General Biology *TEST 3 REVIEW*

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Receptor mediated endocytosis

Selective uptake of molecules into a cell by vacuole formation after they bind to specific receptor proteins in the plasma membrane.


Self-replicating ring of accessory DNA in the cytoplasm of bacteria.


Separation of substances in solution by means of their unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes.


Separation of substances in solution by means of their unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes.The process of separating larger molecules from smaller molecules that occurs in kidney dialysis for example, where a machine takes a role of a kidney and filtrates blood.


Short, hair-like projection from the plasma membrane, occurring usually in larger numbers.


Slender, long extension used for locomotion by some bacteria; protozoans, and sperm.


Small membranous structure in the cytoplasm having a specific structure and function

Isotonic solution

Solution that is equal in solute concentration to that of the cytosol of a cell, *causes cell to neither lose or gain water by osmosis.*

Cell walls

Some Eukaryotes have "_____" "_____", which are used for protection, strength, and used for maintaining homeostasis.


This plays a central role in: a) Reproduction by which the cell divides and forms two new cells. b) Determines differentiation (What form it will exhibit at maturity.) c) Direct metabolic activity (growth)


The portion of the RER nearest to the nucleus is flattened and studded with ribosomes. Flattened sacs are called what?


The protoplasm of a nucleus.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

The region of Endoplasmic Reticulum that lack bound ribosomes.

Transitional elements

The region of both RER and SER, where there is a blend of both is called the what?

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

The region of both Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and "______" "______" "______" , where there is a blend of both is called the transitional elements.


The spontaneous net movement of particles down their concentration gradient (i.e. difference in the concentrations of substances or molecules between two areas).

Active transport

The use of a plasma membrane carrier protein to move a molecule, or ion, from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration; it opposes equilibrium and requires energy.


There are many types of plasm contained within a eukaryotic cell. The "______" is all of the cell's contents.


These are associated with liver cells (Which break down many toxins.


These are made of histones, and are spool-like proteins on which DNA is wound around for support.


These are membrane enclosed bodies produced by the Golgi apparatus that function as storage vesicles for many powerful digestive enzymes (Hydrolytic enzymes) (Water breaking)


These are small hollow cylinders made of a globular protein called tubulin.


These are small hollow cylinders.

Cell theory

These are the two components of WHAT theory? 1) That all living things are composed of cells. 2) That all cells arise from other cells.


These chemically dismantle captured bacteria, worn-out cells, and debris.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

These specialize in lipid metabolism, synthesizes phospholipids, steroids and fatty acids.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

This (singular) specializes in lipid metabolism, synthesizes phospholipids, steroids, and fatty acids.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

This exists mostly to: 1) Synthesize new membrane phospholipids. 2) Fold proteins into the conformation necessary for their function. 3) Package proteins into vesicle for transport to other parts of the cell. 4) Store calcium ions.

Cell wall

This gives *strength to cells and protects the plasma membrane*.

Cell wall

This gives strength to cells AND protects the plasma membrane.


This is a nucleic acid *produced from covalent bonding of nucleotide subunits that contain the sugar ribose*; this occurs in three forms: messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

This is a system of *membranous saccules* and *channels in the cytoplasm.*

Endoplasmic Reticulum

This is a system of membranous saccules and channels in the cytoplasm that constitutes more than half of the total membrane of the cell.(It is a transport system)

Microtubule Organizing Center

This is called the centrosome in eukaryotic cells.

Cell theory

This is one of the major theories of biology; states that all organisms are made up of cells and that cells come only from preexisting cells.

Passive ways

This is one way a plasma membrane is classified, which does not use chemical energy. It involves diffusion, or facilitated transport. Also, it depends on the motion energy, or ions and molecules.

Active ways

This is one way a plasma membrane is classified, which requires chemical energy. It includes active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis.

Nuclear envelope

This is: a) Selectively permeable b) Even smaller molecules than the pores cannot pass c) Macromolecules produced on the DNA move out of the nucleus through the pores.

Hypertonic solution

This kind of solution will causes a cell to LOSE water by osmosis.

Golgi apparatus

This organelle processes, packages, and distributes molecules about or from the cell.

Prokaryotic cells

What cells lack a membrane bound nucleus and organelles?

Gap junctions

"____" "_____" allow cells to communicate. Formed when two identical plasma membrane channels join. Lends strength to the cells and allows small molecules and ions to pass between cells. Found in heart and smooth muscle. (Allows muscles to contact in a coordinated fashion)


"____" transport requires energy from the system for the movement of molecules across cell membrane


"_____" are longer in size while cilia are shorter.


"_____" contributes in the prevention of dust accumulation in breathing tubes by simply creating a thin layer of mucous in the tube while the flagella mainly uses sperm cells to move and propel.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

"______" "______" "______" doubles surface area when drugs such as phenobarbital enter the circulatory system. Drugs are rendered inert.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

"______" "______" "______" usually found in the liver used for detoxification reactions ---- within a few days.

Facilitated transport

"______" "______", which is a kind of passive transport, requires no energy for the molecules to move into or out of the cell


"______" participate in programmed cell death technically termed apoptosis.


"______": (contains 10-20% of the cells ribosomes) and is an oval area in the NUCLEUS, visible in non divided cells.


"_______" are a type of vesicles. It is mostly a water-filled vesicle.


"_______", also called nuclear sap or karyoplasm, is the fluid usually found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. This fluid contains primarily water, dissolved ions, and a complex mixture of molecules. Its primary function is to act as a suspension medium for the *organelles of the nucleus*. Other functions include the maintenance of nuclear shape and structure, and the transportation of ions, molecules, and other substances important to cell metabolism and function.


"________" synthesize and store pigments such as orange carotene, yellow xanthophylls, and various other red pigments. As such, their color varies depending on what pigment they contain. The main evolutionary purpose of chromoplasts is probably to attract pollinators or eaters of colored fruits, which help disperse seeds. However, they are also found in roots such as carrots and sweet potatoes. They allow the accumulation of large quantities of water-insoluble compounds in otherwise watery parts of plants.


(1) The liquid component of the cytoplasm surrounding the organelles and other insoluble cytoplasmic structures in an intact cell where a wide variety of cell processes take place. (2) The aqueous portion of the cytoplasm in an intact cell consisting of water, organic molecules and dissolved ions.


(Cell biology): a type of passive transport, therefore, it is a net movement of molecules in and out of the cell across the cell membrane along a concentration gradient.


(Cellular drinking) Process by which vesicle formation brings macromolecules into the cell.


(Cellular eating) Process by which amoeboid-type cells engulf large substances, forming an intracellular vacuole. Common in unicellular organisms like amoebas.

Round / Rectangular

*Animal and Plant Cell Differences* ( Rectangular/Round) (Animal Cell / Plant Cell) Shape

No / Yes

*Animal and Plant Cell Differences* ( Yes/No) (Animal Cell / Plant Cell) Cell wall

Yes / No

*Animal and Plant Cell Differences* ( Yes/No) (Animal Cell / Plant Cell) Centrioles

No / Yes

*Animal and Plant Cell Differences* ( Yes/No) (Animal Cell / Plant Cell) Chloroplast

No / Yes

*Animal and Plant Cell Differences* ( Yes/No) (Animal Cell / Plant Cell) Large central vacuole

Yes / Rarely present

*Animal and Plant Cell Differences* ( Yes/No/Or "rarely present) (Animal Cell / Plant Cell) Lysosomes

Vesicles / Vacuoles

*Difference between Vesicles and Vacuoles* "______" are small, move quickly, and short lived. "______" are large, static, long lived, and used for storage and turgor pressure.

Enzymatic proteins

*Proteins* Catalyzes a specific reaction

Channel Proteins

*Proteins* Allows a particular molecule or ion to cross the plasma membrane freely.

Receptor proteins

*Proteins* Is shaped in such a way that a specific molecule can bind to it.

Integral proteins

*Proteins* Largely determine a membrane's specific function, which is involved in the passage of molecules through the membrane.

Carrier proteins

*Proteins* Selectively interacts with a specific molecule or ion so that it can cross the plasma membrane.

Cell recognition proteins

*Proteins* The MHC (major histocompatibility complex) glycoproteins are different for each person. So organ transplants are difficult to achieve.

Six / Six / One / Six

*The formula for photosynthesis* "_" molecules of water +"_" molecules of carbon dioxide to give you "_" molecule of sugar and "_" molecules of oxygen ie: "6H2O + 6CO2 ----------> C6H12O6+ 6O2" This happens only in the presence of a catalyst which is sun light.

Carbon dioxide / Water / Glucose / Oxygen

*The formula for photosynthesis* (CWGO) "______" + "______" =light energy=> "______" + "______" 6CO2 + 6H2O =light energy=> C6H12O6 + 6O2


A "_______" is the major microtubule organizing center for the cell.

Hypertonic Solution

A cell placed in a highly concentrated solution will result in the water molecules diffusing out of the cell. Eventually, the cell will shrink. What kind of solution is this?


A lowly concentrated solution (dilute) is described as "______" because it has less of the solute molecules, but more of the solvent molecules.


A mechanism for the coupled transport of two different molecules or ions through a membrane in *opposite directions*.


A mechanism of transport across a membrane in which two different molecules move in the same direction. Often, one molecule can move up an electrochemical gradient because the movement of the other molecule is more favorable. This is called a what?


A network of fibers throughout the cell's cytoplasm that helps the cell maintain its shape and gives support to the cell.


A nucleolus is found in the cell "______".


A process by which liquids or solid particles are taken up by a cell through invagination of the plasma membrane. (Invagination = An infolding)

Protein synthesis

A ribosomes function is "______" "______". (PS)


After proteins are processed in the Golgi apparatus, transport "_____" carry the proteins to lysosomes or to the cell membrane (where the vesicles fuse with the membrane and spill their contents outside the cell).

Cytoplasm / Protoplasm

All the living cells contain protoplasm, consisting mainly of water, and acts as the physical basis of life. Cytoplasm and protoplasm are suspensions, which keep organelles, and provide sites to execute all the biological processes in a cell. "_____" is considered as a part of "_______", which is the jelly-like fluid in the cell.

Surface area

Also, the secreting vesicles play an important role in adding "_____" "______" to the plasma membrane.


Among plastids are the amyloplasts which store starch, and the "______" which contain red and orange pigments.

Eukaryotic Cells

Animal cells are an example of what kind of cells?

Prokaryotic cells

Bacteria and cyanobacteria are examples of what kind of cells?


Central microtubule organizing center of cells. In animal cells, it contains two centrioles.


Chloroplast(Energy in the form of sugar) is associated this term? (Hint: this term is involved in cellular respiration)


Cilia and flagella (there is a difference between the two) have a 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules, and are involved in the "_____" of cells.


Connection of plant cells by numerous narrow membrane-lined channels that pass through the cell wall. Cytoplasmic strands within these channels allow direct exchange of materials between neighboring plant cells.


Dark-staining, spherical body in the cell nucleus that produces ribosomal subunits.


Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane.

Nuclear envelope

Double membrane that surrounds the nucleus and is connected to the endoplasmic reticulum; has pores that allow substances to pass between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.


Even parts of a cell are digested by its own "______" (called autodigestion). Normal cell rejuvenation most likely takes place in this manner, this is important in development.

Eukaryotic Cells

Fungi cells are an example of what kind of cells?


Having a higher osmotic pressure in a fluid relative to another fluid.


Having a lesser osmotic pressure in a fluid compared to another fluid.

Hypertonic solution

Higher solute concentration (Less solvent) than the cytosol of a cell; This kind of solution causes a cell to LOSE water by osmosis.


If a molecule enters the cell, at the same time another molecule will move out of the cell. This exchange of molecules through a protein is called "_____" .


If a molecule is accompanied by another molecule so that both molecules at the same time, together are transported into or out of the cell through a protein channel, then the condition is called "______" .


If only a molecule is transported across the membrane into or out of the cell through a protein channel, then it is called "_______" membrane transport.

Hypotonic solution

Refers to a solution with a comparatively lower concentration of solutes compared to another.


In a chemical sense diffusion is a result of the energy of the system (temperature). The "______" of the molecules (or atoms) allow them to disperse themselves amongst like sized particles. Diffusion is a slow process compared to convection - in other words dye spreads slowly through still water, quickly through stirred water. Diffusion is one of the major component of entropy a major component of thermo-dynamics.


In animal cells, shriveling of the cell due to water leaving the cell when the environment is hypertonic.

Plasma membrane

In animals the "______" "_______" is the outermost covering of the cell whereas in plants, fungi, and some bacteria it is located beneath the [[cell wall].

Golgi apparatus

In cells involved in secretion, the "_____" "_____" packages the products into vesicles, and then moves them to the plasma membrane for secretions.

Central vacuole

In plants, the "_____" "_____" fills much of the interior of the cell.


In regard to Eukaryotes, what is the most prominent organelle?


In regard to Golgi Body, it moves materials by means of "______" from one cisternae to the next.

Nuclear envelope

In regard to this thing, things pass through on the bases of specific "passwords" chemical signal sequence attached to one end of the various molecules. It aids pass through this way.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

In the liver, "______" "______" "______" helps detoxify drugs.


In the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell, a unit composed of DNA wound around a core of eight histone proteins, giving the appearance of a string of beads.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

In the testes, "______" "______" "______" produce testosterone


Internal framework of the cell, consisting of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments.


Is a network of interconnected filaments and tubules that extends from the nucleus to the plasma membrane in *eukaryotic cells*.


Large molecules are helped in their movement in "_____" diffusion by carrier proteins

Hypotonic solution

Lower solute (More water) concentration than the cytosol of a cell. This kind of solution causes a cell to GAIN water by osmosis.

Tight junction

Makes the cells more closely joined. The plasma membrane proteins actually attach to each other producing a zipper like fastening. Found in the intestines preventing digestive juices from leaking, kidney, urine will not leak from kidney tubules.

Plasma Membrane

Membrane surrounding the cytoplasm that consists of a *phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins*; functions to regulate the entrance and exit of molecules from the cell.

Plasma membrane

Membrane surrounding the cytoplasm that consists of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins; functions to regulate the entrance and exit of molecules from the cell.


Membrane-enclosed organelle in algae and plants with chlorophyll-containing membranous thylakoids; where photosynthesis takes place.


Membrane-enclosed organelle in algae and plants with chlorophyll-containing membranous thylakoids; where photosynthesis takes place.


Membrane-enclosed organelle in which ATP molecules are produced during the process of cellular respiration.


Membrane-enclosed organelle that contains chromosomes and controls the structure and function of the cell.


Membrane-enclosed sac, LARGER than a vesicle; usually functions in storage and can contain a variety of substances. In plants, the central vacuole fills much of the interior of the cell.


Membrane-enclosed vesicle that contains hydrolytic enzymes for digesting macromolecules.

Microtubule Organizing Center

Microtubules radiate from the "_____" "_____" "____" to lend shape to the cell and acts as tracks for organelles to move along.

Microtubule Organizing Center

Regulation of microtubule assembly is under the control of a what?

Concentration Gradient

Remember that molecules are in constant motion and "_____" "______" dictates a movement toward evening out.


Network of fine threads in the nucleus that are *composed of DNA and proteins.*


Of or pertaining to a solution (e.g. extracelllular fluid) with higher solute concentration compared with another. (see: hypotonic, isotonic). For example, if the extracellular fluid has greater amounts of solutes than the cytoplasm, the extracellular fluid is said to be "_______".

Golgi apparatus

Organelle, consisting of saccules and vesicles, that processes, packages, and distributes molecules about or from the cell.


Organelles are also surrounded by "_____" which is the liquid part of the cytoplasm.


Organelles are also surrounded by "______", which is the liquid part of the cytoplasm.


Osmosis and diffusion are examples of "_____" transport. (P)

Concentration Gradient

Passive diffusion of molecules from an area of high to low concentration.

Facilitated transport

Passive transfer of a substance into or out of a cell along a concentration gradient by a process that requires a carrier.


Photosynthesis takes place in the "______", more specifically in the thylakoid membrane and stroma (light and dark reactions).

Eukaryotic Cells

Plant cells are an example of what kind of cells?

Turgor pressure

Pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall in plant cells determined by the water content of the vacuole gives internal support to the plant cell.

Golgi Apparatus

Protein and lipids exit the ER in membrane sacs called vesicle and move to the what?

Eukaryotic Cells

Protista cells are an example of what kind of cells?

Signal transduction

Some of the surface proteins are receptors. Binding outside molecules and triggering cascades of chemical reactions that lead to specific responses. *This process is called what? In other words, this is the method of getting a message from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell.*


Stack of chlorophyll-containing thylakoids in a chloroplast.

Cell plate

Structure across a dividing plant cell that signals the location of new plasma membranes and cell walls.

Chromosomes / Nucleolus

The Eukaryotic Nucleus contains two kinds of structures: a) "______" (Controls and contains DNA) b) "_______" (Synthesizes ribosomes)


The amorphous granular interior of the nucleus is the "_____" (fluid portion of the nucleus)

Plasma membrane

The cell's outer membrane made up of a two layers of phospholipids with embedded proteins. It separates the contents of the cell from its outside environment, and it regulates what enters and exits the cell.

Living parts

The cytoplasm, organelles (50% volume) and nucleus are considered the "_____" "_______" of the cell.


The energy for the transport of molecules in "_____" transport comes from ATP

Nuclear envelope

The entire nucleus is bound by a pair of membranes called the? (Two words)


The fluid portion of the nucleus.


The inside of of the SER is called.

Turgor pressure

The internal pressure inside a plant cell, resulting from osmotic intake of water, that presses its plasma membrane tightly against the cell wall, making the cell rigid.


The main function of this is ribosomal formation.


The movement of molecules from a region of *high* concentration to a region of *lower* concentration until equilibrium is achieved and they are distributed equally.


The passive movement of molecules or particles along a concentration gradient, or from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration.


This serves as the site where many chemical reactions take place. In prokaryotes, it is where most metabolic reactions take place. In eukaryotes, it is where the organelles and other cytoplasmic structures are suspended.

Active transport

This transport is opposite of diffusion and opposes equilibrium. It moves against the concentration gradient.


This transports large particles out of cells.

Hypotonic solution

This type of solution always has more H20 (more water). It causes the cell to GAIN water by osmosis.

Hypotonic solution

This type of solution has lower solute concentration (For example, NaCL(Sodium)) and causes cell to GAIN water by osmosis.


Threadlike appendages that allow bacteria to attach to surfaces and to each other.

Isolates / Regulates / Interaction

Three functions of the plasma membrane are: (IRI) 1) "______" cytoplasm from external environment. 2) "______" flow of material between cytoplasm and external environment. 3) Allows "______" with other cells.


Thylakoids are membrane-bound organelles found within "_______". The thylakoid membrane, forms many flattened, fluid-filled tubules that enclose a single convoluted compartment. These tubules tend to stack on top of each other to forma structure called a granum.


Unlike active transport, "_______" does not involve chemical energy. When molecules move (diffuse) via special transport proteins found within the cell membrane, it is called facilitated diffusion, otherwise it is only simple diffusion. An example of diffusion in biological system is diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the alveolar-capillary membrane in mammalian lungs.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Very little true "______" "______" "______"

Protein synthesis

What are the function of ribosomes? (Two words) (PS)

Phospholipid / Glycolipid / Cholesterol

What are the three lipids found in the plasma membrane? (PGC)

Active ways / Passive ways

What are the two ways a plasma membrane is classified? (AP)

Eukaryotic cells

What cells have a true membrane bound nucleus and organelles?


What color are chloroplasts? Found only in plants, chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs all colors/light except green, which makes it a "_____" pigment. because it reflects green light, you see the substance as "_____", thus you see the cholorplasts as "_____", and thus the whole plant (at least the part with chlorophyll)) as "______". (*One answer*)


What comes first? DNA or RNA?

Ribosomal formation

What is the function of the nucleolus? (RF)


What is the main polysaccharide that makes up the cell wall?


What is the nuclear material in bacteria called? In bacteria, the nucleus is actually just genetic material or a circle of DNA and this genetic material is called a "______".


What is the plant organelles that releases oxygen?

Endoplasmic Reticulum

What is the transport system?

Hypotonic solution

What kind of solution will cause a cell to gain water by osmosis?


What organelles chemically dismantles captured BACTERIA, worn-out cells, and debris?

Chloroplasts / Mitochondria

What two organelles within the cell can self replicate? (CM)


What's a dark-staining, spherical body in the cell nucleus that produces ribosomal subunits?


When materials leave the cell by the membrane "spitting it out"


Where can you find centrioles?


Where do microtubules come from in animal cells?


Which organelle is involved in cellular respiration?


Which organelles perform photosynthesis?


White blood cells have many "_____" because they engulf debris and bacteria.


a segment of DNA independent of the chromosomes and capable of replication, occurring in bacteria and yeast: used in recombinant DNA procedures to transfer genetic material from one cell to another.


amyloplast (ămˈəlōplăstˌ) [key], also called leucoplast, a "_______" organelle, or plastid, occurring in the cytoplasm of plant cells. Amyloplasts transform glucose, a simple sugar, into starch through the process of polymerization, and store starch grains within their stretched membranes. Especially large numbers occur in subterranean storage tissues of some plants, such as the common potato.


• All vacuoles can be categorized as "_____", but not all vesicles are vacuoles because, in addition to vacuoles, vesicles include lysosomes, transport vesicles, secretory vesicles etc.

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