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Which individual(s) is / are usually credited with being the first creators of maps of crime?

Adriano Balbi and Andre-Michel Guerry

Which individual popularized the professional model of policing?

August Vollmer

Which individual was the first to establish college-level courses in police science at the University of California?

August Vollmer

Which individual has been described as the father of criminology?

Cesare Lombroso

Which social scientists would be most closely associated with the study of atavism?

Cesare Lombroso

What community policing initiatives would you be LEAST likely to find in a police agency?

Citizens participate in the evaluation of police officer performance

A 1997 survey conducted by the Crime Mapping Research Center found that:

Crime analysis was commonplace in most agencies.

What is a common measure of the success of community policing?

Do the local residents know their community police officer's name?

What was the central research question behind the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment?

Does the level of patrol have any impact on the level of crime?

When are college students most at risk for off-campus violence?

During the night (6pm to 6am)

Which individual is usually credited with being the "father of modern sociology?"

Emile Durkheim

Robert Park has been described as a positivist. What does that mean?

He believed that there were identifiable differences between criminals and non-criminals.

August Vollmer is credited with a number of accomplishments. What are some of his credits?

He developed more scientific patrol management procedures. He advocated the hiring of college graduates for policing positions. He has been called the father of American Police professionalism

If crime events take place along a linear network such as a street or bus route, the area is known as a:

Hot route

Under what circumstances would you need to use midpoint analysis?

If you need to calculate a single, best guess value to a time span crime

According to the authors, the various community building policies all have common goals. What were some of those goals?

Improve the quality of life for neighborhood residents. Enhance informal social control Reduce fear of crime

Talk about mechanical and organic societies.

In Mechanical societies, members share the same collective conscience. Organic societies are described as large, modern, and technologically advanced. In mechanical societies, members share the same religion, values, and beliefs.

Talk about the demonology era.

In many cases, punishments were determined by the status, power, and influence of the convicted person. Weaker individuals were often found guilty regardless of whether or not they had actually committed the crime. Trials by ordeal and torture were common.

Talk about crimes and cognitive maps.

In the case of predatory instrumental crimes, the offender will not commit crimes close to home in order to reduce risk of apprehension. Expressive crimes are committed closer to home than instrumental crimes. Expressive crimes are sometimes called affective crimes.

Which data source would a labeling theorist be more likely to support?

In-depth interviews, self report surveys, participant observation

Which source of official data is based on the crime reports of the officers filed at the scene of a criminal disturbance?

Incident data

Which statement concerning the substantive criminal law is TRUE?

Includes detailed definitions of what behaviors constitute a crime as well as what punishments go along with violations of the law.

You are a real estate developer. According to crime pattern theory, which of the following should you incorporate in order to reduce crime in your new subdivision?

Incorporate landscaping or architectural designs to enhance visibility and guardianship along major traffic routes. Put in a number of winding roads to create a more organic street layout. Put in a number of dead end streets and cul-de-sacs

Opportunity reduction techniques such as putting photos on credit cards or installing steering column locks would be included under which category?

Increased the perceived effort

What were the results of the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment?

Increasing the level of routine preventive patrol had little or no impact on the level of crime.

Name three hot spot techniques.

Kernel smoothing, repeat address mapping, visual inspection

Which crimes is Part I or Index crime?

Larceny-theft, Criminal Homicide, Motor Vehicle Theft

Which agency provided billions of dollars to improve the effectiveness of criminal justice agencies?

Law Enforcement Assistance Administration

According to ____________ , all sex offenders convicted of crimes against children must be registered and their personal information must be made available in a publicly accessible database.

Megan's Law

In what city did Jane Jacobs conduct her research?

New York City

What was the principle finding of the 1974 Martinson report concerning rehabilitation programs?

None of the programs reviewed had any appreciable effect on the recidivism rate.

What can be said true about crime and deviance?

Norms are not absolute and vary with time and space. While criminals violate laws, deviants violate norms. Deviance is a broad, Sociological term used to describe behavior that violates generally accepted expectations.

What is one of the primary problems encountered when trying to measure the effectiveness of CPTED techniques?

Oftentimes multiple techniques are employed, making it nearly impossible to isolate the impact of a single modification

According to Jacobs, why were some areas more crime-ridden than others?

Poor design and planning

In which school of thought would you find supporters of the notion that there is no free choice at all; human behavior is completely determined by factors beyond their immediate control.


Talk about the immigrant population of the city of Chicago.

Prior to 1880, most immigrants were from England, Northwestern European nations, and Scandinavia. Because of the racial and ethnic tensions in the city, a riot broke out in 1919. After 1880, most immigrants were from Central and Southern America.

What is an example of a stakeholder?

Private schools, police, social service provider

Which of the following statements regarding the findings of Quetelet is TRUE?

Quetelet found that some individuals, especially the young, poor, male, and unemployed, were more likely to commit crimes than others.

Which crimes is included in the NCVS?

Rape, Motor Vehicle Theft, Robbery

Opportunity reduction techniques such as quickly removing any signs of graffiti or identifying property with PINs would be included under which category?

Reduce the anticipated rewards

Henry Goddard argued that feeblemindedness was a genetic trait. What policy would he support?

Segregation and forced sterilization of the feebleminded

What contributed to the growth of smart policing?

Several studies were released that raised serious questions about the impact of routine, random patrol on crime. The economy was experiencing a downturn, which made the hiring of new officers more difficult. In the wake of the turbulent 1960s, a number of reports were released that were critical of police practices.

Programs designed to build communities would be most closely associated with which theoretical base?

Social disorganization theory

Talk about crime and community-level factors.

Some have argued that it is inequality, not poverty, that causes crime. Neighborhoods with high levels of divorced, separated, and female-headed families have lower levels of formal and informal social control. The most dangerous places to live are those with large numbers of people living in apartment housing or multi-unit structures.

hich agency was the first to create computer-generated maps of crime?

St. Louis Police Department

What is to be considered a socio-demographic factor?

Street network patterns

What can be said about early study of crime places?

The Chicago School of Criminology pioneered the study of the distribution of crime in the U.S. In the U.S., the study of crime and space was hindered by the lack of national-level data on crime. France had relatively modern, national level data on crime available in the early 1800s.

Which is the best definition of sampling error?

The difference between the value obtained from a sample and the population value.

What is true about the impact of CAP?

The effectiveness of the CAP to reduce the level of juvenile crime was minimal at best.

Talk about the professional model of policing.

The idea police officer is a college educated, crime fighting professional. To ensure equal enforcement of the law, patrol officers were regularly rotated from district to district. The enforcement of the law is the primary responsibility of the police.

Talk about indigenous workers.

The indigenous workers were recruited from the local neighborhoods. The goal of the indigenous workers was to organize local residents to achieve the goals of CAP. Since the Indigenous workers were local residents, it was assumed that they would be readily accepted by the local residents.

Talk about findings of Shaw and McKay.

The inner zones had much higher numbers of African American and foreign-born residents. The population in the inner zones was decreasing as more businesses invaded the area. Living conditions generally improved as one moved from the center of the city of Chicago.

In her study of the effectiveness of defensible space theory in a low-income housing project, what did Sally Merry find in Dover Square?

The lack of community undermined the effectiveness of the physical design modification, resulting in no real reduction in the level of crime.

Beccaria made a number of suggestions for judicial reform. What was one of these suggestions?

The primary responsibility of the judge is to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.

According to Jacobs, what makes a "successful" sidewalk?

The sidewalk should be continuously used. The sidewalk should provide a clear boundary between public and private space. The sidewalk should be bordered by buildings that have been strategically designed to enhance surveillance.

Talk about zero tolerance policing.

Under ZTP, Officers make arrests or issue citations for even minor law violations. ZTP has been adopted by some agencies to address the broken windows phenomenon. While the practices of ZTP differ sharply from community policing the goals are the same.

Sampson and his colleagues have advocated a number of programs to reduce crime and disorder. What was one of those programs?

Use housing vouchers to scatter public housing residents throughout the city

According to Burgess, which zone would be the LEAST desirable area in which to live?

Zone in Transition

Which is the best example of a symbolic barrier?

a change in the texture of a walkway

What is the best example of an authority constraint?

a guard shack at a gated community who blocks your access to a location

According to the Brantinghams, a crime generator is:

a place that attracts large numbers of both offenders and victims, such as shopping malls or sporting events.

In the year 1870, approximately what percentage of Chicago residents were foreign-born?

about 50 percent

At this stage of the SARA process, a variety of data sources are carefully analyzed to answer the questions of what, where, when, how, and why a problem started.


n terms of the method of attack, an offender who adopts a "raptor" strategy will most likely:

attack their victim almost immediately upon first encounter

As you travel between various nodes, you begin to form a(n) ___________ , which is based on parts of the city that you have at least some information about.

awareness space

A ____________ is defined as a "temporal cluster of crimes at specific, repeated moments in some temporal cycle."

burning time

What has been described as an "often-important" element of a crime?

camouflage, audience, props

A neighbor sees a young child throwing rocks at another neighbor's car. The neighbor confronts the child and escorts her back to her parents, informing them of the incident. This would be an example of:

collective efficacy

Which element of the social bond was described as being the rational component?


The 'match rate' or 'hit rate' in the geocoding process is also referred to as:


What is the most important element of the problem solving process?

crime analysis

In a _____________ , there is evidence to believe that the same person or persons have committed a number of crimes.

crime series

A ______________ analyzes the geographic coordinates of criminal events that are part of a series in order to produce an image that depicts the likelihood that an offender resides within a specific hunting area.

criminal geographic targeting model

Which type of analysis is often associated with the investigation of serial murders and is often known as "profiling?"

criminal investigative analysis

Which term is used to describe the process by which subcultural values are passed along to new residents in an area?

cultural transmission

Consider the following statement: Joey was raised in a high-crime neighborhood. Therefore, Joey must be a juvenile delinquent. This is an example of:

ecological fallacy

A(n) _____________ is defined as a sharp visual break between different types of land use.


In their essay "Broken Windows," Wilson and Kelling argued that police services were better delivered through the use of:

foot patrol

At which stage of development would a crime analysis unit analyze 3 or 4 crime categories, use manual filing and storage with limited cross-referencing, and rely on pin maps?

formal crime analysis: basic operations

What are socio-demographic factors?

gender distribution within a census tract, median income of designated area, proportion of renters in a neighborhood

In order for a computerized pin map to be created, the location of a crime incident must be assigned an x and y coordinate, or the crime incident must be:


What is the best example of organized access control?

guards posted at the entrances to gated communities

According to J. Ray Jeffrey, the predominant level of crime control involved:

indirect measures

According to radical criminologists, ___________ is at the very root of the crime problem in the U.S.


Which type of analysis is used to solve major crimes or to assist in the investigation of organized criminal activity?

intelligence analysis

In Felson's terminology, parents or other adults who are physically and emotionally close to a child would be called:

intimate handlers

The term _____________ refers to small, relatively isolated groups of people who are best described as homogeneous in nature.

mechanical societies

Through the use of __________________ analysis, police agencies carefully examine particular characteristics of a crime to determine if the offender may be linked to similar crimes.

modus operandi

A _________ provides the time that a crime occurred in space.


What term is most closely associated with routine activities theory?

motivated offenders, suitable targets, capable guardians

In his examination of the city, Park was able to identify a number of ________________ , or clusters that were somehow different and set off from the larger organism.

natural areas

Which type of data did Shaw and McKay use to identify the homes of juvenile delinquents?

official data sources

According to proponents of situational crime prevention, what is the real cause of crime?


According to Cohen and Felson, which of the following would be considered the MOST effective capable guardian?

ordinary citizens

In which type of study does the researcher immerse him or herself in the study site of interest, like a crack house or rave party?

participant observation

When searching for a victim, a serial killer known as a ___________ intentionally searches out a victim, beginning the search from a location other than his/her home and traveling to another city to find an appropriate victim.


According to Boba, what are to be considered a goal of crime analysis?

preventing crime, apprehending criminals, evaluating organizational procedures

In Wortley's terminology, an environmental cue that triggers criminal behavior is called a:


What was the goal of the PEP?

provide a plan for police agencies to use crime analysis to assist in the management of calls for service

What techniques involves plotting only the addresses that meet a minimum plotting density?

repeat address mapping

According to Wesley Skogan, disorder and fear of crime will impact the territory a resident will defend, an area he described as:

spatial radius

If a person had five or more _________ present, such as abnormal teeth or extra fingers or toes, then he was diagnosed as having a condition called ________________.

stigmata; atavism

Which type of crime analysis is focused on immediate concerns and relies on data that have been collected over the past few days?

tactical analysis

The study of crime in relation to the occurrence of crimes is often called:

temporal analysis

William Chambliss studied the Saints and the Roughnecks, two groups of teen boys. According to Chambliss:

the Roughnecks, who were lower class boys, were more likely to be arrested and officially processed through the criminal justice system

In developing their theory. Cohen and Felson noted that crime rates over the past 15 years (1960-1975) had jumped dramatically. What else had happened during this same time frame?

the general quality of life had improved

When defensible space concepts have been applied, what component is often ignored?

the impact of the design changes on residents' behavior

Jon Snodgrass and others have sharply criticized Clifford Shaw and the CAP because

the program did not address the real community problems

What is the best example of mechanical surveillance?

trategic placement of surveillance cameras

Consider the case of Lindsey Lohan's history of repeated contacts with the criminal justice system. What sort of reaction would a positivist advocate to correct the situation?

treatment and rehabilitation

What identifies as a hot spot that is the MOST popular in law enforcement agencies?

visual inspection

Goddard's claims regarding the genetic inferiority of certain individuals

were incorporated in the development of the Immigration Act of 1924

Shaw and McKay created _________ that identified the homes of the alleged juvenile delinquents by placing a dot on a map.

zone maps

Name a few factors used in the development of a geographic profile

zoning and land use patterns, location and type of crime, demographic characteristics of various neighborhoods, and street layout patterns

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