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17. What major event took place in Bhopal, India?

A gas tragedy, in the mid-1980s, there was a leak in one of their gas tanks and got into the water, soil, and air

32. Suggested by South Korea and China, what other name is being used for the Sea of Japan?

East Sea

26. What is significant about Doklam?

Is a part of Bhutan that China claims is theirs

21. Know the major plains of Japan

Kanto Plain: home of Tokyo and has the largest flat land of Japan Kansai Plain: 2nd most populated plain, home to Osaka & Kyoto (airport in artificial island)

4. Angkor Wat was the center of which Southeast Asian empire?

Khmer Empire

13. What attribute is unique about the Mingangkabau of Sumatra?

Matriarchy (?)

3. What is the primary source of division with regards to the ongoing turmoil in Thailand?

Rural and urban divide

19. In what way are ethnic groups in Laos generally divided?

The division is according to the elevation: lowland, midland, and highland

11. What is Shinto?

The ethnic religion of Japan

17. The fall of which position led to France's defeat in Viet Nam?

The fall of Dien Bien Phu(?)

3. Why does Japan use two different alphabets in its written language?

one for Japanese words and one for foreign words

29. Know the five dynastic periods of China mentioned in class.

(only three) Qing Dynasty, Hang Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty

19. Why is Hinduism such a difficult religion to define?

- Its misunderstood, very geographic, ancestral worship • Collection of different local beliefs • Monotheistic, polytheistic, aesthetic

8. Know the difference between the three primary branches of Buddhism a. this includes geography and philosophy

- Southeast Asia: Theravada Buddhism - Northeast Asia: Mahayana Buddhism - Tibet & Mongolia: Vajrayana (Tantrayana) Buddhism

16. Generally speaking, what percentage of the Korean economy is controlled by the five major chaebols?

80 percent

15. What is keiretsu?

A company, like Mitsubishi, that has banks, insurance companies, and all that

1. What is zhuyin?

A phonetic Chart

33. Know the two disputed islands discussed in class in relation to Japan.

Ainu & Okinawans

29. What role did the Maratha play in helping preserve Hinduism in South Asia?

Arose and pushed back the Islam to retreat from India

2. Generally speaking, what percentage of the top 100 tallest mountains are found in the Himalayan mountain system?

Around 52% (?)

20. Because of the limitations caused by Japan's physical geography, what steps has the country taken in terms of building its most recent airports?

Artificial islands

22. What defines the population patterns of the Korean peninsula?

Baekdudaegen: Mountain range Baektu Mt.

12. What is feng shui?

Balance & harmony with nature

3. Why does the mountain K2, the world's second tallest mountain, lack an official name?

Because is the most dangerous mountain to climb and is the 2nd in the world

15. What "justification" is generally used to explain why the Ganges is both a sacred river and one of the world's most polluted?

Because it purifies itself

34. Why were the hibaksuha considered to no longer be "Japanese"?

Because of the bombings (?)

24. In an attempt to avoid using measurements of wealth to judge development, what country created "Gross National Happiness" as a measure of how happy the country is?


18. What is ubasute?

Burden in the family and getting rid of it

12. What is the Malthusian theory?

Concept that the population will increase faster than the rate of food; leads to crisis

22. What was the primary cause of the increase in commercial, Western-oriented prostitution in Thailand?

GI's from war and Philippines will go to Thailand for their time off

14. Within the context of South Asia, what is the green revolution?

Genetically modifying plants to grow short and more productively

33. What post-independence plan did Mahatma Gandhi initially prefer for South Asia?

He wanted India to stay together and counter China

23. What role did Prithvi Narayan Shah play in the creation of present-day Nepal?

He was the father of Nepal: he unified the states of Nepal to a Gorkha Kingdom

4. Why has South Asia avoided heavy influence from outside Asian nations?

Himalayan Mountains protect them from outsiders

34. What was the basis for partitioning of South Asia?

Hinduism would dominate Islam if together as one country

25. Chinese civilization developed around which two rivers?

Huang River (North) & Yangtze River (South)

26. Know the exceptions to China's "Policy of Birth Planning"

If you are a minority, if you and your spouse are the only child, if you are part of a rural community that relies on farming

13. In what ways has South Asia generally avoided the Malthusian catastrophe?


1. Reflecting the history of the sport's spread, what type of countries tend to play the highest level of cricket?

India and Bangladesh

22. What is the origin of Nepal's unique flag, which is the only non-rectangular country flag in the world?

It comes from Hinduism

9. In terms of physical geography, how does the island of Borneo differ from the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra?

It is a continental island

17. What influenced Japan to construct its road system to drive on the left side, which is opposite of the United States?

It is rooted back to the samurais walking on the left side, so their swords wont clash (?)

21. What is the significance of Mt. Kailas?

It is the home of Shiva and also the Ganges river begins there

19. What is significant about Aokigahara?

It is where people who think they are the ubasute so they go to the forest to commit suicide

31. What is the principle purpose of the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan?

It was dedicated for those who died for the emperor

35. How does Japan's strict immigration policy and xenophobia affect its population issues?

Japan's population is dying out, but Japanese immigration policy is very strict and the people themselves are xenophobic and discriminate against foreigners, so it's hard for Japan to fix its population problem because nobody can immigrate there

2. What influence did the Chinese language have on neighboring languages?

Japanese uses Chinese characters; developed from pictograms, so do other languages

4. During which Korean dynasty was the hangul writing system created?

Joseon Dynasty

39. Which part of China is the wealthiest part of the country thanks in part to its gambling industry?


5. What was the primary focal point of the Srivijaya Empire?

Malacca Strait

7. What is the economic importance of khlong in Thailand?

Markets in the river

6. Which river of Southeast Asia runs through or borders all mainland Southeast Asian countries and is known for its giant catfish?

Mekong River

11. Though not the sole reason, the eruption of what volcano aided in the closing of Clark Air Base?

Mount Pinatubo

12. The eruption of which volcano led to the "Year without a Summer," a reflection of the atmospheric impact of volcanoes?

Mount Tambora

6. What physical geographic feature generally contributes to the annual flooding in Bangladesh?

Mountains that come down from mountains provide nutrients to the soil but flooding is the down side.

18. Hinduism is primarily focused in which two countries?

Nepal & India

9. Know the two areas where Islam is the dominant religion in China.

Ningxia (Hui) & Xingjang (Uyghur)

30. What was the Japanese policy of sakoku?

No outside countries

20. Most Hmong that fled to the U.S. reside in which region of the country, a fact reflected in the film Gran Torino?

Northeast Michigan

23. In terms of prevalence, which region of Thailand has been affected the hardest by HIV?

Northern Thailand

37. What steps did Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping take to help open up China to the world?

Opened up to the west and help Chinese economy

14. What region of Indonesia declared that its inclusion in the country is "illegal," a region where flying the Morning Star flag is prohibited by the Indonesian government?


10. Compared to the Pacific Ocean, why was the death toll from the Indian Ocean Tsunami so widespread, affecting all regions along the Indian Ocean rim?

People had no idea it was coming. There was no set system to warn others.

16. What was the Chipko movement?

People who tried to protect trees from being cut down by hugging them and stopping deforestation.

5. What unfortunate problem is Mount Everest facing today?

Pollution, such as garbage and even dead bodies

30. Sikhism is primarily concentrated in which state of India?


7. What is a monsoon?

Seasonal wind-shifts depending on the time of year.

6. Buddhism developed around the life and enlightenment of which individual?

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

32. Similar to Silicon Valley in California, which region of India is the center for the country's high-tech industry?

Silicon (Deccan) Plateau

5. In what region did Buddhism initially develop?

South Asia (INDIA)

10. Which Northeast Asian country is technically a Christian country, with close to 30 percent of its population adhering to Christianity?

South Korea

1. What influence made the greatest impact on the development of ancient kingdoms in Southeast Asia?

Southeast (all over, Hinduism), Chinese (Southeast Asia and Vietnam), Islamic (in the Islands; trading; Indonesia)

27. What territory lays claim to the longest continuous Buddhist country in the world?

Sri Lanka

24. Which water body creates a natural "choke point" that generates opportunities for pirate attacks in Southeast Asia?

Strait of Malacca

31. What is the caste system?

System of segregation based on occupation

28. What is the general source of division in Sri Lanka, one that led to a 25-year civil war that ended in 2009?

Tamil tigers

13. What is the main difference between Taoism and Confucianism?

Taoism: Mostly in China and focuses on being passive, and balance and harmony with nature Confucianism: a little more aggressive and focused on education

2. Which Southeast Asian country was the only country never to be fully colonized by a European country?

Thailand; because of the long succession of able rulers in the past four centuries who exploited the rivalry and tension between the French and British Empire.

7. What is the philosophical foundation for Buddhism?

The Four Noble Truths

28. How do the Gobi and Takla Makan deserts differ from Sahara?

The Gobi and the Takla Makan are cold deserts while the Sahara is really hot

9. Know the focal point of the initial ancient South Asian civilizations

The Himalayans (?)

8. How do the population patterns of mainland Southeast Asia differ from that of Insular Southeast Asia?

The mainland revolves around rivers and deltas and volcanic soil is very fertile for farming and jobs

14. In what way does Confucianism impact daily life in Northeast Asia?

The teachers have a lot of power and control over the students, even more than the parents have

23. Taiwan's indigenous population is concentrated in the eastern portion of the country. What explains this pattern?

The western side is mountainous so it is easier to live on the eastern side

40. What complicates the international recognition of the country of Taiwan, which at present only has diplomatic relations with 20 countries?

They say they are the "Republic of China"

20. Due to their behavior, worshippers of the Hindu goddess Kali gave us what present-day term?


24. Most of Asia's major rivers are sourced in which physical geographic region?

Tibetan Plateau

8. From what region did the original settlers of South Asia originate?

Tibetan Plateau (?)

38. What is the primary focal point of the 2014 demonstrations in Hong Kong?

Truly being able to choose the leader of Hong Kong.

21. Which country invaded Cambodia, acting as a sort of savior to help end the "Killing Fields" and the brutal regime of Pol Pot?

Viet Nam

36. What phenomenon usually marked that the emperor of China lost the mandate of heaven?

Whenever they put a two-year-old in power

27. What demographic impact has the "One Child" policy had on China?

boys are favored over girls; they wanted more men, so girls were aborted; result is too many men indent enough women

15. Who are the Rohingya? a. Also know to where most of them are moving

minority group; Myanmar

16. What economic activity have some of the rebel groups in Shan state used to fund its opposition against the Myanmar government?

producing heroine and opium to sell and fund their war

11. What criterion is used in the formation of the various states of India?

split up by ethnic groups who have their own language

18. How did the United States misunderstand the situation in Viet Nam?

the US approached the war as a containment of communism, so they fought a limited war, while Vietnam saw it as a war of independence, fighting a total war.

10. What is the primary difference between the languages Hindi and Urdu?

the languages sound the same but are written differently

35. What effect did partitioning have on the Indian city of Kolkata?

the new border cut Kolkata off from India and the rest of the world and made the city extremely poor

25. What function does Chimi Lhakhang serve in Bhutan?

the temple of the madman, people go there for fertility blessings

36. Why does the Indian state of Assam restrict immigration into its territory?

they want to keep a balance between culture and demographics; they want to have majority Assamis or else their culture would change

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