gml ch 16

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William M. Tweed

"tweed ring" controlled new york's politics. Tweed won support from the city's immigrant poor by making a sort of welfare system. Was ousted by political reformers and businessmen in early 1870s (but remained popular with the poor).

Oklahoma Land Rushes

- govt made 2 million acres of land available in oklahoma, and tons of white settlers came in (april 1889)

the Interstate Commerce Commission-

- in response to outcries against railroad practices. 1887, it ensured that rates that the railroads charged farmers and merchants to transport their goods were reasonable and did not offer more favorable treatment to some shippers over others. Was the first federal agency intended to regulate economic activity. But it couldn't establish rates, only sue in court, so it had little impact

the Social Gospel-

- movement that insisted that freedom and spiritual self-development required an equalization of wealth and power and that unbridled competition mocked the christian ideal of brotherhood. Originated as an effort to reform protestant churches by expanding their appeal in poor urban neighborhoods and making them more attentive to the era's social ills (related to poverty).

Social Darwinism

- natural superiority of some groups over others, and "explained" the failures of people and social classes. Darwin published on the origin of species in 1859 (survival of the fittest, natural selection, struggle for existence). These broad ideas were adopted into social politics. And said govt must not interfere. Failure was equated to bad character of the individual.

Henry George-

- wrote Progress and Poverty, offering more optimistic remedies for the bad situation (concentration of money and economic inequality). Sought to reclaim an imagined golden age of social harmony and american freedom. One of most influential/ talk about books ever. Wrote about the problem of squalor and misery along with material progress, with the solution of the single tax.

"help those who...

...will help themselves"

the Battle of Little Bighorn

1876. General Custer and all of his men died. Sioux and cheyenne warriors, led by sitting bull and crazy horse, defended their tribal lands in the dakotas. One of the few indian victories.

main wish/ request for laborers (pf ira steward). why?

8 hour work day. bc leisure and thought are needed to cultivate your mind.


Greenbacks- the paper money issued by the union during the civil war

Why was William Tweed so popular with the city's immigrant poor?

He had provided food, fuel, and patronage to them in exchange for their votes.

How did expanding agricultural production in places like Argentina and the American West lead to the migration of rural populations to cities?

Increasing output worldwide pushed down the prices of farm products, making it more difficult for farmers to make ends meet.

According to the authors of the Dawes Severalty Act, what constituted a civilized life for Native Americans in the later nineteenth century?

Individual property ownership and farming on family plots.

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of wage labor in industrializing America during the Gilded Age?

More and more Americans experienced wage labor as a permanent condition on the edge of poverty.

How did the American Catholic Church act during the Gilded Age? (look at book page 505)

The American Catholic Church saw a growing number of clergy advocate social justice and reform.

How did the legal instrument of contract help turn the philosophy of free labor into a tool for exploitation?

The idea of the contract implied an agreement between free and equal individuals, but the reality of industrial employment was far different.

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 1890?

The law established a precedent that the national government could regulate the economy in the interest of the public good.

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

The railroad strike signaled the nation's shift from southern reconstruction to the question of labor and class tensions.

How were skilled workers able to secure new freedoms for themselves in rapidly expanding industries?

Their knowledge allowed them to control the production process and the training of apprentices.

Why did new products like Ivory Soap and Quaker Oats symbolize the continuing integration of the economy in America's Gilded Age?

These products were national brands, sold everywhere across the United States thanks to the expanding railroad network.

What did the books of Henry George, Laurence Gronlund, and Edward Bellamy all have in common?

They all offered decidedly optimistic remedies for the unequal distribution of wealth.

What did Native Americans have in common with the Zulu of South Africa and the aboriginal people in Australia?

They found themselves pushed aside by centralizing government trying to control large interior regions.

Why did railroad companies and other businesses form "pools" during the American Gilded Age?

They hoped to escape the chaos of market forces by fixing prices with their competitors.

Which of the following best characterized the Democrats' position on the Republicans' monetary policy during the American Gilded Age?

They largely agreed that the farmers' demands for increasing the money supply had to be resisted.

Which of the following properly compares the United States Supreme Court's approach to organization in business and labor during the Gilded Age?

While the Court applied the Sherman Antitrust Act to break down unions, it proved unwilling to endorse any regulation of big business.

Crédit Mobilier

a corporation formed by an inner ring of union pacific railroad stockholders to oversee participants to sign contracts with themselves, at an exorbitant profit, to build new lines. The arrangement was protected by influential politicians who were given stock.

e Ghost Dance-

a religious revitalization campaign. The leaders foretold a day when whites disappear, buffalo return, and indians ancestral culture returns. Indians gathered for days of singing, dancing, and religious observances.

the Grange Movement

also called Patrons of Husbandry. Were critics of the railroad companies. Moved to establish cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output in the hope of forcing the carriers to take the products at fair prices.


also established by co.s. Were legal devices whereby the affairs of several rival companies were managed by a single director

the Dawes Act of 1887

broke up the land of nearly all tribes into small parcels to be distributed to indian families, with the remainder auctioned off to white purchasers. Indians who accepted the farms and became "civilized" would become full citizens. Was a disaster for indian culture.

second industrial revolution

centered in industrial cities around the great lakes where factories produced iron and steel, machinery, chemicals, and packaged food

"Bonanza Farms"

covered thousands of acres and employed large numbers of agr wage workers

the Civil Service Act of 1883-

created a merit system for federal employees, with appointment via competitive examinations rather than political influence. At first only applied to 10% of govt employees, but was first step in establishing a professional civil service and fair employment. Did, though, (unintentionally) increase politician dependence on donations from business interests.

U.S. Steel

created by financier jp morgan in 1901 by combining eight large steel companies into the first billion dollar economic enterprise

improve the community by

creating a situation to help the aspiring rise

John D. Rockefeller

dominated the oil industry. Drove out rival firms. Also gave much money away to education and medical research. Very anti-union.

Thomas Edison

era's greatest inventor. Invented phonograph, light bulb, motion picture, and a system of generating and distributing electric power

Andrew Carnegie

established a "vertically integrated" steel company (controlled every phase of the business). Dominated the steel industry and was incredibly rich. Believed the rich had a moral obligation to promote the advancement of society. Denounced worship of money and distributed much of his wealth to philanthropists, like for public libraries. Ran companies like a dictator with factories working 24/7

wealth leads to...

freedom. so we need universal wealth

the massacre at Wounded Knee

govt feared a general uprising bc of the appearance of the ghost dance. Govt sent troops to reservations. On dec 29, 1890, troops fired on ghost dancers in an encampment near wounded knee creek, killing 150-200 indians (mostly women and children). Widely applauded in the press. The troops were honored. The massacre marked the end of 4 centuries of armed conflict between natives and euro settlers/ their descendants

Thorstein Veblen and "conspicuous consumption"-

his criticism of the upper-class culture. "Spending money not on needed or even desired goods, but simply to demonstrate the possession of wealth

the Haymarket Affair-

in response to police killing some rioters. Rally was held, and bomb was thrown into into crowd, killing police. Police then shot and raided, imprisoning leaders

what products drove the economic development of the American West?

iron ore, copper, silver, gold

who was ira steward

labor union leader "A second dec of ind"

the Knights of Labor

led by terence v powderly. Were the first group to try to organize unskilled and skilled workers (both women and men and black and white)

second industrial revolution's impact on workers and the American working class

many lost jobs and got pay reductions. Most in desperate conditions

Gilded Age Elections

much like civil war times, reps controlled the industrial north and midwest as well as the agrarian west, and were popular among members of revivalist churches, protestant immigrants, and blacks. Union veterans made up much of the rep support. All the rep candidates in these decades had fought in the war. Dems after 1877 dominated the south and were popular among catholics (like irish-americans) in national cities. Elections were very close, and party control kept switching in both congress and the white house., and congress was often at an impasse. Intense party loyalty, big voter turnout.


near main train stations, whites, mexicans, and blacks conducted the cattle drives. Became symbol of freedom. But many were low-paid wage workers.

Chief Joseph-

nez percé leader (they were chased and removed to oklahoma by the army). Delivered a speech in washington to distinguished audience, including the pres. Condemned putting indians in reservations. Wanted freedom and equal rights. (unsuccessfully) petitioned many presidents to try to get his people the right to move back to oregon.

Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives-

offered a shocking account of living conditions among the urban poor, completed with photographs these situations

aid who

only the worthy


railroads and other co.s formed pools that divided up markets between supposedly competing firms to try to bring order to the chaotic market

Henry Demarest Lloyd's Wealth against Commonwealth (1892)

said concentrated wealth degraded the political process. Was an exposé of how rockafeller's standard oil company made a mockery of economic competition and political deocracy by manipulating the market and bribing legislators. Said liberty and monopoly cannot love together

Republican economic policies

strongly supported high tariffs to protect american industry. Pursued policy to reduce federal spending, repay the national debt, and withdraw greenbacks from circulation. Their policies also favored the interests of eastern industrialists/ bankers, and disadvantaged southern and western farmers (who had to pay a premium for manufactured goods while the prices they received for their produce steadily declined)

Lochner v. New York

the court voided a state law that established max of 10 hours per day or 60 hours per week

William G. Sumner

the eraś most influential social darwinist. Yale professor. Said freedom required frank acceptance of inequality. Thought society would be either "liberty, inequality, and survival of the fittest" or " not-liberty, equality, and survival of the unfittest". Though govt existed only to protect the property of men and the honor of women, not to upset social arrangements decreed by nature.

the Great Railroad Strike of 1877

the first national labor walkout. Protested a pay cut. Troops tried to force them back to work, and fired on strikers in pittsburg. So workers responded by burning the city's railroad yards. Showed the close ties between the rep party and the new class of industrialists

impact of second industrial revolution on the trans-Mississippi West

their land was absorbed into the expanding economy. Huge acquiring of land. Dominated by family farms.

when the working classes are denied everything but the barest necessities of life,...

they have no decent use for liberty

gospel of wealth- andrew carnegie

those who accumulated money had an obligation it use it to promote the advancement of society

individualism will continue, but the millionare will be a "whaT" for the poor


Edward Bellamy-

wrote Looking Backward, offering more optimistic remedies for the bad situation (concentration of money and economic inequality). Sought to reclaim an imagined golden age of social harmony and american freedom. Wrote of socialism (but called it nationalism). Said freedom rested on interdependence, not autonomy bc it was a social condition. Wanted the abundance of material while eliminating inequality

Laurence Gronlund-

wrote The Cooperative Commonwealth, offering more optimistic remedies for the bad situation (concentration of money and economic inequality). Sought to reclaim an imagined golden age of social harmony and american freedom. First to popularize socialist ideas (usually only popular among euros such as Gronlund). Portrayed socialism as the end result of a process of peaceful evolution, making socialism more acceptable to middle class americans who simply wanted social harmony and no more class wars.

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