GEO1111 Exam#1

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In the Northern Hemisphere, the coldest time of the year occurs in December at the time of the winter solstice.


T/F: The normal lapse rate for temperature decreases is an average of 3º C per 1000m


T/F: The subsolar point is at the Tropic of cancer on or about December 21


-374ºC (-459.4º F) is a) 0º absolute temperature b) an average boiling temperature c) the same as 273 Kelvin d) not possible on any scale

a) 0º absolute temperature

Earth's average overall albedo is a) 31% b) 51% c) 39% d) unknown.

a) 31%

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe Earth's distance from the sun? a) Earth's orbit around the sun is presently circular and, therefore Earth is always equidistant from the sun throughout the year b) Earth is closer to the Sun in January (perihelion) and farther away in July (aphelion). c) It takes light an average of 8 minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the Sun to Earth d) The Earth-Sun distance averages 150 million kilometers (93 million miles)

a) Earth's orbit around the sun is presently circular and, therefore Earth is always equidistant from the sun throughout the year

Which of the following is TRUE regarding Earth's axis? a) The axis is titled 23.5º from a perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic b) The axis remains parallel to the plane of the ecliptic c) Axial tilt is unrelated to the phenomenon of seasonal change d) The amount of axial tilt fluctuates during the year and forms the basis for seasonal changes.

a) The axis is titled 23.5º from a perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic

An instrument used to measure air pressure is a) an aneroid barometer b) a mercury thermometer c) an anemometer d) a wind vane

a) an aneroid barometer

The tropopause altitude is highest _________ because of the _____________. a) at the equator; intense heating from the surface b) during the summer; increased atmospheric pressure c) during the winter; Sun's direct rays hitting the Tropic of Capricorn d) at the poles; diffuse solar radiation

a) at the equator; intense heating from the surface

T/F: Maritime influences tend to decrease both daily and monthly temperature ranges


T/F: Negative feedback tends to stabilize a system.


T/F: Positive feedback tends to amplify or encourage response in system operations.


T/F: Santa Ana wind are hot and dry and often contribute to wildfire conditions


T/F: Sea breezes and land breezes are caused by the differential heating of land and water


T/F: Upwelling brings cool, nutrient rich water to the surface


Three criteria used for classification of the atmosphere are a) composition, temperature, and function b) composition, origin, evolution c) structure, origin, temperatur d) structure, origin, evolution

a) composition, temperature, and function

Based on temperature, the atmosphere is divided into: a) four regions: ranging form the troposphere to the thermosphere b) two functional areas that absorb radiation from the Sun. c) nitrogen, oxygen, argon d) two broad regions

a) four regions: ranging from the troposphere to the thermosphere

Differential transmissivity of shortwave insolation and longwave terrestrial radiation by various atmospheric gasses is better known as the a) greenhouse effect b) global warmin c) global dimming d) cloud-albedo forcing

a) greenhouse effect

Normal sea level pressure has a value of a) 500mb b) 1013.2 millibars c) 28.50 inches of lead d) 32.01 millibars of mercury

b) 1013.2 millibars

Light travels at a speed of approximately a) 80,500 kph b) 300,000 kps c) 300,000 kph d) 1,000,000,000 kps

b) 300,000 kps

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the depletion of ozone in the ozonosphere? a) The notion that the ozone is being depleted as a result of human activity has little scientific evidence to support it b) It results from chemical reactions with chlorine derived from CFC's c) The depletion is restricted to the arctic and antarctic regions d) it results from the burning of fossil fuels

b) It results from chemical reactions with chlorine derived from CFC's

The Sun produces which of the following? a) Mainly ultraviolet and X-rays b) Mainly visible light and infrared energy c) Only radiant energy that is beneficial to life d) Only solar wind

b) Mainly visible light and infrared enery

The principle that explains the scattering of shortwave radiation and accounts for Earth's blue sky is a) transmission b) Rayleigh scattering b) Mie scattering d) refraction

b) Rayleigh scattering

a satellite imaging system that beams electromagnetic energy at a surface and then record the energy that is reflected is classified as a(n) _________ system a) photographic b) active c) holographic d) passive

b) active

A(n) ________ is an instrument used to measure wind speed a) sling psychrometer b) anemometer c) barometer d) wind vane

b) anemometer

The part of geography that embodies map making is known as a) geodesy b) cartography c) theodesy d) calligraphy

b) cartography

Molecule-to-molecule transfer heat energy is called a) latent heat b) conduction c) advection d) convection

b) conduction

The amount of detail on large scale maps is generally _________ than on small scale maps a) less b) greater c) It is impossible to compare the relative detail of the same features on maps of different scales

b) greater

Temperature is a) heat, as perceived by humans and other living things. b) measure of the average kinetic energy of individual molecules in matter c) a function of insolation and windspeed d) a form of energy

b) measure of the average kinetic energy of individual molecules in matter

The two most abundant gases in the atmosphere are a) water vapor and carbon dioxide b) nitrogen and oxygen c) oxygen and carbon dioxide d) nitrogen and water vapor

b) nitrogen and oxygen

As reported by the National Weather Service, the heat index a) combines air pressure and temperature in a comfort index b) relates temperature and relative humidity c) gives you an indication of the effect of wind of the skin d) is generally reported during critical winter months

b) relates temperature and relative humidity

The average insolation received by the thermopause when Earth is at its average distance from the sun is known as the a) energy balance b) solar constant c) a sunspot d) the solar wind

b) solar constant

Which of the following is CORRECT regarding day length a) The range of daylength is shortest in the polar regions b) The equator always recieves equal hours of day and night c) The equator experiences six hours difference in daylength between summer and winter d) Daylength is uniform at all latitudes throughout the year

b) the equator always receives equal hours of day and night

Thea auroras in the upper atmosphere are caused by a) visible light interaction with the asthenosphere b) the interaction of the solar wind and upper layers of Earth's atmosphere c) AM radio broadcasts d) various weather phenomena

b) the interaction of the solar wind and upper layers of Earth's atmosphere

The passage of either shortwave and longwave energy through the atmosphere and water is an example of a) absorption b) transmission c) insolation d) refraction

b) transmission

The temperature on a cloudy night is likely to be _____________ the temperature on a clear night--all other factors being equal a) the same as b) warmer than c) colder than

b) warmer than

What is the name of the location on the surface of Earth that receives insolation when the Sun is directly overhead? (When this occurs, the sun's rays are perpendicular to this surface.) a) Zenith b) North Polar point c) Subsolar point d) Solar point

c) Subsolar point

Which of the following is associated with deserts such as the Sahara or the Arabian Desert? a) Subpolar lows b) Major agricultural regions c) Subtropical high pressure d) World's equatorial rain forests

c) Subtropical high pressure

A magnetic disturbance on the Sun's surface is called a) a magnetospheric cyclone b) the electromagnetic spectrum c) a sunspot d) the solar wind

c) a sunspot

The relationship between insolation and air temperature trough the course of day shows a) air temperature reaches a maximum at noon when insolation also reaches a maximum b) air temperature reaches a minimum at midnight when there is no insolation c) air temperature reaches a maximum after noon, whereas insolation reaches a maximum at noon d) air temperature maximum and minimums are not related to insolation

c) air temperature reaches a maximum after noon, whereas insolation reaches a maximum at noon

A vertical air current that is generated by temperature-induced density difference is an example of heat transfer by a) advection b) conduction c) convection d) diffusion e) transmission

c) convection

The equinox a) is the longest day of the year at any given place b) occurs four times during the year c) has 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night for all locations d) is when the subsolar point is at one of the tropics

c) has 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night for all locations

Incoming solar radiation is called a) thermosphere b) solar constant c) insolation d) solar wind

c) insolation

When water evaporates, the energy that was used to evaporate the water a) is transferred to the air by advection when the water evaporates b) is conducted into the underlying layer of water c) is stored as latent heat in the evaporated water d) is stored as sensible heat in the evaporated water

c) ist stored as latent heat in the evaporated water

An angular distance measured north or south of the equator is termed: a) longitude b) Greenwich distance c) latitude d) zenith

c) latitude

Air flow is initiated by the a) friction force b) Coriolis force c) pressure gradient force d) centrigural

c) pressure gradient force

Winds are named based on a) the direction in which they are blowing b) the altitude at which they occur c) the direction from which they originate d) the scientists who first described them

c) the direction from which they originate

Kinetic energy is defined as a) energy gained or lost when a substance changes states b) stored energy c) the energy of motion d) energy flow between molecules

c) the energy of motion

"Geography" literally means: a) place memorization b) the study of rocks c) to write (about) Earth d) map making

c) to write (about) Earth

Why are temperature inversions noteworthy regarding air pollution? a) Surface pollution is moderated by allowing surface air to mix with the air above b) mesospheric conditions are replicated in the troposphere c) vertical mixing of pollutants is halted, trapping the pollutants under the inversion layer d) air pollution is completely inhibited from forming

c) vertical mixing of pollutants is halted, trapping the pollutants under the inversion layer

The distance between corresponding point on any two successive waves is known as the a) electromagnetic spectrum b) frequency c) wavelength d) Kelvin

c) wavelength

Temperature inversions occur a) when there is good air drainage and ventilation of the surface air b) during episodes of reduced air pollution c) when surface temperatures are cooler than overlying air d) when surface temperatures are higher than overlying layers of air

c) when surface tempatures are cooler than overlying air

Which of the following is an example of a closed system? a) a river drainage basin b) a forest c) an automobile d) Earth (in terms of matter)

d) Earth (in terms of matter)

The reflective quality of a surface is known as its a) conduction b) scattering c) absorption d) albedo

d) albedo

The Coriolis force a) decreases with height above the surface b) is the only force acting on flows of air in the upper troposphere c) drives air from areas of higher to lower barometric pressure d) causes the apparent deflection of winds from a straight path

d) causes the apparent deflection of winds from a straight path

In the Northern Hemispheres, winds spiraling counterclockwise into a low pressure area are a) anticyclonic d) meridional c) geostrophic d) cyclonic

d) cyclonic

An isoline of equal pressure plotted on a weather map is known as an: a) isotherm b) equilibrium line c) isohyet d) isobar

d) isobar

A line connecting all points along the same longitudinal angle is called a a) prime latitudinal angle b) great circle c) parallel d) meridian

d) meridian

The Southern Hemisphere's summer solstice occurs a) on or around December 21 b) at the same time as the Northern Hemisphere's summer solstice c) during the Northern Hemisphere's equinox d) on or around June 21

d) on or around June 21

Monsoonal winds are a) katabatic in nature b) limited to the Indian subcontinent c) a form of mountain-valley wind d) regional wind systems vary seasonally

d) regional wind systems vary seasonally

A scale of 1:900,000 is ____ a scale of 1:24,000 a) twice as much as b) larger than c) equal to d) smaller than

d) smaller than

Net radiation (NET R) refers to a) the amount of insolation not absorbed at the surface b) the amount of insolation coming into the surface c) the net energy expended for ground heating and cooling d) the balance of all radiation incoming and outgoing Earth's surface

d) the balance of all radiation incoming and outgoing Earth's surface

The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is associated with a) the principal midlatitude circulations b) the horse latitudes c) subtropical high-pressure development d) the equatorial low-pressure trough

d) the equatorial low-pressure trough

Remote sensing is: a) an earthbound technique not used in modern satellites b) a subjective determination of temperature c) based on the principle that surfaces must be physically handled and directly measure for study. d) the monitoring of a distant object without physical contact

d) the monitoring of a distance object without physical contact

6.4º C/ 1000 m (3.5º F/1000 ft.) refers to a) an environmental lapse rate b) a measure of air pressure c) a latitudinal lapse rate d) the normal lapse rate

d) the normal lapse rate

T/F: Latitudinal energy imbalances drive global circulation patterns


T/F: Low pressure areas are associated with converging, ascending air


T/F: Cooler than normal surface waters in the central and eastern Pacific are associated with La Niña events


T/F: High latitudes have a higher albedo in winter than do low latitudes


T/F Photosynthesis in a plant leaf is an example of an open-system operation


T/F: Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude


The principal controls and influences of temperature patterns include a) latitude, altitude, land-water heating difference, cloud cover, ocean currents, and surface conditions b) Earth's tilt, rotation, revolution, and sphericity c) the distance of Earth from the sun and sunspot activity d) the season and human activity

a) latitude, altitude, land-water heating difference, cloud cover, ocean currents, and surface conditions

The dominant wavelength of energy emitted by the Sun is a) shorter than that emitted by Earth b) the same length as that emitted by Earth c) longer than that emitted by Earth

a) shorter than that emitted by Earth

The dominant wavelength emitted by Earth is a) thermal infrared b) visible light c) X-ray radiation d) gamma radiation

a) thermal infrared

In which two atmospheric zones does temperature decrease with altitude? a) Troposphere ant mesosphere b) Stratosphere and mesosphere c) troposphere and stratosphere d) stratosphere and thermosphere e) none of the above--temperature decreases with increasing altitude in all layers of the atmosphere

a) troposphere and mesosphere

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