Grade 3: Science - Ch. 9: Natural Resources

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Natural Resource

Natural materials, such as soil, wood, water, air, oil, or minerals, that living things need. Anything found in nature that is useful and has value to living things.

Trees, iron ore, water and air are each a?

Natural resource


Non-renewable resource that contains metals and minerals

What are 3 types of resources?

Oil - gasoline, paint, plastic, shampoo Coal - Electricity, heat, paint thinner, insecticides Iron Ore - machines, bicycles, autos, buildings

Natural resources are materials from the Earth that living things need, such as:

Air Water Minerals

What are the four main types of materials that are recycled?

Metal Glass Plastic Paper

Where does most garbage go after it is taken from your home?


A resource that cannot be replaced once it is used up is a

nonrenewable resource

Conservation will help people in the long run because it

prevents the waste of resources

What are two nonrenewable resources?

Coal Oil Iron Ore

Why is coal a nonrenewable resource?

Coal is a fuel. When it is burned, it releases useful energy. Energy from these fuels provides heat in buildings and power for cars, trucks, and planes. The energy from these fuels can be used only once.

What are two ways to reduce landfill space?

1. Burning garbage in special furnaces 2. Reducing the amount of trash we make

How can people use natural resources responsibly

- People can plant trees to replace ones they cut down and do things to make soil healthy and useful again. - People can conserve natural resources by reducing the amount of resources they use and trash they make. They can also reuse and recycle materials.

What are ways people can conserve water?

1. Turn off water while brushing teeth 2. Take shorter showers


A large area where trash is buried.

What makes some resources renewable?

A resource that can be replaced in a fairly short time. Trees - wood - houses Wood chips - pulp - paper - boxes, newspapers, books

Nonrenewable Resource

A resource that cannot be replaced once it is used up.

Which of the following is a renewable resource?

A. coal B. oil c. aluminum d. sunlight

Some resources are renewable, which means they


Nonrenewable resources, such as oil, coal, and iron, must be used carefully because

Earth can not replace them

What is an ore that contains iron?


What are the 3 Rs of Natural Resources

REDUCE - the amount of resources you use and the trash you make REUSE - old things in new ways RECYCLE - everything you can

Renewable Resource

Resource that is endless like sunlight, or that is naturally replaced in a fairly short time, such as trees.


Treat or process something so it can be used again.

Many power plants use coal to make electricity. Which of the following is a way you could help conserve coal?

a. Ride a bicycle instead of riding in a car b. Leave the television on when going outside c. Turn off lights when leaving a room d. Plant a flower garden using compost

Which of the following does NOT conserve soil?

a. planting different crops b. planting trees along the edges of fields c. plowing up and down hillsides d. adding compost to soil

Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource

a. soil b. iron ore c. water d. trees

To recycle resources, you must

change them so they can be used again.

The saving and wise use of Earth's resources is called?


When we change something so it can be used again, we _____ it


A natural resource that can be replaced in a fairly short period of time is a?

renewable resource


the saving and wise use of natural resources

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