Gestalt (5 principles of visual perception)
5 principles of visual perception
similarity proximity continuity closure figure/grounf
occurs when the eye perceives multiple similar objects as a single unit or group the principle states that thing that share visual characteristics such as shape, color, texture, value or orientation will be seen as belonging together you can emphizie a image by making it different
the organization of the visual field into objects that stand out from their surroundings the eye and mind separate the object by its background also called positive/negative space relationship
when the eye is compelled to move through ones object and continue to another object the viewers eye will naturally follow a line a curve or a group of shapes you can empizise a image by having other elements move your eye to it
when we see complete figures even when part of the figure is missing our minds react to objects that are similar and often receive false information
things that closer together go together group objects that are closer occurs when objects are presented close together tend to be perceived by a group objects placed without proximity are perceived as separate shapes you can emphisize a object by placing it away