Geography Test 1 Ch. 1 & 2

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Prime Median

0 degrees longitude, from which locations east and west are measured in a system of latitude and longitude.

If a country's Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is 51 per thousand and its Crude Death Rate (CDR) is 15 per thousand, what is its Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)?

36 per thousand

Demographic Transition Model

5 stage model of population change derived from the historical decline of the natural rate of increase as a population becomes increasingly urbanized through industrialization and economic development.

If a map's scale is 1:6800, what would 1 inch on the map represent?

6,800 inches

From 2005 to 2007, about 265,000 people moved to the western states in the United States from other states. During that same period, about 256,000 people moved from the western states to other parts of the United States. What was the net migration rate in the western states from 2005 to 2007?


Areal Differentiation

A central theme of that responsibility is describing and explaining what distinguishes one piece of the world for another.

Maritime Climate

A climate moderated by proximity to oceans or large seas. It is usually cool, cloudy, and wet and lacks the temperature extremes of continental climates.

Continental Climate

A climate region in a continental interior, removed from moderating oceanic influences, characterized by hot summers and cold winters. At least one month must average below freezing.

Geographic Information Systems

A computerized mapping and info system that analyzes vast amounts of data that may include many layers of specific kinds of info, such as micro climates, hydrology, vegetation, or land-use zoning regulations.

Core-periphery Model

A conceptualization of the world into 2 economic spheres. The developed countries of Western Europe, North America , and Japan form the dominant core, with less-developed countries making up the periphery. Implicit in this model is that the core gained its wealth at the expense of peripheral countries.

Water Stress

A condition where water availability is less than water demand, either currently or projected for the future.

Environmental Lapse Rate

A decline in temp. as one ascends higher in the atmosphere.


A geographic concept of areal or spatial similarity, large or small.

Formal Region

A geographic concept used to describe an area where a static and specific trait has been mapped and described. Ex.- Language or Climate

Functional Region

A geographic concept used to describe the spatial extent dominated by a specific activity. Ex.- Circulation of newspaper


A graph of average annual temp. and precipitation data by month and season.


A measure of solar radiation often expressed in units of solar energy received over a specific area over a specific period of time.


A political rebellion or uprising.

Subtropical Jet Stream

A powerful atmospheric wind found in the lower latitudes of both the northern and southern hemispheres. Like polar jet stream, the subtropical jet stream is caused by Earth's rotation.


A relatively homogeneous cultural group with its own political territory.

Ethnic Religion

A religion closely identified with a specific ethnic or tribal group, often to the point of assuming the role of the major defining characteristic of that group. Normally, ethnic religions don't seek new converts.

Universalizing Religion

A religion that appeals to a large group of people, regardless of local culture and conditions. Ex.- Christianity and Islam

Graphic (linear) scale

A ruler-like symbol on a map that translates the map's cartographic scale into visual terms.

Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

A set of drilling technologies that injects a mix of water, sand, and chemicals underground in order to release and enhance removal of natural gas and oil.


A spatial unit or region of local plants and animals adapted to a specific environment. Ex.- Tropical Savannah

Net Migration Rate

A statistic that depicts whether more people are entering or leaving a country.

Subduction Zone

A tectonic boundary where one colliding plate slips under another.

Choropleth Map

A thematic map in which areas are colored or shaded to depict differences in whatever is being mapped.

Global Positioning Systems

Absolute location on earth is determined through GPS.

Proven Reserves

Amount of non-renewable energy source still in the ground that is feasible to exploit under current market conditions.


An adjective for human caused change to a natural system, such as cars or agriculture causing global warming.

Lingua Franca

An agreed-upon common language to facilitate communication on specific topics such as international businesses, politics, sports, or entertainment.

Transform Fault

An earthquake fault where the ground on each side of the fault moves in opposite directions because of tectonic forces.

Kyoto Protocol

An international treaty to limit greenhouse gas emissions. It was enacted in 1997 and expired in 2015 when it was replaces by Paris Treaty of 2015.

The floodplain of the Nile River in Egypt is lush and fertile, but just a few miles away is arid desert. This is an example of _________.

Areal differentation

Convergent Plate Boundary

Areas where 2 tectonic plates moving in opposing directions meet and converge.

Transform Plate Boundary

Areas where two tectonic plates met, with one plate sliding past the other in a horizontal direction.

Greenhouse Gases

Atmospheric gases, both natural and human created, that trap reradiated solar energy, warming the lower layers of the atmosphere. Human generates GHGs (carbon dioxide) result in changes of the climate.

Replacement Rate

Average number of children born to women in order to have a stable population.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

Average number of children who will be born by women of a hypothetical population, such as that of a specific cultural group or within a particular country.


Average weather conditions for a place based upon 30 years of weather measurements.

Which of the following countries is part of the global economic periphery?


Cultural Syncretism or Hybridization

Blending of 2 or more cultures, which procedures a syngergistic third culture that exhibits traits from all cultural parents.

Human Geography

Branch of geography aligned with the social sciences. Deals with the human settlement of the earth, its peoples, settlement patterns, cultures, economies, social systems, and interactions with the environment across space and at different scales.

Which greenhouse gas has increased as a result of the global consumption of coal and petroleum?

Carbon Dioxide

Map Projection

Cartographic and mathematical solution to translating the surface of a rounded globe to a flat surface.

Which of the following is most likely to contribute to the extinction of plants and animals?

Clearing of land for farming.

Which of the following energy sources adds the most harmful emissions to the atmosphere?


Human Development Index (HDI)

Combines data of life expectancy, literacy, educational attainment, gender equality, and income. The US has tracked this for 3 decades.


Combines idea of globalization with that of local considerations or practices. Ex.- A global corp. may market its goods differently depending upon local culture

Monsoon Wind

Continental-scale winds that flow from high to low pressure. In south, Southeast Asia, and in North America's Southwest monsoon winds are associated with rainy weather.

How has the privatization of water affected water supplies and access?

Costs have increased

One of the reforms of Atatürk, the first leader of modern Turkey, was to require that public readings of the Kuran be in Turkish, rather than Arabic. This is an example of _________

Cultural nationalism

Which of the following terms refers to trees that drop their leaves during winter?


Rift Valley

Deep trenches or valleys in earth's surface created where tectonic plates diverge from each other.

Remote Sensing

Digitally photographing Earth's surface from satellites or high altitude aircraft so that the info can be manipulated by computers to translate information into certain electromagnetic bandwidths, which, in turn, emphasizes certain features and patterns on Earth's wide surface.


Distance north and south from the equator of a point on the earth's surface. Measured from 0 at the equator to 90 at the poles.

Rain Shadow

Drier area of precipitation, usually on the leeward or downwind side of a mountain range, that receives less rain and snowfall than the upwind side.

Plate Tectonics

Earth's surface is made up of large plates that move and effect earth's surface and topography.

What is thought to be the major force driving globalization?

Economic activites


Economic and political strategies by which powerful states indirectly extend their influence over other, weaker states.

Renewable Energy

Energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro, that are replinshed by nature at a faster rate than they are used or consumed.

Regional Geography

Focuses on areal units that share particular characteristics.

Thematic Map

Focuses on particular topic or subject area such as political boundary changes, refugee flows, or vegetation patterns.


Formal, established rule over local peoples by a larger imperialist government for the expansion for political and economic empire.

Which of the following countries is in the final stage of the demographic transition?


Which of the following features have been formed by the collision of convergent tectonic plates?


The ethnic religion with the largest number of adherents is _________.


Gender Roles

How female and male behavior differs in cultural context.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

Important qualification to these GNI per capita data is the concept of adjustment through PPP, an adjustment that takes into account the strength or weakness of local currencies.

Tectonic plate theory is built on the notion that a significant heat exchange occurs deep within Earth due to the cooling of the inner core, circulating molten material through the mantle. Where is the process responsible for this heat exchange located?

In convection cells

Which of the following is an example of economic growth?

Increase in economic output


Increasing interconnections of people and places throughout the world through converging processes of economic, political, and cultural change.

Which of the following statements regarding neocolonialism is correct?

It subjects foreign colonies to external influence in political and economic matters

Which of the following countries is the best example of a nation-state?


Which of the following terms refers to lines that run east-west around the globe?



Learned or shared behavior by a group of people that gives them a distinct "way of life." It is made of both material and abstract components.

Which of the following is an example of a formal region?

Map of languages spoken in Europe

Which of the following presents an example of globalization?

McDonald's serving pita bread sandwiches in Arab countries


Measure distance from east to west from the prime meridian (0).

Climate Change

Measured change in climate from a previous state.

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a new mining technique. What might happen in the future if fracking were to increase?

More freshwater would be used than in traditional mining operations.

Greenhouse Effect

Natural process of lower atmospheric heating that results from the trapping of incoming and reradiated solar energy by water moisture, clouds, or other atmospheric gases.

Novel Ecosystems

New and previously unseen assemblages of plants and animals resulting from human modification of the environment, including climate change.

Which of the following regions of the world stands out as the region with the highest water stress?

Northern Africa


On maps that define the meaning of the symbols.

Physical Geography

Other major sub field of geography more aligned with natural sciences. Studies the processes and patterns in the natural world in terms of climate, vegetation, land forms, and hydrosphere, and how humans modify these systems.

Urbanized Population

Percentage of a country's population living in settlements characterized as cities. High rates of urbanization are associated with higher levels of industrialization and economic development.

Population Density

Population of an area as measured by people per spatial unit. Usually per square mile or square kilometer.

Polar Jet Stream

Powerful atmospheric wind located in the higher latitudes of both hemispheres, north and south. These winds are caused by Earth's rotation.


Process of a former colony's gaining independence over its territory and establishing an independent government


Process of heat exchange in the lower atmosphere from Earth surfaces originally warmed by direct solar radiation.

Cultural Nationalism

Process of protecting, either formally or informally, the primacy of a certain cultural system against influences from another culture.

Adiabatic Lapse Rate

Rate a moving air mass cools or warms with changes of elevation.

Why did the United States refuse to ratify the Kyoto Protocol?

Reducing emissions was argued to injure the U.S. economy.


Relations between people, places, and the environment.

Map Scale

Relationship between distances on a mapped object.


Relationship between politics, space, and territory.


Separation of politics and religion, as well as non-religious segment of population.


Social or cultural expressions of male- and femaleness.

Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)

Standard statistic used to express natural population growth per year for a country, a region, or the world, based on the difference between birth and death rates. It can be expressed as negative.

Population Pyramid

Structure of a population measuring the percentage of young and old. Plots the percentage of all different age groups and divides it into male and female.

Areal Integration

Study of how places interact with one another.

Thematic Geography (Systematic Geography)

Subject areas that geographers organize their research efforts such as environmental, population, cultural, political or economic geography.


Super-continent of tightly clustered tectonic plates that existed 250 million years ago.


Systematic use of terror to achieve political or cultural goals.

Cultural Landscape

Tangible, material expression of human settlement, past and present.


The ability of a government to control its territorial state without any interference from outside sources or bodies.

Cultural Imperialism

The active promotion of one cultural system over another, such as the implantation of a new language, school system, or bureaucracy. Historically, cultural imperialism has been primarily associated with European colonialism


The array of species, both flora and fauna, found in an ecosystem or bioregion.

Representative Fraction

The cartographic and mathematical expression of the relationship between distance on a map and that on earth's surface which is expressed as a fraction depicting the scale of the map.

If the greenhouse effect were to completely disappear, what would happen to Earth?

The earth would be to cold for human habitation.

Gross National Income (GNI) per capita

The figure that results from dividing a country's GNI by the total population.

Orographic Effect

The influence of mountains on weather and climate, usually referring to the increase of precipitation on the windward side of mountains, and a drier zone on the leeward or downwind side of a mountain.

Economic Convergance

The notion that globalization will result in the world's poorer countries gradually catching up with more advanced economies.


The outer layer of Earth's interior where the convection cells that drive plate tectonics are located.


The suppression of a rebellion or insurgency by both military and political means, which includes not just armed warfare but also winning the support of local peoples by improving local infrastructure.

Nonrenewable Energy

Those energy sources such as oil and coal with finite reserves.


To manage or maintain something at a certain level so that it lasts, especially particular resources such as forests or soils.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Total value of good and services produced within a given country in a single year.

In a particular region, one tectonic plate is pushing northward alongside another plate that is pushing southward. What type of plate boundary is this?


Which of the following bioregions consists of a rich ecosystem of plants and animals adapted to differing levels of sunlight through the multiple layers of vegetation?

Tropical rainforest

Gender Inequality

Unequal treatment or perceptions of people based on gender.

Gross National Income (GNI)

Value that all final goods and services produced within a country's borders plus the net income for abroad.

What physical factors produce a regular pattern of high- and low-pressure cells?

the uneven heating of Earth due to latitudinal differences and the arrangement of oceans and continents.

Beginning at the equator and heading toward either the North or South Pole, which general pattern of bioregions is the most accurate?

tropical forests, deserts and grasslands, temperate forests, tundra

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