GIS Exam Study

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The Layout View in ArcGIS is designed for making printed maps as a cartographer would. Only one of the following statements is correct. Which one is correct?

- ......can be annotated with reports, charts or graphic objects to adorn the map print out while supporting limited user interaction to prepare the presentation.

To present a map, the GIS brings in a high resolution satellite image of the area as one of its map layers. The map layer must be__________.

- A raster map properly registered for orientation and scale.

ArcGIS handles many different map data formats. The shapefile format manages the map data of one map layer in several files. A shapefile consists of at least 3 files of these different types (-.shp) for the geography, -.dbf for the attribute table, and -.shx to index between geometry features and the attribute table. Which one of the following statements is true about shapefiles?

- A shapefile may or may not include reference to its coordinate system. If it does, it includes a file with -.prj name extension for the reference information of the coordinate system.

For a vector map layer to capture the features of may lakes and large water ways in a certain region, which one of the following is appropriate for the map layer?

- A vector map of polygon features.

In using GIS for community mapping - often the case in GIS business projects - we need to use demographics data such as population information with age and gender, or ehtnic groups. If we already have the map of the Census Tracts in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, which one of the followng web sites has the appropriate demographics data available for download?

- American Fact Finder web site

ArcGIS consists of many GIS tools. ArcGIS is the primary tool while ArcCatalog provides many other supportive functions. Which one of the following statements is not true about ArcCatalog functionality?

- ArcCatalog allows us to preview the geography of a map layer, and in the preview of the table data, it allows us to edit the data in the attribute table.

A digital map layer in the GIS can be a raster map or a vector map. The GIS can also bring many map layers together to present a map. These map layers in GIS....

- Can consist of different layers, but each layer must be either a raster map or a vector map.

We want to analyze on a certain island the varieties of vegetation types, and we identified 5 different vegetation types there, as observed from the sky. To make the map, we take an aerial photograph of the island and trace out over the image polygon with different colors to indicate the vegetation types, Such a map is called a ___________.

- Choropleth map

When we present a map using the GIS, we make use of many map layers. Each map layer usually represents a feature class we want to use. Which one of the following statements about the projection and coordinate system is correct?

- Each map layer may come with data using its own coordinate system, but the GIS can present the map in any desired projection.

The map scale 1:100,000 means that the length 1 inch on the map represents the distance of 100,000 inches o the earth surface, and in the same way 1 meter on the map represents 100 km distance. That is the same as 1 centimeter representing 1 km. A square area of size 1 cm b 1 cm on the map therefore represents an area on the earth surface....

- Exactly one square kilometer

In ArcGIS, we can create a new map layer (using ArcCatalog) and then digitize new features into the map layer (using ArcMap). To create a new map layer, we must first choose the coordinate system for it. If we are going to trace the polylines from an existing map layer, we must use the same coordinate system as the map layer.

- False

To count the number of crime occurrences within each polygon, such as the municipalities in a city of Pittsburgh map layer.

- False

To create a new point feature layer map from a data table i which each row identifies the location of a point feature with XY coordinates and the associated information.

- False

To properly position street labels for a street center line map layer so that street names will not clutter with one another when they are presented on the map.

- False

To administer census every 10 years, the US Census Bureau sub-divides every state into Census Tracts, and every Tract into Census Block Groups, and every Block Group into Census Blocks. What is the coordinate system used in the maps of the Census Bureau?

- GCS - Geographic Coordinate System (longitudes and latitudes)

A map presented by the GIS usually consists of many map layers. Each layer may be turned on to be visible, or turned off to be hidden. If we create a layer group G consisting of three map layers A, B, and C. Which of the following is true?

- Layer A can be visible only when both layer group G and layer A are turned on.

Maps are presented with scale expressed in a ratio such as 1:100,000. We have two maps presented covering the exact same map extent: Map A uses a scale of 1:25,000 while Map B uses a scale of 1:50,000. Which one of the following statements is true?

- Map A is larger than Map B

ArcGIS presents a map of cities in the United States. The map layer is a vector map of point features. The map layer also contains demographic information about each city, such as the population, population of various ethnic group, as well as average house-hold income. If we want to find the top 10 cities with the highest average house-hold income, which one of the following GIS features of the map layer should we make use of to find the information?

- Open the map layer's attribute table to sort the column for average house-hold income.

Local governments in the US use the State Plane Projections for their GIS work, each using its own State Plane coordinate system for its own locality. What is the appropriate State Plane coordinate system for the city of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania?

- Pennsylvania South State Plane 3702

The Mercator projection scheme uses longitudes and latitudes as if they are XY coordinates to present a map. The distortion is minimal near the equator, and becomes more and more severe further north and further south. What then does the map of the Mercator projection preserve?

- Shape is preserved, that is, the angular relationships between features are preserved.

ArcGIS supports the Data View as well as the Layout View. Which one of the following statements is true about the two Views?

- The Layout View can present multiple maps at the same time, while the Data View can only present one map at a time, even when ArcGIS is managing multiple map data frames.

Users of GIS often work with maps without using labels. But actually, GIS is very flexible and is capable of using any relevant information to label features. We have a vector map of the states of the United States. Which of the following is impossible for the GIS to use as label for each of the states?

- The abbreviated name of a neighboring state.

Given that the earth;s circumference at the equator is 40,000,000 meters. If tow point locations are at the latitude of 40 degrees North, but differ in longitude by exactly 1 degree, what can we say about the distance between these two points?

- The distance is less than 111,111 meters.

In GIS, a presented map consists of different map layers in the same way cartographers made maps, each layer presenting a feature of interests to us. With the GIS, we mau also designate any layer to automatically become invisible (temporarily turned off), when the scale is less than a certain minimum scale threshold for presentation - that is, zoomed out too far. Which one of the following is a good reason for doing that?

- The features of the layer would be too small for display in a scale less that the minimum.

The geodatabase manages map data for the GIS using database management technology. Which one of the following is true about geodatabase?

- The geodatabase manages all the data for the vector map layers as well as raster maps.

A raster map layer is promarily a map covering a rectangular area of the earth surface by an array of data points. It is often an aerial photographic image. For the GIS to display a raster map......

- The image may be n any common format such as GIF or JPEG, but in addition to the image data, the file must provide registration information - resolution, scale, and orientation for the GIS to put the image on display as a raster map.

In ArcGIS, if we save a map document file in C:\ESRIPress\GIST1\XYZ.mxd and we find that ArcGIS can open the map document file XYZ.mxd, but cannot successfully access the data for its map layers. What do we know about map document property of XYZ.mxd?

- The map document file XYZ.mxd uses relative paths to the data files for its map layers.

In ArcGIS, a map document file is a file with the ~.mxd filename extension, and the file refers to other data files for its map layers. The map document file may refer to these other files in full (absolute) paths or relative paths. We have project partners sharing the use of data library of many map layer files. If a project partner gives s a map document file, we can always properly open the file with ArcGIS and it has proper access to all the map layers. Which one of the following must be true?

- The map document uses full paths to refer to the files of all map layers already there.

In ArcGIS, a map document is a file with the ~.mxd filename extension, and the file refers to other files for its map layers. The map document file may refer to these other files in absolute paths of or relative paths. If we want to send our entire map (mapdocumnet and all the data files for the map layers) to another user to use as a complete package, which one of the following is an appropriate approach?

- The map document uses relative paths, packaged with all map layer files into one package.

In ArcGIS, we can create a "spatial bookmark" while viewing a map using ArcMap. The spatial bookmark keeps a record of the current situation so that we may easily go back to it. What information is recorded in the spatial bookmark?

- The map extent which is currently in use in the map.

A map presented by the GIS usually consists of many layers. Each layer may be turned on to be visible, or turned off to be hidden. We set the GIS map to full extent, and turn on all the map layers, but we still cannot see the features of one particular map layer. There can be may different reasons. Which one of the following reason must be wrong?

- The map features are outside of the current map extent.

A map layer may be set with a dynamic visible range so that when the map is zoomed in closer than its maximum scale or zoomed out beyond its minimum scale, the feature of the map layer will not be visible even when the layer is turned on. Feature labels of the map layer may also have its own dynamic visible range. When the map layer and its labels are both turned on to be visible, which one of the following is true?

- The map features are visible - presented on the map even when the labels are not visible

ArcGIS 10 provides a new feature known as Map Animation. Which one of the following correctly describes the intention in the design of this new feature?

- To present historical changes of information over time at the same geographical location.

To create a map layer of bus routes by tracing on a map the bus routes from its descriptions; such as a map may be useful for us to determine what kinds of shops we may reach by bus.

- True

To create a new polygon map layer covering a community area such that each polygon can be identified as an area to be served by a specific fire station in the community.

- True

To make corrections to a few entry mistakes in the attribute table in one map layer when we have obtained the correct reference data and e are affirmative that our data is correct.

- True

To make corrections to an existing polygon map layer of visual features for recent updates according to the latest aerial photograph registered to the area of study.

- True

To simplify a few polyline in a map layer of line features by reducing the number of verticies in each of the polylines - map generalization will do that while preserving its basic shape; such a map has a smaller set of data and is useful at smaller map scales.

- True

Using the digitizing capability of ArcMap, we can create a new map layer; polygon map layer, line map layer, as well as a point map layer. We cannot create a new raster map layer.

- True

The US Census Bureau uses maps for the administering of census every 10 years. Every state is sub-divided into Census Tracts, and every Tract into Census Block Groups, and every Block Group into Census Blocks. If we need the map of the Census Tracts in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, for example, which one of the following web sites has the map available for us to download?

- US Census Bureau web site

To analyze the demographics of a certain region, we create a series of similar maps so that we may compare and contrast the information pertaining to our study. Using ArcGIS, we can save a map layer file of a particular map layer for subsequent use when making the series of multiple maps. The intended use of saving such a map layer file is to..._________

- Use the same interval classification for different fields in different maps for comparison.

Sometimes we work with a data table of records about events at various locations. The data table comes the X,Y coordinates in each row, to indicate the location for that record. It is known as an XY event table.We can use the GIS to interpret the data and display the information as a point map layer called an Event Layer. To display the Event Layer using GIS.....______

- We must specify the reference coordinate system used in the X,Y coordinates.

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