Geology Final Review (Multiple Choice)

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A body of rock affected by compressive stress will likely undergo ____________. a. shortening b. stretching c. shear strain


A buried body of aragonitic limestone is recrystallized at low temperatures and pressures, producing calcite; this is an example of ____________. a. diagenesis b. erosion c. metamorphism d. weathering


A fold shaped like an elongate arch is a(n) ____________. a. anticline b. basin c. dome d. syncline


A pluton would most likely have what igneous texture? a. phaneritic b. aphantic c. porphyritic d. andesitic


A tsunami is __________________. a. an earthquake- generated sea wave that can sometimes destroy coastal cities thousands of kilometers from its source b. a sloshing of water back and forth within a lake or bay c. the amount of change in elevation of local sea level caused by a surging wave d. the tendency of wet, flat- rich soils to behave like a liquid during an earthquake


An igneous rock with a mixed texture of coarse grains (phenocrysts) surrounded by fine crystals (groundmass) is termed ____________. a. porphyritic b. phaneritic c. aphanitic d. necrotic


As compared to aphanitic igneous rocks, phaneritic rocks are ____________. a. made of crystals big enough to see b. made of crystals that can't be seen c. more mafic d. more felsic


As compared to coarse-grained igneous rocks, fine-grained igneous rocks ________. a. cool and solidify more quickly b. cool and solidify less quickly c. solidify at higher temperatures d. solidify at lower temperatures


At a convergent-plate boundary (shown below), two opposed plates _________________________. a. move toward one another b. move away from one another c. slide past one another


At a subduction zone, the overriding plate ____________. a. is always composed of continental lithosphere b. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere c. may be composed of either oceanic or continental lithosphere


Basaltic lavas ____________. a. contain more iron and magnesium than rhyolitic lavas b. contain more silica than rhyolitic lavas c. are more viscous than rhyolitic lavas d. contain a greater proportion of trapped volatiles than rhyolitic lavas


Body waves include ____________. a. both S- and P- waves b. both L- and R- waves c. both surface and interior waves d. P- waves only


Cemented shells of marine organisms form which kind of sedimentary rock? a. biochemical b. clastic c. organic


Clastic sedimentary rocks are primarily classified on the basis of ____________. a. grain size b. degree of sorting c. angularity d. mineral composition


Distinctive rock sequences on South America terminate at the Atlantic Ocean but reappear on the continent of ____________. a. Africa b. Australia c. Europe d. North America


Hawaii is an example of ____________. a. hot-spot volcanism b. volcanic island arc c. transform margin d. mid-ocean ridge volcanism


If a body of magma becomes more felsic, its viscosity will ______. a. increase b. decrease c. stay the same


If you were using both a compass and a map marked with latitude and longitude to navigate, you might note the angle difference between your compass and what is marked on the map, called _____________. a. magnetic declination b. magnetic inclination c. magnetic reversal d. magnetic dipole


In Bowen's discontinuous reaction series, the first mineral to crystallize from a mafic melt is ______. a. olivine b. plagioclase c. pyroxene d. quartz


In Bowen's discontinuous reaction series, the first mineral to crystallize from a mafic melt is ____________. a. olivine b. plagioclase c. pyroxene d. quartz


In an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks, younger layers overlay older layers, according to the principle of ______________________. a. superposition b. original continuity c. original horizontality d. uniformitarianism


Medium- and deep-focus earthquakes occur along ___________. a. convergent plate boundaries only b. divergent plate boundaries only c. transform plate boundaries only d. all of the above are correct


Of all three primary forms of surface volcanoes, ___________ consist of alternating layers of tephra and solidified lava. a. stratovolcanoes b. cinder cones c. shield volcanoes


Of the three primary forms of volcanoes, ______________ are sometimes referred to as "composite volcanoes." a. stratovolcanoes b. cinder cones c. shield volcanoes


Right-lateral and left-lateral are both examples of _________ faults. a. strike-slip b. dip-slip c. don't put C


Stratification refers to ____________. a. the development of layering within sedimentary rocks b. the act of deposition of sediment that will ultimately form sedimentary rock c. physical and chemical alterations, including compaction and cementation, that occur as sediment is transformed into rock


The age of oceanic crust ____________ with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge. a. increases b. decreases


The age of oceanic crust ______________ with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge. a. increases b. decreases


The apparent polar wander path obtained from magnetite crystals in basalts on the North American continent is now interpreted to be the result of ____________. a. drifting of the North American continent b. wandering of the geomagnetic North Pole


The magnetic field of Earth in the geologic past is ____________. a. known to have experienced numerous polarity reversals, due to remnant magnetization of iron-rich minerals in rocks b. known to have been constant through geologic time, due to remnant magnetization of iron-rich minerals in rocks c. known to have been constant through time, on the basis of theoretical calculations d. unknown, but it is assumed to have been identical to today's


The point within Earth where an earthquake takes place is termed the _______________. a. focus b. epicenter c. eye of the fault d. vertex


The volcanoes of the Cascades Mountains of Oregon are related to melting of rock associated with a ____________ plate boundary. a. convergent b. divergent c. transform


The volcanoes of the Pacific NW are related to melting of rock associated with a ____________ plate boundary. a. convergent b. divergent c. transform


Thermal (contact) metamorphism occurs ____________. a. in areas surrounding igneous intrusions b. only where gneiss is in contact with schist c. as a consequence of the sinking of a broad region to great depth d. only at Earth's surface, where rock is in contact with the atmosphere


They key to finding the location of an earthquake's epicenter is measuring the ________________. a. difference between the time that the P- wave arrives and the times that the S- wave arrives at the seismometer station b. total time it takes for the P- wave and then the S- wave to arrive at the seismometer station c. difference between the time the S- wave has reached one seismometer station and the time the S- wave has reached another station d. difference between the time the P- wave has reached one seismometer station and the time the P- wave has reached another station


Trace amounts of impurity in a mineral can commonly produce significant differences in ____________ among individual crystals of this mineral. a. color b. specific gravity c. luster d. streak


Under the theory of plate tectonics, the plates themselves are __________. a. discrete pieces of lithosphere at the surface at the surface of the solid Earth that move with respect to one another b. discrete layers of lithosphere that are vertically stacked one atop the other c. composed only of continental rocks that plow through the weaker oceanic rocks d. very thick (approximately one-quarter of Earth's radius)


What mineral is integral to paleomagnetism? a. magnetite b. chalk c. quartz d. potassium feldspar


When magma crystallizes, ________ are formed. a. intrusive igneous rocks b. extrusive igneous rocks c. volatiles d. pyroclastic debris


When magma crystallizes, ____________ are formed. a. intrusive igneous rocks b. extrusive igneous rocks c. volatiles d. pyroclastic debris


Which of the following is always the same for multiple isotopes of a single element? a. atomic number b. atomic mass number c. tendency to decay radioactively d. none of the above are correct


Which transport medium carries the largest particles? a. ice b. water c. wind


Which type of magma has the greatest silica content? a. felsic b. intermediate c. mafic d. ultramafic


Which type of magma has the greatest silica content? a. felsic b. intermediate c. mafic d. ultramafic


A blob-like igneous rock body that has cooled beneath the surface of the Earth is ______. a. guyot b. pluton c. lava flow d. andesite


A body of gneiss is subjected to heat and forms a melt. Later, the melt cools and crystallizes to form a(n) ___________. a. metamorphic rock b. igneous rock c. sedimentary rock


A body of rock affected by tensile (extension) stress will likely undergo __________________. a. shortening b. stretching c. shear strain


A dike intruding the surface would most likely have what texture? a. phaneritic b. aphanitic c. porphyritic d. andesitic


According to Wegner, puzzle pieces are to a jigsaw puzzle as ___________ is/are to Pangea. a. continental drift b. continents c. faults d. plate tectonics


As lithosphere cools to the sides of a mid-ocean ridge, it begins to ___________. a. rise with respect to material located closer to the ridge axis b. sink with respect to material located closer to the ride axis


At a subduction zone, the downgoing (subducting) plate ____________. a. is always composed of continental lithosphere b. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere c. may be composed or either oceanic or continental lithosphere


Basaltic lavas that solidify at their surface (before ceasing to flow) fracture irregularly, producing a sharp- surfaced lava rock named ______________. a. pahoehoe b. a'a' c. pumice d. hyaloclasite


Basaltic lavas that solidify at their surface (before ceasing to flow) fracture irregularly, producing a sharp-surfaced lava rock named ____________. a. pahoehoe b. a'a' c. pumice d. hyaloclasite


Cleavage in minerals refers to _______. a. a tendency to break in an irregular pattern b. a tendency to break along planes of weakness c. the sharpness of edges between crystal faces d. the development of distinct crystal facies


Compaction and cementation of grains occur during ____________. a. erosion b. lithification c. transport d. weathering


Consult the figure below. Distinct internal laminations that are inclined at an angle to the boundary of the main sedimentary layer are called _____________. a. graded beds b. cross beds c. horizontal beds


Consult the figure below. Graded beds tell a geologist that a _____________. a. turbidity current deposited these beds, depositing finer material first b. turbidity current deposited these beds, depositing coarser material first c. slurry deposited these beds with little sorting d. density current deposited these beds, depositing coarser material first


Consult the figure below. The region of thermally metamorphosed rock surrounding a cooled pluton is called a(n) ____________. a. shear zone b. aureole c. oriole d. fire ring


During deformation, rocks can undergo a change in all of the following except _____________________. a. Don't pick this one b. composition c. orientation d. shape


Hot, liquid rock beneath the surface of the Earth is termed ____________. A. lava B. magma C. volatiles D. brimstone


Hot-spot tracks result from moving _____________. a. mantle plumes b. plates c. hot spots d. asthenosphere


Iceland is one of the few places in the world that is both above sea level and situated atop a ____________ plate boundary. a. convergent b. divergent c. transform


If horizontal sedimentary strata overlie tilted strata (and no fault is present), the surface between the horizontal and tilted strata must be a(n) ____________. a. conformable sedimentary contact b. angular unconformity c. disconformity d. nonconformity


In Bowen's continuous reaction series describes the crystallization behavior of a single mineral _________. a. olivine b. plagioclase c. pyroxene d. quartz


In a ____________ fault, the fault plane is non-vertical and the hanging-wall block moves downward relative to the footwall block. a. detachment b. normal c. reverse d. thrust


In the area immediately surrounding an igneous intrusion, a host limestone is locally metamorphosed to produce marble. Which of the following statements is correct? a. The intrusive igneous rock must be older than the limestone b. the limestone must be older than the marble c. the marble must be older than the intrusive rock d. the relative ages of the three units cannot be determines with the information given


In the formation of gneiss from granite, the distinctive compositional bands form due to ____________. a. crystals migrating within the rock b. crystals dissolving, and atoms and ions migrating and reorganizing as new crystals c. harry potter d. the bizarre and seemingly unknowable nature of the blueschist metamorphic facies


Mafic lavas are distinguished by ____________. a. light coloration b. low viscosity c. high viscosity d. high silica content


Mid-ocean ridges are _________. a. convergent-plate boundaries b. divergent-plate boundaries c. transform-plate boundaries


Minerals in geodes (see below) form spectacular euhedral crystals because ____________. a. all of the elements incorporated in the crystals are in plentiful supply b. the crystals have abundant room to grow in their hollow surroundings c. minerals within geodes are always framework silicates d. minerals within geodes always contain iron


Minerals that do not possess cleavage are said to possess ____________. a. invulnerability b. fracture c. solidity d. massiveness


Most commonly, felsic igneous rocks ____________. a. contain more iron and magnesium than intermediate rocks b. are lighter in color than mafic rocks c. are darker in color than mafic rocks d. are found in oceanic crust


Normal, reverse, and thrust are all examples of ____________ faults. a. strike-slip b. dip-slip c. oblique-slip


Normal, reverse, and thrust are all examples of ____________ faults. a. strike-slip b. dip-slip c. oblique-slip


Of the three Of the three primary forms of volcanoes, ______________ consist of a simple, conical pile of tephra. a. stratovolcanoes b. cinder cones c. shield volcanoes


On a geological map, if the contacts between sedimentary rock units form a bull's-eye pattern of concentric circles, with the youngest unit in the center, the underlying structure is a(n) ___________________. a. anticline b. basin c. dome d. syncline


On what date did Mt. St. Helens erupt? a.. July 18, 1985 b. May 18, 1980 c. May 1, 1982 d. July 18, 1980


Sea-floor spreading is driven by volcanic activity ____________. a. in the middle of abyssal plains b. along mid-ocean ridges c. at the edges of continental shelves d. along fracture zones


Surface waves ________________. a. travel more rapidly than body waves b. produce most of the damage to buildings during earthquakes c. are the first waves initially produced in an earthquake d. are the first waves to arrive at a seismograph station after an earthquake


Tectonic plates move at rates that are approximately ____________. a. 1 to 5 cm every 1,000 years b. 1 to 15 cm/year c. 1 to 15 m/year d. 10 to 100 m/year


The distinction between joints and faults is that _________________. a. faults are joints that are greater than one square meter in areal extent b. faults are fractures along which displacement has occurred; displacement does not occur along joints c. joints are fractures along which displacement has occurred; displacement does not occur along faults d. There is no distinction; the two terms are synonymous


The point on Earth's surface directly above the point where an earthquake occurs is termed the ___________. a. focus b. epicenter c. eye of the fault d. vertex


The silica tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all the silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what other element? A. magnesium B. oxygen C. iron D. carbon


The silicate tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all the silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what is the other element? a. magnesium b. oxygen c. iron d. carbon


Vertical motion seismographs record earthquakes through the production of a squiggly diagram called a ________________. a. wave sheet b. seismogram c. pictogram d. camera lucida


What does the lack of foliation mean in a metamorphic rock? a. that the rock formed in an environment free of compression or shear b. that most of the new crystals in the rock could only form in inequant form c. that only high temperature was involved in the rock's creation d. that both low temperature and pressure were involved in the rock's creation


When two bodies of continental lithosphere are pushed together at a convergent boundary, the result is ____________. a. subduction b. collision and mountain formation


Which earthquake intensify scale assesses the effects of an earthquake on humans and human- made structures? a. Richter scale b. Mercalli scale c. seismic- moment magnitude scale


Which of the following varies among multiple isotopes of a single element? a. atomic number b. atomic mass number c. tendency to decay radioactively d. none of the above are correct


Which of the following would NOT render the volcanoes on Hawaii's big island inactive? a. the Pacific plate moving farther to the northwest b. the mantle plume below Hawaii moving farther to the northwest c. the mantle plume below Hawaii decreasing in temperature d. All of the other choices would render the volcanoes on Hawaii's big island inactive.


Which type of metamorphism affects the greatest volumes of rock? a. thermal metamorphism b. dynamothermal metamorphism c. dynamic metamorphism


Which type of metamorphism affects the greatest volumes of rock? a. thermal metamorphism b. dynamothermal metamorphism c. dynamic metamorphism


Which type of seismic wave has the highest velocity? a. L- wave b. P- wave c. R- wave d. S- wave


With regard to minerals, hardness refers to _________. a. the ability to resit breaking when being struck with a hammer b. the ability to resist being scratched by other substances c. the ability to resist chemical reactions with other substances d. an absence of cleaving


A "stripe" of a particular magnetic orientation that has a very large width could be indicative of ____________. a. a great deal of time spent in a particular magnetic regime b. higher spreading rates than other points in time c. Both a and B are correct d. None of the above are correct


A buried body of shale is subjected to differential stress, causing clay minerals to realign and produce slate; this is an example of ____________. a. diagenesis b. erosion c. metamorphism d. weathering


A fold shaped like an upside-down bowl is a(n) ____________. a. anticline b. basin c. dome d. syncline


A volcanic neck, such as that seen at Shiprock, New Mexico (below), is a (an) ____________. a. sheet-like intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock b. cooled layer of lava c. intrusion formed within the magma chamber of a volcano d. sheet-like intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers


All other factors being equal, intrusive rocks that form deep within Earth ________ than intrusive rocks that cool near the surface. a. are more felsic b. contain a smaller proportion of volatiles c. cool more slowly d. cool more rapidly


All other factors being equal, intrusive rocks that form deep within Earth ____________ than intrusive rocks that cool near the surface. a. are more felsic b. contain a smaller proportion of volatiles c. cool more slowly d. cool more rapidly


At a transform-plate boundary), two opposed plates ____________. a. move toward one another b. move away from one another c. slide past one another


Change in shape, induced by stress, is termed ____________. a. plastic deformation b. pressure release c. strain d. metamorphosis


Consult the figure below. Abundant swamps led to the formation of coal during the Late Paleozoic in which of the following places? a. India b. southern Africa c. North America d. South America


Differential stress will cause crystals to align in a preferred orientation , and this produces ____________. a. anatexis b. subduction zones c. foliation d. earthquakes


Grains become rounded primarily during ___________. a. weathering at outcrop b. erosion c. transportation d. deposition


Hot spots can occur ____________. a. only within continental plates b. only within oceanic plates c. within either continental or oceanic plates d. only when the thickness of the crust is less than 10 km


How many seismic stations are necessary to find the epicenter of an earthquake? a. one b. two c. three d. four


Iceland formed where it is today because of the presence of ________________. a. the mid-Atlantic ridge b. a hot spot c. the mid-Atlantic ridge and a hot spot d. an island arc


If you were to drop a piece of calcite on the ground and a perfect cube broke off, this would be displaying calcite breaking ______________. a. along already formed cracks b. coincidentally as a perfect cube c. in a fracture pattern d. along weak bonds


Igneous rocks are named by composition and _______. a. number of minerals present b. don't pick me c. texture d. gas content


In 79 C.E., the citizens of Pompeii in the Roman Empire were buried by pyroclastic debris derived eruption of _________. a. Mt. Olympus B. Olympus Mons C. Mt. Vesuvius D. Mt. St. Helens


It is unusual for _________ to carry grains larger than sand. a. ice b. water c. wind


Late Paleozoic glacial deposits are NOT found in which of the following places? a. India b. Southern Africa c. North America d. South America


Marine magnetic anomalies result from sea-floor spreading in conjunction with ____________. a. global warming b. magnetic storms on the surface of the Sun c. magnetic polarity reversals d. apparent wander of the magnetic poles


Of the three Of the three primary forms of volcanoes, ______________ have the most gently sloping slides, due to the low viscosity of the basaltic lava that form them. a. stratovolcanoes b. cinder condes c. shield volcanoes


On a geological map, if the contacts between sedimentary rock units form a bull's-eye pattern of concentric circles, with the oldest unit in the center, the underlaying structure is a(n) __________________. a. anticline b. basin c. dome d. syncline


Rocks resulting from thermal (contact) metamorphism will not possess ____________. a. a new mineral assemblage distinct from that found prior to intrusion b. larger crystals than those characterizing the country rock prior to intrusion c. foliation d. silicate minerals


Sandy substrate is susceptible to ______________ during an earthquake. a. displacement b. collapse c. liquefaction d. faulting


Segments of the mid-ocean ridge system are offset. Between the offset segments we observe ____________. a. a second series of ridges, perpendicular to the main set b. deep-ocean trenches c. transform faults d. None of the above are correct.


Summed over the entire surface of Earth, ____________. a. the rate of lithospheric production at ridges is greater than the rate of lithospheric consumption at subduction zones b. the rate of lithospheric consumption at subduction zones is greater than the rate of lithospheric production at ridges c. rates of lithospheric production and consumption are equal


The Hawaiian island chain is an example of a(n) ____________. a. island volcanic arc b. continental volcanic arc c. hot-spot island chain d. stratovolcano assembly


The breakdown of exposed rock into small fragments and dissolved ions is termed ____________. a. deposition b. erosion c. weathering


The difference between magma and lava is ____. a. that magma cools more rapidly than lava b. that magma is found at the surface, whereas lava is found below the surface c. that magma is found beneath the surface, whereas lava is found at the surface d. there is no difference; the two terms mean the same thing


The majority of the rocks that occur at the surface of the Earth are ___________. a. intrusive igneous rocks b. extrusive igneous rocks c. sedimentary rocks d. metamorphic rocks


The oldest basalts on the ocean floor are about ____________ years old. a. 50 thousand b. 4 billion c. 180 million d. 2.5 million


The shininess of a mineral is a helpful diagnostic property termed ____________. a. color b. specific gravity c. luster d. streak


The smoky cloud that rises from the vent of an actively erupting volcano is composed of ____________. a. smoke form wildfires inside the volcanic chimney b. smoke from wildfires on the outer slopes of the volcano that funnel into the crater c. fine volcaniclastic debris (ash) suspended in the air d. a continuous fountain of dark, basaltic lava


The surface below sedimentary rocks that overlie igneous or metamorphic rocks is termed a(n) ____________. a. disconformity b. angular unconformity c. nonconformity


The theory of plate tectonics ____________. a. incorporates continental drift but not sea-floor spreading b. incorporates sea-floor spreading but not continental drift c. incorporates and explains both sea-floor spreading and continental drift d. does not incorporate sea-floor spreading or continental drift


Wegener's idea of continental drift was rejected by American geologists because ________. a. his English was too poor to be understood by them b. he had relatively little evidence supporting the existence of a supercontinent c. he could not conceive of a valid mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions d. the apparent fit of continental coastlines is blurred when the margins are defined by the edges of continental shelves rather than sea level


Which environment would most likely produce sedimentary deposits characterized by very well-sorted, very well-rounded grains that are nearly pure quartz? a. river b. glacier c. beach d. alluvial fan


Which list properly orders metamorphic rocks from lowest to highest grade? a. conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale b. shale, slate, phyllite, quartzite c. slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss d. gneiss, phyllite, schist, slate


Which of the following is NOT a mineral? a. quartz b. diamond c. petroleum d. gold


Why is radiocarbon dating only rarely applied in geological work? a. No substances on Earth contain significant amounts of carbon-14 b. The half-life of carbon-14 is so long that it is effectively a stable isotope c. The half life of a carbon-4 is so short that it can only be used to date materials that are less than 70,000 years old


Within a single mountain range, ____________. a. only low-grade metamorphic rocks are likely to be found b. only high-grade metamorphic rocks are likely to be found c. it is possible to find a variety of metamorphic rocks produced in distinct facies, including high-, low-, and intermediate-grade rocks


A coiled spring would be useful in illustrating a __________________ wave. a. surface b. body c. shear d. compressional


A dike is a(n) _________. a. sheet-like intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock b. cooled layer of lava c. intrusion formed within the magma chamber of a volcano d. sheet-like intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers


A fold shaped like an elongate trough is a(n) ____________. a. anticline b. basin c. dome d. syncline


A polished surface produced by scraping pf rock along a fault is termed a(n) _____________________. a. orogeny b. phylogeny c. aureole d. slickenslide


As compared to mafic igneous rocks, all felsic igneous rocks ____________. a. cool and solidify more quickly b. cool and solidify more slowly c. solidify at higher temperatures d. solidify at lower temperatures


At the earth's surface, potassium feldspar reacts with water to form clay; this is an example of _______________. a. diagenesis b. erosion c. metamorphism d. weathering


Chemical weathering takes place most rapidly in environments that are _______ and ________. a. cool; dry b. cool; wet c. warm; dry d. warm; wet


Earthquake waves that pass through the interior of Earth are termed _____________. a. interior waves b. R- waves c. surface waves d. body waves


Earthquakes are likely to occur along ______________. a. convergent- plate boundaries only b. divergent- plate boundaries only c. transform- plate boundaries only d. all of the above are correct


Evidence for a united Pangaea comes from the fossil record of which type(s) of organisms? a. various plant types b. large terrestrial animals c. freshwater animals d. all of the above are correct


If, during an earthquake, a hanging wall slides upward relative to a footwall, this fault is termed __________________ if the fault is shallow (much closer to horizontal than vertical). a. normal b. reverse c. strike slip d. thrust


Igneous rocks ____________. a. are formed through the freezing of melt b. can be produced at the surface of the Earth as well as deep below the surface c. are the most common type of rocks within Earth d. All of the above are correct.


In Wegener's evidence for continental drift, continents were proposed to fit together such as the east coast of South America with the ______________ and the upper west coast of Africa with ____________. a. west coast of Europe; east coast of South Africa b. lower west coast of Africa; east coast of South America c. west coast of Europe; east coast of North America d. lower west coast of Africa; east coast of North America


In regards to the cooling of molten rock, a ________ volume and a _____ shape cools faster. a. larger; spherical b. larger; pancake c. smaller; spherical d. smaller; pancake


Metamorphism may be induced by ____________. a. contact with a hot pluton b. contact with hot groundwater c. heat and pressure associated with deep burial d. All of the above are correct.


Minerals are all naturally occurring solid substances with a definable chemical composition. They must also possess ____________. A. an ability to be synthesized in the laboratory as well as being found in nature B. metallic elements such as, iron, calcium, or magnesium C. metallic luster D. a fixed crystalline structure (spacial arrangement of atoms and ions)


Obsidian, shown below, ____________. a. is volcanic glass b. possesses conchoidal fracture c. is an extrusive texture d. All of the above are correct.


On a geological map, if the contacts between sedimentary rock units form a series of parallel lines, with the youngest unit in the center, the underlying structure is a(n) ________________. a. anticline b. basin c. dome d. syncline


Pahoehoe ____________. A. forms when basaltic lava flows cease flowing and solidify simultaneously B. has a smoother texture than a'a' C. is easier to walk on than a'a' is D. all of the above


Regional metamorphism ____________. a. takes place at cool temperatures and low pressure b. takes place at cool temperatures but high pressure c. is another name for thermal metamorphism d. is another name for dynamothermal metamorphism


Ripples, dunes, and cross bedding are sedimentary structures that can be used to help determine ____________. a. wind direction b. current direction c. past environments d. All of the above are correct.


The blueschist facies is a metamorphic realm of ____________. a. high temperature and pressure b. low temperature and pressure c. high temperature but relatively low pressure d. high pressure but relatively low temperature


The color of a mineral in powdered for is termed _______. a. color b. specific gravity c. luster d. streak


The color of mineral in powdered form is termed ___________. a. color b. Specific gravity c. luster d. streak


The difference between breccia and conglomerate is that conglomerate ______. a. is finer grained than breccia b. is coarser grained than breccia c. possesses more angular grains than breccia d. possesses more rounded grains than breccia


The principle of ___________ explains the occurrence of older rock within an igneous body. a. baked contacts b. cross-cutting relationships c. original horizontality d. inclusions


The protolith (starting material) subjected to metamorphism ____________. a. is always metamorphic rock b. is always igneous rock c. is always sedimentary rock d. may belong to any of the three primary rock types


The statue- like remains from the people from Pompeii are _____________. a. molds b. actual remains c. ash figures d. casts


Viscosity depends on ____________. a. temperature b. volatile content c. silica content d. all of the above are correct


Viscosity depends on ____________. a. temperature b. waffle house being closed c. silica content d. A and C


Whether an eruption will primarily produce lava flows or pyroclastic debris is influenced by the ___________. a. the viscosity of the lava b. the composition of the lava c. the proportion of volatiles within the lava d. all of the above


Which environment would most likely produce sedimentary deposits characterized by poorly to moderately sorted, angular to subangular grains that consist of feldspar, quartz, and lithics (rock fragments)? a. river b. glacier c. beach d. alluvial fan


Which of the following is NOT a mineral? a. petroleum (oil), which is a liquid b. cubic zirconia, which is a synthetic diamond substitute that is not found in nature c. ice, which is water in the solid state d. Neither a nor b is a mineral; however, c is a mineral


Which of the following processes CANNOT occur in the formation of metamorphic rock? a. realignment of minerals so that they develop a preferred orientation b. segregation of minerals into layers of different compositions c. solid-state rearrangement of atoms or ions to create a new assemblage of minerals d. complete remelting of the rock, followed by solidification to form a new rock


Why does the surface area of Earth remain constant throughout time? a. Subduction occurs. b. Rates of sea-floor spreading are equal to sea-floor consumption. c. Plates slip past each other. d. Both a and b are correct.e.Both b and c are correct.


Why is preserved oceanic bedrock only composed of primarily basalt? a. magma primarily cools to form basalt b. Oceanic bedrock does not experience changes in heat that produce different rock types. c. Oceanic bedrock does not experience changes in pressure that produce different rock types. d. All of the above are correct.


A compass today points directly to geographic north. T/F


All volcanic eruptions pass through the crater at the volcanic summit. T/F


Motion along all faults is either strike slip or dip slip, combinations of these two types of displacement are never found together in a single fault. T/F


Sedimentary deposition is a continuous process; rivers, lakes, and the ocean deposit sediments nonstop at a fairly constant rate. T/F


The deep-ocean floor is flat and nearly featureless. T/F


Two different minerals may have the same chemical formula. T/F


Chemical weathering will generate higher surface area for weathered material. T/F


In nature most examples of minerals do NOT grow as large, well-formed, euhedral crystals. T/F


Large scale eruptions can cause a drop in global temperatures. T/F


Large-scale volcanic eruptions can cause a drop in global temperatures. T/F


Meteorite impacts have been known to induce metamorphism of sediments and rocks. T/F


Weathering found on the top of Stone Mountain would most likely resemble exfoliation caused by pressure release. T/F


Which common mineral is found in most kitchens? a. flour b. sugar c. halite d. mustard


The most useful diagnostic property of minerals is their color in hand sample. T/F


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