough, osteoporosis comes their way Historically, think women get it Lack of male reference group for bone density measures Diagnostic tests and treatments that work well for women do not do well for men Environmental geographical risk factors differ Context matters Where is the hospital What social definitions are they operating on Load bearing activity Rural area, blue collar labor Social definitions of the context Are the patients sitting at desk jobs

The myth of no effect and Gandhi's paradox

Individual does not affect change Hear about this during voting "My vote doesn't even matter" Idea that as individuals we can't make change Individual acts become patterns and trends- social change Becomes a collective phenomenon (momentum behind it) One person- starts doing something- becomes a collective phenomenon Irony- paradox We're told that individuals don't matter and in sociology we don't care about individuals They do- we wouldn't have any type of social change if we didn't have individuals doing something differently Based off the belief that change is immediate and total Gender equality- slowly changing We love instant gratification Individualist society- don't want to wait for it (American society) Embedded in American culture If I as an individual can't make change overnight, then I as an individual can't make change Yet change is gradual and long- term- by being apart of it, may not see final result Paying it forward Suffrage- they didn't get to vote when they were campaigning We are reaping the benefits now for what was already fought for I didn't march on the streets but I am able to vote now Gandhi once said "nothing we do as individuals matters but it is vitally important we do it anyway" We matter but we don't matter Individuals having conversations about things that they want to be different

Marriage is tradition

Marriage has changed over time and space It has not always been this way Marrying for love is recent (late 1800s) Before- people married for material/ social reasons Sexual monogamy and the nuclear family are also recent

Gendered expectations around work

Men as breadwinners Dying model Difficult for families to subsist off of this ideology Women have father and then husband to care for them Employers use this stereotype Women offered lower salaries Not often happening- women supporting themselves This man has a family of four to support The woman has a husband to support her Child care is women's work and in conflict with work hours Evidence that men are taking care of children Protective legislation restricting women Women shouldn't be around large animals and medicine Dangerous for pregnant women Used by employers to say we can't have women working around hazardous materials Protective legislation around pregnancy

Gendered Social Expectations

Men as breadwinners Women have father and then husband to care for them Child care is women's work and in conflict with work hours Protective legislation restricting women More than individual socialization

5 Ways Sexism is Institutionalized in the Education System

Mentoring Tell guys about different opportunities than girls Tell girls about gerontology certificate, Non Profit world Tell guys about going to grad school and becoming a professor Why? Women should have a family Give men different career advice Education Women work with small children Guys will do better with high school classes Biology A lot of women in the field They will be doing different jobs Whos learning do we care about Boys distracted when girls have short skirt Even though girls flood the market, value their education less Gender in the working world Assumptions being made for you Heres a career path for you Discriminating even before it has occured

Case Study: Internet Gaming Culture

More than sexualized acts, more than physical assault Internet- not even in the same room Gaming- recreational space Sexual harassment in online gaming Interact through games through speech- make connections online not even meeting them Previously not seen as a gendered social arena Who does gaming- only the guys in the class answered Highly gendered masculine space

income gap for vet med

Not all women are getting paid the same as men Men are owning the practices Women are working in the practices Schools- deans of vet colleges are men "Women don't want to seem pushy" Notion that men have a natural instinct to negotiate and be aggressive, ask for more money Has to do with socialization not just a natural propensation

Title IX fact #5

Offers both male and female students protection against sex based harassment from teachers, school, staff, students, and school visitors Deconstruct power relationships If you are harrassed by a professor- protected Students don't want to be blacklisted by professor- don't come forward Before had no option= not just protected from each other; protected from staff and anyone who steps on this campus

Marriage makes you healthy

Only if you compare married people with divorced people Married vs unmarried people- pretty similar health wise Issue of causality Nothing inherently in getting married that will make you healthy Unmarried people- faring better than married couples Strong social ties outside of a monogamous relationship Social solidarity is good for you Married partner is supposed to be your best friend- friendships fall to the wayside

Title IX fact #10

Over the past 40 years, major gains in female participation in areas such as science, math, business, and athletics have shown that girls and women have both the interest and aptitude to succeed in these fields- without detracting from opportunities for males Title doesn't mandate equality Doesn't take resources from one group to another Doesn't mandate distribution of funds Only mandates equal opportunity Feminists- think that they want to disadvantage men as a social group

Role encapuslation

Owning a stereotype Women stereotyping other women

Why Vet Med?

Pay a lot for the services- has increasingly gotten more medicine (more advanced technology) Prestige has gotten better Pay has gotten better Respect vets more than we used to Women flooded into the profession- pay and prestige didn't go down We still value it more even with female dominated area Not just women are devalued Method- how they explain gender (students and vets) They know that the field is more and more becoming dominated by women

It makes you rich

Problem of causality Married people are wealthier Poor people not getting married as much People with money choose to opt in Those who get married and stay married tend to be of the upper classes and white Marriage can be expensive- moving, wedding, etc And if you get divorced, whatever wealth was accumulated can be destroyed Hire legal representation, pay alimony, child support, how will assets be split- divorce

Title IX fact #1 and #2

Protects all students- male and female- from discrimination on the basis of sex Prohibits sex discrimination in employment Staff, faculty, etc are protected

Title IX fact #4

Protects girls and womens rights to equity in STEM education Science, technology, engineering, mathematics Women flooding into higher education Stem still male dominated Increasingly more important in our society- STEM fields- higher pay- where will you live, where will you send your kids to school Affects all aspects of your life

Title IX fact #8

Protects students from being refused enrollement or excluded from school related activities because of pregnancy or parenting status Before title 9- can't graduate from high school now that you are pregnant Can't get GED Good for men If they want to be involved in the life of your child= you are also protected Can't kick you out

Masculine and feminine spaces are still reinforced within society

Public sphere- power (decisions being made) - traditionally defined as masculine - seen as performing male behavior Private sphere - defined as feminine - unpaid labor that is often invisible and undervalued with little power and mobility

Pregnant and Parenting Students

Pushed toward separate education tracks, inequitable absence policies, denied access to extra curricular activities Don't want them to participate when they are pregnant Pushed to get a GED by advisors or not to apply to college Close to half of female dropouts and one third of male drop outs say that becoming a parent is a factor in their decision to leave high school


Random representative that supposed to be the spokesperson for an entire social group Token for all women- Hillary Clinton running for president Demanding some type of explanation from an individual Not really representative of the entire social group Look to that individual to speak to their entire social group Dangerous- reinforce stereotypes

What if Marriage is Bad for Us?

Reading Marriage promises a lot: Will save the poor Encourage the working poor to get married Marriage is pushed a lot: Federal programs like the Healthy Marriage Initiative

Two models of marriage

Romantic - love at first sight and live happily ever after - depicted in the media - not reflected in reality- often reject the romantic model to rely on... Practical - maintaining love requires truth, honesty, respect, hard work - seen in therapeutic and religious self help

Vet Medicine Feminized profession

Veterinary medicine- highly feminized profession Small animal track- pets Large animal track- we eat these (cows, pigs) Equine concentration- horses are different (border species) Large animal medicine- women aren't strong enough- not female dominated A lot more small animal medicine vets- high demand One single vet work on a herd of large animals vs more vets at a family pet office No sexed immersion Sex segregation Declared a female dominated field Is it though? Men in the large animal medicine

Consequences of gendered expectations around work

Separate is not equal Access to resources and their experiences is not equal Single sex educational tracks- not that much better than co ed Same with labor Does it matter that men are performing this job and women in this type of job Yes it does Differential treatment Maintenance of stereotypes Women in caregiving professions Think they are just naturally better at that Bias against students in the educational setting (assumption based on stereotypes) Men in the engineering professions Wage gap 79 cents to the dollar men make Tokenism Random representative that supposed to be the spokesperson for an entire social group Restricted mobility Retirement issues Sexual harassment Discrimination Harassment in general Minority within your profession- a lot more vulnerable

Title IX fact #6

Sets strict limits on programs that separate girls and boys Greek system highly sex segregated Dorms Sex segregated schools Justify that it is less distraction Boys distracted- just separate to solve the problem Heteronormativity Girls and boys learn differently Not supported by research

Title IX fact #7

Sets strict limits on programs that separate girls and boys Greek system highly sex segregated Dorms Sex segregated schools Justify that it is less distraction Boys distracted- just separate to solve the problem Heteronormativity Girls and boys learn differently Not supported by research

Interactions between sex and gender

Sex and gender are analytically distinct but not independent terms Biological sex influences socio cultural gender Socially construct sex and gender to be related Gendered behaviors influence sex differences Goes both ways Biological realities (menstruation)- socially defined as dirty- girls don't go out in public Hold babies longer based on biological external genitalia Hormonal rates shift during times of high stress (in context in which expectation to be aggressive- biological elements shift)

Gender and health

Sex and gender are distinct Sex is a biological quality Sex is often decided on birth (genitals- not chromosomes) Gender is a socio cultural term Gender is so much more than sex Female and male refers to biological sex Women and men describe humans

What is Sex

Sex does matter Genetics: chromosomal make up Gametes: germ cells (egg and sperm) Morphology: phenotypical physical traits that differ between men and women Men have breast tissue as well Can't point to that is a definitive way to claim that you are of one sex Primary sex characteristics Genetalia, organs, prenatal neural structures, reproductive Secondary sex characteristics Things that come after puberty as a result of hormones Largely our designation on a sex category is based off of external genitalia

Restricted mobility in the workplace for women

Step one- getting the job Step two- longevity Does the job have career ladders Are promotions going to be a regular thing for you Pay, status, prestige, pay, promotions, benefits, retirement, leave policy Retirement issues At what age will you be able to retire Will you have a pension Will you have a retirement package

Two Spirits Film

Talk about gender and sexuality interchangeably Different from mainstream us society and the way we talk about it A fluid relationship- different definition of those categories They aren't as mutually exclusive as they are for us Not just a fear we are instilling in individuals In communities Difference of a hate crime Fear you can instill in an entire population Consequences are much more far reaching Affect everyone's daily behavior Walk carefully in the night, walk with others Reflection- consider a different route (maybe I won't go out tonight)- connected to the internalization of gender based violence It is normalized- compare with other groups- do they do the same thing Connection between power and privilege

Anita Sarkeesian

Video games- fastest growing form of mass media today Sexually objectified women Became the target of a massive online hate campaign She created a project to raise money to end sexism in the gaming industry Death threats based on her gender Interactive assault- games to beat her up (her picture) Referred to their abuse as a game They are the heroic players to take down as an enemy Attacked by men Made porn of her No mechanisms for accountability- online Trying to maintain the gaming industry as a male dominated space Coordinating with one another- praise of their peers- helps escalate the attacks Its not a game- overt display of misogyny on a massive scale Boys just being boys- these aren't boys- men (average age of a gamer is 30) Boys club- no girls allowed- create a toxic environment for women

Myths About Social Change "It's always been this way, and it always will be"

Tend to think that things have always been around Social meaning around stuff changes Standpoint- where we are standing limits our view Not good at remembering things were different in the past The switch of pink and blue being girls and boys colors The only thing we can count on is change- gender is no different

Functionalist idea to marriage

The idea of romantic love does this for us It is functional given the way that contemporary institutions structure love relationships The culture of romantic love flourishes in the gap between the expectation of enduring relationships and the free, individual choice under which marriage depends Talk about marriage as if its going to last forever Vows- forever language Only 50% of marriages last forever Voluntary Enduring Love is the reason for which we get married- helps balance voluntary and enduring part Presumably if marriage laws didn't exist or were different, the romantic model of love would disappear because it would no longer be useful It promotes stability in society If marriage doesn't serve us well, becomes a dysfunction- it will die out The culture of love would die out, lose its plausibility, not if marriages did not last (they don't) but if people stopped trying to form and sustain lasting marriages Talk to people- bring up the practical model of love We have to work hard to make it last They don't buy into the dominant myths of romantic love (the notebook) They start to rely on these notions Romantic love- love at first sight People use both in the exact same conversation

Sociological imagination

The individual contributes however minutely to the course of history and society Everything is a choice Choosing everyday- do gender not do gender See our place in society A fish doesn't know wet We're not good at this

More than individual socialization

We choose to do gender everyday But not just us choosing which career paths to pursue Barriers we have to deal with Masculine vs feminine Binaries Powerful- socialized to like certain things- go into different jobs Push pull factors Gender and professions Not just socialization Includes barriers when they enter certain professions More than Human Capital Theory Capital- assets Labor as capital From economics Social control theory Workers are constrained by the opportunities available to them, by structural forces external to individuals Bigger than just the individual wanting to go into that profession Structural barriers Having access to that opportunity

Literature of vet literature

They feel discrimination in their jobs but cannot really point to gender Focus on wage gap Dual queuing model: both supply and demand sides Numerical domination- Doesn't support femininity Although people bring their own gender to organizations, the jobs they occupy are already themselves gendered

Sexual Harassment and Bullying

Title 9 protects this for everyone More than half of girls and 40% of boys in grades 7-12 reported being sexually harassed during the 2010-2011 school year Think that this is a normal part of school- just have to suck it up Among LGBT students, 85% say they have been harrassed So many report- this is systemic (its a pattern) Binary groups Nearly two thirds of college students age 18- 24 experienced some form of sexual harassment

Using the recent reading on fraternities and college rape culture, give one characteristic of the social structure of the fraternity that contributes to creating an environment where violence can and does happen

Value hypermasculinity (assertiveness, aggressiveness) Leads to violence Social constructions- women are objects, men need to have sexual conquests To be a man is to be sexual, dominant; to be feminine is to be submissive- construction of masculinity and femininity Off campus houses, distance from campus surveillance Social solidarity is good for us (feel connected) Also can create a veil of secrecy- my allegiance to this group is higher than to society Threat of ostracism is high (don't want to get kicked out of fraternity or have bad relations with brothers)- keep secrets Highly sex segregated- lead to inequality Separate the sexes- hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity is allowed to breed We're talking about patterns and trends (that rape is happening in this particular social space than other spaces) Social structure allows for this to happen Systemic social problem

Career and Technical Education

What is the support women entering high paying non traditional occupations Retention rates Women interested in electrician, construction, etc Highly skilled and highly paid jobs Whats the experience for women when they are there Women still suffer from barriers like gender stereotypes, implicit bias, unequal treatment, and sexual harassment Not necessarily talking about overt sexism The power of hegemony- power is given through the consent of the majority We are all participating in patriarchy and sexism

Pink Collar Occupations

White collar jobs that are female dominated Nurses, counseling, teaching Caring, helping people Femininity Librarians, elementary school teachers Require higher levels of education Semi Professions- less prestigious, less autonomy, lower salaries Teachers- have to work second jobs We don't think of jobs that require college as not enough to support yourselves Devalued and underpaid Women's work Glass escalator effect- men in women dominated fields- gets promotions at a faster rate, more rapid increases in pay, respect and authority Men taking care of kids- oh my gosh you're such a good dad Male nanny, male nurse- make fun of them Still give them more status Women are expected to do these jobs

The legalization of gay marriage critique

Why have homosexuals been fighting for the right to marry? What cultural tropes have they used in this fight? Social pressure- social respect Conversation about love Adoption rights Insurance Tax breaks Making decisions about your partners health Using cultural tropes around love Legalize love That's how the fight will be successful Not about having access to tax breaks Talking about "the one" Does this legalization of gay marriage challenge of reinforce the social structure of the institution Talk about it as if it is challenging marriage- not just a man or woman It is reinforcing marriage- love Social shifts- in a lot of ways it actually reinforced the notion of marriage

Marriage promises a lot:

Will save the poor Encourage the working poor to get married Does it save the poor? Is marriage a smart financial decision? Don't see high marriage rates around the poor- doesn't advantage them Tax break- not as big for the working poor Can you buy a house? Can you afford a wedding? Empower gays and lesbians Marriage is something sexual minorities should want to fight for Socialize the young- the narrative that its healthy for children to grow up around marriage Socialize them well into society

Maintenance of stereotypes

Women in caregiving professions Think they are just naturally better at that Bias against students in the educational setting (assumption based on stereotypes) Men in the engineering professions

STEM fields

Women's degrees in math, physics, engineering, and computer science has remained stagnant or even declined over the past decade Push pull factors What will pull you into a particular area Pull- incentives Push- violence, etc Women in STEM report these factors Women earn over half of the PHDs in the life sciences but just over 20% in computer science and engineering Study- ask profs whether students are hirable (see sexism) Women will be less likely to stick around if they see these sexist things going on

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