Grammar Terms and Questions

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a noun or pronoun placed beside another noun or pronoun to identify or describe it


-a verb form that can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb -most of these verbals begin with "to" **USUALLY FOLLOWS THE WORD IT MODIFIES**

gerund phrase

-consists of a gerund and any modifiers (adv, adv phrase, prepositional phrase) or complements (direct object) the gerund has -entire phrase is used as a noun ***THIS PHRASE CAN BE REPLACES WITH IT, THIS, THAT AND STILL MAKE SENSE***

infinitive phrase

-consists of an infinitive and any modifiers or complements the infinitive has -the entire phrase can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb

passive voice

-when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by something else -many have a prepositional phrase that begins with "by" and follows the verb ex. The underbrush was scorched by the hot flames.


a verb form that can be used as an adjective


a verb form that ends in -ing and that is used as a noun ***THIS CAN BE REPLACES WITH IT, THIS, THAT AND STILL MAKE SENSE***

object of preposition

Identify how the gerund in parenthesis is being used. Nureyev began his great career by (dancing with amateur groups).

Mrs. Levy; Language Arts teacher

Identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the word being identified (separate by semi colin) My Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Levy, has been teaching for more than 10 years.

someone who loves England; Anglophile

Identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the word being identified (separate by semi colin) She is also an Anglophile, someone who loves England.

a modest beginning

Identify the gerund Although he is famous today, Rudolph Nureyev's birth on a train in Russia was a modest beginning.

appositive phrase

Identify the phrase type in parenthesis (A species native to Africa), the honey badger is one crafty animal.

participial phrase

Identify the phrase type in parenthesis Biff, (desperately needing a break), told the teacher he was having a Big Mac attack.

gerund phrase

Identify the phrase type in parenthesis I always loathed (walking the dog) until I bought him roller-blades.

participial phrase; Kathy

Identify the phrase type in parenthesis and what its modifying (separate by semi colin) (Having been told of her job offer,) Kathy smiled happily.

infinitive phrase; came

Identify the phrase type in parenthesis and what its modifying (separate by semi colin) The harlow twins came (to play with my little brother).

participial phrase

consists of a participle and any modifiers (adverb, adv phrase, prepositional phrase) or complements (direct objects) the participle has

appositive phrase

consists of an appositive and any modifiers it has **THEY DO NOT HAVE VERBS OR COMPLEMENTS**

active voice

when the subject of the sentence performs an action ex. Hot flames scorched the underbrush.

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