Government Ch 4. Sect. 3

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Hicklen V. Orbeck, 1978: The Supreme Court struck down an Alaskan law requiring employers to prefer Alaskan workers to construct that State's oil and gas pipelines.

A State cannot do such things as try to relieve its unemployment problems by requiring employers to hire in-State residents first. What supreme court case declared this?

Privileges and immunities

A new yorker is not allowed to relocate to florida

Full Faith and Credit Clause

According to what clause Documents issued in one State—such as birth certificates—must be accepted in all States.

4, 1

Article ____, Sect. ____ of the Constitution commands that: "Full Faith & Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, & judicial Proceedings of every other State."

Extradition; 4,2,2

Article ____, Section ______, Clause _____: A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

Privileges and Immunities Clause:

Each State must recognize the right of any American to travel in or become a resident of that State. Citizens can also marry, buy, own, rent, or sell property, and use the courts in any State, no matter where they live. Due to what clause?

New York & New Jersey, 1921, had a pact creating the Port of Authority of New York & New Jersey to manage the harbor facilities bordering both States.

Example of interstate compact

order a governor to extradite a fugitive

If extradition is challenged, the federal government can _____________________________________________

-1. the Supervision of Parolees. -2. Probations & the Compact on Juveniles.

In all 50 States have joined in what two compacts:


Interracial marriage was illegal in many States until the Supreme Court ruled in _______ that such laws were unconstitutional


More than ____ interstate compacts in force today.

couple has established residency

Only the State in which a couple _______________________ can grant them a divorce.

How do the States work together to preserve the Union?

State governments make interstate compacts. States offer full faith and credit to the laws, official records, and court rulings of other States. States extradite fugitives to other States. States respect the privileges and immunities of residents of other States.

water, oil, wildlife, & fish; counter the effects of global climate change; & encourage cooperative use of public universities.

States also cooperate to manage shared resources and border areas. Ex:


States can make _________________ distinctions between their residents and those of other States.

Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico

The States of ___________, ____________, __________, and __________meet at the "Four Corners."

interstate agreements

There are _______________________ to share law enforcement data, counter global climate change, encourage cooperation between public universities, and coordinate the conservation of water and wildlife.

It applies only to the civil laws of each State, not the criminal laws. One State cannot enforce another State's criminal law. If a person who does not live in a State is granted a divorce by that State, the State in which that person actually resides can refuse to recognize the divorce.

There are two key exceptions to the Full Faith and Credit Clause:

upheld, extradition

Typically a State governor asks another State governor to return any captured fugitives. Such requests are usually _________. due to what process?

People can be required to live in a State for certain period of time before they can vote, hold public office, or be licensed in certain professions. States can also charge higher fees to out-of-State hunters, fishers, or students attending a State's public universities.

What are some reasonable distinctions between a certain states' residents and those of other States.

This could lead to unfair social or economic treatment of U.S. citizens, such as preferential hiring of in-State residents or lower welfare benefits for newly arrived residents. It could also cause conflict between States.

Why might a State be restricted from making distinctions between its residents and those of another State?

interstate compact:

an agreement made between two States or between a State and a foreign government

Privileges and Immunities Clause

the clause in the Constitution that says that no State can make unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who live in another State

Full Faith and Credit Clause:

the clause of the Constitution that says that each State will respect the laws, records, and court decisions of other States


the legal process of returning a fugitive to a State

Obergefell v. Hodges 14th Amendment protected same sex marriage in all states

what supreme court case overturned The Defense of Marriage Act?

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