Getting Started with Java - Chapter 2
Sample - Scope
// This program can't find its variable. public class Scope { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(value); // ERROR! int value = 100; } }
A process running in the computer
\n (newline)
Advances the cursor to the next line for subsequent printing
Combined Assignment Operator
Allows the programmer to perform an arithmetic operation and assignment with a single operator.; +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
Escape Sequence
Allows the programmer to print characters that otherwise would be unprintable; comprised of two characters, but treated by the compiler as a single character.
Can have adjectives Can have object-specific verbs
The part of a program that has access to a variable's contents.
Sample - Commenting Code
/** This class creates a program that calculates company payroll. */ public class Comment3 { /** The main method is the program's starting point. */ public static void main(String[] args) { double payRate; // Holds the hourly pay rate double hours; // Hours holds the hours worked int employeeNumber; // Holds the employee number // The Remainder of This Program is Omitted. } }
System.exit Method
A program that uses JOptionPane does not automatically stop executing when the end of the main method is reached; requires an integer argument
Source Code File
- Contains one or more Java classes. - If there is more than one class,, only one of them may be public. - The public class and the filename must match.
Sample - Boolean
// A program for demonstrating boolean variables public class TrueFalse { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean bool; bool = true; System.out.println(bool); bool = false; System.out.println(bool); } }
Sample - String Objects
// A simple program demonstrating String objects. public class StringDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String greeting = "Good morning, "; String name = "Herman"; System.out.println(greeting + name); } }
// This is a simple Java program. public class Simple { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Programming is great fun!"); } }
Sample - Arithmetic Operators
// This program calculates hourly wages plus overtime. public class Wages { public static void main(String[] args) { double regularWages; // The calculated regular wages. double basePay = 25; // The base pay rate. double regularHours = 40; // The hours worked less overtime. double overtimeWages; // Overtime wages double overtimePay = 37.5; // Overtime pay rate double overtimeHours = 10; // Overtime hours worked double totalWages; // Total wages regularWages = basePay * regularHours; overtimeWages = overtimePay * overtimeHours; totalWages = regularWages + overtimeWages; System.out.println("Wages for this week are $" + totalWages); } }
Sample - String Length Method
// This program demonstrates the String class's length method. public class StringLength { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "Herman"; int stringSize; stringSize = name.length(); System.out.println(name + " has " + stringSize + " characters."); } }
Sample - Char
// This program demonstrates the char data type. public class Letters { public static void main(String[] args) { char letter; letter = 'A'; System.out.println(letter); letter = 'B'; System.out.println(letter); } }
Sample - Unicode
// This program demonstrates the close relationship // between characters and integers. public class Letters2 { public static void main(String[] args) { char letter; letter = 65; System.out.println(letter); letter = 66; System.out.println(letter); } }
Sample - Floating-Point
// This program demonstrates the double data type. public class Sale { public static void main(String[] args) { double price, tax, total; price = 29.75; tax = 1.76; total = 31.51; System.out.println("The price of the item " + "is " + price); System.out.println("The tax is " + tax); System.out.println("The total is " + total); } }
Sample - Variable
// This program has a variable. public class Variable { public static void main(String[] args) { int value; value = 5; System.out.print("The value is "); System.out.println(value); } }
5 Arithmetic Operators
1) + - addition 2) - - substraction 3) * - multiplication 4) / - division 5) % - modulus
Rules for Identifiers
1) An identifier may only contain: - letters a-z or A-Z - the digits 0-9 - underscores _ - the dollar sign $ 2) The first character may not be a digit. 3) Case sensitive. 4) Identifiers cannot include spaces.
Input Dialog
A quick and simple way to ask the user to enter data.
Dialog Box
A small graphical window that displays a message to the user or requests input; can be displayed using the JOptionPane class.
String Concatenation
A string literal value cannot span lines in a Java source code file; ______ can join various data types
A value that is written into the code of a program
Allows the programmer to use a name rather than a value throughout the program; gives a singular point for changing those values when needed; keep the program organized and easier to maintain; identifiers that can hold only a single value; declared using the keyword final; must be initialized before they are used or a compiler error will be generated; all upper case and words are separated by the underscore character.
Assignment operator; operand on the left side must be a variable name, operand on the right side must be either a literal or expression that evaluates to a type that is compatible with the type of the variable.
Block comment. Everything beginning with /* and ending with the first */ will be ignored by the compiler. This comment type cannot be nested.
Primitive Data Types
Built into the Java language and are not derived from classes.
Boolean Data Type
Can have two possible values: - true - false ; the value of a boolean variable may only be copied into a boolean variable.
\\ (backslash)
Causes a backslash to be printed
\" (double quote)
Causes a double quotation mark to be printed
\' (single quote)
Causes a single quotation mark to be printed
\b (backspace)
Causes the cursor to back up, or move left, one position
\r (carriage return)
Causes the cursor to go to the beginning of the current line, not the next line
\t (tab)
Causes the cursor to skip over to the next tab stop
Characters are stored as numbers
String Class
Data type that holds a series of characters.
Floating-Point Numbers
Data types that allow fractional value; 2 types - float and double
Encloses a group of statements, such as the contents of a class or a method.
Encloses a string of characters, such as a message that is to be printed on the screen
8 Primitive Data Types
Int (whole number) Float (decimal) Double (decimal) Char (single character) Boolean (true or false) Short (small number) Long Byte
Exit Code
Integer argument that is passed back to the operating system; usually ignored, however, it can be used outside the program to indicate whether the program ended successfully (0) or as the result of a failure.
Integer Literals
Integers embedded into Java source code
Java Applications Programming Interface (API)
Java classes in the standard Java library are accessed using ___.
Javadoc comment. This is a special version of the previous block comment that allows comments to be documented by the javadoc utility program. Everything beginning with the /** and ending with the first */ will be ignored by the compiler. This comment type cannot be nested.
Marks the beginning of a single line comment.
Marks the end of a complete programming statement
Parse Methods
Methods each of the numeric wrapper classes has that converts a string to a number
println method
Performs the task of sending characters to the output device; places a newline character at the end of whatever is being printed out.
Primitive vs Reference
Primitive Variable: contains the value that it's been assigned. Reference Variable: contains the memory address of the object's location.
Programmer-defined names for: - classes - variables - methods ; may not be any of the Java reserved keywords.
Char Data Type
Provides access to single characters; enclosed in single quote marks.
JOptionPane Class
Provides methods to display each type of dialog box.
Single line comment; anything after be ignored by the compiler.
Sample Methods
The String class contains many methods that help with the manipulation of String object; string objects are immutable, meaning that they cannot be changed; many of the methods of a String object can create new versions of the object.
Standard Output Device
The console window
Standard Input Device
The keyboard
{ }
This area is the body of the class Simple. All of the data and methods for this class will be between these curly braces.
{ }
This area is the body of the main method. All of the actions to be completed during the main method will be between these curly braces.
"// This is a simple Java program."
This is a Java comment. It is ignored by the compiler.
"System.out.println("Programming is great fun!"); "
This is the Java Statement that is executed when the program runs.
"public class Simple"
This is the class headerfor the class Simple
"public static void main(String[] args)"
This is the method header for the main method. The main method is where a Java application begins.
Integer Division
Truncate any decimal remainder
Used in a method header to mark the parameter list.
Used to display a message dialog
Scanner Class
Used to read input from the keyboard
Assignment Statement
Used to store a value in a variable
Local Variables
Variables declared inside a method (like the main method); scope begins at the declaration of the variable and ends at the end of the method in which it was declared.
Floating-Point Literals
When floating point numbers are embedded into Java source code, they are called ________; A double value is not compatible with a float variable because of its size and precision; however, a double can be forced into a float by appending the letter F/f to the literal; cannot contain embedded currency symbols or commas.
Grouping with Parenthesis
When parenthesis are used in an expression, the inner most parenthesis is processed first. If two sets of parenthesis are at the same level, they are processed left to right.
print statement
Works very similarly to the println statement, but does not put a newline character at the end of the output.
out object
___ contains the methods print and println.
System class
______ contains methods and objects that perform system level tasks.
Integer Data Types
byte, short, int, and long; can hold whole numbers, but not decimals
+ Operator
can be used in two ways: - as a concatenation operator - as an addition operator ; if either side is a string, the result is a string
Sample - Scanner
import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for the Scanner class /** This program demonstrates the Scanner class. */ public class Payroll { public static void main(String[] args) { String name; // To hold a name int hours; // Hours worked double payRate; // Hourly pay rate double grossPay; // Gross pay // Create a Scanner object to read input. Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Get the user's name. System.out.print("What is your name? "); name = keyboard.nextLine(); // Get the number of hours worked this week. System.out.print("How many hours did you work this week? "); hours = keyboard.nextInt(); // Get the user's hourly pay rate. System.out.print("What is your hourly pay rate? "); payRate = keyboard.nextDouble(); // Calculate the gross pay. grossPay = hours * payRate; // Display the resulting information. System.out.println("Hello, " + name); System.out.println("Your gross pay is $" + grossPay); } }