Gov Ch 4. Questions

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According to President Wilson, change is effected through which of the following means?

"In this country," Wilson declared, "as in every other self-governing country, it is only through the instrumentality of parties that things can be accomplished."

Who were "The Little Rock Nine"?

"The Little Rock Nine" refers to the group of students attempting to attend Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.

What was a significant influence on state representative Harry Burn's crucial vote in favor of women's suffrage?

A letter from his mother urging him to "be a good boy" and vote for suffrage appears to have been a significant influence on Harry Burn and his decision to cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of the ratification of the 19th Amendment.

According to the text, which group has notably taken advantage of media relations in order to further its cause of obtaining full civil rights? Choose the BEST answer.

According to the text, the LGBT community has notably taken advantage of media relations in order to further its cause of obtaining full civil rights.

Affirmative action represents an example of which of the following?

Affirmative action represents an example of guaranteeing equality of outcome.

Given the information in the video, which of the following would the "unredeemed" states be likely to establish (or test) after the federal occupation of the South ended in 1877?

After the federal occupation ended, many Southern states sought to establish racial segregation in most facets of public life, and thus would be likely to pass laws prohibiting blacks and whites from eating together in the same section of a restaurant, for example.

Why was Alice Paul going on a hunger strike?

Alice Paul went on a hunger strike to protest the fact that her fellow imprisoned suffragists were being fed substandard food.

Which of the following would be considered a Jim Crow law?

By specifically discriminating against African Americans, a Louisville, KY, city law prohibiting the sale of real estate property to blacks would be considered a Jim Crow law.

For which of the following do civil rights require equal protection?

Civil rights require equal protection regardless of gender.

To whom did Martin Luther King, Jr., direct his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"?

Dr. King directed his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" to white clergymen.

During Reconstruction, the civil rights protections of the 14th and 15th Amendments were enforced by which of the following?

Federal troops occupied the South during Reconstruction, in part to enforce the civil rights protections of the 14th and 15th Amendments for African Americans.

Which of the following represents an accurate description of what occurred in 1808?

In 1808, the slave population numbered over one million.

According to the population distribution map, in which region of the country did most African Americans live in 1890?

In 1890, most of the United States' African American population still lived in the Southeast.

How does Justice Harlan most notably differ from the opinion of the rest of the Court on the decision to allow separate but equal facilities?

In contrast to the majority opinion, Justice Harlan believes that the constitution does not and should not support a racial hierarchy among citizens.

What must the government prove to satisfy the intermediate standard of review?

In order to satisfy the intermediate standard of review, the government must prove that the policy in question is substantially related to a legitimate government objective.

What does the Court say with regard to racial desegregation (or the interaction between races)?

In the majority opinion, Justice Brown argues that it is not the government's job to force people to give up their prejudices.

Based on his views expressed here, to what other type of law might Justice Harlan strongly object?

Justice Harlan would most likely object to a state law prohibiting interracial marriage.

Based on Justice Harlan's comments on the Dred Scott decision, what do you think the Court likely allowed or protected in that case? Choose the BEST answer

Justice Harlan's negative description of the Dred Scott decision would seem to indicate that the Supreme Court protected racial inequality in that case, and in fact, the Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) that African Americans, whether slave or free, cannot be U.S. citizens.

Korematsu v. United States generated which standard of review?

Korematsu v. United States generated the "compelling state interest test" standard of review.

Where did Alice Paul learn to engage in this form of protest?

Paul had previously participated in a hunger strike while imprisoned in England.

Who was involved in the passage of national civil rights legislation?

President John F. Kennedy was involved in the passage of national civil rights legislation before his assassination in November 1963.

Which group did President Kennedy task with the investigation of the treatment of women in American society?

President Kennedy tasked the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women with the investigation of the treatment of women in American society.

Which of the following BEST summarizes Wilson's response to the suffragists' plea for presidential support for the passage of the Susan B. Anthony amendment?

President Wilson responded to the suffragists by claiming that he personally believed in their cause, but as party leader, he was obligated first and foremost to follow the orders of his party.

What event prompted the "silent sentinels" to picket in front of the White House?

President Wilson's disappointingly noncommittal response to their delegation prompted the "silent sentinels" to picket in front of the White House.

Protective legislation was concerned with which of the following?

Protective legislation was concerned with enacting policies that addressed women's biological differences from men.

Which of the following states had slaves that were not freed by the emancipation proclamation?

Slaves in Missouri were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.

Which of the following standards of review are used to evaluate government action in relation to the Equal Protection Clause?

Strict scrutiny is used to evaluate government action in relation to the Equal Protection Clause.

Who drafted the 19th Amendment to the Constitution?

Susan B. Anthony drafted the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.

According to the text, which of the following drew national attention to the issue of racial inequality? Choose the BEST answer.

Television coverage of police brutality against civil rights protestors in Birmingham drew national attention to the issue of racial inequality.

The "Doll Study" was used as evidence in which of the following cases?

The "Doll Study" was used as evidence in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.

Which amendment guaranteed African Americans the right to vote?

The 15th Amendment guaranteed all male citizens the right to vote regardless of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

The American Indian Movement is noted for its use of which of the following types of tactics?

The American Indian Movement is noted for its occupation of symbolic properties to raise awareness for its cause.

The American Woman Suffrage Association differed from the National Woman Suffrage Association in which of the following ways?

The American Woman Suffrage Association differed from the National Woman Suffrage Association in that it targeted amendments to state constitutions.

What did the New Orleans Citizens' Committee intend to test?

The Citizens' Committee sought to test the constitutionality of the Separate Car Act, a Louisiana law requiring blacks and whites to ride in different train cars while traveling by railroad.

What was the Court's rationale in reaching the Plessy v. Ferguson decision?

The Court reasoned that mandating separate facilities for whites and blacks was fine as long as those facilities were equal; this established the "separate but equal" doctrine that would sanction policies of racial segregation in the South for decades to come.

What does the Court seem to feel about the state of American race relations in 1896?

The Court seems to feel that there is a social hierarchy of race that cannot be dissolved through legislative action or judicial decision.

Why did the Louisiana courts rule that the Separate Car Act was constitutional?

The Louisiana courts upheld the act as constitutional because the train was only traveling within Louisiana, and the state was free to set its own policies on the matter.

The NAACP primarily targeted inequities in which educational institutions?

The NAACP primarily targeted inequities in graduate and professional programs.

The video opens with a depiction of the National Woman's Party headquarters as a dark and strange place. Which of the following provides the BEST explanation for why the filmmakers chose to represent it in this light?

The National Woman's Party headquarters is presented as a dark and strange place to illustrate how the idea of women leaving the home and convening for political reasons was viewed as strange and unnatural to many people at the time.

Which of the following used radical protest tactics such as sit-ins and Freedom Rides?

The SNCC used radical protest tactics such as sit-ins and Freedom Rides.

Which of the following explains the legislative events leading up to the actual vote on the amendment by the Tennessee House on August 18, 1920?

The Senate had approved the amendment, and the evenly divided House of Representatives had tied on its vote to table the amendment, but the Speaker of the House called for a vote thinking it would be a tie and thus fail to be ratified.

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court rule that schools must desegregate "with all deliberate speed"?

The Supreme Court rule that schools must desegregate "with all deliberate speed" in Brown v. Board II.

The ruling in which of the following cases established the "separate but equal" doctrine?

The Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) established the "separate but equal" doctrine, which provided a legal justification for racial segregation in the ensuing decades.

The U.S. Supreme Court decided which of the following with regard to the Separate Car Act?

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Separate Car Act as constitutional, finding it consistent with the requirements of the 14th Amendment.

At what point was the concept of equality enshrined in the U.S. Constitution?

The concept of equality was enshrined with the Constitution with the ratification of the 14th Amendment.

The equal protection clause prohibits which type of discrimination?

The equal protection clause prohibits unreasonable discrimination.

What factor made Homer Plessy a particularly interesting candidate for the test case?

The fact that Homer Plessy was only one-eighth black made him an interesting candidate for the test case.

What did the headquarters of the Woman's Party say about Alice Paul's hunger strike?

The headquarters of the Woman's Party predicted that Alice Paul would hold out for a long time, possibly longer than people expected.

What was the immediate effect of Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency?

The immediate effect of Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency was South Carolina's secession from the Union.

What was the immediate effect of Rosa Parks' arrest?

The immediate effect of Rosa Parks' arrest was a yearlong bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama.

In which of the following standards of review are the interests of the individual given the most weight?

The interests of the individual are given the most weight in the strict scrutiny standard of review.

What was the legal issue before the Louisiana Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court?

The legal issue before both high courts was whether state laws that treated blacks and whites differently were constitutional.

Which of the following conclusions about Alice Paul can be drawn from the newspaper article about her hunger strike? Choose the BEST answer.

The newspaper article reveals how Alice Paul was not afraid to go to extreme lengths in her dedication to her cause and her fellow suffragists.

Which of the following was a major achievement of the disability rights movement?

The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 marked a major legislative achievement for the disability rights movement.

Which of the following became referred to as "Bloody Sunday"?

The police attack on participants in a 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery was referred to as "Bloody Sunday."

In his majority opinion for the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, which constitutional amendment did Justice Kennedy rely on to justify the Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage?

The reasoning behind the Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage was rooted in the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

What was the significance of the Missouri Compromise?

The significance of the Missouri Compromise was that it granted freedom to any slave whose master established residence in a free territory.

Why did the suffragists who picketed the White House call themselves "silent sentinels"?

The suffragists who picketed the White House called themselves "silent sentinels" because although they were not boisterous, they positioned themselves in such a way during their picketing that President Wilson would not be able enter the White House without walking past them.

According to the text, which of the following tactics has frequently been employed by Latino civil rights groups?

The text describes how Latino groups have frequently used massive rallies or public demonstrations to call for civil rights protections and immigration reform.

In what year was the Equal Rights Amendment added to the Constitution?

Though proposed numerous times and ratified by many states, the Equal Rights Amendment was never fully adopted and added to the Constitution.

How might a group of citizens test the constitutionality of a state law prohibiting people from reciting Bible verses in public spaces? Choose the BEST answer.

To test the constitutionality of such a law, the group might select a person to recite Bible verses in public with the intention of being arrested by a conspiring police officer.

What happened during Reconstruction?

Union forces occupied the South during Reconstruction.

When Alice Paul leads the "silent sentinels" picketing in front of the White House, how does the video portray President Woodrow Wilson's response?

When Alice Paul leads the "silent sentinels" picketing in front of the White House, Woodrow Wilson is watching them but does not appear to act immediately.

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