Great Gastby test

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What phrase does Gatsby use over and over again?

"Old Sport"

What springs into Wilson's eyes when he sees Tom and Nick?

"a damp gleam of hope" (hopeful that Tom will sell him his car)

What kind of glance does Myrtle give the neighborhood of her apartment? What does this tell you about how she feels toward the apartment and Tom?

"a regal homecoming glance", she thinks it's her rightful place.

How does West Egg compare with West Egg?

"less fashionable of the two"

What simile does Fitzgerald use to describe the way people came and went to Gatsby's parties?

"like moths upon the whisperings" people were drawn to the light of the parties; didn't go to see Gastby.

What was Tom known for at (New Haven)Yale?

"one of the most powerful ends that ever played football at NH"

What exactly does Gatsby reveal to Nick about himself?

"son of some people in the midwest (San Francisco) , but they all died"

How much did Dan Cody leave for Gatsby?


What does Gatsby call Tom?

'the polo player'

What three habits of Gatsby's speaking make Nick believe he may be lying about his past?

1. speeds up-- hurried phrases 2. looks at Nick sideways 3. swallows/ chokes on his words

How long have Myrtle and George been married?

11 years

At what age did Gatsby change his name?


How old does Nick assume Gatsby to be?

31 OR 32

Who says, "Neither of them can stand who they're married to." ?

Catherine, about Tom and Daisy

Who kept the Dan Cody's money from Gatsby?

Cody's mistress

Who is this quote talking about, "She saw something awful in the very simplicity she failed to understand" ?


Who said, "It makes me sad because I've never seen such-such beautiful shirts before" ?


What two people start to slip from Tom's control?

Daisy and Gatsby

Who is Pammy?

Daisy's daughter

Who is in the picture that Nick notices?

Dan Cody: an elderly man in yachting clothes

Why do the parties not continue in chapter 7?

Gatbsy thinks he shouldn't have them because Daisy doesn't like them

What was Gatsby's real name?

James Gatz

Who created James Gatz?

Jay Gatsby

Who is Nick's neighbor?

Jay Gatsby

Who does Myrtle confuse Daisy with?


Who reappears as a rescue for Nick from his plans "to get roaring drunk from sheer embarrassment"?

Jordan Baker

Who said, "Life starts all over again in the fall" ?

Jordan Baker

Whom do we meet at lunch with Gatsby?

Mr. Wolfsheim: small, flat nosed Jew

Who is watching Tom, Nick and Jordan?

Myrtle Wilson

What state does the novel take place?

New York

To whom is this phrase attributed to; "The pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired" ?


Who makes the first reference to the automobile?


What about Nick is different from the other guests at the party?

Nick actually received an invitation

What do the two pieces of ecidence do as far as Nick's belief on Gatsby's story?

Nick starts to believe Gatsby

Where did Gatsby grow up and attend college?

North Dakota; St. Olaf's

What is halfway between West Egg and New York?

The Valley of Ashes

Who lives in East Egg that Nick knows?

Tom and Daisy Buchanan

What newspaper worthy event happens that forshadows the disaster of Tom and Daisy's wedding?

Tom gets in a car accident with another woman

Why is Daisy not having a good time at the party?

Tom is flirting with other women and she hasn't had any time with Gatsby

Why does Nick meet Tom's mistress even though he has no desire to meet her?

Tom takes him because he had nothing better to do

Descirbe the car situation going into the city

Tom's car: Gatsby is driving and Daisy is the passenger Gatsby's car: Tom is driving and Jordan and Nick are the passengers

What part of the state does Nick live in?

West Egg

Who says, "I understand you're looking for a business connection" ?


What metaphor does Daisy use to describe Pammy?

a blessed precious dream

What does Myrtle want for the apartment?

a dog

What two letters are in Daisy's hand as she lies drunk on her bed half an hour before her bridal dinner?

a letter from Gatsby and pearls

What does Gatsby carry as proof of his education at Oxford?

a photograph

What does Gatsby want Nick to arrange for him?

a tea to see Daisy at Nick's house

What is Gatsby's reason for purchasing his house in West Egg?

across the bay from Daisy

How does Wilson's wife treat him?

acts like he isn't there (henpecked)

What is present at Gatsby's parties that the Volstead Act of 1919 prohibited?


How does nick say that Gatsby values his house?

all that matters is the look in Daisy's eyes

What does Dan Cody's yacht represent to Gatz?

all the beauty and glamour of the world

What three shops are located on the Main Street of the Valley of Ashes?

an all-night restaurant, a garage, and a shop that was for rent

What does Gatsby's Rolls-Royce seem to become on the weekends?

an omnibus; a party bus

What is Gatsby's emotional state prior to Daisy's arrival at Nick's?


When do Gatsby and Tom meet? Under what circumstance?

at Gatsby's house before a party; horseback riding

Why is it important Daisy and Gatsby reunite at Nick's home and not at Jordan's or elsewhere?

because he wants to show Daisy his house and him and Nick are neighbors

What are four descriptions Nick gives of George Wilson?

blond, spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handson

What does Nick need to take care of back home?

break up with another girl

What kind of people does Jordan Hate? What does she like about Nick?

careless; that he is very careful

What does the Valley of Ashes symbolize?

corruption: industrail waste

Descirbe Gatsby's car.

cream colored

What advice does Nick's father give him?

don't be quick to criticize because not everyone has had the oportunities that he had.

What are Gatby's guests doing that he is not doing?


What does the rain symbolize?


How does Nick describe Gatsby's smile?

eternal reassurance and understanding. always tells people what they want to hear.

What does Gatsby represent to Nick?

everything he hates

What happens to Gatsby's face when he meets Tom?


What occupation does Gatsby attribute to Wolfsheim? What scandal does Gatsby link to Wolfsheim?

gambler; rigging of the 1919 World Series

What is George B. Wilson's occupation?

garage owner; repairs, buys and sells cars

What instructions does Tom give Myrtle Wilson?

get on the next train and meet at the newsstand

What does Gatsby suggest in order to try and help Nick with his financial state?

give him a job

What is the only thing that Nick can determine Gatsby is streching for in the dark in the end on chapter 1?

green light

What seemed to be a geat disappointmentfor Myrtle concerning her marriage to george?

he borrowed a suit for their wedding day

What reason does Gatsby give for firing all of his servants?

he doesn't want any gossip because Daisy comes over a lot

Why does Tom decide to sell his car to Wilson?

he feels guilty because he cheats on Daisy with Myrtle and Wilson is sad because he just found out that Myrlt cheats and Tom is sad because he just found out Daisy loves Gatsby and so he feels him and Wilson are in the same position.

Where does Myrtle believe Gatsby gets his money/ What is the first rumor?

he is a descendant of Kaiser Wilhelm (old money)

What has Gatsby told Jordan about himself?

he is an Oxford man

What does Nick define himself as one of his cardnial virtues?

he is one of the few honest people... or so he says

What could the white ash dust on Wilson's suit say about his relationship with his wife?

he isn't well taken care of, the only one that actually works, his relationship is anything but pure; cloudy

What does Gatsby first think of the arranged meeting?

he says it was a terrible idea

What proof does Gatsby offer Nick that he was in teh army and involved in Montenegro?

he shows him a metal

What does Wilson think about his wife's visit to the city?

he thinks that she is visiting her sister, Catherine

What does Nick do with most of his time?

he works; stocks and bonds business

What is the next piece of gossip that we find out about Gatsby's possible career?

he's a bootlegger

What has changed in Gatsby upon Nick's reentering the house?

he's glowing with happiness

Wat rumor circulates about Daisy in 1917?

her mother caught her packing her bags to visit a soldier

What does Gatsby do to Nick's home to prepare it for Daisy?

hires someone to cut the lawn and decorate with tons of flowers

Where does Gatsby say his money comes from?

his family died and he came into the money

What seems to attract Myrtle to Tom the first time they meet?

his nice suit and nice shoes

What does Gatsbys' waving off of the policeman with a supposed card from the commissioner suggest about his character?

his wealth/fame gets him what he wants, personal connections for gain, shady, maffia

What does Tom do to Myrtle?

hits her

What "extraordinary gift" does Nick find in Gatsby?

hope, "a romantic readiness", a "creative temperament"

Nick find Jordan to be ______ ______.

incurible dishonest

Is Myrtle really experiencing what it is like to be rich, or is she playing house at Tom's amusement?

it's not the life she usually lives

What are Wolfsheim's cufflinks made of?

ivory; human molars

What does Gatsby say that Daisy's voice is filled with?


What does Myrtle believe men are mainly concerned with?


What does Nick start to feel for Jordan?

not love, but a tender curiosity

What two businesses does Gatsby tell Nick he has been in?

oil and drug

What are some rumore about Gatsby? (6)

once killed a man, german spy, born a german, nephew of Kaiser, oxford man, american army

What is Mr. Wolfsheim thought to be involved in as a career?

organized crime

What description does Nick give of Gatsby standing at his door?

pale as death

What is the atmosphere in the room when Daisy and Gatsby first reunite?

raining, awkward, silent

What event initiates the changing of his name?

saw his yacht and warn him about a storm

What does Jordan like about large parties? How is this ironic?

says, "large parties are intimate and that small parties have no privacy"

What change occurs in Daisy's character?

serious, but genuinly happy to see Gatsby

who does Jordan meet for the first time in 1917? With whom is this person?

she met Gatsby and he was with Daisy

What about Jordan's past nearly reached a scandal?

she moved her golf ball in a game

Why did Myrtle marry George Wilson?

she thought he was a gentleman

Describe the conversation surrounding Lucille's dress.

she tore her dress on a chair, which had nothing to do with Gatsby, but he sent her a new dress because he never wants to cause any trouble with anyone.

How does Jordan know details of Daisy's wedding day?

she was a bridesmaid

Why does Gatsby want to see more of Tom?

so he can see more of Daisy

What were Gatsby's nicknames when he was on Cody's yacht?

steward, secretary, jailer, mate, skipper

Describe Owl Eyes.

stout, little man with specticles, very drunk, has owl eyes

What does Gatsby reveal to Daisy about the placement of his house?

that is it right across the bay from hers

What does Mr. Klipspringer become known as and why?

the boarder; he is always at Gatsby's house

What does Nick go east to learn?

the bond business

After returning from the war, what does Nick compare the middle-west with?

the edge of the universe

What to the eyes look like?

the eyes are big blue, behind yellow-tinited glasses

What appears out of nowhere in the Valley of Ashes?

the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg

What rules seem to apply at Gatsby's parties?

the same rules which would apply at an amusement park

What does Jordan's inability to recognize or remember the people at Gatsby's party say about the relationships established at these parties?

they are forgettable

Where are the people when the church bells are ringing on Sunday morning? What might this tell you about their morality?

they are hungover on Gatsby's front lawn; they don't care about church

What is Owl Eyes surprised about in regards to Gatsby's books?

they are real, but they look untouched

How do Tom and Nick know each other?

they went to Yale together

How do Nick and Gatsby know each other other than the fact that they are neighbors?

they were in the war together

Why does Tom all of the sudden think that going to the city is a good idea?

to break up Gatsby and Daisy

Why would Tom lie to Myrtle about Daisy being Catholic and that preventing their divorce?

to give an excuse not to get a divorce

What is the purpose of Daisy's murmur?

to make people come closer to her

Why is it important that Daisy see Gatsby's house?

to see how successful he is

What does Gatsby want of Daisy?

to tell Tom that she never loved him

What was James Gatz's financial state?

very poor

What had James Gatz been doing before he met Dan Cody?

walking on the beach

Gatsby arrives at Nick's house early one July morning. What is his purpose?

wants to take him to lunch to clear up the rumors

What colors make up Gatsby's suit? What do the colors symbolize?

white, silver, gold; weath and purity

What color does Nick dress in to attend Gatsby's party? What meaning might this color represent?

white; innocence and purity (hasn't been to Gatsby's parties before)

Does Gatsby know about all the rumors about him?


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