geology chapter 15 and 16

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A stream with a low to moderate gradient, carrying most of its load in suspension, should be characterized by many curves and bends called

Natural levees raise the height of the stream channel, reducing the amount of flooding that will occur on the floodplain

How does the formation of a natural levee impact flooding?

canyons to widen

Over time, mass wasting causes __________.

regions underlain by permafrost

Solifluction would most likely occur in ____

regional flood

The Great Flood of 1993 in the Upper Mississippi River basin is an example of which type of flood?


The ____ of a river have a steep gradient, high channel roughness, and low water volume

continental divide

The ________ is an elevational point that divides an entire continent into large drainage basins

drainage basin

The geographical area where all surface water converges to one location is called its


are very gradual mass movements in which the whole slope moves downhill slowly.

bed load, suspended load, dissolved load

What are the three types of loads carried by streams?

a flat surface next to a river channel

What is a floodplain?

water soaking into the ground

What is infiltration?

the fine-grained particles that travel in the water column above the stream bed

What is suspended load?

the steepest angle at which a material remains at rest

What is the angle of repose?

the amount of flow in contact with the banks and bed of the channel

What is the wetted perimeter of a stream?


What rock type is the easiest for a river to cut through?


Which is the slowest type of mass wasting?


Which landscape is most prone to generating landslides?


A delta forms at the ___ of a river, where the velocity of the water flow decreases and deposition is highest.


A mass movement in which a cohesive block of earth or rock slips downhill relatively quickly in one piece along a zone of weakness is called a


A river with a well-developed has a flat low-lying channel and experiences flooding during periods of high discharge.

strength and cohesion will decrease

A stream is flowing over a hill composed of clay-rich soil. The stream is eventually blocked to create a small pond in order to free land downhill for construction. What will happen to the strength and cohesion of the soil in the area around this pond?

The downslope movement of sediment and rock under the direct influence of gravity.

Define mass wasting.

slot canyon

A __________ is formed when vertical incision by a stream is the primary process, with relatively minimal mass wasting.


Creep is the most widespread mass-wasting process

rolling, sliding, bouncing

How can pieces of rock in contact with a stream bed move?

Water in pore spaces reduces cohesion between particles, Water makes the slope material heavier, Water can easily flow downslope

How can the addition of water make a slope fail, creating a landslide?


Mass movements that move blocks of materials and unconsolidated materials down a curved surface creating scarps on a slope are known as


Maximum velocity occurs when the stream is at the bankful stage


Particles moving by saltation are transported in the _______ load


Point bars are locations where erosion occurs whereas cutbanks are locations where deposition occurs


Rockfalls are the primary way in which talus slopes are built and maintained


The process that causes dissolution of limestone bedrock in a stream is ______


The volume of water flowing past a certain point in a given amount of time is a river's

bedrock channel

Waterfalls are a characteristic of a ____

a ridge of flood deposits next to a river channel

What is a natural levee?


When large rocks become dislodged and drop down a steep slope, the mass movement is called a


When unconsolidated material moves downslope as a viscous fluid it is called a

The Colorado River erodes downward, then mass-wasting processes move material from high to low areas, then the Colorado River transports material downstream.

Which of the following correctly states the role of rivers and mass wasting in the formation of the Grand Canyon?

well-developed floodplain, meanders

Which of the following is a characteristic of a graded stream?


Which of the following is the major contributing factor in all landslides?

having a narrow, deep channel

Which of the following would increase flow velocity?

alluvial fan

Which sedimentary environment of deposition will be controlled in part by debris flows?


Which type of mass wasting forms a crescent-shaped scar at the head of movement?

oversteepening a slope, a wildfire, adding water to sediments

____ is a trigger for mass wasting


________ is a measure of a stream's ability to transport particles based on size rather than quantity


________ is the maximum load of solid particles a stream can transport per unit time

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