General Psychology Unit 2 (Chapters 5-8)

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Frequently spanked children are likely to misbehave. What conclusion can we draw from this observation if any?

We can conclude that misbehavior leads to spankings

Suppose one sound in a word is engineered to sound halfway between d and t, or halfway between s and sh. What do you hear?

You hear the sound that makes more sense in context, unless the context is delayed

What is meant by the "word-superiority effect"?

You must easily recognize a letter when it is part of a word when it is alone

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement, also known as escape learning or avoidance learning?

You turn off a dripping accept, ending the "drip, drip, drip" sound

At the start of training, the CS elicits _____ and the UCS elicits _____. After repeating the CS followed by the UCS, the CS elicits _____ and the UCS elicits _____.

no response ... UCR ... CR ... UCR

Which of the following is an example of source amnesia?

"I don't remember where I heard this, but I heard that apricot pits can cure cancer."

The Strange Situation is an effort to measure which aspect of behavior?

A child's attachment to the parents

What is a heuristic?

A strategy for simplifying a problem

In decision making, what is the disadvantage of being a maximizer?

Maximizers tend to be less satisfied with their decisions

The "central executive" aspect of working memory is responsible for what?

Shifting attention between one task and another

Suppose an individual undergoes extinction, and then a delay ensues with no exposure to either the CS or the UCS. What will probably happen?

Spontaneous recovery

To demonstrate "theory of mind," what must a child understand?

That someone else can have a false belief

Which of the following did behaviorists reject?

The study of conscious thought

Based on studies of children known to have experienced highly traumatic experiences, what are the implications for the concept of repression?

If repression occurs at all, it occurs under rare and unknown circumstances

What is the defining difference between operant conditioning and classical conditioning?

In operant conditioning, the response controls the outcome

If you studied a list such as "candy, sour, sugar , dessert, salty, taste,..." thoroughly instead of hearing it just once, would you be more likely or less likely include "sweet", which isn't on the list?

Less likely

Which of the following is an example of an episodic memory?

"Let me tell you about my trip to Japan ..."

Reading alternates between fixations and saccades. On average, a person reading an alphabetic language can read about _____ characters during a fixation and about _____ during a saccade.

11 ... 0

Suppose a survey reports different political learnings by older adults than younger adults. A possible explanation is that people change their views as they age. Another is that older people have different priorities from younger people. What is still another possibility?

A cohort effect

A "collectivist" attitude is more common in southern China thats in northern China. What is apparently responsible for the difference?

A history of rice farming in southern China

If you want to do well on the final exam in this course, what should you do now?

After you finish this chapter, review some of the earlier chapters in the book

Suppose you are in a field of brownish bush and one motionless brown habit. You will find it by _____. If the habit starts hopping, you will find it by _____.

An attentive process ... a preattentive process

According to the disequilibrium principle, what constitutes a reinforcer?

An opportunity to do something that you haven't been able to do as much as usual

Theoretically, which of the following drugs should produce effects similar to those of fetal alcohol syndrome, if a mother takes them during pregnancy?

Anti-anxiety drugs (which increase activity at inhibitory synapses)

When police ask a witness to identify a suspect from a lineup, which of the following procedures do psychologists recommend?

Ask for a percent of confidence answer instead of a yes/no answer

To investigate a possible case of sexual abuse of a young child, what is the best way to ask the child?

Ask, "tell me what happened," as soon as possible.

According to the depth-of-processing principle, what should you do to improve your chances of remembering something later?

Associate the information with you own interests and experience

Which kind of learning takes place despite a long delay between the events to be associated?

Associating food with illness (conditioned taste aversions)

In what way is birdsong learning similar to language learning?

Both are most easily learned early in life

Other things being equal, which children in a class are most likely to be treated for ADHD?

Children who are younger than average for the grade in school

Which of the following studies suggests a crucial influence on a child's interest in boys' or girls' toys?

Children who watch a commercial showing just boys playing with a toy assume it is only for boys

Theorists today believe that short-term memory can hold only for items at most. Why can you nevertheless repeat a list of severn or more items?


Which of the following is most characteristic of people with Korsakoff's syndrome?


Someone tells me that if I say "abracadabra" every morning, I will stay healthy. I say it daily, sure enough, I stay healthy. I conclude that this magic word ensures health. What error of thinking have i made?

Confirmation bias

Emotional arousal enhances memory storage by increasing the release of which hormones?

Cortisol and epinephrine

What is the most convincing evidence that early exposure to language is necessary for language development?

Deaf children who do not learn any language when young are seriously impaired when they try to learn one later

What kind of memory was most impaired in patient H.M.?

Declarative memory, especially episodic memory

If we want to determine whether children resemble their parents because of genetic influences or because of social influences, which of the following would be the most helpful kind of information?

Examine the amount of similarity between adopting parents and their adopted children

What does the Stroop effect demonstrate?

Familiarity with a word can interfere with saying the color of its ink

Many people recommended that old people do crossword puzzles or similar activities to improve everyday memory. If that advise worked (and generally it doesn't), it would be an example of what?

Far transfer

How does extinction differ from forgetting?

Forgetting depends on passage of time. Extinction depends on a specific experience

People will buy meat that claims "90 percent fat free,"but not one that said "contains 10 percent fat." This observation is an example of which of the following?

Framing effect

As discussed in Chapter 5, children who fail to display "theory of mind" seem to assume that if they know something, everyone else would know it too. Which of the following phenomena in similar to that assumptions?

Hindsight bias

Terror-management theory deals with which psychological process?

How people cope with their fear of dying

Other things being equal, you remember a list of words best if you think about them in what way?

How well the items could aid you if a survival situation

In society where almost becomes a farmer, which of the following would be the most common?

Identity foreclosure

In which of these ways is a conditioned taste aversion different from other types of learning?

Illness is more strongly associated with tastes than with other stimuli

What of the following is evidence against Pavlov's explanation for classical conditioning?

In some cases the CR is different form the UCR.

Suppose you want to test the effect of birth order on intelligence by comparing firstborn children to third-born children. To do the study properly, which of the following is most important?

Include only those firstborns who come from a family of at least three children

Most adults remember very few events from early childhood. Studies on mice support which explanation for this infantile amnesia?

Infantas form many new neurons that not only facilitate new learning but also forgetting

A child watches an experimenter hide a small toy in a small room, and then tries to find larger version of the same toy hidden "in the sea place" in a larger room. At what age can most children first succeed on this task?

It depends on how you ask the question

In contrast to System 1 (or Type 1 thinking), what is true of System 2?

It is best suited to considering and evaluating complex evidence

Which of the following would be evidence in favor of Vygotsky's "zone of proximal development"?

It is possible to teach conservation of volume to many 6-year-olds but not many 4-year-olds

What does the social-learning approach emphasize?

Learning by imitation

One reason why nearly all the best chess players are men is that more boys than girls start playing chess. Of the following, what is another plausible explanation?

Males are more likely than females are to devote themselves to a single interest

Old people remember events from young adulthood better than those from middle adulthood. One explanation is that memories continue to consolidate, year after year. What is another explanation?

Memories of young adulthood are formed more strongly at the time

According to the evidence so far, what can be expected of children who are reared by a gay or lesbian couple?

Most develop about normally, about the same as those reared by a heterosexual couple

When we read a word, do we read it one letter at a time? and what's the evidence?

No, we do not. An ambiguous letter can appear to be one letter in one context and and a different letter in come other context.

When bonobos learned to use symbols to communicate, what training method was used?

Observation and imitation

Which of the following is an example of a variable-ratio schedule?

Opening oysters in hopes for a pearl

Why do most musicians have better-than-average hearing? And what's the evidence

People with better hearing are more likely than average to practice music. Twins with more music practice do not nave better hearing than twins with little or no practice

One year ago, Sarah did not seem to understand conservation of number, volume, or mass. Today she does. According to Piaget, Sarah ha progressed from which stage to which stage?

Pre-operational stage to concrete operations stage

One explanation of the primary effect is that the first item on a list is not blocked by _____ interference. One explanation of the recovery effect is that the last time on the list is not blocked by _____ interference.

Proactive ... retroactive

What is one major difference between procedural (habit) and declarative memory?

Procedural memory develops gradually and is sensitive to information thats usually but not always correct

Rats repeatedly received one stimulus followed by a UCS. Then they repeatedly received that stimulus and a second stimulus, followed by the same UCS. What happened, and what is the phenomenon called?

Rats showed little response to the second stimulus. This is the blocking effect

In which of these ways does a memory recovered by therapy differ, on average, from traumatic memories that people recover spontaneously?

Recovered memories are seldom supported by evidence

Shaping behavior for an experiment in operant conditioning begins with which of the following?

Reinforcing a simple approximation to the desired behavior

What evidence indicates that rats' tolerate to morphine injections is at least partly due to classical conditioning?

Repeated injections of salt water increase the later effects of morphine

Which of these characterizes a cross-sectional study of development?

Researchers compare people from different ages, at the same time

Last week you read a magazine article and discussed it. Since then you have read several additional articles. When you try to discuss the article you read last week, you find that you cannot remember it clearly. Why?

Retroactive interference

Priming a concept is responsible for which of the following?

Spreading activation

According to the encoding specificity principle, how should you study if you want to remember something for a lifetime?

Study something over and over, all at one time until you master it

People who believe that violent or bizarre behavior is more common on nights of a full moon remember the few occasions that fit this expectation and decided that the result support their belief. This is an example of which heuristic?

The availability heuristic

In a pioneering study, Shepard and Metzler concluded that imagining how something would look from a different angle is something like actually watching something rotate. They drew this conclusion by measuring what?

The delay of people's responses

Suppose an infant habituates to the sound BA, but when we substitute the sound BOO, the infant fails to increase the sucking rate. What interpretation would be likely?

The infant does not hear a difference between the two sounds

If someone is trying to remember an event that may have happened long ago, what is probable consequence of showing a photograph from that period of time?

The person becomes more susceptible to suggestion of something that didn't happened

Steve says he has a coworker who is persecuting him. You conclude that Steve is paranoid, ignoring the possibility is that Steve does not really have an enemy. This is a possible example of which heuristic?

The representativeness heuristic

Suppose a newborns sucks to a turn on a tape recording of its father's voice. Eventually the infant habituates and the sucking frequency decreases. Now the experimenters substitute the recording of a different man's voice. Which of the following results would indicate that the infant detects a difference between the two sounds?

The sucking rate increases

As people develop expertise in a skill such as chess, who improves?

Their ability to recognize common patterns

What evidence suggests that even 6 to 8 month old infants understand object permanence?

They stare longer at events that would be impossible if unseen objects continue to exist

In what way is the term stimulus-response psychology more appropriate for Jacques Leob than for the behaviorists of today?

Today's behaviorists recognize that sleepiness and other internal processes modify responses to a stimulus

One explanation for adolescent impulsivity is that the prefrontal cortex, important for inhibiting inappropriate behaviors, is still gradually becoming mature during this period. What evidence indicates that this explanation cannot be the full answer?

Twenty-year-olds rate many risky activities more acceptable than young teenagers do

Someone with Broca's aphasia shows impairments most strongly with regard to which aspect of language?

Use of prepositions, word endings, and other grammatical devices

Which schedule of reinforcement describes the following: You phone a company and hear a busy signal. You don't know how soon someone will hang up, so you try again every few minutes.

Variable interval

At what age do people begin to use rules of grammar?

Very early, even at ages 2 or 3

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