Geopolitics and Current Events 🤡

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Jamal Khashoggi

A Saudi Arabia-born journalist, a columnist for The Washington Post, who was assassinated in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on October 2, 2018. His death is thought to have been ordered by the Saudi prince and leader, Mohammad bin Salman.


"involuntary celibates" refers to men who are mysognists because they do not have a significant other.

Osama Bin Laden

(1957-) Founder of al Qaeda, the terrorist network responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001, and other attacks. Was killed by U.S. Navy Seals in 2012.

Russo-Ukranian War

(2014-present) started when Russia invaded Ukraine during a time of political instability, taking the Crimean Peninsula and the Donbas region. The war resurfaced after an offensive in February 2022 which came from both the East and the North through Russia's ally of Belarus to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. While the Ukrainians were able to stop the attack on Kyiv they lost quite a bit of land to the west which they reclaimed some in September and November of 2022.

Ronald Reagan

1981-1989,"Great Communicator" Republican, conservative economic policies, replaced liberal Democrats in upper house with consevative Democrats or "boll weevils" , at reelection time, jesse jackson first black presdiential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro as VP running mate (first woman)

Barack Obama

2008; Democrat; first African American president of the US, health care bill; Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster; economy: huge stimulus package to combat the great recession, is removing troops from Iraq, strengthened numbers in Afghanistan; repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell; New Start treaty with Russia

Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

2nd largest Bank Collapse in U.S. History which happened in February 2023.

Bill Clinton

42nd President advocated economic and healthcare reform; second president to be impeached, had an affair with Monica Lewinsky.

George W. Bush

43rd president of the US who began a campaign toward energy self-sufficiency and against terrorism in 2001 and invading Iraq in 2003, known for being a very poor orator.

Haiti Earthquake 2010

7 richter scale earthquake in the North American and Carribean Plate. 230k dead which increased the political instability of Haiti.

Whiskey War

A "war" between Canada and Greenland (Denmark) over the uninhabited Hans Island. Started when Canada place a Canadian flag on Hans Island and left some Canadian whiskey for the Greenlanders. Then the Greenlanders came, raised the Danish Flag and placed some Danish Schnapps around the flag with a sign that read "welcome to the Danish Island" this friendly war went on for sometime and in 2022 they decided to split the land to teach the world about how to settle disputes during the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Harvey Weinstein

A Hollywood producer who attempted to seduce women in acting roles in his films. He sexually assaulted these women who then went through social media and coined the #MeToo movement to speak out for sexual assault awareness.

Malala Yousafzai

A Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate.

Polisario Front

A Sahrawi(Western Sahara) rebel national liberation movement working for the independence of Western Sahara from Morocco. They are an observer member of the Socialist International. Since 1979 it has been recognized by the United Nations as the representative of the people of Western Sahara.

Agean Sea Dispute

A dispute between Türkiye and Greece over the Aegean Sea which has put the country's on the brink of war


A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

Al Qaedda

A fundamentalist muslim organization led by Osama Bin Laden and stationed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The Taliban

A group of fundamentalist Muslims who took control of Afghanistan's government in 1996.

World Health Organization (WHO)

A group within the United Nations responsible for human health, including combating the spread of infectious diseases and health issues related to natural disasters.


A method of co-optation whereby authoritarian systems create or sanction a limited number of organizations to represent the interests of the public and restrict those not set up or approved by the state.

The Green Party

A minor party dedicated to the environment, social justice, nonviolence, and the foreign policy of nonintervention. Ralph Nader ran as the Green party's nominee in 2000. They are most focused on clean energy policy and their logo is a green sunflower.

Libertarian Party

A minor party that believes in extremely limited government. Libertarians call for a free market system, expanded individual liberties such as drug legalization, and a foreign policy of nonintervention, free trade, and open immigration. They are the largest third party in america and they are symbolized by a yellow porcupine.

Islamic Fundamentalism

A movement among many Muslims to return to the fundamentals of Islamic Faith, Life, and Society.

Indian National Congress

A movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. Its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until World War I. Led after 1920 by Mohandas K. Gandhi, appealing to the poor.

Breton Independence movement

A movement for the independence of the northwestern region of Britany, which is ethnically Celtic.

Silicon Valley

A nickname for the Southern part of San Francisco Bay Area in the northern California, originally referring to the concentration of silicon chip innovators and manufacturers, but eventually referring to the concentration of all types of high-tech businesses

Bull Market

A period of increased stock trading and rising stock prices


A policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews.

Imperialism/ Colonialism

A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.


A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones.


A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes.

Communist Party of Cuba

A political party in the Cuban government. Organized in 1965 by Fidel Castro but dating back to 1923, it is the only political party permitted to function in Cuba.


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land


A political theory favoring the abolition of governments.

The One Child Policy

A program established by the Chinese government in 1979 to slow population growth in China by only letting couples have one child. The policy was abolished in 2016 amid a population collapse that Will affect China's military and economy in years to come.


A radical ideology that proposed the revolutionary reorganization of society into an egalitarian community ruled by labor unions.


A radical political movement that advocated bringing industry and government under the control of federations of labor unions. Syndicalists endorsed direct actions such as strikes and sabotage.


A region of northern India and Pakistan over which several destructive wars have been fought

Arab Spring

A revolutionary wave of protests and demonstrations overtaking dictators in the Middle East (2011)


A sense of pride in one's country

Canada Convoy Protest

A series of protests and blockades in Canada against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions, called the Freedom Convoy (French: Convoi de la liberté) by organizers, began in early 2022. The initial convoy movement was created to protest vaccine mandates for crossing the United States border, but later evolved into a protest about COVID-19 mandates in general. Beginning January 22, hundreds of vehicles formed convoys from several points and traversed Canadian provinces before converging on Ottawa on January 29, 2022, with a rally at Parliament Hill. The convoys were joined by thousands of pedestrian protesters. Several offshoot protests blockaded provincial capitals and border crossings with the United States.


A social movement dedicated to protecting the earth's life support systems for us and other species.

World Bank

A specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation. Its formal name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Bear Market

A steady drop in the stock market over a period of time


A strategy for economic development that calls for free markets, balanced budgets, privatization, free trade, and minimal government intervention in the economy.


A system based on the belief that political power should be concentrated in one person (for example, a king) who rules by decree.


A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.


A very rapid rise in the price level; an extremely high rate of inflation.

World Trade Organization

Administers the rules governing trade between its 144 members. Helps producers, importers, and exporters conduct their business and ensure that trade flows smoothly.


Adolf Hitler used fascism to create this type of government based on totalitarian ideas and was used to unite Germany during the 1930s. It beliefs that races are in a heiracrhy strcture with the white, blond haired, and blue eyed german Aryan people descended at the top and the Jewish people on the

Ahmad Shah Massoud and Abdul Rashid Dostum

Afghan warlords who founded the Northen Alliance against the Taliban. While Massoud was assinated not long before 9/11 and the aliance disbanded with Dostum fighting smaller warlords, Dostum continued to support American forces during the invasion of Afghanistan and was instrumental in the capture of Mazar-i-sharrif from the Taliban. And in 2008 he was made the Vice Preaident of Afghanistan, and continued to hate the Taliban after they regained power in 2021.

2023 Brazilian Congress Attack

After Bolsonaro's loss in the 2022 brazlian election, his supporters procceded to raid the Brazlain Congress mimicing the January 6th Insurrection.

Wagner Mutiny

After a reported attack from the Russian Army, the Russian Mercenary Group, the Wagner Group, led an insurrection against Putin's government in June of 2023. Just before the mutiny got to Moscow, a deal between Prigozhin and Putin was brokered by Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko.

NATO Article 5

An attack on one is an attack on all

Battle of Kandahar (2001)

After the fall of Mazar-i-Sharif, Kabul and Herat, Kandahar was the last major city under Taliban control. Kandahar was where the Taliban movement had originated and where its power base was located, so it was assumed that capturing Kandahar would be difficult. The city fell after several weeks of fighting to a force of local militia under Pashtun military commanders and their American advisers. The fall of Kandahar signaled the end of organized Taliban control of Afghanistan.


All of the policies which Presidant Donald Trump stands for including Nationalism, populism, reshoring, etc.

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

Allows open trade between the US, Mexico, and Canada.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

American political independent who in interview with Joe Rogan, he highlighted JFK's opposition to warfare, especially invasion of Cuba and Vietnam, and citing his preference of economic over military power. His politics are mostly populist being against Big-pharma and the military industrial complex and has made comments about vaccines creating Autism.

Task Force Dagger

American special forces group to advise the northern alliance. Was the first American force sent to Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks and led the first Calvary charge of the 21st century as they did have to use horses for travel and combat since the rocky hills made travel difficult.


An agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to aid education and the health of children and mothers in developing countries

Oslo Accords

An agreement in 1993 in which Israeli prime minister Rabin granted Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.


An anarchist tradition which holds that unregulated market competition can and should be applied to all social arrangements, making the state unnecessary.


An aversion to the United States in general, as well as to the influence of its culture abroad.


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought


An economic system based on private ownership of capital and property.


An ideology which brings together a belief in fiscal conservatism, that is a return to classical liberalism (increase the free market, decrease the size of government), with a social conservatism, that is a call to return to traditional notions of social and political morality, with state as moral authoritarian figure

Amnesty International

An influential non-governmental organization that operates globally to monitor and try to rectify glaring abuses of political (not economic or social) human rights.

ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

An international organization linking together the 10 most important countries of Southeast Asia

Hala'ib Triangle Dispute

An ongoing border dispute in which Egypt asserts the political boundary, and Sudan asserts the administrative boundary, with the result that the Hala'ib is claimed by both and Bir Tawil by neither. In 2014, author Alastair Bonnett described Bir Tawil as the only place on Earth that was habitable but was not claimed by any recognized government.

Israeli-Hamas War

An ongoing war War between Israel and the organization known as Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip after Hamas attacked Israel and Israel responded with a bloody invasion and cutting off all exports and aid to the country.

Bir Tawil

An unclaimed spot between Egypt and Sudan due to the complex Hala'ib triangle dispute. An American man named Jeremiah Heatin travelled to this area in 2014 placing down a flag and proclaiming the Kingdom of Northeen Sudan so his seven year old daughter can be a princess.


An unmanned aerial vehicle often used by the military for surveillance operations.


Anti-fascist action terrorist organization which violently resists what it sees as far-right and white supremacist ideologies. Their members have frequently been involved in terrorist an acts such as Doxxing and threats.

Euromaidan Movement

Anti-government, pro-western protesters in Ukraine just before the start of the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2014

Rishi Sunak

First Indian Prime Minister of the UK, a member of the Conservative Party. In the first day of work he brought a dog with him in order to protest the old parliament rule of "No dogs or Indians allowed"


Belief that a certain code of beleifs should be integrated into the law of a country.


Belief that one race is superior to another

pro-choice movement

Believes that women should have the right to an abortion, which is a procedure to remove an unborn fetus in the womb.

pro-life movement

Belives that abortion is mureder and that the rights of unborn children should be preserved.


Biden's economic plan which involved helping workers union's and promoting competition among smaller corporations. Was considered a failure as the economies of 2022 and 2023 were both bad years for the economy with large amounts inflation.

New Hampshire Primary

First Presidential primary and its winner becomes the media's major attention

Strait of Malacca

Body of water connecting the Indian and Pacific Ocean near Singapore. China is completely dependent on this straight for most international imports, making it a strategic weakness.

The China-Indian Border Dispute

Border disputes where India claims the uninhabited region of Aksai-Chin as part of Kashmir and China claims the Indian state of Arunchal Pradesh. The Dispute has led to distant tensions between the two countries and resulted in the death of many border guards.

Jair Messias Bolsonaro

Brazilian politician and retired military officer who served as the 38th president of Brazil from 2019 to 2022.

Dick Cheney

Bush's Vice President and a Wyoming representative who was attacked numerous times for his considerable power given to him by the President and his policy-making.

Donald Trump

Businessman who created "The Apprentice" and 45th President of the United States. Republican who advocated for a Border Walk between the United States and Mexico to stop illegal immigration, who was indicted four times in 2023, incited the January Six insurrection, and who is considered a Jesus figure in the conspiracy theory QAnon.

Iowa Caucus

First state to hold a caucus or primary, therefore giving Iowa much attention during the campaign season.


Children's Online Privacy Protection Act: a law that intends to keep children under the age of 13 protected from the collection of private information and safety risks online.

wolf warrior diplomacy

China's aggressive diplomatic style on global stage under Xi.

Panda Diplomacy

China's use of giant pandas as diplomatic gifts, most commonly used to cement relationships with other states.


Chinese Nationalist Party; overthrown on mainland China by CCP; in power on Taiwan.

Sudanese Civil War

Civil war between north (mainly Arab Muslims) and south (mainly Black Christians and animists) Sudan between 1983 and 2005; South Sudan gained independence as a result.

Battle of Tora Bora

Coalition and Northern Alliance forces trap Bin-Laden and Al-qaeda leadership in the caves in Tora Bora, on the border with Pakistan. Bin Laden escaped and the U.S. Government was criticized for inaction.

Arabian-Iranian Cold War

Cold War between Saudi Arabia branching off into several conflicts such as the Yemen Civil War, and the Israeli-Gaza War.

TikTok Congress hearing

Congressional hearing in the Summer of 2023 about the state of TikTok as a means of CCP data collection on the United States.

Congress UFO/UAP hearing

Congressional hearing in the summer of 2023 about the possibility of the government having UFO data or the possible existence of aliens.

Amy Coney Barret

Conservative Associate Justice of the Supreme Court who was instated under the Trump Administration

Ben Shapiro

Conservative political speaker who is Orthodox Jewish and founder of "The Daily Wire". Threatened by Transgender woman Zoey Tur and coined the phrase "Facts don't care about your feelings." Said against Transgenderism

Boris Johnson

Controversial conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who led the country out of the European Union.

King Charles III

Current King of England, crowned in 2023 after the death of her mother Queen Elizabeth.

Olaf Scholz

Current chancellor of Germany as of 2023

Bashar al-Assad

Current dictator of Syria who used chemical weapons on civilians and who is proper up by Russia.

Emmanuel Macron

Current president of France since 2017. He is France's youngest president ever, albeit quite controversial and many riots over his laws have sparked riots in France.

Narendra Modi

Current prime minister of India as of 2023


Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a government agency in the Department of Labor to maintain a safe and healthy work environment

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Democratic Supreme Court justice instated by Bill Clinton, 1st Jewish justice who supported feminist policies.

Mohammad bin Salman

Deputy crown prince and minister of defense of Saudi Arabia. He is the son of King Salman, and has launched a reform campaign since his appointment as deputy crown prince in 2015.

Uyghur Genocide

Descendants of Turkic peoples, 1 million of this group and other Muslims, are currently facing genocide committed against them in their homeland, East Turkistan. This land has been colonized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since 1949, creating a police state and renamed Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi

Dictator of Libya from 1969 to 2011, Pan-African and Anti-western, killed in civil war

Robert Mugabe

Dictator of Zimbabwe since 1980, very corrupt leading to massive inflation, had his men kill ethnic Boers and white Zimbabweans and repossessed their land to black Zimbabweans.

Kosovo Dispute

Dispute between Serbia and the breakaway region Kosovo. Kosovo claims independence and has since 2008 and Serbia refuses this claims and claims Kosovo, although the country isn't ethnically Serbian and more ethnically Albanian.

Dokdo/Takeshima Islands Dispute

Dispute between South Korea and Japan over a very small uninhabited Island

Istanbul dispute

Dispute between Turkish and Greek nationalists. Greek nationalists claim the Turkish city of Istanbul, formerly "Constantinople" is Greek and it is occupation of Türkiye.

The Falkland Islands/ Las Malvinas Dispute

Dispute between a group of islands in the southern sea between Argentina ans the UK.

Croatia-Serbia Border Dispute

Dispute between the border of Serbia and Croatia which leaves a spot that nobody claims known as Liberland.

kurill islands dispute

Dispute over a chain of islands in the North Pacific between Japan and Russia.

Essequibo Border Disoute

Dispute over the resource rich Essequibo region of Guyana betwenn Guyana and Venezuela.

The China-Bhutan Border Dispute

Disputed patches of land between China and the peaceful Asian country of Bhutan.

Hillary Clinton Email controversy

During her tenure as United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. After a years-long FBI investigation, it was determined that Clinton's server did not contain any information or emails that were clearly marked classified. Federal agencies did, however, retrospectively determine that 100 emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.


Economic alliance five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, including other countries however Argentina backed out in December of 2023z

Market Economy

Economic decisions are made by individuals or the open market.

traditional eonomy

Economy is under the scrutiny of a traditional prcatice such as the Amish.

Basam Youseff

Egyptian surgeon and comedian who supports Palestinian independence.

Kim Jong Nam

Eldest son of Kim Jong-Il, fell from favor as too westernized, assassinated in 2017 by agents of Kim Jong-Un, his half-brother.


Emerged as the most famous socialist belief system during the 19th century. Saw all of history as the story of class struggle.


Excessive or prejudiced support for one's own cause or group, in particular male prejudice against women.

Deceptive Imagery Persuasion (DIP)

Falsified imagery designed to spread false information and promote an agenda. Used often in online infowars.

United Socialist Party of Venezuelan

Far left in Venezuela which came into power with the rise of Hugo Chavez.

Fransisco Franco

Fascist general whose rebel forces defeated the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War He ruled a dictator of Spain until his death in 1975 whereupon the country changed into a democracy.


Fear or dislike of China, its people, and culture


Following longtime practices and opposing many modern ideas.

British Labor Party

Formed at turn of twentieth century by combination of trade unions and middle class intellectuals. On the continent it was socialist political parties which brought into being and led the trade unions. But in Britain it was the other way around. So, the Labor Party would be less socialistic than its counterpart on the continent. The origin of the Labor Party was in large part due to the desire to keep the trade unions respected. The party had 29 Members of Parliament elected by 1906. They pressured the Liberal Party to pass social legislation.

Angela Merkel

Former Chancellor of Germany

Anita Hill

Former associate of Clarence Thomas, who accused him of sexual harassment in Senate Judiciary Committee hearings.

Volodymyr Zelensky

Former comedian and President of Ukraine in 2019.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Former leader of ISIS killed in 2019 under the Trump administration.

Pedro Castillo

Former president of Peru, who in 2022 attempted a Coup-de-tá which failed miserably.

Japanese Feudalism

Four class system laid down with marriage restrictions and to members of the same class. 1-emporer and shogun. 2- dayimo. 3- samurai 4- artisans, commoners, merchants

2008 Financial Crisis

Occurred because of bad practices in the financial sector related to home mortgages. The government eventually bailed out the banks with over 700 billion dollars. the real estate bubble burst in the US, setting in motion a financial crisis of enormous proportions

Jovenel Moïse

Haitian president assassinated on July 7th 2021z

October 7th Attacks

Hamas forces broke out of the barrier walls and attacked several Israeli villages including a music festival, taking several hostages, starting the Israeli-Hamas War.

Shinzo Abe assassination

Happened on July 8th, 2022 in which the former prime minister of Japan and a serving member of the Japanese House of Representatives, was assassinated while speaking at a political event outside Yamato-Saidaiji Station in Nara City, Nara Prefecture.Abe was delivering a campaign speech for a Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidate when he was fatally shot by 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami with an improvised firearm. Abe was transported by a medical helicopter to Nara Medical University Hospital in Kashihara, where he was pronounced dead.

Political Independence

Having no affiliation to any political movement.

Idi Amin

He took over the government of Uganda and overthrew his ally. And started his own reign of terror, and in 8 months there was over 300,000 executed. He started war with Tanzania and was crushed by them, he later than fled to Libya.

Milton Friedman

He was a famous American economist. He strongly promoted the idea of free trade and condemned government regulation and socialism.

George Soros

Hedge fund manager who made $2.4 billion by predicting 2008 crash. Now a billionaire, democrat, philanthropist and liberal-lobbyist.

Chinese Communist Party

Party formed in 1923 when Sun Yat-Sen merged the Third Communist International and the KMT to create the first of many liberation fronts. This front was completely anticonservative and anti-imperialist, but not fully communist. Eventually it would separate from and defeat the KMT under Mao Zedong in 1927.

Ricardo's Theory

If a nation trades with another nation with compartive advntage, than both nations can reach an outcome previously impossible on their own.

Iranian Hostage Crisis

In 1979, Iranian fundamentalists seized the American embassy in Tehran and held fifty-three American diplomats hostage for over a year. The Iranian hostage crisis weaked the Carter presidency; the hostages were finally released on January 20, 1981, the day Ronald Reagan became president.

European Commission

Responsible for proposing EU legislation, implementing it, and monitoring compliance

Sinaloa Cartel

International drug trafficking organization established in Sinaloa, Mexico run by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman and has large amounts of control in Northern Mexico.


Irish Republican Army, a successor to the Irish Volunteers, a militant nationalist organization founded in 1913. The organizations purpose was to use armed force to render British rule in Ireland ineffective and thus to assist in achieving the broader objective of an independent republic, which was pursued at the political level by Sinn Féin, the Irish nationalist party. From its inception, however, the organization operated independently of political control and in some periods actually took the upper hand in the independence movement. Its membership overlaps with that of Sinn Féin. Many of their tactics have included Terrorism.

The Islamic State (ISIS)

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, a jihadist militant terrorist organization that follows a fundamentalist variation of the doctrine of Sunni Islam.

John Stewart

Jewish American liberal comedian, who was on NBC but is now on Apple T.V. With the show "The Problem with John Stewart."

Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES, better known as Rojava)

Kurdish region of northeastern Syria, which comprises one of many forces in rebellion against Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War.

The Wagner Group

Large and Powerful Russian Military group created to give Russia plausible deniability in world affairs. Mutinied against Russia in June of 2023, which failed. Their leader, Yvginy Prigozhin was killed two months later and they were assimilated into the Russian Army.

Enrique Tarrio

Leader of proud boys who filmed himself raiding the capital building during the January 6th Insurrection.

Robert Kajuga

Leader of the Interhamwe, which orchestrated the Rwandan Genocide

Yvgeny Prigozhin

Leader of the Wagner Group who orchestrated the Wagner Mutiny against Russia. After peace was brokered he was executed in August of 2023 by Vladimir Putin.

Elizabeth Warren

Massachusetts senator who proposed the Ultra-millionaire Ta, who falsely claims she is Native American despite having only around 3% Native American in her DNA.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Mexican leftist politician who lost the presidential elections of 2006 and 2012; he has challenged the legitimacy and integrity of the Mexican electoral process

Quebec Sepratism Movement

Movement for the seperatism of the French Canadian province of Quebec into it's own state away from the rest of Canada.

East Turkestan Independence Movement

Movement to liberate the province of Xinjiang from China to establish a Turkish state.

Bob Menendez

New Jersey, Democrat who was exposed for his numerous bribes from the Egyptian Junta in 2023.

Abdourahamane Tchiani

Nigerien military officer who is the president of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, the military junta of Niger. He had served as the Chief of the Nigerien Presidential guard (2011-2023). He played a key role in the 2023 Nigerien coup d'état by detaining President Mohamed Bazoum. On 28 July 2023, he announced himself as the leader of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland; the junta that took power two days prior. His coup triggered the 2023 Nigerien crisis.

Gibraltar Dispute

Oldest border dispute in the world between the United Kingdom and Spain over the Gibraltar territory.

2023 Gabon Coup

On 30 August 2023, a coup d'état occurred in Gabon shortly after the announcement that incumbent president (dictator) Ali Bongo Ondimba had won the general election held on 26 August.

Democratic Party

One of the two larger American politic parties. Since the 1960s they've been the more liberal party and voted in favor of big government. They are symbolized by a blue donkey to represent stubbornness.

Republican Party (GOP)

One of the two major American political parties. It emerged in the 1850s as an antislavery party and consisted of former northern Whigs and antislavery Democrats, however they have since become the more Conservative Party in favor of small government since the 1960s. Symbolized by a red elephant.

The Democratic Party

One of the two major U.S political party;founded in 1828 by Andrew Jackson to support a decentralized government and state's rights. Since the 1960s they've become the more liberal party and they are signified by a blue donkey.

Western Sahara Dispute

Ongoing Dispute which began after Spain left their Sahara colony in which Mauritania and Morocco attempted to colonize the Western Sahara region however the Sarawi people fought back and created the Polisario front. Eventually they chased Mauritania off but Morocco still occupies the western and central part of Western Sahara which they claim is there which is recognized by the United States.

The Chinese Civil War

Ongoing War between the CCP and the KMT which started in the 1930s and after the two stopped fighting and teamed up in World War Two to fight the Japanese, they resumed fighting with the KMT fleeing to Taiwan which they now reside.

Syrian Civil War

Ongoing conflict between Bashar al-Assad and diverse rebel forces.

Economic Societal Goals

Outcomes a nation hopes to acheive in an econony

Hamas and Hezbollah

Palestinian nationalist terrorist groups formed to take back land from Israel.

Yasser Arafat

Palestinian statesman who is chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (born in 1929)

Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

Pirate industry in the Gulf of Guinea which is hard to regulate as western nations cannot as easily establish bases in the Gulf of Guinea since the countries that border it are not failed states like Somalia.

The Republican Party

Political party that believed in the non-expansion of slavery & consisted of Whigs, N. Democrats, & Free-Soilers in defiance to the Slave Powers. Since the 1960s they became the more conservative party and they are signifier by a red elephant.


Prejudice against Jews


Prejudice against Russia or Ethnic Russians

Kim Jong Il

son of Kim Il Sung and father of Kim Jong Un, became ruler of North Korea after his father's death.

Javier Melei

President of Argentina since december 2023, his campaign is symbolized by a chainsaw and his plans are to replace the argentine peso with the U.S. Dollar and to pull argentina away from China and Russia to towards the United States.

Aleksander Lukashenko

President of Belarus, considered the last dictator of Europe. In Belarus is illegal to take a picture of him from behind which would reveal his bald spot and he told his citizens COVID-19. could be cured with Saunas and Vodka.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

President of Brazil from January 2023 to the present. Campaigned for social change, and faced many challenges when elected, such as one of the largest gaps between the rich and poor in the world. Has faced accusations of corruption

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

President of Turkey since 2014, re-elected in 2018. He has been criticized for implementing anti-democratic practices and policy changes in the country.

Boris Yeltsin

President of the Russian Republic in 1991. Helped end the USSR and force Gorbachev to resign.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen of England who died in September 2022, one of her most famous moments included driving the crown prince of Saudi Arabia around her palace recklessly in order of protest women's rights.

Viktor Bout

Russian arms dealer nicknamed "The Merchant of Death" traded for Brittney Grinder in December of 2022.

Aleksander Dvornikov

Russian military general known as "The Beast of Aleppo" who was replaced in may of 2022.

Hunter Biden Scandal

Scandal going on with the son of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, in which he

Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader (Republican) whose age and signs of dementia have stirred up controversy in 2023.

Scottish Separatism

Separation of Scotland in the United Kingdom

Corsican Sepratism

Separatist movement for the French island of Corsica which the French "bought" after Corsica claimed independence from its mother state the republic of Genoa.

Ambazonian Separatist Movement

Separatist movement from the western English speaking region of Cameroon known as Ambazonia.

Chechen Separatism

Sepratist movement in the Russian region of Chechnya, a mostly Muslim republic in the Caucasus mountains.

Dagestani Separatism

Sepratist movement in the Russian region of Dagestan, a mostly Muslim republic in the Caucasus mountains.

Al Gore

Served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. Ran for President in 2000 and won popular vote but lost Electoral College.

Liz Cheney

She represented Wyoming's at-large congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2017 to 2023, and served as chair of the House Republican Conference—the third-highest position in the House Republican leadership—from 2019 to 2021. She is known for her vocal opposition to former President Donald Trump. As of March 2023, she is a professor of practice at the University of Virginia Center for Politics.

Ruhollah Ayatollah Khomeini

Shiite religious leader of Iran, led the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and ordered the invasion of the US Embassy.

January 6th Insurrection

supporters of President Trump break into U.S. Capitol in protest against the results of the 2020 election.

Tim Scott

South Carolina Republican who ran for president in 2024.

Russian Disinformation

Spreading of false information by Russian bot accounts on social media to spread fake news and propaganda on the internet.


Stalin's government system that was acheived in the name of Communism but was more like totalitarianism; benefited only government and relied on terror tactics, secret police, bogus trials and assassination


Stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. A nationwide electronic system that links dealers across the nation so that they can buy and sell securities electronically.

The Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)

Started when Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August, 1990 and a U.N. Peacking force sent Sadam Hussein's forces back to Iraq.

The Pink Wave

States in Latin America declaring independence from the United States during the Cold War, as a result, the United States saw them as "pink"

Kim Jong Un

Supreme Leader of North Korea.


Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon; led to a focus on eliminating terrorism.


Terrorist group in Somalia affiliated with Al-Qaeda

Pax Britannica (1815-1914)

The peroid of time when Great Britain was the world miliatry, cultural, diplomatic, and economic superpower. Lasted from 1815 at the end of the Napoleonic Era to the begining of the first World War in 1914.


The British Exit from the European Union


The Economic Community of West African States, formed in 1975 to improve trade within Western Africa and with countries outside the region.

Ethiopia-Egypt Nile Dispute

The Ethiopian government wants to damn the blue nil for hydroelectric power (GERD), however this will affect Egypt's agriculture and they have threatened war.

Hillary Clinton

The First Lady appointed to bring national attention to health care reform.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a federal law protecting the privacy of patient-specific health care information and providing the patient with control over how this information is used and distributed.

Greenlandic Sepratist Movement

The Movment of Greenland to leave the kingdom of Denmark and for it to become it's own country.

Siberian Separatism

The Separation of the ethnically distinct, easternmost, and resource rich region of Russia known as Siberia.

Fall of Kabul (2021)

The Taliban recaptures Kabul as U.S. Forces withdraw from Afghanistan.

Nicolás Maduro

The authoritarian leader of venezuela who succeded Hugo Chavez in 2013 and lee the country into having an over 1000% inflation rate, a food shortage, and on the brink of war with it's neighbor Guyana as of 2023.

2016 Election Fraud

The beleif that Donald Trump was voted into office whth the help of Russian voting Fraud, which has since been disproven.,


The beleif that women are treated worse than men and all genders must be equal.


The belief that a certain ethnic group should have their own state.


The belief that one nation is superior to another and the superior nation shoukd conquer the inferior nation.

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.


The belief that people should have as much freedom as possible.

The Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.

Joe Biden

The current President of the United States (2021-). Has come under controversy due to his old age and signs of dementia.


The far right american conspiracy theory that the democratic party is run by human traficking Satan Worshippers and the Donald Trump and other far right wingers are trying to stop it. As of 2023, 17% of Americans believe in QAnon.

Reaganomics (trickle-down economics)

The federal economic polices of the Reagan administration, elected in 1981. These policies combined a monetarist fiscal policy, supply-side tax cuts, and domestic budget cutting. Their goal was to reduce the size of the federal government and stimulate economic growth.

Sadam Hussein

The former dictator of Iraq who was put on trial for genocide, and crimes against human rights. Executed by U.S. Troops by Hanging.

Rwandan Genocide

The killing of more than 500,000 ethnic Tutsis by rival Hutu militias in Rwanda in 1994. The conflict between the dominant Tutsis and the majority Hutus had gone on for centuries, but the suddenness and savagery of the massacres caught the United Nations off-guard. U.N. peacekeepers did not enter the country until after much of the damage had been done.

NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)

The largest stock market based on market capitalization and is floor based. Located on Wall Street NYC

Pax Americana (1945-present day)

The peroid of time when america was the military, diplomatic, economic, ans cuktural superpower of the world, began after the end of the second world war in 1945 and is still going today as of 2023.

Tibetan Separatism

The separation of Tibet from China

Somaliland Separatist Movement

The separation of the ethnically distinct Somaliland from Somalia. They broke away from Somalia in 1991 and Somalia has not recognized Somalialand Independence, however due to the ongoing Somaliland Civil War, they are unable to maintain control over the region, so it operates almost completely autonomously.

Abkhazia and South Ossetia Sepratism

The separation of two states of Abkhazia and S. Ossetia from Georgia, supported by Russia who sided with them in the 2008 Russo-Georgian war which secured Abkhazian and S. Ossetian independence while also relying heavily on Russia.


The spread of information in a country's defense to gain international support. Winning this battle will turn public opinion on one side which will create pressure from politicians of other countries to support you.


The value of moderation in all things. Extremists on left and right are viewed with suspicion.

Colombia's National Liberation Army (ELN)

This group detonated a car bomb in Bogota in January 2019, killing 21 people. The group has also been blamed for thousands of kidnappings and hundreds of attacks on oil pipelines over the last two and half decades. Colombian police speculate that a 2019 attack on a union leader who works for Colombian mine operated by U.S.-based Drummond Coal could have been carried out by this group's members. This group also has aspirations to expand their control into Venezuela.

Clarence Thomas

This man was an African American jurist, and a strict critic of affirmative action. He was nominated by George H. W. Bush to be on the Supreme Court in 1991, and shortly after was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. Hearings were reopened, and he became the second African American to hold a seat in the Supreme Court.

Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

This organization formed in 1964 with the purpose of creating a homeland for Palestinians in Israel

Catalan Separatism

This was a movement centered in the northeast of Spain in Barcelona to break away from Spain and found an independent country.

Minsk Accords

Treaties that created a ceasefire in the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2015.

Bernie Sanders

US Senator from Vermont and self proclaimed socialist who is jokingly compared to the aardvark from the cartoon "The Ant and the Aardvark"

U.S. Afghanistan Withdrawal

Under the Biden administration, a hasty withdrawal of afghanistan was conducted, resulting in the Taliban regainig power in the country in 2021z

Donbas Sepratism

Unpopular separatist movement in the east of Ukraine to join the Russia federation.

Mike Pence

Vice president who served under Trump and ran for president in 2024.

Second Wave Feminism

Women's rights movement that revived in the 1960s with a different agenda than earlier women's suffrage movements; second-wave feminists demanded equal rights for women in employment and education, the right to abortion, and the end of patrichal social structure.

Mohammad Bazoum

a Nigerien politician who served as the 10th president of Niger from 2021 to 2023. He assumed office in April 2021 after winning the 2020-21 presidential election and surviving a failed coup d'état attempt. He was ousted in the 2023 Nigerien coup d'état by members of the presidential guard and the armed forces led by Abdourahamane Tchiani.


a Palestinian political and military organization founded by Yasser Arafat in 1958 to work toward the creation of a Palestinian state

Ismail Haniyeh

a Palestinian politician who is a senior political leader of Hamas, the current chairman of Hamas's political bureau; as of 2023, Haniyeh lives in Qatar.

Sergei Shoigu

a Russian politician and military officer who has served as Minister of Defence of Russia since 2012. Shoigu has served as the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the Commonwealth of Independent States since 2012.[

Carles Puigdemont

a Spanish politician and journalist from Catalonia. Since 2019 he has served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP). A former mayor of Girona, Puigdemont served as President of Catalonia from 2016 to 2017 when he was removed from office by the Spanish Government following the unilateral Catalan declaration of independence. He is co-founder of the National Call for the Republic (CNxR), leader of the Together for Catalonia (JuntsxCat) electoral alliance and founder of the Together for Catalonia party.

Greta Thunberg

a Swedish environmental activist who is internationally known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action against climate change.

Tax Haven

a country whose favorable banking laws and low tax rates give companies the opportunity to shield some of their income from higher tax rates in their home countries or other countries where they do business. Examples include Andorra, Luxembourg, Qatar, Barbados, and Bahrain.

Syrian Salvation Government

a de facto alternative government of the Syrian opposition in Idlib Governorate, formed in early November 2017 under the initiative of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) rebel coalition. There followed weeks of conflict between the Syrian Salvation Government (SSG) and the Syrian Interim Government (SIG), with reports of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham unilaterally disbanding several SIG-supported local councils across northwestern Syria.


a decrease in the general level of prices

The Proud Boys

a far-right, white nationalist, and Neo-Fascist male-only organization that promotes and engages in political violence. It is based in the United States and also has a presence in Canada.


a fear or hatred of foreigners, migrants, or immigrants

Canadian Liberal Party

a federal political party in Canada. The party espouses the principles of liberalism, and generally sits at the center to the centre-left of the Canadian political spectrum, with their main rival, the Conservative Party, positioned to their right and the New Democratic Party positioned to their left. The party is described as "big tent", practicing "brokerage politics", attracting support from a broad spectrum of voters. The party is the longest-serving and oldest active federal political party in the country, and has dominated federal politics of Canada for much of its history, holding power for almost 70 years of the 20th century. As a result, it has sometimes been referred to as Canada's "natural governing party".

COVID-19 pandemic

a global spread of the Covid-19 virus; news of the virus first reported by the news in late 2019; spread to the U.S., which caused a nationwide shutdown of schools and many businesses starting in March, 2020; U.S. has, as of 5/20/21, had 584,337 deaths; global death totals are roughly, 3,390,000; U.S. pharmaceutical companies developed vaccines with record speed; U.S. deaths have decreased as a larger % of the population has gotten vaccinated; many states are easing their "Covid restrictions"


a labor union organizing method through which all workers in the same industry are organized into the same union.

Battle of Conoco Fields

a military engagement of the Syrian civil war fought on 7 February 2018 near the towns of Khasham and Al Tabiyeh in the Deir ez-Zor Governorate, Syria. The Operation Inherent Resolve coalition delivered air and artillery strikes on Syrian Armed Forces and pro-government militias after they reportedly engaged a U.S. military and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) position in the region. The forces of the Syrian government were also allied with the Russian mercenaries of the PMC Wagner group.

The Northern Alliance

a multiethnic alliance in Afghanistan who practice a moderate form of Islam and are united in their opposition to the Taliban.

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)

a multilateral treaty to ban nuclear weapons test explosions and any other nuclear explosions, for both civilian and military purposes, in all environments. It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 September 1996, but has not entered into force, as eight specific nations have not ratified the treaty. Russia pulled out of this treaty in 2023.


a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Rohingya Genocide

a series of ongoing persecutions by the Myanmar government against the Muslim Rohingya people

Twitter Files

a series of releases of select internal Twitter, Inc. documents published from December 2022 through March 2023 on Twitter. CEO Elon Musk gave the documents to journalists Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, Lee Fang, and authors Michael Shellenberger, David Zweig and Alex Berenson shortly after he acquired Twitter on October 27, 2022. Taibbi and Weiss coordinated the publication of the documents with Musk, releasing details of the files as a series of Twitter threads.

European Union 🇪🇺

a supranational political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The union has a total area of 4,233,255 km2 (1,634,469 sq mi) and an estimated total population of over 448 million. The union has often been described as a sui generis political entity (without precedent or comparison) combining the characteristics of both a federation and a confederation.

The Global War on Terror

a worldwide military campaign to defeat nonstate terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and the rogue states that support them.

Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov

also known as Türkmenbaşy, was a Turkmen politician who ruled Turkmenistan from 1985 until his death in 2006. He was first secretary of the Turkmen Communist Party from 1985 until 1991 and supported the 1991 Soviet coup attempt. He continued to rule Turkmenistan for 15 years after independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Asa Hutchinson

an American attorney, businessman, and politician who served as the 46th governor of Arkansas from 2015 to 2023. A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as a U.S. attorney, U.S. representative, and in two roles in the George W. Bush administration. He was a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Tucker Carlson

an American conservative political commentator and writer who hosted the nightly political talk show Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News from 2016 to 2023. Since his contract with Fox News was terminated, he has hosted "Tucker" on X. An advocate of former U.S. president Donald Trump, Carlson has been described as "perhaps the highest-profile proponent of 'Trumpism'", and as "the most influential voice in right-wing media, without a close second."

Vivek Ramaswamy

an American entrepreneur and politician. He founded Roivant Sciences, a pharmaceutical company, in 2014. In February 2023, Ramaswamy declared his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination in the 2024 United States presidential election. He suspended his campaign in January 2024, following his fourth place performance in Iowa.

Gretchen Whitmer

an American lawyer and politician serving as the 49th governor of Michigan since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, she served in the Michigan House of Representatives from 2001 to 2006 and in the Michigan Senate from 2006 to 2015.

Ana Kasparian

an American left-wing political commentator, media host, and journalist. She is the main host and a producer of the online news show The Young Turks, having begun working as a fill-in producer for the show in 2007. She also appeared on the television version of the show that aired on Current TV.

Gavin Newson

an American politician and businessman serving since 2019 as the 40th governor of California. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the 49th lieutenant governor of California from 2011 to 2019 and the 42nd mayor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011.

Nikki Haley

an American politician and diplomat who served as governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017, and as the 29th United States ambassador to the United Nations for two years, from January 2017 through December 2018. A member of the Republican Party, Haley is the first Indian American to serve in a presidential cabinet.

Chris Christie

an American politician and former federal prosecutor who served as the 55th governor of New Jersey from 2010 to 2018. A member of the Republican Party, he was the United States Attorney for New Jersey from 2002 to 2008. He was a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and 2024.

Ron Desantis

an American politician serving since 2019 as the 46th governor of Florida. A member of the Republican Party, he represented Florida's 6th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2013 to 2018. DeSantis is a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Dianne Fienstein

an American politician who served as a United States senator from California from 1992 until her death in 2023. A member of the Democratic Party, she served as mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988

Nancy Pelosi

an American politician who served as the 52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011 and again from 2019 to 2023. A member of the Democratic Party, she was the first woman elected as U.S. House Speaker and the first woman to lead a major political party in either chamber of Congress, leading the House Democrats from 2003 to 2023. A member of the House since 1987, she currently represents California's 11th congressional district, which includes most of San Francisco.

George Santos

an American politician who served as the U.S. representative for New York's 3rd congressional district from January to December 2023, when he was expelled from the chamber. A member of the Republican Party, Santos, who is gay, was the first openly LGBT non-incumbent elected to Congress as a Republican. He was the sixth member of the House of Representatives and first Republican expelled from Congress in its history.

Matt Walsh

an American right-wing political commentator, author and activist He is the host of a podcast named after him and is a columnist for the American conservative website The Daily Wire. He has authored four books including the book "Johnny the Walrus" and starred in The Daily Wire online documentary film "What Is a Woman?" In which he debated Transgender issues and delayed the documentary to release on June 1st 2022 so it could be released on the first day of Pride Month as a joke.

Julian Assange

an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded WikiLeaks in 2006. He came to wide international attention in 2010 when WikiLeaks published a series of leaks from US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning: footage of a US airstrike in Baghdad, US military logs from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and US diplomatic cables.


an anarchist tradition which takes common ownership to be the sole reliable basis for social solidarity, thereby linking statelessness to classlessness

Tigray War

an armed conflict that lasted from 3 November 2020 to 3 November 2022. The war was primarily fought in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia between forces allied to the Ethiopian federal government and Eritrea on one side, and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) on the other. It was mostly obscured by western media due to the COVID—19 Pandemic and the resumption of the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2022.


an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization and which belives the state is the great unifier.

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

an economic association of oil producing nations that is able to set oil prices.


an ideology at the middle of the political spectrum that combines elements of both liberal and conservative thought

WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment.

Anglophone Crisis/ Ambazonia War/ Cameroon Civil War

an ongoing armed conflict between Cameroon Armed Forces and Ambazonian separatist rebel groups, part of the long-standing Anglophone problem. Following the suppression of 2016-17 protests by Cameroonian authorities, separatists in the Anglophone regions (formerly collectively known as the Southern Cameroons) launched a guerrilla campaign and later proclaimed independence. Within two months, the government of Cameroon declared war on the separatists and sent its army into the Anglophone regions.


an unofficial militia group formed to carry out the Rwandan genocide.

The Battle of Mogadishu

battle against Somalia militia to bring down local warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid in 1993 during the Somalian civil war by UN peacekeeping forces; nicknamed "Black Hawk Down" due to the loss of a Blackhawk helicopter during the battle. It ended in the death of 18 U.S. soldiers leading to a loss of interest in African relations, which is why America dind't intervene in the Rwandan Genocide.

Irish Nationalism

campaigned vigorously for freedom and justice in the 1800s

2023 Niger Coup

ccurred in Niger when the country's presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum, and Presidential Guard commander General Abdourahamane Tchiani proclaimed himself the leader of a new military junta, shortly after confirming the coup a success

Canadian Conservative Party

colloquially known as the Tories, is a federal political party in Canada. It was formed in 2003 by the merger of the two main right-leaning parties, the Progressive Conservative Party (PC Party) and the Canadian Alliance, the latter being the successor of the Western Canadian-based Reform Party. The party sits at the centre-right to the right of the Canadian political spectrum, with their federal rival, the Liberal Party of Canada, positioned to their left. The Conservatives are defined as a "big tent" party, practising "brokerage politics" and welcoming a broad variety of members, including "Red Tories" and "Blue Tories".

Addis Ababa Agreement

compromises within a treaty that ended the first Sudanese Civil War. Named for the Ethiopian city it was signed in. Gave South Sudanese autonomy.

Xi Jinping

current president of China as of 2023

Justin Trudeau

current prime minister of Canada who has starred up controversy for his support of communist counties such as Cuba and China as well as his gun repossession policies which many Canadians have labeled him as a tyrant .

Vladimir Putin

elected president of Russia in 2000, launched reforms aimed at boosting growth and budget revenues and keeping Russia on a strong economic track. Since then he was launched a new Cold War upon the western world with the Chechen Wars, the Invasion of Georgia, and the Invasion of Ukraine, being wanted in more than half all countries in the world.

Third Wave Feminism

evolved around the late 1980s and into the 1990s; an extension of as well as a response to the shortcomings of the second wave.

Nick Fuentes

far-right political commentator and live streamer who is known for his white supremacist, misogynistic, homophobic, antisemitic, and Islamophobic views. A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently terminated in February 2020 for violating YouTube's hate speech policy. He has promoted conspiracy theories against Jewish people, has denied the Holocaust, and advocates for the spiritual holy war against Jews, including capital punishment. He identifies as a member of the incel movement, as a supporter of authoritarian government, and as a Catholic integralist and Christian nationalist.

Siege of Kabul (2001)

fell in November 2001 to the Northern Alliance forces during the War in Afghanistan. Northern Alliance forces began their attack on the city on 13 November and made swift progress against Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces that were heavily weakened by American and British air strikes. The advance moved ahead of plans, and the next day the Northern Alliance forces (supported by ODA 555) entered the capital and met no resistance inside the city. Taliban forces retreated to Kandahar in the south. Coupled with the fall of Mazar-i-Sharif five days earlier, the capture of Kabul was a significant blow to Taliban control of Afghanistan. As a result of all the losses, surviving members of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, including Osama bin Laden, retreated toward Kandahar, the spiritual birthplace and home of the Taliban movement, and Tora Bora.

East African Federation

is a proposed political union of the seven sovereign states of the East African Community in the African Great Lakes region - Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda - as a single federated sovereign state. The idea of this federation has existed since the early 1960s but has not yet come to fruition for several reasons. In September 2018, a committee was formed to begin the process of drafting a regional constitution, and a draft constitution for the confederation was set to be written by the end of 2021 with its implementation by 2023. However, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted plans to draft and implement a constitution. On 20 March 2023, the EAC announced that the drafting process would resume in May of that year in Kenya.

Brazil's First Capital Command (PPC)

formed as a prison gang in the early 1990s but has since evolved into a powerful organized crime group that exerts a corporate-like level of administrative control over prisons and marginalized neighborhoods in Sao Paulo. The group is also involved in drug dealing and armed robberies. One their most brazen crimes was a multi-million-dollar heist carried out in 2017 at the main offices of Prosegur, an armored car company in Paraguay, in which this group used snipers, bombs, and bullet-proof vehicles to repel police and escape detention.

Ramzan A. Kadyrov

former rebel, became president of Chechnya in 2007, fighting has not stopped, endorsed by Putin.


hatred of men


hatred of women


hatred or prejudice towards muslims

The Mujahideen

in Afghanistan, Muslim soldisrs who banded together to fight the Soviet-supported government in the late 1970s durig the Soviet-Afghan war. After the war the Mujahideen disbanded and out of its ashes, the Taliban came into being.

Fall of Mazar-i-Sharif

in November 2001 resulted from the first major offensive of the Afghanistan War after American intervention. A push into the city of Mazar-i-Sharif in Balkh Province by the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (Northern Alliance), combined with U.S. Army Special Forces aerial bombardment, resulted in the withdrawal of Taliban forces who had held the city since 1998. After the fall of outlying villages, and an intensive bombardment, the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces withdrew from the city. Several hundred pro-Taliban fighters were killed. Approximately 500 were captured, and approximately 1,000 reportedly defected. The capture of Mazar-i-Sharif was the first major defeat for the Taliban.

Christian Fundamentalism

individual who believes in a strict, literal interpretation of the Bible as the foundation of the Christian faith.

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

international organization that works to meet the challenges of globalization, helping governments achieve sustainable economic growth while maintaining financial stability

The South China Sea Dispute

involve both island and maritime claims among several sovereign states within the region. While Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines all have claims that overlap, China and Taiwan's claim have taken over the entirety of the sea. This has led these countries to steer away from China to

Chenk Uyghur

is a Turkish-born American politician, political commentator, media host and a 2024 presidential candidate. He is the co-creator of The Young Turks, a left-wing, progressive, sociopolitical news and commentary program and uncle of controversial Twitch streamer Hasan Piker.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

is an American politician and activist. She has served as the U.S. representative for New York's 14th congressional district since 2019, as a member of the Democratic Party.

Al-Qassam Brigades

is the military wing of the Palestinian organization Hamas. Currently led by Mohammed Deif and his deputy, Marwan Issa, IQB is the largest and best-equipped militant group operating within Gaza today.

Pierre Poilievre

leader of the conservative party

Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979

motivated by religion; led by Khomeini; led to a national referendum to vote out the monarchy and establish the Islamic Republic of Iran.


movement that responded to the pressures of industrialization and urbanization by promoting reforms. Belives that everything old is inherently bad and that everything new inherently good.

2022 Burkina Faso Coup

on 23 January 2022. Gunfire erupted in front of the presidential residence in the Burkinabé capital Ouagadougou and several military barracks around the city. Soldiers were reported to have seized control of the military base in the capital. The government denied there was an active coup in the country. Several hours later, President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré was reported to have been detained by the soldiers at the military camp in the capital. On 24 January, the military announced on television that Kaboré had been deposed from his position as president. After the announcement, the military declared that the parliament, government and constitution had been dissolved. The coup d'état was led by military officer Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba.

African Union

organization formed in 2002 to promote unity among African states and to foster development and end poverty

IMF (International Monetary Fund)

part of the UN makes loans to countries to finance development


political ideology developed by Russian Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin that proposes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat led by a revolutionary vanguard party as the political prelude to the establishment of communism.

social democracy

political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent overthrow of the system

George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)

president during the Gulf War, ability to quickly bring the war to a conclusion while suffering relatively few casualties resulted in the second-highest approval rating of any president, 89%

First Wave Feminism

right to vote; right to divorce; right to property.

Trump Mar-a-Lago Documents

the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida.

Hugo Chávez

the President of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013. Used Venezuela's large oil revenues to lead his Bolivarian Revolution and enact socialist policies. His original party was the Fifth Republic Movement. Chávez's had been imprisoned after a failed coup attempt in 1992. He died of cancer in 2013.

Comparative advantage

the ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another producer.


the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other and should have more power of the other.

White Supremacy

the belief that whites are biologically different and superior to people of other races.


the breaking away of one part of a country to create a separate, independent country.

British Conservative Party

the descendants of the tories, this party historically sought reform but at a slow considerate pace.

Command Econony

the government controls nearly all aspects of the economy, including prices and production

Khojaly Massacre

the mass killing and disfiguring of Azerbaijani civilians by Armenian forces and the 366th Guards Motor Rifle Regiment of the dissolving Soviet Ground Forces in the town of Khojaly on 26 February 1992. The event became the largest single massacre throughout the entire Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


the political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite. Branches into both left wing and right wing variants, with the left wing variant resmebling Socialism/ Communism and the Right Wing variabt resembling Fascism.


the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism developed in China by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), which states that a continuous revolution is necessary if the leaders of a communist state are to keep in touch with the people.

2013 Egyptian Coup

took place on 3 July 2013. Egyptian army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi led a coalition to remove the democratically elected President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi from power and suspended the Egyptian constitution of 2012. The move came after the military's ultimatum for the government to "resolve its differences" with protesters during widespread national protests. The military arrested Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and declared Chief Justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court Adly Mansour as the interim president of Egypt. The announcement was followed by demonstrations and clashes between supporters and opponents of the move throughout Egypt.


use of violence or criminal methods to protect the environment, often in high-profile, publicity-generating ways

Operation Oceanic Sheild

was NATO's contribution to Operation Enduring Freedom - Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA), an anti-piracy initiative in the Indian Ocean, Guardafui Channel, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea. It follows the earlier Operation Allied Protector. Naval operations began on 17 August 2009 after being approved by the North Atlantic Council, the program was terminated on 15 December 2016 by NATO

Ba'ath Party

was a political party founded in Syria by Mishel ʿAflaq, Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Bīṭār, and associates of Zakī al-ʾArsūzī. Members of this party include syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

M23 Rebellion

was an armed conflict in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), that occurred between the March 23 Movement and government forces between 4 April 2012 and 7 November 2013. It ended when a peace agreement was made among eleven African nations, and the M23 troops surrendered in Uganda. The rebellion was part of continued fighting in the region after the formal end of the Second Congo War in 2003. The conflict reignited in late 2021 after rebel "general" Sultani Makenga and 100 rebel fighters attacked the border town of Bunagana but failed. A few months later, with a much larger force, the rebels of the M23 movement renewed their attack and captured Bunagana. the March 23 Movement (M23) launched an offensive in North Kivu, clashing with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) and MONUSCO.

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