gov exam 4

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Ratified in 1920, this amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to vote

19th Amendment

Interviews of voters taken right after they exited the voting booths, collecting data about the actual voter's opinions, attitudes and demographics

Exit poll

This federal government agency was created in 1934 to regulate the broadcast media.

Federal Communications Commission

In this type of primary, voters can select any candidate, regardless of what party they are registered with

Open primary

We develop our political orientation and values views as we grow up. This is called __________ .

Political socialization

Your family, education, extended family, and peers influence the way you think about politics. This is known as _________________ .

Political socialization

The target group of people a poll attempts to gage.


Ads that favorably depict the candidate accomplishments, values, and character, without mentioning the opponent, are called _____________

Positive ads

In this type of election, the voters select the candidate that will represent the political party in the general election

Primary election

This is the key to an accurate poll. Every person in the population has an equal chance of being selected: this makes it truly a ___________ .

Random Sample

In this system, seats in Parliament are allocated in direct proportion to the percentage of the vote their party received in the election. This system allows multiple parties to share power in the legislature.

Proportional system.

Issues the candidate says he is for during the campaign are called

Prospective issues

A scientific survey of public opinion at a point in time.

Public Opinion Poll

The long-term shift in party-identification when a majority of the voters would identify with one political party for a generation


Political activities that are socially unacceptable, defy social norms, or break the law.

Unconventional Participation

The professional editors and news producers are called the ___________ because they decide what news stories will be covered on a daily and weekly cycle.


News stories that mix in a lot of entertainment are called


The personal or psychological attachment a person has for a political party

party identification

The muckraking press engaged in __________________, holding that it is the job of the news to enlighten the public in order to achieve greater social justice.

public advocacy

This amendment to the US Constitution prohibits states from denying the right to vote on account of race or ethnicity.

15th Amendment

A ballot printed by the state, not the political parties, and submitted in a private voting booth.

Australian ballot

He heads a presidential campaign by advising the candidate, making the day-to-day campaign decisions, and devising the long-term strategy

Campaign Manager

The average voter often ignores a candidates positions on the issues, but instead votes by gut on whether they personally like the candidate. this is called _______________ .

Candidate appeal

Usually the most likable candidate wins. This supports the concept of _______________ .

Candidate appeal

Routine and socially acceptable political behavior, usually associated with support for one of the two mainstream political parties, is called ________________ .

Conventional Participation

Since 1964, over 80% of blacks vote for the ____________ presidential candidate.


What is the biggest flaw of the electoral college?

Four times the candidate with the fewer votes won the presidential election.

Jealous of all the electoral influence of New Hampshire and Iowa, in recent years several states have moved up their primary date early in the primary schedule


A very important part of a presidential campaign, this effort makes sure that supporters get to the polls by calling them and reminding them to vote or actually driving them to the polls.

Get-Out-The-Vote Efforts

Violating a core principle of a republic, this allows the people to make their own law.


In America, most of the media is _______________, meaning the private companies that own the media must make a profit.

Market driven

Another way to think of the news media is as a public forum to debate and test ideas.

Marketplace of ideas.

Candidates usually pledge not to use these, but then they run ads attacking the opponent's character.

Negative ads

This type of question, which is non-biased and non-leading, is very important to get an accurate poll

Neutral question

Every four years at the national party conventions, each party publishes a document listing their position on the issues and their political values.

Party Platform

Organized groups of people united by a common political goal that try to get their people elected to office

Political parties

People that live in small towns and attend church are much more likely to vote for what political party?


Wisely, voters often ignore the candidate's campaign promises but instead take seriously the candidate's actual voting history.

Retrospective issue voting

Today, many people select the media that fits their ideology. For example, a conservative will only watch Fox News. This is called

Selective viewership

To help the party select the most electable candidate, these delegates are not pledged on the basis of primary votes.

Super Delegates

Because their populations are evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, these states get most of the presidential candidate's money and attention

Swing states

Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against civilians in order to bring about a political goal.


In order to further the "public good," broadcasters were required to provide a "reasonable" amount of time to public policy issues and to provide diverse opinions

The fairness doctrine

In the Electoral College, each state is assigned a number electors equal to?

The number of senators and representatives that state has in Congress

This measures public opinion over a long period of time, even decades, by asking the same question.

Tracking poll

The percentage of eligible voters that actually cast a ballot on Election Day.


This democratic function of the press exposes wrongdoing or incompetence of government officials


In the Electoral College, the candidate that wins the plurality of a state's popular vote wins all the electors. This is called?


The way the professional press determines how an issue will be covered or the premise by which it will be covered is called


This mechanism of the Electoral College protects the two party system


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