GOV: Sabato Proposals with Reasons

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90 percent re elected if you are in the house and 80 percent re elected if you are in the senate.

Political parties

Not in the constitution

19. Mend the Electoral College by granting more populated states additional electors, to preserve the benefits of the College while minimizing the chances a President will win without a majority of the popular vote. (Article 2 Section 1)

Reason: A will president will not electoral college majority unless they win the popular vote too. The electoral college will become more representative

6. Establish term limits in the House and Senate to restore the Founders' principle of frequent rotation in office. (Article 1 Section 3)

Reasons: A 12 year term limit for the senate and a 6 year term limit for the HOR, will allow new perspectives and ideas from new people

16. Give federal judges guaranteed cost of living increases so pay is never an issue. (Article 3 Section 1)

Reasons: Attracts the best supreme court judges and less financial sacrifice.

11. Give the president a partial-veto. (Article 1 Section 7)

Reasons: Bills will be passed quicker, and this will save money because money won't be spent on bills that get vetoed, allows for more comprise and will save time. (Bill Clinton had the option to get line item veto)

20. Reform campaign financing by preventing wealthy candidates from financing their campaigns, and by mandating partial public financing for House and Senate campaigns. (Amendment 17 Section 1)

Reasons: Dont want presidential candidates who have are more wealthy to have an unfair advantage over candidates who aren't wealthy. Less wealthy candidates have a larger chance of winning.

5. Expand the size of the House to approximately 1,000 members (from current 435), so House members can be closer to their constituents, and to level the playing field in House elections. (Article 1 section 2)

Reasons: Each representative represents less people which allows more citizens to be heard. Allows more options and new perspectives.

8. Create a Continuity of Government procedure to provide for replacement Senators and Congresspeople in the event of extensive deaths or incapacitation. (Article 1 Section 2)

Reasons: Have replacement senators and representatives in order to keep the office running. Congress would not need to shut down. The public would get the vote for the offices again when the crisis ends.

15. Expand the size of the Supreme Court from 9 to 12 to be more representative. (Article 3 Section 1)

Reasons: Increased diversity of race, religion, gender and easier to achieve goals. More representative and more diversity .

22. Create a Constitutional requirement that all able-bodied young Americans devote at least 2 years of their lives in service to the country. (Article 1 Section 8).

Reasons: Increases citizen participation and nationalistic sentiment, Increases improvements to communities/environment. National service can add maturity that can prepare citizens.

10. Limit some Presidential war-making powers and expand Congress's oversight of war-making (Article 1 Section 8 and Article 2 Section 2)

Reasons: It will allow congress make sure that the president is making the right decision of whether or not to attack. More democratic. No personal bias.

13. End lifetime tenure for all Supreme Court Judges and replace it with a 15 year non renewable term and you can apply for an extension of 5 years. (Article 3 section 1)

Reasons: Justices won't work past their prime. Another reason is that the president will pick better judges. More judges acquainted with todays society.

14. Grant Congress the power to set a mandatory retirement age for all federal judges. (Article 3 Section 1)

Reasons: More modern ideas, some judges are too old to work because of diseases and mental illness. Eliminate strategic retirement.

3. Mandate non-partisan redistricting for House elections to enhance electoral competition. (Article 1 Section 2)

Reasons: No political bias. No bandwagons. People are more active. Allows people to make their own decisions.

9. Establish a new 6-year, 1-time Presidential term with the option for the President to seek 2 additional years in an up/down referendum of the American people. (Bill of Rights Amendment 22)

Reasons: Sabato doesn't want presidential candidates to start campaigning during the presidents term. Federal budget is preset for a year or longer, limiting the influence a new chief executive.

18. Adopt a regional, staggered lottery system, over 4 months, for Presidential party nominations to avoid the destructive front-loading of primaries. (Article 2 Section 1)

Reasons: Saves time and money that can be used to fund the government. Candidates will recover from setbacks (don't do well in a specific region).

12. Let a citizen was not born in the United States who has lived in the U.S. for 20 years become president. (Article 2 Section 1)

Reasons: There are many great leaders out there but cannot be elected for they were not born in the U.S. New point of views which can benefit the U.S. More diversity. Help combat hate crimes. Provides a new perspective about government and the country. Protect American values

7. Add a Balanced Budget Amendment to encourage fiscal fairness to future generations. (Article 1 Section 8)

Reasons: To make sure that the government doesn't spend more than it earns from taxes and to make sure that the government doesn't increase their debt.

4. Lengthen House terms to 3 years (from 2) and set Senate terms to coincide with all Presidential elections, so the entire House and Senate would be elected at the same time as the President. (Article 2 section 1)

Reasons: Wants length of terms to be realigned to fit the new presidential regimen. An extra year will provide additional insulation for house members. Maximise potential for presidential coattails and to consolidate the elections schedule.

2. Appoint all former Presidents and Vice Presidents to the new office of "National Senator." (Article 2 Section 2)

Reasons: Wants their past experience to be shown. More representation.

17. Write a new constitutional article specifically for the politics of the American system. (Article 7 Section 1)

Reasons: Wants to bring all branches together under one function, nessceary to hold things together.

1. Expand the Senate to 136 members to be more representative: Grant the 10 most populous states 2 additional Senators, the 15 next most populous states 1 additional Senator, and the District of Columbia 1 Senator. (Article 1 Section 3)

Reasons: Wants to give the more populated states more senators, more attention and 1 senator for the smaller states because it will be easier to handle. Same representation for smaller states (Representation not Power)

23. Convene a new Constitutional Convention using the state-based mechanism left to us by the Framers in the current Constitution. (Article 5)

Reasons: We can fix the things that need to be fixed in the old constitution and will delegates to update the constitution to be more modern. People will be more aware go politics. Disadvantages People would protest Citizens could be confused Government might get corrupted Delegates might bring up ideas from past convention.

21. Adopt an automatic registration system for all qualified American citizens to guarantee their right to vote is not abridged by bureaucratic requirements. (Amendment 15 Section 1)

Reasons: Will remove barriers to register, voters won't have to worry about deadlines.

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