Geography - Canada Unit

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About how many indigenous people currently live in Canada?

1.6 M out of 35 M or 4%

How old was Elizabeth when she found out that she would one day be the queen?


How many Prime Ministers did Queen Elizabeth have during her reign?


What year did Elizabeth and Philip get married?


When did Elizabeth become queen?


What year was Queen Elizabeth crowned?


What year did Princess Diana die?

1997; she and Charles got divorced a year earlier

How old was Elizabeth when she became queen?


How old was Queen Elizabeth at her coronation?


How many kids did Charles and Diana have? Names and order they were born

2; William and Harry

What is the U.S.'s population?

333 M

What is Canada's population?

35 M

How many kids did Elizabeth and Philip have? Name them in order

4; Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward

How many years was she the Queen of England?


How old is King Charles III?


How long were Elizabeth and Philip married?

74 years

What percent of Canadian population in in the services sector?

75% or 3/4 people

What ratio or percent of Canadians live within 100 miles of the US-Canada border?

9/10 or 90%

How old was Queen Elizabeth when she died?


How did Princess Diana die?

A car crash in Paris

How many islands does the northernmost part, near the arctic circle, of Arctic Archipelago consist of?

About 36,000

What sector do a small minority of Canadian people work in?

Agriculture and manufacturing

What is a boreal forest/taiga?

An area with subarctic forests that are dominated by pine trees

What does the Appalachian region mostly consist of?

Ancient rock formations that have slowly eroded into low, rounded mountains

What is the southeasternmost point of Canada known as?

Appalachian Region

When and where was Queen Elizabeth born?

April 21, 1926 in Mayfair, London

What region is in northern Canada and is very cold and consists of tundra?

Arctic Archipelago

What ocean does Canada border to the north?

Arctic Ocean

Because of harsh landscape and climate, how many people inhabit Arctic Archipelago?

Around 100,000

Where was Elizabeth when she died?

Balmoral, her Scottish estate

What is an animal that was traditionally hunted by Canada's native people?


What is the northern part of the Interior Plains home to?

Boreal forests or taiga

Who is the new king's wife?


What country occupies most of the northern portion of the North American?


What is the term, First Nations, used to describe?

Canada's indigenous people; Inuit and Metis are not included in this group

What is Canada's currency?

Canadian Dollar

What surrounds the Hudson Bay?

Canadian Shield

What are the 6 main geographic regions of Canada?

Canadian Shield, Interior Plains, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, Appalachian Region, Western Cordillera, and Arctic Archipelago

What is the capital of Prince Edward Island?


Where are large cities in Canada located?

Close to the US-Canada border

What government does Canada have?

Constitutional Monarchy

What is the west coast of Canada known as?

Cordillera Region or Western Cordillera

What is a fierce cat that inhabits Canada's mountains?


What is an example of an animal that inhabits the mountainous regions of western Canada?


What is the capital of Alberta?


What was Queen Elizabeth's full name when she was born?

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor

What are the two major languages in Canada?

English and French

When the European explorers first met the Inuit people, what did they call them?

Eskimos; means 'eaters of raw meat'

True or False: The Inuit people like being called Eskimos.

False, they do not like being called Eskimos; they prefer being called an Inuit

True or False: First Nations, Inuit, and Metis all have the same history, culture, and langage.

False: Each group has their own unique history, culture, and language.

True or False: Today there are about 200,000 Native Canadians.

False; 1.6 M

True or False: The Inuit form Canada's largest group of indigenous people.

False; First Nations

True or False: The Metis are the largest indigenous group in Canada.

False; First Nations

True or False: Most Metis have adopted a modern lifestyle.

False; Inuit

True or False: The First Nations consist of many smaller groups whom each have their own culture.

False; indigenous people

True or False: Canada's indigenous people are collectively known as the First Nations.

False; only the original inhabitants

True or False: The First Nations lived in portable houses called igloos.

False; tipis

Since the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands have fertile soil, what does it have a lot of?


When did Margaret die?

February 9, 2002

What is the largest population of these groups today?

First Nations

What are the three groups of indigenous people in Canada?

First Nations, Inuit, and Metis; they are the original inhabitants of Canada

What is a tundra?

Flat, treeless plain with a permanently frozen soil

What is the Appalachian Region characterized by?

Forested hills, river valleys, and rocky coastlines

What is the capital of New Brunswick?


What is an animals that cougars hunt?

Goats and deer

What does the southern part of the Interior Plains look like?

Grassy; it is known as the Prairies

Some of Canada's largest lakes can be found in boreal forests/taiga. What are some examples?

Great Bear, Great Slave, and Winnipeg

What is a flat area of land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Canadian Shield?

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands; the Great Lakes are on the Canada-US border

Where was Prince Philip from?


What is the second-largest carnivore in North America?

Grizzly bear

What is the capital of Nova Scotia?


Who did Queen Elizabeth succeed?

Her dad, King George VI

Who is the new monarch?

Her son, King Charles III

How did Elizabeth become Queen?

Her uncle, Edward VIII, abdicated from the throne to marry the twice-divorced American, Wallis Simpson. Her dad became king instead of her uncle and then she became queen after her dad died.

What is the largest bay in the world?

Hudson Bay

What is Arctic Archipelago's landscape dominated by?

Ice, snow, and glaciers; there are no trees because of frozen soil and cold temperatures

What is between the Canadian Shield and the Rocky Mountains?

Interior Plains

What is the capital of Nunavut?


Who is the current Prime Minister of Canada?

Justin Trudeau

Where was Queen Elizabeth when she found out that her father had died and she was the new monarch?

Kenya, Africa

Who is the head of state?

King Charles III

What are the Rocky Mountains and Coast Mountains covered in?

Large evergreen forests

The Appalachian Region is very small, what percent of Canada's land does it take up?

Less than 4%

Who is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

Liz Truss

What is the longest river in Canada?

Mackenzie River

The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands are small in size, how much of Canada's population lives there?

Majority of Canada's population

What is on the Canadian flag?

Maple Leaf

What is Queen Elizabeth's only sister's name?


What group of people have both indigenous and European roots?

Metis people; they are the children born to European fur traders and Native Canadian women

What is the second largest city in the world that has French (speaking population)?

Montreal Quebec; Paris, France is first

What is Canada's second largest city (over 4 M people)?

Montreal, Quebec

What is a large type of deer?


What animals are in the large evergreen forests on the Rocky Mountains and Coast Mountains?

Moose, caribou, bear, wolf, and lynx

What is the highest mountain in Canada and the second highest in North America?

Mount Logan; Mount Denali/McKinley is first

What is an animal that lives in northern Canada?

Musk ox

What is Canada rich in?

Natural resources; oil, natural gas, petroleum, and minerals

Where do musk ox and caribou inhabit?

Northern Canada

Where does the Mackenzie River flow through?

Northwest Territories

Where is Ottawa located?


What is the capital of Canada?


Where do the indigenous people of Canada live?

Permanent settlements; they have access to modern health and education services

What is Canada's largest meat-eater?

Polar bear

What are some examples of carnivores?

Polar bear, cougar, and grizzly bear

Who is the head of government?

Prime Minister

Who was Queen Elizabeth's husband?

Prince Philip; he and Queen Elizabeth were 3rd cousins

Who was King Charles' first wife?

Princess Diana

What are some examples of animals that inhabit Canada's Praities?

Pronghorn antelope and bison

What is the capital of Quebec?

Quebec City

Who was Liz Truss appointed by?

Queen Elizabeth II

What did Justin Trudeau (PM of Canada) say about Queen Elizabeth?

Queen Elizabeth was a constant in Canadians' lives and one of his "favourite people in the world"

What is the capital of Saskatchewan?


What is the Canadian Shield composed of?

Rock with a thin layer of soil

What is the mountainous region of Western Cordillera home to?

Rocky Mountains and Coast Mountains

What is the largest sector of the Canadian economy?

Services sector

What is the capital of Newfoundland and Labrador?

St. John's

What does the term, Metis, come from?

The Latin word "miscere", which means 'mix'

What does the southern part of the Canadian Shield consist of?

Thick, coniferous forest

Where does Canada border the United States?

To the south and the northwest

What is the capital of Ontario?


What is Canada's largest city (over 6 M people)?

Toronto, Ontario

Some of Canada's largest cities are located in Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, what are some examples?

Toronto, Quebec, and Montreal

True or False: Many Inuit people find the word "Eskimo" insulting.


True or False: The First Nations are the original inhabitants of what is now known as Canada.


True or False: The Inuit primarily live in northern Canada.


True or False: The Inuit relied on animals to survive in the cold, arctic region.


True or False: The Metis have both European and Native Canadian ancestors.


True or False: The Metis were important in the fur trade as they were able to communicate with indigenous groups and European traders.


When did she become the Prime Minister?

Tuesday, September 6, 2022; 2 days before Queen Elizabeth died

What does Canada's north consist of?


What does the northern part of the Canadian Shield consist of?


What country is a major trading partner with Canada?

United States

What is the 3rd largest city in Canada?

Vancouver, British Columbia

What is the capital of British Columbia?


Nowadays, most Inuit, First Nations, and Metis people have adopted what kind of lifestyle?

Western lifestyle

Where was Elizabeth crowned the Queen of England?

Westminister Abbey

Where were Elizabeth and Philip married?

Westminister Abbey

What is the capital of Yukon Territory?


What is the capital of Manitoba?


Who was the first Prime Minister during Queen Elizabeth's reign?

Winston Churchill

What is the capital of Northwest Territories?


Where is Mount Logan located?

Yukon Territory, in the Coat Mountains; it is near the Alaska-Canada border

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