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Stability in a political system

- A broadly accepted political and economic framework - A stable, powerful political culture - A variety of ways for citizens to seek and achieve policy changes

Gunnar Myrdal

-1944: Swedish social scientist ____________publishes "An American Dilemma", showing how deeply racism was entrenched in all parts of American life, and spoke of American Creed (belief in equality, justice, freedom) to show the contradiction -similar to Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Du Bois -1945: widespread support for racial justice

Factors that affect whether or not you are going to be Democrat or Republican

-A person's economic standing and that of his or her parents (socioeconomic status) -

Ratification Process

-A vigorous national debate has surfaced with strong advocates for ratification (Federalists) -strong opponents (Anti-Federalists). -Many of these Anti-Federalists are calling for you and others to reconvene the national Constitutional Convention to draft a Bill of Rights, a list of individual protections, before the Constitution can be ratified. -The best choice is to promise that you will lead the way to crafting a Bill of Rights AFTER the Constitution is ratified. Indeed, this is what James Madison and other delegates did.

Socialized to Specific Culture

-American exceptionalism -Representative democracy -personal freedom -individualism - diversity - equality of opportunity

What Congress could do under the Articles of Confederation?

-Borrow money -request money from the states -conduct foreign affairs -maintain army and navy -appoint military officers -establish courts -establish a postal service -control indian affairs

Core American Values

-Equality of opportunity -Liberties (freedom of religion, etc.) -Popular consent -Individualism -Free market

Beliefs of Conservatives

-Law and order - Want to preserve tradition -High value on moral principles of the community -preserve states' rights -wants less regulation of private enterprise -want to strengthen family values -Anti-abortion (Pro-life)

Common Characteristics of Americans

-Moving from rural to urban cities -we are aging -minority population is growing

What Congress could not do under Articles?

-Regulate commerce -collect taxes from citizens -prohibit states from conducting foreign affairs -establish a national commercial system -force states to comply with laws -establish a draft -collect money from states for services

Government Functions

1. Promote the general welfare 2. Establish Justice 3. Insure Domestic Tranquility 4. Provide common defense

Connecticut Compromise of Great Compromise

1787 Roger Sherman came up with: An agreement at the Constitutional Convention that the new national government would have a House of Representatives—in which the number of members would be based on each state's population; and a senate in which each state would have the same number of reps -2 Senators from each state -house of reps. determined by population -Single Executive removed by impeachment -Life tenure, judicial review ambiguous -National Supremacy over state laws

Constitutional Convention

1787 the elites met; "just going to Pennsylvania to tweek Articles of Confederation" they said; a meeting in Pennsylvania in 1787 at which delegates from the colonies drew up a new system of gov.; the finished product was the Constitution


27 Amendments; The document set the foundation for American Democracy, defining the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches. The document lays out important concepts like separation of powers, checks and balances, the division of powers, bicameralism, and much more.

Alexis de Tocqueville

A French scholar who traveled throughout the U.S. in the early 1830s. His published notes, Democracy in America, offer a telling account of our nation's formative years; shared values of American citizens


A ________ government includes both legal and informal limits on leaders' power.

Popular Sovereignty

A belief that ultimate power resides in the people.

Mayflower Compact

A document setting-up a set of laws for the pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620; it was truly significant because they did not simply pick a leader to make decisions, but instead established rules that all would follow; a document legalizing their position as a civil body politic under the sovereignty of King James 1;

Great Squeeze

A period prior to the American Revolution when the British Parliament sought to recoup some of the costs associated with the French and Indian War by levying new taxes and fees on colonists; EX: Sugar Act and Stamp Act EX: Townshend Act and Tea Tax

Promotes equality

A person with a liberal point of view about politics is likely to support government action that ________.

An ideology

A person's set of basic beliefs about the purpose and scope of government is best described as ________.


A political system in which all citizens have a chance to play a role in shaping government action and are afforded basic rights and liberties EX: U.S


A political system in which all citizens have a right to play a role in shaping government action; have basic rights and liberties; -popular sovereignty

Social Contract Theory

A political theory that holds individuals give up certain rights in return for securing certain freedoms; if the government breaks this, grounds for revolution exist; the notion was at the core of the Declaration of Independence

chance, with equal possibility of being selected

A probability sampling chooses its participants by ________.


A small group of elected representatives acts on behalf of the many; A system of government in which members of the general public select agents to represent them in political decision-making; EX: most campus student governments can be considered this because elections are held to choose student reps


A sole ruler, but often this person arrives at the position of power thru a violent overthrow of the previous government; unlimited control of the government


A subset of the population under study; if selected correctly, it represents the population from which it was drawn with reliable and measurable accuracy

Checks and Balances

A system in our government where each branch (legislative, executive, judicial) has the power to limit the actions of others EX: Even though President Obama announced a decision to send 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan in December 2009, it did not automatically mean that Congress would appropriate the funds necessary to carry out the plan

Totalitarian Regimes

A system of government in which the ruling elite holds all power and controls all aspects of society EX: Nazi Germany was this in the 1930s and early 1940s; arrest and even kill people who oppose the central authority

Totalitarian Regime

A system of government in which the ruling elite holds all power and controls all aspects of society; EX: Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s


A system of rule in which one person, such as a king or queen, possesses absolute authority over the government by virtue of being born into a royal family and inheriting the position

Dual federalism

A theory that the powers of the fed and state gov. are strictly separate, with interaction often marked by tension rather than cooperation; under a system of this governments have separate spheres of responsibilities and influence and do not cooperate among themselves

the amount of time young people spend with it

According to many observers, the media is replacing parents in the socialization process because of ________.

The people

According to the Declaration of Independence, from what source does out national gov. derive its powers?

Step 3 in Pathways of Action

Actors that will help

Step 4 in Pathways of Action

Actors with the opposition


Advocates used the ________ pathway to persuade a few state legislatures to enact abortion choice laws in the 1960s.

worry about the civil liberties ramifications of government surveillance

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the need for homeland security became a widely shared and consciously held view among Americans. Ho

Direct or Pure Democracy

All citizens make decisions EX: some Swiss states

French and Indian War

Also called the Seven Year's War, this was a series of military battles between Britain and France in North America between 1754 and 1763; the French received support from a number of Indian tribes; Britain won the war, but it proved quite costly--leading to novel ways of raising money from the colonists

Coercive Acts

Also known as the Intolerable Acts by the colonists; measures designed to punish the rebellious colonists; one act closed the Port of Boston; another altered the Massachusetts government to bring it under British control; another made the quartering soldiers in colonial homes easier

American Exceptionalism

America is better than other countries or an example to them through policies, culture, and institutions; everyone wants to come here; we are the freest country; actually we are #7 freest

American Creed

Americans embrace the concepts of freedom, equality, liberty, majority will, religious freedom and due process under the law; this is the bond that links all Americans to live up to their principles

Broadly Accepted Framework

Americans reverence for the structure of our governing system

Thomas Paine

An American revolutionary writer and a democratic philosopher whose pamphlet Common Sense argued for complete independence from Britain; among much else, his writings helped inspire colonists to join the Patriot cause and to bolster support for the Continental Army

Shay's Rebellion

An armed uprising in western Massachusetts in 1786 and 1787 by small farmers angered over high debt and tax burdens; this even helped bring about the Constitutional Convention, as many worried that similar events would happen unless there was change; open democratic system carried risks


An economic system in which the government owns and controls mos factories and much or all of the nation's land; working for the good of society rather than self-interest


An economic system where business and industry are privately owned and there is little governmental interference; we compete with each other for jobs,


An effort to limit the ability of government to regulate any type of economic market would most likely be supported by ________.


An exchange student tells you that, in her country, an elite group holds all political power and tells the citizens what they can think, say, and do.

Capitalist Policies

An important result of the emphasis on American individualism has been a clear tendency to prefer ________.

Cultural Change Pathway

An indirect approach to influencing government; a long-term strategy that attempts to change the hearts/beliefs of fellow citizens through education and publicizing important events in order to change the value of people. By changing people's values, newly elected officials and activists bring those new values with them into the political sphere.

Natural Rights

Basic rights that no government can deny; EX: the right to a fair, impartial trial EX: the right to speak out against government corruption

NJ Plan 6

Be supreme over the state governments, with the national legislature having the right to override state law.

British appointed governors with assemblies that represented the colonists

Before the American Revolution, the colonies used a system of government that mixed _____________


Believe that the government can be a positive agent to protect "common people" (which historically included farmers and workers) against the moneyed elite; favor governmental action to promote equality but also support policies to uphold order

Two necessary conditions for any country's political stability

Broad popular acceptance of its government and economic system and a clearly defined political culture

Robert Dahl

Changed the name of American Creed to Democratic Creed

Our government structure, with its checks and balances

Changes in policy direction in the United States are usually slow and incremental because of ________.

Criminal Law

Citizens who do not follow regulations pay a monetary penalty (a fine), be removed from society for a period of time or even permanently thru a sentence of death or of life imprisonment without parole, or both

Public Opinion Polling

Collecting the views and attitudes of people on a specific topic; survey small portions of the population and accurately project the public's views at large

Colonial Assemblies

Colonists elected representatives to speak on their behalf and to counsel the governors on the best courses of action


Compromises were made in the Constitution about the institution of slavery because ________. one felt that slavery was a bad thing B. the framers wanted to make the states more subservient to the national government C. Northerners understood that abolishing slavery would shatter the economic base of the South D. Northerners relied on the products of slavery as much as Southerners relied on the institution itself

Ballot Initiatives

Conservatives have tried to enact abortion restrictions in southern states primarily through ________ in recent years.

Political Ideology

Consistent set of basic beliefs about the proper purpose and scope of government; A coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose. It helps give meaning to political events, personalities, and policies

Expressed powers

Constitution defines many of the powers of the national government

Gender Gap

Differences in voting and policy preferences between women and men; after controlling for other factors, women tend to be more liberal and Democratic than men


Differences of opinions and preferences between generations most likely come from ________.

Crosscutting Cleavages

Divisions in society that separate people into groups

Articles of Confederation

Drafted in Second Continental Congress; before this we weren't a unified country; draw the 13 states together but also have each state remain independent; central government could coordinate and recommend policy but had no ability to enforce these policies -Congress had power to conduct foreign affairs, wage war, create a postal service, appoint military officers, control Indian affairs, borrow money, and determine the value of coinage

Use of Symbols

EX: dollar sign, American flag, bald eagle, white house, capital, Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty

Checks and Balances

Each branch is limited by the other 2; each branch can review and restrict the acts of the other branches; EX: Congress passes laws but the President can Veto it; if both houses of Congress can put together 2/3 vote, they can override President's vote


Engaging in activities aimed at influencing public officials, especially legislators, and the policies they enact; pressuring or persuading lawmakers to make specific decisions

England had protected the colonists during the French and Indian War

England levied the Sugar, the Stamp Act, and the Tea Tax because

How to measure success

Establishing incremental goals can allow for celebration as they are achieved to create and sustain momentum; How will you measure this; EX: By new laws passed; data shows a shrinking # of intoxicated drivers

Pathway Access

Even though your resources might suggest particular course of action, not all issues fit each of the pathways; For example there might not be a way to pursue a legal course; decision makers might be more receptive to efforts directed down certain pathways; For instance judges often express indifference to rallies and protests EX: No clear court pathway point of access, yet the cause is ideal for attracting public attention; graphic stories and visuals

Conclusion for the ratification of the Constitution

Eventually, all 13 states ratify the Constitution—even Rhode Island and North Carolina, in spite of all their public threats to the contrary; this becomes the law of the land;

Agents of Political Socialization

Factors that influence how we acquire political facts and knowledge and develop political values; family, school, peers and community, religion, the media, and events

Causes of American Revolution

Financial (pragmatic) and ideological

Civil Law

For citizens to be required to pay money as a penalty for breaking a rule

Constitutional System

Government has both informal and legal restraints on the exercise of power EX: U.S., Germany and France and Mexico


Government is the formal structures and institutions through which binding decisions are made for citizens of a particular area; it is the organization that has formal jurisdiction over a group of people who live in a certain place;

Authoritarian regime

Government policies are kept in check by informal limits, such as other political forces (maybe political parties), the military, and social institutions (religious groups); leaders face real limits, but there are not formal or legal restrictions EX: South Korea

NJ Plan 4

Have a judiciary appointed by the executive council.

NJ Plan Principle 2

Have a legislature consisting of one body, in which each state would have one vote.

NJ Plan Principle 3

Have a multiperson executive council, chosen by the legislature, with the responsibility of executing national laws; its members could be removed by a majority of state governors

NJ Plan 5

Have a national legislature with the ability to tax the states, proportional to their population.

NJ Plan Principle 1

Have three parts of government—a national legislature, an executive council, and a judiciary.

Thomas Hobbes

He believed life was poor, nasty, and brutish; so to end this perpetual conflict and insecurity, people created governments, thereby giving up some of their freedoms in order to protect their lives and property

Thomas Gage

He ordered his troops to seize what was believed to be a growing supply of arms from the colonists at Concord

Governor Randolph of Virginia

He proposed that the Articles should be dumped altogether; the delegates agreed;

Adam Smith

He wrote about the importance of limiting government in order to protect the economic rights of citizens

Their projected population increase

Hispanic voters are a growing force in American politics because of ________.

Step 1 in Pathways of Action

Historical Context

Step 10 in Pathways of Action

How to measure success

the wording of survey questions can significantly affect survey results

If you were reading an article about public opinion on the president's proposal to increase the estate tax, you should keep in mind that ________ , and you should therefore consider the polling method


If your classmates are like most people, which of the following had the least direct impact on the development of their political beliefs as children?

a random portion of students who eat in the cafeteria

If your college administration wants to know more about students' opinions of the cafeteria food, they may do a survey of ________.

Pressure and persuade elected officials to place restrictions on abortions that would be acceptable to the courts.

In the aftermath of Roe v. Wade, antiabortion activists used elections, lobbying, and grassroots motivation pathways to accomplish what main goal?

kings with authority purportedly derived from God

In the late eighteenth century, most societies in the world were ruled by ________.


Individual liberties and governmental restraints on these liberties are set forth in ________.

Lobbying Pathway

Involves attempting to influence the activities, actors, and institutions of government by supplying info, persuasion, or political pressure; target legislatures and executive officials, such as president, as well as bureaucrats and governors ; Individuals and organized groups present information and persuasive arguments to government officials to convince the decision makers to either support specific proposed laws, or oppose proposed changes.

Direct Political Socialization

Involves explicit (open)communication of information, values, or feelings towards politics and government; school curriculum-teaching kids about broad views on government. Pledge of allegiance-development of culture, forms national character, and allegiance to country

Dillon's rule

Iowa state court decision in 1868 that narrowly defined the power of local governments and established the supremacy of state governments when conflict exists with localities; upheld by Supreme Court

Historical Context

It is essential that the activist understand the legal context, the history surrounding the issue, past governmental and political developments, and previous actors; it is especially important to understand the successes and failures of similar movements and the pathways that were used EX: Drunk driving and related injuries and deaths are rampant in the U.S.; in 1980 some 25,000 are killed by drunk drivers

Virginia Plan

Large States favored this plan; called for a strong national government with a BICAMERAL legislature, national executive, national judiciary, and legislative representation based on population; a lot of this is in the constitution


Legal action; a lawsuit; EX: If the new ordinance violates other existing laws, then taking the issue to court by filing lawsuits would be a process called....

-Protecting civil liberties and civil rights - Distribution of goods -Improving welfare of citizens -Regulating private enterprise -Protecting the environment

Liberals want government to have a larger role in these areas:

Special government

Local governmental units established for very specific purposes, such as the regulation of water and school districts, airports, and transportation services; decisions made by these tend to have a very large impact on daily lives of individuals but typically get less media attention

Federalist #51

Madison wrote this one too; -Government must control the govern, and control itself; - separation of power, checks and balances; -separate institutions between states -power divided up among 3 branches -legislative branch an added division

Federalist #10

Madison wrote this one; Tyranny of majority; control by electing reps to govern; new nation not homogeneous, geographically spread out, different interests prevail; fragmentation of political system to avoid excesses: checks and balances, separate branches

Why the mix of appointed rule and self-governance didn't work

Many colonists brought with them the political customs and traditions from their homeland, meaning that the debate over the extent of royal authority in the conduct of government came along as well; also if a local governing authority proved oppressive, colonists had the option of simply packing up and moving; also the French and Indian War

Media Agent of Political Socialization

Media has varying affects on public opinion


National government would undertake certain responsibilities and state gov. would handle others; government in which powers and functions are divided among different layers of the system

Social welfare

On which of the following issues do women tend to have more liberal opinions than men?

Lobbying Example

Organizing your friends to call members of the city council asking to change a law, or going to city council meetings and voicing your opposition to a

Political socializations

Our earliest views of political matters usually come from parents, as part of which process?

Step 8 in Pathways of Action

Pathway Access

Step 9 Pathways of Action

Pathway selected by the opposition

Ballot Initiative

Petition signatures to place a measure on the general election ballot for a statewide vote; a proposed law or policy change that is placed on the ballot by citizens or interest groups for a popular vote

Elections Pathway

Political parties organize like-minded individuals into groups that can plan strategies for winning elections, raise money, and provide public info to help elect leaders who share the party's specific values Voter registration drives, fundraising, political campaigning, and each individual voter's action casting a ballot.

Benjamin Ginsberg

Political scientist that thinks that polls weaken the influence of true public opinion; polls have flaws: polls are suggested opinions, sampling error, the wording of questions, and the way poll questions are asked can all skew the responses that are optained

Exit Polls'

Polls conducted by media outlets that ask people how they voted as they leave their polling places are known as ________.

Executive Branch

President enforce the legislatures will

Federalist Papers

Propaganda to try and convince the people and then put pressure on the states to ratify the constitution; ALEX HAMILTON, JAMES MADISON, and JOHN JAY are the authors;

Amendment Process

Proposing an amendment: 2/3 of both houses vote for the proposed amendment and 3/4 of state legislatures approve OR Proposing an amendment by: Congress calls a national convention at the request of 2/3 of the states; ratifying conventions in 3/4 of states approve

regularly tune in to National Public Radio and cable TV news shows

Public opinion is often shaped by the news and information received through the media. Surveys have shown that the Americans who are best-informed politically are those who ____________

Smaller government

Public opinion polls consistently show that people who self-identify as conservative are in favor of ________.


Puritans who sailed from Europe in the early 1600s to North America with the aim of settling the land and starting a new life; in hopes of finding religious freedom; more generally, this term can mean a person who journeys to a holy land

External political efficacy

Refers to the belief that governmental officials will respond to individuals


Roe v. Wade arose as a challenge to ________ state law that made it a crime to obtain or perform an abortion.


Rule by a few; a small group of the rich or powerful controls most of the governing decisions

Schools Agent of Political Socialization

Schools teach political knowledge, the value of political participation, and the acceptance of democratic principles; teaching the pledge of allegiance and reciting school rules creating a sense of loyalty and nationalism; introduce children to authority figures outside of the family such as the teacher, principal and police and in doing this prepare children to accept social order

Probability Sample

Selection procedure in which each member of the target population has a known or an equal chance of being selected; probability samples are the most commonly employed by professional polling companies

3/5ths compromise

Since a census would be counted every 10 years to determine state's population for taxes and national legislature; if slaves weren't counted southern states would only represent 41% of seats in House; slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a white person.

Sharing Powers

Specific powers for each branch but at the same time making each branch partly dependent on the others for carrying out its powers EX: Congress passes laws and appropriates funds, the executive branch enforces these laws and spends the money; judicial branch can pass judgment on disputes that arise, but it must rely on the executive branch to enforce the rulings

Police Power

State governments were considered closest to the people and thus best able to look after their health, safety and well-being


Strong opponents of the Constitution because it infringed upon people's rights and liberties and a large country would trample rights; Many Americans feel that state governments are closer to the people and more likely to protect their democratic rights than a strong national government would be; Rhode Island, a state dominated by small farmers and debtors, refused even to send delegates.


Support individual liberty in economic, personal, and social realms over government authority; acknowledge that government must have some authority, but they believe that most governmental action must be severely regulated and limited

Exit Polls

Surveys of voters leaving polling places; used by news media to gauge how candidates are doing on election day


Teaching someone to accept an idea or principle without question; Instruction in the government's beliefs in order to mold people's minds. It begins with young children and is strongly enforced by schools; EX: Pledge of allegiance EX: Respect Queen

Grassroot Activities

Techniques such as direct mailings, tv ads, and newspaper ads, rallies demonstrations, and local group actions, social media; non-violent protest that might draw media attention and would put pressure on city officials


Tend to favor traditional views on social, cultural, and economic matters and demand more limited role for government in most spheres; Republican party


Tend to support social and cultural change (especially in connection with issues of equality) and want an activist government that encourages change; tolerant of diversity; favors strengthening of health and safety laws; support programs that assist elderly and poor; separation of church and state; pro-choice; would decriminalize certain activities; generally vote democratic

America's political culture

The "American Creed" refers to ________.

Establishing a formal system of laws

The Pilgrims who established the Mayflower Compact were most concerned about what

Abortion rights

The U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade dealt with ________.

Republic Us

The United States' form of government is a/an ________.


The ability to get individuals, groups, or institutions to do something; determines the outcome of conflicts over governmental decisions; charts the course of public policy

Pathways of Action

The activities of citizens in American politics that affect the creation, alteration, and preservation of laws and policies EX: Average citizens can change the course of public policy by bringing new officials into government thru elections and by lobbying existing legislators

Sectional Compromise

The agreement reached at the Constitutional Convention that allowed the federal government to regulate commerce among the states was the ________.


The belief that individuals can influence government

Internal political efficacy

The belief that individuals have the knowledge and ability to influence government

Efficacy EX

The belief that one can influence government is called ________.

Spiral of silence

The belief that people with divergent views may be reluctant to challenge the consensus of opinion offered by the media; accept the majority viewpoint

English Rule; crown; king

The colonial settlements would be governed under_________; governor would be appointed by the _________ to oversee different colonies and were responsible only to the __________

Equal treatment of citizens btwn states

The comity clauses of the Constitution ensured ________.

Political Socialization

The complex process through which people acquire political knowledge and form political values; also the conscious and unconscious transmission of political culture and values from one generation to another through indoctrination, socialized to specific culture and thru the use of symbols

shape public opinion on a particular issue

The cultural change pathway seeks to ________.

One person, one vote

The democratic idea that every citizen should have an equal say in the electoral process can be summed up in the expression ________.


The federal government of the United States was able to expand its economic power through taxation and a broad interpretation of ________. A. the necessary and proper clauses B. enumerated powers C. supremacy clause D. separate but equal doctrine

McCulloch v Maryland

The first important cast to help define national power in relation to the states was


The framework of the first national government of the newly independent states of America was the ________. A) Articles of Confederation B)Declaration of Independence C)NJ Plan D) Constitution

National level; state-level

The introduction of amendments to the U.S. Constitution is a ________ process, whereas the ratification of amendments is a ________ process.

Explicit Powers

The main advancements that the Constitution made from the Articles of Confederation are that it granted ________.


The process by which the character, membership, and the actions of government are determined; the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power; the struggle to move government to a preferred course of action EX: by appealing to members of the city council to change the new housing ordinance, several students decided to roll up their sleeves and become engaged in local......


The recognized right of an individual, group, or institution to make binding decisions for society; while some might disagree with certain Supreme Court decisions, most recognize the Court's authority in our system of government to make laws, impose taxes, or draft people into the military

Political Culture

The shared values, beliefs, and norms that allows a citizen to with his or her nation; refers to the fundamental values and dominant beliefs that are shared throughout society and that shape political behavior and government policies; provides crucial info allowing a citizen to therefore differentiate What makes him an American citizen versus the information that would make someone French;

Representative Republicanism

The system would not be a direct democracy—where each person has a say on all public matters—but rather this—in which a small group of elected leaders speak and act on behalf of the many; -members of House are elected by voters -senators selected by state legislatures (changed by 17th amendment in 1913 to popular election) -president chosen by electoral college

Bandwagon effect

The tendency for individuals to agree with the candidate or opinion that polls show to be attracting the most support or that receives the most media attention

the competing factors that influence a person's opinion

The term crosscutting cleavages describes ________.

Step 2 in Pathways of Action

The trigger

Constitutional Monarchies

They perform ceremonial duties but play little or no role in actually governing their country EX: UK, Spain, Belgium, Japan

Atlantic Slave Trade

This would be protected at least 20 years; prohibited Congress from stopping the importation of slaves from oversees until 1808 and then re-address the issue

Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson is the father of this; written about the rights of citizens and proper role of government in a free society

Madison and Federalist Papers

Threats to liberty also come from within; controlling the greed and jealousies

Step 5 in Pathways of Action


Virginia Plan Principle 2

Under this plan -force each of the branches to rely on the others

Virginia Plan Principle 1

Under this plan Have 3 branches of government: -national legislature -an executive -judiciary

Virginia Plan Principle 5

Under this plan: -Allow each state a number of seats in the national legislature based on its population (thus the larger states would have more delegates and the smaller states fewer)

Virginia Plan Principle 3

Under this plan: -Grant each branch the ability to keep an eye on the other two so that no one segment of the government becomes too powerful.

Virginia Plan Principle 4

Under this plan: -Have a legislature with an upper and lower house, with members of the lower house chosen by the people in the various states and the upper chamber made up of legislators chosen by the lower house from a list of nominees put forward by the state legislatures

Virginia Plan Principle 9

Under this plan: -Be supreme over the state governments—that is, acts of the new national government would override state law.

Virginia Plan Principle 6

Under this plan: -Have an executive, selected by the legislature and serving a single term.

Virginia Plan Principle 8

Under this plan: -Establish a "council of revision," with members from both the executive branch and the judiciary, which would review all national and state laws; this body would have some control over national legislation and an absolute veto over state legislation.

Virginia Plan Principle 7

Under this plan: -Have judges who would be appointed to the bench by the legislature for life terms.

Your resources

What _______ will you bring to the cause? A partial list includes your time, intelligence, passion, financial, networks, ability to gain sympathetic media attention, expertise and experience EX: Passion, time, media attention, public sympathy

Disagreements and conflict prolong decision making.

What causes democracy to look inefficient to most Americans?

The widespread nature of shared beliefs limits outside political discussion.

What did Alexis de Tocqueville note as a downside of America's political culture?

Public Policy

What government decided to do or not do; government laws, rules, or expenditures EX: It is state ___________ that you must be 21 years old to purchase alcohol

American Creeds

What name did Sweedish social scientist Gunnar Myrdal give to the motivations Americans have to live up to their principles

Pathway selected by the opposition

What pathway has your opposition used, and is it successful? EX: Lobbying decision makers; elections

The composition of the majority and minority is always shifting, depending on the issue.

What prevents the majority from exercising too much power over a minority in most policy decisions in a democracy?


What term would describe your ideology if you believed government could protect farmers and auto workers against pressure from the wealthy elite?

Your Opposition's Resources

What will your opposition bring to the table? EX: Lobbyists, money, long-standing access to decision makers, campaign resources

Salutary neglect

When England needed to raise money to fund the French and Indian War, it abandoned a long-standing policy of ____________ of trade in the American colonies


When a number of groups in a system struggle for power; multiple centers of power struggling to shape the outcome EX: Canada and U.S.


When might you best proceed with your efforts? Will there be particular stages or a singular bold stroke? How long will things take? EX: As new data are revealed on drunk driving accidents, after a high-profile event stirs public emotions

Family Agent of Socialization

When parents are interested in politics, they tend to influence their children to become more politically interested and informed, because children often try to copy behavior of loved ones; parents are often most influential in transmitting party identification to their children EX: How parents react to police can set the stage for how children will view authority Ex: Parents' view of poverty can affect the attitudes of their children about welfare and social services

Indirect Political Socialization

When political views are inadvertently (not openly) molded by our experiences. These experiences are generally made when an individual is a young child, such as parental and teacher relationships; learning about gov and politics by experiences that don't directly relate to gov and politics but might have an impact on how you view politics EX: Your parents don't vote so maybe you'll pick up on this and think that voting is not important EX: Your parents cuss out Obama when he comes on the TV

Representative Democracy

When you cast a vote for a political candidate, you are participating in ____________ A system of government in which citizens elect representatives, or leaders, to make decisions about the laws for all the people.

Lyndon Johnson

Which President vowed to end poverty within 10 years?

Those who are extremely religious

Which group of people in your community is most likely to provide high levels of support for Republican candidates?

Citizens getting enough petition signatures to put an issue to popular vote

Which is an example of a ballot initiative?

Racial and gender discrimination prohibited many Americans from seeking education or owning their own businesses.

Which of the following best illustrates how the American dream might not be fulfilled in practice despite hard work by a citizen or group?

They tend to vote Republican

Which of the following characterizations applies to people who attend church regularly?

Margin of error

Which of the following is a measure of a poll's reliability?

The 2010 Immigration Reform Bill

Which of the following is most representative of public policy?


Which of the following types of government does the U.S. Constitution establish?

Sample of 2,000; margin of error =?13; neutral phrasing

Which of the following would be characteristics of an effective poll?

Elections, lobbying, courts, grassroots, cultural change

Which pathway of action is most likely to be conducted by people going door to door to discuss issues?

Grassroots pathway example

Which pathway of action is most likely to be conducted by people going door to door to discuss issues?

The courts

Which pathway of action was most successful in bringing about change in the debate over abortion rights resulting in Roe v. Wade?


Which racial minority population is the fastest growing in the United States?

American democracy allows for various forms of political participation, which helps ensure stability.

Which statement about democracy in America is true?

Diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, heritage, regional differences and religion

Who are Americans?

Actors with the opposition

Who is likely to oppose your efforts? How motivated will they be? EX: Tavern and restaraunt owners, liquor industry, civil liberation groups such as the Center for Consumer Freedom

Actors that will help

Who might you expect to help your efforts and what are the motivations? Who are your potential supporters and what would trigger their action? EX: Other grieving parents, those in communities that have seen horrific drunk driving accidents, youth advocacy groups such as SADD

-no chief executive -one house congress -no national court system -couldn't print money -couldn't collect taxes from citizens

Why did Articles of Confederation fail

They sought to prevent sudden shifts in public policy.

Why did the Framers of the U.S. Constitution design the government to produce slow, moderate change?

The trigger

Why did you become involved in an issue? What fueled your motivation? EX: 13 year old Cari is killed by a drunk driver as she walks down a quiet street; her grieving mom, Candy, sets her sights on tougher drunk driving laws and in 1980 forms Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Government is viewed as distant and remote

Why do many Americans believe that they have limited power to change the course of government?

They were afraid that the majority might try to undermine the freedoms of minorities and threaten individual rights.

Why were the Framers afraid of a tyranny of the majority?

The sample is not representatives

Why would an online survey of 2,000 visitors to your college's Web site be of little use in assessing the neighboring community's opinion about the location of a new athletic complex?

NJ Plan

William Patterson came up with this plan; supported by smaller states; it called for: -equal reps of state -unicameral legislature -each state would have the same say in the national legislature, and the executive branch would have modest powers

Judicial Branch

Would interpret the laws and resolve according to the law (Courts)

John Locke

Wrote Two Treatises of Government; he argued that all legitimate governing authority is based on the consent of the governed and that all individuals have "natural rights"

Step 7 in Pathways of Action

Your Opposition's Resources

Step 6 in Pathways of Action

Your Resources

Organizing your friends to contact your representatives at the local, state, or national level

________ is a demonstration of one of the opportunities people in the United States have to directly influence the decisions of government.

A democracy; a republic

________ is a political system in which all citizens have a chance to play a role in shaping government action and are afforded basic rights and liberties ________ is a political system where members of the general public select agents to represent them in political decision making.

Placing limits on the age at which alcohol can be purchased or consumed

________ is an example of the limitations government places on our personal choices, in contrast to the benefits and protections it provides.

A variety of ways in which citizens can influence the outcome of government activity

________ is argued to be the necessary factor in maintaining the stability of democratic governments.

Demonstrations outside abortion clinics

________ is/are an illustration of a grassroots mobilization pathway used by opponents of Roe v. Wade to discourage women from seeking abortions.


________ required to alter any portion of the Articles of the Confederation, which is why the Constitution carried a clause of general popular consent for amendments A. Three Fifths Comp B. Unanimous Consent C. Legislation D. Presidential Approval

Personhood amendment

________ was the broad term applied to Initiative 26, a ballot initiative in Mississippi that sought to define life as including every human being fro; pro life, no abortions, feticide, fetus to be recognized as a human

Grassroots Mobilization Pathway

a lobbying campaign in which a group mobilizes its membership to contact government officials in support of the group's position EX: MLK Jr and boycotts

Hamilton and Federalist Papers

argued tyranny could come from either without or within a country; external danger was from European countries eager to divide the nation; ratification would provide a strong national government to defend country

Peter Zenger

attacked royal governors with his newspaper, NY Weekly Journal, establish the right of free press by winning a court case; made possible the Rights of the press which consisted of printing or publishing events and ideas as long as it was true.

Court Pathway

citizens use the judicial system to challenge laws which they feel are unconstitutional EX: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

3 Branches of government

different branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial.


known as the "party of the people"


known as the "party of the rich"

Legislative Branch

make the laws (Congress)

Explicit Powers

powers of Congress, stated & written in the Constitution; Lay and collect taxes, coin money, declare war and raise and support a military, and regulate commerce with foreign governments among the states. powers of Congress, stated & written in the Constitution

Cooperative Federalism

system in which the powers of the fed. and state gov. are intertwined and shared; each level of gov. shares overlapping power, authority, and responsibility

Immigration Debate

the fear that immigrants will threaten the primacy of the English language and take jobs away from native-born Americans. within other minority groups that struggled for political representation, fear that newer groups will gain political power at their expense.

Occupy Movement

the loosely organized political movement which began in 2011 and sought to address a perceived inequality between the rich and everyone else is called the _______ ______ Political movement aimed at limiting the infulence of. Wall street and big corporations following government bailouts 2008

Home rule

the right of a city with a population of more than 5,000 to adopt any form of government residents choose, provided that it doesn't conflict with the state constitution or statutes

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