Grammar Unit 3 Capitalization Rules
Capitalize words formed from proper nouns:Proper Adjectives
*A*merican,*B*ritish,*V*ictorian, *H*erculean ***NOTE: Sometimes proper adjectives lose their original meanings through frequent usage and we are not capitalized: india ink, arctic boots, morocco leather.
Capitalize names of particular places: Mountains
*A*ndes *M*ountains, *M*ount *C*ook, *S*tone *M*ountain
Capitalize names of particular things: Nationalities, races, and religions
*A*sian, *F*renchman, *P*rotestant, *M*ethodist,
Capitalize names of particular things: Recognized political and economic organizations and alliances
*A*xis *P*owers, *W*orld *T*rade *O*rganization, *E*uropean *U*nion, *D*emocrat(s), *C*ommunist(s),
Capitalize names of particular places: Countries
*B*razil, *D*enmark, *I*ran
Capitalize names of particular places: Islands
*C*hatham *I*sland, *I*sle of *S*hoals, *C*rozet *I*slands
Capitalize names of particular things:Special Organizations
*C*ongress, *S*enate, the *S*upreme *C*ourt, *C*hristian *E*ducators' *A*ssociation, *G*eneral *F*oods *C*orporation
Capitalize names of particular places: Streets and highways
*D*an *R*yan *E*xpressway, *P*alafox *S*treet, *L*akeview *A*venue, *F*ifty -seventh *S*treet ***The second part of a hyphenated number is not capitalized.
Capitalize names of particular places: Continents
*E*urope, *A*ustralia, *A*ntarctica
Capitalize a common noun or adjective only when it is a part of a proper name:
*F*ranklin *H*igh *S*chool, *F*ort *L*ee, *J*efferson *S*treet, but a high school, a fort, a street
Capitalize names of particular things:Languages and official course titles
*G*erman, *L*atin, *A*lgebra 1, *T*yping II, *U*sing the *P*ersonal *C*omputer, *W*orld *G*eography ***Do not capitalize the name of a course if it is not the official course title: algebra, typing, computers, geography.
Capitalize names of particular things: Brand names of business products
*H*onda automobile, *O*scar *M*ayer wieners,*P*anasonic radio ***Do not capitalize the common noun after the brand name.
Capitalize names of particular places: States
*I*llinois, *C*olorado, *I*daho, *O*hio
Capitalize names of particular things: Historical events and periods
*I*ndustrial *R*evolution, *B*attle of *M*Idway, *M*iddle *A*ges
Capitalize names of particular places: Parks
*L*owden *M*emorial *S*tate *P*ark, *C*halmette *N*ational *H*istorical *S*tate *P*ark
Capitalize names of particular places: Bodies of waters
*P*acific *O*cean, *R*uhr *R*iver, *L*ake *G*eneva
Capitalize names of particular persons:
*R*yan* *W*hite, *D*r.* J*.* K*. *Baker
Capitalize words referring to the Deity and the Holy Scripture:
*S*on of *G*od, the *A*lmighty, the *H*oly *S*pirit, *H*is will, *E*xodus, the *E*pistles,the *G*ospels. ***Do not capitalize the word god when referring to pagan deities.
Capitalize names of particular places: Cities
*T*ehran, *L*os *A*ngeles, *S*pokane,
Capitalize the names of particular things: Monuments, bridges, buildings, planets, documents, and any other particular things
*T*homas *J*efferson ,*N*ational *M*emorial,*F*remont *B*ridge, the *T*reaty of *V*ersatiles, the *W*hite *H*ouse, *S*.*S*. *U*nited *S*tates , *M*ercury ***Do not capitalize the word earth unless it used without the article the as the name of our planet. The words sun and moon are usually not capitalized.
Capitalize names of particular things: Calendar items and special events
*W*ednesday, *M*arch, *C*hristmas *E*ve, *L*abor *D*ay, *F*orefathers' *D*ay, ***Do not capitalize the seasons: spring, summer, fall,winter.
Capitalize words formed from proper nouns:
Abbreviations of proper names- *I*R*S* (Internal Revenue Service), *Nasa*,(National Aeronauts and Space Administration), *V*F*W* (Veterans of Foreign Wars)
Capitalize names of particular places: Sections of the country
the *E*ast, the *M*idwest, the *N*orth, ***Do not capitalize such words when they refer only to a direction: east of the city, driving north.