General Regulations

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Non-Seven Major Felonies

" I took a CAT CLASS and got a DEGREE in LAW" category, classification, degree,law article and section number ex: Menacing 3rd + Criminal Mischief 4th= crim mischief (b-misdemeanor) (a-misdemeanor) Menacing 2nd + Criminal Mischief 4th=Menacing (A-misdemeanor) (A-misdemeanor)

Authorized Leave

"UF-28" Fill out for vacation, e-day, lost time

Complaint Reports: things to remember

1 complaint report for each incident group continuous events together as one incident classify the report by the most serious offense using 7 major felony rule

Seven Major Felonies: 3 Rules to Remember

1. Attempted Murder= felonious assault 2. All other attempted crimes= the crime ex: attempted burglaries=burglary attempted robberies= robbery 3. A grand larceny of an auto coupled with a grand larceny from the vehicle will be classified as a grand larceny of an auto

interviewing techniques

1. Develop a plan of action 2.Conduct interview privately 3.Put person at ease 4.Let person do the talking 5.Perfect questioning skills 6.Select your questions carefully 7.Identify less common forms of evidence 8.Don't challenge answers given 9.Stay in control 10.Take good notes 11.Conclude interview properly


1. non-ordered (arrests, aided case, court appearance) 2.Ordered- demonstrations, parades, etc. 3. Emergency ordered- large scale disorders

Robbery Investigation

10-20 or 10-30 Arrive without delay gather info secure the crime scene secure and isolate witnesses Keep communications section informed (central) description, method of flight, direction of flight canvass

Assault investigations

10-24 or 10-34 aid the victim interview victims and witnesses separately type of assault, degree of injuries, weapons used, identity of the perp keep communications section informed description, method of flight, direction of flight

Chronic Abuser Alarm Procedure

3 or more unnecessary alarms in 3 months

Chronic B

4 or 5 times sick and more than 40 work days 6 or more times 9 months to clear off does not qualify for admin sick

Chronic A

4 or 5 times sick in a 12 month period, less than 40 work days. 6 months to clear off. qualifies for admin sick

Crime Scene Survey

A preliminary, non-invasive search. "hands in pockets" approach. Do not touch anything unless a weapon is unsecured on the ground and in public. Always use a flashlight day or night

Upon Arrival- Preliminary Investigation

Activate body worn camera Survey the scene Assist injured Identify, isolate, and arrest any suspects Identify, isolate, and interview victims and witnesses Complete required reports

Officer Profile Report

All P.Os and detectives in non-investigative bureaus (housing, transit, patrol) assigned to enforcement duties are assessed monthly using "officer profile report" print out monthly using PERF

Highway District Referrals

All motor vehicle or bicycle collisions resulting in death, serious injury and likely to die, critical injury

Special Victims Division referrals

All sex crimes or attempts against any person of any age Any allegation that a child less than eleven years old is the victim of abuse inflicted by a parent or person in charge of the child's care When informed that a complainant has been a victim of a crime

Major Case Squad

Burglary or attempt of bank larceny by extortion robbery or attempt of bank burglary of truck contents over 100k larceny of truck contents over 100k robbery of truck contents by hijacking commercial burglaries over $100k Art Theft

Burglary Investigations

Codes 10-21 or 10-31 residential and commercial await patrol supervisor before entering if: forced entry or open door and no one is there Find out how entry was made, time frame, modus operandi Pay attention to: tool marks, scratches, fingerprints, shoe/tire prints, any damage, items left behind, vacant storefronts, basement access points, active patterns, lookouts, access from adjacent locations, rooftops A CANVASS IS CONDUCTED FOR ALL BURGLARIES record results in details section List items taken description, serial #, model # Request Evidence Collection Team If Keys are taken advise complainant to call a locksmith

Only person who can reduce the size of a crime scene

Detective Squad Duty Captain

Complaint Reports: report classifications that must be reported separately

Every dead body (all deaths require a notification to the medical examiner) Seriously injured and likely to die from auto/bike collision Critically injured (critically injured determined on scene by EMS personnel) from auto/bike collision Every victim of a sex offense Every victim of an assault (unless assault is part of robbery or sex crime) Each person injured in arson

Schedule B Command Discipline

Forfeit up to 10 days of vacation or accrued time

Schedule A Command Discipline

Forfeit up to 5 days of vacation or accrued time

Charges and Specifications

Formal administrative charges most serious disciplinary measure Trials are held in dept's trial room at 1 police plaza dept's advocates office will be the prosecutor acting on behalf of the PD

Crime Scene is requested for

HARBOR= Homicides Aggravated Assaults Rape- Forcible Rape Burglary involving forced safes or circumvented alarms Other Crime Robbery or hijacking with injury caused by a firearm


Leaving the complaint open to specific specialized units to further investigate

Precinct Detective Squad: when notified

MO BRICK SIP MO= Modas Operandi Burglary with (GAPS) Gun Involved Amount over $5000, 10k in Manhattan Person Present Safe Involved Robbery- when gun or dangerous instrument used when victim is 60 years or older Impersonation of Law Enforcement (except at robbery, gets referred to PIIU or IAB) (cops never investigate cops) Community Interest/ Police Interest Known, perpetrator can be identified SPI+ any offense I= Identity Theft over $5000 or no pattern P= Pattern similar cases in vicinity or involving more than one NYPD precinct or victim of same type of crime within 6 months

Options for MOS after a CD

MOS may accept findings and penalties MOS may accept findings but appeal penalties MOS may elect to have formal charges and specs filed MOS will notify CO/XO within 3 working days of his/her choice

The Seven Major Felonies Rule

MR. RAB Steals Cars Murder and non-negligent manslaughter Rape Robbery Assault (felony assault) Burglary Steals= Grand Larceny Cars= Grand Larceny Auto

Grand Larceny Investigations

Radio Codes 10-22 or 10-32 Amount over (not including) $1k Taken directly from a person counts as grand larceny List details: type of property, when purchased, new or used, original purchase price

Alarm investigations

Radio code 10-11 Manually triggered alarms, electronic alarms conduct an investigation visually inspect the entire perimeter for confirmed alarm: request patrol supervisor conduct investigation into burglary, larceny, etc. for unfounded: notice of unnecessary alarm worksheet must be filled out for each unnecessary alarm leave original copy in mail box, under door, in person

When to submit a UF-28

Submit 5 days before vacation lost time emergency excusal day

Who determines when a complaint should be left open?

The P.O writing the report

Administrative return sick

UMOS can request up to two days of admin sick minor illnesses only do not need to see dept surgeon (basically something you can recover from in 2 days)

Report Writing. Answer these questions in order

WheN- time of occurrence WherE it occured WhO was involved WhaT transpired HoW incident occured WhY possible motive/reason (NEOTWY)

Joint Robbery Task Force- Major Case Squad

all armed bank robberies

Homicide or Any Dead Body: always notify

always notify Patrol Supervisor Desk Officer Precinct Detective Squad


an allegation of an unlawful or improper act or omission


anything that can prove or disprove a fact or "point-in-issue" surrounding the events of a crime

crime scene outer perimeter

area outside the inner perimeter officers may be posted to apprehend perpetrators identify witnesses, protect evidence barrier tape that is white with blue lettering that states "police line do not cross"

Mandatory activation of body worn camera

crime in progress interior patrols (stair cases, rooftops, hallways, etc) adversarial encounters emotionally disturbed person persons suspected of criminal activity searches vehicle stops summonses use of force encounters arrests

crime scene inner perimeter

crime scene's immediate surrounding area (no media allowed) yellow with black lettering marked "crime scene do not cross"

If Crime Scene is a bank robbery

do not allow cameras to be touched detain witnesses, suspects, anyone with info close off the teller window involved and leave bank open

Preserving evidence

done in two ways: don't touch or move anything (except for firearm unsecured on the ground and in public) don't let anyone touch or move anything


door to door, asking questions. do not use "negative results" "n/a""n/r" when documenting information be able to answer these questions: who assigned the canvas? make sure recorded in your activity log time location number of floors how many elevators was rooftop canvassed? cameras


every time someones gets a 61. Assault (except sex offense, robbery), sex offense, homicide, arson, really bad perp killed, killed or seriously injured and likely to die in auto accident

Officer self report

hand in the following month on second day of last evaluation to supervisor p.os and detectives may use an officer self-report form via the CRAFT to document notable actions there are twelve performance dimensions

When you can alter a crime scene

if firearm is left and exposed, move it and secure it blood in direct sunlight, draw a blind be sure to document and inform

Command Discipline

is given for minor infractions and is referred to the Command officer or the x.o. for corrective action, not a judicial punishment

Report Classification

major felony coupled with a non-major felony, the major felony will be the classification ex: murder + kidnapping= murder robbery+ criminal sexual assault= robbery kidnapping+rape= rape

Administrative return sick is not authorized for

not authorized for chronic b, dental problems, psychological problems, major illnesses or injuries, LOD injuries or illness, UMOS performing voluntary exchange of tour, or when supervisor deems inappropriate

Crime Scene Unit is requested by

patrol supervisor, assigned detective

Every UMOS must

prepare a complaint report worksheet obtain and document all information make proper notifications (Note: complaint report is prepared when a crime is committed)

Charges and Specifications penalties

range from: not guilty loss of vacation days loss of pay modified assignment suspension w/o pay (up to 30 days) termination from department

For lost or stolen passport, alien registration card, naturalization papers

request official photo id and examine thoroughly request precinct detective squad to conduct interview, prepare complaint report worksheet

Quarterly Evaluation

supervisor will utilize information from officer profile report, officer self report, and supervisor feedback forms


the computer program for arrests and complaints

Complaint Follow-up Informational

used by reporting/investigating officers -Case progress reports -Case closed, no results -Results of interviews -Canvasses -Additional arrests on the same complaint

omniform complaint revision

used by reporting/investigating officers used to report additional statistical data after the original complaint report has been submitted. such as Crime classifications, clearances, time and date, location, additional stolen property not previously reported

Digital Activity Logs

utilized by all uniformed MOS below the rank of captain, except members performing permanent administrative or clerical duties logged in department phone frequently used in court as a memory aid and in most cases will be introduced as evidence digital entries represent chronological depiction (in military time) of the actions you took or the observations you made during your tour

The crime scene

where the crime was committed including routes to and from

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