Geology Midterm Smartwork

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What is the name of the type of foliation that is defined by the preferred orientation of large mica flakes?


Which of the following is a rock? Quartz Blue sapphire Sand Granite


When magma or melt solidifies it forms _______ rocks. If a pre-existing rock is exposed to extreme heat or pressure its physical properties can change, forming a(n) ___________ rock. Rocks derived from the weathered grains of other pre-existing rocks through lithification are _________ rocks.

Igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary

Which of the following environmental conditions would lead to the thickest soil profile? Cold, dry area underlain by rock gypsum Warm, dry area underlain by gneiss Dry, cold area under your granite Warm, humid area underlain by limestone

Warm, humid area underlain by limestone

A mineral is to a rock as

an atom is to a molecule.

Sort the following characteristics by the type of volcano they are associated with. flank eruptions, pillow basalt, pyroclastic flow, lahars, fire fountain, Strombolian eruption, felsic lava

cinder cone volcano: flank eruptions. strombolian eruption shield volcano: pillow basalt, fire fountain Stratovolcano: pyroclastic flow, lahars, felsic lava,

Sort outcomes of continental collision versus those related to ocean-ocean (oceanic) convergence. crustal thickening, mountain building, subduction, volcanism

continental collision: crustal thickening, mountain building, oceanic convergence: subduction, volcanism

Order the steps that lead to seafloor spreading.

1. The asthenosphere beneath diverging plates rises and melts 2. A magma chamber forms beneath the ridge axis 3. Magma rises to the surface and erupts via submarine volcanoes 4. Newly formed crust is moved laterally away from the ridge

Rank each lava type according to the relative distance it can generally travel from a volcano vent before solidifying. Least distance to most

felsic, intermediate, mafic

Natural cracks in rock that form due to exhumation of deeply buried rock are called


Order the steps in the weathering process, starting with a solid rock, such as granite.

1) coherent, unweathered rock 2) chemical weathering weakens rock 3) rock breaks apart into loose grains 4) regolith and clay form

Place the geologic processes below in the order necessary to form sedimentary rock.

1. Rock is weathered to produce sediments 2. Sediments are buried 3. Compaction removes air from pore spaces 4. Chemically rich groundwater flows through pore spaces 5. Minerals precipitate in pore spaces 6. Sediments are glued together by cement to form sedimentary rocks

What does grain size generally indicate about the cooling of a melt?Choose one: A. Larger crystals indicate the melt cooled gradually. B. Larger crystals indicate the melt cooled at a deeper depth. C. Larger crystals indicate the melt cooled rapidly. D. Larger crystals indicate the melt cooled at a shallower depth.

A. Larger crystals indicate the melt cooled gradually.

Why are there so many different types of magma? Choose one or more: A.The source rock from which magmas form may differ. B.Different magmas may mix to form a new magma. C.The process of partial melting tends to form magmas which are more mafic. D.Magmas may assimilate different chemicals once they reach the surface. E.The lava that forms magmas may cool at different rates.

A. The source rock from which magmas form may differ. B. Different magmas may mix to form a new magma.

Graphite is Choose one: A. a polymorph of diamond. B. harder than glass. C. an ore of lead. D. pure silicon.

A. a polymorph of diamond.

The concept placed Earth at the center of the Universe, with the other planets and the Sun revolving around it. The concept placed the Sun as the center, with Earth and the other planets revolving around it. Choose one: A. geocentric; heliocentric B. heliocentric; geocentric C. biocentric; geocentric D. geocentric; anthropocentric

A. geocentric; heliocentric

Granite Choose one: A. is felsic in composition. B. is the coarse-grained equivalent of andesite. C. logically could be found in a lava flow. D. is an extrusive igneous rock.

A. is felsic in composition.

Phase changes create polymorphs of the original mineral. What is the polymorph of andalusite at 7 kbars of pressure and 450°C? Choose one: A. kyanite B. andalusite C. does not exist D. sillimanite E. kyomanite

A. kyanite

Magnetic anomalies are Choose one: A. places where the magnetic field strength is either greater or less than the expected strength. B. measured with an instrument called an inclinometer. C. defined as the angle between which a compass needle points and the longitude at that point. D. found only on the seafloor.

A. places where the magnetic field strength is either greater or less than the expected strength.

Formation of a clastic sedimentary rock involves five stages. Of these stages, erosion is the Choose one: A. separation of rock or regolith from its substrate. B. disintegration of bedrock into separate particles. C. process by which particles settle out of transport medium. D. compaction and cementation of loose particles to form solid rock.

A. separation of rock or regolith from its substrate.

Which of the following are reasonable interpretations about depositional environments of the sediments from which these rocks formed? Choose one or more: A.The sandstone was deposited in a river. B.The sandstone was deposited on a beach. C.The shale was deposited on a floodplain. D.The shale was deposited on the ocean edge of a delta. E.The shale was deposited in a lake. F.The sandstone was deposited in a desert.

A.The sandstone was deposited in a river. D.The shale was deposited on the ocean edge of a delta.

Which of the following statements about hardness is true? Choose one: A. Calcite will scratch fluorite. B. A copper penny will scratch gypsum. C. Diamond has a Mohs hardness of 10 because it is 10 times harder than talc (hardness of 1). D. Apatite is harder than orthoclase.

B. A copper penny will scratch gypsum.

Why does metamorphism occur at the site of a meteorite impact?Choose one: A. The meteorite introduces extraterrestrial compounds that alter the rocks. B. Pressure generated by the impact condenses rocks, creating new types of rocks. C. Heat generated by the impact causes rocks to melt, forcing a phase change. D. Metals in the meteorite fuse with rocks at the impact site to form new rocks.

B. Pressure generated by the impact condenses rocks, creating new types of rocks.

The feature that may form where a stream enters a lake or ocean is called Choose one: A. a reef. B. a delta. C. an alluvial fan. D. a sedimentary basin.

B. a delta.

A lahar is Choose one: A. a glowing cloud of pyroclastic fragments and hot gas. B. a volcanic mudflow that resembles fluid concrete. C. a lava lake in a summit crater. D. a collapsed volcanic structure.

B. a volcanic mudflow that resembles fluid concrete.

Which type of chemical bond occurs when atoms share electrons? Choose one: A. metallic B. covalent C. ionic D. polarity

B. covalent

Quartzite Choose one: A. breaks around the separate grains of quartz that compose it. B. is basically a solid mass of interlocking quartz grains. C. always shows strong compositional banding. D. is always either white or gray.

B. is basically a solid mass of interlocking quartz grains.

Which of the following is a mineral? Choose one: A. sugar (C6H12O6) B. oyster shell (CaCO3) C. amber (tree sap) D. glass

B. oyster shell (CaCO3)

According to current plate tectonics theory, Choose one: A. plates move at speeds of a few meters per year. B. plates are composed of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. C. a continental plate will subduct under an oceanic plate when the two converge. D. plates move around by convection in the lithosphere.

B. plates are composed of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle.

Humans are part of the?


Which soil horizon consists of weathered bedrock material that has not yet been leached or had significant accumulation?

C horizon

Which of the following is caused by the interaction of charged particles, magnetic lines of force, and the atmosphere in polar regions? Choose one: A. dipole B. troposphere C. aurorae D. Van Allen belts

C. aurorae

Wegener's theory of continental drift took decades to be accepted. Choose one: A. because many of Wegener's ideas turned out to be wrong. B. because of pure stubbornness by the scientific community. C. because Wegener couldn't explain how continents moved. D. because climate, fossil distributions, and land shape offered conflicting evidence.

C. because Wegener couldn't explain how continents moved.

__________forms when _________is altered chemically such that half of the calcium atoms are replaced with magnesium. Choose one: A. Jasper; dolostone B. Agate; travertine C. Dolostone; limestone D. Travertine; limestone

C. Dolostone; limestone

Given a spherical magma body with a radius r of 3.3 meters and a cubical magma body with sides s that have a length of 5.3 meters, in which body of magma is the magma likely to cool more quickly (assuming all other factors are held constant)? Choose one: A. The magma will cool more quickly in the spherical magma body. B. The magma will cool at the same rate for both magma bodies. C. The magma will cool more quickly in the cubical magma body. D. There is not enough information provided to answer the question.

C. The magma will cool more quickly in the cubical magma body.

What would be the significance of finding a precipitated mineral on another planet? Choose one: A. The planet may have or have had significant weathering of its rocks. B. The planet may have or have had volcanic activity. C. The planet may have or have had liquid water on it. D. The planet may have or have had an Earth-like atmosphere.

C. The planet may have or have had liquid water on it.

The Himalayas are growing because Choose one: A. two plates are diverging there. B. two plates are moving past each other there. C. a continental plate is colliding with another continental plate there. D. an oceanic plate is converging with a continental plate and subducting there.

C. a continental plate is colliding with another continental plate there.

Seafloor spreading is driven by volcanic activity that occurs Choose one: A. in the middle of abyssal plains. B. along fracture zones. C. along mid-ocean ridges. D. at the edges of continental shelves.

C. along mid-ocean ridges.

The feature is an apron of gravel and sand deposited at the mouth of a streambed that is leaving the mountains and entering a flat plain. This type of feature is called Choose one: A. a reef. B. a turbidite. C. an alluvial fan. D. a delta.

C. an alluvial fan.

Subduction zone metamorphism Choose one: A. is similar to contact metamorphism. B. All of the possible answers are correct. C. forms the metamorphic rock blueschist. D. involves high temperatures and low pressure.

C. forms the metamorphic rock blueschist.

Which of the following lists accurately reflects an increase in grain size from smallest to largest? Choose one: A. sand, cobbles, pebbles B. sand, silt, pebbles C. mud, silt, sand D. silt, mud, sand

C. mud, silt, sand

An explosive volcanic eruption does not produce lava flows because Choose one: A. the gases below the surface rise and cause the magma to cool and solidify. B. the lava produced cools too quickly due to the abundant water in the surrounding environment. C. the sudden release of accumulated gas pressure blasts the lava upward, forming pyroclastic debris. D. the overriding plate at the subduction zone where the volcano formed is composed of oceanic lithosphere.

C. the sudden release of accumulated gas pressure blasts the lava upward, forming pyroclastic debris.

Which of the following statements about differentiation are true? A.The Earth is round because of differentiation. B.The Moon formed as a result of differentiation. C.The mantle formed as a result of differentiation. D.The core formed as a result of differentiation.

C.The mantle formed as a result of differentiation. D.The core formed as a result of differentiation.

Why is granite a rock?

Coherent, multiple minerals

What physical characteristics can be used to distinguish individual rock types?

Composition, texture, and the size/shape of the grains that compose the rock

Order the steps of volcanic island arc formation.

Convergence begins 1) A subduction trench forms where the subducting plate bends downward into the mantle. 2) An accretionary prism begins to form. 3) Magma, created by flux melting of the mantle, rises through the overriding plate. 4) Lava erupts onto the surface, forming volcanoes.

Which of the following statements about the formation of cross beds is correct? Choose one: A. At a given location, cross beds always slope in the same direction regardless of the wind direction. B. Cross beds are truncated by the main bed surface at their base and are asymptotic with the main bed surface at their top. C. The slip face eventually becomes the main bed surface. D. Sand blows over the crest of a dune and accumulates on the slip face

D. Sand blows over the crest of a dune and accumulates on the slip face

A mineral, as geologists understand the term, is a naturally occurring solid substance with a definable chemical composition and Choose one: A. an ability to be synthesized in the laboratory. B. a metallic luster. C. that consists of metallic elements. D. a fixed crystalline structure.

D. a fixed crystalline structure.

Diamonds Choose one: A. are found in carrot-shaped structures called pegmatites. B. are exceedingly rare, which is why their price is so high. C. of industrial quality (non-gem quality) have no use and are usually discarded. D. are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite.

D. are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite.

Felsic (or silicic) magma Choose one: A. crystallizes at the highest temperatures. B. is likely to form dark-colored igneous rocks. C. has approximately 40% silica and little magnesium and iron. D. is more viscous than mafic magma.

D. is more viscous than mafic magma.

The hardness of a mineral is determined by Choose one: A. its ability to resist chemical reactions with other substances. B. its ability to resist breaking when being struck with a hammer. C. its ability to form cleavage planes. D. its ability to resist being scratched by other substances.

D. its ability to resist being scratched by other substances.

In which tectonic setting would you most expect to find igneous activity? Choose one: A. continental interiors B. passive margins C. continental transform fault zones D. landward of oceanic trenches

D. landward of oceanic trenches

Which of the following terms has to do with extrusive igneous activity? Choose one: A. laccolith B. pluton C. batholith D. pyroclastic

D. pyroclastic

Which of the following classes of minerals are most abundant in the Earth's crust and mantle? Choose one: A. oxides B. sulfides C. carbonates D. silicates

D. silicates

Rhyolite lava Choose one: A. has less silica than basalt lava. B. may form a lava fountain above the vent. C. may flow for many tens or hundreds of kilometers from a vent. D. tends to erupt explosively.

D. tends to erupt explosively.

_____ that do not completely vaporize in the atmosphere impact Earth and are termed_____

Meteors; meteorites

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by which of the following layers?

Outer core

Which statement is true? The moon formed from debris created when Earth suffered a catastrophic protoplanet collision. The moon and earth formed together simultaneously. The moon is a comet that was captured by earths orbit. Early in its formation, fission reactions split the Earth into two bodies, creating the moon

The moon formed from debris created when Earth suffered a catastrophic protoplanet collision.

Which of the following characteristics would be helpful to a geologist who is attempting to visually identify the rock makeup of an outcrop? The amount and type of weathering of the outcrop The presence or absence of faults or folds The presence or absence of bedding or foliation The color of the outcrop's exposure

The amount and type of weathering of the outcrop The presence or absence of failures or folds The presence or absence of bedding or foliation

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