Government Healthcare current issue quiz review

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What percent of Americans get their health insurance from individual or non-group plan?


According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBD), how much will be spent on Obamacare between 2016 and 2025?

$1.207 trillion

What were employers who did not comply with the contraceptive mandate subject to in terms of being fined?

$100 fine per day per affected employee

How much was spent on federal and state medicaid in 2017?

$581.9 billion

List 3 arguments that those who want to repeal (get rid of) Obamacare make.

- Obamacare is fiscally irresponsible and unsustainable due to the United States huge amount of debt. - the law is failing to bring down costs of health care - making too many Americans dependent on the government.

What percent of Americans get their health insurance from other public programs?


Why is high-quality health care expensive? (4)

1. Substantial costs of technological innovations 2. Pharmaceutical development 3. Medical testing 4. Medical administration

What percent of Americans get their health insurance from Medicare?


How many Americans lost their health insurance under Obamacare because their policies did not meet the minimum standards created under the new law?

2.6 million

Under obamacare, how many Americans gained health care between 2010 and 2016?

20 million

When was the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law?


What percent of Americans get their health insurance from Medicaid or children's health insurance program?


What percent of Americans are insured through a government program?


How many Americans were without health care/insurance in 2010?

48.6 million

What percent of Americans get their health insurance from an employer-based plan?


What percent of Americans are insured through private insurance companies?


How many Americans qualified for Medicare in 2018?

59.9 million

How many Americans qualified for Medicaid in 2019?

65.9 million

What percent of Americans are uninsured?


As of 2017, what percent of Americans have health insurance?


Explain Obamacare's Individual Mandate

A government requirement for almost every American to purchase health insurance

Three strengths of the U.S. health care system

Advanced technology, extensive screening, aggressive treatment

What US president signed the religious freedom restoration act into law?

Bill Clinton

. Name 3 countries that use a "single-payer" health care system.

Canada, New Zealand, and Denmark

Free exercise of religion, like many other vague constitutional provisions has generated what?


Who qualifies for Medicaid in the US?

Low-income and disabled Americans

True or False In 2012 the supreme court ruled that the individual mandate portion of obamacare was unconstitutional


Of the newly-insured under obamacare, where did a majority of these people gain their insurance?

From the government, either Medicaid or CHIP

Who was the first American president to propose a national health care plan? What year?

Harry Truman in 1945

What do most Americans obtain to help pay for the costs of health care?

Health insurance

What happened to the individual mandate under president trump?

It was repealed when trump signed into law a sweeping tax reform bill

Three weaknesses of the U.S. health care system

Lower life expectancy than the OECD average, higher mortality rates for circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system diseases, and always disagreeing on what the root of the problem is

What US president signed Medicare and Medicaid into law?

Lyndon Johnson

Obamacare was the most significant overhaul of the health care system since the passage or what two things in 1965?

Medicaid and Medicare

How many republicans voted for obamacare?


What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act more commonly known as?


Who did the Supreme Court side with in the Employment Division v. Smith case - the state of Oregon or the two fired men?


Who qualifies for Medicare in the US?

People 65 or older or people under the age of 65 who have certain disabilities or end-stage renal disease

Critics of the first national health care plan call it what?

Socialized medicine

In the United States where do most citizens purchase their health insurance?

The private market

Define religious freedom

The right to practice any religion free from government controls

Who sets medical prices and pays doctors and hospital bills under this system?

The single government industry

True or False Under Obamacare citizens were penalized by the federal government if they did not have health insurance


True or False Various parts of obamacare still remain law in the US


True or False: The United States is the only OECD (Economic Co-operation and Development) country of 35 where government programs and mandatory health insurance are NOT the main health care financing arrangements.


Explain a "Single-Payer" health care system including how it is funded.

When the government operates one health insurance plan for all the residents; funded by taxation

Why did these two men argue they were using the illegal drug - peyote?

that they were using it because it was part of their religion and they have the right to use it.

What "mandate" in Obamacare caused fierce protest from many churches and religious employers as a violation of their freedom of religion?

· The contraceptive mandate because some churches and employers opposed the use of birth controls and said that the government could not force them to provide their employees with free contraceptives.

In the 2014 Supreme Court case, Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, what did the Court rule concerning the contraceptive mandate and corporations?

· They ruled that closely help for-profit businesses that are operated on religious principals could not be required to adhere to the contraceptive mandate. They were entitled to receive the same accommodation as religious nonprofits.

List 2 arguments that those that want to keep Obamacare in place make.

· it has helped millions of Americans gain access to health insurance - it represents the appropriate and necessary role of the government, which is to improve the general welfare of citizens.

How has the Trump administration made "sweeping changes" to the contraceptive mandate?

· made new regulations that exempt any employer from covering contraceptive services if it objects care because of religious beliefs or moral convictions.

Explain the "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" (RFRA) signed into the law in response to the Employment Division v. Smith decision?

· mandated that the government shall not "substantially burden religious exercise without compelling justification, as well as proof that the burden is the least restrictive means of furthering that interest.

What is the main argument made by opponents of the contraceptive mandate?

· that the mandate is a violation of religious freedom of the employers and is an unnecessary government handout.

What is the main argument made by supporters of the contraceptive mandate?

· that the policy allows women to make vital health care decisions that affect their lives.

In the Supreme Court case, Employment Division v. Smith (1990), why did the state of Oregon deny unemployment benefits to two men who were fired by their employer?

· they used an illegal drug in the state, peyote, during a Native American ceremony.

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