Global Health Final

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List some NCDs

-CVD -Ischemic Heart Disease -Stroke -Cancer -Mental Disorders -Chronic Resp. Diseases -Epilsepsy -Alzheimers -Digestive Diseases -Skin Disorders -Diabetes

What are some examples of health services at the primary level in low-income countries?

-Family planning -Maternal healthcare -well baby care -Diagnosis & treatment of simple ailments and injuries in both adults & children -Diagnosis and treatment of malaria & TB

What are some functions of health systems?

-Good health -Responsiveness to the expectations of the population -Fairness of financial contribution -Educating/training professionals -Providing services -Producing medication/devices

List some causes of maternal death?

-Hemorrhage -Sepsis -Hypertensive Disorders -Abortion Complications -Blood clots/embolism -Pregnancy complications -Lack of access to safe birthing facilities -Lack of trained maternal care professionals

List the common causes of under-5 child deaths

-Prematurity -Acute Lower Respiratory Infections -Birth Aspyhxia & Trauma -Diarrheal Diseases -Malaria -Congential Anomalies -Sepsis -Measles -Neonatal Encephalopathy

List the principles of in the Declaration of Helsinki?

-Scientific Validity -Fairness -Risk & Benefits -Placebos -Consent -Oversight & Accountability

What are the two regions with the highest Neonatal Mortality rates?

-South Asia -Sub-Saharan Africa

List containment measures for communicable diseases?

-Vaccination -Mass Chemo -Vector Control -Improved water, sanitation, hygiene, nutrition -Improved care seeking, disease recognition -Case management and improved caregiving -Case tracking, reporting, containment -Behavioral change

List the stages in the stages of change model

1. Precontemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Decision/Determination 4. Action 5. Maintenance

Name some social determinants of health?

Age Sex Genetics Employment Status Profession Race Ethnicity Gender

What is a health system?

Agencies, organizations, institutions, and resources which regulate, create, and finance health care costs, benefits, and accessibility. This is done through the production of medicines and devices, promotion of services, and raising a revenue that can go back into the system to expand these areas and promote good overall health.

Describe how culture impacts women's health?

Culture plays a big role in how women are valued. In many cultures, women are seen as less than equal to men. In terms of health, this may prevent them from getting access to the care they need and a man's health will be prioritized because they are seen as more valuable. Additionally, women may be more susceptible to physical abuse and sexual assault based on cultural perceptions of women.

What are health inequalities as defined by World Health Organization?

Differences in health status in a population that is associated with social determinants of health

What is the difference between elimination and eradication?

Eradication means getting the incidence and prevalence down close to zero but cases still exist in some areas. Elimination means completely killing a disease in all areas with incidence and prevalence at absolute zero.

What does stunting mean?

Failure to reach linear growth potential because of inadequate or nutrition or poor health. Stunting is measured as height-for-age two z-scores below international reference.

True/False Children's health issues are not of concern here in the U.S,


True/False Culture does not significantly play a role in people's health


True/False Health and education are not closely related to a person's health


True/False In the majority of countries today, it is not a legal requirement for most clinical research with human subjects to undergo independent ethical review by research ethics committees


True/False Measles is eradicated and no longer a global health concern


True/False Nutrition is not an issue we should be concerned about in the US


True/False The declaration of Alma Ata does not speak of health as a human right


True/False The environment does not affect people's health.


True/False Understanding the social determinants of health does not help prevent disease


True/False Women's health is not an issue we should be concerned with her in the U.S.


Why is a good nutrition especially important in women and children?

For children, nutrition is especially important because of developmental purposes. Malnutrition can cause physical developmental delays in terms of stunting and is also associated with delayed intellectual development. For women, nutrition is especially important because in general, they have a higher risk of contracting diseases such as cancer and heart disease. These are just a few examples of things that can be prevented with proper nutrition not only for their own body, but for their developing child. Malnutrition in terms of pregnancy elevates the risk for both infant mortality and maternal mortality

What is global health as defined by the U.S. Institute of Medicine?

Global health is the practice, study, and research that emphasizes improving overall health (including physical, mental, and social) and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide and confronting health issues which transcend national boundaries and are best addressed collaboratively

List some global health issues

HIV/AIDs Malaria Emerging & Re-Emerging infectious diseases TB Malaria HIB Diabetes Heart Disease

What is health as defined by the World Health Organization?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

Life expectancy

How long someone could expect to live at birth if current conditions are to continue.

What is the most cost-effective child health intervention available?


How are health and education related?

Individuals who are well-educated tend to have better health outcomes the those who have a lower educational status. With a lack of education, people are less likely to know how to adequately care for themselves and are less likely to know where they can access services if they need to and will be less aware of the benefits. Individuals who have a lower educational status also tend to have lower incomes to those who have higher educational status, which also negatively impacts health.

Why is nutrition important?

Nutrition is basic for physical and intellectual functioning, especially during growth and brain development. Additionally, nutrition is correlated with stronger immune function. A healthy diet and adequate food intake exponentially increase the efficiency that the body fights diseases and infections. Nutrition can also prevent injuries. Broken bones are common in malnourished individuals for example because food intake is a large source of vitamins and minerals required for bone and muscle strength.

What is public as defined by the World Health Organization?

Public health is the prevention of disease, promoting both physical and mental health, and prolonging life in an organized, community-based effort to make the environment sanitary and healthy for the entire community

Which region has both the highest maternal mortality ratio and under-5 mortality?

Sub-Saharan Africa

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not a law, so why is it so important?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is still important though it is not an official law because the rights outlined in it apply to all humans, regardless of government, country of residence, income, health status, gender, etc. This is the common standard for how ALL people should expect to be treated. The point go the UDHR not being a law is that it should not have to be a law because all people are expected to understand the principles of the declaration and ensure that they are applied to literally everyone, no exceptions

Give an example of how health disparities can affect people differently within the same country?

The area of a country that an individual resides in can be attributed to health disparities. For example, individuals who live in urban areas tend to have higher incomes and better access to care compared to those who live in rural areas and tend to have lower incomes and do not have adequate access to care because they are far away and options are limited

Neonatal mortality rate

The number of deaths of infants under 28 days of age per 1,000 live births annually

Infant Mortality Rate

The number of deaths of infants under age 1 per 1,000 live births annually.

Maternal mortality ratio

The number of women who die as a result of pregnancy and childbirth complications per 100,000 live births annually.

Under-5 mortality rate

The probability of that a newborn will die before age 5 based on deaths in that age group per 1,000 live births annually.

What are social determinants of health as defined by World Health Organization?

The range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors which determine the health status of individuals or populations. Social determinants of health are conditions in which people born, grow, live, work, and age and are social factors that influence health.

True/False Addressing environmental risk factors can reduce the two leading causes of death in children-diarrheal diseases & pneumonia


True/False Ancillary care is medical care that is given to study participants but that is not required by the scientific design of the study


True/False Childhood disease interventions are especially important because of the long-term consequences


True/False Culture may be referred to as behavior and beliefs that are learned and shared


True/False Education is an important investment that countries can make to improve health


True/False Family planning is a cost-effective investment in reducing maternal death


True/False For health, security, and humanitarian reasons, each of us should be concerned about the health of everyone else.


True/False Health and productivity are closely related


True/False High-income countries have much fewer deaths related to infectious diseases in comparison to low-income countries


True/False In children, stunting or chronic undernutrition is the result of cumulative deficiencies in dietary intake


True/False Malnutrition increases the possibility of death when worsened by infection


True/False Most countries spend a substantial share of national income on their health system, often with major effectiveness and efficiency


True/False NGOs may be large or small, local, national, or international, and my wok in one area of activity or many to contribute to health systems


True/False The Millennium Development Goals were formulated in 2000 and included 8 goals and 15 core targets and all were related to. health.


True/False The principle of health maximization tells us that we should allocate healthcare resources in such a way that the total beneficial impact on health is as large as possible


True/False The younger that people start getting sick and die, the more DALYs that are accounted for


True/False There are enormous disparities in health status and access to health services both within and across countries,


True/False Vitamin A helps maintain proper immune function and prevent xeropthalamia


True/False Women's health issues have enormous social costs


All of the following statements are true about Diabetes except? a.) About 80% of all deaths from diabetes are in high-income countries b.) Diabetes has a number of important and costly complications c.) About 2/3 people with diabetes have some disability d.) The prevalence of diabetes worldwide is increasing rapidly

a.) About 80% of all deaths from diabetes are in high-income countries

All of the following are OECD countries except a.) China b.) Germany c.) US d.) Japan

a.) China

All of the following are policies to address anti-microbial resistance except? a.) Decrease in regulation and promotion of rational use of medicines b.) Improved infection control c.) The fostering of innovation in the fight against resistance d.) improved surveillance and lab capacity

a.) Decrease in regulation and promotion of rational use of medicines

What is the single most important cause of maternal deaths in low and middle-income countries? a.) Hemorrhage b.) Sepsis c.) Hypertensive disorders d.) Blood clots

a.) Hemorrhage

In the last 50 years human health has a.) Improved b.) Stayed the same c.) worsened d.) hard to measure

a.) Improved

All of the following are disease which can be reduced by having adequate and sanitary water supply except? a.) TB b.) Typhoid c.) Dysentery d.) Skin Infections

a.) TB

All of the following are true except? a.) The international reference for classifying an individual as obese is a BMI greater than 20 b.) low birthweight is less than 2,500 g (5.5 pounds) c.) wasting is weight measured in KG divided by height in meters squared and is referenced as two z-scores below the international average d.) stunting is failure to reach linear growth potential because of inadequate nutrition or poor health. Stunting is measured as height-for-age two z-scores below the international reference

a.) The international reference for classifying an individual as obese is a BMI greater than 20

All of the following are standards of the Nuremberg code except? a.) The study should not be stopped even if adverse reactions arise b.) The research subject should be able to end participation at anytime c.) The conduct of the research should avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury d.) The research should be conducted in appropriate facilities that can protect research subjects from ham

a.) The study should not be stopped even if adverse reactions arise

All of the following are examples of health services at the secondary level except? a.) Advanced emergency care b.) emergency obstetric care c.) basic surgical services d.) some emergency care

a.) advanced emergency care

All of the following are causes of malnutrition except? a.) appropriate health policies b.) inadequate access to food c.) inadequate education d.) political & economic factors

a.) appropriate health policies

Health disparities commonly occur due to all of the following except? a.) Blood pressure b.) location c.) income d.) gender

a.) blood pressure

All of the following are typical public health activities except a.) pay for hospital medications b.) mass dosing of children against worms c.)promotion of knowledge about HIV/AIDS d.) large-scale screening for chronic medical conditions

a.) pay for hospital medications

In regards to child vaccinations, all of the following are true except? a.) Vaccinations are expensive & non cost-effective b.) effective national immunization programs are essential to reduce under-5 mortality c.) each year, routine immunization prevents 2 and 3 million deaths and protects up two 100 million people against illness & disability d.) immunization allow children to grow up to become productive adults unburdened by disability associated with vaccine-preventable disease

a.) vaccinations are expensive and non cost-effective

According to the World Bank, the gross national income per-person in a low-income country is a.) $500 or less b.) $1035 or less c.) $700 or less d.) $900 or less

b.) $1035 or less

All of the following are trends in epidemiological transitions except? a.) High and fluctuating mortality, related to very poor health conditions, epidemics, and famine b.) Eradication of infectious diseases c.) Progressive declines in mortality as epidemics become less frequent d.) Declines in mortality, increases in life expectancy, and the predominance of non-communicable diseases

b.) Eradication of infectious diseases

In regard to women's health issues around the world, all are true except? a.) Some of the health conditions women face are biologically determined b.) Illness, disability, and death from maternal causes are low and resources increase is unnecessary c.) The lack of access to family planning and the demand for it is at the foundation of some women's health issues d.) The cost of women's health problems are very substantial

b.) Illness, disability, and death from maternal causes are low and the demand for it is at the foundation of some women's health issues

All of the following are environmental health issues associated with adverse health consequences except? a.) Exposure to naturally occurring toxic substances b.) destruction to the made environment c.) exposure to vehicle emissions and industrial air pollution d.) climate change ozone depletion

b.) destruction to the made environment

In regards to health & development, all of the following are true except? a.) good health promotes economic development b.) economic development is not related to the health of a country and its people c.) countries that have high burden of communicable diseases is likely related t the poor investment in prevention d.) higher life expectancy at birth is associated with faster economic growth rate

b.) economic development is not related to the health of a country and its people

All of the following are links between nutrition and health except? a.) Rapid weight gain in children who are underweight are associated later In life with obesity & NCD such as heart disease and diabetes b.) good maternal nutrition and avoiding obesity is not essential for good outcomes of pregnancy for both mom and baby c.) nutritional deficits in fetuses and in children under 2 years of age may produce growth and developmental deficits in infants and young children which are irreversible d.) about 45% of all deaths in children under 5 years worldwide are associated with nutritional deficits

b.) good maternal nutrition and avoiding obesity is not essential for good outcomes of pregnancy for both mom and baby

All of the following are the top causes of death and DALYs in high-income countries except? a.) Dietary risks b.) Lead c.) High blood pressure d.) Smoking

b.) lead

In regards to the Belmont report it, recommends all the following except? a.) The benefits and burdens of research must be distributed fairly b.) maximize benefits and profits c.) treat individuals as autonomous persons d.) minimize possible harms

b.) maximize benefits and profits

In regards to the Declaration of Helsinski, all of the following are true about fairness except? a.) Groups that are underrepresented in medical research should be provided appropriate access to participation b.) Underrepresented groups are enrolled first to prioritize enrollment c.) In advance of a clinical trial, sponsors, researchers, and host country governments should make provisions for post-trial access for all participants who still need an intervention identified as beneficial in the trial d.) Medical research with a vulnerable group is justified only if the research is responsive to the health needs

b.) underrepresented groups are enrolled first to prioritize enrollment

All of the following statements are true about leading causes of death by region in children under-5 except? a.) In sub-Saharan Africa uniquely, malaria & HIV/AIDs are significant killers of young children b.) The lower the income group of the region the more likely children under 5 will die from infection c.) In sub-saharan Africa, obesity is the 4th cause of death d.) The higher the income group of the region, the more likely under-5 children are to die of conditions related to birth such as congenital anomalies

c.) In sub-saharan Africa, obesity is the 4th cause of death

All of the following statements are true about leading causes of morbidity & mortality in children under-5 except? a.) Acute respiratory infections are common causes of sickness and death in children under-5 in low and middle income countries b.) Diarrhea is the second-leading cause of young child deaths c.) Malaria causes the least impact on the morbidity and mortality of young children d.) Children who are HIV-positive and who are not treated with Anti-Retroviral therapy have a 33% chance of dying during their first year and a 50% chance during their second year

c.) Malaria causes the least impact on the morbidity and mortality of young children

In regards to women's health issues, all of the following are true except? a.) Women play important economic roles in many families and the morbidity associated with particular problems of women's health have substantial economic implications b.) Some countries such as Sri Lanka have been able to improve the health of women at low cost by making wise choices about investments in health and education c.) gender roles that favor males in society do not influence women's health d.) nutrition influences women's health

c.) gender roles that favor males in society do not influence women's health

In regards to smoking & cigarettes, all of the following are true except? a.) Public demand for cigarettes is sensitive to price b.) Ban on cigarette advertisement has no effect on consumption c.) it is important to stop people from taking up smoking d.) counseling sessions by medical providers can double quit rates

c.) it is important to stop people from taking up smoking

In regards to health expenditure, all of the following are true except? a.) public expenditure refers to expenditure by any level of government of a government agency b.) private expenditure is expenditure that comes from sources other than governments c.) public expenditure is enough too suffice people's needs d.) other sources of private expenditure include expenditure by NGOs

c.) public expenditure is enough too suffice people's needs

Primary essential health services include a.) HIV Care b.) Malaria treatment c.) Surgical interventions d.) childhood disease-related interventions & prevention

c.) surgical interventions

All of the following statements are true about communicable diseases except? a.) communicable diseases are the most important burden of disease in sub-saharan Africa b.) communicable disease are an enormous economic consequence c.) Vaccines are not a cost-effective way to prevent a number of communicable diseases d.) Much of the burden of communicable diseases is avoidable because many can be easily prevented or treated

c.) vaccines are not a cost-effective way to prevent a number of communicable diseases

All of the following are reasons for differences in burden of disease within countries except? a.) Rural people tend to be less healthy than urban people b.) disadvantaged ethnic minorities will be less healthy than majority populations c.) zip codes

c.) zip codes

All of the following are part go routine pregnancy care at the primary level except? a.) Clinical examination b.) Education c.) Delivery care d.) Aesthetic clinical services

d.) Aesthetic clinical services

In regards to the burden of disease, all the following are true except? a.) People in much of the world are living longer than before b.) over the last few decades, the burden of disease has shifted increasingly toward noncommunicable diseases in all World Bank regions c.) As people live longer, there is an increase in the years people live with disability d.) People in developing countries are living less than 50 years ago

d.) People in developing countries are living less than 50 years ago

All of the following are examples of factors needed for success in health promotion except? a.) Identify people who exhibit healthy behaviors that differ from the social norm b.) Identify specific health problems, related behaviors, and key stakeholders c.) Organize an intervention that addresses both specific behaviors and contextual factors d.) Significant financial resources

d.) Significant financial resources

Regarding the AIDS AZT Trials, all is correct except a.) The sponsors of the short-course AZT trials were accused of ethical double standards b.) the sponsors of the AZT trials were accused that the studies violated restrictions on placebo use stated in the Declaration of Helsinki c.) The AZT trials were controversial d.) The AZT trials were demonstrated to be unethical and not needed

d.) The AZT trials were demonstrated to be unethical and not needed

All of the following are consequences of child morbidity and mortality except? a.) The direct and indirect costs for caring for a sick child are high b.) The average child in Africa is infected with Malaria every 40 days c.) Problems associated with prematurity, low birthweight, intrauterine growth delays, and congenital abnormalities can lead to permanent disability d.) The average child in low and middle income countries will get less than one case per year of acute lower respiratory infection

d.) The average child in low and middle income countries will get less than one case per year of acute lower respiratory infection

All of the following statements are true about non-communicable diseases except? a.) NCDs are of immense and growing importance globally b.). some NCDs can be prevented at a relatively low cost, but are often very expensive to treat c.) much of the burden of NCDs is avoidable because many can be easily prevented and treated d.) The burden of NCDs will decrease in low and middle income countries as they develop economically

d.) The burden of NCDs will decrease in low and middle income countries as they develop economically

All of the following are true of health expenditure and health outcomes except? a.) the more money countries have, the more money they are likely to spend on health b.) the amount of money spent by countries on health is related to GDP c.) most low-income countries have a health expenditure of around 3-6% of their national income d.) countries should spend more on their health systems just like the US (upward of 16-18%) because it ensures best health outcomes

d.) countries should spend more on their health systems just like the US (upward of 16-18%) because it ensures best health outcomes

All of the following are true of health expenditure except? a.) most of the higher-income countries spend between 7-12% of GDP on health b.) better-off countries in which people can most afford out-of-pocket expenditure spend relatively less out-of-pocket because their insurance schemes are very-well developed c.) poorer countries in which people can less afford to spend for health out-of-pocket have the highest private expenditure d.) health expenditure is of no concern to the consumer

d.) health expenditure is of no concern to the consumer

In regard to universal coverage, all of the following are true except? a.) the aim of universal health coverage is too ensure "That people get the health services they need without suffering financial hardship" b.) universal coverage should address fairness of access to services, regardless of people's ability to pay for them c.) universal coverage should offer services of appropriate quality d.) universal health is only available in high-income countries

d.) universal health is only available in high-income countries

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