Group 1 (Updated 12/26)

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fetter (v)

unfettered access 1 : a chain or shackle for the feet 2 : something that confines : restraint

dedicated (adj)

1 : devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose : zealous a dedicated scholar a novelist with a dedicated following 2 : given over to a particular purpose a dedicated Web server The fees would be put into a dedicated fund for rebates that go directly to households and employers ... —Tim Brennan and Marc Breslow — dedicatedly adverb

heavy-handed (adj)


mother tongue (n)

1 : one's native language 2 : a language from which another language derives

growing pains (v)

1 : pains in the legs of growing children having no demonstrable relation to growth 2 : the stresses and strains attending a new project or development

stuck-up (adj)


mudslinger (n)

: one that makes malicious attacks especially against a political opponent

meal ticket (n)

: one that serves as the ultimate source of one's income an advanced degree was his meal ticket

meister (n)

: one who is knowledgeable about something specified —often used in combination puzzle-meister

runcinate (adj)

: pinnately cut with the lobes pointing downward runcinate leaves of the dandelion — see LEAF ILLUSTRATION

anadiplosis (n)

: repetition of a prominent and usually the last word in one phrase or clause at the beginning of the next (as in rely on his honor—honor such as his?) anadiploses

skosh (n)

: a small amount : BIT, SMIDGEN —used adverbially with a just a skosh bit shook — Josiah Bunting

posthole (n)

: a hole dug for a post

muscular dystrophy (n)

: any of a group of hereditary diseases characterized by progressive wasting of muscles — compare BECKER MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY

luculent (adj)

: clear in thought or expression : LUCID the interviewee was luculent and personable

lookism (n)

prejudice or discrimination based on physical appearance and especially physical appearance believed to fall short of societal notions of beauty

golden years (n)

the advanced years in a lifetime active well into their golden years

beloved (adj)

dearly loved : dear to the heart our beloved grandmother a beloved public figure

slack (v)

1 : to be or become slack 2 : to shirk or evade work or duty transitive verb 1a : to be slack or negligent in performing or doing b : LESSEN, MODERATE 2 : to release tension on : LOOSEN 3a : to cause to abate b : SLAKE sense 3 slacked; slacking; slacks

standardize (v)

1 : to compare with a standard 2 : to bring into conformity with a standard standardized; standardizing

massacre (v)

1 : to kill by massacre 2 : mangle sense 2 words were misspelled and syntax massacred— Bice Clemow massacred; massacring

monthlong (adj)

: lasting a month

chronological (adj)

: of, relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time chronological tables of American history His art is arranged in chronological order. also : reckoned in units of time chronological age

provocative (adj)

: serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate a provocative question

weighty (adj)

1a : of much importance or consequence : MOMENTOUS a weighty problem b : SOLEMN 2a : weighing a considerable amount b : heavy in proportion to its bulk weighty metal 3 : POWERFUL, TELLING weighty arguments weightier; weightiest

masculinist (n)

: an advocate of male superiority or dominance

motherboard (n)

: the main circuit board especially of a microcomputer

gallantry (n)

plural gallantries 1 archaic : gallant appearance 2 a : an act of marked courtesy b : courteous attention to a lady c : amorous attention or pursuit 3 : spirited and conspicuous bravery

fraction (n)

only a fraction of... 1 a : a numerical representation (such as ³/₄, ⁵/₈, or 3.234) indicating the quotient of two numbers b (1) : a piece broken off : fragment (2) : a discrete unit : portion 2 : one of several portions (as of a distillate) separable by fractionation 3 : bit, little a fraction closer

homogenous (adj)

1 : homoplastic 2 2 : homogeneous

light-minded (adj)

: lacking in seriousness : FRIVOLOUS

mens rea (n)

criminal intent

DNR (abbr)

do not resuscitate

give-and-take (n)

It's all a give and take. 1 : the practice of making mutual concessions : compromise 2 : a usually good-natured exchange (as of ideas or comments)

golden retriever (n)

any of a breed of medium-sized retrievers having a flat moderately long golden coat

self-involved (adj)

too self-involved. self-absorbed

feetfirst (adv)

with the feet foremost

dreamer (n)

a dreamer at heart. 1 : one that dreams 2 a : one who lives in a world of fancy and imagination b : one who has ideas or conceives projects regarded as impractical : visionary

by-product (n)

a by-product of... 1 : something produced in a usually industrial or biological process in addition to the principal product a chemical by-product of the oil-refining process 2 : a secondary and sometimes unexpected or unintended result The loss of jobs is an unfortunate by-product of technological advancements in the industry.

drab (adj)

a drab setting. 1a : of the dull brown color of drab (see DRAB entry 3 sense 1) b : of a light olive brown color : of the color drab (see DRAB entry 3 sense 2a) 2 : characterized by dullness and monotony : CHEERLESS a drab life drab industrial buildings

ignoratio elenchi (n)

a fallacy in logic of supposing a point proved or disproved by an argument proving or disproving something not at issue

life-and-death (phrase)

a matter of life-and-death. involving or culminating in life or death : vitally important as if involving life or death

roller coaster (n)

a roller coaster of emotions. 1 : an elevated railway (as in an amusement park) constructed with sharp curves and steep inclines on which cars roll 2 : something resembling a roller coaster especially : behavior, events, or experiences characterized by sudden and extreme changes an emotional roller coaster

scathing (adj)

a scathing review. bitterly severe a scathing condemnation

seamless (adj)

a seamless transition. 1 : having no seams 2a : having no awkward transitions, interruptions, or indications of disparity a seamless fusion of beauty and intelligence —Jack Kroll et al. b : PERFECT, FLAWLESS a seamless performance

thankless (adj)

a thankess job. 1 : not likely to obtain thanks : UNAPPRECIATED a thankless task 2 : not expressing or feeling gratitude : UNGRATEFUL how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child —William Shakespeare

abstain (v)

abstain from... 1 : to choose not to do or have something : to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice abstain from drinking 2 : to choose not to vote Ten members voted for the proposal, six members voted against it, and two abstained. — abstainer noun

alpha (adj)

acting like an alpha male. 1 : closest in the structure of an organic molecule to a particular group or atom —symbol α α-substitution 2 : socially dominant especially in a group of animals an alpha male 3 : alphabetic

accessory (n)

an accessory (to murder; after the fact). plural accessories 1 a : an object or device that is not essential in itself but adds to the beauty, convenience, or effectiveness of something else auto accessories clothing accessories b : a thing of secondary or lesser importance : adjunct 2 law a : a person not actually or constructively present but contributing as an assistant or instigator to the commission of an offense — called also accessory before the fact b : a person who knowing that a crime has been committed aids or shelters the offender with intent to defeat justice — called also accessory after the fact

anticlimactic (adj)

an anticlimatic ending. of, relating to, or marked by anticlimax — anticlimactically

ground floor (n)

get in on the ground floor. 1 : the floor of a building most nearly on a level with the ground — compare first floor 2 : a favorable position or privileged opportunity usually obtained by early participants —used especially in the phrase in on the ground floor

Malthusian (adj)

of or relating to Malthus or to his theory that population tends to increase at a faster rate than its means of subsistence and that unless it is checked by moral restraint or disaster (such as disease, famine, or war) widespread poverty and degradation inevitably result Malthusian worries are resurgent and people fear the consequences for an overcrowded planet —Economist — Malthusian noun — Malthusianism

film noir (n)

plural film noirs play \-ˈnwär(z)\ or films noir or films noirs play \-ˈnwär\ : a type of crime film featuring cynical malevolent characters in a sleazy setting and an ominous atmosphere that is conveyed by shadowy photography and foreboding background music; also : a film of this type

predict (v)

predict the outcome. : to declare or indicate in advance especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason intransitive verb : to make a prediction

civility (n)

promoting civility. plural civilities 1 archaic : training in the humanities 2 a : civilized conduct; especially : courtesy, politeness bemoaned the decline of civility in our politics b : a polite act or expression lacked the little civilities and hypocrisies of political society —Roy Jenkins The men briefly exchanged civilities before the meeting began.

raze (v)

razed; razing transitive verb 1 a archaic : erase b : to scrape, cut, or shave off 2 : to destroy to the ground : demolish raze an old building — razer noun

gun control (n)

regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns

percentile (n)

the 95th percentile of... a value on a scale of 100 that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it a score in the 95th percentile

denominator (n)

the common denominator. 1 mathematics : the part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator 2 a : a shared trait a common denominator b : the average level (as of taste or opinion) : standard manufacturers catering to a safely low denominator of public taste Time

introject (v)

to incorporate (attitudes or ideas) into one's personality unconsciously — introjection play \ˌin-trə-ˈjek-shən\ noun

aborning (adv)

while being born or produced a resolution that died aborning

aglare (adj)

GLARING his eyes aglare with fury

surefire (adj)

certain to get successful or expected results a surefire recipe

labor-intensive (adj)

a labor-intensive project. having high labor costs per unit of output; especially : requiring greater expenditure on labor than in capital

decompress (v)

decompressing after a long day/week. transitive verb 1 : to release from pressure or compression 2 : to convert (something, such as a compressed file or signal) to an expanded or original size intransitive verb : to undergo release from pressure; especially : relax need a week off to decompress — decompression

prowess (n)

1 : distinguished bravery especially : military valor and skill 2 : extraordinary ability his prowess on the football field

moss-grown (adj)

1 : overgrown with moss 2 : ANTIQUATED

masterly (adj)

1 : suitable to or resembling that of a master especially : indicating thorough knowledge or superior skill and power a masterly performance 2 : having the power and skill of a master she's masterly at description— Caroline Knapp Other Words from m

statistics (n)

1 : a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data 2 : a collection of quantitative data

lodestone (n)

1 : magnetite possessing polarity 2 : something that strongly attracts loadstone

dink (n)


moot court (n)

: a mock court in which law students argue hypothetical cases for practice

lifeguard (n)

: a usually expert swimmer employed (as at a beach or a pool) to safeguard other swimmers

aggravating (adj)

arousing displeasure, impatience, or anger an aggravating habit

ben trovato (adj)

characteristic or appropriate even if not true; the story is ben trovato

gullible (adj)

gullible personality. easily duped or cheated selling overpriced souvenirs to gullible tourists — gullibility noun — gullibly adverb

deficit spending (n)

the spending of public funds raised by borrowing rather than by taxation

Hippomenes (n)

the successful suitor of Atalanta in Greek mythology

trippy (adj)

trippy music/visuals. of, relating to, or suggestive of a trip on psychedelic drugs or the culture associated with such drugs trippy music a trippy experience

aid (v)

providing aid. to provide with what is useful or necessary in achieving an end aid a cause aid a friend : to give assistance research that aided in the discovery a new drug

lighting (n)

1a : ILLUMINATION b : IGNITION 2 : an artificial supply of light or the apparatus providing it

downward (adj)

1a : from a higher to a lower place b : toward a direction that is the opposite of up 2 : from a higher to a lower condition 3a : from an earlier time b : from an ancestor or predecessor downwards

chum (n)

: a close friend : PAL

choplogic (n)

: involved and often specious argumentation

expressionless (adj)

: lacking expression an expressionless face

many-sided (adj)

a many-sided issue. 1 : having many sides or aspects 2 : having many interests or aptitudes — many-sidedness noun

homoscedasticity (n)

the property of having equal statistical variances

tireless (adj)

tirelessly troubleshooting. : seemingly incapable of tiring : INDEFATIGABLE a tireless worker

event horizon (n)

aka point of no return. the surface of a black hole : the boundary of a black hole beyond which nothing can escape from within it

alas (interj)

alas... —used to express unhappiness, pity, or concern Life, alas, is too short.

deleterious (adj)

deleterious effects. harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way deleterious effects deleterious to health — deleteriously adverb — deleteriousness noun

grip (v)

get a grip. gripped; gripping transitive verb 1 : to seize or hold firmly gripped the door handle 2 : to hold the interest of strongly a story that grips the reader — gripper noun — grippingly

good-hearted (adj)

having a kindly generous disposition — good-heartedly adverb — good-heartedness noun

hook up (v)

hook up with... to become associated especially in a working, social, or sexual relationship

hair splitter (n)

one that makes excessively fine distinctions in reasoning — hairsplitting

rabble-rouser (n)

one that stirs up the masses of the people (as to hatred or violence) : demagogue — rabble-rousing

opportune (adj)

opportune moment. 1 : suitable or convenient for a particular occurrence an opportune moment the legal authorities helped by the opportune use of their powers of arrest —T. E. Vedney 2 : occurring at an appropriate time an opportune offer of assistance The book's publication is opportune. — opportunely adverb — opportuneness

oaf (n)

plural oafs 1 : a stupid person : boob a thoughtless, clueless oaf —New York Times 2 : a big clumsy slow-witted person Get out of my way, you big oaf. — oafish play \ˈō-fish\ adjective — oafishly adverb — oafishness noun

ritualize (v)

ritualized; ritualizing

center stage (n)

taking center stage. 1 : the central part of a theatrical stage 2 : a central or highly prominent position an issue that has taken center stage in the campaign

cash-strapped (adj)

: lacking sufficient money

neck and neck (adv or adj)

very close (as in a race)

ratatouille (n)

a seasoned stew made of eggplant, tomatoes, green peppers, squash, and sometimes meat

flock (v)

1 : a group of animals (such as birds or sheep) assembled or herded together 2 : a group under the guidance of a leader; especially : a church congregation 3 : a large number a flock of tourists

mix-up (n)

1 : a state or instance of confusion 2 : MIXTURE 3 : CONFLICT, FIGHT

toil (n)

1 : long strenuous fatiguing labor 2 archaic a : STRUGGLE, BATTLE b : laborious effort

Lilliputian (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Lilliputians or the island of Lilliput 2 often not capitalized a : SMALL, MINIATURE a Lilliputian camera b : PETTY

Gaussian (adj)

a Gaussian Blur. being or having the shape of a normal curve or a normal distribution

thirst (v)

a thirst for knowledge. 1 : to feel thirsty : suffer thirst 2 : to crave vehemently and urgently thirsted for revenge thirsting after justice

addictive (adj)

addictive personality. causing or characterized by addiction an addictive drug an addictive personality

luau (n)

: a Hawaiian feast

position effect (n)

: a genetic effect in which the expression of a gene is influenced by its interaction with usually adjacent genes and which is modified when the spatial relationships of the genes change (as by translocation)

mint (adj)

: unmarred as if fresh from a mint in mint condition

lithium (n)

1 : a soft silver-white element of the alkali metal group that is the lightest metal known and that is used especially in alloys and glass, in chemical synthesis, and in storage batteries — see CHEMICAL ELEMENTS TABLE 2 : a salt of lithium (such as lithium carbonate) used in psychiatric medicine

raspy (adj)

a raspy voice. raspier; raspiest 1 : harsh, grating 2 : irritable

personable (adj)

extremely personable. : pleasant or amiable in person : ATTRACTIVE

incongruent (adj)

not congruent incongruent triangles — incongruently adverb

magnum opus (n)

a great work; especially : the greatest achievement of an artist or writer

Manchu (n)

1 : a member of an indigenous people of Manchuria who conquered China and established a dynasty there in 1644 2 : the Tungusic language of the Manchu people Manchu or Manchus

rule of thumb (n)

1 : a method of procedure based on experience and common sense 2 : a general principle regarded as roughly correct but not intended to be scientifically accurate

Lydian (n)

1 : a native or inhabitant of Lydia 2 : an Anatolian language of the Indo-European language family — see Indo-European Languages Table

minuet (n)

1 : a slow graceful dance in ³/₄ time characterized by forward balancing, bowing, and toe pointing 2 : music for or in the rhythm of a minuet

Morgan (n)

1 : a unit of inferred distance between genes on a chromosome that is used in constructing genetic maps and is equal to the distance for which the frequency of crossing over between specific pairs of genes is 100 percent 2 : CENTIMORGAN : any of an American breed of light strong horses originated in Vermont from the progeny of one prepotent stallion of uncertain ancestry

beleaguer (v)

1 : besiege a town beleaguered by an army a beleaguered city 2 : trouble, harass beleaguered parents an economically beleaguered city

maladministration (n)

1 : corrupt or incompetent administration (as of a public office) 2 : incorrect administration (as of a drug)

sensationalism (n)

1 : empiricism that limits experience as a source of knowledge to sensation or sense perceptions 2 : the use or effect of sensational subject matter or treatment

certified (adj)

1 : having earned certification a certified gemologist 2 : genuine, authentic a certified big shot certified intellectuals

mass-market (adj)

1 : sold through such retail outlets as supermarkets and drugstores as well as through bookstores a mass-market paperback; also : of, relating to, or publishing mass-market materials 2 : appealing or sold to a general audience

funambulism (n)

1 : tightrope walking 2 : a show especially of mental agility

allot (v)

1 : to assign as a share or portion allot 10 minutes for the speech 2 : to distribute by or as if by lot allot seats to the press allotted; allotting

salve (v)

1 : to remedy (something, such as disease) with or as if with a salve 2 : QUIET, ASSUAGE give him a raise in salary to salve his feelings —Upton Sinclair

mouthy (adj)

1 : marked by bombast or back talk 2 : excessively talkative : GARRULOUS mouthier; mouthiest

mistrial (n)

: a trial that has no legal effect by reason of some error or serious prejudicial misconduct in the proceedings

sure thing (n)

: one that is certain to succeed : a sure bet

self-help (n)

: the action or process of bettering oneself or overcoming one's problems without the aid of others especially : the coping with one's personal or emotional problems without professional help

titivate (v)

: to make smart or spruce intransitive verb : SMARTEN, SPRUCE titivated; titivating

head-in-the-sand (adj)

: unwilling to recognize or acknowledge a problem or situation the government's usual head-in-the-sand response

longing (n)

a longing for affection. a strong desire especially for something unattainable : craving — longingly

sarcasm (n)

1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain 2a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm

made-to-order (adj)

1 : produced to supply a special or an individual demand : CUSTOM-MADE 2 : ideally suited (as to a particular purpose) started the double play on a made-to-order grounder

innocuous (adj)

1 : producing no injury : harmless 2 : not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility : inoffensive, insipid — innocuously adverb — innocuousness noun

sonorous (adj)

1 : producing sound (as when struck) 2 : full or loud in sound a sonorous voice 3 : imposing or impressive in effect or style 4 : having a high or an indicated degree of sonority sonorous sounds such as \ä\ and \ȯ\

vaulting (adj)

1 : reaching or stretching for the heights vaulting ambition a vaulting imagination 2 [ from gerund of 3vault ] : designed for use in vaulting or in gymnastic exercises a vaulting block

loose end (n)

1 : something left hanging loose 2 : a fragment of unfinished business —usually used in plural tying up loose ends

certainty (n)

1 : something that is certain 2 : the quality or state of being certain especially on the basis of evidence certainties

monotony (n)

1 : tedious sameness the monotony of the landscape the monotony of prison life fixing a variety of foods to avoid monotony — SHAPE 2 : sameness of tone or sound the soft monotony of her voice

pièce de résistance (n)

1 : the chief dish of a meal 2 : an outstanding item or event : SHOWPIECE

light (v)

1 : to become light : brighten —usually used with up her face lit up 2 : to take fire 3 : to ignite something (such as a cigarette) —often used with up 1 : to set fire to 2a : to conduct with a light : guide b : illuminate rockets light up the sky c : animate, brighten a smile lit up her face 1 : dismount 2 : settle, alight a bird lit on the lawn 3 : to fall unexpectedly —usually used with on or upon 4 : to arrive by chance : happen —usually used with on or upon lit upon a solution lit lighted; lighting

lout (v)

1 : to bow in respect lout as the queen passed by 2 : SUBMIT, YIELD louted to the emperor : to treat as a lout : SCORN louted; louting; louts

mosey (v)

1 : to hurry away 2 : to move in a leisurely or aimless manner : SAUNTER moseyed around the general store — Eric Sevareid moseyed; moseying

resonate (v)

1 : to produce or exhibit resonance 2 : to respond as if by resonance resonate to the music also : to have a repetitive pattern that resembles resonance 3 : to relate harmoniously : strike a chord a message that resonates with voters transitive verb : to subject to resonating resonated; resonating

mutter (v)

1 : to utter sounds or words indistinctly or with a low voice and with the lips partly closed ... he gestured and muttered furiously in his lawyer's ear. — Tana French 2 : to murmur complainingly or angrily : GRUMBLE Some employees muttered about the changes in the pension plan. : to utter especially in a low or imperfectly articulated manner muttered an apology muttered; muttering; mutters

snide (adj)

1a : FALSE, COUNTERFEIT b : practicing deception : DISHONEST a snide merchant 2 : unworthy of esteem : LOW a snide trick 3 : slyly disparaging : INSINUATING snide remarks

menagerie (n)

1a : a place where animals are kept and trained especially for exhibition b : a collection of wild or foreign animals kept especially for exhibition 2 : a varied mixture a menagerie of comedians — TV Guide A menagerie of grotesque statues stood in the garden.

rousing (adj)

1a : giving rise to excitement : STIRRING a rousing speech b : BRISK, LIVELY 2 : EXCEPTIONAL, SUPERLATIVE a rousing success

suicide (n)

1a : the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally b : ruin of one's own interests political suicide c : apoptosis cell suicide 2 : one that commits or attempts suicide

minority (n)

1a : the period before attainment of majority (see majority sense 2) b : the state of being a legal minor 2 : the smaller in number of two groups constituting a whole specifically : a group having less than the number of votes necessary for control The proposition was opposed by a minority of voters. 3a : a part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment the country's ethnic minorities b : a member of a minority group an effort to hire more minorities minorities

school (v)

1a : to teach or drill in a specific knowledge or skill well schooled in languages b : to discipline or habituate to something school oneself in patience 2 : to educate in an institution of learning The child was schooled at great cost to her family.

glimmer (n)

a glimmer of hope. 1 a : a feeble or intermittent light the first glimmer of dawn b : a subdued unsteady shining or sparkle 2 a : a dim perception or faint idea : inkling gave them a glimmer of what they could expect b : hint, spark a glimmer of intelligence a glimmer of hope

abysmal (adj)

an abysmal outcome. 1 a : immeasurably low or wretched : extremely poor or bad abysmal ignorance/poverty abysmal living conditions an abysmal performance b : having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward an abysmal cliff 2 : abyssal 2 — abysmally adverb abysmally ignorant an abysmally poor performance

forbidden fruit (n)

an immoral or illegal pleasure

become (v)

become something greater. 1a : to come into existence b : to come to be become sick They both became teachers. 2 : to undergo change or development The pain was becoming more intense. transitive verb : to be suitable to seriousness becoming the occasion especially : to be becoming to her clothes become her become of : to happen to wondering whatever became of old friends

calibrate (v)

calibrating to a standard. calibrated; calibrating transitive verb 1 : to ascertain the caliber of (something) ) 2 : to determine, rectify, or mark the graduations of (something, such as a thermometer tube) 3 : to standardize (something, such as a measuring instrument) by determining the deviation from a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factors 4 : to adjust precisely for a particular function calibrate a thermometer 5 : to measure precisely carefully calibrate the dosage of a medicine; especially : to measure against a standard — calibrator noun

free-flowing (adj)

free-flowing conversation. characterized by easy freedom in movement, progression, or style a free-flowing essay

group (v)

grouping together. 1 : to combine in a group grouped English and Dutch as Germanic languages 2 : to assign to a group : classify The children were grouped by age. intransitive verb 1 : to form a group The students grouped around the table. 2 : to belong to a group 3 : to make groups of closely spaced hits on a target the gun grouped beautifully —R. C. Ruark — groupable

gun (v)

gunning for a job. gunned; gunning transitive verb 1 a : to fire on b : shoot gunned down by a hit man 2 a : to open up the throttle of so as to increase speed gun the engine b : fire 3b gunned the ball to first base intransitive verb : to hunt with a gun — gun for : to aim at or go after with determination or effort

misstep (n)

one misstep... 1 : a mistake in judgment or action : blunder 2 : a wrong step

high-strung (adj)

pretty high-strung. having an extremely nervous or sensitive temperament

stave off (v)

stave off infection. 1 : to fend off staving off creditors 2 : to ward off (something adverse) : forestall trying to stave off disaster

onset (n)

sudden onset. 1 : attack, assault withstand the onset of the army 2 : beginning, commencement the onset of winter the onset of age-related diseases

Osiris (n)

the Egyptian god of the underworld and husband and brother of Isis

pathetic fallacy (n)

the ascription of human traits or feelings to inanimate nature (as in cruel sea)

grapevine (n)

through the grapevine. 1 : GRAPE sense 2 2a : an informal person-to-person means of circulating information or gossip heard it through the grapevine b : a secret source of information

hide (v)

to hide from... hid hidden or hid; hiding transitive verb 1 a : to put out of sight : secrete hide a key under the doormat b : to conceal for shelter or protection : shield They hid him from the police. 2 : to keep secret hide the truth 3 : to screen from or as if from view : obscure clouds hid the sun 4 : to turn (the eyes or face) away in shame or anger intransitive verb 1 : to remain out of sight she hid under the bed —often used with out hiding out from the cops 2 : to seek protection or evade responsibility hides behind his dark glasses, hoping to avoid being recognized — hider

swarthy (adj)

: of a dark color, complexion, or cast swarthier; swarthiest

lobo (n)

: gray wolf lobos

giant (adj)

a giant waste. : having extremely large size, proportion, or power

cacoethes (n)

an insatiable desire : mania

go-round (n)

another go-round. : one of a series of recurring actions or events : ROUND

drawing board (n)

back to the drawing board. 1 : a board used as a base for drafting on paper 2 : a planning stage a project still on the drawing board

other-directed (adj)

directed in thought and action primarily by external norms rather than by one's own scale of values — other-directedness noun

gynocentric (adj)

gynocentric policies. dominated by or emphasizing feminine interests or a feminine point of view — compare androcentric

nonchalant (adj)

nonchalant about... : having an air of easy unconcern or indifference

cad (n)

1 : a bus conductor 2 : a man who acts with deliberate disregard for another's feelings or rights a selfish cad

Magna Carta (n)

1 : a charter of liberties to which the English barons forced King John to give his assent in June 1215 at Runnymede 2 : a document constituting a fundamental guarantee of rights and privileges

student (n)

1 : SCHOLAR, LEARNER especially : one who attends a school 2 : one who studies : an attentive and systematic observer a student of politics

Tophet (n)


guiltless (adj)


matchup (n)

: MATCH entry 1 Synonyms

leg up (n)

1 : a helping hand : BOOST 2 : HEAD START

suss (v)

1 chiefly British : FIGURE OUT —usually used with out 2 chiefly British : to inspect or investigate so as to gain more knowledge —usually used with out

goofball (n)

1 slang : a barbiturate sleeping pill 2 : a goofy person

law of averages (n)

LOA suggests it'll happen eventually, even if only 1% of the time. the commonsense observation that probability influences everyday life so that over the long term the possible outcomes of a repeated event occur with specific frequencies

scourge (v)

1 : FLOG, WHIP 2a : to punish severely b : AFFLICT c : to drive as if by blows of a whip d : CHASTISE

divulge (v)

1 archaic : to make public : PROCLAIM 2 : to make known (something, such as a confidence or secret) refused to divulge the name of her informant divulge the company's sales figures divulged; divulging

sinister (adj)

1 archaic : unfavorable, unlucky 2 archaic : fraudulent 3 : singularly evil or productive of evil 4 a : of, relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something; especially : being or relating to the side of a heraldic shield at the left of the person bearing it b : of ill omen by reason of being on the left 5 : presaging ill fortune or trouble 6 : accompanied by or leading to disaster — sinisterly adverb — sinisterness noun

calypso (n)

1 capitalized : a sea nymph in Homer's Odyssey who keeps Odysseus seven years on the island of Ogygia 2 plural calypsos [New Latin, genus name, probably from Latin] : a bulbous bog orchid (Calypso bulbosa) of northern regions bearing a single white to purplish flower

dim-witted (adj)

: not mentally bright : STUPID

myrmecology (n)

: the scientific study of ants

alkahest (n)

: the universal solvent believed by alchemists to exist

apologize (v)

: to express regret for something done or said : to make an apology He apologized for his mistake. She apologized to us for losing her temper. apologized; apologizing

charismatic (adj)

a charismatic leader. 1 : having, exhibiting, or based on charisma or charism charismatic sects a charismatic leader 2 : of, relating to, or constituting charisma or charism charismatic gifts

chipper (adj)

a chipper mood. : SPRIGHTLY sense 1

liability (n)

accepting liability. plural liabilities 1 a : the quality or state of being liable was cleared of liability for the accident b : probability 2 : something for which one is liable; especially : pecuniary obligation : debt —usually used in plural business assets and liabilities 3 : one that acts as a disadvantage : drawback This scandal makes the candidate a liability for the party.

catbird seat (n)

: a position of great prominence or advantage

MDMA (n)

: ECSTASY sense 4

microenterprise (n)

: a very small business

liege (adj)

my liege. 1 a : having the right to feudal allegiance (see allegiance 1a) or service his liege lord b : obligated to render feudal allegiance and service 2 : faithful, loyal

chameleon (n)

1 : any of a family (Chamaeleontidae) of chiefly arboreal (see ARBOREAL sense 2) Old World lizards with prehensile (see PREHENSILE sense 1) tail, independently movable eyeballs, and unusual ability to change the color of the skin 2a : a person who often changes his or her beliefs or behavior in order to please others or to succeed She's a political chameleon. b : one that is subject to quick or frequent change especially in appearance Tourmaline is the chameleon of the gem kingdom because it can assume virtually any color. 3 : AMERICAN CHAMELEON

dizzy (adj)

1 : foolish, silly 2a : having a whirling sensation in the head with a tendency to fall b : mentally confused 3a : causing giddiness or mental confusion dizzy heights b : caused by or marked by giddiness c : extremely rapid prices climbing at a dizzy rat dizzier; dizziest

blissful (adj)

1 : full of, marked by, or causing complete happiness a blissful marriage 2 : happily benighted blissful ignorance

mellifluous (adj)

1 : having a smooth rich flow a mellifluous voice 2 : filled with something (such as honey) that sweetens mellifluous confections — mellifluously adverb — mellifluousness noun

spatiotemporal (adj)

1 : having both spatial and temporal qualities 2 : of or relating to space-time

catalog (n)

1 : list, register a catalog of the band's songs 2a : a complete enumeration of items arranged systematically with descriptive details a catalog of the company's products b : a pamphlet or book that contains such a list a mail-order catalog a university catalog c : material in such a list

single-handed (adj)

1 : managed or done by one person or with one on a side 2 : working alone or unassisted by others

homeland (n)

1 : native land : FATHERLAND 2 : a state or area set aside to be a state for a people of a particular national, cultural, or racial origin especially : BANTUSTAN

high noon (n)

1 : precisely noon 2 : the most advanced, flourishing, or creative stage or period the high noon of her career 3 : the time of a decisive confrontation or contest

maim (v)

1 : to commit the felony of mayhem upon 2 : to mutilate, disfigure, or wound seriously maimed; maiming; maims

grovel (v)

1 : to creep with the face to the ground : crawl 2 a : to lie or creep with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement groveled at the feet of the king b : to abase oneself would not grovel for political advantage 3 : to give oneself over to what is base or unworthy : wallow groveling in self-pity — groveler noun — grovelingly

strike out (v)

1 : to enter upon a course of action 2 : to set out vigorously 3 : to make an out in baseball by a strikeout 4 : to finish bowling a string with consecutive strikes specifically : to bowl three strikes in the last frame 5 : FAIL sense 2c of a baseball pitcher : to retire (someone) by a strikeout

despise (v)

1 : to look down on with contempt or aversion despised the weak 2 : to regard as negligible, worthless, or distasteful despises organized religion despised; despising

downgrade (v)

1 : to lower in quality, value, status, or extent 2 : MINIMIZE, DEPRECIATE

research (v)

1 : to search or investigate exhaustively research a problem 2 : to do research for research a book intransitive verb : to engage in research researched; researching; researches

minuscule (adj)

1 : written in or in the size or style of minuscules 2 : very small minuscule amounts

uxoricide (n)

1 [ Medieval Latin uxoricidium, from Latin uxor wife + -i- + -cidium -cide ] : murder of a wife by her husband 2 [ Latin uxor + English -i- + -cide ] : a man who murders his wife

moot (adj)

1a : open to question : DEBATABLE b : subjected to discussion : DISPUTED 2 : deprived of practical significance : made abstract or purely academic

license (v)

1a : to issue a license to b : to permit or authorize especially by formal license 2 : to give permission or consent to : allow licensed licenced; licensing licencing

bed of roses (phrase)

: a place or situation of agreeable ease

mean distance (n)

: the arithmetical mean of the maximum and minimum distances of an orbiting celestial object from its primary

manitou (n)

: a supernatural force that according to an Algonquian conception pervades the natural world manitu manito

tort (n)

: a wrongful act other than a breach of contract for which relief may be obtained in the form of damages or an injunction

receptive (adj)

: able or inclined to receive especially : open and responsive to ideas, impressions, or suggestions 2a of a sensory end organ : fit to receive and transmit stimuli b : SENSORY 3 of a female animal : willing to copulate with a male a receptive mare

lovelorn (adj)

: bereft of love or of a lover letters from lovelorn soldiers

space-age (adj)

: of, relating to, or befitting the age of space exploration especially : MODERN space-age technology

chicken-and-egg (adj)

: of, relating to, or being a cause-and-effect dilemma

Müllerian (adj)

: of, relating to, or being mimicry that exists between two or more inedible or dangerous species (as of butterflies or bees) and that is considered in evolutionary theory to be a mechanism which reduces loss to predation by simplifying the warning colors and patterns a predator must recognize Mullerian mimicry differs from Batesian mimicry in that all the species in the complex are unpalatable, they cannot be distinguished by predators, and they must be found in the same place at the same time. — Arthur V. Evans and Charles L. Bellamy a Müllerian mimic Mullerian or müllerian or mullerian

matutinal (adj)

: of, relating to, or occurring in the morning : EARLY

hypnagogic (adj)

: of, relating to, or occurring in the period of drowsiness immediately preceding sleep hypnagogic hallucinations

a dime a dozen (phrase)

: so plentiful or commonplace as to be of little esteem or slight value

total depravity (n)

: a state of corruption due to original sin held in Calvinism to infect every part of man's nature and to make the natural man unable to know or obey God

fritz (n)

: a state of disorder or disrepair —used in the phrase on the fritz

luftmensch (n)

: an impractical contemplative person having no definite business or income luftmenschen

dipsomania (n)

: an uncontrollable craving for alcoholic liquors

Lolita (n)

: a precociously seductive girl

studied (adj)

1 : carefully considered or prepared : THOUGHTFUL a studied response 2 : KNOWLEDGEABLE, LEARNED studied in the craft of blacksmithing 3 : produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation : CALCULATED studied indifference spoke with a studied accent

recrudescence (n)

: a new outbreak after a period of abatement or inactivity : RENEWAL a recrudescence of the symptoms a recrudescence of guerrilla warfare

power broker (n)

: a person (as in politics) able to exert strong influence through control of votes or individuals

loosen up (v)

loosen up a bit. intransitive verb : to become less tense : relax

allegation (n)

: the act of alleging something 2 : a positive assertion especially of misconduct Some former colleagues have made serious allegations against him. specifically : a statement by a party to a legal action of what the party undertakes to prove 3 : an assertion unsupported and by implication regarded as unsupportable

minimalist (n)

a minimalist approach. 1 : one who favors restricting the functions and powers of a political organization or the achievement of a set of goals to a minimum 2 a : an artist who creates minimal art b : an adherent of minimalism

middle ground (n)

finding a middle ground between... 1 : a standpoint or area midway between extreme or opposing positions, options, or objectives 2 : middle distance 1

giddy (adj)

in a giddy mood. 1a : DIZZY giddy from the unaccustomed exercise b : causing dizziness a giddy height c : whirling rapidly 2a : lightheartedly silly : FRIVOLOUS b : joyfully elated : EUPHORIC was giddy with delight

after all (adv)

turns out she was right after all. 1 : in spite of considerations or expectations to the contrary : nevertheless decided to take the train after all didn't rain after all 2 : in view of all circumstances literature which is after all only a special department of reading —W. W. Watt

petaloid (adj)

1 : resembling a flower petal 2 : consisting of petaloid elements

handy (adj)

1a : conveniently near b : convenient for use c of a ship : easily handled 2 : clever in using the hands especially in a variety of useful ways handy with a hammer as well as with a paintbrush handier; handiest

morning (n)

1a : dawn tossed and turned all night until morning finally came b : the time from sunrise to noon She liked to get things done early in the morning. c : the time from midnight to noon It was ten o'clock in the morning. 2 : a period of first development : beginning The war started in the morning of his reign.

momentous (adj)

: IMPORTANT, CONSEQUENTIAL a momentous decision a momentous event

meantime (adv)

: MEANWHILE entry 2 meantime he had been attentive to his other interests — H. R. Warfel

Areopagus (n)

: the supreme tribunal of Athens

manslaughter (n)

: the unlawful killing of a human being without express or implied malice

agonizing (adj)

an agonizing wait. : causing agony

digitize (v)

digitize old files : to convert (something, such as data or an image) to digital form digitized; digitizing

gumption (n)

having the gumption to... 1 chiefly dialectal : common sense, horse sense 2 : enterprise, initiative lacked the gumption to try

paramount (adj)

of paramount importance. superior to all others : supreme a matter of paramount importance Unemployment was the paramount issue in the election. — paramountcy noun — paramountly

mug (n)

1 : a cylindrical drinking cup 2a : the face or mouth of a person b : GRIMACE c : MUG SHOT 3a chiefly British (1) : FOOL, BLOCKHEAD (2) : a person easily deceived b : PUNK, THUG

pleasantry (n)

1 : a humorous act or remark : JEST 2 : an agreeable playfulness in conversation : BANTER 3 : a polite social remark exchanged pleasantries

lyric (n)

1 : a lyric composition specifically : a lyric poem 2 : the words of a song —often used in plural

anarchist (n)

1 : a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power 2 : a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order

Erebus (n)

1 : a personification of darkness in Greek mythology 2 : a place of darkness in the underworld on the way to Hades

skyway (n)

1 : a route used by airplanes : AIR LANE 2 : an elevated highway 3 : SKYWALK

martinet (n)

1 : a strict disciplinarian The prison's warden was a cruel martinet. 2 : a person who stresses a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods a martinet in conducting meetings of the society, he never tolerated any sign of levity or indecorum —D. J. Boorstin

swastika (n)

1 : a symbol or ornament in the form of a Greek cross with the ends of the arms extended at right angles all in the same rotary direction 2 : a swastika used as a symbol of anti-Semitism or of Nazism

play-by-play (adj)

1 : being or giving a running commentary on a sports event a radio play-by-play announcer 2 : relating each event as it occurs

light-headed (adj)

1 : mentally disoriented : DIZZY 2 : lacking in maturity or seriousness : FRIVOLOUS

sensory (adj)

1 : of or relating to sensation or to the senses sensory stimulation 2 : conveying nerve impulses from the sense organs to the nerve centers : AFFERENT sensory neurons

anesthetic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or capable of producing anesthesia 2 : lacking awareness or sensitivity was anesthetic to their feelings

be-all and end-all (n)

1 : prime cause : essential element 2 : TOTALITY sense 1

menopause (n)

1 : the natural cessation of menstruation that usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 also : the period during which such cessation occurs — called also climacteric — compare PERIMENOPAUSE 2 : cessation of menstruation from other than natural causes

mother lode (n)

1 : the principal vein or lode of a region 2 : a principal source or supply

grit (n)

1a : SAND, GRAVEL b : a hard sharp granule (as of sand) also : material (as many abrasives) composed of such granules 2 : any of several sandstones 3a : the structure of a stone that adapts it to grinding b : the size of abrasive particles usually expressed as their mesh 4 : firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger managed to survive by his grit and guile 5 capitalized : a Liberal in Canadian politics

let's (?)

: let us

misdoing (n)

: the act or an instance of misbehaving : MISCONDUCT

loophole (n)

a political loophole. 1 a : a small opening through which small arms may be fired b : a similar opening to admit light and air or to permit observation 2 : a means of escape; especially : an ambiguity or omission in the text through which the intent of a statute, contract, or obligation may be evaded

terrifying (adj)

a terrifying possibility. 1 : causing terror or apprehension 2 : of a formidable nature

amour propre (n)

adhering to amour propre. love of one's self; Slef Esteem

adjacent (adj)

adjacent to... 1 a : not distant : nearby the city and adjacent suburbs b : having a common endpoint or border adjacent lots adjacent sides of a triangle c : immediately preceding or following 2 of two angles : having the vertex and one side in common — adjacently adverb

grumble (v)

grumbling about (a disagreement). grumbled; grumbling intransitive verb 1 : to mutter in discontent grumbled about the scarcity of jobs 2 : growl, rumble Thunder grumbled in the distance. transitive verb : to express with grumbling grumbled his annoyance — grumble noun — grumbler noun — grumblingly adverb — grumbly adjective

hone in (v)

hone in on... to move toward or focus attention on an objective looking back for the ball honing in —George Plimpton a missile honing in on its target —Bob Greene hones in on the plights and victories of the common man —Lisa Russell

heresy (n)

it's heresy to... plural heresies 1 a : adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma (see dogma 2) They were accused of heresy. b : denial of a revealed truth by a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church c : an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma 2 a : dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion, or practice To disagree with the party leadership was heresy. b : an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards our democratic heresy which holds that ... truth is to be found by majority vote —M. W. Straight

kettle (n)

kettle, meet pot; the pot calling the kettle black. 1 : a metallic vessel usually used for boiling liquids; especially : teakettle 2 : kettledrum 3 a : pothole 1b b : a steep-sided hollow without surface drainage especially in a deposit of glacial drift

wisdom (n)

knowledge vs. wisdom. 1a : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : INSIGHT b : good sense : JUDGMENT c : generally accepted belief challenges what has become accepted wisdom among many historians —Robert Darnton d : accumulated philosophical or scientific learning : KNOWLEDGE 2 : a wise attitude, belief, or course of action 3 : the teachings of the ancient wise men

fester (v)

letting it fester. 1 : to generate pus The wound became inflamed and festered. 2 : PUTREFY, ROT festering carrion 3a : to cause increasing poisoning, irritation, or bitterness : RANKLE dissent festered unchecked His resentment festered for years. b : to undergo or exist in a state of progressive deterioration allowed slums to fester transitive verb : to make inflamed or corrupt

maturity (n)

level of maturity. 1 : the quality or state of being mature; especially : full development the maturity of grain maturity of judgment lacks the wisdom and maturity needed to run the company 2 : termination of the period that an obligation (see obligation 2c) has to run

deal (v)

make a deal/dealing with... dealt play \ˈdelt\; dealing play \ˈdē-liŋ\ transitive verb 1 a : to give as one's portion : apportion dealt out three sandwiches apiece a judge dealing out punishments b card games : to distribute (playing cards) to players Deal the cards. 2 : administer, deliver dealt him a blow 3 business a : sell deals drugs b : trade deal a player to another team intransitive verb 1 card games : to distribute the cards to players your turn to deal 2 : to concern oneself or itself the book deals with education a lawyer who deals with real estate law 3 business a : to engage in bargaining : trade b : to sell or distribute something as a business deal in insurance 4 a : to take action with regard to someone or something deal with an offender Who's going to deal with this mess? b : to reach or try to reach a state of acceptance or reconcilement trying to deal with her son's death — dealer

little by little (adv)

making progress, little by little. by small degrees or amounts : gradually

mar (v)

marred; marring transitive verb 1 : to ruin or diminish the perfection or wholeness of : spoil whose life has been marred by problems with drugs —William Plummer their relations were marred by disgraceful conflicts —L. W. Beck the race was marred by a 23-car pileup —Mike Harris 2 archaic a : to inflict serious bodily harm on b : destroy

marry (v)

marrying the two. married; marrying transitive verb 1 a : to join in marriage according to law or custom b : to give in marriage married his daughter to his partner's son c : to take as spouse : wed married the girl next door d : to perform the ceremony of marriage for a priest will marry them e : to obtain by marriage marry wealth 2 : to unite in close and usually permanent relation intransitive verb 1 : to take a spouse : wed He first married at twenty. 2 : combine, unite seafood marries with other flavors — marry into : to become a member of by marriage married into a prominent family

flop sweat (n)

nervous sweat (as of a performer) caused especially by the fear of failing

fortis (adj)

produced with relatively great articulatory tenseness and strong expiration \t\ in toe is fortis, \d\ in doe is lenis

Keynesianism (n)

the economic theories and programs ascribed to John M. Keynes and his followers; specifically : the advocacy of monetary and fiscal programs by government to increase employment and spending — Keynesian

power structure (n)

1 : a group of persons having control of an organization : ESTABLISHMENT 2 : the hierarchical interrelationships existing within a controlling group

ribaldry (n)

1 : a ribald quality or element 2a : ribald language or humor b : an instance of ribald language or humor

misdirection (n)

1 : a wrong direction 2a : the act or an instance of misdirecting or diverting b : the state of being misdirected

docile (adj)

1 : easily taught a docile pupil 2 : easily led or managed : TRACTABLE a docile pony

magician (n)

1 : one skilled in magic especially : SORCERER 2 : one who performs tricks of illusion and sleight of hand

auspicious (adj)

1 : showing or suggesting that future success is likely : propitious made an auspicious beginning 2 : attended by good fortune : prosperous an auspicious year

salivate (v)

1 : to have a flow of saliva especially in excess 2 : to show great desire or anticipation : DROOL

mechanize (v)

1 : to make mechanical especially : to make automatic or routine 2a : to equip with machinery especially to replace human or animal labor b : to equip with armed and armored motor vehicles c : to provide with mechanical power 3 : to produce by or as if by machine mechanized; mechanizing

stun (v)

1 : to make senseless, groggy, or dizzy by or as if by a blow : DAZE 2 : to shock with noise 3 : to overcome especially with paralyzing astonishment or disbelief stunned; stunning

vanquish (v)

1 : to overcome in battle : subdue completely 2 : to defeat in a conflict or contest 3 : to gain mastery over (an emotion, passion, or temptation) vanquish your fear vanquished; vanquishing; vanquishes

absorption (n)

1 a : the process of absorbing something or of being absorbed absorption of water — compare adsorption b : interception of radiant energy or sound waves 2 : entire occupation of the mind his absorption in his work

melting pot (n)

1a : a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole b : the population of such a place 2 : a process of blending that often results in invigoration or novelty

shindig (n)

1a : a social gathering with dancing b : a usually large or lavish party 2 : SHINDY sense 2

extrovert (n)

an extrovert at heart. : one whose personality is characterized by extroversion broadly : a gregarious and unreserved person — compare INTROVERT entry 1

tipsy (adj)

feeling a little tipsy. 1 : unsteady, staggering, or foolish from the effects of liquor : FUDDLED 2 : UNSTEADY, ASKEW a tipsy angle

palliative (adj)

palliative care. serving to palliate palliative surgery palliative care palliative drugs — palliatively adverb

road test (n)

1 : a test of a vehicle under practical operating conditions on the road 2 : a test on the road of a person's driving ability as a requirement for a driver's license

beneficent (adj)

1 : doing or producing good a beneficent policy especially : performing acts of kindness and charity a beneficent leader 2 : BENEFICIAL beneficent bacteria

mire (v)

1a : to cause to stick fast in or as if in mire The car was mired in the muck. b : to hamper or hold back as if by mire : ENTANGLE The company has been mired in legal problems. 2 : to cover or soil with mire his mired boots : to stick or sink in mire a road in which horses and wagons mired regularly — Edmund Arnold mired; miring

prod (v)

1a : to thrust a pointed instrument into : PRICK b : to incite to action : STIR 2 : to poke or stir as if with a prod : to urge someone on prodded; prodding

predate (v)

: ANTEDATE predated; predating; predates

liken (v)

: COMPARE likened; likening

make-do (adj)


mechanical engineering (n)

: a branch of engineering concerned primarily with the industrial application of mechanics and with the production of tools, machinery, and their products

lexicology (n)

: a branch of linguistics concerned with the signification and application of words

metalinguistics (n)

: a branch of linguistics that deals with the relation between language and other cultural factors in a society

horse race (n)

: a close contest (as in politics)

mot (n)

: a pithy or witty saying mots

Merlin (n)

: a small compact falcon (Falco columbarius) of the northern hemisphere having a broad dark terminal band on the tail and upperparts that are slate blue in males and brown in females

musicale (n)

: a social entertainment with music as the leading feature

Minos (n)

: a son of Zeus and Europa and king of Crete who for his just rule is made supreme judge in the underworld after his death

double agent (n)

: a spy pretending to serve one government while actually serving another

montanist (n)

: an adherent of a Christian sect arising in the late second century and stressing apocalyptic expectations, the continuing prophetic gifts of the Spirit, and strict ascetic discipline

self-governing (adj)

: having control or rule over oneself specifically : having self-government : AUTONOMOUS

merciless (adj)

: having or showing no mercy : PITILESS the merciless killing of innocent people

levelheaded (adj)

: having or showing sound judgment : SENSIBLE

spellbound (adj)

: held by or as if by a spell

placebo effect (n)

: improvement in the condition of a patient that occurs in response to treatment but cannot be considered due to the specific treatment used

downfield (adv or adj)

: in or into the part of the field toward which the offensive team is headed

myiasis (n)

: infestation with fly maggots myiases

Mother Nature (n)

: nature personified as a woman considered as the source and guiding force of creation

bogus (adj)

: not genuine : COUNTERFEIT, SHAM a bogus claim The evidence was completely bogus.

suffocating (adj)

: tending or serving to suffocate or overpower : OVERWHELMING

life expectancy (n)

: the average life span of an individual

fraudulent (adj)

a fraudulent charge. characterized by, based on, or done by fraud : deceitful fraudulent use of a credit card fraudulent claims for unemployment compensation —Wall Street Journal — fraudulently adverb — fraudulentness noun

gynecocracy (n)

a gynecocratic cultural revolution. plural gynecocracies usually disparaging : political supremacy of women — gynecocratic

sample (n)

a small sample of... 1 : a representative part or a single item from a larger whole or group especially when presented for inspection or shown as evidence of quality : SPECIMEN 2 : a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole 3 : an excerpt from a recording (such as a popular song by another performer) that is used in a musical composition, recording, or performance ... had to substantially rewrite Sometimes I Miss You ... when he was denied permission to use a Michael Jackson sample ... —Jon Young

act (v)

acting in good faith. acted; acting; acts intransitive verb 1 : to take action : move think before acting acted favorably on the recommendation 2 : to conduct oneself : behave act like a fool 3 a : to perform on the stage began acting at the age of eight b : to behave as if performing on the stage : pretend seemed angry but was just acting 4 : to perform a specified function : serve trees acting as a windbreak 5 : to produce an effect : work wait for a medicine to act 6 : to give a decision or award adjourned without acting on the bill 7 of a play : to be capable of being performed a play that acts well transitive verb 1 a : to represent or perform by action especially on the stage will act the part of Romeo in tonight's play b : feign, simulate act indifference c : impersonate 2 : to play the part of as if in a play act the man of the world 3 : to behave in a manner suitable to Act your age. 4 obsolete : actuate, animate — actability play \ˌak-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — actable

line (v)

lined with gold. lined; lining transitive verb 1 : to cover the inner surface of line a cloak with silk 2 : to put something in the inside of : fill 3 : to serve as the lining of tapestries lined the walls 4 obsolete : fortify — line one's pockets : to take money freely and especially dishonestly

hoopla (n)

listen to the hoopla. TO-DO also : BALLYHOO

grieve (v)

needing time to grieve. 1 : to cause to suffer : DISTRESS it grieves me to see him this way 2 : to feel or show grief over grieving the death of her son 3 : to submit a formal grievance concerning grieve a dismissal intransitive verb : to feel grief : SORROW still grieving over their mother's death

godless (adj)

not acknowledging a deity or divine law — godlessness noun

perpetuate (v)

perpetuating a cycle. perpetuated; perpetuating transitive verb : to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely perpetuate the species — perpetuation noun — perpetuator

mastermind (n)

the mastermind behind... a person who supplies the directing or creative intelligence for a project

Excalibur (n)

the sword of King Arthur

musk ox (n)

: a heavyset, shaggy-coated, bovid mammal (Ovibos moschatus) of tundra regions of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska with the males producing a strong musky odor from glands beneath the eyes

megacorporation (n)

: a huge and powerful corporation

master bedroom (n)

: a large or principal bedroom

Philadelphia lawyer (n)

: a lawyer knowledgeable in the most minute aspects of the law

bartender (n)

: a person who serves drinks at a bar

manhunt (n)

: an organized and usually intensive hunt for a person and especially for one charged with a crime

hyperdrive (n)

: overdrive sense 2

best (v)

: to get the better of : OUTDO bested by their opponents bested; besting; bests

conform (v)

: to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord conform furrows to the slope of the land intransitive verb 1 : to be similar or identical also : to be in agreement or harmony —used with to or with changes that conform with our plans 2a : to be obedient or compliant —usually used with to conform to another's wishes The building doesn't conform to local regulations. b : to act in accordance with prevailing standards or customs the pressure to conform conformed; conforming; conforms

mismanage (v)

: to manage (something) wrongly or poorly mismanage a business ... started thinking that maybe employees are sometimes mismanaged because they let themselves be mismanaged. They don't fight back. — A. J. Anderson ... even those professional Pollyannas who publicly find reason to praise the current municipal administration shake their heads in private and wonder how long we can go on deliberately mismanaging our affairs. — Brendan Gill mismanaged; mismanaging

glad-hand (v)

glad-handed; glad-handing; glad-hands transitive verb : to extend a glad hand to candidates glad-handing everyone they meet intransitive verb : to extend a glad hand glad-handing as if he were running for mayor — glad-hander

margarita (n)

: a cocktail consisting of tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur

succés fou (n)

: an extraordinary success

Herculean (adj)

Herculean efforts. 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Hercules 2 often not capitalized : of extraordinary power, extent, intensity, or difficulty Herculean tasks Herculean proportions

admittedly (adv)

I have admittedly not read it. 1 : as has been or must be admitted an admittedly inadequate treatment 2 : it must be admitted admittedly, we took a chance

atemporal (adj)

an atemporal legacy. independent of or unaffected by time: TIMELESS

sea change (n)

an industry sea change. 1 archaic : a change brought about by the sea 2 : a marked change : TRANSFORMATION a sea change in public policy

Fibonacci number (n)

an integer in the infinite sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... of which the first two terms are 1 and 1 and each succeeding term is the sum of the two immediately preceding

friction (n)

avoiding any social friction. 1a : the rubbing of one body against another the friction of sandpaper on wood b : the force that resists relative motion between two bodies in contact oil in a car engine reduces friction 2 : the clashing between two persons or parties of opposed views : DISAGREEMENT friction between neighbors friction between state and federal authorities 3 : sound produced by the movement of air through a narrow constriction in the mouth or glottis

charm (v)

charmed; charming; charms transitive verb 1 a : to affect by or as if by magic : compel b : to please, soothe, or delight by compelling attraction charms customers with his suave manner 2 : to endow with or as if with supernatural powers by means of charms; also : to protect by or as if by spells, charms, or supernatural influences 3 : to control (an animal) typically by charms (such as the playing of music) charm a snake intransitive verb 1 : to practice magic and enchantment witches having the power to charm 2 : to have the effect of a charm : fascinate The village charms by its quaintness. — charmer

deliberate (adj)

deliberate attempt to... 1 : characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration a deliberate decision Ms. Barker herself has said that the decision to write about the war was a deliberate response to patronizing reviews of her working-class settings ... —Claudia Roth Pierpont 2 : characterized by awareness of the consequences a deliberate exaggeration a deliberate act of protest 3 : slow, unhurried, and steady as though allowing time for decision on each individual action involved The jeweler worked at a deliberate pace.

departure (n)

departure from the norm. 1 a (1) : the act or an instance of departing (2) archaic : death b : a setting out (as on a new course) 2 : divergence 2 a departure from tradition

sardonic (adj)

disdainfully or skeptically humorous : derisively mocking a sardonic comment

mileage (n)

getting mileage out of... 1 : an allowance for traveling expenses at a certain rate per mile 2 : aggregate length or distance in miles: such as a : the total miles traveled especially in a given period of time b : the amount of service that something will yield especially as expressed in terms of miles of travel c : the average number of miles a motor vehicle will travel on a gallon of gasoline that is used as a measure of fuel economy gets good mileage 3a : USEFULNESS got a lot of mileage left in it b : benefit derived from something got good political mileage from the debates

once-over (n)

giving ____ a once-over. : a swift examination or survey especially : a swift comprehensive appraising glance gave me the once-over

holier-than-thou (adj)

marked by an air of superior piety or morality

marketing research (n)

research into the means of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service

operative (adj)

the operative word. 1 a : producing an appropriate effect : efficacious operative techniques b : most significant or essential the operative word in a phrase the operative facts 2 : exerting force or influence : operating an operative statute 3 a : having to do with physical operations (as of machines) operative skills b : working an operative craftsman 4 : based on or consisting of an operation operative dentistry The disease may require operative treatment. — operatively adverb — operativeness noun

tail end (n)

the tail end of... 1 : the concluding period the tail end of the session 2 : BUTTOCKS, RUMP 3 : the hindmost end

intendment (n)

the true meaning or intention especially of a law

vanishing point (n)

1 : a point at which receding parallel lines seem to meet when represented in linear perspective 2 : a point at which something disappears or ceases to exist

plugged-in (adj)

: technologically or socially informed and connected plugged-in teenagers

indestructible (adj)

an indestructible structure. incapable of being destroyed, ruined, or rendered ineffective — indestructibility noun — indestructibleness noun — indestructibly

pensive (adj)

a pensive expression. 1 : musingly or dreamily thoughtful a pensive young poet 2 : suggestive of sad thoughtfulness her face had the pensive mournfulness of a seraph in an old sad painting —Herman Wouk — pensively adverb — pensiveness noun

batting average (n)

a high batting average. 1 : a ratio (such as a rate per thousand) of base hits to official times at bat for a baseball player 2 : a record of achievement or accomplishment

mirage (n)

1 : an optical (see OPTICAL sense 2a) effect that is sometimes seen at sea, in the desert, or over a hot pavement, that may have the appearance of a pool of water or a mirror in which distant objects are seen inverted, and that is caused by the bending or reflection of rays of light by a layer of heated air of varying density 2 : something illusory and unattainable like a mirage A peaceful solution proved to be a mirage.

mammoth (adj)

1 : any of a genus (Mammuthus) of extinct Pleistocene mammals of the elephant family distinguished from recent elephants by highly ridged molars, usually large size, very long tusks that curve upward, and well-developed body hair 2 : something immense of its kind the company is a mammoth of the industry

mortise (n)

: a hole, groove, or slot into or through which some other part of an arrangement of parts fits or passes especially : a cavity cut into a piece of material (such as timber) to receive a tenon — see DOVETAIL ILLUSTRATION

probity (n)

: adherence to the highest principles and ideals : UPRIGHTNESS

hand-wringing (n)

: an overwrought expression of concern or guilt

spiffy (adj)

: fine looking : SMART a spiffy sports jacket spiffier; spiffiest

post inaugural (adj)

: following an inauguration a postinaugural reception Having lost his postinaugural momentum to talk radio, the president opened the 1993-94 television season by commandeering Nightline ... — J. Hoberman

aplanatic (adj)

: free from or corrected for spherical aberration an aplanatic lens

liberated (adj)

: freed from or opposed to traditional social and sexual attitudes or roles a liberated woman a liberated marriage

down-to-the-wire (adj)

: full of suspense especially : unsettled until the very end

technocracy (n)

: government by technicians specifically : management of society by technical experts

supermassive (adj)

: having a very large mass : extremely or extraordinarily massive a supermassive black hole

threatened (adj)

: having an uncertain chance of continued survival a threatened species specifically : likely to become an endangered species

gourmand (n)

1 : one who is excessively fond of eating and drinking 2 : one who is heartily interested in good food and drink — gourmandism play \ˈgu̇r-ˌmän-ˌdi-zəm, -mən-\ noun — gourmandize

mavourneen (n)

: my darling

grindstone (n)

nose to the grindstone. 1 : millstone 1 2 : a flat circular stone of natural sandstone that revolves on an axle and is used for grinding, shaping, or smoothing

outwardly (adv)

outwardly extroverted. 1 a : on the outside : externally b : toward the outside 2 : in outward state, behavior, or appearance was outwardly friendly

secondhand (adv)

secondhand information. 1 : at second hand : INDIRECTLY heard about it secondhand 2 : as a secondhand item bought the couch secondhand

lyart (adj)

chiefly Scotland : streaked with gray : gray

grill (v)

grilling someone. 1 : to broil on a grill also : to fry or toast on a griddle 2a : to torment as if by broiling b : to question intensely the police grilled the suspect

mini-mart (n)


comedown (n)

: a descent in rank or dignity

perform (v)

performing under pressure. 1 : to adhere to the terms of : fulfill perform a contract 2 : carry out, do 3 a : to do in a formal manner or according to prescribed ritual b : to give a rendition of : present

mama (n)

1 : MOTHER 2 slang : WIFE, WOMAN mamma or momma

determinable (adj)

1 : capable of being determined, definitely ascertained, or decided upon a determinable cause 2 : liable to be terminated : TERMINABLE a determinable estate

charmed (adj)

1 : extremely lucky or prosperous living a charmed life 2 : of, relating to, or being a charm quark

psychosomatic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body the psychosomatic nature of man — Herbert Ratner 2 : of, relating to, involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance psychosomatic symptoms psychosomatic medicine

subtractive (adj)

1 : tending to subtract 2 : constituting or involving subtraction

directness (n)

1 : the character of being accurate in course or aim 2 : strict pertinence : STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS her directness was disarming — Robin Cook

rid (v)

1 archaic : SAVE, RESCUE 2 : to make free : RELIEVE, DISENCUMBER rid the complexion of blemishes be rid of worries get rid of that junk rid also ridded; ridding

done deal (n)

: FAIT ACCOMPLI thought the trade was a done deal

metalsmith (n)

: a person skilled in metalworking

midair (n)

: a point or region in the air not immediately adjacent to the ground the planes collided in midair

presentism (n)

: an attitude toward the past dominated by present-day attitudes and experiences

lidless (adj)

: having no lid 2 archaic : WATCHFUL

riches (n)

: things that make one rich : WEALTH

post-Kantian (adj)

of or relating to the idealist philosophers (such as Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel) following Kant and developing some of his ideas

otter (n)

plural otters also otter 1 : any of various largely aquatic carnivorous mammals (such as genus Lutra or Enhydra) of the weasel family that usually have webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur 2 : the fur or pelt of an otter

golden age (n)

the golden age of television. a period of great happiness, prosperity, and achievement

hardy (adj)

1 : BOLD, BRAVE a hardy intrepid spirit 2 : AUDACIOUS, BRAZEN 3a : accustomed to dealing with fatigue or hardships : ROBUST The soldiers were strong and hardy. b : capable of withstanding adverse conditions hardy outdoor furniture hardy plants hardy cattle

tertium quid (n)

1 : a middle course or an intermediate component where there are two systems of law and two orders of courts, there must ... be some tertium quid to deal with conflicts of law and jurisdiction —Ernest Baker 2 : a third party of ambiguous status there was a man and his wife and a tertium quid —Rudyard Kipling

punctilio (n)

1 : a minute detail of conduct in a ceremony or in observance of a code 2 : careful observance of forms (as in social conduct) punctilios

trepidation (n)

1 : a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : apprehension trepidation about starting a new job 2 archaic : a tremulous motion : tremor

locution (n)

1 : a particular form of expression or a peculiarity of phrasing especially : a word or expression characteristic of a region, group, or cultural level 2 : style of discourse : PHRASEOLOGY

subdivision (n)

1 : an act or instance of subdividing 2 : something produced by subdividing: such as a : a subordinate part of a larger whole political subdivisions b : a tract of land surveyed and divided into lots for purposes of sale especially : one with houses built on it 3 : a category in botanical classification ranking below a division and above a class

Methuselah (n)

1 : an ancestor of Noah held to have lived 969 years 2 or methuselah : an oversize wine bottle holding about six liters

alembic (n)

1 : an apparatus used in distillation 2 : something that refines or transmutes as if by distillation philosophy ... filtered through the alembic of Plato's mind — B. T. Shropshire

maverick (n)

1 : an unbranded range animal especially : a motherless calf 2 : an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party

antisocial (adj)

1 : averse to the society of others : UNSOCIABLE 2 : hostile or harmful to organized society especially : being or marked by behavior deviating sharply from the social norm 3 psychology : of, relating to, or characteristic of antisocial personality disorder Although community placement before discharge reduces subsequent antisocial behavior, most have apparently required outpatient mental health services indefinitely ... — Nathaniel S. Lehrman

healthy (adj)

1 : free from disease or pain : enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit : WELL healthy children tips for staying healthy 2 : showing physical, mental, or emotional well-being : evincing health a healthy complexion has a healthy appetite 3 : beneficial to one's physical, mental, or emotional state : conducive to health healthy foods a healthy lifestyle walk three miles every day ... a beastly bore, but healthy — G. S. Patton 4a : PROSPEROUS, FLOURISHING a healthy economy b : not small or feeble : CONSIDERABLE a healthy sum of money

melodious (adj)

1 : having a pleasing melody 2 : of, relating to, or producing melody

incidentally (adv)

1 : in an incidental manner : not intentionally the arrant nonsense of some of his statements is incidentally hilarious —John Lahr 2 : by way of interjection or digression : by the way fortunate in having a good teacher ... —still living, incidentally —John Fischer

humane (adj)

1 : marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals humane prison guards a more humane way of treating farm animals 2 : characterized by or tending to broad humanistic culture : HUMANISTIC humane studies

linked (adj)

1 : marked by linkage and especially genetic linkage linked genes 2 : having or provided with links a linked list

marital (adj)

1 : of or relating to marriage or the married state marital vows 2 : of or relating to a husband and his role in marriage

modal (adj)

1 : of or relating to modality (see MODALITY sense 2) in logic 2 : containing provisions as to the mode of procedure or the manner of taking effect —used of a contract or legacy 3 : of or relating to a musical mode (see MODE entry 1 sense 1) 4 : of or relating to structure as opposed to substance 5 : of, relating to, or constituting a grammatical form or category characteristically indicating predication (see PREDICATION sense 2) of an action or state in some manner other than as a simple fact a modal verb 6 : of or relating to a statistical mode (see MODE entry 1 sense 7)

molecular (adj)

1 : of, relating to, consisting of, or produced by molecules molecular oxygen 2 : of or relating to individual or small components a molecular view of the American Civil War

warp (v)

1 : to arrange (yarns) so as to form a warp 2a : to turn or twist out of or as if out of shape especially : to twist or bend out of a plane b : to cause to judge, choose, or act wrongly or abnormally : PERVERT c : DISTORT intellect and learning ... warped by prejudices — Irving Wallace warps space and time d : to deflect from a course 3 : to move (something, such as a ship) by hauling on a line attached to a fixed object intransitive verb 1 : to become warped 2 : to move a ship by warping warped; warping; warps

caterwaul (v)

1 : to make a harsh cry 2 : to protest or complain noisily caterwauled; caterwauling; caterwauls

solidify (v)

1 : to make solid, compact, or hard 2 : to make secure, substantial, or firmly fixed factors that solidify public opinion intransitive verb : to become solid, compact, or hard solidified; solidifying

profligate (adj)

1 : wildly extravagant profligate spending 2 : completely given up to dissipation and licentiousness : shamelessly immoral leading a profligate life

mop up (v)

1 British : to consume eagerly 2 : to gather as if by absorbing also : GARNER mopped up all the awards 3 : to overcome decisively : TROUNCE 4 : to clear (an area) of remaining pockets of resistance in the wake of a military offensive : to complete a project, transaction, or task

horrid (adj)

1 archaic : ROUGH, BRISTLING 2 : innately offensive or repulsive: a : inspiring horror : SHOCKING horrid living conditions b : inspiring disgust or loathing : NASTY a horrid man c : extremely bad or unpleasant : HORRIBLE the tenor bell ... gives out a horrid discordant noise —Robert Graves

hostility (n)

1a : deep-seated usually mutual ill will glad to have gotten through the divorce proceedings without any visible signs of hostility showed open hostility toward outsiders b(1) : hostile action the Spanish expedition encountered hostility ... and was forced to flee —R. W. Murray (2) hostilities plural : overt acts of warfare : WAR Peace talks were stalled after recent hostilities. 2 : conflict, opposition, or resistance in thought or principle there was tension, there was hostility and envy in the air —Theodor Reik

pointed (adj)

1a : having a point b : being an arch with a pointed crown also : marked by the use of a pointed arch pointed architecture 2a : being to the point : PERTINENT b : aimed at a particular person or group 3 : CONSPICUOUS, MARKED pointed indifference 4 : having points that contrast in color with the basic coat color a pointed cat

prim (adj)

1a : stiffly formal and proper : DECOROUS b : PRUDISH 2 : NEAT, TRIM prim hedges primmer; primmest

lucid (adj)

1a : suffused with light : LUMINOUS b : TRANSLUCENT snorkeling in the lucid sea 2 : having full use of one's faculties : SANE 3 : clear to the understanding : INTELLIGIBLE

come off (v)

1a : to acquit oneself : FARE came off well in the contest b : APPEAR, SEEM 2 : SUCCEED a television series that never came off —TV Guide 3 : HAPPEN, OCCUR 4 US, informal —used in phrases like where do you come off? to express anger or annoyance at what someone has said or done Marie was bent over the table now, reading, her piping girlish voice hot with indignation. Where does she come off, anyway? —T. Coraghessan Boyle transitive verb 1 : to have recently completed or recovered from coming off a good year 2 : to have recently stopped using (an illegal drug) an addict who is coming off heroin

differ (v)

1a : to be unlike or distinct in nature, form, or characteristics the law of one state differs from that of another b : to change from time to time or from one instance to another : VARY the number of cookies in a box may differ 2 : to be of unlike or opposite opinion : DISAGREE they differ on religious matters I beg to differ with your interpretation. differed; differing

levy (v)

1a : to impose or collect by legal authority levy a tax b : to require by authority 2 : to enlist or conscript for military service 3 : to carry on (war) : WAGE : to seize property levied; levying

lion (n)

1a or plural lion : a large heavily built social cat (Panthera leo) of open or rocky areas chiefly of sub-Saharan Africa though once widely distributed throughout Africa and southern Asia that has a tawny body with a tufted tail and a shaggy blackish or dark brown mane in the male b : any of several large wildcats especially : COUGAR sense 1 c capitalized : LEO 2a : a person felt to resemble a lion (as in courage or ferocity) b : a person of outstanding interest or importance a literary lion 3 capitalized [ Lions (club) ] : a member of a major national and international service club lions

roof (n)

1a(1) : the cover of a building (2) : material used for a roof : ROOFING b : the roof of a dwelling conventionally designating the home itself didn't have a roof over my head they share the same roof 2a : the highest point : SUMMIT b : an upper limit : CEILING 3a : the vaulted upper boundary of the mouth b : a covering structure of any of various parts of the body roof of the skull 4 : something suggesting a roof: such as a : a canopy of leaves and branches b : the top over the passenger section of a vehicle roofs

huckster (v)

: HAGGLE 1 : to deal in or bargain over 2 : to promote aggressively huckstered; huckstering

domino effect (n)

: a cumulative effect produced when one event initiates a succession of similar events — compare ripple effect

harm's way (n)

: a dangerous place or situation was placed in harm's way got them out of harm's way

Ariadne (n)

: a daughter of Minos who helps Theseus escape from the labyrinth

ambivert (n)

: a person having characteristics of both extrovert and introvert

lullaby (n)

: a soothing refrain specifically : a song to quiet children or lull them to sleep lullabies

missile (n)

: an object (such as a weapon) thrown or projected usually so as to strike something at a distance stones, artillery shells, bullets, and rockets are missiles : such as a : GUIDED MISSILE b : BALLISTIC MISSILE

crimson (n)

: any of several deep purplish reds

lyrebird (n)

: either of two Australian passerine birds (genus Menura) distinguished in the male by very long tail feathers displayed in the shape of a lyre during courtship

pervasive (adj)

: existing in or spreading through every part of something a pervasive odor

preceding (adj)

: existing, coming, or occurring immediately before in time or place the preceding day preceding paragraphs

conflicted (adj)

: experiencing or marked by ambivalence or a conflict especially of emotions this unhappy and conflicted modern woman — John Updike conflicted feelings

splendiferous (adj)

: extraordinarily or showily impressive

carte blanche (n)

: full discretionary (see DISCRETION sense 1a) power was given carte blanche to furnish the house

vasculitis (n)

: inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel

dollar cost averaging (n)

: investment in a security at regular intervals of a uniform sum regardless of the price level in order to obtain an overall reduction in cost per unit — called also dollar averaging

cathexis (n)

: investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea cathexes

cliometrics (n)

: the application of methods developed in other fields (such as economics, statistics, and data processing) to the study of history

division of labor (phrase)

: the breakdown of labor into its components and their distribution among different persons, groups, or machines to increase productive efficiency

regurgitate (v)

: to become thrown or poured back transitive verb : to throw or pour back or out from or as if from a cavity regurgitate food memorized facts to regurgitate on the exam regurgitated; regurgitating

litigate (v)

: to carry on a legal contest by judicial (see JUDICIAL sense 1a) process only states can litigate before this court — R. H. Heindel transitive verb 1 archaic : DISPUTE 2 : to decide and settle in a court of law litigate a claim litigated; litigating

cease (v)

: to cause to come to an end especially gradually : no longer continue they were forced to cease operations cease to exist 1a : to come to an end the fighting gradually ceased b : to bring an activity or action to an end : DISCONTINUE they have been ordered to cease and desist 2 obsolete : to become extinct : DIE OUT ceased; ceasing

dichotomize (v)

: to divide into two parts, classes, or groups : to exhibit dichotomy dichotomized; dichotomizing

maraud (v)

: to roam about and raid in search of plunder a marauding gang of thieves : RAID, PILLAGE Norsemen marauded the country. marauded; marauding; marauds

four-letter word (n)

_____ is (becoming) a four-letter word. any of a group of vulgar or obscene words typically made up of four letters; broadly : a taboo word or topic tax is a four-letter word to him

glorious (adj)

a glorious day. 1 a : possessing or deserving glory : illustrious had a long and glorious military career b : entitling one to glory a glorious victory 2 : marked by great beauty or splendor : magnificent a glorious sunset 3 : delightful, wonderful had a glorious weekend — gloriously adverb — gloriousness noun

hideous (adj)

a hideous exterior. 1 : offensive to the senses and especially to sight : exceedingly ugly hideous furniture The dress looked hideous on her. 2 : morally offensive : shocking a hideous crime — hideosity noun — hideously adverb — hideousness noun

koan (n)

a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenment

greeting (n)

a warm greeting. 1 : a salutation at meeting 2 : an expression of good wishes : regards —usually used in plural holiday greetings

conventional wisdom (n)

according to conventional wisdom... : the generally accepted belief, opinion, judgment, or prediction about a particular matter

ad-lib (v)

an ad-libbed job interview. ad-libbed; ad-libbing transitive verb : to deliver spontaneously intransitive verb : to improvise especially lines or a speech — ad-lib noun

capitalize (v)

capitalizing on... 1 : to write or print with an initial capital or in capitals Capitalize the names of cities and states. 2a : to convert into capital capitalize the company's reserve fund b : to treat as an amortizable investment in long-term capital assets rather than as an ordinary operating expense to be charged against revenue for the period in which it is incurred capitalize development costs 3a : to compute the present value of (an income extended over a period of time) b : to convert (a periodic payment) into an equivalent capital sum capitalized annuities 4 : to supply capital for intransitive verb : to gain by turning something to advantage capitalize on an opponent's mistake

democratic (adj)

democratic process. 1 : of, relating to, or favoring democracy (see democracy 1) democratic elections a democratic government 2 often capitalized : of or relating to one of the two major political parties in the U.S. evolving in the early 19th century from the anti-federalists and the Democratic-Republican party and associated in modern times with policies of broad social reform and internationalism the Democratic candidate for governor 3 : relating to, appealing to, or available to the broad masses of the people democratic art democratic education 4 : favoring social equality : not snobbish disagrees with her very democratic husband — democratically

gloom (n)

doom and gloom. 1a : partial or total darkness b : a dark or shadowy place 2a : lowness of spirits : DEJECTION b : an atmosphere of despondency a gloom fell over the household

germinate (v)

germinated; germinating transitive verb : to cause to sprout or develop intransitive verb 1 : to come into being : evolve before Western civilization began to germinate —A. L. Kroeber 2 : to begin to grow : sprout waiting for the seeds to germinate — germination noun — germinative adjective

hold out (v)

holding out for/on. 1 : to remain unsubdued or unyielding where 30 of the ... refugees were still holding out —Anna Tomforde also : to continue to function or be available : LAST prayed that the engine would hold out as long as our money holds out 2 : to refuse to go along with others in a concerted action or to come to an agreement holding out for a shorter workweek transitive verb 1 : to present as something realizable : PROFFER 2 : to represent to be hold out on : to withhold something (such as information) from

hopped-up (adj)

hopped-up on... 1a : full of enthusiasm or excitement also : overly excited b : being under the influence of a narcotic c : more exciting or attractive than normal or usual 2 : having more than usual power : being souped up

flop (n)

it was a flop. 1 : an act or sound of flopping 2 : a complete failure the movie was a flop 3 slang : a place to sleep especially : FLOPHOUSE 4 : DUNG cow flop also : a piece of dung

thought (n)

just a thought. 1 : something that is thought: such as a : an individual act or product of thinking b : a developed intention or plan had no thought of leaving home c : something (such as an opinion or belief) in the mind he spoke his thoughts freely d : the intellectual product or the organized views and principles of a period, place, group, or individual contemporary Western thought 2 a : the action or process of thinking : cogitation b : serious consideration : regard c archaic : recollection, remembrance 3 a : reasoning power b : the power to imagine : conception — a thought : a little : somewhat a thought too much vinegar in the dressing

ossify (v)

ossified; ossifying intransitive verb 1 : to change into bone The cartilages ossified with age. 2 : to become hardened or conventional and opposed to change so easy for the mind to ossify and generous ideals to end in stale platitudes —John Buchan transitive verb 1 : to change (a material, such as cartilage) into bone ossified tendons of muscle 2 : to make rigidly conventional and opposed to change ossified institutions ossified ideologies

pinpoint (v)

pinpointing a problem. 1 : something that is extremely small or insignificant 2 : the point of a pin 3 : an extremely small or sharp point

breeze (n)

should be a breeze. 1a : a light gentle wind b : a wind of from 4 to 31 miles (6 to 50 kilometers) an hour 2 : something easily done : CINCH in a breeze : EASILY

thunder (v)

thundering applause. 1a : to produce thunder —usually used impersonally it thundered b : to give forth a sound that resembles thunder horses thundered down the road 2 : ROAR, SHOUT transitive verb 1 : to utter loudly : ROAR 2 : to strike with a sound likened to thunder

vassal (n)

1 : a person under the protection of a feudal lord to whom he has vowed homage and fealty : a feudal tenant 2 : one in a subservient or subordinate position

vanguard (n)

1 : the forefront of an action or movement 2 : the troops moving at the head of an army

exclusivity (n)

1 : the quality or state of being exclusive 2 : exclusive rights or services

cavernous (adj)

1a : having caverns or cavities b of animal tissue : composed largely of vascular sinuses and capable of dilating with blood to bring about the erection of a body part 2 : constituting or suggesting a cavern a cavernous warehouse

exist (v)

1a : to have real being whether material or spiritual did unicorns exist the largest galaxy known to exist b : to have being in a specified place or with respect to understood limitations or conditions strange ideas existed in his mind 2 : to continue to be racism still exists in society 3a : to have life or the functions of vitality we cannot exist without oxygen b : to live at an inferior level or under adverse circumstances the hungry existing from day to day existed; existing; exists

plane (n)

1a [ by shortening ] : AIRPLANE b : one of the main supporting surfaces of an airplane 2a : a surface in which if any two points are chosen a straight line joining them lies wholly in that surface b : a flat or level surface 3 : a level of existence, consciousness, or development on the intellectual plane

Macbeth (n)

: a Scottish general who is the protagonist of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth

mammalogy (n)

: a branch of zoology dealing with mammals

museumgoer (n)

: a person who frequently goes to museums

mirth (n)

: gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter His clumsy attempt at dancing caused much mirth.

mutant (adj)

: of, relating to, or produced by mutation

hypothetico-deductive (adj)

: relating to, being, or making use of the method of proposing hypotheses and testing their acceptability or falsity by determining whether their logical consequences are consistent with observed data

mental retardation (n)

: subaverage intellectual ability equivalent to or less than an IQ of 70 that is accompanied by significant deficits in abilities (as in communication or self-care) necessary for independent daily functioning, is usually present from birth or infancy, and is manifested especially by delayed or abnormal development, by learning difficulties, and by problems in social adjustment : INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY

mine (pron)

: that which belongs to me —used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in meaning to the adjective my Your eyes are brown and mine are green.

vaward (n)

: the foremost part : FOREFRONT the vaward of our youth — William Shakespeare

sprint (v)

: to run or go at top speed especially for a short distance sprinted; sprinting; sprints

compartmentalize (v)

: to separate into isolated compartments or categories compartmentalized; compartmentalizing

misspend (v)

: to spend wrongly : SQUANDER a misspent life misspent; misspending

rusty (adj)

I'm a bit rusty. 1 : affected by or as if by rust especially : stiff with or as if with rust 2 : inept and slow through lack of practice or old age 3a : of the color rust b : dulled in color or appearance by age and use rusty old boots 4 : OUTMODED 5 : HOARSE, GRATING

getup (n)

1 : OUTFIT, COSTUME 2 : general composition or structure

all right (adj)

1 : SATISFACTORY, AGREEABLE Whatever you decide is all right with me. 2 : SAFE, WELL He was ill but he's all right now. 3 informal : GOOD, PLEASING —often used as a generalized term of approval an all right guy

medal (n)

1 : a small usually metal object bearing a religious emblem or picture 2 : a piece of metal often resembling a coin and having a stamped design that is issued to commemorate a person or event or awarded for excellence or achievement

irrationalism (n)

1 : a system emphasizing intuition, instinct, feeling, or faith rather than reason or holding that the universe is governed by irrational forces 2 : the quality or state of being irrational — irrationalist noun or adjective — irrationalistic

done (adj)

1 : arrived at or brought to an end One more question and we're done. 2 : doomed to failure, defeat, or death 3 : gone by : OVER The day of the circus big top is done. 4 : physically exhausted 5 food : cooked sufficiently Check to see if the meat is done. 6 : conformable to social convention not the done thing

prodigal (adj)

1 : characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : LAVISH a prodigal feast prodigal outlays for her clothes 2 : recklessly spendthrift the prodigal prince 3 : yielding abundantly : LUXURIANT —often used with of nature has been so prodigal of her bounty — H. T. Buckle

multipolar (adj)

1 : having several poles a multipolar generator multipolar mitoses 2 : having several dendrites multipolar neurons 3 : characterized by more than two centers of power or interest a multipolar world

residual (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting a residue 2 : leaving a residue that remains effective for some time a residual pesticide

singularity (n)

1 : something that is singular: such as a : a separate unit b : unusual or distinctive manner or behavior : PECULIARITY 2 : the quality or state of being singular 3 : a point at which the derivative of a given function of a complex variable does not exist but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative does exist 4 : a point or region of infinite mass density at which space and time are infinitely distorted by gravitational forces and which is held to be the final state of matter falling into a black hole

diversion (n)

1 : the act or an instance of diverting or straying from a course, activity, or use : DEVIATION Bad weather forced the diversion of several flights. 2 : something that diverts or amuses : PASTIME Hiking is one of her favorite diversions. a welcome diversion from the pressures of the job 3 : an attack or feint that draws the attention and force of an enemy from the point of the principal operation You create a diversion while I sneak inside the building. 4 British : a temporary traffic detour

steer (v)

1 : to control the course of : direct especially : to guide by mechanical means (such as a rudder) 2 : to set and hold to (a course) 1 : to direct the course (as of a ship or automobile) 2 : to pursue a course of action 3 : to be subject to steering the car steers well steered; steering; steers

Gethsemane (n)

1 : the garden outside Jerusalem mentioned in Mark 14 as the scene of the agony and arrest of Jesus 2 : a place or occasion of great mental or spiritual suffering

reality (n)

1 : the quality or state of being real 2a(1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs his dream became a reality (2) : the totality of real things and events trying to escape from reality b : something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily 3 : television programming that features videos of actual occurrences (such as a police chase, stunt, or natural disaster) —often used attributively reality TV in reality : in actual fact

ego (n)

1 : the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world 2a : EGOTISM sense 2 b : SELF-ESTEEM sense 1 3 : the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality — compare ID, SUPEREGO

celebrity (n)

1 : the state of being celebrated : FAME The actress lived a life of celebrity. 2 : a famous or celebrated person Many celebrities attended the awards ceremony. celebrities

senescence (n)

1 : the state of being old : the process of becoming old 2 : the growth phase in a plant or plant part (such as a leaf) from full maturity to death

masthead (n)

1 : the top of a mast 2a : the printed matter in a newspaper or periodical that gives the title and details of ownership, advertising rates, and subscription rates b : the name of a publication (such as a newspaper) displayed on the top of the first page

look up (v)

1 : to cheer up look up—things are not all bad 2 : to improve in prospects or conditions business is looking up 1 : to search for in or as if in a reference work look up an address 2 : to seek out especially for a brief visit look me up when you're here

plummet (v)

1 : to fall perpendicularly birds plummeted down 2 : to drop sharply and abruptly prices plummeted plummeted; plummeting; plummets

maximize (v)

1 : to increase to a maximum 2 : to make the most of 3 : to find a maximum value of 4 : to increase the size of (a window) to fill an entire computer screen maximized; maximizing

maintain (v)

1 : to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline maintain machinery 2 : to sustain against opposition or danger : uphold and defend maintain a position 3 : to continue or persevere in : CARRY ON, KEEP UP couldn't maintain his composure 4a : to support or provide for has a family to maintain b : SUSTAIN enough food to maintain life 5 : to affirm in or as if in argument : ASSERT maintained that the earth is flat maintained; maintaining; maintains

father (n)

1 a : a man who has begotten a child; also : sire 3 b capitalized (1) : god 1 (2) : the first person of the Trinity (see trinity 1) 2 : forefather the founding fathers 3 a : one related to another in a way suggesting that of father to child b : an old man —used as a respectful form of address 4 often capitalized : a pre-Scholastic (see scholastic 1a) Christian writer accepted by the church as an authoritative witness to its teaching and practice — called also church father 5 a : one that originates or institutes the father of modern science b : source the sun, the father of warmth and light —Lena M. Whitney c : prototype the father of all libraries in the country 6 : a priest of the regular clergy; broadly : priest —used especially as a title 7 : one of the leading men (as of a city) —usually used in plural a council of the city fathers — fatherhood play \ˈfä-t͟hər-ˌhu̇d\ noun — fatherless play \ˈfä-t͟hər-ləs\ adjective — fatherlike

lief (adj)

1 archaic : DEAR, BELOVED 2 archaic : WILLING, GLAD

flannelmouthed (adj)

1 disparaging : speaking in a tricky or ingratiating way 2 disparaging : speaking indistinctly

missus (n)

1 informal + old-fashioned : WIFE ... everybody knew Mr. Levov and everybody asked after the missus and the boys. — Philip Roth 2 British, informal —used to address a woman whose name is not known 3 dialect : MISTRESS sense 1a

sue (v)

1 obsolete : to make petition to or for 2 archaic : to pay court or suit to : WOO 3a : to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process specifically : to bring an action against b : to proceed with and follow up (a legal action) to proper termination 1 : to make a request or application : PLEAD —usually used with for or to sue for peace 2 : to pay court : WOO he loved ... but sued in vain — William Wordsworth 3 : to take legal proceedings in court sued; suing

Arcadian (n)

1 often not capitalized : a person who lives a simple quiet life 2 : a native or inhabitant of Arcadia 3 : the dialect of ancient Greek used in Arcadia

diploma (n)

1 plural also diplomata\-​mə-​tə \ : an official or state document : CHARTER 2 : a writing usually under seal conferring some honor or privilege 3 : a document bearing record of graduation from or of a degree conferred by an educational institution diplomas

marshmallow (n)

1 usually marsh mallow : a pink-flowered European perennial herb (Althaea officinalis) of the mallow family that is naturalized in the eastern U.S. and has flowers, leaves, and roots used in herbal remedies 2 : a sweet white confection usually in the form of a spread or small spongy cylindrical pieces now usually made from corn syrup, sugar, albumen, and gelatin but formerly from the marshmallow's root also : one of these spongy pieces toasted marshmallows on sticks over a campfire

shareholder (n)

: one that holds or owns a share in property especially : STOCKHOLDER

letdown (n)

1a : DISCOURAGEMENT, DISAPPOINTMENT his latest novel is a letdown b : a slackening of effort : RELAXATION 2 : the descent of an aircraft or spacecraft to the point at which a landing approach is begun 3 : a physiological response of a lactating mammal to suckling and allied stimuli whereby previously secreted milk from the acini is expelled into ducts and drawn through the nipple

doppelganger (n)

1a : DOUBLE sense 2a said she had seen his doppelgänger b : ALTER EGO sense 1b c : a person who has the same name as another 2 : a ghostly counterpart (see COUNTERPART sense 3a) of a living person

shrine (n)

1a : a case, box, or receptacle especially : one in which sacred relics (such as the bones of a saint) are deposited b : a place in which devotion is paid to a saint or deity : SANCTUARY c : a niche containing a religious image 2 : a receptacle (such as a tomb) for the dead 3 : a place or object hallowed by its associations

pothole (n)

1a : a circular hole formed in the rocky bed of a river by the grinding action of stones or gravel whirled round by the water b : a sizable rounded often water-filled depression in land 2 : a pot-shaped hole in a road surface 3 : a usually minor difficulty or setback hit a pothole in her comeback attempt

dictate (n)

1a : an authoritative rule, prescription, or injunction the dictates of the party b : a ruling principle according to the dictates of your conscience 2 : a command by one in authority papal dictates

mountain (n)

1a : a landmass that projects conspicuously above its surroundings and is higher than a hill The sun set behind the mountains. b : an elongated ridge 2a : a great mass a mountain of a man — E. K. Brown b : a vast number or quantity a mountain of mail a mountain of debt

leash (n)

1a : a line for leading or restraining an animal b : something that restrains : the state of being restrained keeping spending on a tight leash 2a : a set of three animals (such as greyhounds, foxes, bucks, or hares) b : a set of three

mauve (n)

1a : a moderate purple, violet, or lilac color b : a strong purple 2 : a dyestuff (see DYE entry 1 sense 2) that produces a mauve color

militia (n)

1a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency The militia was called to quell the riot. b : a body of citizens organized for military service 2 : the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service

rendezvous (n)

1a : a place appointed for assembling or meeting b : a place of popular resort : HAUNT 2 : a meeting at an appointed place and time 3 : the process of bringing two spacecraft together

mustard (n)

1a : a pungent yellow condiment consisting of the pulverized seeds of various mustard plants (such as Sinapis alba, Brassica juncea, and B. nigra) either dry or made into a paste or sauce (as by mixing with water or vinegar) and sometimes adulterated with other substances (such as turmeric) or mixed with spices b : the seed of a mustard plant used as a spice and in medicine as a stimulant and diuretic, an emetic, or a counterirritant c slang : ZEST 2 : any of several herbs (genera Brassica and Sinapis of the family Brassicaceae synonym Cruciferae, the mustard family) with lobed leaves, yellow flowers, and linear beaked pods 3 : a dark to moderate yellow

mildew (n)

1a : a superficial usually whitish growth produced especially on organic matter or living plants by fungi (as of the families Erysiphaceae and Peronosporaceae) b : a fungus producing mildew 2 : a discoloration caused by fungi

glitch (n)

1a : a usually minor malfunction a glitch in a spacecraft's fuel cell also : BUG entry 1 sense 2 b : a minor problem that causes a temporary setback : SNAG 2 : a false or spurious electronic signal

loud (adj)

1a : marked by intensity or volume of sound loud music b : producing a loud sound the marten was loud beside them— David Walker 2 : clamorous, noisy a loud crowd of people 3 : obtrusive or offensive in appearance or smell : obnoxious the loudest pinstripe suit in history— John O'Reilly

moiety (n)

1a : one of two equal parts : HALF b : one of two approximately equal parts ... war, pestilence, and famine had consumed ... the moiety of the human species. —Edward Gibbon 2 : one of the portions into which something is divided : COMPONENT, PART an ether molecule with a benzene moiety 3 : one of two basic complementary tribal subdivisions the pueblo's population is divided into two halves or moieties; the Squash, or Winter People, and the Turquoise, or Summer People —Tom Bahti

torrid (adj)

1a : parched with heat especially of the sun : HOT torrid sands b : giving off intense heat : SCORCHING 2 : ARDENT, PASSIONATE torrid love letters

amount (v)

1a : to be the same in meaning or effect as acts that amount to treason b : to reach in kind or quality : to turn out to be wanted her son to amount to something [=to be successful] The changes don't really amount to much. [=are not really substantial or significant] 2 : to reach a total : add up The bill amounts to $10. amounted; amounting; amounts

pins and needles (n)

: a pricking tingling sensation in a limb growing numb or recovering from numbness on pins and needles : in a nervous or jumpy state of anticipation

preinterview (n)

: a preliminary meeting or conversation occurring prior to an interview Sitting in my house while on the phone doing my preinterview ... I had what most people would call a breakdown. — Jenny McCarthy In the pre-interview, I would always outline exactly what I wanted to talk about and prepare carefully. — Bob Newhart

term of art (n)

: a term that has a specialized meaning in a particular field or profession

superalloy (n)

: any of various high-strength often complex alloys resistant to high temperature

self-appointed (adj)

: appointed by oneself : SELF-PROCLAIMED

apparently (adv)

: it seems apparent —used to describe something that appears to be true based on what is known an apparently happy marriage The window had apparently been forced open. Apparently, we're supposed to wait here.

cognizant (adj)

: knowledgeable of something especially through personal experience also : MINDFUL cognizant of the potential dangers

lackluster (adj)

: lacking in sheen, brilliance, or vitality : DULL, MEDIOCRE The actor gave a lackluster performance.

moonless (adj)

: lacking the light of the moon

fugacious (adj)

: lasting a short time : evanescent

case law (n)

: law established by judicial decision in cases

anaerobiosis (n)

: life in the absence of air or free oxygen anaerobioses

limitative (adj)

: limiting, restrictive

monetary aggregate (n)

: one of the formal categories of money (such as cash and demand deposits or bank credits) in a national economy that is used as a measure in predictions of economic growth

valor (n)

: strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery

misalignment (n)

: the condition of being out of correct position or improperly adjusted : bad or incorrect alignment Over time, because of damage and wear, typewriters develop faults and misalignments that render their typescript unique. — Laney Salisbury et al. ... overuse injuries are all too often the consequence of poor technique or misalignment of body parts. — Jane E. Brody misalignments

menstrual cycle (n)

: the cycle of physiological changes from the beginning of one menstrual period to the beginning of the next

sfumato (n)

: the definition of form in painting without abrupt outline by the blending of one tone into another

ultima ratio (n)

: the final argument also : the last resort (such as force)

line of credit (term)

: the maximum credit allowed a buyer or borrower also : an agreement providing credit up to a certain amount

superego (n)

: the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is only partly conscious, represents internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society, and functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes, conscience, and a sense of guilt — compare ego, id

pragmaticism (n)

: the philosophic doctrine of C. S. Peirce pragmaticist

functional shift (n)

: the process by which a word or form comes to be used in another grammatical function

transmogrify (v)

: to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect intransitive verb : to become transmogrified transmogrified; transmogrifying

reconsider (v)

: to consider again especially with a view to changing or reversing intransitive verb : to consider something again reconsidered; reconsidering; reconsiders

combat (v)

: to engage in combat : FIGHT transitive verb 1 : to fight with : BATTLE 2 : to struggle against especially : to strive to reduce or eliminate combat pollution combated or combatted; combating or combatting

applaud (v)

: to express approval especially by clapping the hands The audience applauded at the end of the performance. 1 : to express approval of : PRAISE I applaud her efforts to lose weight. 2 : to show approval of especially by clapping the hands Spectators applauded the team. applauded; applauding; applauds

hearten (v)

: to give heart to : CHEER heartened; heartening

make off (v)

: to leave in haste make off with : to take away especially : GRAB, STEAL

inflection point (n)

a crucial inflection point. : a point on a curve that separates an arc concave upward from one concave downward and vice versa

daydream (n)

a daydreamer. a pleasant visionary usually wishful creation of the imagination — daydreamlike

flimsy (adj)

a flimsy argument. flimsier; flimsiest 1 a : lacking in physical strength or substance flimsy silks wore a flimsy dress b : of inferior materials and workmanship flimsy construction 2 : having little worth or plausibility a flimsy excuse a movie with a flimsy plot — flimsily play \ˈflim-zə-lē\ adverb — flimsiness

hideout (n)

a secret hideout. a place of refuge, retreat, or concealment

generalize (v)

a tendency to generalize. generalized; generalizing transitive verb 1 : to give a general form to 2 a : to derive or induce (a general conception or principle) from particulars b : to draw a general conclusion from 3 : to give general applicability to generalize a law; also : to make indefinite intransitive verb 1 : to form generalizations; also : to make vague or indefinite statements She's always generalizing about men. 2 : to spread or extend throughout the body — generalizability noun — generalizable adjective — generalizer

agoraphobia (n)

abnormal fear of being helpless in a situation from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing that is characterized initially often by panic or anticipatory anxiety and finally by the avoidance of open or public places

outwit (v)

outwit your opponent/competition. outwitted; outwitting transitive verb 1 : to get the better of by superior cleverness : outsmart 2 archaic : to surpass in wisdom

let up (v)

never letting up. a lessening of effort, activity, or intensity

acclimate (v)

still acclimating to... acclimated; acclimating transitive verb : to adapt (someone) to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation They had to acclimate themselves to an urban lifestyle. slowly becoming acclimated to a new environment intransitive verb : to adjust or adapt to a new temperature, climate, environment, or situation : to become acclimated climbers gradually acclimating to the high altitude

grain of salt (phrase)

take it with a GOS. : a skeptical attitude

erosive (adj)

tending to erode or to induce or permit erosion; also : caused or marked by erosion erosive arthritis — erosiveness noun — erosivity

Magnum (trademark)

—used for revolvers

homemade (adj)

homemade dinner. 1 : made in the home, on the premises, or by one's own efforts 2 : of domestic manufacture

open-and-shut (adj)

open-and-shut case of... 1 : perfectly simple : obvious 2 : easily settled an open-and-shut case of grand larceny

woo (v)

wooed; wooing; woos transitive verb 1 : to sue for the affection of and usually marriage with : court 2 : to solicit or entreat especially with importunity woo new customers 3 : to seek to gain or bring about intransitive verb : to court a woman — wooer noun

skillful (adj)

1 : possessed of or displaying skill : EXPERT a skillful chef 2 : accomplished with skill a skillful treatment

mathematical (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or according with mathematics 2a : rigorously exact : PRECISE b : CERTAIN 3 : possible but highly improbable only a mathematical chance

molecular formula (n)

: a chemical formula that gives the total number of atoms of each element in each molecule of a substance — compare structural formula

planogram (n)

: a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales

Lorelei (n)

: a siren of Germanic legend whose singing lures Rhine River boatmen to destruction on a reef

snafu (n)

: a situation marked by errors or confusion : MUDDLE also : an error causing such a situation a scheduling snafu

heavy lifting (n)

: a burdensome or laborious duty

lummox (n)

: a clumsy person

Mace (trademark)

—used for a temporarily disabling liquid usually used as a spray

adverse (adj)

adverse effects. 1 : acting against or in a contrary direction : HOSTILE hindered by adverse winds 2a : opposed to one's interests an adverse verdict heard testimony adverse to their position especially : UNFAVORABLE adverse criticism b : causing harm : HARMFUL adverse drug effects 3 archaic : opposite in position

lithify (v)

lithified; lithifying transitive verb : to change to stone : petrify; especially : to convert (unconsolidated sediment) into solid rock intransitive verb : to become changed into stone — lithification

Oenone (n)

nymph who is abandoned by her husband Paris for Helen of Troy

abrupt (adj)

an abrupt change. 1 a : characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning : sudden and unexpected came to an abrupt stop an abrupt turn an abrupt decision to retire b : rudely or unceremoniously curt She has an abrupt manner. an abrupt reply c : lacking smoothness or continuity an abrupt transition 2 : giving the impression of being cut or broken off; especially : involving a sudden steep rise or drop abrupt hills a high abrupt bank bounded the stream — abruptly adverb ended the meeting abruptly — abruptness

Down syndrome (n)

: a congenital condition characterized especially by developmental delays, usually mild to moderate impairment in cognitive functioning, short stature, upward slanting eyes, a flattened nasal bridge, broad hands with short fingers, decreased muscle tone, and by trisomy of the human chromosome numbered 21 — called also trisomy 21

practicum (n)

: a course of study designed especially for the preparation of teachers and clinicians that involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory

Molotov cocktail (n)

: a crude bomb made of a bottle filled with a flammable liquid (such as gasoline) and usually fitted with a wick (such as a saturated rag) that is ignited just before the bottle is hurled

Persephone (n)

: a daughter of Zeus and Demeter abducted by Pluto to reign with him over the underworld

double take (n)

: a delayed reaction to a surprising or significant situation after an initial failure to notice anything unusual —usually used in the phrase do a double take

heart-to-heart (n)

: a heart-to-heart conversation

liquor (n)

: a liquid substance: such as a : a usually distilled rather than fermented alcoholic beverage b : a watery solution of a drug c : BATH sense 2b(1)

limited liability partnership (n)

: a partnership in which the partnership is liable as an entity for debts and obligations and the partners are not liable personally

mascot (n)

: a person, animal, or object adopted by a group as a symbolic figure especially to bring them good luck the team had a mountain lion as their mascot

analytic philosophy (n)

: a philosophical movement that seeks the solution of philosophical problems in the analysis of propositions or sentences — called also philosophical analysis — compare ordinary-language philosophy

bead (n)

: a precise knowledge or understanding —used in such phrases as get a bead on

meet and greet (n)

: a reception at which a public figure (such as a politician or rock star) socializes with press members and other guests The candidate held a meet and greet with voters. The pop singer took time for a meet and greet with fans.

devil's advocate (n)

: a room for changing clothes and for storing clothing and equipment in lockers especially : one for use by sports players

pub crawl (n)

: a round of visits to a number of bars in succession

Arethusa (n)

: a wood nymph who is changed into a spring while fleeing the advances of the river-god Alpheus

sun disk (n)

: an ancient Near Eastern symbol consisting of a disk with conventionalized wings emblematic of the sun god (such as Ra in Egypt)

ménage á trois (n)

: an arrangement in which three people (such as a married couple and a lover of one member of the couple) have a sexual or romantic relationship especially while they are living together 2 : a sexual encounter involving three people : THREESOM

lightbulb (n)

: an electric lamp: such as a : one in which a filament gives off light when heated to incandescence by an electric current — called also incandescent, incandescent lamp b : FLUORESCENT LAMP

multiplicative inverse (n)

: an element of a mathematical set that when multiplied by a given element yields the identity element — called also reciprocal

slaughterhouse (n)

: an establishment where animals are butchered

split infinitive (n)

: an infinitive with to having a modifier between the to and the verbal (as in to really start)

hourglass (n)

: an instrument for measuring time consisting of a glass vessel having two compartments from the upper of which a quantity of usually sand runs in an hour into the lower one

mutual fund (n)

: an open-end investment company that invests money of its shareholders in a usually diversified group of securities of other corporations

hyperthermophile (n)

: an organism that lives in extremely hot environments (such as hot springs) with temperatures around the boiling point of water

mosquito (n)

: any of a family (Culicidae) of dipteran flies with females that have a set of slender organs in the proboscis adapted to puncture the skin of animals and to suck their blood and that are in some cases vectors of serious diseases mosquitoes also mosquitos

armadillo (n)

: any of a family (Dasypodidae) of burrowing edentate mammals found from the southern U.S. to Argentina and having the body and head encased in an armor of small bony plates armadillos

medic (n)

: any of a genus (Medicago) of leguminous herbs (such as alfalfa) : one engaged in medical work or study especially : corpsman

Proteus (n)

: any of a genus (Proteus) of aerobic usually motile enterobacteria that include saprophytes in decaying organic matter and a common causative agent (P. mirabilis) of urinary tract infections : a Greek sea god capable of assuming different forms protei

haute cuisine (n)

: artful or elaborate cuisine especially : traditionally elaborate French cuisine

light pollution (n)

: artificial skylight (as from city lights) that interferes especially with astronomical observations

main man (n)

: best male friend 2 : a man whose character or work is most admired 3 : most significant or important person also : chief sense 2

backstabbing (n)

: betrayal (as by a verbal attack against one not present) especially by a false friend

hash browns (n)

: boiled potatoes that have been diced or shredded, mixed with chopped onions and shortening, and fried usually until they form a browned cake — called also hash brown potatoes, hashed brown potatoes, hashed browns

luciferous (adj)

: bringing light or insight : ILLUMINATING a luciferous performance of the opera

supercilious (adj)

: coolly and patronizingly haughty reacted to their breach of etiquette with a supercilious smile

method of fluxions (n)

: differential calculus

red-hot (adj)

: extremely hot: such as a : glowing with heat b : exhibiting or marked by intense emotion, enthusiasm, or violence a red-hot campaign c : FRESH, NEW red-hot news d : extremely popular

ultraconservative (adj)

: extremely or extraordinarily conservative an ultraconservative investment strategy especially : very strongly favoring, adhering to, or based upon the principles of conservatism (as in politics or religion) ultraconservative politicians/views an ultraconservative religious sect

despondent (adj)

: feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression despondent about his health

moondust (n)

: fine dry particles of the moon's soil

venial (adj)

: of a kind that can be remitted : FORGIVABLE, PARDONABLE also : meriting no particular censure or notice : EXCUSABLE venial faults

sempiternal (adj)

: of never-ending duration : ETERNAL

postlapsarian (adj)

: of, relating to, or characteristic of the time or state after the fall of humankind described in the Bible

mock (adj)

: of, relating to, or having the character of an imitation : SIMULATED, FEIGNED the mock solemnity of the parody

skeptical (adj)

: relating to, characteristic of, or marked by skepticism a skeptical listener

phallocratic (adj)

: relating to, resulting from, or advocating masculine power and dominance

self-transformation (n)

: the act, process, or result of transforming oneself And then, like an epiphany, [Cindy] Fricke's self-acceptance sparked self-transformation. ... Fricke lost 130 pounds in one year, while feeling this time was different. — Cate Jones Ahead is my step-by-step guide for going on your own journey of self-transformation, without the fear of having to shave your whole head after a slip of the scissors. —Maia Rabenold especially : a transforming of one's own thoughts, actions, or behavior spiritual self-transformation My abiding faith in the possibility of self-transformation propelled me from one therapist to the next ... —Daphne Merkin

centralism (n)

: the concentration of power and control in the central authority of an organization (such as a political or educational system) — compare federalism

golden mean (n)

: the medium between extremes : MODERATION

middle finger (n)

: the midmost of the five digits of the hand

musculature (n)

: the muscles of all or a part of the animal body

mutagenesis (n)

: the occurrence or induction of mutation

light adaptation (n)

: the process including contraction of the pupil and decrease in rhodopsin by which the eye adapts to conditions of increased illumination

museology (n)

: the science or profession of museum organization and management

apron string (n)

: the string of an apron —usually used in plural as a symbol of dominance or complete control though 40 years old he was still tied to his mother's apron strings

lifeworld (n)

: the sum total of physical surroundings and everyday experiences that make up an individual's world

full circle (adv)

: through a series of developments that lead back to the original source, position, or situation or to a complete reversal of the original position —usually used in the phrase come full circle

muss (v)

: to make untidy : DISARRANGE mussed; mussing; musses

mug (v)

: to pose or make faces especially to attract attention or for a camera : PHOTOGRAPH mugged; mugging

hover (v)

: to position (a computer cursor) over something (such as an image or icon) without selecting it Many in the class hovered their cursors over words and icons for long periods before committing to clicking their mouse. — Kelly Heyboer intransitive verb 1a : to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing A hawk hovered overhead. b : to remain suspended over a place or object a hummingbird hovering over the flowers Helicopters hovered above us. 2a : to move to and fro near a place : fluctuate around a given point Unemployment hovered around 10 percent. b : to be in a state of uncertainty, irresolution, or suspense ... hovering uncomfortably behind a cigar ... — Tennessee Williams The country hovers on the brink of famine. hovered; hovering

water down (v)

: to reduce or temper the force or effectiveness of watered down the plan

sit out (v)

: to refrain from participating in sat out every dance

condone (v)

: to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless a government accused of condoning racism condone corruption in politics condoned; condoning

manumit (v)

: to release from slavery manumitted; manumitting

monitor (v)

: to watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose Nurses monitored the patient's heart rate. monitored; monitoring

categorical (adj)

1 : ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED a categorical denial 2a : of, relating to, or constituting a category b : involving, according with, or considered with respect to specific categories a categorical system for classifying books

help (n)

1 : AID, ASSISTANCE trying to be of help 2 : a source of aid printed helps to the memory — C. S. Braden 3 : REMEDY, RELIEF there was no help for it 4a : one who serves or assists another (as in housework) : HELPER b : EMPLOYEE help wanted —often used collectively the hired help

lesion (n)

1 : INJURY, HARM 2 : an abnormal change in structure of an organ or part due to injury or disease especially : one that is circumscribed (see CIRCUMSCRIBE sense 1) and well defined

respect (n)

1 : a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation remarks having respect to an earlier plan 2 : an act of giving particular attention : CONSIDERATION 3a : high or special regard : ESTEEM b : the quality or state of being esteemed c respects plural : expressions of high or special regard or deference paid our respects 4 : PARTICULAR, DETAIL a good plan in some respects in respect of chiefly British : with respect to : CONCERNING in respect to : with respect to : CONCERNING with respect to : with reference to : in relation to

libertarian (n)

1 : an advocate of the doctrine of free will 2a : a person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action b capitalized : a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles

legality (n)

1 : attachment to or observance of law 2 : the quality or state of being legal : LAWFULNESS 3 legalities plural : obligations imposed by law legalities

ardent (adj)

1 : characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity ardent proponents of the bill an ardent admirer ardent fans 2 : FIERY, HOT an ardent sun 3 : SHINING, GLOWING ardent eyes

vaporous (adj)

1 : consisting or characteristic of vapor 2 : producing vapors : VOLATILE 3 : containing or obscured by vapors : MISTY 4a : ETHEREAL, UNSUBSTANTIAL b : consisting of or indulging in vaporings

blanket (adj)

1 : effective or applicable in all instances 2 : covering all members of a group or class a blanket wage increase

pronged (adj)

1 : having a usually specified number of prongs —usually used in combination a 3-pronged fork 2 : having a usually specified number of parts or approaches a 2-pronged strategy

experimental (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or based on experience or experiment 2a : serving the ends of or used as a means of experimentation an experimental school b : relating to or having the characteristics of experiment : TENTATIVE still in the experimental stage

pedantic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or being a pedant a pedantic teacher 2 : narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned a pedantic insistence that we follow the rules exactly 3 : unimaginative, dull — pedantically

macaroni (n)

1 : pasta made from semolina and shaped in the form of slender tubes 2 plural macaronis or macaronies [ Macaroni Club, a group of such Englishmen ] a : a member of a class of traveled young Englishmen of the late 18th and early 19th centuries who affected foreign ways b : an affected young man : fop 3 : macaroni penguin

fruition (n)

1 : pleasurable use or possession : ENJOYMENT the sweet fruition of an earthly crown — Christopher Marlowe 2a : the state of bearing fruit the fields needed rain for fruition — Pearl Buck b : REALIZATION

divarication (n)

1 : the action, process, or fact of divaricating 2 : a divergence of opinion

detect (v)

1 : to discover the true character of detecting drug smugglers 2 : to discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of detect alcohol in the blood Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice? 3 : DEMODULATE : to work as a detective

rustle (v)

1 : to make or cause a rustle 2a : to act or move with energy or speed b : to forage food 3 : to steal cattle 1 : to cause to rustle 2a : to obtain by one's own exertions —often used with up able to rustle up $5,000 bail — Jack McCallum b : FORAGE 3 : to steal (livestock) especially from a farm or ranch rustled; rustling

stockpile (v)

1 : to place or store in or on a stockpile 2 : to accumulate a stockpile of a country suspected of stockpiling weapons stockpiled; stockpiling; stockpiles

harp (v)

1 : to play on a harp 2 : to dwell on or recur to a subject tiresomely or monotonously —usually used with on harped; harping; harps

cause (v)

1 : to serve as a cause or occasion of cause an accident 2 : to compel by command, authority, or force caused him to resign caused; causing

caprice (n)

1 a : a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action policy changes that seem to be motivated by nothing more than caprice b : a sudden usually unpredictable condition, change, or series of changes the caprices of the weather 2 : a disposition to do things impulsively a preference for democratic endeavor over authoritarian caprice 3 : capriccio 3

lusty (adj)

1 archaic : MERRY, JOYOUS 2 : LUSTFUL lusty passion 3a : full of strength and vitality : HEALTHY, VIGOROUS a young, lusty, growing country — Helen Harris b : HEARTY, ROBUST a lusty beef stew c : ENTHUSIASTIC, ROUSING a lusty rendition of the song lustier; lustiest

flippant (adj)

1 archaic : glib, talkative 2 : lacking proper respect or seriousness — flippantly adverb

do's (n)

1 chiefly dialectal : fuss, ado 2 archaic : deed, duty 3a : a festive get-together : affair, party an annual do b chiefly British : battle 4 : a command or entreaty to do something a list of dos and don'ts 5 British : cheat, swindle 6 : hairdo The wind messed up his do. music : the first tone of the major scale in solfège dos or do's

success (n)

1 obsolete : OUTCOME, RESULT 2a : degree or measure of succeeding b : favorable or desired outcome also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence 3 : one that succeeds

lone (adj)

1a : having no company : SOLITARY b : preferring solitude 2 : ONLY, SOLE 3 : situated by itself : ISOLATED

problematic (adj)

1a : posing a problem : difficult to solve or decide b : not definite or settled : UNCERTAIN their future remains problematic c : open to question or debate : QUESTIONABLE 2 : expressing or supporting a possibility problematical

makeweight (n)

1a : something thrown into a scale to bring the weight to a desired value b : something of little independent value thrown in to fill a gap 2 : COUNTERWEIGHT, COUNTERPOISE

expound (v)

1a : to set forth : STATE b : to defend with argument 2 : to explain by setting forth in careful and often elaborate detail expound a law intransitive verb : to make a statement : COMMENT expounded; expounding; expounds

scurrilous (adj)

1a : using or given to coarse language b : vulgar and evil scurrilous imposters who used a religious exterior to rob poor people —Edwin Benson 2 : containing obscenities, abuse, or slander scurrilous accusations

great vowel shift (n)

a change in pronunciation of the long vowels of Middle English that began in the 15th century and continued into the 16th century in which the high vowels were diphthongized and the other vowels were raised

directive (n)

a clear directive. 1 : serving or intended to guide, govern, or influence a directive method 2 : serving to point direction; specifically : directional 1b directive microphones 3 psychology : of or relating to psychotherapy or counseling in which the counselor introduces information, content, or attitudes not previously expressed by the client

epidemic (n)

a global epidemic. 1 : an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time : an outbreak of epidemic disease 2 : an outbreak or product of sudden rapid spread, growth, or development an epidemic of bankruptcies

granular (adj)

a granular analysis. 1 : consisting of or appearing to consist of granules : grainy 2 : finely detailed granular reports

black sheep (n)

black sheep of the family. a disfavored or disreputable member of a group

ground up (v)

built from the ground up.

lo and behold (interj)

lo and behold she turned out to be right all along. —used to express wonder or surprise

oversalt (v)

oversalting with details. oversalted; oversalting transitive verb : to add too much salt to (something) oversalted the vegetables

satisfy (v)

satisfied all requirements. 1a : to carry out the terms of (something, such as a contract) : DISCHARGE b : to meet a financial obligation to 2 : to make reparation to (an injured party) : INDEMNIFY 3a : to make happy : PLEASE b : to gratify to the full : APPEASE 4a : CONVINCE b : to put an end to (doubt or uncertainty) : DISPEL 5a : to conform to (specifications) : be adequate to (an end in view) b : to make true by fulfilling a condition values that satisfy an equation satisfy a hypothesis intransitive verb : to be adequate : SUFFICE also : PLEASE

R & R (abbr)

some well deserved R&R. rest and recreation; rest and recuperation; rest and relaxation

Ragnarok (n)

the final destruction of the world in the conflict between the Aesir and the powers of Hel led by Loki — called also Twilight of the Gods

massless (adj)

: having no mass a massless particle

gedankenexperiment (n)

an experiment carried out in thought only

waypoint (n)

: an intermediate point on a route or line of travel

casino (n)

1 : a building or room used for social amusements specifically : one used for gambling 2 or less commonly cassino : a card game in which cards are won by matching or combining cards in a hand with those exposed on the table 3 : SUMMERHOUSE sense 2 casinos

appetizer (n)

1 : a food or drink that stimulates the appetite and is usually served before a meal The appetizers included shrimp with cocktail sauce, vegetables and dips, cheeses, and fruits. 2 : something that stimulates a desire for more a literary appetizer hoped that the short trip would be an appetizer for longer ones

dilatation (n)

1 : amplification in writing or speech 2a : the condition of being stretched beyond normal dimensions especially as a result of overwork, disease, or abnormal relaxation dilatation of the heart dilatation of the stomach b : DILATION sense 2 3 : the action of expanding : the state of being expanded 4 : a dilated part or formation

phantasmagoria (n)

1 : an exhibition of optical effects and illusions 2a : a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined b : a scene that constantly changes 3 : a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage

temperance (n)

1 : moderation in action, thought, or feeling : RESTRAINT 2a : habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions b : moderation in or abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages

muddy (adj)

1 : morally impure : BASE 2a : full of or covered with mud b : characteristic or suggestive of mud a muddy flavor muddy colors c : turbid with sediment 3a : lacking in clarity or brightness : CLOUDY, DULL a muddy recording eyes muddy with sleep b : obscure in meaning : MUDDLED, CONFUSED muddy thinking muddier; muddiest

arcanum (n)

1 : mysterious or specialized knowledge, language, or information accessible or possessed only by the initiate —usually used in plural 2 : ELIXIR sense 1

development (n)

1 : the act, process, or result of developing the development of new ideas an interesting development in the case 2 : the state of being developed a project in development 3 : a tract of land that has been made available or usable : a developed tract of land especially : one with houses built on it

desolation (n)

1 : the action of desolating the pitiful desolation and slaughter of World War I — D. F. Fleming 2a : GRIEF, SADNESS ... he put his trembling hands to his head, and gave a wild ringing scream, the cry of desolation. — George Eliot b : LONELINESS 3 : DEVASTATION, RUIN a scene of utter desolation 4 : barren wasteland looked out across the desolation

masochism (n)

1 : the derivation of sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation by oneself or another person — compare sadism, sadomasochism 2 : pleasure in being abused or dominated : a taste for suffering — masochist play \-kist\ noun — masochistic play \ˌma-sə-ˈki-stik, ˌma-zə- also ˌmā-\ adjective — masochistically

sadism (n)

1 : the derivation of sexual gratification from the infliction of physical pain or humiliation on another person — compare MASOCHISM, SADOMASOCHISM 2a : delight in cruelty b : excessive cruelty

conditioning (n)

1 : the process of training to become physically fit by a regimen of exercise, diet, and rest also : the resulting state of physical fitness 2 : a simple form of learning involving the formation, strengthening, or weakening of an association between a stimulus and a response

oyster (n)

1 a : any of various marine bivalve mollusks (family Ostreidae) that have a rough irregular shell closed by a single adductor muscle and include commercially important shellfish b : any of various mollusks resembling or related to the oysters 2 : something that is or can be readily made to serve one's personal ends the world was her oyster 3 : a small mass of muscle contained in a concavity of the pelvic bone on each side of the back of a fowl 4 : an extremely taciturn person 5 : a grayish-white color

optative (adj)

1 a : of, relating to, or constituting a verbal mood that is expressive of wish or desire b : of, relating to, or constituting a sentence that is expressive of wish or hope 2 : expressing desire or wish — optative noun — optatively adverb

menu (n)

1a : a list of the dishes that may be ordered (as in a restaurant) or that are to be served (as at a banquet) b(1) : a comparable list or assortment of offerings a menu of television programs (2) : a list shown on the display of a computer from which a user can select the operation the computer is to perform 2 : the dishes available for or served at a meal also : the meal itself menus

polemic (n)

1a : an aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or principles of another b : the art or practice of disputation or controversy —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction 2 : an aggressive controversialist : DISPUTANT

variation (n)

1a : the act or process of varying : the state or fact of being varied b : an instance of varying c : the extent to which or the range in which a thing varies 2 : DECLINATION sense 6 3a : a change of algebraic sign between successive terms of a sequence b : a measure of the change in data, a variable, or a function 4 : the repetition of a musical theme with modifications in such elements as rhythm, melody, harmony, key, tempo, and accompaniment 5a : divergence in the structural or functional characteristics of an organism from the species or population norm or average b : something (such as an individual or group) that exhibits variation 6a : a solo dance in classic ballet b : a repetition in modern ballet of a movement sequence with changes

exert (v)

1a : to put forth (strength, effort, etc.) the force is exerted sideways b : to put (oneself) into action or to tiring effort won't have to exert himself moving the table 2 : to bring to bear especially with sustained effort or lasting effect exerted a bad influence on his students 3 : EMPLOY, WIELD exerted her leadership abilities intelligently exerted; exerting; exerts

provenience (n)


compelling (adj)

a compelling argument. : that compels: such as a : FORCEFUL a compelling personality a compelling desire b : demanding attention for compelling reasons The novel was so compelling that I couldn't put it down. c : CONVINCING no compelling evidence

overcome (v)

overcoming hardship. 1 : to get the better of : SURMOUNT overcome difficulties They overcame the enemy. 2 : OVERWHELM were overcome by the heat and smoke intransitive verb : to gain the superiority : WIN strong in the faith that truth would overcome

horror story (n)

I've heard some horror stories. : an account of an unsettling or unfortunate occurrence heard horror stories about recent layoffs also : something unsettling or unfortunate his childhood was a horror story

copilot (n)

: a qualified pilot who assists or relieves the pilot but is not in command

hostel (n)

1 : INN 2 : an inexpensive lodging facility for usually young travelers that typically has dormitory-style sleeping arrangements and sometimes offers meals and planned activities — called also youth hostel 3 chiefly British : a supervised institutional residence or shelter (as for homeless people)

realm (n)

1 : KINGDOM sense 3 2 : SPHERE, DOMAIN within the realm of possibility 3 : a primary marine or terrestrial biogeographic division of the earth's surface

scandalous (adj)

1 : LIBELOUS, DEFAMATORY scandalous allegations 2 : offensive to propriety or morality : SHOCKING scandalous behavior

steep (adj)

1 : LOFTY, HIGH —used chiefly of a sea 2 : making a large angle with the plane of the horizon 3a : mounting or falling precipitously the stairs were very steep b : being or characterized by a rapid and intensive decline or increase 4 : extremely or excessively high steep prices

megascopic (adj)

1 : MACROSCOPIC sense 1 2 : based on or relating to observations made with the unaided eye

magnific (adj)

1 : MAGNIFICENT sense 2 2 : imposing in size or dignity a magnific temple 3a : SUBLIME, EXALTED b : characterized by grandiloquence : POMPOUS commenced the conversation in the most magnific style — S. T. Coleridge

precipitous (adj)

1 : PRECIPITATE sense 2 2a : very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging in rise or fall a precipitous slope b : having precipitous sides a precipitous gorge c : having a very steep ascent a precipitous street

hardship (n)

1 : PRIVATION, SUFFERING 2 : something that causes or entails suffering or privation

mind (n)

1 : RECOLLECTION, MEMORY keep that in mind time out of mind 2a : the element or complex (see COMPLEX entry 1 sense 1) of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons Keep your mind active as you grow older. b : the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism c : the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism 3 : INTENTION, DESIRE I changed my mind 4 : the normal or healthy condition of the mental faculties Who in their right mind would try such a stunt? 5 : OPINION, VIEW was urged to speak his mind 6 : DISPOSITION, MOOD He's in a bad state of mind. 7a : a person or group embodying mental qualities the public mind b : intellectual ability the works of men of mind — Alfred Tennyson 8 capitalized, Christian Science : GOD sense 1b 9 : a conscious substratum or factor in the universe 10 : ATTENTION pay him no mind

vermiculate (adj)

1 : TORTUOUS, INVOLUTE 2 : full of worms : WORM-EATEN 3a : VERMIFORM b : marked with irregular fine lines or with wavy impressed lines a vermiculate nut vermiculation; vermiculated

altogether (adv)

1 : WHOLLY, COMPLETELY an altogether different problem stopped raining altogether 2 : in all : ALL TOLD spent a hundred dollars altogether 3 : on the whole Altogether their efforts were successful.

Manichaean (n)

1 : a believer in a syncretistic religious dualism (see DUALISM sense 3) originating in Persia in the third century a.d. and teaching the release of the spirit from matter through asceticism 2 : a believer in religious or philosophical dualism

surgery (n)

1 : a branch of medicine concerned with diseases and conditions requiring or amenable to operative or manual procedures 2 : alterations made as if by surgery literary surgery 3a British : a physician's or dentist's office b : a room or area where surgery is performed 4a : the work done by a surgeon b : operation surgeries

mechanics (n)

1 : a branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces and their effect on bodies 2 : the practical application of mechanics to the design, construction, or operation of machines or tools 3 : mechanical or functional details or procedure the mechanics of the brain

snapshot (n)

1 : a casual photograph made typically by an amateur with a small handheld camera 2 : an impression or view of something brief or transitory a snapshot of life back then

travesty (n)

1 : a debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation a travesty of justice 2 : a burlesque translation or literary or artistic imitation usually grotesquely incongruous in style, treatment, or subject matter

gentle (adj)

a gentle touch. 1a : belonging to a family of high social station b archaic : CHIVALROUS c : HONORABLE, DISTINGUISHED specifically : of or relating to a gentleman d : KIND, AMIABLE —used especially in address as a complimentary epithet gentle reader e : suited to a person of high social station the gentle art of sophisticated conversation 2a : TRACTABLE, DOCILE a gentle horse b : free from harshness, sternness, or violence used gentle persuasion 3 : SOFT, DELICATE the gentle touch of her hand 4 : MODERATE His doctor recommended gentle exercise.

goldbrick (n)

1 a : a worthless brick that appears to be of gold b : something that appears to be valuable but is actually worthless 2 : a person who shirks assigned work

polyhistor (n)


makeshift (n)

a makeshift solution. a usually crude and temporary expedient : substitute A large box served as a makeshift table. — makeshift adjective

tangible (adj)

tangible benefits. 1a : capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : PALPABLE b : substantially real : MATERIAL 2 : capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mind her grief was tangible 3 : capable of being appraised at an actual or approximate value tangible assets

badge (n)

1 : a device or token especially of membership in a society or group 2 : a characteristic mark 3 : an emblem awarded for a particular accomplishment 4 British : BUTTON sense 1b Solicitors have reacted with dismay after Staffordshire courts ordered them to remove political badges. — Birmingham Post

fourth dimension (n)

1 : a dimension in addition to length, breadth, and depth; specifically : a coordinate in addition to three rectangular coordinates especially when interpreted as the time coordinate in a space-time continuum 2 : something outside the range of ordinary experience — fourth-dimensional adjective

mustang (n)

1 : a small hardy naturalized horse of U.S. western plains directly descended from horses brought in by the Spaniards also : BRONC 2 slang : a commissioned officer (as in the U.S. Navy) who has risen from the ranks

bit (n)

1 : a small quantity of food especially : a small delicacy 2a : a small piece or quantity of some material thing broken bits of glass picking bits of lint off her sweater b(1) British : a coin of a specified small denomination a threepenny bit (2) : a unit of value equal to ¹/₈ of a U.S. dollar (12 ¹/₂ cents) —used only of even multiples four bits NOTE: No coin was every issued in this amount. — see also TWO BITS sense 1 3 : something small or unimportant of its kind: such as a : a brief period : WHILE wait a bit longer b : an indefinite usually small degree, extent, or amount a bit of a rascal every bit as powerful a bit too sweet c theater (1) : a small part usually with spoken lines in a theatrical performance a bit part bit players (2) : a usually short theatrical routine a corny comedy bit 4 : the aggregate of items, situations, or activities appropriate to a given style, genre, or role rejected the whole bit about love-marriage-motherhood — Vance Packard a bit : SOMEWHAT, RATHER the play was a bit dull a bit much : a little more than one wants to endure finds his constant joking a bit much bit by bit : by degrees : LITTLE BY LITTLE getting better bit by bit to bits : TOTALLY, THOROUGHLY thrilled to bits

anthem (n)

1 : a song or hymn of praise or gladness a patriotic anthem 2 : a usually rousing popular song that typifies or is identified with a particular subculture, movement, or point of view anthems of teenage angst 3a : a psalm or hymn sung antiphonally or responsively b : a sacred vocal composition with words usually from the Scriptures

speciality (n)

1 : a special mark or quality 2 : a special object or class of objects 3a : a special aptitude or skill b : specialty sense 3 specialities

module (n)

1 : a standard or unit of measurement 2 : the size of some one part taken as a unit of measure by which the proportions of an architectural composition are regulated 3a: any in a series of standardized units for use together: such as (1) : a unit of furniture or architecture (2) : an educational unit which covers a single subject or topic b : a usually packaged functional assembly of electronic components for use with other such assemblies the subwoofer module 4 : an independently operable unit that is a part of the total structure of a space vehicle 5a : a subset of an additive group that is also a group under addition b : a mathematical set that is a commutative group under addition and that is closed under multiplication which is distributive from the left or right or both by elements of a ring and for which a(bx) = (ab)x or (xb)a = x(ba) or both where a and b are elements of the ring and x belongs to the set

cascade (n)

1 : a steep usually small fall of water especially : one of a series 2a : something arranged or occurring in a series or in a succession of stages so that each stage derives from or acts upon the product of the preceding blood clotting involves a biochemical cascade b : a fall of material (such as lace) that hangs in a zigzag line and that is used especially in clothing and draperies 3 : something falling or rushing forth in quantity a cascade of sound a cascade of events Her hair was arranged in a cascade of curls.

polish (v)

1 : to make smooth and glossy usually by friction : BURNISH 2 : to smooth, soften, or refine in manners or condition 3 : to bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state : PERFECT intransitive verb : to become smooth or glossy by or as if by friction polished; polishing; polishes

socialize (v)

1 : to make social especially : to fit or train for a social environment 2a : to constitute on a socialistic basis socialize industry b : to adapt to social needs or uses 3 : to organize group participation in socialize a recitation intransitive verb : to participate actively in a social group socialized; socializing

honk (v)

1 : to make the characteristic cry of a goose 2 : to make a sound resembling the cry of a goose transitive verb : to cause to honk honk a horn

double (v)

1 : to make twice as great or as many: such as a : to increase by adding an equal amount b : to amount to twice the number of c : to make a call in bridge that increases the value of odd tricks or undertricks at (an opponent's bid) 2a : to bend or fold (something, such as a sheet of paper) usually in the middle so that one part lies directly against the other part b : CLENCH doubled his fist c : to cause to stoop 3 : to avoid by doubling : ELUDE 4a : to replace in a dramatic role b : to play (dramatic roles) by doubling 5a(1) : to advance or score (a base runner) by a double (2) : to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a double b : to put out (a base runner) in completing a double play 6 : DOUBLE-TEAM Jackson's absence was supposed to allow defenses to double Gates. — Jim Trotter intransitive verb 1a : to become twice as much or as many b : to double a bid (as in bridge) 2a : to turn sharply and suddenly especially : to turn back on one's course the rabbit doubled back on its tracks b : to follow a circuitous course 3 : to become bent or folded usually in the middle —usually used with up she doubled up in pain 4a : to serve an additional purpose or perform an additional duty b : to play a dramatic role as a double 5 : to make a double in baseball doubled; doubling

distort (v)

1 : to twist (see twist entry 1 sense 3b) out of the true meaning or proportion : to alter to give a false or unnatural picture or account distorted the facts 2 : to twist out of a natural, normal, or original shape or condition a face distorted by pain also : to cause to be perceived unnaturally the new lights distorted colors The singer's voice was electronically distorted. 3 : pervert distort justice : to become distorted Heat caused the wax figures to distort. also : to cause a twisting from the true, natural, or normal

weasel (v)

1 : to use weasel words : EQUIVOCATE 2 : to escape from or evade a situation or obligation —often used with out transitive verb : to manipulate shiftily weaseled; weaseling

blackball (v)

1 : to vote against especially : to exclude from membership by casting a negative vote 2a : to exclude socially : OSTRACIZE b : BOYCOTT blackballed; blackballing; blackballs

candor (n)

1 : unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness the candor with which he acknowledged a weakness in his own case —Aldous Huxley 2 : freedom from prejudice or malice : fairness ... a heavy accusation ... from a gentleman of your talents, liberality, and candor. —Noah Webster 3 a literary : brightness, brilliance the sun poured with a more golden candor —Christoper Morley b obsolete : unstained purity 4 archaic : kindliness

oblique (adj)

1 a : neither perpendicular nor parallel : inclined oblique lines b : having the axis not perpendicular to the base an oblique cone c : having no right angle an oblique triangle 2 a : not straightforward : indirect In her speech she made only oblique references to the scandal.; also : obscure ... much of what there is to see is nuanced and oblique — a shadow of a shadow of a shadow. —New Yorker b : devious, underhanded ... the open, above-board fury of his mind coagulated, thickened, and sunk to a dull, evil hatred, a wicked, oblique malevolence. —Frank Norris 3 : situated at an angle and having one end not inserted on bone oblique muscles 4 : taken from an airplane with the camera directed horizontally or diagonally downward an oblique photograph — obliquely adverb — obliqueness noun

boggle (v)

1 : to start with fright or amazement : be overwhelmed the mind boggles at the research needed 2 : to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples transitive verb 1 : MISHANDLE, BUNGLE 2 : to overwhelm with wonder or bewilderment boggle the mind boggled; boggling

hitchhike (v)

1 : to travel by securing free rides from passing vehicles 2 : to be carried or transported by chance or unintentionally destructive insects hitchhiking on ships transitive verb : to solicit and obtain (a free ride) especially in a passing vehicle

deter (v)

1 : to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting she would not be deterred by threats 2 : INHIBIT painting to deter rust deterred; deterring

much less (conj)

: not to mention —used especially in negative contexts to add to one item another denoting something less likely He had trouble paying for a car, much less a high-definition TV.And so it appears that he is never going to get out of the eighth grade, much less ever make it to college.— Thomas Meehan

sublunary (adj)

: of, relating to, or characteristic of the terrestrial world dull sublunary lovers — John Donne

Mrs. Grundy (n)

: one marked by prudish conventionality in personal conduct

megadeath (n)

: one million deaths —usually used as a unit in reference to nuclear warfare

giver (n)

: one that gives : DONOR [a giver of unwanted advice]

magnifier (n)

: one that magnifies especially : a lens or combination of lenses that makes something appear larger

multiplier (n)

: one that multiplies: such as a : a number by which another number is multiplied b : an instrument or device for multiplying or intensifying some effect c : a machine, mechanism, or circuit that multiplies numbers

monogenesis (n)

: origin of diverse individuals or kinds (as of language) by descent from a single ancestral individual or kind

antemortem (adj)

: preceding death

de rigueur (adj)

: prescribed or required by fashion, etiquette, or custom : PROPER ... tattoos, of course, being de rigueur among the poetry set. ... — Will Ferguson

starry-eyed (adj)

: regarding an object or a prospect in an overly favorable light specifically : characterized by dreamy, impracticable, or utopian thinking : VISIONARY

polysyndeton (n)

: repetition of conjunctions in close succession (as in we have ships and men and money)

pilot (adj)

: serving as a guiding or tracing device, an activating or auxiliary unit, or a trial apparatus or operation a pilot study

multiple star (n)

: several stars in close proximity that appear to form a single system

technetronic (adj)

: shaped or influenced by the changes wrought by advances in technology and communications our modern technetronic society

small stuff (n)

: small rope (such as spun yarn or marline) usually identified by the number of threads or yarns which it contains

dovetail (v)

: something resembling a dove's tail especially : a flaring tenon and a mortise into which it fits tightly making an interlocking joint between two pieces (as of wood)

present tense (n)

: the tense of a verb that expresses action or state in the present time and is used of what occurs or is true at the time of speaking and of what is habitual or characteristic or is always or necessarily true, that is sometimes used to refer to action in the past, and that is sometimes used for future events

disappoint (v)

: to fail to meet the expectation or hope of : FRUSTRATE the team disappointed its fans He disappointed his parents with his decision. : to fail to meet a hope or expectation : to cause disappointment where the show disappoints most is in the work of the younger generation — John Ashbery

condense (v)

: to make denser or more compact especially : to subject to condensation intransitive verb : to undergo condensation condensed; condensing

liberalize (v)

: to make liberal or more liberal : to become liberal or more liberal liberalized; liberalizing

down under (adv or adj)

: to or in Australia or New Zealand

blow over (v)

: to pass away without effect

devolve (v)

: to pass on (something, such as responsibility, rights, or powers) from one person or entity to another devolving to western Europe full responsibility for its own defense — Christopher Lane 1a : to pass by transmission or succession the estate devolved on a distant cousin b : to fall or be passed usually as a responsibility or obligation the responsibility for breadwinning has devolved increasingly upon women — Barbara Ehrenreich 2 : to come by or as if by flowing down streams devolving from the mountains his allegedly subversive campaigns ... devolve from his belief in basic American rights — Frank Deford 3 : to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution The scene devolved into chaos. devolved; devolving

chronicle (v)

: to present a record of in or as if in a chronicle chronicle Victorian society chronicle the doings of the rich and famous

position (v)

: to put in a certain position positioned the chairs around the room positioned the company in the global market positioned; positioning

tarnish (v)

tarnish a reputation. 1 : to dull or destroy the luster of by or as if by air, dust, or dirt : SOIL, STAIN 2a : to detract from the good quality of : VITIATE his fine dreams now slightly tarnished b : to bring disgrace on : SULLY the scandal has tarnished his reputation intransitive verb : to become tarnished tarnished; tarnishing; tarnishes

delve (v)

delve into. delved; delving transitive verb archaic : excavate intransitive verb 1 : to dig or labor with or as if with a spade delved into her handbag in search of a pen 2 a : to make a careful or detailed search for information delved into the past b : to examine a subject in detail the book delves into the latest research won't delve into her reason for leaving — delver noun

demonstrate (v)

demonstrate your abilities. 1 : to show clearly demonstrate a willingness to cooperate must demonstrate mastery of the subject matter in order to pass the class The police demonstrated calm restraint during the riot. 2 a : to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence crowded classrooms that demonstrate the need for more schools in the area b : to illustrate and explain especially with many examples demonstrate a procedure 3 : to show or prove the value or efficiency of to a prospective buyer demonstrate a new kitchen gadget intransitive verb : to make a demonstration Allow me to demonstrate. crowds demonstrating for the right to vote

deplete (v)

depleting reserves. 1 : to empty of a principal substance The lake was depleted of water. depleting the country of its natural resources 2 : to lessen markedly in quantity, content, power, or value deplete our life savings their depleted resources — depletable adjective — depleter noun — depletion noun — depletive adjective

framework (n)

building/putting together a framework for... 1 a : a basic conceptional structure (as of ideas) the framework of the U.S. Constitution These influences threaten the very framework of our society. b : a skeletal, openwork, or structural frame An iron framework surrounds the sculpture. 2 : frame of reference 3 : the larger branches of a tree that determine its shape

build (v)

built; building transitive verb 1 : to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole : construct birds building a nest build new hospitals and schools the boat her father built 2 : to cause to be constructed a contractor who has built hundreds of homes 3 : to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base building a legal case against her built the organization from the ground up 4 : increase, enlarge helps build muscle build support for their candidate building friendships intransitive verb 1 : to engage in building 2 a : to progress toward a peak (as of intensity) build to a climax b : to develop in extent a crowd building — build a fire under : to stimulate to vigorous action — build into : to make an integral part of build quality into the product — build on : to use as a foundation building on past experience

embellish (v)

embellishing a story. embellished; embellishing; embellishes transitive verb 1 : to make beautiful with ornamentation : decorate a book embellished with illustrations 2 : to heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details : enhance embellished our account of the trip — embellisher noun

defend (v)

defending what's right and just. 1a : to drive danger or attack away from defend the castle from invaders b(1) : to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism defend a theory couldn't defend their actions (2) : to prove (something, such as a doctoral thesis or dissertation) valid by answering questions in an oral exam preparing to defend her thesis c sports : to attempt to prevent an opponent from scoring at elects to defend the south goal 2 archaic : PREVENT, FORBID which God defend that I should wring from him —Shakespeare 3 : to act as attorney for hired a lawyer to defend their son 4 law : to deny or oppose the right of a plaintiff in regard to (a suit or a wrong charged) : CONTEST 5 : to retain or seek to retain (something, such as a title or position) against a challenge in a contest they successfully defended their championship intransitive verb 1 : to take action against attack or challenge the defending champion 2 sports : to play or be on defense playing deep to defend against a pass 3 card games : to play against the high bidder

delete (v)

deleted; deleting transitive verb : to eliminate especially by blotting out, cutting out, or erasing delete a passage in a manuscript delete a computer file The e-mail was accidentally deleted. — deletable adjective an easily deletable photo

deliberate (v)

deliberating possible courses of action. deliberated; deliberating intransitive verb : to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully The jury deliberated for several days before reaching a verdict. transitive verb : to think about deliberately and often with formal discussion before reaching a decision deliberate the question was deliberating whether or not to accept the offer

internalize (v)

internalizing constructive criticism. : to give a subjective character to specifically : to incorporate (values, patterns of culture, etc.) within the self as conscious or subconscious guiding principles through learning or socialization

fungible (adj)

1 : being something (such as money or a commodity) of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in paying a debt or settling an account Oil, wheat, and lumber are fungible commodities. fungible goods 2 : capable of mutual substitution : INTERCHANGEABLE ... the court's postulate that male and female jurors must be regarded as fungible — George Will 3 : readily changeable to adapt to new situations : FLEXIBLE Managers typically use more than a hundred different lineups over the course of the season. Batting orders are so fungible that few players last long in one spot. — Tom Verducci

clarify (v)

1 : to make understandable clarify a subject The president was forced to clarify his position on the issue. 2 : to free of confusion needs time to clarify his thoughts 3 : to make (a liquid or something liquefied) clear or pure usually by freeing from suspended matter clarify syrup intransitive verb : to become clear waiting for the present muddled diplomatic situation to clarify —Newsweek clarified; clarifying

punctuate (v)

1 : to mark or divide (written matter) with punctuation marks 2 : to break into or interrupt at intervals the steady click of her needles punctuated the silence — Edith Wharton 3 : ACCENTUATE, EMPHASIZE : to use punctuation marks punctuated; punctuating

proportionate (adj)


wayfarer (n)

: a traveler especially on foot

kanban (n)

a kanban system. just-in-time

emphasize (v)

emphasized; emphasizing transitive verb : to place emphasis on : stress emphasized the need for reform

sanguine (adj)

1 : marked by eager hopefulness : confidently optimistic In the month of August 1994, Democrats remained sanguine about their chances at the polls ... —John B. Judis A lot of attention also is being devoted to the development of vaccines to prevent genital herpes, although not everyone is sanguine about the outcome. —The Journal of the American Medical Association 2 : BLOODRED ... the radiant heat from the cedar logs, whose sanguine colour made the silvered locks of his hair into a fantastic wreath of flames. —Elinor Wylie 3a : consisting of or relating to blood ... some sanguine vessels are obstructed, and distended ... —Theophilus Lobb b : BLOODTHIRSTY, SANGUINARY ... attacked by the sanguine ... warriors of neighboring islands ... —Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas c : accompanied by, involving, or relating to bloodshed : BLOODY ... from the numerous graves, including those by the barn, which our shells had destroyed; we realized what a sanguine battle it had been ... —Frederick W. Wild d of the complexion : RUDDY She was all unnerved; her naturally sanguine complexion was pale ... —Charlotte Brontë 4 : having blood as the predominating bodily humor — see HUMOR entry 1 sense 2a An abundance of red blood was marked by a warm and sanguine temperament; whereas, an excess of yellow bile produced the choleric temperament ... —Samuel Lytler Metcalfe also : having the bodily conformation and temperament held characteristic of such predominance and marked by sturdiness, healthy red complexion, and cheerfulness He conceived himself rather as a sanguine and strenuous man, a great fighter. —G. K. Chesterton

maternal (adj)

1 : of, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother : MOTHERLY maternal love maternal instincts 2a : related through a mother his maternal aunt b : inherited or derived from the female parent maternal genes

mixture (n)

1a : the act, the process, or an instance of mixing b(1) : the state of being mixed (2) : the relative proportions of constituents especially : the proportion of fuel to air produced in a carburetor 2 : a product of mixing : COMBINATION: such as a : a portion of matter consisting of two or more components in varying proportions that retain their own properties b : a fabric woven of variously colored threads c : a combination of several different kinds

apotheosis (n)

1a : the perfect form or example of something : QUINTESSENCE the apotheosis of Hollywood glamour ... Nelson Rockefeller, the other top contender and the apotheosis of liberal Republicanism. — Sam Tanenhaus b : the highest or best part of something : PEAK The city reaches its apotheosis at the holiday ... — David Leavin 2 : elevation to divine status : DEIFICATION the apotheosis of Roman emperors apotheoses

magic (n)

1a : the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces b : magic rites or incantations 2a : an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source Both pitchers, although they are older, haven't lost their magic. b : something that seems to cast a spell : ENCHANTMENT all the mystery, magic and romance which belong to royalty alone — J. E. P. Grigg 3 : the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand entertained with acts of jugglery and magic

musing (n)

: MEDITATION My musing and writings on this issue do not come from the groves of academe. — Herbert S. White

naiad (n)

plural naiads or naiades 1 : any of the nymphs in classical mythology living in and giving life to lakes, rivers, springs, and fountains 2 : an aquatic insect nymph (as of a mayfly, dragonfly, damselfly, or stone fly) 3 : any of a genus (Najas of the family Najadaceae) of submerged aquatic plants

damper (n)

put a damper on... 1 : a dulling or deadening influence put a damper on the celebration 2 : a device that damps: such as a : a valve or plate (as in the flue of a furnace) for regulating the draft b : a small felted block to stop the vibration of a piano string c chiefly British : shock absorber 3 Australia : a simple usually unleavened bread of a kind made originally in the Australian bush

fantasy (n)

wildest fantasies. 1 obsolete : HALLUCINATION 2 : FANCY especially : the free play of creative imagination 3 : a creation of the imaginative faculty whether expressed or merely conceived: such as a : a fanciful design or invention a fantasy of delicate tracery b : a chimerical or fantastic notion His plans are pure fantasy. c : FANTASIA sense 1 the organ fantasy of Johannes Brahms d : imaginative fiction featuring especially strange settings and grotesque characters spent the summer reading fantasy — called also fantasy fiction 4 : CAPRICE served to fulfill the king's fantasies 5 : the power or process of creating especially unrealistic or improbable mental images in response to psychological need an object of fantasy also : a mental image or a series of mental images (such as a daydream) so created sexual fantasies 6 often attributive : a coin usually not intended for circulation as currency and often issued by a dubious authority (such as a government-in-exile)

maleficence (n)

1a : the act of committing harm or evil b : a harmful or evil act 2 : the quality or state of being maleficent

explain (v)

1a : to make known explain the secret of your success b : to make plain or understandable footnotes that explain the terms 2 : to give the reason for or cause of unable to explain his strange conduct 3 : to show the logical development or relationships of explained the new theory intransitive verb : to make something plain or understandable a report that suggests rather than explains explain oneself : to clarify one's statements or the reasons for one's conduct explained; explaining; explains

weekend warrior (n)

: a person who participates in a usually physically strenuous activity only on weekends or part-time

wedge issue (n)

: a political issue that divides a candidate's supporters or the members of a party

gastropub (n)

: a pub, bar, or tavern that offers meals of high quality

layaway (n)

: a purchasing agreement by which a retailer agrees to hold merchandise secured by a deposit until the price is paid in full by the customer

arms race (n)

: a race between hostile nations to accumulate or develop weapons broadly : an ever escalating race or competition

superstring (n)

: a hypothetical string obeying the rules of supersymmetry whose vibrations manifest themselves as particles existing in ten dimensions of which only four are evident

Rhadamanthus (n)

: a judge of the underworld in Greek mythology

Mahayana (n)

: a liberal and theistic branch of Buddhism comprising sects chiefly in China and Japan, recognizing a large body of scripture in addition to the Pali canon, and teaching social concern and universal salvation — compare THERAVADA

LP (n)

: a microgroove phonograph record designed to be played at 33¹/₃ revolutions per minute

land mine (n)

: a mine usually placed just below the surface of the ground and designed to be exploded usually by the weight of vehicles or troops passing over it —often used figuratively Every aspect of this scheme is a potential land mine. — Henry A. Kissinger a political land mine

Minotaur (n)

: a monster shaped half like a man and half like a bull, confined in the labyrinth built by Daedalus for Minos, and given a periodic tribute of youths and maidens as food until slain by Theseus

chairlift (n)

: a motor-driven conveyor consisting of a series of seats suspended from a cable and used for transporting skiers or sightseers up or down a long slope or mountainside

Draco (n)

: a northern circumpolar constellation within which is the north pole of the ecliptic

designated driver (n)

: a person chosen to abstain from intoxicants (such as alcohol) so as to transport others safely who are not abstaining had some nonalcoholic champagne on hand for the designated drivers

hassle (n)

1 : a heated often protracted argument : wrangle embroiling myself in a long, exasperating hassle with masons— S. J. Perelman 2 : a violent skirmish : fight 3a : a state of confusion : turmoil all hassle and hurly-burly— Ellery Queen b : an annoying or troublesome concern avoid the hassle of filling out paperwork flight delays and other hassles of holiday travel too much of a hassle to bother with

deluge (n)

a deluge of criticism. 1 a : an overflowing of the land by water b : a drenching rain a deluge causing mudslides in the area 2 : an overwhelming amount or number received a deluge of angry phone calls

titan (n)

a titan of industry. 1 capitalized : any of a family of giants in Greek mythology born of Uranus and Gaea and ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods 2 : one that is gigantic in size or power : one that stands out for greatness of achievement

carve (v)

carve out some time. 1 : to cut with care or precision carved fretwork 2 : to make or get by or as if by cutting —often used with out carve out a career 3 : to cut into pieces or slices carved the turkey intransitive verb 1 : to cut up and serve meat 2 : to work as a sculptor or engraver

deepen (v)

deepening a bond. deepened; deepening play \ˈdē-pə-niŋ, ˈdēp-niŋ\ transitive verb : to make deep or deeper intransitive verb : to become deeper or more profound

histogram (n)

evaluating a histogram. a representation of a frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies

fluent (adj)

fluent in... 1 a : capable of flowing : fluid powered, granular, or fluent materials b : capable of moving with ease and grace the fluent body of a dancer 2 a : capable of using a language easily and accurately fluent in Spanish a fluent writer b : effortlessly smooth and flowing a fluent performance spoke in fluent English c : having or showing mastery of a subject or skill fluent in math — fluently adverb

genre (n)

genre of music. 1 : a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content a classic of the gothic novel genre 2 : kind, sort 3 : painting that depicts scenes or events from everyday life usually realistically

advice (n)

giving advice. 1 : recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct : counsel ... shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties ... —U.S. Constitution offering medical advice a word of advice 2 : information or notice given —usually used in plural ... the latest advices from Mexico ... —Henry David Thoreau 3 : an official notice concerning a business transaction payment advices

glad (adj)

glad that... 1 archaic : having a cheerful or happy disposition by nature 2a : experiencing pleasure, joy, or delight : made happy b : made pleased, satisfied, or grateful —often used with of was glad of their help c : very willing glad to do it 3a : marked by, expressive of, or caused by happiness and joy a glad shout b : causing happiness and joy : PLEASANT glad tidings 4 : full of brightness and cheerfulness a glad spring morning

tirade (n)

going on a wandering tirade. : a protracted speech usually marked by intemperate, vituperative, or harshly censorious language

indispensable (adj)

indispensable to the team. 1 : not subject to being set aside or neglected an indispensable obligation 2 : absolutely necessary : essential an indispensable member of the staff — indispensability noun — indispensable noun — indispensableness noun — indispensably

off-kilter (adj)

off-kilter comment. 1 : not in perfect balance : a bit askew off-kilter camera angles His hat was slightly off-kilter. 2 : eccentric, unconventional off-kilter characters an off-kilter approach

cauldron (n)

stirring a cauldron. 1 : a large kettle or boiler 2 : something resembling a boiling cauldron in intensity or degree of agitation a cauldron of intense emotions

acumen (n)

strong business acumen. keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters

groupthink (n)

succumbing to groupthink. : a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics

suffice (v)

suffice it to say... 1 : to meet or satisfy a need : be sufficient a brief note will suffice —often used with an impersonal it suffice it to say that they are dedicated, serious personalities —Cheryl Aldridge 2 : to be competent or capable transitive verb : to be enough for a few more should suffice them

superspecialized (adj)

superspecialized care superspecialized research

guardian (n)

the guardian of... 1 : one that guards : custodian 2 : a superior of a Franciscan monastery 3 : one who has the care of the person or property of another — guardianship

hippogriff (n)

a legendary animal having the foreparts of a griffin and the body of a horse

limp-wristed (adj)


medial (adj)

1 : MEAN, AVERAGE 2a : being or occurring in the middle b : extending toward the middle especially : lying or extending toward the median axis of the body 3 : situated between the extremes of initial and final in a word or morpheme

mind-expanding (adj)

: PSYCHEDELIC sense 1a

bow out (v)

: RETIRE, WITHDRAW also : LOSE bowed out in the first round of the tournament

lampoon (n)

: SATIRE sense 1 specifically : a harsh satire usually directed against an individual He said such ridiculous things that he was often the target of lampoons in the press.

live-forever (n)


chitchat (n)


logistic (n)


Varuna (n)

: a chief Vedic god responsible for natural and moral order in the cosmos

stomping ground (n)

: a favorite or habitual resort also : familiar territory

tour de force (n)

: a feat or display of strength, skill, or ingenuity the movie is a comic tour de force

lingo (n)

: strange or incomprehensible language or speech: such as a : a foreign language It can be hard to travel in a foreign country if you don't speak the lingo. b : the special vocabulary of a particular field of interest The book has a lot of computer lingo. c : language characteristic of an individual He has his own lingo ... and at the top of each shift, he delivers a monologue that sets the table for his show. — Tim Sullivan lingos or lingoes

hypothermia (n)

: subnormal temperature of the body

counterproductive (adj)

: tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal violence as a means to achieve an end is counterproductive — W. E. Brock born 1930

predictable (adj)

ADJ OF : to declare or indicate in advance especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason intransitive verb : to make a prediction

decisive (adj)

a decisive victory. 1 : having the power or quality of deciding The council president cast the decisive vote. a decisive battle 2 : RESOLUTE, DETERMINED a decisive manner decisive leaders a decisive editor 3 : UNMISTAKABLE, UNQUESTIONABLE a decisive superiority

gracious (adj)

a gracious host. 1a obsolete : GODLY b archaic : PLEASING, ACCEPTABLE 2a : marked by kindness and courtesy a gracious host b : GRACEFUL c : marked by tact and delicacy : URBANE d : characterized by charm, good taste, generosity of spirit, and the tasteful leisure of wealth and good breeding gracious living 3 : MERCIFUL, COMPASSIONATE —used conventionally of royalty and high nobility my gracious lord, the Duke of Windsor

lavish (adj)

a lavish lifestyle. 1 : expending or bestowing profusely : prodigal lavish donors lavish in giving praise to her employees 2 a : expended or produced in abundance the lavish attentions of his mother —George Meredith b : marked by profusion or excess a lavish feast a lavish home — lavishly adverb — lavishness noun

mixed bag (n)

a mixed bag of candidates. 1 : a miscellaneous collection : ASSORTMENT 2 : one having both positive and negative qualities or aspects his performance was a mixed bag

people (n)

a people person. plural people 1 plural : human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest 2 plural : human beings, persons —often used in compounds instead of persons salespeople —often used attributively people skills 3 plural : the members of a family or kinship 4 plural : the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class disputes between the people and the nobles —often used by Communists to distinguish Communists from other people 5 plural peoples : a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute a politically organized group 6 : lower animals usually of a specified kind or situation 7 : the body of enfranchised citizens of a state — peopleless adjective

gray eminence (n)

a person who exercises power behind the scenes

original (adj)

a very original concept. 1 : of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : initial the original part of the house 2 a : not secondary, derivative, or imitative an original composition b : being the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is or can be made 3 : independent and creative in thought or action : inventive an original artist

bastardize (v)

bastardizing the truth. bastardized; bastardizing transitive verb 1 : to reduce from a higher to a lower state or condition : debase 2 : to declare or prove to be a bastard 3 : to modify especially by introducing discordant or disparate elements — bastardization

boundless (adj)

boundless possibilities. : having no boundaries : VAST boundless possibilities

hither (adv)

come hither. to this place

debate (v)

debated; debating intransitive verb 1 obsolete : fight, contend 2 a : to contend in words b : to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments 3 : to participate in a debate the six primary candidates who debated last night transitive verb 1 a : to argue about the subject was hotly debated b : to engage (an opponent) in debate a governor debating her challenger 2 : to turn over in one's mind : to think about (something, such as different options) in order to decide still debating what to do — debatement play \-ˈbāt-mənt\ noun — debater noun

satiate (v)

filled to satiety

betterment (n)

for the betterment of society. 1 : a making or becoming better 2 : an improvement that adds to the value of a property or facility

foster (v)

fostered; fostering play \ˈfȯ-st(ə-)riŋ, ˈfä-\ transitive verb 1 : to give parental care to : nurture They are considering fostering a child. 2 : to promote the growth or development of : encourage fostered the college in its early years policies that foster competition — fosterer play \ˈfȯ-stər-ər, ˈfä-\ noun

hijack (v)

hijack your thought. hijacked also highjacked; hijacking also highjacking; hijacks also highjacks transitive verb 1 a : to steal by stopping a vehicle on the highway b : to commandeer (a flying airplane) especially by coercing the pilot at gunpoint c : to stop and steal from (a vehicle in transit) d : kidnap 2 a : to steal or rob as if by hijacking b : to subject to extortion or swindling — hijack noun — hijacker noun

hold on (v)

holding on to... 1 a : to maintain a condition or position : persist b : to maintain a grasp on something : hang on 2 : to await something (such as a telephone connection) desired or requested; broadly : wait — hold on to : to maintain possession of or adherence to

living death (n)

life emptied of joys and satisfactions

tally (v)

tally up. 1a : to record on or as if on a tally : TABULATE b : to list or check off (something, such as a cargo) by items c : to register (a score) in a contest 2 : to make a count of : RECKON 3 : to cause to correspond intransitive verb 1a : to make a tally by or as if by tabulating b : to register a point in a contest : SCORE 2 : CORRESPOND, MATCH tallied; tallying

latter (adj)

the latter of the two. 1 a : belonging to a subsequent time or period : more recent the latter stages of growth b : of or relating to the end in their latter days c : recent, present affected by latter calamities 2 : of, relating to, or being the second of two groups or things or the last of several groups or things referred to of ham and beef the latter meat is cheaper today of ham and beef the latter is cheaper today

agenda (n)

what's on the agenda? 1: a list or outline of things to be considered or done <~ of faculty meetings> 2: an underlying often ideological plan or program <~ a political ~> agendaless

ca (circa) (abbr)

at, in, or of approximately —used especially with dates born circa 1600

hog (v)

stop hogging all the... 1 : to cut (a horse's mane) short : ROACH 2 : to cause to arch 3 : to take in excess of one's due hog the credit 4 : to tear up or shred (some material, such as waste wood) into bits by machine intransitive verb : to become curved upward in the middle —used of a ship's bottom or keel

fallible (adj)

fallible and faulty assumptions. 1 : liable to be erroneous a fallible generalization 2 : capable of making a mistake we're all fallible — fallibly

happy (adj)

1 : favored by luck or fortune : FORTUNATE a happy coincidence 2 : notably fitting, effective, or well adapted : FELICITOUS a happy choice 3a : enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment is the happiest person I know a happy childhood b : expressing, reflecting, or suggestive of happiness a happy ending c : GLAD, PLEASED I'm happy to meet you d : having or marked by an atmosphere of good fellowship : FRIENDLY a happy office 4a : characterized by a dazed irresponsible state a punch-happy boxer b : impulsively or obsessively quick to use or do something trigger-happy c : enthusiastic about something to the point of obsession : OBSESSED education-conscious and statistic-happy — Helen Rowen happier; happiest

powerful (adj)

1 : having great power, prestige, or influence a powerful leader 2 : leading to many or important deductions a powerful set of postulates

wampum (n)

(see mitch hedberg) 1 : beads of polished shells strung in strands, belts, or sashes and used by North American Indians as money, ceremonial pledges, and ornaments 2 : money

draw out (v)

1 : REMOVE, EXTRACT 2 : to extend beyond a minimum in time : PROTRACT sense 2 3 : to cause to speak freely a reporter's ability to draw a person out

rumbling (n)

1 : RUMBLE 2 : general but unofficial talk or opinion often of dissatisfaction —usually used in plural rumblings of political trouble — Anthony Burgess

hurl (v)

1 : RUSH, HURTLE 2 : PITCH sense 5a 3 : VOMIT 1 : to send or thrust with great vigor the forces that were to be hurled against the Turks — N. T. Gilroy 2 : to throw down with violence 3a : to throw forcefully : FLING hurled the manuscript into the fire hurled myself over the fence b : PITCH sense 2a 4 : to utter with vehemence hurled insults at the police hurled; hurling

self-starter (n)

1 : STARTER sense 3a 2 : a person who has initiative

dour (adj)

1 : STERN, HARSH a dour expression on her face 2 : OBSTINATE, UNYIELDING an insistent hunger for learning and a dour ... determination to achieve it — Walter Moberly 3 : GLOOMY, SULLEN a dour disposition

soigné (adj)

1 : WELL-GROOMED, SLEEK 2 : elegantly maintained or designed a soigné restaurant a soigné black dress

catchy (adj)

1a : tending to catch the interest or attention a catchy title b : easily retained in the memory a catchy melody 2 : FITFUL, IRREGULAR catchy breathing 3 : TRICKY a catchy question catchier; catchiest

Lamaze (adj)

: relating to or being a method of childbirth that involves psychological and physical preparation in various techniques (as controlled breathing and alternative birthing positions) by the mother in order to reduce pain and facilitate delivery without unnecessary medical intervention the Lamaze method Lamaze class

succés d'estime (n)

: something (such as a work of art) that wins critical respect but not popular success also : the reception accorded such a piece

medium of exchange (n)

: something commonly accepted in exchange for goods and services and recognized as representing a standard of value

manifold (n)

: something that is manifold: such as a : a whole that unites or consists of many diverse elements the manifold of aspirations, passions, frustrations — Harry Slochower b : a pipe fitting with several lateral outlets for connecting one pipe with others especially : a fitting on an internal combustion engine that directs a fuel and air mixture to or receives the exhaust gases from several cylinders c : SET sense 21 d : a topological space in which every point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to the interior of a sphere in Euclidean space of the same number of dimensions

Ares (n)

: the Greek god of war — compare MARS

cowrite (n)

: to write (something) in collaboration with one or more other people ...the former president has just cowritten a new book about his foreign policy ... —Michael R. Beschloss [Mindy] Kaling also just received a comedy pilot order from NBC for an as-of-yet untitled show that she is set to star in and co-write with Charlie Grandy. —Madeline Berg

foot-dragging (n)

dragging your feet. failure to act with the necessary promptness or vigor

multinational (adj)

1 : of or relating to more than two nationalities a multinational society 2a : of, relating to, or involving more than two nations a multinational alliance b : having divisions in more than two countries a multinational corporation

hawk (n)

1 : any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group especially : ACCIPITER 2 : a small board or metal sheet with a handle on the underside used to hold mortar 3 : one who takes a militant or combative attitude (as in a dispute) and advocates immediate vigorous action especially : a supporter of a war or warlike policy — compare DOVE entry 1

lupus (n)

1 : any of several diseases characterized by skin lesions especially : SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS sense 2 2 Lupus, astronomy : a southern constellation that is visible between the constellations of Scorpius and Centaurus and that is represented by the figure of a wolf Above Lupus lies Scorpius, one of the few constellations whose star pattern actually suggests the object that it is named for. In the myths, the scorpion was assigned by Artemis, the hunting goddess, to kill Orion, far across the sky. — Don Moser

mnemonic (adj)

1 : assisting or intended to assist memory To distinguish principal from principle use the mnemonic aid the principal is your pal.; also : of or relating to mnemonics 2 : of or relating to memory mnemonic skill — mnemonically

ruth (n)

1 : compassion for the misery of another 2 : sorrow for one's own faults : REMORSE 1 : a Moabite woman who accompanied Naomi to Bethlehem and became the ancestress of David 2 : a short narrative book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scriptures — see BIBLE TABLE George Herman 1895-1948 Babe Ruth or the Babe American baseball player

all-around (adj)

1 : considered in or encompassing all aspects : COMPREHENSIVE the best all-around performance so far 2 : competent in many fields an all-around performer 3 : having general utility or merit an all-around tool

miscarriage (n)

1 : corrupt or incompetent management especially : a failure in the administration of justice 2 : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus before it is viable and especially between the 12th and 28th weeks of gestation

annual (adj)

1 : covering the period of a year annual rainfall annual income 2 : occurring or happening every year or once a year : YEARLY an annual reunion an annual physical checkup 3 : completing the life cycle in one growing season or single year annual plants

detox (n)

1 : detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance a detox clinic 2 : a program or facility for assisting a person undergoing detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance spent one week in detox 3 : a regimen or treatment intended to remove toxins and impurities from the body A well-designed detox can help purge your liver, colon, and kidneys of toxins; clear your skin; boost your energy; and help you safely shed pounds. — Lisa Turner

ordure (n)

1 : excrement 2 : something that is morally degrading

reticent (adj)

1 : inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech : RESERVED 2 : restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance the room has an aspect of reticent dignity — A. N. Whitehead 3 : RELUCTANT

destitute (adj)

1 : lacking something needed or desirable a lake destitute of fish 2 : lacking possessions and resources especially : suffering extreme poverty a destitute old man

horrible (adj)

1 : marked by or arousing painful and intense fear, dread, dismay, or aversion : marked by or arousing horror a horrible accident 2 : extremely bad or unpleasant a horrible mistake horrible food

Pickwickian (adj)

1 : marked by simplicity and generosity 2 : intended or taken in a sense other than the obvious or literal one

metropolitan (adj)

1 : of or constituting a metropolitan or his see 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a metropolis and sometimes including its suburbs 3 : of, relating to, or constituting a mother country as distinguished from a colony

sumptuary (adj)

1 : relating to personal expenditures and especially to prevent extravagance and luxury conservative sumptuary tastes — John Cheever 2 : designed to regulate extravagant expenditures or habits especially on moral or religious grounds sumptuary laws sumptuary tax

meretricious (adj)

1 : of or relating to a prostitute : having the nature of prostitution meretricious relationships 2 a : tawdrily and falsely attractive the paradise they found was a piece of meretricious trash —Carolyn See b : superficially (see superficial 2) significant : pretentious scholarly names to provide fig-leaves of respectability for meretricious but stylish books —The Times Literary Supplement (London) — meretriciously adverb — meretriciousness noun

monastic (adj)

1 : of or relating to monasteries or to monks or nuns the rituals of monastic life 2 : resembling (as in seclusion or ascetic simplicity) life in a monastery shows a monastic dedication to his job

amaranth (n)

1 : any of a large genus (Amaranthus of the family Amaranthaceae, the amaranth family) of coarse annual herbs with clusters of small green, dark pink, red, or purplish flowers and including forms cultivated as food crops and various pigweeds 2 : a flower that never fades 3 : a pinkish or rosy red 4 : a red azo dye

level (n)

1 : a device for establishing a horizontal line or plane by means of a bubble in a liquid that shows adjustment to the horizontal by movement to the center of a slightly bowed glass tube 2 : a measurement of the difference of altitude of two points by means of a level 3 : horizontal condition especially : equilibrium of a fluid marked by a horizontal surface of even altitude water seeks its own level 4a : an approximately horizontal line or surface taken as an index of altitude Charts were arranged at eye level. b : a practically horizontal surface or area (as of land) the level of the plateau 5 : a position in a scale or rank (as of achievement, significance, or value) funded at the national level the job appeals to me on many levels 6a : a line or surface that cuts perpendicularly all plumb lines that it meets and hence would everywhere coincide with a surface of still water b : the plane of the horizon or a line in it 7 : a horizontal passage in a mine intended for regular working and transportation 8 : a concentration of a constituent especially of a body fluid (such as blood) a normal blood-sugar level 9 : the magnitude of a quantity considered in relation to an arbitrary reference value broadly : MAGNITUDE, INTENSITY a high level of hostility

logomachy (n)

1 : a dispute over or about words 2 : a controversy marked by verbiage logomachies

downside (n)

1 : a downward trend (as of prices) 2 : a negative aspect the downside of fame

mesmeric (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or induced by mesmerism 2 : FASCINATING, IRRESISTIBLE

go down (v)

will go down as... 1a : to go below the horizon : SET the sun went down b : to fall to or as if to the ground the plane went down in flames c : to become submerged : SINK the ship went down with all hands 2 : to admit of being swallowed the medicine went down easily 3a : to find acceptance will the plan go down with the farmers b : to come to be remembered especially in posterity will he go down in history as a great president 4 British : to leave a university 5a : to undergo defeat or failure b chiefly British : to become incapacitated went down with ... acute tonsillitis —Helen Cathcart 6 slang : to take place : HAPPEN go down on usually vulgar : to perform fellatio or cunnilingus on

conducive (adj)

(not) very conducive to... tending to promote or assist an atmosphere conducive to education — conduciveness noun

roomy (adj)

1 : having ample room : SPACIOUS 2 of a female mammal : having a large or well-proportioned body suited for breeding

diversity (n)

1 : the condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety especially : the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization programs intended to promote diversity in schools 2 : an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities : an instance of being diverse a diversity of opinion diversities

misnomer (n)

1 : the misnaming of a person in a legal instrument 2a : a use of a wrong or inappropriate name Nowadays it is a misnomer to call a farmer a peasant. b : a wrong name or inappropriate designation The name Greenland is a misnomer, since much of the island is covered by a massive ice sheet.

weigh down (v)

1 : to cause to bend down : OVERBURDEN 2 : OPPRESS, DEPRESS

esprit (n)

1 : vivacious cleverness or wit 2 : esprit de corps

wingman (n)

1 a : a pilot who flies behind and outside the leader of a flying formation b informal : a male friend or partner who accompanies and supports a man in some activity While guys find large groups of women intimidating, they think just a few together is the most inviting. If you hang out with a couple of friends, a guy would be able to approach you with a couple of his friends (i.e., wingmen), which would take the pressure off. —Cosmopolitan 2 : winger

herd (n)

1 a : a typically large group of animals of one kind kept together under human control a herd of cattle b : a congregation of gregarious wild animals herds of antelopes 2 a (1) : a group of people usually having a common bond a herd of tourists (2) : a large assemblage of like things herds of cars b : the undistinguished masses : crowd isolate the individual prophets from the herd —Norman Cousins — herdlike

affluence (n)

1 a : abundance of property : wealth rose from poverty to affluence b : an abundant flow or supply : profusion ... to attain that breadth and height, that wealth of muscle, that affluence of flesh. —Charlotte Brontë 2 : a flowing to or toward a point : influx

outgoing (adj)

1 a : going away : departing an outgoing ship b : retiring or withdrawing from a place or position the outgoing president c : directed to an intended recipient outgoing mail 2 : openly friendly and responsive : extroverted His outgoing personality made him popular at school. — outgoingness noun

sprig (n)

1a : a small shoot : TWIG a sprig of parsley b : a small division of grass used for propagation 2a : HEIR b : YOUTH c : a small specimen 3 : an ornament resembling a sprig, stemmed flower, or leaf 4 : a small headless nail : BRAD

lock (n)

1a : a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair b locks plural : the hair of the head 2 : a cohering bunch (as of wool, cotton, or flax) : tuft 3 locks plural : dreadlock sense 2 1a : a fastening (as for a door) operated by a key or a combination b : the mechanism for exploding the charge or cartridge of a firearm 2a : an enclosure (as in a canal) with gates at each end used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from level to level b : air lock 3a : a locking or fastening together b : an intricate mass of objects impeding each other (as in a traffic jam) c : a hold in wrestling secured on one part of the body broadly : a controlling hold his paper ... had a lock on a large part of the state — John Corry 4 : one that is assured of success or favorable outcome

lilac (n)

1a : a widely cultivated European shrub (Syringa vulgaris) of the olive family that has cordate ovate leaves and large panicles of fragrant pinkish-purple or white flowers b : a tree or shrub congeneric with the lilac 2 : a variable color averaging a moderate purple

verdant (adj)

1a : green in tint or color b : green with growing plants verdant fields 2 : unripe in experience or judgment : GREEN sense 9a

Medicare (n)

: a government program of medical care especially for the aged

chain rule (n)

: a mathematical rule concerning the differentiation of a function of a function (such as f [u(x)]) by which under suitable conditions of continuity and differentiability one function is differentiated with respect to the second function considered as an independent variable and then the second function is differentiated with respect to its independent variable

Houyhnhnm (n)

: a member of a race of horses endowed with reason in Swift's Gulliver's Travels

mare nostrum (n)

: a navigable body of water (such as a sea) that belongs to a single nation or is mutually shared by two or more nations

polymath (n)

: a person of encyclopedic learning

yes-man (n)

: a person who agrees with everything that is said especially : one who endorses or supports without criticism every opinion or proposal of an associate or superior

shouting distance (n)

: a short distance : easy reach —usually used with within lived within shouting distance of her cousins

animosity (n)

: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility : an antagonistic attitude animosities

macroeconomics (n)

: a study of economics in terms of whole systems especially with reference to general levels of output and income and to the interrelations among sectors of the economy — compare MICROECONOMICS

meathead (n)

: a stupid or bungling person

L'Hopital's rule (n)

: a theorem in calculus: if at a given point two functions have an infinite limit or zero as a limit and are both differentiable in a neighborhood of this point then the limit of the quotient of the functions is equal to the limit of the quotient of their derivatives provided that this limit exists

lowering (adj)

: dark and threatening : GLOOMY rain pouring down from a lowering sky

hyperinflated (adj)

: extremely or excessively inflated: marked or affected by hyperinflation a hyperinflated lung hyperinflated economies/prices What happened next became a lesson in how not to manage hyperinflated expectations. — Mark Sappenfield

discophile (n)

: one who studies and collects phonograph records or CDs

multiple regression (n)

: regression in which one variable is estimated by the use of more than one other variable

standing room (n)

: space for standing especially : accommodation available for spectators or passengers after all seats are filled

myogenic (adj)

: taking place or functioning in ordered rhythmic fashion because of the inherent properties of cardiac muscle rather than specific neural stimuli a myogenic heartbeat

specificity (n)

: the quality or condition of being specific: such as a : the condition of being peculiar to a particular individual or group of organisms host specificity of a parasite b : the condition of participating in or catalyzing only one or a few chemical reactions the specificity of an enzyme

bereavement (n)

: the state or fact of being bereaved or deprived of something or someone

malfunction (v)

: to function imperfectly or badly : fail to operate normally malfunctioned; malfunctioning; malfunctions

mordancy (n)

1 : a biting and caustic quality of style : INCISIVENESS 2 : a sharply critical or bitter quality of thought or feeling : HARSHNESS

leaderboard (n)

: a large board for displaying the ranking of the leaders in a competitive event (such as a golf tournament)

monocracy (n)

: government by a single person

little man (n)

: the ordinary individual

flow (n)

going with the flow. 1 : an act of flowing 2a : FLOOD sense 1a b : FLOOD sense 2 the tide's ebb and flow 3a : a smooth uninterrupted movement or progress a flow of information b : STREAM also : a mass of material which has flowed when molten an old lava flow c : the direction of movement or development go with the flow 4 : the quantity that flows in a certain time a gauge that measures fuel flow 5 : MENSTRUATION 6a : the motion characteristic of fluids b : a continuous transfer of energy

music (n)

music to my ears. 1a : the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity b : vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony choral music piano music recorded music 2a : an agreeable sound : EUPHONY her voice was music to my ears the music of a nightingale b : musical quality the music of verse the music of lovingly orchestrated words —Saturday Review 3 : a musical accompaniment a play set to music 4 : the score (see SCORE entry 1 sense 6a) of a musical composition set down on paper leafing through the music 5 : a distinctive type or category of music there is a music for everybody —Eric Salzman rock music jazz music classical music

exchange (n)

: exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or normal

logorrhea (n)

: excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness

phoenix (n)

: a legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period also : a person or thing likened to the phoenix

minikin (n)

: a small or dainty creature

magnetic tape (n)

: a thin ribbon (as of plastic) coated with a magnetic material on which information (such as sound or television images) may be stored

row (n)

: an act or instance of rowing 1 : a number of objects arranged in a usually straight line a row of bottles also : the line along which such objects are arranged planted the corn in parallel rows 2a : WAY, STREET b : a street or area dominated by a specific kind of enterprise or occupancy doctors' row 3 : TWELVE-TONE ROW 4a : a continuous strip usually running horizontally or parallel to a baseline b : a horizontal arrangement of items in a row : one after another : SUCCESSIVELY

ditto (adv)

: as before or aforesaid : in the same manner

derealization (n)

: a feeling of altered reality (such as that occurring in schizophrenia or in some drug reactions) in which one's surroundings appear unreal or unfamiliar

ambience (n)

: a feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing : ATMOSPHERE The restaurant's soft music and candlelight gave it a romantic ambience. ambiance

mare (n)

: a female horse or other equine animal especially when fully mature or of breeding age

metamathematics (n)

: a field of study concerned with the formal structure and properties (such as the consistency and completeness of axioms) of mathematical systems

provenly (adv)

: demonstrably as stated : without doubt or uncertainty

defuse (v)

defuse the situation. 1 : to remove the fuse from (a mine, a bomb. etc.) 2 : to make less harmful, potent, or tense defuse a crisis

heroine (n)

heroine of the story. 1a : a mythological or legendary woman often of divine descent having great strength or ability b : a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities American heroines such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks remembered as the heroine of the flood 2a : the principal female character in a literary or dramatic work the heroine of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet b : the central female figure in an event or period

recreational (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of recreation a recreational area recreational activities 2 : of or relating to recreational drugs or their use a recreational drug user Colorado's burgeoning marijuana industry had struggled under its own astonishing success since legal recreational sales began Jan. 1. — David Migoya

superlative (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting the degree of grammatical comparison that denotes an extreme or unsurpassed level or extent 2a : surpassing all others : SUPREME b : of very high quality : EXCELLENT superlative work 3 : EXCESSIVE, EXAGGERATED

masturbatory (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or involving masturbation masturbatory fantasies 2 : excessively self-absorbed or self-indulgent write tedious, masturbatory books ... about themselves for people to read ... with envy — D. R. Katz

lifesaver (n)

1 : one trained to save lives of drowning persons 2 : one that is at once timely and effective in time of distress or need

disciple (n)

1 : one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another: such as a Christianity : one of the twelve in the inner circle of Christ's followers according to the Gospel accounts b : a convinced adherent of a school or individual a disciple of Freud 2 capitalized, Christianity : a member of the Disciples of Christ founded in the U.S. in 1809 that holds the Bible alone to be the rule of faith and practice, usually baptizes by immersion, and has a congregational (see congregational sense 3) polity

hue (n)

1 : overall character or appearance to the mind : COMPLEXION, ASPECT political parties of every hue — Louis Wasserman 2a : COLOR all the hues of the rainbow b : gradation of color the hues and shades of twilight — Colin Clark c : the attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors red with an orange hue — compare BRIGHTNESS sense 2, LIGHTNESS sense 2, SATURATION sense 4

passé (adj)

1 : past one's prime 2 a : outmoded b : behind the times

arch (adj)

1 : principal, chief your arch opponent/rival an arch enemy 2a : mischievous, saucy b : marked by a deliberate and often forced playfulness, irony, or impudence known for her arch comments ... decided to answer them by being teacherly in a sort of arch, Olympian way.— Gerald Early

centripetal (adj)

1 : proceeding or acting in a direction toward a center or axis centripetal acceleration of a body 2 : AFFERENT centripetal nerves 3 : tending toward centralization : UNIFYING centripetal factors that hold the parts together

highway robbery (n)

1 : robbery committed on or near a public highway usually against travelers 2 : excessive profit or advantage derived from a business transaction

subversion (n)

1 : the act of subverting : the state of being subverted especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within 2 obsolete : a cause of overthrow or destruction

greatly (adv)

1 : to a great extent or degree : very much contributed greatly to improved relations not greatly bothered 2 : in a great manner : NOBLY, MAGNANIMOUSLY a man may live greatly in the law —O. W. Holmes †1935

slender (adj)

1a : spare in frame or flesh especially : gracefully slight b : small or narrow in circumference or width in proportion to length or height 2 : limited or inadequate in amount or scope : MEAGER people of slender means

severe (adj)

1a : strict in judgment, discipline, or government b : of a strict or stern bearing or manner : AUSTERE 2 : rigorous in restraint, punishment, or requirement : STRINGENT 3 : strongly critical or condemnatory a severe critic 4a : maintaining a scrupulously exacting standard of behavior or self-discipline b : establishing exacting standards of accuracy and integrity in intellectual processes a severe logician 5 : sober or restrained in decoration or manner : PLAIN a severe dress 6a : causing discomfort or hardship : HARSH severe winters b : very painful or harmful a severe wound 7 : requiring great effort : ARDUOUS a severe test 8 : of a great degree severe depression severer; severest

look (n)

1a : the act of looking b : GLANCE 2a : the expression of the countenance b : physical appearance especially : attractive physical appearance —usually used in plural c : a combination of design features giving a unified appearance a new look in women's fashions 3 : the state or form in which something appears

monumentalize (v)

: to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument monumentalized; monumentalizing

mutate (v)

: to undergo mutation : to cause to undergo mutation mutated; mutating

magna cum laude (adv or adj)

: with great distinction (see distinction sense 5b) graduated magna cum laude — compare cum laude, summa cum laude

Ahriman (n)

Ahura Mazda's antagonist who is a spirit of darkness and evil in Zoroastrianism

transitive (adj)

I'm friends with you, you're friends with her, I'm friends with her. 1 : characterized by having or containing a direct object a transitive verb 2 : being or relating to a relation with the property that if the relation holds between a first element and a second and between the second element and a third, it holds between the first and third elements equality is a transitive relation 3 : of, relating to, or characterized by transition

champion (n)

a champion of... 1 : WARRIOR, FIGHTER a champion of his king 2 : a militant advocate or defender a champion of civil rights 3 : one that does battle for another's rights or honor God will raise me up a champion —Sir Walter Scott 4 : a winner of first prize or first place in competition a tennis champion also : one who shows marked superiority a champion at selling

classy (adj)

a classy move. classier; classiest : having or showing class: such as a : elegant, stylish a classy clientele a classy hotel b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior a classy guy a classy gesture c : admirably skillful and graceful a classy outfielder — classiness noun

Hippolytus (n)

a son of Theseus falsely accused of amorous advances by his stepmother and killed by his father through the agency of Poseidon

florescence (n)

a state or period of flourishing — florescent

toxic (adj)

a toxic relationship. 1 : containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation toxic waste a toxic radioactive gas an insecticide highly toxic to birds 2 : exhibiting symptoms of infection or toxicosis the patient became toxic two days later 3 : extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful toxic sarcasm 4 : relating to or being an asset that has lost so much value that it cannot be sold on the market

Markov chain (n)

a usually discrete stochastic process (such as a random walk) in which the probabilities of occurrence of various future states depend only on the present state of the system or on the immediately preceding state and not on the path by which the present state was achieved — called also Markoff chain

dig up (v)


guide (n)

being a guide for... 1a : one that leads or directs another's way needed a guide for the safari b : a person who exhibits and explains points of interest The museum guide was very helpful. c : something that provides a person with guiding information used the stars as a guide to find their way back d : SIGNPOST sense 1 e : a person who directs another's conduct or course of life He was my mentor and guide during the early years of my career. 2a : a device for steadying or directing the motion of something The jigsaw was equipped with a guide. b : a ring or loop for holding the line of a fishing rod in position c : a sheet or a card with projecting tab for labeling inserted in a card index to facilitate reference 3 : a member of a unit on whom the movements or alignments of a military command are regulated —used especially in commands guide right

get along (v)

get along without... 1a : to proceed toward a destination : PROGRESS b : to approach an advanced stage especially : to approach old age 2 : to meet one's needs : MANAGE we got along on a minimum of clothing 3 : to be or remain on congenial terms

message (n)

get the message. 1 : a communication in writing, in speech, or by signals Please take this message for me to my friend. 2 : a messenger's mission the girl will go on a message to the shop —Cahir Healy 3 : an underlying theme or idea the message is that it is time to change —The Economist

cold shoulder (n)

giving/getting the cold sholder. intentionally cold or unsympathetic treatment got the cold shoulder from an old friend — cold-shoulder transitive verb

Panglossian (adj)

marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds : excessively optimistic

memorize (v)

memorizing personal details. memorized; memorizing transitive verb : to commit to memory : learn by heart — memorizable play \ˌme-mə-ˈrī-zə-bəl\ adjective — memorization play \ˌme-mə-rə-ˈzā-shən, ˌme-mə-(ˌ)rī-, ˌmem-rə-\ noun — memorizer noun

tier (n)

multi-tiered company. 1a : a row, rank, or layer of articles especially : one of two or more rows, levels, or ranks arranged one above another b : a group of political or geographic divisions that form a row across the map the southern tier of states 2 : CLASS, CATEGORY

MAD (abbr)

mutual assured destruction; mutually assured destruction

nominal (adj)

nominal differences. 1 : of, relating to, or being a noun or a word or expression taking a noun construction 2a : of, relating to, or constituting a name b : bearing the name of a person 3a : existing or being something in name or form only nominal head of his party b : of, being, or relating to a designated or theoretical size that may vary from the actual : APPROXIMATE the pipe's nominal size c : TRIFLING, INSIGNIFICANT his involvement was nominal charged only nominal rent 4 of a rate of interest a : equal to the annual rate of simple interest that would obtain if interest were not compounded when in fact it is compounded and paid for periods of less than a year b : equal to the percentage by which a repaid loan exceeds the principal borrowed with no adjustment made for inflation 5 : being according to plan : SATISFACTORY everything was nominal during the launch

adjust (v)

adjusting on the fly; well adjusted. adjusted; adjusting; adjusts transitive verb 1 a : to bring to a more satisfactory state: (1) : settle, resolve ways of adjusting conflicts (2) : rectify adjust an error b : to make correspondent or conformable : adapt had to adjust our approach c : to bring the parts of to a true or more effective relative position adjust a carburetor 2 : to reduce to a system : regulate 3 : to determine the amount to be paid under an insurance policy in settlement of (a loss) intransitive verb 1 : to adapt or conform oneself (as to new conditions) adjust to the new regulations Our eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness. 2 : to achieve mental and behavioral balance between one's own needs and the demands of others — adjustability play \-ˌjəs-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — adjustable play \-ˈjəs-tə-bəl\ adjective — adjustive play \-ˈjəs-tiv\ adjective

litter (v)

1 : BED sense 1a 2 : to give birth to a litter of (young) 3a : to strew with scattered articles b : to scatter about in disorder c : to lie about in disorder their upside-down hats littered the top of the bar — Michael Chabon d : to mark with objects scattered at random a book littered with misprints 1 : to give birth to a litter 2 : to strew litter littered; littering; litters

tenebrific (adj)

1 : GLOOMY 2 : causing gloom or darkness

Rosetta stone (n)

1 : a black basalt stone found in 1799 that bears an inscription in hieroglyphics, demotic characters, and Greek and is celebrated for having given the first clue to the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics 2 : one that gives a clue to understanding

mobile (n)

1 : a construction or sculpture frequently of wire and sheet metal shapes with parts that can be set in motion by air currents also : a similar structure (as of paper or plastic) suspended so that it moves in a current of air 2 British : CELL PHONE, MOBILE PHONE

malady (n)

1 : a disease or disorder of the animal body told by his physicians that he had a fatal malady — Willa Cather 2 : an unwholesome or disordered condition poverty, homelessness, and other social maladies maladies

misprint (n)

1 : a mistake in printed text (such as a deviation from copy or a typographical error) We all sadly know that misprints are inevitable nowadays ... but there are so many here that one wonders if anyone attempted to proofread the book at all. Even the author's first name is misspelled on the title page. — Steven Runciman 2 : a genetic mutation specifically : a genetic mutation in which a nucleotide base in a codon has been replaced with a different nucleotide base Gene therapy, getting under way in 47 trials worldwide, may ultimately prove to be the least toxic, most direct way to edit the misprints that cause cancer. — Tim Friend misprints

mirror (n)

1 : a polished or smooth surface (as of glass) that forms images by reflection She looked at herself in the mirror. 2a : something that gives a true representation the press as a mirror of public opinion — C. G. Bowers b : an exemplary model She is the mirror of feminine beauty.

verbiage (n)

1 : a profusion of words usually of little or obscure content such a tangled maze of evasive verbiage as a typical party platform — Marcia Davenport 2 : manner of expressing oneself in words : DICTION sportswriters guarded their verbiage so jealously — R. A. Sokolov

holocaust (n)

1 : a sacrifice (see 1sacrifice 2) consumed by fire 2 : a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire a nuclear holocaust 3 a usually the Holocaust : the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II Several members of her family died in the Holocaust. a Holocaust survivor b : a mass slaughter of people; especially : genocide a holocaust in Rwanda

lubricant (n)

1 : a substance (such as grease) capable of reducing friction, heat, and wear when introduced as a film between solid surfaces 2 : something that lessens or prevents friction or difficulty a social lubricant

palette (n)

1 : a thin oval or rectangular board or tablet that a painter holds and mixes pigments on 2 a : the set of colors put on the palette b (1) : a particular range, quality, or use of color The designer's palette consisted mostly of earth tones. (2) : a comparable range, quality, or use of available elements a rich palette of tones and timbres a palette of flavors a palette of vegetables

Roman holiday (n)

1 : a time of debauchery or of sadistic enjoyment 2 : a destructive or tumultuous disturbance : RIOT

youngblood (n)

1 : a young inexperienced person especially : one who is newly prominent in a field of endeavor jazz youngbloods 2 : a young African American male

commodity (n)

1 : an economic good: such as a : a product of agriculture or mining agricultural commodities like grain and corn b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment reported the damaged commodities to officials c : a mass-produced unspecialized product commodity chemicals commodity memory chips 2a : something useful or valued that valuable commodity, patience also : THING, ENTITY b : CONVENIENCE, ADVANTAGE ... the many commodities incidental to the life of a public office ... —Charles Lamb 3 : a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (such as brand name) other than price 4 : one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market ... stars as individuals and as commodities of the film industry. —Film Quarterly 5 obsolete : QUANTITY, LOT

dividend (n)

1 : an individual share of something distributed: such as a : a share in a pro rata distribution (as of profits) to stockholders Profits are distributed to shareholders as dividends. b : a share of surplus allocated to a policyholder in a participating insurance policy 2a : a resultant return or reward our efforts are finally paying dividends b : BONUS 3a mathematics : a number to be divided b : a sum or fund to be divided and distributed

dove (n)

1 : any of numerous pigeons especially : a small wild pigeon 2 : a gentle woman or child 3 : one who takes a conciliatory attitude and advocates negotiations and compromise especially : an opponent of war — compare HAWK entry 1

gonzo (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or being a style of journalism marked by a lack of objectivity due to the writer's immersion in the subject and often participation in the activity being documented gonzo journalism a gonzo journalist 2 informal a : outlandishly unconventional, outrageous, or extreme a gonzo comedian b : very strange or unusual : bizarre gonzo notions

representative (adj)

1 : serving to represent 2a : standing or acting for another especially through delegated authority b : of, based on, or constituting a government in which the many are represented by persons chosen from among them usually by election 3 : serving as a typical or characteristic example a representative moviegoer 4 : of or relating to representation or representationalism

precarious (adj)

1 : depending on the will or pleasure of another 2 : dependent on uncertain premises : DUBIOUS precarious generalizations 3a : dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments b : characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger

ceremonious (adj)

1 : devoted to forms and ceremony ceremonious courtiers 2 : of, relating to, or constituting a ceremony a ceremonious occasion 3 : according to formal usage or prescribed procedures the cold and ceremonious politeness of her curtsey —Jane Austen 4 : marked by ceremony a ceremonious procession — ceremoniously adverb — ceremoniousness noun

determinate (adj)

1 : having defined limits a determinate period of time 2 : definitely settled a determinate order of precedence 3 : conclusively determined : DEFINITIVE a determinate answer 4 botany : characterized by sequential flowering from the central or uppermost bud to the lateral or basal (see BASAL sense 1b) buds also : characterized by growth in which the main stem ends in an inflorescence and stops growing with only branches from the main stem having further and similarly restricted growth determinate tomato plants — compare INDETERMINATE sense 4 5 biology : relating to, being, or undergoing egg cleavage (see CLEAVAGE sense 3) in which each division irreversibly separates portions of the zygote with specific potencies for further development

measly (adj)

1 : infected with measles 2a : containing larval tapeworms b : infested with trichinae 3 : contemptibly small

fervor (n)

1 : intensity of feeling or expression booing and cheering with almost equal fervor —Alan Rich revolutionary fervor 2 : intense heat

lifelong (adj)

1 : lasting or continuing through life a lifelong friendship 2 : LONG-STANDING

downcast (adj)

1 : low in spirit : DEJECTED 2 : directed downward with downcast eyes

microcosmos (n)

1 : microcosm 2 : the microscopic or submicroscopic world

military (n)

1 : military persons especially : army officers 2 : ARMED FORCES military also militaries

bite-size (adj)

1 : of a size that can be eaten in one bite bite-size pieces of chicken 2 : being or made small or brief especially so as to be easily manageable bite-size tasks bite-size essays

metaphysical (adj)

1 : of or relating to metaphysics metaphysical truth metaphysical speculation 2a : of or relating to the transcendent (see TRANSCENDENT sense 1) or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses fleeing from experience to a metaphysical realm — John Dewey b : SUPERNATURAL fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have thee crown'd — William Shakespeare 3 : highly abstract or abstruse also : THEORETICAL metaphysical reasoning 4 often capitalized : of or relating to poetry especially of the early 17th century that is highly intellectual and philosophical and marked by unconventional figurative language metaphysical poets

therapeutic (adj)

1 : of or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods : CURATIVE, MEDICINAL therapeutic diets They confirmed the therapeutic effect of supplemental light in treating winter depression with phototherapy. —Richard Wurtman and Judith Wurtman A just-right amount is the therapeutic dose, just enough to provide the intended effect without problems. —Paul G. Donohue 2 : having a beneficial effect on the body or mind Warm lotion manicures ... are a luxurious, therapeutic treat ... —Elle ... they painted, hoed, swept, and planted when the mood for therapeutic work struck them, and lolled on the beach when they felt like it. —David Guterson 3 : producing a useful or favorable result or effect In classical economics, before the illusion of fine-tuning became widespread, recessions were regarded as therapeutic. —Geoffrey Smith and Jane Sasseen

liminal (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold : barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response liminal visual stimuli 2 : of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : in-between, transitional in the liminal state between life and death —Deborah Jowitt

amateur (n)

1 : one who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession She played soccer as an amateur before turning professional. a tournament that is open to both amateurs and professionals 2 : one lacking in experience and competence in an art or science The people running that company are a bunch of amateurs. He's a mere amateur when it comes to cooking. 3 : DEVOTEE, ADMIRER I am a philologist or amateur of the language ... — Phillip Howard Other Word

repulsive (adj)

1 : serving or able to repulse repulsive force 2 : tending to repel or reject : COLD, FORBIDDING 3 : arousing aversion or disgust repulsive crimes

reticulate (adj)

1 : resembling a net or network especially : having veins, fibers, or lines crossing a reticulate leaf 2 : being or involving evolutionary change dependent on genetic recombination involving diverse interbreeding populations

muck (n)

1 : soft moist farmyard manure 2 : slimy dirt or filth 3a : defamatory remarks or writings b : RUBBISH, NONSENSE mindless muck 4a(1) : dark highly organic soil (2) : MIRE, MUD b : something resembling muck : GUNK 5 : material removed in the process of excavating or mining

prominence (n)

1 : something prominent : PROJECTION a rocky prominence 2 : the quality, state, or fact of being prominent or conspicuous 3 : a mass of gas resembling a cloud that arises from the chromosphere of the sun

suspicious (adj)

1 : tending to arouse suspicion : QUESTIONABLE suspicious characters 2 : disposed to suspect : DISTRUSTFUL suspicious of strangers 3 : expressing or indicative of suspicion a suspicious glance

liberation (n)

1 : the act of liberating : the state of being liberated 2 : a movement seeking equal rights and status for a group women's liberation

explosion (n)

1 : the act or an instance of exploding injured in a laboratory explosion 2 : a large-scale, rapid, or spectacular expansion or bursting out or forth the explosion of suburbia an explosion of red hair 3 : the release of occluded breath that occurs in one kind of articulation of stop consonants

detachment (n)

1 : the action or process of detaching : SEPARATION 2a : the dispatch of a body of troops or part of a fleet from the main body for a special mission or service b : the part so dispatched c : a permanently organized separate unit usually smaller than a platoon and of special composition 3a : indifference to worldly concerns : ALOOFNESS b : freedom from bias or prejudice

peroration (n)

1 : the concluding part of a discourse and especially an oration 2 : a highly rhetorical speech — perorational

span (n)

1 : the distance from the end of the thumb to the end of the little finger of a spread hand also : an English unit of length equal to nine inches (22.9 centimeters) 2 : an extent, stretch, reach, or spread between two limits: such as a : a limited space (as of time) especially : an individual's lifetime b : the spread or extent between abutments or supports (as of a bridge) also : a portion thus supported c : the maximum distance laterally from tip to tip of an airplane : a pair of animals (such as mules) usually matched in appearance and action and driven together

hedonism (n)

1 : the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life 2 : a way of life based on or suggesting the principles of hedonism she was a perfect specimen of selfish hedonism— Donald Armstrong

mysticism (n)

1 : the experience of mystical union or direct communion with ultimate reality reported by mystics 2 : the belief that direct knowledge of God, spiritual truth, or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (such as intuition or insight) 3a : vague speculation : a belief without sound basis b : a theory postulating the possibility of direct and intuitive acquisition of ineffable knowledge or power

apple (n)

1 : the fleshy, usually rounded red, yellow, or green edible pome fruit of a usually cultivated tree (genus Malus) of the rose family also : an apple tree — compare crab apple 2 : a fruit (such as a star apple) or other vegetative growth (such as an oak apple) suggestive of an apple

left wing (n)

1 : the leftist division of a group (such as a political party) 2 : LEFT sense 4a

value (n)

1 : the monetary worth of something : MARKET PRICE 2 : a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged 3 : relative worth, utility, or importance a good value at the price the value of base stealing in baseball had nothing of value to say 4 : something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable sought material values instead of human values — W. H. Jones 5 : a numerical quantity that is assigned or is determined by calculation or measurement let x take on positive values a value for the age of the earth 6 : the relative duration of a musical note 7a : relative lightness or darkness of a color : LUMINOSITY b : the relation of one part in a picture to another with respect to lightness and darkness 8 : DENOMINATION sense 2

laity (n)

1 : the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy The laity has played an important role in the history of the church. 2 : the mass of the people as distinguished from those of a particular profession or those specially skilled writers who can interpret this wholeness both to their colleagues and the laity — P. B. Sears

zenith (n)

1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the nadir and vertically above the observer — see AZIMUTH ILLUSTRATION 2 : the highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body 3 : culminating point : ACME at the zenith of his powers — John Buchan

magnificence (n)

1 : the quality or state of being magnificent 2 : splendor of surroundings

heartthrob (n)

1 : the throb of a heart 2a : sentimental emotion : PASSION b : SWEETHEART also : a usually renowned man (such as an entertainer) noted for his sex appeal teen heartthrobs

landslide (n)

1 : the usually rapid downward movement of a mass of rock, earth, or artificial fill on a slope also : the mass that moves down 2a : a great majority of votes for one side b : an overwhelming victory

decry (v)

1 : to depreciate (something, such as a coin) officially or publicly the king may at any time decry ... any coin of the kingdom —William Blackstone 2 : to express strong disapproval of decry the emphasis on sex ... has decried the medical marijuana ballot initiative as being rife with loopholes. —Dan Sweeney — decrier

muse (v)

1 : to become absorbed in thought especially : to think about something carefully and thoroughly musing about what might have been 2 archaic : WONDER, MARVEL : to think or say (something) in a thoughtful way I could sell the house, she mused, but where would I go? mused; musing

approximate (v)

1 : to come near to or be close to (something) a reproduction that approximates the original 2a : to bring near or close b : to bring (cut edges of tissue) together chiefly British : to come close —usually used with to ... the pigments on a palette can only approximate to the limitless range of colour in nature. — The Illustrated Dictionary of Art Terms approximated; approximating

mothball (v)

1 : to deactivate (something, such as a ship) and prevent deterioration chiefly by dehumidification 2 : to withdraw from use or service and keep in reserve : put aside mothballed; mothballing; mothballs

bemoan (v)

1 : to express deep grief or distress over bemoan the death of their leader 2 : to regard with displeasure, disapproval, or regret bemoaning the lack of civility in modern political discourse bemoaned; bemoaning; bemoans

lay down (v)

1 : to give up : SURRENDER lay down your arms 2a : ESTABLISH, PRESCRIBE lay down a scale for a map b : to assert or command dogmatically lay down the law 3a : STORE, PRESERVE laid down a young wine b : RECORD laying down songs for their new album 4a : to direct toward a target lay down a barrage b : to hit along the ground laid down a sacrifice bunt nonstandard : to lie down

ruminate (v)

1 : to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly 2 : to chew repeatedly for an extended period 1 : to chew again what has been chewed slightly and swallowed : chew the cud 2 : to engage in contemplation : reflect ruminated; ruminating

loll (v)

1 : to hang loosely or laxly : DROOP a dog with its tongue lolling out 2 : to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner : LOUNGE He lolled around in his pajamas all day. : to let droop or dangle lolled his tongue out in contempt lolled; lolling; lolls

mess around (v)

1 : to waste time : DAWDLE, IDLE 2a : ASSOCIATE didn't mess around with gangs b : FLIRT, PHILANDER

languor (n)

1 : weakness or weariness of body or mind the languor of convalescence 2 : listless indolence or inertia languor brought on by a hot summer afternoon

headfirst (adv)

1 : with the head foremost dove headfirst into the waves 2 : HEADLONG sense 2

mutatis mutandis (adv)

1 : with the necessary changes having been made 2 : with the respective differences having been considered

affected (adj)

1 a : having or showing an attitude or mode of behavior that is not natural or genuinely felt : given to or marked by affectation spoke in an affected manner b : assumed artificially or falsely : pretended an affected interest in art 2 : inclined, disposed was well affected toward her — affectedly adverb — affectedness noun

periodic (adj)

1 a : occurring or recurring at regular intervals b : occurring repeatedly from time to time 2 a : consisting of or containing a series of repeated stages, processes, or digits : cyclic periodic decimals a periodic vibration b : being a function any value of which recurs at regular intervals 3 : expressed in or characterized by periodic sentences

fastidious (adj)

1 a : showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care fastidious attention to detail —Robert Evett b : reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude fastidious workmanship c : having high and often capricious standards : difficult to please critics ... so fastidious that they can talk only to a small circle of initiates —Granville Hicks 2 : having complex nutritional requirements fastidious microorganisms 3 archaic : scornful — fastidiously adverb — fastidiousness noun

ark (n)

1a : a boat or ship held to resemble that in which Noah and his family were preserved from the Flood b : something that affords protection and safety 2a : the sacred chest representing to the Hebrews the presence of God among them b : a repository traditionally in or against the wall of a synagogue for the scrolls of the Torah

moor (n)

1 chiefly British : an expanse of open rolling infertile land 2 : a boggy area especially : one that is peaty and dominated by grasses and sedges 1 : one of the Arab and Berber conquerors of Spain 2 : BERBER

mulatto (n)

1 now sometimes offensive : the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person 2 now sometimes offensive : a person of mixed white and black ancestry mulattoes or mulattos

lust (n)

1 obsolete a : PLEASURE, DELIGHT b : personal inclination : WISH 2 : usually intense or unbridled sexual desire : LASCIVIOUSNESS He was motivated more by lust than by love. 3a : an intense longing : CRAVING a lust to succeed b : ENTHUSIASM, EAGERNESS admired his lust for life

lesbian (adj)

1 often capitalized : of or relating to Lesbos 2 [ from the reputed homosexual band associated with Sappho of Lesbos ] : of or relating to homosexuality between females

pother (n)

1a : a confused or fidgety flurry of activity : COMMOTION b : agitated talk or controversy usually over a trivial matter 2 : a choking cloud of dust or smoke 3 : mental turmoil

monstrosity (n)

1a : a malformation of a plant or animal b : something deviating from the normal : FREAK 2 : the quality or state of being monstrous the monstrosity of the tsunami's devastation 3a : an object of great and often frightening size, force, or complexity this monstrosity, the atomic bomb b : an excessively bad or shocking example The new mall is an architectural monstrosity. monstrosities

regardless (adj)


mismatch (n)

: a faulty or unsuitable match New England plays St. Louis in Super Bowl XXXVI this evening, and on the face of it, this game is a mismatch, a blowout waiting to happen. — William C. Rhoden She is blood type O, and the donor heart and lungs she received in the first operation were blood type A. That mismatch triggered rejection by her immune system. — Dan Vergano mismatches

solipsism (n)

: a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing also : extreme egocentrism

monetarism (n)

: a theory in economics that stable economic growth can be assured only by control of the rate of increase of the money supply to match the capacity for growth of real productivity

manifesto (n)

: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer The group's manifesto focused on helping the poor and stopping violence. manifestos or manifestoes

self-punishing (adj)

: acting or serving to punish oneself self-punishing thoughts ... it squared with what they knew about the troubled soul of Meriwether Lewis; ... how hard he was on himself; ... and how self-punishing he was when he felt that he was not meeting his own or the world's expectations. —Clay S. Jenkinson

subterfuge (n)

: deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade 2 : a deceptive device or stratagem

androcentric (adj)

: dominated by or emphasizing masculine interests or a masculine point of view — compare GYNOCENTRIC

piecemeal (adj)

: done, made, or accomplished piece by piece or in a fragmentary way piecemeal reforms in the system

macroevolution (n)

: evolution that results in relatively large and complex changes (as in species formation)

hyperthermia (n)

: exceptionally high fever especially when induced artificially for therapeutic purposes

multicellular (adj)

: having, made up of, or involving more than one and usually many cells especially of living matter It is probable that with a few exceptions all the cells in a multicellular organism have the same genetic information encoded in the chains of nucleotide bases that make up their DNA. — James E. Darnell, Jr. A biofilm is a community of bacteria that use intercellular signaling to establish complex multicellular structures by coordinating gene expression and phenotypic changes. — J. Christopher Post et al.

hypercharged (adj)

: highly charged : possessing or expressing extremely strong emotion hypercharged political speech hyper-charged

mealymouthed (adj)

: not plain and straightforward : DEVIOUS a mealymouthed politician

multiethnic (adj)

: made up of people of various ethnicities a multiethnic country also : of, relating to, reflecting, or adapted to diverse ethnicities multiethnic literature

detailed (adj)

: marked by abundant detail or by thoroughness in treating small items or parts the detailed study of history

wary (adj)

: marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger

temerarious (adj)

: marked by temerity : rashly or presumptuously daring a temerarious comment

recluse (adj)

: marked by withdrawal from society : SOLITARY

mind-boggling (adj)

: mentally or emotionally exciting or overwhelming

grumpy (adj)

: moodily cross : SURLY

mother wit (n)

: natural wit or intelligence

hyperbaric (adj)

: of, relating to, or utilizing greater than normal pressure especially of oxygen a hyperbaric chamber hyperbaric medicine

matchmaker (n)

: one that arranges a match especially : one who tries to bring two unmarried individuals together in an attempt to promote a marriage

beginner (n)

: one that begins something especially : an inexperienced person

stormy (adj)

: relating to, characterized by, or indicative of a storm a stormy day a stormy autumn 2 : marked by turmoil or fury a stormy life a stormy conference stormier; stormiest

centrifugal force (n)

: the apparent force that is felt by an object moving in a curved path that acts outwardly away from the center of rotation — compare centripetal force

zeitgeist (n)

: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era

Mother Goose (n)

: the legendary author of a collection of nursery rhymes first published in London about 1760

propel (v)

: to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion propelled; propelling

mainsail (n)

: the principal sail on the mainmast — see sail illustration

lifesaving (n)

: the skill or practice of saving or protecting the lives especially of drowning persons

more and more (adv)

: to a progressively increasing extent

showboat (v)

: to behave in a conspicuous or ostentatious manner : SHOW OFF showboated; showboating; showboats

masculinize (v)

: to give a chiefly masculine character to especially : to cause (a female) to take on male characteristics masculinized; masculinizing

look out (v)

: to take care or concern oneself —used with for looking out for number one

lip-read (v)

: to understand by lipreading : to use lipreading lip-read lip-reading

celebrated (adj)

: widely known and often referred to a celebrated author

vasodilation (n)

: widening of the lumen of blood vessels

Lancelot (n)

a knight of the Round Table and lover of Queen Guinevere

likable (adj)

a likeable guy. having qualities that bring about a favorable regard : pleasant, agreeable the most likable character in the play — likability noun — likableness noun

seat (n)

a seat at the table. 1a : a special chair of one in eminence also : the status represented by it b : a chair, stool, or bench intended to be sat in or on c : the particular part of something on which one rests in sitting the seat of a chair trouser seat d : BUTTOCKS 2a : a seating accommodation a seat for the game a 200-seat restaurant b : a right of sitting lost his seat in Congress c : membership on an exchange 3a : a place where something specified is prevalent : CENTER a seat of learning b : a place from which authority is exercised the county seat c : a bodily part in which some function or condition is centered the brain as the seat of the mind 4 : posture in or way of sitting on horseback 5a : a part at or forming the base of something b : a part (such as a socket) or surface on or in which another part or surface rests by the seat of one's pants : using experience and intuition rather than mechanical aids or formal theory

facet (n)

a small facet of... 1 : any of the definable aspects that make up a subject (as of contemplation) or an object (as of consideration) Each facet of the problem requires careful attention. 2 : a small plane surface (as on a cut gem) — see brilliant illustration 3 : the external corneal surface of an ommatidium 4 : a smooth flat circumscribed anatomical surface (as of a bone) — faceted or facetted

commitment (n)

a strong commitment to... 1 a : an agreement or pledge to do something in the future a commitment to improve conditions at the prison; especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date b : something pledged the commitment of troops to the war c : the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled a commitment to a cause 2 a : an act of committing to a charge or trust: such as (1) : a consignment to a penal or mental institution filed a petition for commitment (2) : an act of referring a matter to a legislative committee b : mittimus

open-ended (adj)

an open-ended problem. not rigorously fixed: such as a : adaptable to the developing needs of a situation b : permitting or designed to permit spontaneous and unguided responses — open-endedness noun

outlandish (adj)

an outlandish claim. 1 : of or relating to another country : foreign saw many outlandish animals at the zoo 2 a : strikingly out of the ordinary : bizarre an outlandish costume Her book is filled with outlandish characters. spun some outlandish tales b : exceeding proper or reasonable limits or standards workers complain of outlandish hours —Joan E. Rigdon outlandish government specifications 3 : remote from civilization no other young men foolish enough to offer to go to such an outlandish station —Geog. Jour. — outlandishly adverb — outlandishness noun

long haul (n)

in it for the long haul. 1 : a long distance 2 : a considerable period of time; especially : long run — long-haul

popularize (v)

popularizing a use. : to cater to popular taste transitive verb : to make popular: such as a : to cause to be liked or esteemed b : to present in generally understandable or interesting form

affirmation (n)

positive affirmation. 1 a : the act of affirming nodded his head in affirmation b : something affirmed : a positive assertion His memoir is a reflective affirmation of family love. 2 law : a solemn declaration made under the penalties of perjury by a person who conscientiously declines taking an oath

affirmative (n)

positive affirmations. 1 : asserting that the fact is so gave an affirmative answer affirmative proof 2 : positive an affirmative approach 3 : favoring or supporting a proposition or motion an affirmative vote was on the affirmative side in the debate 4 logic : asserting a predicate of a subject — affirmatively adverb responded affirmatively

dead-cat bounce (n)

probably just a DCB. : a brief and insignificant recovery (as of stock prices) after a steep decline [from the facetious notion that even a dead cat would bounce slightly if dropped from a sufficient height]

radiate (v)

radiating with... radiated; radiating intransitive verb 1 : to proceed in a direct line from or toward a center 2 : to send out rays : shine brightly 3 a : to issue in or as if in rays b : to evolve by adaptive radiation transitive verb 1 : to send out in or as if in rays 2 : irradiate, illuminate 3 : to spread abroad or around as if from a center

orient (v)

re-orienting a trajectory. 1 a : to cause to face or point toward the east; specifically : to build (a church or temple) with the longitudinal axis pointing eastward and the chief altar at the eastern end b : to set or arrange in any determinate position especially in relation to the points of the compass c : to ascertain the bearings of 2 a : to set right by adjusting to facts or principles b : to acquaint with the existing situation or environment 3 : to direct (something, such as a book or film) toward the interests of a particular group 4 : to cause the axes of the molecules of (a fiber or material) to assume the same direction

reinvigorate (v)

reinvigorated; reinvigorating transitive verb : to give new or renewed strength or energy to (something or someone) : to invigorate (something or someone) again ... a stimulus plan large enough to reinvigorate the economy ... —Steven Greenhouse It took Britpop's obsession with the 60s to really reinvigorate her career. —Alexis Petridis ... Reed hopes a reinvigorated downtown will become a magnet for young professionals. —J. Scott Trubey and Katie Leslie Today, after she left, Leonard felt a sense of renewal. He felt like he was back. He felt reinvigorated. —Albert Thomas Berkshire — reinvigoration play \ˌrē-in-ˌvi-gə-ˈrā-shən\ noun, plural reinvigorations a reinvigoration of the sluggish market There are a lot of opportunities for traffic calming and neighborhood reinvigoration. —Buffalo Rising — reinvigorator play \ˌrē-in-ˈvi-gə-ˌrā-tər\ noun, plural reinvigorators ... New England's spring, that surprise that is among the greatest reinvigorators of humankind on record. —Philip Roth

atop (adv or adj)

resting/sitting atop. : on, to, or at the top

selective (adj)

selective amnesia. 1 : of, relating to, or characterized by selection : selecting or tending to select 2 : highly specific in activity or effect selective pesticides selective absorption

self-anointed (adj)

self-anointed judge, jury, and executioner. : chosen or designated by oneself : anointed by oneself a self-anointed prophet Colorado's radio airwaves most weekend mornings teem with self-anointed financial experts telling you how to manage your money, when, in fact, some of them have had problems managing their own. —David Migoya

banter (v)

solid banter. bantered; bantering; banters transitive verb 1 : to speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner She laughed and bantered him a little, remembering too late that she should have been dignified and reserved. —Kate Chopin 2 archaic : delude 3 chiefly Southern US and Midland US : challenge intransitive verb : to speak or act playfully or wittily The two friends bantered with each other. — banterer noun — banteringly

sapling (n)

still just a sapling. 1 : a young tree specifically : one not over four inches (about 10 centimeters) in diameter at breast height 2 : YOUTH sense 2a


stock, and barrel (adv), : WHOLLY, COMPLETELY the only thing which had not been sold lock, stock, and barrel with the ... house was this piano — Marcia Davenport

arc (n)

story arc. plural arcs 1 : the apparent path described above and below the horizon by a celestial body (such as the sun) 2 a : something arched or curved b : a curved path the arc of a fly ball c basketball : three-point line At week's end he was shooting 40.0% from behind the arc and averaging 19.6 points. —Phil Taylor 3 : a sustained luminous discharge of electricity across a gap in a circuit or between electrodes; also : arc lamp 4 : a continuous portion (as of a circle or ellipse) of a curved line 5 : degree measurement on the circumference of a circle —used especially in the phrase of arc 11 minutes 3 seconds of arc 6 : a continuous progression or line of development a story's dramatic arc

taint (v)

tainting a perspective. 1 : to contaminate morally : CORRUPT scholarship tainted by envy 2 : to affect with putrefaction : SPOIL 3 : to touch or affect slightly with something bad persons tainted with prejudice intransitive verb 1 : to become affected with putrefaction : SPOIL 2 obsolete : to become weak tainted; tainting; taints

upturn (n)

taken an upturn. an upward turn especially toward better conditions or higher prices

down and dirty (adj or adv)

the down and dirty. 1 : unvarnished the down and dirty truth 2 : made or done hastily : not revised or polished a down and dirty solution 3 : marked by or given to fierce often unscrupulous competition down and dirty campaigning 4 : bawdy down and dirty sexuality 5 : seedy a down and dirty neighborhood 6 : relating to or involved with what is crudely basic and practical down and dirty details

enserf (v)

to make a serf of : deprive of liberty and personal rights

abhor (v)

to regard with extreme repugnance : to feel hatred or loathing for : loathe abhorred violence — abhorrer

scenario (n)

worst/best-case scenario. plural scenarios 1 a : an outline or synopsis of a play; especially : a plot outline used by actors of the commedia dell'arte b : the libretto of an opera 2 a : screenplay b : shooting script 3 : a sequence of events especially when imagined; especially : an account or synopsis of a possible course of action or events his scenario for a settlement envisages ... reunification —Selig Harrison

MCAT (service mark)

—used for a standardized test designed to evaluate qualification for admission to medical schools

run-of-the-mill (adj)

not your run-of-the-mill _______ : not outstanding in quality or rarity : AVERAGE, ORDINARY

cease-fire (n)

1 : a military order to cease firing 2 : a suspension of active hostilities

wine (n)

bottle of wine. 1 a : the alcoholic fermented juice of fresh grapes used as a beverage b : wine or a substitute used in Christian communion services 2 : the alcoholic usually fermented juice of a plant product (such as a fruit) used as a beverage blackberry wine 3 : something that invigorates or intoxicates 4 : a dark red

logical positivism (n)

a 20th century philosophical movement holding that all meaningful statements are either analytic or conclusively verifiable or at least confirmable by observation and experiment and that metaphysical theories are therefore strictly meaningless — called also logical empiricism — logical positivist noun

annus mirablis (n)

a Latin phrase that means wonderful year, miraculous year or amazing year.

irrefutable (adj)

irrefutable evidence. : impossible to refute : INCONTROVERTIBLE irrefutable proof

eye-opener (n)

it was definitely eye-opening. 1 : a drink intended to wake one up 2 : something startling, surprising, or enlightening her biography is a real eye-opener

jack-of-all-trades (n)

jack-of-all-trades & master of none. plural jacks-of-all-trades : a person who can do passable work at various tasks : a handy versatile person

luxe (adj)

living in luxe luxurious, sumptuous — luxe noun

scenery (n)

lush scenery. 1 : the painted scenes or hangings and accessories used on a theater stage 2 : a picturesque view or landscape 3 : one's usual surroundings needed a change of scenery

plus or minus (adv)

more or less, approximately a dance for singles plus or minus age 30

hippocratic oath (n)

an oath embodying a code of medical ethics usually taken by those about to begin medical practice

deceptive (adj)

deceptive practices. : tending or having power to cause someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid : tending or having power to deceive a deceptive appearance a pitcher with a deceptive windup

affecting (adj)

evoking a strong emotional response

noteworthy (adj)

new and noteworthy. worthy of or attracting attention especially because of some special excellence a noteworthy contribution — noteworthily adverb — noteworthiness

terrain (n)

new terrain. 1a(1) : a geographic area (2) : a piece of land : GROUND b : the physical features of a tract of land 2 : TERRANE sense 1 3a : a field of knowledge or interest b : ENVIRONMENT, MILIEU

homologate (v)

sanction, allow; especially : to approve or confirm officially

high road (n)

take the high road. 1 : HIGHWAY 2 : the easiest course 3 : an ethical course

omniscient (adj)

omniscient being. 1 : having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight an omniscient author the narrator seems an omniscient person who tells us about the characters and their relations —Ira Konigsberg 2 : possessed of universal or complete knowledge the omniscient God — omnisciently adverb

overt (adj)

overt racism & discrimination. open to view : manifest overt hostility overt symptoms of the disease overt discrimination both overt and covert military action — overtly adverb — overtness noun

pad (v)

padding a resume. padded; padding transitive verb 1 a : to furnish with a pad or padding b : mute, muffle 2 : to expand or increase especially with needless, misleading, or fraudulent matter pad the sales figures —often used with out they pad out their bibliographies —J. P. Kenyon

orgulous (adj)


blue moon (n)

1 : a very long period of time —usually used in the phrase once in a blue moon such people happen along only once in a blue moon — Saturday Rev. 2 : a second full moon in a calendar month

charade (n)

1 : a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action (such as intrusion represented by depiction of inn, true, and shun) 2 charades plural : a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak 3 : an empty or deceptive act or pretense his concern was a charade

simulacrum (n)

1 : IMAGE, REPRESENTATION a reasonable simulacrum of reality —Martin Mayer 2 : an insubstantial form or semblance of something : TRACE

labor (v)

1 : to exert one's powers of body or mind especially with painful or strenuous effort : WORK 2 : to move with great effort the truck labored up the hill 3 : to be in the labor of giving birth 4 : to suffer from some disadvantage or distress labor under a delusion 5 of a ship : to pitch or roll heavily 1 archaic a : to spend labor on or produce by labor b : to strive to effect or achieve 2 : to treat or work out in often laborious detail labor the obvious 3 : DISTRESS, BURDEN 4 : to cause to labor labored; laboring

analyze (v)

1 : to study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts of (something) by analysis 2 : to subject to scientific or grammatical analysis chemically analyze a specimen analyze a sentence 3 : PSYCHOANALYZE analyzed; analyzing

supplant (v)

1 : to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery 2a(1) obsolete : UPROOT (2) : to eradicate and supply a substitute for efforts to supplant the vernacular b : to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power supplanted; supplanting; supplants

wealth (n)

1 obsolete : WEAL, WELFARE 2 : abundance of valuable material possessions or resources 3 : abundant supply : PROFUSION 4a : all property that has a money value or an exchangeable value b : all material objects that have economic utility especially : the stock of useful goods having economic value in existence at any one time national wealth

Magen David (n)

: a hexagram used as a symbol of Judaism

human papillomavirus (n)

: any of numerous papillomaviruses (as of the genera Alphapapillomavirus, Betapapillomavirus, and Gammapapillomavirus) that cause various human papillomas (such as genital warts and plantar warts) and include some associated with the production of human cancer —abbreviation HPV

mood disorder (n)

: any of several psychological disorders (such as major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder) characterized by abnormalities of emotional state — called also affective disorder

middle-class (adj)

: of or relating to the middle class especially : characterized by a high material standard of living, sexual morality, and respect for property

catch-22 (n)

a bit of a catch-22. 1 : a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule the show-business catch-22—no work unless you have an agent, no agent unless you've worked —Mary Murphy also : the circumstance or rule that denies a solution 2a : an illogical, unreasonable, or senseless situation b : a measure or policy whose effect is the opposite of what was intended c : a situation presenting two equally undesirable alternatives 3 : a hidden difficulty or means of entrapment : CATCH

circa (prep)

at, in, or of approximately —used especially with dates born circa 1600

intention (n)

best of intentions. 1 : a determination to act in a certain way : RESOLVE 2 : IMPORT, SIGNIFICANCE 3a : what one intends to do or bring about b : the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offered 4 : a process or manner of healing of incised wounds 5 : CONCEPT especially : a concept considered as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge 6 intentions plural : purpose with respect to marriage

blow off (v)

blowing off steam. transitive verb 1 a : to refuse to take notice of, honor, or deal with : ignore decided to blow off two billion viewers —Harry Homburg b : to end a relationship with 2 : to outperform in a contest 3 : to fail to attend or show up for blew off an official dinner

captivate (v)

captivated; captivating transitive verb 1 archaic : seize, capture 2 : to influence and dominate by some special charm, art, or trait and with an irresistible appeal We were captivated by her beauty. The scenery captivated our attention. — captivation play \ˌkap-tə-ˈvā-shən\ noun — captivator

cherish (v)

cherish your loved ones and good health. 1a : to hold dear : feel or show affection for cherished her friends b : to keep or cultivate with care and affection : NURTURE cherishes his marriage 2 : to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely still cherishes that memory

kaiser (n)

emperor; especially : the ruler of Germany from 1871 to 1918 — kaiserdom play \ˈkī-zər-dəm\ noun — kaiserism

brio (n)

enthusiastic vigor : vivacity, verve sings with brio

enviable (adj)

enviable characteristics. highly desirable — enviableness noun — enviably

fine-tune (v)

fine-tuned; fine-tuning; fine-tunes transitive verb 1 a : to adjust precisely so as to bring to the highest level of performance or effectiveness fine-tune a TV set fine-tune the format b : to improve through minor alteration or revision fine-tune the temperature of the room 2 : to stabilize (an economy) by small-scale fiscal and monetary manipulations

honorable (adj)

honorable mention. 1 : deserving of respect or high regard : deserving of honor an honorable profession 2a : of great renown : ILLUSTRIOUS the college's long and honorable history b : entitled to honor or respect —used as a title for the children of certain British noblemen and for various government officials the Honorable Judge Smith the Honorable Senator from California 3 : performed or accompanied with marks of honor or respect 4a : attesting to creditable conduct honorable wounds b : consistent with a reputation that is not tarnished or sullied an honorable withdrawal received an honorable discharge from the army 5 : characterized by integrity : guided by a keen sense of duty and ethical conduct Brutus is an honorable man —William Shakespeare assured her that his intentions were honorable

lambast (v)

lambasted an album. lambasted; lambasting; lambastes or lambasts transitive verb 1 : to assault violently : beat, whip 2 : to attack verbally : censure critics lambasted his performance

idiolect (n)

the language or speech pattern of one individual at a particular period of life — idiolectal adjective

indecision (n)

plagued by indecision. a wavering between two or more possible courses of action : irresolution

fanatic (adj)

plural fanatics 1 disapproving : a person exhibiting excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion toward some controversial matter (as in religion or politics) a religious fanatic [=extremist] The fanatics are convinced they are serving a righteous cause and that all means are justified ... —Flora Lewis 2 : a person who is extremely enthusiastic about and devoted to some interest or activity a boating/sports/racing fanatic She's a real fanatic when it comes to working out. Since the U.S. economy began to sputter in 2008, shoppers have become coupon fanatics and lovers of buy-one-get-one-free deals ... —Janet K. Keeler

howdy (interj)

—used to express greeting

drama queen (n)

: a person given to often excessively emotional performances or reactions

mark (n)

1 : a boundary land 2a(1) : a conspicuous object serving as a guide for travelers (2) : something (such as a line, notch, or fixed object) designed to record position b : one of the bits of leather or colored bunting placed on a sounding line at intervals c : TARGET d : the starting line or position in a track event e(1) : GOAL, OBJECT (2) : an object of attack, ridicule, or abuse specifically : a victim or prospective victim of a swindle (3) : the point under discussion (4) : condition of being correct or accurate her observations are on the mark f : a standard of performance, quality, or condition : NORM not feeling up to the mark lately 3a(1) : SIGN, INDICATION a mark of his esteem (2) : an impression (such as a scratch, scar, or stain) made on something (3) : a distinguishing trait or quality : CHARACTERISTIC the marks of an educated person b : a symbol used for identification or indication of ownership c : a cross made in place of a signature d(1) : TRADEMARK (2) capitalized —used with a numeral to designate a particular model of a product Mark II e : a written or printed symbol (such as a comma or colon) f : POSTMARK g : a symbol used to represent a teacher's estimate of a student's work or conduct especially : GRADE h : a figure registering a point or level reached or achieved the halfway mark in the game especially : RECORD 4a : ATTENTION, NOTICE nothing worthy of mark b : IMPORTANCE, DISTINCTION a person of mark c : a lasting or strong impression d : an assessment of merits : RATING high marks for honesty

archangel (n)

1 : a chief angel 2 archangels plural : an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY

battalion (n)

1 : a considerable body of troops organized to act together : ARMY 2 : a military unit composed of a headquarters and two or more companies, batteries, or similar units 3 : a large group

rout (n)

1 : a crowd of people specifically : RABBLE sense 2b 2a : DISTURBANCE b archaic : FUSS 3 : a fashionable gathering 1 : a state of wild confusion or disorderly retreat 2a : a disastrous defeat : DEBACLE b : a precipitate flight

forest (n)

1 : a dense growth of trees and underbrush covering a large tract A fire destroyed acres of forest. forests of pine and mahogany 2 : a tract of wooded land in England formerly owned by the sovereign and used for game 3 : something resembling a forest especially in profusion or lushness a forest of microphones a kelp forest a forest of skyscrapers — forestal play \ˈfȯr-ə-stᵊl, ˈfär-\ or forestial play \fə-ˈre-stē-əl, fȯ-, -ˈres-chəl, -ˈresh-\ adjective — forested play \ˈfȯr-ə-stəd, ˈfär-\ adjective

vehicle (n)

1 : a means of carrying or transporting something planes, trains, and other vehicles : such as a : MOTOR VEHICLE b : a piece of mechanized equipment 2 : an agent of transmission : CARRIER 3 : a medium through which something is expressed, achieved, or displayed an investment vehicle especially : a work created especially to display the talents of a particular performer 4a : an inert medium (such as a syrup) in which a medicinally active agent is administered b : any of various media acting usually as solvents, carriers, or binders for active ingredients or pigments

harbor (n)

1 : a place of security and comfort : REFUGE the ... Loyalists found harbor in the same areas — W. G. Hardy 2 : a part of a body of water protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage a yacht harbor especially : one with port facilities

rundown (n)

1 : a play in baseball in which a base runner who is caught off base is chased by two or more opposing players who throw the ball from one to another in an attempt to tag the runner out 2 : an item-by-item report or review : SUMMARY

philter (n)

1 : a potion credited with magical power 2 : a potion, drug, or charm held to have the power to arouse sexual passion

modernism (n)

1 : a practice, usage, or expression peculiar to modern times such modernisms as blog, bromance, and steampunk 2 often capitalized : a tendency in theology to accommodate traditional religious teaching to contemporary thought and especially to devalue supernatural elements 3 : modern artistic or literary philosophy and practice especially : a self-conscious break with the past and a search for new forms of expression extols the ... modernism that laid the foundation of all twentieth-century design — Jeffrey Simpson

emerald (n)

1 : a rich green variety of beryl prized as a gemstone 2 : any of various green gemstones (such as synthetic corundum or demantoid)

diorama (n)

1 : a scenic representation in which a partly translucent painting is seen from a distance through an opening 2a : a scenic representation in which sculptured figures and lifelike details are displayed usually in miniature so as to blend indistinguishably with a realistic painted background b : a life-size exhibit (as of a wildlife specimen or scene) with realistic natural surroundings and a painted background

menace (n)

1 : a show of intention to inflict harm : THREAT exploding in menaces and threats of vengeance — George Meredith 2a : one that represents a threat : DANGER the intoxicated motorist is a menace to life and limb — Wayne Hughes b : an annoying person her friends were beginning to find her a menace — Guy McCrone

melody (n)

1 : a sweet or agreeable succession or arrangement of sounds whilst all the winds with melody are ringing — P. B. Shelley 2 : a rhythmic succession of single tones organized as an aesthetic whole a hummable melody the piper's fingers play the melody on a pipe called a chanter — Pat Cahill melodies

carousel (n)

1 : a tournament or exhibition in which horsemen execute evolutions 2a : MERRY-GO-ROUND b : a circular conveyor the luggage carousel at the airport c : a revolving case or tray used for storage or display

sham (n)

1 : a trick that deludes : HOAX feared that the deal was a sham 2 : cheap falseness : HYPOCRISY saw through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness of the empty pageant —Oscar Wilde 3 : an ornamental covering for a pillow 4 : an imitation or counterfeit purporting to be genuine 5 : a person who shams

application (n)

1 : an act of applying: a(1) : an act of putting something to use application of new techniques (2) : a use to which something is put new applications for old remedies b : an act of administering or laying one thing on another application of paint to a house c : assiduous attention succeeds by application to her studies 2a : REQUEST, PETITION an application for financial aid b : a form used in making a request filling out an application 3 : a program (such as a word processor or a spreadsheet) that performs a particular task or set of tasks 4 : the practical conclusion or lesson to be derived from a speech or writing (such as a moral tale) 5 : a medicated or protective layer or material an oily application for dry skin 6 : capacity for practical use words of varied application

rube (n)

1 : an awkward unsophisticated person : RUSTIC 2 : a naive or inexperienced person

clueless (adj)

1 : having or providing no clue a clueless case for the police to solve 2 : completely or hopelessly bewildered, unaware, ignorant, or foolish clueless about what they want

disagreeable (adj)

1 : causing discomfort : UNPLEASANT, OFFENSIVE a disagreeable odor 2 : marked by ill temper : PEEVISH a disagreeable person

diaphanous (adj)

1 : characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through diaphanous fabrics a diaphanous curtain 2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ethereal painted diaphanous landscapes 3 : insubstantial, vague had only a diaphanous hope of success

throwaway (adj)

1 : designed to be thrown away : DISPOSABLE throwaway containers 2 : written or spoken (as in a play) in a low-key or unemphatic manner throwaway lines 3 : NONCHALANT, CASUAL 4 : marked by a tendency to discard things : overly wasteful a throwaway society

landlocked (adj)

1 : enclosed or nearly enclosed by land a landlocked country 2 : confined to fresh water by some barrier landlocked salmon 3 : living or located away from the ocean a landlocked sailor

fabled (adj)

1 : fictitious 2 : told or celebrated in fables 3 : renowned, famous the team's fabled coach

premier (adj)

1 : first in position, rank, or importance 2 : first in time : earliest

light (adj)

1 : having light : BRIGHT a light airy room 2a : not dark, intense, or swarthy in color or coloring : PALE b of colors : medium in saturation and high in lightness light blue 3 of coffee : served with extra milk or cream 1a : having little weight : not heavy b : designed to carry a comparatively small load a light truck c : having relatively little weight in proportion to bulk aluminum is a light metal d : containing less than the legal, standard, or usual weight a light coin 2a : of little importance : TRIVIAL b : not abundant light rain a light lunch 3a : easily disturbed a light sleeper b : exerting a minimum of force or pressure : GENTLE a light touch c : resulting from a very slight pressure : FAINT light print 4a : easily endurable a light illness b : requiring little effort light work 5 : capable of moving swiftly or nimbly light on his feet 6a : FRIVOLOUS sense 1a light conduct b : lacking in stability : CHANGEABLE light opinions c : sexually promiscuous 7 : free from care : CHEERFUL 8 : less powerful but usually more mobile than usual for its kind light cavalry a light cruiser 9a : made with a lower calorie content or with less of some ingredient (such as salt, fat, or alcohol) than usual b : having a relatively mild flavor 10a : easily digested a light soup b : well leavened a light crust 11 : coarse and sandy or easily pulverized light soil 12 : DIZZY, GIDDY felt light in the head 13 : intended chiefly to entertain light verse light comedy 14a : carrying little or no cargo the ship returned light b : producing goods for direct consumption by the consumer light industry 15 : not bearing a stress or accent a light syllable 16 : having a clear soft quality a light voice 17 : being in debt to the pot in a poker game three chips light 18 : SHORT sense 5d light on experience 19 : CASUAL, OCCASIONAL a light smoker

amid (prep)

1 : in or into the middle of : surrounded by : AMONG amid the crowd 2a : DURING amid the fighting b : with the accompaniment of resigned amid rumors of misconduct amidst

humorless (adj)

1 : lacking a sense of humor 2 : lacking humorous characteristics

wanting (adj)

1 : not present or in evidence : ABSENT 2a : not being up to standards or expectations b : lacking in ability or capacity : DEFICIENT

middling (adj)

1 : of middle, medium, or moderate size, degree, or quality 2 : MEDIOCRE, SECOND-RATE 3 : of, relating to, or being a middle class

lenient (adj)

1 : of mild and tolerant disposition or effect : not harsh, severe, or strict lenient laws a lenient attitude 2 : exerting a soothing or easing influence : relieving pain or stress

antipodal (adj)

1 : of or relating to the antipodes specifically : situated at the opposite side of the earth or moon an antipodal meridian an antipodal continent 2 : diametrically opposite an antipodal point on a sphere 3 : entirely opposed a system antipodal to democracy

green (adj)

1 : of the color green 2a : covered by green growth or foliage green fields b of winter : MILD, CLEMENT c : consisting of green plants and usually edible herbage a green salad 3 : pleasantly alluring 4 : YOUTHFUL, VIGOROUS 5 : not ripened or matured green apples 6 : FRESH, NEW 7a : marked by a pale, sickly, or nauseated appearance b : ENVIOUS sense 1 —used especially in the phrase green with envy 8a : not fully processed or treated: such as (1) : not aged green liquor (2) : not dressed or tanned green hides (3) : freshly sawed green lumber b : not in condition for a particular use 9a : deficient in training, knowledge, or experience green recruits b : deficient in sophistication and savoir faire : NAIVE was green and credulous c : not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function 10a often capitalized : relating to or being an environmentalist political movement b : concerned with or supporting environmentalism green consumers who practice recycling c : tending to preserve environmental quality (as by being recyclable, biodegradable, or nonpolluting) greener energy solutions

homogeneous (adj)

1 : of the same or a similar kind or nature 2 : of uniform structure or composition throughout a culturally homogeneous neighborhood 3 : having the property that if each variable is replaced by a constant times that variable the constant can be factored out : having each term of the same degree if all variables are considered a homogeneous equation — homogeneously adverb — homogeneousness noun

eugenic (adj)

1 : relating to or fitted for the production of good offspring 2 : of or relating to eugenics — eugenically

money (n)

1 : something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment: such as a : officially coined or stamped metal currency newly minted money b : money of account c : paper money handed the bank teller a wad of money 2a : wealth reckoned in terms of money made her money in the insurance business b : an amount of money raised the money for a new library c moneys or monies plural : sums of money : funds the collection of tax monies 3 : a form or denomination of coin or paper money wanted his money in $10 bills 4a : the first, second, and third place winners (as in a horse or dog race) —usually used in the phrases in the money or out of the money b : prize money his horse took third money 5a : persons or interests possessing or controlling great wealth politicians at the beck and call of money b : a position of wealth born into money moneys monies

proxy (n)

1 : the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another 2a : authority or power to act for another b : a document giving such authority specifically : a power of attorney authorizing a specified person to vote corporate stock 3 : a person authorized to act for another : PROCURATOR proxies

diplomacy (n)

1 : the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations 2 : skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility : TACT handled the awkward situation with diplomacy

physiognomy (n)

1 : the art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance 2 : the facial features held to show qualities of mind or character by their configuration or expression 3 : external aspect also : inner character or quality revealed outwardly

valence (n)

1 : the degree of combining power of an element as shown by the number of atomic weights of a monovalent element (such as hydrogen) with which the atomic weight of the element will combine or for which it can be substituted or with which it can be compared 2a : relative capacity to unite, react, or interact (as with antigens or a biological substrate) b [ in part from valence in chemistry, in part borrowed from Late Latin valentia power, capacity, noun derivative of Latin valent-, valens, present participle of valēre to have strength, be well — more at WIELD ] : the degree of attractiveness an individual, activity, or thing possesses as a behavioral goal the relative potency of the valences of success and failure — Leon Festinger

allegory (n)

1 : the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence a writer known for his use of allegory also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression The poem is an allegory of love and jealousy. 2 : a symbolic representation : EMBLEM sense 2

landlord (n)

1 : the owner of property (such as land, houses, or apartments) that is leased or rented to another 2 : the master of an inn or lodging house : INNKEEPER

margin (n)

1 : the part of a page or sheet outside the main body of printed or written matter 2 : the outside limit and adjoining surface of something : EDGE at the margin of the woods continental margin 3a : a spare amount or measure or degree allowed or given for contingencies or special situations left no margin for error b(1) : a bare minimum below which or an extreme limit beyond which something becomes impossible or is no longer desirable on the margin of good taste (2) : the limit below which economic activity cannot be continued under normal conditions c : an area, state, or condition excluded from or existing outside the mainstream the margins of critical discourse — Barbara L. Packer living in society's margins 4a : the difference which exists between net sales and the cost of merchandise sold and from which expenses are usually met or profit derived b : the excess market value of collateral over the face of a loan c(1) : cash or collateral that is deposited by a client with a commodity or securities broker to protect the broker from loss on a contract (2) : the client's equity in securities bought with the aid of credit obtained specifically (as from a broker) for that purpose d : a range about a specified figure within which a purchase is to be made 5 : measure or degree of difference the bill passed by a one-vote margin

sugarcoat (v)

1 : to coat with sugar 2 : to make superficially attractive or palatable sugarcoated; sugarcoating; sugarcoats

center (v)

1 : to place or fix at or around a center or central area center the picture on the wall 2 : to give a central focus or basis centers her hopes on her son the plot was centered on espionage 3 : to adjust (things, such as lenses) so that the axes coincide 4a : to pass (a ball or puck) from either side toward the middle of the playing area b : to hand or pass (a football) backward between one's legs to a back (see back entry 1 sense 3) to start a down 5 : to play center (see center entry 1 sense 4) on center a line in hockey : to have a specified center : focus centered; centering

modulate (v)

1 : to tune to a key or pitch 2 : to adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion : TEMPER 3 : to vary the amplitude, frequency, or phase of (a carrier wave or a light wave) for the transmission of information (as by radio) also : to vary the velocity of electrons in an electron beam 1 : to play or sing with modulation 2 : to pass from one musical key into another by means of intermediary chords or notes that have some relation to both keys 3 : to pass gradually from one state to another modulated; modulating

debonair (adj)

1 a : suave, urbane a debonair performer b : lighthearted, nonchalant 2 archaic : gentle, courteous — debonairly adverb — debonairness noun

label (n)

1 archaic : BAND, FILLET specifically : one attached to a document to hold an appended seal 2 : a heraldic charge that consists of a narrow horizontal band with usually three pendants 3a : a slip (as of paper or cloth) inscribed and affixed to something for identification or description The name is prominently displayed on the label. b : written or printed matter accompanying an article to furnish identification or other information Read the warning label before taking any medicine. c: a descriptive or identifying word or phrase: such as (1) : EPITHET acquired the label of playboy (2) : a word or phrase used with a dictionary definition to provide additional information The label obsolete is abbreviated obs. d : a usually radioactive isotope used in labeling 4 : an adhesive stamp (as for postage or revenue) 5a(1) : a brand of commercial recordings issued under a usually trademarked name (2) : a recording so issued (3) : a company issuing such recordings The band has made records for several different labels. b : the brand name of a retail store selling clothing, a clothing manufacturer, or a fashion designer She only buys clothes with a designer label.

antecedent (n)

1 grammar : a substantive word, phrase, or clause whose denotation is referred to by a pronoun (such as John in Mary saw John and called to him) broadly : a word or phrase replaced by a substitute 2a : a preceding event, condition, or cause events that were antecedents of the war b antecedents plural : the significant events, conditions, and traits of one's earlier life 3a : PREDECESSOR especially : a model or stimulus for later developments The sackbut was the antecedent of the trombone. b antecedents plural : ANCESTORS, PARENTS He was proud of his Scottish antecedents. 4 : the conditional element in a proposition (such as if A in if A, then B) 5 mathematics : the first term of a mathematical ratio

differentiate (v)

1 mathematics : to obtain the mathematical derivative (see DERIVATIVE entry 1 sense 3) of 2 : to mark or show a difference in : constitute a contrasting element that distinguishes features that differentiate the twins how we differentiate ourselves from our competitors 3 : to develop differential or distinguishing characteristics in What differentiated a laborer from another man ... — Sherwood Anderson 4 biology : to cause differentiation (see DIFFERENTIATION sense 3b) of in the course of development cells that are differentiated from stem cells 5 : to express the specific distinguishing quality of : DISCRIMINATE differentiate poetry and prose 1 : to recognize or give expression to a difference difficult to differentiate between the two 2 : to become distinct or different in character 3 biology : to undergo differentiation (see DIFFERENTIATION sense 3b) when the cells begin to differentiate differentiated; differentiating

mythologize (v)

1 obsolete : to explain the mythological significance of 2 : to build a myth around : mythicize 1 : to relate, classify, and explain myths 2 : to create or perpetuate myths mythologized; mythologizing

maneuver (n)

1a : a military or naval movement b : an armed forces training exercise especially : an extended and large-scale training exercise involving military and naval units separately or in combination —often used in plural The army and navy conducted maneuvers as training for war. 2 : a procedure or method of working usually involving expert physical movement acrobats performing dangerous maneuvers 3a : evasive movement or shift of tactics permits no room for concession or maneuver — Harry Schwartz b : an intended and controlled variation from a straight and level flight path in the operation of an airplane The aircraft performed such maneuvers as spins, loops, and inverted flights. 4a : an action taken to gain a tactical end this maneuver almost cost him the nomination — H. L. Mencken b : an adroit and clever management of affairs often using trickery and deception plaintiffs' pretrial maneuvers may be fashioned more with an eye to deterrence or retaliation than to unearthing germane material — John Marshall

masquerade (n)

1a : a social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes b : a costume for wear at such a gathering 2 : an action or appearance that is mere disguise or show

vault (n)

1a : an arched structure of masonry usually forming a ceiling or roof b : something (such as the sky) resembling a vault c : an arched or dome-shaped anatomical structure the cranial vault 2a : a space covered by an arched structure especially : an underground passage or room b : an underground storage compartment c : a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables 3a : a burial chamber b : a prefabricated container usually of metal or concrete into which a casket is placed at burial

machinery (n)

1a : machines in general or as a functioning unit b : the working parts of a machine 2 : the means or system by which something is kept in action or a desired result is obtained the machinery of government

matter (n)

1a : a subject under consideration Several other matters will come before the committee. b : a subject of disagreement or litigation The matter in dispute is basically trivial. c matters plural : the events or circumstances of a particular situation planned to discuss matters with her husband soon d : the subject or substance of a discourse or writing A graceful style was not enough to hide a paucity of matter. e : something of an indicated kind or having to do with an indicated field or situation this is a serious matter as a matter of policy matters of faith f : something to be proved in law g obsolete : sensible or serious material as distinguished from nonsense or drollery h(1) obsolete : REASON, CAUSE (2) : a source especially of feeling or emotion i : PROBLEM, DIFFICULTY What's the matter? 2a : the substance of which a physical object is composed b : material substance that occupies space, has mass, and is composed predominantly of atoms consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons, that constitutes the observable universe, and that is interconvertible with energy c : a material substance of a particular kind or for a particular purpose vegetable matter d(1) : material (such as feces or urine) discharged from the living body (2) : material discharged by suppuration : PUS 3a : the indeterminate subject of reality especially : the element in the universe that undergoes formation and alteration b : the formless substratum of all things which exists only potentially and upon which form acts to produce realities 4 : a more or less definite amount or quantity cooks in a matter of minutes 5 : something written or printed matter suitable for photocomposition 6 : MAIL first-class matter 7 Christian Science : the illusion that the objects perceived by the physical senses have the reality of substance as a matter of fact : in fact : ACTUALLY for that matter : so far as that is concerned no matter : without regard to : irrespective of points in the same direction no matter how it is tilted no matter what : regardless of the costs, consequences, or results wants to win, no matter what the matter : WRONG nothing's the matter with me

rose (n)

1a : any of a genus (Rosa of the family Rosaceae, the rose family) of usually prickly shrubs with pinnate leaves and showy flowers having five petals in the wild state but being often double or partly double under cultivation b : the flower of a rose 2 : something resembling a rose in form: such as a(1) : COMPASS CARD (2) : a circular card with radiating lines used in other instruments b : a rosette especially on a shoe c : ROSE CUT 3 roses plural : an easy or pleasant situation or task it was not all sunshine and roses — Anthony Lewis 4 : a moderate purplish red 5 : a plane curve which consists of three or more loops meeting at the origin and whose equation in polar coordinates is of the form ρ = a sin nθ or ρ = a cos nθ where n is an integer greater than zero : a light pink table wine made from red grapes by removing the skins after fermentation has begun

married (adj)

1a : being in the state of matrimony : WEDDED b : of or relating to marriage : CONNUBIAL 2 : UNITED, JOINED

descent (n)

1a : derivation from an ancestor : birth, lineage of French descent patrilineal descent b : transmission or devolution of an estate (see estate entry 1 sense 4b) by inheritance usually in the descending line c : the fact or process of originating from an ancestral stock the descent of modern humans and chimpanzees from a common ancestor d : the shaping or development in nature and character by transmission from a source : derivation ... could trace a faint but sure descent from Roman law.— R. W. Southern 2 : the act or process of descending from a higher to a lower level, rank, or state begin our descent down the mountain 3 : a step downward in a scale of gradation specifically : one generation in an ancestral line or genealogical scale His pedigree shows eleven descents. 4a : an inclination downward : slope a nearly perpendicular descent b : a way (such as a downgrade or stairway) that descends or leads downward c obsolete : the lowest part from the extremest upward of thy head to the descent and dust below thy foot— Shakespeare 5a : attack, invasion descent of the locusts b : a sudden disconcerting appearance (as for a visit) unprepared for the descent of her in-laws 6 : a downward step (as in station or value) : decline the descent of the family into poverty

rough (adj)

1a : marked by inequalities, ridges, or projections on the surface : COARSE b : covered with or made up of coarse and often shaggy hair rough-coated collie — compare SMOOTH, WIREHAIRED c(1) : having a broken, uneven, or bumpy surface rough terrain (2) : difficult to travel through or penetrate : WILD into the rough woods — P. B. Shelley 2a : TURBULENT, TEMPESTUOUS rough seas b(1) : characterized by harshness, violence, or force (2) : presenting a challenge : DIFFICULT rough to deal with — R. M. McAlmon 3 : coarse or rugged in character or appearance: such as a : harsh to the ear b : crude in style or expression c : INDELICATE d : marked by a lack of refinement or grace : UNCOUTH 4a : CRUDE, UNFINISHED rough carpentry b : executed or ventured hastily, tentatively, or imperfectly a rough draft rough estimate also : APPROXIMATE a rough idea rougher; roughest

frivolous (adj)

1a : of little weight or importance She thinks window shopping is a frivolous activity. b : having no sound basis (as in fact or law) a frivolous lawsuit 2a : lacking in seriousness a frivolous conversation b : marked by unbecoming levity was criticized for his frivolous behavior in court

psychedelic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or being drugs (such as LSD) capable of producing abnormal psychic effects (such as hallucinations) and sometimes psychotic states b : produced by or associated with the use of psychedelic drugs a psychedelic experience 2 : imitating, suggestive of, or reproducing effects (such as distorted or bizarre images or sounds) resembling those produced by psychedelic drugs psychedelic color schemes 3 : of, relating to, characteristic of, or being the period of the mid- to late-1960's that is associated with the psychedelic drug culture psychedelic rock the psychedelic era/movement ... the rainbow newspaper of San Francisco that burst onto the psychedelic scene in 1966 ... — Don Lattin ... speaking of stereotypes, the illustrations reject any hint of a '60s psychedelic style ... —Steven Heller

progressive (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or characterized by progress b : making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities c : of, relating to, or constituting an educational theory marked by emphasis on the individual child, informality of classroom procedure, and encouragement of self-expression 2 : of, relating to, or characterized by progression 3 : moving forward or onward : ADVANCING 4a : increasing in extent or severity a progressive disease b : increasing in rate as the base increases a progressive tax 5 often capitalized : of or relating to political Progressives 6 : of, relating to, or constituting a verb form that expresses action or state in progress at the time of speaking or a time spoken of 7 : of, relating to, or being a multifocal lens with a gradual transition between focal lengths progressive bifocals 8 : or, relating to, or using a method of video scanning (as for television or a computer monitor) in which the horizontal lines of each frame are drawn successively from top to bottom — compare INTERLACED

divided (adj)

1a : separated into parts or pieces b of a leaf : cut into distinct parts by incisions extending to the base or to the midrib c : having a barrier (such as a guardrail) to separate lanes of traffic going in opposite directions a divided highway 2a : disagreeing with each other : DISUNITED b : directed or moved toward conflicting interests, states, or objects divided loyalties 3 : separated by distance familiar objects from which she had never dreamed of being divided — James Joyce

speaking (adj)

1a : that speaks : capable of speech b : having a population that speaks a specified language —usually used in combination English-speaking countries c : that involves talking or giving speeches a speaking role a speaking tour 2 : highly significant or expressive : ELOQUENT 3 : resembling a living being or a real object

constraint (n)

1a : the act of constraining b : the state of being checked, restricted, or compelled to avoid or perform some action ... the constraint and monotony of a monastic life ... — Matthew Arnold a life of invalidism and constraint c : a constraining condition, agency, or force : CHECK put legal constraints on the board's activities Budget constraints have forced me to revise my travel plans. 2a : repression of one's own feelings, behavior, or actions emotional constraint b : a sense of being constrained : EMBARRASSMENT ... a constraint between us as if we were strangers ... — John P. Marquand

center (n)

1a : the point around which a circle or sphere is described broadly : a point that is related to a geometrical figure in such a way that for any point on the figure there is another point on the figure such that a straight line joining the two points is bisected by the original point — called also center of symmetry b : the center of the circle inscribed in a regular (see REGULAR entry 1 sense 2b) polygon 2a : a point, area, person, or thing that is most important or pivotal in relation to an indicated activity, interest, or condition a railroad center the center of the controversy b : a source from which something originates a propaganda center c : a group of neurons having a common function respiratory center d : a region of concentrated population an urban center e : a facility providing a place for a particular activity or service a day-care center a shopping center a medical center 3a : the middle part (as of the forehead or a stage) b often capitalized (1) : a grouping of political figures holding moderate views especially between those of conservatives and liberals (2) : the views of such politicians The party's new policies show a shift toward the center. (3) : the adherents of such views 4a: a player occupying a middle position on a team: such as (1) : the football player in the middle of a line who passes the ball between his legs to a back to start a down (2) : the usually tallest player on a basketball team who usually plays near the basket b : CENTER FIELD 5a : either of two tapered rods which support work in a lathe or grinding machine and about or with which the work revolves b : a conical recess in the end of work (such as a shaft) for receiving such a center

bear (v)

1a : to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way couldn't bear the pain I can't bear seeing you cry b : to call for as suitable or essential it bears watching c : ASSUME, ACCEPT d : to support the weight of : SUSTAIN e : to hold above, on top, or aloft f : to admit of : ALLOW 2a : to move while holding up and supporting (something) b : to have as a feature or characteristic bears a likeness to her grandmother c : to be equipped or furnished with (something) d : to have as an identification bore the name of John e : to hold in the mind or emotions bear malice f : BEHAVE, CONDUCT bearing himself well g : to give as testimony bear false witness h : DISSEMINATE i : LEAD, ESCORT j : RENDER, GIVE 3a : to give birth to b : to produce as yield c(1) : to permit growth of (2) : CONTAIN oil-bearing shale 4 : THRUST, PRESS intransitive verb 1a : to go or incline in an indicated direction b : to extend in a direction indicated or implied c : to be situated : LIE d : to become directed e : to force one's way 2a : APPLY, PERTAIN —often used with on or upon facts bearing on the question b : to exert influence or force 3 : to produce fruit : YIELD 4 : to support a weight or strain —often used with up bear a hand : to join in and help out bear arms 1 : to carry or possess arms 2 : to serve as a soldier bear fruit : to come to satisfying fruition, production, or development : to produce a desired result or reward bear in mind : to think of (something) especially as a warning : REMEMBER bear with : to be indulgent, patient, or forbearing with (someone)

program (v)

1a : to arrange or furnish a program of or for : BILL b : to enter in a program 2 : to work out a sequence of operations to be performed by (a mechanism, such as a computer) : to provide with a program 3a : to insert a program for (a particular action) into or as if into a mechanism (such as a computer) b : to control by or as if by a program c(1) : to code in an organism's program (2) : to provide with a biological program cells programmed to synthesize hemoglobin 4 : to predetermine the thinking, behavior, or operations of as if by computer programming children are programmed into violence — Lisa A. Richette programmed or programed; programming or programing

disarm (v)

1a : to deprive of means, reason, or disposition to be hostile disarmed criticism by admitting her errors b : to win over 2a : to divest of arms disarm captured troops b : to deprive of a means of attack or defense disarm a ship c : to make harmless disarm a bomb 1 : to lay aside arms 2 : to give up or reduce armed forces

disturb (v)

1a : to interfere with : INTERRUPT disturbing the flow of traffic b : to alter the position or arrangement of the items on her desk had been disturbed c : to upset the natural and especially the ecological balance or relations of wetlands disturbed by development 2a : to destroy the tranquility or composure of The noisy lawnmower disturbed their sleep. was disturbed by his bizarre behavior b : to throw into disorder disturbing our routine c : ALARM trying not to disturb the sleeping dogs d : to put to inconvenience sorry to disturb you at such a late hour : to cause disturbance

exercise (v)

1a : to make effective in action : USE didn't exercise good judgment b : to bring to bear : EXERT exercise influence c : to implement the terms of exercise an option 2a : to use repeatedly in order to strengthen or develop exercise a muscle b : to train by drills and maneuvers exercise troops c : to put through exercises exercise the horses 3a : to engage the attention and effort of b : to cause anxiety, alarm, or indignation in the issues exercising voters this year intransitive verb : to take exercise exercised; exercising

sift (v)

1a : to put through a sieve sift flour b : to separate or separate out by or as if by putting through a sieve 2 : to go through especially to sort out what is useful or valuable sifted the evidence —often used with through sift through a pile of old letters 3 : to scatter by or as if by sifting sift sugar on a cake intransitive verb 1 : to use a sieve 2 : to pass or fall as if through a sieve sifted; sifting; sifts

drama (n)

1a literature : a composition (see composition sense 5a) in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue and typically designed for theatrical performance : play — compare closet drama b : a movie or television production with characteristics (such as conflict) of a serious play broadly : a play, movie, or television production with a serious tone or subject a police drama 2 literature : dramatic art, literature, or affairs English drama 3a : a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces the drama of the past week dealing with some family drama b : dramatic state, effect, or quality the drama of the courtroom proceedings

pout (v)

1a : to show displeasure by thrusting out the lips or wearing a sullen expression a pouting child Sure, you have sports figures misbehaving today. John McEnroe pouts and snarls and curses at tennis judges twice his age, on television ... — Roy Blount Jr. b : to push out or purse the lips in a sexually suggestive way a pouting model ... appears in adverts surrounded by gorgeous, pouting blondes. — The Economist c : to be moodily silent : SULK If they invited her out, she declined the invitation. When they went out, she would be pouting when they came home. — Susan Sheehan 2 : PROTRUDE transitive verb : to cause to protrude pouted her lips pouted; pouting; pouts

tread (v)

1a : to step or walk on or over b : to walk or proceed along : FOLLOW treading a fine line between tradition and innovation 2a : to form by treading : BEAT tread a path b : to execute by stepping or dancing tread a measure 3a : to beat or press with the feet : TRAMPLE b : to subdue or repress as if by trampling : CRUSH 4 : to copulate with —used of a male bird intransitive verb 1 : to move or proceed on or as if on foot must tread lightly 2a : to set foot has gone where others fear to tread b : to put one's foot : STEP carelessly treading on the flowers 3 : COPULATE tread on one's toes : to give offense (as by encroaching on one's rights or feelings) tread water : to keep the body nearly upright in the water and the head above water by a treading motion of the feet usually aided by the hands trod; treaded; trodden; treading

bid (v)

1a obsolete : BESEECH, ENTREAT b : to issue an order to : TELL did as I was bid c : to request to come : INVITE were bidden to the wedding 2 : to give expression to bade a tearful farewell 3a : OFFER —usually used in the phrase to bid defiance The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. — William Pitt b past tense and past participle bid (1) : to offer (a price) whether for payment or acceptance The contractor bid $10,000 less than his nearest competitor. (2) card games : to make a bid (see BID entry 2 sense 4) of or in (a suit at cards) bid one spade intransitive verb : to make a bid (see BID entry 2) Several other companies bid on the job. bid fair : to seem likely a movie that bids fair to become a big hit

role (n)

1a(1) : a character assigned or assumed had to take on the role of both father and mother (2) : a socially expected behavior pattern usually determined by an individual's status in a particular society b : a part played by an actor or singer 2 : a function or part performed especially in a particular operation or process played a major role in the negotiations

pool (n)

1a(1) : a small and rather deep body of usually fresh water (2) : a quiet place in a stream (3) : a body of water forming above a dam b : something resembling a pool a pool of light 2 : a small body of standing liquid 3 : a continuous area of porous sedimentary rock that yields petroleum or gas 4 : SWIMMING POOL

door (n)

1a(1) : an adequate or due portion all too few of the British actresses ... have received their measure of remembrance — Saturday Review (2) : a moderate degree also : MODERATION, TEMPERANCE (3) : a fixed or suitable limit : BOUNDS rich beyond measure b : the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by measuring took his measure for a coat c : an estimate of what is to be expected (as of a person or situation) the measure of their tragedy is now beyond our imagination — G. F. Kennan d(1) : a measured quantity (2) : AMOUNT, DEGREE giving children a greater measure of freedom 2a : an instrument (such as a yardstick) or utensil (such as a graduated cup) for measuring b(1) : a standard or unit of measurement — see WEIGHTS AND MEASURES TABLE (2) : a system of standard units of measure metric measure 3 : the act or process of measuring settled by a measure made by a surveyor 4a(1) : MELODY, TUNE (2) : DANCE especially : a slow and stately dance b : rhythmic structure or movement : CADENCE: such as (1) : poetic rhythm measured by temporal (see TEMPORAL entry 1 sense 3) quantity or accent specifically : METER (2) : musical time c(1) : a grouping of a specified number of musical beats located between two consecutive vertical lines on a staff (2) : a metrical unit : FOOT 5 : an exact divisor of a number 6 being the greatest common measure of 42 and 12 6 : a basis or standard of comparison wealth is not a measure of happiness 7 : a step planned or taken as a means to an end took strong measures against the rebels specifically : a proposed legislative act sponsored an anti-inflation measure in the senate

existentialism (n)

: a chiefly 20th century philosophical movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for acts of free will without any certain knowledge of what is right or wrong or good or bad

Vanir (n)

: a race of Norse gods who warred against and later reconciled with the Aesir

musique concréte (n)

: a recorded montage of natural sounds often electronically modified and presented as a musical composition

dojo (n)

: a school for training in various arts of self-defense (such as judo or karate) dojos

psychosis (n)

: a serious mental illness (such as schizophrenia) characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions psychoses

apothegm (n)

: a short, pithy, and instructive saying or formulation : APHORISM

sun dance (n)

: a solo or group solstice rite of American Indians

multiple chemical sensitivity (n)

: a variable group of symptoms (such as tachycardia, sweating, fatigue, nausea, trembling, and difficulty concentrating) that typically occur in susceptible individuals upon exposure to low concentrations of usually harmless chemicals — called also multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome — compare SICK BUILDING SYNDROME

markswoman (n)

: a woman skilled in shooting at a mark or target

approval (n)

: an act or instance of approving something : APPROBATION The change is subject to the committee's approval. on approval : subject to a prospective buyer's acceptance or refusal stamps sent to collectors on approval

muskrat (n)

: an aquatic rodent (Ondatra zibethica) of the U.S. and Canada with a long scaly laterally compressed tail, webbed hind feet, and dark glossy brown fur also : its fur or pelt muskrat or muskrats

wandering (adj)

: characterized by aimless, slow, or pointless movement: such as a : that winds or meanders a wandering course b : not keeping a rational or sensible course : VAGRANT c : NOMADIC wandering tribes d of a plant : having long runners or tendrils

poltroon (adj)

: characterized by complete cowardice

self-engrossed (adj)

: completely engrossed or absorbed with oneself Her mind was entirely self-engrossed. She was in a reverie of sweet remembrances. —Jane Austen Even the greediest corporate raiders, the sleaziest pro athletes, the most self-engrossed entertainers have their circles of admirers ... —Jacquielynn Floyd

chest-thumping (n)

: conduct or expression marked by pompous or arrogant self-assertion political chest-thumping

snazzy (adj)

: conspicuously or flashily attractive : FANCY snazzy clothes a snazzy car snazzier; snazziest

self-pity (n)

: pity for oneself especially : a self-indulgent dwelling on one's own sorrows or misfortunes

banausic (adj)

: relating to or concerned with earning a living —used pejoratively contempt for the banausic occupations — T. S. Eliot also : UTILITARIAN, PRACTICAL such mundane and banausic considerations as comfort and durability — G. B. Boyer

human rights (n)

: rights (such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons

presence of mind (n)

: self-control so maintained in an emergency or in an embarrassing situation that one can say or do the right thing

silver cord (n)

: the emotional tie between a mother and a child and especially a son

agility (n)

: the quality or state of being agile : NIMBLENESS, DEXTERITY played with increasing agility

tranquillity (n)

: the quality or state of being tranquil the tranquility of the quiet countryside

maidenhood (n)

: the quality, state, or time of being a maiden

alliteration (n)

: the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (such as wild and woolly, threatening throngs) — called also head rhyme, initial rhyme

lifemanship (n)

: the skill or practice of achieving superiority or an appearance of superiority over others (as in conversation) by perplexing and demoralizing them

misinform (v)

: to give incorrect or misleading information to (someone) : to inform (someone) wrongly That small, self-serving cabal managed to misinform generations of Americans with malicious myths that misshaped history. — Dana D. Kelley Pardon me, interrupted Alfred Inglethorp, you have been misinformed. I had no quarrel with my dear wife. ... — Agatha Christie — see also MISINFORMED misinformed; misinforming; misinforms

spell out (v)

: to make plain spelled out the orders in detail 2 : to write or print in letters and in full numbers are to be spelled out

mottle (v)

: to mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained mottled; mottling

mispronounce (v)

: to pronounce incorrectly or in a way regarded as incorrect mispronounced; mispronouncing; mispronounces

memorable (adj)

: worth remembering : notable a memorable occasion a memorable performance memorable quotations

good-natured (adj)

a good-natured friend. : of a pleasant and cooperative disposition

hindrance (n)

a hindrance to the team. 1 : the state of being interfered with, held back, or slowed down : the state of being hindered hindrance of speech 2 : a person or thing that interferes with or slows the progress of someone or something : IMPEDIMENT a hindrance to learning 3 : the act of interfering with or slowing the progress of someone or something : the action of hindering should be allowed to live where he chooses without hindrance

dark horse (n)

dark horse - aka underdog. 1 a : a usually little known contender (such as a racehorse) that makes an unexpectedly good showing b : an entrant in a contest that is judged unlikely to succeed 2 : a political candidate unexpectedly nominated usually as a compromise between factions

de-escalate (v)

de-escalate a tense meeting. transitive verb : limit 2b de-escalate production intransitive verb : to decrease in extent, volume, or scope violence began to de-escalate tried to de-escalate the tension — de-escalation play \(ˌ)dē-ˌes-kə-ˈlā-shən, nonstandard -kyə-\ noun — de-escalatory

frequent (v)

frequenting an establishment. frequented; frequenting; frequents transitive verb 1 : to associate with, be in, or resort to often or habitually a bar frequented by sports fans a restaurant frequented by local politicians 2 archaic : to read systematically or habitually — frequentation play \ˌfrē-ˌkwen-ˈtā-shən, -kwən-\ noun — frequenter noun

birth (n)

giving birth to... a : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent b : the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb 2 : a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place a Southerner by birth 3 a : lineage, extraction b : high or noble birth 4 a archaic : one that is born b : beginning, start

lo (interj)

—used to call attention or to express wonder or surprise lo these many years

headlong (adv)

1 : HEADFIRST sense 1 2 : without deliberation : RECKLESSLY rushes headlong into danger 3 : without pause or delay

analyst (n)

1 : a person who analyzes or who is skilled in analysis 2 : PSYCHOANALYST

pomp (n)

1 : a show of magnificence : SPLENDOR every day begins ... in a pomp of flaming colours — F. D. Ommanney 2 : a ceremonial or festival display (such as a train of followers or a pageant) 3a : ostentatious display : VAINGLORY b : an ostentatious gesture or act

lap (n)

: a loose overlapping or hanging panel or flap especially of a garment b archaic : the skirt of a coat or dress 2a : the clothing that lies on the knees, thighs, and lower part of the trunk when one sits b : the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person 3 : responsible custody : CONTROL going to drop the whole thing in your lap — Hamilton Basso the lap of luxury : an environment of great ease, comfort, and wealth

loudmouth (n)

: a loudmouthed person

mojo (n)

: a magic spell, hex, or charm broadly : magical power works his mojo on the tennis court The team has lost its mojo. mojoes or mojos

mystery play (n)

: a medieval drama based on scriptural incidents (such as the creation of the world, the Flood, or the life, death, and resurrection of Christ) — compare MIRACLE PLAY

marsh (n)

: a tract of soft wet land usually characterized by monocotyledons (such as grasses or cattails)

manger (n)

: a trough (see trough sense 1a) or open box in a stable designed to hold feed or fodder for livestock We had our stage props now: a radiating tinfoil star and one of those mangers you see in Nativity scenes and nowhere else.— Richard Peck The first stall was a large square one, shut in behind with a wooden gate; ... it had a low rack for hay and a low manger for corn ...— Anna Sewell

annual report (n)

: a usually lengthy report issued yearly by an organization giving an account of its internal workings and especially its finances

arithmetic mean (n)

: a value that is computed by dividing the sum of a set of terms by the number of terms

ruse (n)

: a wily subterfuge

superweapon (n)

: an extremely powerful weapon President Truman had, as vice president, been kept totally in the dark about the Manhattan Project, so it was a great surprise to him to learn of the atomic superweapon soon to be at his disposal. — Kelli Peduzzi This is a trebuchet, a fearsome, poorly understood superweapon of the Middle Ages ... — Evan Hadingham superweapons

laughingstock (n)

: an object of ridicule

modular arithmetic (n)

: arithmetic that deals with whole numbers where the numbers are replaced by their remainders after division by a fixed number in a modular arithmetic with modulus 5, 3 multiplied by 4 is 2

maldistribution (n)

: bad or faulty distribution : undesirable inequality or unevenness of placement or apportionment (as of population, resources, or wealth) over an area or among members of a group

self-proclaimed (adj)

: based on one's own assertion a self-proclaimed genius

abreast (adv or adj)

: beside one another in line columns of men five abreast with seats two abreast on each side of the aisle They drew abreast of [=alongside of] each other. 2 : up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments tries to keep abreast of [=to stay informed about] the news

mate (v)

: checkmate sense 2 mated; mating

rowdy (adj)

: coarse or boisterous in behavior : ROUGH also : characterized by such behavior rowdy local bars rowdier; rowdiest

microevolution (n)

: comparatively minor evolutionary change involving the accumulation of variations in populations usually below the species level

hypercompetitive (adj)

: extremely or excessively competitive hypercompetitive athletes learning to adapt quickly in a hypercompetitive industry ... eliminates customers' deep fear that their siblings, neighbors or hyper-competitive co-workers might score sweeter deals on the same vehicles. — James Bennet hyper-competitive

medium (adj)

: intermediate in quantity, quality, position, size, or degree

man-made (adj)

: manufactured, created, or constructed by human beings specifically : SYNTHETIC man-made fibers

detrimental (adj)

: obviously harmful : DAMAGING the detrimental effects of pollution

premium (adj)

: of exceptional quality or amount also : higher-priced

transformational (adj)

: of, relating to, characterized by, or concerned with transformation and especially linguistic transformation

characterological (adj)

: of, relating to, or based on character or the study of character including its development and its differences in different individuals

left-bank (adj)

: of, relating to, situated in, or characteristic of the bohemian district of Paris on the left bank of the Seine River

dirty laundry (n)

: private matters whose public exposure brings distress and embarrassment — called also dirty linen

midday (n)

: the middle of the day They arrived around midday.

legal reserve (n)

: the minimum amount of bank deposits or life insurance company assets required by law to be kept as reserves

psychological moment (n)

: the occasion when the mental atmosphere is most certain to be favorable to the full effect of an action or event

dole (v)

: to give or distribute as a charity —usually used with out dole out food to needy families doled; doling

march (v)

: to have common borders or frontiers a region that marches with Canada in the north and the Pacific in the west 1 : to move along steadily usually with a rhythmic stride and in step with others 2a : to move in a direct purposeful manner : proceed b : to make steady progress : advance time marches on 3 : to stand in orderly array suggestive of marching 1 : to cause to march marched the children off to bed 2 : to cover by marching : traverse marched 10 miles marched; marching; marches

maligner (v)


distracted (adj)

1 : having one's thoughts or attention drawn away : unable to concentrate or give attention to something a distracted driver ... everyone else ... is too distracted to see how lost and yearning she has become ... — Richard Schickel ... used to get so distracted by cellphone conversations overheard on the bus that she couldn't focus on reading. — Roni Caryn Rabin 2 : harassed, confused, or deranged especially by strong feelings a mind distracted by grief ... putting that poor gentleman through a course of questions that nearly drove him distracted. — Louisa May Alcott

compulsive (adj)

1 : having power to compel forced to resort to compulsive measures 2 : of, relating to, caused by, or suggestive of psychological compulsion or obsession compulsive actions a compulsive gambler compulsive eating

beautiful (adj)

1 : having qualities of beauty : exciting aesthetic pleasure 2 : generally pleasing : EXCELLENT

androgynous (adj)

1 : having the characteristics or nature of both male and female androgynous heroines 2a : neither specifically feminine nor masculine the androgynous pronoun them b : suitable to or for either sex androgynous clothing 3 : having traditional male and female roles obscured or reversed an androgynous marriage

walleyed (adj)

1 : having walleyes or affected with walleye 2 : marked by a wild irrational staring of the eyes

amok (adv)

1 : in a violently raging, wild, or uncontrolled manner —used in the phrase run amok rioters running amok in the streets Conditions had allowed extremism to run amok. 2 : in a murderously frenzied state

accordingly (adv)

1 : in accordance : correspondingly Read the instructions and act accordingly. 2 : consequently, so was delayed and accordingly arrived late

archly (adv)

1 : in an arch manner 2 : EXTREMELY archly conservative

onerous (adj)

1 : involving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome an onerous task onerous regulations an onerous mortgage 2 : having legal obligations that outweigh the advantages an onerous contract — onerously adverb — onerousness noun

squalid (adj)

1 : marked by filthiness and degradation from neglect or poverty 2 : SORDID

orotund (adj)

1 : marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound : sonorous an orotund voice 2 : pompous, bombastic an orotund speech — orotundity

reckless (adj)

1 : marked by lack of proper caution : careless of consequences 2 : IRRESPONSIBLE reckless charges

lost (adj)

1 : not made use of, won, or claimed a lost opportunity 2a : no longer possessed a lost reputation b : no longer known a lost tunnel 3 : ruined or destroyed physically or morally : DESPERATE a lost soul 4a : taken away or beyond reach or attainment : DENIED regions lost to the faith b : INSENSIBLE, HARDENED lost to shame 5a : unable to find the way b : no longer visible lost in the crowd c : lacking assurance or self-confidence : HELPLESS lost without his glasses 6 : RAPT, ABSORBED lost in reverie 7 : not appreciated or understood : WASTED their jokes were lost on me 8 : obscured or overlooked during a process or activity lost in translation 9 : hopelessly unattainable : FUTILE a lost cause

precious (adj)

1 : of great value or high price precious jewels 2 : highly esteemed or cherished a precious friend 3 : excessively refined : AFFECTED precious manners 4 : GREAT, THOROUGHGOING a precious scoundrel

Hispanic (adj)

1 : of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal 2 : of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the U.S. especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin

postmodern (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or being an era after a modern one postmodern times a postmodern metropolis 2a : of, relating to, or being any of various movements in reaction to modernism that are typically characterized by a return to traditional materials and forms (as in architecture) or by ironic self-reference and absurdity (as in literature) b : of, relating to, or being a theory that involves a radical reappraisal of modern assumptions about culture, identity, history, or language postmodern feminism

lethargic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy : feeling or affected by lethargy : sluggish The patient was weak and lethargic. 2 : indifferent, apathetic The legislature was lethargic in considering the bill. — lethargically

lumen (n)

1 : the cavity of a tubular organ or part the lumen of a blood vessel 2 : the bore of a tube (as of a hollow needle or catheter) 3 : a unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a unit solid angle by a uniform point source of one candle intensity lumens also lumina

armpit (n)

1 : the hollow beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder 2 : the least desirable place : pit 77th Street Station ... was the armpit of detective duty— Joseph Wambaugh

hypotenuse (n)

1 : the side of a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle 2 : the length of a hypotenuse

loom (v)

1 : to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions Storm clouds loomed on the horizon. 2a : to appear in an impressively great or exaggerated form deficits loomed large b : to take shape as an impending occurrence the problems that loomed ahead loomed; looming; looms

mob (v)

1 : to crowd about and attack or annoy mobbed by autograph hunters a crow mobbed by songbirds 2 : to crowd into or around customers mob the stores on sale days mobbed; mobbing

baffle (v)

1 : to defeat or check (someone) by confusing or puzzling : to confuse or frustrate completely : DISCONCERT Her behavior baffled her parents. 2 : to check or break the force or flow of by or as if by a baffle (see BAFFLE entry 2) baffle the steam baffled; baffling

regale (v)

1 : to entertain sumptuously : feast with delicacies 2 : to give pleasure or amusement to regaled us with tall tales intransitive verb : to feast oneself : FEED regaled; regaling

content (adj)

: CONTENTED, SATISFIED She was content with her life as it was.

incarnate (adj)

1 a : invested with bodily and especially human nature and form b : made manifest or comprehensible : embodied a fiend incarnate 2 : incarnadine incarnate clover

retrospective (adj)

1a(1) : of, relating to, or given to retrospection (2) : based on memory a retrospective report b : being a retrospective a retrospective exhibition 2 : affecting things past : RETROACTIVE retrospective laws 3 : relating to or being a study (as of a disease) that starts with the present condition of a population of individuals and collects data about their past history to explain their present condition

binding (adj)

1 : that binds 2 : imposing an obligation

disturbance (n)

1 : the act of disturbing : the state of being disturbed apologized for creating a disturbance 2 : a local variation from the average or normal wind conditions

mishandle (v)

1 : to treat roughly : MALTREAT 2 : to deal with or manage wrongly or ignorantly mishandled; mishandling; mishandles

muted (adj)

1a : being mute : silent b : toned down : low-key, subdued 2 : provided with or produced or modified by the use of a mute

argonaut (n)

1a capitalized : any of a band of heroes sailing with Jason in quest of the Golden Fleece b : an adventurer engaged in a quest 2 : paper nautilus

cement (v)

cementing a relationship. 1 : to unite or make firm by or as if by cement Pebbles were cemented together by clay. has cemented his role as a leader on the team —T. W. Smith 2 : to overlay with concrete cemented the cellar floor intransitive verb : to become cemented

Mars (n)

colonizing Mars. 1 : the Roman god of war — compare ares 2 : the planet fourth in order from the sun and conspicuous for its red color — see planets table

high treason (n)

committing high treason : TREASON sense 1

hard sell (n)

going to be a hard sell. aggressive high-pressure salesmanship — compare SOFT SELL

gross (n)

gross negligance. 1 : overall total exclusive of deductions The company's gross doubled in five years. 2 obsolete : amount, sum

thin (adj)

through thick and thin. 1a : having little extent from one surface to its opposite thin paper b : measuring little in cross section or diameter thin rope 2 : not dense in arrangement or distribution thin hair 3 : not well fleshed : LEAN 4a : more fluid or rarefied than normal thin air b : having less than the usual number : SCANTY thin attendance c : few in number : SCARCE d : scantily supplied e : characterized by a paucity of bids or offerings a thin market 5a : lacking substance or strength thin broth a thin plot b of a soil : INFERTILE, POOR 6a : FLIMSY, UNCONVINCING a thin disguise b : disappointingly poor or hard had a thin time of it 7 : somewhat feeble, shrill, and lacking in resonance a thin voice 8 : lacking in intensity or brilliance thin light 9 : lacking sufficient photographic density or contrast thin on the ground : SCARCE sense 1

dehumanize (v)

to deprive of human qualities, personality, or spirit — dehumanization play \(ˌ)dē-ˌhyü-mə-nə-ˈzā-shən, (ˌ)dē-ˌyü-\ noun

guarantee (n)

1 : GUARANTOR 2 : GUARANTY sense 1 3 : an assurance for the fulfillment of a condition: such as a : an agreement by which one person undertakes to secure another in the possession or enjoyment of something b : an assurance of the quality of or of the length of use to be expected from a product offered for sale often with a promise of reimbursement The washer comes with a guarantee against major defects. 4 : GUARANTY sense 4

lethargy (n)

1 : abnormal drowsiness 2 : the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent

slavery (n)

1 : DRUDGERY, TOIL 2 : submission to a dominating influence 3a : the state of a person who is a chattel of another b : the practice of slaveholding

mooch (v)

1 intransitive : to move slowly or apathetically : to wander aimlessly ... the rainy afternoons ... spent mooching up and down the aisles of small-town pharmacies and hardware stores. — Frederick Busch 2 transitive + intransitive : to get things from another or live off the generosity of others without providing any return payment or benefit : SPONGE trying to mooch a cigarette mooching money off her brother has been mooching off his parents for years mooched; mooching; mooches

lip-lock (n)

: a long amorous kiss

mix (v)

1a(1) : to combine or blend into one mass (2) : to combine with another b : to bring into close association mix business with pleasure 2a : to form by mixing components mix a drink at the bar b : to produce (a sound recording) by electronically combining or adjusting sounds from more than one source 3 : CONFUSE —often used with up mixes things up in his eagerness to speak out — Irving Howe 1a : to become mixed b : to be capable of mixing 2 : to enter into relations : ASSOCIATE 3 : CROSSBREED 4 : to become involved : PARTICIPATE decided not to mix in politics mix it up : to engage in a fight, contest, or dispute mixed; mixing; mixes

stubborn (adj)

1a(1) : unreasonably or perversely unyielding : MULISH (2) : justifiably unyielding : RESOLUTE b : suggestive or typical of a strong stubborn nature a stubborn jaw 2 : performed or carried on in an unyielding, obstinate, or persistent manner stubborn effort 3 : difficult to handle, manage, or treat a stubborn cold 4 : LASTING stubborn facts

likelihood (n)

: PROBABILITY a strong likelihood that he is correct — T. D. Anderson

mathematical logic (n)


melting (adj)

: TENDER, DELICATE a love song's melting lyric

mortician (n)

: UNDERTAKER sense 2

mistletoe (n)

: a European semiparasitic green shrub (Viscum album of the family Loranthaceae, the mistletoe family) with thick leaves, small yellowish flowers, and waxy-white glutinous berries broadly : any of various plants of the mistletoe family (as of an American genus Phoradendron) resembling the true mistletoe

maharaja (n)

: a Hindu prince ranking above a raja

clientele (n)

: a body of clients a shop that caters to an exclusive clientele

missal (n)

: a book containing all that is said or sung at mass during the entire year

mommy track (n)

: a career path that allows a mother flexible or reduced work hours but tends to slow or block advancement

mainland (n)

: a continent or the main part of a continent as distinguished from an offshore island or sometimes from a cape or peninsula

Pavlovian (adj)

Pavlovian conditioning. 1 : of or relating to Ivan Pavlov or to his work and theories Pavlovian conditioning 2 : being or expressing a conditioned or predictable reaction : automatic the candidates gave Pavlovian answers

hybrid (n)

a hybrid approach. 1 : an offspring of two animals or plants of different races (see 3race 3a), breeds, varieties, species, or genera a hybrid of two roses 2 : a person whose background is a blend of two diverse cultures or traditions 3 a : something heterogeneous in origin or composition : composite hybrids of complementary DNA and RNA strands a hybrid of medieval and Renaissance styles b : something (such as a power plant, vehicle, or electronic circuit) that has two different types of components performing essentially the same function drives a hybrid that gets really good mileage — hybrid adjective — hybridism play \ˈhī-brə-ˌdi-zəm\ noun — hybridity

long-winded (adj)

a long-winded explanation. 1 : tediously long in speaking or writing 2 : not easily subject to loss of breath — long-windedly adverb — long-windedness noun

acquaint (v)

acquainted; acquainting; acquaints transitive verb 1 : to cause to know personally was acquainted with the mayor 2 : to make familiar : to cause to know firsthand acquainting the new employees with their responsibilities She took a few days to acquaint herself with the facts of the case.


any one of five levels of U.S. military defense readiness that are ranked from 5 to 1 according to the perceived threat to national security, with 1 indicating the highest level of perceived threat It was determined that the secretary of Defense had the authority to declare DEFCON 3 on his authority. —Stephen A. Cambone —sometimes used figuratively Don't even mention the privatization of Social Security that will take Congress to DEFCON 1. —Sam Allis

attention (n)

close attention to detail. 1 a : the act or state of applying the mind to something Our attention was on the game. You should pay attention to what she says. b : a condition of readiness for such attention involving especially a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity Students, do I have your attention? 2 : observation, notice; especially : consideration with a view to action a problem requiring prompt attention 3 a : an act of civility or courtesy especially in courtship She welcomed his attentions. b : sympathetic consideration of the needs and wants of others : attentiveness She lavished attention on her children. 4 : a position assumed by a soldier with heels together, body erect, arms at the sides, and eyes to the front (US) The troops stood at attention. = (British) The troops stood to attention. —often used as a command — attentional

congregate (v)

congregated; congregating transitive verb : to collect into a group or crowd : assemble The king congregated his knights. intransitive verb : to come together into a group, crowd, or assembly Students congregated in the auditorium. — congregator

sensibility (n)

cultural sensibilities. 1 : ability to receive sensations : SENSITIVENESS tactile sensibility 2 : peculiar susceptibility to a pleasurable or painful impression (as from praise or a slight) —often used in plural 3 : awareness of and responsiveness toward something (such as emotion in another) 4 : refined or excessive sensitiveness in emotion and taste with especial responsiveness to the pathetic

age of reason (n)

dawn of the age of reason. 1 : the time of life when one begins to be able to distinguish right from wrong 2 : a period characterized by a prevailing belief in the use of reason; especially Age of Reason : the 18th century in England and France

gratification (n)

delayed gratification. 1 : REWARD, RECOMPENSE monetary gratification for a job well done especially : GRATUITY 2 : the act of gratifying : the state of being gratified the gratification of physical appetites 3 : a source of satisfaction or pleasure found gratification in getting his novel published

relationship (n)

developing a relationship with... 1 : the state of being related or interrelated studied the relationship between the variables 2 : the relation connecting or binding participants in a relationship: such as a : KINSHIP b : a specific instance or type of kinship 3a : a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings had a good relationship with his family b : a romantic or passionate attachment

supercede (v)

disputed spelling variant of SUPERSEDE

easygoing (adj)

easygoing personality. 1a : relaxed and casual in style or manner an easygoing boss b : morally lax 2 : UNHURRIED, COMFORTABLE an easygoing pace

envelop (v)

enveloped with/in. enveloped; enveloping; envelops transitive verb 1 : to enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering 2 : to mount an attack on (an enemy's flank) — envelopment

escape (v)

escape from... escaped; escaping intransitive verb 1 a : to get away (as by flight) escaped from prison b : to issue from confinement gas is escaping c of a plant : to run wild from cultivation 2 : to avoid a threatening evil the boat sank but the crew escaped transitive verb 1 : to get free of : break away from escape the jungle escape the solar system 2 : to get or stay out of the way of : avoid efforts to escape poverty 3 : to fail to be noticed or recallable by his name escapes me 4 a : to issue from a smile escaped me b : to be uttered involuntarily by a sigh of relief escaped her — escaper noun

grapple (v)

grappling with an unfortunate truth. 1 : to seize with or as if with a grapple (see GRAPPLE entry 1 sense 2) 2 : to grasp with the hands : WRESTLE 3 : to bind closely intransitive verb 1 : to make a ship fast with a grappling hook 2 : to begin to understand or deal with something in a direct or effective way Officials grappled with an increase in violent crimes. 3 : to use a grapple

gross (adj)

gross injustice. 1a(1) : glaringly noticeable usually because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness a gross error (2) : OUT-AND-OUT, UTTER a gross injustice b : visible without the aid of a microscope a gross lesion c archaic : immediately obvious Now to all sense 'tis gross you love my son. —William Shakespeare 2a : coarse in nature or behavior : UNREFINED has gross table manners b : gravely deficient in civility or decency : crudely vulgar merely gross, a scatological rather than a pornographic impropriety —Aldous Huxley c informal : inspiring disgust or distaste That sandwich looks gross. 3a : of, relating to, or dealing with general aspects or broad distinctions a gross outline of the plan b : consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions gross income — compare NET 4a : BIG, BULKY b : growing or spreading with excessive luxuriance a gross riot of vegetation 5 : made up of material or perceptible elements 6 : deficient in knowledge : IGNORANT, UNTUTORED 7 archaic : not fastidious in taste : UNDISCRIMINATING

high ground (n)

have the high ground. a position of advantage or superiority; especially : an ethically superior position took the moral high ground during the debate

decide (v)

have to ultimately decide for yourself. 1 a : to make a final choice or judgment about decide what to do couldn't decide whether to take the job or not b : to select as a course of action —used with an infinitive decided to go c : to infer on the basis of evidence : conclude They decided that he was right. 2 : to bring to a definitive end one blow decided the fight 3 : to induce to come to a choice her pleas decided him to help intransitive verb : to make a choice or judgment decide on where to go — decider noun

aftermath (n)

in the aftermath of... 1 : a second-growth crop — called also rowen 2 : consequence, result stricken with guilt as an aftermath of the accident 3 : the period immediately following a usually ruinous event in the aftermath of the war

innate (adj)

innate quality. 1 : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : native, inborn innate behavior 2 : belonging to the essential nature of something : inherent 3 : originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience — innately adverb

instrumental (adj)

instrumental to his success. 1 a : serving as a crucial means, agent, or tool was instrumental in organizing the strike b : of, relating to, or done with an instrument or tool 2 : relating to, composed for, or performed on a musical instrument 3 : of, relating to, or being a grammatical case or form expressing means or agency 4 : of or relating to instrumentalism 5 : operant 3 instrumental learning instrumental conditioning — instrumental noun — instrumentally

paper trail (n)

leave a paper trail. documents (such as financial records) from which a person's actions may be traced or opinions learned

legitimize (v)

legitimized; legitimizing transitive verb : to make legitimate : legitimate — legitimization play \li-ˌji-tə-mə-ˈzā-shən\ noun — legitimizer

woodwork (n)

out of the woodwork. 1 : work made of wood; especially : interior fittings (such as moldings or stairways) of wood 2 : a place or state of concealment, seclusion, or anonymity witnesses came out of the woodwork when a reward was offered

overuse (v)

overused; overusing : to use (something) too much : to use (something) excessively or too frequently a word that has been greatly overused At best, gatekeepers can keep everyone from overusing costly high-tech treatments when primary care is enough. —Marilyn Chase

parsimonious (adj)

parsimonious consumer. 1 : exhibiting or marked by parsimony; especially : frugal to the point of stinginess 2 : sparing, restrained

pass up (v)

passing up an opportunity. to let go by without accepting or taking advantage of pass up a chance for promotion; also : decline, reject

tune out (v)

tune out the noise. transitive verb : to become unresponsive to : IGNORE intransitive verb : to dissociate oneself from what is happening or one's surroundings

feminine (adj)

1 : FEMALE sense 1a(1) 2 : characteristic of or appropriate or unique to women feminine beauty a feminine perspective 3 : of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to females a feminine noun 4a : being an unstressed and usually additional final syllable after the final complete foot in a line of verse a feminine ending b of rhyme : having an unstressed final syllable c : having the final chord occurring on a weak beat music in feminine cadences

beguile (v)

1 : HOODWINK beguiled her classmates into doing the work for her 2 : to engage the interest of by or as if by guile His seductive voice beguiled the audience. 3 : to lead by deception beguiled into ambush 4 : to while away especially by some agreeable occupation also : DIVERT sense 2 The seven poems were written to beguile the tedium of a sea voyage. — Vernon Louis Parrington beguiled; beguiling

dichotomy (n)

1 : a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities the dichotomy between theory and practice also : the process or practice of making such a division dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes 2 : something with seemingly contradictory qualities it's a dichotomy, this opulent Ritz-style luxury in a place that fronts on a boat harbor — Jean T. Barrett 3 : the phase of the moon or an inferior planet in which half its disk appears illuminated 4a : BIFURCATION especially : repeated bifurcation (as of a plant's stem) b : a system of branching in which the main axis forks repeatedly into two branches c : branching of an ancestral line into two equal diverging branches dichotomies

misunderstanding (n)

1 : a failure to understand : MISINTERPRETATION The instructions were carefully written to prevent misunderstanding. 2 : QUARREL, DISAGREEMENT an unfortunate misunderstanding between two old friends

aggression (n)

1 : a forceful action or procedure (such as an unprovoked attack) especially when intended to dominate or master 2 : the practice of making attacks or encroachments especially : unprovoked violation by one country of the territorial integrity of another warned that any act of aggression could start a war 3 : hostile, injurious, or destructive behavior or outlook especially when caused by frustration Aggression is often the expression of pent-up rage.

murmur (n)

1 : a half-suppressed or muttered complaint : grumbling murmurs of disapproval 2 a : a low indistinct but often continuous sound a murmur of voices the murmur of the waves along the shore b : a soft or gentle utterance the murmur of nannies cooing into baby carriages —Nancy Gibbs 3 : an atypical sound of the heart typically indicating a functional or structural abnormality The physician detected a heart murmur in his patient.

lyceum (n)

1 : a hall for public lectures or discussions 2 : an association providing public lectures, concerts, and entertainments 3 : LYCÉE

pettifogger (n)

1 : a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded, or disreputable : SHYSTER 2 : one given to quibbling over trifles

draftsman (n)

1 : a person who draws plans and sketches (as of machinery or structures) 2 : a person who draws legal documents or other writings 3 : an artist who excels in drawing

agnostic (n)

1 : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god 2 : a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something political agnostics — agnosticism

zest (n)

1 : a piece of the peel of a citrus fruit (such as an orange or lemon) used as flavoring 2 : an enjoyably exciting quality : PIQUANCY adds zest to the performance 3 : keen enjoyment : RELISH, GUSTO has a zest for living

method (n)

1 : a procedure or process for attaining an object: such as a(1) : a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or art (2) : a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction the lecture method b(1) : a way, technique, or process of or for doing something often slow in their business methods — T. R. Ybarra (2) : a body of skills or techniques in the art of the novel, heavily armed with method — J. D. Scott 2 : a discipline that deals with the principles and techniques of scientific inquiry 3a : orderly arrangement, development, or classification : PLAN The book is completely lacking in method. b : the habitual practice of orderliness and regularity time enough to do everything if only you used method — Angela Thirkell 4 capitalized : a dramatic technique by which an actor seeks to gain complete identification with the inner personality of the character being portrayed

sharpshooter (n)

1 : a proficient marksman 2 : a consistently accurate shooter (as in basketball)

ledge (n)

1 : a raised or projecting edge or molding intended to protect or check a window ledge 2 : an underwater ridge or reef especially near the shore 3a : a narrow flat surface or shelf especially : one that projects from a wall of rock We rappelled down the cliff and reached the ledge. b : rock that is solid or continuous enough to form ledges : BEDROCK the field was full of ledge 4 : LODE, VEIN

drawback (n)

1 : a refund of duties especially on an imported product subsequently exported or used to produce a product for export 2 : an objectionable feature : DISADVANTAGE The plan's only drawback is its cost.

profile (n)

1 : a representation of something in outline especially : a human head or face represented or seen in a side view 2 : an outline seen or represented in sharp relief : CONTOUR 3 : a side or sectional elevation: such as a : a drawing showing a vertical section of the ground b : a vertical section of a soil from the ground surface to the underlying unweathered material 4 : a set of data often in graphic form portraying the significant features of something a corporation's earnings profile especially : a graph representing the extent to which an individual exhibits traits or abilities as determined by tests or ratings 5 : a concise biographical sketch 6 : degree or level of public exposure trying to keep a low profile a job with a high profile

step (n)

1 : a rest for the foot in ascending or descending: such as a : one of a series of structures consisting of a riser and a tread b : a ladder rung 2a(1) : an advance or movement made by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere (2) : a combination of foot or foot and body movements constituting a unit or a repeated pattern a dance step (3) : manner of walking : STRIDE b : FOOTPRINT sense 1 c : the sound of a footstep 3a : the space passed over in one step b : a short distance c : the height of one stair 4 steps plural : COURSE, WAY directed his steps toward the river 5a : a degree, grade, or rank in a scale b : a stage in a process was guided through every step of my career 6 : a frame on a ship designed to receive an upright shaft especially : a block supporting the heel of a mast 7 : an action, proceeding, or measure often occurring as one in a series taking steps to improve the situation 8 : a steplike offset or part usually occurring in a series 9 : the interval between two adjacent notes in a musical scale 10 : STEP AEROBICS 11 : a slight lead in or as if in a race has a step on the competition in step 1 : with each foot moving to the same time as the corresponding foot of others or in time to music 2 : in harmony or agreement out of step : not in step out of step with the times

challenge (n)

1 : a stimulating task or problem looking for new challenges 2a : a calling to account or into question : PROTEST a challenge to unauthorized use of public funds b : an exception taken to a juror before the juror is sworn a challenge of a prospective juror based on a specific cause or reason c : a questioning of the right or validity of a vote or voter d : a sentry's command to halt and prove identity The intruder fled at the sentry's challenge. 3a : an invitation to compete in a sport He accepted my challenge to a game of chess. b : a summons (see SUMMONS entry 1 sense 2) that is often threatening, provocative, stimulating, or inciting specifically : a summons to a duel to answer an affront 4 : the act or process of provoking or testing physiological activity by exposure to a specific substance especially : a test of immunity by exposure to an antigen

knell (n)

1 : a stroke or sound of a bell especially when rung slowly (as for a death, funeral, or disaster) 2 : an indication of the end or the failure of something sounded the death knell for our hopes

anger (n)

1 : a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism (see ANTAGONISM sense 1b) You could hear the anger in his voice. She found it hard to control her anger. 2 : RAGE sense 2

machismo (n)

1 : a strong sense of masculine pride : an exaggerated masculinity athletes displaying their machismo 2 : an exaggerated or exhilarating sense of power or strength the administration's machismo in pushing for a new treaty

lighthouse (n)

1 : a structure (such as a tower) with a powerful light that gives a continuous or intermittent signal to navigators 2 : BEACON sense 3

ladder (n)

1 : a structure for climbing up or down that consists essentially of two long sidepieces joined at intervals by crosspieces on which one may step 2 : something that resembles or suggests a ladder in form or use especially : RUN sense 11a 3 : a series of usually ascending steps or stages : SCALE climbing up the corporate ladder

magic bullet (n)

1 : a substance or therapy capable of destroying pathogens (such as bacteria or cancer cells) or providing an effective remedy for a disease or condition without deleterious side effects 2 : something providing an effective solution to a difficult or previously unsolvable problem a magic bullet to stem voter apathy

banquet (n)

1 : a sumptuous feast especially : an elaborate and often ceremonious meal for numerous people often in honor of a person a state banquet 2 : a meal held in recognition of some occasion or achievement an awards banquet

surge (n)

1 : a swelling, rolling, or sweeping forward like that of a wave or series of waves a surge of interest 2a : a large wave or billow : SWELL b(1) : a series of such swells or billows (2) : the resulting elevation of water level 3a : a movement (such as a slipping or slackening) of a rope or cable b : a sudden jerk or strain caused by such a movement 4 : a transient sudden rise of current or voltage in an electrical circuit

space-time (n)

1 : a system of one temporal and three spatial coordinates by which any physical object or event can be located — called also space-time continuum 2 : the whole or a portion of physical reality determinable by a usually four-dimensional coordinate system also : the properties characteristic of such an order

domino theory (n)

1 : a theory that if one nation becomes Communist-controlled the neighboring nations will also become Communist-controlled 2 : the theory that if one act or event is allowed to take place a series of similar acts or events will follow

hour (n)

1 : a time or office for daily liturgical devotion especially : CANONICAL HOUR 2 : the 24th part of a day : 60 minutes 3a : the time of day reckoned in two 12-hour periods b hours plural : the time reckoned in one 24-hour period from midnight to midnight using a 4-digit number of which the first two digits indicate the hour and the last two digits indicate the minute in the military 4:30 p.m. is called 1630 hours 4a : a customary or particular time lunch hour in our hour of need also : MOMENT sense 1b hero of the hour b hours plural : time of going to bed keeps late hours also : time of working banker's hours 5 : an angular unit of right ascension equal to 15 degrees measured along the celestial equator 6 : the work done or distance traveled at normal rate in an hour the city was two hours away 7a : a class session b : CREDIT HOUR, SEMESTER HOUR after hours : after the regular quitting or closing time

sappy (adj)

1 : abounding with sap 2 : resembling or consisting largely of sapwood 3a : overly sweet or sentimental b : lacking in good sense : SILLY

drastic (adj)

1 : acting rapidly or violently a drastic purgative 2 : extreme in effect or action : severe drastic measures made drastic changes

American (n)

1 : an American Indian of North America or South America 2 : a native or inhabitant of North America or South America 3 : a native or inhabitant of the U.S. : a U.S. citizen 4 : AMERICAN ENGLISH

talisman (n)

1 : an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune 2 : something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects

animal (n)

1 : any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (such as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (such as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation 2a : one of the lower animals (see lower entry 3 sense 3) as distinguished from human beings b : mammal broadly : vertebrate 3 : a human being considered chiefly as physical or nonrational also : this nature 4 : a person with a particular interest or aptitude a political animal He's a party animal. 5 : matter, thing the theater ... is an entirely different animal— Arthur Miller also : creature sense 1c

challenging (adj)

1 : arousing competitive interest, thought, or action a challenging course of study a challenging job 2 : invitingly provocative : FASCINATING a challenging personality challenging questions

grease (v)

1 : to smear or daub with grease 2 : to lubricate with grease 3 : to soil with grease 4 : to hasten the process or progress of; also : facilitate — grease the hand of or grease the palm of : bribe

studious (adj)

1 : assiduous in the pursuit of learning 2a : of, relating to, or concerned with study studious habits b : favorable to study a studious environment 3a : diligent or earnest in intent made a studious effort b : marked by or suggesting purposefulness or diligence a studious expression on his face c : deliberately or consciously planned studious avoidance of gender-specific pronouns

mythical (adj)

1 : based on or described in a myth especially as contrasted with history 2 usually mythical : existing only in the imagination : FICTITIOUS, IMAGINARY constructed a mythical all-star team 3 usually mythic : having qualities suitable to myth : LEGENDARY the twilight of a mythic professional career — Clayton Riley mythic

side by side (adv)

1 : beside one another walking side by side 2 : in the same place, time, or circumstance lived peacefully side by side for many years

anthropocentric (adj)

1 : considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe 2 : interpreting or regarding the world in terms of human values and experiences

multiple (adj)

1 : consisting of, including, or involving more than one multiple births multiple choices 2 : MANY, MANIFOLD multiple achievements He suffered multiple injuries in the accident. 3 : shared by many multiple ownership 4 : having numerous aspects or functions : VARIOUS life is very multiple; full of movements, facts, and news — John Galsworthy 5 : being a group of terminals (see TERMINAL entry 2 sense 3) which make a circuit available at a number of points 6 : formed by coalescence of the ripening ovaries (see OVARY sense 2) of several flowers a multiple fruit

collective (adj)

1 : denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole flock is a collective word 2a : formed by collecting : AGGREGATED b of a fruit : MULTIPLE 3a : of, relating to, or being a group of individuals b : involving all members of a group as distinct from its individuals a collective action 4 : marked by similarity among or with the members of a group the collective interests of the town 5 : collectivized or characterized by collectivism collective farming collective communities 6 : shared or assumed by all members of the group collective responsibility the collective opinion of the staff collective guilt

multipartite (adj)

1 : divided into several or many parts 2 : having numerous members or signatories

millstone (n)

1 : either of two circular stones used for grinding something (such as grain) 2a : something that grinds or crushes b : a heavy burden

reductionism (n)

1 : explanation of complex life-science processes and phenomena in terms of the laws of physics and chemistry also : a theory or doctrine that complete reductionism is possible 2 : a procedure or theory that reduces complex data and phenomena to simple terms

derogatory (adj)

1 : expressive of a low opinion : DISPARAGING derogatory remarks a derogatory term 2 : detracting from the character or standing of something —often used with to, towards, or of ... abstained from saying a word derogatory to his new friend's religion ... — Anthony Trollope

detail (n)

1 : extended treatment of or attention to particular items explaining without going into detail giving careful attention to detail 2 : a part of a whole: such as a : a small and subordinate part : PARTICULAR planned the wedding down to the smallest detail also : a reproduction of such a part of a work of art b : a part considered or requiring to be considered separately from the whole discussing the details of the building's columns c : the small elements that collectively constitute a work of art admire the great detail of his work d photography : the small elements of an image corresponding to those of the subject strong lighting to achieve clarity of detail 3a : selection of a person or group for a particular task (as in military service) b(1) : the person or group selected a member of a security detail police details at the parade (2) : the task to be performed were assigned to kitchen detail

propitious (adj)

1 : favorably disposed : BENEVOLENT 2 : being a good omen : AUSPICIOUS propitious sign 3 : tending to favor : ADVANTAGEOUS

stodgy (adj)

1 : having a rich filling quality : HEAVY stodgy bread 2 : moving in a slow plodding way especially as a result of physical bulkiness 3 : BORING, DULL out on a peaceful rather stodgy Sunday boat trip — Edna Ferber 4 : extremely old-fashioned : HIDEBOUND received a pompously Victorian letter from his stodgy father — E. E. S. Montagu 5a : DRAB b : DOWDY stodgier; stodgiest

marked (adj)

1 : having an identifying mark marked playing cards 2 \or ˈmär-​kəd \ : having a distinctive or emphasized character has a marked drawl 3a : enjoying fame or notoriety Winning the race made him a marked man. b : being an object of attack, suspicion, or vengeance To his enemies, the rebel leader was a marked man. 4 : overtly signaled by a linguistic feature with most English nouns the plural is the marked number

appealing (adj)

1 : having appeal : PLEASING an appealing design 2 : marked by earnest entreaty : IMPLORING the appealing look of an injured dog

lowly (adj)

1 : in a humble or meek manner 2 : in a low position, manner, or degree 3 : not loudly

sordid (adj)

1 : marked by baseness or grossness : vile sordid motives 2 a : dirty, filthy b : wretched, squalid 3 : meanly avaricious : covetous 4 : of a dull or muddy color — sordidly adverb — sordidness noun

solemn (adj)

1 : marked by the invocation of a religious sanction a solemn oath 2 : marked by the observance of established form or ceremony specifically : celebrated with full liturgical ceremony 3a : awe-inspiring : SUBLIME solemn beauty b : marked by grave sedateness and earnest sobriety a solemn gathering c : SOMBER, GLOOMY a solemn gray building

mural (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a wall 2 : applied to and made integral with a wall or ceiling surface

martial law (n)

1 : the law applied in occupied territory by the military authority of the occupying power 2 : the law administered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety

alternative (adj)

1 : offering or expressing a choice several alternative plans 2 : different from the usual or conventional: such as a : existing or functioning outside the established cultural, social, or economic system an alternative newspaper alternative lifestyles b : of, relating to, or being rock music that is regarded as an alternative to conventional rock and is typically influenced by punk rock, hard rock, hip-hop, or folk music an alternative band also : of, relating to, or being music of a genre other than rock that is similarly regarded as an alternative to the conventional music of that genre alternative country c : of or relating to alternative medicine alternative therapies 3 : occurring or succeeding by turns : ALTERNATE sense 1

lord (n)

1 : one having power and authority over others: a : a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due b : one of whom a fee or estate is held in feudal tenure c : an owner of land or other real (see real entry 1 sense 2) property d obsolete : the male head of a household e : husband f : one that has achieved mastery or that exercises leadership or great power in some area a drug lord 2 capitalized a : god sense 1 b : jesus 3 : a man of rank or high position: such as a : a feudal tenant whose right or title comes directly from the king b : a British nobleman: such as (1) : baron sense 2a (2) : a hereditary peer of the rank of marquess, earl, or viscount (3) : the son of a duke or a marquess or the eldest son of an earl (4) : a bishop of the Church of England c Lords plural : house of lords 4 —used as a British title: such as a —used as part of an official title Lord AdvocateLord Mayor b —used informally in place of the full title for a marquess, earl, or viscount c —used for a baron d —used by courtesy before the name and surname of a younger son of a duke or a marquess 5 : a person chosen to preside over a festival

caste (n)

1 : one of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism that restrict the occupation of their members and their association with the members of other castes 2a : a division of society based on differences of wealth, inherited rank or privilege, profession, occupation, or race b : the position conferred by caste standing : PRESTIGE art and religion have lost caste — F. L. Baumer 3 : a system of rigid social stratification characterized by hereditary status, endogamy, and social barriers sanctioned by custom, law, or religion 4 : a specialized form (such as the worker of an ant or bee) of a polymorphic social insect that carries out a particular function in the colony soldier castes for fighting enemy ants

mesh (n)

1 : one of the openings between the threads or cords of a net also : one of the similar spaces in a network —often used to designate screen size as the number of openings per linear inch 2a : the fabric of a net b : a woven, knit, or knotted material of open texture with evenly spaced holes c : an arrangement of interlocking metal links used especially for jewelry 3a : a weblike pattern or construction b : WEB, SNARE —usually used in plural 4 : working contact (as of the teeth of gears) in mesh

donor (n)

1 : one that gives, donates, or presents something 2 : one used as a source of biological material (such as blood or an organ) 3a : a compound capable of giving up a part (such as an atom, chemical group, or subatomic particle) for combination with an acceptor b : an impurity added to a semiconductor to increase the number of mobile electrons

given (adj)

1 : prone, disposed given to swearing 2 : presented as a gift : bestowed without compensation 3 a : particular, specified at a given time b : assumed as actual or hypothetical : granted given that all are equal before the law 4 of an official document : having been executed : dated 5 : immediately present in experience

finesse (v)

1 : refinement or delicacy of workmanship, structure, or texture trinkets of an extreme finesse —Arnold Rosin 2 : skillful handling of a situation : adroit maneuvering She handled the interviewer's questions with finesse. 3 : the withholding of one's highest card or trump in the hope that a lower card will take the trick because the only opposing higher card is in the hand of an opponent who has already played

minimal (adj)

1 : relating to or being a minimum: such as a : the least possible a victory won with minimal loss of life b : barely adequate a minimal standard of living c : very small or slight a minimal interest in art 2 often capitalized : of, relating to, or being minimal art or minimalism

recurrent (adj)

1 : running or turning back in a direction opposite to a former course —used of various nerves and branches of vessels in the arms and legs 2 : returning or happening time after time recurrent complaints

self-identity (n)

1 : sameness of a thing with itself 2 : INDIVIDUALITY self-understanding is the necessary condition of a sense of self-identity —J. C. Murray

leftover (n)

1 : something that remains unused or unconsumed especially : leftover food served at a later meal —usually used in plural 2 : an anachronistic survival : vestige

result (n)

1 : something that results as a consequence, issue, or conclusion also : beneficial or tangible effect : FRUIT 2 : something obtained by calculation or investigation

hyperspace (n)

1 : space of more than three dimensions 2 : a fictional space in which extraordinary events happen

prostrate (adj)

1 : stretched out with face on the ground in adoration or submission also : lying flat 2 : completely overcome and lacking vitality, will, or power to rise was prostrate from the heat 3 : trailing on the ground : PROCUMBENT prostrate shrubs

casual (adj)

1 : subject to, resulting from, or occurring by chance a casual meeting 2a : occurring without regularity : occasional casual employment b : employed for irregular periods a casual worker c : met with on occasion and known only superficially a casual friend 3a(1) : feeling or showing little concern : nonchalant a casual approach to cooking (2) : lacking a high degree of interest or devotion casual sports fans casual readers (3) : done without serious intent or commitment casual sex b(1) : informal, natural a casual conversation (2) : designed for informal use casual clothing (3) : allowing for the wearing of informal clothes ... I had my wedding skirt (yep, skirt—it was a casual wedding) ...— Rory Evans casual Fridays [=Fridays when employees (as in an office) are allowed to wear casual clothing]

exemption (n)

1 : the act of exempting or state of being exempt : IMMUNITY 2 : one that exempts or is exempted especially : a source or amount of income exempted from taxation

catalyze (v)

1 : to bring about the catalysis of (a chemical reaction) an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of the sugars 2 : BRING ABOUT, INSPIRE his vigorous efforts to catalyze us into activity — Harrison Brown 3 : to alter significantly by or as if by catalysis innovations in basic chemical theory that have catalyzed the field — Newsweek catalyzed; catalyzing

depersonalize (v)

1 : to deprive of the sense of personal identity schools that depersonalize students 2 : to make impersonal depersonalizing medical care

shy (v)

1 : to develop or show a dislike or distaste —usually used with from or away from an author who shies away from publicity 2 : to start suddenly aside through fright or alarm shied; shying

shine (v)

1 : to emit rays of light 2 : to be bright by reflection of light 3a : to be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished shines in math b : to perform extremely well when will stocks really shine again? —Temma Ehrenfeld 4 : to have a bright glowing appearance his face shone with enthusiasm 5 : to be conspicuously evident or clear transitive verb 1a : to cause to emit light b : to throw or direct the light of 2 past tense and past participle shined : to make bright by polishing shined his shoes

miss (v)

1 : to fail to hit, reach, or contact miss the target 2 : to discover or feel the absence of missed his wallet as soon as he entered the store 3 : to fail to obtain ignorance misses the best things in this life — W. R. Inge 4 : ESCAPE, AVOID just missed hitting the other car 5 : to leave out : OMIT in such a hurry that he missed his breakfast 6 : to fail to comprehend, sense, or experience missed the point of the speech 7 : to fail to perform or attend had to miss school for a week 1 archaic : to fail to get, reach, or do something 2 : to fail to hit something took another cut at the ball but missed again 3a : to be unsuccessful such a fine prospect that he can't miss b : MISFIRE the engine missed miss a beat : to deviate from regular smooth performance the company changed ownership without missing a beat miss out on : to lose a good opportunity for missed out on a better job miss the boat : to fail to take advantage of an opportunity missed; missing; misses

collapse (v)

1 : to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely : fall into a jumbled or flattened mass through the force of external pressure a blood vessel that collapsed 2 : to break down completely : DISINTEGRATE ... his case had collapsed in a mass of legal wreckage ... —Erle Stanley Gardner 3 : to cave or fall in or give way The bridge collapsed. 4 : to suddenly lose force, significance, effectiveness, or worth fears that the currency may collapse 5 : to break down in vital energy, stamina, or self-control through exhaustion or disease She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa. especially : to fall helpless or unconscious He collapsed on stage during the performance. 6 : to fold down into a more compact shape a chair that collapses transitive verb 1 : to cause to collapse buildings collapsed by an earthquake 2 : CONDENSE collapse several stories into one collapsed; collapsing

prevail (v)

1 : to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : triumph 2 : to be or become effective or effectual 3 : to use persuasion successfully prevailed on him to sing 4 : to be frequent : predominate the west winds that prevail in the mountains 5 : to be or continue in use or fashion : persist a custom that still prevails

conquer (v)

1 : to gain or acquire by force of arms : SUBJUGATE conquer territory 2 : to overcome by force of arms : VANQUISH conquered the enemy 3 : to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition conquered the mountain 4 : to overcome by mental or moral power : SURMOUNT conquered her fear intransitive verb : to be victorious conquered; conquering

discard (v)

1 : to get rid of especially as useless or unwanted a pile of discarded tires They quickly discarded the idea. 2a : to remove (a playing card) from one's hand (see HAND entry 1 sense 9a(2)) discarded an ace b : to play (any card except a trump) from a suit different from the one led intransitive verb : to discard a playing card discard at the end of your turn

exit (v)

1 : to go out or away : DEPART 2 : DIE transitive verb 1 : LEAVE sense 3a 2 : to cause (a computer program or routine) to cease running exited; exiting; exits

bode (v)

1 : to indicate (something, such as a future event) by signs : PRESAGE bode disaster recent data that bodes well for her reelection 2 archaic : to announce beforehand : FORETELL bode ill : to show or suggest that future developments or events will be unfavorable or unwelcome : to be a sign of trouble to come Any further diminishing of the species' gene pool can only bode ill for the future. — John Hew Fanshawe bode well : to show or suggest that future developments or events will be good or favorable : to be a sign of good things to come ... the news ... does not bode well for our future standard of living. — Lester C. Thurow boded; boding

reinvest (v)

1 : to invest again or anew 2a : to invest (income from investments) in additional securities b : to invest (earnings) in a business rather than distribute as dividends or profits reinvested; reinvesting; reinvests

string along (v)

1 : to keep waiting strung him along until the boss was back from lunch 2 : DECEIVE, FOOL string alonging us along with ruses and red herrings — John Powers : GO ALONG, AGREE held her tongue and strung along with the rest of them

slay (v)

1 : to kill violently, wantonly, or in great numbers broadly : to strike down : KILL 2 : to delight or amuse immensely slayed the audience intransitive verb : KILL, MURDER

latch (v)

1 : to lay hold with or as if with the hands or arms —used with on or onto 2 : to associate oneself intimately and often artfully —used with on or onto latched onto a rich widow : to make fast with or as if with a latch latched; latching; latches

level (v)

1 : to make (a line or surface) horizontal : make flat or level level a field level off a house lot 2a : to bring to a horizontal aiming position b : AIM, DIRECT leveled a charge of fraud 3 : to bring to a common level or plane : EQUALIZE love levels all ranks — W. S. Gilbert 4a : to lay level with or as if with the ground : RAZE b : to knock down leveled him with one punch 5 : to make (something, such as color) even or uniform 6 : to find the heights of different points in (a piece of land) especially with a surveyor's level intransitive verb 1 : to attain or come to a level the plane leveled off at 10,000 feet 2 : to aim a gun or other weapon horizontally 3 : to bring persons or things to a level 4 : to deal frankly and openly leveled or levelled; leveling or levelling

rush (v)

1 : to move forward, progress, or act with haste or eagerness or without preparation 2 : to advance a football by running plays rushed for a total of 150 yards 1 : to push or impel on or forward with speed, impetuosity, or violence 2 : to perform in a short time or at high speed 3 : to urge to an unnatural or extreme speed don't rush me 4 : to run toward or against in attack : charge 5a : to carry (a ball) forward in a running play b : to move in quickly on (a kicker or passer) to hinder, prevent, or block a kick or pass —used especially of defensive linemen 6a : to lavish attention on : court b : to try to secure a pledge of membership (as in a fraternity) from rushed; rushing; rushes

migrate (v)

1 : to move from one country, place, or locality to another Thousands of workers migrate to this area in the summer. 2 : to pass usually periodically from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding The whales migrate between their feeding ground in the north and their breeding ground in the Caribbean. 3 : to change position or location in an organism or substance filarial worms migrate within the human body migrated; migrating

circulate (v)

1 : to move in a circle, circuit, or orbit especially : to follow a course that returns to the starting point blood circulates through the body 2 : to pass from person to person or place to place: such as a : to flow without obstruction b : to become well-known or widespread rumors circulated through the town c : to go from group to group at a social gathering d : to come into the hands of readers specifically : to become sold or distributed transitive verb : to cause to circulate circulated; circulating

expand (v)

1 : to open up : UNFOLD 2 : to increase the extent, number, volume, or scope of : ENLARGE 3a : to express at length or in greater detail b : to write out in full expand all abbreviations c : to subject to mathematical expansion expand a function in a power series intransitive verb 1 : to open out : SPREAD 2 : to increase in extent, number, volume, or scope 3 : to speak or write fully or in detail expanded on the theme 4 : to feel generous or optimistic expanded; expanding; expands

marshal (v)

1 : to place in proper rank or position marshaling the troops 2 : to bring together and order in an appropriate or effective way marshal arguments marshaled her thoughts before answering the question 3 : to lead ceremoniously or solicitously : USHER marshaling her little group of children down the street : to take form or order ideas marshaling neatly marshaled or marshalled; marshaling or marshalling

boast (v)

1 : to praise oneself extravagantly in speech : speak of oneself with excessive pride boasting about her accomplishments 2 archaic : GLORY, EXULT transitive verb 1 : to speak of or assert with excessive pride He liked to boast that he was the richest man in town. 2a : to possess and often call attention to (something that is a source of pride) boasts a new stadium b : HAVE, CONTAIN a room boasting no more than a desk and a chair boasted; boasting; boasts

leverage (v)

1 : to provide (something, such as a corporation) or supplement (something, such as money) with leverage also : to enhance as if by supplying with financial leverage 2 : to use for gain : EXPLOIT shamelessly leverage the system to their advantage — Alexander Wolff leveraged; leveraging

vent (v)

1 : to provide with a vent 2a : to serve as a vent for chimneys vent smoke b : DISCHARGE, EXPEL c : to give often vigorous or emotional expression to vented her frustration on her coworkers 3 : to relieve by means of a vent vented himself in a fiery letter to the editor intransitive verb : to relieve oneself by venting something (such as anger) comes home from work and vents to the kids vented; venting; vents

overreach (v)

1 : to reach above or beyond : OVERTOP 2 : to defeat (oneself) by seeking to do or gain too much 3 : to get the better of especially in dealing and bargaining and typically by unscrupulous or crafty methods intransitive verb 1 of a horse : to strike the forefoot with the front part of the hind foot 2a : to go to excess b : EXAGGERATE 3 : to overreach oneself

discredit (v)

1 : to refuse to accept as true or accurate : DISBELIEVE discredit a rumor 2 : to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of a discredited theory 3 : to deprive of good repute : DISGRACE personal attacks meant to discredit his opponent

loosen (v)

1 : to release from restraint 2 : to make looser loosened his tie loosen a screw 3 : to relieve (the bowels) of constipation 4 : to cause or permit to become less strict —often used with up loosened the rules : to become loose or looser loosened; loosening

cruise (v)

1 : to sail about touching at a series of ports 2 : to move or proceed speedily, smoothly, or effortlessly I'll cruise over to her house to see if she's home 3 : to travel without destination or purpose 4a : to go about the streets at random but on the lookout for possible developments the cabdriver cruised for an hour before being hailed b : to search (as in public places) for a sexual partner 5a of an airplane : to fly at the most efficient operating speed b of an automobile : to travel at a speed suitable for being maintained for a long distance 1 : to cruise over or about 2 : to inspect (land) with reference to possible lumber yield 3a : to search in (a public place) for a sexual partner b : to approach and suggest sexual relations to 4 : to explore or search the offerings of especially : SURF cruise the Internet cruised; cruising

land (v)

1 : to set or put on shore from a ship : disembark 2a : to set down after conveying b : to cause to reach or come to rest in a particular place never landed a punch c : to bring to a specified condition his wit landed him in trouble d : to bring to a landing land an airplane e : to complete successfully by landing the skater landed all her jumps 3a : to catch and bring in land a fish b : gain, secure land a job landed the leading role 1a : to go ashore from a ship : disembark b of a ship or boat : to touch at a place on shore 2a : to come to the end of a course or to a stage in a journey : arrive took a wrong turn and landed on a dead-end street b : to come to be in a condition or situation landed in jail c : to strike or meet a surface (as after a fall) landed on my head d : to alight on a surface landed; landing; lands

rectify (v)

1 : to set right : REMEDY 2 : to purify especially by repeated or fractional distillation rectified alcohol 3 : to correct by removing errors : ADJUST rectify the calendar 4 : to make (an alternating current) unidirectional rectified; rectifying

disconnect (v)

1 : to sever the connection of or between 2 : DISSOCIATE sense 1 are disconnected from meaningful relationships 1 : to terminate a connection 2 : to become detached or withdrawn disconnects into dark moods

lung (n)

1 a : one of the usually paired compound saccular thoracic organs that constitute the basic respiratory organs of an air-breathing vertebrate b : any of various respiratory organs of invertebrates 2 a : a device enabling individuals abandoning a submarine to rise to the surface b : a mechanical device for regularly introducing fresh air into and withdrawing stale air from the lung : respirator — compare iron lung — lungful play \ˈləŋ-ˌfu̇l\ noun

picturesque (adj)

1 a : resembling a picture : suggesting a painted scene b : charming or quaint in appearance 2 : evoking mental images : vivid — picturesquely adverb — picturesqueness noun

high (adj)

1 a : rising or extending upward a great distance : taller than average, usual, or expected a high wall a high fly ball b : having a specified height or elevation : tall six feet high —often used in combinations sky-highwaist-high c : situated or passing above the normal level, surface, base of measurement, or elevation the high desert 2 a (1) : advanced toward the acme or culmination high summer (2) : advanced toward the most active or culminating period on the Riviera during high season (3) : constituting the late, most fully developed, or most creative stage or period high Gothic (4) : advanced in complexity, development, or elaboration the higher primates including humans higher mathematics b : verging on lateness —usually used in the phrase high time It's high time he won an award. c : long past : remote high antiquity 3 : elevated in pitch (see 4pitch 4b(1)) a high note 4 : relatively far from the equator high latitude 5 : rich in quality : luxurious high living 6 : slightly tainted or spoiled high game meat; also : malodorous smelled rather high 7 : exalted or elevated in character : noble high purposes 8 : of greater degree, amount, cost, value, or content than average, usual, or expected high prices high temperatures high blood pressure traveling at a high rate of speed unemployment was high 9 : of relatively great importance: such as a : foremost in rank, dignity, or standing high officials b : serious, grave high crimes c : observed with the utmost solemnity high religious observances d : critical, climactic the high point of the novel e : intellectually or artistically of the first order or best quality high culture f : marked by sublime, heroic, or stirring events or subject matter high tragedy a tale of high adventure 10 : forcible, strong high winds 11 : stressing matters of doctrine and ceremony; specifically : high church 12 a : filled with or expressing great joy or excitement high spirits b : intoxicated by or as if by a drug or alcohol high on cocaine 13 : articulated or pronounced with some part of the tongue close to the palate a high vowel — high on : enthusiastically in approval or support of party leaders high on a new candidate

homespun (adj)

1 a : spun or made at home b : made of homespun 2 : simple, homely homespun philosophy

degrade (v)

1 a : to lower in grade, rank, or status : demote b : to strip of rank or honors c : to lower to an inferior or less effective level degrade the image quality d : to scale down in desirability or salability 2 a : to bring to low esteem or into disrepute his actions have degraded his profession punishments intended to humiliate and degrade prisoners b : to drag down in moral or intellectual character : corrupt the Indians who consume peyote buttons do not seem to be ... morally degraded by the habit —Aldous Huxley 3 : to impair in respect to some physical property material degraded by exposure to sunlight 4 geology : to wear down by erosion degraded the hillside 5 chemistry : to reduce the complexity of (a chemical compound) : decompose intransitive verb 1 : to pass from a higher grade or class to a lower causes the meat to degrade in quality 2 of a chemical compound : to become reduced in complexity plastics that don't easily degrade — degrader noun — degradingly

incandescent (adj)

1 a : white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat b : strikingly bright, radiant, or clear c : marked by brilliance especially of expression incandescent wit d : characterized by glowing zeal : ardent incandescent affection 2 a : of, relating to, or being light produced by incandescence b : producing light by incandescence — incandescently adverb

regard (n)

1 archaic : APPEARANCE 2a : ATTENTION, CONSIDERATION due regard should be given to all facets of the question b : a protective interest : CARE has no regard for her health 3 : LOOK, GAZE 4a : the worth or estimation in which something or someone is held a man of small regard b(1) : a feeling of respect and affection : ESTEEM she soon won the regard of her colleagues (2) regards plural : friendly greetings implying such feeling give him my regards 5 : a basis of action or opinion : MOTIVE 6 : an aspect to be taken into consideration : RESPECT is a small school, and is fortunate in this regard 7 obsolete : INTENTION in regard to : with respect to : CONCERNING with regard to : in regard to

discomfort (n)

1 archaic : DISTRESS, GRIEF 2 : mental or physical uneasiness : ANNOYANCE

saltatory (adj)

1 archaic : of or relating to dancing 2 : proceeding by leaps rather than by gradual transitions : discontinuous

prevalent (adj)

1 archaic : powerful 2 : being in ascendancy : dominant 3 : generally or widely accepted, practiced, or favored : widespread

meridian (n)

1 archaic : the hour of noon : MIDDAY 2 : a great circle of the celestial sphere passing through its poles and the zenith of a given place — see AZIMUTH ILLUSTRATION 3 : a high point (as of development or prosperity) the problem of the unmarried don after he had passed the meridian — H. J. Laski 4a(1) : a great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the poles (2) : the half of such a circle included between the poles b : a representation of such a circle or half circle numbered for longitude (see LONGITUDE sense 1) on a map or globe — see LONGITUDE ILLUSTRATION 5 : any of the pathways along which the body's vital energy flows according to the theory behind acupuncture

blight (v)

1 botany : to affect (a plant) with a disease or injury marked by the formation of lesions, withering, and death of parts (such as leaves and tubers) : to affect with blight (see BLIGHT entry 1 sense 1) The apple trees were blighted by fungus. 2 : to impair the quality or effect of the condition that has blighted his son's life — Patricia Guthrie intransitive verb botany : to suffer from or become affected with blight The potatoes blighted. blighted; blighting; blights

retroactive (adj)

: extending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past especially : made effective as of a date prior to enactment, promulgation, or imposition retroactive tax

all-in (adj)

1 chiefly British : ALL-INCLUSIVE 2 chiefly British : being almost without restrictions all-in wrestling 1 : TIRED, EXHAUSTED Atticus said as tactfully as he could that he just didn't think he could stand a pageant tonight, he was all in. — Harper Lee Inside, the invalid had gone to bed; her mother said, She was all in, and expressed pity for her, for the first time. — Edna O'Brien 2 : fully committed to or involved in something The Diamondbacks are all-in for this year. It's why they brought in J. D. Martinez at the trade deadline. They have a healthy mix of young and veteran players, and they're looking to make a run this October. — Kevin Skiver —often used in the phrase go all in With my bonus in tow, I got the far-fetched idea I didn't feel like working that type of pace anymore. So I went all in on real estate on my own. — Philip Michael NOTE: In poker, to go all in is to bet everything on a hand. The best my opponent could have at this point was a 5-high straight, so I went all in—my full $220,000 was riding on this hand. The last card was a Jack—and I was out. — John Rochowski

appeal (n)

1 law : a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court 2a : an application (as to a recognized authority) for corroboration, vindication, or decision b : an earnest plea : entreaty an appeal for help c : an organized request for donations the annual fundraising appeal 3 : the power of arousing a sympathetic response : attraction Movies had a great appeal for him. 4 law : a criminal accusation

draconian (adj)

1 law : of, relating to, or characteristic of Draco or the severe code of laws held to have been framed by him 2 : CRUEL also : SEVERE draconian littering fines

differential (n)

1 mathematics a : the product (see product sense 1) of the derivative of a function of one variable by the increment of the independent variable b : a sum of products in which each product consists of a partial derivative of a given function of several variables multiplied by the corresponding increment and which contains as many products as there are independent variables in the function 2 : a difference between comparable individuals or classes a price differential also : the amount of such a difference 3a : a drivetrain gear assembly connecting two collinear shafts or axles (such as those of the rear wheels of an automobile) and permitting one shaft to revolve faster than the other a locking rear differential b : a case covering such an assembly

honesty (n)

1 obsolete : CHASTITY 2a : fairness and straightforwardness of conduct calling for honesty in politics b : adherence to the facts : SINCERITY doubted the honesty of the witness 3 : any of a genus (Lunaria) of European herbs of the mustard family with toothed leaves and flat disk-shaped siliques

lewd (adj)

1 obsolete : EVIL, WICKED 2a : sexually unchaste or licentious (see LICENTIOUS sense 1) lewd behavior b : OBSCENE, VULGAR lewd remarks

monstrous (adj)

1 obsolete : STRANGE, UNNATURAL 2 : having extraordinary often overwhelming size : GIGANTIC stuffing a monstrous sandwich down his throat — Mike Flaherty a monstrous skyscraper 3a : having the qualities or appearance of a monster came face to face with a monstrous creature — Lester David b obsolete : teeming with monsters 4a : extraordinarily ugly or vicious : HORRIBLE a monstrous crime monstrous mayhem b : shockingly wrong or ridiculous the legend assumed monstrous proportions — Louis Untermeyer a monstrous miscalculation 5 : deviating greatly from the natural form or character : ABNORMAL a monstrous melon 6 : very great —used as an intensive a monstrous hammering on his door — G. D. Brown a monstrous hangover monstrous adverb Definition of monstrous (Entry 2 of 2) chiefly dialectal : VERY, EXTREMELY a monstrous long raft — Mark Twain

genial (adj)

1 obsolete : of or relating to marriage or generation the genial bed —John Milton 2 obsolete : inborn, native 3 a : favorable to growth or comfort : mild genial sunshine b : marked by or freely expressing sympathy or friendliness your genial host 4 : displaying or marked by genius genial insights — geniality noun — genially

humiliating (adj)

: extremely destructive to one's self-respect or dignity : humbling

profluent (adj)

: flowing copiously or smoothly

promising (adj)

: full of promise : likely to succeed or to yield good results a promising new medicine

sub specie aeternitatis (adv)

: in its essential or universal form or nature

a priori (adj)

1: (a) DEDUCTIVE (b) relating to or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions — compare A POSTERIORI (c) presupposed by experience 2: (a) being without examination or analysis: PRESUMPTIVE (b) formed or conceived beforehand — a priori adv — apriority

diplomatic (adj)

1a : PALEOGRAPHIC b : exactly reproducing the original a diplomatic edition 2 : of, relating to, or concerned with the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations : of, relating to, or concerned with diplomacy or diplomats diplomatic relations 3 : employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress a diplomatic way to say no

powerhouse (n)

1a : POWER PLANT sense 1 b : a source of influence or inspiration 2 : one having great power: such as a : one having great drive, energy, or ability a powerhouse rock band b : an athletic team characterized by strong aggressive play

roadblock (n)

1a : a barricade often with traps or mines for holding up an enemy at a point on a road covered by fire b : a road barricade set up especially by law enforcement officers 2 : an obstruction in a road 3 : something that blocks progress or prevents accomplishment of an objective

mantel (n)

1a : a beam, stone, or arch serving as a lintel to support the masonry above a fireplace b : the finish around a fireplace 2 : a shelf above a fireplace

mummy (n)

1a : a body embalmed or treated for burial with preservatives in the manner of the ancient Egyptians b : a body unusually well preserved 2 : one resembling a mummy mummies

against (prep)

1a : in opposition or hostility to spoke against his enemies b : not in conformity with : CONTRARY TO against the law c : in competition with racing against each other d : as a basis for disapproval of had nothing against him 2a : directly opposite : FACING ... she sat down just over against me ... —Daniel Defoe b obsolete : exposed to 3 : compared or contrasted with profits are up against last year 4a : in preparation or provision for saving against an uncertain future b : as a defense or protection from a shelter against the cold 5a : in the direction of and into contact with knocked against the ropes b : in contact with leaning against the wall 6 : in a direction opposite to the motion or course of : counter to sail against the wind 7a : as a counterbalance to weighing risk against profit b : in exchange for a lower rate against the dollar c : as a charge on charged against her account 8 : before the background of viewed against the sky

skittish (adj)

1a : lively or frisky in action : CAPRICIOUS b : VARIABLE, FLUCTUATING 2 : easily frightened : RESTIVE a skittish horse 3a : COY, BASHFUL b : marked by extreme caution : WARY skittish investors

myocarditis (n)

: inflammation of the myocardium

migraine (n)

1a : a condition marked by recurring moderate to severe headache with throbbing pain that usually lasts from four hours to three days, typically begins on one side of the head but may spread to both sides, is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound, and is sometimes preceded by an aura and is often followed by fatigue Migraine affects three times as many women as men. — The Journal of the American Medical Association About 20 percent of migraine sufferers experience an aura as the first symptom of an attack. The aura may be a pulsing star of light, or a dance of geometric forms across the visual field ... — Natalie Angier b : a condition that is a variant form of the typical migraine but in which headache is absent or not a prominent symptom: (1) : a condition in which an aura involving visual disturbances (such as diplopia, scotoma, or tunnel vision) is the main symptom and is not followed by headache — called also acephalgic migraine, silent migraine (2) : a condition that is marked by episodic bodily dysfunction (such as cyclic vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, vertigo, or unilateral weakness or paralysis) and may be accompanied by headache abdominal migraine vestibular migraine In retinal migraine, repeated episodes of unilateral visual disorder occur with or without headache. — Sid Gilman 2 : an episode or attack of migraine Most patients use a class of drugs known as triptans, to relieve occasional migraines. But triptans don't work for 20% to 30% of patients. — Tara Parker-Pope

subculture (n)

1a : a culture (as of bacteria) derived from another culture b : an act or instance of producing a subculture 2 : an ethnic, regional, economic, or social group exhibiting characteristic patterns of behavior sufficient to distinguish it from others within an embracing culture or society a criminal subculture

appreciation (n)

1a : a feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude I want to express my appreciation for all you've done. a small token of our appreciation b : JUDGMENT, EVALUATION especially : a favorable critical estimate c : sensitive awareness especially : recognition of aesthetic values a class in music appreciation 2 : increase in value

toehold (n)

1a : a hold or place of support for the toes (as in climbing) b(1) : a means of progressing (as in surmounting barriers) (2) : a slight footing used his money to get a toehold, then a foothold, then a near stranglehold on the political economy —R. W. Armstrong 2 : an illegal wrestling hold in which the aggressor bends or twists the other wrestler's foot

mantle (n)

1a : a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak b : a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority accepted the mantle of leadership 2a : something that covers, enfolds, or envelops (see envelop sense 1) The ground was covered with a mantle of leaves. b(1) : a fold or lobe or pair of lobes of the body wall of a mollusk or brachiopod that in shell-bearing forms lines the shell and bears shell-secreting glands (2) : the soft external body wall that lines the test or shell of a tunicate or barnacle (see barnacle sense 2) c : the outer wall and casing of a blast furnace above the hearth (see hearth sense 1c) broadly : an insulated support or casing in which something is heated 3 : the upper back of a bird 4 : a lacy hood or sheath of some refractory (see refractory entry 1 sense 3) material that gives light by incandescence when placed over a flame 5a : regolith b : the part of the interior of a terrestrial (see terrestrial sense 3) planet and especially the earth that lies beneath the crust and above the central core 6 : mantel

projection (n)

1a : a systematic presentation of intersecting coordinate lines on a flat surface upon which features from a curved surface (as of the earth or the celestial sphere) may be mapped an equal-area map projection b : the process or technique of reproducing a spatial object upon a plane or curved surface or a line by projecting its points also : a graph or figure so formed 2 : a transforming change 3 : the act of throwing or thrusting forward 4 : the forming of a plan : SCHEMING 5a(1) : a jutting out (2) : a part that juts out b : a view of a building or architectural element 6a : the act of perceiving a mental object as spatially and sensibly objective also : something so perceived b : the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety 7 : the display of motion pictures by projecting an image from them upon a screen 8a : the act of projecting especially to an audience b : control of the volume, clarity, and distinctness of a voice to gain greater audibility 9 : an estimate of future possibilities based on a current trend

melodrama (n)

1a : a work (such as a movie or play) characterized by extravagant theatricality and by the predominance of plot and physical action over characterization an actor with a flair for melodrama b : the genre (see GENRE sense 1) of dramatic literature constituted by such works 2 : something resembling a melodrama especially in having a sensational or theatrical quality The trial turned into a melodrama.

merry-go-round (n)

1a : an amusement park ride with seats often in the form of animals (such as horses) revolving about a fixed center The children grabbed each other by the hand and danced off in the direction of the merry-go-round, toward the wonderful music and the wonderful adventure and the wonderful excitement ... — E. B. White — called also carousel b : a children's playground apparatus consisting of a platform that revolves about a fixed center And every day at recess, Reuben would push us on the merry-go-round on the playground. He would push us really fast, and we all thought Reuben made recess great fun—as long as we held on tight and didn't fall off as we whirled around. — Terri Auchter 2 : a cycle of activity that is complex, fast-paced, or difficult to break out of the corporate merry-go-round

musical (adj)

1a : of or relating to music b : having the pleasing harmonious qualities of music : MELODIOUS 2 : having an interest in or talent for music 3 : set to or accompanied by music 4 : of or relating to musicians or music lovers

logistic (adj)

1a : of or relating to symbolic logic b : of or relating to the philosophical attempt to reduce mathematics to logic 2 : of or relating to logistics a logistic problem 3 logistic : of, represented by, or relating to a logistic curve a logistic process

Latin (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or composed in Latin b : romance 2 : of or relating to Latium or the Latins 3 : of or relating to the part of the Catholic Church that until recently used a Latin rite and forms the patriarchate of the pope 4 : of or relating to the peoples or countries using Romance languages specifically : of or relating to the peoples or countries of Latin America

lechery (n)

: inordinate (see INORDINATE sense 1) indulgence in sexual activity : LASCIVIOUSNESS

mode (n)

1a : an arrangement of the eight diatonic notes or tones of an octave according to one of several fixed schemes of their intervals (see INTERVAL sense 2b) b : a rhythmical (see RHYTHM sense 2) scheme (as in 13th and 14th century music) 2 : MOOD entry 2 sense 2 the indicative mode the subjunctive mode 3 [ Late Latin modus, from Latin ] a : MOOD entry 2 sense 1 b : the modal (see MODALITY sense 2) form of the assertion or denial of a logical proposition 4a : a particular form or variety of something flying and other modes of transport new modes of communication b : a form or manner of expression : STYLE a different mode of living 5 : a possible, customary, or preferred way of doing something explained in the usual solemn mode Let's get into work mode. new modes of experimentation had to be developed — J. B. Conant 6a : a manifestation (see MANIFESTATION sense 1), form, or arrangement of being specifically : a particular form or manifestation of an underlying substance b : a particular functioning arrangement or condition : STATUS a computer operating in parallel mode sleep mode a device that changes display colors in night mode to help reduce eyestrain 7a : the most frequent value of a set of data b : a value of a random variable for which a function of probabilities (see PROBABILITY sense 3) defined on it achieves a relative maximum 8 : any of various stationary vibration patterns of which an elastic body or oscillatory system is capable the vibration mode of an airplane propeller blade the vibrational modes of a molecule : a prevailing fashion or style (as of dress or behavior) the newest mode in dresses

commentary (n)

1a : an explanatory treatise —usually used in plural Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England b : a record of events usually written by a participant —usually used in plural Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War 2a : a systematic series of explanations or interpretations (as of a writing) a commentary on Dante's Divine Comedy b : COMMENT sense 2 3a : something that serves for illustration or explanation The dark, airless apartments and sunless factories ... are a sad commentary upon our civilization. —Harry Allen Overstreet b : an expression of opinion The magazine article is a commentary on cyberbullying.

mortmain (n)

1a : an inalienable possession of lands or buildings by an ecclesiastical or other corporation b : the condition of property or other gifts left to a corporation in perpetuity especially for religious, charitable, or public purposes 2 : the influence of the past regarded as controlling the present

costly (adj)

1a : commanding a high price especially because of intrinsic worth costly gems b : rich, splendid 2 : made or done at heavy expense or sacrifice a costly mistake costlier; costliest

substantial (adj)

1a : consisting of or relating to substance b : not imaginary or illusory : REAL, TRUE c : IMPORTANT, ESSENTIAL 2 : ample to satisfy and nourish : FULL a substantial meal 3a : possessed of means : WELL-TO-DO b : considerable in quantity : significantly great earned a substantial wage 4 : firmly constructed : STURDY a substantial house 5 : being largely but not wholly that which is specified a substantial lie

substance (n)

1a : essential nature : ESSENCE b : a fundamental or characteristic part or quality c Christian Science : GOD sense 1b 2a : ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change b : practical importance : MEANING, USEFULNESS the ... bill—which will be without substance in the sense that it will authorize nothing more than a set of ideas — Richard Reeves 3a : physical material from which something is made or which has discrete existence b : matter of particular or definite chemical constitution c : something (such as drugs or alcoholic beverages) deemed harmful and usually subject to legal restriction possession of a controlled substance substance abuse 4 : material possessions : PROPERTY a family of substance

extreme (adj)

1a : existing in a very high degree extreme poverty b : going to great or exaggerated lengths : RADICAL went on an extreme diet c : exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected extreme weather conditions 2 archaic : LAST 3 : situated at the farthest possible point from a center the country's extreme north 4a : most advanced or thoroughgoing the extreme political left b : MAXIMUM 5a : of, relating to, or being an outdoor activity or a form of a sport (such as skiing) that involves an unusually high degree of physical risk extreme mountain biking down steep slopes b : involved in an extreme sport an extreme snowboarder

haze (n)

1a : fine dust, smoke, or light vapor causing lack of transparency of the air b : a cloudy appearance in a transparent liquid or solid also : a dullness of finish (as on furniture) 2 : something suggesting atmospheric haze especially : vagueness of mind or mental perception

sturdy (adj)

1a : firmly built or constituted : STOUT b : HARDY sturdy plants c : sound in design or execution : SUBSTANTIAL 2a : marked by or reflecting physical strength or vigor b : FIRM, RESOLUTE c : RUGGED, STABLE sturdier; sturdiest

diet (n)

1a : food and drink regularly provided or consumed a diet of fruits and vegetables a vegetarian diet b : habitual nourishment links between diet and disease c : the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason was put on a low-sodium diet d : a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight going on a diet 2 : something provided or experienced repeatedly Their imaginations feverish from a diet of detective novels ... — The New Yorker heard a steady diet of excuses

sincere (adj)

1a : free of dissimulation : HONEST a sincere interest b : free from adulteration : PURE a sincere doctrine sincere wine 2 : marked by genuineness : TRUE sincerer; sincerest

armed (adj)

1a : furnished with weapons an armed guard also : using or involving a weapon b : furnished with something that provides security, strength, or efficacy armed with knowledge 2 : marked by the maintenance of armed forces in readiness : having an arm or arms especially of a specified kind or number —usually used in combination long-armed two-armed

murderous (adj)

1a : having the purpose or capability of murder b : characterized by or causing murder or bloodshed 2 : having the ability or power to overwhelm : DEVASTATING murderous heat

limb (n)

1a : one of the projecting paired appendages (such as wings) of an animal body used especially for movement and grasping but sometimes modified into sensory or sexual organs b : a leg or arm of a human being combat soldiers who had lost limbs 2 : a large primary branch of a tree 3 : an active member or agent a limb of the law 4 : EXTENSION, BRANCH a limb of the sea 5 : a mischievous child out on a limb : in an exposed or dangerous position with little chance of retreat

policy (n)

1a : prudence or wisdom in the management of affairs b : management or procedure based primarily on material interest 2a : a definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions b : a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body

potential (n)

1a : something that can develop or become actual a potential for violence b : PROMISE sense 2 2a : any of various functions from which the intensity or the velocity at any point in a field may be readily calculated b : the work required to move a unit positive charge from a reference point (as at infinity) to a point in question c : POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE

spin (n)

1a : the act of spinning or twirling something also : an instance of spinning or of spinning something doing axels and spins an assortment of spins and lobs b : the whirling motion imparted (as to a ball or top) by spinning c : an excursion or ride in a vehicle especially on wheels go for a spin 2a : an aerial maneuver or flight condition consisting of a combination of roll and yaw with the longitudinal axis of the airplane inclined steeply downward b : a plunging descent or downward spiral c : a state of mental confusion all in a spin 3a : a quantum characteristic of an elementary particle that is visualized as the rotation of the particle on its axis and that is responsible for measurable angular momentum and magnetic moment b : the angular momentum associated with such rotation whose magnitude is quantized and which may assume either of two possible directions also : the angular momentum of a system of such particles derived from the spins and orbital motions of the particles 4a : a usually ingenious twist puts an Asian spin on the pasta dishes b(1) : a special point of view, emphasis, or interpretation presented for the purpose of influencing opinion put the most favorable spin on the findings (2) : spin control

argument (n)

1a : the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing : ARGUMENTATION b : a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view a defense attorney's closing argument c : an angry quarrel or disagreement having an argument over/about money trying to settle an argument 2a : a reason given for or against a matter under discussion They presented their arguments in favor of the proposal. b : a form of rhetorical expression intended to convince or persuade 3 : an abstract (see ABSTRACT entry 2 sense 1) or summary especially of a literary work 4 : the subject matter especially of a literary work 5a mathematics : one of the independent variables upon whose value that of a function depends b grammar : a substantive (such as the direct object of a transitive verb) that is required by a predicate in grammar c mathematics : AMPLITUDE sense 4 6 obsolete : an outward sign : INDICATION

division (n)

1a : the act or process of dividing : the state of being divided b : the act, process, or an instance of distributing among a number : DISTRIBUTION 2 : one of the parts or groupings into which a whole is divided or is divisible 3 : the condition or an instance of being divided in opinion or interest : DISAGREEMENT, DISUNITY exploited the divisions between the two countries 4a : something that divides, separates, or marks off b : the act, process, or an instance of separating or keeping apart : SEPARATION 5 : the mathematical operation of dividing something 6a : a self-contained major military unit capable of independent action b : a tactical military unit composed of headquarters and usually three to five brigades c(1) : the basic naval administrative unit (2) : a tactical subdivision of a squadron of ships d : a unit of the U.S. Air Force higher than a wing and lower than an air force 7a : a portion of a territorial unit marked off for a particular purpose (such as administrative or judicial functions) b : an administrative or operating unit of a governmental, business, or educational organization 8 : the physical separation into different lobbies of the members of a parliamentary body voting for and against a question 9 : plant propagation by dividing parts and planting segments capable of producing roots and shoots 10 : a group of organisms forming part of a larger group specifically : a primary category of the plant kingdom in biological taxonomy that is typically equivalent to a phylum 11 : a competitive class or category (as in boxing or wrestling)

constitution (n)

1a : the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it b : a written instrument embodying the rules of a political or social organization 2a : the physical makeup of the individual especially with respect to the health, strength, and appearance of the body a hearty constitution b : the structure, composition, physical makeup, or nature of something the constitution of society 3 : the mode in which a state or society is organized especially : the manner in which sovereign power is distributed 4 : an established law or custom : ORDINANCE 5 : the act of establishing, making, or setting up before the constitution of civil laws

proof (n)

1a : the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact b : the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning 2 obsolete : EXPERIENCE 3 : something that induces certainty or establishes validity 4 archaic : the quality or state of having been tested or tried especially : unyielding hardness 5 : evidence operating to determine the finding or judgment of a tribunal 6a plural proofs or proof : a copy (as of typeset text) made for examination or correction b : a test impression of an engraving, etching, or lithograph c : a coin that is struck from a highly polished die on a polished planchet, is not intended for circulation, and sometimes differs in metallic content from coins of identical design struck for circulation d : a test photographic print made from a negative 7 : a test applied to articles or substances to determine whether they are of standard or satisfactory quality 8a : the minimum alcoholic strength of proof spirit b : strength with reference to the standard for proof spirit specifically : alcoholic strength indicated by a number that is twice the percent by volume of alcohol present whiskey of 90 proof is 45 percent alcohol

monoculture (n)

1a : the cultivation or growth of a single crop or organism especially on agricultural or forest land b : a crop or a population of a single kind of organism grown on land in monoculture c : growth consisting of a single crop, plant, or organism The plant forms a thick monoculture that cuts down on the variety of plants and birdlife in the marsh ...— James Gorman 2 : a culture dominated by a single element : a prevailing culture marked by homogeneity

hem (v)

1a : to finish with a hem b : BORDER, EDGE 2 : to surround in a restrictive manner : CONFINE —usually used with in hemmed in by enemy troops : to make a hem in sewing hemmed; hemming

moral (n)

1a : the moral significance or practical lesson (as of a story) The moral of the story is to be satisfied with what you have. b : a passage pointing out usually in conclusion the lesson to be drawn from a story 2 morals plural a : moral practices or teachings : modes of conduct an authoritative code of morals has force and effect when it expresses the settled customs of a stable society — Walter Lippmann b : ETHICS the science of morals endeavors to divide men into the good and the bad — J. W. Krutch 3 : MORALE The casualties did not shake the moral of the soldiers.

succession (n)

1a : the order in which or the conditions under which one person after another succeeds to a property, dignity, title, or throne b : the right of a person or line to succeed c : the line having such a right 2a : the act or process of following in order : SEQUENCE b(1) : the act or process of one person's taking the place of another in the enjoyment of or liability for rights or duties or both (2) : the act or process of a person's becoming beneficially entitled to a property or property interest of a deceased person c : the continuance of corporate personality d : unidirectional change in the composition of an ecosystem as the available competing organisms and especially the plants respond to and modify the environment 3a : a number of persons or things that follow each other in sequence b : a group, type, or series that succeeds or displaces another

reversion (n)

1a : the part of a simple estate remaining in the control of its owner after the owner has granted therefrom a lesser particular estate b : a future interest in property left in the control of a grantor or the grantor's successor 2 : the right of succession or future possession or enjoyment 3a : an act or the process of returning (as to a former condition) b : a return toward an ancestral type or condition : reappearance of an ancestral character 4 : an act or instance of turning the opposite way : the state of being so turned 5 : a product of reversion specifically : an organism with an atavistic character : THROWBACK

memory (n)

1a : the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms began to lose his memory as he grew older b : the store of things learned and retained from an organism's activity or experience as evidenced by modification of structure or behavior or by recall and recognition has a good memory for faces 2a : commemorative remembrance erected a statue in memory of the hero b : the fact or condition of being remembered days of recent memory 3a : a particular act of recall or recollection has no memory of the event b : an image or impression of one that is remembered fond memories of her youth c : the time within which past events can be or are remembered within the memory of living men 4a : a device (such as a chip) or a component of an electronic device (such as a computer or smartphone) in which information can be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted especially : RAM b : capacity for storing information 512 megabytes of memory 5 : a capacity for showing effects as the result of past treatment or for returning to a former condition —used especially of a material (such as metal or plastic) memories

dinner (n)

1a : the principal meal of the day having dinner at five o'clock b : a formal feast or banquet held a dinner in her honor 2 : TABLE D'HÔTE sense 2 3 : the food prepared for a dinner eat your dinner 4 : a packaged meal usually for quick preparation warmed up a frozen dinner

referendum (n)

1a : the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative b : a vote on a measure so submitted 2 : a diplomatic agent's note asking for government instructions

amendment (n)

1a : the process of altering or amending a law or document (such as a constitution) by parliamentary or constitutional procedure rights that were granted by amendment of the Constitution b : an alteration proposed or effected by this process a constitutional amendment 2 : the act of amending something : CORRECTION 3 : a material (such as compost or sand) that aids plant growth indirectly by improving the condition of the soil soil amendments

life (n)

1a : the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body b : a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings c : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism (see METABOLISM sense 1), growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction 2a : the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual children ... are the joy of our lives — Agnes S. Turnbull b : one or more aspects of the process of living sex life of the frog 3 : BIOGRAPHY sense 1 the life of George Washington 4 : spiritual existence transcending (see TRANSCEND sense 1c) physical death his craving ... for the release into the life to come — Rodney Gilbert 5a : the period from birth to death b : a specific phase of earthly existence adult life c : the period from an event until death a judge appointed for life d : a sentence of imprisonment for the remainder of a convict's life 6 : a way or manner of living the life of the colonists 7 : LIVELIHOOD The fishing village drew its life from the sea. 8 : a vital or living being specifically : PERSON many lives were lost in the disaster 9 : an animating and shaping force or principle the life of the constitution ... has been not logic but experience — F. A. Ogg & Harold Zink 10 : SPIRIT, ANIMATION saw no life in her dancing 11 : the form or pattern of something existing in reality painted from life 12 : the period of duration, usefulness, or popularity of something the expected life of the batteries 13 : the period of existence (as of a subatomic particle) — compare HALF-LIFE 14 : a property (such as resilience (see RESILIENCE sense 1) or elasticity) of an inanimate (see INANIMATE sense 1) substance or object resembling the animate quality of a living being 15 : living beings (as of a particular kind or environment) forest life 16a : human activities b : animate activity and movement stirrings of life c : the activities of a given sphere, area, or time the political life of the country 17 : one providing interest and vigor life of the party 18 : an opportunity for continued viability gave the patient a new life 19 capitalized, Christian Science : GOD sense 1b 20 : something resembling animate life a grant saved the project's life lives

lap (v)

1a : to fold over or around something : WIND b : to envelop entirely : SWATHE 2 : to fold over especially into layers 3 : to hold protectively in or as if in the lap : CUDDLE 4a : to place over and cover a part of : OVERLAP lap shingles on a roof b : to join (things, such as two boards) by a lap joint 5a : to dress, smooth, or polish (something, such as a metal surface) to a high degree of refinement or accuracy b : to shape or fit by working two surfaces together with or without abrasives until a very close fit is produced 6a : to overtake and thereby lead or increase the lead over (another contestant) by a full circuit of a racecourse b : to complete the circuit of (a racecourse) 1 : FOLD, WIND 2a : to project beyond or spread over something b : to lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another : OVERLAP 3 : to traverse a course lapped; lapping

man (v)

1a : to supply with people (as for service) man a fleet b : to station members of a ship's crew at man the capstan c : to serve in the force or complement of man the ticket booth 2 : to accustom (a bird, such as a hawk) to humans and the human environment 3 : to furnish with strength or powers of resistance : BRACE manned; manning

load (n)

1a : the quantity that can be carried at one time by a specified means especially : a measured quantity of a commodity fixed for each type of carrier —often used in combination a boatload of tourists b : whatever is put on a person or pack animal to be carried : PACK donkeys with heavy loads c : whatever is put in a ship or vehicle or airplane for conveyance : CARGO The ship was carrying a load of automobiles. especially : a quantity of material assembled or packed as a shipping unit 2a : a mass or weight supported by something branches bent low by their load of fruit b : the forces to which a structure is subjected due to superposed weight or to wind pressure on the vertical surfaces broadly : the forces to which a given object is subjected Losing weight will lessen the load on your knees. 3a : something that weighs down the mind or spirits took a load off her mind b : a burdensome or laborious responsibility always carried his share of the load 4 slang : an intoxicating amount of liquor drunk 5 : a large quantity : LOT —usually used in plural The boy had loads of toys. 6a : a charge for a firearm b : the quantity of material loaded into a device at one time 7 : external resistance overcome by a machine or prime mover 8a : power output (as of a power plant) or power consumption (as by a device) b : a device to which power is delivered 9a(1) : the amount of work that a person carries or is expected to carry his heavy load of day-to-day work — New York Times (2) : the amount of authorized work to be performed by a machine, a group, a department, or a factory The washer can take a 10-pound load. b : the demand on the operating resources of a system (such as a telephone exchange or a refrigerating apparatus) 10 slang : EYEFUL —used in the phrase get a load of Get a load of his new car. 11 : the amount of a deleterious microorganism, parasite, growth, or substance present in a human or animal body measure viral load in the blood the worm load in rats — called also burden 12 : an amount added (as to the price of a security or the net premium in insurance) to represent selling expense and profit to the distributor 13 : GENETIC LOAD

-like (adj comb form)

1a : the same or nearly the same (as in appearance, character, or quantity) suits of like design —formerly used with as, unto, of it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren — Hebrews 2:17 (King James Version) b chiefly British : closely resembling the subject or original the portrait is very like 2 : LIKELY the importance of statistics as the one discipline like to give accuracy of mind — H. J. Laski

alliance (n)

1a : the state of being allied : the action of allying nations in close alliance b : a bond or connection between families, states, parties, or individuals a closer alliance between government and industry 2 : an association to further the common interests of the members specifically : a confederation of nations by treaty the alliance of Western nations 3 : union by relationship in qualities : AFFINITY an alliance of industry and academia 4 : a treaty of alliance

lie (v)

1a : to be or to stay at rest in a horizontal position : be prostrate : REST, RECLINE lie motionless lie asleep b : to assume a horizontal position —often used with down c archaic : to reside temporarily : stay for the night : LODGE d : to have sexual intercourse —used with with e : to remain inactive (as in concealment) lie in wait 2 : to be in a helpless or defenseless state the town lay at the mercy of the invaders 3 of an inanimate thing : to be or remain in a flat or horizontal position upon a broad support books lying on the table 4 : to have direction : EXTEND the route lay to the west 5a : to occupy a certain relative place or position hills lie behind us b : to have a place in relation to something else the real reason lies deeper c : to have an effect through mere presence, weight, or relative position remorse lay heavily on him d : to be sustainable or admissible 6 : to remain at anchor or becalmed 7a : to have place : EXIST the choice lay between fighting or surrendering b : CONSIST, BELONG the success of the book lies in its direct style responsibility lay with the adults 8 : REMAIN especially : to remain unused, unsought, or uncared for 1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive She was lying when she said she didn't break the vase. He lied about his past experience. 2 : to create a false or misleading impression Statistics sometimes lie. The mirror never lies. : to bring about by telling lies He lied his way out of trouble. lay lain lying

mediate (v)

1a : to bring accord out of by action as an intermediary (see intermediary entry 2 sense 1a) endeavored to mediate East-West differences on several important issues — Collier's Year Book b : to effect by action as an intermediary (see intermediary entry 2 sense 1a) mediated a settlement that was satisfactory to both sides 2a : to act as intermediary (see intermediary entry 1 sense 2) agent in bringing, effecting, or communicating : convey individuals ... mediate the culture to the child— Margaret Mead b : to transmit as intermediate mechanism or agency 1 : to interpose between parties in order to reconcile (see reconcile sense 1a) them 2 : to reconcile (see reconcile sense 1b) differences mediated; mediating

blaze (v)

1a : to burn brightly the sun blazed overhead b : to flare up : FLAME inflation blazed up 2 : to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent fields blazing with flowers 3 : to shoot rapidly and repeatedly —usually used with away 4 : to proceed extremely rapidly : BLAST blazing down the highway blazed; blazing

mow (v)

1a : to cut down with a scythe or sickle or machine b : to cut the standing herbage (such as grass) of mow the lawn 2a(1) : to kill or destroy in great numbers or mercilessly machine guns mowed down the enemy (2) : to cause to fall : KNOCK DOWN b : to overcome swiftly and decisively : ROUT mowed down the opposing team : to cut down standing herbage (such as grass) : to make grimaces mowed; mowed or mown mowing

project (v)

1a : to devise in the mind : DESIGN b : to plan, figure, or estimate for the future 2 : to throw or cast forward : THRUST 3 : to put or set forth : present for consideration 4 : to cause to jut out 5 : to cause (light or shadow) to fall into space or (an image) to fall on a surface 6 : to reproduce (something, such as a point, line, or area) on a surface by motion in a prescribed direction 7 : to display outwardly especially to an audience 8 : to attribute (one's own ideas, feelings, or characteristics) to other people or to objects a nation is an entity on which one can project many of the worst of one's instincts — The Times Literary Supplement (London) 1 : to jut out : PROTRUDE 2a : to come across vividly : give an impression b : to make oneself heard clearly projected; projecting; projects

lock (v)

1a : to fasten the lock of b : to make fast with or as if with a lock lock up the house 2a : to fasten in or out or to make secure or inaccessible by or as if by means of locks locked himself away from the curious world b : to fix in a particular situation or method of operation a team firmly locked in last place 3a : to make fast, motionless, or inflexible especially by the interlacing or interlocking of parts lock wheels lock a knee b : to hold in a close embrace c : to grapple in combat also : to bind closely administration and students were locked in conflict 4 : to invest (capital) without assurance of easy convertibility into money 5 : to move or permit to pass (something, such as a ship) by raising or lowering in a lock 1a : to become locked b : to be capable of being locked 2 : INTERLACE, INTERLOCK 3 : to go or pass by means of a lock (as in a canal) lock horns : to come into conflict lock on or lock onto : to acquire (something, such as a target or signal) automatically using a sensor (such as radar) locked; locking; locks

possess (v)

1a : to have and hold as property : OWN b : to have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill 2a : to seize and take control of : take into one's possession b : to enter into and control firmly : DOMINATE was possessed by demons c : to bring or cause to fall under the influence, domination, or control of some emotional or intellectual response or reaction melancholy possesses her 3a obsolete : to instate as owner b : to make the owner or holder —used in passive construction to indicate simple possession possessed of riches possessed of knowledge and experiencepossessed; possessing; possesses

heighten (v)

1a : to increase the amount or degree of : AUGMENT b : to make brighter or more intense : DEEPEN c : to bring out more strongly : point up d : to make more acute : SHARPEN 2a : to raise high or higher : ELEVATE b : to raise above the ordinary or trite 3 obsolete : ELATE intransitive verb 1 archaic : GROW, RISE 2a : to become great or greater in amount, degree, or extent b : to become brighter or more intense heightened; heightening

hurt (v)

1a : to inflict with physical pain : wound He hurt his back while moving some boxes. was seriously hurt in a car accident You're hurting my arm! b : to do substantial or material harm to : damage the dry summer has hurt the land 2a : to cause emotional pain or anguish to : offend never meant to hurt you got her feelings hurt b : to be detrimental to : hamper charges of graft hurt his chances of being elected 1a : to suffer pain or grief He says his tooth hurts. has been hurting ever since learning of her friend's betrayal b : to be in need —usually used with for hurting for money 2 : to cause damage or distress hit where it hurts hurt; hurting

discount (v)

1a : to make a deduction (see DEDUCTION sense 1a) from usually for cash or prompt payment a discounted price b : to sell or offer for sale at a discount (see DISCOUNT entry 1 sense 1) discounting last year's model 2 : to lend money on after deducting the discount 3a : to leave out of account or consideration : DISREGARD discount the possibility that the situation may worsen its effect cannot be entirely discounted b : to minimize the importance of shouldn't discount his contributions c(1) : to make allowance (see ALLOWANCE entry 1 sense 5) for bias or exaggeration in discount most of their claims (2) : to view with doubt discount a rumor d : to anticipate or take into account (something, such as a future event) in present calculations or planning ... mail came chiefly from those organized groups whose opposition had already been discounted ... — Time : to give or make discounts (see DISCOUNT entry 1) stores planning to discount after the holidays

discover (v)

1a : to make known or visible : EXPOSE discovering himself ... as her adoring and magnanimous lover — T. L. Peacock b archaic : DISPLAY 2a : to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time : FIND discover the solution discovered a new Italian restaurant b : FIND OUT discovered he was out of gas : to make a discovery discovered; discovering

start (v)

1a : to move suddenly and violently : SPRING started angrily to his feet b : to react with a sudden brief involuntary movement started when a shot rang out 2a : to issue with sudden force blood starting from the wound b : to come into being, activity, or operation when does the movie start the rain started up again 3 : to protrude or seem to protrude eyes starting from their sockets 4 : to become loosened or forced out of place one of the planks has started 5a : to begin a course or journey started toward the door just starting out b : to range from a specified initial point the rates start at $10 6 : to begin an activity or undertaking especially : to begin work 7 : to be a participant in a game or contest especially : to be in the starting lineup transitive verb 1 : to cause to leave a place of concealment : FLUSH start a rabbit 2 archaic : STARTLE, ALARM 3 : to bring up for consideration or discussion 4 : to bring into being start a rumor 5 : to cause to become loosened or displaced 6 : to begin the use of start a fresh loaf of bread 7a : to cause to move, act, or operate start the motor b : to cause to enter a game or contest especially : to put in the starting lineup c : to care for or train during the early stages of growth and development started plants a well-started coonhound 8 : to do or experience the first stages or actions of started studying music at the age of five start something or less commonly start anything : to make trouble always trying to start something don't start anything to start with 1 : at the beginning : INITIALLY 2 : in any event

pit (v)

1a : to place, cast, bury, or store in a pit b : to make pits in especially : to scar or mark with pits 2a : to set (fighting birds, such as gamecocks) into or as if into a pit to fight b : to set into opposition or rivalry —usually used with against intransitive verb 1 : to become marked with pits especially : to preserve for a time an indentation made by pressure 2 : to make a pit stop pitted; pitting

dive (v)

1a : to plunge into water intentionally and especially headfirst also : to execute a dive (see DIVE entry 2 sense 1a(1)) diving into the pool from the highest platform b : SUBMERGE the submarine dived 2a : to come or drop down precipitously : PLUNGE the temperature is diving b : to plunge one's hand into something dived into his pocket c of an airplane : to descend in a dive 3a : to plunge into some matter or activity she dove into her studies b : to plunge or dash for some place diving for cover also : to lunge especially in order to seize something dove for the ball

set off (v)

1a : to put in relief : show up by contrast b : ADORN, EMBELLISH c : to set apart : make distinct or outstanding 2a : OFFSET, COMPENSATE more variety in the Lancashire weather to set off its most disagreeable phases —Geog. Jour. b : to make a setoff of the respective totals shall be set off against one another —O. R. Hobson 3a : to set in motion : cause to begin b : to cause to explode 4 : to measure off on a surface intransitive verb : to start out on a course or a journey set off for home

sequester (v)

1a : to set apart : SEGREGATE sequester a jury b : SECLUDE, WITHDRAW widely spaced homes are forbiddingly grand and sequestered —Don Asher 2a : to seize especially by a writ of sequestration b : to place (property) in custody especially in sequestration 3 : to bind (a metal or metal ion) in the form of a soluble complex or chelate by adding a suitable reagent for the purpose of preventing precipitation in water solution by chemical agents that would normally bring it about, of solubilizing precipitates already formed, or of otherwise suppressing undesired chemical or biological activity sequester calcium and magnesium ions in the softening of hard water also : to bind or absorb (carbon dioxide) as part of a larger chemical process or compound ... half of the starting material will be used up and half will be char. That can then be put back on the fields, where it will sequester carbon and help grow the next crop. —Emma Marris sequestered; sequestering

stand (v)

1a : to support oneself on the feet in an erect position b : to be a specified height when fully erect stands six feet two c : to rise to an erect position 2a : to take up or maintain a specified position or posture stand aside can you stand on your head b : to maintain one's position stand firm 3 : to be in a particular state or situation stands accused 4 : to hold a course at sea 5 obsolete : HESITATE 6a : to have or maintain a relative position in or as if in a graded scale stands first in the class b : to be in a position to gain or lose because of an action taken or a commitment made stands to make quite a profit 7 chiefly British : to be a candidate : RUN 8a : to rest or remain upright on a base or lower end a clock stood on the mantle b : to occupy a place or location the house stands on a knoll 9a : to remain stationary or inactive the car stood in the garage for a week b : to gather slowly and remain tears standing in her eyes 10 : AGREE, ACCORD —used chiefly in the expression it stands to reason 11a : to exist in a definite written or printed form copy a passage exactly as it stands b : to remain valid or efficacious the order given last week still stands 12 of a male animal : to be available as a sire —used especially of horses 13 : to refuse additional cards (as in blackjack) 1a : to endure or undergo successfully this book will stand the test of time b : to tolerate without flinching : bear courageously stands pain well c : to endure the presence or personality of can't stand the boss d : to derive benefit or enjoyment from you look like you could stand a drink 2 : to remain firm in the face of stand a siege 3 : to submit to stand trial 4a : to perform the duty of stand guard b : to participate in (a military formation) 5 : to pay the cost of (a treat) : pay for I'll stand you a dinner stand drinks 6 : to cause to stand : set upright 7 : to make available for breeding stand a stallion stand a chance : to have a chance stand for 1 : to be a symbol for : REPRESENT 2 : to put up with : PERMIT stand on 1 : to depend on 2 : to insist on never stands on ceremony stand one's ground : to maintain one's position stand on one's own feet : to think or act independently stand tall : to exhibit courage, strength, or calm especially in the face of adversity stand treat : to pay the cost of food, drink, or entertainment for others in a group stood\x standing

derive (v)

1a : to take, receive, or obtain especially from a specified source is said to derive its name from a Native American word meaning wild onion b chemistry : to obtain (a chemical substance) actually or theoretically from a parent substance Petroleum is derived from coal tar. 2 : INFER, DEDUCE what was derived from their observations 3 archaic : BRING ... inconvenience that will be derived to them from stopping all imports ... — Thomas Jefferson 4 : to trace the derivation of We can derive the word chauffeur from French. : to have or take origin : come as a derivative The novel's appeal derives entirely from the complexity of its characters. derived; deriving

sail (v)

1a : to travel on water in a ship b : YACHT 2a : to travel on water by the action of wind upon sails or by other means b : to move or proceed easily, gracefully, nonchalantly, or without resistance sails through all sorts of contradictions —Vicki Hearne the bill sailed through the legislature c : to move through the air the ball sailed over his head 3 : to begin a water voyage sail with the tide transitive verb 1a : to travel on (water) by means of motive power (such as sail) sail the ocean b : to glide through 2 : to direct or manage the motion of sail a ship sail into : to attack vigorously or sharply sailed into me for being late

reel (v)

1a : to turn or move round and round b : to be in a whirl 2 : to behave in a violent disorderly manner 3 : to waver or fall back (as from a blow) 4 : to walk or move unsteadily transitive verb : to cause to reel reeled; reeling; reels

submit (v)

1a : to yield to governance or authority b : to subject to a condition, treatment, or operation the metal was submitted to analysis 2 : to present or propose to another for review, consideration, or decision also : to deliver formally submitted my resignation 3 : to put forward as an opinion or contention we submit that the charge is not proved 1a : to yield oneself to the authority or will of another : SURRENDER b : to permit oneself to be subjected to something had to submit to surgery 2 : to defer to or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another submitted; submitting

sloppy (adj)

1a : wet so as to spatter easily : SLUSHY a sloppy racetrack b : wet or smeared with or as if with something slopped over 2 : SLOVENLY, CARELESS a sloppy dresser did sloppy work 3 : disagreeably effusive sloppy sentimentalism sloppier; sloppiest

humanly (adv)

1a : with regard to human needs and emotions provide humanly for those who are not needed in the economy — E. F. Bacon b : with regard to or in keeping with human proneness to error or weakness humanly inaccurate 2a : from a human viewpoint humanly speaking, the process works ... like this — Elizabeth Janeway b : within the range of human capacity did everything humanly possible c : by humans humanly made

consistency (n)

1a archaic : condition of adhering together : firmness of material substance b : firmness of constitution or character : PERSISTENCY ... the rigid consistency with which he had adhered to its principles ... — Nathaniel Hawthorne 2 : degree of firmness, density, viscosity, or resistance to movement or separation of constituent particles Boil the juice to the consistency of a thick syrup. 3a : agreement or harmony of parts or features to one another or a whole : CORRESPONDENCE The furnishings and decorations in all the rooms reflect a consistency of style. specifically : ability to be asserted together without contradiction b : harmony of conduct or practice with profession followed her own advice with consistency

merit (n)

1a obsolete : reward or punishment due b : the qualities or actions that constitute the basis of one's deserts Opinions of his merit vary. c : a praiseworthy quality : VIRTUE but originality, as it is one of the highest, is also one of the rarest, of merits — E. A. Poe d : character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem also : ACHIEVEMENT composed a number of works of merit — H. E. Starr 2 : spiritual credit held to be earned by performance of righteous acts and to ensure future benefits the Crusades ... did serve the desire to gain spiritual merit — Jacques Barzun 3a merits plural : the substance of a legal case apart from matters of jurisdiction, procedure, or form the plaintiff ... is entitled to have its claim decided here on its merits — T. M. Maddes b : individual significance or justification (see JUSTIFICATION sense 1) the contention is without merit — E. B. Denny

blink (v)

1a obsolete : to look glancingly : PEEP b : to look with half-shut eyes c : to close and open the eyes involuntarily 2 : to shine dimly or intermittently 3a : to look with too little concern b : to look with surprise or dismay 4 : YIELD, GIVE IN each side waiting for the other to blink transitive verb 1a : to cause to blink b : to remove (something, such as tears) from the eye by blinking 2 : to deny recognition to blinked; blinking; blinks

magnetic bubble (n)

: a tiny movable magnetized cylindrical volume in a thin magnetic material that along with other like volumes can be used to represent a bit of information (as in a computer)

venture capital (n)

: capital (such as retained corporate earnings or individual savings) invested or available for investment in the ownership element of new or fresh enterprise — called also risk capital

movement (n)

1a(1) : the act or process of moving especially : change of place or position or posture studying the movement of planets (2) : a particular instance or manner of moving was entranced by her graceful movements b(1) : a tactical or strategic shifting of a military unit : MANEUVER (2) : the advance of a military unit the steady movement of troops across the border c : ACTION, ACTIVITY —usually used in plural carefully watched the movements of the crowd 2a : TENDENCY, TREND detected a movement toward fairer pricing b : a series of organized activities working toward an objective also : an organized effort to promote or attain an end the civil rights movement a movement to increase the minimum wage 3 : the moving parts of a mechanism that transmit a definite motion 4a : MOTION sense 7 b : the rhythmic character or quality of a musical composition a dance movement c : a distinct structural unit or division having its own key, rhythmic structure, and themes and forming part of an extended musical composition The symphony consisted of three movements. d : particular rhythmic flow of language : CADENCE a poem's movement 5a : the quality (as in a painting or sculpture) of representing or suggesting motion b : the vibrant quality in literature that comes from elements that constantly hold a reader's interest (such as a quickly moving action-filled plot) 6a : an act of voiding (see VOID entry 3 sense 2a) the bowels b : matter expelled from the bowels at one passage

much (adv)

1a(1) : to a great degree or extent : CONSIDERABLY much happier (2) : VERY much gratified b(1) : FREQUENTLY, OFTEN (2) : by or for a long time didn't get to work much before noon c : by far was much the brightest student 2 : NEARLY, APPROXIMATELY looks much the way his father did more; most

grain (n)

1a(1) obsolete : a single small hard seed (2) : a seed or fruit of a cereal grass : CARYOPSIS b : the seeds or fruits of various food plants including the cereal grasses and in commercial and statutory usage other plants (such as the soybean) c : plants producing grain 2a(1) : a small hard particle or crystal (2) : any of the particles produced in a photographic material by its development also : the size of such grains in the aggregate (3) : an individual crystal in a metal b : a minute portion or particle c : the least amount possible a grain of truth 3a : kermes or a scarlet dye made from it b : cochineal or a brilliant scarlet dye made from it c : a fast dye d archaic : COLOR, TINT 4a : a granulated surface or appearance b : the outer or hair side of a skin or hide 5 : a unit of weight based on the weight of a grain of wheat taken as an average of the weight of grains from the middle of the ear — see WEIGHTS AND MEASURES TABLE 6a : the stratification of the wood fibers in a piece of wood b : a texture due to constituent particles or fibers the grain of a rock c : the direction of threads in cloth 7 : tactile quality 8a : natural disposition : TEMPER lying goes against my grain b : a basic or characteristic quality c : a prevalent ideology or convention teaching against the grain

myelopathy (n)

: a disease or disorder of the spinal cord or bone marrow myelopathies

lily pad (n)

: a floating leaf of a water lily

Hamiltonian (n)

: a function that is used to describe a dynamic system (such as the motion of a particle) in terms of components of momentum and coordinates of space and time and that is equal to the total energy of the system when time is not explicitly part of the function — compare LAGRANGIAN

magic mushroom (n)

: a fungus (such as genus Psilocybe) containing hallucinogenic alkaloids (such as psilocybin)

mumblety-peg (n)

: a game in which the players try to flip a knife from various positions so that the blade will stick into the ground mumble-the-peg;mumble peg

speech community (n)

: a group of people sharing characteristic patterns of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation

makimono (n)

: a horizontal Japanese ornamental pictorial or calligraphic scroll — compare KAKEMONO

monastery (n)

: a house for persons under religious vows especially : an establishment for monks monasteries

heads-up (n)

: a message that alerts or prepares : WARNING gave him a heads-up that an investigation was pending

meteorite (n)

: a meteor that reaches the surface of the earth without being completely vaporized

character witness (n)

: a person who gives evidence in a legal action concerning the reputation, conduct, and moral nature of a party

suck-up (n)

: a person who is ingratiating or fawning a suck-up to the teacher

Mordecai (n)

: a relative of Esther who gave advice on saving the Jews from the destruction planned by Haman

sob story (n)

: a sentimental story or account intended chiefly to evoke sympathy or sadness

malamute (n)

: a sled dog of northern North America especially : ALASKAN MALAMUTE

Freudian slip (n)

: a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind

celestial marriage (n)

: a special order of Mormon marriage solemnized in a Mormon temple and held to be binding for a future life as well as the present one

superspy (n)

: a spy who is extremely skillful and clever ... the movie's shadowy Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, made up of superspies who keep the peace behind the scenes. — James Poniewozik superspies

balance sheet (n)

: a statement of financial condition at a given date

muller (n)

: a stone or piece of wood, metal, or glass used as a pestle for pounding or grinding

methamphetamine (n)

: a synthetic or semisynthetic compound C10H15N that stimulates the central nervous system, is used medically in the form of its crystalline hydrochloride C10H15N·HCl especially to treat attention deficit disorder and obesity, and that is often abused illicitly for its stimulant properties ... methamphetamine is a powerful addictive stimulant whose longtime consumers tend to suffer from paranoia, depression, hallucinations, and violent rages. — William Finnegan — called also meth, methedrine, speed — compare CRYSTAL METH

mortal mind (n)

Christian Science : a belief that life, substance, and intelligence are in and of matter : ILLUSION

beatific (adj)

a beatific smile. 1: of, possessing, or imparting beatitude 2: having a blissful appearance <a ~ smile > beatifically (adv)

algorithm (n)

a complex search algorithm. a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end There are several search engines, with Google, Yahoo and Bing being the biggest players. Each search engine has its own proprietary computation (called an algorithm) that ranks websites for each keyword or combination of keywords. —Julie Brinton ... sometimes you solve a problem by coming up with an algorithm of some kind. But sometimes you solve a problem in a very ad hoc sort of way. —William H. Huggins — algorithmic play \ˌal-gə-ˈrit͟h-mik\ adjective — algorithmically

career (n)

a good career move. 1a : speed in a course ran at full career b : COURSE, PASSAGE the sun's career across the sky 2 : ENCOUNTER, CHARGE 3 : a field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in public, professional, or business life Washington's career as a soldier 4 : a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling a career in medicine —often used before another noun a career diplomat

gratuitous (adj)

a gratuitous assumption. 1 a : given unearned or without recompense b : not involving a return benefit, compensation, or consideration has gratuitous permission to pass over private land c : costing nothing : free The restaurant provided a gratuitous appetizer. 2 : not called for by the circumstances : unwarranted gratuitous insolence a gratuitous assumption — gratuitously adverb — gratuitousness noun

gut (v)

a gut feeling. 1 a : eviscerate b : to extract all the essential passages or portions from 2 a : to destroy the inside of fire gutted the building b : to destroy the essential power or effectiveness of inflation gutting the economy — gut it out : persevere

half-baked (adj)

a half-baked plan. 1a : poorly developed or carried out a half-baked idea half-baked research b : lacking adequate planning or forethought a half-baked scheme for getting rich c : lacking in judgment, intelligence, or common sense 2 : imperfectly baked : UNDERDONE

gentleman's agreement (n)

a handshake based gentleman's agreemant. an agreement secured only by the honor of the participants

homely (adj)

a homely presence. homelier; homeliest 1 : suggestive or characteristic of a place of residence or home 2 : being something familiar with which a person is comfortable and at ease : comfortable and familiar like home satisfy themselves with houses, furniture, books and clothes that were worn and homely and friendly to the touch —Brendan Gill 3 a : free from affectation : unaffectedly natural : simple plain, homely prose b : not elaborate or complex homely virtues 4 : plain or unattractive in appearance a homely face he's a bit homely — homeliness noun

limiting (adj)

a limiting perspective. 1 a : functioning as a limit : restrictive limiting value b : being an environmental factor (such as a nutrient) that limits the population size of an organism 2 : serving to specify the application of the modified noun this in this book is a limiting word — limitingly adverb

masculine (adj)

a masculine approach. 1 a : male masculine members of the choir b : having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man a masculine voice 2 : of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to males masculine nouns 3 a : having or occurring in a stressed final syllable masculine rhyme b : having the final chord occurring on a strong beat masculine cadence — masculinely adverb — masculinity

methodical (adj)

a methodical approach. 1 : arranged, characterized by, or performed with method or order a methodical treatment of the subject 2 : habitually proceeding according to method : systematic methodical in his daily routine a methodical worker — methodically play \-di-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — methodicalness

miraculous (adj)

a miraculous comeback/recovery. 1 : of the nature of a miracle : supernatural a miraculous event 2 : suggesting a miracle : marvelous proof of a miraculous memory —Time He made a miraculous recovery after the accident. 3 : working or able to work miracles miraculous power — miraculously adverb — miraculousness noun

silence (n)

a moment of silence. 1 : forbearance from speech or noise : MUTENESS —often used interjectionally 2 : absence of sound or noise : STILLNESS in the silence of the night 3 : absence of mention: a : OBLIVION, OBSCURITY b : SECRECY weapons research was conducted in silence 4 genetics : to block the genetic expression of RNA interference is a natural phenomenon. When a cell senses a double strand of RNA, it acts to silence any genes with the corresponding sequence of bases. —Andrew Pollack

partner (n)

a partner in crime/joy. 1 archaic : one that shares : partaker 2 a : one associated with another especially in an action : associate, colleague our military partners throughout the world b : either of two persons who dance together c : one of two or more persons who play together in a game against an opposing side partners in card games d : a person with whom one shares an intimate relationship : one member of a couple Evan and his partner are going on a Caribbean cruise. 3 : a member of a partnership especially in a business partners in a law firm; also : such membership 4 : one of the heavy timbers that strengthen a ship's deck to support a mast —usually used in plural — partnerless

outburst (n)

an outburst of emotion. 1 : a violent expression of feeling an outburst of anger 2 : a surge of activity or growth new outbursts of creative power —C. E. Montague 3 : eruption volcanic outbursts

decency (n)

a sense of decency. 1 archaic a : FITNESS b : ORDERLINESS 2a : the quality or state of being decent : PROPRIETY b : conformity to standards of taste, propriety, or quality 3 : standard of propriety —usually used in plural 4 decencies plural : conditions or services considered essential for a proper standard of living 5 : literary decorum

kiss of death (phrase)

a small oversight can sometimes become a kiss of death. something (such as an act or association) ultimately causing ruin The movie has a G rating, which is almost a kiss of death. Last year, fewer than 2% of new films were rated G, and nearly all of those were animated. —Sports Illustrated —usually used with the Not long ago, when I proposed to my agent that she champion a book of mine as a work of literature instead of trying to present it as a Sixties memoir, she told me, with a rueful laugh, that in publishing circles nowadays the L word is the kiss of death. —Joel Agee ... a faraway region whose populations are so deeply anti-Western that any government cooperation with America can be the kiss of death ... —Alan Tonelson

gospel (n)

accepting as gospel. 1a often capitalized : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation b capitalized : one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ also : a similar apocryphal (see APOCRYPHA sense 2) book c : an interpretation of the Christian message the social gospel 2 capitalized : a lection (see LECTION sense 1) from one of the New Testament Gospels 3 : the message or teachings of a religious teacher 4 : something accepted or promoted as infallible (see INFALLIBLE sense 1) truth or as a guiding principle or doctrine took her words as gospel spreading the gospel of conservation —R. M. Hodesh 5 : gospel music

observant (adj)

an obsevant nature. 1 a : paying strict attention : watchful an observant spectator b : keen, perceptive observant of the mistakes of others Good reporters are keenly observant of everything around them. 2 : careful in observing rites, laws, or customs : mindful pious and religiously observant families —Sidney Hook always observant of the amenities — observantly adverb

fixation (n)

an unhealthy fixation on... the act, process, or result of fixing, fixating, or becoming fixated: such as a : a persistent concentration of libidinal energies upon objects characteristic of psychosexual stages of development preceding the genital stage b : stereotyped behavior (as in response to frustration) c : an obsessive or unhealthy preoccupation or attachment

analytic (adj)

analytical perspective. 1 : of or relating to analysis or analytics; especially : separating something into component parts or constituent elements 2 : being a proposition (such as no bachelor is married) whose truth is evident from the meaning of the words it contains — compare synthetic 3 : skilled in or using analysis especially in thinking or reasoning a keenly analytic person/mind an analytical study 4 linguistics : characterized by the use of function words rather than inflectional forms to express grammatical relationships analytic languages 5 : psychoanalytic 6 mathematics : treated or treatable by or using the methods of algebra and calculus 7 mathematics a of a function of a real variable : capable of being expanded in a Taylor's series in powers of x − h in some neighborhood of the point h b of a function of a complex variable : differentiable at every point in some neighborhood of a given point — analytically play \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — analyticity

approach (v)

approach a situation; approach someone. 1a : to draw closer to : NEAR approach a destination b : to come very near to : to be almost the same as ... its mathematics approaches mysticism. —Theodore Sturgeon as the quantity x approaches zero 2a : to make advances to especially in order to create a desired result was approached by several Broadway producers b : to take preliminary steps toward accomplishment or full knowledge or experience of Try to approach the subject with an open mind. intransitive verb 1 : to draw nearer The time is fast approaching. 2 : to make an approach in golf

loop (n)

archaic : LOOPHOLE sense 1a 1a : a curving or doubling of a line so as to form a closed or partly open curve within itself through which another line can be passed or into which a hook may be hooked b : such a fold of cord or ribbon serving as an ornament 2a : something shaped like or suggestive of a loop b : a circular airplane maneuver executed in the vertical plane 3 : a ring or curved piece used to form a fastening, handle, or catch 4 : a closed electric circuit 5a : a piece of film or magnetic tape whose ends are spliced together so as to project or play back the same material continuously b : a continuously repeated segment of music, dialogue, or images a drum loop 6 : a series of instructions (as for a computer) that is repeated until a terminating condition is reached 7 : a sports league 8 : a select well-informed inner circle that is influential in decision making out of the policy loop

peace (n)

at peace with... 1 : a state of tranquility or quiet: such as a : freedom from civil disturbance Peace and order were finally restored in the town. b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom a breach of the peace 2 : freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions I have been in perfect peace and contentment —J. H. Newman 3 : harmony in personal relations The sisters are at peace with each other. 4 a : a state or period of mutual concord between governments There was a peace of 50 years before war broke out again. b : a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity offered the possibility of a negotiated peace —New York Times 5 —used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell — at peace : in a state of concord or tranquility The problem was settled and his mind was at peace.

accolade (n)

awarded several accolades. 1 a : a mark of acknowledgment : award received the highest accolade of his profession b : an expression of praise a movie that has drawn accolades from both fans and critics 2 a : a ceremonial embrace b : a ceremony or salute conferring knighthood 3 music : a brace or a line used in music to join two or more staffs carrying simultaneous parts

fool's gold (n)

beware of social fool's gold. pyrite; broadly : any of various pyritic minerals resembling gold

circumvent (v)

circumventing authority. circumvented; circumventing; circumvents transitive verb 1 : to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem the setup circumvented the red tape —Lynne McTaggart circumvent a problem 2 a : to hem in Circumvented by the enemy, he had to surrender. b : to make a circuit around the river circumvented — circumvention

deprecate (v)

deprecating humor. deprecated; deprecating; deprecates transitive verb 1 a archaic : to pray against (something, such as an evil) b : to seek to avert deprecate the wrath ... of the Roman people —Tobias Smollett 2 : to express disapproval of deprecates such attempts at humor 3 a : play down : make little of speaks five languages ... but deprecates this facility —Time b : belittle, disparage the most reluctantly admired and least easily deprecated of ... novelists —New Yorker 4 : to withdraw official support for or discourage the use of (something, such as a software product) in favor of a newer or better alternative ... the Google Drive app for PC and Mac is officially being deprecated and the company's developers announced in a blog post that it will no longer be supported starting December 11. Instead, you'll need to choose from one of two new apps. —Rhett Jones In the case of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Microsoft is deprecating and removing more than 20 features. —Mauro Huculak — deprecatingly play \-ˌkā-tiŋ-lē\ adverb — deprecation

falter (v)

doubt, but do not falter. 1 a : to walk unsteadily : stumble the ... stranger falters out of the thicket and drops to his knees —Dudley Fitts b : to give way : totter could feel my legs faltering c : to move waveringly or hesitatingly forced to bail out of faltering airplanes over the Alps —Nat'l Geographic 2 : to speak brokenly or weakly : stammer her voice faltered 3 a : to hesitate in purpose or action : waver he never faltered in his determination b : to lose drive or effectiveness the business was faltering

rabbit hole (n)

down the rabbit hole. a complexly bizarre or difficult state or situation conceived of as a hole into which one falls or descends I wanted to show this woman descending into the rabbit hole: this loss of self, becoming a servant to her job and to the work. —Jessica Chastain especially : one in which the pursuit of something (such as an answer or solution) leads to other questions, problems, or pursuits While trying to find the picture again on Google, I fell down the Cosmo rabbit hole, scrolling through a gallery of swimwear, then through How to Be Sexier-Instantly and then through all 23 slides of Sexy Ideas for Long Hair. —Edith Zimmerman Because it is so early on in this work it is easy to say that we are either at the edge of a remarkable new and useful science or that we are careering down an environmental rabbit hole. —Jack Hitt In the season-two premiere of HBO's Westworld, viewers were again tossed down a rabbit hole filled with theories, where one open door leads to many more closed ones. —Josh Wigler and Zoe Haylock

throughput (n)

efficient throughput. : the amount of something (such as material, data, etc.) that passes through something (such as a machine or system) the throughput of a computer — compare INPUT, OUTPUT

fatigue (n)

emotional fatigue. 1 a : labor b : manual or menial work (such as the cleaning up of acamp area) performed by military personnel c fatigues plural : the uniform or work clothing worn on fatigue and in the field 2 a : weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress We were overcome by fatigue after the long hike. b : the temporary loss of power to respond that is induced in a sensory receptor (see receptor a) or motor (see 2motor 1) end organ by continued stimulation c : a state or attitude of indifference or apathy brought on by overexposure (as to a repeated series of similar events or appeals) ... a super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton launched within days of Barack Obama's 2013 inauguration. Voter fatigue is just one drawback to the long campaigns, though. —Martin Wisckol Most of the Romney voters they visited were fairly chipper, but there is an air of election fatigue in a state where most television commercial breaks are dominated by attack ads and the phone rings off the hook with campaign calls. —Daniel Malloy and Katie Leslie Waning media coverage of a humanitarian crisis is usually a precursor to donor fatigue, in which assistance from other nations fades. —Christian Science Monitor — see also compassion fatigue 3 : the tendency of a material to break under repeated stress metal fatigue

kitchen-sink (adj)

everything but the kitchen-sink. 1 : being or made up of a hodgepodge of disparate elements or ingredients 2 chiefly British : portraying or emphasizing the squalid aspects of modern life the kitchen-sink realism of contemporary British drama —Current Biography

overconfident (adj)

excessively or unjustifiably confident : having too much confidence (as in one's abilities or judgment) an overconfident driver wasn't overconfident about their chances of winning ... he often starts cold, missing a few shots, allowing his opponent to get on a roll, to get overconfident. —Brett Forrest — overconfidently adverb overconfidently predicted the team would win

insecure (adj)

feeling insecure. 1 : not confident or sure : uncertain feeling somewhat insecure of his reception 2 : not adequately guarded or sustained : unsafe an insecure investment 3 : not firmly fastened or fixed : shaky the hinge is loose and insecure 4 a : not highly stable or well-adjusted an insecure marriage b : deficient in assurance : beset by fear and anxiety always felt insecure in a group of strangers — insecurely adverb — insecureness noun — insecurity

fierce (adj)

fierce competition. fiercer; fiercest 1 a : violently hostile or aggressive in temperament a fierce tiger b : given to fighting or killing : pugnacious fierce fighters 2 a : marked by unrestrained zeal or vehemence a fierce argument b : extremely vexatious, disappointing, or intense fierce pain 3 : furiously active or determined make a fierce effort 4 : wild or menacing in appearance 5 informal : having or expressing bold confidence or style When it comes to celebrity fashion, while the looks are fierce they're not always attainable. —Marlen Komar — fierceness noun

grasp (n)

having a good grasp of/on... 1a : HANDLE b : EMBRACE 2 : HOLD, CONTROL kept a firm grasp on the rope 3a : the reach of the arms The books on the top shelf were beyond my grasp. b : the power of seizing and holding or attaining success lay within their grasp 4 : mental hold or comprehension especially when broad a remarkable grasp of the subject

average (n)

finding the average. 1a : a single value (such as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values b : MEAN sense 1b 2a : an estimation of or approximation to an arithmetic mean b : a level (as of intelligence) typical of a group, class, or series above the average 3 : a ratio expressing the average performance especially of an athletic team or an athlete computed according to the number of opportunities for successful performance a batting average on average or on the average : taking the typical example of the group under consideration Prices have increased on average by five percent. [=the average increase has been five percent]

fluctuate (v)

fluctuating mood. fluctuated; fluctuating intransitive verb 1 : to shift back and forth uncertainly Oil prices fluctuated. Temperatures fluctuated. 2 : to rise and fall in or as if in waves The boat fluctuated on the rough sea. transitive verb : to cause to fluctuate — fluctuation play \ˌflək-chə-ˈwā-shən, -chü-ˈā-\ noun — fluctuational

mandate (n)

following a mandate. 1 : an authoritative command; especially : a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one 2 : an authorization to act given to a representative accepted the mandate of the people 3 a : an order or commission granted by the League of Nations to a member nation for the establishment of a responsible government over a former German colony or other conquered territory b : a mandated territory

give up (v)

give up on... 1 : to yield control or possession of : surrender forced to give up his job 2 : to desist from : abandon refused to give up her efforts 3 : to declare incurable or insoluble 4 a : to abandon (oneself) to a particular feeling, influence, or activity gave himself up to despair b : to devote to a particular purpose or use 5 : to despair of seeing we'd given you up 6 : to allow (a hit or run in baseball) while pitching intransitive verb : to cease doing or attempting something especially as an admission of defeat : quit —often used with on don't give up on the project — give up the ghost : to cease to live or function : die

glib (adj)

glib responses. 1 a : marked by ease and informality : nonchalant b : showing little forethought or preparation : offhand glib answers c : lacking depth and substance : superficial glib solutions to knotty problems 2 archaic : smooth, slippery 3 : marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful a glib politician — glibly adverb — glibness noun

tangent (n)

going on a tangent. 1 : an abrupt change of course : DIGRESSION the speaker went off on a tangent 2a : the trigonometric function that for an acute angle is the ratio between the leg opposite to the angle when it is considered part of a right triangle and the leg adjacent b : a trigonometric function that is equal to the sine divided by the cosine for all real numbers θ for which the cosine is not equal to zero and is exactly equal to the tangent of an angle of measure θ in radians 3 : a line that is tangent specifically : a straight line that is the limiting position of a secant of a curve through a fixed point and a variable point on the curve as the variable point approaches the fixed point 4 : a small upright flat-ended metal pin at the inner end of a clavichord key that strikes the string to produce the tone

communication (n)

good communication skills. 1 a : a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior the function of pheromones in insect communication; also : exchange of information b : personal rapport a lack of communication between old and young persons 2 a : information communicated : information transmitted or conveyed b : a verbal or written message The captain received an important communication. 3 communications plural a : a system (as of telephones or computers) for transmitting or exchanging information wireless electronic communications b : a system of routes for moving troops, supplies, and vehicles c : personnel engaged in communicating : personnel engaged in transmitting or exchanging information 4 communications plural in form but singular or plural in construction a : a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech) b : the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or telecommunication) 5 : an act or instance of transmitting the communication of disease 6 anatomy : a connection between bodily parts Surprisingly little is known about the communication between the alveolar and terminal bronchiolar surfaces... —Richard C. Boucher — communicational

groom (v)

grooming for success. groomed; grooming; grooms transitive verb 1 : to clean and maintain the appearance of (an animal); especially : to maintain the health and condition of the coat of (a horse, dog, etc.) by brushing, combing, currying, or similar attention 2 : to make neat or attractive an impeccably groomed woman 3 : to get into readiness for a specific objective : prepare was being groomed as a presidential candidate intransitive verb : to groom oneself

ear (n)

have an ear for... 1 a : the characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium consisting in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear separated by the tympanic membrane from a sound-transmitting middle ear that in turn is separated from a sensory inner ear by membranous fenestrae b : any of various organs (as of a fish) capable of detecting vibratory motion 2 : the external ear of humans and most mammals 3 a : the sense or act of hearing b : acuity of hearing c : sensitivity to musical tone and pitch; also : the ability to retain and reproduce music that has been heard d : sensitivity to nuances of language especially as revealed in the command of verbal melody and rhythm or in the ability to render a spoken idiom accurately 4 : something resembling a mammalian ear in shape, position, or function: such as a : a projecting part (such as a lug or handle) b : either of a pair of tufts of lengthened feathers on the head of some birds 5 : attention, awareness lend an ear 6 : a space in the upper corner of the front page of a periodical (such as a newspaper) usually containing advertising for the periodical itself or a weather forecast 7 : a person who listens : listener looking for a friendly ear — all ears : eagerly listening if anybody spoke of that grisly matter, I was all ears ... and alert to hear what might be said —Mark Twain — by ear : without reference to or memorization of written music plays by ear — in one ear and out the other : through one's mind without making an impression everything you say to him goes in one ear and out the other — on one's ear : in or into a state of irritation, shock, or discord set the racing world on its ear by breaking the record — up to one's ears : deeply involved : heavily implicated up to his ears in shady deals

issue (n)

have an issue with; an important issue. 1 a (1) : a vital or unsettled matter economic issues (2) : concern, problem I have issues with his behavior b : a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties c : the point at which an unsettled matter is ready for a decision brought the matter to an issue 2 a : the thing or the whole quantity of things given out at one time read the latest issue b : the act of publishing or officially giving out or making available the next issue of commemorative stamps issue of supplies by the quartermaster 3 : offspring, progeny died without issue 4 : a discharge (as of blood) from the body 5 : a means or place of going out : exit, outlet 6 : the action of going, coming, or flowing out : egress, emergence 7 a : something coming forth from a specified source issues of a disordered imagination b obsolete : deed 8 a : a final outcome that usually constitutes a solution (as of a problem) or resolution (as of a difficulty) b obsolete : a final conclusion or decision about something arrived at after consideration c archaic : termination, end hope that his enterprise would have a prosperous issue —T. B. Macaulay 9 issues plural : proceeds from a source of revenue (such as an estate) — issueless play \ˈi-shü-ləs\ adjective — at issue 1 or less commonly in issue : under discussion or in dispute 2 : in a state of controversy : in disagreement

affinity (n)

having an affinity for. 1 : relationship by marriage 2 a : sympathy marked by community of interest : kinship She has an affinity to him because of their common musical interests. b (1) : an attraction to or liking for something people with an affinity to darkness —Mark Twain pork and fennel have a natural affinity for each other —Abby Mandel (2) : an attractive force between substances or particles that causes them to enter into and remain in chemical combination c : a person especially of the opposite sex having a particular attraction for one 3 a : likeness based on relationship or causal connection found an affinity between the teller of a tale and the craftsman —Mary McCarthy this investigation, with affinities to a case history, a psychoanalysis, a detective story —Oliver Sacks b : a relation between biological groups involving resemblance in structural plan and indicating a common origin

horrific (adj)

having the power to horrify a horrific account of the tragedy — horrifically

target (n)

hit your target. 1a : a mark to shoot at b : a target marked by shots fired at it c : something or someone fired at or marked for attack d : a goal to be achieved 2a : an object of ridicule or criticism b : something or someone to be affected by an action or development 3a : the metallic surface (as of platinum or tungsten) upon which the stream of electrons within an X-ray tube is focused and from which the X-rays are emitted b : a body, surface, or material bombarded with nuclear particles or electrons especially : fluorescent material on which desired visual effects are produced in electronic devices (as in radar) 4 : a small round shield off target : not valid : INACCURATE on target : precisely correct or valid especially in interpreting or addressing a problem or vital issue

gym (n)

hitting the gym. 1 : gymnasium 2 : physical education 3 : a usually metal frame supporting an assortment of outdoor play equipment (such as a swing, seesaw, and rings)

hustle (v)

hustle up. 1a : to crowd or push roughly : JOSTLE, SHOVE had been hustled into a jail cell with the other protesters b : to convey forcibly or hurriedly grabbed him by the arm and hustled him out the door —John Dos Passos c : to urge forward precipitately hustling tourists from one museum to the next 2a : to obtain by energetic activity —usually used with up hustle up new customers try to hustle up some tickets to tonight's game hustling up some grub b : to sell something to or obtain something from (someone) by energetic and especially underhanded activity : SWINDLE hustling the suckers an elaborate scam to hustle the elderly c : to sell or promote energetically and aggressively hustling a new product d : to lure less skillful players into competing against oneself at (a gambling game) hustle pool intransitive verb 1 : SHOVE, PRESS 2 : HASTEN, HURRY you'd better hustle if you want to catch the bus 3a : to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business our quartet was out hustling ... and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over —Louis Armstrong b : to obtain money by fraud or deception c : to engage in prostitution 4 : to play a game or sport in an alert aggressive manner She's not the most talented player on the team, but she always hustles.

lead (v)

led play \ˈled\; leading transitive verb 1 a : to guide on a way especially by going in advance led the officers to his hiding place b : to direct on a course or in a direction a road leading the traveler to the heart of the city c : to serve as a channel for a pipe leads water to the house 2 : to go through : live lead a quiet life 3 a (1) : to direct the operations, activity, or performance of lead an orchestra (2) : to have charge of lead a campaign (3) : to suggest to (a witness) the answer desired by asking leading questions counsel is leading this witness, putting words in her mouth —Erle Stanley Gardner b (1) : to go at the head of lead a parade (2) : to be first in or among lead the league (3) : to have a margin over led his opponent 4 : to bring to some conclusion or condition led to believe otherwise 5 : to begin play with lead trumps 6 a : to aim in front of (a moving object) lead a duck b : to pass a ball or puck just in front of (a moving teammate) intransitive verb 1 a : to guide someone or something along a way You lead and we'll follow. b : to lie, run, or open in a specified place or direction path leads uphill c : to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance 2 a : to be first This state leads in population. b (1) : begin, open will lead off with a Christmas story —Richard Bissell (2) : to play the first card of a trick, round, or game 3 : to tend toward or have a result study leading to a degree 4 : to direct the first of a series of blows at an opponent in boxing — lead one down the garden path or less commonly lead one up the garden path : hoodwink, deceive I'd rather he be disappointed with the truth rather than lead him down the garden path —Harold Robbins

light-year (n)

light-years away. 1 : a unit of length in astronomy equal to the distance that light travels in one year in a vacuum or about 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers) 2 : an extremely large measure of comparison (as of distance, time, or quality) seems like light-years ago has light-years more talent two minutes and yet light-years away from the crowded village —Suzanne Patterson

American dream (n)

living the American Dream. : an American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism and especially material prosperity also : the prosperity or life that is the realization of this ideal

inhibition (n)

lowering inhibitions. 1a : the act of inhibiting : the state of being inhibited b : something that forbids, debars, or restricts 2 : an inner impediment to free activity, expression, or functioning: such as a : a mental process imposing restraint upon behavior or another mental process (such as a desire) b : a restraining of the function of a bodily organ or an agent (such as an enzyme)

machinelike (adj)

machinelike efficiency. resembling or suggesting a machine especially in regularity of action or stereotyped uniformity of product

mockery (n)

make a mockery of... 1 : insulting or contemptuous action or speech : DERISION laying himself open to the jeers and mockeries of his rebellious subjects — E. A. Freeman 2 : a subject of laughter, derision, or sport making him turn himself into a merry mockery of all he had once held dear — O. St. John Gogarty 3a : a counterfeit appearance : IMITATION if it was not a man it was a huge and grotesque mockery of man — E. R. Burroughs b : an insincere, contemptible, or impertinent (see IMPERTINENT sense 2b) imitation makes a mockery of justice 4 : something ridiculously or impudently (see IMPUDENT sense 2) unsuitable in her bitterness she felt that all rejoicing was mockery — George Eliot

meet (v)

meet (up) for. met play \ˈmet\; meeting transitive verb 1 a : to come into the presence of : find met him as a stranger on a plane b : to come together with especially at a particular time or place I'll meet you at the station c : to come into contact or conjunction with : join There is where the brook meets the river. d : to appear to the perception of a pungent odor ... met his nostrils —S. E. White 2 : to encounter as antagonist (see antagonist 1) or foe : oppose met the heavyweight in a successful bout 3 : to enter into conference, argument, or personal dealings with 4 : to conform to especially with exactitude and precision a concept to meet all requirements 5 : to pay fully : settle could not meet his loans —Waldo Frank 6 : to cope with was able to meet every social situation 7 : to provide for enough money to meet our needs 8 : to become acquainted with I want you to meet my sister. 9 : encounter, experience 10 : to receive or greet in an official capacity The president met the prime minister at the White House. intransitive verb 1 a : to come face-to-face That's the restaurant where they met. b : to come together for a common purpose : assemble The delegates met at the convention. c : to come together as contestants, opponents, or enemies The candidates met for their debate. 2 : to form a junction or confluence the lines meet in a point 3 : to occur together many graces and many virtues meet in her — meeter noun — meet halfway : to compromise with — meet with : to be subjected to : encounter the proposal met with opposition

flattery (n)

mimicry is the highest form of flattery. plural flatteries 1 a : the act or practice of flattering She uses the art of flattery to her advantage. b (1) : something that flatters A compliment is flattery ... —Harry Shaw (2) : insincere or excessive praise He tried to win his teacher's favor with flattery. 2 obsolete : a pleasing self-deception

doux (adj)

of champagne : very sweet

equanimity (n)

plural equanimities 1 : evenness of mind especially under stress nothing could disturb his equanimity 2 : right disposition : balance physical equanimity

revolutionize (v)

revolutionize an industry. 1 : to overthrow the established government of 2 : to imbue with revolutionary doctrines 3 : to change fundamentally or completely revolutionize an industry

coattail (n)

riding someone's coattails. 1 : the rear flap of a man's coat 2 coattails plural : the skirts of a dress coat, cutaway, or frock coat 3 coattails plural : the influence or pulling power of a popular movement or person (such as a political candidate) congressmen riding into office on the president's coattails

scoff (v)

scoffed at... : to show contempt by derisive acts or language scoffed at the idea transitive verb : to treat or address with derision : MOCK

secluded (adj)

secluded from. 1 : screened or hidden from view : SEQUESTERED a secluded valley 2 : living in seclusion : SOLITARY secluded monks

normalcy (n)

seeking out a sense of normalcy after a crisis. the state or fact of being normal a return to normalcy after war

self-worth (n)

sense of self-worth. : SELF-ESTEEM

calling (n)

your calling. 1 : a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence 2 : the vocation or profession in which one customarily engages 3 : the characteristic cry of a female cat in heat; also : the period of heat

my word (interj)

—used to express surprise or astonishment

huh (interj)

—used to express surprise, disbelief, or confusion, or as an inquiry inviting affirmative reply

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