gender studies

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define hegemonic masculinities & emphasized felinities

are dominant white male with social positions and power white females who are supervised by males and organized financed. For example the first lady

why do the authors use the term race ethnicity

because the distinction between two terms implies that race is a biological factor while ethnicity is a social factor. however they combined the terms to remember that neither has anything to do with biology and both are socially constructed

How do ancient and pre-modern views of sex and bodies differ from today's generally accepted views

before the 18th century they believe there was only one sex. however males were stronger than females male and female body parts seem to be the same except some organs were slightly different

What do you think "biological determinism" means? How do you think it differs from social constructionism

biological determinism is the interpretation of human life only in a science perspective for instance biology. Biological differs from social constructionism because while biological determinism focusses on human characteristics being form specifically by biology social identifies human characteristics by gender,race, and sexuality

what are the assumptions of the standard story

biology is Destiney: males have male appearances vice versa there are only two sexes: male and female the two sex order in universal a fact of nature:

How did political fear drive the anti-gay attitudes of the 1950s

buissnemans head of govt agencies afraid of being accused or protecting began to dismiss homosexuals and lesbians from their jobs

Explain the differences between essentialism and social constructionism as they relate to sexual orientation

essentialism is another term for a persons sex social constructionism is associated with gender and the influence interactions of society

what social inequalities shape our society

examples of social inequalities that shape our society will be gender, race, and level in the hierarchy

On page 43, the authors ask, "What are today's ruling sexual scripts?" How would you answer that question

growing up and learning about the attractions of the male to females vice versa, however today kids learn about the variety of preference

Who are intersexuals

individuals who are born with ambiguous genital such as a penis small enough to be a clitoris or a clitoris large to be a penis

in your own words does intersectionality mean

intersectionality Challenges the notions that race, class, gender, and sexuality create relationships of inequality. for example a rich man will have a good job

When did intersexuality begin to be viewed as a problem that should be fixed

late 2000 was consider as a social emergency recommended that doctors explain to family could wither be a girl or boy

Describe one of the experimental studies that show how sexual desire can be the result of a combination of social and biological processes.

men grossing over the bridge to get the girls number not worrying about risking his life. risk and fear was the sexual desire

what are the two braches of the second wave US women's movement

nationalization Organization for women focused on reform of the political and economic system women liberation movement made up of young women who identify themselves as socialist feminist or lesbian feminist

What gestures or forms of non-verbal communication do we learn that convey to others our gender or sexuality

our way of sitting and posture, walking hobbies

Who are considered to be transgender people

people who reject their sexual identities and who challenge the social institutions

When the term heterosexaul was first used, whom did it identify

people who were lustful and had one intention. meant people had sex to please themselves and nothing else

what is meant by the third feminism

refers to the work of a new generation of feminist who emerged in the united states in the 1990s embraced women from all backgrounds and identities

How did the emergence of capitalism and industrialization affect the development of sex roles

segregation of male jobs. before industrialization men and women worked together to sustain a family

how is sex, sexuality, gender define

sex: combination of genes: male, female, intersex sexuality: lustful desire, emotional development: homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, gender: personal identity women, men

what do the authors mean by the view from above & view from below

the authors meant that instead of viewing from above specifically the perspective of rich people with power they will try to gain knowledge from the people who have been invisible. For instance those of different race or gender

how was the civil rights movement a seedbed of white feminism

the civil rights movement was a seedbed of white feminism because white people were always at the top. for instance a white female has more power than an African American male. white stay with the power

explain the cause of ambiguous sexual development

the egg contributes with an x chromosome to the embryo and the sperm contributes wither an x or y. resulting in xx for female and xy for a male. however some will inherit an extra chromosome either x or y

Why is there growing resistance to medical interventions when someone is born intersex

there are risk of a child genitalia can be damage and have to go through a lot of surgeries. if the child felt neglected alone

what are some of the key concepts of transnational feminism

united nations would address the needs of women in the first second and third worlds Nairobi reviewed the achievements of the decade for women and created a 10 year action plan for their achievements

Who are transsexuals

who reject their assign sex xx interest: chromosomes of a women with external genitals xy intersex: chromosomes of a male with female genitals true gonadal intersex: has both ovarian and testes tissue in one or both gonadal complex or undetermined: many chromosome configurations other than xx xy

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