Group 4 (Updated 11/12/18)

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blossom (v)

1 : BLOOM 2a : to come into one's own : DEVELOP a blossoming talent b : to become evident c : to make an appearance

self-starter (n)

1 : STARTER sense 3a 2 : a person who has initiative

carbon copy (n)

1 : a copy made by carbon paper 2 : duplicate is a carbon copy of his father

maisonette (n)

1 : a small house 2 : an apartment often on two floors

charade (n)

1 : a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action (such as intrusion represented by depiction of inn, true, and shun) 2 charades plural : a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak 3 : an empty or deceptive act or pretense his concern was a charade

tolerable (adj)

1 : capable of being borne or endured tolerable pain 2 : moderately good or agreeable : PASSABLE a tolerable singing voice

charmed (adj)

1 : extremely lucky or prosperous living a charmed life 2 : of, relating to, or being a charm quark

torchbearer (n)

1 : one that carries a torch 2 : someone in the forefront of a campaign, crusade, or movement

mediator (n)

1 : one that mediates; especially : one that mediates between parties at variance 2 : a mediating agent in a physical, chemical, or biological process

wavy (adj)

1 : rising or swelling in waves also : abounding in waves wavy hair 2 : moving with an undulating motion : FLUCTUATING also : marked by wavering wavy lines 3 : marked by undulation : ROLLING wavier; waviest

patchwork (n)

1 : something composed of miscellaneous or incongruous parts : hodgepodge 2 : pieces of cloth of various colors and shapes sewn together to form a covering; also : something resembling such a covering a patchwork of fields

hoedown (n)

1 : square dance 2 : a gathering featuring hoedowns

representationalism (n)

1 : the doctrine that the immediate object of knowledge is an idea in the mind distinct from the external object which is the occasion of perception 2 : the theory or practice of realistic representation in art

velleity (n)

1 : the lowest degree of volition 2 : a slight wish or tendency : INCLINATION

shirttail (adj)

1 : very young : IMMATURE shirttail boys fishing in the creek 2 : distantly and indefinitely related a shirttail cousin on her father's side 3 : small, trivial, or short typically to the point of inadequacy has a gullied shirttail ranch in the hills

steadfast (adj)

1 a : firmly fixed in place : immovable b : not subject to change the steadfast doctrine of original sin —Ellen Glasgow 2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal her followers have remained steadfast — steadfastly adverb — steadfastness noun

going-over (n)

1a : a severe scolding b : BEATING 2 : a thorough examination

hot key (n)

: SHORTCUT sense 3

scintilla (n)

: SPARK, TRACE not a scintilla of doubt

bartender (n)

: a person who serves drinks at a bar

tenderhearted (adj)

: easily moved to love, pity, or sorrow : COMPASSIONATE, IMPRESSIONABLE

washed-up (adj)

: no longer successful, skillful, popular, or needed washed-up athletes a washed-up actor

agonize (v)

: to cause to suffer agony : TORTURE intransitive verb 1 : to suffer agony, torture, or anguish agonizes over every decision 2 : STRUGGLE

ridicule (v)

: to make fun of ridiculed; ridiculing

four-letter word (n)

_____ is (becoming) a four-letter word. any of a group of vulgar or obscene words typically made up of four letters; broadly : a taboo word or topic tax is a four-letter word to him

forceful (adj)

a forceful delivery. : possessing or filled with force : EFFECTIVE a forceful argument

gaping (adj)

a gaping hole in... wide open a gaping hole

glaring (adj)

a glaring problem. 1 : having a fixed look of hostility, fierceness, or anger 2 a : shining with or reflecting an uncomfortably bright light b (1) : garish (2) : vulgarly ostentatious 3 : obtrusively and often painfully obvious a glaring error — glaringly play \ˈgler-iŋ-lē\ adverb — glaringness

good-natured (adj)

a good-natured friend. : of a pleasant and cooperative disposition

disservice (n)

a great disservice to... : ill service : HARM also : an unhelpful, unkind, or harmful act misinformation that does a disservice to readers

gut (v)

a gut feeling. 1 a : eviscerate b : to extract all the essential passages or portions from 2 a : to destroy the inside of fire gutted the building b : to destroy the essential power or effectiveness of inflation gutting the economy — gut it out : persevere

misoneism (n)

a hatred, fear, or intolerance of innovation or change

high-wire (adj)

a high-wire stunt. 1 : involving great risk a financial high-wire act 2 : daring high-wire prose

libelous (adj)

a libelous statement. constituting or including a libel : defamatory a libelous statement

meteoric (adj)

a meteoric rise. 1 a : of or relating to a meteor b : resembling a meteor in speed or in sudden and temporary brilliance a meteoric rise to fame 2 : of, relating to, or derived from the earth's atmosphere meteoric water — meteorically

minimalist (n)

a minimalist approach. 1 : one who favors restricting the functions and powers of a political organization or the achievement of a set of goals to a minimum 2 a : an artist who creates minimal art b : an adherent of minimalism

gravy train (n)

a much exploited source of easy money; also : gravy 2a

few (adj)

a select few. 1 : consisting of or amounting to only a small number one of our few pleasures 2 : at least some but indeterminately small in number —used with a caught a few fish — fewness noun — few and far between : few in number and infrequently met : rare

peripeteia (n)

a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation especially in a literary work

tantalizing (adj)

a tantalizing light at the end of the tunnel. : possessing a quality that arouses or stimulates desire or interest also : mockingly or teasingly out of reach

tempting (adj)

a tempting offer. : having an appeal : ENTICING a tempting offer

time-tested (adj)

a time-tested system. : having effectiveness that has been proved over a long period of time time-tested methods

amour (n)

a usually illicit love affair wrote of his amours in his memoirs; also : lover

defeat (n)

accepting defeat. transitive verb 1 obsolete : destroy his unkindness may defeat my life —Shakespeare 2 a law : nullify defeat an estate b : frustrate 2a(1) defeat a hope 3 : to win victory over : beat defeated their archrivals in the championship game The bill was defeated in the Senate. — defeatable

sea change (n)

an industry sea change. 1 archaic : a change brought about by the sea 2 : a marked change : TRANSFORMATION a sea change in public policy

dependency (n)

dissolving a dependency on... 1 : DEPENDENCE sense 1 2 : something that is dependent on something else especially : a territorial unit under the jurisdiction of a nation but not formally annexed by it 3 : a building (such as a stable) that is an adjunct to a main dwelling

legwork (n)

doing the legwork. active physical work (as in gathering information) that forms the basis of more creative or mentally exacting work (such as writing a book)

drudgery (n)

drudgery of a drab routine. plural drudgeries : dull, irksome, and fatiguing work : uninspiring or menial labor the drudgery of his job

running start (n)

get a running start on... flying start

stroll (v)

going for a stroll. 1 : to go from place to place in search of work or profit strolling players strolling musicians 2 : to walk in a leisurely or idle manner : RAMBLE transitive verb : to walk at leisure along or about

gravitas (n)

high seriousness (as in a person's bearing or in the treatment of a subject) had the gravitas of a deep thinker

grudge (n)

holding a grudge. a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will held no grudge against those who mistreated him

indocile (adj)

indocile teenager. unwilling or indisposed to be taught or disciplined : intractable — indocility

hint (v)

just a hint of... : to convey indirectly and by allusion rather than explicitly a suspicion that she scarcely dared to hint intransitive verb : to give an indirect suggestion or piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem : to give a hint —usually used with at hint at the answer

high gear (n)

kicking it into high gear. 1 : HIGH sense 3b 2 : a state of intense or maximum activity —usually used with into or in a project in high gear

obfuscate (v)

obfuscate reality. obfuscated; obfuscating transitive verb 1 a : to throw into shadow : darken b : to make obscure obfuscate the issue officials who ... continue to obscure and obfuscate what happened —Mary Carroll 2 : confuse obfuscate the reader intransitive verb : to be evasive, unclear, or confusing The suspect often obfuscated during the interrogation. — obfuscation play \ˌäb-(ˌ)fə-ˈskā-shən\ noun — obfuscatory

hereupon (adv)

on this : immediately after this

overuse (v)

overused; overusing : to use (something) too much : to use (something) excessively or too frequently a word that has been greatly overused At best, gatekeepers can keep everyone from overusing costly high-tech treatments when primary care is enough. —Marilyn Chase

osprey (n)

plural ospreys 1 : a large fish-eating hawk (Pandion haliaetus) with long wings that is dark brown above and mostly pure white below 2 : a feather trimming used for millinery

radix (n)

plural radices play \ˈrā-də-ˌsēz, ˈra-\ or radixes play \ˈrā-dik-səz\ 1 : the base of a number system or of logarithms 2 : the primary source

orgulous (adj)


scoff (v)

scoffed at... : to show contempt by derisive acts or language scoffed at the idea transitive verb : to treat or address with derision : MOCK

metadata (n)

strong metadata. data that provides information about other data

homiletics (n)

the art of preaching

care (v)

to care for... 1 : suffering of mind : grief 2 a : a disquieted state of mixed uncertainty, apprehension, and responsibility oppressed by sickness, grief, or care —William Wordsworth b : a cause for such anxiety 3 a : painstaking or watchful attention his gentlemen conduct me with all care to some securest lodging —John Keats b : maintenance floor-care products 4 : regard coming from desire or esteem a care for the common good 5 : charge, supervision under a doctor's care 6 : a person or thing that is an object of attention, anxiety, or solicitude The flower garden was her special care.

hide (v)

to hide from... hid hidden or hid; hiding transitive verb 1 a : to put out of sight : secrete hide a key under the doormat b : to conceal for shelter or protection : shield They hid him from the police. 2 : to keep secret hide the truth 3 : to screen from or as if from view : obscure clouds hid the sun 4 : to turn (the eyes or face) away in shame or anger intransitive verb 1 : to remain out of sight she hid under the bed —often used with out hiding out from the cops 2 : to seek protection or evade responsibility hides behind his dark glasses, hoping to avoid being recognized — hider

torn (adj)

torn between. past participle of TEAR

foothold (n)

1 : a hold for the feet : footing 2 : a position usable as a base for further advance

lopsided (adj)

1 : leaning to one side 2 : lacking in balance, symmetry, or proportion : disproportionately heavy on one side a lopsided vote of 99-1 — lopsidedly adverb — lopsidedness noun

tortuous (adj)

1 : marked by repeated twists, bends, or turns : WINDING a tortuous path 2a : marked by devious or indirect tactics : CROOKED, TRICKY a tortuous conspiracy b : CIRCUITOUS, INVOLVED the tortuous jargon of legal forms

solemn (adj)

1 : marked by the invocation of a religious sanction a solemn oath 2 : marked by the observance of established form or ceremony specifically : celebrated with full liturgical ceremony 3a : awe-inspiring : SUBLIME solemn beauty b : marked by grave sedateness and earnest sobriety a solemn gathering c : SOMBER, GLOOMY a solemn gray building

homeland (n)

1 : native land : FATHERLAND 2 : a state or area set aside to be a state for a people of a particular national, cultural, or racial origin especially : BANTUSTAN

thereabouts (adv)

1 : near that place or time 2 : near that number, degree, or quantity a boy of 18 or thereabouts

Olympian (n)

1 : of or relating to Mount Olympus in Thessaly 2 : befitting or characteristic of an Olympian; especially : lofty his ... formula of glib simplicity and Olympian arrogance —Richard Pollak

weird (adj)

1 : of strange or extraordinary character : ODD, FANTASTIC 2 : of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural : MAGICAL

gestural (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or consisting of gestures 2 : of, relating to, or characterized by vigorous application of paint and expressive brushwork gestural expressionism

basis (n)

1 : the bottom of something considered as its foundation 2 : the principal component of something Fruit juice constitutes the basis of jelly. 3a : something on which something else is established or based stories with little basis in reality no legal basis for a new trial still some basis for hope selected on the basis of test scores b : an underlying condition or state of affairs hired on a trial basis He is on a first-name basis with his customers. c : a fixed pattern or system meets with us on a regular basis [=regularly] The department sends reports on a daily basis. [=every day] 4 : the basic principle concepts that form the basis of the country's economic policies 5 mathematics : a set of linearly independent vectors (see VECTOR entry 1 sense 1a) in a vector space such that any vector in the vector space can be expressed as a linear combination of them with appropriately chosen coefficients (see COEFFICIENT sense 1)

trammel (v)

1 : to catch or hold in or as if in a net : ENMESH 2 : to prevent or impede the free play of : CONFINE

bedazzle (v)

1 : to confuse by a strong light 2 : to impress forcefully : ENCHANT bedazzled; bedazzling; bedazzles

retrospective (adj)

1a(1) : of, relating to, or given to retrospection (2) : based on memory a retrospective report b : being a retrospective a retrospective exhibition 2 : affecting things past : RETROACTIVE retrospective laws 3 : relating to or being a study (as of a disease) that starts with the present condition of a population of individuals and collects data about their past history to explain their present condition

eximious (adj)


bow out (v)

: RETIRE, WITHDRAW also : LOSE bowed out in the first round of the tournament

rock and roll (n)

: ROCK entry 2 sense 2

hot water (n)

: TROUBLE sense 4, DIFFICULTY was in hot water with the authorities

post-structuralism (n)

: a movement or theory (such as deconstruction) that views the descriptive premise of structuralism as contradicted by reliance on borrowed concepts or differential terms and categories and sees inquiry as inevitably shaped by discursive and interpretive practices

Rip van Winkle (n)

: a ne'er-do-well in a story in Washington Irving's Sketch Book who sleeps for 20 years

bon vivant (n)

: a person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially with respect to food and drink has become a bon vivant since moving to the city

transgression (n)

: an act, process, or instance of transgressing: such as a : infringement or violation of a law, command, or duty b : the spread of the sea over land areas and the consequent unconformable deposit of sediments on older rocks

verbal auxiliary (n)

: an auxiliary verb

electronica (n)

: dance music featuring extensive use of synthesizers, electronic percussion, and samples of recorded music or sound

self-educated (adj)

: educated by one's own efforts without formal instruction He was self-educated, had taught himself German and French ... —Jack London

technocracy (n)

: government by technicians specifically : management of society by technical experts

pertinent (adj)

: having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand

self-governing (adj)

: having control or rule over oneself specifically : having self-government : AUTONOMOUS

reliant (adj)

: having reliance on something or someone : DEPENDENT

praenomen (n)

: the first of the usual three names of an ancient Roman — compare COGNOMEN, NOMEN

vaward (n)

: the foremost part : FOREFRONT the vaward of our youth — William Shakespeare

trailhead (n)

: the point at which a trail begins

teetotalism (n)

: the principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks

blow over (v)

: to pass away without effect

exempt (v)

: to release or deliver from some liability or requirement to which others are subject exempted from military service exempted; exempting; exempts

compartmentalize (v)

: to separate into isolated compartments or categories compartmentalized; compartmentalizing

oilman (n)

I like to think of myself as an oilman. 1 : an oil company executive 2 : an oil field worker

annus mirablis (n)

a Latin phrase that means wonderful year, miraculous year or amazing year.

glorious (adj)

a glorious day. 1 a : possessing or deserving glory : illustrious had a long and glorious military career b : entitling one to glory a glorious victory 2 : marked by great beauty or splendor : magnificent a glorious sunset 3 : delightful, wonderful had a glorious weekend — gloriously adverb — gloriousness noun

scrappy (adj)

a scrappy, resourceful person. 1 : QUARRELSOME 2 : having an aggressive and determined spirit : FEISTY

abreaction (n)

bar conversation may result in some sad abreactions. the expression and emotional discharge of unconscious material (such as a repressed idea or emotion) by verbalization especially in the presence of a therapist — abreact verb

godsend (n)

clouds in 100 degree weather are a godsend. a desirable or needed thing or event that comes unexpectedly The widespread rain was a godsend for farmers.

agency (n)

exercising your agency to decide. 1: (a) the office or function of an agent (b) the relationship between a principal and that person's agent 2: the capacity, condition, or state of acting or exerting power: OPERATION 3: a person or thing thtrough which power is exertted or an end is achieved: INSTRUMENTALITY <communicated through the ~ of the ambassador> 4: an establishment engaged in doing business for another <an advertising ~> 5: an administrative division (as of a government) <the ~ for consumer protection>

scam (n)

falling for a scam. a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation an insurance scam

finagle (v)

finagling a higher salary by throwing some coworkers under the bus. finagled; finagling play \fə-ˈnā-g(ə-)liŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to obtain by indirect or involved means finagle a ride home 2 : to obtain by trickery finagled his way into the concert intransitive verb : to use devious or dishonest methods to achieve one's ends A con man finagled my neighbor out of $400. — finagler

meticulous (adj)

meticulous attention to detail. marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details a meticulous researcher — meticulosity play \-ˌti-kyə-ˈlä-sə-tē\ noun — meticulously play \-ˈti-kyə-ləs-lē\ adverb — meticulousness

Griselda (n)

a woman of humble origins in medieval legend who endures tests of wifely patience laid on her by her wellborn husband

adapt (v)

adapt to change. adapted; adapting; adapts transitive verb : to make fit (as for a new use) often by modification adapt the curriculum to students' needs intransitive verb : to become adapted adapt to a new enviroment

aim (v)

aim high. 1 : to direct a course specifically : to point a weapon at an object Aim carefully before shooting. 2 : ASPIRE, INTEND She aims to win. transitive verb 1a : POINT aim a gun b : to direct toward a specified object or goal a story aimed at children 2 obsolete : GUESS, CONJECTURE

alas (interj)

alas... —used to express unhappiness, pity, or concern Life, alas, is too short.

eccentric (adj)

an exccentric personality. 1 a : deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways an eccentric millionaire b : deviating from an established or usual pattern or style eccentric products 2 a : deviating from a circular path; especially : elliptical 1 an eccentric orbit b : located elsewhere than at the geometric center; also : having the axis or support so located an eccentric wheel — eccentrically

cash in (v)

cashing in on... transitive verb : to obtain cash for cashed in the bonds intransitive verb 1 a : to retire from a gambling game b : to settle accounts and withdraw from an involvement (such as a business deal) 2 : to obtain advantage or financial profit —often used with on cash in on a best seller

categorize (v)

categorized; categorizing transitive verb : to put into a category : classify Birds are categorized by type in this field manual. — categorization play \ˌka-ti-gə-rə-ˈzā-shən\ noun — categorizable

channel (v)

channel energy. channeled or channelled; channeling or channelling transitive verb 1 a : to form, cut, or wear a channel in The river channeled a new course. b : to make a groove in channel a chair leg 2 : to convey or direct into or through a channel channel his energy into useful work 3 : to serve as a channeler or intermediary for a 35,000-year-old female channeled by a 40-year-old housewife

periodically (adv)

checking in periodically. 1 : at regular intervals of time 2 : from time to time : FREQUENTLY

metier (n)

1 : vocation, trade Journalism is her métier. 2 : an area of activity in which one excels : forte Chess had become his métier.

adage (n)

a saying often in metaphorical form that typically embodies a common observation She reminded him of the adage: A penny saved is a penny earned.

scornful (adj)

full of scorn : CONTEMPTUOUS

hombre (n)

guy, fellow

chipper (adj)

a chipper mood. : SPRIGHTLY sense 1

insincere (adj)

an insincere gesture. not sincere : hypocritical

black sheep (n)

black sheep of the family. a disfavored or disreputable member of a group

cannot help but (phrase)

cannot help but think. : can not cannot but or cannot help but or less commonly cannot help : to be unable to do otherwise than we cannot but wonder why I cannot help feeling sorry for them.

high treason (n)

committing high treason : TREASON sense 1

dangerous (adj)

dangerous rhetoric. 1 : involving possible injury, pain, harm, or loss : characterized by danger a dangerous job 2 : able or likely to inflict injury or harm a dangerous man

chagrin (n)

disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure

foot-dragging (n)

dragging your feet. failure to act with the necessary promptness or vigor

self-indulgence (n)

excessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own appetites, desires, or whims — self-indulgent play \ˌself-in-ˈdəl-jənt\ adjective — self-indulgently adverb

majestic (adj)

having or exhibiting majesty : stately majestic mountains — majestically

hightail (v)

hightail it out of there. to move at full speed or rapidly often in making a retreat —usually used with it hightailed it out of there

lucubration (n)

laborious or intensive study; also : the product of such study —usually used in plural

secondhand (adv)

secondhand information. 1 : at second hand : INDIRECTLY heard about it secondhand 2 : as a secondhand item bought the couch secondhand

ahimsa (n)

the Hindu and Buddhist doctrine of refraining from harming any living being

North Star (n)

the star of the northern hemisphere toward which the axis of the earth points — called also polestar

parenthood (n)

the state of being a parent; specifically : the position, function, or standing of a parent

again and again (adv)

this happens again and again. at frequent intervals : often, repeatedly

thrive (v)

thriving in a career. 1 : to grow vigorously : FLOURISH 2 : to gain in wealth or possessions : PROSPER 3 : to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances —often used with on thrives on conflict

feetfirst (adv)

with the feet foremost

badge (n)

1 : a device or token especially of membership in a society or group 2 : a characteristic mark 3 : an emblem awarded for a particular accomplishment 4 British : BUTTON sense 1b Solicitors have reacted with dismay after Staffordshire courts ordered them to remove political badges. — Birmingham Post

ramrod (adj)

1 : a rod for ramming home the charge in a muzzle-loading firearm 2 : a cleaning rod for small arms 3 : boss, overseer

chrestomathy (n)

1 : a selection of passages used to help learn a language 2 : a volume of selected passages or stories of an author

daily dozen (n)

1 : a series of physical exercises to be performed daily : workout 2 : a set of routine duties or tasks

precise (adj)

1 : exactly or sharply defined or stated 2 : minutely exact 3 : strictly conforming to a pattern, standard, or convention 4 : distinguished from every other at just that precise moment

sordid (adj)

1 : marked by baseness or grossness : vile sordid motives 2 a : dirty, filthy b : wretched, squalid 3 : meanly avaricious : covetous 4 : of a dull or muddy color — sordidly adverb — sordidness noun

retort (n)

: a quick, witty, or cutting reply especially : one that turns back or counters the first speaker's words

skull and crossbones (n)

: a representation of a human skull over crossbones usually used as a warning of danger to life

planogram (n)

: a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales

Siege Perilous (n)

: a seat at King Arthur's Round Table reserved for the knight destined to achieve the quest of the Holy Grail and fatal to any other occupying it

sommelier (n)

: a waiter in a restaurant who has charge of wines and their service : a wine steward

poker face (n)

: an inscrutable face that reveals no hint of a person's thoughts or feelings

chiasmus (n)

: an inverted relationship between the syntactic elements of parallel phrases (as in Goldsmith's to stop too fearful, and too faint to go)

telos (n)

: an ultimate end

self-obsessed (adj)

: excessively preoccupied with oneself or with one's own concerns : obsessed with oneself self-obsessed celebrities also : characteristic of one who is self-obsessed self-obsessed thoughts

preceding (adj)

: existing, coming, or occurring immediately before in time or place the preceding day preceding paragraphs

self-explanatory (adj)

: explaining itself : capable of being understood without explanation

shorefront (n)

: land along a shore specifically : BEACHFRONT

bombastic (adj)

: marked by or given to speech or writing that is given exaggerated importance by artificial or empty means : marked by or given to bombast : POMPOUS, OVERBLOWN

horse trade (n)

: negotiation accompanied by shrewd bargaining and reciprocal concessions a political horse trade

postprandial (adj)

: occurring after a meal

sempiternal (adj)

: of never-ending duration : ETERNAL

chronological (adj)

: of, relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time chronological tables of American history His art is arranged in chronological order. also : reckoned in units of time chronological age

costar (n)

: one of two or more main performers who star in a motion picture, play, etc. ... the star seems more relaxed and confident, and there's a bracing snap to the byplay between him and his costars. —Mark Harris

beginner (n)

: one that begins something especially : an inexperienced person

skepsis (n)

: philosophical doubt as to the objective reality of phenomena broadly : a skeptical outlook or attitude

gorgeous (adj)

: splendidly or showily brilliant or magnificent

thievery (n)

: the act or practice or an instance of stealing : THEFT

excision (n)

: the act or procedure of removing by or as if by cutting out especially : surgical removal or resection

binge (v)

: to go on a binge bingeing on beer and pretzels binged and purged during her teen years binged; bingeing or binging

vaunt (v)

: to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments : BRAG transitive verb : to call attention to pridefully and often boastfully people who vaunt their ingenuity vaunted; vaunting; vaunts

extol (v)

: to praise highly : GLORIFY extolled; extolling

smirk (v)

: to smile in an affected or smug manner : SIMPER transitive verb : to say or express with a smirk smirked; smirking; smirks

Cimmerian (adj)

: very dark or gloomy under ebon shades ... in dark Cimmerian desert ever dwell —John Milton

feasible (adj)

Seems feasible. 1 : capable of being done or carried out a feasible plan 2 : capable of being used or dealt with successfully : suitable 3 : reasonable, likely gave an explanation that seemed feasible enough — feasibility play \ˌfē-zə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — feasibly play \ˈfē-zə-blē\ adverb — feasibleness noun

flurry (n)

a flurry of... plural flurries 1 a : a gust of wind b : a brief light snowfall 2 a : a brief period of commotion or excitement b : a sudden occurrence of many things at once : barrage 2 a flurry of insults 3 : a brief advance or decline in prices : a short-lived outburst of trading activity

fitness (n)

mental fitness. 1 : the quality or state of being fit 2 : the capacity of an organism to survive and transmit its genotype to reproductive offspring as compared to competing organisms also : the contribution of an allele or genotype to the gene pool of subsequent generations as compared to that of other alleles or genotypes

highwayman (n)

more of a highwayman than a real estate agent. a thief who robs travelers on a road

transparency (n)

more transparency. 1 : the quality or state of being transparent 2 : something transparent especially : a picture (as on film) viewed by light shining through it or by projection

Gestalt psychology (n)

the study of perception and behavior from the standpoint of an individual's response to configurational wholes with stress on the uniformity of psychological and physiological events and rejection of analysis into discrete events of stimulus, percept, and response

tail end (n)

the tail end of... 1 : the concluding period the tail end of the session 2 : BUTTOCKS, RUMP 3 : the hindmost end

tedium (n)

the tedium of routine tasks. 1 : the quality or state of being tedious : TEDIOUSNESS also : BOREDOM 2 : a tedious period of time

larceny (n)

the unlawful taking of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it permanently was arrested and charged with larceny

Guinevere (n)

the wife of King Arthur and mistress of Lancelot

henotheism (n)

the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods

veneration (n)

1 : respect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person 2 : the act of venerating 3 : the condition of one that is venerated

bewilder (v)

1 : to cause to lose one's bearings (see BEARING sense 6c) bewildered by the city's maze of roads 2 : to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations His decision bewildered her. utterly bewildered by the instructions bewildered; bewildering

in-depth (adj)

in-depth review. comprehensive, thorough an in-depth study in-depth news coverage

melanize (v)

melanized; melanizing transitive verb 1 : to convert into or infiltrate with melanin 2 : to make dark or black — melanization

agree (v)

I couldn't agree more. agreed; agreeing transitive verb 1 a : to concur in (something, such as an opinion) : admit, concede They agreed that he was right. b : to consent to as a course of action She agreed to sell him the house. 2 chiefly British : to settle on by common consent : arrange ... I agreed rental terms with him ... —Eric Bennett intransitive verb 1 : to accept or concede something (such as the views or wishes of another) agree to a plan 2 a : to achieve or be in harmony (as of opinion, feeling, or purpose) We agree in our taste in music. b : to get along together c : to come to terms agree on a fair division of profits 3 a : to be similar : correspond Both copies agree. b : to be consistent The story agrees with the facts. 4 : to be fitting, pleasing, or healthful : suit This climate agrees with him. 5 grammar : to have an inflectional form denoting identity or other regular correspondence in a grammatical category (such as gender, number, case, or person)

verbiage (n)

1 : a profusion of words usually of little or obscure content such a tangled maze of evasive verbiage as a typical party platform — Marcia Davenport 2 : manner of expressing oneself in words : DICTION sportswriters guarded their verbiage so jealously — R. A. Sokolov

double standard (n)

1 : BIMETALLISM 2 : a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another especially : a code of morals that applies more severe standards of sexual behavior to women than to men She argued that society applies a double standard in dealing with women who commit adultery.

vendetta (n)

1 : BLOOD FEUD 2 : an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts waged a personal vendetta against those who opposed his nomination

congruent (adj)

1 : CONGRUOUS ... establish incentives and rewards congruent with professional standing. — Timothy S. Healy 2 : superposable so as to be coincident throughout congruent triangles 3 : having the difference divisible by a given modulus 12 is congruent to 2 (modulo 5) since 12−2=2·5.

snarky (adj)

1 : CROTCHETY, SNAPPISH 2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner snarky lyrics

postulate (v)

1 : DEMAND, CLAIM 2a : to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary : depend upon or start from the postulate of b : to assume as a postulate or axiom (as in logic or mathematics) postulated; postulating

portal (n)

1 : DOOR, ENTRANCE especially : a grand or imposing one 2 : the whole architectural composition surrounding and including the doorways and porches of a church 3 : the approach or entrance to a bridge or tunnel 4 : a communicating part or area of an organism specifically : the point at which something (such as a pathogen) enters the body 5 : a website serving as a guide or point of entry to the World Wide Web and usually including a search engine or a collection of links to other sites arranged especially by topic

feminine (adj)

1 : FEMALE sense 1a(1) 2 : characteristic of or appropriate or unique to women feminine beauty a feminine perspective 3 : of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to females a feminine noun 4a : being an unstressed and usually additional final syllable after the final complete foot in a line of verse a feminine ending b of rhyme : having an unstressed final syllable c : having the final chord occurring on a weak beat music in feminine cadences

expanse (n)

1 : FIRMAMENT 2 : great extent of something spread out an expanse of calm ocean

beguile (v)

1 : HOODWINK beguiled her classmates into doing the work for her 2 : to engage the interest of by or as if by guile His seductive voice beguiled the audience. 3 : to lead by deception beguiled into ambush 4 : to while away especially by some agreeable occupation also : DIVERT sense 2 The seven poems were written to beguile the tedium of a sea voyage. — Vernon Louis Parrington beguiled; beguiling

realm (n)

1 : KINGDOM sense 3 2 : SPHERE, DOMAIN within the realm of possibility 3 : a primary marine or terrestrial biogeographic division of the earth's surface

getup (n)

1 : OUTFIT, COSTUME 2 : general composition or structure

retribution (n)

1 : RECOMPENSE, REWARD 2 : the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter 3 : something given or exacted in recompense especially : PUNISHMENT

theatrics (n)

1 : THEATRICAL sense 1 2 : staged or contrived effects

hoodlum (n)

1 : THUG especially : a violent criminal 2 : a young ruffian

wear out (v)

1 : TIRE, EXHAUST 2 : to make useless especially by long or hard usage 3 : ERASE, EFFACE 4 : to endure through : OUTLAST wear out a storm 5 : to consume (time) tediously wear out idle days intransitive verb : to become useless from long or excessive wear or use

vermiculate (adj)

1 : TORTUOUS, INVOLUTE 2 : full of worms : WORM-EATEN 3a : VERMIFORM b : marked with irregular fine lines or with wavy impressed lines a vermiculate nut vermiculation; vermiculated

nepenthe (n)

1 : a potion used by the ancients to induce forgetfulness of pain or sorrow 2 : something capable of causing oblivion of grief or suffering — nepenthean

sharpshooter (n)

1 : a proficient marksman 2 : a consistently accurate shooter (as in basketball)

phosphorescence (n)

1 : luminescence that is caused by the absorption of radiations (such as light or electrons) and continues for a noticeable time after these radiations have stopped — compare FLUORESCENCE 2 : an enduring luminescence without sensible heat

complaisant (adj)

1 : marked by an inclination to please or oblige 2 : tending to consent to others' wishes

growing pains (v)

1 : pains in the legs of growing children having no demonstrable relation to growth 2 : the stresses and strains attending a new project or development

lambent (adj)

1 : playing lightly on or over a surface : flickering 2 : softly bright or radiant 3 : marked by lightness or brilliance especially of expression — lambently adverb

variety (n)

1 : the quality or state of having different forms or types : MULTIFARIOUSNESS 2 : a number or collection of different things especially of a particular class : ASSORTMENT 3a : something differing from others of the same general kind : SORT b : any of various groups of plants or animals ranking below a species : SUBSPECIES 4 : VARIETY SHOW

explain away (v)

1 : to get rid of by or as if by explanation 2 : to minimize the significance of by or as if by explanation explains his faults, but does not try to explain them away — M. K. Spears

salivate (v)

1 : to have a flow of saliva especially in excess 2 : to show great desire or anticipation : DROOL

bode (v)

1 : to indicate (something, such as a future event) by signs : PRESAGE bode disaster recent data that bodes well for her reelection 2 archaic : to announce beforehand : FORETELL bode ill : to show or suggest that future developments or events will be unfavorable or unwelcome : to be a sign of trouble to come Any further diminishing of the species' gene pool can only bode ill for the future. — John Hew Fanshawe bode well : to show or suggest that future developments or events will be good or favorable : to be a sign of good things to come ... the news ... does not bode well for our future standard of living. — Lester C. Thurow boded; boding

chuckle (v)

1 : to laugh inwardly or quietly He chuckled as he read the comic strip. 2 : to make a continuous gentle sound resembling suppressed (see SUPPRESS sense 5a) mirth the clear bright water chuckled over gravel —B. A. Williams transitive verb : to utter with a chuckle Templeton grinned. I'll tend to this, he chuckled. He took Wilbur's tail in his mouth and bit it ... . The pain revived Wilbur. —E. B. White

pile (v)

1 : to lay or place in a pile : STACK 2a : to heap in abundance : LOAD piled potatoes on his plate b : to collect little by little into a mass —usually used with up intransitive verb 1 : to form a pile or accumulation —usually used with up 2 : to move or press forward in or as if in a mass : CROWD piled into a car piled;piling

exhilarate (v)

1 : to make cheerful and excited : ENLIVEN, ELATE was exhilarated by her success 2 : REFRESH, STIMULATE exhilarated; exhilarating

trapping (n)

1 trappings plural : outward signs conventional men with all the trappings ... of banality —Robert Plank 2 trappings plural : outward decoration or dress : ornamental equipment 3 : CAPARISON sense 1 —usually used in plural

conflicted (adj)

: experiencing or marked by ambivalence or a conflict especially of emotions this unhappy and conflicted modern woman — John Updike conflicted feelings

persiflage (n)

: frivolous bantering talk : light raillery

placebo effect (n)

: improvement in the condition of a patient that occurs in response to treatment but cannot be considered due to the specific treatment used

choplogic (n)

: involved and often specious argumentation

vapid (adj)

: lacking flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit : FLAT, DULL a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance — R. F. Delderfield London was not all vapid dissipation — V. S. Pritchett

social engineering (n)

: management of human beings in accordance with their place and function in society : applied social science

compendious (adj)

: marked by brief expression of a comprehensive matter : concise and comprehensive a compendious summary also : COMPREHENSIVE her compendious knowledge of the subject

weakness (n)

1 : the quality or state of being weak also : an instance or period of being weak backed down in a moment of weakness 2 : FAULT, DEFECT 3a : a special desire or fondness has a weakness for sweets b : an object of special desire or fondness pizza is my weakness

Occam's razor (n)

a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities

leisure (n)

at your leisure... 1 : freedom provided by the cessation of activities; especially : time free from work or duties increase of leisure, diminution of hustle are the ends to be sought —Bertrand Russell 2 : ease, leisureliness — leisure adjective — at leisure or at one's leisure : in one's leisure time : at one's convenience read the book at her leisure

militate (v)

bad communication militates against a succesful relationship. militated; militating intransitive verb : to have weight or effect his boyish appearance militated against his getting an early promotion

daze (v)

dazed and confused. 1 : to stupefy especially by a blow : STUN The first punch dazed him. were dazed by his response 2 : to dazzle with light dazed by the bright sun

de facto (adj)

de facto manager. in reality : actually became the leader de facto

debate (v)

debated; debating intransitive verb 1 obsolete : fight, contend 2 a : to contend in words b : to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments 3 : to participate in a debate the six primary candidates who debated last night transitive verb 1 a : to argue about the subject was hotly debated b : to engage (an opponent) in debate a governor debating her challenger 2 : to turn over in one's mind : to think about (something, such as different options) in order to decide still debating what to do — debatement play \-ˈbāt-mənt\ noun — debater noun

emphasize (v)

emphasized; emphasizing transitive verb : to place emphasis on : stress emphasized the need for reform

schism (n)

a schism between... 1 : DIVISION, SEPARATION also : DISCORD, DISHARMONY a schism between political parties 2a : formal division in or separation from a church or religious body b : the offense of promoting schism

rare (adj)

it is rare to see.. 1 : seldom occurring or found : UNCOMMON 2a : marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal : DISTINCTIVE b : superlative or extreme of its kind 3 : marked by wide separation of component particles : THIN rare air

eye-opener (n)

it was definitely eye-opening. 1 : a drink intended to wake one up 2 : something startling, surprising, or enlightening her biography is a real eye-opener

serious (adj)

it's gotten serious. 1 : thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner : SOBER a quiet, serious girl 2a : requiring much thought or work serious study b : of or relating to a matter of importance a serious play 3a : not joking or trifling : being in earnest a serious question b archaic : PIOUS c : deeply interested : DEVOTED a serious musician 4a : not easily answered or solved serious objections b : having important or dangerous possible consequences a serious injury 5 : excessive or impressive in quality, quantity, extent, or degree serious stereo equipment making serious money serious drinking

jaunty (adj)

jauntier; jauntiest 1 : sprightly in manner or appearance : lively sporting a jaunty red beret a jaunty stroll a jaunty tune 2 archaic a : stylish b : genteel — jauntily adverb — jauntiness

security (n)

job security. 1 : the quality or state of being secure: such as a : freedom from danger : SAFETY b : freedom from fear or anxiety c : freedom from the prospect of being laid off job security 2a : something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation b : SURETY 3 : an instrument of investment in the form of a document (such as a stock certificate or bond) providing evidence of its ownership 4a : something that secures : PROTECTION b(1) : measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape (2) : an organization or department whose task is security

hurdle (n)

jumping a hurdle. 1a : a portable panel usually of wattled withes and stakes used especially for enclosing land or livestock b : a frame or sled formerly used in England for dragging traitors to execution 2a : an artificial barrier over which racers must leap knocked over a hurdle b hurdles plural, track and field : any of various events in which racers must jump over a series of hurdles won a medal in the high hurdles The hurdles is his best event. 3 : BARRIER, OBSTACLE a company that faces severe financial hurdles overcame many hurdles on her way to earning her degree

formality (n)

just a formality. plural formalities 1 : compliance with formal or conventional rules : ceremony 2 : the quality or state of being formal 3 : an established form or procedure that is required or conventional the interview was just a formality

perform (v)

performing under pressure. 1 : to adhere to the terms of : fulfill perform a contract 2 : carry out, do 3 a : to do in a formal manner or according to prescribed ritual b : to give a rendition of : present

perpetuate (v)

perpetuating a cycle. perpetuated; perpetuating transitive verb : to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely perpetuate the species — perpetuation noun — perpetuator

revolutionize (v)

revolutionize an industry. 1 : to overthrow the established government of 2 : to imbue with revolutionary doctrines 3 : to change fundamentally or completely revolutionize an industry

riffle (v)

riffled; riffling intransitive verb 1 : to form, flow over, or move in riffles 2 : to flip cursorily : thumb riffle through the catalog transitive verb 1 : to ruffle slightly : ripple 2 a : to leaf through hastily; specifically : to leaf by sliding a thumb along the edge of the leaves riffle a stack of paper b : to shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix 3 : to manipulate (small objects) idly between the fingers

misinformation (n)

spreading misinformation. incorrect or misleading information Indubitably, a great deal of paranoid and otherwise irresponsible misinformation about the Kennedy assassination has traveled far and sold well ... —Ronnie Dugger A muddle of misinformation keeps clouding the debate over hormone-replacement therapy for women. —Melinda Beck Each of these pieces of information (and misinformation) about me is sold for about two-fifths of a cent to advertisers, which then deliver me an Internet ad, send me a catalog or mail me a credit-card offer. —Joel Stein

patulous (adj)

spreading widely from a center a tree with patulous branches

gingerly (adj)

stepping gingerly. very cautious or careful ... loose, exfoliated rock, into which he hammered pitons with the gingerly care of a carpenter finishing cabinets. —David Roberts His questions were gingerly and puzzled. —John Skow — gingerliness noun

sapling (n)

still just a sapling. 1 : a young tree specifically : one not over four inches (about 10 centimeters) in diameter at breast height 2 : YOUTH sense 2a

arc (n)

story arc. plural arcs 1 : the apparent path described above and below the horizon by a celestial body (such as the sun) 2 a : something arched or curved b : a curved path the arc of a fly ball c basketball : three-point line At week's end he was shooting 40.0% from behind the arc and averaging 19.6 points. —Phil Taylor 3 : a sustained luminous discharge of electricity across a gap in a circuit or between electrodes; also : arc lamp 4 : a continuous portion (as of a circle or ellipse) of a curved line 5 : degree measurement on the circumference of a circle —used especially in the phrase of arc 11 minutes 3 seconds of arc 6 : a continuous progression or line of development a story's dramatic arc

cognitive (adj)

strong cognitive skills. 1 : of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) cognitive impairment 2 : based on or capable of being reduced to empirical factual knowledge — cognitively adverb

dedication (n)

strong dedication. 1 religion : an act or rite of dedicating (see 2dedicate 1) to a divine being or to a sacred use the dedication of the temple 2 : a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose the dedication of funds raised from the bake sale to the class trip 3 : a name and often a message prefixed to a literary, musical, or artistic production in tribute to a person or cause mentioned his family in a brief dedication in his novel 4 : self-sacrificing devotion and loyalty her dedication to the cause required hard work and dedication 5 : a ceremony to mark the official completion or opening of something (such as a building) attended the building's dedication nearly fifty years ago — dedicatory

groupthink (n)

succumbing to groupthink. : a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics

suffice (v)

suffice it to say... 1 : to meet or satisfy a need : be sufficient a brief note will suffice —often used with an impersonal it suffice it to say that they are dedicated, serious personalities —Cheryl Aldridge 2 : to be competent or capable transitive verb : to be enough for a few more should suffice them

mere (adj)

superlative merest 1 : being nothing more than a mere mortal a mere hint of spice 2 : having no admixture (see admixture 2) : pure 3 obsolete : being nothing less than : absolute — merely adverb

anagnorisis (n)

the anagnorisis of the story. the point in the plot especially of a tragedy at which the protagonist recognizes his or her or some other character's true identity or discovers the true nature of his or her own situation

tune out (v)

tune out the noise. transitive verb : to become unresponsive to : IGNORE intransitive verb : to dissociate oneself from what is happening or one's surroundings

ghost town (n)

turned into a ghost town. a once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource

ultimate (adj)

ultimate sacrifice. 1a : last in a progression or series : FINAL their ultimate destination was Paris b : EVENTUAL sense 2 they hoped for ultimate success c : the best or most extreme of its kind : UTMOST the ultimate sacrifice d : most remote in space or time : FARTHEST 2 : arrived at as the last result the ultimate question 3a : ORIGINAL sense 1 the ultimate source b : BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL the ultimate nature of things —A. N. Whitehead c : incapable of further analysis, division, or separation

untimely (adj)

untimely death. 1 : at an inopportune time : unseasonably 2 : before the due, natural, or proper time : prematurely went untimely to the grave

education (n)

value of a good education. 1 a : the action or process of educating or of being educated; also : a stage of such a process b : the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process a person of little education 2 : the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools — educational adjective — educationally adverb

hot tub (n)

: a large tub of hot water in which bathers soak and usually socialize especially : such a tub with a whirlpool device

soiree (n)

: a party or reception held in the evening

slingshot (n)

1 : a forked stick with an elastic band attached for shooting small stones 2a : a maneuver in auto racing in which a drafting car accelerates past the car in front by taking advantage of reserve power b : a dragster in which the driver sits behind the rear wheels

half-truth (n)

1 : a statement that is only partially true 2 : a statement that mingles truth and falsehood with deliberate intent to deceive

precipice (n)

1 : a very steep or overhanging place 2 : a hazardous situation broadly : BRINK

reservation (n)

1 : an act of reserving something: such as a(1) : the act or fact of a grantor's reserving some newly created thing out of the thing granted (2) : the right or interest so reserved b : the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from complete exposition answered without reservation c : an arrangement to have something (such as a hotel room) held for one's use also : a promise, guarantee, or record of such engagement 2a : a limiting condition agreed, but with reservations b : DOUBT, MISGIVING had serious reservations about marriage 3 : something reserved: such as a : a tract of public land set aside (as for use by American Indians) b : an area in which hunting is not permitted especially : one set aside as a secure breeding place

anew (adv)

1 : for an additional time : again begin anew 2 : in a new or different form a story told anew on film

meditative (adj)

1 : marked by or conducive to meditation 2 : disposed or given to meditation — meditatively adverb — meditativeness noun

raffish (adj)

1 : marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness 2 : marked by a careless unconventionality : rakish — raffishly adverb — raffishness noun

kudos (n)

1 : praise given for achievement 2 : fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement : prestige

weigh (v)

1 : to ascertain the heaviness of by or as if by a balance 2a : OUTWEIGH b : COUNTERBALANCE c : to make heavy : WEIGHT —often used with down 3 : to consider carefully especially by balancing opposing factors or aspects in order to reach a choice or conclusion : EVALUATE weighing her options 4 : to heave up (an anchor) preparatory to sailing 5 : to measure or apportion (a definite quantity) on or as if on a scales intransitive verb 1a : to have a certain heaviness : experience a specific force due to gravity b : to register a weight (as on a scales) —used with in or out — compare WEIGH IN 2 : to merit consideration as important : COUNT evidence will weigh heavily against him 3a : to press down with or as if with a heavy weight b : to have a saddening or disheartening effect guilt weighed on my mind 4 : to weigh anchor weighed; weighing; weighs

expire (v)

1 : to breathe one's last breath : DIE 2 : to come to an end 3 : to emit the breath transitive verb 1 obsolete : CONCLUDE 2 : to breathe out from or as if from the lungs 3 archaic : EMIT expired; expiring

weigh down (v)

1 : to cause to bend down : OVERBURDEN 2 : OPPRESS, DEPRESS

skyrocket (v)

1 : to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly 2 : CATAPULT intransitive verb : to shoot up abruptly prices are skyrocketing skyrocketed; skyrocketing; skyrockets

congeal (v)

1 : to change from a fluid to a solid state by or as if by cold The cold congealed the water into ice. 2 : to make viscid or curdled : COAGULATE 3 : to make rigid, fixed, or immobile intransitive verb : to become congealed : SOLIDIFY Oil congeals at cold temperatures. congealed; congealing; congeals

solidify (v)

1 : to make solid, compact, or hard 2 : to make secure, substantial, or firmly fixed factors that solidify public opinion intransitive verb : to become solid, compact, or hard solidified; solidifying

salve (v)

1 : to remedy (something, such as disease) with or as if with a salve 2 : QUIET, ASSUAGE give him a raise in salary to salve his feelings —Upton Sinclair

go (v)

1 : to move on a course : PROCEED go slow went by train — compare STOP 2 : to move out of or away from a place expressed or implied : LEAVE, DEPART went from school to the party going away for vacation 3a : to take a certain course or follow a certain procedure reports go through channels to the president b : to pass by means of a process like journeying the message went by wire c : to proceed without delay and often in a thoughtless or reckless manner —used especially to intensify a complementary verb why did you go and spoil it go jump in a lake d(1) : to extend from point to point or in a certain direction the road goes to the lake (2) : to give access : LEAD that door goes to the cellar 4 obsolete : WALK 5 : to be habitually in a certain state or condition go bareheaded 6a : to become lost, consumed, or spent our time has gone b : DIE c : to slip away : ELAPSE the evening went quickly d : to come to be given up or discarded these slums have to go e : to pass by sale went for a good price f : to become impaired or weakened his hearing started to go g : to give way especially under great force or pressure : BREAK the roof went 7a : to move along in a specified manner : FARE everything was going well b : to be in general or on an average cheap, as yachts go c : to be or become especially as the result of a contest the election went in her favor d : to turn out well : SUCCEED worked hard to make the party go 8a : to apply oneself went to work on the problem b : to put or subject oneself went to unnecessary expense c chiefly Southern US and Midland US : INTEND I didn't go to do it 9 : to have recourse to another for corroboration, vindication, or decision : RESORT go to court to recover damages 10a : to begin an action or motion here goes b : to maintain or perform a certain action or motion still going strong c : to function in the proper or expected manner : RUN the motor won't go 11 : to be known goes by an alias 12a : to act in accordance or harmony a good rule to go by b : to come to be determined dreams go by contraries c : to come to be applied or appropriated all proceeds go to charity d : to pass by award, assignment, or lot the prize went to a sophomore e(1) : to contribute to an end or result qualities that go to make a hero (2) : to be of advantage has a lot going for her 13 : to be about, intending, or expecting something —used in a progressive tense before an infinitive is going to leave town 14a : EXTEND his knowledge fails to go very deep b : to come or arrive at a certain state or condition go to sleep c : to come to be : BECOME the tire went flat —often used to express conversion to specified values or a specified state gone Hollywood go condo d : to undergo a change leaves go from green to red 15a : to be in phrasing or expression : READ as the story goes b : to be capable of being sung or played the tune goes like this 16 : to be compatible, suitable, or becoming : HARMONIZE the tie goes with his suit 17a : to be capable of passing, extending, or being contained or inserted will these clothes go in your suitcase b : to have a usual or proper place or position : BELONG these books go on the top shelf 18 : to have a tendency : CONDUCE it goes to show 19a(1) : to carry authority what she said went (2) : to be acceptable, satisfactory, or adequate anything goes here b : to hold true : be valid the rule goes for you, too 20 : to empty the bladder or bowels transitive verb 1 : to proceed along or according to : FOLLOW if I were going his way went the conventional route 2 : to travel through or along : TRAVERSE went the length of the street 3a : to make a wager of : BET go a dollar on the outcome b : to make an offer of : BID willing to go $50 for the clock 4a : to assume the function or obligation of promised to go bail for his friend b : to participate to the extent of decided to go halves on the winnings 5 : YIELD, WEIGH this fish goes ten pounds 6a : to put up with : TOLERATE couldn't go the noise b : AFFORD can't go the price c : ENJOY I could go a soda 7a : to cause (a characteristic sound) to occur the gun went bang b : SAY —used chiefly in oral narration of speech 8 : to engage in don't go telling everyone 9 of a sports team or player : to have a record of went 11-0 last season go about : to set about : to begin to do go after : to try to get : SEEK go all the way 1 : to enter into complete agreement 2 : to engage in sexual intercourse go at 1a : to make an attack on b : to make an approach to went at the problem from different angles 2 : UNDERTAKE go back on 1 : ABANDON She went back on her word. 2 : BETRAY 3 : FAIL was afraid that his mind might go back on him go begging : to be in little demand go by the board 1 : to be carried over a ship's side 2 : to be discarded Budget cuts meant that some projects had to go by the board. go easy : to be sparing go easy with the sugar go easy on the kid go fly a kite : to stop being an annoyance or disturbance told him to go fly a kite go for 1 : to pass for or serve as Silvered glass once went for mirrors. 2 : to try to secure or attain (something, such as a goal) go for the prize 3a : FAVOR, ACCEPT cannot go for your idea b : to have an interest in or liking for she went for him in a big way —Chandler Brossard 4 : ATTACK, ASSAIL my dog went for the intruder go for broke : to put forth all one's strength or resources went for broke to qualify for the Olympics go great guns : to achieve great success The movie was going great guns worldwide. go hang : to cease to be of interest or concern go into : to be contained in 5 goes into 60 12 times go it 1 : to behave in a reckless, excited, or impromptu manner 2 : to proceed in a rapid or furious manner 3 : to conduct one's affairs : ACT insists on going it alone go missing chiefly British : to become lost : DISAPPEAR go one better : OUTDO, SURPASS go over 1 : EXAMINE went over the test results 2a : REPEAT b : STUDY, REVIEW went over his notes before taking the test go places : to be on the way to success go public : to make a public disclosure go steady : to date one person exclusively and frequently go through 1 : to subject to thorough examination, consideration, or study went through the list of items one by one 2 : EXPERIENCE, UNDERGO had to go through quite an ordeal 3 : CARRY OUT, PERFORM went through his work in a daze go to bat for : to give active support or assistance to : DEFEND, CHAMPION go to bed with : to have sexual intercourse with go to one's head 1 : to cause one to become confused, excited, or dizzy The wine went to his head. 2 : to cause one to become conceited or overconfident Fame went to her head. go to pieces : to become shattered (as in nerves or health) go to the mat : to make an all-out combative effort (as in support of a position) go to town 1 : to work or act rapidly or efficiently They went to town on decorating the building. 2 : to be markedly successful The team really went to town, winning 14-0. 3 : to indulge oneself excessively He went to town on a big platter of beef and potatoes. go with 1 : DATE 2 : CHOOSE sense 2 went with an iron off the tee go without saying : to be self-evident go with the flow : CONFORM sense 2b to go 1 : still remaining ten minutes to go 2 of prepared food : sold for consumption off the premises

candor (n)

1 : unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness the candor with which he acknowledged a weakness in his own case —Aldous Huxley 2 : freedom from prejudice or malice : fairness ... a heavy accusation ... from a gentleman of your talents, liberality, and candor. —Noah Webster 3 a literary : brightness, brilliance the sun poured with a more golden candor —Christoper Morley b obsolete : unstained purity 4 archaic : kindliness

rewarding (adj)

1 : yielding or likely to yield a reward : VALUABLE, SATISFYING a rewarding experience 2 : serving as a reward a rewarding smile of thanks

RIP (abbr)

1 [ Latin requiescat in pace ] may he rest in peace, may she rest in peace 2 [ Latin requiescant in pace ] may they rest in peace

gleam (v)

1 a : a transient appearance of subdued or partly obscured light the gleam of dawn in the east b (1) : a small bright light the gleam of a match (2) : glint a gleam in his eyes 2 : a brief or faint appearance a gleam of hope — gleamy adjective

goad (v)

1 a : something that pains as if by pricking : thorn b : something that urges or stimulates into action : spur The accident has been a goad to the company to improve its safety record. 2 : a pointed rod used to urge on an animal

free association (n)

1 a : the expression (as by speaking or writing) of the content of consciousness without censorship as an aid in gaining access to unconscious processes especially in psychoanalysis b : the reporting of the first thought that comes to mind in response to a given stimulus (such as a word) 2 : an idea or image elicited by free association 3 : a method using free association — free-associate play \ˌfrē-ə-ˈsō-sē-ˌāt, -shē-\ intransitive verb — free-associative play \-sē-ˌā-tiv, -shē-ˌā- -shə-tiv\ adjective

Armageddon (n)

1 a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil b : the battle taking place at Armageddon 2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation

hoodwink (v)

1 archaic : BLINDFOLD 2 obsolete : HIDE 3 : to deceive by false appearance : DUPE people who allow themselves to be hoodwinked by such promises

pother (n)

1a : a confused or fidgety flurry of activity : COMMOTION b : agitated talk or controversy usually over a trivial matter 2 : a choking cloud of dust or smoke 3 : mental turmoil

expedition (n)

1a : a journey or excursion undertaken for a specific purpose b : the group of persons making such a journey 2 : efficient promptness : SPEED 3 : a sending or setting forth

perspective (n)

1a : a mental view or prospect to gain a broader perspective on the international scene —Current Biography b : a visible scene especially : one giving a distinctive impression of distance : VISTA 2a : the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed places the issues in proper perspective also : POINT OF VIEW b : the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance trying to maintain my perspective 3 : the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions 4a : the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye specifically : representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance b : a picture in perspective

animated (adj)

1a : endowed with life or the qualities of life : ALIVE animated creatures b : full of movement and activity an animated crowd c : full of vigor and spirit : LIVELY an animated discussion 2 : having the appearance of something alive an unusually animated piece of sculpture 3 : made in the form of an animated cartoon an animated film

reversion (n)

1a : the part of a simple estate remaining in the control of its owner after the owner has granted therefrom a lesser particular estate b : a future interest in property left in the control of a grantor or the grantor's successor 2 : the right of succession or future possession or enjoyment 3a : an act or the process of returning (as to a former condition) b : a return toward an ancestral type or condition : reappearance of an ancestral character 4 : an act or instance of turning the opposite way : the state of being so turned 5 : a product of reversion specifically : an organism with an atavistic character : THROWBACK

comedown (n)

: a descent in rank or dignity

get (v)

1a : to gain possession of (got a bike) b : to receive as a return : EARN (got a bad reputation) 2a : to obtain by concession or entreaty (get permission) b : to become affected by (a disease or bodily condition) : CATCH (got sick) 3a : to seek out and obtain (got dinner) b : to obtain and bring where wanted or needed (get a pencil from the desk) 4 : BEGET 5a : to cause to come or go (quickly got his luggage through customs) b : to cause to move (get it out of the house) c : to cause to be in a certain position or condition (got his feet wet) d : to make ready : PREPARE (get breakfast) 6a : to be subjected to (got a bad fall) b : to receive by way of punishment c : to suffer a specified injury to (got my nose broken) 7a : to achieve as a result of military activity b : to obtain or receive by way of benefit or advantage (he got little for his trouble) get the better of an enemy 8a : SEIZE (The dog got the thief by the leg.) b : OVERCOME (Such practices will surely get you in the end.) c : to have an emotional effect on (the final scene always gets me) d : IRRITATE (the delays were starting to get her) e : PUZZLE (This problem really gets me.) f : to take vengeance on (specifically : KILL) g : HIT 9 : to prevail on : CAUSE (finally got them to tidy up their room) 10a : HAVE —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning (I've got no money) b : to have as an obligation or necessity —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning (you have got to come) 11a : to find out by calculation (get the answer to a problem) b : MEMORIZE )got the verse by heart) c : HEAR (Sorry, but I didn't get your name.) d : UNDERSTAND (he got the joke) 12 : to establish communication with 13 : to put out in baseball 14 : DELIVER sense 6b (the car gets 20 miles to the gallon) intransitive verb 1a : to succeed in coming or going : to bring or move oneself (get away to the into the car) b : to reach or enter into a certain condition (got to sleep after midnight) c : to make progress (hasn't gotten far with the essay) 2 : to acquire wealth 3a : to be able (never got to go to college) b : to come to be —often used with following present participle (got talking about old times) 4a : to succeed in becoming : BECOME (how to get clear of all the debts I owe) —William Shakespeare b : to become involved (people who get into trouble with the law) 5 : to leave immediately (told them to get) auxiliary verb —used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliary (they got caught in the act; get after : to pursue with exhortation, reprimand, or attack The coach really got after the players at halftime. get ahead : to achieve success determined to get ahead in life get a life : to stop wasting time on trivial or hopeless matters get a move on : HURRY get at 1 : to reach effectively The valve is hard to get at unless you have a special tool. 2 : to influence corruptly : BRIBE 3 : to turn one's attention to (The committee finally got at the main issue.) 4 : to try to prove or make clear I don't understand what he's getting at. get away with : to avoid criticism or punishment for or the consequences of (such as a reprehensible act) get cracking : to make a start : get going ought to get cracking on that assignment get even : to get revenge get even with : to repay in kind get going : to make a start time to get going on that assignment get into : to become strongly involved with or deeply interested in got into gymnastics at an early age get it : to receive a scolding or punishment get it on 1 : to become enthusiastic, energetic, or excited 2 : to engage in sexual intercourse get on 1 : to produce an unfortunate effect on : UPSET the noise got on my nerves 2 : to criticize insistently the fans got on him for losing the game get one's act together 1 : to put one's life, thoughts, or emotions in order : cease to be confused or misdirected 2 : to begin to function in a skillful or efficient manner the company finally got its act together get one's goat : to make one angry or annoyed get over 1a : OVERCOME, SURMOUNT get over your fear of being lied to b : to recover from still trying to get over a bad cold c : to reconcile oneself to : become accustomed to was very disappointed, but he'll get over it 2 : to move or travel across get real : to stop deceiving oneself or fooling around : face reality get religion 1 : to undergo religious conversion 2 : to turn to or adopt an enlightened course of action or point of view get somewhere : to be successful After a difficult start we're finally getting somewhere. get there : to be successful get through : to reach the end of : COMPLETE got through the ordeal unhurt get to 1a : BEGIN gets to worrying over nothing at all b : to be ready to begin or deal with I'll get to the accounts as soon as I can 2 : to have an effect on: such as a : INFLUENCE b : BOTHER All these delays are starting to get to me. get together 1 : to bring together : ACCUMULATE 2 : to come together : ASSEMBLE, MEET often gets together with his friends after work 3 : to reach agreement were unable to get together on the new contract get wind of : to become aware of got wind of our plans for the party get with it : to become alert or aware : show sophisticated consciousness

bloom (v)

1a : to produce or yield flowers b : to support abundant plant life make the desert bloom 2a(1) : to mature into achievement of one's potential (2) : to flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence b : to shine out : GLOW c : to become more apparent or fully expressed (as in flavor or aroma) In all classic sauces and dressings, good oil is the base from which delectable flavors bloom. — Renée Loux Underkoffler 3 : to appear or occur unexpectedly or in remarkable quantity or degree 4 : to become densely populated with microorganisms and especially plankton —used of bodies of water transitive verb 1 obsolete : to cause to bloom 2 : to give bloom to bloomed; blooming; blooms

set off (v)

1a : to put in relief : show up by contrast b : ADORN, EMBELLISH c : to set apart : make distinct or outstanding 2a : OFFSET, COMPENSATE more variety in the Lancashire weather to set off its most disagreeable phases —Geog. Jour. b : to make a setoff of the respective totals shall be set off against one another —O. R. Hobson 3a : to set in motion : cause to begin b : to cause to explode 4 : to measure off on a surface intransitive verb : to start out on a course or a journey set off for home

comfy (adj)

: COMFORTABLE a comfy sofa a comfy routine comfier; comfiest

Thanatos (n)


bar (prep)

: EXCEPT the country's most popular actor, bar none

Good Samaritan (n)

: SAMARITAN sense 2 [ We had a flat tire on the highway but fortunately a Good Samaritan stopped to help us change it.]

Groundhog Day (n)

February 2 observed traditionally as a day that indicates six more weeks of winter if sunny or an early spring if cloudy

horror story (n)

I've heard some horror stories. : an account of an unsettling or unfortunate occurrence heard horror stories about recent layoffs also : something unsettling or unfortunate his childhood was a horror story

genius (n)

_____ is a genius. plural geniuses or genii 1 a plural genii : an attendant spirit of a person or place b plural usually genii : a person who influences another for good or bad He has been accused of being his brother's evil genius. 2 : a strong leaning or inclination : penchant 3 a : a peculiar, distinctive, or identifying character or spirit the genius of our democratic government b : the associations and traditions of a place c : a personification or embodiment especially of a quality or condition 4 plural usually genii : spirit, jinni 5 plural usually geniuses a : a single strongly marked capacity or aptitude had a genius for getting along with boys —Mary Ross b : extraordinary intellectual power especially as manifested in creative activity c : a person endowed with extraordinary mental superiority; especially : a person with a very high IQ

gentle (adj)

a gentle touch. 1a : belonging to a family of high social station b archaic : CHIVALROUS c : HONORABLE, DISTINGUISHED specifically : of or relating to a gentleman d : KIND, AMIABLE —used especially in address as a complimentary epithet gentle reader e : suited to a person of high social station the gentle art of sophisticated conversation 2a : TRACTABLE, DOCILE a gentle horse b : free from harshness, sternness, or violence used gentle persuasion 3 : SOFT, DELICATE the gentle touch of her hand 4 : MODERATE His doctor recommended gentle exercise.

hybrid (n)

a hybrid approach. 1 : an offspring of two animals or plants of different races (see 3race 3a), breeds, varieties, species, or genera a hybrid of two roses 2 : a person whose background is a blend of two diverse cultures or traditions 3 a : something heterogeneous in origin or composition : composite hybrids of complementary DNA and RNA strands a hybrid of medieval and Renaissance styles b : something (such as a power plant, vehicle, or electronic circuit) that has two different types of components performing essentially the same function drives a hybrid that gets really good mileage — hybrid adjective — hybridism play \ˈhī-brə-ˌdi-zəm\ noun — hybridity

here and there (adv)

a little bit here and there. 1 : in one place and another 2 : from time to time

lively (adj)

a lively affair. livelier; liveliest 1 obsolete : living 2 : briskly alert and energetic : vigorous, animated a lively discussion lively children racing for home 3 : active, intense takes a lively interest in politics 4 : brilliant, fresh a lively wit 5 : imparting spirit or vivacity : stimulating many a peer of England brews livelier liquor than the Muse —A. E. Housman 6 : quick to rebound : resilient a lively ball 7 : responding readily to the helm a lively boat 8 : full of life, movement, or incident lively streets at carnival time — livelily play \ˈlīv-lə-lē\ adverb — liveliness play \ˈlīv-lē-nəs\ noun — lively adverb

facet (n)

a small facet of... 1 : any of the definable aspects that make up a subject (as of contemplation) or an object (as of consideration) Each facet of the problem requires careful attention. 2 : a small plane surface (as on a cut gem) — see brilliant illustration 3 : the external corneal surface of an ommatidium 4 : a smooth flat circumscribed anatomical surface (as of a bone) — faceted or facetted

get-together (n)

a small get-together. : MEETING especially : an informal social gathering

lagniappe (n)

a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase; broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure The waiter added a cup of lobster bisque as a lagniappe to the meal.

florescence (n)

a state or period of flourishing — florescent

self-image (n)

a strong self-image. : one's conception of oneself or of one's role

aficionada (n)

a woman who is an aficionado

accountability (n)

accountability for your actions. the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions public officials lacking accountability

acoustic (adj)

acoustic songs. 1 : of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds acoustic apparatus of the ear acoustic energy : such as a : deadening or absorbing sound acoustic tile b : operated by or utilizing sound waves 2 : of, relating to, or being a musical instrument whose sound is not electronically modified — acoustically

across-the-board (adj)

across-the-board changes. 1 : placed to win if a competitor wins, places, or shows an across-the-board racing bet 2 : embracing or affecting all classes or categories : blanket an across-the-board price increase

agoraphobia (n)

abnormal fear of being helpless in a situation from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing that is characterized initially often by panic or anticipatory anxiety and finally by the avoidance of open or public places

abort (v)

aborted initiative. aborted; aborting; aborts intransitive verb 1 : to bring forth stillborn, nonviable, or premature offspring 2 : to become checked in development so as to degenerate or remain rudimentary 3 : to terminate a procedure prematurely the pilot decided to abort due to mechanical difficulties transitive verb 1 a : to induce the abortion of or give birth to prematurely b : to terminate the pregnancy of before term 2 a : to terminate prematurely : cancel abort a project abort a spaceflight b : to stop in the early stages abort a disease — aborter noun

accommodate (v)

accommodating host. accommodated; accommodating transitive verb 1 : to provide with something desired, needed, or suited I needed money, and they accommodated me with a loan. 2 a : to make room for rebuilt the ship to accommodate the bigger containers b : to hold without crowding or inconvenience a hotel that can accommodate about 100 people 3 : to bring into agreement or concord : reconcile Investors quickly accommodated themselves to the new market conditions. 4 : to give consideration to : to allow for trying to accommodate the special interests of various groups 5 : to make fit, suitable, or congruous intransitive verb : to adapt oneself; also : to undergo visual accommodation — accommodative adjective — accommodativeness noun — accommodator

adjacent (adj)

adjacent to... 1 a : not distant : nearby the city and adjacent suburbs b : having a common endpoint or border adjacent lots adjacent sides of a triangle c : immediately preceding or following 2 of two angles : having the vertex and one side in common — adjacently adverb

accusative (adj)

an accusative tone. 1 : of, relating to, or being the grammatical case that marks the direct object of a verb or the object of any of several prepositions 2 : accusatory an accusative tone

grievance (n)

air one's grievances. 1 obsolete : suffering, distress 2 : a cause of distress (such as an unsatisfactory working condition) felt to afford reason for complaint or resistance Her chief grievance was the sexual harassment by her boss. 3 : the formal expression of a grievance : complaint filed a grievance against her employer

honorary (adj)

an honorary member of the family. 1a : having or conferring distinction an honorary engineering society b : COMMEMORATIVE an honorary plaque 2 : dependent on honor or a keen sense of ethical conduct for fulfillment an honorary obligation 3a : conferred or elected in recognition of achievement or service without the usual prerequisites or obligations an honorary degree an honorary member b : UNPAID, VOLUNTARY an honorary chairman

madhouse (n)

becoming a madhouse. 1 informal : an institution providing care to mentally ill individuals 2 : a place of uproar or confusion

force of habit (phrase)

behavior made involuntary or automatic by repeated practice

grateful (adj)

being grateful for... 1 a : appreciative of benefits received b : expressing gratitude grateful thanks 2 a : affording pleasure or contentment : pleasing b : pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated — gratefully adverb — gratefulness noun

capitulate (v)

capitulating on some deal-breaking points. 1 archaic : parley, negotiate 2 a : to surrender often after negotiation of terms The enemy was forced to capitulate unconditionally. b : to cease resisting : acquiesce The company capitulated to the labor union to avoid a strike.

charm (v)

charmed; charming; charms transitive verb 1 a : to affect by or as if by magic : compel b : to please, soothe, or delight by compelling attraction charms customers with his suave manner 2 : to endow with or as if with supernatural powers by means of charms; also : to protect by or as if by spells, charms, or supernatural influences 3 : to control (an animal) typically by charms (such as the playing of music) charm a snake intransitive verb 1 : to practice magic and enchantment witches having the power to charm 2 : to have the effect of a charm : fascinate The village charms by its quaintness. — charmer

Mars (n)

colonizing Mars. 1 : the Roman god of war — compare ares 2 : the planet fourth in order from the sun and conspicuous for its red color — see planets table

terse (adj)

concise, yet terse. 1 : using few words : devoid of superfluity a terse summary also : SHORT, BRUSQUE dismissed me with a terse no 2 : smoothly elegant : POLISHED terser; tersest

define (v)

defining characteristic. defined; defining transitive verb 1 a : to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of whatever defines us as human b : to discover and set forth the meaning of (something, such as a word) how the dictionary defines grotesque c computing : to create with established rules or parameters define a window define a procedure 2 a : to fix or mark the limits of : demarcate rigidly defined property lines b : to make distinct, clear, or detailed especially in outline the issues aren't too well defined eyes defined by mascara 3 : characterize, distinguish you define yourself by the choices you make —Denison Univ. Bull. the moment that defined the campaign intransitive verb : to make a definition (see definition 1a) — definement play \-ˈfīn-mənt\ noun — definer

falter (v)

doubt, but do not falter. 1 a : to walk unsteadily : stumble the ... stranger falters out of the thicket and drops to his knees —Dudley Fitts b : to give way : totter could feel my legs faltering c : to move waveringly or hesitatingly forced to bail out of faltering airplanes over the Alps —Nat'l Geographic 2 : to speak brokenly or weakly : stammer her voice faltered 3 a : to hesitate in purpose or action : waver he never faltered in his determination b : to lose drive or effectiveness the business was faltering

tipsy (adj)

feeling a little tipsy. 1 : unsteady, staggering, or foolish from the effects of liquor : FUDDLED 2 : UNSTEADY, ASKEW a tipsy angle

garbage (n)

garbage data. 1 a : food waste b : discarded or useless material 2 a : trash 1b b : inaccurate or useless data

grip (v)

get a grip. gripped; gripping transitive verb 1 : to seize or hold firmly gripped the door handle 2 : to hold the interest of strongly a story that grips the reader — gripper noun — grippingly

get across (v)

getting a point across. to become clear or convincing transitive verb : to make clear or convincing we couldn't get our point across

comfort zone (n)

getting outside of your comfort zone. 1 : the temperature range within which one is comfortable 2 : the level at which one functions with ease and familiarity

airtime (n)

give airtime to... 1 : the time or any part of the time when a radio or television station is on the air 2 : the time at which a radio or television broadcast is scheduled to begin

good-humored (adj)

good-natured, cheerful — good-humoredly adverb — good-humoredness noun

grandiose (adj)

grandiose ideas. 1 : characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration They did not believe his grandiose claims. 2 : impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur had grandiose plans for the city — grandiosely adverb — grandioseness noun — grandiosity

grapple (v)

grappling with an unfortunate truth. 1 : to seize with or as if with a grapple (see GRAPPLE entry 1 sense 2) 2 : to grasp with the hands : WRESTLE 3 : to bind closely intransitive verb 1 : to make a ship fast with a grappling hook 2 : to begin to understand or deal with something in a direct or effective way Officials grappled with an increase in violent crimes. 3 : to use a grapple

gross (n)

gross negligance. 1 : overall total exclusive of deductions The company's gross doubled in five years. 2 obsolete : amount, sum

hole up (v)

hole up in (an office/room). intransitive verb : to hide out in or as if in a hole or cave transitive verb : to place in or as if in a refuge or hiding place

self-love (n)

importance of self-love. : love of self: a : CONCEIT b : regard for one's own happiness or advantage

burdensome (adj)

imposing or constituting a burden : oppressive burdensome restrictions

long haul (n)

in it for the long haul. 1 : a long distance 2 : a considerable period of time; especially : long run — long-haul

totality (n)

in its totality. 1 : an aggregate amount : sum, whole 2 a : the quality or state of being total : wholeness b : the phase of an eclipse during which it is total : state of total eclipse

lieu (n)

in lieu of... archaic : place, stead — in lieu : instead — in lieu of : in the place of : instead of

in medias res (adv)

in or into the middle of a narrative or plot

abyss (n)

in the abyss. 1 a : an immeasurably deep gulf or great space gazed down into the gaping abyss the ocean's abysses (figurative) a widening abyss between the rich and the poor b : intellectual or moral depths an abyss of moral depravity an abyss of despair 2 : the bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos of the old cosmogonies

callow (adj)

lacking adult sophistication : immature callow youth callow newcomers

bromidic (adj)

lacking in originality

mortify (v)

mortified; mortifying transitive verb 1 obsolete : to destroy the strength, vitality, or functioning of 2 : to subdue or deaden (the body, bodily appetites, etc.) especially by abstinence or self-inflicted pain or discomfort mortified his body for spiritual purification 3 : to subject to severe and vexing embarrassment : shame was no longer mortified by comparisons between her sisters' beauty and her own —Jane Austen intransitive verb 1 : to practice mortification 2 : to become necrotic or gangrenous treated his wound so that it would not mortify

muster (v)

musternig courage. 1a : to cause to gather : CONVENE b : to enroll formally —usually used with in or into was mustered into the army c : to call the roll of 2a : to bring together : COLLECT b : to call forth : ROUSE 3 : to amount to : COMPRISE intransitive verb : to come together : CONGREGATE

MEGO (abbr)

my eyes glaze over

guilty pleasure (n)

my guilty pleasure. something pleasurable that induces a usually minor feeling of guilt

necessitate (v)

necessitating the use of... 1 : to make necessary : REQUIRE Business was growing, which necessitated the hiring of additional employees. 2 : FORCE, COMPEL was necessitated to choose some other route

grieve (v)

needing time to grieve. 1 : to cause to suffer : DISTRESS it grieves me to see him this way 2 : to feel or show grief over grieving the death of her son 3 : to submit a formal grievance concerning grieve a dismissal intransitive verb : to feel grief : SORROW still grieving over their mother's death

nefarious (adj)

nefarious purposes. flagrantly wicked or impious : evil — nefariously adverb

let up (v)

never letting up. a lessening of effort, activity, or intensity

revelry (n)

noisy partying or merrymaking

canonical form (n)

the simplest form of something; specifically : the form of a square matrix that has zero elements everywhere except along the principal diagonal

nexus (n)

plural nexuses or nexus 1 : connection, link the nexus between teachers and students; also : a causal link the nexus between poverty and crime 2 : a connected group or series a nexus of theories a nexus of relationships 3 : center, focus The bookstore has become something of a nexus for the downtown neighborhood. —Jane Smiley

treatment (n)

silent treatment. 1a : the act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something : HANDLING, USAGE the star requires careful treatment b : the techniques or actions customarily applied in a specified situation 2a : a substance or technique used in treating b : an experimental condition

declinist (n)

one who theorizes that a nation or society is in or is headed for a state of economic, political, or social decline

R & R (abbr)

some well deserved R&R. rest and recreation; rest and recuperation; rest and relaxation

ongoing (adj)

ongoing investigation. 1 a : being actually in process ongoing research b : continuing The investigation is ongoing. 2 : continuously moving forward : growing the long ongoing history of medicine — ongoingness

ooze (v)

oozing with creativity. oozed; oozing intransitive verb 1 : to pass or flow slowly through or as if through small openings or interstices 2 : to move slowly or imperceptibly the crowd began to ooze forward —Bruce Marshall 3 a : to exude moisture b : to exude something often in a faintly repellent manner ooze with sympathy transitive verb 1 : to emit slowly 2 : exude 2 ooze confidence

je ne sais quoi (n)

something (such as an appealing quality) that cannot be adequately described or expressed a young actress who has a certain je ne sais quoi

jealousy (n)

overcome with jealousy. plural jealousies 1 : a jealous disposition, attitude, or feeling a marriage destroyed by jealousy petty jealousies 2 : zealous vigilance cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy —Paul Blanshard

oversalt (v)

oversalting with details. oversalted; oversalting transitive verb : to add too much salt to (something) oversalted the vegetables

laboratory (n)

plural laboratories 1 a : a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis a research laboratory; broadly : a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study b : a place like a laboratory for testing, experimentation, or practice That area is a laboratory for cultivating the germ of terrorism. 2 : an academic period set aside for laboratory work a course of study requiring two lectures and one laboratory per week

Holmesian (adj)

of, characteristic of, or suggestive of the detective Sherlock Holmes

fleeting (adj)

passing swiftly : transitory ... the often fleeting nature of fame and fortune ... —Tom Sinclair — fleetingly play \ˈflē-tiŋ-lē\ adverb — fleetingness

hookey (n)

playing hookey. TRUANT —used chiefly in the phrase play hooky

a deux (adj)

privately or intimately with only two present dined à deux

high command (n)

reporting to high command. 1 : the supreme headquarters of a military force 2 : the highest leaders in an organization

ROI (abbr)

return on investment

salvage (v)

salvaging a relationship. to rescue or save especially from wreckage or ruin

name of the game (phrase)

that's the name of the game. 1 : the essential quality or matter patience is the name of the game in coastal duck hunting —Dick Beals 2 : the fundamental goal of an activity

throttle (v)

throttling forward progress. 1a(1) : to compress the throat of : CHOKE (2) : to kill by such action b : to prevent or check expression or activity of : SUPPRESS policies that throttle creativity 2a : to decrease the flow of (something, such as steam or fuel to an engine) by a valve b : to regulate and especially to reduce the speed of (something, such as an engine) by such means c : to vary the thrust of (a rocket engine) during flight intransitive verb : to throttle something (something, such as an engine) —usually used with back or down the pilot throttled back throttled; throttling

decontextualize (v)

transitive verb : to remove from a context

entail (v)

what does the favor entail? entailed; entailing; entails transitive verb 1 : to impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result the project will entail considerable expense 2 : to restrict (property) by limiting the inheritance to the owner's lineal descendants or to a particular class thereof 3 a : to confer, assign, or transmit (something) for an indefinitely long time : to confer, assign, or transmit as if by entail entailed on them indelible disgrace —Robert Browning b : to fix (a person) permanently in some condition or status entail him and his heirs unto the crown —William Shakespeare — entailer play \in-ˈtā-lər, en-\ noun — entailment

hold up (n)

what's the hold up? 1 : DELAY 2 : a robbery carried out at gunpoint

actuality (n)

when in actuality... 1 : the quality or state of being actual 2 : something that is actual : fact, reality possible risks which have been seized upon as actualities —T. S. Eliot — in actuality : in actual fact

essence (n)

which, in essence... 1a : the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being b : the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence a painting that captures the essence of the land c : the properties or attributes by means of which something can be placed in its proper class or identified as being what it is 2 : the most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person the essence of the issue 3 : one that possesses or exhibits a quality in abundance as if in concentrated form she was the essence of punctuality 4a(1) : a constituent or derivative possessing the special qualities (as of a plant or drug) in concentrated form also : a preparation of such an essence or a synthetic substitute (2) : a volatile substance or constituent (as of perfume) b : ODOR, PERFUME 5 : something that exists : ENTITY in essence : in or by its very nature : ESSENTIALLY, BASICALLY was in essence an honest person of the essence : of the utmost importance time is of the essence

scenario (n)

worst/best-case scenario. plural scenarios 1 a : an outline or synopsis of a play; especially : a plot outline used by actors of the commedia dell'arte b : the libretto of an opera 2 a : screenplay b : shooting script 3 : a sequence of events especially when imagined; especially : an account or synopsis of a possible course of action or events his scenario for a settlement envisages ... reunification —Selig Harrison

blank check (n)

writing a blank check. 1 : a signed check with the amount unspecified 2 : complete freedom of action or control : carte blanche

defense mechanism (n)

1 : an often unconscious mental process (such as repression) that makes possible compromise solutions to personal problems 2 : a defensive reaction by an organism

praecipe (n)

1 : any of various legal writs commanding a person to do something or to appear and show cause why he or she should not 2 : a written order requesting a clerk or prothonotary of a court to issue a writ and specifying the contents of the writ

externalism (n)

1 : attention to externals especially : excessive preoccupation with externals 2 : EXTERNALITY sense 1

bold-faced (adj)

1 : bold in manner or conduct : IMPUDENT 2 usually boldfaced : being or set in boldface

malleable (adj)

1 : capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the pressure of rollers 2 a : capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences b : having a capacity for adaptive change — malleability

self-confidence (n)

having self-confidence. : confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities

osculation (n)

the act of kissing; also : kiss — osculatory

golden years (n)

the advanced years in a lifetime active well into their golden years

toil (n)

1 : long strenuous fatiguing labor 2 archaic a : STRUGGLE, BATTLE b : laborious effort

pore (v)

1 : to gaze intently 2 : to read or study attentively —usually used with over 3 : to reflect or meditate steadily pored; poring

chivalrous (adj)

1 : VALIANT chivalrous warriors 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of chivalry and knight-errantry a chivalrous quest 3a : marked by honor, generosity, and courtesy appreciated the chivalrous acts of the general b : marked by gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration especially to women A chivalrous man offered the woman his seat on the crowded bus.

hotbed (n)

1 : a bed of soil enclosed in glass, heated especially by fermenting manure, and used for forcing or for raising seedlings 2 : an environment that favors rapid growth or development a hotbed of activity

affliction (n)

1 : a cause of persistent pain or distress a mysterious affliction 2 : great suffering felt empathy with their affliction 3 : the state of being afflicted by something that causes suffering her affliction with polio

travesty (n)

1 : a debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation a travesty of justice 2 : a burlesque translation or literary or artistic imitation usually grotesquely incongruous in style, treatment, or subject matter

shenanigan (n)

1 : a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose 2a : tricky or questionable practices or conduct —usually used in plural b : high-spirited or mischievous activity —usually used in plural

sister (n)

1 : a female who has one or both parents in common with another 2 often capitalized a : a member of a women's religious order (as of nuns or deaconesses) especially : one of a Roman Catholic congregation under simple vows b : a girl or woman who is a member of a Christian church 3a : a girl or woman regarded as a comrade b : a girl or woman who shares with another a common national or racial origin especially : a black girl or woman 4 : one that is closely similar to or associated with another sister cities 5 chiefly British : NURSE 6a : GIRL, WOMAN b : PERSON —usually used in the phrase weak sister 7 : a member of a sorority

red herring (n)

1 : a herring cured by salting and slow smoking to a dark brown color 2 [ from the practice of drawing a red herring across a trail to confuse hunting dogs ] : something that distracts attention from the real issue

choke hold (n)

1 : a hold that involves strong choking pressure applied to the neck of another 2 : absolute dominance or control had a choke hold on the city's finances

rencontre (n)

1 : a hostile meeting or a contest between forces or individuals : COMBAT 2 : a casual meeting

pettifogger (n)

1 : a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded, or disreputable : SHYSTER 2 : one given to quibbling over trifles

silhouette (n)

1 : a likeness cut from dark material and mounted on a light ground or one sketched in outline and solidly colored in 2 : the outline of a body viewed as circumscribing a mass the silhouette of a bird

boatload (n)

1 : a load that fills a boat a boatload of passengers 2 : an indefinitely large number or amount a boatload of criticism a boatload of money

megalomania (n)

1 : a mania (see mania 2a) for great or grandiose performance an outburst of wildly extravagant commercial megalomania —The Times Literary Supplement (London) 2 : a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur — megalomaniac play \-ˈmā-nē-ˌak\ adjective or noun — megalomaniacal play \-mə-ˈnī-ə-kəl\ or less commonly megalomanic play \-ˈma-nik\ adjective — megalomaniacally

power play (n)

1 : a military, diplomatic, political, or administrative maneuver in which power is brought to bear 2a : a concentrated attack in football in which the ballcarrier is preceded by a mass of blockers b : a situation in ice hockey in which one team temporarily has more players on the ice than the other team because of a penalty

potpourri (n)

1 : a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent 2 : a miscellaneous collection : MEDLEY a potpourri of the best songs and sketches — Current Biography

lockstep (n)

1 : a mode of marching in step by a body of persons going one after another as closely as possible 2 : a standard method or procedure that is mindlessly adhered to or that minimizes individuality — in lockstep : in perfect or rigid often mindless conformity or unison politicians marching in lockstep with the party line

trepidation (n)

1 : a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : apprehension trepidation about starting a new job 2 archaic : a tremulous motion : tremor

gift (n)

1 : a notable capacity, talent, or endowment 2 : something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation 3 : the act, right, or power of giving

slave (n)

1 : a person held in servitude as the chattel of another 2 : one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence 3 : a device (such as the printer of a computer) that is directly responsive to another 4 : DRUDGE, TOILER

high roller (n)

1 : a person who spends freely in luxurious living 2 : a person who gambles recklessly or for high stakes

hot spot (n)

1 : a place of more than usual interest, activity, or popularity birding hot spots 2 : a place in the upper mantle of the earth at which hot magma from the lower mantle upwells to melt through the crust usually in the interior of a tectonic plate to form a volcanic feature also : a place in the crust overlying a hot spot 3 : an area of political, military, or civil unrest usually considered dangerous global hot spots 4 : a place where a wireless Internet connection is available 5 : an inflamed patch of moist infected skin on a domestic animal and especially a dog

conic section (n)

1 : a plane curve, line, pair of intersecting lines, or point that is the intersection of or bounds the intersection of a plane and a cone with two nappes 2 : a curve generated by a point which always moves so that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point to its distance from a fixed line is constant

philter (n)

1 : a potion credited with magical power 2 : a potion, drug, or charm held to have the power to arouse sexual passion

oxygen (n)

1 : a reactive element that is found in water, in most rocks and minerals, in numerous organic compounds, and as a colorless tasteless odorless diatomic gas constituting 21 percent of the atmosphere, that is capable of combining with all elements except the inert gases, that is active in physiological processes, and that is involved especially in combustion — see chemical elements table 2 : something that sustains or fuels disagreement is the true oxygen of these magazines —Joseph Epstein — oxygenless

test case (n)

1 : a representative case whose outcome is likely to serve as a precedent 2 : a proceeding brought by agreement or on an understanding of the parties to obtain a decision as to the constitutionality of a statute

homecoming (n)

1 : a return home a soldier's homecoming 2 : the return of a group of people usually on a special occasion to a place formerly frequented or regarded as home especially : an annual celebration for alumni at a high school, college, or university —often used before another noun a homecoming rally homecoming weekend the annual homecoming game/dance was elected the homecoming queen

emerald (n)

1 : a rich green variety of beryl prized as a gemstone 2 : any of various green gemstones (such as synthetic corundum or demantoid)

bit (n)

1 : a small quantity of food especially : a small delicacy 2a : a small piece or quantity of some material thing broken bits of glass picking bits of lint off her sweater b(1) British : a coin of a specified small denomination a threepenny bit (2) : a unit of value equal to ¹/₈ of a U.S. dollar (12 ¹/₂ cents) —used only of even multiples four bits NOTE: No coin was every issued in this amount. — see also TWO BITS sense 1 3 : something small or unimportant of its kind: such as a : a brief period : WHILE wait a bit longer b : an indefinite usually small degree, extent, or amount a bit of a rascal every bit as powerful a bit too sweet c theater (1) : a small part usually with spoken lines in a theatrical performance a bit part bit players (2) : a usually short theatrical routine a corny comedy bit 4 : the aggregate of items, situations, or activities appropriate to a given style, genre, or role rejected the whole bit about love-marriage-motherhood — Vance Packard a bit : SOMEWHAT, RATHER the play was a bit dull a bit much : a little more than one wants to endure finds his constant joking a bit much bit by bit : by degrees : LITTLE BY LITTLE getting better bit by bit to bits : TOTALLY, THOROUGHLY thrilled to bits

highflier (n)

1 : a stock whose price rises much more rapidly than the market average 2 : a company whose stock is a highflier 3 : an ambitiously competitive person with high aspirations

historian (n)

1 : a student or writer of history; especially : one who produces a scholarly synthesis 2 : a writer or compiler of a chronicle

flash in the pan (phrase)

1 : a sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes nothing 2 : one that appears promising but turns out to be disappointing or worthless

competence (n)

1 : a sufficiency of means for the necessities and conveniences of life ... money can only give happiness where there is nothing else to give it. Beyond a competence, it can afford no real satisfaction ... —Jane Austen 2 : the quality or state of being competent: such as a : the properties of an embryonic field that enable it to respond in a characteristic manner to an organizer b : readiness of bacteria to undergo genetic transformation 3 : the knowledge that enables a person to speak and understand a language has demonstrated competence in conversational Arabic — compare PERFORMANCE sense 6

environmentalism (n)

1 : a theory that views environment rather than heredity as the important factor in the development and especially the cultural and intellectual development of an individual or group 2 : advocacy of the preservation, restoration, or improvement of the natural environment; especially : the movement to control pollution

sham (n)

1 : a trick that deludes : HOAX feared that the deal was a sham 2 : cheap falseness : HYPOCRISY saw through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness of the empty pageant —Oscar Wilde 3 : an ornamental covering for a pillow 4 : an imitation or counterfeit purporting to be genuine 5 : a person who shams

hornet's nest (n)

1 : a troublesome or hazardous situation 2 : an angry reaction must have known that his frank comments ... would stir up a hornet's nest —U.S. Investor

bandwagon (n)

1 : a usually ornate and high wagon for a band of musicians especially in a circus parade 2 : a popular party, faction, or cause that attracts growing support —often used in such phrases as jump on the bandwagon 3 : a current or fashionable trend

bivouac (n)

1 : a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter 2a : encampment usually for a night b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

vernacular (n)

1 : a vernacular language, expression, or mode of expression : an expression or mode of expression that occurs in ordinary speech rather than formal writing 2 : the mode of expression of a group or class 3 : a common name of a plant or animal as distinguished from the Latin nomenclature of scientific classification : a vernacular name of a plant or animal

charade (v)

1 : a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action (such as intrusion represented by depiction of inn, true, and shun) 2 charades plural : a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak 3 : an empty or deceptive act or pretense his concern was a charade

solvent (adj)

1 : able to pay all legal debts a solvent company 2 : that dissolves or can dissolve solvent action of water

sappy (adj)

1 : abounding with sap 2 : resembling or consisting largely of sapwood 3a : overly sweet or sentimental b : lacking in good sense : SILLY

choppy (adj)

1 : being roughened : CHAPPED 2 : rough with small waves 3a : interrupted by ups and downs choppy terrain a choppy career b : JERKY short choppy strides c : DISCONNECTED choppy writing

beleaguer (v)

1 : besiege a town beleaguered by an army a beleaguered city 2 : trouble, harass beleaguered parents an economically beleaguered city

sharp (adj)

1 : adapted to cutting or piercing: such as a : having a thin keen edge or fine point b : briskly or bitingly cold : NIPPING a sharp wind 2a : keen in intellect : QUICK-WITTED b : keen in perception : ACUTE sharp sight c : keen in attention : VIGILANT keep a sharp lookout d : keen in attention to one's own interest sometimes to the point of being unethical a sharp trader also : CORRUPT, UNETHICAL sharp business practices 3 : keen in spirit or action: such as a : full of activity or energy : BRISK sharp blows b : capable of acting or reacting strongly especially : CAUSTIC 4 : SEVERE, HARSH: such as a : inclined to or marked by irritability or anger a sharp temper b : causing intense mental or physical distress a sharp pain c : cutting in language or import a sharp rebuke 5 : affecting the senses or sense organs intensely: such as a(1) : having a strong odor or flavor sharp cheese (2) : ACRID b : having a strong piercing sound c : having the effect of or involving a sudden brilliant display of light a sharp flash 6a : terminating in a point or edge sharp features b : involving an abrupt or marked change especially in direction a sharp turn c : clear in outline or detail : DISTINCT a sharp image d : set forth with clarity and distinctness sharp contrast 7a of a tone : raised a half step in pitch b : higher than the proper pitch c : MAJOR, AUGMENTED —used of an interval in music 8 : STYLISH, DRESSY

rickety (adj)

1 : affected with rickets 2a : lacking stability or firmness : SHAKY sense 2a a rickety coalition b : in unsound physical condition rickety veterans rickety stairs

response (n)

1 : an act of responding 2 : something constituting a reply or a reaction: such as a : a verse, phrase, or word sung or said by the people or choir after or in reply to the officiant in a liturgical service b : the activity or inhibition of previous activity of an organism or any of its parts resulting from stimulation c : the output of a transducer or detecting device resulting from a given input

plagiarism (n)

1 : an act or instance of plagiarizing 2 : something plagiarized plagiarist \ˈplā-jə-rist also -jē-ə \ noun plagiaristic \ˌplā-jə-ˈri-stik also -jē-ə- \ adjective

showstopper (n)

1 : an act, song, or performer that wins applause so prolonged as to interrupt a performance 2 : something or someone exceptionally arresting or attractive the gold crown was the showstopper of the exhibition 3 : one that stops or could stop the progress, operation, or functioning of something

behest (n)

1 : an authoritative order : COMMAND The meeting was called at the senator's behest. 2 : an urgent prompting At the behest of her friends, she read the poem aloud.

vacuity (n)

1 : an empty space 2 : the state, fact, or quality of being vacuous 3 : something (such as an idea) that is vacuous or inane

blame (n)

1 : an expression of disapproval or reproach : CENSURE ... saying nothing ... either in the way of blame or praise. — R. L. Stevenson 2a : a state of being blameworthy : CULPABILITY ... acknowledge the world as a world of common blame, — Muriel Rukeyser b archaic : FAULT, SIN 3 : responsibility for something believed to deserve censure they must share the blame

pessimism (n)

1 : an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome 2a : the doctrine that reality is essentially evil b : the doctrine that evil overbalances happiness in life

baptism of fire (phrase)

1 : an introductory or initial experience that is a severe ordeal especially : a soldier's first exposure to enemy fire 2 : a spiritual baptism by a gift of the Holy Spirit —often used in allusion to Acts 2:3-4; Matthew 3:11 (Revised Standard Version)

big brother (n)

1 : an older brother 2 : a man who serves as a companion, father figure, and role model for a boy 3 capitalized both Bs [ Big Brother, personification of the power of the state in 1984 (1949) by George Orwell ] a : the leader of an authoritarian state or movement b : an all-powerful government or organization monitoring and directing people's actions

conjunction (n)

1 : an uninflected linguistic form that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words Some common conjunctions are and, but, and although. 2 : the act or an instance of conjoining : the state of being conjoined : COMBINATION working in conjunction with state and local authorities 3 : occurrence together in time or space : CONCURRENCE a conjunction of events 4a : the apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac b : a configuration in which two celestial bodies have their least apparent separation a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter 5 : a complex sentence in logic true if and only if each of its components is true — see TRUTH TABLE

albatross (n)

1 : any of a family (Diomedeidae) of large web-footed seabirds that have long slender wings, are excellent gliders, and include the largest seabirds 2 a : something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety b : something that greatly hinders accomplishment : encumbrance Fame has become an albatross that prevents her from leading a normal life. 3 golf, chiefly British : a score of three under par made on a hole : double eagle The first play-off at Augusta followed the most famous single stroke in Masters history, Sarazen's albatross, or double eagle as the Americans prefer to describe such accidents of fortune, at the 15th. —P. A. Ward-Thomas

mammoth (adj)

1 : any of a genus (Mammuthus) of extinct Pleistocene mammals of the elephant family distinguished from recent elephants by highly ridged molars, usually large size, very long tusks that curve upward, and well-developed body hair 2 : something immense of its kind the company is a mammoth of the industry

mnemonic (adj)

1 : assisting or intended to assist memory To distinguish principal from principle use the mnemonic aid the principal is your pal.; also : of or relating to mnemonics 2 : of or relating to memory mnemonic skill — mnemonically

bittersweet (adj)

1 : being at once bitter and sweet especially : pleasant but including or marked by elements of suffering or regret a bittersweet ballad bittersweet memories 2 : of or relating to a prepared chocolate containing little sugar bittersweet chocolate chips

afire (adj or adv)

1 : being on fire : blazing 2 : being in a state of great excitement or energy her music set the audience afire

play-by-play (adj)

1 : being or giving a running commentary on a sports event a radio play-by-play announcer 2 : relating each event as it occurs

compatible (adj)

1 : capable of existing together in harmony compatible theories compatible people 2 : capable of cross-fertilizing freely or uniting vegetatively 3 : capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction 4 : capable of being used in transfusion or grafting without reaction (such as agglutination or tissue rejection) 5 : designed to work with another device or system without modification The printer is compatible with most computers. especially : being a computer designed to operate in the same manner and use the same software as another computer

grandiosely (adv)

1 : characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration They did not believe his grandiose claims. 2 : impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur had grandiose plans for the city — grandiosely adverb — grandioseness noun — grandiosity

slash-and-burn (adj)

1 : characterized or developed by felling and burning trees to clear land especially for temporary agriculture 2 : extremely ruthless and unsparing slash-and-burn tactics slash-and-burn criticism

lucidity (n)

1 : clearness of thought or style the lucidity of the explanation 2 : a presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously : clairvoyance when the spirit is drawn to lucidity by the immediacy of death —Graham Greene

seedy (adj)

1 : containing or full of seeds a seedy fruit 2 : inferior in condition or quality: such as a : SHABBY, RUN-DOWN seedy clothes b : somewhat disreputable a seedy district a seedy lawyer c : slightly unwell : DEBILITATED felt seedy and went home early

commensurate (adj)

1 : corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree : PROPORTIONATE was given a job commensurate with her abilities 2 : equal in measure or extent : COEXTENSIVE lived a life commensurate with the early years of the republic 3 : COMMENSURABLE sense 1

wall-to-wall (adj)

1 : covering the entire floor wall-to-wall carpeting 2a : covering or filling one entire space or time a party crammed with wall-to-wall bodies b : occurring or found everywhere : UBIQUITOUS

baleful (adj)

1 : deadly or pernicious in influence baleful effects 2 : foreboding or threatening evil gave him a baleful look

histrionic (adj)

1 : deliberately affected : overly dramatic or emotional : theatrical histrionic gestures a tendency to become histrionic 2 : of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater seeking histrionic perfection — histrionically adverb

precarious (adj)

1 : depending on the will or pleasure of another 2 : dependent on uncertain premises : DUBIOUS precarious generalizations 3a : dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments b : characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger

dead (adj)

1 : deprived of life : no longer alive a dead tree dead soldiers missing and presumed dead 2 a (1) : having the appearance of death : deathly in a dead faint (2) : lacking power to move, feel, or respond : numb my arm feels dead b : very tired Our legs were completely dead after the hike. c (1) : incapable of being stirred emotionally or intellectually : unresponsive a heart dead to pity felt dead inside (2) : grown cold : extinguished dead coals 3 a : inanimate, inert dead matter b : barren, infertile dead soil c : no longer producing or functioning : exhausted a dead battery 4 a (1) : lacking power or effect a dead law (2) : no longer having interest, relevance, or significance a dead issue b : no longer in use : obsolete a dead language c : no longer active : extinct a dead volcano d : lacking in gaiety or animation a dead party e (1) : lacking in commercial activity : quiet The city is dead after five o'clock. (2) : commercially idle or unproductive dead capital f : lacking elasticity (see elasticity 1a) a dead tennis ball g : being out of action or out of use The phone went dead.; specifically, electrical engineering : free from any connection to a source of voltage and free from electric charges a dead electrical circuit h (1) sports, games : being out of play a dead ball (2) croquet : temporarily forbidden to play or to make a certain play 5 a : not running or circulating : stagnant dead water b : not turning the dead center of a lathe c mechanical engineering : not imparting motion or power although otherwise functioning a dead rear axle d : lacking warmth, vigor, or taste The fire was dead. a dead wine 6 a : absolutely uniform a dead level of mediocrity b (1) : unerring a dead shot with a rifle (2) : exact dead center of the target (3) : certain to be doomed he's dead if he's late for curfew (4) : irrevocable a dead loss c : abrupt brought to a dead stop d (1) : complete, absolute a dead silence (2) : all-out caught it on the dead run 7 : devoid of former occupants dead villages — deadness noun — dead in the water 1 : incapable of being effective : stalled peace talks were dead in the water 2 : as good as dead : doomed most books are dead in the water long before their publication —Phillip Lopate — dead to rights : with no chance of escape or excuse : red-handed had him dead to rights for the robbery — over one's dead body : only by overcoming one's utter and determined resistance vows that they'll raise his taxes over his dead body

throwaway (adj)

1 : designed to be thrown away : DISPOSABLE throwaway containers 2 : written or spoken (as in a play) in a low-key or unemphatic manner throwaway lines 3 : NONCHALANT, CASUAL 4 : marked by a tendency to discard things : overly wasteful a throwaway society

aberrant (adj)

1 : deviating from the usual or natural type : atypical, abnormal aberrant behavior I don't intend to suggest that his psychology was in some way aberrant or neurotic ... —Michael Chabon 2 : straying from the right or normal way aberrant misfits

pointless (adj)

1 : devoid of meaning : SENSELESS a pointless remark 2 : devoid of effectiveness : FLAT pointless attempts to be funny

self-directed (adj)

1 : directed for or by oneself self-directed retirement plans self-directed classroom activities a self-directed performance 2 : directed at oneself self-directed anger 3 : directing oneself or capable of directing oneself empowering students to become self-directed learners

postconsumer (adj)

1 : discarded by an end consumer postconsumer waste 2 : having been used and recycled for reuse in another consumer product postconsumer plastics

maudlin (adj)

1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly a mob of maudlin rummies ... sing hymns —Joseph Mitchell would crack open another beer and become maudlin —Patrick Moore 2 : weakly and effusively sentimental maudlin expressions of regret

terminus (n)

1 : either end of a transportation line or travel route also : the station, town, or city at such a place : TERMINAL 2 : an extreme point or element : TIP the terminus of a glacier 3 : a final goal : a finishing point 4 : a post or stone marking a boundary

piquant (adj)

1 : engagingly provocative also : having a lively arch charm 2 : agreeably stimulating to the taste especially : SPICY

tergiversation (n)

1 : evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement : EQUIVOCATION 2 : desertion of a cause, position, party, or faith

particularism (n)

1 : exclusive or special devotion to a particular interest 2 : a political theory that each political group has a right to promote its own interests and especially independence without regard to the interests of larger groups 3 : a tendency to explain complex social phenomena in terms of a single causative factor — particularist noun or adjective — particularistic

rhapsodic (adj)

1 : extravagantly emotional : RAPTUROUS 2 : resembling or characteristic of a rhapsody

ballistic (adj)

1 : extremely and usually suddenly excited, upset, or angry : WILD He went ballistic when he saw the dent in his car. and the crowd goes ballistic 2 : of or relating to the science of the motion of projectiles in flight 3 exercise : being or characterized by repeated bouncing ballistic stretching 4 physics, of an object in motion : behaving like a projectile But the Bell Labs switch uses such a low current that the few ballistic electrons are a distance of a micrometer or more apart ... — Robert Pool 5 of a material : capable of resisting or stopping bullets or other projectiles ballistic glass ballistic nylon ... engineered specifically to be worn under ballistic vests and shirts. — K. M. Reese

resolve (n)

1 : fixity of purpose : RESOLUTENESS 2 : something that is resolved 3 : a legal or official determination especially : a formal resolution

wayward (adj)

1 : following one's own capricious, wanton, or depraved inclinations : UNGOVERNABLE a wayward child 2 : following no clear principle or law : UNPREDICTABLE 3 : opposite to what is desired or expected : UNTOWARD wayward fate

fecund (adj)

1 : fruitful in offspring or vegetation : prolific a fecund breed of cattle 2 : intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree a fecund imagination a fecund source of information — fecundity

grown (adj)

1 : fully grown : MATURE grown men and women 2 : covered or surrounded with vegetation land well grown with trees 3a : cultivated or produced in a specified way or locality —used in combination shade-grown tobacco b : overgrown with —used in combination a weed-grown patio

dependent (adj)

1 : hanging down dependent lamps 2 a : determined or conditioned by another : contingent plans that are dependent on the weather b (1) : relying on another for support dependent children Their youngest daughter is still dependent on them. (2) : affected with a drug dependence (see dependence 4) alcohol dependent c : subject to another's jurisdiction a dependent territory d grammar : subordinate 3a dependent clauses 3 mathematics a : not mathematically or statistically independent (see 1independent 1e) a dependent set of vectors dependent events b : equivalent 6a dependent equations — dependently adverb

high-octane (adj)

1 : having a high octane number and hence good antiknock properties high-octane gasoline 2 : very powerful, strong, or effective high-octane football high-octane coffee

glossy (adj)

1 : having a surface luster or brightness rich glossy leather glossy paper 2 : attractive in an artificially opulent, sophisticated, or smoothly captivating manner : slick lots of glossy and phony chatter — glossily adverb — glossiness

scalar (adj)

1 : having an uninterrupted series of steps : GRADUATED scalar chain of authority scalar cells 2a : capable of being represented by a point on a scale scalar quantity b : of or relating to a scalar or scalar product scalar multiplication

blue-sky (adj)

1 : having little or no value blue-sky stock 2 : not grounded in the realities of the present : VISIONARY blue-sky thinking

beautiful (adj)

1 : having qualities of beauty : exciting aesthetic pleasure 2 : generally pleasing : EXCELLENT

top-heavy (adj)

1 : having the top part too heavy for the lower part 2 : having too high a proportion of administrators a top-heavy bureaucracy 3 : oversupplied with one element at the expense of others : lacking balance a novel top-heavy with description

slumberous (adj)

1 : heavy with sleep : SLEEPY 2 : inducing slumber : SOPORIFIC 3 : marked by or suggestive of a state of sleep or lethargy a slumberous state of peace

hospitality (n)

1 : hospitable treatment, reception, or disposition thanked our hosts for their hospitality 2 : the activity or business of providing services to guests in hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. —usually used before another noun a hospitality suite Valet parking may be the most commonplace, least understood corner of the hospitality industry. — Bruce Feiler ... has turned the hospitality business upside down with his far-out hotel designs ... — Robert Herzbrun

verily (adv)


conceited (adj)

1 : ingeniously contrived : FANCIFUL ... a person may hold to conceited fantasies which falsify a discouraging reality. — Derek Russell Davis 2 : having or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself a brilliant but conceited musician

physicality (n)

1 : intensely physical orientation : predominance of the physical usually at the expense of the mental, spiritual, or social 2 : a physical aspect or quality

fervor (n)

1 : intensity of feeling or expression booing and cheering with almost equal fervor —Alan Rich revolutionary fervor 2 : intense heat

onerous (adj)

1 : involving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome an onerous task onerous regulations an onerous mortgage 2 : having legal obligations that outweigh the advantages an onerous contract — onerously adverb — onerousness noun

placeless (adj)

1 : lacking a fixed location 2 : indistinguishable from other such places in appearance or character a placeless parking complex — T. J. Jablonsky

deficient (adj)

1 : lacking in some necessary quality or element deficient in judgment bones deficient in calcium 2 : not up to a normal standard or complement (see COMPLEMENT entry 1 sense 1b(1)) : DEFECTIVE deficient strength ... rusted and aging pipes ... abetted by deficient maintenance and sabotage. —Adam Nossiter

merriment (n)

1 : lighthearted gaiety or fun-making : hilarity 2 : a lively celebration or party : festivity

sanguine (adj)

1 : marked by eager hopefulness : confidently optimistic In the month of August 1994, Democrats remained sanguine about their chances at the polls ... —John B. Judis A lot of attention also is being devoted to the development of vaccines to prevent genital herpes, although not everyone is sanguine about the outcome. —The Journal of the American Medical Association 2 : BLOODRED ... the radiant heat from the cedar logs, whose sanguine colour made the silvered locks of his hair into a fantastic wreath of flames. —Elinor Wylie 3a : consisting of or relating to blood ... some sanguine vessels are obstructed, and distended ... —Theophilus Lobb b : BLOODTHIRSTY, SANGUINARY ... attacked by the sanguine ... warriors of neighboring islands ... —Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas c : accompanied by, involving, or relating to bloodshed : BLOODY ... from the numerous graves, including those by the barn, which our shells had destroyed; we realized what a sanguine battle it had been ... —Frederick W. Wild d of the complexion : RUDDY She was all unnerved; her naturally sanguine complexion was pale ... —Charlotte Brontë 4 : having blood as the predominating bodily humor — see HUMOR entry 1 sense 2a An abundance of red blood was marked by a warm and sanguine temperament; whereas, an excess of yellow bile produced the choleric temperament ... —Samuel Lytler Metcalfe also : having the bodily conformation and temperament held characteristic of such predominance and marked by sturdiness, healthy red complexion, and cheerfulness He conceived himself rather as a sanguine and strenuous man, a great fighter. —G. K. Chesterton

touchy (adj)

1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation he's a little touchy about his past 2 : calling for tact, care, or caution in treatment a touchy subject 3a of a body part : acutely sensitive or irritable b of a chemical : highly explosive or inflammable touchier; touchiest

amiss (adj)

1 : not being in accordance with right order 2 : faulty, imperfect There's nothing/something amiss with the engine. 3 : out of place in given circumstances —usually used with a negative A few remarks may not be amiss here.

servile (adj)

1 : of or befitting a slave or a menial position 2 : meanly or cravenly submissive : ABJECT

therapeutic (adj)

1 : of or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods : CURATIVE, MEDICINAL therapeutic diets They confirmed the therapeutic effect of supplemental light in treating winter depression with phototherapy. —Richard Wurtman and Judith Wurtman A just-right amount is the therapeutic dose, just enough to provide the intended effect without problems. —Paul G. Donohue 2 : having a beneficial effect on the body or mind Warm lotion manicures ... are a luxurious, therapeutic treat ... —Elle ... they painted, hoed, swept, and planted when the mood for therapeutic work struck them, and lolled on the beach when they felt like it. —David Guterson 3 : producing a useful or favorable result or effect In classical economics, before the illusion of fine-tuning became widespread, recessions were regarded as therapeutic. —Geoffrey Smith and Jane Sasseen

homogeneous (adj)

1 : of the same or a similar kind or nature 2 : of uniform structure or composition throughout a culturally homogeneous neighborhood 3 : having the property that if each variable is replaced by a constant times that variable the constant can be factored out : having each term of the same degree if all variables are considered a homogeneous equation — homogeneously adverb — homogeneousness noun

recreational (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of recreation a recreational area recreational activities 2 : of or relating to recreational drugs or their use a recreational drug user Colorado's burgeoning marijuana industry had struggled under its own astonishing success since legal recreational sales began Jan. 1. — David Migoya

portentous (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting a portent suspense, portentous foreshadowing, hints of sinister and violent mysteries — Francine Prose 2 : eliciting amazement or wonder : PRODIGIOUS 3a : being a grave or serious matter portentous decisions b : self-consciously solemn or important : POMPOUS portentous declamation unsalted by the least trace of humor — W. H. Pritchard c : ponderously excessive that discipline's overwrought, portentous phrases — R. M. Coles

three-dimensional (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or having three dimensions 2 : giving the illusion of depth or varying distances —used especially of an image or a pictorial representation on a two-dimensional medium when this illusion is enhanced by stereoscopic means 3 : describing or being described in well-rounded completeness a three-dimensional analysis of multiple historical processes —L. L. Snyder 4 : true to life : LIFELIKE

colossal (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a colossus colossal statues 2 : of a bulk, extent, power, or effect approaching or suggesting the stupendous or incredible colossal rock formations colossal stellar explosions 3 : of an exceptional or astonishing degree a colossal failure a colossal bore colossal ambition

comatose (adj)

1 : of, resembling, or affected with coma The patient lay comatose, sustained by respirators. 2 : characterized by lethargic inertness : TORPID a comatose economy Broadway was theatrically comatose that summer.

warden (n)

1 : one having care or charge of something : GUARDIAN, KEEPER 2a : REGENT sense 2 b : the governor of a town, district, or fortress c : a member of the governing body of a guild 3a : an official charged with special supervisory duties or with the enforcement of specified laws or regulations game warden air raid warden b : an official in charge of the operation of a prison c : any of various British officials having designated administrative functions warden of the mint 4a : one of two ranking lay officers of an Episcopal parish b : any of various British college officials whose duties range from the administration of academic matters to the supervision of student discipline

visionary (n)

1 : one having unusual foresight and imagination a visionary in the computer industry 2 : one whose ideas or projects are impractical : DREAMER 3 : one who sees visions : SEER

modifier (n)

1 : one that modifies 2 : a word or phrase that makes specific the meaning of another word or phrase 3 : a gene that modifies the effect of another

forerunner (n)

1 : one that precedes and indicates the approach of another: such as a : a premonitory sign or symptom b : a skier who runs the course before the start of a race 2 : predecessor, ancestor

weekender (n)

1 : one who vacations or visits for a weekend 2 : WEEKEND BAG

delicate (adj)

1 : pleasing to the senses: a : generally pleasant the climate's delicate, the air most sweet —William Shakespeare b : pleasing to the sense of taste or smell especially in a mild or subtle way a delicate aroma a robust wine will dominate delicate dishes c : marked by daintiness or charm of color, lines, or proportions a delicate floral print an ample tear trilled down her delicate cheek —William Shakespeare d : marked by fineness of structure, workmanship, or texture a delicate tracery a delicate lace 2 a : marked by keen sensitivity or fine discrimination delicate insights a more delicate syntactic analysis —R. H. Robins b : fastidious, squeamish a person of delicate tastes 3 a : not robust in health or constitution : weak, sickly had been considered a delicate child b : easily torn or damaged : fragile delicate wine glasses a delicate flower the delicate chain of life 4 a : requiring careful handling: (1) : easily unsettled or upset a delicate balance the delicate relationships defined by the Constitution —New Yorker (2) : requiring skill or tact in a delicate position delicate negotiations a delicate operation (3) : involving matters of a deeply personal nature : sensitive this is a delicate matter. Could I possibly speak to you alone —Daphne Du Maurier b : marked by care, skill, or tact her delicate handling of a difficult situation 5 : marked by great precision or sensitivity a delicate instrument — delicately adverb

labile (adj)

1 : readily or continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown : unstable a labile mineral 2 : readily open to change has so labile a face that some of her scenes ... rock with emotion —Manny Farber — lability

plush (adj)

1 : relating to, resembling, or made of plush 2a : notably luxurious b : RICH, FULL the plush sound of his saxophone playing a plush, ripe wine

mobocracy (n)

1 : rule by the mob 2 : the mob as a ruling class — mobocratic

acrid (adj)

1 : sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : irritating acrid smoke 2 : deeply or violently bitter : acrimonious an acrid denunciation — acridity noun — acridly adverb — acridness

mass-market (adj)

1 : sold through such retail outlets as supermarkets and drugstores as well as through bookstores a mass-market paperback; also : of, relating to, or publishing mass-market materials 2 : appealing or sold to a general audience

result (n)

1 : something that results as a consequence, issue, or conclusion also : beneficial or tangible effect : FRUIT 2 : something obtained by calculation or investigation

lebensraum (n)

1 : territory believed especially by Nazis to be necessary for national existence or economic self-sufficiency 2 : space required for life, growth, or activity

Venus (n)

1 : the Roman goddess of love and beauty — compare APHRODITE 2 : the planet second in order from the sun — see PLANETS TABLE

exemption (n)

1 : the act of exempting or state of being exempt : IMMUNITY 2 : one that exempts or is exempted especially : a source or amount of income exempted from taxation

reckoning (n)

1 : the act or an instance of reckoning: such as a : ACCOUNT, BILL b : COMPUTATION c : calculation of a ship's position 2 : a settling of accounts day of reckoning 3 : a summing up

valence (n)

1 : the degree of combining power of an element as shown by the number of atomic weights of a monovalent element (such as hydrogen) with which the atomic weight of the element will combine or for which it can be substituted or with which it can be compared 2a : relative capacity to unite, react, or interact (as with antigens or a biological substrate) b [ in part from valence in chemistry, in part borrowed from Late Latin valentia power, capacity, noun derivative of Latin valent-, valens, present participle of valēre to have strength, be well — more at WIELD ] : the degree of attractiveness an individual, activity, or thing possesses as a behavioral goal the relative potency of the valences of success and failure — Leon Festinger

goal (n)

1 : the end toward which effort is directed : AIM The goal is high-speed rail travel. 2a : an area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points b : the act or action of causing a ball or puck to go through or into such a goal c : the score resulting from such an act 3a : the terminal point of a race b : an area to be reached safely in children's games

variance (n)

1 : the fact, quality, or state of being variable or variant : DIFFERENCE, VARIATION yearly variance in crops 2 : the fact or state of being in disagreement : DISSENSION, DISPUTE 3 : a disagreement between two parts of the same legal proceeding that must be consonant 4 : a license to do some act contrary to the usual rule a zoning variance 5 : the square of the standard deviation at variance : not in harmony or agreement

Gethsemane (n)

1 : the garden outside Jerusalem mentioned in Mark 14 as the scene of the agony and arrest of Jesus 2 : a place or occasion of great mental or spiritual suffering

hoi polloi (n)

1 : the general populace : masses 2 : people of distinction or wealth or elevated social status : elite

value (n)

1 : the monetary worth of something : MARKET PRICE 2 : a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged 3 : relative worth, utility, or importance a good value at the price the value of base stealing in baseball had nothing of value to say 4 : something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable sought material values instead of human values — W. H. Jones 5 : a numerical quantity that is assigned or is determined by calculation or measurement let x take on positive values a value for the age of the earth 6 : the relative duration of a musical note 7a : relative lightness or darkness of a color : LUMINOSITY b : the relation of one part in a picture to another with respect to lightness and darkness 8 : DENOMINATION sense 2

excellence (n)

1 : the quality of being excellent 2 : an excellent or valuable quality : VIRTUE 3 : EXCELLENCY sense 2

exclusivity (n)

1 : the quality or state of being exclusive 2 : exclusive rights or services

reluctance (n)

1 : the quality or state of being reluctant 2 : the opposition offered in a magnetic circuit to magnetic flux specifically : the ratio of the magnetic potential difference to the corresponding flux

simplicity (n)

1 : the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded 2a : lack of subtlety or penetration : INNOCENCE, NAIVETÉ b : FOLLY, SILLINESS 3 : freedom from pretense or guile : CANDOR 4a : directness of expression : CLARITY b : restraint in ornamentation : AUSTERITY

revenue (n)

1 : the total income produced by a given source a property expected to yield a large annual revenue 2 : the gross income returned by an investment 3 : the yield of sources of income (such as taxes) that a political unit (such as a nation or state) collects and receives into the treasury for public use 4 : a government department concerned with the collection of the national revenue

malapropism (n)

1 : the usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase; especially : the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context Jesus healing those leopards is an example of malapropism. 2 : malaprop — malapropist

greatly (adv)

1 : to a great extent or degree : very much contributed greatly to improved relations not greatly bothered 2 : in a great manner : NOBLY, MAGNANIMOUSLY a man may live greatly in the law —O. W. Holmes †1935

relish (v)

1 : to add relish to 2 : to be pleased or gratified by : ENJOY 3 : to eat or drink with pleasure 4 : to appreciate with taste and discernment intransitive verb : to have a characteristic or pleasing taste relished; relishing; relishes

short-circuit (v)

1 : to apply a short circuit to or establish a short circuit in 2 : BYPASS sense 2 3 : FRUSTRATE, IMPEDE intransitive verb : to become shunted by a short circuit The radio short-circuited. short-circuited; short-circuiting; short-circuits

shatter (v)

1 : to cause to drop or be dispersed 2a : to break at once into pieces b : to damage badly : RUIN 3 : to cause the disruption or annihilation of : DEMOLISH intransitive verb 1 : to break apart : DISINTEGRATE 2 : to drop off parts (such as leaves, petals, or fruit) shattered; shattering; shatters

shutter (v)

1 : to close by or as if by shutters corporations shuttering their production plants 2 : to furnish with shutters shuttered; shuttering; shutters

hoard (v)

1 : to collect and often hide away a supply of : to accumulate a hoard (see HOARD entry 1) of hoarding food 2 : to keep (something, such as one's thoughts) to oneself she hoarded her intention —Virginia Woolf the people outside disperse their affections, you hoard yours, you nurse them into intensity —Joseph Conrad intransitive verb : to collect and often hide away a supply of something : to accumulate a hoard (see HOARD entry 1) a tendency to hoard

chime in (v)

1 : to combine harmoniously the artist's illustrations chime in perfectly with the text —Book Production 2 : to break into a conversation or discussion especially to express an opinion transitive verb : to remark while chiming in

choreograph (v)

1 : to compose the choreography of choreograph a ballet 2 : to arrange or direct the movements, progress, or details of a carefully choreographed meeting intransitive verb : to engage in choreography choreographed; choreographing; choreographs

network (v)

1 : to cover with or as if with a network a continent ... so networked with navigable rivers and canals —Lamp 2 chiefly British : to distribute for broadcast on a television network; also : broadcast 3 3 : to join (things, such as computers) in a network intransitive verb : to engage in networking — networker noun

grovel (v)

1 : to creep with the face to the ground : crawl 2 a : to lie or creep with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement groveled at the feet of the king b : to abase oneself would not grovel for political advantage 3 : to give oneself over to what is base or unworthy : wallow groveling in self-pity — groveler noun — grovelingly

portion (v)

1 : to divide into portions : DISTRIBUTE portioned out the food equally 2 : to allot a dowry to : DOWER portioned; portioning

rebut (v)

1 : to drive or beat back : REPEL 2a : to contradict or oppose by formal legal argument, plea, or countervailing proof b : to expose the falsity of : REFUTE intransitive verb : to make or furnish an answer or counter proof rebutted; rebutting

regale (v)

1 : to entertain sumptuously : feast with delicacies 2 : to give pleasure or amusement to regaled us with tall tales intransitive verb : to feast oneself : FEED regaled; regaling

praise (v)

1 : to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND 2 : to glorify (a god or saint) especially by the attribution of perfections intransitive verb : to express praise praised; praising

collapse (v)

1 : to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely : fall into a jumbled or flattened mass through the force of external pressure a blood vessel that collapsed 2 : to break down completely : DISINTEGRATE ... his case had collapsed in a mass of legal wreckage ... —Erle Stanley Gardner 3 : to cave or fall in or give way The bridge collapsed. 4 : to suddenly lose force, significance, effectiveness, or worth fears that the currency may collapse 5 : to break down in vital energy, stamina, or self-control through exhaustion or disease She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa. especially : to fall helpless or unconscious He collapsed on stage during the performance. 6 : to fold down into a more compact shape a chair that collapses transitive verb 1 : to cause to collapse buildings collapsed by an earthquake 2 : CONDENSE collapse several stories into one collapsed; collapsing

plummet (v)

1 : to fall perpendicularly birds plummeted down 2 : to drop sharply and abruptly prices plummeted plummeted; plummeting; plummets

shelve (v)

1 : to furnish with shelves 2 : to place on a shelf shelve books 3a : to remove from active service b : to put off or aside shelve a project intransitive verb : to slope in a formation like a shelf shelved; shelving

conquer (v)

1 : to gain or acquire by force of arms : SUBJUGATE conquer territory 2 : to overcome by force of arms : VANQUISH conquered the enemy 3 : to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition conquered the mountain 4 : to overcome by mental or moral power : SURMOUNT conquered her fear intransitive verb : to be victorious conquered; conquering

relax (v)

1 : to make less tense or rigid : SLACKEN relaxed his grip 2 : to make less severe or stringent : MODIFY relax immigration laws 3 : to deprive of energy, zeal, or strength of purpose 4 : to relieve from nervous tension 5 : to treat (hair) chemically in order to relax curls intransitive verb 1 : to become lax, weak, or loose : REST 2 : to become less intense or severe hoped the committee would relax in its opposition 3 of a muscle or muscle fiber : to become inactive and lengthen 4 : to cast off social restraint, nervous tension, or anxiety couldn't relax in crowds 5 : to seek rest or recreation relax at the seashore 6 : to relieve constipation 7 : to attain equilibrium following the abrupt removal of some influence (such as light, high temperature, or stress) relaxed; relaxing; relaxes

smooth (v)

1 : to make smooth 2a : to free from what is harsh or disagreeable : POLISH smoothed out his style b : SOOTHE 3 : to minimize (something, such as a fault) especially in order to allay anger or ill will his main job is to smooth over the friction that so often arises — Brian Crozier 4 : to free from obstruction or difficulty conciliation smoothed the way to an agreement 5a : to press flat smoothed down the folds of her dress b : to remove expression from (one's face) : COMPOSE 6 : to cause to lie evenly and in order : PREEN a bird smoothing its feathers 7 : to free (a graph, a collection of data, etc.) from irregularities intransitive verb : to become smooth smoothed; smoothing

signal (v)

1 : to notify by a signal signal the fleet to turn back 2a : to communicate or indicate by or as if by signals signaled the end of an era b : to constitute a characteristic feature of (a meaningful linguistic form) intransitive verb : to make or send a signal signaled or signalled; signaling or signalling

connive (v)

1 : to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose The government connived in the rebels' military buildup. 2a : to be indulgent or in secret sympathy : WINK The captain connived at the smuggling of goods aboard his ship. b : to cooperate secretly or have a secret understanding officials who connive with drug dealers 3 : CONSPIRE, INTRIGUE accused his opponents of conniving to defeat the proposal connived; conniving

overreach (v)

1 : to reach above or beyond : OVERTOP 2 : to defeat (oneself) by seeking to do or gain too much 3 : to get the better of especially in dealing and bargaining and typically by unscrupulous or crafty methods intransitive verb 1 of a horse : to strike the forefoot with the front part of the hind foot 2a : to go to excess b : EXAGGERATE 3 : to overreach oneself

respond (v)

1 : to say something in return : make an answer respond to criticism 2a : to react in response responded to a call for help b : to show favorable reaction respond to surgery 3 : to be answerable respond in damages transitive verb : REPLY responded; responding; responds

research (v)

1 : to search or investigate exhaustively research a problem 2 : to do research for research a book intransitive verb : to engage in research researched; researching; researches

reset (v)

1 : to set again or anew reset type reset a diamond reset a circuit breaker 2 : to change the reading of often to zero reset an odometer reset; resetting

rectify (v)

1 : to set right : REMEDY 2 : to purify especially by repeated or fractional distillation rectified alcohol 3 : to correct by removing errors : ADJUST rectify the calendar 4 : to make (an alternating current) unidirectional rectified; rectifying

exemplify (v)

1 : to show or illustrate by example anecdotes exemplifying those virtues 2 : to make an attested copy or transcript of (a document) under seal 3a : to be an instance of or serve as an example : EMBODY she exemplifies the qualities of a good leader b : to be typical of a dish that exemplifies French cuisine exemplified; exemplifying

sleep in (v)

1 : to sleep where one is employed 2a : OVERSLEEP b : to sleep late intentionally

mollify (v)

1 : to soothe in temper or disposition : APPEASE mollified the staff with a raise 2 : to reduce the rigidity of : SOFTEN Shaving cream mollifies the beard. 3 : to reduce in intensity : ASSUAGE, TEMPER Time mollified his anger. intransitive verb archaic : SOFTEN, RELENT mollified; mollifying

boggle (v)

1 : to start with fright or amazement : be overwhelmed the mind boggles at the research needed 2 : to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples transitive verb 1 : MISHANDLE, BUNGLE 2 : to overwhelm with wonder or bewilderment boggle the mind boggled; boggling

exhibit (v)

1 : to submit (something, such as a document) to a court or officer in course of proceedings also : to present or offer officially or in legal form 2 : to present to view: such as a : to show or display outwardly especially by visible signs or actions exhibited no fear b : to have as a readily discernible quality or feature in all cultures we know, men exhibit an aesthetic sense — H. J. Muller c : to show publicly especially for purposes of competition or demonstration exhibit a collection of artifacts intransitive verb : to display something for public inspection exhibited; exhibiting; exhibits

revel (v)

1 : to take part in a revel : CAROUSE 2 : to take intense pleasure or satisfaction reveled in the quiet after everyone had gone reveled or revelled; reveling or revelling

graze (v)

1 : to touch lightly in passing The car's wheel grazed the curb. 2 : ABRADE, SCRATCH grazed her knee when she fell intransitive verb : to touch or rub against something in passing Our fenders just grazed.

rape (n)

1 : unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception — compare sexual assault, statutory rape 2 : an outrageous violation 3 : an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force

equivalence (n)

1 a : the state or property of being equivalent b : the relation holding between two statements if they are either both true or both false so that to affirm one and to deny the other would result in a contradiction 2 : a presentation of terms as equivalent 3 : equality in metrical value of a regular foot and one in which there are substitutions

self-validating (adj)

1 : validating itself : needing no guarantee or judgment of its validity outside of itself An emotion is self-validating when it communicates information to the self ... (e.g., one feels angry because the situation is unjust and, therefore, one has good reason to be angry). —Robert L. Leahy et al. ... the Pulitzer business ... is a self-validating ritual whereby journalists give each other prizes and then boast to the public about them. —Alexander Cockburn also : of, relating to, or involving something that is self-validating a self-validating cycle 2 : tending or serving to recognize, confirm, or establish one's own worthiness or legitimacy : providing self-validation a self-validating experience Earning that win can also feel self-validating. —Ritika Trikha How we choose to interpret what happens in our lives—the stories we tell to ourselves and others—color how we experience life. It's time to tell a new, more accepting and self-validating story. —Kathy Caprino

choice (adj)

1 : worthy of being chosen accepting the choicest candidates 2 : selected with care prepared his report with choice words 3a : of high quality served choice wine with the dinner b : of a grade between prime and good choice meat

cloister (v)

1 a : a monastic establishment b : an area within a monastery or convent to which the religious are normally restricted c : monastic life young men and women choosing the cloister as a way of life d : a place or state of seclusion ... the Internet broke out of its academic cloister and started cavorting in the mainstream. —Paul McFedries 2 : a covered passage on the side of a court usually having one side walled and the other an open arcade or colonnade The courtyard is surrounded with a cloister.

cadence (n)

1 a : a rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language the grand cadence of his poetry b : the beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity The drill sergeant counted cadence. the steady cadence of the drums 2 a : a falling inflection of the voice b : a concluding and usually falling strain; specifically : a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion 3 : the modulated and rhythmic recurrence of a sound especially in nature — cadenced adjective — cadential

deduction (n)

1 a : an act of taking away deduction of legitimate business expenses b : something that is or may be subtracted deductions from his taxable income 2 a : the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning based on intuition rather than deduction; specifically : inference in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from general or universal premises (see 1premise 1) — compare induction b : a conclusion reached by logical deduction made the deduction that the suspect had been at the scene of the crime

callous (adj)

1 a : being hardened and thickened b : having calluses callous hands 2 a : feeling no emotion b : feeling or showing no sympathy for others : hard-hearted a callous indifference to suffering — callously adverb — callousness noun

lurid (adj)

1 a : causing horror or revulsion : gruesome The tabloids gave all the lurid details of floating wreckage and dismembered bodies. b : melodramatic, sensational; also : shocking paperbacks in the usual lurid covers —T. R. Fyvel 2 a : wan and ghastly pale in appearance frightened to death by the lurid waxworks —Sara H. Hay b : of any of several light or medium grayish colors ranging in hue from yellow to orange 3 : shining with the red glow of fire seen through smoke or cloud lurid flames — luridly adverb — luridness noun

demonstrative (adj)

1 a : demonstrating as real or true b : characterized or established by demonstration 2 grammar : pointing out the one referred to and distinguishing it from others of the same class (as in that in that house) demonstrative pronouns demonstrative adjectives 3 a : marked by display of feeling made a demonstrative gesture b : inclined to display feelings openly a demonstrative preacher — demonstratively adverb — demonstrativeness noun

dark (adj)

1 a : devoid or partially devoid of light : not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light a dark room b : transmitting only a portion of light dark glasses 2 a : wholly or partially black dark clothing b of a color : of low or very low lightness dark blue c : being less light in color than other substances of the same kind dark rum 3 a : arising from or showing evil traits or desires : evil the dark powers that lead to war b : dismal, gloomy had a dark view of the future c : lacking knowledge or culture : unenlightened a dark period in history d : relating to grim or depressing circumstances dark humor 4 a : not clear to the understanding b : not known or explored because of remoteness the darkest reaches of the continent 5 : not fair in complexion : swarthy dark skin 6 : secret kept his plans dark 7 : possessing depth and richness a dark voice 8 : closed to the public the theater is dark in the summer — darkish adjective — darkly adverb — darkness noun

outgoing (adj)

1 a : going away : departing an outgoing ship b : retiring or withdrawing from a place or position the outgoing president c : directed to an intended recipient outgoing mail 2 : openly friendly and responsive : extroverted His outgoing personality made him popular at school. — outgoingness noun

genteel (adj)

1 a : having an aristocratic quality or flavor : stylish b : of or relating to the gentry or upper class a person of genteel upbringing c : elegant or graceful in manner, appearance, or shape the genteel manners of an old southern gentleman d : free from vulgarity or rudeness : polite 2 a : maintaining or striving to maintain the appearance of superior or middle-class social status or respectability a shabby genteel mansion b (1) : marked by false delicacy, prudery, or affectation was genteel on the surface, but had a hard heart (2) : conventionally or insipidly pretty timid and genteel artistic style — genteelly adverb — genteelness noun

optative (adj)

1 a : of, relating to, or constituting a verbal mood that is expressive of wish or desire b : of, relating to, or constituting a sentence that is expressive of wish or hope 2 : expressing desire or wish — optative noun — optatively adverb

lung (n)

1 a : one of the usually paired compound saccular thoracic organs that constitute the basic respiratory organs of an air-breathing vertebrate b : any of various respiratory organs of invertebrates 2 a : a device enabling individuals abandoning a submarine to rise to the surface b : a mechanical device for regularly introducing fresh air into and withdrawing stale air from the lung : respirator — compare iron lung — lungful play \ˈləŋ-ˌfu̇l\ noun

all (adj)

1 a : the whole amount, quantity, or extent of needed all the courage they had sat up all night b : as much as possible spoke in all seriousness 2 : every member or individual component of all men will go all five children were present 3 : the whole number or sum of all the angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles 4 : every all manner of hardship 5 : any whatever beyond all doubt 6 : nothing but : only all work and no play : a : completely taken up with, given to, or absorbed by became all attention b : having or seeming to have (some physical feature) in conspicuous excess or prominence all legs c : paying full attention with all ears 7 dialect : used up : entirely consumed —used especially of food and drink 8 : being more than one person or thing I don't know who all is coming. — all the : as much of ... as : as much of a ... as all the home I ever had

police (v)

1 archaic : GOVERN 2 : to control, regulate, or keep in order by use of police 3 : to make clean and put in order 4a : to supervise the operation, execution, or administration of to prevent or detect and prosecute violations of rules and regulations b : to exercise such supervision over the policies and activities of 5 : to perform the functions of a police force in or over policed; policing

shrewd (adj)

1 archaic : MISCHIEVOUS 2 obsolete : ABUSIVE, SHREWISH 3 obsolete : OMINOUS, DANGEROUS 4a : SEVERE, HARD a shrewd knock b : SHARP, PIERCING a shrewd wind 5a : marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen shrewd common sense b : given to wily and artful ways or dealing a shrewd operator

rid (v)

1 archaic : SAVE, RESCUE 2 : to make free : RELIEVE, DISENCUMBER rid the complexion of blemishes be rid of worries get rid of that junk rid also ridded; ridding

flippant (adj)

1 archaic : glib, talkative 2 : lacking proper respect or seriousness — flippantly adverb

organic (adj)

1 archaic : instrumental 2 a : of, relating to, or arising in a bodily organ b : affecting the structure of the organism an organic disease 3 a (1) : of, relating to, or derived from living organisms organic evolution (2) : of, relating to, yielding, or involving the use of food produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, or pesticides organic farming organic produce b (1) : of, relating to, or containing carbon compounds organic solvents (2) : relating to, being, or dealt with by a branch of chemistry concerned with the carbon compounds of living beings and most other carbon compounds studied organic chemistry in college 4 a : forming an integral element of a whole : fundamental incidental music rather than organic parts of the action —Francis Fergusson b : having systematic coordination of parts : organized an organic whole c : having the characteristics of an organism : developing in the manner of a living plant or animal society is organic many new coinages ... stem from the normal organic structure of the language —William Chomsky 5 : of, relating to, or constituting the law by which a government or organization exists their nation has written the separation of church and state into its organic law —Paul Blanshard — organically adverb — organicity noun

sinister (adj)

1 archaic : unfavorable, unlucky 2 archaic : fraudulent 3 : singularly evil or productive of evil 4 a : of, relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something; especially : being or relating to the side of a heraldic shield at the left of the person bearing it b : of ill omen by reason of being on the left 5 : presaging ill fortune or trouble 6 : accompanied by or leading to disaster — sinisterly adverb — sinisterness noun

conservatism (n)

1 capitalized a : the principles and policies of a Conservative party b : the Conservative party 2a : disposition in politics to preserve what is established b : a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (such as retirement income or health-care coverage) 3 : the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change religious conservatism cultural conservatism

renaissance (n)

1 capitalized a : the transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science b : the period of the Renaissance c : the neoclassical style of architecture prevailing during the Renaissance 2 often capitalized : a movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity 3 : REBIRTH, REVIVAL

know-nothingism (n)

1 capitalized K&N : the principles and policies of the Know-Nothings 2 : the condition of knowing nothing or desiring to know nothing or the conviction that nothing can be known with certainty especially in religion or morality 3 often capitalized K&N : a mid-20th century political attitude characterized by anti-intellectualism, exaggerated patriotism, and fear of foreign subversive influences

libertine (n)

1 disparaging : a freethinker especially in religious matters 2 : a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality; specifically : one leading a dissolute life libertines indulging a variety of amorous impulses —Mel White — libertine adjective

boisterous (adj)

1 obsolete a : COARSE b : DURABLE, STRONG c : MASSIVE 2a : noisily turbulent : ROWDY b : marked by or expressive of exuberance and high spirits 3 : STORMY, TUMULTUOUS

shroud (n)

1 obsolete : SHELTER, PROTECTION 2 : something that covers, screens, or guards: such as a : one of two flanges that give peripheral support to turbine or fan bedding b : a guard (as of ceramic or fiberglass) that protects a spacecraft from the heat of launching 3 : burial garment : WINDING-SHEET, CEREMENT 4a : one of the ropes leading usually in pairs from a ship's mastheads to give lateral support to the masts b : one of the cords that suspend the harness of a parachute from the canopy

germane (adj)

1 obsolete : closely akin 2 : being at once relevant and appropriate : fitting omit details that are not germane to the discussion — germanely adverb

bleary (adj)

1 of the eyes or vision : dull or dimmed especially from fatigue or sleep 2 : poorly outlined or defined : DIM a bleary view 3 : very tired bleary travelers

hosed (adj)

1. Messed up completely and without hope; to be in a hoplessly bad condition or position.

dog (n)

1a : CANID wolves, foxes, and other dogs especially : a highly variable domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) closely related to the gray wolf the family's pet dog b : a male dog dogs and bitches also : a male usually carnivorous mammal 2a : a worthless or contemptible person b : FELLOW, CHAP a lazy dog you lucky dog 3a : any of various usually simple mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening that consist of a spike, bar, or hook b : ANDIRON 4 : uncharacteristic or affected stylishness or dignity put on the dog 5 capitalized, astronomy : either of the constellations Canis Major or Canis Minor 6 dogs plural, anatomy : FEET rest his tired dogs 7 dogs plural : RUIN going to the dogs 8 : one inferior of its kind the movie was a dog : such as a : an investment not worth its price b : an undesirable piece of merchandise 9 : an unattractive person especially : an unattractive girl or woman 10 : HOT DOG sense 1 bought two dogs and a beer

rift (n)

1a : FISSURE, CREVASSE b : FAULT sense 5 2 : a clear space or interval 3 : BREACH, ESTRANGEMENT

wanton (adj)

1a : MERCILESS, INHUMANE wanton cruelty b : having no just foundation or provocation : MALICIOUS a wanton attack 2 : being without check or limitation: such as a : unduly lavish : EXTRAVAGANT wanton imagination b : luxuriantly rank wanton vegetation 3a : LEWD, BAWDY b : causing sexual excitement : LUSTFUL, SENSUAL 4a : playfully mean or cruel : MISCHIEVOUS b archaic : hard to control : UNDISCIPLINED, UNRULY

demolish (v)

1a : TEAR DOWN, RAZE demolish a building b : to break to pieces : SMASH His car was demolished in the accident. 2a : to do away with : DESTROY a filibuster which would effectively demolish the issue —Current Biography ... a performance so awkward and apathetic it instantly appeared to demolish any chance of restoring her declining career ... —Dave Itzkoff b : to strip of any pretense of merit or credence demolished her debate opponents demolish a stereotype

beast (n)

1a : a four-footed mammal as distinguished from a human being, a lower vertebrate, and an invertebrate b : a lower animal as distinguished from a human being c : an animal as distinguished from a plant d : an animal under human control 2 : a contemptible person 3 : something formidably difficult to control or deal with

halcyon (adj)

1a : characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity : GOLDEN —often used to describe an idyllic time in the past that is remembered as better than today the halcyon days of youth Classics Illustrated have become pricey nostalgia items for those who grew up in the supposedly halcyon years after World War II. —Donna Richardson In those halcyon days of the free trade, the fixed price for carrying a box of tea or bale of tobacco from the coast of Galloway to Edinburgh was fifteen shillings ... —Sir Walter Scott b : CALM, PEACEFUL a halcyon atmosphere c : PROSPEROUS, AFFLUENT 2 : of or relating to the halcyon (see HALCYON entry 2) or its nesting period

rigid (adj)

1a : deficient in or devoid of flexibility rigid price controls a rigid bar of metal b : appearing stiff and unyielding his face rigid with pain 2a : inflexibly set in opinion b : strictly observed adheres to a rigid schedule 3 : firmly inflexible rather than lax or indulgent a rigid disciplinarian 4 : precise and accurate in procedure rigid control of the manufacturing process 5 of an airship : having the outer shape maintained by a fixed framework

exile (n)

1a : the state or a period of forced absence from one's country or home b : the state or a period of voluntary absence from one's country or home 2 : a person who is in exile

shell (n)

1a : a hard rigid usually largely calcareous covering or support of an animal b : the hard or tough often thin outer covering of an egg (as of a bird or reptile) — see EGG ILLUSTRATION 2 : the covering or outside part of a fruit or seed especially when hard or fibrous 3 : shell material (as of mollusks or turtles) or their substance 4 : something that resembles a shell: such as a : a framework or exterior structure especially : a building with an unfinished interior b(1) : an external case or outside covering the shell of a ship (2) : a thin usually spherical layer or surface enclosing a space or surrounding an object an expanding shell of gas around a neutron star c : a casing without substance mere effigies and shells of men —Thomas Carlyle d : an edible crust for holding a filling a pastry shell a taco salad in a tortilla shell e : BAND SHELL f : a small beer glass g : an unlined article of outerwear 5 : a shell-bearing mollusk 6 : an impersonal attitude or manner that conceals the presence or absence of feeling he retreated into his shell 7 : a narrow light racing boat propelled by one or more persons pulling oars or sculls 8 : any of the regions occupied by the orbits of a group of electrons of approximately equal energy surrounding the nucleus of an atom 9a : a projectile for cannon containing an explosive bursting charge b : a case (as of metal, paper, or plastic) that holds the charge of powder and shot or bullet used with breech-loading small arms a shotgun shell — compare CARTRIDGE 10 : a plain usually sleeveless blouse or sweater 11 : a company or corporation that exists without assets or independent operations as a legal entity through which another company or corporation can conduct various dealings

throng (n)

1a : a multitude of assembled persons b : a large number : HOST 2a : a crowding together of many persons b : a pressing increase of activity this throng of business —S. R. Crockett

hostage (n)

1a : a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement b : a person taken by force to secure the taker's demands 2 : one that is involuntarily controlled by an outside influence

wash (n)

1a : a piece of ground washed by the sea or river b : BOG, MARSH c(1) : a shallow body of water (2) : a shallow creek d Western US : the dry bed of a stream — called also dry wash 2a : the act or process or an instance of washing or being washed b : articles to be washed, being washed, or having been washed 3 : the surging action or sound of waves also : something resembling this action or sound the warm wash of applause that followed her ... introduction — John Updike 4a : worthless especially liquid waste : REFUSE b : an insipid beverage c : vapid writing or speech 5a : a sweep or splash especially of color made by or as if by a long stroke of a brush in the gray wash of early morning b : a thin coat of paint (such as watercolor) c : a thin liquid used for coating a surface (such as a wall) 6 : LOTION 7 : loose or eroded surface material of the earth (such as rock debris) transported and deposited by running water 8a : BACKWASH sense 1 b : a disturbance in a fluid (such as water or the air) produced by the passage of an airfoil or propeller 9 : a situation in which losses and gains or advantages and disadvantages balance each other washed; washing; washes

vector (n)

1a : a quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in space represents the direction broadly : an element of a vector space b : a course or compass direction especially of an airplane 2a : an organism (such as an insect) that transmits a pathogen b : POLLINATOR sense a 3 : an agent (such as a plasmid or virus) that contains or carries modified genetic material (such as recombinant DNA) and can be used to introduce exogenous genes into the genome of an organism

reparation (n)

1a : a repairing or keeping in repair b reparations plural : REPAIRS 2a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction 3 : the payment of damages : INDEMNIFICATION specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural

comeback (n)

1a : a sharp or witty reply : RETORT b : a cause for complaint 2 : a return to a former position or condition (as of success or prosperity) : RECOVERY, REVIVAL staging his ultimate comeback from self-imposed exile —Howard Mandel

ecstasy (n)

1a : a state of being beyond reason and self-control b archaic : SWOON 2 : a state of overwhelming emotion especially : rapturous delight 3 : TRANCE especially : a mystic or prophetic trance 4 often capitalized : a synthetic amphetamine analog C11H15NO2 used illicitly for its mood-enhancing and hallucinogenic properties — called also MDMA

variable (adj)

1a : able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes variable winds variable costs b : FICKLE, INCONSTANT 2 : characterized by variations 3 : having the characteristics of a variable 4 : not true to type : ABERRANT —used of a biological group or character

valley (n)

1a : an elongate depression of the earth's surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains b : an area drained by a river and its tributaries 2 : a low point or condition 3a : HOLLOW, DEPRESSION b : the place of meeting of two slopes of a roof that form on the plan a reentrant angle

wallflower (n)

1a : any of several Old World perennial herbs (genus Cheiranthus) of the mustard family especially : a hardy erect herb (C. cheiri) widely cultivated for its showy fragrant flowers b : any of a related genus (Erysimum) of herbs with showy flowers 2a : a person who from shyness or unpopularity remains on the sidelines of a social activity (such as a dance) b : a shy or reserved person

glue (n)

1a : any of various strong adhesive substances especially : a hard protein chiefly gelatinous substance that absorbs water to form a viscous solution with strong adhesive properties and that is obtained by cooking down collagenous materials (such as hides or bones) b : a solution of glue used for sticking things together 2 : something that binds together enough social glue ... to satisfy the human desire for community —E. D. Hirsch, Jr.

possible (adj)

1a : being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization a possible but difficult task b : being what may be conceived, be done, or occur according to nature, custom, or manners the best possible care the worst possible circumstance 2a : being something that may or may not occur a possible surprise visit b : being something that may or may not be true or actual possible explanation 3 : having an indicated potential a possible housing site

positive (adj)

1a : formally laid down or imposed : PRESCRIBED positive laws b : expressed clearly or peremptorily her answer was a positive no c : fully assured : CONFIDENT positive it was her book 2a : of, relating to, or constituting the degree of comparison that is expressed in English by the unmodified and uninflected form of an adjective or adverb and denotes no increase or diminution b(1) : independent of changing circumstances : UNCONDITIONED an insurance policy with positive coverage (2) : relating to or constituting a motion or device that is definite, unyielding, constant, or certain in its action a positive system of levers c(1) : INCONTESTABLE positive proof (2) : UNQUALIFIED a positive disgrace 3a : not fictitious : REAL positive social tensions b : active and effective in social or economic function rather than merely maintaining peace and order a positive government 4a : indicating, relating to, or characterized by affirmation, addition, inclusion, or presence rather than negation, withholding, or absence took the positive approach and struck a new deal rather than canceling the contract b : having rendition of light and shade similar in tone to the tones of the original subject a positive photographic image c : contributing toward or characterized by increase or progression take some positive action positive cash flow d : directed or moving toward a source of stimulation a positive taxis e : real and numerically greater than zero +2 is a positive integer 5a(1) : being, relating to, or charged with electricity of which the proton is the elementary unit and which predominates in a glass body after being rubbed with silk (2) : having more protons than electrons a positive ion b(1) : having higher electric potential and constituting the part from which the current flows to the external circuit the positive terminal of a discharging storage battery (2) : being an electron-collecting electrode of an electron tube 6a : marked by or indicating acceptance, approval, or affirmation received a positive response b : affirming the presence especially of a condition, substance, or organism suspected to be present a positive test for blood also : having a test result indicating the presence especially of a condition, substance, or organism HIV positive 7 of a lens : converging light rays and forming a real inverted image 8a : having a good effect : FAVORABLE a positive role model b : marked by optimism the positive point of view

hospitable (adj)

1a : given to generous and cordial reception of guests a kind, hospitable people they are hospitable ... : give a guest everything, and leave him free to do as he likes — Bram Stoker b : promising or suggesting generous and friendly welcome hospitable faces c : offering a pleasant or sustaining environment grows in even the least hospitable climates 2 : readily receptive : OPEN hospitable to new ideas

formative (adj)

1a : giving or capable of giving form : CONSTRUCTIVE a formative influence b : used in word formation or inflection 2 : capable of alteration by growth and development also : producing new cells and tissues 3 : of, relating to, or characterized by formative effects or formation formative years

slick (adj)

1a : having a smooth surface : SLIPPERY slick wet leaves b : having surface plausibility or appeal : GLOSSY slick advertising c : based on stereotype : TRITE slick stories soon forgotten 2a : characterized by subtlety or nimble wit : CLEVER especially : WILY a slick swindler b : DEFT, SKILLFUL a slick ballplayer 3 : extremely good : FIRST-RATE 4 archaic : SLEEK sense 1

warm (adj)

1a : having or giving out heat to a moderate or adequate degree warm weather a warm fire b : serving to maintain or preserve heat especially to a satisfactory degree a warm sweater c : feeling or causing sensations of heat brought about by strenuous exertion 2 : comfortably established : SECURE 3a : marked by strong feeling : ARDENT b : marked by excitement, disagreement, or anger the argument grew warm 4 : marked by or readily showing affection, gratitude, cordiality, or sympathy a warm welcome warm regards 5 : emphasizing or exploiting sexual imagery or incidents 6 : accompanied or marked by extreme danger or duress 7 : newly made : FRESH a warm scent 8 : having the color or tone of something that imparts heat specifically : of a hue in the range yellow through orange to red 9 : near to a goal, object, or solution sought not there yet but getting warm

poor (adj)

1a : lacking material possessions b : of, relating to, or characterized by poverty 2a : less than adequate : MEAGER b : small in worth 3 : exciting pity you poor thing 4a : inferior in quality or value b : HUMBLE, UNPRETENTIOUS c : MEAN, PETTY 5 : LEAN, EMACIATED 6 : BARREN, UNPRODUCTIVE —used of land 7 : INDIFFERENT, UNFAVORABLE 8 : lacking a normal or adequate supply of something specified —often used in combination oil-poor countries

ware (n)

1a : manufactured articles, products of art or craft, or farm produce : GOODS —often used in combination tinware b : an article of merchandise 2 : articles (such as pottery or dishes) of fired clay earthenware 3 : an intangible item (such as a service or ability) that is a marketable commodity

extinct (adj)

1a : no longer burning b : no longer active an extinct volcano 2 : no longer existing an extinct animal 3a : gone out of use : SUPERSEDED b : having no qualified claimant an extinct title

vague (adj)

1a : not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms vague accusations b : not having a precise meaning a vague term of abuse 2a : not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : INDISTINCT only a vague notion of what's needed also : SLIGHT a vague hint of a thickening waistline hasn't the vaguest idea b : not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious a vague longing 3 : not thinking or expressing one's thoughts clearly or precisely vague about dates and places 4 : lacking expression : VACANT vague eyes a vague stare 5 : not sharply outlined : HAZY met by vague figures with shaded torchlights — Earle Birney vaguer; vaguest

single (adj)

1a : not married b : of or relating to celibacy 2 : unaccompanied by others : LONE, SOLE the single survivor of the disaster 3a(1) : consisting of or having only one part, feature, or portion single consonants (2) : consisting of one as opposed to or in contrast with many : UNIFORM a single standard for men and women (3) : consisting of only one in number holds to a single ideal b : having but one whorl of petals or ray flowers a single rose 4a : consisting of a separate unique whole : INDIVIDUAL every single citizen b : of, relating to, or involving only one person 5a : FRANK, HONEST a single devotion b : exclusively attentive an eye single to the truth 6 : UNBROKEN, UNDIVIDED 7 : having no equal or like : SINGULAR 8 : designed for the use of one person only a single room a single bed

coltish (adj)

1a : not subjected to discipline b : FRISKY, PLAYFUL coltish antics 2 : of, relating to, or resembling a colt coltish legs

weighty (adj)

1a : of much importance or consequence : MOMENTOUS a weighty problem b : SOLEMN 2a : weighing a considerable amount b : heavy in proportion to its bulk weighty metal 3 : POWERFUL, TELLING weighty arguments weightier; weightiest

poetic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or characteristic of poets or poetry b : given to writing poetry 2 : written in verse 3 : having or expressing the qualities of poetry (as though aesthetic or emotional impact) her poetic beauty

heterosexual (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward the opposite sex b : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between individuals of opposite sex 2 : of or relating to different sexes

basic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or forming the base or essence : FUNDAMENTAL basic truths b : concerned with fundamental scientific principles : not applied basic research 2 : constituting or serving as the basis or starting point a basic set of tools 3a : of, relating to, containing, or having the character of a chemical base b : having an alkaline reaction 4 : containing relatively little silica basic rocks 5 : relating to, made by, used in, or being a process of making steel done in a furnace lined with basic material and under basic slag

moiety (n)

1a : one of two equal parts : HALF b : one of two approximately equal parts ... war, pestilence, and famine had consumed ... the moiety of the human species. —Edward Gibbon 2 : one of the portions into which something is divided : COMPONENT, PART an ether molecule with a benzene moiety 3 : one of two basic complementary tribal subdivisions the pueblo's population is divided into two halves or moieties; the Squash, or Winter People, and the Turquoise, or Summer People —Tom Bahti

transient (adj)

1a : passing especially quickly into and out of existence : TRANSITORY transient beauty b : passing through or by a place with only a brief stay or sojourn transient visitors 2 : affecting something or producing results beyond itself

effective (adj)

1a : producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect an effective policy b : IMPRESSIVE, STRIKING a gold lamé fabric studded with effective ... precious stones —Stanley Marcus 2 : being in effect : OPERATIVE the tax becomes effective next year 3 : ACTUAL the need to increase effective demand for goods 4 : ready for service or action effective manpower 5 of a rate of interest : equal to the rate of simple interest that yields the same amount when the interest is paid once at the end of the interest period as a quoted rate of interest does when calculated at compound interest over the same period — compare NOMINAL sense 4

moiling (adj)

1a : requiring hard work b : INDUSTRIOUS 2 : violently agitated : TURBULENT

clever (adj)

1a : skillful or adroit in using the hands or body : NIMBLE clever fingers b : mentally quick and resourceful a clever young lawyer 2 : marked by wit or ingenuity a clever solution a clever idea the play's clever dialogue 3 dialect a : GOOD b : easy to use or handle

sleek (adj)

1a : smooth and glossy as if polished sleek dark hair b : having a smooth well-groomed look sleek cattle c : healthy-looking 2 : smooth in speech or manner also : UNCTUOUS 3a : having a prosperous air sleek luxury condominiums b : having trim graceful lines a sleek car c : ELEGANT, STYLISH a sleek wardrobe

slender (adj)

1a : spare in frame or flesh especially : gracefully slight b : small or narrow in circumference or width in proportion to length or height 2 : limited or inadequate in amount or scope : MEAGER people of slender means

wan (adj)

1a : suggestive of poor health : SICKLY, PALLID b : lacking vitality : FEEBLE 2 : DIM, FAINT 3 : LANGUID a wan smile wanner; wannest

himself (pron)

1a : that identical male one —used reflexively, for emphasis, in absolute constructions, and in place of him especially when joined to another object he considers himself lucky he himself did it himself unhappy, he understood the situation a gift to his wife and himself — compare HE entry 1 b —used reflexively when the sex of the antecedent is unspecified everyone must fend for himself 2 : his normal, healthy, or sane condition or self hasn't been himself lately 3 chiefly Ireland and Scotland : a man of consequence especially : the master of the house

reprieve (n)

1a : the act of reprieving : the state of being reprieved b : a formal temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence especially of death 2 : an order or warrant for a temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence 3 : a temporary respite (as from pain or trouble)

rebound (n)

1a : the action of rebounding : RECOIL b : an upward leap or movement : RECOVERY a sharp rebound in prices 2a : a basketball or hockey puck that rebounds b : the act or an instance of gaining possession of a basketball rebound leads the league in rebounds 3 : a reaction to setback, frustration, or crisis on the rebound from an unhappy love affair

water (n)

1a : the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is a major constituent of all living matter and that when pure is an odorless, tasteless, very slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H2O which appears bluish in thick layers, freezes at 0° C and boils at 100° C, has a maximum density at 4° C and a high specific heat, is feebly ionized to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, and is a poor conductor of electricity and a good solvent b : a natural mineral water —usually used in plural 2 : a particular quantity or body of water: such as a(1) waters plural : the water occupying or flowing in a particular bed (2) chiefly British : LAKE, POND b : a quantity or depth of water adequate for some purpose (such as navigation) c waters plural (1) : a band of seawater abutting on the land of a particular sovereignty and under the control of that sovereignty (2) : the sea of a particular part of the earth d : WATER SUPPLY threatened to turn off the water 3 : travel or transportation on water we went by water 4 : the level of water at a particular state of the tide : TIDE 5 : liquid containing or resembling water: such as a(1) : a pharmaceutical or cosmetic preparation made with water (2) : a watery solution of a gaseous or readily volatile substance — compare AMMONIA WATER b archaic : a distilled fluid (as an essence) especially : a distilled alcoholic liquor c : a watery fluid (such as tears, urine, or sap) formed or circulating in a living body d : AMNIOTIC FLUID also : BAG OF WATERS 6a : the degree of clarity and luster of a precious stone b : degree of excellence a scholar of the first water 7 : WATERCOLOR 8a : stock not representing assets of the issuing company and not backed by earning power b : fictitious or exaggerated asset entries that give a stock an unrealistic book value above water : out of difficulty

conscience (n)

1a : the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good She had a guilty conscience. b : a faculty, power, or principle enjoining good acts guided by conscience c : the part of the superego in psychoanalysis that transmits commands and admonitions to the ego 2 : conformity to what one considers to be correct, right, or morally good : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS 3 : sensitive regard for fairness or justice : SCRUPLE a wealthy man with no conscience 4 archaic : CONSCIOUSNESS in all conscience or in conscience : in all fairness She could not in all conscience remain silent.

concentrate (v)

1a : to bring or direct toward a common center or objective : FOCUS concentrate one's efforts The lenses concentrate sunlight. b : to gather into one body, mass, or force Power was concentrated in a few able hands. concentrate the energy of a sound wave c : to accumulate (a toxic substance) in bodily tissues Fish concentrate mercury. 2a : to make less dilute concentrate syrup b : to express or exhibit in condensed form intransitive verb 1 : to draw toward or meet in a common center 2 : GATHER, COLLECT Cuban immigrants who concentrate in Florida 3 : to focus one's powers, efforts, or attention concentrate on a problem Farmers are concentrating on the wheat harvest. concentrated; concentrating

smoulder (v)

1a : to burn sluggishly, without flame, and often with much smoke b : to be consumed by smoldering —often used with out 2 : to exist in a state of suppressed activity hostilities smoldered for years 3 : to show suppressed anger, hate, or jealousy eyes smoldering with hate smoldered or smouldered; smoldering

repress (v)

1a : to check by or as if by pressure : CURB injustice was repressed b : to put down by force : SUBDUE repress a disturbance 2a : to hold in by self-control repressed a laugh b : to prevent the natural or normal expression, activity, or development of repressed her anger 3 : to exclude from consciousness repressed the memory of abuse 4 : to inactivate (a gene or formation of a gene product) by allosteric combination at a DNA binding site intransitive verb : to take repressive action. repressed; repressing; represses

trawl (v)

1a : to fish with a trawl b : to make a search as if by trawling 2 : TROLL sense 1a transitive verb : to catch (fish) with a trawl trawled; trawling; trawls

possess (v)

1a : to have and hold as property : OWN b : to have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill 2a : to seize and take control of : take into one's possession b : to enter into and control firmly : DOMINATE was possessed by demons c : to bring or cause to fall under the influence, domination, or control of some emotional or intellectual response or reaction melancholy possesses her 3a obsolete : to instate as owner b : to make the owner or holder —used in passive construction to indicate simple possession possessed of riches possessed of knowledge and experiencepossessed; possessing; possesses

revise (v)

1a : to look over again in order to correct or improve revise a manuscript b British : to study again : REVIEW 2a : to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of revise a dictionary b : to provide with a new taxonomic arrangement revising the alpine ferns intransitive verb British : REVIEW sense 1revised; revising

exercise (v)

1a : to make effective in action : USE didn't exercise good judgment b : to bring to bear : EXERT exercise influence c : to implement the terms of exercise an option 2a : to use repeatedly in order to strengthen or develop exercise a muscle b : to train by drills and maneuvers exercise troops c : to put through exercises exercise the horses 3a : to engage the attention and effort of b : to cause anxiety, alarm, or indignation in the issues exercising voters this year intransitive verb : to take exercise exercised; exercising

slip (v)

1a : to move with a smooth sliding motion b : to move quietly and cautiously : STEAL c : ELAPSE, PASS 2a(1) : to escape from memory or consciousness (2) : to become uttered through inadvertence b : to pass quickly or easily away : become lost let an opportunity slip 3 : to fall into error or fault : LAPSE 4a : to slide out of place or away from a support or one's grasp b : to slide on or down a slippery surface slip on the stairs c : to flow smoothly 5 : to get speedily into or out of clothing slipped into his coat 6 : to fall off from a standard or accustomed level by degrees : DECLINE 7 : SIDESLIP transitive verb 1 : to cause to move easily and smoothly : SLIDE 2a : to get away from : ELUDE, EVADE slipped his pursuers b : to free oneself from the dog slipped its collar c : to escape from (one's memory or notice) their names slip my mind 3 : SHED, CAST the snake slipped its skin 4 : to put on (a garment) quickly —usually used with on slip on a coat 5a : to let loose from a restraining leash or grasp b : to cause to slip open : RELEASE, UNDO slip a lock c : to let go of d : to disengage from (an anchor) instead of hauling 6a : to insert, place, or pass quietly or secretly b : to give or pay on the sly 7 : SLINK, ABORT 8 : DISLOCATE slipped his shoulder 9 : to transfer (a stitch) from one needle to another without working a stitch 10 : to avoid (a punch) by moving the body or head quickly to one side slipped; slipping

plant (v)

1a : to put or set in the ground for growth plant seeds b : to set or sow with seeds or plants c : IMPLANT 2a : ESTABLISH, INSTITUTE b : COLONIZE, SETTLE c : to place (animals) in a new locality d : to stock with animals 3a : to place in or on the ground b : to place firmly or forcibly planted a hard blow on his chin 4a : CONCEAL b : to covertly place for discovery, publication, or dissemination intransitive verb : to plant something planted; planting; plants

sift (v)

1a : to put through a sieve sift flour b : to separate or separate out by or as if by putting through a sieve 2 : to go through especially to sort out what is useful or valuable sifted the evidence —often used with through sift through a pile of old letters 3 : to scatter by or as if by sifting sift sugar on a cake intransitive verb 1 : to use a sieve 2 : to pass or fall as if through a sieve sifted; sifting; sifts

reconcile (v)

1a : to restore to friendship or harmony reconciled the factions b : SETTLE, RESOLVE reconcile differences 2 : to make consistent or congruous reconcile an ideal with reality 3 : to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant was reconciled to hardship 4a : to check (a financial account) against another for accuracy b : to account for intransitive verb : to become reconciled reconciled; reconciling

tread (v)

1a : to step or walk on or over b : to walk or proceed along : FOLLOW treading a fine line between tradition and innovation 2a : to form by treading : BEAT tread a path b : to execute by stepping or dancing tread a measure 3a : to beat or press with the feet : TRAMPLE b : to subdue or repress as if by trampling : CRUSH 4 : to copulate with —used of a male bird intransitive verb 1 : to move or proceed on or as if on foot must tread lightly 2a : to set foot has gone where others fear to tread b : to put one's foot : STEP carelessly treading on the flowers 3 : COPULATE tread on one's toes : to give offense (as by encroaching on one's rights or feelings) tread water : to keep the body nearly upright in the water and the head above water by a treading motion of the feet usually aided by the hands trod; treaded; trodden; treading

back (v)

1a : to support by material or moral assistance backing a candidate for governor —often used with up back up a friend in a fight b : SUBSTANTIATE —often used with up needs to back up her argument with evidence c : to assume financial responsibility for back a new company d : to provide musical accompaniment for —often used with up a singer backed up by a guitarist 2a : to cause to go back (see BACK entry 2 sense 1a) or in reverse back the car into the garage b : to articulate (a speech sound) with the tongue farther back : to form deeper within the mouth 3a : to furnish with a rear part : to furnish with a back (see BACK entry 1 sense 2) back a skirt with stiff material b : to be at the rear part of : to be at the back (see BACK entry 1 sense 2) of a row of garages back the building backed; backing; backs

sail (v)

1a : to travel on water in a ship b : YACHT 2a : to travel on water by the action of wind upon sails or by other means b : to move or proceed easily, gracefully, nonchalantly, or without resistance sails through all sorts of contradictions —Vicki Hearne the bill sailed through the legislature c : to move through the air the ball sailed over his head 3 : to begin a water voyage sail with the tide transitive verb 1a : to travel on (water) by means of motive power (such as sail) sail the ocean b : to glide through 2 : to direct or manage the motion of sail a ship sail into : to attack vigorously or sharply sailed into me for being late

reel (v)

1a : to turn or move round and round b : to be in a whirl 2 : to behave in a violent disorderly manner 3 : to waver or fall back (as from a blow) 4 : to walk or move unsteadily transitive verb : to cause to reel reeled; reeling; reels

scurrilous (adj)

1a : using or given to coarse language b : vulgar and evil scurrilous imposters who used a religious exterior to rob poor people —Edwin Benson 2 : containing obscenities, abuse, or slander scurrilous accusations

slipshod (adj)

1a : wearing loose shoes or slippers b : down at the heel : SHABBY 2 : CARELESS, SLOVENLY

galaxy (n)

1a often capitalized : MILKY WAY GALAXY —used with the b : any of the very large groups of stars and associated matter that are found throughout the universe 2a : an assemblage of brilliant or notable persons or things a galaxy of artists b : WORLD sense 11 remained galaxies apart on the issue —Newsweek

role (n)

1a(1) : a character assigned or assumed had to take on the role of both father and mother (2) : a socially expected behavior pattern usually determined by an individual's status in a particular society b : a part played by an actor or singer 2 : a function or part performed especially in a particular operation or process played a major role in the negotiations

rigor (n)

1a(1) : harsh inflexibility in opinion, temper, or judgment : SEVERITY The least one might observe is that this muddle of moralism and laxity, extreme rigor and casual permissiveness, arduous altruism and nonchalant selfishness, has consequences. — Peter Berkowitz (2) : the quality of being unyielding or inflexible : STRICTNESS Their abandonment of this terminology is part of an effort to soften the rigor of some of the rigid consequences thought to flow from the mechanical application of this dichotomy. — John D. Calamari and Joseph M. Perillo (3) : severity of life : AUSTERITY ... a moral rigor and growth that might help this country. — Stanley Kauffmann b : an act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty ... the humanist must recognize the normality, the practical necessity of the very rigors he is trying to soften and correct. — Hermann J. Muller 2 : a tremor caused by a chill This young woman presented at the hospital with severe abdominal pain and signs of infection, including fever, rigor, and leukocytosis. — Robert E. Scully et al. 3 : a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable especially : extremity of cold the rigors of a New England winter 4 : strict precision : EXACTNESS logical rigor Tentatively one might suggest that what characterizes science is the rigor of its methodology ... — Ernst Mayr 5a obsolete : RIGIDITY, STIFFNESS b : rigidness or torpor of organs or tissue that prevents response to stimuli c : RIGOR MORTIS A fish has its best flavor and texture when cooked while just coming out of rigor. — Jane Daniels Lear

extinguish (v)

1a(1) : to bring to an end : make an end of hope for their safety was slowly extinguished (2) : to reduce to silence or ineffectiveness b : to cause to cease burning : QUENCH c : to cause extinction of (a conditioned response) d : to dim the brightness of : ECLIPSE 2a : to cause to be void : NULLIFY extinguish a claim b : to get rid of usually by payment extinguish a debt extinguished; extinguishing; extinguishes

existentialism (n)

: a chiefly 20th century philosophical movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for acts of free will without any certain knowledge of what is right or wrong or good or bad

bon mot (n)

: a clever remark : WITTICISM his bons mots were being repeated ... from coast to coast — W. J. Fisher

pissing contest (n)

: a competition between rivals to determine superiority, predominance, or leadership — called also pissing match

practicum (n)

: a course of study designed especially for the preparation of teachers and clinicians that involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory

war dance (n)

: a dance performed (as by American Indians) in preparation for battle or in celebration of victory

Persephone (n)

: a daughter of Zeus and Demeter abducted by Pluto to reign with him over the underworld

waterloo (n)

: a decisive or final defeat or setback a political waterloo

self-immolation (n)

: a deliberate and willing sacrifice of oneself often by fire

position effect (n)

: a genetic effect in which the expression of a gene is influenced by its interaction with usually adjacent genes and which is modified when the spatial relationships of the genes change (as by translocation)

veldt (n)

: a grassland especially of southern Africa usually with scattered shrubs or trees

Wayland (n)

: a heroic smith of Germanic legend

posthole (n)

: a hole dug for a post

Sisyphus (n)

: a legendary king of Corinth condemned eternally to repeatedly roll a heavy rock up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again as it nears the top

preseason (n)

: a period of time immediately preceding a season tourists who visit during the preseason especially : a training period preceding a sport's regular season in which teams compete in unofficial games The preseason starts in two weeks. performed well in (the) preseason Quarterback John Friesz was lost for the year in the preseason to knee surgery. — Paul Zimmerman Dennis Rodman's mysterious boycott finally ended on Monday when he arrived for practice for the first time since the start of preseason. — Jack McCallum

vagabond (n)

: a person who wanders from place to place without a fixed home : one leading a vagabond life especially : VAGRANT, TRAMP

Sodom (n)

: a place notorious for vice or corruption

point of view (phrase)

: a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated : STANDPOINT

preinterview (n)

: a preliminary meeting or conversation occurring prior to an interview Sitting in my house while on the phone doing my preinterview ... I had what most people would call a breakdown. — Jenny McCarthy In the pre-interview, I would always outline exactly what I wanted to talk about and prepare carefully. — Bob Newhart

resurgence (n)

: a rising again into life, activity, or prominence a resurgence of interest

sob story (n)

: a sentimental story or account intended chiefly to evoke sympathy or sadness

shouting distance (n)

: a short distance : easy reach —usually used with within lived within shouting distance of her cousins

Freudian slip (n)

: a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind

skosh (n)

: a small amount : BIT, SMIDGEN —used adverbially with a just a skosh bit shook — Josiah Bunting

slough of despond (phrase)

: a state of extreme depression

hippie (n)

: a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person

Holy Roman Empire (n)

: an empire consisting primarily of a loose confederation of German and Italian territories under the suzerainty of an emperor and existing from the 9th or 10th century to 1806

slaughterhouse (n)

: an establishment where animals are butchered

philosopher's stone (n)

: an imaginary stone, substance, or chemical preparation believed to have the power of transmuting baser metals into gold and sought by alchemists broadly : an elusive or imaginary key to success — called also philosophers' stone

dachshund (n)

: any of a breed of long-bodied, short-legged dogs of German origin that occur in short-haired, long-haired, and wirehaired varieties

velociraptor (n)

: any of a genus (Velociraptor) of theropod dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous having a long head with a flat snout and a large sickle-shaped claw on the second toe of each foot

self-proclaimed (adj)

: based on one's own assertion a self-proclaimed genius

goofy (adj)

: being crazy, ridiculous, or mildly ludicrous : SILLY a goofy sense of humor that hat looks goofy

poltroon (adj)

: characterized by complete cowardice

biocentric (adj)

: considering all forms of life as having intrinsic value biocentrism

HIV (n)

: either of two retroviruses that infect and destroy helper T cells of the immune system causing the marked reduction in their numbers that is diagnostic of AIDS — called also AIDS virus, human immunodeficiency virus — compare HIV-1, HIV-2

premeet (adj)

: of, occurring in, or done in the time preceding a meet a premeet warm-up/ritual the coach's premeet pep talk A premeet favorite also prevailed in the girls' individual competition ... — Ben DeJarnette He had a premeet best of 54.59 seconds ... — David Woods

auditory (adj)

: of, relating to, or experienced through hearing auditory stimuli

sloven (n)

: one habitually negligent of neatness or cleanliness especially in personal appearance

giver (n)

: one that gives : DONOR [a giver of unwanted advice]

toddler (n)

: one that toddles especially : a young child

expert (n)

: one with the special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject

extraterrestrial (adj)

: originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere extraterrestrial life

semiempirical (adj)

: partly empirical especially : involving assumptions, approximations, or generalizations designed to simplify calculation or to yield a result in accord with observation

telesis (n)

: progress that is intelligently planned and directed : the attainment of desired ends by the application of intelligent human effort to the means

phallocratic (adj)

: relating to, resulting from, or advocating masculine power and dominance

toe-to-toe (adj or adv)

: slugging it out at or as if at close range a toe-to-toe confrontation over the new policy

small stuff (n)

: small rope (such as spun yarn or marline) usually identified by the number of threads or yarns which it contains

sine qua non (n)

: something absolutely indispensable or essential reliability is a sine qua non for success

common sense (n)

: sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts She's very smart but doesn't have a lot of common sense. rely on common sense for personal safety

socko (adj)

: strikingly impressive, effective, or successful : OUTSTANDING a socko performance

cliometrics (n)

: the application of methods developed in other fields (such as economics, statistics, and data processing) to the study of history

versatility (n)

: the quality or state of being versatile a writer of great versatility

polyrhythm (n)

: the simultaneous combination of contrasting rhythms in music

riches (n)

: things that make one rich : WEALTH

pioneer (v)

: to act as a pioneer pioneered in the development of airplanes transitive verb 1 : to open or prepare for others to follow also : SETTLE 2 : to originate or take part in the development of pioneered; pioneering; pioneers

transmigrate (v)

: to cause to go from one state of existence or place to another intransitive verb 1 of the soul : to pass at death from one body or being to another 2 : MIGRATE transmigrated; ing; es

reconsider (v)

: to consider again especially with a view to changing or reversing intransitive verb : to consider something again reconsidered; reconsidering; reconsiders

horse around (v)

: to engage in horseplay horse around together, joking and laughing and pushing each other — D. K. Shipler also : FOOL AROUND sense 1

preconceive (v)

: to form (an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience preconceived notions preconceived; preconceiving; preconceives

reshape (v)

: to give a new form or orientation to : REORGANIZE reshaped; reshaping; reshapes

rejoice (v)

: to give joy to : GLADDEN intransitive verb : to feel joy or great delight rejoice in : HAVE, POSSESS rejoiced; rejoicing

hobble (v)

: to move along unsteadily or with difficulty especially : to limp along transitive verb 1 : to cause to limp : make lame : CRIPPLE 2 [ probably alteration of hopple to hobble ] a : to fasten together the legs of (an animal, such as a horse) to prevent straying : FETTER b : to place under handicap : HAMPER, IMPEDE

venture (n)

: to proceed especially in the face of danger transitive verb 1 : to expose to hazard : RISK, GAMBLE ventured a buck or two on the race 2 : to undertake the risks and dangers of : BRAVE ventured the stormy sea 3 : to offer at the risk of rebuff, rejection, or censure venture an opinion ventured; venturing

plateau (v)

: to reach a level, period, or condition of stability or maximum attainment plateaued; plateauing; plateaus

redesign (v)

: to revise in appearance, function, or content redesigned; redesigning; redesigns

placate (v)

: to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : APPEASE placated; placating

port (v)

: to translate (software) into a version for another computer or operating system ported; porting; ports

revisit (v)

: to visit again : return to revisit the old neighborhood also : to consider or take up again reluctant to revisit past disputes revisited; revisiting; revisits

vast (adj)

: very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range vast knowledge a vast expanse

vasodilation (n)

: widening of the lumen of blood vessels

mala fide (adv or adj)

: with or in bad faith claimed the government acted mala fide

sine die (adv)

: without any future date being designated (as for resumption) : INDEFINITELY the meeting adjourned sine die

vers de sociéte (n)

: witty and typically ironic light verse

Gordian knot (n)

Cutting the Gordian knot. 1 : an intricate problem; especially : a problem insoluble in its own terms —often used in the phrase cut the Gordian knot 2 : a knot tied by Gordius, king of Phrygia, held to be capable of being untied only by the future ruler of Asia, and cut by Alexander the Great with his sword

Garden of Eden (n)


hooligan (n)


beget (v)

____ begets ____. 1 : to procreate as the father : sire He died without begetting an heir. 2 : to produce especially as an effect or outgrowth Violence only begets more violence.

antithesis (n)

____ is the antithesis of. plural antitheses 1 a : the direct opposite Her temperament is the very antithesis of mine. b (1) : the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences (as in action, not words or they promised freedom and provided slavery) (2) : opposition, contrast the antithesis of prose and verse c : the second of two opposing words, clauses, or sentences that are being rhetorically contrasted 2 philosophy : the second stage of a dialectical process

Gaussian (adj)

a Gaussian Blur. being or having the shape of a normal curve or a normal distribution

aikido (n)

a Japanese art of self-defense employing locks and holds and utilizing the principle of nonresistance to cause an opponent's own momentum to work against him

perfectionism (n)

a bit of a perfectionist. 1 a : the doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a person's highest good b : the theological doctrine that a state of freedom from sin is attainable on earth 2 : a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable — perfectionist noun or adjective — perfectionistic

fighting chance (n)

a chance that may be realized by a struggle the patient had a fighting chance to live

sarcoidosis (n)

a chronic disease of unknown cause that is characterized by the formation of nodules especially in the lymph nodes, lungs, bones, and skin

classy (adj)

a classy move. classier; classiest : having or showing class: such as a : elegant, stylish a classy clientele a classy hotel b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior a classy guy a classy gesture c : admirably skillful and graceful a classy outfielder — classiness noun

aim (n)

a clear aim. 1a : the pointing of a weapon at a mark She took careful aim. b : the ability to hit a target a shooter with good aim c : a weapon's accuracy or effectiveness The gun's aim is off. 2 : a clearly directed intent or purpose Our aim is to win. 3 obsolete a : CONJECTURE, GUESS b : the directing of effort toward a goal 4 obsolete : MARK, TARGET

commanding (adj)

a commanding presence. 1 : drawing attention or priority a commanding presence 2 : difficult to overcome a commanding lead

inclusive disjunction (n)

a complex sentence in logic that is true when either or both of its constituent propositions are true — see truth table

inflection point (n)

a crucial inflection point. : a point on a curve that separates an arc concave upward from one concave downward and vice versa

hippocampus (n)

a curved elongated ridge that extends over the floor of the descending horn of each lateral ventricle of the brain, that consists of gray matter covered on the ventricular surface with white matter, and that is involved in forming, storing, and processing memory — hippocampal

deafening (adj)

a deafening roar. 1 : that deafens 2 : very loud : EARSPLITTING fell with a deafening clap 3 : very noticeable their silence on the issue was deafening

deceitful (adj)

a deceitful proposal. having a tendency or disposition to deceive or give false impressions: a : not honest a deceitful child left her deceitful husband b : deceptive, misleading deceitful advertising — deceitfully play \-fə-lē\ adverb — deceitfulness noun

driven (adj)

a driven individual. 1 : having a compulsive or urgent quality a driven sense of obligation 2 : propelled or motivated by something —used in combination results-driven — drivenness

fair-weather (adj)

a fair-weather friend. 1 : loyal only during a time of success a fair-weather friend 2 : suitable for or done during fair weather a fair-weather sail

farouche (adj)

a farouche teenager. 1 : wild 2 : marked by shyness and lack of social graces

festive (adj)

a festive mood. 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for a feast or festival a festive occasion The house looks festive during the holidays. 2 : joyful, gay a festive mood — festively adverb — festiveness noun

finite (adj)

a finite amount (of resources). 1 a : having definite or definable limits a finite number of possibilities b : having a limited nature or existence finite beings 2 : completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought the finite velocity of light 3 a : less than an arbitrary positive integer and greater than the negative of that integer b : having a finite number of elements a finite set 4 : of, relating to, or being a verb or verb form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number) finite verbs such as is and are — finite noun — finitely adverb — finiteness noun

flimsy (adj)

a flimsy argument. flimsier; flimsiest 1 a : lacking in physical strength or substance flimsy silks wore a flimsy dress b : of inferior materials and workmanship flimsy construction 2 : having little worth or plausibility a flimsy excuse a movie with a flimsy plot — flimsily play \ˈflim-zə-lē\ adverb — flimsiness

formidable (adj)

a formidable opponent. 1 : causing fear, dread, or apprehension a formidable prospect 2 : having qualities that discourage approach or attack a formidable opponent 3 : tending to inspire awe or wonder : impressive a formidable accomplishment — formidability play \ˌfȯr-mə-də-ˈbi-lə-tē; fȯr-ˌmi-, fər-ˌmi-\ noun — formidableness play \ˈfȯr-mə-də-bəl-nəs; fȯr-ˈmi-, fər-ˈmi-\ noun — formidably

ghostly (adj)

a ghostly expression. 1 : of or relating to the soul : SPIRITUAL 2 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a ghost : SPECTRAL

gigantic (adj)

a gigantic impact. exceeding the usual or expected (as in size, force, or prominence) — gigantically

gloomy (adj)

a gloomy outcome. 1a : partially or totally dark especially : dismally and depressingly dark gloomy weather b : having a frowning or scowling appearance : FORBIDDING a gloomy countenance c : low in spirits : MELANCHOLY 2a : causing gloom : DEPRESSING a gloomy story a gloomy landscape b : lacking in promise or hopefulness : PESSIMISTIC gloomy prophecies a gloomy future

gnarly (adj)

a gnarly cut. 1 : GNARLED gnarly branches 2 slang a : DIFFICULT, HAIRY skidded around gnarly hairpin turns —Austin Murphy b : BAD, NASTY has some pretty gnarly karma coming —Drew Barrymore c : COOL, GOOD some gnarly guitar playing

gourmet (n)

a gourmet meal. a connoisseur of food and drink; broadly : connoisseur 2 a film gourmet

rank and file (n)

a rank and file democrat. 1 : the enlisted personnel of an armed force 2 : the individuals who constitute the body of an organization, society, or nation as distinguished from the leaders — rank-and-file play \ˌraŋk-ᵊn-ˈfī(-ə)l\ adjective — rank and filer

guest (n)

a graceous guest. 1 a : a person entertained in one's house b : a person to whom hospitality is extended c : a person who pays for the services of an establishment (such as a hotel or restaurant) 2 : an organism (such as an insect) sharing the dwelling of another; especially : inquiline 3 : a substance that is incorporated in a host substance 4 : a usually prominent person not a regular member of a cast or organization who appears in a program or performance

gracious (adj)

a gracious host. 1a obsolete : GODLY b archaic : PLEASING, ACCEPTABLE 2a : marked by kindness and courtesy a gracious host b : GRACEFUL c : marked by tact and delicacy : URBANE d : characterized by charm, good taste, generosity of spirit, and the tasteful leisure of wealth and good breeding gracious living 3 : MERCIFUL, COMPASSIONATE —used conventionally of royalty and high nobility my gracious lord, the Duke of Windsor

guilty (adj)

a guilty smile. guiltier; guiltiest 1 : justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime Does the defendant plead guilty or not guilty? 2 obsolete : justly liable to or deserving of a penalty 3 a : suggesting or involving guilt The children exchanged guilty looks. b : aware of or suffering from guilt guilty consciences — guiltily play \ˈgil-tə-lē\ adverb — guiltiness

guinea pig (n)

a guinea pig for... 1 : a small stout-bodied short-eared tailless domesticated rodent (Cavia porcellus) of South American origin often kept as a pet and widely used in biological research — called also cavy 2 : a subject of research, experimentation, or testing [He volunteered to act as a guinea pig in the experiment]

gynecocracy (n)

a gynecocratic cultural revolution. plural gynecocracies usually disparaging : political supremacy of women — gynecocratic

hack (adj)

a hack job. 1 : working for hire especially with mediocre professional standards a hack journalist 2 : performed by or suited to a person who works or writes purely for the purpose of earning money : characteristic of a hack : MEDIOCRE hack writing 3 : HACKNEYED, TRITE hack dramatic scenes

hair-trigger (adj)

a hair-trigger temper. 1 : immediately responsive to the slightest stimulus a hair-trigger temper 2 : delicately adjusted or easily disrupted

half-assed (adj)

a half-assed attempt. 1 slang, often vulgar : lacking significance, adequacy, or completeness 2 slang, often vulgar : lacking intelligence, character, or effectiveness — half-assed adverb, slang, often vulgar

half-baked (adj)

a half-baked plan. 1a : poorly developed or carried out a half-baked idea half-baked research b : lacking adequate planning or forethought a half-baked scheme for getting rich c : lacking in judgment, intelligence, or common sense 2 : imperfectly baked : UNDERDONE

hard-hitting (adj)

a hard-hitting truth. strikingly effective in force or result a hard-hitting exposé plain hard-hitting English

hereditary (adj)

a hereditary trait. 1 a biology : genetically transmitted or transmittable from parent to offspring The disease is hereditary. b : characteristic of or fostered by one's predecessors a hereditary feud 2 a : received or passing by inheritance or required to pass by inheritance or by reason of birth hereditary wealth b : having title (see 1title 4a) or possession through inheritance or by reason of birth hereditary nobility 3 : of a kind established by tradition hereditary enemies 4 : of or relating to inheritance or heredity unless he had the hereditary dispositions which he has, he would not behave the way he does —Arthur Pap — hereditarily adverb

heroic (adj)

a heroic act. 1 : of or relating to courageous people or the mythological or legendary figures of antiquity : of, relating to, resembling, or suggesting heroes especially of antiquity heroic legends the heroic age 2 a : exhibiting or marked by courage and daring It was a heroic decision. b : supremely noble or self-sacrificing a heroic gesture received medals for their heroic actions 3 a : of impressive size, power, extent, or effect a heroic voice b (1) : of great intensity : extreme heroic effort (2) : of a kind that is likely only to be undertaken to save a life heroic surgery 4 : of, relating to, or constituting drama written during the Restoration in heroic couplets and concerned with a conflict between love and honor — heroically adverb

hideous (adj)

a hideous exterior. 1 : offensive to the senses and especially to sight : exceedingly ugly hideous furniture The dress looked hideous on her. 2 : morally offensive : shocking a hideous crime — hideosity noun — hideously adverb — hideousness noun

hold out (n)

a hold out. : one that holds out (as in negotiations) also : an instance of holding out

holistic (adj)

a holistic approach. 1 : of or relating to holism 2 : relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body holistic ecology views humans and the environment as a single system — holistically

hot button (n)

a hot button issue/topic. an emotional and usually controversial issue or concern that triggers immediate intense reaction

abode (n)

a humble abode. 1 : the place where one lives : home were reluctant to leave their lifelong abode Welcome to my humble abode. 2 : a temporary stay : sojourn ... if any such dares to continue his abode in a family where his coming was an unauthorized intrusion ... —Walter Scott 3 obsolete : wait, delay

Lancelot (n)

a knight of the Round Table and lover of Queen Guinevere

manipulate (v)

a manipulative personality. manipulated; manipulating transitive verb 1 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner manipulate a pencil manipulate a machine 2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully quantify our data and manipulate it statistically —S. L. Payne b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage being used and manipulated by the knowing men around him —New Republic 3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose : doctor suspected that the police reports were manipulated —Evelyn G. Cruickshanks — manipulatable adjective — manipulation noun — manipulative adjective — manipulatively adverb — manipulativeness noun — manipulator noun — manipulatory

many-sided (adj)

a many-sided issue. 1 : having many sides or aspects 2 : having many interests or aptitudes — many-sidedness noun

marathon (n)

a marathon, not a sprint. 1 : a footrace run on an open course usually of 26 miles 385 yards (42.2 kilometers); broadly : a long-distance race 2 a : an endurance contest b : something (such as an event, activity, or session) characterized by great length or concentrated effort

life-and-death (phrase)

a matter of life-and-death. involving or culminating in life or death : vitally important as if involving life or death

maze (n)

a maze of... 1 a : a confusing intricate network of passages b : something confusingly elaborate or complicated a maze of regulations 2 chiefly dialectal : a state of bewilderment — mazelike

minor (adj)

a minor inconvenience. 1 : inferior in importance, size, or degree : comparatively unimportant a minor artist 2 : not having reached majority (see MAJORITY sense 2) He is the father of minor children. 3a : having half steps between the second and third, the fifth and sixth, and sometimes the seventh and eighth degrees minor scale b : based on a minor scale minor key c : less by a semitone than the corresponding major interval minor third d : having a minor third above the root minor triad 4 : not serious or involving risk to life minor illness 5 : of or relating to an academic subject requiring fewer courses than a major his minor subjects for his M.A. were plant ecology and entomology —Current Biography

silence (n)

a moment of silence. 1 : forbearance from speech or noise : MUTENESS —often used interjectionally 2 : absence of sound or noise : STILLNESS in the silence of the night 3 : absence of mention: a : OBLIVION, OBSCURITY b : SECRECY weapons research was conducted in silence 4 genetics : to block the genetic expression of RNA interference is a natural phenomenon. When a cell senses a double strand of RNA, it acts to silence any genes with the corresponding sequence of bases. —Andrew Pollack

hill (n)

a mountain out of a molehill. 1 : a usually rounded natural elevation of land lower than a mountain 2 : an artificial heap or mound (as of earth) 3 : several seeds or plants planted in a group rather than a row 4 : slope, incline

mantra (n)

a mystical formula of invocation (see invocation 2) or incantation (as in Hinduism); also : watchword 2 diversity has become our multicultural mantra —Manning Marable — mantric

nauseating (adj)

a nauseating experience. causing nausea or especially disgust — nauseatingly adverb

ravenous (adj)

a ravenous appetite. 1 : rapacious ravenous wolves 2 : very eager or greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification a ravenous appetite — ravenously adverb — ravenousness noun

nervous (adj)

a nervous wreck. 1 archaic : SINEWY, STRONG 2 : marked by strength of thought, feeling, or style : SPIRITED a vibrant tight-packed nervous style of writing 3 : of, relating to, or composed of neurons 4a : of or relating to the nerves also : originating in or affected by the nerves nervous energy a nervous twitch b : easily excited or irritated : JUMPY ... so nervous that he had to be escorted outside court to vomit ... —Kevin Johnson and Andrea Stone c : TIMID, APPREHENSIVE a nervous smile nervous of strangers 5a : tending to produce nervousness or agitation : UNEASY a nervous situation His face was twisted in nervous anticipation. —Dagoberto Gilb b : appearing or acting unsteady, erratic, or irregular —used of inanimate things ... climbed carefully into his nervous kayak ... —Farley Mowat

neutral (adj)

a neutral position on... 1 : not engaged on either side; specifically : not aligned with a political or ideological grouping a neutral nation 2 : of or relating to a neutral state or power neutral territory 3 a : not decided or pronounced as to characteristics : indifferent b (1) : achromatic (2) : nearly achromatic c (1) : neuter 3 (2) : lacking stamens or pistils d : neither acid nor basic e : not electrically charged 4 : produced with the tongue in the position it has when at rest the neutral vowels of \ə-ˈbəv\ above — neutrally adverb — neutralness noun

lease (n)

a new lease on life. 1 : a contract by which one conveys real estate, equipment, or facilities for a specified term and for a specified rent took out a five-year lease on the house; also : the act of such conveyance or the term for which it is made 2 : a piece of land or property that is leased 3 : a continuance or opportunity for continuance a new lease on life

nightmare (n)

a nightmare scenario. 1 : an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep 2 : a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper 3 : something (such as an experience, situation, or object) having the monstrous character of a nightmare or producing a feeling of anxiety or terror — nightmare adjective — nightmarish play \ˈnīt-ˌmer-ish\ adjective — nightmarishly adverb

bungalow (n)

a one-storied house with a low-pitched roof; also : a house having one and a half stories and usually a front porch

painstaking (adj)

a painstaking process. taking pains : expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort painstaking research painstaking tasks painstaking accuracy — painstakingly

fragment (v)

a part broken off, detached, or incomplete The dish lay in fragments on the floor.

partner (n)

a partner in crime/joy. 1 archaic : one that shares : partaker 2 a : one associated with another especially in an action : associate, colleague our military partners throughout the world b : either of two persons who dance together c : one of two or more persons who play together in a game against an opposing side partners in card games d : a person with whom one shares an intimate relationship : one member of a couple Evan and his partner are going on a Caribbean cruise. 3 : a member of a partnership especially in a business partners in a law firm; also : such membership 4 : one of the heavy timbers that strengthen a ship's deck to support a mast —usually used in plural — partnerless

glance (n)

a passing glance at... 1 a : a quick intermittent flash or gleam b archaic : a sudden quick movement 2 a archaic : a rapid oblique movement b : a deflected impact or blow 3 a : a swift movement of the eyes b : a quick or cursory look was good at sizing people up at a glance 4 archaic a : a brief satirical reference to something : gibe b : allusion — at first glance : on first consideration at first glance the subject seems harmless enough

passion (n)

a passion for... 1 often capitalized a : the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death b : an oratorio based on a gospel narrative of the Passion Bach's St. Matthew Passion 2 obsolete : suffering 3 : the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces moldable and not moldable ... and many other passions of matter —Francis Bacon 4 a (1) : emotion his ruling passion is greed (2) passions plural : the emotions as distinguished from reason a study of the passions b : intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction with enough passion to make a great poet —W. B. Yeats c : an outbreak of anger a crime of passion 5 a : ardent affection : love He had never felt such passion for any woman but her. b : a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept a passion for chess a passion for opera c : sexual desire a look of passion in her face d : an object of desire or deep interest

penetrating (adj)

a penetrating gaze. 1 : having the power of entering, piercing, or pervading a penetrating shriek 2 : acute, discerning penetrating insights into life — penetratingly

pensive (adj)

a pensive expression. 1 : musingly or dreamily thoughtful a pensive young poet 2 : suggestive of sad thoughtfulness her face had the pensive mournfulness of a seraph in an old sad painting —Herman Wouk — pensively adverb — pensiveness noun

forgotten man (n)

a person or category of persons that receives less attention than is merited

inflection point (n)

a point on a curve that separates an arc concave upward from one concave downward and vice versa

loophole (n)

a political loophole. 1 a : a small opening through which small arms may be fired b : a similar opening to admit light and air or to permit observation 2 : a means of escape; especially : an ambiguity or omission in the text through which the intent of a statute, contract, or obligation may be evaded

sea (n)

a sea of possibilities. 1a : a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth broadly : the waters of the earth as distinguished from the land and air b : a body of salt water of second rank more or less landlocked the Mediterranean sea c : OCEAN d : an inland body of water —used especially for names of such bodies the Caspian Sea 2a : surface motion on a large body of water or its direction also : a large swell or wave —often used in plural heavy seas b : the disturbance of the ocean or other body of water due to the wind 3 : something likened to the sea especially in vastness a sea of faces 4 : the seafaring life 5 : MARE entry 2 at sea 1 : on the sea specifically : on a sea voyage 2 : LOST, BEWILDERED to sea : to or on the open waters of the sea

season (v)

a seasoned veteran. 1a : to give (food) more flavor or zest by adding seasoning or savory ingredients b : to give a distinctive quality to as if by seasoning especially : to make more agreeable advice seasoned with wit c archaic : to qualify by admixture : TEMPER 2a : to treat (something, such as wood or a skillet) so as to prepare for use b : to make fit by experience a seasoned veteran intransitive verb : to become seasoned

serial (adj)

a serial dater. 1 : of, relating to, consisting of, or arranged in a series, rank, or row serial order 2 : appearing in successive parts or numbers a serial story 3 : belonging to a series maturing periodically rather than on a single date serial bonds 4 : of, relating to, or being music based on a series of tones in a chosen pattern without regard for traditional tonality 5a : performing a series of similar acts over a period of time a serial killer b : occurring in or involving such a series a serial murder 6 : relating to or being a connection in a computer system in which the bits of a byte are transmitted sequentially over a single wire — compare PARALLEL

kiss of death (phrase)

a small oversight can sometimes become a kiss of death. something (such as an act or association) ultimately causing ruin The movie has a G rating, which is almost a kiss of death. Last year, fewer than 2% of new films were rated G, and nearly all of those were animated. —Sports Illustrated —usually used with the Not long ago, when I proposed to my agent that she champion a book of mine as a work of literature instead of trying to present it as a Sixties memoir, she told me, with a rueful laugh, that in publishing circles nowadays the L word is the kiss of death. —Joel Agee ... a faraway region whose populations are so deeply anti-Western that any government cooperation with America can be the kiss of death ... —Alan Tonelson

sample (n)

a small sample of... 1 : a representative part or a single item from a larger whole or group especially when presented for inspection or shown as evidence of quality : SPECIMEN 2 : a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole 3 : an excerpt from a recording (such as a popular song by another performer) that is used in a musical composition, recording, or performance ... had to substantially rewrite Sometimes I Miss You ... when he was denied permission to use a Michael Jackson sample ... —Jon Young

gradient (n)

a smooth gradient. 1a : the rate of regular or graded (see GRADE entry 2 sense transitive 2) ascent or descent : INCLINATION b : a part sloping upward or downward 2 : change in the value of a quantity (such as temperature, pressure, or concentration) with change in a given variable and especially per unit distance in a specified direction 3 : the vector sum of the partial derivatives with respect to the three coordinate variables x, y, and z of a scalar quantity whose value varies from point to point 4 : a graded difference in physiological activity along an axis (as of the body or an embryonic field)

faux pas (n)

a social faux pax. plural faux pas play \ˈfō-ˌpä(z), fō-ˈpä(z)\ : blunder Long, hot soaks in winter are a classic faux pas, since exposure to extreme heat after having been in the cold can cause small visible blood vessels to appear at the skin's surface. —Elle especially : a social blunder ... when I sauntered into the main dining room for my first breakfast, I realized I was the only person showing his legs. Careless faux pas, or was I being overly sensitive to the local culture? —David Swanson Campaigning last year seemed to convince her that she can venture out alone without making costly faux pas. —Time Magazine It was not until I'd covered about fifty kilometers that I committed my most terrible social faux pas yet: I overtook another cyclist. —Polly Evans

home (n)

a taste of home. 1a : one's place of residence : DOMICILE has been away from home for two weeks a place to call home b : HOUSE several homes for sale in the area 2 : the social unit formed by a family living together trying to make a good home for her children comes from a broken home 3a : a familiar or usual setting : congenial environment also : the focus of one's domestic attention home is where the heart is b : HABITAT the home of the kangaroo The island is home to many species of birds. 4a : a place of origin salmon returning to their home to spawn also : one's own country having troubles at home and abroad b : HEADQUARTERS sense 2 home of the dance company 5 : an establishment providing residence and care for people with special needs homes for the elderly 6 : the objective in various games especially : HOME PLATE at home 1 : relaxed and comfortable : at ease felt completely at home on the stage 2 : in harmony with the surroundings 3 : on familiar ground : KNOWLEDGEABLE teachers at home in their subject fields

thankless (adj)

a thankess job. 1 : not likely to obtain thanks : UNAPPRECIATED a thankless task 2 : not expressing or feeling gratitude : UNGRATEFUL how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child —William Shakespeare

Godel's theorem (n)

a theorem in advanced logic: in any logical system as complex as or more complex than the arithmetic of the integers there can always be found either a statement which can be shown to be both true and false or a statement whose truth or falsity cannot be deduced from other statements in the system — called also Godel's incompleteness theorem

time bomb (n)

a ticking time bomb 1 : a bomb so made as to explode at a predetermined time 2 : something with a potentially dangerous or detrimental delayed reaction

toxic (adj)

a toxic relationship. 1 : containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation toxic waste a toxic radioactive gas an insecticide highly toxic to birds 2 : exhibiting symptoms of infection or toxicosis the patient became toxic two days later 3 : extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful toxic sarcasm 4 : relating to or being an asset that has lost so much value that it cannot be sold on the market

ordinary-language philosophy (n)

a trend in philosophical analysis that seeks to resolve philosophical perplexity by revealing sources of puzzlement in the misunderstanding of ordinary language

metric (n)

a useful metric. 1 metrics plural : a part of prosody that deals with metrical (see metrical 1) structure the analytical study of metric —T. S. Eliot 2 : a standard of measurement no metric exists that can be applied directly to happiness —Scientific Monthly 3 : a mathematical function that associates a real nonnegative number analogous to distance with each pair of elements in a set such that the number is zero only if the two elements are identical, the number is the same regardless of the order in which the two elements are taken, and the number associated with one pair of elements plus that associated with one member of the pair and a third element is equal to or greater than the number associated with the other member of the pair and the third element

grin (v)

a wide grin. grinned; grinning intransitive verb : to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth especially in amusement or laughter; broadly : smile grinning from ear to ear — grinner noun — grinningly adverb

formula (n)

a winning formula. plural formulas or formulae play \ˈfȯr-myə-ˌlē, -ˌlī\ 1 a : a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual b : a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action 2 a (1) : recipe The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal. (2) : prescription b : a milk mixture or substitute for feeding an infant 3 a : a general fact, rule, or principle expressed in usually mathematical symbols b : a symbolic expression of the chemical composition or constitution of a substance c : a group of symbols (such as letters and numbers) associated to express facts or data (such as the number and kinds of teeth in the jaw) concisely d : a combination of signs in a logical calculus 4 : a customary or set form or method allowing little room for originality All her books were written according to a familiar formula. — formulaic play \ˌfȯr-myə-ˈlā-ik\ adjective — formulaically

flux (n)

a(n) (in)flux of..; in flux 1 : a flowing of fluid from the body: such as a : diarrhea b : dysentery 2 : a continuous moving on or passing by (as of a stream) 3 : a continued flow : flood a flux of words 4 a : influx b : change, fluctuation in a state of flux the flux following the death of the emperor 5 : a substance used to promote fusion (as of metals or minerals); especially : one (such as rosin) applied to surfaces to be joined by soldering, brazing, or welding to clean and free them from oxide and promote their union 6 : the rate of transfer of fluid, particles, or energy across a given surface

abide (v)

abiding by the rules. abided also abode play \-ˈbōd\; abiding transitive verb 1 a : to bear patiently : tolerate cannot abide such bigots b : to endure without yielding : withstand abide the onrush of the enemy 2 : to wait for : await I will abide the coming of my lord. —Alfred Tennyson 3 : to accept without objection will abide your decision intransitive verb 1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state a love that abided with him all his days 2 : to continue in a place : sojourn will abide in the house of the Lord — abider noun — abide by 1 : to conform to abide by the rules 2 : to accept without objection : to acquiesce in will abide by your decision

absolutely (adv)

absoltuely no pressure. 1 : in an absolute manner: such as a : completely or totally absolutely certain an absolutely clear explanation —often used as an intensive an absolutely brilliant performancean absolutely awful experienceYou're absolutely right. b : with unlimited power ruling absolutely 2 a —used in speech as a forceful way of saying yes or of expressing agreement Would you like to see a movie tonight? Absolutely!We all need to work harder. Absolutely! b —used in speech in the phrase absolutely not as a forceful way of saying no or of expressing disagreement Do you think he's right? Absolutely not! 3 mathematics : with respect to absolute values an absolutely convergent series

gospel (n)

accepting as gospel. 1a often capitalized : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation b capitalized : one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ also : a similar apocryphal (see APOCRYPHA sense 2) book c : an interpretation of the Christian message the social gospel 2 capitalized : a lection (see LECTION sense 1) from one of the New Testament Gospels 3 : the message or teachings of a religious teacher 4 : something accepted or promoted as infallible (see INFALLIBLE sense 1) truth or as a guiding principle or doctrine took her words as gospel spreading the gospel of conservation —R. M. Hodesh 5 : gospel music

acute (adj)

acute personality disorder. acuter; acutest 1 a (1) : characterized by sharpness or severity of sudden onset acute pain (2) : having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course acute illness (3) : being, providing, or requiring short-term medical care (as for serious illness or traumatic injury) acute hospitals an acute patient b : lasting a short time acute experiments 2 : ending in a sharp point: such as a : being or forming an angle measuring less than 90 degrees an acute angle b : composed of acute angles an acute triangle 3 a of an accent mark : having the form ´ b : marked with an acute accent c : of the variety indicated by an acute accent 4 a : marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception especially of subtle distinctions an acute thinker b : responsive to slight impressions or stimuli acute hearing 5 : felt, perceived, or experienced intensely acute distress 6 : demanding urgent attention an acute emergency — acutely adverb — acuteness noun

address (v)

address a problem. addressed; addressing; addresses transitive verb 1 a : to mark directions for delivery on address a letter b : to consign to the care of another (such as an agent or factor) 2 a : to direct the efforts or attention of (oneself) will address himself to the problem b : to deal with : treat ... intrigued by the chance to address important issues ... —I. L. Horowitz 3 a : to communicate directly addresses his thanks to his host b : to speak or write directly to; especially : to deliver a formal speech to The president will address the nation by television. 4 : to greet by a prescribed form how to address an archbishop 5 golf : to adjust the club and one's stance preparatory to hitting (the ball) 6 : to identify (something, such as a computer peripheral or memory location) by an address or a name for information transfer 7 archaic a : direct, aim b : to direct to go : send 8 archaic : to make ready; especially : dress intransitive verb obsolete : to direct one's speech or attentions — addresser noun

latitude (n)

allowing considerable latitude. 1 archaic : extent or distance from side to side : width 2 : angular distance from some specified circle or plane of reference: such as a : angular distance north or south from the earth's equator measured through 90 degrees an island located at 40 degrees north latitude b : angular distance of a celestial body from the ecliptic c : a region or locality as marked by its latitude 3 a : scope, range b : the range of exposures within which a film or plate will produce a negative or positive of satisfactory quality 4 : freedom of action or choice students are allowed considerable latitude in choosing courses — latitudinal play \ˌla-tə-ˈtüd-nəl, -ˈtyüd-; -ˈtü-də-nəl, -ˈtyü-\ adjective — latitudinally adverb

abundance (n)

an (over)abundance of... 1 : an ample quantity : an abundant amount : profusion a city that has an abundance of fine restaurants 2 : affluence, wealth a life of abundance 3 : relative degree of plentifulness low abundances of uranium and thorium —H. C. Urey

abysmal (adj)

an abysmal outcome. 1 a : immeasurably low or wretched : extremely poor or bad abysmal ignorance/poverty abysmal living conditions an abysmal performance b : having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward an abysmal cliff 2 : abyssal 2 — abysmally adverb abysmally ignorant an abysmally poor performance

accessory (n)

an accessory (to murder; after the fact). plural accessories 1 a : an object or device that is not essential in itself but adds to the beauty, convenience, or effectiveness of something else auto accessories clothing accessories b : a thing of secondary or lesser importance : adjunct 2 law a : a person not actually or constructively present but contributing as an assistant or instigator to the commission of an offense — called also accessory before the fact b : a person who knowing that a crime has been committed aids or shelters the offender with intent to defeat justice — called also accessory after the fact

capitalism (n)

an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

incorrigible (adj)

an incorrigible habit. incapable of being corrected or amended: such as a (1) : not reformable : depraved (2) : delinquent b : not manageable : unruly c : unalterable, inveterate — incorrigibility noun — incorrigible noun — incorrigibleness noun — incorrigibly

Fibonacci number (n)

an integer in the infinite sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... of which the first two terms are 1 and 1 and each succeeding term is the sum of the two immediately preceding

assumption (n)

an lofty assumption. 1 : a taking to or upon oneself the assumption of a new position 2 : the act of laying claim to or taking possession of something the assumption of power 3 a : an assuming that something is true a mistaken assumption b : a fact or statement (such as a proposition, axiom (see axiom 2), postulate, or notion) taken for granted 4 a : the taking up of a person into heaven b capitalized : August 15 observed in commemoration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 5 : the taking over of another's debts 6 : arrogance, pretension

hippocratic oath (n)

an oath embodying a code of medical ethics usually taken by those about to begin medical practice

MacGuffin (n)

an object, event, or character in a film or story that serves to set and keep the plot in motion despite usually lacking intrinsic importance

off-color (adj)

an off-color remark 1a : not having the right or standard color b : being out of sorts 2a : of doubtful propriety : DUBIOUS b : verging on the indecent off-color remarks

open-ended (adj)

an open-ended problem. not rigorously fixed: such as a : adaptable to the developing needs of a situation b : permitting or designed to permit spontaneous and unguided responses — open-endedness noun

order of magnitude (n)

an order of magnitude larger. a range of magnitude extending from some value to ten times that value

outlandish (adj)

an outlandish claim. 1 : of or relating to another country : foreign saw many outlandish animals at the zoo 2 a : strikingly out of the ordinary : bizarre an outlandish costume Her book is filled with outlandish characters. spun some outlandish tales b : exceeding proper or reasonable limits or standards workers complain of outlandish hours —Joan E. Rigdon outlandish government specifications 3 : remote from civilization no other young men foolish enough to offer to go to such an outlandish station —Geog. Jour. — outlandishly adverb — outlandishness noun

outrageous (adj)

an outrageous claim. 1 a : exceeding the limits of what is usual the outrageous weather we have been afflicted with —New Yorker outrageous prices b : not conventional or matter-of-fact : fantastic outrageous costumes an outrageous tale 2 : violent, unrestrained outrageous behavior 3 a : going beyond all standards of what is right or decent an outrageous disregard of human rights b : deficient in propriety (see propriety 4a) or good taste outrageous language outrageous manners — outrageously adverb — outrageousness noun

overdetermined (adj)

an overdetermined manager/CEO/student. 1 : excessively determined 2 : having more than one determining psychological factor

afterclap (n)

an unexpected damaging or unsettling event following a supposedly closed affair

untenable (adj)

an untenable argument. 1 : not able to be defended an untenable position 2 : not able to be occupied untenable apartments

ray (n)

any of an order (Rajiformes) of usually marine cartilaginous fishes (such as stingrays and skates) having the body flattened dorsoventrally, the eyes on the upper surface, and enlarged pectoral fins fused with the head

self-respect (n)

any self-respecting... 1 : a proper respect for oneself as a human being 2 : regard for one's own standing or position

arguably (adv)

arguably the best. as may be argued or shown by argument an arguably effective strategy —used to say that a statement is very possibly true even if it is not certainly true He was arguably the greatest writer of his era.

as it were (phrase)

as if it were so : in a manner of speaking His retirement was, as it were, the beginning of his real career.

assemble (v)

assemble the troops/parts. : to bring together (as in a particular place or for a particular purpose) They assembled a team of experts to solve the problem. 2 : to fit together the parts of assemble a new bicycle intransitive verb : to meet together : CONVENE The club assembles once a month.

misspeak (v)

being careful to avoid misspeaking. misspoke play \-ˈspōk\; misspoken play \-ˈspō-kən\; misspeaking transitive verb 1 : to speak (something, such as a word) incorrectly 2 : to express (oneself) imperfectly or incorrectly claims now that he misspoke himself intransitive verb : to speak incorrectly : misspeak oneself

defensive (adj)

being defensive. 1 : serving to defend or protect defensive fortifications 2 a : devoted to resisting or preventing aggression or attack defensive behavior He became defensive when I brought up his spending habits. b sports : of or relating to the attempt to keep an opponent from scoring in a game or contest a player with good defensive skills made a brilliant defensive play 3 card games a : valuable in defensive play a defensive card in bridge b : designed to keep an opponent from being the highest bidder a defensive bid — defensively adverb — defensiveness noun

guarded (adj)

being guarded. 1 : cautious, circumspect 2 : being an extremely serious condition with uncertain outcome was in guarded condition after the crash — guardedly adverb — guardedness noun

gun-shy (adj)

being gun-shy. 1 : afraid of loud noise (such as that of a gun) 2 : markedly distrustful, afraid, or cautious

aware (adj)

being self-aware. 1 : having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge be aware of the danger aware of the latest advances in medicine 2 archaic : watchful, wary — awareness noun

boundless (adj)

boundless possibilities. : having no boundaries : VAST boundless possibilities

circumvent (v)

circumventing authority. circumvented; circumventing; circumvents transitive verb 1 : to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem the setup circumvented the red tape —Lynne McTaggart circumvent a problem 2 a : to hem in Circumvented by the enemy, he had to surrender. b : to make a circuit around the river circumvented — circumvention

articulate (v)

clearly articulating ideas. articulated; articulating transitive verb 1 a : to give clear and effective utterance to : to put into words articulate one's grievances He found it hard to articulate his feelings. b : to utter distinctly articulating each note in the musical phrase c : to give definition to (something, such as a shape or object) Eight shades of gray were chosen to articulate different spaces. —Carol Vogel d : to give shape or expression to (something, such as a theme or concept) a drama that uses eerie props to articulate a sense of foreboding 2 a : to unite by or as if by means of a joint : joint b : to form or fit into a systematic whole articulating a program for all school grades intransitive verb 1 : to utter clear and understandable sounds 2 : to become united or connected by or as if by a joint Most bones articulate with other bones in one or more places. — articulative play \-lə-tiv, -ˌlā-\ adjective — articulator

clinical (adj)

clinical precision. 1 : of, relating to, or conducted in or as if in a clinic: such as a : involving direct observation of the patient clinical diagnosis b : based on or characterized by observable and diagnosable symptoms clinical treatment clinical tuberculosis — see also clinical psychologist 2 : analytical or coolly dispassionate describing the situation with clinical detachment 3 US, informal : done or performed with excellence and precision : exemplary In the meantime Bryant ... continued his clinical shooting, which has allowed him to more than double his scoring average ... —Alexander Wolff — clinically

congregate (v)

congregated; congregating transitive verb : to collect into a group or crowd : assemble The king congregated his knights. intransitive verb : to come together into a group, crowd, or assembly Students congregated in the auditorium. — congregator

marginal utility (n)

considering the marginal utility to make important decisions. the amount of additional utility provided by an additional unit of an economic good or service

sensibility (n)

cultural sensibilities. 1 : ability to receive sensations : SENSITIVENESS tactile sensibility 2 : peculiar susceptibility to a pleasurable or painful impression (as from praise or a slight) —often used in plural 3 : awareness of and responsiveness toward something (such as emotion in another) 4 : refined or excessive sensitiveness in emotion and taste with especial responsiveness to the pathetic

deem (v)

deem worthy. to come to think or judge : consider deemed it wise to go slow those whom she deemed worthy a movie deemed appropriate for all ages intransitive verb : to have an opinion : believe

misery (n)

deep misery. plural miseries 1 : a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction War brought misery to thousands of refugees. 2 : a circumstance, thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort the joys and miseries of life 3 : a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress My former boss made my life a misery.

defer (v)

defer to your judgment. 1 : put off, delay 2 : to postpone induction of (a person) into military service — deferrer noun

deny (v)

denied the right... 1 : to declare untrue denied the allegation 2 : to refuse to admit or acknowledge : DISAVOW denied responsibility for the vandalism 3a : to give a negative answer to denying the petitioners b : to refuse to grant deny a request was denied a refund c : to restrain (oneself) from gratification of desires deny himself the foods that he loves 4 archaic : DECLINE 5 : to refuse to accept the existence, truth, or validity of There's no denying her expertise. You can't deny that he's a good singer.

depart (v)

departing from the status quo. 1a : to go away : LEAVE b : DIE 2 : to turn aside : DEVIATE transitive verb : to go away from : LEAVE

lorn (adj)

desolate, forsaken

nary (adj)

dialect : not any : not one I must have it back as I have nary other copy —Flannery O'Connor — nary a or nary an : not a single survived the accident with nary a scratch

homework (n)

did his homework. 1 : piecework done at home for pay 2 : an assignment given to a student to be completed outside the regular class period 3 : preparatory reading or research (as for a discussion or a debate)

peg (v)

didn't peg you for... pegged; pegging transitive verb 1 a : to put a peg into b British : to pin (laundry) on a clothesline 2 : to attach or fix as if with a peg: such as a : to pin down : restrict b : to fix or hold (something, such as prices or wage increases) at a predetermined level or rate c : to place in a definite category : identify was pegged as an intellectual 3 : to mark by pegs 4 : throw intransitive verb 1 : to work steadily and diligently —often used with away 2 : to move along vigorously or hastily : hustle

cantankerous (adj)

difficult or irritating to deal with a cantankerous mule — cantankerously adverb — cantankerousness noun

diverge (v)

diverge from the usual. diverged; diverging intransitive verb 1 a : to move or extend in different directions from a common point : draw apart diverging roads b : to become or be different in character or form The friends' lives diverged after graduation. : differ in opinion This is where our views diverge. 2 : to turn aside from a path or course : deviate diverge from a direct path 3 mathematics : to be divergent (see divergent 2) transitive verb : deflect diverge a compass needle

good (adj)

do good, be good. 1a(1) : of a favorable character or tendency good news (2) : BOUNTIFUL, FERTILE good land (3) : HANDSOME, ATTRACTIVE good looks b(1) : SUITABLE, FIT good to eat (2) : free from injury or disease one good arm (3) : not depreciated bad money drives out good (4) : commercially sound a good risk (5) : that can be relied on good for another year good for a hundred dollars always good for a laugh (6) : PROFITABLE, ADVANTAGEOUS made a very good deal c(1) : AGREEABLE, PLEASANT had a good time (2) : SALUTARY, WHOLESOME good for a cold (3) : AMUSING, CLEVER a good joke d(1) : of a noticeably large size or quantity : CONSIDERABLE won by a good margin a good bit of the time (2) : FULL waited a good hour (3) —used as a word that gives force or emphasis to a statement a good many of us e(1) : WELL-FOUNDED, COGENT good reasons (2) : TRUE holds good for society at large (3) : deserving of respect : HONORABLE in good standing (4) : legally valid or effectual good title f(1) : ADEQUATE, SATISFACTORY good care —often used in faint praise his serve is only good —Frank Deford (2) : conforming to a standard good English (3) : liking only things that are of good quality : CHOICE, DISCRIMINATING good taste (4) : containing less fat and being less tender than higher grades —used of meat and especially of beef g sports (1) of a serve or shot : landing in the proper area of the court in tennis and similar games The serve was good. (2) of a shot or kick : successfully done (basketball) The first foul shot was good but she missed the second one. (American football) The kick was good from 45 yards. The kick was no good. [=was missed] h informal : having everything desired or required : content and not wanting or needing to do anything further Do you want anything else to drink? No thanks, I'm good. I have had girlfriends say, 'Hey, you wanna go walking?' And I'm just not interested. I'm like 'Uh, no, I'm good.' But they keep inviting me! —Laila Ali 2a(1) : VIRTUOUS, RIGHT, COMMENDABLE a good person good conduct (2) : KIND, BENEVOLENT good intentions b : UPPER-CLASS a good family c : COMPETENT, SKILLFUL a good doctor d(1) : LOYAL a good party man a good Catholic (2) : CLOSE a good friend e : free from infirmity or sorrow I feel good as good as : in effect : VIRTUALLY as good as dead as good as gold 1 : of the highest worth or reliability his promise is as good as gold 2 : well-behaved the child was as good as gold good and \ˌgu̇d-ᵊn \ : VERY, ENTIRELY was good and mad

overpromise (v)

don't overpromise. overpromised; overpromising transitive + intransitive : to promise more than is possible or realistic Political candidates always overpromise or else the electorate won't bother to show up at their rallies. —Michael Gomez ... received sharp criticism for overpromising and underperforming. —Industry Week Then a change in the Facebook algorithm punished click bait, which can tend to overpromise on what it links to. Steep traffic drops followed. —Jim Rutenberg To close a deal, bad vendors tend to overpromise features that they claim will be added down the line but never materialize. —Michael Kan

drunk (adj)

drunk with power. 1 a : having the faculties impaired by alcohol b : having a level of alcohol in the blood that exceeds a maximum prescribed by law legally drunk 2 : dominated by an intense feeling drunk with rage 3 : relating to, caused by, or characterized by intoxication : drunken drunk driving

line item (n)

each individual line item. an appropriation that is itemized on a separate line in a budget — line-item

eager (adj)

eager to please. 1 a archaic : sharp b obsolete : sour 2 : marked by enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest — eagerly adverb — eagerness noun

throughput (n)

efficient throughput. : the amount of something (such as material, data, etc.) that passes through something (such as a machine or system) the throughput of a computer — compare INPUT, OUTPUT

fatigue (n)

emotional fatigue. 1 a : labor b : manual or menial work (such as the cleaning up of acamp area) performed by military personnel c fatigues plural : the uniform or work clothing worn on fatigue and in the field 2 a : weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress We were overcome by fatigue after the long hike. b : the temporary loss of power to respond that is induced in a sensory receptor (see receptor a) or motor (see 2motor 1) end organ by continued stimulation c : a state or attitude of indifference or apathy brought on by overexposure (as to a repeated series of similar events or appeals) ... a super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton launched within days of Barack Obama's 2013 inauguration. Voter fatigue is just one drawback to the long campaigns, though. —Martin Wisckol Most of the Romney voters they visited were fairly chipper, but there is an air of election fatigue in a state where most television commercial breaks are dominated by attack ads and the phone rings off the hook with campaign calls. —Daniel Malloy and Katie Leslie Waning media coverage of a humanitarian crisis is usually a precursor to donor fatigue, in which assistance from other nations fades. —Christian Science Monitor — see also compassion fatigue 3 : the tendency of a material to break under repeated stress metal fatigue

kaiser (n)

emperor; especially : the ruler of Germany from 1871 to 1918 — kaiserdom play \ˈkī-zər-dəm\ noun — kaiserism

empower (v)

empowering people. empowered; empowering; empowers transitive verb 1 : to give official authority or legal power to empowered her attorney to act on her behalf 2 : enable 1a 3 : to promote the self-actualization or influence of women's movement has been inspiring and empowering women —Ron Hansen — empowerment

encourage (v)

encouraging your friends. 1a : to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : HEARTEN she was encouraged to continue by her early success b : to attempt to persuade : URGE they encouraged him to go back to school 2 : to spur on : STIMULATE warm weather encourages plant growth 3 : to give help or patronage to : FOSTER government grants designed to encourage conservation

encumber (v)

encumbered by... encumbered; encumbering play \in-ˈkəm-b(ə-)riŋ\ transitive verb 1 : weigh down, burden tourists encumbered by heavy luggage 2 : to impede or hamper the function or activity of : hinder negotiations encumbered by a lack of trust 3 : to burden with a legal claim (such as a mortgage) encumber an estate

equip (v)

equipped with... equipped; equipping transitive verb 1 : to furnish for service or action by appropriate provisioning equip an army 2 : dress, array 3 : to make ready : prepare wasn't equipped to handle the pressures of the job

equivocate (v)

equivocated; equivocating intransitive verb 1 : to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive 2 : to avoid committing oneself in what one says — equivocation play \i-ˌkwi-və-ˈkā-shən\ noun — equivocator

erupt (v)

erupt in laughter. erupted; erupting; erupts intransitive verb 1 a (1) : to burst from limits or restraint (2) of a tooth : to emerge through the gum b : to force out or release suddenly and often violently something (such as lava or steam) that is pent up c : to become active or violent especially suddenly : break forth war could erupt at any moment the audience erupted in applause 2 : to break out with or as if with a skin eruption transitive verb : to force out or release usually suddenly and violently a volcano erupting lava and ash — eruptible play \i-ˈrəp-tə-bəl\ adjective — eruptive play \i-ˈrəp-tiv\ adjective — eruptively adverb

escape (v)

escape from... escaped; escaping intransitive verb 1 a : to get away (as by flight) escaped from prison b : to issue from confinement gas is escaping c of a plant : to run wild from cultivation 2 : to avoid a threatening evil the boat sank but the crew escaped transitive verb 1 : to get free of : break away from escape the jungle escape the solar system 2 : to get or stay out of the way of : avoid efforts to escape poverty 3 : to fail to be noticed or recallable by his name escapes me 4 a : to issue from a smile escaped me b : to be uttered involuntarily by a sigh of relief escaped her — escaper noun

self-care (n)

exercising self-care. : care for oneself stroke victims capable of daily self-care the necessity of busy working parents to take time for self-care specifically : health care provided by oneself often without the consultation of a medical professional Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are a common route for self-care, and consumers are eagerly using them ... —Alison Stein Wellner —sometimes used before another noun At-home screening is one side of the burgeoning self-care movement ... —Stephen Rae

self-restraint (n)

exercising self-restraint. : restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires : SELF-CONTROL A bitter answer leaped to his tongue, but he was learning self-restraint. —Somerset Maugham

extrapolate (v)

extrapolating a conclusion from existing data. 1 a : to predict by projecting past experience or known data extrapolate public sentiment on one issue from known public reaction on others b : to project, extend, or expand (known data or experience) into an area not known or experienced so as to arrive at a usually conjectural knowledge of the unknown area extrapolates present trends to construct an image of the future 2 : to infer (values of a variable in an unobserved interval) from values within an already observed interval intransitive verb : to perform the act or process of extrapolating — extrapolation noun — extrapolative adjective — extrapolator

garner (v)

garner attention. 1a : to gather into storage b : to deposit as if in a granary volumes in which he has garnered the fruits of his lifetime labors —Reinhold Niebuhr 2a : to acquire by effort : EARN garnered much praise for his fundraising b : ACCUMULATE, COLLECT

feminism (n)

feminist sensibilities. 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests — feminist play \ˈfe-mə-nist\ noun or adjective — feministic

average (n)

finding the average. 1a : a single value (such as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values b : MEAN sense 1b 2a : an estimation of or approximation to an arithmetic mean b : a level (as of intelligence) typical of a group, class, or series above the average 3 : a ratio expressing the average performance especially of an athletic team or an athlete computed according to the number of opportunities for successful performance a batting average on average or on the average : taking the typical example of the group under consideration Prices have increased on average by five percent. [=the average increase has been five percent]

soulmate (n)

finding your soulmate. 1 : a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament 2 : a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs ideological soul mates

flounce (v)

flounced; flouncing intransitive verb 1 a : to move with exaggerated jerky or bouncy motions flounced about the room, jerking her shoulders, gesticulating —Agatha Christie also : to move so as to draw attention to oneself flounced into the lobby b : to go with sudden determination flounced out in a huff 2 : flounder, struggle

golden rule (n)

following the golden rule. 1 capitalized G&R : a rule of ethical conduct referring to Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31: do to others as you would have them do to you 2 : a guiding principle

foment (v)

fomented; fomenting; foments transitive verb : to promote the growth or development of : rouse, incite foment a rebellion was accused of fomenting a riot — fomenter noun

foster (v)

fostered; fostering play \ˈfȯ-st(ə-)riŋ, ˈfä-\ transitive verb 1 : to give parental care to : nurture They are considering fostering a child. 2 : to promote the growth or development of : encourage fostered the college in its early years policies that foster competition — fosterer play \ˈfȯ-stər-ər, ˈfä-\ noun

frequent (v)

frequenting an establishment. frequented; frequenting; frequents transitive verb 1 : to associate with, be in, or resort to often or habitually a bar frequented by sports fans a restaurant frequented by local politicians 2 archaic : to read systematically or habitually — frequentation play \ˌfrē-ˌkwen-ˈtā-shən, -kwən-\ noun — frequenter noun

power (n)

gain power. 1a(1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right 2a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others b : one having such power specifically : a sovereign state c : a controlling group : ESTABLISHMENT —often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic : a force of armed men e chiefly dialectal : a large number or quantity 3a : physical might b : mental or moral efficacy c : political control or influence 4 powers plural : an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY 5a : the number of times as indicated by an exponent that a number occurs as a factor in a product 5 to the third power is 125 also : the product itself 8 is a power of 2 b : CARDINAL NUMBER sense 2 6a : a source or means of supplying energy especially : ELECTRICITY b : MOTIVE POWER c : the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred 7 : MAGNIFICATION sense 2b 8 : SCOPE entry 1 sense 3 9 : the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true

affection (n)

genuine affection. 1 : a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something : tender attachment : fondness She had a deep affection for her parents. 2 : a moderate feeling or emotion 3 a (1) : a bodily condition (2) : disease, malady a pulmonary affection b : attribute shape and weight are affections of bodies 4 obsolete : partiality, prejudice 5 : the feeling aspect (as in pleasure) of consciousness 6 a : propensity, disposition b archaic : affectation 1 7 : the action of affecting : the state of being affected 8 : umlaut 2 —used especially in the grammar of the Celtic languages — affectionless

get along (v)

get along without... 1a : to proceed toward a destination : PROGRESS b : to approach an advanced stage especially : to approach old age 2 : to meet one's needs : MANAGE we got along on a minimum of clothing 3 : to be or remain on congenial terms

consent (n)

give/receiving concent. 1 : compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another : acquiescence he shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties —U.S. Constitution 2 : agreement as to action or opinion; specifically : voluntary agreement by a people to organize a civil society and give authority to the government

demo (n)

giving a demo. 1 capitalized : democrat 2 2 a : demonstration 1b b British : demonstration 4 3 a : demonstrator a b : a recording intended to show off a song or performer to a record producer c : an example of a product that is not yet ready to be sold a demo version of the software 4 : demographic 2

helping hand (n)

giving a helping hand. hand 8a

advice (n)

giving advice. 1 : recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct : counsel ... shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties ... —U.S. Constitution offering medical advice a word of advice 2 : information or notice given —usually used in plural ... the latest advices from Mexico ... —Henry David Thoreau 3 : an official notice concerning a business transaction payment advices

birth (n)

giving birth to... a : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent b : the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb 2 : a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place a Southerner by birth 3 a : lineage, extraction b : high or noble birth 4 a archaic : one that is born b : beginning, start

glib (adj)

glib responses. 1 a : marked by ease and informality : nonchalant b : showing little forethought or preparation : offhand glib answers c : lacking depth and substance : superficial glib solutions to knotty problems 2 archaic : smooth, slippery 3 : marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful a glib politician — glibly adverb — glibness noun

glorify (v)

glorifying war. 1 a : to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration b : to elevate to celestial glory 2 : to light up brilliantly Chandeliers glorified the entire room. 3 a : to represent as glorious : extol a song glorifying romantic love b : to cause to be or seem to be better than the actual condition the new position is just a glorified version of the old stockroom job 4 : to give glory to (as in worship) — glorification noun — glorifier

go off (v)

go off on. 1 : EXPLODE 2 : to burst forth or break out suddenly or noisily 3 : to go forth, out, or away : LEAVE 4 : to undergo decline or deterioration 5 : to follow the expected or desired course : PROCEED the party went off well 6 : to make a characteristic noise : SOUND could hear the alarm going off go off the deep end 1 : to enter recklessly on a course 2 : to become very much excited

adventure (n)

go on an adventure. 1 a : an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks a book recounting his many bold adventures b : the encountering of risks the spirit of adventure 2 : an exciting or remarkable experience an adventure in exotic dining They were looking for adventure. 3 : an enterprise involving financial risk wanted to pay off her debts before embarking on any new financial adventures

holding pattern (n)

going into a holding pattern. 1 : the usually oval course flown (as over an airport) by aircraft awaiting clearance especially to land 2 : a state of waiting or suspended activity or progress

sabbatical (n)

going on sabbatical. 1 : SABBATICAL YEAR sense 2 2 : LEAVE sense 1b 3 : a break or change from a normal routine (as of employment)

fine-tooth comb (n)

going over with a fine-tooth comb. 1 : a comb with close-set teeth used especially for clearing parasites or foreign matter from the hair 2 : an attitude or system of thorough searching or scrutinizing went over the report with a fine-tooth comb

golden (adj)

golden rule. 1 : consisting of, relating to, or containing gold 2 a : being or having the color gold or the color of gold b : blond 1 3 : lustrous, shining 4 : of a high degree of excellence : superb 5 : prosperous, flourishing golden days 6 a : radiantly youthful and vigorous b : having talents that promise great success —often used with boy c : highly favored : popular 7 : favorable, advantageous a golden opportunity 8 : of, relating to, or being a 50th anniversary or its celebration 9 : mellow, resonant a smooth golden tenor — goldenly adverb — goldenness

awry (adv or adj)

gone awry. 1 : off the correct or expected course : amiss Their plans went awry. 2 : in a turned or twisted position or direction : askew His wig was put on all awry, with the tail straggling about his neck. —Charles Dickens

communication (n)

good communication skills. 1 a : a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior the function of pheromones in insect communication; also : exchange of information b : personal rapport a lack of communication between old and young persons 2 a : information communicated : information transmitted or conveyed b : a verbal or written message The captain received an important communication. 3 communications plural a : a system (as of telephones or computers) for transmitting or exchanging information wireless electronic communications b : a system of routes for moving troops, supplies, and vehicles c : personnel engaged in communicating : personnel engaged in transmitting or exchanging information 4 communications plural in form but singular or plural in construction a : a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech) b : the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or telecommunication) 5 : an act or instance of transmitting the communication of disease 6 anatomy : a connection between bodily parts Surprisingly little is known about the communication between the alveolar and terminal bronchiolar surfaces... —Richard C. Boucher — communicational

salutation (n)

greetings and salutations. 1a : an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony b salutations plural : REGARDS 2 : the word or phrase of greeting (such as Gentlemen or Dear Sir or Madam) that conventionally comes immediately before the body of a letter

grit (v)

gritted; gritting intransitive verb : to give forth a grating sound dry snow gritting beneath our feet transitive verb 1 : to cause (one's teeth) to grind or grate gritted his teeth and faced the challenge 2 : to cover or spread with grit; especially : to smooth (a material, such as marble) with a coarse abrasive

groundless (adj)

groundless claims. having no ground or foundation groundless fears — groundlessly adverb — groundlessness noun

grow (v)

growing up. grew play \ˈgrü\; grown play \ˈgrōn\; growing intransitive verb 1 a : to spring up and develop to maturity b : to be able to grow in some place or situation trees that grow in the tropics c : to assume some relation through or as if through a process of natural growth ferns growing from the rocks 2 a : to increase in size by assimilation of material into the living organism or by accretion of material in a nonbiological process (such as crystallization) The tree grew to an immense size. b : increase, expand grows in wisdom 3 : to develop from a parent source the book grew out of a series of lectures 4 a : to pass into a condition : become grew pale b : to have an increasing influence habit grows on a person c : to become increasingly acceptable or attractive didn't like it at first, but it grew on him transitive verb 1 a : to cause to grow grow wheat b : to let grow on the body grew a beard 2 : to promote the development of start a business and grow it successfully —J. L. Deckter — grower play \ˈgrō(-ə)r\ noun — growingly

gruesome (adj)

gruesome details. inspiring horror or repulsion : grisly gruesome stories of wounded comrades — gruesomely adverb — gruesomeness noun

gun (v)

gunning for a job. gunned; gunning transitive verb 1 a : to fire on b : shoot gunned down by a hit man 2 a : to open up the throttle of so as to increase speed gun the engine b : fire 3b gunned the ball to first base intransitive verb : to hunt with a gun — gun for : to aim at or go after with determination or effort

guzzle (v)

guzzling down. : to drink especially liquor greedily, continually, or habitually transitive verb 1 : to drink greedily or habitually guzzle beer 2 : CONSUME, USE UP devices that guzzle electricity

hallowed (adj)

hallowed grounds. 1 : HOLY, CONSECRATED the church stands on hallowed ground 2 : SACRED, REVERED the university's hallowed halls hallowed customs

hammer out (v)

hammer out the details. to produce or bring about as if by repeated blows hammered out an agreement

hamper (v)

hampering efforts. 1a : to restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles : IMPEDE pitching ... violently in the seaway, hampered by her heavy tow —R. S. Porteous b : to interfere with the operation of : DISRUPT radio communications hampered by static —Globe & Mail 2a : to moderate or limit the effect or full exercise of : CURB, RESTRAIN a work environment that hampers creativity b : to interfere with : to impede the natural activity of : ENCUMBER Bad weather hampered the search effort. a project hampered by budget restraints

gratitude (n)

having gratitude towards... : the state of being grateful : THANKFULNESS expressed gratitude for their support

hope (n)

having hope for... 1 archaic : TRUST, RELIANCE 2a : desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment came in hopes of seeing you also : expectation of fulfillment or success no hope of a cure when they were young and full of hope b : someone or something on which hopes are centered our only hope for victory c : something desired or hoped (see HOPE entry 1) for great hopes for the coming year

pejorative (adj)

having negative connotations (see connotation 1); especially : tending to disparage or belittle : depreciatory — pejoratively adverb

savory (adj)

having savor: such as a : piquantly pleasant to the mind a savory triumph b : morally exemplary : EDIFYING ... scandals don't make very savory reading. —Green Peyton c : pleasing to the sense of taste especially by reason of effective seasoning d : having a spicy or salty quality without sweetness an assortment of both sweet and savory appetizers

horrific (adj)

having the power to horrify a horrific account of the tragedy — horrifically

herald (v)

heralding in (a new era). 1 a : an official at a tournament of arms (see 3arm 1a) with duties including the making of announcements and the marshaling of combatants b : an officer with the status of ambassador acting as official messenger between leaders especially in war c (1) : officer of arms (2) : an officer of arms ranking above a pursuivant and below a king of arms 2 : an official crier or messenger Mercury was the gods' herald. 3 a : one that precedes or foreshadows heralds of a coming storm b : one that conveys news or proclaims : announcer it was the lark, the herald of the morn —William Shakespeare c : one who actively promotes or advocates : exponent

high-level (adj)

high-level negotiations. 1 : occurring, done, or placed at a high level 2 : being of high importance or rank high-level diplomats 3 : of, relating to, or being a computer programming language (such as BASIC or Pascal) which is similar to a natural language (such as English) and in which each statement is translated by a compiler usually into several machine language instructions 4 : relating to or being nuclear waste that contains highly concentrated radioactive components which are environmentally hazardous

hinder (v)

hindering efforts. 1 : to make slow or difficult the progress of : hamper Their journey was hindered by snow and high winds. economic growth hindered by sanctions 2 : to hold back : prevent, check His financial troubles hindered him from buying a home. intransitive verb : to delay, impede, or prevent action uncertain whether the changes would help or hinder — hinderer

hinge (v)

hinges on.. 1 a : a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns b : a flexible ligamentous joint c : a small piece of thin gummed paper used in fastening a postage stamp in an album 2 : a determining factor : turning point

historic (adj)

historical: such as a : famous or important in history historic battlefields b : having great and lasting importance a historic occasion c : known or established in the past historic interest rates d : dating from or preserved from a past time or culture historic buildings historic artifacts

target (n)

hit your target. 1a : a mark to shoot at b : a target marked by shots fired at it c : something or someone fired at or marked for attack d : a goal to be achieved 2a : an object of ridicule or criticism b : something or someone to be affected by an action or development 3a : the metallic surface (as of platinum or tungsten) upon which the stream of electrons within an X-ray tube is focused and from which the X-rays are emitted b : a body, surface, or material bombarded with nuclear particles or electrons especially : fluorescent material on which desired visual effects are produced in electronic devices (as in radar) 4 : a small round shield off target : not valid : INACCURATE on target : precisely correct or valid especially in interpreting or addressing a problem or vital issue

hold on (v)

holding on to... 1 a : to maintain a condition or position : persist b : to maintain a grasp on something : hang on 2 : to await something (such as a telephone connection) desired or requested; broadly : wait — hold on to : to maintain possession of or adherence to

hold out (v)

holding out for/on. 1 : to remain unsubdued or unyielding where 30 of the ... refugees were still holding out —Anna Tomforde also : to continue to function or be available : LAST prayed that the engine would hold out as long as our money holds out 2 : to refuse to go along with others in a concerted action or to come to an agreement holding out for a shorter workweek transitive verb 1 : to present as something realizable : PROFFER 2 : to represent to be hold out on : to withhold something (such as information) from

hollandaise (n)

hollandaise sauce. : a rich sauce made basically of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar

homemade (adj)

homemade dinner. 1 : made in the home, on the premises, or by one's own efforts 2 : of domestic manufacture

home (v)

homing in on... 1 : to go or return to one's place of residence or origin : to go or return home (see HOME entry 1) let us home 2 of an animal : to return accurately to one's native area of place of birth or origin from a distance : to return home The salmon will home to spawn. 3 : to move to or toward an objective by following a signal or landmark —usually used with on or in missiles homing in on a target mariners ... sought the dark spires of Oakland's redwoods to home on —J. W. Noble 4 : to proceed or direct attention toward an objective science is homing in on the mysterious human process —Sam Glucksberg transitive verb : to send to or provide with a home hidden pools and much wider creeks each of which homed its cranes —I. L. Idriess

honeymoon (n)

honeymoon phase. 1 : a period of harmony immediately following marriage 2 : a period of unusual harmony especially following the establishment of a new relationship 3 : a trip or vacation taken by a newly married couple — honeymoon intransitive verb — honeymooner noun

honorable (adj)

honorable mention. 1 : deserving of respect or high regard : deserving of honor an honorable profession 2a : of great renown : ILLUSTRIOUS the college's long and honorable history b : entitled to honor or respect —used as a title for the children of certain British noblemen and for various government officials the Honorable Judge Smith the Honorable Senator from California 3 : performed or accompanied with marks of honor or respect 4a : attesting to creditable conduct honorable wounds b : consistent with a reputation that is not tarnished or sullied an honorable withdrawal received an honorable discharge from the army 5 : characterized by integrity : guided by a keen sense of duty and ethical conduct Brutus is an honorable man —William Shakespeare assured her that his intentions were honorable

hormonal (adj)

hormonal teenagers. 1 : of, relating to, utilizing, or produced by hormones hormonal changes hormonal therapy 2 : markedly influenced or affected by hormones (such as sex hormones) : exhibiting behavior characteristic of increasing or fluctuating hormone levels moody hormonal teenagers

merciful (adj)

merciful leader. full of mercy : compassionate a merciful ruler; also : providing relief a merciful end — mercifulness

hustle (v)

hustle up. 1a : to crowd or push roughly : JOSTLE, SHOVE had been hustled into a jail cell with the other protesters b : to convey forcibly or hurriedly grabbed him by the arm and hustled him out the door —John Dos Passos c : to urge forward precipitately hustling tourists from one museum to the next 2a : to obtain by energetic activity —usually used with up hustle up new customers try to hustle up some tickets to tonight's game hustling up some grub b : to sell something to or obtain something from (someone) by energetic and especially underhanded activity : SWINDLE hustling the suckers an elaborate scam to hustle the elderly c : to sell or promote energetically and aggressively hustling a new product d : to lure less skillful players into competing against oneself at (a gambling game) hustle pool intransitive verb 1 : SHOVE, PRESS 2 : HASTEN, HURRY you'd better hustle if you want to catch the bus 3a : to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business our quartet was out hustling ... and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over —Louis Armstrong b : to obtain money by fraud or deception c : to engage in prostitution 4 : to play a game or sport in an alert aggressive manner She's not the most talented player on the team, but she always hustles.

search (v)

in search of... 1 : to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something: such as a : to examine in seeking something searched the north field b : to look through or explore by inspecting possible places of concealment or investigating suspicious circumstances c : to read thoroughly : check; especially : to examine a public record or register for information about search land titles d : to examine for articles concealed on the person e : to look at as if to discover or penetrate intention or nature 2 : to uncover, find, or come to know by inquiry or scrutiny —usually used with out intransitive verb 1 : to look or inquire carefully searched for the papers 2 : to make painstaking investigation or examination — searchability noun — searchable adjective — searcher noun — searchingly

here and now (n)

in the here and now. the present time —used with the man's obligation is in the here and now —W. H. Whyte

a la (prep)

in the manner of walking with a swagger à la John Wayne

capable (adj)

in your very capable hands. 1 : SUSCEPTIBLE a remark capable of being misunderstood 2 obsolete : COMPREHENSIVE 3 : having attributes (such as physical or mental power) required for performance or accomplishment is capable of intense concentration 4 : having traits conducive to or features permitting something this woman is capable of murder by violence —Robert Graves 5 : having legal right to own, enjoy, or perform of my land ... to make thee capable —Shakespeare 6 : having or showing general efficiency and ability a capable lawyer a capable performance

incessant (adj)

incessant nagging. continuing or following without interruption : unceasing — incessantly adverb

incognizant (adj)

incognizant of his own immaturity. lacking awareness or consciousness incognizant of the danger — incognizance

incremental (adj)

incremental improvements. of, relating to, being, or occurring in especially small increments incremental additions incremental change — incrementally

inculcate (v)

inculcate with... to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions — inculcation noun — inculcator

indemnify (v)

indemnified from blame; indemnified for damage. indemnified; indemnifying transitive verb 1 : to secure against hurt, loss, or damage 2 : to make compensation to for incurred hurt, loss, or damage — indemnifier

inherent (adj)

inherent differences. involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic risks inherent in the venture — inherently adverb

instrumental (adj)

instrumental to his success. 1 a : serving as a crucial means, agent, or tool was instrumental in organizing the strike b : of, relating to, or done with an instrument or tool 2 : relating to, composed for, or performed on a musical instrument 3 : of, relating to, or being a grammatical case or form expressing means or agency 4 : of or relating to instrumentalism 5 : operant 3 instrumental learning instrumental conditioning — instrumental noun — instrumentally

ether (n)

into the ether. 1 a : the rarefied element formerly believed to fill the upper regions of space b : the upper regions of space : heavens 2 a : a light volatile flammable liquid C4H10O used chiefly as a solvent and especially formerly as an anesthetic b : any of a class of organic compounds characterized by an oxygen atom attached to two carbon atoms 3 a or less commonly aether play \ˈē-thər\ : a medium that in the wave theory of light permeates all space and transmits transverse waves b : airwaves — etheric

adversarial (adj)

involving two people or two sides who oppose each other : of, relating to, or characteristic of an adversary or adversary procedures (see 2adversary 2) an adversarial relationship an adversarial system of justice with prosecution and defense opposing each other

McCoy (n)

something that is neither imitation nor substitute —often used in the phrase the real McCoy

game (n)

just a game. 1a(1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement : PLAY (2) : the equipment for a game b : often derisive or mocking jesting : FUN, SPORT make game of a nervous player 2a : a procedure or strategy for gaining an end : TACTIC b : an illegal or shady scheme or maneuver : RACKET 3a(1) : a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other (2) : a division of a larger contest (3) : the number of points necessary to win (4) : points scored in certain card games (as in all fours) by a player whose cards count up the highest (5) : the manner of playing in a contest (6) : the set of rules governing a game (7) : a particular aspect or phase of play in a game or sport a football team's kicking game b games plural : organized athletics c(1) : a field of gainful activity : LINE the newspaper game (2) : any activity undertaken or regarded as a contest involving rivalry, strategy, or struggle the dating game the game of politics also : the course or period of such an activity got into aviation early in the game (3) : area of expertise : SPECIALTY sense 3 comedy is not my game 4a(1) : animals under pursuit or taken in hunting especially : wild animals hunted for sport or food (2) : the flesh of game animals b archaic : PLUCK c : a target or object especially of ridicule or attack —often used in the phrase fair game

guess (v)

just a guess. 1 : to form an opinion of from little or no evidence She could only guess what he meant. 2 : BELIEVE, SUPPOSE I guess you're right 3 : to arrive at a correct conclusion about by conjecture, chance, or intuition guess the answer intransitive verb : to make a guess We can only guess at what really happened.

garden-variety (adj)

just your garden-variety... ordinary, commonplace

kill (v)

killed; killing; kills transitive verb 1 a : to deprive of life : cause the death of a disease that has killed thousands He threatened to kill them. b (1) : to slaughter (an animal) for food (2) : to convert a food animal into (a kind of meat) by slaughtering 2 a : to put an end to kill competition a change that could kill our chances for success b : defeat, veto killed the amendment c : to mark for omission; also : delete kill a quote d : annihilate, destroy kill an enemy 3 a : to destroy the vital or essential quality of killed the pain with drugs b : to cause to stop kill the motor c : to check the flow of current through kill the lights 4 : to make a markedly favorable impression on she killed the audience 5 : to get through uneventfully kill time; also : to get through (the time of a penalty) without being scored on kill a penalty 6 a : to cause extreme pain to My back is killing me. b : to tire almost to the point of collapse has been killing herself to get the project done on time 7 : to hit (a shot) so hard in various games that a return is impossible killed a backhand down the line 8 : to consume (something, such as a drink) totally ... killed his drink and held out the glass. —W. L. Gresham killed two bottles of wine over dinner intransitive verb 1 : to cause the death of a person, animal, or plant a murderer who may kill again an herbicide that kills on contact if looks could kill 2 : to make a markedly favorable impression was dressed to kill — killable adjective

wisdom (n)

knowledge vs. wisdom. 1a : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : INSIGHT b : good sense : JUDGMENT c : generally accepted belief challenges what has become accepted wisdom among many historians —Robert Darnton d : accumulated philosophical or scientific learning : KNOWLEDGE 2 : a wise attitude, belief, or course of action 3 : the teachings of the ancient wise men

hackneyed (adj)

lacking in freshness or originality hackneyed slogans

inclement (adj)

lacking mildness: such as a archaic : severe in temper or action : unmerciful b : physically severe : stormy inclement weather — inclemently adverb

osmosis (n)

learning through osmosis. 1 : movement of a solvent (such as water) through a semipermeable membrane (as of a living cell) into a solution of higher solute concentration that tends to equalize the concentrations of solute on the two sides of the membrane 2 : a process of absorption or diffusion (see diffusion 3a) suggestive of the flow of osmotic action; especially : a usually effortless often unconscious assimilation (see assimilation 4) learned a number of languages by osmosis —Roger Kimball

high and dry (adj)

leaving someone high and dry. 1 : being out of reach of the current or tide or out of the water 2 : being in a helpless or abandoned position

line (v)

lined with gold. lined; lining transitive verb 1 : to cover the inner surface of line a cloak with silk 2 : to put something in the inside of : fill 3 : to serve as the lining of tapestries lined the walls 4 obsolete : fortify — line one's pockets : to take money freely and especially dishonestly

hype (v)

live up to the hype. 1 : STIMULATE, ENLIVEN —usually used with up hyping herself up for the game 2 : INCREASE

lo and behold (interj)

lo and behold she turned out to be right all along. —used to express wonder or surprise

overdue (adj)

long overdue. 1 a : unpaid when due an overdue bill b : delayed beyond an appointed time an overdue train overdue library books 2 : too great : excessive an overdue share of the profits 3 : more than ready overdue for a haircut

filler (n)

lots of filler. one that fills: such as a : a substance added to a product (as to increase bulk, weight, viscosity, opacity, or strength) b : a composition used to fill the pores and grain especially of a wood surface before painting or varnishing c : a piece used to cover or fill in a space between two parts of a structure d : tobacco used to form the core of a cigar e : material used to fill extra space in a column or page of a newspaper or magazine or to increase the size of a work (such as a book) f : a pack of paper for a loose-leaf notebook g : a sound, word, or phrase (such as you know?) used to fill pauses in speaking

lure (v)

luring customers. lured; luring transitive verb 1 : to recall or exercise (a hawk) by means of a lure 2 : to draw with a hint of pleasure or gain : attract actively and strongly

scenery (n)

lush scenery. 1 : the painted scenes or hangings and accessories used on a theater stage 2 : a picturesque view or landscape 3 : one's usual surroundings needed a change of scenery

nonissue (n)

makes ___ a nonissue. an issue of little importance, validity, or concern

malicious (adj)

malicious intent. having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone : given to, marked by, or arising from malice malicious gossip — maliciously adverb — maliciousness noun

hilarious (adj)

marked by or causing hilarity : extremely funny — hilariously adverb — hilariousness noun

Panglossian (adj)

marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds : excessively optimistic

marry (v)

marrying the two. married; marrying transitive verb 1 a : to join in marriage according to law or custom b : to give in marriage married his daughter to his partner's son c : to take as spouse : wed married the girl next door d : to perform the ceremony of marriage for a priest will marry them e : to obtain by marriage marry wealth 2 : to unite in close and usually permanent relation intransitive verb 1 : to take a spouse : wed He first married at twenty. 2 : combine, unite seafood marries with other flavors — marry into : to become a member of by marriage married into a prominent family

master (v)

master a skill. mastered; mastering play \-t(ə-)riŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to become master of : overcome mastered his fears 2 a : to become skilled or proficient in the use of master a foreign language b : to gain a thorough understanding of had mastered every aspect of publishing —Current Biography 3 : to produce a master recording of (something, such as a musical rendition)

maunder (v)

maunder about. maundered; maundering play \-d(ə-)riŋ\ intransitive verb 1 chiefly British : grumble 2 : to wander slowly and idly 3 : to speak indistinctly or disconnectedly — maunderer

meager (adj)

meager wages. 1 : having little flesh : thin meager were his looks, sharp misery had worn him to the bones —William Shakespeare 2 a : lacking desirable qualities (such as richness or strength) leading a meager life b : deficient in quality or quantity a meager diet — meagerly adverb — meagerness noun

menial (adj)

menail work. 1 : of or relating to servants : lowly a menial worker 2 a : appropriate to a servant : humble, servile answered in menial tones menial household chores b : lacking interest or dignity a menial task — menially adverb

mesh (v)

meshing well with... meshed; meshing; meshes transitive verb 1 a : enmesh, entangle b : to catch in the openings of a net 2 : to cause to resemble network 3 a : to cause (parts, such as gears) to engage b : to coordinate closely : interlock intransitive verb 1 : to become entangled in or as if in meshes 2 : to be in or come into mesh —used especially of gears 3 : to fit or work together properly

microscopic (adj)

microscopic changes. 1 : resembling a microscope especially in perception 2 a : invisible or indistinguishable without the use of a microscope b : very small or fine or precise 3 : of, relating to, or conducted with the microscope or microscopy — microscopically

mimic (v)

mimicked play \-mikt\; mimicking transitive verb 1 : to imitate closely : ape He mimicked her accent. 2 : to ridicule by imitation The comic mimicked the president's mannerisms. 3 : simulate vegetable dishes that mimic meat —Carolone Bates 4 : to resemble by biological mimicry a butterfly that mimics a leaf

misappropriate (v)

misappropriate funds/resources. misappropriated; misappropriating; misappropriates transitive verb : to appropriate wrongly (as by theft or embezzlement) — misappropriation

plus or minus (adv)

more or less, approximately a dance for singles plus or minus age 30

observe (v)

observe and record. observed; observing transitive verb 1 : to conform one's action or practice to (something, such as a law, rite, or condition) : comply with failed to observe the law and as a consequence had to pay a fine 2 : to inspect or take note of as an augury, omen, or presage observed the flight of the sacred geese 3 : to celebrate or solemnize (something, such as a ceremony or festival) in a customary or accepted way observed Independence Day with a parade 4 a : to watch carefully especially with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at a judgment observed the behavior of the children b : to make a scientific observation on or of observed the mating habits of the grouse 5 : to come to realize or know especially through consideration of noted facts ... observed that the indefinite reduction of any given risk to society often brings with it an increase in other risks. —E. L. Zebroski 6 : to utter as a remark The paint, she observed, is already starting to peel. intransitive verb 1 a : to take notice When your teacher is demonstrating something, sit up and observe! b : to make observations : watch Perform your tricks, and we will observe. 2 : remark, comment In her speech she observed on the changing climate. — observingly adverb

obviate (v)

obviated; obviating transitive verb : to anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary The new medical treatment obviates the need for surgery. — obviation

docket (n)

on the docket. 1 : a brief written summary of a document : abstract 2 a (1) : a formal abridged record of the proceedings in a legal action (2) : a register of such records b (1) : a list of legal causes to be tried; also : the caseload of a court or judge (2) : a calendar of business matters to be acted on : agenda 3 : an identifying statement about a document placed on its outer surface or cover

paper tiger (n)

one that is outwardly powerful or dangerous but inwardly weak or ineffectual

outwit (v)

outwit your opponent/competition. outwitted; outwitting transitive verb 1 : to get the better of by superior cleverness : outsmart 2 archaic : to surpass in wisdom

oversaturate (v)

oversaturated market. oversaturated; oversaturating transitive verb : to saturate to an excessive degree ... since the company went public, it's been opening so many stores that it's at risk of oversaturating its own market ... —Angela Mulholland ... the Pfieffer Canyon Bridge ... slipped several feet in February when storms oversaturated the underlying soil. —Kurtis Alexander ... settings that don't oversaturate colors or look too dim. —Dieter Bohn also : supersaturate oversaturated the water with salt — oversaturated adjective ... delivers impressive image quality. Colors are bright and realistic without being oversaturated. —Luisa Simone Perhaps you remember a chemistry experiment from high school: You dissolve a salt in hot water, let the solution cool down, put a small crystal in the now oversaturated solution—then all of a sudden crystals form. —Bert J. M. de Vries — oversaturation play \ˌō-vər-ˌsa-chə-ˈrā-shən\ adjective oversaturation of the market with too many action films ... colors usually struck a nice balance between accurate and pleasant oversaturation. —Mitt Jones

owe (v)

owe an apology. owed; owing transitive verb 1 a archaic : possess, own b : to have or bear (an emotion or attitude) to someone or something owes the boss a grudge owes his friend an apology They owe allegiance to their country. Children owe their parents respect. 2 a (1) : to be under obligation to pay or repay in return for something received : be indebted in the sum of owes me $5 (2) : to be under obligation to render (something, such as duty or service) I owe you a favor. A lawyer owes her client legal advice. b : to be indebted to owes the grocer for supplies 3 : to be indebted for owed his wealth to his father owes much to good luck intransitive verb 1 : to be in debt owes for his house 2 : to be attributable an idea that owes to Greek philosophy — owe it : to have a responsibility to do something to satisfy an obligation or duty owes it to voters to explain his reasons I owed it to her to give her this opportunity —Colin MacIness

parse (v)

parse out. parsed; parsing transitive verb 1 a : to divide (a sentence) into grammatical parts and identify the parts and their relations to each other b : to describe (a word) grammatically by stating the part of speech and explaining the inflection (see inflection 3a) and syntactical relationships 2 : to examine in a minute way : analyze critically having trouble parsing ... explanations for dwindling market shares —R. S. Anson intransitive verb 1 : to give a grammatical description of a word or a group of words 2 : to admit of being parsed

self-doubt (n)

plagued with self-doubt. : a lack of faith in oneself : a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about one's abilities, actions, etc. plagued with/by self-doubt overcame her self-doubts The man who comes through the pages of this straightforwardly written autobiography is eminently human, full of self-doubt about his personal life and his career ... —Walter Goodman

accuracy (n)

plural accuracies 1 : freedom from mistake or error : correctness checked the novel for historical accuracy 2 a : conformity to truth or to a standard or model : exactness impossible to determine with accuracy the number of casualties b : degree of conformity of a measure to a standard or a true value — compare 1precision 2a

capacity (n)

plural capacities 1 : legal competency (see competence 3) or fitness capacity to stand trial 2 a : the potential or suitability for holding, storing, or accommodating a large seating capacity b : the maximum amount or number that can be contained or accommodated a jug with a one-gallon capacity the auditorium was filled to capacity — see metric system table, weights and measures table 3 a : an individual's mental or physical ability : aptitude, skill He has the capacity to handle this job. Her breathing capacity has deteriorated. b : the faculty or potential for treating, experiencing, or appreciating capacity for love 4 : duty, position, role will be happy to serve in any capacity 5 : the facility or power to produce, perform, or deploy : capability a plan to double the factory's capacity; also : maximum output industries running at three-quarter capacity 6 a : capacitance b : the quantity of electricity that a battery can deliver under specified conditions

certitude (n)

plural certitudes 1 : the state of being or feeling certain 2 : certainty of act or event 3 : something that is certain : certainty In the United States, death is feared ... . Though it is a certitude that we all must deal with someday ... —Anne M. Johnson

envy (n)

plural envies 1 : painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage 2 obsolete : malice 3 : an object of envious notice or feeling his new car made him the envy of his friends

equality (n)

plural equalities 1 : the quality or state of being equal 2 : equation 2a

gallantry (n)

plural gallantries 1 archaic : gallant appearance 2 a : an act of marked courtesy b : courteous attention to a lady c : amorous attention or pursuit 3 : spirited and conspicuous bravery

gusto (n)

plural gustoes 1 a : an individual or special taste different gustoes b : enthusiastic and vigorous enjoyment or appreciation described the adventure with great gusto c : vitality marked by an abundance of vigor and enthusiasm could not match the gusto of their competitors 2 archaic : artistic style

hyena (n)

plural hyenas also hyena : any of several large strong nocturnal carnivorous Old World mammals (family Hyaenidae) that usually feed as scavengers — hyenic

idée fixe (n)

plural idées fixes : an idea that dominates one's mind especially for a prolonged period : obsession

lexicon (n)

plural lexica play \ˈlek-sə-kə\ or lexicons 1 : a book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and their definitions : dictionary a French lexicon 2 a : the vocabulary of a language, an individual speaker or group of speakers, or a subject computer terms that have been added to the lexicon b : the total stock of morphemes in a language 3 : repertoire, inventory added the DVD to his video lexicon

novelty (n)

plural novelties 1 : something new or unusual the novelty of a self-driving car 2 : the quality or state of being novel : newness an uncritical acceptance of novelty as advance —H. M. Jones A toy's novelty soon wears off. 3 : a small manufactured article intended mainly for personal or household adornment —usually used in plural Disney novelties filled the shelves. 4 : something (such as a song or food item) that provides often fleeting amusement and is often based on a theme —often used attributively The movie included a few novelty songs.

parvenu (n)

plural parvenus play \ˈpär-və-ˌn(y)üz\ : one that has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it — parvenu adjective

raison d'etre (n)

plural raisons d'être also raisons d'etre play \ˌrā-ˌzōⁿz-ˈde-trə, -ˈdetrᵊ\ : reason or justification for existence

license (n)

poetic license. 1 a : permission to act b : freedom of action 2 a : a permission granted by competent authority to engage in a business or occupation or in an activity otherwise unlawful a hunting license b : a document, plate, or tag evidencing a license granted c : a grant by the holder of a copyright or patent to another of any of the rights embodied in the copyright or patent short of an assignment of all rights 3 a : freedom that allows or is used with irresponsibility Freedom of the press should not be turned into license. b : disregard for standards of personal conduct : licentiousness 4 : deviation from fact, form, or rule by an artist or writer for the sake of the effect gained poetic license — licensed

posit (v)

posit a guess. 1 : to dispose or set firmly : fix 2 : to assume or affirm the existence of : postulate 3 : to propose as an explanation : suggest

affirmation (n)

positive affirmation. 1 a : the act of affirming nodded his head in affirmation b : something affirmed : a positive assertion His memoir is a reflective affirmation of family love. 2 law : a solemn declaration made under the penalties of perjury by a person who conscientiously declines taking an oath

pounce (v)

pounce on an opportunity. 1a : to swoop upon and seize something with or as if with talons b : to seize upon and make capital of something (such as another's blunder or an opportunity) 2 : to make a sudden assault or approach

predict (v)

predict the outcome. : to declare or indicate in advance especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason intransitive verb : to make a prediction

domestic violence (n)

preventing/reporting domestic violence. the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another; also : a repeated or habitual pattern of such behavior

goodwill (n)

promote goodwill. 1a : a kindly feeling of approval and support : benevolent interest or concern people of goodwill b(1) : the favor or advantage that a business has acquired especially through its brands and its good reputation (2) : the value of projected earnings increases of a business especially as part of its purchase price (3) : the excess of the purchase price of a company over its book value which represents the value of goodwill as an intangible asset for accounting purposes 2a : cheerful consent accepted the terms of the contract with goodwill b : willing effort

aid (v)

providing aid. to provide with what is useful or necessary in achieving an end aid a cause aid a friend : to give assistance research that aided in the discovery a new drug

barrier (n)

put up a barrier. 1a : something material that blocks or is intended to block passage highway barriers a barrier contraceptive b : a natural formation or structure that prevents or hinders movement or action geographic barriers to species dissemination barrier beaches drugs that cross the placental barrier 2 barriers or Barriers plural : a medieval war game in which combatants fight on foot with a fence or railing between them 3 : something immaterial that impedes or separates : OBSTACLE behavioral barriers trade barriers

radiate (v)

radiating with... radiated; radiating intransitive verb 1 : to proceed in a direct line from or toward a center 2 : to send out rays : shine brightly 3 a : to issue in or as if in rays b : to evolve by adaptive radiation transitive verb 1 : to send out in or as if in rays 2 : irradiate, illuminate 3 : to spread abroad or around as if from a center

ramble (v)

rambling on about... rambled; rambling play \ˈram-b(ə-)liŋ\ intransitive verb 1 a : to move aimlessly from place to place rambled through the little town b : to explore idly After one rambles through the maps for a time ... some overall impressions begin to emerge. —John Noble Wilford 2 a : to talk or write in an aimless, erratic, and often long-winded fashion The hunk starts to ramble on and on, and the women seem quite annoyed. —Monk Magazine b : to be related or written in a long-winded or wandering fashion a story that rambles 3 : to grow or extend irregularly To me, pea greens are the culinary equivalent of morning glories, sprouting overnight, rambling here and there, turning the grower into a shepherd, at least for the duration. —Molly O'Neill transitive verb : to wander over : roam — ramblingly

rarefy (v)

rarefied; rarefying transitive verb 1 : to make rare, thin, porous, or less dense : to expand without the addition of matter 2 : to make more spiritual, refined, or abstruse intransitive verb : to become less dense

fond (adj)

rather fond of... 1 : foolish, silly fond pride 2 a : prizing highly : desirous —used with of fond of praise b : having an affection or liking —used with of fond of musicfond of his nephew 3 a : foolishly tender : indulgent 1 a fond mother b : affectionate, loving absence makes the heart grow fonder a fond embrace 4 : cherished with great affection : doted on our fondest hopes has fond memories of their time together

gun control (n)

regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns

reinvigorate (v)

reinvigorated; reinvigorating transitive verb : to give new or renewed strength or energy to (something or someone) : to invigorate (something or someone) again ... a stimulus plan large enough to reinvigorate the economy ... —Steven Greenhouse It took Britpop's obsession with the 60s to really reinvigorate her career. —Alexis Petridis ... Reed hopes a reinvigorated downtown will become a magnet for young professionals. —J. Scott Trubey and Katie Leslie Today, after she left, Leonard felt a sense of renewal. He felt like he was back. He felt reinvigorated. —Albert Thomas Berkshire — reinvigoration play \ˌrē-in-ˌvi-gə-ˈrā-shən\ noun, plural reinvigorations a reinvigoration of the sluggish market There are a lot of opportunities for traffic calming and neighborhood reinvigoration. —Buffalo Rising — reinvigorator play \ˌrē-in-ˈvi-gə-ˌrā-tər\ noun, plural reinvigorators ... New England's spring, that surprise that is among the greatest reinvigorators of humankind on record. —Philip Roth

go-to (adj)

relied on for expert knowledge or skill the company's go-to guy

sacrifice (v)

sacrificing integrity. 1 : to offer as a sacrifice 2 : to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end 3 : to sell at a loss 4 : to advance (a base runner) by means of a sacrifice hit 5 : to kill (an animal) as part of a scientific experiment intransitive verb 1 : to make or perform the rites of a sacrifice 2 : to make a sacrifice hit in baseball — sacrificer noun

satisfy (v)

satisfied all requirements. 1a : to carry out the terms of (something, such as a contract) : DISCHARGE b : to meet a financial obligation to 2 : to make reparation to (an injured party) : INDEMNIFY 3a : to make happy : PLEASE b : to gratify to the full : APPEASE 4a : CONVINCE b : to put an end to (doubt or uncertainty) : DISPEL 5a : to conform to (specifications) : be adequate to (an end in view) b : to make true by fulfilling a condition values that satisfy an equation satisfy a hypothesis intransitive verb : to be adequate : SUFFICE also : PLEASE

scorched-earth (adj)

scorched-earth dating. 1 : relating to or being a military policy involving deliberate and usually widespread destruction of property and resources (such as housing and factories) so that an invading enemy cannot use them 2 : directed toward victory or supremacy at all costs : RUTHLESS scorched-earth rhetoric

high and low (adv)

searching high and low. everywhere

second-string (adj)

second-string players. : being a substitute as distinguished from a regular (as on a ball team)

normalcy (n)

seeking out a sense of normalcy after a crisis. the state or fact of being normal a return to normalcy after war

validation (n)

seeking validation from peers. : an act, process, or instance of validating especially : the determination of the degree of validity of a measuring device

segment (v)

segmenting out... : to separate into segments : give off as segments

selective (adj)

selective amnesia. 1 : of, relating to, or characterized by selection : selecting or tending to select 2 : highly specific in activity or effect selective pesticides selective absorption

self-aware (adj)

self-aware of one's actions. : characterized by self-awareness

self-destructive (adj)

self-destructive tendencies. : acting or tending to harm or destroy oneself self-destructive behavior also : SUICIDAL a self-destructive impulse

go-getter (n)

she's a go-getter. an aggressively enterprising person — go-getting


skip, and jump (n),a _____ away. a short distance

significance (n)

something of significance. 1a : something that is conveyed as a meaning often obscurely or indirectly b : the quality of conveying or implying 2a : the quality of being important : MOMENT b : the quality of being statistically significant

oath (n)

take an oath to... plural oaths play \ˈōt͟hz, ˈōths\ 1 a (1) : a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says (2) : a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one's words The witness took an oath to tell the truth in court. b : something (such as a promise) corroborated by an oath They were required to swear an oath of loyalty. took the oath of office 2 : an irreverent or careless use of a sacred name; broadly : swear word He uttered an oath and stormed away.

upturn (n)

taken an upturn. an upward turn especially toward better conditions or higher prices

self-deprecation (n)

taking self-deprecation too far. : disparagement or undervaluation of oneself On-camera and off, cheerful self-deprecation is the key to Hugh Grant's formidable charm. —Leah Rozen Comedy is about self-deprecation, about showing vulnerability. —David Moore

tangible (adj)

tangible benefits. 1a : capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : PALPABLE b : substantially real : MATERIAL 2 : capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mind her grief was tangible 3 : capable of being appraised at an actual or approximate value tangible assets

operose (adj)

tedious, wearisome — operosely adverb — operoseness noun

fissiparous (adj)

tending to break or split up into parts : divisive fissiparous tendencies within a political party — fissiparousness noun

mixed metaphor (n)

tending to mix metaphors. a figure of speech combining inconsistent or incongruous metaphors

bold (adj)

that's a bold statement/move. 1a : fearless before danger : INTREPID bold settlers on some foreign shore —William Wordsworth b : showing or requiring a fearless daring spirit a bold plan 2 : IMPUDENT, PRESUMPTUOUS punishing a bold child for talking back If I may be so bold, I'd like to make a few suggestions. 3 obsolete : ASSURED, CONFIDENT 4 : SHEER, STEEP bold cliffs 5 : ADVENTUROUS, FREE a bold thinker 6 : standing out prominently bold headlines 7 : being or set in boldface bold lettering

ticket (n)

that's my ticket to... 1a : a certificate or token showing that a fare or admission fee has been paid b : a means of access or passage education is the ticket to a good job 2 : a summons or warning issued to a traffic-law violator 3 : a list of candidates for nomination or election : SLATE 4 : the correct or desirable thing cooperation, that's the ticket —K. E. Trombley 5 : a slip or card recording a transaction or undertaking or giving instructions a savings deposit ticket 6a : a document that serves as a certificate, license, or permit especially : a mariner's or airman's certificate b : TAG, LABEL

oversoul (n)

the absolute reality and basis of all existences conceived as a spiritual being in which the ideal nature imperfectly manifested in human beings is perfectly realized

absurdity (n)

the absurdity of... plural absurdities 1 : the quality or state of being absurd : absurdness They laughed at the absurdity of the situation. 2 : something that is absurd the absurdities of life

apex (n)

the apex of... plural apexes or apices 1 a : the uppermost point : vertex the apex of a mountain b : the narrowed or pointed end : tip the apex of the tongue 2 : the highest or culminating point the apex of his career 3 : the point of sharpest curvature in a path (such as that followed by a turning vehicle) a driver hitting the apex as he races around a corner At the apex of the turn his rear wheels apparently came unstuck from the oil-drenched groove. —Robert F. Jones

breakeven (n)

the breakeven point. the point at which cost and income are equal and there is neither profit nor loss; also : a financial result reflecting neither profit nor loss

grandchild (n)

the child of one's son or daughter

climax (n)

the climax. 1 : a figure of speech in which a series of phrases or sentences is arranged in ascending order of rhetorical forcefulness 2 a : the highest point : culmination the climax of a distinguished career b : the point of highest dramatic tension or a major turning point in the action (as of a play) At the novel's climax, the main character finds herself face to face with the thief. c : orgasm d : menopause 3 : a relatively stable ecological stage or community especially of plants that is achieved through successful adaptation to an environment; especially : the final stage in ecological succession the tropical rain forest is a climatic climax —P. W. Richards — climaxless adjective

down and dirty (adj or adv)

the down and dirty. 1 : unvarnished the down and dirty truth 2 : made or done hastily : not revised or polished a down and dirty solution 3 : marked by or given to fierce often unscrupulous competition down and dirty campaigning 4 : bawdy down and dirty sexuality 5 : seedy a down and dirty neighborhood 6 : relating to or involved with what is crudely basic and practical down and dirty details

metagalaxy (n)

the entire system of galaxies : universe — metagalactic

foreseeable (adj)

the foreseeable future. 1 : being such as may be reasonably anticipated foreseeable problems foreseeable consequences 2 : lying within the range for which forecasts are possible in the foreseeable future — foreseeability

afoot (adv or adj)

the game is afoot. 1 : on foot 2 : in the process of development : underway a plan is afoot to build a new school

genesis (n)

the genesis of... the origin or coming into being of something the genesis of a new political movement

gab (v)

the gift of gab. gabbed; gabbing to talk in a rapid or thoughtless manner : chatter — gabber noun

gravity (n)

the gravity of the situation. 1a : dignity or sobriety of bearing a person of gravity and learning b : IMPORTANCE, SIGNIFICANCE especially : SERIOUSNESS the gravity of the offense c : a serious situation or problem 2 : WEIGHT 3a(1) : the gravitational attraction of the mass of the earth, the moon, or a planet for bodies at or near its surface (2) : a fundamental physical force that is responsible for interactions which occur because of mass between particles, between aggregations of matter (such as stars and planets), and between particles (such as photons) and aggregations of matter, that is 10-39 times the strength of the strong force, and that extends over infinite distances but is dominant over macroscopic distances especially between aggregations of matter — called also gravitation, gravitational force — compare ELECTROMAGNETISM sense 2a, STRONG FORCE, WEAK FORCE b : ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY c : SPECIFIC GRAVITY

hilltop (n)

the highest part of a hill

Gaia (n)

the hypothesis that the living and nonliving components of earth function as a single system in such a way that the living component regulates and maintains conditions (such as the temperature of the ocean or composition of the atmosphere) so as to be suitable for life; also : this system regarded as a single organism

idiolect (n)

the language or speech pattern of one individual at a particular period of life — idiolectal adjective

mastermind (n)

the mastermind behind... a person who supplies the directing or creative intelligence for a project

kurtosis (n)

the peakedness or flatness of the graph of a frequency distribution especially with respect to the concentration of values near the mean as compared with the normal distribution

linear regression (n)

the process of finding a straight line (as by least squares) that best approximates a set of points on a graph

throughout (adv)

throughout her time as CEO... 1 : in or to every part : EVERYWHERE of one color throughout 2 : during the whole time or action : from beginning to end remained loyal throughout

thunder (v)

thundering applause. 1a : to produce thunder —usually used impersonally it thundered b : to give forth a sound that resembles thunder horses thundered down the road 2 : ROAR, SHOUT transitive verb 1 : to utter loudly : ROAR 2 : to strike with a sound likened to thunder

love (n)

to be in love. 1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal love for a child (2) : attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers After all these years, they are still very much in love. (3) : affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests love for his old schoolmates b : an assurance of affection give her my love 2 : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion love of the sea 3 a : the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration baseball was his first love b (1) : a beloved person : darling —often used as a term of endearment (2) British —used as an informal term of address 4 a : unselfish loyal and benevolent (see benevolent 1a) concern for the good of another: such as (1) : the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2) : brotherly concern for others b : a person's adoration of God 5 : a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love 6 : an amorous episode : love affair 7 : the sexual embrace : copulation 8 : a score of zero (as in tennis) 9 capitalized, Christian Science : god — at love : holding one's opponent scoreless in tennis — in love : inspired by affection

ragged (adj)

to be run ragged. 1 : roughly unkempt 2 : having an irregular edge or outline 3 a : torn or worn to tatters b : worn-out from stress and strain ran herself ragged 4 : wearing tattered clothes 5 a : straggly b : executed in an irregular or uneven manner c of a sound : harsh, dissonant — raggedly adverb — raggedness noun

scheme (v)

to form a scheme for intransitive verb : to form plans also : PLOT, INTRIGUE

liking (n)

to my/your liking. favorable regard : fondness, taste had a greater liking for law —E. M. Coulter took a liking to the newcomer

self-centered (adj)

too self-centered. 1 : independent of outside force or influence : SELF-SUFFICIENT 2 : concerned solely with one's own desires, needs, or interests

defamiliarize (v)

transitive verb : to present or render in an unfamiliar artistic form usually to stimulate fresh perception — defamiliarization

treadmill (n)

treadmill desk. 1a : a device having an endless belt on which an individual walks or runs in place for exercise or physiological testing b : a mill worked by an animal treading an endless belt c : a mill worked by persons treading on steps on the periphery of a wide wheel having a horizontal axis and used formerly in prison punishment 2 : a wearisome or monotonous routine resembling continued activity on a treadmill the office treadmill

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