Government Final NoteCards

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Who is an incumbent? Group of answer choices A. the current officeholder running for re-election B. the candidate who raises the most money during the campaign C. whoever is leading in the polls on the day of the election D. a candidate who is running against a current officeholder in an election

A. the current officeholder running for re-election

The powers of Congress have declined dramatically in which of the following areas over the last 50 years? A. national defense and the federal budget B. health care and education C. law enforcement and oversight D. national defense and environmental protection

A. national defense and the federal budget

When Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops into Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957, it demonstrated that the A. president may make unilateral use of the emergency powers to protect states against domestic disorder. B. president requires the federal court's approval before using troops in domestic disturbances. C. use of the president's emergency powers against domestic disorder necessitates a request by the governor of the state in question. D. president needs congressional authorization to use troops in both domestic and international situations.

A. president may make unilateral use of the emergency powers to protect states against domestic disorder.

In District of Columbia v. Heller, the United States Supreme Court held that the District of Columbia's handgun ban was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment. In writing the majority opinion, the late Justice Antonin Scalia looked predominantly to the words of the Second Amendment of the Constitution in interpreting its meaning. This judicial philosophy can be described as A. strict construction. B. judicial deference. C. social constitutionism. D. liberal restraint.

A. strict construction.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 A. substantially increased the federal government's role in elementary and secondary education. B. substantially decreased the federal government's role in elementary and secondary education. C. maintained the same role for the federal government in elementary and secondary education that existed between 1791 and 2001. D. created a new source of governmental power, the Department of Education, which is a combination of federal, state, and local authorities.

A. substantially increased the federal government's role in elementary and secondary education.

Over what policy areas does the House Ways and Means Committee have jurisdiction? A. taxes, trade, and entitlement programs B. foreign relations and national security C. rules governing debate on the floor and committee assignments D. highways and waterways

A. taxes, trade, and entitlement programs

A subcommittee is helpful for members of Congress because A. they do not need to hold hearings. B. they specialize in particular aspects of the committee's work. C. they do not launch investigations. D. their jurisdictions are well-defined.

B. they specialize in particular aspects of the committee's work.

Presidential elections are held in the United States on the first Tuesday of November ________ year(s). Group of answer choices A. every B. every other C. every three D. every four

D. every four

The fact that a bottle of Coca Cola cost $0.05 in 1959 and $1.50 today is an example of A. opportunity costs. B. indexing. C. deflation. D. inflation.

D. inflation.

The Supreme Court explains its decisions in terms of A. politics and activism. B. partisanship and restraint. C. ideology and loyalty. D. law and precedent.

D. law and precedent.

What is the most common occupation among members of Congress before coming to Congress? Group of answer choices A. business executive B. lobbyist C. college professor D. lawyer

D. lawyer

In the Senate, the most senior leadership role is ________. In the House, the most senior leadership role is ________. A. Speaker; majority leader B. minority leader; majority leader C. majority leader; minority leader D. majority leader; Speaker

D. majority leader; Speaker

The State of the Union address is A. required by Congressional law. B. only given once every four years. C. based on tradition but was discontinued during the Great Depression and World War II. D. mandated by the Constitution.

D. mandated by the Constitution.

The frequency with which they must seek re-election makes members of the U.S. House of Representatives Group of answer choices A. more responsive to the needs of the elites in the states they represent. B. less responsive to the needs of the elites in the states they represent. C. less responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent. D. more responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent.

D. more responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the districts they represent.

In a typical tort case, A. the defendant is not allowed to appeal the verdict if he or she loses. B. the plaintiff is not allowed to appeal the verdict if he or she loses. C. the government immediately appeals the verdict if it loses. D. one individual charges that he or she has been injured by another's negligence or malfeasance.

D. one individual charges that he or she has been injured by another's negligence or malfeasance.

When presidents nominate justices to the Supreme Court, presidents make an effort to A. select justices who are unpredictable. B. select justices who used to work in Congress. C. alternate between selecting a Republican and Democratic justice. D. select justices who share their political philosophies.

D. select justices who share their political philosophies.

In the American federal system, the responsibility for running elections rests largely with Group of answer choices A. the federal government. B. the two national parties. C. local governments. D. state and local governments.

D. state and local governments.

Under the Constitution, ________ the power to control voter registration. Group of answer choices A. Congress has B. the president has C. the Federal Election Commission has D. state legislatures have

D. state legislatures have

If a man is arrested because his home was searched by police without a legal warrant, he could argue in court that he had been denied A. a writ of certiorari. B. his Miranda rights. C. judicial review. D. the due process of law.

D. the due process of law.

What is turnout? Group of answer choices A. the right to vote B. assemblies or crowds out in public to confront a government or other official organization C. activities designed to influence government D. the percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote

D. the percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote

If a president claims executive privilege, they are saying A. Congress must allow them to address a joint session. B. only those who have been appointed by the president should be allowed to be a part of White House conversations. C. they have the sole power of determining where and how the country uses its military. D. their communications with close advisors should be confidential.

D. their communications with close advisors should be confidential.

________ powers are specifically established by the language of the Constitution. A. Expressed B. Delegated C. Implied D. Inherent

A. Expressed

Protest, that is, participation that involves assembling crowds to confront a government or other official organization, is protected by the Group of answer choices A. First Amendment B. Fifth Amendment C. Tenth Amendment D. Fourteenth Amendment

A. First Amendment

What is a tariff? A. It is a tax on imported goods. B. It is a consistent increase in the general level of prices. C. It is a single firm that controls a market. D. It is a government grant.

A. It is a tax on imported goods.

The first female Speaker of the House was Group of answer choices A. Nancy Pelosi. B. Hillary Clinton. C. Jeanette Rankin. D. Mary Bono.

A. Nancy Pelosi

How has going public evolved over time? A. Presidents have found it easier to go directly to the people, especially with the advent of the internet. B. Going public has become a less popular tool for presidents as they focus more energy now on trying to persuade Washington insiders. C. The practice of going public has not changed much over the past century, and presidents largely use the same tools they always have. D. The Courts have ruled that most methods presidents use to go public are unconstitutional.

A. Presidents have found it easier to go directly to the people, especially with the advent of the internet.

The ________ is established by the Constitution and cannot be abolished by a congressional law. A. Supreme Court B. federal circuit court system C. federal district court system D. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

A. Supreme Court

Which of these bests describes the way Social Security works? A. Today's workers pay for the Social Security payments to today's retirees. B. Corporations set aside money to pay for their workers' retirement in the future. C. Medical coverage is provided to any retirees, for a fee. D. Today's workers save money in a personal account for their future retirement.

A. Today's workers pay for the Social Security payments to today's retirees.

Which of the following statements about age and political participation is true? Group of answer choices A. Young people are far less likely to participate in politics than older people. B. Young people are just as likely to participate in politics as older people. C. Neither young people nor older people participate much in politics. D. Both old people and young people participate in politics at a very high level.

A. Young people are far less likely to participate in politics than older people.

Which situation best describes a campaign? Group of answer choices A. a group of people seek out donors, political activists, and voters to support their candidate in the general election B. a group of people go to the polls to cast a ballot in the general election C. a group of people go to the polls to cast a ballot in a primary election D. No answer choices are correct.

A. a group of people seek out donors, political activists, and voters to support their candidate in the general election

When Democrats gather in the House to elect their House leaders every two years, this is called a A. caucus. B. constituency. C. gerrymander. D. delegate.

A. caucus.

When Democrats gather in the House to elect their House leaders every two years, this is called a Group of answer choices A. caucus. B. constituency. C. gerrymander. D. delegate.

A. caucus.

Impeachment offenses are A. charged by the House and tried in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction. B. charged by the Senate and tried in the House, with the Chief Justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction. C. charged by the Senate and tried in the House, with the Chief Justice presiding and a 50% plus one vote needed for conviction. D. charged by the House and tried in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding and a 50% plus one vote needed for conviction.

A. charged by the House and tried in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction.

When Republicans gather in the House to elect their House leaders every two years, this is called a Group of answer choices A. conference. B. constituency. C. gerrymander. D. caucus.

A. conference

Activities designed to influence politics using the internet are best described as Group of answer choices A. digital political participation. B. open primaries. C. grassroots campaigns. D. closed primaries.

A. digital political participation.

The power to raise or lower the tax rate is part of A. fiscal policy. B. monetary policy. C. the contracting power. D. budgetary policy.

A. fiscal policy.

Gerrymandering refers to the Group of answer choices A. manipulation of electoral districts to serve the interests of a particular group. B. practice whereby legislators trade their support or opposition on one bill to get the support of another legislator on a different bill. C. investigations of the executive branch by members of Congress. D. tactic used by members of the Senate to prevent action on legislation they oppose by continuously holding the floor and speaking until the majority backs

A. manipulation of electoral districts to serve the interests of a particular group.

Congress's tendency in recent years to give executive agencies fewer clear guidelines for implementing laws is the result of A. the greater scope and complexity of the tasks that the federal government has undertaken. B. the reduced scope and complexity of the tasks that the federal government has undertaken. C. frequent requests made by state governments to transfer more power to the executive branch. D. numerous initiatives passed by voters that require less legislative specificity.

A. the greater scope and complexity of the tasks that the federal government has undertaken.

The electoral college is Group of answer choices A. the group of electors who formally select the president and vice president. B. a tool used in the early years of the American republic through which the House of Representatives selected presidential nominees. C. a special conclave of the Supreme Court that helps settle cases related to election and campaign law. D. an archaic group that once was responsible for picking the president but now simply certifies that the winner of the popular vote wins the presidency.

A. the group of electors who formally select the president and vice president.

________ occurs when a criminal case is resolved through a negotiated agreement before a full trial is completed. A. A misdemeanor B. A plea bargain C. A writ of certiorari D. Mediation

B. A plea bargain

One difference between a veto and a pocket veto is that A. the courts can rule a veto unconstitutional but cannot make the same ruling about a regular veto. B. Congress can override a regular veto but cannot override a pocket veto. C. the president can only use a pocket veto once per year. D. pocket vetoes are carried out by governors, whereas the president has a regular veto.

B. Congress can override a regular veto but cannot override a pocket veto.

The office of the presidency was established by Article ________ of the Constitution. A. I B. II C. III D. V


The Latino voter is often referred to as "the sleeping giant" because Group of answer choices A. Latinos and Latinas vote at higher rates than African Americans. B. Latinos and Latinas vote at low rates relative to the group's size in the population. C. Latinos and Latinas vote at high rates in the "giant" states of California and Texas. D. The vast majority of Latinos and Latinas report an affiliation with the Republican party in surveys, but do not participate at equal rates as White Americans.

B. Latinos and Latinas vote at low rates relative to the group's size in the population.

Which of the following is a contributory program? A. Medicaid B. Medicare C. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families D. food stamps

B. Medicare

The ________ is the name given to the group of designated cabinet officials and other military, diplomatic, and intelligence officials who meet regularly with the president to give advice on national security matters. A. State Department B. National Security Council C. Council on Foreign Relations D. War Council

B. National Security Council

What is the general tendency of a president's approval rating? A. Presidents usually begin with moderate ratings that move drastically up or down, depending on their success. B. Presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years. C. Presidents usually maintain the public approval ratings they had when entering office, unless there is an economic recession or international crisis. D. Presidents usually begin very unpopular and increase their popularity significantly as their terms in office continue.

B. Presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years.

Which of the following statements best describes the representation of women and minorities in the U.S. Congress? Group of answer choices A. Representation of women and minorities has decreased by one-third in the past two decades. B. Representation of women and minorities has increased during the past two decades but is not comparable to their proportions in the general population. C. Women are underrepresented in Congress, but there is a disproportionate representation of minorities in Congres

B. Representation of women and minorities has increased during the past two decades but is not comparable to their proportions in the general population.

In some legal actions, a group or class of individuals with common interests file a suit on behalf of everyone who shares the interest. This is called A. amicus curiae. B. a class-action suit. C. concurring opinions. D. judicial activism.

B. a class-action suit.

How can Congress override a president's veto? A. a two-thirds vote in either chamber B. a two-thirds vote in both chambers C. a simple majority vote in both chambers D. According to the U.S. Constitution, a president's veto cannot be overridden.

B. a two-thirds vote in both chambers

The president can influence the federal judicial process in several ways, including A. ruling on the constitutionality of Congressional actions and signing treaties. B. appointing federal judges and issuing pardons and amnesties. C. appointing federal judges and ruling on the constitutionality of Congressional actions. D. signing treaties and issuing pardons and amnesties.

B. appointing federal judges and issuing pardons and amnesties.

Briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court A. are short summaries of an attorneys' qualifications to represent their clients. B. are written documents in which attorneys explain why the Court should rule in favor of their clients. C. contain public statements of a jury's deliberation process. D. never rely on precedent.

B. are written documents in which attorneys explain why the Court should rule in favor of their clients.

Which type of legislature has two houses or chambers? Group of answer choices A. delegate B. bicameral C. constituency D. unicameral

B. bicameral

When a private individual brings a suit against a company for breaking a contract, this is an example of ________ law. A. criminal B. civil C. tax D. habeas corpus

B. civil

A(n) ________ occurs when a voter must be registered with a party prior to voting in that party's election. Group of answer choices A. open primary B. closed primary C. majority system D. referendum

B. closed primary

Medicare is a ________ program; Medicaid is a ________ program. A. noncontributory; contributory B. contributory; noncontributory C. contributory; contributory D, noncontributory; noncontributory

B. contributory; noncontributory

Cases in which the government charges an individual with violating a statute enacted to protect public health, safety, morals, or welfare fall under A. civil law. B. criminal law. C. administrative law. D. tort law.

B. criminal law.

Which sort of representation is based on the principle that if two individuals are similar in background, character, interests, and perspectives, then one could correctly represent the other's views? Group of answer choices A. substantive B. descriptive C. trustee D. delegate

B. descriptive

Trial courts in the federal judicial system are called A. grand juries. B. district courts. C. appellate courts. C. civil courts.

B. district courts.

The goal of Social Security is to A. provide health insurance for the elderly and the disabled. B. ensure a basic income to all workers once they retire. C. guarantee affordable housing for the elderly and the disabled. D. cover the basic living expenses of Americans who are permanently or temporarily unemployed.

B. ensure a basic income to all workers once they retire.

The idea that all people should have the freedom to use whatever talents and wealth they have to achieve their goals is called A. in-kind benefits. B. equality of opportunity. C. outdoor relief. D. the contributory system.

B. equality of opportunity.

If the government decides to offer a subsidy to the solar industry to help people buy solar panels, that would be an example of ______. On the other hand, if the federal reserve took steps to expand the amount of credit available in the economy, that would be an example of ________. A. monetary policy; fiscal policy B. fiscal policy; monetary policy C. redistributive policy; regulatory policy D. regulatory policy; redistributive policy

B. fiscal policy; monetary policy

In the ________ election, voters select who they want to fill a political office. In the ________ election, voters choose each party's candidate to compete for a political office. Group of answer choices A. primary; general B. general; primary C. presidential; midterm D. open; closed

B. general; primary

The assignment of the opinion in a Supreme Court case is A. unimportant because lawyers and judges in lower courts rarely read Supreme Court opinions. B. important because differences in wording and emphasis can have important implications for how the decision is interpreted in future litigation. C. unimportant because all justices usually describe their decisions in exactly the same way. D. important because every word of a decision is legally binding.

B. important because differences in wording and emphasis can have important implications for how the decision is interpreted in future litigation.

An overwhelming majority of court cases in the United States are heard A. by the United States Supreme Court. B. in state courts. C. in federal courts. D. by state supreme courts.

B. in state courts.

A senator or representative running for reelection is called the Group of answer choices A. constituent. B. incumbent. C. trustee. D. delegate.

B. incumbent.

The president of the United States is elected Group of answer choices A. directly by Congress. B. indirectly by the electoral college. C. directly by the American public. D. All answer choices are correct

B. indirectly by the electoral college.

When President Lincoln issued a series of executive orders for which he had no clear legal authority during the start of the Civil War, it illustrated the A. delegated powers of the presidency. B. inherent powers of the presidency. C. expressed powers of the presidency. D. "going public" strategy.

B. inherent powers of the presidency.

Senators' longer terms of office, and larger, more heterogeneous constituencies makes them more Group of answer choices A. attuned to the needs of groups and interests organized on a city- or countywide basis. B. insulated from the pressures of individual, narrow, and immediate interests. C. likely to serve existing interests than to bring together new coalitions of interests. D. likely to spend their time thinking about and running for re-election.

B. insulated from the pressures of individual, narrow, and immediate interests.

The president plays a major role early in the lawmaking process though the use of A. vetoes. B. legislative initiatives. C. executive agreements. D. signing statements.

B. legislative initiatives.

Regularly-scheduled Congressional elections that do not coincide with a presidential election are called Group of answer choices A. special elections. B. midterm elections. C. open elections. D. closed elections.

B. midterm elections.

In ________, an attorney for each side appears before the Supreme Court to present her client's position and answer the justices' questions. A. amicus curiae B. oral argument C. conference D. judicial review

B. oral argument

A ________ veto occurs when Congress adjourns during a 10-day period after presenting the president with a bill on which he or she takes no action. A. procrastination B. pocket C. silent D. line-item

B. pocket

A cost-of-living adjustment is based on the A. amount approved by Congress every year. B. rate of inflation. C. relationship between the level of the federal deficit compared to the nation's gross national product. D. changing needs of each recipient.

B. rate of inflation.

If President Biden were to appoint an individual to fill a vacant position in the Department of Health and Human Services when the Senate was adjourned, it would be an example of a(n) A. executive order. B. recess appointment. C. writ of mandamus. D. writ of habeas corpus.

B. recess appointment.

If the government ________ more than it ________, that will lead to a budget deficit. A. brings in in revenue; spends B. spends; brings in in revenue C. regulates; redistributes D. redistributes; regulates

B. spends; brings in in revenue

There are considerable disparities in benefits from state to state in noncontributory programs because A. many state constitutions prohibit state governments from accepting money for noncontributory programs from the federal government. B. state governments are given grants-in-aid from the federal government to establish and operate their own programs rather than having one uniform national program. C. the federal government specifies different levels of assistance to each state based on means testing and indexing. D. some states choose to only employ contributory programs.

B. state governments are given grants-in-aid from the federal government to establish and operate their own programs rather than having one uniform national program.

Who is most responsible for setting monetary policy in America? A. the Treasury Department B. the Federal Reserve C. the House Appropriations Committee D. the Supreme Court

B. the Federal Reserve

What did the framers call the "least dangerous branch" of American government? A. Congress B. the Supreme Court C. the president D. the bureaucracy

B. the Supreme Court

Who has the most real power in the Senate? A. the president of the Senate B. the majority and minority leaders C. the Senate president pro tempore D. the chair of the Rules Committee

B. the majority and minority leaders

Which of the following is the best definition of redistricting? Group of answer choices A. the process that allocates congressional seats among the 50 states B. the process or redrawing electoral districts every 10 years C. the distribution of voters in districts in such a way that gives unfair advantage to a particular group or party D. the process of making appropriations that take funding away from one district and shift it to another

B. the process or redrawing electoral districts every 10 years

What is the primary constitutional task of the vice president, besides succeeding the president in case of death, resignation, or incapacitation? A. to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives B. to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate C. to represent the president overseas D. to run the day-to-day operations of the Executive Office of the President

B. to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate

What is required for Congress to override a presidential veto? A. a majority vote of both houses of Congress B. two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress C. three-fourths vote of both houses of Congress D. a unanimous vote of both houses of Congress

B. two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress

A proposed law that has been sponsored by a member of Congress is called a A. caucus. B. conference. C. bill. D. roll call.

C. bill.

The president has the power to appoint which of the following positions? A. open Senate seats B. state Supreme Court justices C. cabinet secretaries D. open seats in the House of Representatives

C. cabinet secretaries

When the government sets conditions on companies seeking to sell goods or services to government agencies, it is called A. fiscal policy. B. monetary policy. C. contracting. D. budgetary policy.

C. contracting.

As of 2020 the average Social Security payment is approximately ________ per month. A.$20 B. $600 C. $1,500 D. $3,000

C. $1,500

How many justices currently serve on the Supreme Court? A. 7 B. 11 C. 9 D. 15

C. 9

Which of the following statements about women's suffrage is most accurate? Group of answer choices A. Women were given the right to vote under the Articles of Confederation, but not under the Constitution. B. Every state and territorial government adopted women's suffrage before the federal government granted women the vote. C. A number of state and territorial governments adopted women's suffrage before the federal government granted women the vote through the Nineteenth Amendment. D. The federal government adopted women's suffrage via the Nineteenth Amendment before any state or territorial government granted women the vote.

C. A number of state and territorial governments adopted women's suffrage before the federal government granted women the vote through the Nineteenth Amendment.

The ________ is the informal designation for the heads of the major federal government departments. A. White House staff B. Presidential Advisory Committee C. Cabinet D. Executive Office of the President

C. Cabinet

During the nineteenth century, ________ was America's dominant institution of government. A. the presidency B. the Supreme Court C. Congress D. the executive bureaucracy

C. Congress

The size of the U.S. Supreme Court is set by A. the Constitution. B. the American Bar Association. C. Congress. D. state legislatures.

C. Congress.

What was the main cause for reducing the legal voting age to 18? Group of answer choices A. Young American citizens effectively organized and protested for the right to vote. B. The Constitution mandated that the draft age be equivalent to the voting age. C. Government officials hoped it would lead to a decline in disruptive student protests against the Vietnam War. D. A decision by the Supreme Court justices determined that voting requirements based on age were unconstitutional.

C. Government officials hoped it would lead to a decline in disruptive student protests against the Vietnam War.

The congressional practice of "ping-ponging" refers to which of the following? A. Congress passes a new version of a law that was previously struck down as unconstitutional by the federal judiciary. B. Congress passes a new version of a law that was previously vetoed by the president. C. House and Senate leaders send a bill back and forth to reconcile differences between the bills in the two chambers. D. A bill is passed in one house of Congress but not passed in the other and is sent to a c

C. House and Senate leaders send a bill back and forth to reconcile differences between the bills in the two chambers.

Why is Marbury v. Madison (1803) an important case? A. In this case, the justices recognized the authority of Congress to regulate the economy of the United States. B. In this case, the justices nationalized the Bill of Rights. C. In this case, the justices authorized the Supreme Court to exercise judicial review over laws passed by Congress. D. In this case, the justices declared the secession of the Confederate states to be in violation of the Constitution.

C. In this case, the justices authorized the Supreme Court to exercise judicial review over laws passed by Congress.

Because there is no provision for long-term care in the United States, ________ has become the de facto program financing nursing home residents when they have exhausted their savings. A. Social Security B. Medicare C. Medicaid D. the Affordable Care Act

C. Medicaid

________ states currently require all voters to show some form of ID before voting at the polls. Group of answer choices A. Fewer than five B. About a quarter of all C. More than half of all D. All fifty

C. More than half of all

How is the Speaker of the House determined? A. The vice president of the United States is also Speaker of the House. B. The representative with the longest tenure in the House is the Speaker of the House. C. The elected leader of the majority party in the House is the Speaker. D.The president selects the Speaker of the House from the majority party in the House.

C. The elected leader of the majority party in the House is the Speaker.

The ________ is the only federal court established by the Constitution. A. U.S. Court of International Trade B. U.S. Court of Federal Claims C. U.S. Supreme Court D. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

C. U.S. Supreme Court

Social Security is a good example of A. outdoor relief. B. indoor relief. C. a contributory program. D. a noncontributory program.

C. a contributory program.

In the last few decades, executive orders have A. become increasingly rare due to the Congress imposing limits on them. B. become focused almost exclusively on emergency wartime measures rather than on domestic policy matters. C. become routine instruments of presidential governance rather than emergency wartime measures. D. ended entirely due to a series of Supreme Court decisions outlawing most forms of unilateral presidential action.

C. become routine instruments of presidential governance rather than emergency wartime measures.

Suppose a defendant is convicted at trial but believes that the judge made an error that impacted the decision. She would first ask her case be tried again at ________. If she were to lose at that court, she could still try again, if her argument were accepted, at the ________. A. trial court; court of appeals B. supreme court; court of appeals C. court of appeals; supreme court D. court of appeals; trial court

C. court of appeals; supreme court

When government reduces or eliminates restraints on the conduct of individuals or private institutions, this is known as A. antitrust policy. B. free trade. C. deregulation. D. subsidizing.

C. deregulation.

In order for the Supreme Court to decide to grant certiorari, A. all justices must vote unanimously in favor of certiorari. B. the Chief Justice must vote in favor of certiorari. C. four justices must vote in favor of certiorari. D. the law clerks must vote unanimously in favor of certiorari.

C. four justices must vote in favor of certiorari.

The main difference between inherent and implied powers is that A. inherent powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution while implied powers derive from congressional laws and Supreme Court decisions. B. implied powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution while inherent powers derive from congressional laws and Supreme Court decisions. C. implied powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution while inherent powers derive from national sovereignty. D. inherent powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution while implied powers derive from national sovereignty.

C. implied powers can be traced to the powers expressed in the actual language of the Constitution while inherent powers derive from national sovereignty.

The written explanation of the Supreme Court's decision in a particular case is known as the A. argument. B. amicus curiae. C. opinion. D. writ of certiorari.

C. opinion.

Private groups that raise and distribute funds for election campaigns are called Group of answer choices A. corporations. B. political parties. C. political action committees. D. political consulting firms.

C. political action committees.

Prior cases whose principles are used by judges to decide current cases are called A. public law. B. statutes. C. precedents. D. ex post facto cases.

C. precedents.

The Senate Watergate committee of 1973 is an example of a ________ committee. A. conference B. joint C. select D. standing

C. select

A U.S. senator has a ________-year term. Group of answer choices A. two B. four C. six D. eight

C. six

Which historical event proved to Americans that the economic system is not perfectly self-regulating? A. the Civil War B. the Depression of 1896 C. the Great Depression D. the implementation of Reaganomics

C. the Great Depression

The distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the differences in views between women and men is known as Group of answer choices A. the partisanship gap. B. affective voting. C. the gender gap. D. suffrage.

C. the gender gap.

Once the president has formally nominated an individual for a federal judgeship, A. the nominee is automatically appointed for life and can only be removed from office through impeachment. B. the nominee must be confirmed by a unanimous vote in the full Senate. C. the nominee must be confirmed by a majority vote in the full Senate. D. the nominee is automatically appointed for a probationary term of five years.

C. the nominee must be confirmed by a majority vote in the full Senate.

The "individual mandate" of the Affordable Care Act refers to A. the requirement that Medicare covers all Americans. B. a tax credit that is given to all people who are unemployed and do not have health insurance coverage. C. the requirement that uninsured individuals purchase health insurance. D. the requirement that health insurance companies accept all applicants, regardless of preexisting conditions.

C. the requirement that uninsured individuals purchase health insurance.

Suffrage is Group of answer choices A. the right to protest. B. the right to petition the government. C. the right to vote. D. organizing large numbers of people for political action.

C. the right to vote.

All of the people living in a congressional district are the ________ of their member of Congress. Group of answer choices A. whips B. agents C. delegates D. constituency

D. constituency

Which of the following statements about socioeconomic status and political participation is accurate? Group of answer choices A. Americans with lower socioeconomic status vote in greater numbers than Americans with higher socioeconomic status, but Americans with higher socioeconomic status participate more in all other ways. B. Americans with higher socioeconomic status vote in greater numbers than Americans with lower socioeconomic status, but Americans with lower socioeconomic status participate more in all other ways. C. Americans of both higher and lower socioeconomic status vote at roughly equal rates. D. Americans of higher socioeconomic status participate more in politics, including voting.

D. Americans of higher socioeconomic status participate more in politics, including voting.

Which of the following is the best characterization of digital political participation? Group of answer choices A. Digital political participation consists exclusively of voting or getting voters to the polls. B. Digital political participation includes all of the different forms and manners of influencing elected officials except for voting. C. Digital political participation includes activities designed to influence the government, from voting to donating to candidates to attending political meetings. D. Digital political participation includes activities like visiting a candidate's website or signing an online petition.

D. Digital political participation includes activities like visiting a candidate's website or signing an online petition.

How did Franklin Roosevelt change America's approach to economic policy making? A. His use of direct-subsidy checks to all Americans changed the way the government would deal with all recessions in the future. B. He was the first president to pursue supply-side economic policy. C. He reintroduced the importance of laissez-faire capitalism in economic policy making by removing many government regulations. D. He ushered in an era of a much more active federal government that followed Keynesian economic theory.

D. He ushered in an era of a much more active federal government that followed Keynesian economic theory.

________ is the single-largest medical insurance program in the United States. A. PhP B. Anthem C. Cigna D. Medicaid

D. Medicaid

What evidence demonstrates that the Social Security and Medicare programs have been effective in meeting their goals? A. The government is spending a higher percentage of its budget on such social insurance programs than it used to. B. The number of individuals receiving Medicaid support for care in nursing homes has increased. C. The literacy rate among children has increased since the introduction of these programs. D. The poverty rate among the elderly has declined substantially since these programs were introduced.

D. The poverty rate among the elderly has declined substantially since these programs were introduced.

________is the single-most important political act for most Americans. Group of answer choices A. Peaceful protest B. Writing a letter to the editor C. Contributing to political campaigns D. Voting

D. Voting

What is the relationship between the budget deficit and the national debt? A. The national debt represents spending exceeding revenue in a given year, whereas the budget deficit represents the total of all of those debts from the past 50 years. B. There is no relationship between budget deficits and the national debt. C. Budget deficits help decrease the national debt. D. Years of budget deficits have led to a higher national debt.

D. Years of budget deficits have led to a higher national debt.

What is a grassroots campaign? Group of answer choices A. media-driven campaigns that are costly, but highly effective B. campaign spending that gives the appearance that a candidate has a lot of support C. social media advertisements by the campaign that target specific groups of voters D. a political campaign that operates on the local level and often uses face-to-face communication

D. a political campaign that operates on the local level and often uses face-to-face communication

When a president "recognizes" a country, it means that the United States A. is willing to trade with people and companies working in that territory. B. will deploy military personnel within that country. C. will impose economic sanctions on that country. D. acknowledges the legitimacy of that country's government.

D. acknowledges the legitimacy of that country's government.

The term pork barrel refers to Group of answer choices A. any piece of legislation that changes the number of agricultural subsidies provided to farmers by the federal government. B. the collective set of laws that regulate America's meat exports. C. bills that grant a special privilege to a person named in the bill. D. appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but are created so that local representatives can win re-election in their home distric

D. appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but are created so that local representatives can win re-election in their home districts.

If a state government makes a formal request that the president deploy federal troops, the president A. is constitutionally required to send exactly as many federal troops as the state government has requested. B. is constitutionally required to send some federal troops but can choose exactly how many will be sent. C. can refuse to send federal troops with a majority vote of Congress. D. can refuse to send federal troops at his or her discretion.

D. can refuse to send federal troops at his or her discretion.

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