Group 5 (Updated 12/26)

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apiece (adv)

: for each one : INDIVIDUALLY

madman (n)

: a man who is or acts as if insane

rough-edged (adj)

: lacking refinement or polish a rough-edged writing style

mésalliance (n)

: a marriage with a person of inferior social position mésalliances

ill-advised (adj)

ill-advised approach. : resulting from or showing lack of wise and sufficient counsel or deliberation an ill-advised decision

salvage (v)

salvaging a relationship. to rescue or save especially from wreckage or ruin

Miskito (n)

1 : a member of an American Indian people of the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua and Honduras 2 : the language of the Miskito people Miskito or Miskitos

afire (adj or adv)

1 : being on fire : blazing 2 : being in a state of great excitement or energy her music set the audience afire

hypaethral (adj)

1 : having a roofless central space hypaethral temple 2 : open to the sky

micro (adj)

1 : very small especially : MICROSCOPIC 2 : involving minute quantities or variations

lethe (n)

1 capitalized : a river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past 2 : oblivion, forgetfulness — lethean

megrim (n)

1a : MIGRAINE sense 1a b : VERTIGO, DIZZINESS 2a : FANCY, WHIM b megrims plural : low spirits

leave off (v)

: STOP, CEASE picked up where he had left off

belt-tightening (n)

: a reduction in spending

maid-in-waiting (n)

: a young woman of a queen's or princess's household appointed to attend her maids-in-waiting

gut-wrenching (adj)

: causing mental or emotional anguish

provided (conj)

: on condition that : with the understanding : IF

mind-blowing (adj)


archrival (n)

: a principal rival

motherly (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a mother motherly advice 2 : resembling a mother : MATERNAL

lido (n)

: a fashionable beach resort lidos

moonish (adj)

: influenced by the moon also : capricious

cathartic (adj)

: of, relating to, or producing catharsis cathartic drugs a cathartic experience

macula (n)

1 : SPOT, BLOTCH especially : MACULE 2a : an anatomical structure having the form of a spot differentiated from surrounding tissues b : a small yellowish area lying slightly lateral to the center of the retina that is made up mostly of cones (see CONE entry 1 sense 3a), plays a key role in visual acuity, and has the fovea at its center — called also macula lutea, yellow spot maculae

depravity (n)

1 : a corrupt act or practice the depravities of war 2 : the quality or state of being corrupt, evil, or perverted : the quality or state of being depraved He is awed by its fabulous wealth but deeply troubled by what he sees as its moral depravity ... —Nicholas D. Kristof

susceptible (adj)

1 : capable of submitting to an action, process, or operation a theory susceptible to proof 2 : open, subject, or unresistant to some stimulus, influence, or agency susceptible to pneumonia 3 : IMPRESSIONABLE, RESPONSIVE a susceptible mind

rhapsodic (adj)

1 : extravagantly emotional : RAPTUROUS 2 : resembling or characteristic of a rhapsody

line (n)

1a : a length of cord or cord-like material: such as (1) : a comparatively strong slender cord (2) : CLOTHESLINE (3) : a rope used on shipboard b(1) : a device for catching fish consisting of a cord with hooks and other fishing gear (2) : scope for activity : ROPE c : a length of material used in measuring and leveling used a line to level the foundation d(1) : piping for conveying a fluid (such as steam) installed a new gas line (2) : a narrow short synthetic tube that is inserted approximately one inch into a vein (as of the arm) to provide temporary intravenous access for the administration of fluid, medication, or nutrients e(1) : a wire or pair of wires connecting one telegraph or telephone station with another or a whole system of such wires also : any circuit in an electronic communication system (2) : a telephone connection tried to get a line also : an individual telephone extension a call on line 2 (3) : the principal circuits of an electric power system 2a(1) : a horizontal row of written or printed characters the last line on the page also : a blank row in lieu of such characters (2) : a unit in the rhythmic structure of verse formed by the grouping of a number of the smallest units of the rhythm (such as metrical feet) The poem consisted of 14 lines. (3) : a distinct segment of a computer program containing a single command or a small number of commands b : a short letter : NOTE dropped him a line confirming the date c lines plural : a certificate of marriage d : the words making up a part in a performance —usually used in plural memorized his lines e : any of the successive horizontal rows of picture elements on the screen of a cathode-ray tube (such as a television screen) 3a : something (such as a ridge or seam) that is distinct, elongated, and narrow growth lines in a tree trunk b : a narrow crease (as on the face) : WRINKLE c : the course or direction of something in motion : ROUTE the line of flight of a bullet d(1) : a state of agreement or conformity : ACCORDANCE took a firm line with his nephew (2) : a state of order, control, or obedience wouldn't let them get out of line e(1) : a boundary of an area the state line (2) : DISTINCTION 2 the fine line between love and hate f : the track and roadbed of a railway g : an amount of cocaine that is arranged in a line to be inhaled through the nose 4a : a course of conduct, action, or thought especially : an official or public position the party line b : a field of activity or interest worked in the plumbing line c : a glib often persuasive way of talking had a line to make the angels weep 5a : LIMIT, RESTRAINT overstepped the line of good taste b archaic : position in life : LOT 6a(1) : FAMILY, LINEAGE descended from a noble line (2) : a strain produced and maintained especially by selective breeding or biological culture (3) : a chronological series b : orderly arrangements made to cover extended military positions and presenting a front to the enemy —usually used in plural the lines of battle c : a military formation in which the different elements are abreast of each other d : naval ships arranged in a regular order e(1) : the combatant forces of an army distinguished from the staff corps and supply services (2) : the force of a regular navy f(1) : officers of the navy eligible for command at sea distinguished from officers of the staff (2) : officers of the army belonging to a combatant branch g : an arrangement or placement of persons or objects of one kind in an orderly series a line of trees stand on line waiting in line also : the persons or objects so positioned the line moved slowly at the bank h(1) : a group of public conveyances plying regularly under one management over a route (2) : a system of transportation together with its equipment, routes, and appurtenances the eastern freight lines also : the company owning or operating it i : a succession of musical notes especially considered in melodic phrases j(1) : an arrangement of operations in manufacturing permitting sequential occurrence on various stages of production a production line (2) : the personnel of an organization that are responsible for its stated objective k(1) : the seven players including center, two guards, two tackles, and two ends who in offensive football play line up on or within one foot of the line of scrimmage (2) : the players who in defensive play line up within one yard of the line of scrimmage l : a group of three players including a left winger, center, and right winger who play together as a unit in hockey 7 : a narrow elongated mark drawn or projected: such as a(1) : a circle of latitude or longitude on a map (2) : EQUATOR b : a mark (as on a map) recording a boundary, division, or contour c : any of the horizontal parallel strokes on a music staff on or between which notes are placed — compare SPACE d : a mark (as by pencil) that forms part of the formal design of a picture distinguished from the shading or color e : a division on a bridge score dividing the score for bonuses from that for tricks f(1) : a demarcation of a limit with reference to which the playing of some game or sport is regulated —usually used in combination (2) : a marked or imaginary line across a playing area (such as a football field) parallel to the end line (3) : LINE OF SCRIMMAGE 8 : a straight or curved geometric element that is generated by a moving point and that has extension only along the path of the point : CURVE 9a : a defining outline : CONTOUR the rising line of the hills b : a general plan : MODEL —usually used in plural explained the lines of his foreign policy 10a chiefly British : PICA —used to indicate the size of large type b : the unit of fineness of halftones expressed as the number of screen lines to the linear inch 11 : merchandise or services of the same general class for sale or regularly available a full line of electrical supplies 12a : a source of information : INSIGHT b : betting odds offered by a bookmaker especially on a sporting event 13 : a complete game of 10 frames in bowling — called also string 14 : LINE DRIVE between the lines 1 : by implication : in an indirect way 2 : by way of inference down the line 1 : all the way : FULLY 2 : in the future in line for : due or in a position to receive on line : in or into operation on the line 1 : at great risk puts his future on the line by backing that policy 2 : on the border between two categories

variable (adj)

1a : able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes variable winds variable costs b : FICKLE, INCONSTANT 2 : characterized by variations 3 : having the characteristics of a variable 4 : not true to type : ABERRANT —used of a biological group or character

vers de sociéte (n)

: witty and typically ironic light verse

hesitation (n)

without hesitation. 1 : an act or instance of hesitating 2 : a pausing or faltering in speech

mycophagous (adj)

: feeding on fungi

rift (n)

1a : FISSURE, CREVASSE b : FAULT sense 5 2 : a clear space or interval 3 : BREACH, ESTRANGEMENT

medulla oblongata (n)

: the part of the vertebrate brain that is continuous posteriorly with the spinal cord and that contains the centers controlling involuntary vital functions — see BRAIN ILLUSTRATION medulla oblongatas or medullae oblongatae

midsummer (n)

1 : the middle of summer 2 : the summer solstice

swivet (n)

a state of extreme agitation in a swivet

prospect (n)

1 : EXPOSURE sense 3b 2a(1) : an extensive view (2) : a mental consideration : SURVEY b : a place that commands an extensive view : LOOKOUT c : something extended to the view : SCENE d archaic : a sketch or picture of a scene 3 obsolete : ASPECT 4a : the act of looking forward : ANTICIPATION b : a mental picture of something to come : VISION c : something that is awaited or expected : POSSIBILITY d prospects plural (1) : financial expectations (2) : CHANCES 5 : a place showing signs of containing a mineral deposit 6a : a potential buyer or customer b : a likely candidate for a job or position in prospect : possible or likely for the future

cast off (v)

1 : LOOSE cast off a hunting dog 2 : UNFASTEN cast off a boat 3 : to remove (a stitch) from a knitting needle in such a way as to prevent unraveling 1 : to unfasten or untie a boat or a line 2 : to turn one's partner in a square dance and pass around the outside of the set and back 3 : to finish a knitted fabric by casting off all stitches

lightning rod (n)

1 : a grounded metallic rod set up on a structure (such as a building) to protect it from lightning 2 : one that serves to divert attack from another 3 : one that is a frequent target of criticism or focus of controversy she has become a convenient lightning rod for voters' discontent with law-and-order issues — Aric Press et al.

mezzanine (n)

1 : a low-ceilinged story between two main stories of a building especially : an intermediate story that projects in the form of a balcony 2a : the lowest balcony in a theater b : the first few rows of such a balcony

double time (n)

1 : a marching cadence of 180 30-inch steps per minute 2 : payment of a worker at twice the regular wage rate

mind-set (n)

1 : a mental attitude or inclination politicians trying to determine the mind-set of voters 2 : a fixed state of mind His mind-set does not allow for new situations.

mammoth (n)

1 : any of a genus (Mammuthus) of extinct Pleistocene mammals of the elephant family distinguished from recent elephants by highly ridged molars, usually large size, very long tusks that curve upward, and well-developed body hair 2 : something immense of its kind the company is a mammoth of the industry

commensurate (adj)

1 : corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree : PROPORTIONATE was given a job commensurate with her abilities 2 : equal in measure or extent : COEXTENSIVE lived a life commensurate with the early years of the republic 3 : COMMENSURABLE sense 1

fluorescent (adj)

1 : having or relating to fluorescence 2 : bright and glowing as a result of fluorescence fluorescent inks; broadly : very bright in color — fluorescent noun — fluorescently adverb

anyway (adv)

1 : in any way whatever : ANYWISE 2 : in any case : without regard to other considerations : ANYHOW She knew it was dangerous, but she did it anyway. 3 : as an additional consideration or thought We don't need a new car, and anyway, we can't afford one.

lovesick (adj)

1 : languishing with love : YEARNING a lovesick suitor 2 : expressing a lover's longing

human engineering (n)

1 : management of humans and their affairs especially in industry 2 : ERGONOMICS sense 1

lubricious (adj)

1 : marked by wantonness : LECHEROUS also : SALACIOUS 2 [ Latin lubricus ] : having a smooth or slippery quality a lubricious skin

psychosomatic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body the psychosomatic nature of man — Herbert Ratner 2 : of, relating to, involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance psychosomatic symptoms psychosomatic medicine

smutty (adj)

1 : soiled or tainted with smut especially : affected with smut fungus 2 : OBSCENE, INDECENT a smutty joke 3 : resembling smut in appearance : SOOTY smuttier; smuttiest

creativity (n)

1 : the ability to create her artistic creativity 2 : the quality of being creative

portion (v)

1 : to divide into portions : DISTRIBUTE portioned out the food equally 2 : to allot a dowry to : DOWER portioned; portioning

proselytize (v)

1 : to induce someone to convert to one's faith 2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause : to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause proselytized; proselytizing

amain (adv)

1 : with all one's might the soul strives amain to live and work— R. W. Emerson 2 archaic a : at full speed b : in great haste 3 archaic : to a high degree : exceedingly they whom I favour thrive in wealth amain— John Milton

braggadocio (n)

1 a : empty boasting b : arrogant pretension : cockiness the air of swaggering braggadocio that all important men are expected to show in fighting —C. W. M. Hart 2 : braggart

steadfast (adj)

1 a : firmly fixed in place : immovable b : not subject to change the steadfast doctrine of original sin —Ellen Glasgow 2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal her followers have remained steadfast — steadfastly adverb — steadfastness noun

kosher (adj)

1 a : sanctioned by Jewish law; especially : ritually fit for use kosher meat b : selling or serving food ritually fit according to Jewish law a kosher restaurant 2 : being proper, acceptable, or satisfactory is the deal kosher?

lotus (n)

1 or less commonly lotos \ˈlō-​təs \ : a fruit eaten by the lotus-eaters and considered to cause indolence and dreamy contentment also : a tree (such as Zizyphus lotus of the buckthorn family) reputed to bear this fruit 2 : any of various water lilies including several represented in ancient Egyptian and Hindu art and religious symbolism 3 [ New Latin, from Latin ] a : any of a genus (Lotus) of widely distributed upright herbs or subshrubs of the legume family b : SWEET CLOVER lotuses lotus

localism (n)

1a : a local idiom b : a local peculiarity of speaking or acting 2 : affection or partiality for a particular place : SECTIONALISM

topaz (n)

1a : a mineral that is essentially a silicate of aluminum and usually occurs in orthorhombic translucent or transparent crystals or in white translucent masses b : a usually yellow to brownish-yellow transparent mineral topaz used as a gem c : a yellow sapphire d : a yellow quartz 2 : either of two large brilliantly colored South American hummingbirds (Topaza pella and T. pyra)

dilemma (n)

1a : a usually undesirable or unpleasant choice faces this dilemma: raise interest rates and slow the economy or lower them and risk serious inflation b : a situation involving such a choice here am I brought to a very pretty dilemma; I must commit murder or commit matrimony — George Farquhar broadly : PREDICAMENT lords and bailiffs were in a terrible dilemma — G. M. Trevelyan 2a : a problem involving a difficult choice the dilemma of liberty versus order — J. M. Burns b : a difficult or persistent problem unemployment ... the great central dilemma of our advancing technology — August Heckscher 3 : an argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent

hypothesis (n)

1a : an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument b : an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action 2 : a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences 3 : the antecedent clause of a conditional statement hypotheses

marketable (adj)

1a : fit to be offered for sale in a market food that is not marketable b : wanted by purchasers or employers : salable marketable securities marketable skills 2 : of or relating to buying or selling

magnitude (n)

1a : great size or extent cannot wage a war of such magnitude — A. N. Whitehead the magnitude of an earthquake b(1) : spatial quality : SIZE able to operate only over distances of very small magnitude — G. W. Gray (2) : QUANTITY, NUMBER the savings in amounts of metal ... will be of dramatically significant magnitudes — American Fabrics 2 : the importance, quality, or caliber of something evil of such magnitude as must, if possible, be prevented — Jane Austen a writer of first magnitude — Richard Plant 3 : a number representing the intrinsic (see INTRINSIC sense 1a) or apparent brightness of a celestial (see CELESTIAL entry 1 sense 2) body on a logarithmic scale in which an increase of one unit corresponds to a reduction in the brightness of light by a factor of 2.512 4 : a numerical quantitative measure expressed usually as a multiple of a standard unit 5 : the intensity of an earthquake represented by a number on an arbitrary scale a magnitude six earthquake

lame (adj)

1a : having a body part and especially a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of movement The accident left him lame for life. b : marked by stiffness and soreness a lame shoulder 2 : lacking needful or desirable substance : WEAK, INEFFECTUAL a lame excuse 3 slang : not being in the know : SQUARE She's cool, but her boyfriend is so lame. 4a : INFERIOR a lame school b : CONTEMPTIBLE, NASTY lame racist jokes lamer; lamest

hot (adj)

1a : having a relatively high temperature hot and humid weather serving hot meals to the poor b : capable of giving a sensation of heat or of burning, searing, or scalding working outside in the hot sun fried in hot oil c : having heat in a degree exceeding normal body heat Your forehead feels hot. 2a : marked by violence or fierceness : STORMY a hot temper a hot battle also : ANGRY got hot about the remark b(1) : sexually excited or receptive It's obvious he's hot for her. (2) : SEXY That guy she's dating is really hot. c : EAGER, ZEALOUS hot for reform d of jazz : emotionally exciting and marked by strong rhythms and free melodic improvisations 3 : having or causing the sensation of an uncomfortable degree of body heat hot and tired it's hot in here 4a : newly made : FRESH a hot scent bread hot from the oven hot off the press b : close to something sought hot on the trail 5a : suggestive of heat or of burning or glowing objects : very bright hot colors hot pink b : PUNGENT, PEPPERY hot mustard the hottest chili I've ever tasted 6a : of intense and immediate interest some hot gossip b : unusually lucky or favorable on a hot streak c : temporarily capable of unusual performance (as in a sport) d : currently popular or in demand She's become one of Hollywood's hottest commodities. a hot item in stores this year e : very good a hot idea not feeling too hot f : ABSURD, UNBELIEVABLE wants to fight the champ? that's a hot one 7a : electrically energized especially with high voltage That wire is hot. b : RADIOACTIVE hot material also : dealing with radioactive material a hot laboratory c of an atom or molecule : being in an excited state 8a : recently and illegally obtained hot jewels admitted that the car was hot b : wanted by the police also : unsafe for a fugitive made the town too hot for them 9 : FAST a hot new fighter plane a hot lap around the track hot under the collar : extremely exasperated or angry hotter; hottest

exquisite (adj)

1a : marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution an exquisite vase b : marked by nice discrimination, deep sensitivity, or subtle understanding exquisite taste c : ACCOMPLISHED, PERFECTED an exquisite gentleman 2a : pleasing through beauty, fitness, or perfection an exquisite white blossom b : ACUTE, INTENSE exquisite pain c : having uncommon or esoteric appeal 3 : carefully selected : CHOICE 4 archaic : ACCURATE

distinctive (adj)

1a : marking as separate or different : serving to distinguish the distinctive flight of the crane b : having or giving an uncommon and appealing quality : having or giving style or distinction a distinctive table setting a writer with a distinctive prose style 2 linguistics : capable of making a segment of utterance different in meaning as well as in sound from an otherwise identical utterance

flying (adj)

1a : moving or capable of moving in the air b : moving or made by moving rapidly flying feet a flying leap c : very brief 2 : intended for ready movement or action a flying squad car 3 : having stylized wings —used especially of livestock brand marks 4 : of or relating to the operation of aircraft a flying club 5 : traversed or to be traversed (as in speed-record trials) after a running start a flying kilometer with flying colors : with complete or eminent success.

liable (adj)

1a : obligated according to law or equity (see EQUITY sense 3) : RESPONSIBLE liable for the debts incurred by his wife b : subject to appropriation or attachment All his property is liable to pay his debts. 2a : being in a position to incur —used with to liable to a fine b : exposed or subject to some usually adverse contingency or action watch out or you're liable to fall

planetary (adj)

1a : of, relating to, being, or resembling a planet b : ERRATIC, WANDERING c : having a motion like that of a planet planetary electrons d : IMMENSE the scope of this project has reached planetary proportions 2a : of, relating to, or belonging to the earth : TERRESTRIAL b : GLOBAL, WORLDWIDE planetary politics 3 : having or consisting of an epicyclic train of gear wheels

literary (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of humane learning or literature a literary education a literary institution b : BOOKISH sense 2 an essay written in a very literary style c : of or relating to books a literary agent a literary manuscript 2a : WELL-READ he is literary, given to quoting to himself rather long stretches of remembered lines — F. J. Hoffman b : of or relating to authors or scholars or to their professions her literary biographies

discovery (n)

1a : the act or process of discovering the discovery of a lost city b(1) archaic : DISCLOSURE (2) obsolete : DISPLAY c obsolete : EXPLORATION 2 : something discovered 3 : the usually pretrial disclosure of pertinent facts or documents by one or both parties to a legal action or proceeding discoveries

modulus (n)

1a : the factor by which a logarithm of a number to one base is multiplied to obtain the logarithm of the number to a new base b : ABSOLUTE VALUE sense 2 c(1) : the number (such as a positive integer) or other mathematical entity (such as a polynomial) in a congruence that divides the difference of the two congruent members without leaving a remainder — compare RESIDUE sense b (2) : the number of different numbers used in a system of modular arithmetic 2 : a constant or coefficient that expresses usually numerically the degree to which a body or substance possesses a particular property (such as elasticity) moduli

service (n)

1a : the occupation or function of serving in active service b : employment as a servant entered his service 2a : the work performed by one that serves good service b : HELP, USE, BENEFIT glad to be of service c : contribution to the welfare of others d : disposal for use I'm entirely at your service 3a : a form followed in worship or in a religious ceremony the burial service b : a meeting for worship —often used in plural held evening services 4 : the act of serving: such as a : a helpful act did him a service b : useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity —usually used in plural charge for professional services c : SERVE 5 : a set of articles for a particular use a silver tea service 6a : an administrative division (as of a government or business) the consular service b : one of a nation's military forces (such as the army or navy) 7a : a facility supplying some public demand telephone service bus service b : a facility providing maintenance and repair television service 8 : the materials (such as spun yarn, small lines, or canvas) used for serving a rope 9 : the act of bringing a legal writ, process, or summons to notice as prescribed by law 10 : the act of a male animal copulating with a female animal 11 : a branch of a hospital medical staff devoted to a particular specialty obstetrical service

correct (v)

1a : to make or set right : AMEND correct an error The editor corrected the author's manuscript. b : COUNTERACT, NEUTRALIZE correct a harmful tendency c : to alter or adjust so as to bring to some standard or required condition correct a lens for spherical aberration She's having surgery to correct her vision. 2a : to discipline or punish (someone) for some fault or lapse ... I was most rude then. Only a small boy, Sir, and I was corrected for it, I assure you, by my father ... — Rex Ingamells b : to point out usually for amendment the errors or faults of spent the day correcting tests corrected; correcting; corrects

plant (v)

1a : to put or set in the ground for growth plant seeds b : to set or sow with seeds or plants c : IMPLANT 2a : ESTABLISH, INSTITUTE b : COLONIZE, SETTLE c : to place (animals) in a new locality d : to stock with animals 3a : to place in or on the ground b : to place firmly or forcibly planted a hard blow on his chin 4a : CONCEAL b : to covertly place for discovery, publication, or dissemination intransitive verb : to plant something planted; planting; plants

self-determinism (n)

: a doctrine that the actions of a self are determined by itself

monodrama (n)

: a drama acted or designed to be acted by a single person

Sisyphus (n)

: a legendary king of Corinth condemned eternally to repeatedly roll a heavy rock up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again as it nears the top

alike (adj)

: exhibiting close resemblance without being identical alike in their beliefs

revolting (adj)

: extremely offensive revolting behavior a revolting odor

pumped (adj)

: filled with energetic excitement and enthusiasm pumped for the football game

extempore (adv or adj)

: in an extemporaneous manner speaking extempore

lucre (n)

: monetary gain : PROFIT wrote almost entirely for lucre also : MONEY

most (n)

: the greatest amount it's the most I can do

microhabitat (n)

: the microenvironment in which an organism lives decaying wood creates a microhabitat for insects

connectivity (n)

: the quality, state, or capability of being connective or connected connectivity of a surface especially : the ability to connect to or communicate with another computer or computer system

myology (n)

: the scientific study of muscles

hyposensitization (n)

: the state or process of being reduced in sensitivity especially to an allergen : DESENSITIZATION

acclaim (v)

acclaimed; acclaiming; acclaims transitive verb 1 : applaud, praise Critics acclaimed her performance. 2 : to declare by acclamation was acclaimed president of the society intransitive verb : to shout praise or applause — acclaimer noun

mellifluent (adj)


missing (adj)

: ABSENT also : LOST missing in action

gnosis (n)

esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation

make (v)

made play \ˈmād\; making transitive verb 1 a obsolete : behave, act b : to begin or seem to begin (an action) made to go 2 a : to cause to happen to or be experienced by someone made trouble for us b : to cause to exist, occur, or appear : create make a disturbance c : to favor the growth or occurrence of haste makes waste d : to fit, intend, or destine by or as if by creating was made to be an actor 3 a : to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material : fashion make a dress b : compose, write make verses c : to lay out and construct make a road 4 : to frame or formulate in the mind make plans 5 : to put together from components : constitute houses made of stone 6 a : to compute or estimate to be I make it 23 miles to the border from here. b : to form and hold in the mind make no doubt of it 7 a : to assemble and set alight the materials for (a fire) b : to set in order make beds c : prepare, fix make dinner d : to shuffle (a deck of cards) in preparation for dealing 8 : to prepare (hay) by cutting, drying, and storing 9 a : to cause to be or become made them happy makes it possible b : appoint made him bishop 10 a : enact, establish make laws b : to execute (see execute 2) in an appropriate manner make a will c : set, name make a price 11 a chiefly dialectal : shut the doors are made against you —William Shakespeare b : to cause (an electric circuit) to be completed 12 a : to conclude as to the nature or meaning of something what do you make of this development? b : to regard as being not the fool some make him 13 a : to carry out (an action indicated or implied by the object) make war make a speech make a detour b : to perform with a bodily movement make a sweeping gesture 14 a : to produce as a result of action, effort, or behavior with respect to something make a mess of the job tried to make a thorough job of it b archaic : to turn into another language by translation 15 : to cause to act in a certain way : compel make her give it back 16 : to cause or assure the success or prosperity of can either make you or break you 17 a : to amount to in significance makes a great difference b : to form the essential being of clothes make the man c : to form by an assembling of individuals make a quorum d : to count as that makes the third time you've said it 18 a : to be or be capable of being changed or fashioned into rags make the best paper b : to develop into she will make a fine judge c : form 6b 19 a : reach, attain made port before the storm —often used with it you'll never make it that far b : to gain the rank of make major c : to gain a place on or in make the team the story made the papers d : to succeed in providing or obtaining make bail 20 : to gain (something, such as money) by working, trading, or dealing make a living 21 a : to act so as to earn or acquire makes friends easily makes poor grades b : to score in a game or sport make a field goal make a birdie c : to convert (a split) into a spare in bowling d : to succeed in holing make a putt 22 a : to fulfill (a contract) in a card game b : to win a trick (see 1trick 4) with (a card) 23 a : to include in a route or itinerary make New York on the return trip —often used with it make it to the party b : catch 6b made the bus just in time 24 : to persuade to consent to sexual intercourse : seduce 25 : to provide the most enjoyable or satisfying experience of meeting the star of the show really made our day intransitive verb 1 archaic : to compose poetry 2 a : behave, act Don't make as if you didn't hear me. b : to begin or seem to begin a certain action made as though to hand it to me c : to act so as to be or to seem to be make merry d slang : to play a part —usually used with like make like a chicken 3 : set out, head made after the fox made straight for home 4 : to increase in height or size the tide is making now 5 : to reach or extend in a certain direction The forest makes up nearly to the snow line. 6 : to have considerable effect courtesy makes for safer driving 7 : to undergo manufacture or processing the silk makes up beautifully — make a face or make faces : to distort one's features : grimace He made a face when I mentioned her name. — make a mountain out of a molehill : to treat a trifling matter as of great importance — make away with 1 : to carry off : steal made away with all the money 2 : kill — make believe : pretend, feign made believe that everything was all right — make bold : venture, dare making bold to think of himself as a guardian of culture —W. H. Pritchard — make book : to accept bets at calculated odds on all the entrants in a race or contest a bartender who made book on the side — make common cause : to unite to achieve a shared goal attempted to make common cause with the radicals in areas they could agree on — make do : to get along or manage with the means at hand will just have to make do with what we've got — make ends meet : to make one's means adequate to one's needs did all they could do to make ends meet — make eyes : ogle Some guy was making eyes at her from across the room. — make friends with : to establish a friendship or friendly relations with made friends with his new neighbors — make fun of : to make an object of amusement or laughter : ridicule, mock the movie made fun of macho pretensions —Pauline Kael — make good 1 or make good on : to make valid or complete: such as a : to make up for (a deficiency) made good previous neglect of his child b : indemnify make good the loss c : to carry out successfully made good their escape made good on his promise d : prove made good a charge 2 : to prove to be capable; also : succeed The play made good at the box office. — make hay : to make use of a situation or circumstance especially in order to gain an advantage The candidate made hay of his opponent's scandalous behavior. — make head 1 : to make progress especially against resistance they made head against the wind —Charles Dickens 2 : to rise in armed revolt riflemen who ... were called on to make head against a series of resolute efforts to drive them from Kentucky —Theodore Roosevelt — make it 1 a : to be successful trying to make it in the big time as a fashion photographer —Joe Kane b : to be satisfactory or pleasing if it isn't danceable, it doesn't make it for me —Judy Hyman 2 : to have sexual intercourse 3 : survive, live half the cubs won't make it through their first year — make light of : to treat as of little account all these problems are humorously described but never made light of —Susan Kenney — make love 1 : woo, court 2 a : neck, pet b : to engage in sexual intercourse — make much of 1 : to treat as of importance The drill sergeant made much of his toughness. 2 : to treat with obvious affection or special consideration she had evidently enjoyed being made much of in Youngstown —New Yorker — make nice : to be deliberately and often insincerely polite and agreeable must make nice to politicians they cannot stand —Ken Auletta — make no bones : to be straightforward, unhesitating, or sure makes no bones about the seriousness of the matter — make one's mark : to achieve success or fame made his mark as a literary critic —Eric Partridge — make public : disclose None of those disagreements were made public. — make sail 1 : to raise or spread sail 2 : to set out on a voyage The ship made sail at midnight. — make shift : to manage with difficulty We didn't have much money, but we made shift. — make sport of : ridicule, mock it visibly grieved him when the rest of us made sport of our schoolmates —Tobias Wolff — make the grade : to measure up to some standard : be successful clever and energetic enough to make the grade in a good law firm —John Train — make the most of : to show or use to the best advantage made the most of her talents — make the scene : to be present at or participate in a usually specified activity or event small time poets just making the scene at readings or in little mags —B. Frazer — make time 1 : to travel fast made fast time 2 : to gain time have to make time to get to the bank before it closes 3 : to make progress toward winning favor trying to make time with the waitress — make tracks 1 : to proceed at a walk or run 2 : to go in a hurry : run away, flee she quickly made tracks for New York —Glamour — make use of : to put to use : employ Students made good use of the new gymnasium. — make water 1 of a boat : leak 2 : urinate — make waves : to create a stir or disturbance continues to make waves with his unique, highly opinionated approach —Suzanne Biallot — make way 1 : to give room for passing, entering, or occupying many of the old villas were being torn down to make way for high rises —William Murray 2 : to make progress — make with slang : produce, perform —usually used with the Straighten up and walk ... make with the feet —Raymond Chandler

me (pron)

objective case of I

monosyllable (n)

: a word of one syllable

m-commerce (n)

: business transactions conducted by using a mobile electronic device (such as a cell phone)

lexis (n)

: LEXICON sense 2a lexes

oilman (n)

I like to think of myself as an oilman. 1 : an oil company executive 2 : an oil field worker

groggy (adj)

feeling groggy this morning. : weak and unsteady on the feet or in action

hijab (n)

the traditional covering for the hair and neck that is worn by Muslim women

name of the game (phrase)

that's the name of the game. 1 : the essential quality or matter patience is the name of the game in coastal duck hunting —Dick Beals 2 : the fundamental goal of an activity

torn (adj)

torn between. past participle of TEAR

game plan (n)

what's the game plan? a strategy for achieving an objective — game-plan

gyrate (v)

winding or coiled around : convoluted gyrate branches of a tree

maisonette (n)

1 : a small house 2 : an apartment often on two floors

life-size (adj)

: of natural size : of the size of the original a life-size statue life-sized

tomfoolery (n)

: playful or foolish behavior

labored (adj)

: produced or performed with labor labored breathing also : lacking ease of expression a labored speech

monohull (n)

: a vessel (such as a sailboat) with a single hull — compare multihull

archae- (comb form)

: ancient : primitive archaeopteryx

wan (adj)

1a : suggestive of poor health : SICKLY, PALLID b : lacking vitality : FEEBLE 2 : DIM, FAINT 3 : LANGUID a wan smile wanner; wannest

deflection (n)

a clear deflection from the subject at hand. 1 : a turning aside or off course : deviation 2 : the departure of an indicator or pointer from the zero reading on the scale of an instrument

hopping (n)

a going from one place to another of the same kind —usually used in combination gallery-hopping bar-hopping

tepid (adj)

a tepid response to a lame joke. 1 : moderately warm : LUKEWARM a tepid bath 2a : lacking in passion, force, or zest tepid poetry b : marked by an absence of enthusiasm or conviction a tepid interest a tepid response

legionnaire (n)

: a member of a legion

camaraderie (n)

friendly office camaraderie. a spirit of friendly good-fellowship

manque (adj)

short of or frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspirations or talents —used postpositively a poet manqué

homework (n)

did his homework. 1 : piecework done at home for pay 2 : an assignment given to a student to be completed outside the regular class period 3 : preparatory reading or research (as for a discussion or a debate)

case study (n)

1 : an intensive analysis of an individual unit (such as a person or community) stressing developmental factors in relation to environment 2 : CASE HISTORY

dust off (v)

dusting off production skills. to bring out or back to use again; dusted off his golf clubs when he retired

port (v)

: to translate (software) into a version for another computer or operating system ported; porting; ports

gifted (adj)

a gifted speaker. 1 : having great natural ability : TALENTED gifted children 2 : revealing a special gift gifted voices

holden (past part)

archaic past participle of hold

loony (adj)

: CRAZY, FOOLISH loonier; looniest

majestic (adj)

having or exhibiting majesty : stately majestic mountains — majestically

long run (n)

in the long run. a relatively long period of time —usually used in the phrase in the long run — long-run

invest (v)

investing in... invested; investing; invests transitive verb 1 : to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return 2 : to make use of for future benefits or advantages invested her time wisely 3 : to involve or engage especially emotionally were deeply invested in their children's lives intransitive verb : to make an investment — investable play \in-ˈve-stə-bəl\ adjective — investor

underestimate (v)

never underestimate... 1 : to estimate as being less than the actual size, quantity, or number 2 : to place too low a value on : UNDERRATE

unwieldy (adj)

not easily managed, handled, or used (as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness) : cumbersome

unscrupulous (adj)

not scrupulous : unprincipled

do-or-die (adj)

1 : doggedly determined to reach one's objective : indomitable 2 : presenting as the only alternatives complete success or complete ruin a do-or-die situation

erratic (adj)

1 : having no fixed course : wandering an erratic comet 2 a : characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity erratic dieting keeps erratic hours b : deviating from what is ordinary or standard : eccentric an erratic genius 3 : transported from an original resting place especially by a glacier an erratic boulder 4 archaic : nomadic — erratical play \i-ˈra-ti-kəl\ adjective — erratically play \i-ˈra-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — erraticism

dear (adj)

1 : highly valued : PRECIOUS a dear friend Our friendship is very dear to me. ran for dear life —often used in a salutation dear Sir 2 : AFFECTIONATE, FOND 3 : high or exorbitant in price : EXPENSIVE eggs are very dear just now 4 : HEARTFELT our dearest prayers 5 obsolete : NOBLE

prejudice (n)

1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims 2a(1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

half-life (n)

1 : the time required for half of something to undergo a process: such as a : the time required for half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to become disintegrated b : the time required for half the amount of a substance (such as a drug, radioactive tracer, or pesticide) in or introduced into a living system or ecosystem to be eliminated or disintegrated by natural processes 2 : a period of usefulness or popularity preceding decline or obsolescence slang usually has a short half-life

master class (n)

: a seminar for advanced music students conducted by a master musician

right-to-life (adj)

: opposed to abortion

head game (n)

playing head games. : MIND GAME

preoccupation (n)

1 : an act of preoccupying : the state of being preoccupied 2a : extreme or excessive concern with something b : something that preoccupies one

more or less (adv)

1 : to a varying or undetermined extent or degree : somewhat they were more or less willing to help 2 : with small variations : approximately contains 16 acres more or less

stack up (v)

1 : to add up : TOTAL 2 : MEASURE UP, COMPARE —usually used with against

mores (n)

: the fixed morally binding customs of a particular group have tended to withdraw and develop a self-sufficient society of their own, with distinct and rigid mores — James Stirling 2 : moral attitudes the evershifting mores of the moment — Havelock Ellis 3 : HABITS, MANNERS organized dancing developed a whole set of mores and practices of its own — R. L. Taylor

Guinevere (n)

the wife of King Arthur and mistress of Lancelot

downhearted (adj)


cattle prod (n)

: a handheld prodding device that delivers an electric shock (as in controlling cattle)

moonquake (n)

: a seismic event on the moon

mono (adj)

: monophonic sense 2

habanera (n)

1 : a Cuban dance in slow duple time 2 : the music for the habanera

menial (adj)

menail work. 1 : of or relating to servants : lowly a menial worker 2 a : appropriate to a servant : humble, servile answered in menial tones menial household chores b : lacking interest or dignity a menial task — menially adverb

oneiromancy (n)

divination by means of dreams

go-between (n)

an essential go-between. : an intermediate agent : BROKER

aphrodisiac (n)

: an agent (such as a food or drug) that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire

metronome (n)

: an device designed to mark exact time by a regularly repeated tick

liquid crystal (n)

: an organic liquid whose physical properties resemble those of a crystal in the formation of loosely ordered molecular arrays similar to a regular crystalline lattice and the anisotropic refraction of light

vanilla (adj)

: flavored with vanilla 2 : lacking distinction : PLAIN, ORDINARY, CONVENTIONAL

self-will (n)

: stubborn or willful adherence to one's own desires or ideas : OBSTINACY

back burner (n)

: the condition of being out of active consideration or development —usually used in the phrase on the back burner

eupeptic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or having good digestion 2 : cheerful, optimistic

hot air (n)

: empty talk

hungover (adj)

: suffering from a hangover

hatch (n)

1 : a small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship) an escape hatch 2a : an opening in the deck of a ship or in the floor or roof of a building b : the covering for such an opening c : HATCHWAY d : COMPARTMENT 3 : FLOODGATE

hoedown (n)

1 : square dance 2 : a gathering featuring hoedowns

mounting (n)

: MOUNT entry 3 sense 2

Mach (n)

: a usually high speed expressed by a Mach number an airplane flying at Mach 2

masala (n)

: a varying blend of spices used in Indian cooking

Don Quixote (n)

: an impractical idealist

moresque (adj)

: having the characteristics of Moorish art or architecture

varicolored (adj)

: having various colors : VARIEGATED a varicolored butterfly also : of various colors

largely (adv)

: in a large manner especially : to a large extent : mostly, primarily words largely unknown a decade ago

lackadaisical (adj)

: lacking life, spirit, or zest : LANGUID teachers who are impatient with lackadaisical students

multisensory (adj)

: relating to or involving several physiological senses multisensory experiences

mass-produce (v)

: to produce in quantity usually by machinery mass-produced; mass-producing; mass-produces

splendent (adj)

1 : SHINING, GLOSSY splendent luster 2 : ILLUSTRIOUS, BRILLIANT splendent genius

happy talk (n)

1 : informal talk among the participants in a television news broadcast also : a broadcast format featuring such talk 2 : optimistic talk

dramatis personae (n)

1 : the characters or actors in a drama 2 singular in construction : a list of the characters or actors in a drama 3 : people who figure prominently in something (such as an event)

loock down (v)

1 : to be in a position that affords a downward view 2 : to regard with contempt : DESPISE —used with on or upon

frondeur (n)

: rebel, malcontent

extol (v)

: to praise highly : GLORIFY extolled; extolling

disassemble (v)

: to take apart disassemble a watch 1 : to come apart the frame disassembles into sections 2 : disperse, scatter the crowd began to disassemble

squirm (v)

: to twist about like a worm : FIDGET squirmed; squirming; squirms

risqué (adj)

: verging on impropriety or indecency : OFF-COLOR a risqué joke

sculpt (v)


Holy Grail (n)

Holy Grail of... 1 : grail 2 often not capitalized : an object or goal that is sought after for its great significance

grand unified theory (n)

Einstein's search for a grand unified theory. any of several theories that seek to unite in a single mathematical framework the electromagnetic and weak forces with the strong force or with the strong force and gravity — called also grand unification theory

antithesis (n)

____ is the antithesis of. plural antitheses 1 a : the direct opposite Her temperament is the very antithesis of mine. b (1) : the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences (as in action, not words or they promised freedom and provided slavery) (2) : opposition, contrast the antithesis of prose and verse c : the second of two opposing words, clauses, or sentences that are being rhetorically contrasted 2 philosophy : the second stage of a dialectical process

peace offering (n)

a genuine peace offering. a gift or service for the purpose of procuring peace or reconciliation

Laputan (n)

an inhabitant of a flying island in Swift's Gulliver's Travels characterized by a neglect of useful occupations and a devotion to visionary projects — Laputan adjective

decipher (v)

deciphering intentions. transitive verb 1 : decode 1a decipher a secret message 2 obsolete : depict with her majesty's name deciphered in gold letters —Jonathan Swift 3 a : to make out the meaning of despite indistinctness or obscurity trying to decipher her handwriting b : to interpret the meaning of decipher the poem — decipherable play \-f(ə-)rə-bəl\ adjective — decipherer play \-fər-ər\ noun — decipherment

line item (n)

each individual line item. an appropriation that is itemized on a separate line in a budget — line-item

fifty-fifty (adj)

fifty-fifty chance. 1 : shared, assumed, or borne equally a fifty-fifty proposition 2 : half favorable and half unfavorable a fifty-fifty chance — fifty-fifty adverb

gallivant (v)

gallivanting around. 1 informal : to travel, roam, or move about for pleasure been gallivanting all over town 2 dated, informal : to go about usually ostentatiously or indiscreetly with members of the opposite sex

scot-free (adj)

get away scot-free. completely free from obligation, harm, or penalty

get across (v)

getting a point across. to become clear or convincing transitive verb : to make clear or convincing we couldn't get our point across

airtime (n)

give airtime to... 1 : the time or any part of the time when a radio or television station is on the air 2 : the time at which a radio or television broadcast is scheduled to begin

gush (v)

gushing with... 1 : to issue copiously or violently 2 : to emit a sudden copious flow 3 : to make an effusive display of affection or enthusiasm an aunt gushing over the baby transitive verb 1 : to emit in a copious free flow 2 : to say or write effusively — gushingly

open-minded (adj)

have an open mind. receptive to arguments or ideas — open-mindedly adverb — open-mindedness noun

high-concept (adj)

having or exploiting elements (such as fast action, glamour, or suspense) that appeal to a wide audience high-concept movies

hive (n)

hive mind. 1 a : a container for housing honeybees b : the usually aboveground nest of bees 2 : a colony of bees 3 : a place swarming with activity — hiveless

lasting (adj)

lasting impact. existing or continuing a long while : enduring — lastingly play \ˈla-stiŋ-lē\ adverb — lastingness noun

poster child (n)

poster child for... 1 : a child who has a disease and is pictured in posters to solicit funds for combating the disease 2 : a person having a public image that is identified with something (such as a cause)

SWAK (abbr)

sealed with a kiss

better half (n)

she's my better half. spouse

magnetism (n)

social magnetism. 1a : a class of physical phenomena that include the attraction for iron observed in lodestone and a magnet, are inseparably associated with moving electricity, are exhibited by both magnets and electric currents, and are characterized by fields of force b : a science that deals with magnetic phenomena 2 : an ability to attract or charm

anacoluthon (n)

syntactical inconsistency or incoherence within a sentence; especially : a shift in an unfinished sentence from one syntactic construction to another (as in you really ought—well, do it your own way)

general paresis (n)

syphilis of the central nervous system that is characterized by memory loss, muscle weakness, progressive dementia, seizures, and paralysis

ownership (n)

taking ownership of... 1 : the state, relation, or fact of being an owner 2 : a group or organization of owners

decontextualize (v)

transitive verb : to remove from a context

and/or (conj)

—used as a function word to indicate that two words or expressions are to be taken together or individually language comprehension and/or production— David Crystal

capoeira (n)

a Brazilian dance of African origin that incorporates martial arts movements such as kicks and chops

amour (n)

a usually illicit love affair wrote of his amours in his memoirs; also : lover

filter (v)

filtering out/down. 1 : to subject to the action of a filter 2 : to remove by means of a filter intransitive verb 1 : to pass or move through or as if through a filter 2 : to come or go in small units over a period of time people began filtering in

swimmingly (adj)

going swimmingly. very well : splendidly the event went swimmingly

a la (prep)

in the manner of walking with a swagger à la John Wayne

MEGO (abbr)

my eyes glaze over

penniless (adj)

penniless sitar player. destitute of money

change of pace (phrase)

1 : CHANGEUP 2 : an interruption of continuity by a shift to a different activity

minded (adj)

1 : INCLINED, DISPOSED 2 : having a mind especially of a specified kind or concerned with a specified thing —usually used in combination narrow-minded health-minded

maniacal (adj)

1 : affected with or suggestive of madness maniacal laughter maniacal energy a maniacal killer 2 : characterized by ungovernable excitement or frenzy : FRANTIC a maniacal mob maniacal fans

diverse (adj)

1 : differing from one another : UNLIKE people with diverse interests 2 : composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities a diverse population

masque (n)

1 : masquerade 2 : a short allegorical dramatic entertainment of the 16th and 17th centuries performed by masked actors

cash (n)

1 : ready money 2 : money or its equivalent (such as a check) paid for goods or services at the time of purchase or delivery 1 : any of various coins of small value in China and southern India especially : a Chinese coin with a square hole in the center 2 : a unit of value equivalent to one cash cash

anatomize (v)

1 : to cut in pieces in order to display or examine the structure and use of the parts : dissect 2 : analyze anatomized; anatomizing

runway (n)

1a : a beaten path made by animals b : a passageway for animals 2 : a paved strip of ground on a landing field for the landing and takeoff of aircraft 3a : a narrow platform from a stage into an auditorium b : a platform along which models walk in a fashion show 4 : run sense 10b 5 : the area or path along which a jumper, pole vaulter, or javelin thrower runs

meat (n)

1a : food especially : solid food as distinguished from drink b : the edible part of something as distinguished from its covering (such as a husk or shell) 2 : animal tissue considered especially as food: a : flesh sense 2b also : flesh of a mammal as opposed to fowl or fish b : flesh sense 1a specifically : flesh of domesticated animals 3 archaic : meal entry 1 sense 1 especially : dinner 4a : the core of something : heart b : pith sense 2b a novel with meat 5 : favorite pursuit or interest

straightforward (adj)

1a : free from evasiveness or obscurity : EXACT, CANDID a straightforward account b : CLEAR-CUT, PRECISE 2 : proceeding in a straight course or manner : DIRECT, UNDEVIATING

pop off (v)

1a : to die unexpectedly b : to leave suddenly 2 : to talk thoughtlessly and often loudly or angrily

lech (v)

: LUST leched; leching; leches

hatchet job (n)

: a forceful or malicious verbal attack

roué (n)

: a man devoted to a life of sensual pleasure : RAKE

haven (n)

1 : HARBOR, PORT 2 : a place of safety : REFUGE 3 : a place offering favorable opportunities or conditions a haven for artists

self-actualize (v)

: to realize fully one's potential

ghetto blaster (n)


cerveza (n)

1 : BEER sense 1 2 : BEER sense 4

aphorism (n)

1 : a concise statement of a principle 2 : a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : ADAGE the high-minded aphorism, Let us value the quality of life, not the quantity 3 : an ingeniously terse style of expression : aphoristic language These are dazzling chapters, packed with perfectly chosen anecdotes and pithy with aphorism. — John Keegan

plantocracy (n)

1 : a ruling class made up of planters 2 : government by planters

libido (n)

1 : instinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity 2 : sexual drive The drug was used to increase libido. libidos

plush (adj)

1 : relating to, resembling, or made of plush 2a : notably luxurious b : RICH, FULL the plush sound of his saxophone playing a plush, ripe wine

armchair (adj)

1 : remote from direct dealing with problems : theoretical rather than practical armchair strategists 2 : sharing vicariously in another's experiences an armchair traveler

sentient (adj)

1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions sentient beings 2 : AWARE 3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling

reserved (adj)

1 : restrained in words and actions 2 : kept or set apart or aside for future or special use

literally (adv.)

1 : the act or art of managing : the conducting or supervising of something (such as a business) Business improved under the management of new owners. 2 : judicious use of means to accomplish an end is extremely cautious when it comes to money management 3 : the collective body of those who manage or direct an enterprise Management decided to hire more workers.

miscommunication (n)

: failure to communicate clearly There was miscommunication between the reporter and her editors.

monopodial (adj)

: growing upward with a single main stem or axis that produces leaves and flowers monopodial orchids

shatter (v)

1 : to cause to drop or be dispersed 2a : to break at once into pieces b : to damage badly : RUIN 3 : to cause the disruption or annihilation of : DEMOLISH intransitive verb 1 : to break apart : DISINTEGRATE 2 : to drop off parts (such as leaves, petals, or fruit) shattered; shattering; shatters

amass (v)

1 : to collect for oneself : ACCUMULATE amass a great fortune 2 : to collect into a mass : GATHER must select rather than simply amass details : to come together : ASSEMBLE Dark clouds amassed over the city. amassed; amassing; amasses

redefine (v)

1 : to define (something, such as a concept) again : REFORMULATE had to redefine their terms 2a : to reexamine or reevaluate especially with a view to change b : TRANSFORM sense 1c redefined; redefining; redefines

loiter (v)

1 : to delay an activity with idle stops and pauses : DAWDLE asked him not to loiter on the way home 2a : to remain in an area for no obvious reason teenagers loitering in the parking lot b : to lag behind a crowd of people, who loitered to hear the bloodcurdling threats the prisoner shouted — Willa Cather loitered; loitering; loiters

characterize (v)

1 : to describe the character (see CHARACTER entry 1 sense 1a) or quality of characterizes him as ambitious 2 : to be a characteristic of : DISTINGUISH an era characterized by greed characterized; characterizing

spoon-feed (v)

1 : to feed by means of a spoon 2a : to present (information) so completely as to preclude independent thought spoon-feed material to students b : to present information to in this manner spoon-fed spoon-feeding

zip (v)

1 : to move, act, or function with speed and vigor 2 : to travel with a sharp hissing or humming sound 1 : to impart speed or force to 2 : to add zest, interest, or life to —often used with up 3 : to transport or propel with speed 1a : to close or open with or as if with a zipper b : to enclose or wrap by fastening a zipper 2 : to cause (a zipper) to open or shut : to become open, closed, or attached by means of a zipper zipped; zipping

step-by-step (adj or adv)

: marked by successive degrees usually of limited extent : GRADUAL

eclectic (adj)

an eclectic collection. 1 : composed of elements drawn from various sources; also : heterogeneous 2 : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles — eclectically

entice (v)

an enticing offer. enticed; enticing transitive verb : to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : tempt — enticement play \in-ˈtī-smənt, en-\ noun — enticingly

honcho (n)

head honcho. BOSS, BIG SHOT also : HOTSHOT

self-publish (v)

self-published author. : to publish (a book) using the author's own resources

again and again (adv)

this happens again and again. at frequent intervals : often, repeatedly

actualize (v)

to make actual : realize

choppy (adj)

1 : being roughened : CHAPPED 2 : rough with small waves 3a : interrupted by ups and downs choppy terrain a choppy career b : JERKY short choppy strides c : DISCONNECTED choppy writing

collected (adj)

1 : gathered together the collected works of Scott 2 : possessed of calmness and composure often through concentrated effort 3 of a horse's gait : performed slowly and restrainedly with the animal's center of gravity toward the hindquarters — compare EXTENDED

Hobson's choice (n)

1 : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative 2 : the necessity of accepting one of two or more equally objectionable alternatives -paying taxes

honeymoon (n)

honeymoon phase. 1 : a period of harmony immediately following marriage 2 : a period of unusual harmony especially following the establishment of a new relationship 3 : a trip or vacation taken by a newly married couple — honeymoon intransitive verb — honeymooner noun

halo effect (n)

generalization from the perception of one outstanding personality trait to an overly favorable evaluation of the whole personality

domineering (adj)

: inclined to exercise arbitrary and overbearing control over others

lion's share (n)

: the largest portion received the lion's share of the research money

mountaintop (n)

: the summit of a mountain

level off (v)

: to approach or reach a steady rate, volume, or amount : STABILIZE expect prices to level off

space out (v)

: to become inattentive, distracted, or mentally remote spaced out halfway through the lecture

Maginot Line (n)

1 : a line of defensive fortifications built before World War II to protect the eastern border of France but easily outflanked by German invaders 2 : a defensive barrier or strategy that inspires a false sense of security system of defensive fortifications that was built by France in the 1930s to protect its eastern border and stretched for nearly 200 miles (322 kilometers)

lecher (n)

: a man who engages in lechery

robotic (adj)

1 : of or relating to mechanical robots 2 : having the characteristics of a robot performs with robotic consistency

lumber (n)

1 : surplus or disused articles (such as furniture) that are stored away 2a : timber or logs especially when dressed for use b : any of various structural materials prepared in a form similar to lumber

layover (n)


solace (n)

1 : comfort in grief : alleviation of grief or anxiety 2 : a source of relief or consolation

precocious (adj)

1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence precocious puberty 2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age a precocious child

lovely (adj)

1 obsolete : LOVABLE 2 : delightful for beauty, harmony, or grace : ATTRACTIVE She looks lovely in that dress. 3 : GRAND, SWELL what a lovely morning 4 : eliciting love by moral or ideal worth A lovely woman who loves him for himself, not for his money. lovelier; loveliest

homonym (n)

1a grammar : HOMOPHONE the homonyms there and their b grammar : HOMOGRAPH The words lead, as in the metal, and lead, as in the verb, are homonyms. c grammar : one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning (such as the noun quail and the verb quail) 2 : NAMESAKE 3 biology : a taxonomic designation rejected as invalid because the identical term has been used to designate another group of the same rank — compare SYNONYM

generative (adj)

a generative process. having the power or function of generating, originating, producing, or reproducing

calamity (n)

1 : a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering calamities of nature an economic calamity 2 : a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss

palliate (v)

1 : to reduce the violence of (a disease); also : to ease (symptoms) without curing the underlying disease drugs to palliate the pain 2 : to cover by excuses and apologies tried to palliate his blunder 3 : to moderate the intensity of trying to palliate the boredom did nothing to palliate the bitter disputes

mushroom (n)

1a : an enlarged complex aboveground fleshy fruiting body of a fungus (such as a basidiomycete) that consists typically of a stem bearing a pileus especially : one that is edible b : FUNGUS 2 : UPSTART 3 : something resembling a mushroom

monochromator (n)

: a device for isolating a narrow portion of a spectrum

moon-eyed (adj)

: having the eyes wide open

marplot (n)

: one who frustrates or ruins a plan or undertaking by meddling

hand over fist (adv)

: quickly and in large amounts making money hand over fist

chalice (n)

1 : a drinking cup : goblet especially : the eucharistic cup 2 : the cup-shaped interior of a flower

pluvial (adj)

1a : of or relating to rain b : characterized by abundant rain 2 of a geologic change : resulting from the action of rain

mosque (n)

: a building used for public worship by Muslims

fighting chance (n)

a chance that may be realized by a struggle the patient had a fighting chance to live

screeching (adj)

a screeching halt. ABRUPT, SUDDEN her career came to a screeching halt

king's ransom (n)

a very large sum of money

organon (n)

an instrument for acquiring knowledge; specifically : a body of principles of scientific or philosophical investigation

toy (v)

play with toys. 1 : to act or deal with something lightly or without vigor or purpose toyed with the idea 2 : to amuse oneself as if with a toy : PLAY they're just toying with him 3 : to engage in flirtation

fishbowl (n)

through a fishbowl. 1 : a bowl for the keeping of live fish 2 : a place or condition that affords no privacy

mild (adj)

mild mannered. 1 : gentle in nature or behavior has a mild disposition 2 a (1) : moderate in action or effect a mild sedative (2) : not sharp, spicy, or bitter mild cheese mild ale b : not being or involving what is extreme an analysis under mild conditions 3 : not severe : temperate a mild climate mild symptoms of disease — mildly play \mī(-ə)l(d)-lē\ adverb — mildness

hypocrite (n)

1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

showstopper (n)

1 : an act, song, or performer that wins applause so prolonged as to interrupt a performance 2 : something or someone exceptionally arresting or attractive the gold crown was the showstopper of the exhibition 3 : one that stops or could stop the progress, operation, or functioning of something

languid (adj)

1 : drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak arms too languid with happiness to embrace him —John Galsworthy 2 : sluggish in character or disposition : listless proceeded at a languid pace 3 : lacking force or quickness of movement : slow — languidly adverb — languidness noun

apologetic (adj)

1 : feeling or showing regret : regretfully acknowledging fault or failure : expressing an apology They were apologetic about the error. We received an apologetic letter. an apologetic smile/tone 2 : offered in defense or vindication the apologetic writings of the early Christians

motive (n)

1 : something (such as a need or desire) that causes a person to act Revenge was the murderer's motive. 2 : a recurrent phrase or figure that is developed through the course of a musical composition 3 : motif the composition's recurring flute motive

mythography (n)

1 : the representation of mythical subjects in art 2 : a critical compilation of myths

carry (v)

1 : to move while supporting : transport her legs refused to carry her further— Ellen Glasgow 2 : to convey by direct communication carry tales about a friend 3 chiefly dialectal : conduct, escort 4 : to influence by mental or emotional appeal : sway She intended the play to carry audiences toward a sense of peace and understanding. 5 : to get possession or control of : capture carried off the prize 6 : to transfer from one place (such as a column) to another carry a number in adding 7 : to contain and direct the course of The drain carries sewage. Cables carry electricity to homes. 8a : to wear or have on one's person Police officers carry guns. b : to bear upon or within one is carrying an unborn child c : to harbor (a pathogen) within the body carry a virus d : to possess a specified gene specifically : to possess one copy of a specified recessive gene and be capable of transmitting it to offspring parents carrying genes for cystic fibrosis 9a : to have or bear especially as a mark, attribute, or property carry a scar b : imply, involve The crime carried a heavy penalty. 10 : to hold or comport (oneself, one's person, etc.) in a specified manner always carries herself with dignity and grace 11 : to sustain the weight or burden of Pillars carry an arch. is carrying a full course load 12 : to bear as a crop 13 : to sing with reasonable correctness of pitch carry a tune 14a : to keep in stock for sale The store carries a good selection of wines. b : to provide sustenance for land carrying 10 head of cattle c : to have or maintain on a list or record carry a person on a payroll carried six guards on the team 15 : to be chiefly or solely responsible for the success, effectiveness, or continuation of a player capable of carrying a team Her performance carried the play. 16 : to prolong or maintain in space, time, or degree carry a principle too far carry the wall above the eaves carried a no-hitter into the ninth inning 17a : to gain victory for especially : to secure the adoption or passage of The bill was carried in the Senate by a vote of 75-25. b : to win a majority or plurality of votes in (something, such as a legislative body or a state) The bill carried the Senate by a vote of 75-25. 18 : to present for public use or consumption Newspapers carry weather reports. Channel nine will carry the game. 19a : to bear the charges of holding or having (stocks, merchandise, etc.) from one time to another b : to keep on one's books as a debtor A merchant carries a customer. 20 : to hold to and follow after The dog could not carry the scent. 21 : to hoist and maintain (a sail) in use 22 : to pass over (something, such as a hazard) at a single stroke in golf carry a bunker 23 : to propel and control (a puck or ball) along a playing surface 1 : to act as a bearer 2a : to reach or penetrate to a distance Voices carry well. Fly balls don't carry well in cold air. b : to convey itself to a reader or audience 3 : to undergo or admit of carriage in a specified way a load that carries easily 4 of a hunting dog : to keep and follow the scent 5 : to win adoption The motion carried by a vote of 71-25. carry a torch or carry the torch 1 : crusade 2 : to be in love especially without reciprocation : cherish a longing or devotion still carrying a torch for a former lover carried; carrying

shore (v)

1 : to support by a shore : PROP 2 : to give support to : BRACE —usually used with up trying to shore up his claim

magma (n)

1 archaic : DREGS, SEDIMENT 2 : a thin pasty suspension (as of a precipitate in water) 3 : molten rock material within the earth from which igneous rock results by cooling

happiness (n)

1 obsolete : good fortune : PROSPERITY all happiness bechance to thee — William Shakespeare 2a : a state of well-being and contentment : JOY b : a pleasurable or satisfying experience I wish you every happiness in life. I had the happiness of seeing you — W. S. Gilbert 3 : FELICITY, APTNESS a striking happiness of expression

perogative (n)

1a : an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege: such as (1) : one belonging to an office or an official body (2) : one belonging to a person, group, or class of individuals (3) : one possessed by a nation as an attribute of sovereignty b : the discretionary power inhering in the British Crown 2 : a distinctive excellence

magnet (n)

1a : LODESTONE b : a body having the property of attracting iron and producing a magnetic field external to itself specifically : a mass of iron, steel, or alloy that has this property artificially imparted 2 : something that attracts a box-office magnet

wanton (adj)

1a : MERCILESS, INHUMANE wanton cruelty b : having no just foundation or provocation : MALICIOUS a wanton attack 2 : being without check or limitation: such as a : unduly lavish : EXTRAVAGANT wanton imagination b : luxuriantly rank wanton vegetation 3a : LEWD, BAWDY b : causing sexual excitement : LUSTFUL, SENSUAL 4a : playfully mean or cruel : MISCHIEVOUS b archaic : hard to control : UNDISCIPLINED, UNRULY

devious (adj)

1a : WANDERING, ROUNDABOUT a devious path b : moving without a fixed course : ERRANT devious breezes 2 : OUT-OF-THE-WAY, REMOTE upon devious coasts 3a : deviating from a right, accepted, or common course devious conduct b : not straightforward : CUNNING a devious politician also : DECEPTIVE a devious trick a devious plot

throng (n)

1a : a multitude of assembled persons b : a large number : HOST 2a : a crowding together of many persons b : a pressing increase of activity this throng of business —S. R. Crockett

halfway house (n)

1a : a place to stop midway on a journey b : a halfway place in a progression 2 : a residence for individuals after release from institutionalization (as for mental illness, drug addiction, or criminal activity) that is designed to facilitate their readjustment to private life

prodigy (n)

1a : a portentous event : OMEN b : something extraordinary or inexplicable 2a : an extraordinary, marvelous, or unusual accomplishment, deed, or event b : a highly talented child or youth

honey (n)

1a : a sweet viscid material elaborated out of the nectar of flowers in the honey sac of various bees b : a sweet fluid resembling honey that is collected or elaborated by various insects 2a : a loved one : SWEETHEART, DEAR b : a superlative example 3 : the quality or state of being sweet : SWEETNESS 4 : an attractive woman

hospitable (adj)

1a : given to generous and cordial reception of guests a kind, hospitable people they are hospitable ... : give a guest everything, and leave him free to do as he likes — Bram Stoker b : promising or suggesting generous and friendly welcome hospitable faces c : offering a pleasant or sustaining environment grows in even the least hospitable climates 2 : readily receptive : OPEN hospitable to new ideas

hurtful (adj)

: causing injury, detriment, or suffering : DAMAGING

mot juste (n)

: the exactly right word or phrasing mots justes

Garden of Eden (n)


hopeful (adj)

I'm hopeful that... 1 : having qualities which inspire hope hopeful signs of economic recovery 2 : full of hope : inclined to hope

de minimis (adj)

a de minimus amount. lacking significance or importance : so minor as to merit disregard de minimis fringe benefits what amounts to a de minimis tax incre

lucrative (adj)

a lucrative venture. producing wealth : profitable — lucratively adverb — lucrativeness noun

ad hoc (adj)

an ad hoc solution. : for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application The decisions were made ad hoc.

order of magnitude (n)

an order of magnitude larger. a range of magnitude extending from some value to ten times that value

liaise (v)

chiefly British 1 : to establish liaison was sent to Rome to liaise with the new government 2 : to act as a liaison officer liaised; liaising

chagrin (n)

disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure

orismology (n)

the science of defining technical terms — orismological

triangulate (v)

triangulate in on... 1 : to survey, map, or determine by triangulation 2 a : to divide into triangles b : to give triangular form to

desirous (adj)

: impelled or governed by desire desirous of fame

abecedarian (n)

one learning the rudiments of something (such as the alphabet)

clunky (adj)

clunky software. : clumsy in style, form, or execution a clunky thriller clunky earrings

exalt (v)

exalted; exalting; exalts transitive verb 1 : to raise in rank, power, or character 2 : to elevate by praise or in estimation : glorify 3 obsolete : elate 4 : to raise high : elevate 5 : to enhance the activity of : intensify rousing and exalting the imagination —George Eliot intransitive verb : to induce exaltation — exaltedly adverb — exalter noun

opulent (adj)

exhibiting or characterized by opulence: such as a : having a large estate or property : wealthy hoping to marry an opulent widow opulent industrialists b : amply or plentifully provided or fashioned often to the point of ostentation living in opulent comfort opulent furnishings an opulent hotel — opulently adverb

homesick (adj)

feeling homesick. longing for home and family while absent from them — homesickness noun

gross out (v)

grossed me out. transitive verb : to offend, insult, or disgust by something gross

fail-safe (adj)

having a fail-safe. 1 : incorporating some feature for automatically counteracting the effect of an anticipated possible source of failure 2 : being or relating to a safeguard that prevents continuing on a bombing mission according to a preconceived plan 3 : having no chance of failure : infallibly problem-free the little black dress ... has consistently been the fail-safe solution for night —Vogue

hound (v)

hounding someone. 1 : to pursue with or as if with hounds 2 : to drive or affect by persistent harassing

indemnify (v)

indemnified from blame; indemnified for damage. indemnified; indemnifying transitive verb 1 : to secure against hurt, loss, or damage 2 : to make compensation to for incurred hurt, loss, or damage — indemnifier

infinite (adj)

infinite possibilities. 1 : extending indefinitely : endless infinite space 2 : immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive : inexhaustible infinite patience 3 : subject to no limitation or external determination 4 a : extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any preassigned finite value however large infinite number of positive numbers b : extending to infinity infinite plane surface c : characterized by an infinite number of elements or terms an infinite set an infinite series — infinitely adverb — infiniteness noun

filler (n)

lots of filler. one that fills: such as a : a substance added to a product (as to increase bulk, weight, viscosity, opacity, or strength) b : a composition used to fill the pores and grain especially of a wood surface before painting or varnishing c : a piece used to cover or fill in a space between two parts of a structure d : tobacco used to form the core of a cigar e : material used to fill extra space in a column or page of a newspaper or magazine or to increase the size of a work (such as a book) f : a pack of paper for a loose-leaf notebook g : a sound, word, or phrase (such as you know?) used to fill pauses in speaking

obfuscate (v)

obfuscate reality. obfuscated; obfuscating transitive verb 1 a : to throw into shadow : darken b : to make obscure obfuscate the issue officials who ... continue to obscure and obfuscate what happened —Mary Carroll 2 : confuse obfuscate the reader intransitive verb : to be evasive, unclear, or confusing The suspect often obfuscated during the interrogation. — obfuscation play \ˌäb-(ˌ)fə-ˈskā-shən\ noun — obfuscatory

dope (adj)

slang : EXCELLENT —used as a generalized term of approval

beaucoup (adj)

slang : great in quantity or amount : MANY, MUCH spent beaucoup dollars

debatable (adj)

that's debatable. 1 : claimed by more than one country debatable border territory 2 a : open to dispute : questionable the debatable wisdom of his advice b : open to debate 3 : capable of being debated — debatably

samsara (n)

the indefinitely repeated cycles of birth, misery, and death caused by karma

biotic potential (n)

the inherent capacity of an organism or species to reproduce and survive

meanwhile (n)

the time before something happens or before a specified period ends : meantime in the meanwhile colleges and universities have become somewhere near one hundred times more complex —Dennis O'Brien

honor killing (n)

the traditional practice in some countries of killing a family member who is believed to have brought shame on the family

lion's den (n)

thrown into the lion's den. a place or state of extreme disadvantage, antagonism, or hostility a young reporter thrown into the lion's den

guise (n)

under the guise. 1 : a form or style of dress : costume attended the masquerade in the guise of a court jester 2 a obsolete : manner, fashion b archaic : a customary way of speaking or behaving 3 a : external appearance : semblance The android is a machine in human guise. b : pretext swindles people under the guise of friendship

mainstay (n)

1 : a ship's stay extending from the maintop forward usually to the foot of the foremast 2 : a chief support

aporia (n)

1 : an expression of real or pretended doubt or uncertainty especially for rhetorical effect 2 : a logical impasse or contradiction; especially : a radical contradiction in the import of a text or theory that is seen in deconstruction as inevitable

modulation (n)

1 : an inflection of the tone or pitch of the voice specifically : the use of stress or pitch to convey meaning 2 : a regulating according to measure or proportion : TEMPERING 3 : a change from one musical key to another by modulating 4 : the process of modulating a carrier or signal (as in radio) also : the result of this process

baptism of fire (phrase)

1 : an introductory or initial experience that is a severe ordeal especially : a soldier's first exposure to enemy fire 2 : a spiritual baptism by a gift of the Holy Spirit —often used in allusion to Acts 2:3-4; Matthew 3:11 (Revised Standard Version)

miscellaneous (adj)

1 : consisting of diverse things or members : HETEROGENEOUS 2a : having various traits b : dealing with or interested in diverse subjects as a writer I was too miscellaneous — George Santayana

aberrant (adj)

1 : deviating from the usual or natural type : atypical, abnormal aberrant behavior I don't intend to suggest that his psychology was in some way aberrant or neurotic ... —Michael Chabon 2 : straying from the right or normal way aberrant misfits

verisimilar (adj)

1 : having the appearance of truth : PROBABLE 2 : depicting realism (as in art or literature)

hobble (v)

: to move along unsteadily or with difficulty especially : to limp along transitive verb 1 : to cause to limp : make lame : CRIPPLE 2 [ probably alteration of hopple to hobble ] a : to fasten together the legs of (an animal, such as a horse) to prevent straying : FETTER b : to place under handicap : HAMPER, IMPEDE

plateau (v)

: to reach a level, period, or condition of stability or maximum attainment plateaued; plateauing; plateaus

lopsided (adj)

1 : leaning to one side 2 : lacking in balance, symmetry, or proportion : disproportionately heavy on one side a lopsided vote of 99-1 — lopsidedly adverb — lopsidedness noun

phosphorescence (n)

1 : luminescence that is caused by the absorption of radiations (such as light or electrons) and continues for a noticeable time after these radiations have stopped — compare FLUORESCENCE 2 : an enduring luminescence without sensible heat

multiplex (adj)

1 : many, multiple 2 : being or relating to a system of transmitting several messages or signals simultaneously on the same circuit or channel

motor (n)

1 : one that imparts motion specifically : PRIME MOVER 2 : any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion: such as a : a small compact engine b : INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE especially : a gasoline engine c : a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy 3 : MOTOR VEHICLE especially : AUTOMOBILE

metachromatic (adj)

1 : staining or characterized by staining in a different color or shade from what is typical metachromatic granules in a bacterium 2 : having the capacity to stain different elements of a cell or tissue in different colors or shades metachromatic stains

midst (n)

1 : the interior or central part or point : MIDDLE in the midst of the forest 2 : a position of proximity to the members of a group a traitor in our midst 3 : the condition of being surrounded or beset in the midst of his troubles 4 : a period of time about the middle of a continuing act or condition in the midst of a meal

layout (n)

1 : the plan or design or arrangement of something laid out: such as a : DUMMY sense 5b b : final arrangement of matter to be reproduced especially by printing 2 : the act or process of planning or laying out in detail 3a : something that is laid out a model train layout b : land or structures or rooms used for a particular purpose a cattle-ranching layout also : PLACE c : a set or outfit especially of tools

mathematics (n)

1 : the science of numbers and their operations (see operation sense 5), interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space (see space entry 1 sense 7) configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations Algebra, arithmetic, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry are branches of mathematics. 2 : a branch of, operation in, or use of mathematics the mathematics of physical chemistry

harvest (n)

1 : the season for gathering in agricultural crops the beginning of the harvest 2 : the act or process of gathering in a crop assisting neighbors in their harvest 3a : a mature crop (as of grain or fruit) : yield bountiful harvests b : the quantity of a natural product gathered in a single season the salmon harvest timber harvests 4 : an accumulated store or productive result a harvest of revenue

skewer (v)

1 : to fasten or pierce with or as if with a skewer 2 : to criticize or ridicule sharply and effectively skewered; skewering; skewers

moderate (v)

1 : to lessen the intensity or extremeness of the sun moderated the chill 2 : to preside over or act as chairman of moderated the board of directors meeting moderated the debate 1 : to act as a moderator He moderated on a weekly panel show. 2 : to become less violent, severe, or intense the wind began to moderate moderated; moderating

rummage (v)

1 : to make a thorough search or investigation 2 : to engage in an undirected or haphazard search 1 : to make a thorough search through : RANSACK rummaged the attic 2 : to examine minutely and completely 3 : to discover by searching rummaged; rummaging

chant (v)

1 : to make melodic sounds with the voice especially : to sing a chant 2 : to recite something in a monotonous repetitive tone protesters were chanting outside 1 : to utter as in chanting 2 : to celebrate or praise in song or chant chanted; chanting; chants

proposition (n)

1 a (1) : something offered for consideration or acceptance : proposal (2) : a request for sexual intercourse b : the point to be discussed or maintained in argument usually stated in sentence form near the outset c : a theorem or problem to be demonstrated or performed 2 a : an expression in language or signs of something that can be believed, doubted, or denied or is either true or false b : the objective meaning of a proposition 3 : something of an indicated kind to be dealt with the farm was never a paying proposition — propositional adjective

lull (n)

1 archaic : something that lulls especially : LULLABY 2 : a temporary pause or decline in activity the early-morning lull in urban noise : such as a : a temporary calm before or during a storm b : a temporary drop in business activity

predicate (v)

1a : AFFIRM, DECLARE b archaic : PREACH 2a : to assert to be a quality, attribute, or property —used with following of predicates intelligence of humans b : to make (a term) the predicate in a proposition 3 : FOUND, BASE —usually used with on the theory is predicated on recent findings 4 : IMPLY predicated; predicating

anarchy (n)

1a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into anarchy c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government 2a : absence or denial of any authority or established order anarchy prevailed in the ghetto b : absence of order : disorder not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature— Israel Shenker 3 : anarchism

revise (v)

1a : to look over again in order to correct or improve revise a manuscript b British : to study again : REVIEW 2a : to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of revise a dictionary b : to provide with a new taxonomic arrangement revising the alpine ferns intransitive verb British : REVIEW sense 1revised; revising

berserk (adj)

: FRENZIED, CRAZED —usually used in the phrase go berserk sinister ravings of an imagination gone berserk — John Gruen

mai tai (n)

: a cocktail made with rum, curaçao, orgeat, lime, and fruit juices

limbic system (n)

: a group of subcortical structures (such as the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, and the amygdala) of the brain that are concerned especially with emotion and motivation

expat (n)

: an expatriate person : EXPATRIATE

misallocate (v)

: to allocate (something, such as money or resources) poorly or improperly allegedly misallocated company funds Top managers misallocate resources, overpay themselves, and ignore other, possibly better ways of motivating employees—all because giving out options is free. — Justin Fox misallocated; misallocating

dote (v)

: to exhibit mental decline of or like that of old age : be in one's dotage 2 : to be lavish or excessive in one's attention, fondness, or affection —usually used with on doted on her only grandchild Other Words from dote doted; doting

hypothesize (v)

: to make a hypothesis : to adopt as a hypothesis hypothesized; hypothesizing

knowledge engineering (n)

a branch of artificial intelligence that emphasizes the development and use of expert systems — knowledge engineer noun

calculated (adj)

a calculated response. 1 : APT, LIKELY 2a : worked out by mathematical calculation b : engaged in, undertaken, or displayed after reckoning or estimating the statistical probability of success or failure a calculated risk 3a : planned or contrived to accomplish a purpose b : DELIBERATE, INTENDED a calculated attempt to deceive voters

festive (adj)

a festive mood. 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for a feast or festival a festive occasion The house looks festive during the holidays. 2 : joyful, gay a festive mood — festively adverb — festiveness noun

forceful (adj)

a forceful delivery. : possessing or filled with force : EFFECTIVE a forceful argument

hilt (n)

a handle especially of a sword or dagger — to the hilt 1 : to the very limit : completely the farm was mortgaged to the hilt 2 : with nothing lacking played the role to the hilt

grail (n)

a holy grail. 1 capitalized : the cup or platter used according to medieval legend by Christ at the Last Supper and thereafter the object of knightly quests 2 : the object of an extended or difficult quest

grace period (n)

a period of time beyond a due date during which a financial obligation may be met without penalty or cancellation

bean counter (n)

a person involved in corporate or government financial decisions and especially one reluctant to spend money

inflection point (n)

a point on a curve that separates an arc concave upward from one concave downward and vice versa

seminal (adj)

a seminal work. 1 : of, relating to, or consisting of seed or semen 2 : containing or contributing the seeds of later development : CREATIVE, ORIGINAL a seminal book

operationalism (n)

a view that the concepts or terms used in nonanalytic scientific statements must be definable in terms of identifiable and repeatable operations — operationalist play \ˌä-pə-ˈrā-shnə-list, -shə-nə-list\ noun — operationalistic

affectionate (adj)

an affectionate partner. 1 : feeling or showing affection or warm regard : loving affectionate friends an affectionate nickname 2 : motivated by affection : tender affectionate care 3 obsolete : inclined, disposed — affectionately adverb

meliorism (n)

an optomistic meliorism. the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment — meliorist play \-rist\ adjective or noun — melioristic

grateful (adj)

being grateful for... 1 a : appreciative of benefits received b : expressing gratitude grateful thanks 2 a : affording pleasure or contentment : pleasing b : pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated — gratefully adverb — gratefulness noun

selfish (adj)

being selfish. 1 : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others 2 : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others a selfish act 3 : being an actively replicating repetitive sequence of nucleic acid that serves no known function selfish DNA also : being genetic material solely concerned with its own replication selfish genes

cash cow (n)

1 : a consistently profitable business, property, or product whose profits are used to finance a company's investments in other areas 2 : one regarded or exploited as a reliable source of money a singer deemed a cash cow for the record label

Hollywood (adj)

1 : of or characteristic of people in the American motion-picture industry the Hollywood lifestyle 2 : of or characteristic of a Hollywood film a story with a Hollywood happy ending

mundane (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the world 2 : characterized by the practical, transitory, and ordinary : COMMONPLACE the mundane concerns of day-to-day life

mold (v)

1 : to knead or work (a material, such as dough or clay) into a desired consistency or shape 2 : to give shape to the wind molds the waves 3 : to form in a mold mold candles 4 : to determine or influence the quality or nature of mold public opinion 5 : to fit the contours of fitted skirts that mold the hips 6 : to ornament with molding or carving molded picture frames : to become moldy molded; molding; molds

shrewd (adj)

1 archaic : MISCHIEVOUS 2 obsolete : ABUSIVE, SHREWISH 3 obsolete : OMINOUS, DANGEROUS 4a : SEVERE, HARD a shrewd knock b : SHARP, PIERCING a shrewd wind 5a : marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen shrewd common sense b : given to wily and artful ways or dealing a shrewd operator

logical (adj)

1a(1) : of, relating to, involving, or being in accordance with logic a logical conclusion (2) : skilled in logic b : formally true or valid : ANALYTIC, DEDUCTIVE a logical statement 2 : capable of reasoning or of using reason in an orderly cogent fashion a logical thinker

Prometheus (n)

: a Titan who is chained and tortured by Zeus for stealing fire from heaven and giving it to humankind

accentuate (v)

accentuating a feature. to make (something) more prominent or noticeable : accent, emphasize With her hair in tight curls that accentuate her pale beauty, she seems lit from within. —Peter Travers trying to accentuate the positive aspects of the program also : intensify accentuates the feeling of despair

permeable (adj)

capable of being permeated : penetrable; especially : having pores or openings that permit liquids or gases to pass through a permeable membrane permeable limestone

right-hand (adj)

1 : situated on the right 2 : RIGHT-HANDED 3 : chiefly relied on his right-hand man

prolong (v)

1 : to lengthen in time : CONTINUE 2 : to lengthen in extent, scope, or range prolonged; prolonging; prolongs

diminutive (adj)

1 grammar : indicating small size and sometimes the state or quality of being familiarly known, lovable, pitiable, or contemptible —used of affixes (such as -ette, -kin, -ling) and of words formed with them (such as kitchenette, manikin, duckling), of clipped forms (such as Jim), and of altered forms (such as Peggy) — compare AUGMENTATIVE 2 : exceptionally or notably small : TINY a diminutive performer

barrage (n)

1 military : artillery fire laid on a line (see LINE entry 1 sense 6c) close to friendly troops to screen and protect them The enemy laid down a barrage of machine-gun fire as our platoon approached the bridge. 2 : a vigorous or rapid outpouring or projection of many things at once a barrage of phone calls unleashed a barrage of insults an oratorical barrage

groundswell (n)

1 usually ground swell : a broad deep undulation of the ocean caused by an often distant gale or seismic disturbance 2 : a rapid spontaneous growth (as of political opinion) a groundswell of support

prodigious (adj)

1a obsolete : being an omen : PORTENTOUS b : resembling or befitting a prodigy : STRANGE, UNUSUAL 2 : causing amazement or wonder 3 : extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree : ENORMOUS

finagle (v)

finagling a higher salary by throwing some coworkers under the bus. finagled; finagling play \fə-ˈnā-g(ə-)liŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to obtain by indirect or involved means finagle a ride home 2 : to obtain by trickery finagled his way into the concert intransitive verb : to use devious or dishonest methods to achieve one's ends A con man finagled my neighbor out of $400. — finagler

mixed martial arts (n)

: a contact sport that allows a wide range of fighting techniques including striking, kicking, and grappling

collision course (n)

: a course (as of moving bodies or antithetical philosophies) that will result in collision or conflict if continued unaltered

mutineer (n)

: one that mutinies

faithful (adj)

a faithful partner. 1 : steadfast in affection or allegiance : LOYAL a faithful friend 2 : firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty : CONSCIENTIOUS a faithful employee 3 : given with strong assurance : BINDING a faithful promise 4 : true to the facts, to a standard, or to an original a faithful copy 5 obsolete : full of faith

foment (v)

fomented; fomenting; foments transitive verb : to promote the growth or development of : rouse, incite foment a rebellion was accused of fomenting a riot — fomenter noun

helping hand (n)

giving a helping hand. hand 8a

gravitas (n)

high seriousness (as in a person's bearing or in the treatment of a subject) had the gravitas of a deep thinker

shovel-ready (adj)

of a construction project or site : ready for the start of work

posit (v)

posit a guess. 1 : to dispose or set firmly : fix 2 : to assume or affirm the existence of : postulate 3 : to propose as an explanation : suggest

Mary Jane (n)


hold up (v)

a bottleneck holding up progress. 1 : to rob at gunpoint 2 : delay, impede 3 : to call attention to : single out his work was held up to ridicule hold this up as perfection —The Times Literary Supplement (London) intransitive verb : to continue in the same condition without failing or losing effectiveness or force she's holding up under the strain music that holds up twenty years later

chivalrous (adj)

1 : VALIANT chivalrous warriors 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of chivalry and knight-errantry a chivalrous quest 3a : marked by honor, generosity, and courtesy appreciated the chivalrous acts of the general b : marked by gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration especially to women A chivalrous man offered the woman his seat on the crowded bus.

censure (n)

1 : a judgment involving condemnation unorthodox practices awaiting the censure of the city council 2 : the act of blaming or condemning sternly The country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination. 3 : an official reprimand The lawyer's misconduct resulted in a letter of censure from the judge. 4 archaic : OPINION, JUDGMENT

daily dozen (n)

1 : a series of physical exercises to be performed daily : workout 2 : a set of routine duties or tasks

markup (n)

1 : an amount added to the cost price to determine the selling price broadly : PROFIT 2 : a U.S. Congressional committee session at which a bill is put into final form before it is reported out

meteor (n)

1 : an atmospheric phenomenon (such as lightning or a snowfall) 2a : any of the small particles of matter in the solar system that are directly observable only by their incandescence from frictional heating on entry into the atmosphere b : the streak of light produced by the passage of a meteor

ivory tower (n)

1 : an impractical often escapist attitude marked by aloof lack of concern with or interest in practical matters or urgent problems 2 : a secluded place that affords the means of treating practical issues with an impractical often escapist attitude; especially : a place of learning — ivory-tower adjective — ivory-towerish play \ˈīv-rē-ˈtau̇-(ə-)rish, ˈī-və-rē-\ adjective

excellence (n)

1 : the quality of being excellent 2 : an excellent or valuable quality : VIRTUE 3 : EXCELLENCY sense 2

choreograph (v)

1 : to compose the choreography of choreograph a ballet 2 : to arrange or direct the movements, progress, or details of a carefully choreographed meeting intransitive verb : to engage in choreography choreographed; choreographing; choreographs

misrepresent (v)

1 : to give a false or misleading representation of usually with an intent to deceive or be unfair misrepresented the facts 2 : to serve badly or improperly as a representative of misrepresented; misrepresenting; misrepresents

messiah (n)

1 capitalized a : the expected king and deliverer of the Jews b : jesus sense 1 2 : a professed or accepted leader of some hope or cause security, which the political messiahs promise— Vardis Fisher

stern (adj)

1a : having a definite hardness or severity of nature or manner : AUSTERE b : expressive of severe displeasure : HARSH 2 : forbidding or gloomy in appearance 3 : INEXORABLE stern necessity 4 : STURDY, STOUT a stern resolve

motor scooter (n)

: a low 2- or 3-wheeled automotive vehicle resembling a child's scooter and having a seat so that the rider does not straddle the engine

MIA (n)

: a member of the armed forces whose whereabouts following a combat mission are unknown and whose death cannot be established beyond reasonable doubt

manipulable (adj)

: capable of being manipulated

swank (adj)

: full of life or energy : ACTIVE 1 : characterized by showy display : OSTENTATIOUS a swank limousine 2 : fashionably elegant : SMART a swank restaurant swanker or swankier; swankiest

discarnate (adj)

: having no physical body : INCORPOREAL

moniker (n)

: name, nickname Hoosier is a common moniker for a resident of Indiana.

childlike (adj)

: resembling, suggesting, or appropriate to a child or childhood especially : marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness childlike delight

excruciating (adj)

1 : causing great pain or anguish : AGONIZING the nation's most excruciating dilemma — W. H. Ferry 2 : very intense : EXTREME excruciating pain

concurrent (adj)

1 : operating or occurring at the same time 2a : running parallel b : CONVERGENT specifically : meeting or intersecting in a point 3 : acting in conjunction 4 : exercised over the same matter or area by two different authorities concurrent jurisdiction

downright (adv)

1 archaic : straight down 2 : ABSOLUTELY sense 1a downright handsome downright mean 3 obsolete : FORTHRIGHT

lissome (adj)

1a : easily flexed b : LITHE sense 2 2 : NIMBLE

coincide (v)

1a : to occupy the same place in space or time The base of the triangle coincides with one side of the square. The heroic age of bridge construction coincided with the expansion of the railroads ... —Mario Salvadori b : to occupy exactly corresponding or equivalent positions on a scale or in a series 100° Celsius coincides with 212° Fahrenheit. 2 : to correspond in nature, character, or function ... our sentiments coincided in every particular ... —Jane Austen 3 : to be in accord or agreement : CONCUR She coincided with his views on most subjects. coincided; coinciding

life net (n)

: a strong net or sheet (as of canvas) used (as by firefighters) to catch a person jumping from a burning building

monophagous (adj)

: feeding on or utilizing a single kind of food especially : feeding on a single kind of plant or animal

gaping (adj)

a gaping hole in... wide open a gaping hole

saga (n)

a new saga. 1 : a prose narrative recorded in Iceland in the 12th and 13th centuries of historic or legendary figures and events of the heroic age of Norway and Iceland 2 : a modern heroic narrative resembling the Icelandic saga 3 : a long detailed account a saga of the Old South

inconsiderable (adj)

a not inconsiderable amount. not considerable : slight, trivial the cost was not inconsiderable — inconsiderableness noun — inconsiderably

self-respect (n)

any self-respecting... 1 : a proper respect for oneself as a human being 2 : regard for one's own standing or position

ambsace (n)

archaic : the lowest throw at dice also : something worthless or unlucky

bedrock (adj)

bedrock of society. 1 : the solid rock underlying unconsolidated surface materials (such as soil) 2 a : lowest point b : basis

orca (n)

killer whale

bold-faced (adj)

1 : bold in manner or conduct : IMPUDENT 2 usually boldfaced : being or set in boldface

basket case (n)

1 : a person who has all four limbs amputated 2 : a person who is mentally incapacitated or worn out (as from nervous tension) also : one that is not functioning well or is in a run-down condition an economic basket case

cryptic (adj)

1 : SECRET, OCCULT 2a : having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning : MYSTERIOUS cryptic messages cryptic prophecies b : marked by an often perplexing brevity cryptic marginal notes 3 : serving to conceal cryptic coloration in animals also : exhibiting cryptic coloration cryptic animals 4 : not recognized a cryptic infection 5 : employing cipher or code

spear-carrier (n)

1a : a member of an opera chorus b : a bit actor in a play 2 : a person whose actions are of little significance or value in an event or organization

downfall (n)

1a : a sudden fall (as from power) b : a fall (as of snow or rain) especially when sudden or heavy 2 : something that causes a downfall (as of a person) gambling was his downfall

bloodcurdling (adj)

: arousing fright or horror bloodcurdling screams

argentine (adj)

: silver, silvery

demanding (adj)

a demanding manager. requiring much time, effort, or attention : EXACTING a demanding job demanding customers

demean (v)

a demeaning comment. : to lower in character, status, or reputation careful not to demean his opponent demeaning the seriousness of the problem

fast-talk (v)

a silver-tongued, fast-talker. fast-talked; fast-talking; fast-talks transitive verb : to influence or persuade by fluent, facile, and usually deceptive or tricky talk fast-talked him into buying a lemon — fast-talker noun

accrue (v)

accruing interest. accrued; accruing intransitive verb 1 : to come into existence as a legally enforceable claim 2 a : to come about as a natural growth, increase, or advantage the wisdom that accrues with age b : to come as a direct result of some state or action rewards due to the feminine will accrue to me —Germaine Greer 3 : to accumulate or be added periodically interest accrues on a daily basis transitive verb : to accumulate or have due after a period of time accrue vacation time — accruable adjective — accruement

hole up (v)

hole up in (an office/room). intransitive verb : to hide out in or as if in a hole or cave transitive verb : to place in or as if in a refuge or hiding place

fitness (n)

mental fitness. 1 : the quality or state of being fit 2 : the capacity of an organism to survive and transmit its genotype to reproductive offspring as compared to competing organisms also : the contribution of an allele or genotype to the gene pool of subsequent generations as compared to that of other alleles or genotypes

necessitate (v)

necessitating change. necessitated; necessitating transitive verb 1 : to make necessary : require Business was growing, which necessitated the hiring of additional employees. 2 : force, compel was necessitated to choose some other route — necessitation

greenroom (n)

waiting in the greenroom. a room (as in a theater or studio) where performers can relax before or after appearances

muster (n)

1 : a representative specimen (see specimen sense 1) : sample musters of goods for sale 2a : an act of assembling specifically : formal military inspection Call out the troops to stand muster. b : critical examination slipshod work that would never pass muster c : an assembled group : collection a muster of biographical facts — Time d : inventory were sent ... to take the musters of this expedition— G. R. Elton

marksman (n)

: a person skilled in shooting at a mark or target

afford (v)

can't afford to... 1a : to manage to bear without serious detriment You can't afford to neglect your health. b : to be able to bear the cost of can't afford to be out of work long 2 : to make available, give forth, or provide naturally or inevitably The sun affords warmth to the earth. a delay that will afford us more time

moil (v)

chiefly dialectal : to make wet or dirty 1 : to work hard : DRUDGE 2 : to be in continuous agitation : CHURN, SWIRL moiled; moiling; moils

mug's game (n)

: a profitless or futile activity

hackneyed (adj)

lacking in freshness or originality hackneyed slogans

letter of intent (phrase)

: a written statement of the intention to enter into a formal agreement

disability (n)

1 : a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person's ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions Scientists have tentatively linked the reading disability known as dyslexia to a bevy of brain disturbances. — Science News How, with his severe disability, has Hawking been able to out-think and out-intuit his leading colleague-competitors ... — Kip S. Thorne Yet one ends up admiring him for his devotion to the disability that could have unmade his career as an actor. It is through his deafness that we hear his story. — Lennard J. Davis also : impaired function or ability Sarcopenia is a loss of muscle mass and strength that normally occurs with aging, and it's a major cause of frailty and disability in the elderly. — Andrew Weil Thrombolytic therapy has been used in patients with acute ischemic stroke to restore cerebral blood flow, reduce ischemia, and limit neurologic disability. — Werner Hacke — see also INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, LEARNING DISABILITY 2a(1) : an impairment (such as a chronic medical condition or injury) that prevents someone from engaging in gainful employment ... monthly payment to which a worker is entitled upon retirement or disability under the federal social security system ... — Robert I. Mehr (2) : an impairment (such as spina bifida) that results in serious functional limitations for a minor b : a program providing financial support to a person affected by disability ... those who fit the criteria for dysthymia were more likely to have physical and emotional problems and more likely to be on Medicaid or Social Security disability than those with acute depression. — Melinda Beck also : the financial support provided by such a program ... he collects disability on account of his exposure to Agent Orange during his years as an Army MP in Vietnam. — Jason Fagone 3 : a disqualification, restriction, or disadvantage economic disabilities 4 : lack of legal qualification to do something ... Defoe ... dramatised the gravity of the problem in the morally desperate expedient which Roxana is forced to adopt to overcome the legal disabilities of women. — Ian Watt

experimentalism (n)

: reliance on or advocacy of experimental or empirical principles and procedures specifically : INSTRUMENTALISM

analytics (n)

: the method of logical analysis

midweek (n)

: the middle of the week

love nest (n)

a place (such as an apartment) used for amorous and often illicit rendezvous

advocate (v)

advocating for... : to support or argue for (a cause, policy, etc.) : to plead in favor of They advocated a return to traditional teaching methods. a group that advocates vegetarianism intransitive verb : to act as advocate for someone or something ... a tradition of advocating for the equality and civil rights of all people ... —Fred Kuhr

grudge (n)

holding a grudge. a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will held no grudge against those who mistreated him

animism (n)

1 : a doctrine that the vital principle of organic development is immaterial spirit 2 : attribution of conscious life to objects in and phenomena of nature or to inanimate objects 3 : belief in the existence of spirits separable from bodies

state of war (term)

1a : a state of actual armed hostilities regardless of a formal declaration of war b : a legal state created and ended by official declaration regardless of actual armed hostilities and usually characterized by operation of the rules of war 2 : the period of time during which a state of war is in effect

amalgamation (n)

1a : the action or process of uniting or merging two or more things : the action or process of amalgamating an opportunity for the amalgamation of the two companies b : the state of being amalgamated 2 : the result of amalgamating : amalgam Opera is an amalgamation of singing, acting, and stagecraft. 3 : merger

mechanical (adj)

1a(1) : of or relating to machinery (see machinery sense 1) or tools mechanical applications of science a mechanical genius mechanical aptitude (2) : produced or operated by a machine or tool mechanical power a mechanical refrigerator a mechanical saw b : of or relating to manual operations

prosperity (n)

: the condition of being successful or thriving especially : economic well-being

gravy train (n)

a much exploited source of easy money; also : gravy 2a

tawdry (adj)

: cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality also : IGNOBLE a tawdry attempt to smear his opponent tawdrier; tawdriest

behind-the-scenes (adj)

1 : being or working out of public view or in secret behind-the-scenes lobbying for more money a behind-the-scenes player 2 : revealing or reporting the hidden workings a behind-the-scenes account a behind-the-scenes glimpse

heartfelt (adj)

: deeply felt : EARNEST

verbum sap (phrase)

: enough said —used to indicate that something left unsaid may or should be inferred

hotly (adv)

: in a hot manner a hotly contested series

big-time (adv)

: in a major or large-scale way the new show bombed big-time also : to a great extent or degree owes me big-time

chalk up (v)

1 : ASCRIBE, CREDIT chalked up his failures to inexperience 2 : ATTAIN, ACHIEVE chalk up another victory

fire and brimstone (n)

the torments suffered by sinners in hell — fire-and-brimstone adjective

ferlie (n)

plural ferlies Scotland : wonder

right (adj)

1 : RIGHTEOUS, UPRIGHT 2 : being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper right conduct 3 : conforming to facts or truth : CORRECT the right answer 4 : SUITABLE, APPROPRIATE the right man for the job 5 : STRAIGHT a right line 6 : GENUINE, REAL 7a : of, relating to, situated on, or being the side of the body which is away from the side on which the heart is mostly located b : located nearer to the right hand than to the left c : located to the right of an observer facing the object specified or directed as the right arm would point when raised out to the side d(1) : located on the right of an observer facing in the same direction as the object specified stage right (2) : located on the right when facing downstream the right bank of a river e : done with the right hand a right hook to the jaw 8 : having the axis perpendicular to the base right cone 9 : of, relating to, or constituting the principal or more prominent side of an object made sure the socks were right side out 10 : acting or judging in accordance with truth or fact time proved her right 11a : being in good physical or mental health or order not in his right mind b : being in a correct or proper state put things right 12 : most favorable or desired : PREFERABLE also : socially acceptable knew all the right people 13 often capitalized : of, adhering to, or constituted by the Right especially in politics

dominate (v)

1 : RULE, CONTROL an empire that dominated the world 2 : to exert the supreme determining or guiding influence on the ambition that has dominated his life 3 : to overlook from a superior elevation or command because of superior height or position a hill that dominates the town 4a : to be predominant in sugar maples dominate the forest b : to have a commanding or preeminent place or position in name brands dominate the market 1 : to have or exert mastery, control, or preeminence his desire to dominate a dominating factor in industrial growth 2 : to occupy a more elevated or superior position dominated; dominating

snappy (adj)

1 : SNAPPISH sense 1 2a : quickly made or done a snappy decision b : marked by vigor or liveliness snappy dialogue c : briskly cold d : STYLISH, SMART a snappy dresser snappier; snappiest

still life (n)

1 : a picture consisting predominantly of inanimate objects 2 : the category of graphic arts concerned with inanimate subject matter still lifes

subsection (n)

1 : a subdivision or a subordinate division of a section 2 : a subordinate part or branch

doubleheader (n)

1 : a train pulled by two locomotives 2 : two games, contests, or events held consecutively on the same program

sharp (adj)

1 : adapted to cutting or piercing: such as a : having a thin keen edge or fine point b : briskly or bitingly cold : NIPPING a sharp wind 2a : keen in intellect : QUICK-WITTED b : keen in perception : ACUTE sharp sight c : keen in attention : VIGILANT keep a sharp lookout d : keen in attention to one's own interest sometimes to the point of being unethical a sharp trader also : CORRUPT, UNETHICAL sharp business practices 3 : keen in spirit or action: such as a : full of activity or energy : BRISK sharp blows b : capable of acting or reacting strongly especially : CAUSTIC 4 : SEVERE, HARSH: such as a : inclined to or marked by irritability or anger a sharp temper b : causing intense mental or physical distress a sharp pain c : cutting in language or import a sharp rebuke 5 : affecting the senses or sense organs intensely: such as a(1) : having a strong odor or flavor sharp cheese (2) : ACRID b : having a strong piercing sound c : having the effect of or involving a sudden brilliant display of light a sharp flash 6a : terminating in a point or edge sharp features b : involving an abrupt or marked change especially in direction a sharp turn c : clear in outline or detail : DISTINCT a sharp image d : set forth with clarity and distinctness sharp contrast 7a of a tone : raised a half step in pitch b : higher than the proper pitch c : MAJOR, AUGMENTED —used of an interval in music 8 : STYLISH, DRESSY

behest (n)

1 : an authoritative order : COMMAND The meeting was called at the senator's behest. 2 : an urgent prompting At the behest of her friends, she read the poem aloud.

millenarianism (n)

1 : belief in the millennium of Christian prophecy 2 : belief in a coming ideal society and especially one created by revolutionary action

venal (adj)

1 : capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : PURCHASABLE especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : MERCENARY a venal legislator 2 : originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery a venal arrangement with the police

pretentious (adj)

1 : characterized by pretension: such as a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him — Richard Watts b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature pretentious language pretentious houses 2 : making demands on one's skill, ability, or means : AMBITIOUS the pretentious daring of the Green Mountain Boys in crossing the lake — Amer. Guide Series: Vt.

detached (adj)

1 : standing by itself : SEPARATE, UNCONNECTED especially : not sharing any wall with another building a house with a detached garage 2 : exhibiting an aloof objectivity usually free from prejudice or self-interest a detached observer

little people (n)

1 : tiny imaginary beings (such as fairies, elves, and leprechauns) of folklore 2 : CHILDREN 3 : people of unusually short stature 4 : common people

distinguish (v)

1 : to perceive a difference in : mentally separate so alike they could not be distinguished 2a : to mark as separate or different a policy that distinguishes him from other candidates b : to separate into kinds, classes, or categories distinguish words by their part of speech c : to make noteworthy or remarkable : to give prominence or distinction (see distinction sense 5) to distinguished themselves as pioneers of hip-hop d : characterize recipes distinguished by simplicity 3a : discern distinguished a light in the distance could barely distinguish them in the fog b : to single out : take special notice of : to perceive a difference distinguish between right and wrong

source (n)

1a : a generative force : CAUSE b(1) : a point of origin or procurement : BEGINNING (2) : one that initiates : AUTHOR also : PROTOTYPE, MODEL (3) : one that supplies information 2a : the point of origin of a stream of water : FOUNTAINHEAD b archaic : SPRING, FOUNT 3 : a firsthand document or primary reference work 4 : an electrode in a field-effect transistor that supplies the charge carriers for current flow — compare DRAIN, GATE

ambiguous (adj)

1a : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness eyes of an ambiguous color b : INEXPLICABLE 2 : capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways an ambiguous smile an ambiguous term a deliberately ambiguous reply

terrestrial (adj)

1a : of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants terrestrial magnetism b : mundane in scope or character : PROSAIC 2a : of or relating to land as distinct from air or water terrestrial transportation b(1) : living on or in or growing from land terrestrial plants terrestrial birds (2) : of or relating to terrestrial organisms terrestrial habits 3 : belonging to the class of planets that are like the earth (as in density and silicate composition) the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars

redundancy (n)

1a : the quality or state of being redundant : SUPERFLUITY b : the use of redundant components also : such components c chiefly British : dismissal from a job especially by layoff 2 : PROFUSION, ABUNDANCE 3a : superfluous repetition : PROLIXITY b : an act or instance of needless repetition 4 : the part of a message that can be eliminated without loss of essential information

honeycomb (v)

1a : to cause to be full of cavities like a honeycomb b : to make into a checkered pattern : FRET 2a : to penetrate into every part : FILL b : SUBVERT, WEAKEN intransitive verb : to become pitted, checked, or cellular

mother (v)

1a : to give birth to b : to give rise to : PRODUCE 2 : to care for or protect like a mother mothered; mothering

madam (n)

1a plural mesdames\mā-​ˈdäm, -​ˈdam\ : LADY —used without a name as a form of respectful or polite address to a woman Right this way, madam. b Madam —used as a conventional form of address in the salutation of a letter 2 : MISTRESS sense 1 —used as a title formerly with the given name but now with the surname or especially with a designation of rank or office Madam Chairman Madam President 3 : the female head of a house of prostitution 4 : the female head of a household : WIFE every once in a while the madam and I will order a book that we've read about — H. S. Truman madams

stagnant (adj)

1a(1) : not flowing in a current or stream stagnant water (2) : without inflow and outflow a stagnant pool b : STALE long disuse had made the air stagnant and foul — Bram Stoker 2 : not advancing or developing a stagnant economy

gents (n)


herbivore (n)

: a herbivorous animal

caipirinha (n)

a cocktail consisting of lime, sugar, and rum

offering (n)

a generous offering. 1 a : the act of one who offers b : something offered; especially : a sacrifice ceremonially offered as a part of worship c : a contribution to the support of a church 2 : something offered for sale or patronage latest offerings of the leading novelists 3 : a course of instruction or study

graphic (adj)

a graphic description. 1 a : of or relating to the pictorial arts; also : pictorial b : of, relating to, or involving such reproductive methods as those of engraving, etching, lithography, photography, serigraphy, and woodcut c : of or relating to the art of printing d : relating or according to graphics 2 : formed by writing, drawing, or engraving graphic inscriptions 3 usually graphic a : marked by clear lifelike or vividly realistic description b : vividly or plainly shown or described a graphic sex scene 4 usually graphical : of, relating to, or represented by a graph 5 : of or relating to the written or printed word or the symbols or devices used in writing or printing to represent sound or convey meaning the graphic symbols of the ancient Egyptians — graphically play \ˈgra-fi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — graphicness

acoustic (adj)

acoustic songs. 1 : of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds acoustic apparatus of the ear acoustic energy : such as a : deadening or absorbing sound acoustic tile b : operated by or utilizing sound waves 2 : of, relating to, or being a musical instrument whose sound is not electronically modified — acoustically

goose bumps (n)

gave me goose bumps. : a roughness of the skin produced by erection of its papillae especially from cold, fear, or a sudden feeling of excitement

no-brainer (n)

that's a no-brainer. : something that requires a minimum of thought

glance (v)

to quickly glance at... 1 : to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle the bullet glanced off the wall 2a : to make sudden quick movements dragonflies glancing over the pond b : to flash or gleam with quick intermittent rays of light brooks glancing in the sun 3 : to touch on a subject or refer to it briefly or indirectly the work glances at the customs of ancient cultures 4a of the eyes : to move swiftly from one thing to another b : to take a quick look at something glanced at his watch transitive verb 1 archaic a : to take a quick look at b : to catch a glimpse of 2 : to give an oblique path of direction to: a : to throw or shoot so that the object deflects from a surface b archaic : to aim (something, such as an innuendo) indirectly : INSINUATE

mucro (n)

: an abrupt sharp terminal point or tip or process (as of a leaf) mucrones

antipathy (n)

1 : a strong feeling of dislike an antipathy to taxes a deep antipathy between the groups 2 : something disliked : an object of aversion ... perhaps his greatest antipathies were cabs, old women, doors that would not shut ... — Charles Dickens 3 obsolete : opposition in feeling antipathies

abrasive (adj)

1 : causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing : tending to abrade abrasive compounds for whitening teeth an abrasive surface 2 : causing irritation abrasive manners an abrasive personality — abrasively adverb — abrasiveness noun

proxy (n)

1 : the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another 2a : authority or power to act for another b : a document giving such authority specifically : a power of attorney authorizing a specified person to vote corporate stock 3 : a person authorized to act for another : PROCURATOR proxies

compromise (v)

1 a : settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions b : something intermediate between or blending qualities of two different things 2 : a concession to something derogatory or prejudicial a compromise of principles

stated (adj)

1 : FIXED, REGULAR the president shall, at stated times, receive ... a compensation — U.S. Constitution 2 : set down explicitly : DECLARED our stated intention

million (n)

1 : a number equal to 1,000 times 1,000 — see TABLE OF NUMBERS 2 : a very large number millions of cars on the road 3 : the mass of common people —used with the

archer (n)

1 : a person who uses a bow and arrow 2 capitalized : SAGITTARIUS

lapdog (n)

1 : a small dog that may be held in the lap 2 : a servile dependent or follower

morsel (n)

1 : a small piece of food : bite 2 : a small quantity : fragment 3a : a tasty dish b : something delectable and pleasing 4 : a negligible person

rip-off (n)

1 : an act or instance of stealing : THEFT also : a financial exploitation 2 : a usually cheap exploitive imitation

consortium (n)

1 : an agreement, combination, or group (as of companies) formed to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member A consortium of researchers decoded the honeybee genome. 2 : ASSOCIATION, SOCIETY 3 : the legal right of one spouse to the company, affection, and assistance of and to sexual relations with the other

patent (n)

1 : an official document conferring a right or privilege : letters patent 2 a : a writing securing for a term of years the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention b : the monopoly or right so granted c : a patented invention 3 : privilege, license 4 : an instrument making a conveyance of public lands; also : the land so conveyed 5 : patent leather

hence (adv)

1 : from this place : away 2 a archaic : henceforth b : from this time four years hence 3 : because of a preceding fact or premise : therefore 4 : from this source or origin — from hence archaic : from this place : from this time

fecund (adj)

1 : fruitful in offspring or vegetation : prolific a fecund breed of cattle 2 : intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree a fecund imagination a fecund source of information — fecundity

double-edged (adj)

1 : having two cutting edges a double-edged knife 2a : having two components or aspects a spy with a double-edged mission b : capable of being taken in two ways a double-edged remark

discordance (n)

1 : lack of agreement or harmony : the state or an instance of being discordant 2 music : DISSONANCE

ways and means (n)

1 : methods and resources for accomplishing something and especially for defraying expenses 2 often capitalized W&M a : methods and resources for raising the necessary revenues for the expenses of a nation or state b : a legislative committee concerned with this function

proprietary (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of an owner or title holder proprietary rights 2 : used, made, or marketed by one having the exclusive legal right a proprietary process proprietary software 3 : privately owned and managed and run as a profit-making organization a proprietary clinic

hogwash (n)

1 : swill 2a, slop 2 : nonsense, balderdash

monotonous (adj)

1 : uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and intensity 2 : tediously uniform or unvarying

hand in hand (adv)

1 : with hands clasped (as in intimacy or affection) walking hand in hand 2 : in close association : TOGETHER The chef works hand in hand with a nutritionist. illness and bad housing go hand in hand — Times Literary Supplement

police (v)

1 archaic : GOVERN 2 : to control, regulate, or keep in order by use of police 3 : to make clean and put in order 4a : to supervise the operation, execution, or administration of to prevent or detect and prosecute violations of rules and regulations b : to exercise such supervision over the policies and activities of 5 : to perform the functions of a police force in or over policed; policing

mystical (adj)

1a : having a spiritual meaning or reality that is neither apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence the mystical food of the sacrament b : involving or having the nature of an individual's direct subjective communion with God or ultimate reality the mystical experience of the Inner Light 2 : MYSTERIOUS, UNINTELLIGIBLE 3a : MYSTIC sense 2 b : MYSTIC sense 3

modality (n)

1a : the quality or state of being modal b : a modal quality or attribute : FORM 2 : the classification of logical propositions (see PROPOSITION sense 1) according to their asserting or denying the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content 3 : one of the main avenues of sensation (such as vision) 4 : a usually physical therapeutic agency modalities

recede (v)

1a : to move back or away : WITHDRAW a receding hairline b : to slant backward 2 : to grow less or smaller : DIMINISH, DECREASE a receding deficit receded; receding

lax (adj)

1a of the bowels : LOOSE, OPEN b : having loose bowels 2 : deficient in firmness : not stringent lax control a lax foreman security has been lax 3a : not tense, firm, or rigid : SLACK a lax rope b : having an open or loose texture a lax soil c : having the constituents spread apart a lax flower cluster 4 : articulated with the muscles involved in a relatively relaxed state (such as the vowel \i\ in contrast with the vowel \ē\)

extemporaneous (adj)

1a(1) : composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment : IMPROMPTU an extemporaneous comment (2) : carefully prepared but delivered without notes or text b : skilled at or given to extemporaneous utterance c : happening suddenly and often unexpectedly and usually without clearly known causes or relationships a great deal of criminal and delinquent behavior is ... extemporaneous — W. C. Reckless 2 : provided, made, or put to use as an expedient : MAKESHIFT an extemporaneous shelter

metric system (n)

: a decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter and on the kilogram

allocution (n)

: a formal speech especially : an authoritative or hortatory address

Cockaigne (n)

: an imaginary land of great luxury and ease

myrmecophile (n)

: an organism that habitually shares an ant nest

discourteous (adj)

: lacking courtesy : RUDE

miscast (v)

: to cast in an unsuitable role life had miscast her in the role of wife and mother— Edna Ferbe miscast; miscasting

blather (v)

: to talk foolishly at length —often used with on blathered; blathering

gloss (n)

a glossy exterior. 1 : a surface luster or brightness : shine 2 a : a deceptively attractive appearance selfishness that had a gloss of humanitarianism about it b : bright often superficial attractiveness show-biz gloss 3 : a transparent cosmetic preparation for adding shine and usually color to the lips

grounded (adj)

a grounded argument. mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious remains grounded despite all the praise and attention

high-end (adj)

a high-end restaurant. 1 : upscale high-end boutiques 2 : of superior quality or sophistication and usually high in price high-end cameras

high-wire (adj)

a high-wire stunt. 1 : involving great risk a financial high-wire act 2 : daring high-wire prose

hot button (n)

a hot button issue/topic. an emotional and usually controversial issue or concern that triggers immediate intense reaction

minor (adj)

a minor inconvenience. 1 : inferior in importance, size, or degree : comparatively unimportant a minor artist 2 : not having reached majority (see MAJORITY sense 2) He is the father of minor children. 3a : having half steps between the second and third, the fifth and sixth, and sometimes the seventh and eighth degrees minor scale b : based on a minor scale minor key c : less by a semitone than the corresponding major interval minor third d : having a minor third above the root minor triad 4 : not serious or involving risk to life minor illness 5 : of or relating to an academic subject requiring fewer courses than a major his minor subjects for his M.A. were plant ecology and entomology —Current Biography

laptop (n)

a portable microcomputer having its main components (such as processor, keyboard, and display screen) integrated into a single unit capable of battery-powered operation

toothless (adj)

a toothless department. 1 : having no teeth 2a : lacking in sharpness or bite spoke in toothless generalities —Arthur Hepner b : lacking in means of enforcement or coercion : INEFFECTUAL

additive (adj)

an additive process. 1 : of, relating to, or characterized by addition an additive process 2 : produced by addition 3 : characterized by, being, or producing effects (such as drug responses or gene products) that when the causative factors act together are the sum of their individual effects — additively adverb — additivity

metacognition (n)

awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes research on metacognition ... has demonstrated the value of monitoring one's own cognitive processes —Colette A. Daiute

flee (v)

flee the scene. fled play \ˈfled\; fleeing intransitive verb 1 a : to run away often from danger or evil : fly The family fled from the war-torn zone. b : to hurry toward a place of security Refugees fled to a neighboring country. 2 : to pass away swiftly : vanish mists fleeing before the rising sun transitive verb : to run away from : shun Many people fled the city to escape the fighting.

ghastly (adj)

ghastly appearance. ghastlier; ghastliest 1 a : terrifyingly horrible to the senses : frightening a ghastly crime b : intensely unpleasant, disagreeable, or objectionable such a life seems ghastly in its emptiness and sterility —Aldous Huxley 2 : resembling a ghost 3 obsolete : filled with fear 4 : very great a ghastly mistake — ghastliness noun — ghastly adverb

demo (n)

giving a demo. 1 capitalized : democrat 2 2 a : demonstration 1b b British : demonstration 4 3 a : demonstrator a b : a recording intended to show off a song or performer to a record producer c : an example of a product that is not yet ready to be sold a demo version of the software 4 : demographic 2

hamper (v)

hampering efforts. 1a : to restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles : IMPEDE pitching ... violently in the seaway, hampered by her heavy tow —R. S. Porteous b : to interfere with the operation of : DISRUPT radio communications hampered by static —Globe & Mail 2a : to moderate or limit the effect or full exercise of : CURB, RESTRAIN a work environment that hampers creativity b : to interfere with : to impede the natural activity of : ENCUMBER Bad weather hampered the search effort. a project hampered by budget restraints

hinder (v)

hindering efforts. 1 : to make slow or difficult the progress of : hamper Their journey was hindered by snow and high winds. economic growth hindered by sanctions 2 : to hold back : prevent, check His financial troubles hindered him from buying a home. intransitive verb : to delay, impede, or prevent action uncertain whether the changes would help or hinder — hinderer

homeward (adv)

homeward bound. : toward home look homeward, angel —John Milton

giggle (v)

in a giggly mood. giggled; giggling play \-g(ə-)liŋ\ intransitive verb : to laugh with repeated short catches of the breath transitive verb : to utter with a giggle — giggler play \ˈgi-g(ə-)lər\ noun — gigglingly play \ˈgi-g(ə-)liŋ-lē\ adverb — giggly

home front (n)

on the home front. the sphere of civilian activity in war

overachiever (n)

one who achieves success over and above the standard or expected level especially at an early age — overachieve play \ˌō-vər-ə-ˈchēv\ intransitive verb — overachievement

out-of-body (adj)

out-of-body experience. relating to or involving a feeling of separation from one's body and of being able to view oneself and others from an external perspective an out-of-body experience

scour (v)

scouring the web. 1a : to rub hard especially with a rough material for cleansing b : to remove by rubbing hard and washing 2 archaic : to clear (a region) of enemies or outlaws 3 : to clean by purging : PURGE 4 : to remove dirt and debris from (something, such as a pipe or ditch) 5 : to free from foreign matter or impurities by or as if by washing scour wool 6 : to clear, dig, or remove by or as if by a powerful current of water intransitive verb 1 : to perform a process of scouring 2 : to suffer from diarrhea or dysentery 3 : to become clean and bright by rubbing

validation (n)

seeking validation from peers. : an act, process, or instance of validating especially : the determination of the degree of validity of a measuring device

Annie Oakley (n)

: a free ticket Annie Oakleys

tit for tat (phrase)

: an equivalent given in return (as for an injury) : retaliation in kind

LZ (abbr)

landing zone

sidestep (v)

1 : BYPASS, EVADE sidestep a question 2 : to move out of the way of : AVOID sidestep a blow intransitive verb 1 : to take a side step 2 : to avoid an issue or decision sidestepped; sidestepping; sidesteps

downtime (n)

1 : time during which production is stopped especially during setup for an operation or when making repairs 2 : inactive time (such as time between periods of work) napping during our downtime an injured athlete facing months of downtime

equivalence (n)

1 a : the state or property of being equivalent b : the relation holding between two statements if they are either both true or both false so that to affirm one and to deny the other would result in a contradiction 2 : a presentation of terms as equivalent 3 : equality in metrical value of a regular foot and one in which there are substitutions

survival (n)

1a : the act or fact of living or continuing longer than another person or thing b : the continuation of life or existence problems of survival in arctic conditions 2 : one that survives

honest (adj)

an honest attempt. 1a : free from fraud or deception : LEGITIMATE, TRUTHFUL an honest plea an honest presentation of facts b : GENUINE, REAL making honest stops at stop signs —Christian Science Monitor c : HUMBLE, PLAIN good honest food 2a : REPUTABLE, RESPECTABLE honest decent people b chiefly British : GOOD, WORTHY an honest fellow 3 : worthy of praise an honest day's work put forth an honest effort 4a : marked by integrity honest merchants b : marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression : FRANK an honest appraisal an honest discussion c : direct and uncomplicated : INNOCENT, SIMPLE some good honest sleep

education (n)

value of a good education. 1 a : the action or process of educating or of being educated; also : a stage of such a process b : the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process a person of little education 2 : the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools — educational adjective — educationally adverb

mariachi (n)

1 : a small, strolling, Mexican band consisting usually of trumpeters, guitarists, and violinists also : a musician belonging to such a band —often used before another noun 2 : the music performed by a mariachi

superintelligence (n)

1 : an entity that surpasses humans in overall intelligence or in some particular measure of intelligence A speed superintelligence could do everything a human mind could do, but much faster. — Nick Bostrom also : the intelligence displayed by such an entity the development of machine superintelligence 2 : an extremely or extraordinarily high degree of intelligence displayed superintelligence in mathematics ... the first of a planned trilogy about teens whose empathic abilities give them an emotional superintelligence. — Terry Hong superintelligences

must (n)

1 : an imperative need or duty : REQUIREMENT 2 : an indispensable item : ESSENTIAL exercise is a must : the expressed juice of fruit and especially grapes before and during fermentation also : the pulp and skins of the crushed grapes

allusion (n)

1 : an implied or indirect reference especially in literature a poem that makes allusions to classical literature also : the use of such references 2 : the act of making an indirect reference to something : the act of alluding to something

longhair (n)

1 : an impractical intellectual 2 : a person of artistic gifts or interests especially : a lover of classical music 3 : a person with long hair especially : HIPPIE 4 or less commonly long-hair or longhaired cat : a domestic cat having long outer fur

guile (n)

1 : deceitful cunning : duplicity a war that called for guile rather than firepower 2 obsolete : stratagem, trick — guileful adjective — guilefully adverb — guilefulness

marginalia (n)

1 : marginal notes or embellishments (as in a book) 2 : nonessential items the meat and marginalia of American politics — Saturday Rev.

lugubrious (adj)

1 : mournful; especially : exaggeratedly or affectedly (see affected 1) mournful dark, dramatic and lugubrious brooding —V. S. Pritchett the tour de force of lugubrious cliche is ten times longer than this review —Martin Amis 2 : dismal a lugubrious landscape lugubrious cello music — lugubriously adverb — lugubriousness noun

multilingual (aj)

1 : of, having, or expressed in several languages a multilingual sign multilingual dictionaries 2 : using or able to use several languages especially with equal fluency multilingual translators

layer (n)

1 : one that lays something (such as a worker who lays brick or a hen that lays eggs) 2a : one thickness, course, or fold laid or lying over or under another b : STRATUM c : HORIZON sense 2 3a : a branch or shoot of a plant that roots while still attached to the parent plant b : a plant developed by layering

forerunner (n)

1 : one that precedes and indicates the approach of another: such as a : a premonitory sign or symptom b : a skier who runs the course before the start of a race 2 : predecessor, ancestor

antinomian (n)

1 : one who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace (see GRACE entry 1 sense 1a) the moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation 2 : one who rejects a socially established morality

welcome (adj)

1 : received gladly into one's presence or companionship was always welcome in their home 2 : giving pleasure : received with gladness or delight especially in response to a need a welcome relief 3 : willingly permitted or admitted he was welcome to come and go — W. M. Thackeray 4 —used in the phrase You're welcome as a reply to an expression of thanks

majesty (n)

1 : sovereign power, authority, or dignity 2 —used in addressing or referring to reigning sovereigns and their consorts Your Majesty Her Majesty's Government 3a : royal bearing or aspect : GRANDEUR b : greatness or splendor of quality or character majesties

management (n)

1 : the act or art of managing : the conducting or supervising of something (such as a business) Business improved under the management of new owners. 2 : judicious use of means to accomplish an end is extremely cautious when it comes to money management 3 : the collective body of those who manage or direct an enterprise Management decided to hire more workers.

legislation (n)

1 : the action of legislating specifically : the exercise of the power and function of making rules (such as laws) that have the force of authority by virtue of their promulgation by an official organ of a state or other organization the major function of Congress is legislation — W. S. Sayre 2 : the enactments of a legislator or a legislative body legislation to help distressed homeowners 3 : a matter of business for or under consideration by a legislative body She proposed new legislation to protect the environment.

malapropism (n)

1 : the usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase; especially : the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context Jesus healing those leopards is an example of malapropism. 2 : malaprop — malapropist

mutilate (v)

1 : to cut up or alter radically so as to make imperfect the child mutilated the book with his scissors a painting mutilated by vandals 2 : to cut off or permanently destroy a limb or essential part of : CRIPPLE His arm was mutilated in the accident. mutilated; mutilating

recharge (v)

1 : to make a new attack 2 : to regain energy or spirit 3 : to become charged again : to refill with electric charge Batteries keep our devices working throughout the day—that is, they have a high energy density—but they can take hours to recharge when they run down. — Patrice Simon et al. transitive verb 1 : to charge again especially : to restore anew the active materials in (a storage battery) 2 : to inspire or invigorate afresh : RENEW recharged; recharging; recharges

deteriorate (v)

1 : to make inferior in quality or value : impair Exposure to sunlight may deteriorate the paint. 2 : disintegrate : to become impaired in quality, functioning, or condition : degenerate allowed a tradition of academic excellence to deteriorate his health deteriorated deteriorated; deteriorating

airy (adj)

1 a : of or relating to air : atmospheric b : high in the air : lofty airy perches c : performed in air : aerial airy leaps 2 : unreal, illusory airy romances 3 a : being light and graceful in movement or manner : sprightly, vivacious an airy dance b : exceptionally light, delicate, or refined an airy fragrance 4 a : open to the free circulation of air an airy room b : having openings or spaces airy lacework 5 : affected, proud airy condescension — airily adverb — airiness noun

hamper (v)

1a : to restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles : IMPEDE pitching ... violently in the seaway, hampered by her heavy tow — R. S. Porteous b : to interfere with the operation of : DISRUPT radio communications hampered by static — Globe & Mail 2a : to moderate or limit the effect or full exercise of : CURB, RESTRAIN a work environment that hampers creativity b : to interfere with : to impede the natural activity of : ENCUMBER Bad weather hampered the search effort. a project hampered by budget restraints hampered; hampering

biconditional (n)

: a relation between two propositions that is true only when both propositions are simultaneously true or false — see TRUTH TABLE

precisian (n)

1 : a person who stresses or practices scrupulous adherence to a strict standard especially of religious observance or morality 2 : PURITAN sense 1

logocentrism (n)

1 : a philosophy holding that all forms of thought are based on an external point of reference which is held to exist and given a certain degree of authority 2 : a philosophy that privileges speech over writing as a form of communication because the former is closer to an originating transcendental source — logocentric

stereotype (n)

1 : a plate cast from a printing surface 2 : something conforming to a fixed or general pattern especially : a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment

corollary (n)

1 : a proposition (see PROPOSITION entry 1 sense 1c) inferred immediately from a proved proposition with little or no additional proof 2a : something that naturally follows : RESULT ... love was a stormy passion and jealousy its normal corollary. — Ida Treat b : something that incidentally or naturally accompanies or parallels A corollary to the problem of the number of vessels to be built was that of the types of vessels to be constructed. — Daniel Marx corollaries

hysteria (n)

1 : a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychogenic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral (see visceral sense 4) functions 2 : behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess political hysteria The plague had caused mass hysteria in the village

highflier (n)

1 : a stock whose price rises much more rapidly than the market average 2 : a company whose stock is a highflier 3 : an ambitiously competitive person with high aspirations

response (n)

1 : an act of responding 2 : something constituting a reply or a reaction: such as a : a verse, phrase, or word sung or said by the people or choir after or in reply to the officiant in a liturgical service b : the activity or inhibition of previous activity of an organism or any of its parts resulting from stimulation c : the output of a transducer or detecting device resulting from a given input

discreet (adj)

1 : having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech : PRUDENT especially : capable of preserving prudent silence 2 : UNPRETENTIOUS, MODEST the warmth and discreet elegance of a civilized home — Joseph Wechsberg 3 : UNOBTRUSIVE, UNNOTICEABLE followed at a discreet distance

weekender (n)

1 : one who vacations or visits for a weekend 2 : WEEKEND BAG

modification (n)

1 : the limiting of a statement : QUALIFICATION with some modifications this statement is true today — J. B. Conant 2 : MODE entry 1 sense 6a 3a : the making of a limited change in something making the exactly minimum degree of modification to her institutions necessary to fit them to new conditions — John Strachey also : the result of such a change b : a change in an organism caused by environmental factors 4 : a limitation or qualification (see QUALIFICATION sense 1) of the meaning of a word by another word, by an affix, or by internal change

meiosis (n)

1 : the presentation of a thing with underemphasis especially in order to achieve a greater effect : understatement 2 : the cellular process that results in the number of chromosomes in gamete-producing cells being reduced to one half and that involves a reduction division in which one of each pair of homologous chromosomes passes to each daughter cell and a mitotic division — compare mitosis

prognosis (n)

1 : the prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of disease or peculiarities of the case 2 : FORECAST, PROGNOSTICATION prognoses

sputter (v)

1 : to spit or squirt from the mouth with explosive sounds 2 : to utter hastily or explosively in confusion or excitement that's ridiculous! she sputtered 3 : to dislodge (atoms) from the surface of a material by collision with high energy particles also : to deposit (a metallic film) by such a process 1 : to spit or squirt particles of food or saliva noisily from the mouth 2 : to speak explosively or confusedly in anger or excitement 3 : to make explosive popping sounds sputtered; sputtering; sputters

desperation (n)

1 : loss of hope and surrender to despair 2 : a state of hopelessness leading to rashness

random (adj)

1 a : lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern b : made, done, or chosen at random read random passages from the book 2 a : relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence random processes b : being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whose elements has equal probability of occurrence a random sample; also : characterized by procedures designed to obtain such sets or elements random sampling — randomly adverb — randomness noun

manifold (adj)

1 a : marked by diversity or variety performs the manifold duties required of him —J. H. Ferguson b : many the manifold details 2 : comprehending or uniting various features : multifarious the romantic symphony, with its manifold melodic content —P. H. Lang 3 : rightfully so-called for many reasons a manifold liar 4 : consisting of or operating many of one kind combined a manifold bellpull — manifoldly adverb — manifoldness

lexicography (n)

1 : the editing or making of a dictionary 2 : the principles and practices of dictionary making

change off (v)

1 : to alternate with another at doing an act 2 : to alternate between two different acts or instruments or between an action and a rest period

lieutenant (n)

1a : an official empowered to act for a higher official The king's lieutenant handled the problem. b : an aide or representative of another in the performance of duty : assistant Her best lieutenant was working on the proposal. 2a(1) : first lieutenant (2) : second lieutenant b : a commissioned officer in the navy or coast guard ranking above a lieutenant junior grade and below a lieutenant commander c : a fire or police department officer ranking below a captain

extinct (adj)

1a : no longer burning b : no longer active an extinct volcano 2 : no longer existing an extinct animal 3a : gone out of use : SUPERSEDED b : having no qualified claimant an extinct title

distinction (n)

1a archaic : DIVISION b : CLASS sense 4 Mr. Hemingway's ... prose is of the first distinction. — Edmund Wilson 2 : the act of perceiving someone or something as being not the same and often treating as separate or different : the distinguishing of a difference without distinction as to race, sex, or religion also : the difference distinguished the distinction between imply and infer 3 : something that distinguishes regional distinctions 4 : the quality or state of being distinguishable no distinction of facial features in the twins 5a : the quality or state of being excellent or superior : the quality or state of being distinguished or worthy a politician of some distinction b : special honor or recognition took a law degree with distinction won many distinctions c : an accomplishment that sets one apart holds the distinction of being the only American to win the prize

treasure (n)

1a(1) : wealth (such as money, jewels, or precious metals) stored up or hoarded buried treasure (2) : wealth of any kind or in any form : RICHES b : a store of money in reserve 2 : something of great worth or value also : a person esteemed as rare or precious 3 : a collection of precious things

misandry (n)

: a hatred of men

heist (n)

: armed robbery : holdup also : theft

malformed (adj)

: characterized by malformation : badly or imperfectly formed : MISSHAPEN

change of heart (phrase)

: a reversal in position or attitude

Siege Perilous (n)

: a seat at King Arthur's Round Table reserved for the knight destined to achieve the quest of the Holy Grail and fatal to any other occupying it

metagenesis (n)

: alternation of generations in animals especially : regular alternation of a sexual and an asexual generation

lipid (n)

: any of various substances that are soluble in nonpolar organic solvents (such as chloroform and ether), that are usually insoluble in water, that with proteins and carbohydrates constitute the principal structural components of living cells, and that include fats, waxes, phosphatides, cerebrosides, and related and derived compounds

mainline (adj)

: being part of an established group also : being in the mainstream

bioluminescence (n)

: the emission of light from living organisms (such as fireflies, dinoflagellates, and bacteria) as the result of internal, typically oxidative chemical reactions also : the light so produced

metacenter (n)

: the point of intersection of the vertical through the center of buoyancy of a floating body with the vertical through the new center of buoyancy when the body is displaced

aftertaste (n)

a bitter aftertaste. : persistence of a sensation (as of flavor or an emotion) after the stimulating agent or experience has gone

abreaction (n)

bar conversation may result in some sad abreactions. the expression and emotional discharge of unconscious material (such as a repressed idea or emotion) by verbalization especially in the presence of a therapist — abreact verb

gem (n)

finding the gems. 1 a : jewel b : a precious or sometimes semiprecious stone cut and polished for ornament 2 a : something prized especially for great beauty or perfection b : a highly prized or well-beloved person 3 : muffin

go-around (n)

giving someone the go-around. 1 : RUNAROUND gave me the go-around 2a : ROUND reached an agreement during the first go-around b : a heated argument or struggle had a real go-around with her about it 3 : an act or instance of going around (as in an air traffic pattern)

litotes (n)

understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary (as in not a bad singer or not unhappy)

magnification (n)

1 : the act of magnifying 2a : the state of being magnified b : the apparent enlargement of an object by an optical instrument — called also power

repine (v)

1 : to feel or express dejection or discontent : COMPLAIN 2 : to long for something repined; repining; repines

handbasket (n)

: a small portable basket —usually used in the phrase to hell in a handbasket denoting rapid and utter ruination

full bore (adv)

: with maximum effort or speed runners sprinting full bore

gemeinschaft (n)

a spontaneously arising organic social relationship characterized by strong reciprocal bonds of sentiment and kinship within a common tradition; also : a community or society characterized by this relationship — compare gesellschaft

testament (n)

a testament to her good-nature. 1a : a tangible proof or tribute b : an expression of conviction : CREED 2a : an act by which a person determines the disposition of his or her property after death b : WILL 3a capitalized : either of two main divisions of the Bible b archaic : a covenant between God and the human race

playground (n)

a musical playground. 1 : a piece of land used for and usually equipped with facilities for recreation especially by children 2 : an area known or suited for activity of a specified sort a vacation playground

nebulous (adj)

a nebulous thought. 1 : of, relating to, or resembling a nebula : nebular 2 : indistinct, vague ... this nebulous thing called jazz. —Josef Woodard ... the nebulous region between mere suspicion and probable cause —W. R. LaFave & J. H. Israel The plan is too nebulous. — nebulously adverb — nebulousness noun

towering (adj)

a towering presence. 1 : impressively high or great : imposing towering pines 2 : reaching a high point of intensity : overwhelming a towering rage 3 : going beyond proper bounds : excessive towering ambitions — toweringly adverb

grin (v)

a wide grin. intransitive verb : to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth especially in amusement or laughter broadly : SMILE grinning from ear to ear

infectious (adj)

an infectious smile/laugh. 1 a : capable of causing infection viruses and other infectious agents b : communicable by infection an infectious disease — compare contagious 2 : that corrupts or contaminates 3 : spreading or capable of spreading rapidly to others their enthusiasm was infectious an infectious grin — infectiously adverb — infectiousness noun

cheat sheet (n)

1 : a sheet containing information (such as test answers) used secretly for cheating 2 : a written or graphic aid (such as a sheet of notes) that can be referred to for help in understanding or remembering something complex

aegis (n)

1 : a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena 2 a : protection under the aegis of the Constitution b : controlling or conditioning (see 2condition 5a) influence passed new laws under the aegis of national security 3 a : auspices, sponsorship under the aegis of the museum b : control or guidance especially by an individual, group, or system under the aegis of the government

meditative (adj)

1 : marked by or conducive to meditation 2 : disposed or given to meditation — meditatively adverb — meditativeness noun

derail (v)

1 : to cause to run off the rails 2a : to obstruct the progress of : FRUSTRATE security problems derailed the tour b : to upset the stability or composure of divorce ... can seriously derail an employee — Joanne Gordon : to leave the rails

discord (n)

1a : lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas) ... must we fall into the jabber and babel of discord while victory is still unattained? — Sir Winston Churchill b : active quarreling or conflict resulting from discord among persons or factions : STRIFE marital discord discord between the two parties 2a music (1) : a combination of musical sounds that strikes the ear harshly (2) : DISSONANCE The song ends on a discord. b : a harsh or unpleasant sound

bland (adj)

1a : smooth and soothing in manner or quality bland approval a bland smile b : exhibiting no personal concern or embarrassment : UNPERTURBED a bland confession of guilt 2a : not irritating, stimulating, or invigorating : SOOTHING a bland oil the bland climate of the southern coast b : DULL, INSIPID bland stories with little plot or action a bland rendition of the song c : lacking strong flavor Expect both kinds of salsify to be subtle and delicate—too bland for some tastebuds. — Elizabeth Schneider

causation (n)

1a : the act or process of causing the role of heredity in the causation of cancer b : the act or agency which produces an effect in a complex situation causation is likely to be multiple — W. O. Aydelotte 2 : CAUSALITY

log (v)

1a : to cut (trees) for lumber b : to clear (land) of trees in lumbering —often used with off 2 : to make a note or record of : enter details of or about in a log 3a : to move (an indicated distance) or attain (an indicated speed) as noted in a log b(1) : to sail a ship or fly an airplane for (an indicated distance or period of time) (2) : to have (an indicated record) to one's credit : ACHIEVE : LUMBER entry 3 sense 1 logged; logging

determination (n)

1a law : a judicial decision settling and ending a controversy the court's determination in that case documents that will be used for the determination of ownership judicial determinations b : the resolving of a question by argument or reasoning Inspectors made the determination that the building is unsafe. 2 archaic : TERMINATION 3a : the act of deciding definitely and firmly also : the result of such an act of decision b : firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired end a woman of great courage and determination fierce determination to succeed 4 : a fixing or finding of the position, magnitude, value, or character of something: such as a : the act, process, or result of an accurate measurement more precise determination of the size of the tumor b biology : an identification of the taxonomic position of a plant or animal 5 philosophy a : the definition of a concept in logic by its essential constituents (see CONSTITUENT entry 1 sense 2) b : the addition of a differentia to a concept to limit its denotation 6 : direction or tendency to a certain end : IMPULSION 7 biology : the fixation of the destiny of undifferentiated embryonic tissue

hyperaware (adj)

: extremely or excessively aware But Ms. Wurtzel herself is hyperaware of the narcissistic nature of her problems... — Michiko Kakutani

simplism (n)

: the act or an instance of oversimplifying especially : the reduction of a problem to a false simplicity by ignoring complicating factors

venture (n)

: to proceed especially in the face of danger transitive verb 1 : to expose to hazard : RISK, GAMBLE ventured a buck or two on the race 2 : to undertake the risks and dangers of : BRAVE ventured the stormy sea 3 : to offer at the risk of rebuff, rejection, or censure venture an opinion ventured; venturing

iron out (v)

iron out the details. 1 : to make smooth or flat by or as if by pressing 2 : to resolve or work out a solution to ironed out their differences

drudgery (n)

drudgery of a drab routine. plural drudgeries : dull, irksome, and fatiguing work : uninspiring or menial labor the drudgery of his job

high horse (n)

get off your high horse. an arrogant and unyielding mood or attitude

knack (n)

having a knack for... 1 : a special ready capacity that is hard to analyze or teach 2 a : a clever trick or stratagem b : a clever way of doing something 3 archaic : an ingenious device; broadly : toy, knickknack

linger (v)

lingering suspicion. lingered; lingering play \ˈliŋ-g(ə-)riŋ\ intransitive verb 1 : to be slow in parting or in quitting something : tarry fans lingered outside the door 2 a : to remain alive although gradually dying was seriously ill, but lingered on for several months b : to remain existent although often waning in strength, importance, or influence lingering doubts lingering odors 3 : to be slow to act : procrastinate He lingered in settling the estate in order to increase his fees. 4 : to move slowly : saunter lingering homeward transitive verb 1 obsolete : delay 2 : to pass (a period of time) slowly — lingerer play \ˈliŋ-gər-ər\ noun — lingeringly

fritter (v)

1 : to spend or waste bit by bit, on trifles, or without commensurate return —usually used with away 2 : to break into small fragments : DISSIPATE, DWINDLE frittered; frittering; fritters

inexorable (adj)

not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped : relentless inexorable progress — inexorability noun — inexorableness noun — inexorably

guideline (n)

setting guidelines. a line by which one is guided: such as a : a cord or rope to aid a passer over a difficult point or to permit retracing a course b : an indication or outline of policy or conduct

silver-tongued (adj)

silver-tongued salesman. marked by convincing and eloquent expression a silver-tongued politician

hard-ass (n)

slang, often vulgar : a tough, demanding, or uncompromising person

get by (v)

trying to get by. intransitive verb 1 : to succeed with the least possible effort or accomplishment 2 : to make ends meet : survive 3 : to proceed without being discovered, criticized, or punished

hundred (n)

1 : a number equal to 10 times 10 — see TABLE OF NUMBERS 2 hundreds plural a : the numbers 100 to 999 b : a great number hundreds of times 3 : a 100-dollar bill 4 : a subdivision of some English and American counties hundreds or hundred

locus classicus (n)

1 : a passage that has become a standard for the elucidation of a word or subject 2 : a classic case or example loci classici

angle (n)

1 : a corner whether constituting a projecting part or a partially enclosed space They sheltered in an angle of the building. 2a : the figure formed by two lines extending from the same point also : dihedral angle b : a measure of an angle or of the amount of turning necessary to bring one line or plane into coincidence with or parallel to another 3a : the direction from which someone or something is approached soldiers being attacked from every angle a football player trying to get an angle on an opponent [=approach an opponent from an effective angle] b : the precise viewpoint from which something is observed or considered a camera angle consider the question from all angles also : the aspect seen from such an angle discuss all angles of the question c(1) : a special approach, point of attack, or technique for accomplishing an objective try a new angle (2) : an often improper or illicit method of obtaining advantage a salesman always looking for an angle 4 : a sharply divergent course The road went off at an angle.

Mrs. (n)

1a —used as a conventional title of courtesy except when usage requires the substitution of a title of rank or an honorific or professional title before a married woman's surname spoke to Mrs. Doe b —used before the name of a place (such as a country or city) or of a profession or activity (such as a sport) or before some epithet (such as clever) to form a title applied to a married woman viewed or recognized as representative of the thing indicated Mrs. Golf 2 : WIFE left with the Mrs. Mesdames

milk-and-water (adj)


irritable (adj)

capable of being irritated: such as a : easily exasperated or excited gets irritable when he tires b : responsive to stimuli — irritableness noun — irritably

exception (n)

1 : the act of excepting : EXCLUSION 2 : one that is excepted especially : a case to which a rule does not apply 3 : QUESTION, OBJECTION witnesses whose authority is beyond exception — T. B. Macaulay 4 : an oral or written legal objection

respectable (adj)

1 : worthy of respect : ESTIMABLE 2 : decent or correct in character or behavior : PROPER 3a : fair in size or quantity a respectable amount b : moderately good : TOLERABLE 4 : fit to be seen : PRESENTABLE respectable clothes

apocrypha (n)

1 : writings or statements of dubious authenticity 2 capitalized a : books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate but excluded from the Jewish and Protestant canons of the Old Testament — see BIBLE TABLE b : early Christian writings not included in the New Testament

proactive (adj)

1 [ 1pro- ] : relating to, caused by, or being interference between previous learning and the recall or performance of later learning proactive inhibition of memory 2 [ 2pro- + reactive ] : acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes

prey (n)

1 archaic : SPOIL, BOOTY 2a : an animal taken by a predator as food b : one that is helpless or unable to resist attack : VICTIM was prey to his own appetites 3 : the act or habit of preying

molten (adj)

1 obsolete : made by melting and casting 2 : fused or liquefied by heat : MELTED molten lava 3 : having warmth or brilliance : GLOWING the molten sunlight of warm skies — T. B. Costain

roster (n)

1a : a roll or list of personnel b : such a list giving the order in which a duty is to be performed a duty roster c : the persons listed on a roster 2 : an itemized list

rung (n)

1a : a rounded crosspiece between the legs of a chair b : one of the crosspieces of a ladder 2 Scotland : a heavy staff or cudgel 3 : a spoke of a wheel 4 : a level in a hierarchy rise a few rungs on the social scale— H. W. Van Loon

prosaic (adj)

1a : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : FACTUAL b : DULL, UNIMAGINATIVE prosaic advice 2 : EVERYDAY, ORDINARY heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives — Kirkus Reviews

mass (adj)

1a : of or relating to the mass of the people mass market also : being one of or at one with the mass : AVERAGE mass man b : participated in by or affecting a large number of individuals mass destruction c : having a large-scale character mass plantings of tulips 2 : viewed as a whole : TOTAL the mass effect of a design

diurnal (adj)

1a : recurring every day diurnal tasks b : having a daily cycle diurnal tides 2a : of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime the city's diurnal noises b biology : active chiefly in the daytime diurnal animals c botany : opening during the day and closing at night diurnal flowers

mage (n)


middleman (n)

: an intermediary or agent between two parties especially : a dealer, agent, or company intermediate between the producer of goods and the retailer or consumer

tone-deaf (adj)

a tone-deaf joke. 1 : relatively insensitive to differences in musical pitch 2 : having or showing an obtuse insensitivity or lack of perception particularly in matters of public sentiment, opinion, or taste The White House long ago concluded that she is aloof and politically tone-deaf ... —Michael Duffy At the time, I wondered how such an intelligent man could be so tone-deaf to the harsh realities facing the nation ... —Peniel E. Joseph

cloudless (adj)

cloudless day. free from clouds : clear — cloudlessly adverb — cloudlessness noun

hilarious (adj)

marked by or causing hilarity : extremely funny — hilariously adverb — hilariousness noun

open door (n)

open door policy. 1 : a recognized right of admittance : freedom of access; also : a policy providing such freedom 2 : a policy giving opportunity for commercial relations with a country to all nations on equal terms — open-door

lobby (n)

1 : a corridor or hall connected with a larger room or series of rooms and used as a passageway or waiting room: such as a : an anteroom of a legislative chamber especially : one of two anterooms of a British parliamentary chamber to which members go to vote during a division b : a large hall serving as a foyer (as of a hotel or theater) 2 : a group of persons engaged in lobbying especially as representatives of a particular interest group the gun lobby the oil lobby lobbies

wannabe (n)

1 : a person who wants or aspires to be someone or something else or who tries to look or act like someone else 2 : something (such as a company, city, or product) intended to rival another of its kind that has been successful especially : one for which hopes have failed or are likely to fail

masterpiece (n)

1 : a work done with extraordinary skill especially : a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement 2 : a piece of work presented to a medieval guild as evidence of qualification for the rank of master

meal (n)

1 : an act or the time of eating a portion of food to satisfy appetite 2 : the portion of food eaten at a meal

lob (v)

1 : to let hang heavily : droop 2 : to throw, hit, or propel easily or in a high arc 3 : to direct (something, such as a question or comment) so as to elicit a response 1a : to move slowly and heavily b : to move in an arc 2 : to hit a tennis ball easily in a high arc lobbed; lobbing

watermark (v)

1 : to mark (paper) with a watermark 2 : to impress (a given design) as a watermark watermarked; watermarking; watermarks

trapping (n)

1 trappings plural : outward signs conventional men with all the trappings ... of banality —Robert Plank 2 trappings plural : outward decoration or dress : ornamental equipment 3 : CAPARISON sense 1 —usually used in plural

libel (n)

1a : a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought b archaic : a handbill especially attacking or defaming someone 2a : a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b(1) : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2) : defamation of a person by written or representational means (3) : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures (4) : the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel

devotion (n)

1a : religious fervor : PIETY b : an act of prayer or private worship —usually used in plural during his morning devotions c : a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate (see CORPORATE sense 2) worship of a congregation 2a : the act of dedicating something to a cause, enterprise, or activity : the act of devoting the devotion of a great deal of time and energy b : the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal her devotion to the cause filial devotion 3 obsolete : the object of one's devotion

chance (n)

1a : something that happens unpredictably without discernible human intention or observable cause Which cards you are dealt is simply a matter of chance. b : the assumed impersonal purposeless determiner of unaccountable happenings : LUCK an outcome decided by chance c : the fortuitous or incalculable element in existence : CONTINGENCY ... you surely have endured strange chances ... — Alfred Tennyson 2 : a situation favoring some purpose : OPPORTUNITY needed a chance to relax 3 : a fielding opportunity in baseball 4a : the possibility of a particular outcome in an uncertain situation What chance has he of pulling through? also : the degree of likelihood of such an outcome a small chance of success b chances plural : the more likely indications chances are he's already gone 5a : RISK not taking any chances b : a raffle ticket by chance : in the haphazard course of events they met by chance

distribution (n)

1a : the act or process of distributing the distribution of leaflets profit distribution the distribution of weight b law : the act or process of apportioning by a court the personal property of an intestate 2a : the position, arrangement, or frequency of occurrence (as of the members of a group) over an area or throughout a space or unit of time the distribution of the country's population b biology : the natural geographic range of an organism 3a: something distributed charitable distributions : such as (1) : a sum of money withdrawn from a fund (such as a retirement fund) and given to the beneficiary (see BENEFICIARY sense 2b) or holder of the fund (2) : DIVIDEND sense 1a b mathematics (1) : FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION (2) : PROBABILITY FUNCTION (3) : PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION sense 2 4 anatomy : the pattern of branching and termination (see TERMINATION sense 4) of a ramifying structure (such as a nerve) 5 business : the marketing or merchandising of commodities keeping track of distribution costs

conscience (n)

1a : the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good She had a guilty conscience. b : a faculty, power, or principle enjoining good acts guided by conscience c : the part of the superego in psychoanalysis that transmits commands and admonitions to the ego 2 : conformity to what one considers to be correct, right, or morally good : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS 3 : sensitive regard for fairness or justice : SCRUPLE a wealthy man with no conscience 4 archaic : CONSCIOUSNESS in all conscience or in conscience : in all fairness She could not in all conscience remain silent.

stigma (n)

1a archaic : a scar left by a hot iron : BRAND b : a mark of shame or discredit : STAIN bore the stigma of cowardice c : an identifying mark or characteristic specifically : a specific diagnostic sign of a disease 2a stigmata plural : bodily marks or pains resembling the wounds of the crucified Jesus and sometimes accompanying religious ecstasy b : PETECHIA 3a : a small spot, scar, or opening on a plant or animal b : the usually apical part of the pistil of a flower which receives the pollen grains and on which they germinate — see FLOWER ILLUSTRATION stigmata stigmas

muntjac (n)

: any of a genus (Muntiacus) of small deer of southeastern Asia with an alarm call similar to the bark of a dog and having in the male elongated, downward-pointing upper canine teeth which protrude from the lip and short, usually unbranched, pointed antlers : BARKING DEER Would-be predators risk flesh-ripping tusks, or long canine teeth, which extend an inch or two from muntjacs' mouths. — Noel Vietmeyer A muntjac or barking deer, was found in the Vu Quang Preserve in Nghe Tinh Province, Vietnam. — Tom Hilchey

Andromeda (n)

: any of several evergreen shrubs (genera Pieris and Andromeda) of the heath family especially : japanese andromeda 1 : an Ethiopian princess of Greek mythology rescued from a monster by her future husband Perseus 2 [ Latin (genitive Andromedae) ] : a northern constellation directly south of Cassiopeia between Pegasus and Perseus

toast (n)

a toast to... 1a : sliced bread browned on both sides by heat b : food prepared with toasted bread 2 [ 3toast ] : an act of proposing or of drinking in honor of a toast 3 slang : one that is finished or done for soon their relationship was toast —Rick Reilly 4 : a rhyming narrative poem existing in oral tradition among black Americans 5 [ from the use of pieces of spiced toast to flavor drinks ] a(1) : a person whose health is drunk (2) : something in honor of which persons usually drink b : one that is highly admired she's the toast of society

bide (v)

biding your time. bode play \ˈbōd\ or bided; bided; biding transitive verb 1 past tense usually bided : to wait for —used chiefly in the phrase bide one's time is biding his time before asking for a raise 2 archaic : withstand two men ... might bide the winter storm —W. C. Bryant 3 chiefly dialectal : to put up with : tolerate ... couldn't bide children on his place ... —J. W. Riley intransitive verb 1 : to continue in a state or condition bide still a moment 2 : to wait awhile : tarry 3 : to continue in a place : sojourn bide in a cabin — bider noun

interchangeable (adj)

capable of being interchanged; especially : permitting mutual substitution interchangeable parts — interchangeability noun — interchangeableness noun — interchangeably

intransigent (adj)

characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an often extreme position or attitude : uncompromising intransigent in their opposition an intransigent attitude — intransigent noun — intransigently adverb

denigrate (v)

denigrating the opposition. 1 : to attack the reputation of : DEFAME; denigrate one's opponents 2 : to deny the importance or validity of : BELITTLE; denigrate their achievements

feigned (adj)

feigned sincerity. 1 : fictitious Was his account actual or feigned? 2 : not genuine or real showered him with feigned compliments

good-humored (adj)

good-natured, cheerful — good-humoredly adverb — good-humoredness noun

infer (v)

infer a conclusion. inferred; inferring transitive verb 1 : to derive as a conclusion from facts or premises we see smoke and infer fire —L. A. White — compare imply 2 : guess, surmise your letter ... allows me to infer that you are as well as ever —O. W. Holmes †1935 3 a : to involve as a normal outcome of thought b : to point out : indicate this doth infer the zeal I had to see him —William Shakespeare another survey ... infers that two-thirds of all present computer installations are not paying for themselves —H. R. Chellman 4 : suggest, hint are you inferring I'm incompetent? intransitive verb : to draw inferences men ... have observed, inferred, and reasoned ... to all kinds of results —John Dewey — inferable or less commonly inferrible adjective — inferrer

mediocrity (n)

settling for mediocrity. plural mediocrities 1 a : the quality or state of being mediocre came to terms with his mediocrity b : moderate ability or value fed up with the mediocrity of the local schools 2 : a mediocre person a most intelligent middle-aged mediocrity —Oscar Wilde

pointless (adj)

1 : devoid of meaning : SENSELESS a pointless remark 2 : devoid of effectiveness : FLAT pointless attempts to be funny

lair (n)

1 dialectal British : a resting or sleeping place : bed 2a : the resting or living place of a wild animal : den tracked the bear back to its lair b : a refuge or place for hiding a villain's lair

populist (n)

1 : a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people especially, often capitalized : a member of a U.S. political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies 2 : a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people

gold standard (n)

1 : a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold and which is usually characterized by the coinage and circulation of gold, unrestricted convertibility of other money into gold, and the free export and import of gold for settling of international obligations 2 : benchmark 1a

cadre (n)

1 : a nucleus or core group especially of trained personnel able to assume control and to train others; broadly : a group of people having some unifying relationship a cadre of lawyers a cadre of technicians 2 : a cell of indoctrinated leaders active in promoting the interests of a revolutionary party 3 : a member of a cadre 4 : frame, framework ... the current specialisms and cadres of our university curricula ... —H. M. McLuhan

lesson (n)

1 : a passage from sacred writings read in a service of worship 2a : a piece of instruction b : a reading or exercise to be studied by a pupil c : a division of a course of instruction 3a : something learned by study or experience his years of travel had taught him valuable lessons b : an instructive example the lessons of history c : reprimand

hypocorism (n)

1 : a pet name 2 : the use of pet names

oxygen (n)

1 : a reactive element that is found in water, in most rocks and minerals, in numerous organic compounds, and as a colorless tasteless odorless diatomic gas constituting 21 percent of the atmosphere, that is capable of combining with all elements except the inert gases, that is active in physiological processes, and that is involved especially in combustion — see chemical elements table 2 : something that sustains or fuels disagreement is the true oxygen of these magazines —Joseph Epstein — oxygenless

moose (n)

1 : a ruminant mammal (Alces alces) with humped shoulders, long legs, and broadly palmated antlers that is the largest existing member of the deer family and inhabits forested areas of Canada, the northern U.S., Europe, and Asia 2 capitalized [ Loyal Order of Moose ] : a member of a major benevolent and fraternal order moose

punching bag (n)

1 : a stuffed or inflated bag usually suspended for free movement and punched for exercise or for training in boxing 2 : one who is routinely abused or defeated by another

subplot (n)

1 : a subordinate plot in fiction or drama 2 : a subdivision of an experimental plot of land

hidden tax (n)

1 : a tax that is ultimately paid by someone other than the person on whom it is levied 2 : an economic inequity that reduces one's real income or buying power

hornet's nest (n)

1 : a troublesome or hazardous situation 2 : an angry reaction must have known that his frank comments ... would stir up a hornet's nest —U.S. Investor

alleged (adj)

1 : accused but not proven or convicted an alleged burglar 2 : asserted to be true or to exist an alleged miracle an alleged conspiracy 3 : questionably true or of a specified kind : SUPPOSED, SO-CALLED bought an alleged antique vase

albatross (n)

1 : any of a family (Diomedeidae) of large web-footed seabirds that have long slender wings, are excellent gliders, and include the largest seabirds 2 a : something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety b : something that greatly hinders accomplishment : encumbrance Fame has become an albatross that prevents her from leading a normal life. 3 golf, chiefly British : a score of three under par made on a hole : double eagle The first play-off at Augusta followed the most famous single stroke in Masters history, Sarazen's albatross, or double eagle as the Americans prefer to describe such accidents of fortune, at the 15th. —P. A. Ward-Thomas

lobster (n)

1 : any of a family (Nephropidae and especially Homarus americanus) of large edible marine decapod crustaceans that have stalked eyes, a pair of large claws, and a long abdomen and that include species from coasts on both sides of the North Atlantic and from the Cape of Good Hope 2 : SPINY LOBSTER

appetite (n)

1 : any of the instinctive desires necessary to keep up organic life especially : the desire to eat He has a hearty appetite. 2a : an inherent craving an insatiable appetite for work b : TASTE, PREFERENCE ... the cultural appetites of the time ... — J. D. Hart

ad hominem (adj)

1 : appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect an ad hominem argument 2 : marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made made an ad hominem personal attack on his rival

plenary (adj)

1 : complete in every respect : ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED plenary power 2 : fully attended or constituted by all entitled to be present a plenary session

veracity (n)

1 : conformity with truth or fact : ACCURACY 2 : devotion to the truth : TRUTHFULNESS 3 : power of conveying or perceiving truth 4 : something true makes lies sound like veracities

grown (adj)

1 : fully grown : MATURE grown men and women 2 : covered or surrounded with vegetation land well grown with trees 3a : cultivated or produced in a specified way or locality —used in combination shade-grown tobacco b : overgrown with —used in combination a weed-grown patio

consonance (n)

1 : harmony or agreement among components His beliefs are in consonance with the political party's views. 2a : correspondence or recurrence of sounds especially in words specifically : recurrence or repetition of consonants especially at the end of stressed syllables without the similar correspondence of vowels (as in the final sounds of stroke and luck) b : CONCORD sense 1b c : SYMPATHETIC VIBRATION, RESONANCE

hollow (adj)

1 : having an indentation or inward curve : CONCAVE, SUNKEN hollow cheeks 2 : having an unfilled or hollowed-out space within a hollow tree 3 : lacking in real value, sincerity, or substance : FALSE, MEANINGLESS hollow promises a victory over a weakling is hollow and without triumph —Ernest Beaglehole 4 : reverberating like a sound made in or by beating on a large empty enclosure : MUFFLED heard a hollow sound when he knocked on the wall

scalar (adj)

1 : having an uninterrupted series of steps : GRADUATED scalar chain of authority scalar cells 2a : capable of being represented by a point on a scale scalar quantity b : of or relating to a scalar or scalar product scalar multiplication

loose-leaf (adj)

1 : having leaves secured in book form in a cover whose spine may be opened for adding, arranging, or removing leaves loose-leaf notebook 2 : of, relating to, or used with a loose-leaf binding loose-leaf paper

fast and loose (adv)

1 : in a reckless or irresponsible manner played fast and loose with the public purse strings —Paul Stuewe 2 : in a craftily deceitful way manipulated evidence ... and played fast and loose with the truth —C. V. Woodward

wasted (adj)

1 : laid waste : RAVAGED 2 : impaired in strength or health : EMACIATED 3 archaic : gone by : ELAPSED the chronicle of wasted time — William Shakespeare 4 : unprofitably used, made, or expended wasted effort 5 slang : intoxicated from drugs or alcohol

mane (n)

1 : long and heavy hair growing about the neck and head of some mammals (such as horses and lions) 2 : long heavy hair on a person's head

maculate (adj)

1 : marked with spots : blotched 2 : impure, besmirched

probabilistic (adj)

1 : of or relating to probabilism 2 : of, relating to, or based on probability

allegorical (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of allegory allegorical paintings allegorical meanings of images allegorical symbols of our culture 2 : having hidden spiritual meaning that transcends the literal sense of a sacred text

mandatory (adj)

1 : required by a law or rule : OBLIGATORY the mandatory retirement age 2 : of, by, relating to, or holding a League of Nations mandate

totemic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, suggestive of, or characteristic of a totem or totemism a totemic animal 2 : based on or practicing totemism totemic clan structure

steward (n)

1 : one employed in a large household or estate to manage domestic concerns (such as the supervision of servants, collection of rents, and keeping of accounts) 2 : shop steward 3 : a fiscal agent 4a : an employee on a ship, airplane, bus, or train who manages the provisioning of food and attends passengers b : one appointed to supervise the provision and distribution of food and drink in an institution 5 : one who actively directs affairs : manager

magnetic (adj)

1 : possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract a magnetic personality 2a : of or relating to a magnet or to magnetism b : of, relating to, or characterized by the earth's magnetism c : magnetized or capable of being magnetized d : actuated by magnetic attraction

otiose (adj)

1 : producing no useful result : futile 2 : being at leisure : idle 3 : lacking use or effect : functionless — otiosely adverb — otioseness noun — otiosity

successful (adj)

1 : resulting or terminating in success a successful attempt 2 : gaining or having gained success a successful investor

domination (n)

1 : supremacy or preeminence over another 2 : exercise of mastery or ruling power 3 : exercise of preponderant, governing, or controlling influence 4 dominations plural : DOMINION sense 3

moleskin (n)

1 : the skin of the mole used as fur 2a : a heavy durable cotton fabric with a short thick velvety nap on one side b : a garment made of moleskin —usually used in plural c : adhesive padding (as for blisters) made of moleskin

lack (v)

1 : to be deficient or missing time is lacking for a full explanation 2 : to be short or have need of something he will not lack for advisers The area does not lack for good restaurants. : to stand in need of : suffer from the absence or deficiency of lack the necessities of life She lacked confidence. lacked; lacking; lacks

beseech (v)

1 : to beg for urgently or anxiously beseeched him to write while he was away — R. W. Hatch 2 : to request earnestly : IMPLORE besought their protection intransitive verb : to make supplication beseeched or besought\bi-ˈsȯt, bē- \; beseeching

tilt (v)

1 : to cause to have an inclination 2a : to point or thrust in or as if in a tilt tilt a lance b : to charge against tilt an adversary intransitive verb 1a : to move or shift so as to lean or incline : SLANT b : to incline, tend, or become drawn toward an opinion, course of action, or one side of a controversy 2a : to engage in a combat with lances : JOUST b : to make an impetuous attack tilt at social evils

coach (v)

1 : to go in a coach 2 : to instruct, direct, or prompt as a coach When an injury ended his playing career, he decided to coach. transitive verb 1 : to train intensively (as by instruction and demonstration) coach pupils The lawyer coached the witness. 2 : to act as coach of coach tennis coach a team coached; coaching; coaches

dictate (v)

1 : to utter words to be transcribed : to give dictation dictate for the stenographer 2 : to speak or act domineeringly : PRESCRIBE resents being dictated to 1 : to speak or read for a person to transcribe or for a machine to record dictating a letter to her secretary 2a : to issue as an order b : to impose, pronounce, or specify authoritatively dictate the terms of surrender ... the league will dictate policy for all teams ... — Alex Yannis c : to require or determine necessarily injuries dictated the choice of players The weather will dictate how long we stay. dictated; dictating

apt (adj)

1 : unusually fitted or qualified : READY proved an apt tool in the hands of the conspirators 2a : having a tendency : LIKELY plants apt to suffer from drought b : ordinarily disposed : INCLINED apt to accept what is plausible as true 3 : suited to a purpose especially : being to the point an apt quotation 4 : keenly intelligent and responsive an apt pupil

shirttail (adj)

1 : very young : IMMATURE shirttail boys fishing in the creek 2 : distantly and indefinitely related a shirttail cousin on her father's side 3 : small, trivial, or short typically to the point of inadequacy has a gullied shirttail ranch in the hills

cloister (v)

1 a : a monastic establishment b : an area within a monastery or convent to which the religious are normally restricted c : monastic life young men and women choosing the cloister as a way of life d : a place or state of seclusion ... the Internet broke out of its academic cloister and started cavorting in the mainstream. —Paul McFedries 2 : a covered passage on the side of a court usually having one side walled and the other an open arcade or colonnade The courtyard is surrounded with a cloister.

lily-white (adj)

1 : white as a lily 2 : characterized by or favoring the exclusion of blacks especially from politics 3 : IRREPROACHABLE, PURE

canard (n)

1 a : a false or unfounded report or story; especially : a fabricated report The report about a conspiracy proved to be a canard. b : a groundless rumor or belief the widespread canard that every lawyer is dishonest 2 : an airplane with horizontal stabilizing and control surfaces in front of supporting surfaces; also : a small airfoil in front of the wing of an aircraft that can increase the aircraft's performance

cajole (v)

1 a : to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance : coax had to cajole them into going b : to obtain from someone by gentle persuasion cajoled money from his parents 2 : to deceive with soothing words or false promises cajoled himself with thoughts of escape —Robertson Davies — cajolement noun — cajoler noun — cajolery noun

daughter (n)

1 anthropology a : a female offspring especially of human parents b : a female adopted child c : a human female descendant 2 : something considered as a daughter the United States is a daughter of Great Britain 3 chemistry : an atomic species (see 1species 1e) that is the product of the radioactive decay (see 2decay 6a) of a given element radon, the daughter of radium — daughterless

dire (adj)

1a : exciting horror dire suffering b : DISMAL, OPPRESSIVE dire days 2 : warning of disaster a dire forecast 3a : desperately urgent in dire need of assistance b : EXTREME dire poverty direr; direst

mélange (n)

: a mixture often of incongruous elements a mélange of architectural styles

altercation (n)

: a noisy, heated, angry dispute He got into several altercations with his boss. also : noisy controversy

mass noun (n)

: a noun that denotes a homogeneous substance or a concept without subdivisions and that in English is preceded in indefinite singular constructions by some rather than a or an sand and water are mass nouns — compare COUNT NOUN

prelapsarian (adj)

: characteristic of or belonging to the time or state before the fall of humankind

aplomb (n)

: complete and confident composure or self-assurance : POISE She played several roles with equal aplomb.

subthreshold (adj)

: inadequate to produce a response subthreshold dosage a subthreshold stimulus

compendious (adj)

: marked by brief expression of a comprehensive matter : concise and comprehensive a compendious summary also : COMPREHENSIVE her compendious knowledge of the subject

doughty (adj)

: marked by fearless resolution : VALIANT a doughty warrior doughtier; doughtiest

latitudinarian (adj)

: not insisting on strict conformity to a particular doctrine or standard : TOLERANT specifically : tolerant of variations in religious opinion or doctrine

proponent (n)

: one who argues in favor of something : ADVOCATE

maximin (n)

: the maximum of a set of minima especially : the largest of a set of minimum possible gains each of which occurs in the least advantageous outcome of a strategy followed by a participant in a situation governed by game theory — compare MINIMAX

majoritarianism (n)

: the philosophy or practice according to which decisions of an organized group should be made by a numerical majority of its members

Leninism (n)

: the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Lenin especially : the theory and practice of communism developed by or associated with Lenin

misesteem (v)

: to esteem wrongly especially : to hold in too little regard misesteemed; misesteeming; misesteems

resent (v)

: to feel or express annoyance or ill will at resented the implication resented; resenting; resents

monopolize (v )

: to get a monopoly of : assume complete possession or control of monopolize a conversation monopolized; monopolizing

reshape (v)

: to give a new form or orientation to : REORGANIZE reshaped; reshaping; reshapes

hyperpolarize (v)

: to produce an increase in potential difference across (a biological membrane) : to undergo or produce an increase in potential difference across something hyperpolarized; hyperpolarizing; hyperpolarizes

muckrake (v)

: to search out and publicly expose real or apparent misconduct of a prominent individual or business muckraked; muckraking; muckrakes

collocate (v)

: to set or arrange in a place or position especially : to set side by side intransitive verb : to occur in conjunction with something collocated; collocating

driven (adj)

a driven individual. 1 : having a compulsive or urgent quality a driven sense of obligation 2 : propelled or motivated by something —used in combination results-driven — drivenness

feel-good (adj)

a feel-good song. 1 : relating to or promoting an often specious sense of satisfaction or well-being a feel-good reform program that makes no changes 2 : cheerfully sentimental a feel-good movie

paradigm (n)

a paradigm shift. 1 : example, pattern; especially : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype ... regard science as the paradigm of true knowledge. —G. C. J. Midgley 2 : an example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms 3 : a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis; broadly : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind — paradigmatic adjective — paradigmatically

accommodate (v)

accommodating host. accommodated; accommodating transitive verb 1 : to provide with something desired, needed, or suited I needed money, and they accommodated me with a loan. 2 a : to make room for rebuilt the ship to accommodate the bigger containers b : to hold without crowding or inconvenience a hotel that can accommodate about 100 people 3 : to bring into agreement or concord : reconcile Investors quickly accommodated themselves to the new market conditions. 4 : to give consideration to : to allow for trying to accommodate the special interests of various groups 5 : to make fit, suitable, or congruous intransitive verb : to adapt oneself; also : to undergo visual accommodation — accommodative adjective — accommodativeness noun — accommodator

ingenious (adj)

an ingenious approach. 1 obsolete : showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment 2 : having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving an ingenious detective 3 : marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution an ingenious contraption — ingeniously adverb — ingeniousness noun

fairy tale (n)

characteristic of or suitable to a fairy tale; especially : marked by seemingly unreal beauty, perfection, luck, or happiness led a fairy-tale life a store clerk's fairy-tale romance

levant (v)

chiefly British : to run away from a debt levanted; levanting; levants

hoax (n)

falling for a hoax. 1 : an act intended to trick or dupe : IMPOSTURE the victim of a cruel hoax assumed the bomb threat was just a hoax 2 : something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication believes the Loch Ness Monster is a hoax a literary hoax

scam (n)

falling for a scam. a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation an insurance scam

salubrious (adj)

favorable to or promoting health or well-being salubrious habits

glove (n)

fits like a glove. 1 a : a covering for the hand having separate sections for each of the fingers and the thumb and often extending part way up the arm b : 1gauntlet 1 2 a (1) : a padded leather covering for the hand used in baseball to catch a thrown or batted ball; specifically : one having individual thumb and finger sections usually connected with a lacing or webbing — compare mitt (2) : fielding ability he's got a good glove at three positions and can pinch-hit —Casey Stengel b : boxing glove 3 a : 1gauntlet 3 b gloves plural : the restraints of civility the gloves came off for the interview

affection (n)

genuine affection. 1 : a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something : tender attachment : fondness She had a deep affection for her parents. 2 : a moderate feeling or emotion 3 a (1) : a bodily condition (2) : disease, malady a pulmonary affection b : attribute shape and weight are affections of bodies 4 obsolete : partiality, prejudice 5 : the feeling aspect (as in pleasure) of consciousness 6 a : propensity, disposition b archaic : affectation 1 7 : the action of affecting : the state of being affected 8 : umlaut 2 —used especially in the grammar of the Celtic languages — affectionless

gritty (adj)

grittier; grittiest 1 : containing or resembling grit 2 : courageously persistent : plucky a gritty heroine 3 : having strong qualities of tough uncompromising realism a gritty novel — grittily play \ˈgri-tə-lē\ adverb — grittiness

seniority (n)

having seniority over... 1 : the quality or state of being senior : PRIORITY 2 : a privileged status attained by length of continuous service (as in a company)

caliber (n)

high caliber.... 1a : degree of mental capacity or moral quality teachers of high caliber b : degree of excellence or importance the caliber of instruction 2a : the diameter of a bullet or other projectile b : the diameter of a bore of a gun usually expressed in hundredths or thousandths of an inch and typically written as a decimal fraction .32 caliber 3 : the diameter of a round or cylindrical body especially : the internal diameter of a hollow cylinder

irresistible (adj)

impossible to resist an irresistible attraction — irresistibility or less commonly irresistability play \ˌir-i-ˌzi-stə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — irresistibleness or less commonly irresistableness noun — irresistibly or less commonly irresistably adverb

herein (adv)

in this

capable (adj)

in your very capable hands. 1 : SUSCEPTIBLE a remark capable of being misunderstood 2 obsolete : COMPREHENSIVE 3 : having attributes (such as physical or mental power) required for performance or accomplishment is capable of intense concentration 4 : having traits conducive to or features permitting something this woman is capable of murder by violence —Robert Graves 5 : having legal right to own, enjoy, or perform of my land ... to make thee capable —Shakespeare 6 : having or showing general efficiency and ability a capable lawyer a capable performance

lobby (v)

lobbying for a cause. lobbied; lobbying intransitive verb : to conduct activities aimed at influencing public officials and especially members of a legislative body on legislation transitive verb 1 : to promote (something, such as a project) or secure the passage of (legislation) by influencing public officials lobby a bill through Congress 2 : to attempt to influence or sway (someone, such as a public official) toward a desired action lobbying senators for tax reform — lobbyer noun — lobbyism

goodwill (n)

promote goodwill. 1a : a kindly feeling of approval and support : benevolent interest or concern people of goodwill b(1) : the favor or advantage that a business has acquired especially through its brands and its good reputation (2) : the value of projected earnings increases of a business especially as part of its purchase price (3) : the excess of the purchase price of a company over its book value which represents the value of goodwill as an intangible asset for accounting purposes 2a : cheerful consent accepted the terms of the contract with goodwill b : willing effort

fideism (n)

reliance on faith rather than reason in pursuit of religious truth — fideist play \ˈfē-ˌdā-ist\ noun — fideistic

tailor (v)

specificaly tailoring a product to spec. transitive verb 1a : to make or fashion as the work of a tailor b : to make or adapt to suit a special need or purpose 2 : to fit with clothes 3 : to style with trim straight lines and finished handwork intransitive verb : to do the work of a tailor tailored; tailoring; tailors

greenmail (n)

the practice of buying enough of a company's stock to threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the company at a price above market value; also : the money paid for such stock — greenmail transitive verb — greenmailer noun

grok (v)

to understand profoundly and intuitively

sight unseen (adv)

without inspection or appraisal

mayflower (n)

: any of various spring-blooming plants especially : ARBUTUS sense 2

legitimacy (n)

: the quality or state of being legitimate

carnation (n)

1 : a plant of any of numerous often cultivated and usually double-flowered varieties or subspecies of an Old World pink (Dianthus caryophyllus) found in many color variations 2 : a moderate red 3 archaic : the variable color of human flesh

sunburst (n)

: a flash of sunlight especially through a break in clouds 2a : a jeweled brooch representing a sun surrounded by rays b : a design in the form of rays diverging from a central point

man-at-arms (n)

: SOLDIER especially : a heavily armed and usually mounted soldier men-at-arms

analogist (adj)

as an analogist... one who searches for or reasons from analogies

point-blank (adj)

asking point-blank. 1a : marked by no appreciable drop below initial horizontal line of flight b : so close to a target that a missile fired will travel in a straight line to the mark 2 : DIRECT, BLUNT a point-blank refusal

abide (v)

abiding by the rules. abided also abode play \-ˈbōd\; abiding transitive verb 1 a : to bear patiently : tolerate cannot abide such bigots b : to endure without yielding : withstand abide the onrush of the enemy 2 : to wait for : await I will abide the coming of my lord. —Alfred Tennyson 3 : to accept without objection will abide your decision intransitive verb 1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state a love that abided with him all his days 2 : to continue in a place : sojourn will abide in the house of the Lord — abider noun — abide by 1 : to conform to abide by the rules 2 : to accept without objection : to acquiesce in will abide by your decision

give in (v)

giving in to... transitive verb : deliver, submit gave in his resignation intransitive verb : to yield under insistence or entreaty : surrender

snooze button (n)

: a button on an alarm clock that stops and resets the alarm for a short time later to allow for more rest — called also snooze alarm

Life of Riley (phrase)

: a carefree comfortable way of living life of Reilly

morgue (n)

1 : a place where the bodies of dead persons are kept temporarily pending identification or release for burial or autopsy 2 : a collection of reference works and files of reference material in a newspaper or news periodical office

chalet (n)

1 : a remote herdsman's hut in the Alps 2a : a Swiss dwelling with unconcealed structural members and a wide overhang at the front and sides b : a cottage or house in chalet style

usher in (v)

usher in an age of... 1 : to serve to bring into being a discovery that ushered in a period of change 2 : to mark or observe the beginning of ushered in the new year with merrymaking

founder effect (n)

the effect on the resulting gene pool that occurs when a new isolated population is founded by a small number of individuals possessing limited genetic variation relative to the larger population from which they have migrated

hissy fit (n)

throwing a hissy-fit tantrum

maladapted (adj)

: unsuited or poorly suited (as to a particular use, purpose, or situation)

centrist (n)

a centrist perspective. 1 often capitalized : a member of a center party 2 : a person who holds moderate views — centrism noun — centrist adjective

gladiator (n)

1 : a person engaged in a fight to the death as public entertainment for ancient Romans 2 : a person engaging in a public fight or controversy 3 : a trained fighter especially : a professional boxer

savant (n)

1 : a person of learning especially : one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field (as of science or literature) 2 : a person affected with a developmental disorder (such as autism or mental retardation) who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (such as mathematics or music) especially : AUTISTIC SAVANT

lackey (n)

1a : FOOTMAN sense 2, SERVANT b : someone who does menial tasks or runs errands for another 2 : a servile follower : TOADY lackeys

misfortune (n)

1a : an event or conjunction of events that causes an unfortunate or distressing result : bad luck by misfortune he fell into bad company had the misfortune to break his leg b : an unhappy situation always ready to help people in misfortune 2 : a distressing or unfortunate incident or event misfortunes never come singly

metabolism (n)

1a : the sum of the processes in the buildup and destruction of protoplasm specifically : the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated (see ASSIMILATE entry 1 sense 1b) Regular exercise can help to increase your metabolism. b : the sum of the processes by which a particular substance is handled in the living body c : the sum of the metabolic activities taking place in a particular environment the metabolism of a lake 2 : METAMORPHOSIS sense 2 —usually used in combination holometabolism

Moses (n)

: a Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery and at Mt. Sinai delivered the Law establishing God's covenant with them

anaphylactic shock (n)

: an often severe and sometimes fatal systemic reaction in a susceptible individual upon exposure to a specific antigen (such as wasp venom or penicillin) after previous sensitization that is characterized especially by respiratory symptoms, fainting, itching, and hives

leeway (n)

giving/having some leeway, 1 a : off-course lateral movement of a ship when underway The sailboat's centerboard helps to reduce leeway. b : the angle between the heading and the track of an airplane 2 : an allowable margin of freedom or variation : tolerance The new rules allow managers greater leeway in making decisions.

dogmatic (adj)

1 : characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts a dogmatic critic 2 : of or relating to dogma (see DOGMA) dogmatical

hunter-gatherer (n)

: a member of a culture in which food is obtained by hunting, fishing, and foraging rather than by agriculture or animal husbandry

metapsychology (n)

: speculative psychology concerned with postulating the structure (such as the ego and id) and processes (such as cathexis) of the mind which usually cannot be demonstrated objectively

Alice-in-Wonderland (adj)

: suitable to a world of fantasy or illusion : UNREAL

thievery (n)

: the act or practice or an instance of stealing : THEFT

cost of living (term)

: the cost of purchasing those goods and services which are included in an accepted standard level of consumption

pounce (v)

pounce on an opportunity. 1a : to swoop upon and seize something with or as if with talons b : to seize upon and make capital of something (such as another's blunder or an opportunity) 2 : to make a sudden assault or approach

careless (adj)

a careless mistake. 1 a : free from care : untroubled careless days b : indifferent, unconcerned careless of the consequences 2 : not taking care My brother was too careless of his charge. —Shakespeare 3 : not showing or receiving care: a : negligent, slovenly careless writing b : unstudied, spontaneous a careless grace a careless glance c obsolete : unvalued, disregarded — carelessly adverb — carelessness noun

beacon (n)

beacon of hope. 1 : a signal fire commonly on a hill, tower, or pole 2 a : a lighthouse or other signal for guidance b : a radio transmitter emitting signals to guide aircraft 3 : a source of light or inspiration ... the beacon to the oppressed of all countries ... —Adrienne Koch

fire away (v)

fire away. intransitive verb : to speak without hesitation —usually used as an imperative

hidden (adj)

hidden in plain sight. 1 : being out of sight or not readily apparent : CONCEALED 2 : OBSCURE, UNEXPLAINED, UNDISCLOSED

indisputable (adj)

indisputable fact. not disputable : unquestionable indisputable proof — indisputableness noun — indisputably adv

rare (adj)

it is rare to see.. 1 : seldom occurring or found : UNCOMMON 2a : marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal : DISTINCTIVE b : superlative or extreme of its kind 3 : marked by wide separation of component particles : THIN rare air

hysteresis (n)

social hysteresis. plural hystereses play \ˌhi-stə-ˈrē-ˌsēz\ physics : a retardation of an effect when the forces acting upon a body are changed (as if from viscosity or internal friction) all manometers must be tested for hysteresis as well as for sensitivity and natural frequency —H. D. Green especially : a lagging in the values of resulting magnetization in a magnetic material (such as iron) due to a changing magnetizing force — hysteretic

protégé (n)

: one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence

presumptuous (adj)

: overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy) : taking liberties

market research (n)

: research into the size, location, and makeup of a product market

memento (n)

a small memento to remember _____ by. : something that serves to warn or remind a museum filled with war mementos — Libby Lubin also : SOUVENIR mementos of their travels

affair (n)

having an affair. 1 a affairs plural : commercial, professional, public, or personal business handles the company's public affairs an expert in foreign affairs b : matter, concern How I choose to live is my affair, not yours. 2 : a procedure, action, or occasion only vaguely specified; also : an object or collection of objects only vaguely specified Their house was a 2-story affair. 3 or less commonly affaire a : a romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration : liaison 2b had an affair with a coworker b : a matter occasioning public anxiety, controversy, or scandal : case the Watergate affair of the early 1970s

actuality (n)

when in actuality... 1 : the quality or state of being actual 2 : something that is actual : fact, reality possible risks which have been seized upon as actualities —T. S. Eliot — in actuality : in actual fact

mercenary (n)

: one that serves merely for wages especially : a soldier hired into foreign service mercenaries who guaranteed the success of the rebellion — B. F. Reilly mercenaries

propitious (adj)

1 : favorably disposed : BENEVOLENT 2 : being a good omen : AUSPICIOUS propitious sign 3 : tending to favor : ADVANTAGEOUS

sad (adj)

1a : affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness : DOWNCAST b(1) : causing or associated with grief or unhappiness : DEPRESSING sad news (2) : REGRETTABLE, DEPLORABLE a sad relaxation of morals —C. W. Cunnington c : of little worth 2 : of a dull somber color

malison (n)

: curse, malediction

multivalent (adj)

1 : POLYVALENT 2 : represented more than twice in the somatic chromosome number multivalent chromosomes 3 : having many values, meanings, or appeals

basilisk (n)

1 : a legendary reptile with fatal breath and glance 2 : any of several crested tropical American lizards (genus Basiliscus of the family Iguanidae) related to the iguanas and noted for their ability to run on their hind legs

allocate (v)

1 : to apportion for a specific purpose or to particular persons or things : DISTRIBUTE allocate tasks among human and automated components 2 : to set apart or earmark : DESIGNATE allocate a section of the building for special research purposes allocated; allocating

annex (v)

1 : to attach as a quality, consequence, or condition Many privileges were annexed exclusively to royalty. 2 archaic : to join together materially : UNITE 3 : to add to something earlier, larger, or more important annexed a bibliography to the thesis 4 : to incorporate (a country or other territory) within the domain of a state The U.S. annexed Texas in 1845. 5 : to obtain or take for oneself annexed; annexing; annexes

skyrocket (v)

1 : to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly 2 : CATAPULT intransitive verb : to shoot up abruptly prices are skyrocketing skyrocketed; skyrocketing; skyrockets

existential (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or affirming existence existential propositions 2a : grounded in existence or the experience of existence : EMPIRICAL b : having being in time and space 3 [ translation of Danish eksistentiel & German existential ] : EXISTENTIALIST

Parthian (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Parthia or its people 2 : relating to, being, or having the effect of a shot fired while in real or feigned retreat — Parthian noun

migratory (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characterized by migration 2 : wandering, roving

vegetarian (n)

1 : a person who does not eat meat : someone whose diet consists wholly of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or dairy products 2 : HERBIVORE

milepost (n)

1 : a post indicating the distance in miles from or to a given point also : a post placed a mile from a similar post 2 : MILESTONE sense 2

amaze (v)

1 : to fill with wonder : astound He amazed audiences with the power of his voice. 2 obsolete : bewilder, perplex : to show or cause astonishment The fireworks display never ceases to amaze. amazed; amazing

Armageddon (n)

1 a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil b : the battle taking place at Armageddon 2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation

prolepsis (n)

: ANTICIPATION: such as a : the representation or assumption of a future act or development as if presently existing or accomplished b : the application of an adjective to a noun in anticipation of the result of the action of the verb (as in while yon slow oxen turn the furrowed plain) prolepses

maitre d' (n)

: MAÎTRE D'HÔTEL, HEADWAITER maître d's or maitre d's

looking glass (n)


go up in flames (phrase)

GO UP 1 chiefly British : to attend a university 2 of an actor : to become confused 3 : to be built or erected a new sign went up go up in flames : BURN go up in smoke : to be destroyed by or as if by burning

inclement (adj)

lacking mildness: such as a archaic : severe in temper or action : unmerciful b : physically severe : stormy inclement weather — inclemently adverb

consensus (n)

1a : general agreement : UNANIMITY the consensus of their opinion, based on reports ... from the border — John Hersey b : the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned the consensus was to go ahead 2 : group solidarity in sentiment and belief

pacesetter (n)

pacemaker 1 — pacesetting

Magellanic Cloud (n)

: either of the two nearest galaxies to the Milky Way system a : LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD b : SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD

misadventure (n)


reprehensible (adj)

: worthy of or deserving reprehension : CULPABLE

mom (n)

: MOTHER sense 1a

linear perspective (n)

: PERSPECTIVE entry 1 sense 4a

microbarograph (n)

: a barograph for recording small and rapid changes

adage (n)

a saying often in metaphorical form that typically embodies a common observation She reminded him of the adage: A penny saved is a penny earned.

laud (v)

lauded; lauding; lauds transitive verb : praise, extol He was lauded for his accomplishments.

Mohawk (n)

1 : a member of an American Indian people of the Mohawk River valley, New York 2 : the Iroquoian language of the Mohawk people 3 : a hairstyle with a narrow center strip of usually upright hair and the sides of the head shaved Mohawk or Mohawks

youngblood (adj)

1 : a young inexperienced person especially : one who is newly prominent in a field of endeavor jazz youngbloods 2 : a young African American male

hypersonic (adj)

1 : of or relating to speed five or more times that of sound in air — compare SONIC 2 : moving, capable of moving, or utilizing air currents that move at hypersonic speed hypersonic wind tunnel

methodologist (n)

: a student of methodology

positive feedback (n)

: feedback that tends to magnify a process or increase its output

morning star (n)

: a bright planet (such as Venus) seen in the eastern sky before or at sunrise

manticore (n)

: a legendary animal with the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail of a dragon or scorpion

fulgent (adj)

: dazzlingly bright : RADIANT

skepsis (n)

: philosophical doubt as to the objective reality of phenomena broadly : a skeptical outlook or attitude

pharisaism (n)

1 capitalized : the doctrines or practices of the Pharisees 2 often capitalized : pharisaical character, spirit, or attitude : HYPOCRISY

lupanar (n)


negligence (n)

gross negligence. 1 a : the quality or state of being negligent b : failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances ... his naivete and negligence had been the source of his problems. —Michael Leahy 2 : an act or instance of being negligent regretted his past negligences

lament (v)

lamented; lamenting; laments intransitive verb : to mourn aloud : wail nightingales lament without ceasing —L. P. Smith transitive verb 1 : to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively : mourn ... must regret the imprudence, lament the result ... —Jane Austen 2 : to regret strongly He lamented his decision not to go to college.

debut (v)

making a debut. : to make a first appearance or a formal entrance into society : to make a debut transitive verb : to present to the public for the first time : INTRODUCE debut a new product

go-getter (n)

she's a go-getter. an aggressively enterprising person — go-getting

megalopolis (n)

1 : a very large city 2 : a thickly populated region centering in a metropolis or embracing several metropolises

protract (v)

1 archaic : DELAY, DEFER 2 : to prolong in time or space : CONTINUE 3 : to extend forward or outward — compare RETRACT sense 1 protracted; protracting; protracts

bind (n)

1a : something that binds b : the act of binding : the state of being bound c : a place where binding occurs 2 music : TIE sense 3 3 : a position or situation in which one is hampered, constrained, or prevented from free movement or action got a bind on his opponent in a bind : in trouble seem to have gotten myself in a bind

repress (v)

1a : to check by or as if by pressure : CURB injustice was repressed b : to put down by force : SUBDUE repress a disturbance 2a : to hold in by self-control repressed a laugh b : to prevent the natural or normal expression, activity, or development of repressed her anger 3 : to exclude from consciousness repressed the memory of abuse 4 : to inactivate (a gene or formation of a gene product) by allosteric combination at a DNA binding site intransitive verb : to take repressive action. repressed; repressing; represses

zap (v)

1a : to get rid of, destroy, or kill especially with or as if with sudden force b : to hit with or as if with a sudden concentrated application of force or energy c : to irradiate especially with microwaves 2a : to propel suddenly or speedily b : to transport instantaneously 3 : to avoid watching (something, such as a television commercial) by changing channels especially with a remote control or by fast-forwarding a videotape 1 : to move with speed or force 2 : to change television channels using a remote control zapped; zapping

preliminary (adj)

: coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else preliminary studies preliminary results

apotropaic (adj)

: designed to avert evil an apotropaic ritual

misology (n)

: a hatred of argument, reasoning, or enlightenment

mahout (n)

: a keeper and driver of an elephant

Theseus (n)

: a king of Athens in Greek mythology who kills Procrustes and the Minotaur before defeating the Amazons and marrying their queen

machete (n)

: a large heavy knife used for cutting sugarcane and underbrush and as a weapon

ex gratia (adj or adv)

: as a favor : not compelled by legal right ex gratia pension payments

revolving-door (adj)

: characterized by a frequent succession (as of personnel) or a cycle of leaving and returning revolving-door governments

ameliorate (v)

: to make better or more tolerable medicine to ameliorate the pain : to grow better ameliorated; ameliorating

meandrous (adj)

ADJ of 1 : a winding path or course the new path, which he supposed only to make a few meanders — Samuel Johnson especially : LABYRINTH 2 : a turn or winding of a stream The meander eventually became isolated from the main stream.

Gibraltar (n)

an impregnable stronghold

choosy (adj)

being choosy. : fastidiously selective : PARTICULAR choosy shoppers

alarm (n)

cause for alarm. 1 usually alarum , archaic : a call to arms ... the angry trumpet sounds alarum ... —William Shakespeare 2 : a signal (such as a loud noise or flashing light) that warns or alerts also : a device that signals set the alarm to wake me at seven 3 : sudden sharp apprehension and fear resulting from the perception of imminent danger 4 : a warning notice

legalize (v)

: to make legal especially : to give legal validity or sanction to legalized; legalizing

munchies (n)

1 : hunger pangs 2 : light snack foods

proportionate (adj)


standoffish (adj)

: somewhat cold and reserved

groundskeeper (n)

a person who cares for the grounds of a usually large property (such as a sports field)

malpractice (n)

1 : a dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one (such as a physician) rendering professional services which results in injury, loss, or damage 2 : an injurious, negligent, or improper practice : malfeasance

flappable (adj)

easily upset

reverse engineer (v)

: to disassemble and examine or analyze in detail (a product or device) to discover the concepts involved in manufacture usually in order to produce something similar

habitue (n)

1 : a person who may be regularly found in or at a particular place or kind of place café habitués 2 : devotee an Internet habitué

lingerie (n)

1 archaic : linen articles or garments 2 : women's intimate apparel

dibs (n)

1 slang : money especially in small amounts 2 : CLAIM, RIGHTS I have dibs on that piece of cake Synonyms

mind-altering (adj)


mensch (n)

: a person of integrity and honor

shorefront (n)

: land along a shore specifically : BEACHFRONT

soapbox (n)

: an improvised platform used by a self-appointed, spontaneous, or informal orator broadly : something that provides an outlet for delivering opinions

doormat (n)

1 : a mat placed before or inside a door for wiping dirt from the shoes 2 : one that submits without protest to abuse or indignities 3 : a team that regularly finishes last

Mayan (n)

1 : a member of the peoples speaking Mayan languages 2 : an extensive language family of Central America and Mexico

mare liberum (n)

1 : a navigable body of water (such as a sea) that is open to all nations 2 : FREEDOM OF THE SEAS

self-pleased (adj)


platform (n)

1 : PLAN, DESIGN 2 : a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands especially : a declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party or a candidate 3a(1) : a usually raised horizontal flat surface especially : a raised flooring (2) : a device or structure incorporating or providing a platform especially : such a structure on legs used for offshore drilling (as for oil) b : a place or opportunity for public discussion 4a : a usually thick layer (as of cork) between the inner sole and outer sole of a shoe b : a shoe having such a sole 5a : a vehicle (such as a satellite or aircraft) used for a particular purpose or to carry a usually specified kind of equipment b : OPERATING SYSTEM also : the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system

miss (n)

1 chiefly dialectal : disadvantage or regret resulting from loss we know the miss of you, and even hunger ... to see you — Samuel Richardson 2a : a failure to hit b : a failure to attain a desired result 3 : MISFIRE 1 capitalized a —used as a title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman or girl b —used before the name of a place or of a line of activity or before some epithet to form a title for a usually young unmarried female who is representative of the thing indicated Miss America 2 : young lady —used without a name as a conventional term of address to a young woman 3 : a young unmarried woman or girl 4 misses plural : a clothing size for women of average height and build

heroic (adj)

a heroic act. 1 : of or relating to courageous people or the mythological or legendary figures of antiquity : of, relating to, resembling, or suggesting heroes especially of antiquity heroic legends the heroic age 2 a : exhibiting or marked by courage and daring It was a heroic decision. b : supremely noble or self-sacrificing a heroic gesture received medals for their heroic actions 3 a : of impressive size, power, extent, or effect a heroic voice b (1) : of great intensity : extreme heroic effort (2) : of a kind that is likely only to be undertaken to save a life heroic surgery 4 : of, relating to, or constituting drama written during the Restoration in heroic couplets and concerned with a conflict between love and honor — heroically adverb

generate (v)

generating revenue. 1 : to bring into existence: such as a : PROCREATE, BEGET b : to originate by a vital, chemical, or physical process : PRODUCE generate electricity 2 : to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind) these stories ... generate a good deal of psychological suspense —Atlantic 3 : to define or originate (something, such as a mathematical or linguistic set or structure) by the application of one or more rules or operations especially : to trace out (something, such as a curve) by a moving point or to trace out (a surface) by a moving curve

seek (v)

seek help. 1 : to resort to : go to 2a : to go in search of : look for b : to try to discover 3 : to ask for : REQUEST seeks advice 4 : to try to acquire or gain : aim at seek fame 5 : to make an attempt : TRY —used with to and an infinitive governments ... seek to keep the bulk of their people contented —D. M. Potter intransitive verb 1 : to make a search or inquiry 2a : to be sought b : to be lacking in critical judgment ... they were sadly to seek —The Times Literary Supplement (London)

soi-disant (adj)

: SELF-PROCLAIMED, SO-CALLED threw the soi-disant epic novel aside in disgust

leery (adj)

: SUSPICIOUS, WARY —often used with of leery of strangers She seemed a little leery of the proposal.

ministroke (n)


prestige (n)

1 : standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion 2 : commanding position in people's minds

dogfight (n)

1 : a fight between dogs broadly : a fiercely disputed contest 2 : a fight between two or more fighter planes usually at close quarters

jar (v)

1 : a widemouthed container made typically of earthenware or glass a pottery jar a cookie jar 2 : as much as a jar will hold ate an entire jar of pickles — jarful

Lilith (n)

1 : a woman who in rabbinic legend is Adam's first wife, is supplanted by Eve, and becomes an evil spirit 2 : a famous witch in medieval demonology

fledgling (n)

1 : a young bird just fledged (see fledge 1) a female bird feeding her fledglings 2 : an immature or inexperienced person fledgling medical students 3 : one that is new a fledgling company

rocky (adj)

1 : abounding in or consisting of rocks 2 : difficult to impress or affect : INSENSITIVE 3 : firmly held : STEADFAST rockier; rockiest

pompous (adj)

1 : excessively elevated or ornate pompous rhetoric 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : ARROGANT a pompous politician 3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp or splendor : MAGNIFICENT

lining (n)

1 : material that lines or that is used to line especially the inner surface of something (such as a garment) 2 : the act or process of providing something with a lining

muff (v)

1 : to handle awkwardly 2 : to fail to hold (a ball) when attempting a catch 1 : to act or do something stupidly or clumsily 2 : to muff a ball — compare FUMBLE muffed; muffing; muffs

manhandle (v)

1 : to handle roughly 2 : to move or manage by human force manhandled the posts into place manhandled; manhandling; manhandles

succés de scandale (n)

: something (such as a work of art) that wins popularity or notoriety because of its scandalous nature also : the reception accorded such a piece

common sense (n)

: sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts She's very smart but doesn't have a lot of common sense. rely on common sense for personal safety

socko (adj)

: strikingly impressive, effective, or successful : OUTSTANDING a socko performance

die-hard (adj)

: strongly or fanatically determined or devoted die-hard fans especially : strongly resisting change a die-hard conservative

self-flattery (n)

: the glossing over of one's own weaknesses or mistakes and the exaggeration of one's own good qualities and achievements

state of the art (term)

: the level of development (as of a device, procedure, process, technique, or science) reached at any particular time usually as a result of modern methods

Thule (n)

: the northernmost part of the habitable ancient world

listenable (adj)

: agreeable to listen to

military science (n)

: the principles of military conflict

Monday (n)

: the second day of the week

matrimony (n)

: the state of being married : MARRIAGE

hand-to-mouth (adj)

: having or providing nothing to spare beyond basic necessities a hand-to-mouth existence

metaethics (n)

: the study of the meanings of ethical terms, the nature of ethical judgments, and the types of ethical arguments

moonscape (n)

: the surface of the moon as seen or as depicted also : a landscape resembling this surface

hellish (adj)

: of, resembling, or befitting hell broadly : terrible

luxuriance (n)

: the quality or state of being luxuriant

slough (v)

: to engulf in a slough intransitive verb : to plod through or as if through mud : SLOG sloughed; sloughing; sloughs

rejoice (v)

: to give joy to : GLADDEN intransitive verb : to feel joy or great delight rejoice in : HAVE, POSSESS rejoiced; rejoicing

hang on (v)

: to keep hold : hold on to something 2 : to persist tenaciously a cold that hung on all spring 3 : hold on sense 2

leapfrog (v)

: to leap or progress in or as if in leapfrog 1 : to go ahead of (each other) in turn specifically : to advance (two military units) by keeping one unit in action while moving the other unit past it to a position farther in front 2 : to evade by or as if by a bypass

live down (v)

: to live so as to wipe out the memory or effects of made a mistake and couldn't live it down

annotate (v)

: to make or furnish critical or explanatory notes or comment : to make or furnish annotations (see ANNOTATION sense 1) for (something, such as a literary work or subject) annotated his translation of Dante's Divine Comedy annotated; annotating

surrogate (n)

: to put in the place of another: a : to appoint as successor, deputy, or substitute for oneself b : SUBSTITUTE surrogated; surrogating

levitate (v)

: to rise or float in or as if in the air especially in seeming defiance of gravitation : to cause to levitate levitated; levitating

download (v)

: to transfer (data, files, etc.) from one location (such as a large computer or the cloud) to another (such as a smaller computer, smartphone, or storage device) download the files onto your computer downloading songs from the Internet

glutinous (adj)

a glutinous meal. having the quality of glue : gummy — glutinously adverb

mania (n)

1 : excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, and elevation of mood; specifically : the manic phase of bipolar disorder 2 a : excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm a mania for saving things —often used in combination b : the object of such enthusiasm His current mania is football.

rueful (adj)

1 : exciting pity or sympathy : pitiable rueful squalid poverty ... by every wayside —John Morley 2 : mournful, regretful troubled her with a rueful disquiet —W. M. Thackeray — ruefully adverb — ruefulness noun

raffish (adj)

1 : marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness 2 : marked by a careless unconventionality : rakish — raffishly adverb — raffishness noun

rotund (adj)

1 : marked by roundness : ROUNDED 2 : marked by fullness of sound or cadence : OROTUND, SONOROUS a master of rotund diction 3 : notably plump : CHUBBY

archon (n)

1 : a chief magistrate in ancient Athens 2 : a presiding office

postmortem (n)

1 : AUTOPSY sense 1 2 : an analysis or discussion of an event after it is over

ploy (n)

1 : ESCAPADE, FROLIC 2a : a tactic intended to embarrass or frustrate an opponent b : a devised or contrived move : STRATAGEM a ploy to get her to open the door — Robert B. Parker

cashmere (n)

1 : fine wool from the undercoat of the cashmere goat also : a yarn of this wool 2 : a soft twilled fabric made originally from cashmere

destiny (n)

1 : something to which a person or thing is destined : FORTUNE wants to control his own destiny 2 : a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency felt that destiny would determine their future destinies

clockwork (n)

1 : the inner workings of something 2 : the machinery (such as springs and a train of gears) that run a clock also : a similar mechanism running a mechanical device (such as a toy) 3 : the precision, regularity, or absence of variation associated with a clock or clockwork a clockwork operation the planning went like clockwork

proletariat (n)

1 : the laboring class especially : the class of industrial workers who lack their own means of production and hence sell their labor to live 2 : the lowest social or economic class of a community

draw (v)

1 : to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : PULL draw your chair up by the fire : such as a : to move (something, such as a covering) over or to one side draw the drapes b : to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried draw water from the well drew a gun also : to cause to come out of a container or source draw water for a bath the nurse drew a blood sample the wound drew blood 2 : to cause to go in a certain direction (as by leading) drew him aside 3a : to bring by inducement or allure : ATTRACT honey draws flies b : to bring in or gather from a specified group or area a college that draws its students from many states c : BRING ON, PROVOKE drew enemy fire d : to bring out by way of response : ELICIT drew cheers from the audience e sports : to receive in the course of play The batter drew a walk. draw a foul 4 : INHALE drew a deep breath 5a : to extract the essence from draw tea b : EVISCERATE plucking and drawing a goose before cooking c : to derive to one's benefit drew inspiration from the old masters 6 nautical : to require (a specified depth) to float in a ship that draws 12 feet of water 7a : ACCUMULATE, GAIN drawing interest b : to take (money) from a place of deposit drew $100 from the bank c : to use in making a cash demand drawing a check against his account d : to receive regularly or in due course draw a salary 8a card games : to take (cards) from a stack or from the dealer draw four cards b : to receive or take at random drew a winning number 9 archery : to bend (a bow) by pulling back the string drew the bow and aimed at the target 10 : to cause to shrink, contract, or tighten draw your knees into your chest Her face was drawn with pain. 11 sports a : to strike (a ball) so as to impart a backward spin b golf : to strike (a ball) so that a slight to moderate hook (see HOOK entry 1 sense 3) results 12 : to leave (a contest) undecided : TIE drew the game 3-3 13a(1) : to produce a likeness or representation of by making lines on a surface draw a picture draw a bowl of fruit draw a graph with chalk (2) : to give a portrayal of : DELINEATE a writer who draws characters well b : to write out in due form draw a will c : to design or describe in detail : FORMULATE draw comparisons 14 : to infer from evidence or premises draw a conclusion 15 : to spread or elongate (metal) by hammering or by pulling through dies also : to shape (a material, such as plastic) by stretching or by pulling through dies 1 : to come or go steadily or gradually night draws near 2a : to move something by pulling drawing at the well b : to exert an attractive force the play is drawing well 3a archery : to pull back a bowstring b : to bring out a weapon drew, aimed, and fired 4a : to produce a draft the chimney draws well draw on a cigar b nautical : to swell out in a wind all sails drawing 5a : to wrinkle or tighten up : SHRINK b : to change shape by pulling or stretching 6 medical : to cause blood or pus to localize at one point 7 : to create a likeness or a picture in outlines : SKETCH loves to paint and draw not good at drawing 8 : to come out even in a contest they drew 3-3 9a : to make a written demand for payment of money on deposit b : to obtain resources (as of information) drawing from a common fund of knowledge drew drawn drawing

mechanism (n)

1 a : a piece of machinery (see machinery 1) The camera's shutter mechanism is broken. b : a process, technique, or system for achieving a result the mechanisms of peace —F. D. Roosevelt 2 : mechanical operation or action : working 2 he acknowledges nothing besides matter and motion; so that all must be performed either by mechanism or by accident —Richard Bentley 3 : a doctrine that holds natural processes (as of life) to be mechanically determined and capable of complete explanation by the laws of physics and chemistry 4 : the fundamental processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction, or other natural phenomenon meteorologists believe that this pressure jump is the mechanism responsible for storms and tornadoes —Think — compare defense mechanism

angel (n)

1a : a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence especially : one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchy b angels plural : an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY 2 : an attendant spirit or guardian guardian angels who watch over us 3 : a usually white-robed winged figure of human form in fine art 4 : MESSENGER, HARBINGER an angel of death 5 : a person who is like an angel (as in looks or behavior) Your son is such an angel. She's no angel. Be an angel and get me a cup of tea, would you? 6 Christian Science : inspiration from God 7 : one (such as a backer of a theatrical venture) who aids or supports with money or influence Angels funded the start-up company. 8 : ANGELFISH

discordant (adj)

1a : being at variance : DISAGREEING discordant opinions b : QUARRELSOME a discordant family 2 music : relating to a discord (see DISCORD entry 1 sense 2) a discordant tone

dominant (adj)

1a : commanding, controlling, or prevailing over all others the dominant culture b : very important, powerful, or successful a dominant theme a dominant industry the team's dominant performance 2 : overlooking and commanding from a superior position a dominant hill 3 : of, relating to, or exerting ecological or genetic dominance dominant genes dominant and recessive traits 4 biology : being the one of a pair of bodily structures that is the more effective or predominant in action dominant eye used her dominant hand

mannerism (n)

1a : exaggerated or affected (see AFFECTED sense 1) adherence to a particular style or manner : ARTIFICIALITY, PRECIOSITY refined almost to the point of mannerism — Winthrop Sargeant b often capitalized : an art style in late 16th century Europe characterized by spatial incongruity and excessive elongation of the human figures 2 : a characteristic and often unconscious mode or peculiarity of action, bearing, or treatment The actor can mimic the President's mannerisms perfectly.

arbitrary (adj)

1a : existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will an arbitrary choice When a task is not seen in a meaningful context it is experienced as being arbitrary. — Nehemiah Jordan b : based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something an arbitrary standard take any arbitrary positive number 2a : not restrained or limited in the exercise of power : ruling by absolute authority an arbitrary government b : marked by or resulting from the unrestrained and often tyrannical exercise of power protection from arbitrary arrest and detention 3 law : depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law The manner of punishment is arbitrary.

rock and roll (n)

: ROCK entry 2 sense 2

ruckus (n)

: ROW, DISTURBANCE raise a ruckus

sub rosa (adv)


misfeasance (n)

: TRESPASS specifically : the performance of a lawful action in an illegal or improper manner

discombobulate (v)

: UPSET, CONFUSE was discombobulated by her revelation inventing cool new ways to discombobulate the old order — Kurt Andersen discombobulated; discombobulating

Medal of Honor (noun phrase)

: a U.S. military decoration awarded in the name of the Congress for conspicuous intrepidity at the risk of life in action with an enemy

chaos theory (n)

: a branch of mathematical and physical theory that deals with the nature and consequences of chaos and chaotic systems

frisson (n)

: a brief moment of emotional excitement : shudder, thrill produce a genuine frisson of disquiet— Patricia Craig a frisson of surprise a frisson of delight frissons

heartland (n)

: a central area: such as a : a central land area (such as northern Eurasia) having strategic advantages b : the central geographical region of the U.S. in which mainstream or traditional values predominate c : a region where something (such as an industry or activity) most strongly thrives the heartland of high technology

macronutrient (n)

: a chemical element or substance (such as potassium or protein) that is essential in relatively large amounts to the growth and health of a living organism — compare MICRONUTRIENT

major general (n)

: a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who ranks above a brigadier general and whose insignia is two stars

musician (n)

: a composer, conductor, or performer of music especially : INSTRUMENTALIST

marzipan (n)

: a confection of crushed almonds or almond paste, sugar, and egg whites that is often shaped into various forms

sobriquet (n)

: a descriptive name or epithet : NICKNAME

detour (n)

: a deviation from a direct course or the usual procedure especially : a roundabout way temporarily replacing part of a route

multiple personality disorder (n)

: a disorder that is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct and complex identities or personality states each of which becomes dominant and controls behavior from time to time to the exclusion of the others and results from disruption in the integrated functions of consciousness, memory, and identity — called also multiple personality, dissociative identity disorder

morpheme (n)

: a distinctive collocation of phonemes (such as the free form pin or the bound form -s of pins) having no smaller meaningful parts

MIDI (n)

: a dress, skirt, or coat that usually extends to the mid-calf : an electronic standard used for the transmission of digitally encoded music

metonymy (n)

: a figure of speech consisting of the use of the name of one thing for that of another of which it is an attribute or with which it is associated (such as crown in lands belonging to the crown) metonymies

mallet (n)

: a hammer with a typically barrel-shaped head: such as a : a tool with a large head for driving another tool or for striking a surface without marring it b : a long-handled wooden implement used for striking a ball (as in polo or croquet) c : a light hammer with a small rounded or spherical usually padded head used in playing certain musical instruments (such as a vibraphone)

motte and bailey (n)

: a medieval Norman castle consisting of two connecting ditched stockaded mounds with the higher mound surmounted by the keep and the lower one containing barracks and other buildings

MX (n)

: a mobile ICBM having up to 10 independently targeted nuclear warheads —used as a gender-neutral title of courtesy The word Mx was first suggested in the late-1970s as a feminist word for those who didn't want their gender to be revealed in their title, and there are many men and women who use Mx for similar reasons today. However, the title has also become popular among those who identify as non-binary—though there are no official figures, non-binary people make up around 0.4% of the population, according to a Equality and Human Rights Commission survey of 10,000 people in the UK.— Olivia GoldhillThe honorific has already made headway in Britain. About a year ago, the Royal Bank of Scotland, for instance, began to instruct its employees to offer customers the option of selecting Mx. when filling out paperwork at local branch offices.— Katherine Rosman

rising star (n)

: a person or thing that is growing quickly in popularity or importance in a particular field a rising star in politics

mine (n)

: a pit or excavation in the earth from which mineral substances are taken b : an ore deposit 2 : a subterranean passage under an enemy position 3 : an encased explosive that is placed in the ground or in water and set to explode when disturbed 4 : a rich source of supply

exoplanet (n)

: a planet orbiting a star that is not our sun

downpour (n)

: a pouring or streaming downward especially : a heavy rain

man of the world (phrase)

: a practical or worldly-wise man of wide experience

chain reaction (n)

: a room for changing clothes and for storing clothing and equipment in lockers especially : one for use by sports players

high school (n)

: a school especially in the U.S. usually including grades 9-12 or 10-12

lightship (n)

: a ship equipped with a brilliant light and moored at a place dangerous to navigation

stone's throw (n)

: a short distance lives within a stone's throw of town

doublethink (n)

: a simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas

match point (n)

: a situation (as in tennis) in which one player or side will win the match by winning the next point also : the point itself

merozoite (n)

: a sporozoan trophozoite produced by schizogony that is capable of initiating a new sexual or asexual cycle of development

doorstep (n)

: a step before an outer door on one's doorstep : close at hand especially : too close to be overlooked

megaparsec (n)

: a unit of measure for distances in intergalactic space equal to one million parsecs

staple (n)

: a usually U-shaped fastener: such as a : a metal loop both ends of which are driven into a surface to hold the hook, hasp, or bolt of a lock, secure a rope, or fix a wire in place b : a small wire both ends of which are driven through layers of thin and easily penetrable material (such as paper) and usually clinched to hold the layers together c : a usually metal surgical fastener used to hold layers of tissue together (as in the closure of an incision)

meadow spittlebug (n)

: a widely distributed spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius) that does severe damage especially to grasses

mondegreen (n)

: a word or phrase that results from a mishearing of something said or sung very close veins is a mondegreen for varicose veins

self-absorbed (adj)

: absorbed in one's own thoughts, activities, or interests

Monarchian (n)

: an adherent of one of two anti-Trinitarian groups of the second and third centuries a.d. teaching that God is one person as well as one being

Moore's law (n)

: an axiom of microprocessor development usually holding that processing power doubles about every 18 months especially relative to cost or size

microphone (n)

: an instrument whereby sound waves are caused to generate or modulate an electric current usually for the purpose of transmitting or recording sound (such as speech or music)

Murphy's Law (n)

: an observation: anything that can go wrong will go wrong

morning-after pill (n)

: an oral drug usually containing high doses of estrogen taken up to usually three days after unprotected sexual intercourse that interferes with pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation or by blocking implantation of a fertilized egg in the human uterus

living fossil (n)

: an organism (such as a horseshoe crab or a ginkgo tree) that has remained essentially unchanged from earlier geologic times and whose close relatives are usually extinct

blowback (n)

: an unforeseen and unwanted effect, result, or set of repercussions

megafauna (n)

: animals (such as bears, bison, or mammoths) of particularly large size 2 : fauna consisting of individuals large enough to be visible to the naked eye

appropriate (adj)

: especially suitable or compatible : FITTING an appropriate response remarks appropriate to the occasion

promising (adj)

: full of promise : likely to succeed or to yield good results a promising new medicine

light-handed (adj)

: having a light or delicate touch : facile a light-handed translation

polycentric (adj)

: having more than one center (as of development or control): such as a : having several centromeres polycentric chromosomes b : characterized by polycentrism

matchless (adj)

: having no equal : PEERLESS a matchless view of the valley

metastable (adj)

: having or characterized by only a slight margin of stability a metastable compound

bone-chilling (adj)

: intensely cold bone-chilling weather also : penetrating, disturbing, or intense in emotional or physical effect bone-chilling drama a bone-chilling wind

myelogenous leukemia (n)

: leukemia characterized by proliferation of myeloid tissue (as of the bone marrow and spleen) and an abnormal increase in the number of granulocytes, myelocytes, and myeloblasts in the circulating blood — called also myelocytic leukemia, myeloid leukemia

middle management (n)

: management personnel intermediate between operational supervisors and policy-making administrators

concise (adj)

: marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail a concise report a concise definition

haphazard (adj)

: marked by lack of plan, order, or direction a haphazard assemblage of furniture not ... a collection of haphazard schemes, but rather the orderly component parts of a connected and logical whole — F. D. Roosevelt

cashless (adj)

: not having or involving cash specifically : relying largely or entirely on monetary transactions that use electronic means rather than cash

hyperkinetic (adj)

: of, relating to, or affected with hyperkinesis or hyperactivity the hyperkinetic child 2 : characterized by fast-paced or frenetic activity a hyperkinetic movie

morganatic (adj)

: of, relating to, or being a marriage between a member of a royal or noble family and a person of inferior rank in which the rank of the inferior partner remains unchanged and the children of the marriage do not succeed to the titles, fiefs, or entailed property of the parent of higher rank

miserly (adj)

: of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser especially : marked by grasping meanness and penuriousness The team's miserly owner refused to buy new equipment.

anaclitic (adj)

: of, relating to, or characterized by the direction of love toward an object (such as the mother) that satisfies nonsexual needs (such as hunger)

multicultural (adj)

: of, relating to, reflecting, or adapted to diverse cultures a multicultural society multicultural education a multicultural menu

legislator (n)

: one that makes laws especially for a political unit especially : a member of a legislative body

director (n)

: one who directs: such as a : the head of an organized group or administrative unit (such as a bureau or school) director of religious education a communications director b : one of a group of persons entrusted with the overall direction of a corporate enterprise on the board of directors for a large corporation c : a person who supervises the production of a show (as for stage or screen) usually with responsibility for action, lighting, music, and rehearsals a famous Hollywood director d music : conductor sense c

hard-hit (adj)

: profoundly stricken : affected in an especially negative way one of the industries particularly hard-hit during the downturn

primal scream therapy (n)

: psychotherapy in which the patient recalls and reenacts a particularly disturbing past experience usually occurring early in life and expresses normally repressed anger or frustration especially through spontaneous and unrestrained screams, hysteria, or violence — called also primal therapy

hyperrealism (n)

: realism in art characterized by depiction of real life in an unusual or striking manner — compare PHOTO-REALISM

photo-realism (n)

: realism in painting characterized by extremely meticulous depiction of detail photo-realist \ˌfō-tō-ˈrē-ə-list \ noun or adjective photo-realistic \ˌfō-tō-ˌrē-ə-ˈli-stik \ adjective

law-and-order (adj)

: relating to, characterized by, or advocating strict laws and their enforcement a law-and-order candidate

roughshod (adj)

: shod with calked shoes 2 : marked by tyrannical force roughshod rule

discerning (adj)

: showing insight and understanding : DISCRIMINATING a discerning critic

limitrophe (adj)

: situated on a border or frontier : adjacent the area limitrophe to the river

feasible (adj)

Seems feasible. 1 : capable of being done or carried out a feasible plan 2 : capable of being used or dealt with successfully : suitable 3 : reasonable, likely gave an explanation that seemed feasible enough — feasibility play \ˌfē-zə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — feasibly play \ˈfē-zə-blē\ adverb — feasibleness noun

abridge (v)

abridged; abridging transitive verb 1 : to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense : condense abridge a novel an abridged dictionary 2 : to shorten in duration or extent Tess wished to abridge her visit as much as possible ... —Thomas Hardy 3 formal : to reduce in scope : diminish attempts to abridge the right of free speech 4 archaic : deprive — abridger noun

advise (v)

advise against... advised; advising transitive verb 1 a : to give (someone) a recommendation about what should be done : to give advice to Her doctor advised her to try a drier climate. b : caution, warn advise them of the consequences c : recommend advise prudence 2 : to give information or notice to : inform advise them of their rights intransitive verb 1 : to give a recommendation about what should be done advise on legal matters 2 : to talk with someone in order to decide what should be done : consult advise with friends — adviser or advisor

blunt (adj)

can I be blunt? 1 : having an edge or point that is not sharp scissors with blunt ends was hit over the head with a blunt instrument gave her bangs a blunt cut just above her eyebrows 2 a : abrupt in speech or manner She tends to be blunt. a blunt refusal b : being straight to the point : direct To be perfectly blunt, I don't think he can do it. 3 a : slow or deficient in feeling : insensitive ... showing how blunt the eyes and ears of writers generally are ... —Norman Foerster b : obtuse (see obtuse 2a) in understanding or discernment : dull his blunt mind — bluntly adverb — bluntness noun

high-pressure (adj)

high-pressure situation. 1 a : having or involving a high or comparatively high pressure especially greatly exceeding that of the atmosphere b : having a high barometric pressure 2 a : using or involving aggressive and insistent sales techniques b : imposing or involving severe strain or tension high-pressure occupations

hightail (v)

hightail it out of there. to move at full speed or rapidly often in making a retreat —usually used with it hightailed it out of there

lighthearted (adj)

lighthearted conversation. 1 : free from care, anxiety, or seriousness : happy-go-lucky a lighthearted mood 2 : cheerfully optimistic and hopeful : easygoing they can be lighthearted in the midst of misery —H. J. Forman — lightheartedly adverb — lightheartedness noun

mountebank (v)

obsolete : to beguile or transform by trickery I'll mountebank their loves — William Shakespeare obsolete : to play the mountebank mountebanked; mountebanking; mountebanks

pantisocracy (n)

plural pantisocracies : a utopian community in which all rule equally — pantisocratic or pantisocratical adjective — pantisocratist

ado (n)

without further ado. 1 : heightened fuss or concern : to-do much ado about the need for reform 2 : time-wasting bother over trivial details wrote the paper without further ado 3 : trouble, difficulty The journey itself is not described; our heroes disembark without ado at Philadelphia. —Anthony Lane

Mayday (communications signal)

—used as a distress call in international radio-telephone communications

mammock (v)

chiefly dialectal : to tear into fragments : MANGLE mammocked; mammocking; mammocks

vein (n)

1 : BLOOD VESSEL especially : any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart 2a : any of the vascular bundles forming the framework of a leaf b : any of the thickened cuticular ribs that serve to stiffen the wings of an insect 3a : a narrow water channel in rock or earth or in ice b(1) : LODE sense 2 (2) : a bed of useful mineral matter c : LODE sense 3 4 : something suggesting veins (as in reticulation) specifically : a wavy variegation (as in marble) 5a : a distinctive mode of expression : STYLE stories in a romantic vein b : a distinctive element or quality : STRAIN introduced a welcome vein of humor c : a line of thought or action 6a : a special aptitude inherited an artistic vein b : a usually transitory and casually attained mood c : top form thou troublest me; I am not in the vein — William Shakespeare

cataclysm (n)

1 : FLOOD, DELUGE 2 : CATASTROPHE sense 3a 3 : a momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition broadly : an event that brings great changes an international economic cataclysm

theatrics (n)

1 : THEATRICAL sense 1 2 : staged or contrived effects

organic (adj)

1 archaic : instrumental 2 a : of, relating to, or arising in a bodily organ b : affecting the structure of the organism an organic disease 3 a (1) : of, relating to, or derived from living organisms organic evolution (2) : of, relating to, yielding, or involving the use of food produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, or pesticides organic farming organic produce b (1) : of, relating to, or containing carbon compounds organic solvents (2) : relating to, being, or dealt with by a branch of chemistry concerned with the carbon compounds of living beings and most other carbon compounds studied organic chemistry in college 4 a : forming an integral element of a whole : fundamental incidental music rather than organic parts of the action —Francis Fergusson b : having systematic coordination of parts : organized an organic whole c : having the characteristics of an organism : developing in the manner of a living plant or animal society is organic many new coinages ... stem from the normal organic structure of the language —William Chomsky 5 : of, relating to, or constituting the law by which a government or organization exists their nation has written the separation of church and state into its organic law —Paul Blanshard — organically adverb — organicity noun

mogul (n)

1 or less commonly moghul or mughal \ˈmü-​ \ capitalized : an Indian Muslim of or descended from one of several conquering groups of Mongol, Turkish, and Persian origin especially : GREAT MOGUL 2 : a great personage : MAGNATE Hollywood moguls industry moguls : a bump in a ski run

mince (v)

1a : to cut or chop into very small pieces She minced the garlic. b : to subdivide minutely especially : to damage by cutting up The director minced up the play. 2 : to utter or pronounce with affectation minced the word in the manner of the old lady 3a archaic : minimize b : to restrain (words) within the bounds of decorum minced no words in stating his dislike— J. T. Farrell : to walk with short steps in a prim affected manner The comedian minced across the stage. minced; mincing

rejuvenate (v)

1a : to make young or youthful again : give new vigor to b : to restore to an original or new state rejuvenate old cars 2a : to stimulate (a stream) to renewed erosive activity especially by uplift b : to develop youthful features of topography in intransitive verb : to cause or undergo rejuvenescence rejuvenated; rejuvenating

lodge (v)

1a(1) : to provide temporary quarters for The refugees need to be lodged and fed. (2) : to rent lodgings to hoped that they would lodge him for the winter b : to establish or settle in a place The troops lodged themselves in the town. 2 : to serve as a receptacle for : CONTAIN a sinus lodging the nerve and artery of the part 3 : to beat (a crop) flat to the ground 4 : to bring to an intended or a fixed position (as by throwing or thrusting) 5 : to deposit for safeguard or preservation agents collect the rent for the land, and lodge it in the bank — G. B. Shaw 6 : to place or vest especially in a source, means, or agent a small family unit ... with formal authority lodged in the father — John Dollard 7 : to lay (something, such as a complaint) before a proper authority : FILE the defendant then lodged an appeal — Priscilla Hughes 1a : to occupy a place temporarily : SLEEP lodged on a cot overnight b(1) : to have a residence : DWELL lodged over a bookshop (2) : to be a lodger lodged with them for a year 2 : to come to a rest the bullet lodged in the wall 3 : to fall or lie down —used especially of hay or grain crops buckwheat ... tends to lodge by late fall — R. E. Trippensee lodged; lodging

monkey business (n)

: SHENANIGAN sense 2 didn't try any monkey business when the boss was away

dopamine (n)

: a monoamine C8H11NO2 that is a decarboxylated form of dopa and that occurs especially as a neurotransmitter in the brain

categorical imperative (n)

: a moral obligation or command that is unconditionally and universally binding

midlife crisis (n)

: a period of emotional turmoil in middle age characterized especially by a strong desire for change

skull and crossbones (n)

: a representation of a human skull over crossbones usually used as a warning of danger to life

microbrewery (n)

: a small brewery making specialty beer in limited quantities

stiff upper lip (n)

: a steady and determined attitude or manner in the face of trouble

recidivism (n)

: a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior especially : relapse into criminal behavior

hypoglycemia (n)

: abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood

poker face (n)

: an inscrutable face that reveals no hint of a person's thoughts or feelings

mastiff (n)

: any of a breed of very large massive powerful smooth-coated dogs that are apricot, fawn, or brindle and are often used as guard dogs

water lily (n)

: any of various aquatic plants (especially genera Nymphaea and Nuphar of the family Nymphaeaceae, the water-lily family) with floating leaves and usually showy flowers broadly : an aquatic plant (such as a water hyacinth) with showy flowers

hapless (adj)

: having no luck : UNFORTUNATE tale of a hapless sailor hapless beings caught in the grip of forces we can do little about — W. H. Whyte

stylistic (adj)

: of or relating especially to literary or artistic style

mathematization (n)

: reduction to mathematical form

sine qua non (n)

: something absolutely indispensable or essential reliability is a sine qua non for success

layup (n)

: the action of laying up or the condition of being laid up 2 : a shot in basketball made from near the basket usually by playing the ball off the backboard

minute hand (n)

: the long hand that marks the minutes on the face of a watch or clock

technicality (n)

on a technicality. 1 : something technical especially : a detail meaningful only to a specialist a legal technicality 2 : the quality or state of being technical

forebearer (n)

one of the forebearers of... ancestor, forefather

maximalist (n)

one who advocates immediate and direct action to secure the whole of a program or set of goals — maximalist adjective

locavore (n)

one who eats foods grown locally whenever possible

gratis (adj)

without charge or recompense : free the food was supplied gratis

learned (adj)

1 \ˈlər-​nəd \ : characterized by or associated with learning : ERUDITE a learned scholar a learned discussion 2 \ˈlərnd, ˈlərnt \ : acquired by learning learned behavior a learned response

disclaimer (n)

1 a : a denial or disavowal of legal claim : relinquishment of or formal refusal to accept an interest or estate b : a writing that embodies a legal disclaimer 2 a : denial, disavowal b : repudiation

Holmesian (adj)

of, characteristic of, or suggestive of the detective Sherlock Holmes

homage (n)

paying homage to... 1 a : a feudal ceremony by which a man acknowledges himself the vassal of a lord b : the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassal c : an act done or payment made in meeting the obligations due from a vassal to a feudal lord 2 a : expression of high regard : respect bowed in homage to the king —often used with pay Her work pays homage to women artists of the past. b : something that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another : tribute his long life filled with international homages to his unique musical talent —People

Morphemics (n)

1 : a branch of linguistic analysis that consists of the study of morphemes 2 : the structure of a language in terms of morphemes

mobile (adj)

1 : capable of moving or being moved : MOVABLE a mobile missile launcher a mobile laboratory 2a : changeable in appearance, mood, or purpose mobile face b : ADAPTABLE, VERSATILE an organization mobile enough to be able to cope with any emergency 3 : MIGRATORY a mobile society of nomadic herders 4a : characterized by the mixing of social groups the general confusion in moral standards which characterizes mobile societies — E. R. Mowrer b : having the opportunity for or undergoing a shift in status within the levels of a society socially mobile workers 5 : marked by the use of vehicles for transportation mobile warfare 6 : of or relating to a mobile A mobile art work hung from the ceiling. 7 : CELLULAR sense 3 a mobile phone

histrionic (adj)

1 : deliberately affected : overly dramatic or emotional : theatrical histrionic gestures a tendency to become histrionic 2 : of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater seeking histrionic perfection — histrionically adverb

leverage (n)

1 : the action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it 2 : POWER, EFFECTIVENESS trying to gain more political leverage 3 : the use of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity

carpet bomb (v)

1 : to drop large numbers of bombs so as to cause uniform devastation over (a given area) 2 : to bombard repeatedly, widely, or excessively carpet-bomb the country with advertising carpet-bombed or carpet bombed; carpet-bombing or carpet bombing; carpet-bombs or carpet bombs

dole out (v)

1 : to give or deliver in small portions 2 : dish out

draft (v)

1 : to select for some purpose: such as a : to conscript for military service was drafted and sent overseas b sports : to select (a professional athlete) by draft got drafted by the Yankees 2a : to draw the preliminary sketch, version, or plan of draft legislation b : COMPOSE, PREPARE draft a memo 3 : to draw off or away water drafted by pumps 4 racing sports : to stay close behind (another racer) so as to take advantage of the reduced air pressure created by the leading racer 1 : to practice draftsmanship 2 racing sports : to draft another racer (as in car or bike racing)

liberate (v)

1 : to set at liberty : FREE specifically : to free (something, such as a country) from domination by a foreign power 2 : to free from combination liberate the gas by adding acid 3 : to take or take over illegally or unjustly material liberated from a nearby construction site — Thorne Dreyer liberated; liberating

lingua franca (n)

1 often capitalized : a common language consisting of Italian mixed with French, Spanish, Greek, and Arabic that was formerly spoken in Mediterranean ports 2 : any of various languages used as common or commercial tongues among peoples of diverse speech English is used as a lingua franca among many airline pilots. 3 : something resembling a common language movies are the lingua franca of the twentieth century— Gore Vidal lingua francas or linguae francae

stride (n)

1a : a cycle of locomotor movements (as of a horse) completed when the feet regain the initial relative positions also : the distance traversed in a stride b : the most effective natural pace : maximum competence or capability —often used in the phrase hit one's stride 2 : a long step 3 : an act of striding 4 : a stage of progress : ADVANCE made great strides toward their goal 5 : a manner of striding 6 : STRIDE PIANO

microstate (n)

: a nation that is extremely small in area and population

APR (abbr)

April annual percentage rate

degenerative (adj)

a degenerative disease. : of, relating to, involving, or causing degeneration a degenerative disease

parabolic (adj)

a parabolic story. 1 : expressed by or being a parable : allegorical 2 : of, having the form of, or relating to a parabola motion in a parabolic curve — parabolically

track record (n)

a proven track record. : a record of past performance often taken as an indicator of likely future performance

self-evident (adj)

a self-evident truth. : evident without proof or reasoning

ominous (adj)

an ominous warning. : being or exhibiting an omen : PORTENTOUS especially : foreboding or foreshadowing evil : INAUSPICIOUS

glean (v)

glean new information. gleaned; gleaning; gleans intransitive verb 1 : to gather grain or other produce left by reapers 2 : to gather information or material bit by bit transitive verb 1 a : to pick up after a reaper b : to strip of the leavings of reapers glean a field 2 a : to gather (something, such as information) bit by bit can glean secrets from his hard drive b : to pick over in search of relevant material gleaning old files for information 3 : find out The police used old-fashioned detective work to glean his whereabouts. — gleanable adjective — gleaner noun

harmless (adj)

1 : free from harm, liability, or loss 2 : lacking capacity or intent to injure : INNOCUOUS a harmless joke

many-valued (adj)

1 : multiple-valued 2 : possessing more than the customary two truth-values of truth and falsehood

exorbitant (adj)

1 : not coming within the scope of the law 2 : exceeding the customary or appropriate limits in intensity, quality, amount, or size

birkie (n)

1 Scotland : a lively smart assertive person 2 Scotland : FELLOW, BOY

travail (n)

1a : work especially of a painful or laborious nature : TOIL b : a physical or mental exertion or piece of work : TASK, EFFORT c : AGONY, TORMENT 2 : LABOR, CHILDBIRTH

hunch (n)

going off a hunch/have a hunch. 1 : an act or instance of pushing someone or something in a rough or careless manner : an act or instance of hunching (see 1hunch transitive) give him a good hunch with your foot —Abraham Tucker 2 a : a thick piece : lump barter it for a hunch of cake —Flora Thompson b : a rounded mass : hump his back carried a huge hunch —William Scoresby 3 : a strong intuitive feeling concerning especially a future event or result had a hunch I would find you here

hell-bent (adj)

hell-bent on... :stubbornly and often recklessly determined or intent: hell-bent on winning

Panglossian (n)

marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds : excessively optimistic

habitat (n)

natural habitat. 1a : the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows b : the typical place of residence of a person or a group the arctic habitat of the Inuit c : a housing for a controlled physical environment in which people can live under surrounding inhospitable conditions (as under the sea) 2 : the place where something is commonly found has its natural habitat in university, in government, or in industrial laboratories —B. B. Watson

lunar (adj)

1 : CRESCENT, LUNATE who grasps the struggling heifer's lunar horns — Alexander Pope 2a : of, relating to, or resembling the moon lunar craters a lunar landscape b : designed for use on the moon lunar vehicles 3 : measured by the moon's revolution lunar month

chamber (n)

1 : ROOM especially : BEDROOM 2 : a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity 3a : a hall for the meetings of a deliberative, legislative, or judicial body the senate chamber b : a room where a judge transacts business —usually used in plural c : the reception room of a person of rank or authority 4a : a legislative or judicial body especially : either of the houses of a bicameral legislature b : a voluntary board or council 5a : the part of the bore of a gun that holds the charge b : a compartment in the cartridge cylinder of a revolver

locust (n)

1 : SHORT-HORNED GRASSHOPPER especially : a migratory grasshopper often traveling in vast swarms and stripping the areas passed of all vegetation 2 : CICADA 3a : any of various leguminous trees: such as (1) : CAROB sense 1 (2) : BLACK LOCUST (3) : HONEY LOCUST b : the wood of a locust tree

black hole (n)

1 : a celestial object that has a gravitational field so strong that light cannot escape it and that is believed to be created especially in the collapse of a very massive star 2 : something resembling a black hole: such as a : something that consumes a resource continually a financial black hole b : an empty space : VOID ... the archives of the past few years are a black hole. — David Herman c : a dark and seemingly inescapable state or situation the black hole of depression

hospital (n)

1 : a charitable institution for the needy, aged, infirm, or young 2 : an institution where the sick or injured are given medical or surgical care —usually used in British English without an article after a preposition 3 : a repair shop for specified small objects a clock hospital

myopia (n)

1 : a condition in which the visual images come to a focus (see focus entry 1 sense 4) in front of the retina of the eye resulting especially in defective vision of distant objects She wears glasses to correct her myopia. 2 : a lack of foresight or discernment : a narrow view of something ... those require long-term commitments, which in our current myopia we cannot take on.— Adam Smith

cold war (n)

1 : a conflict over ideological differences carried on by methods short of sustained overt military action and usually without breaking off diplomatic relations specifically, often capitalized C&W : the ideological conflict between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. during the second half of the 20th century — compare HOT WAR 2 : a condition of rivalry, mistrust, and often open hostility short of violence especially between power groups (such as labor and management)

mother tongue (n)

1 : one's native language 2 : a language from which another language derives

all over (adv)

1 : over the whole extent decorated all over with a flower pattern 2 : EVERYWHERE looked all over for the book 3 : in every respect : THOROUGHLY she is her mother all over

anemic (adj)

1 : relating to or affected with anemia The blood test indicated that he was slightly anemic. 2a : lacking force, vitality, or spirit an anemic rendition of the song anemic efforts at enforcement b : lacking interest or savor (see SAVOR entry 1 sense 3) : INSIPID anemic wines c : lacking in substance or quantity anemic returns on an investment anemic attendance

anaphora (n)

1 : repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses especially for rhetorical or poetic effect Lincoln's we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow—this ground is an example of anaphora — compare EPISTROPHE 2 : use of a grammatical substitute (such as a pronoun or a pro-verb) to refer to the denotation of a preceding word or group of words also : the relation between a grammatical substitute and its antecedent

amorous (adj)

1 : strongly moved by love and especially sexual love amorous couples 2 : being in love : ENAMORED —usually used with of amorous of the girl 3a : indicative of love received amorous glances from her partner b : of or relating to love an amorous novel

lysis (n)

1 : the gradual decline of a disease process (such as fever) 2 : a process of disintegration or dissolution (as of cells) -lysis noun combining form plural -lyses Definition of -lysis (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : decomposition electrolysis 2 : disintegration : breaking down autolysis

difficulty (n)

1 : the quality or state of being hard to do, deal with, or understand : the quality or state of being difficult underestimated the difficulty of the task has difficulty reading climbs stairs with difficulty 2 : CONTROVERSY, DISAGREEMENT unable to resolve their difficulties 3 : OBJECTION made no difficulty in granting the request 4 : something difficult : IMPEDIMENT encountering difficulties along the way 5 : EMBARRASSMENT, TROUBLE —usually used in plural financial difficulties difficulties

lull (v)

1 : to cause to sleep or rest : SOOTHE He was lulled to sleep by her soothing voice. 2 : to cause to relax vigilance were lulled into a false sense of security lulled; lulling; lulls

make out (v)

1 : to complete (something, such as a printed form) by supplying required information make out a check 2 : to find or grasp the meaning of tried to make out what had really happened 3 : to form an opinion or idea about : CONCLUDE how do you make that out 4a : to represent as being made them out to be losers b : to pretend to be true made out that he had never heard of me 5 : to represent or delineate in detail 6 : to see and identify with difficulty or effort : DISCERN make out a ship through the fog 1 : GET ALONG, FARE how are you making out with the new job 2a : to engage in sexual intercourse b : NECK sense 1

devour (v)

1 : to eat up greedily or ravenously devoured the turkey and mashed potatoes 2 : to use up or destroy as if by eating We are devouring the world's resources. 3 : to prey upon devoured by guilt 4 : to enjoy avidly devours books

lowball (v)

1 : to give (a customer) a deceptively low price or cost estimate 2 : to give a markedly or unfairly low offer lowballed him in contract negotiations lowballed; lowballing; lowballs

argue (v)

1 : to give reasons for or against something : REASON argue for a new policy 2 : to contend or disagree in words : DISPUTE They're always arguing about money. 1 : to give evidence of : INDICATE The facts argue his innocence. 2 : to consider the pros and cons of : DISCUSS argue an issue 3 : to prove or try to prove by giving reasons : MAINTAIN asking for a chance to argue his case 4 : to persuade by giving reasons : INDUCE couldn't argue her out of going argued; arguing

humor (v)

1 : to soothe or content (someone) by indulgence : to comply with the temperament or inclinations of The only way to get along with him is to humor him. I know you don't agree, but just humor me. 2 : to adapt oneself to yielding to, and humoring the motion of the limbs and twigs — William Bartram humored; humoring

simmer (v)

1 : to stew gently below or just at the boiling point 2a : to be in a state of incipient development : FERMENT ideas simmering in the back of my mind b : to be in inward turmoil : SEETHE transitive verb : to cook slowly in a liquid just below the boiling point simmered; simmering

hardly (adv)

1 : with force : VIGOROUSLY 2 : in a severe manner : HARSHLY 3 : with difficulty : PAINFULLY 4a —used to emphasize a minimal amount I hardly knew her almost new — hardly a scratch on it b —used to soften a negative you can't hardly tell who anyone is — G. B. Shaw 5 : certainly not that news is hardly surprising

process (n)

1a : PROGRESS, ADVANCE in the process of time b : something going on : PROCEEDING 2a(1) : a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result the process of growth (2) : a continuing natural or biological activity or function such life processes as breathing b : a series of actions or operations conducing to an end especially : a continuous operation or treatment especially in manufacture 3a : the whole course of proceedings in a legal action b : the summons, mandate, or writ used by a court to compel the appearance of the defendant in a legal action or compliance with its orders 4 : a prominent or projecting part of an organism or organic structure a bone process a nerve cell process 5 : CONK entry 6 processes

roulette (n)

1a : a gambling game in which players bet on which compartment of a revolving wheel a small ball will come to rest in b : something involving a high degree of chance and unpredictability 2a : any of various toothed wheels or disks (as for producing rows of dots on engraved plates or for making short consecutive incisions in paper to facilitate subsequent division) b : tiny slits between rows of stamps in a sheet that are made by a roulette and serve as an aid in separation — compare PERFORATION

verbalism (n)

1a : a verbal expression : TERM b : PHRASING, WORDING 2 : words used as if they were more important than the realities they represent the emancipation of science from verbalism — G. A. L. Sarton 3a : a wordy expression of little meaning b : VERBOSITY

doze (v)

1a : to sleep lightly b : to fall into a light sleep —usually used with off 2 : to be in a dull or stupefied condition : to pass (time) drowsily : BULLDOZE sense 2 dozed; dozing

supersensible (adj)

: being above or beyond that which is apparent to the senses : SPIRITUAL

sui generis (adj)

: constituting a class alone : UNIQUE, PECULIAR

souped-up (adj)

: enhanced or increased in appeal, power, performance, or intensity also : ELABORATE, EMBELLISHED

obeisance (n)

a self-defeating obeisance. 1 : a movement of the body made in token of respect or submission : bow After making his obeisances he approached the altar. 2 : acknowledgment of another's superiority or importance : homage makes obeisance to her mentors The players paid obeisance to their coach. — obeisant play \ō-ˈbē-sᵊnt, ə-, -ˈbā-\ adjective — obeisantly adverb

ahead (adv or adj)

ahead of the curve. 1 a : in a forward direction or position : forward b : in front 2 : in, into, or for the future plan ahead 3 : in or toward a more advantageous position helped others to get ahead 4 : at or to an earlier time : in advance make payments ahead 5 a : in or into a leading position in a race or competition a politician who is running ahead in most polls Josh Carter scored from a yard out and the Pride added a two-point conversion to surge ahead 14-7. —Cumberland (Maryland) Times-News b baseball (1) of a pitcher : in or into the situation of having thrown more strikes than balls to a batter Home run threat Mark Reynolds was up next with the bases loaded, but Colon quickly got ahead 1-2 in the count and struck the third baseman out swinging with a ... fastball. —Ray Monell (2) of a batter : in or into the situation of having a count of more balls than strikes Albert Pujols got ahead 3-1 and then lined one into the seats in left for his 20th home run of the year and second of the series. —John Fay

lethal (adj)

can be lethal. 1 a : of, relating to, or causing death death by lethal injection b : capable of causing death lethal chemicals 2 : gravely damaging or destructive : devastating a lethal attack on his reputation 3 : very potent or effective a lethal fastball; also : having a high alcohol content a lethal rum punch — lethality play \lē-ˈtha-lə-tē\ noun — lethally

feign (v)

feign interest. feigned; feigning; feigns transitive verb 1 a : to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression feign death b : to assert as if true : pretend He feigned that he was not feeling well so that he could leave the party early. 2 archaic a : invent, imagine b : to give fictional representation to 3 obsolete : disguise, conceal intransitive verb : pretend, dissemble He told the truth because he was no good at feigning. — feigner noun

mammer (v)

obsolete : WAVER, HESITATE mammered; mammering; mammers

elocution (n)

speaking with poise and elocution. 1 : a style of speaking especially in public 2 : the art of effective public speaking — elocutionary play \ˌe-lə-ˈkyü-shə-ˌner-ē\ adjective — elocutionist

pestilence (n)

1 : a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating especially : BUBONIC PLAGUE 2 : something that is destructive or pernicious I'll pour this pestilence into his ear —William Shakespeare

antinomy (n)

1 : a contradiction between two apparently equally valid principles or between inferences correctly drawn from such principles 2 : a fundamental and apparently unresolvable conflict or contradiction antinomies of beauty and evil, freedom and slavery — Stephen Holden antinomies

carbon copy (n)

1 : a copy made by carbon paper 2 : duplicate is a carbon copy of his father

martingale (n)

1 : a device for steadying a horse's head or checking its upward movement that typically consists of a strap fastened to the girth, passing between the forelegs, and bifurcating to end in two rings through which the reins pass 2a : a lower stay of rope or chain for the jibboom used to sustain the strain of the forestays and fastened to or rove through the dolphin striker b : dolphin striker 3 : any of several systems of betting in which a player increases the stake usually by doubling each time a bet is lost

thesis (n)

1 : a dissertation embodying results of original research and especially substantiating a specific view especially : one written by a candidate for an academic degree 2a : a proposition to be proved or one advanced without proof : HYPOTHESIS b : a position or proposition that a person (such as a candidate for scholastic honors) advances and offers to maintain by argument 3a(1) : the unstressed part of a poetic foot especially in accentual verse (2) : the longer part of a poetic foot especially in quantitative verse b : the accented part of a musical measure : DOWNBEAT — compare ARSIS 4 : the first and least adequate stage of dialectic — compare SYNTHESIS

stalemate (n)

1 : a drawing position in chess in which a player is not in checkmate but has no legal move to play 2 : a drawn contest : DEADLOCK also : the state of being stalemated

groupie (n)

1 : a fan of a rock group who usually follows the group around on concert tours 2 : an admirer of a celebrity who attends as many of his or her public appearances as possible 3 : enthusiast, aficionado a political groupie golf groupies

hypocrisy (n)

1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters. especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness — Lucius Garvin 2 : an act or instance of hypocrisy a keen awareness of one's parents' hypocrisies

springboard (n)

1 : a flexible board usually secured at one end and used for gymnastic stunts or diving 2 : something that helps launch an activity, enterprise, etc. ... hopes motherhood will be the springboard that relaunches her stagnant acting career. — Roy S. Johnson ... Ueberroth is denying claims that he will use the Games as a springboard to high political office. — Ray Kennedy springboards

deus ex machina (n)

1 : a god introduced by means of a crane (see CRANE entry 1 sense 3a) in ancient Greek and Roman drama to decide the final outcome 2 : a person or thing (as in fiction or drama) that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty ... the shipwreck, far from being a tragic peripety, is the deus ex machina which makes it possible for Defoe to present solitary labour ... as a solution to the perplexities of economic and social reality. — Ian Watt

diktat (n)

1 : a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed (as on a defeated nation) 2 : DECREE, ORDER

arm (n)

1 : a human upper limb especially : the part between the shoulder and the wrist 2 : something like or corresponding to an arm: such as a : the forelimb of a vertebrate b : a limb of an invertebrate animal c : a branch or lateral shoot of a plant d : a slender part of a structure, machine, or an instrument projecting from a main part, axis, or fulcrum e : the end of a ship's yard also : the part of an anchor from the crown to the fluke — see ANCHOR ILLUSTRATION f : any of the usually two parts of a chromosome lateral to the centromere 3 : an inlet of water (as from the sea) 4 : a narrow extension of a larger area, mass, or group 5 : POWER, MIGHT the long arm of the law 6 : a support (as on a chair) for the elbow and forearm 7 : SLEEVE 8 : the ability to throw or pitch a ball well also : a player having such ability 9 : a functional division of a group, organization, institution, or activity the logistical arm of the air force 10 medical : a group of subjects provided a particular treatment in a clinical trial Since this trial did not include a radiation-only treatment arm, it has been questioned whether radiation therapy alone might be as effective as sequential chemotherapy and radiation therapy in preserving the larynx. — Everett E. Vokes et al. arms

mainframe (n)

1 : a large, powerful computer that can handle many tasks concurrently and is usually used commercially ... the million-dollar mainframe computers that took up entire floors of corporate premises ... — John Derbyshire 2 dated : a computer with its cabinet and internal circuits especially when considered separately from any peripherals connected to the computer

line of sight (noun phrase)

1 : a line from an observer's eye to a distant point 2 : the line between two points specifically : the straight path between a transmitting antenna (as for radio or television signals) and a receiving antenna when unobstructed by the horizon

liquid (n)

1 : a liquid consonant 2 : a fluid (such as water) that has no independent shape but has a definite volume and does not expand indefinitely and that is only slightly compressible

boatload (n)

1 : a load that fills a boat a boatload of passengers 2 : an indefinitely large number or amount a boatload of criticism a boatload of money

catcall (n)

1 : a loud or raucous cry made especially to express disapproval (as at a sports event) Even Winslow, who led the league in catches for the second straight year, was hearing catcalls. — Rick Reilly 2 : a loud, sexually suggestive call or comment directed at someone publicly (as on the street) ... every single time I go running in a public place without my male running partner, I am the target of catcalls. — Natalie DeBlasio

mountaineer (n)

1 : a native or inhabitant of a mountainous region 2 : a person who climbs mountains for sport

space (n)

1 : a period of time also : its duration 2a : a limited extent in one, two, or three dimensions : DISTANCE, AREA, VOLUME b : an extent set apart or available parking space floor space c : the distance from other people or things that a person needs in order to remain comfortable invading my personal space 3 : one of the degrees between or above or below the lines of a musical staff — compare LINE 4a : a boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction infinite space and time b : physical space independent of what occupies it — called also absolute space 5 : the region beyond the earth's atmosphere or beyond the solar system 6a : a blank area separating words or lines b : material used to produce such blank area especially : a piece of type less than one en in width 7 : a set of mathematical elements and especially of abstractions of all the points on a line, in a plane, or in physical space especially : a set of mathematical entities with a set of axioms of geometric character — compare METRIC SPACE, TOPOLOGICAL SPACE, VECTOR SPACE 8a : LINAGE b : broadcast time available especially to advertisers 9 : accommodations on a public vehicle 10a : the opportunity to assert or experience one's identity or needs freely b : an opportunity for privacy or time to oneself

architect (n)

1 : a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction 2 : a person who designs and guides a plan or undertaking the architect of American foreign policy

layman (n)

1 : a person who is not a member of the clergy The parish council consisted of both clergy and laymen. 2 : a person who does not belong to a particular profession or who is not expert in some field For a layman, he knows a lot about the law.

minor (n)

1 : a person who is not yet old enough to have the rights of an adult 2 : a minor musical interval, scale, key, or mode 3a : a minor academic subject b : a student taking a specified minor 4 : a determinant or matrix obtained from a given determinant or matrix by eliminating the row and column in which a given element lies 5 minors plural : minor league baseball —used with the

heirloom (n)

1 : a piece of property (such as a deed or charter) that descends to the heir as an inseparable part of an inheritance of real property 2 : something of special value handed down from one generation to another The pin she's wearing is a family heirloom. 3 : a variety of plant that has originated under cultivation and that has survived for several generations usually due to the efforts of private individuals heirloom tomatoes

man on horseback (phrase)

1 : a usually military figure whose ambitions and popularity mark him as a potential dictator 2 : dictator

bandwagon (n)

1 : a usually ornate and high wagon for a band of musicians especially in a circus parade 2 : a popular party, faction, or cause that attracts growing support —often used in such phrases as jump on the bandwagon 3 : a current or fashionable trend

grandstand (v)

1 : a usually roofed stand for spectators at a racecourse or stadium 2 : audience

vernacular (n)

1 : a vernacular language, expression, or mode of expression : an expression or mode of expression that occurs in ordinary speech rather than formal writing 2 : the mode of expression of a group or class 3 : a common name of a plant or animal as distinguished from the Latin nomenclature of scientific classification : a vernacular name of a plant or animal

catchphrase (n)

1 : a word or expression that is used repeatedly and conveniently to represent or characterize a person, group, idea, or point of view 2 : slogan sense 2

lass (n)

1 : a young woman : GIRL a Scottish lass 2 : SWEETHEART the young hero of the story ... and his lass — Mary Ross

self-sufficient (adj)

1 : able to maintain oneself or itself without outside aid : capable of providing for one's own needs a self-sufficient farm 2 : having an extreme confidence in one's own ability or worth : haughty, overbearing

solvent (adj)

1 : able to pay all legal debts a solvent company 2 : that dissolves or can dissolve solvent action of water

mythology (n)

1 : an allegorical narrative 2 : a body of myths: such as a : the myths dealing with the gods, demigods, and legendary heroes of a particular people b : MYTHOS sense 2 cold war mythology 3 : a branch of knowledge that deals with myth 4 : a popular belief or assumption that has grown up around someone or something : MYTH sense 2a defective mythologies that ignore masculine depth of feeling — Robert Bly mythologies

lot (n)

1 : an object used as a counter in determining a question by chance 2a : the use of lots as a means of deciding something One was chosen by lot to represent the group. b : the resulting choice 3a : something that comes to one upon whom a lot has fallen : SHARE The will provided for equal lots for all the children. b : one's way of life or worldly fate : FORTUNE the lot of man, to suffer and to die — Alexander Pope 4a : a portion of land b : a measured parcel of land having fixed boundaries and designated on a plot or survey built his home on a half-acre lot c : a motion-picture studio and its adjoining property d : an establishment for the storage or sale of motor vehicles a used car lot 5a : a number of units of an article, a single article, or a parcel of articles offered as one item (as in an auction sale) Lot 45 is a dining room set. b : all the members of a present group, kind, or quantity —usually used with the sampled the whole lot of desserts 6a : a number of associated persons : SET fell in with a rough lot b : KIND, SORT The recruits were a sorry lot. 7 : a considerable quantity or extent a lot of money lots of friends: a nephew of Abraham who according to the account in Genesis escaped from the doomed city of Sodom with his wife who turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back

defense mechanism (n)

1 : an often unconscious mental process (such as repression) that makes possible compromise solutions to personal problems 2 : a defensive reaction by an organism

stock option (n)

1 : an option contract involving stock 2 : a right granted by a corporation to officers or employees as a form of compensation that allows purchase of corporate stock at a fixed price usually within a specified period

mishap (n)

1 : an unfortunate accident The fire was a tragic mishap that could have been prevented. 2 : bad luck : MISFORTUNE The ceremony proceeded without mishap.

lynx (n)

1 : any of several wildcats with relatively long legs, a short stubby tail, mottled coat, and usually tufted ears that are thought to comprise a distinct genus (Lynx) of the cat family or to be part of a genus (Felis) that includes the domestic cat and cougar: such as a : a lynx (L. lynx) of northern Europe and Asia b : bobcat c : a North American lynx (L. canadensis) distinguished from the bobcat by its larger size, longer tufted ears, and wholly black tail tip — called also Canadian lynx 2 Lynx, astronomy : a dim northern constellation that is visible between the constellations of Ursa Major and Gemini and that is represented by the figure of a lynx ... Johannes Hevelius named this new constellation Lynx because only an observer with the eyes of a lynx could see its faint shape.— Richard Berry lynx or lynxes

disastrous (adj)

1 : attended by or causing suffering or disaster : calamitous a disastrous flood 2 : terrible, horrendous a disastrous score

dilute (v)

1 : attenuate dilute the power of the mayoralty diluting the quality of the finished product 2 : to make thinner or more liquid by admixture diluted wine diluting juice with water 3 : to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture dilute a color 4 : to decrease the per share value of (common stock) by increasing the total number of shares

mordant (adj)

1 : biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : INCISIVE a mordant wit 2 : acting as a mordant (as in dyeing) 3 : BURNING, PUNGENT mordant pain

malleable (adj)

1 : capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the pressure of rollers 2 a : capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences b : having a capacity for adaptive change — malleability

monotonic (adj)

1 : characterized by the use of or uttered in a monotone She recited the poem in a monotonic voice. 2 : having the property either of never increasing or of never decreasing as the values of the independent variable or the subscripts of the terms increase

refraction (n)

1 : deflection from a straight path undergone by a light ray or energy wave in passing obliquely from one medium (such as air) into another (such as glass) in which its velocity is different 2 : the change in the apparent position of a celestial body due to bending of the light rays emanating from it as they pass through the atmosphere also : the correction to be applied to the apparent position of a body because of this bending 3 : the action of distorting an image by viewing through a medium also : an instance of this

aleatory (adj)

1 : depending on an uncertain event or contingency as to both profit and loss an aleatory contract 2 : relating to luck and especially to bad luck 3 : ALEATORIC

malice (n)

1 : desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another an attack motivated by pure malice 2 : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse ruined her reputation and did it with malice

special (adj)

1 : distinguished by some unusual quality especially : being in some way superior our special blend 2 : held in particular esteem a special friend 3a : readily distinguishable from others of the same category : unique they set it apart as a special day of thanksgiving b : of, relating to, or constituting a species : specific 4 : being other than the usual : additional, extra 5 : designed for a particular purpose or occasion

cattle (n)

1 : domesticated quadrupeds held as property or raised for use specifically : bovine animals on a farm or ranch 2 : human beings especially en masse

majolica (n)

1 : earthenware covered with an opaque tin glaze and decorated on the glaze before firing especially : an Italian ware of this kind 2 : a 19th century earthenware modeled in naturalistic shapes and glazed in lively colors

shining (adj)

1 : emitting or reflecting light 2 : bright and often splendid in appearance : RESPLENDENT 3 : possessing a distinguished quality : ILLUSTRIOUS 4 : full of sunshine

vacuum (n)

1 : emptiness of space 2a : a space absolutely devoid of matter b : a space partially exhausted (as to the highest degree possible) by artificial means (such as an air pump) c : a degree of rarefaction below atmospheric pressure 3a : a state or condition resembling a vacuum : VOID the power vacuum in Indochina after the departure of the French — Norman Cousins b : a state of isolation from outside influences people who live in a vacuum ... so that the world outside them is of no moment — W. S. Maugham 4 : a device creating or utilizing a partial vacuum especially : VACUUM CLEANER

equipollent (adj)

1 : equal in force, power, or validity 2 : the same in effect or signification — equipollence play \ˌē-kwə-ˈpä-lən(t)s, ˌe-\ noun — equipollent noun — equipollently adverb

particularism (n)

1 : exclusive or special devotion to a particular interest 2 : a political theory that each political group has a right to promote its own interests and especially independence without regard to the interests of larger groups 3 : a tendency to explain complex social phenomena in terms of a single causative factor — particularist noun or adjective — particularistic

afraid (adj)

1 : filled with fear or apprehension afraid of machines was afraid for his job 2 : filled with concern or regret over an unwanted situation I'm afraid I won't be able to go. 3 : having a dislike for something She's not afraid of hard work. [=she's not unwilling to work hard]

liquid (adj)

1 : flowing freely like water liquid detergent 2 : having the properties of a liquid : being neither solid nor gaseous 3a : shining and clear large liquid eyes b : being musical and free of harshness in sound the liquid song of the robin c : smooth and unconstrained in movement the liquid grace of a ballerina d : articulated without friction and capable of being prolonged like a vowel a liquid consonant 4a : consisting of or capable of ready conversion into cash liquid assets b : capable of covering current liabilities (see LIABILITY sense 2) quickly with current assets

ample (adj)

1 : generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity There was room for an ample garden. 2 : generously sufficient to satisfy a requirement or need They had ample money for the trip. 3 : BUXOM, PORTLY an ample figure ampler amplest

magnificent (adj)

1 : great in deed or exalted in place —used only of former famous rulers Lorenzo the Magnificent 2 : marked by stately grandeur and lavishness a magnificent way of life The coronation was a magnificent sight. 3 : sumptuous in structure and adornment a magnificent cathedral broadly : strikingly beautiful or impressive a magnificent physique 4 : impressive to the mind or spirit : sublime magnificent prose know the truth for the magnificent purpose of becoming free— Philip Wylie 5 : exceptionally fine a magnificent day valley crops were magnificent that year— Julian Dana

high-octane (adj)

1 : having a high octane number and hence good antiknock properties high-octane gasoline 2 : very powerful, strong, or effective high-octane football high-octane coffee

likely (adj)

1 : having a high probability of occurring or being true : very probable rain is likely today 2 : apparently qualified : SUITABLE a likely place 3 : RELIABLE, CREDIBLE a likely enough story 4 : PROMISING a likely candidate 5 : ATTRACTIVE a likely child likelier; likeliest

full-bodied (adj)

1 : having a large body 2 of a beverage : imparting to the palate the general impression of substantial weight and rich texture 3 : having importance, significance, or meaningfulness full-bodied study of literature

meaningless (adj)

1 : having no meaning especially : lacking any significance 2 : having no assigned function in a language system

bipolar (adj)

1 : having or marked by two mutually repellent forces or diametrically opposed natures or views 2a : having or involving the use of two poles or polarities bipolar generators bipolar ECG leads b electronics : relating to, being, or using a transistor in which both electrons and holes (see HOLE entry 1 sense 1b(3)) are utilized as charge carriers (see CARRIER sense 2e) 3 : relating to, associated with, or occurring in both polar (see POLAR entry 1 sense 1a) regions bipolar species of birds 4 psychology : being, characteristic of, or affected with a bipolar disorder bipolar patients

apathetic (adj)

1 : having or showing little or no feeling or emotion : SPIRITLESS She was listless, apathetic, calm with the calmness of a woman who knows she can suffer no further. — Frank Norris 2 : having little or no interest or concern : INDIFFERENT apathetic voters apathetic underachievers

desirable (adj)

1 : having pleasing qualities or properties : ATTRACTIVE Mr. Darcy, you must allow me to present this young lady to you as a very desirable partner. — Jane Austen a house in a highly desirable location 2 : worth seeking or doing as advantageous, beneficial, or wise : ADVISABLE desirable legislation

colorful (adj)

1 : having striking colors colorful scenery 2a : full of variety or interest a colorful description b of speech : RUDE, OFFENSIVE ... he had begun to gamble and use colorful language ... —Yohannes Edemariam

archaic (adj)

1 : having the characteristics of the language of the past and surviving chiefly in specialized uses an archaic word NOTE: In this dictionary the label archaic is affixed to words and senses relatively common in earlier times but infrequently used in present-day English. 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time : ANTIQUATED archaic legal traditions 3 capitalized : of or belonging to the early or formative phases of a culture or a period of artistic development especially : of or belonging to the period leading up to the classical period of Greek culture 4 : surviving from an earlier period specifically : typical of a previously dominant evolutionary stage 5 capitalized : of or relating to the period from about 8000 b.c. to 1000 b.c. and the North American cultures of that time

productive (adj)

1 : having the quality or power of producing especially in abundance productive fishing waters 2 : effective in bringing about investigating committees have been productive of much good — R. K. Carr 3a : yielding results, benefits, or profits b : yielding or devoted to the satisfaction of wants or the creation of utilities 4 : continuing to be used in the formation of new words or constructions un- is a productive prefix 5 : raising mucus or sputum (as from the bronchi) a productive cough

homey (adj)

1 : homelike a homey atmosphere; also : evocative of home a homey meal 2 : homely 3 homey anecdotes — homeyness or hominess noun

among (prep)

1 : in or through the midst of : surrounded by hidden among the trees 2 : in company or association with living among artists 3 : by or through the aggregate of discontent among the poor 4 : in the number or class of wittiest among poets among other things she was president of her college class 5 : in shares to each of divided among the heirs 6a : through the reciprocal acts of quarreling among themselves b : through the joint action of made a fortune among themselves

subliminal (adj)

1 : inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception 2 : existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness the subliminal mind subliminal advertising

blithe (adj)

1 : lacking due thought or consideration : CASUAL, HEEDLESS blithe unconcern a blithe disregard for the rights of others 2 : of a happy lighthearted character or disposition a blithe spirit blithe enjoyment blither; blithest

weak (adj)

1 : lacking strength: such as a : deficient in physical vigor : FEEBLE, DEBILITATED b : not able to sustain or exert much weight, pressure, or strain c : not able to resist external force or withstand attack d : easily upset or nauseated a weak stomach 2a : mentally or intellectually deficient b : not firmly decided : VACILLATING c : resulting from or indicating lack of judgment or discernment d : not able to withstand temptation or persuasion the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 3 : not factually grounded or logically presented a weak argument 4a : not able to function properly weak eyes b(1) : lacking skill or proficiency tutoring for weaker students (2) : indicative of a lack of skill or aptitude history was my weakest subject c : wanting in vigor of expression or effect a weak translation of the poem 5a : deficient in the usual or required ingredients : DILUTE weak coffee b : lacking normal intensity or potency a weak radio signal a weak strain of virus 6a : not having or exerting authority or political power weak government b : INEFFECTIVE, IMPOTENT 7a : of, relating to, or constituting a verb or verb conjugation that in English forms the past tense and past participle by adding the suffix -ed or -d or -t b of a noun or adjective declension in Germanic languages : retaining a lesser number of distinctions in case, number and gender 8a : bearing the minimal degree of stress occurring in the language a weak syllable b : having little or no stress and obscured vowel sound 'd in he'd is the weak form of would 9 : tending toward a lower price or value a weak market a weak dollar 10 : ionizing only slightly in solution weak acids and bases

largesse (n)

1 : liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior a philanthropist known for his largesse; also : something so given projects depending on a flow of federal largesse 2 : generosity his generosity of spirit, an absolutely natural largesse —Harvey Breit

me-too (adj)

1 : marked by similarity to or by adoption of successful or persuasive policies or practices used or promoted by someone else 2 : similar or identical to an established product (such as a drug) with no significant advantage over it — me-tooer play \-ər\ noun — me-tooism

stuff (n)

1 : materials, supplies, or equipment used in various activities: such as a obsolete : military baggage b : PERSONAL PROPERTY 2 : material to be manufactured, wrought, or used in construction clear half-inch pine stuff — Emily Holt 3 : a finished textile suitable for clothing especially : wool or worsted material 4a : literary or artistic production b : writing, discourse, talk, or ideas of little value : TRASH 5a : an unspecified material substance or aggregate of matter volcanic rock is curious stuff b : something (as a drug or food) consumed or introduced into the body by humans c : a matter to be considered the truth was heady stuff long-term policy stuff d : a group or scattering of miscellaneous objects or articles pick that stuff up off the floor also : nonphysical unspecified material conservation and ... all kinds of good stuff — Eric Korn 6a : fundamental material : SUBSTANCE the stuff of greatness b : subject matter a teacher who knows her stuff 7 : special knowledge or capability showing their stuff 8a : spin imparted to a thrown or hit ball to make it curve or change course b : the movement of a baseball pitch out of its apparent line of flight : the liveliness of a pitch greatest pitcher of my time ... had tremendous stuff — Ted Williams 9 : DUNK SHOT

livelihood (n)

1 : means of support or subsistence (see SUBSISTENCE sense 2) The villagers' main livelihood is fishing. 2 obsolete : the quality or state of being lively

lawless (adj)

1 : not regulated by or based on law 2a : not restrained or controlled by law : unruly b : illegal

locked-in (adj)

1 : not subject to adjustment : FIXED locked-in interest rates 2 : unable or unwilling to shift invested funds because of the tax effect of realizing capital gai

lank (adj)

1 : not well filled out : slender, thin lank cattle 2 : insufficient in quantity, degree, or extent 3 : hanging straight and limp without spring or curl Other Words from lank

no-account (adj)

1 : of no importance : trifling 2 : not amounting to anything : shiftless her no-account son — no-account noun

heavenly (adj)

1 : of or relating to heaven or the heavens : CELESTIAL the heavenly choirs use a telescope to study the heavenly bodies 2a : suggesting the blessed state of heaven : BEATIFIC heavenly peace b : DELIGHTFUL

communal (adj)

1 : of or relating to one or more communes a communal organization 2 : of or relating to a community 3a : characterized by collective ownership and use of property b : participated in, shared, or used in common by members of a group or community a communal kitchen gathered for a communal meal 4 : of, relating to, or based on racial or cultural groups communal violence

subatomic (adj)

1 : of or relating to the inside of the atom 2 : of, relating to, or being particles smaller than atoms

postal (adj)

1 : of or relating to the mails or the post office 2 : conducted by mail postal chess 3 : insanely or murderously violent —usually used in the phrase go postal

structural (adj)

1 : of or relating to the physical makeup of a plant or animal body structural defects of the heart 2a : of, relating to, or affecting structure structural stability b : used in building structures structural clay c : involved in or caused by structure especially of the economy structural unemployment 3 : of, relating to, or resulting from the effects of folding or faulting of the earth's crust : tectonic 4 : concerned with or relating to structure rather than history or comparison structural linguistics

weird (adj)

1 : of strange or extraordinary character : ODD, FANTASTIC 2 : of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural : MAGICAL

scarlet (adj)

1 : of the color scarlet 2a : grossly and glaringly offensive sinning in flagrant and scarlet fashion —G. W. Johnson b [ from the use of the word in Isaiah 1:18 & Revelation 17:1-6 (King James Version) ] : of, characterized by, or associated with sexual immorality a scarlet woman

catatonic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, marked by, or affected with catatonia catatonic schizophrenia 2 : characterized by a marked lack of movement, activity, or expression tourists who were almost catatonic at finding themselves in their hero's presence — Neil Hickey

salty (adj)

1 : of, seasoned with, or containing salt 2 : smacking of the sea or nautical life 3a : PIQUANT b : EARTHY, CRUDE salty language 4 informal : feeling or showing resentment towards a person or situation : BITTER I completely forgot about our date and left my girlfriend waiting at the restaurant for over an hour. Now she's all salty. —Nicole Lane They made me shave my beard and cover up my tattoos, which I was a little salty about. —Jon Niccum

warden (n)

1 : one having care or charge of something : GUARDIAN, KEEPER 2a : REGENT sense 2 b : the governor of a town, district, or fortress c : a member of the governing body of a guild 3a : an official charged with special supervisory duties or with the enforcement of specified laws or regulations game warden air raid warden b : an official in charge of the operation of a prison c : any of various British officials having designated administrative functions warden of the mint 4a : one of two ranking lay officers of an Episcopal parish b : any of various British college officials whose duties range from the administration of academic matters to the supervision of student discipline

pied piper (n)

1 : one that offers strong but delusive enticement 2 : a leader who makes irresponsible promises 3 : a charismatic person who attracts followers

stickler (n)

1 : one who insists on exactness or completeness in the observance of something a stickler for the rules 2 : something that baffles or puzzles : POSER, STICKER

prolific (adj)

1 : producing young or fruit especially freely : FRUITFUL 2 archaic : causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction 3 : marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity a prolific composer

hefty (adj)

1 : quite heavy 2a : marked by bigness, bulk, and usually strength a hefty football player b : POWERFUL, MIGHTY c : impressively large : SUBSTANTIAL hefty portions heftier; heftiest

labile (adj)

1 : readily or continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown : unstable a labile mineral 2 : readily open to change has so labile a face that some of her scenes ... rock with emotion —Manny Farber — lability

mossy (adj)

1 : resembling moss 2 : covered with moss or something like moss 3 : antiquated the mossy precepts of the ... prescriptive grammarians— Thomas Pyles mossier; mossiest

smarmy (adj)

1 : revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness a tone of smarmy self-satisfaction — New Yorker 2 : of low sleazy taste or quality smarmy eroticism smarmier; smarmiest

ambivalence (n)

1 : simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action felt ambivalence toward his powerful father ambivalence toward marriage 2a : continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) b : uncertainty as to which approach to follow ambivalence about their goals

catch (n)

1 : something caught especially : the total quantity caught at one time a large catch of fish 2a : the act, action, or fact of catching The shortstop made a tough catch. b : a game in which a ball is thrown and caught played catch with his dad 3 : something that checks or holds immovable a safety catch 4 : one worth catching especially as a spouse 5 : a round for three or more unaccompanied usually male voices often with suggestive or obscene lyrics 6 : FRAGMENT, SNATCH remembered only catches of the song 7 : a concealed difficulty or complication there must be a catch 8 : a momentary audible break in the voice or breath

amenity (n)

1 : something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment hotels with modern amenities providing residents with the basic amenities 2 usually amenities : something (such as a conventional social gesture) that promotes smoothness or pleasantness in social relationships maintaining social amenities 3a : the quality of being pleasant or agreeable b(1) : the attractiveness and value of real estate or of a residential structure (2) : a feature conducive to such attractiveness and value amenities

expedient (adj)

1 : suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance 2 : characterized by concern with what is opportune especially : governed by self-interest

myself (pron)

1 : that identical one that is I —used reflexively I'm going to get myself a new suit, for emphasis I myself will go, or in absolute constructions myself a tourist, I nevertheless avoided other tourists 2 : my normal, healthy, or sane condition didn't feel myself yesterday

Apollo (n)

1 : the Greek and Roman god of sunlight, prophecy, music, and poetry 2 [ Apollo, an asteroid of this class ] : any of a class of asteroids having an orbit that extends from inside to beyond the earth's orbit

annoyance (n)

1 : the act of annoying someone or of being annoyed 2 : the state or feeling of being annoyed : VEXATION She couldn't hide her annoyance. 3 : a source of vexation or irritation : NUISANCE The delay was a minor annoyance.

laceration (n)

1 : the act of lacerating 2 : a torn and ragged wound

soliloquy (n)

1 : the act of talking to oneself 2 : a poem, discourse, or utterance of a character in a drama that has the form of a monologue or gives the illusion of being a series of unspoken reflections

simulation (n)

1 : the act or process of simulating 2 : a sham object : COUNTERFEIT 3a : the imitative representation of the functioning of one system or process by means of the functioning of another a computer simulation of an industrial process b : examination of a problem often not subject to direct experimentation by means of a simulating device

marking (n)

1 : the act, process, or an instance of making or giving a mark 2a : a mark made b : arrangement, pattern, or disposition of marks

empathy (n)

1 : the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also : the capacity for this 2 : the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it

anniversary (n)

1 : the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event a wedding anniversary broadly : a date that follows such an event by a specified period of time measured in units other than years the 6-month anniversary of the accident 2 : the celebration of an anniversary anniversaries

predicament (n)

1 : the character, status, or classification assigned by a predication specifically : CATEGORY sense 1 2 : CONDITION, STATE especially : a difficult, perplexing, or trying situation

grand master (n)

1 : the chief officer of a principal lodge in various fraternal orders (such as Freemasonry) 2 : an expert player (as of chess) who has consistently scored high in international competition

stream of consciousness (phrase)

1 : the continuous unedited chronological flow of conscious experience through the mind 2 : INTERIOR MONOLOGUE

mother country (n)

1 : the country of one's parents or ancestors also : FATHERLAND 2 : the country from which the people of a colony or former colony derive their origin 3 : a country that is the origin of something

goal (n)

1 : the end toward which effort is directed : AIM The goal is high-speed rail travel. 2a : an area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points b : the act or action of causing a ball or puck to go through or into such a goal c : the score resulting from such an act 3a : the terminal point of a race b : an area to be reached safely in children's games

chapter and verse (n)

1 : the exact reference or source of information or justification for an assertion clinched their arguments by citing chapter and verse — J. M. Burns 2 : full precise information or detail can give chapter and verse on the effects of diverting defense spending — Horace Sutton

heaven (n)

1 : the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome : FIRMAMENT —usually used in plural the brightest star in the heavens 2a often capitalized : the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead hopes to go to Heaven when she dies b : a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God 3 capitalized : GOD sense 1 Heaven help us. 4 : a place or condition of utmost happiness : something that is very pleasant or enjoyable Our week at the spa was sheer heaven. 5 Christian Science : a state of thought in which sin is absent and the harmony of divine Mind (see MIND entry 1 sense 8) is manifest

exposure (n)

1 : the fact or condition of being exposed: such as a : the condition of being presented to view or made known a politician seeks a lot of exposure b : the condition of being unprotected especially from severe weather died of exposure c : the condition of being subject to some effect or influence risk exposure to the flu d : the condition of being at risk of financial loss minimizes your exposure to market fluctuations also : an amount at risk 2 : the act or an instance of exposing: such as a : disclosure of something secret tried to prevent exposure of their past b : the treating of sensitized material (such as film) to controlled amounts of radiant energy also : the amount of such energy or length of such treatment a 3-second exposure 3a : the manner of being exposed b : the position (as of a house) with respect to weather influences or compass points a room with a southern exposure 4 : a piece or section of sensitized material (such as film) on which an exposure is or can be made 36 exposures per roll

verdict (n)

1 : the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial 2 : OPINION, JUDGMENT

stratosphere (n)

1 : the part of the earth's atmosphere which extends from the top of the troposphere to about 30 miles (50 kilometers) above the surface and in which temperature increases gradually to about 32° F (0° C) and clouds rarely form 2 : a very high or the highest region on or as if on a graded scale construction costs in the stratosphere the celebrity stratosphere

apogee (n)

1 : the point in the orbit of an object (such as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth also : the point farthest from a planet or a satellite (such as the moon) reached by an object orbiting it — compare PERIGEE 2 : the farthest or highest point : CULMINATION Aegean civilization reached its apogee in Crete.

magnanimity (n)

1 : the quality of being magnanimous : loftiness of spirit enabling one to bear trouble calmly, to disdain meanness and pettiness, and to display a noble generosity He had the magnanimity to forgive her for lying about him. 2 : a magnanimous act the great magnanimities between soldiers — Katharine Tynan magnanimities

fluidity (n)

1 : the quality or state of being fluid 2 : the physical property of a substance that enables it to flow

malevolence (n)

1 : the quality or state of being malevolent slander that arose from pure malevolence 2 : malevolent behavior an era full of selfishness and malevolence

mortality (n)

1 : the quality or state of being mortal Her husband's death reminded her of her own mortality. 2 : the death of large numbers (as of people or animals) trying to reduce infant mortality 3 archaic : DEATH 4 : the human race that natural extinction to which all mortality is subject — Thomas Paine 5a : the number of deaths in a given time or place The mortality among the infected mounted daily. b : the proportion of deaths to population a brain infection with a mortality rate of about 30 percent — Jane E. Brody c : the number lost or the rate of loss or failure the mortality rate of small businesses

marc (n)

1 : the residue remaining after a fruit has been pressed broadly : the organic residue from an extraction process the protein-rich cottonseed marc 2 : brandy made from the residue of wine grapes after pressing

blind side (n)

1 : the side away from which one is looking 2 : the side on which one that is blind in one eye cannot see

churn (v)

1 : to agitate (milk or cream) in a churn in order to make butter The farmer churns his cream every day. 2a : to stir or agitate violently an old stern-wheeler churning the muddy river larger particles pound and churn the Moon's surface —E. M. Shoemaker b : to make (something, such as foam) by so doing 3 : to make (the account of a client) excessively active by frequent purchases and sales primarily in order to generate commissions unscrupulous brokers may churn an account, trading frequently to generate high commissions —Mary Rowland intransitive verb 1 : to work a churn (as in making butter) 2a : to produce, proceed with, or experience violent motion or agitation her stomach was churning churning legs b : to proceed by or as if by means of rotating members (such as wheels or propellers) boats churning across the harbor

short-circuit (v)

1 : to apply a short circuit to or establish a short circuit in 2 : BYPASS sense 2 3 : FRUSTRATE, IMPEDE intransitive verb : to become shunted by a short circuit The radio short-circuited. short-circuited; short-circuiting; short-circuits

ambush (v)

1 : to attack by surprise from a hidden place : WAYLAY Our troops ambushed the enemy units. ... his caravan that season had been ambushed and shot at twice on the way down ... — Rudyard Kipling 2 : to station in ambush (see AMBUSH entry 2 sense 1) Mr and Mrs Fyne ambushed at their window—a most incredible occupation for people of their kind—saw with renewed anxiety a cab come to the door. — Joseph Conrad : to lie in wait : LURK ambushed; ambushing; ambushes

surpass (v)

1 : to become better, greater, or stronger than : EXCEED surpassed her rivals surpassed all expectations 2 : to go beyond : OVERSTEP 3 : to transcend the reach, capacity, or powers of a beauty that surpasses description surpassed; surpassing; surpasses

congeal (v)

1 : to change from a fluid to a solid state by or as if by cold The cold congealed the water into ice. 2 : to make viscid or curdled : COAGULATE 3 : to make rigid, fixed, or immobile intransitive verb : to become congealed : SOLIDIFY Oil congeals at cold temperatures. congealed; congealing; congeals

spawn (v)

1 : to deposit or fertilize spawn 2 : to produce young especially in large numbers 1a : to produce or deposit (eggs) —used of an aquatic animal b : to induce (fish) to spawn c : to plant with mushroom spawn 2 : BRING FORTH, GENERATE the idea spawned controversy spawned; spawning; spawns

command (v)

1 : to direct authoritatively : ORDER commanded adherence to the rules 2 : to exercise a dominating influence over : have command of: such as a : to have at one's immediate disposal commands many resources b : to demand or receive as one's due commands a high fee c : to overlook or dominate from or as if from a strategic position a hill that commands the city d : to have military command of as senior officer command a regiment 3 obsolete : to order or request to be given intransitive verb 1 : to have or exercise direct authority : GOVERN The king knows how to command well. 2 : to give orders The master commands, and the servants obey. 3 : to be commander The general will command at the western front. 4 : to dominate as if from an elevated place commanded; commanding; commands

leach (v)

1 : to dissolve out by the action of a percolating liquid leach out alkali from ashes 2 : to subject to the action of percolating (see PERCOLATE sense 1a) liquid (such as water) in order to separate the soluble components 3a : to remove (nutritive or harmful elements) from soil by percolation (see PERCOLATE sense 1a) soil leached of its salts by torrential rains b : to draw out or remove as if by percolation all meaning has been leached from my life : to pass out or through by percolation Nutrients leached out of the soil with rainwater. leached; leaching; leaches

distribute (v)

1 : to divide among several or many : APPORTION distribute expenses distributes toys to needy children 2a : to spread out so as to cover something : SCATTER evenly distribute the seeds b : to give out or deliver especially to members of a group distribute newspapers distribute leaflets distribute a TV show to local stations c : to place or position so as to be properly apportioned over or throughout an area 200 pounds distributed on a 6-foot frame distribute the frosting around the top and sides of the cake d logic : to use (a term) so as to convey information about every member of the class named The proposition all men are mortal distributes man but not mortal. 3a : to divide or separate especially into kinds distributing specimens into their proper classes b : to return the units of (something, such as typeset matter) to storage 4 mathematics : to use in or as an operation so as to be mathematically distributive (see DISTRIBUTIVE sense 3a) Addition is not distributed over multiplication. mathematics : to be mathematically distributive multiplication distributes over addition distributed; distributing

lace (v)

1 : to draw together the edges of by or as if by a lace passed through eyelets laces her fingers behind her head 2 : to draw or pass (something, such as a lace) through something (such as eyelets) 3 : to confine or compress by tightening laces of a garment 4a : to adorn with or as if with lace the surrounding countryside was laced with villages and hamlets — L. C. Heinemann b : to mark with streaks of color 5 : BEAT, LASH 6a : to add a dash of liquor to b : to add something to impart pungency, savor, or zest to a sauce laced with garlic conversation laced with sarcasm c : to adulterate with a substance laced a guard's coffee with a sedative 1 : to admit of being tied or fastened with a lace 2 : to make a verbal attack —usually used with into his boss laced into him for being late laced; lacing

snowball (v)

1 : to engage in throwing snowballs 2 : to increase, accumulate, expand, or multiply at a rapidly accelerating rate transitive verb 1 : to throw snowballs at 2 : to cause to increase or multiply at a rapidly accelerating ratesnowballed; snowballing; snowballs

valorize (v)

1 : to enhance or try to enhance the price, value, or status of by organized and usually governmental action using subsidies to valorize coffee 2 : to assign value or merit to : VALIDATE valorized; valorizing

disagree (v)

1 : to fail to agree the two accounts disagree 2 : to differ in opinion he disagreed with me on every topic 3 : to cause discomfort or distress fried foods disagree with me

matter (v)

1 : to form or discharge pus : SUPPURATE mattering wound 2 : to be of importance : SIGNIFY mattered; mattering; matters

arm (v)

1 : to furnish or equip with weapons 2 : to furnish with something that strengthens or protects arming citizens with the right to vote 3 : to equip or ready for action or operation arm a bomb : to prepare oneself for struggle or resistance arm for combat armed; arming; arms

dignify (v)

1 : to give distinction to : ENNOBLE 2 : to confer dignity upon also : to give undue attention or status to won't dignify that remark with a reply dignified; dignifying

doom (v)

1 : to give judgment against : CONDEMN 2a : to fix the fate of : DESTINE felt he was doomed to a life of loneliness b : to make certain the failure or destruction of the scandal doomed her chances for election

contribute (v)

1 : to give or supply in common with others contribute money to a cause 2 : to supply (something, such as an article) for a publication He contributed several poems to the magazine. 1a : to give a part to a common fund or store contribute to a fund-raising campaign b : to play a significant part in bringing about an end or result Many players have contributed to the team's success. 2 : to submit articles to a publication contributed; contributing

measure up (v)

1 : to have necessary or fitting qualifications —often used with to 2 : to be the equal (as in ability) —used with to

magnetize (v)

1 : to induce magnetic properties in 2 : to attract like a magnet : charm magnetized; magnetizing

waste (v)

1 : to lay waste especially : to damage or destroy gradually and progressively reclaiming land wasted by strip-mining 2 : to cause to shrink in physical bulk or strength : EMACIATE, ENFEEBLE a body wasted by disease 3 : to wear away or diminish gradually : CONSUME 4a : to spend or use carelessly : SQUANDER waste valuable resources b : to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated a writer wasting her talent 5 : KILL also : to injure severely intransitive verb 1 : to lose weight, strength, or vitality —often used with away was wasting away from illness 2a : to become diminished in bulk or substance b : to become consumed 3 : to spend money or consume property extravagantly or improvidently waste one's breath : to accomplish nothing by speaking wasted; wasting

hurdle (v)

1 : to leap over especially while running (as in a sporting competition) hurdling an obstacle in a steeplechase 2 : OVERCOME, SURMOUNT had to hurdle a series of competitive auditions — Collier's hurdled; hurdling

disclaim (v)

1 : to make a disclaimer 2a obsolete : to disavow all part or share b : to utter denial 1 : to renounce a legal claim to 2 : deny, disavow disclaimed any knowledge of the contents of the letter

lunge (v)

1 : to make a lunge : move with or as if with a lunge 2 : to perform a lunge exercise (see LUNGE entry 1 sense 3) : to thrust or propel (something, such as a blow) in a lunge lunged; lunging

alter (v)

1 : to make different without changing into something else an event that altered the course of history 2 : castrate, spay had the puppies altered : to become different customs that alter with the times altered; altering

stem (v)

1 : to make headway against (something, such as an adverse tide, current, or wind) 2 : to check or go counter to (something adverse) stemmed; stemming

relax (v)

1 : to make less tense or rigid : SLACKEN relaxed his grip 2 : to make less severe or stringent : MODIFY relax immigration laws 3 : to deprive of energy, zeal, or strength of purpose 4 : to relieve from nervous tension 5 : to treat (hair) chemically in order to relax curls intransitive verb 1 : to become lax, weak, or loose : REST 2 : to become less intense or severe hoped the committee would relax in its opposition 3 of a muscle or muscle fiber : to become inactive and lengthen 4 : to cast off social restraint, nervous tension, or anxiety couldn't relax in crowds 5 : to seek rest or recreation relax at the seashore 6 : to relieve constipation 7 : to attain equilibrium following the abrupt removal of some influence (such as light, high temperature, or stress) relaxed; relaxing; relaxes

smooth (v)

1 : to make smooth 2a : to free from what is harsh or disagreeable : POLISH smoothed out his style b : SOOTHE 3 : to minimize (something, such as a fault) especially in order to allay anger or ill will his main job is to smooth over the friction that so often arises — Brian Crozier 4 : to free from obstruction or difficulty conciliation smoothed the way to an agreement 5a : to press flat smoothed down the folds of her dress b : to remove expression from (one's face) : COMPOSE 6 : to cause to lie evenly and in order : PREEN a bird smoothing its feathers 7 : to free (a graph, a collection of data, etc.) from irregularities intransitive verb : to become smooth smoothed; smoothing

expatiate (v)

1 : to move about freely or at will : WANDER 2 : to speak or write at length or in detail expatiating upon the value of the fabric — Thomas Hardy expatiated; expatiating

steamroll (v)

1 : to overwhelm usually by greatly superior force steamroller the opposition 2 : to bring or advance by overwhelming force or pressure steamrollered the bill through the legislature intransitive verb : to move or proceed with irresistible force

disapprove (v)

1 : to pass unfavorable judgment on 2 : to refuse approval to : REJECT intransitive verb : to feel or express disapproval

sow (v)

1 : to plant seed for growth especially by scattering 2 : to set something in motion : begin an enterprise 1a : to scatter (seed) upon the earth for growth broadly : PLANT sense 1a b : to strew with or as if with seed c : to introduce into a selected environment : IMPLANT 2 : to set in motion : FOMENT sow suspicion 3 : to spread abroad : DISPERSE sowed; sown sowed; sowing

do up (v)

1 : to prepare (as by cleaning or repairing) for wear or use do up a shirt 2a : to wrap up do up a package b : PUT UP, CAN 3a : to deck out : CLOTHE b : to furnish with something ornamental : DECORATE 4 : EXHAUST, WEAR OUT 5 : FASTEN do up the buttons of a shirt

concoct (v)

1 : to prepare by combining raw materials concoct a recipe concocted a tropical fruit smoothie 2 : DEVISE, FABRICATE concoct an explanation concocted a strategy to take control of the company concocted; concocting; concocts

connive (v)

1 : to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose The government connived in the rebels' military buildup. 2a : to be indulgent or in secret sympathy : WINK The captain connived at the smuggling of goods aboard his ship. b : to cooperate secretly or have a secret understanding officials who connive with drug dealers 3 : CONSPIRE, INTRIGUE accused his opponents of conniving to defeat the proposal connived; conniving

cater (v)

1 : to provide a supply of food cater for a large party 2 : to supply what is required or desired catering to middle-class tastes : to provide food and service for catered the banquet catered; catering; caters

mess (v)

1 : to provide with meals at a mess 2a : to make dirty or untidy : DISARRANGE —often used with up don't mess up your room b : to mix up : BUNGLE —often used with up really messed up my life 3 : to interfere with —often used with up magnetic storms that mess up communications — Time 4 : to rough up : MANHANDLE —often used with up mess him up good so he won't cheat us again 1 : to take meals with a mess 2 : to make a mess 3a : PUTTER, TRIFLE children like to mess around with paints b : to handle or play with something especially carelessly don't mess with my camera —often used with around c : to take an active interest in something or someone messing around with new video techniques also : INTERFERE, MEDDLE messing in other people's affairs you'd better not mess with me 4 : to become confused or make an error —usually used with up messed; messing; messes

furnish (v)

1 : to provide with what is needed especially : to equip with furniture The inn is beautifully furnished. 2 : SUPPLY, GIVE furnished food and shelter for the refugees furnished; furnishing; furnishes

leaven (v)

1 : to raise something, such as bread) with a leaven 2 : to mingle or permeate with some modifying, alleviating, or vivifying element especially : LIGHTEN a sermon leavened with humor leavened; leavening

describe (v)

1 : to represent or give an account of in words describe a picture The police asked her to describe the thief. There were so many things he wanted to describe ... — James Joyce 2 : to represent by a figure, model, or picture : DELINEATE described in her paintings what she saw from her window 3 obsolete : DISTRIBUTE 4 : to trace or traverse the outline of describe a circle 5 archaic : OBSERVE, PERCEIVE described; describing

mollify (v)

1 : to soothe in temper or disposition : APPEASE mollified the staff with a raise 2 : to reduce the rigidity of : SOFTEN Shaving cream mollifies the beard. 3 : to reduce in intensity : ASSUAGE, TEMPER Time mollified his anger. intransitive verb archaic : SOFTEN, RELENT mollified; mollifying

deviate (v)

1 : to stray especially from a standard, principle, or topic deviating from the subject 2 : to depart from an established course or norm a flight forced by weather to deviate south rarely deviates from his usual routine behaviors that deviate from the norm : to cause to turn out of a previous course he would deviate rivers, turn the scorched plains ... into fertile pastures — F. M. Godfrey deviated; deviating

bolster (v)

1 : to support with or as if with a bolster : REINFORCE lay bolstered up in bed extra men will bolster already augmented dock details — Stanley Levey 2 : to give a boost to news that bolstered his spirits bolstered; bolstering

subscribe (v)

1 : to write (one's name) underneath : sign 2a : to sign (something, such as a document) with one's own hand in token of consent or obligation b : to attest by signing c : to pledge (a gift or contribution) by writing one's name with the amount 3 : to assent to : support 1 : to sign one's name to a document 2a : to give consent or approval to something written by signing unwilling to subscribe to the agreement b : to set one's name to a paper in token of promise to give something (such as a sum of money) also : to give something in accordance with such a promise c : to enter one's name for a publication or service also : to receive a periodical or service regularly on order subscribed to many magazines d : to agree to purchase and pay for securities especially of a new offering subscribed for 1000 shares 3 : to feel favorably disposed I subscribe to your sentiments subscribed; subscribing

rubricate (v)

1 : to write or print as a rubric 2 : to provide with a rubric rubricated; rubricating

cede (v)

1 : to yield or grant typically by treaty Russia ceded Alaska to the U.S. in 1867. 2 : ASSIGN, TRANSFER ceded his stock holdings to his children ceded; ceding

succumb (v)

1 : to yield to superior strength or force or overpowering appeal or desire succumb to temptation 2 : to be brought to an end (such as death) by the effect of destructive or disruptive forces succumbed; succumbing; succumbs

metier (n)

1 : vocation, trade Journalism is her métier. 2 : an area of activity in which one excels : forte Chess had become his métier.

marginal (adj)

1 : written or printed in the margin of a page or sheet marginal notes 2a : of, relating to, or situated at a margin or border b : not of central importance regards violence as a marginal rather than a central problem also : limited in extent, significance, or stature had only marginal success with the business c(1) : occupying the borderland of a relatively stable territorial or cultural area marginal tribes (2) : characterized by the incorporation of habits and values from two divergent (see DIVERGENT sense 1) cultures and by incomplete assimilation (see ASSIMILATE entry 1 sense 2a) in either the marginal cultural habits of new immigrant groups (3) : excluded from or existing outside the mainstream of society, a group, or a school of thought marginal voters 3 : located at the fringe of consciousness marginal sensations 4a : close to the lower limit of qualification, acceptability, or function : barely exceeding the minimum requirements a semiliterate person of marginal ability b(1) : having a character or capacity fitted to yield a supply of goods which when marketed at existing price levels will barely cover the cost of production marginal land (2) : of, relating to, or derived from goods produced and marketed with such result marginal profits 5 : relating to or being a function of a random variable that is obtained from a function of several random variables by integrating or summing over all possible values of the other variables a marginal probability function

rewarding (adj)

1 : yielding or likely to yield a reward : VALUABLE, SATISFYING a rewarding experience 2 : serving as a reward a rewarding smile of thanks

dharma (n)

1 Hinduism : an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law 2 Hinduism & Buddhism a : the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence : divine law b : conformity to one's duty and nature

genteel (adj)

1 a : having an aristocratic quality or flavor : stylish b : of or relating to the gentry or upper class a person of genteel upbringing c : elegant or graceful in manner, appearance, or shape the genteel manners of an old southern gentleman d : free from vulgarity or rudeness : polite 2 a : maintaining or striving to maintain the appearance of superior or middle-class social status or respectability a shabby genteel mansion b (1) : marked by false delicacy, prudery, or affectation was genteel on the surface, but had a hard heart (2) : conventionally or insipidly pretty timid and genteel artistic style — genteelly adverb — genteelness noun

great (adj)

1 a : notably large in size : huge all creatures great and small b : of a kind characterized by relative largeness —used in plant and animal names the great horned owl c : elaborate, ample great detail 2 a : large in number or measure : numerous great multitudes b : predominant the great majority 3 : remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness great bloodshed 4 : full of emotion great with anger 5 a : eminent, distinguished a great poet b : chief or preeminent over others —often used in titles Lord Great Chamberlain c : aristocratic, grand great ladies 6 : long continued a great while 7 : principal, main a reception in the great hall 8 : more remote in a family relationship by a single generation than a specified relative great-grandfather 9 : markedly superior in character or quality; especially : noble great of soul 10 a : remarkably skilled great at tennis b : marked by enthusiasm : keen great on science fiction 11 —used as a generalized term of approval had a great timeit was just great — greatness noun

age (n)

1 a : the time of life at which some particular qualification, power, or capacity arises or rests the voting age is 18; specifically : majority b : one of the stages of life c : the length of an existence extending from the beginning to any given time a boy 10 years of age d : lifetime e : an advanced stage of life 2 : a period of time dominated by a central figure or prominent feature the age of Pericles : such as a : a period in history or human progress the age of reptiles the age of exploration b : a cultural period marked by the prominence of a particular item entering the atomic age c : a division of geologic time that is usually shorter than an epoch 3 a : the period contemporary with a person's lifetime or with his or her active life b : a long time —usually used in plural haven't seen him in ages c : generation 4 : an individual's development measured in terms of the years requisite for like development of an average individual

prevent (v)

1 archaic a : to be in readiness for (something, such as an occasion) b : to meet or satisfy in advance c : to act ahead of d : to go or arrive before 2 : to deprive of power or hope of acting or succeeding 3 : to keep from happening or existing steps to prevent war 4 : to hold or keep back : HINDER, STOP —often used with from : to interpose an obstacle prevented; preventing; prevents

price (n)

1 archaic : VALUE, WORTH 2a : the quantity of one thing that is exchanged or demanded in barter or sale for another b : the amount of money given or set as consideration for the sale of a specified thing 3 : the terms for the sake of which something is done or undertaken: such as a : an amount sufficient to bribe one believed every man had his price b : a reward for the apprehension or death of a person an outlaw with a price on his head 4 : the cost at which something is obtained the price of freedom is restraint — J. Irwin Miller

expense (n)

1 archaic : the act or an instance of expending : EXPENDITURE 2a : something expended to secure a benefit or bring about a result b : financial burden or outlay : COST built the monument at their own expense c : an item of business outlay chargeable against revenue for a specific period 3 : a cause or occasion of expenditure an estate is a great expense 4 : a loss, detriment, or embarrassment that results from some action or gain : SACRIFICE everyone had a good laugh at my expense —usually used in the phrase at the expense of develop a boy's physique at the expense of his intelligence — Bertrand Russell

prove (v)

1 archaic : to learn or find out by experience 2a : to test the truth, validity, or genuineness of the exception proves the rule prove a will at probate b : to test the worth or quality of specifically : to compare against a standard —sometimes used with up or out c : to check the correctness of (something, such as an arithmetic result) 3a : to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic) prove a theorem the charges were never proved in court b : to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth the vaccine has been proven effective after years of tests proved herself a great actress 4 : to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable eager to prove myself in the new job : to turn out especially after trial or test the new drug proved effective proved; proved or proven proving

balk (v)

1 archaic : to pass over or by ... such an age as ours balks no expense ... — William Cowper 2 : to check or stop by or as if by an obstacle : BLOCK ... had neither been balked nor been frightened ... — Francis Hackett intransitive verb 1 : to stop short and refuse to proceed The horse balked at the jump and threw the rider. 2 : to refuse abruptly —used with at Congress balked at putting up the money — Thomas Fleming 3 sports : to commit a balk (see BALK entry 1 sense 5) balked; balking; balks

libra (n)

1 capitalized a : a southern zodiacal constellation between Virgo and Scorpio represented by a pair of scales b(1) : the seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology — see SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC TABLE (2) : one born under the sign of Libra 2a plural librae\ˈlī-​ˌbrē, ˈlē-​ˌbrī\ [ L ] : an ancient Roman unit of weight equal to 327.45 grams b [ Spanish & Portuguese, from Latin ] : any of various Spanish, Portuguese, Colombian, or Venezuelan units of weight

conservatism (n)

1 capitalized a : the principles and policies of a Conservative party b : the Conservative party 2a : disposition in politics to preserve what is established b : a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (such as retirement income or health-care coverage) 3 : the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change religious conservatism cultural conservatism

draft (n)

1 fishing a : the act of drawing or pulling in a net b : haul sense 2b a draft of fish 2a : the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling a last draft on her cigarette also : the portion drunk or inhaled in one such act b : a portion poured out or mixed for drinking : dose 3 mechanical engineering a : the force required to pull a plow or other implement b : load or load-pulling capacity the draft of a typical draft horse 4a : the act of moving loads by drawing or pulling : pull b : a team of animals together with what they draw 5a : delineation, representation a draft for a future skyscraper b : scheme, design c : a preliminary sketch, outline, or version the author's first draft a draft treaty 6 : the act, result, or plan of lengthening or stretching something (such as threads or metal) 7a : the act of causing a liquid to come out of a container or source : the act of drawing (as from a cask or keg) b : a portion of liquid so drawn a draft of ale c : draft (see draft entry 2 sense 2) beer a glass of draft 8 nautical : the depth of water a ship draws (see draw entry 1 sense transitive 6) especially when loaded 9a(1) : a system for or act of selecting individuals from a group (as for compulsory military service) debating whether or not to institute a draft (2) : an act or process of selecting an individual (as for political candidacy) without the individual's expressed consent b : a group of individuals selected especially by military draft c sports : a system whereby exclusive rights to selected new players are apportioned among professional teams He was chosen in the first round of the draft. 10a : an order for the payment of money drawn (see draw entry 1 sense 7c) by one person or bank on another b : the act or an instance of drawing from or making demands upon something : demand 11a : a current of air in a closed-in space felt a draft b : a device for regulating the flow of air (as in a fireplace) open the draft 12 : angle, taper specifically, industrial engineering : the taper (see taper entry 2 sense 2b) given to a pattern or die (see die entry 2 sense 3) so that the work can be easily withdrawn 13 : a pocket of reduced air pressure behind a moving object also, racing sports : the use of such a draft to save energy

divorce (v)

1 law a : to legally dissolve one's marriage with : to end marriage with (one's spouse) by divorce (see DIVORCE entry 1 sense 1) She divorced her husband. b : to dissolve the marriage contract between They were divorced last year. They are getting divorced. 2 : to make or keep separate : SEPARATE divorce church from state media narratives divorced from reality law : to obtain a divorce They divorced two years later. divorced; divorcing

double entendre (n)

1 linguistics : a word or expression capable of two interpretations with one usually risqué flirty talk full of double entendres 2 literature : ambiguity of meaning arising from language that lends itself to more than one interpretation

dramatic (adj)

1 literature : of or relating to the drama a dramatic actor 2a : suitable to or characteristic of the drama a dramatic story a dramatic attempt to escape a dramatic comeback b : striking in appearance or effect a dramatic pause 3 of an opera singer : having a powerful voice and a declamatory style — compare LYRIC

buxom (adj)

1 obsolete a : obedient, tractable b : offering little resistance : flexible wing silently the buxom air —John Milton 2 archaic : full of gaiety 3 : vigorously or healthily plump a buxom warm friendly woman —Burl Ives specifically : full-bosomed

bleary (adj)

1 of the eyes or vision : dull or dimmed especially from fatigue or sleep 2 : poorly outlined or defined : DIM a bleary view 3 : very tired bleary travelers

weasel (n)

1 or plural weasel : any of various small slender active carnivorous mammals (genus Mustela of the family Mustelidae, the weasel family) that are able to prey on animals (such as rabbits) larger than themselves, are mostly brown with white or yellowish underparts, and in northern forms turn white in winter — compare ERMINE sense 1a 2 : a light self-propelled tracked vehicle built either for traveling over snow, ice, or sand or as an amphibious vehicle 3 : a sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person

dialectical (adj)

1 philosophy a : of, relating to, or in accordance with dialectic dialectical method dialectical reasoning b : practicing, devoted to, or employing dialectic a dialectical philosopher 2 linguistics : of, relating to, or characteristic of a dialect dialectic

express (v)

1a : DELINEATE, DEPICT b : to represent in words : STATE c : to give or convey a true impression of : SHOW, REFLECT d : to make known the opinions or feelings of (oneself) e : to give expression to the artistic or creative impulses or abilities of (oneself) f : to represent by a sign or symbol : SYMBOLIZE 2a : to force out (something, such as the juice of a fruit) by pressure b : to subject to pressure so as to extract something 3 : to send by express 4 : to cause (a gene) to manifest its effects in the phenotype also : to manifest or produce (a character, molecule, or effect) by a genetic processexpressed; expressing; expresses

pitch (n)

1a : SLOPE also : degree of slope : RAKE b : the distance between any of various things: such as (1) : distance between one point on a gear tooth and the corresponding point on the next tooth (2) : distance from any point on the thread of a screw to the corresponding point on an adjacent thread measured parallel to the axis c : the theoretical distance a propeller would advance longitudinally in one revolution d : the number of teeth or of threads per inch e : a unit of width of type based on the number of times a letter can be set in a linear inch 2 : the action or a manner of pitching especially : an up-and-down movement — compare YAW 3 archaic : TOP, ZENITH 4a : the relative level, intensity, or extent of some quality or state tensions rose to a feverish pitch b(1) : the property of a sound and especially a musical tone that is determined by the frequency of the waves producing it : highness or lowness of sound (2) : a standard frequency for tuning instruments c(1) : the difference in the relative vibration frequency of the human voice that contributes to the total meaning of speech (2) : a definite relative pitch that is a significant phenomenon in speech 5a : a steep place : DECLIVITY b : the portion of a route (as in mountain climbing or caving) between belay points 6 chiefly British a : an outdoor site (as for camping or doing business) b : PLAYING FIELD sense 1 7 : an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump 8a : an often high-pressure sales presentation b : ADVERTISEMENT c : RECOMMENDATION, PLUG made a pitch for tax cuts 9a : the delivery of a baseball by a pitcher to a batter b : a baseball so thrown c : PITCHOUT sense 2

excursion (n)

1a : a going out or forth : EXPEDITION b(1) : a usually brief pleasure trip (2) : a trip at special reduced rates 2 : deviation from a direct, definite, or proper course especially : DIGRESSION needless excursions into abstruse theory 3 : a movement outward and back or from a mean position or axis also : the distance traversed : AMPLITUDE the excursion of a piston

chapter (n)

1a : a main division of a book b : something resembling a chapter in being a significant specified unit a new chapter in my life 2a : a regular meeting of the canons of a cathedral or collegiate church or of the members of a religious house b : the body of canons of a cathedral or collegiate church 3 : a local branch of an organization

casualty (n)

1a : a military person lost through death, wounds, injury, sickness, internment, or capture or through being missing in action The army sustained heavy casualties. b : a person or thing injured, lost, or destroyed : VICTIM the ex-senator was a casualty of the last election 2 : serious or fatal accident : DISASTER losses from fire, storm, or other casualty — J. S. Seidman 3 archaic : CHANCE, FORTUNE losses that befall them by mere casualty — Sir Walter Raleigh casualties

lover (n)

1a : a person in love especially : a man in love with a woman b lovers plural : two persons in love with each other 2 : an affectionate or benevolent friend 3 : DEVOTEE a lover of mystery novels a lover of nature 4a : PARAMOUR Her husband found a love letter from her lover. b : a person with whom one has sexual relations He was her first lover.

labyrinth (n)

1a : a place constructed of or full of intricate passageways and blind alleys a complex labyrinth of tunnels and chambers b : a maze (as in a garden) formed by paths separated by high hedges 2 : something extremely complex or tortuous (see tortuous sense 1) in structure, arrangement, or character : intricacy, perplexity a labyrinth of swamps and channels guided them through the labyrinths of city life— Paul Blanshard 3 : a tortuous anatomical structure especially : the internal ear or its bony or membranous part

hyacinth (n)

1a : a precious stone of the ancients sometimes held to be the sapphire b : a gem zircon or hessonite 2a : a plant of the ancients held to be a lily, iris, larkspur, or gladiolus b : a bulbous perennial herb (Hyacinthus orientalis) of the lily family that is native to the Mediterranean region but is widely grown for its dense spikes of fragrant flowers — compare GRAPE HYACINTH, WATER HYACINTH 3 : a light violet to moderate purple

chain (n)

1a : a series of usually metal links or rings connected to or fitted into one another and used for various purposes (such as support, restraint, transmission of mechanical power, or measurement) b : a series of links used or worn as an ornament or insignia c(1) : a measuring instrument of 100 links used in surveying (2) : a unit of length equal to 66 feet (about 20 meters) 2 : something that confines, restrains, or secures 3a : a series of things linked, connected, or associated together a chain of events a mountain chain b : a group of enterprises or institutions of the same kind or function usually under a single ownership, management, or control fast-food chains c : a number of atoms or chemical groups united like links in a chain

alphabet (n)

1a : a set of letters or other characters with which one or more languages are written especially if arranged in a customary order b : a system of signs or signals that serve as equivalents for letters 2 : RUDIMENTS, ELEMENTS

apparatus (n)

1a : a set of materials or equipment designed for a particular use b : a group of anatomical or cytological parts functioning together mitotic apparatus c : an instrument or appliance designed for a specific operation an apparatus for measuring vision 2 : the functional processes by means of which a systematized activity is carried out the apparatus of society : such as a : the machinery of government b : the organization of a political party or an underground movement apparatuses or apparatus

cross (n)

1a : a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution b often capitalized : the cross on which Jesus was crucified 2a : CRUCIFIXION b : an affliction that tries one's virtue, steadfastness, or patience We all have our crosses to bear. 3 : a cruciform sign made to invoke the blessing of Christ especially by touching the forehead, breast, and shoulders 4a : a device composed of an upright bar traversed (see TRAVERSE entry 1 sense transitive 3) by a horizontal one specifically : one used as a Christian symbol b capitalized : the Christian religion 5 : a structure (such as a monument) shaped like or surmounted by a cross a cross over a grave 6 : a figure or mark formed by two intersecting lines crossing at their midpoints The crosses at the end of the letter indicate kisses. specifically : such a mark used as a signature 7 : a cruciform badge, emblem, or decoration 8 : the intersection of two ways or lines : CROSSING 9 : ANNOYANCE, THWARTING a cross in love 10a : an act of crossing (see CROSS entry 2 sense 8) dissimilar individuals b : a crossbred individual or kind The dog is a cross of a hunting dog and a sheepdog. c : one that combines characteristics of two different types or individuals A zedonk is a cross between a zebra and a donkey. 11a : a fraudulent or dishonest contest I never fought a cross or struck a foul blow in my life ... — George Bernard Shaw b : dishonest or illegal practices —used especially in the phrase on the cross 12 : a movement from one part of a theater stage to another 13a : a punch thrown over the opponent's lead in boxing hit him with a right cross b : an attacking pass in soccer played across the field from one side to the other or to the middle 14 : a security transaction in which a broker acts for both buyer and seller (as in the placing of a large lot of common stock) — called also cross-trade

medicine (n)

1a : a substance or preparation used in treating disease cough medicine b : something that affects well-being he's bad medicine — Zane Grey 2a : the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease She's interested in a career in medicine. b : the branch of medicine concerned with the nonsurgical treatment of disease 3 : a substance (such as a drug or potion) used to treat something other than disease 4 : an object held in traditional American Indian belief to give control over natural or magical forces also : magical power or a magical rite

positivism (n)

1a : a theory that theology and metaphysics are earlier imperfect modes of knowledge and that positive knowledge is based on natural phenomena and their properties and relations as verified by the empirical sciences b : LOGICAL POSITIVISM 2 : the quality or state of being positive

blackout (n)

1a : a turning off of the stage lighting to separate scenes in a play or end a play or skit also : a skit that ends with a blackout b : a period of darkness enforced as a precaution against air raids c : a period of darkness (as in a city) caused by a failure of electrical power 2 : a transient dulling or loss of vision, consciousness, or memory an alcoholic blackout 3a : a wiping out : OBLITERATION b : a blotting out by censorship : SUPPRESSION a news blackout 4 : a usually temporary loss of a radio signal 5 : the prohibition or restriction of the telecasting of a sports event 6 : a time during which a special commercial offer (as of tickets) is not valid —usually used attributively blackout dates

husk (n)

1a : a usually dry or membranous outer covering (such as a pod or one composed of bracts) of various seeds and fruits (such as barley and corn) : HULL also : one of the constituent parts b : a carob pod 2a : an outer layer : SHELL b : an emptied shell : REMNANT c : a supporting framework

zombie (n)

1a : a will-less and speechless human (as in voodoo belief and in fictional stories) held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated b : the supernatural power that according to voodoo belief may enter into and reanimate a dead body 2a : a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead especially : AUTOMATON b : a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior 3 : a mixed drink made of several kinds of rum, liqueur, and fruit juice

lick (n)

1a : an act or instance of licking b : a small amount : BIT couldn't swim a lick c : a hasty careless effort 2a : a sharp hit : BLOW b : a directed effort : CRACK —usually used in plural —usually used in the phrase get in one's licks 3a : a natural salt deposit (such as a salt spring) that animals lick b : a block of often medicated saline preparation given to livestock to lick 4 : a musical figure specifically : an interpolated and usually improvised figure or flourish 5 : a critical thrust : DIG, BARB lick and a promise : a perfunctory performance of a task

monster (n)

1a : an animal or plant of abnormal form or structure a mythical monster a sea monster b : one who deviates from normal or acceptable behavior or character an immoral monster 2 : a threatening force the same monster — Destiny ... that rolls every civilization to doom— W. L. Sullivan 3a : an animal of strange or terrifying shape visualize this scaleless monster, eight or nine feet long, sprawling in the shade by the side of the mud pools— W. E. Swinton b : one unusually large for its kind That truck is a monster. 4 : something monstrous especially : a person of unnatural or extreme ugliness, deformity, wickedness, or cruelty His father was a monster who beat his children for no reason. 5 : one that is highly successful That movie was a monster at the box office.

pressure point (n)

1a : an area on the body sensitive to pressure: such as (1) : a discrete point on the body that when pressed causes pain The technique involves using pressure points along the jaw to cause pain and induce temporary paralysis of the jaw.— Margaret Harding (2) : a point on the body to which pressure is applied (as in acupressure or reflexology) for therapeutic purposes ... an ancient Chinese art and science that uses pressure points in the feet and hands to relax and revitalize the entire body. — Vogue b : a point on the body where a blood vessel (such as the femoral artery) can be compressed against an underlying bone to slow blood flow and control bleeding ... begin controlling bleeding by pressing on pressure points or by applying tourniquets.— Shakava Andres c : a region of the body where a static position tends to cause circulatory deficiency and the development of bedsores Pressure points of the human body when lying down in bed receive poor blood circulation, which causes the sore.— Mike Cote 2 : a sensitive critical issue or matter that can be exploited for one's advantage political pressure points

mimicry (n)

1a : an instance of mimicking b : the action, practice, or art of mimicking entertained his family with mimicry and comic skits — Cynthia Ozick 2 : a superficial (see SUPERFICIAL sense 2b) resemblance of one organism to another or to natural objects among which it lives that secures it a selective advantage (such as protection from predation)

rub (n)

1a : an unevenness of surface (as of the ground in lawn bowling) b : obstruction, difficulty the rub is that so few of the scholars have any sense of this truth themselves— Benjamin Farrington c : something grating to the feelings (such as a gibe or harsh criticism) d : something that mars serenity 2 : the application of friction with pressure an alcohol rub 3 US : a combination of spices that is rubbed into the surface of meat before the meat is cooked used a dry rub on the pork ribs

glue (n)

1a : any of various strong adhesive substances especially : a hard protein chiefly gelatinous substance that absorbs water to form a viscous solution with strong adhesive properties and that is obtained by cooking down collagenous materials (such as hides or bones) b : a solution of glue used for sticking things together 2 : something that binds together enough social glue ... to satisfy the human desire for community —E. D. Hirsch, Jr.

rude (adj)

1a : being in a rough or unfinished state : crude b : natural, raw rude cotton c : primitive, undeveloped peasants use rude wooden plows— Jack Raymond d : simple, elemental 2 : lacking refinement or delicacy: a : ignorant, unlearned b : inelegant, uncouth c : offensive in manner or action : discourteous d : uncivilized, savage e : coarse, vulgar 3 : marked by or suggestive of lack of training or skill : inexperienced rude workmanship 4 : robust, sturdy in rude health 5 : occurring abruptly and disconcertingly a rude awakening

limited (adj)

1a : confined within limits : RESTRICTED limited success b of a train : offering faster service especially by making a limited number of stops 2 : characterized by enforceable limitations prescribed (as by a constitution) upon the scope or exercise of powers a limited monarchy 3 : lacking breadth and originality a bit limited; a bit thick in the head — Virginia Woolf

didactic (adj)

1a : designed or intended to teach b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment didactic poetry 2 : making moral observations

sodden (adj)

1a : dull or expressionless especially from continued indulgence in alcoholic beverages sodden features b : TORPID, SLUGGISH sodden minds 2a : heavy with or as if with moisture or water the sodden ground b : heavy or doughy because of imperfect cooking sodden biscuits

positive (adj)

1a : formally laid down or imposed : PRESCRIBED positive laws b : expressed clearly or peremptorily her answer was a positive no c : fully assured : CONFIDENT positive it was her book 2a : of, relating to, or constituting the degree of comparison that is expressed in English by the unmodified and uninflected form of an adjective or adverb and denotes no increase or diminution b(1) : independent of changing circumstances : UNCONDITIONED an insurance policy with positive coverage (2) : relating to or constituting a motion or device that is definite, unyielding, constant, or certain in its action a positive system of levers c(1) : INCONTESTABLE positive proof (2) : UNQUALIFIED a positive disgrace 3a : not fictitious : REAL positive social tensions b : active and effective in social or economic function rather than merely maintaining peace and order a positive government 4a : indicating, relating to, or characterized by affirmation, addition, inclusion, or presence rather than negation, withholding, or absence took the positive approach and struck a new deal rather than canceling the contract b : having rendition of light and shade similar in tone to the tones of the original subject a positive photographic image c : contributing toward or characterized by increase or progression take some positive action positive cash flow d : directed or moving toward a source of stimulation a positive taxis e : real and numerically greater than zero +2 is a positive integer 5a(1) : being, relating to, or charged with electricity of which the proton is the elementary unit and which predominates in a glass body after being rubbed with silk (2) : having more protons than electrons a positive ion b(1) : having higher electric potential and constituting the part from which the current flows to the external circuit the positive terminal of a discharging storage battery (2) : being an electron-collecting electrode of an electron tube 6a : marked by or indicating acceptance, approval, or affirmation received a positive response b : affirming the presence especially of a condition, substance, or organism suspected to be present a positive test for blood also : having a test result indicating the presence especially of a condition, substance, or organism HIV positive 7 of a lens : converging light rays and forming a real inverted image 8a : having a good effect : FAVORABLE a positive role model b : marked by optimism the positive point of view

sullen (adj)

1a : gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed a sullen crowd b : suggesting a sullen state : lowering a sullen countenance 2 : dull or somber in sound or color 3 : dismal, gloomy a sullen morning 4 : moving sluggishly a sullen river

sudden (adj)

1a : happening or coming unexpectedly a sudden shower b : changing angle or character all at once a sudden drop in the ocean bottom 2 : marked by or manifesting abruptness or haste a sudden departure 3 : made or brought about in a short time : PROMPT

valuable (adj)

1a : having monetary value b : worth a good price 2a : having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities valuable friendships b : of great use or service valuable advice

amoral (adj)

1a : having or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong amoral politicians an amoral, selfish person b : being neither moral nor immoral specifically : lying outside the sphere to which moral judgments apply Science as such is completely amoral. — W. S. Thompson 2 : being outside or beyond the moral order or a particular code of morals amoral customs

domestic (adj)

1a : living near or about human habitations domestic vermin b : TAME, DOMESTICATED the domestic cat 2 : of, relating to, or originating within a country and especially one's own country domestic politics domestic wines domestic manufacturing all debts foreign and domestic 3 : of or relating to the household or the family domestic chores domestic happiness 4 : devoted to home duties and pleasures leading a quietly domestic life 5 : INDIGENOUS a domestic species

benevolent (adj)

1a : marked by or disposed to doing good a benevolent donor b : organized for the purpose of doing good a benevolent society 2 : marked by or suggestive of goodwill benevolent smiles

vague (adj)

1a : not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms vague accusations b : not having a precise meaning a vague term of abuse 2a : not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : INDISTINCT only a vague notion of what's needed also : SLIGHT a vague hint of a thickening waistline hasn't the vaguest idea b : not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious a vague longing 3 : not thinking or expressing one's thoughts clearly or precisely vague about dates and places 4 : lacking expression : VACANT vague eyes a vague stare 5 : not sharply outlined : HAZY met by vague figures with shaded torchlights — Earle Birney vaguer; vaguest

misty (adj)

1a : obscured by mist b : consisting of or marked by mist 2a : INDISTINCT a misty recollection of the event b : VAGUE, CONFUSED avoided the large, vague, misty issues — Reuben Abel 3 : TEARFUL mistier; mistiest

Dionysian (adj)

1a : of or relating to Dionysius b : of or relating to the theological writings once mistakenly attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite 2a : devoted to the worship of Dionysus b : characteristic of Dionysus or the cult of worship of Dionysus especially : being of a frenzied or orgiastic character — compare APOLLONIAN

marine (adj)

1a : of or relating to the sea marine life marine biology b : of or relating to the act or practice of sailing over the sea : NAUTICAL a marine chart c : of or relating to the commerce (see COMMERCE entry 1 sense 2) of the sea : MARITIME marine law d : depicting the sea, seashore, or ships a marine painter 2 : of or relating to marines (see MARINE entry 2 sense 2) marine barracks

metallic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or being a metal b : made of or containing a metal c : having properties of a metal 2 : yielding metal 3 : resembling metal: such as a : having iridescent and reflective properties metallic paint b : having an acrid quality like that of metal the tea has a metallic taste 4a : having a harsh resonance : grating a metallic voice b : having an impersonal or mechanical quality a metallic smile

heterosexual (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward the opposite sex b : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between individuals of opposite sex 2 : of or relating to different sexes

basic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or forming the base or essence : FUNDAMENTAL basic truths b : concerned with fundamental scientific principles : not applied basic research 2 : constituting or serving as the basis or starting point a basic set of tools 3a : of, relating to, containing, or having the character of a chemical base b : having an alkaline reaction 4 : containing relatively little silica basic rocks 5 : relating to, made by, used in, or being a process of making steel done in a furnace lined with basic material and under basic slag

character (n)

1a : one of the attributes (see ATTRIBUTE entry 1 sense 1) or features that make up and distinguish an individual This is a side of her character that few people have seen. b(1) : a feature used to separate distinguishable things into categories also : a group or kind so separated advertising of a very primitive character (2) : the aggregate of distinctive qualities characteristic of a breed, strain, or type a wine of great character (3) : the detectable expression of the action of a gene or group of genes c : the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation the character of the American people d : main or essential nature especially as strongly marked and serving to distinguish excess sewage gradually changed the character of the lake 2a : one of the persons of a drama or novel b : the personality or part which an actor recreates an actress who can create a character convincingly c : characterization especially in drama or fiction a novelist good in both character and setting d : PERSON, INDIVIDUAL a suspicious character e : a person marked by notable or conspicuous traits quite a character 3 : moral excellence and firmness a man of sound character 4a : a graphic symbol (such as a hieroglyph or alphabet letter) used in writing or printing b : a symbol (such as a letter or number) that represents information mathematical characters also : a representation of such a symbol that may be accepted by a computer c : a magical or astrological emblem d : ALPHABET e(1) : WRITING, PRINTING (2) : style of writing or printing You know the character to be your brother's? — Shakespeare (3) : CIPHER f : a conventionalized graphic device placed on an object as an indication of ownership, origin, or relationship 5 : REPUTATION the scandal has damaged his character and image 6 : POSITION, CAPACITY his character as a town official 7 : REFERENCE sense 4b 8 : a short literary sketch of the qualities of a social type in character : in accord with a person's usual qualities or traits behaving in character out of character : not in accord with a person's usual qualities or traits his rudeness was completely out of character

anathema (n)

1a : one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority b : someone or something intensely disliked or loathed —usually used as a predicate nominative ... this notion was anathema to most of his countrymen. — Stephen Jay Gould 2a : a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication b : the denunciation of something as accursed c : a vigorous denunciation : CURSE

host (n)

1a : one that receives or entertains guests socially, commercially, or officially were greeted at the door by our host ourself will mingle with society and play the humble host — William Shakespeare b : one that provides facilities for an event or function our college served as host for the basketball tournament 2a biology : a living animal or plant on or in which a parasite lives b biology : the larger, stronger, or dominant member of a commensal or symbiotic pair c biology : an individual into which a tissue, part, or embryo is transplanted from another 3 : a mineral or rock that is older than the minerals or rocks in it also : a substance that contains a usually small amount of another substance incorporated in its structure 4 : a person who talks to guests on a radio or television program the host of a talk show a game-show host 5 : a computer that controls communications in a network or that administers a database also : SERVER sense 6

modest (adj)

1a : placing a moderate estimate on one's abilities or worth b : neither bold nor self-assertive : tending toward diffidence 2 : arising from or characteristic of a modest nature 3 : observing the proprieties of dress and behavior : DECENT 4a : limited in size, amount, or scope a family of modest means b : UNPRETENTIOUS a modest home

catharsis (n)

1a : purification or purgation of the emotions (such as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension 2 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression 3 : PURGATION catharses

velocity (n)

1a : quickness of motion : SPEED the velocity of sound b : rapidity of movement [my horse's] strong suit is grace & personal comeliness, rather than velocity — Mark Twain c : speed imparted to something the power pitcher relies on velocity — Tony Scherman 2 : the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time : the derivative of position with respect to time 3a : rate of occurrence or action : RAPIDITY the velocity of historical change — R. J. Lifton b : rate of turnover the velocity of money

bankrupt (adj)

1a : reduced to a state of financial ruin : IMPOVERISHED specifically : legally declared a bankrupt the company went bankrupt b : of or relating to bankrupts or bankruptcy bankrupt laws 2a : BROKEN, RUINED a bankrupt professional career b : exhausted of valuable qualities : STERILE a bankrupt old culture c : DESTITUTE —used with of or in bankrupt of all merciful feelings

stark (adj)

1a : rigid in or as if in death b : rigidly conforming (as to a pattern or doctrine) : ABSOLUTE stark discipline 2 archaic : STRONG, ROBUST 3 : UTTER, SHEER stark nonsense 4a : BARREN, DESOLATE b(1) : having few or no ornaments : BARE a stark white room (2) : HARSH, BLUNT the stark realities of death 5 : sharply delineated a stark contrast

answer (n)

1a : something spoken or written in reply to a question His answer surprised us. b : a correct response knows the answer 2 : a reply to a legal charge or suit : PLEA also : DEFENSE 3 : something done in response or reaction His only answer was to walk out. 4 : a solution of a problem More money is not the answer. 5 : one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to another The show is television's answer to the newsmagazines.

preference (n)

1a : the act of preferring : the state of being preferred b : the power or opportunity of choosing 2 : one that is preferred 3 : the act, fact, or principle of giving advantages to some over others 4 : priority in the right to demand and receive satisfaction of an obligation 5 : ORIENTATION sense 2b sexual preference

reprieve (n)

1a : the act of reprieving : the state of being reprieved b : a formal temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence especially of death 2 : an order or warrant for a temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence 3 : a temporary respite (as from pain or trouble)

rebound (n)

1a : the action of rebounding : RECOIL b : an upward leap or movement : RECOVERY a sharp rebound in prices 2a : a basketball or hockey puck that rebounds b : the act or an instance of gaining possession of a basketball rebound leads the league in rebounds 3 : a reaction to setback, frustration, or crisis on the rebound from an unhappy love affair

zero (n)

1a : the arithmetical symbol 0 or 0̸ denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity b : ADDITIVE IDENTITY specifically : the number between the set of all negative numbers and the set of all positive numbers c : a value of an independent variable that makes a function equal to zero +2 and −2 are zeros of f(x)=x2−4 2 : the absence of a measurable quantity — see TABLE OF NUMBERS 3a(1) : the point of departure in reckoning specifically : the point from which the graduation of a scale (as of a thermometer) begins (2) : the temperature represented by the zero mark on a thermometer b : the setting or adjustment of the sights of a firearm that causes it to shoot to point of aim at a desired range 4 : an insignificant person or thing : NONENTITY 5a : a state of total absence or neutrality b : the lowest point : NADIR 6 : something arbitrarily or conveniently designated zero zeros also zeroes

maximum (n)

1a : the greatest quantity or value attainable or attained b : the period of highest, greatest, or utmost development 2 : an upper limit allowed (as by a legal authority) or allowable (as by the circumstances of a particular case) 3 : the largest of a set of numbers specifically : the largest value assumed by a real-valued continuous function defined on a closed interval maxima maximums

left (n)

1a : the left hand b : the location or direction of the left side c : the part on the left side d : a turn to the left take a left at the intersection 2a : left field b : a blow struck with the left fist 3 often capitalized a : the part of a legislative chamber located to the left of the presiding officer b : the members of a continental European legislative body occupying the left as a result of holding more radical political views than other members 4 often capitalized a : those professing views usually characterized by desire to reform or overthrow the established order especially in politics and usually advocating change in the name of the greater freedom or well-being of the common man b : a radical as distinguished from a conservative position

repugnance (n)

1a : the quality or fact of being contradictory or inconsistent b : an instance of such contradiction or inconsistency 2 : strong dislike, distaste, or antagonism

ambiguity (n)

1a : the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning The ambiguity of the poem allows several interpretations. b : a word or expression that can be understood in two or more possible ways : an ambiguous word or expression 2 : UNCERTAINTY ambiguities

teleology (n)

1a : the study of evidences of design in nature b : a doctrine (as in vitalism) that ends are immanent in nature c : a doctrine explaining phenomena by final causes 2 : the fact or character attributed to nature or natural processes of being directed toward an end or shaped by a purpose 3 : the use of design or purpose as an explanation of natural phenomena

sunshine (n)

1a : the sun's light or direct rays b : the warmth and light given by the sun's rays c : a spot or surface on which the sun's light shines 2 : someone or something (such as a person, condition, or influence) that radiates warmth, cheer, or happiness 3 : SUNSHINE BASS

meaning (n)

1a : the thing one intends to convey especially by language : PURPORT Do not mistake my meaning. b : the thing that is conveyed especially by language : IMPORT Many words have more than one meaning. 2 : something meant or intended : AIM a mischievous meaning was apparent 3 : significant quality especially : implication of a hidden or special significance a glance full of meaning 4a : the logical connotation of a word or phrase b : the logical denotation or extension of a word or phrase

combine (v)

1a : to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters : MERGE two companies combining forces b : to cause to unite into a chemical compound combining hydrofluoric acid with soda ash to form sodium fluoride c : to unite into a single number or expression Combine fractions and simplify. 2 : INTERMIX, BLEND Combine the sugar and flour. 3 : to possess in combination a writer whose works combine imagination and scholarship intransitive verb 1a : to become one The two newspapers combined as the Chronicle. b : to unite to form a chemical compound 2 : to act together Many factors combined to cause the recession. Wolves combine in their hunt for deer. combined; combining

provoke (v)

1a : to call forth (a feeling, an action, etc.) : EVOKE provoke laughter b : to stir up purposely provoke a fight c : to provide the needed stimulus for will provoke a lot of discussion 2a : to incite to anger b archaic : to arouse to a feeling or action provoked; provoking

measure (v)

1a : to choose or control with cautious restraint : REGULATE measure his acts b : to regulate by a standard : GOVERN 2 : to allot or apportion in measured amounts measure out three cups 3 : to lay off by making measurements 4 : to ascertain the measurements of 5 : to estimate or appraise by a criterion measures his skill against his rival 6 archaic : to travel over : TRAVERSE 7 : to serve as a means of measuring a thermometer measures temperature 1 : to take or make a measurement 2 : to have a specified measurement measured; measuring

poll (v)

1a : to cut off or cut short the hair or wool of : CROP, SHEAR b : to cut off or cut short (a material, such as wool) 2a : to cut off or back the top of (something, such as a tree) specifically : POLLARD b : to cut off or cut short the horns of (cattle) 3a : to receive and record the votes of b : to request each member of to declare a vote individually poll the assembly 4 : to receive (votes) in an election 5 : to question or canvass in a poll 6 : to check (devices, such as several computer terminals sharing a single line) in sequence for messages waiting to be transmitted intransitive verb : to cast one's vote at a poll polled; polling; polls

warrant (v)

1a : to declare or maintain with certainty : be sure that I'll warrant he'll be here by noon b : to assure (a person) of the truth of what is said 2a : to guarantee to a person good title to and undisturbed possession of (something, such as an estate) b : to provide a guarantee of the security of (something, such as title to property sold) usually by an express covenant in the deed of conveyance c : to guarantee to be as represented d : to guarantee (something, such as goods sold) especially in respect of the quality or quantity specified 3 : to guarantee security or immunity to : SECURE I'll warrant him from drowning — William Shakespeare 4 : to give warrant or sanction to : AUTHORIZE the law warrants this procedure 5a : to give proof of the authenticity or truth of b : to give assurance of the nature of or for the undertaking of : GUARANTEE 6 : to serve as or give adequate ground or reason for promising enough to warrant further consideration warranted; warranting; warrants

project (v)

1a : to devise in the mind : DESIGN b : to plan, figure, or estimate for the future 2 : to throw or cast forward : THRUST 3 : to put or set forth : present for consideration 4 : to cause to jut out 5 : to cause (light or shadow) to fall into space or (an image) to fall on a surface 6 : to reproduce (something, such as a point, line, or area) on a surface by motion in a prescribed direction 7 : to display outwardly especially to an audience 8 : to attribute (one's own ideas, feelings, or characteristics) to other people or to objects a nation is an entity on which one can project many of the worst of one's instincts — The Times Literary Supplement (London) 1 : to jut out : PROTRUDE 2a : to come across vividly : give an impression b : to make oneself heard clearly projected; projecting; projects

rule (v)

1a : to exert control, direction, or influence on the passions that rule our minds b : to exercise control over especially by curbing or restraining rule a fractious horse ruled his appetites firmly 2a : to exercise authority or power over often harshly or arbitrarily the speaker ruled the legislature with an iron hand b : to be preeminent in : dominate 3 : to determine and declare authoritatively especially : to command or determine judicially 4a(1) : to mark with lines drawn along or as if along the straight edge of a ruler (2) : to mark (a line) on a paper with a ruler b : to arrange in a line 1a : to exercise supreme authority b : to be first in importance or prominence : predominate the physical did not rule in her nature— Sherwood Anderson 2 : to exist in a specified state or condition 3 : to lay down a legal rule 4 slang : to be extremely cool or popular —used as a generalized term of praise or approval for a little attitude at the right price, sneakers rule— Tish Hamilton ruled; ruling

like (v)

1a : to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in : ENJOY likes baseball b : to feel toward : REGARD how would you like a change 2 : to wish to have : WANT would like a drink 3 : to do well in this plant likes dry soil my car does not like cold weather 4 : to electronically register one's approval of (something, such as an online post or comment) for others to see (as by clicking on an icon designed for that purpose) [Brittany] Bunker then thanked the 477,000 people who had liked her post for their support ... — Natalie Cornish How he picked out this seemingly random user and went ahead and liked the tweet is really surprising ... — Zach Pereles 5 chiefly dialectal : to be suitable or agreeable to I like onions but they don't like me 1 : to feel inclined : CHOOSE, PREFER leave any time you like 2 dialect : APPROVE liked; liking

replenish (v)

1a : to fill with persons or animals : STOCK b archaic : to supply fully : PERFECT c : to fill with inspiration or power : NOURISH 2a : to fill or build up again replenished his glass b : to make good : REPLACE intransitive verb : to become full : fill up again replenished; replenishing; replenishes

relieve (v)

1a : to free from a burden : give aid or help to b : to set free from an obligation, condition, or restriction c : to ease of a burden, wrong, or oppression by judicial or legislative interposition 2a : to bring about the removal or alleviation of : MITIGATE helps relieve stress b : ROB, DEPRIVE relieved us of our belongings 3a : to release from a post, station, or duty b : to take the place of will relieve the starting pitcher 4 : to remove or lessen the monotony of a park relieves the urban landscape 5a : to set off by contrast b : to raise in relief 6 : to discharge the bladder or bowels of (oneself) intransitive verb 1 : to bring or give relief 2 : to stand out in relief 3 : to serve as a relief pitcher relieved; relieving

mean (v)

1a : to have in the mind as a purpose : INTEND she means to win —sometimes used interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis he throws, I mean, hard or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase we try to answer what we can, but I mean we're not God — Bobbie Ann Mason b : to design for or destine to a specified purpose or future I was meant to teach 2 : to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate : SIGNIFY a red sky means rain 3 : to have importance to the degree of health means everything 4 : to direct to a particular individual His criticism was meant for all of us. : to have an intended purpose he means well mean business : to be in earnest meant;meaning

lean (v)

1a : to incline, deviate, or bend from a vertical position He leaned back in his chair. b : to cast one's weight to one side for support lean on me as we walk. 2 : to rely for support or inspiration preferred not to lean on his father in building a career — Current Biography 3 : to incline in opinion, taste, or desire leaning toward a career in chemistry : to cause to lean : incline The boy leaned his head on his mother's shoulder. lean on : to apply pressure to They were leaning on the governor to pass the law.

stick out (v)

1a : to jut out : PROJECT b : to be prominent or conspicuous 2 : to be persistent (as in a demand or an opinion) : ENDURE, LAST —often used with it stuck it out to the end

render (v)

1a : to melt down render suet also : to extract by melting render lard b : to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer 2a : to transmit to another : DELIVER b : GIVE UP, YIELD c : to furnish for consideration, approval, or information: such as (1) : to hand down (a legal judgment) (2) : to agree on and report (a verdict) 3a : to give in return or retribution b(1) : GIVE BACK, RESTORE (2) : REFLECT, ECHO c : to give in acknowledgment of dependence or obligation : PAY d : to do (a service) for another 4a(1) : to cause to be or become : MAKE enough rainfall ... to render irrigation unnecessary — P. E. James rendered him helpless (2) : IMPART b(1) : to reproduce or represent by artistic or verbal means : DEPICT (2) : to give a performance of (3) : to produce a copy or version of the documents are rendered in the original French (4) : to execute the motions of render a salute c : TRANSLATE 5 : to direct the execution of : ADMINISTER render justice 6 : to apply a coat of plaster or cement directly to intransitive verb : to give recompense rendered; rendering

vanish (v)

1a : to pass quickly from sight : DISAPPEAR b : to pass completely from existence 2 : to assume the value zero transitive verb : to cause to disappear vanished; vanishing; vanishes

loot (v)

1a : to plunder or sack in war b : to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption 2 : to seize and carry away by force especially in war : to engage in robbing or plundering especially in war looted; looting; loots

mobilize (v)

1a : to put into movement or circulation mobilize financial assets b : to release (something stored in the organism) for bodily use The body mobilizes its antibodies. 2a : to assemble and make ready for war duty mobilize all reserve forces for overseas duty b : to marshal (something, such as resources) for action mobilize support for a proposal intransitive verb : to undergo mobilization The army can mobilize quickly for a major war. mobilized; mobilizing

repudiate (v)

1a : to refuse to accept especially : to reject as unauthorized or as having no binding force repudiate a contract repudiate a will b : to reject as untrue or unjust repudiate a charge 2 : to refuse to acknowledge or pay repudiate a debt 3 : to refuse to have anything to do with : DISOWN repudiate a cause ... unless they repudiated the failed policies of the past and took decisive action, the party might fracture or lose its hold on the electorate. repudiated; repudiating — Walter A. McDougall 4 dated : to divorce or separate formally from (a woman to whom one is betrothed or married) The incident was witnessed by ... the Marquess Zanipolo, who, in consequence, has already repudiated his unhappy bride. — Edith Wharton repudiated; repudiating

laugh (v)

1a : to show emotion (such as mirth, joy, or scorn) with a chuckle or explosive vocal sound The audience was laughing hysterically. b : to find amusement or pleasure in something laughed at his own clumsiness c : to become amused or derisive a very skeptical public laughed at our early efforts — Graenum Berger 2a : to produce the sound or appearance of laughter a laughing brook b : to be of a kind that inspires joy the blue sky of Autumn laughs above — Amy Lowell 1 : to influence or move by laughter laughed the bad singer off the stage 2 : to utter with a laugh laughs her consent laughed; laughing; laughs

prod (v)

1a : to thrust a pointed instrument into : PRICK b : to incite to action : STIR 2 : to poke or stir as if with a prod : to urge someone on prodded; prodding

spent (adj)

1a : used up : CONSUMED b : exhausted of active or required components or qualities often for a particular purpose spent nuclear fuel 2 : drained of energy or effectiveness : EXHAUSTED 3 : exhausted of spawn or sperm spent fishes

ambidextrous (adj)

1a : using both hands with equal ease or dexterity an ambidextrous pitcher Guatelli says the master was ambidextrous, that he sketched with his right hand while he wrote with his left—simultaneously. — John P. Wiley Jr. b soccer : using both feet with equal ease : TWO-FOOTED When Zinger played the Ghosts in the regular season, he kicked with his right foot. This time, the ambidextrous soccer player went with his left. — Lianne Elliott 2 : designed or suitable for use by the left or right hand With two firing buttons, it's the first ambidextrous joystick—just as comfortable for lefties as righties. — Popular Computing 3 : unusually skillful : VERSATILE He is completely ambidextrous, that is to say, completely able to express himself in verse or prose — T. S. Eliot 4 : characterized by duplicity : DOUBLE-DEALING He was unordained, uneducated, and theologically so ambidextrous that he could be either Lutheran or Reformed as the situation required. — G. H. Genzmer

diction (n)

1a : vocal expression : ENUNCIATION b : pronunciation and enunciation of words in singing 2 : choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness 3 obsolete : verbal description

vagrant (adj)

1a : wandering about from place to place usually with no means of support b of an animal : wandering outside its normal geographic range especially, of a bird : found outside its normal geographic range or migration route : ACCIDENTAL sense 3 2a : having a fleeting, wayward, or inconstant quality a vagrant impulse b : having no fixed course : RANDOM a vagrant breeze

copious (adj)

1a : yielding something abundantly a copious harvest copious springs b : plentiful in number copious references to other writers 2a : full of thought, information, or matter ... Shakespeare, whose soul was so copious ... — Gilbert Highet b : profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style a copious talker 3 : present in large quantity : taking place on a large scale copious weeping copious food and drink

machine (n)

1a archaic : a constructed thing whether material or immaterial b : CONVEYANCE, VEHICLE especially : AUTOMOBILE c archaic : a military engine d : any of various apparatuses formerly used to produce stage effects e(1) : an assemblage (see ASSEMBLAGE sense 1) of parts that transmit forces, motion, and energy one to another in a predetermined manner (2) : an instrument (such as a lever) designed to transmit or modify the application of power, force, or motion f : a mechanically, electrically, or electronically operated device for performing a task a machine for cleaning carpets g : a coin-operated device a cigarette machine h : MACHINERY —used with the or in plural 2a : a living organism or one of its functional systems b : one that resembles a machine (as in being methodical, tireless, or consistently productive) a gifted publicist and quote machine — John Lancaster c(1) : a combination of persons acting together for a common end along with the agencies they use building a powerful war machine (2) : a highly organized political group under the leadership of a boss or small clique a politician who challenged the local party machine 3 : a literary device or contrivance introduced for dramatic effect

harlequin (n)

1a capitalized : a character in comedy and pantomime with a shaved head, masked face, variegated tights, and wooden sword b : BUFFOON 2a : a variegated pattern (as of a textile) b : a combination of patches on a solid ground of contrasting color (as in the coats of some dogs)

metaphysics (n)

1a(1) : a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology metaphysics ... analyzes the generic traits manifested by existences of any kind — J. H. Randall (2) : ONTOLOGY sense 2 b : abstract philosophical studies : a study of what is outside objective experience steered philosophy away from metaphysics and toward the disciplines of natural science and linguistics — Time 2 : METAPHYSIC sense 2

romance (n)

1a(1) : a medieval tale based on legend, chivalric love and adventure, or the supernatural (2) : a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious (3) : a love story especially in the form of a novel b : a class of such literature 2 : something (such as an extravagant story or account) that lacks basis in fact 3 : an emotional attraction or aura belonging to an especially heroic era, adventure, or activity 4 : LOVE AFFAIR 5 capitalized : the Romance languages : a short instrumental piece in ballad style

anxiety (n)

1a(1) : apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness usually over an impending or anticipated ill : a state of being anxious More Buddhist uprisings in South Vietnam in the spring of 1966 intensified my anxiety. — Robert S. McNamara I felt my anxiety rise as we pressed deeper underground. — Jon Krakauer (2) medical : an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physical signs (such as tension, sweating, and increased pulse rate), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it b : mentally distressing concern or interest Yet the pace of a child's progress can also be a source of anxiety for mothers and fathers. — Susan Ochshorn c : a strong desire sometimes mixed with doubt, fear, or uneasiness ... his anxiety to succeed and his continued nervousness over the possible bankruptcy of his shoe company caused her to lecture him about relaxing and caring for his health. — William Drake ... present a gamble that consumers, in their anxiety to make an affordable deal, do not always appreciate. — Stephen Koepp 2 : a cause of anxiety ... citizens stressed by gnawing economic and social anxieties. — Michael Pertschuk anxieties

move (v)

1a(1) : to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion moved into the shade (2) : to proceed toward a certain state or condition moving up the executive ladder (3) : to become transferred during play checkers move along diagonally adjacent squares (4) : to keep pace moving with the times b : to start away from some point or place : depart It was getting late and I thought it was time to be moving. c : to change one's residence or location decided to move to the city 2 : to carry on one's life or activities in a specified environment moves in the best circles 3 : to change position or posture : stir ordered him not to move 4 : to take action : act The time has come to make up your mind and move. 5a : to begin operating or functioning or working in a usual way pushed a button and the machine began moving b : to show marked activity after a lull things really began to move c : to move a piece (as in chess or checkers) during one's turn 6 : to make a formal request, application, or appeal moved that the meeting adjourn 7 : to change hands by being sold or rented goods that moved slowly 8 of the bowels : evacuate 1a(1) : to change the place or position of moved the chair to a different part of the room (2) : to dislodge or displace from a fixed position : budge The knife had sunk deeply into the wood and couldn't be moved. b : to transfer (something, such as a piece in chess) from one position to another moved the bishop to take the knight 2a(1) : to cause to go or pass from one place to another with a continuous motion move the flag slowly up and down (2) : to cause to advance moved the troops closer to the enemy b : to cause to operate or function : actuate this button moves the whole machine c : to put into activity or rouse up from inactivity news that moved them from their torpor 3 : to cause to change position or posture moved his lips but not a sound was heard 4 : to prompt or rouse to the doing of something : persuade the report moved us to take action 5a : to stir the emotions, feelings, or passions of deeply moved by such kindness b : to affect in such a way as to lead to an indicated show of emotion the story moved her to tears 6a obsolete : beg b : to make a formal application to 7 : to propose formally in a deliberative assembly moved the adjournment motion 8 : to cause (the bowels) to void 9 : to cause to change hands through sale or rent The salesman moved three cars today. moved; moving

rob (v)

1a(1) : to take something away from by force : steal from (2) : to take personal property from by violence or threat b(1) : to remove valuables without right from (a place) (2) : to take the contents of (a receptacle) c : to take away as loot : STEAL rob jewelry 2a : to deprive of something due, expected, or desired b : to withhold unjustly or injuriously intransitive verb : to commit robbery robbed; robbing

roundabout (adj)

: CIRCUITOUS, INDIRECT had to take a roundabout route

down-the-line (adj)

: COMPLETE a down-the-line union supporter

meshuga (adj)


lollygag (v)

: FOOL AROUND sense 1, DAWDLE Stop lollygagging and get to work. lollygagged; lollygagging

amity (n)

: FRIENDSHIP especially : friendly relations between nations an era of international amity amities

fructuous (adj)

: FRUITFUL a fructuous land

monkey (v)

: MIMIC, MOCK 1 : to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner 2a : FOOL, TRIFLE —often used with around he likes to monkey around with engines b : TAMPER —usually used with with don't monkey with the settings monkeyed; monkeying

moujik (n)

: a Russian peasant

matador (n)

: a bullfighter who has the principal role and who kills the bull in a bullfight

mahjong (n)

: a game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with 144 tiles that are drawn and discarded until one player secures a winning hand

hoyden (n)

: a girl or woman of saucy, boisterous, or carefree behavior

Venn diagram (n)

: a graph that employs closed curves and especially circles to represent logical relations between and operations on sets and the terms of propositions by the inclusion, exclusion, or intersection of the curves

petitio principii (n)

: a logical fallacy in which a premise is assumed to be true without warrant or in which what is to be proved is implicitly taken for granted

megamerger (n)

: a merger of megacorporations

luster (n)

: a period of five years : lustrum sense 2

archivist (n)

: a person who has the job of collecting and storing the materials in an archive

soft touch (n)

: a person who is easily imposed on or taken advantage of

milkman (n)

: a person who sells or delivers milk and milk products

mammogram (n)

: a photograph of the breasts made by X-rays also : the procedure for producing a mammogram

hellhole (n)

: a place of extreme misery or squalor

mecca (n)

: a place regarded as a center for a specified group, activity, or interest a mecca for shoppers

archenemy (n)

: a principal enemy archenemies

retort (n)

: a quick, witty, or cutting reply especially : one that turns back or counters the first speaker's words

mudroom (n)

: a room in a house designed especially for the shedding of dirty or wet footwear and clothing and located typically off the kitchen or in the basement

single file (n)

: a row of persons, animals, or things arranged one behind the other

Mohs' scale (n)

: a scale of hardness for minerals that ranges from a value of 1 for talc to 10 for diamond

sphere of influence (phrase)

: a territorial area within which the political influence or the interests of one nation are held to be more or less paramount

supertitle (n)

: a translation of foreign-language dialogue displayed above a screen or performance an opera with supertitles — compare SUBTITLE

misconception (n)

: a wrong or inaccurate idea or conception a common/popular misconception There's this misconception that you get famous and everything is perfect. — Chris Daughtry The new name, along with more stringent criteria for diagnosing the disorder, represents an attempt to clear up misconceptions about the disorder and to have it taken more seriously by psychiatrists as well as the courts. — Janny Scott Many gardeners are under the misconception [=have the mistaken idea] that bamboos grow only in mild climates. — Nan Sterman ... artists, writers, and musicians who labor under the misconception that it's possible to come up with something new under the sun ... — Simon Reynolds Synonyms misconceptions

lifelike (adj)

: accurately representing or imitating real life a lifelike portrait

probity (n)

: adherence to the highest principles and ideals : UPRIGHTNESS

mincing (adj)

: affectedly dainty or delicate taking mincing steps

transgression (n)

: an act, process, or instance of transgressing: such as a : infringement or violation of a law, command, or duty b : the spread of the sea over land areas and the consequent unconformable deposit of sediments on older rocks

touch and go (adj)

: an airplane landing followed immediately by application of power and a takeoff and usually executed as one of a series for practice at landings

plan B (n)

: an alternative plan of action for use if the original plan should fail

time warp (n)

: an anomaly, discontinuity, or suspension held to occur in the progress of time

mosh pit (n)

: an area in front of a stage where very physical and rough dancing takes place at a rock concert

lunar eclipse (n)

: an eclipse in which the full moon passes partially or wholly through the umbra of the earth's shadow

Holy Roman Empire (n)

: an empire consisting primarily of a loose confederation of German and Italian territories under the suzerainty of an emperor and existing from the 9th or 10th century to 1806

balance of power (phrase)

: an equilibrium of power sufficient to discourage or prevent one nation or party from imposing its will on or interfering with the interests of another

predilection (n)

: an established preference for something

means test (n)

: an examination into the financial state of a person to determine eligibility for public assistance

wave of the future (phrase)

: an idea, product, or movement that is viewed as representing forces or a trend that will inevitably prevail

doubting Thomas (n)

: an incredulous or habitually doubtful person

museum (n)

: an institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value American Museum of Natural History also : a place where objects are exhibited an art museum

dragon lady (n)

: an overbearing or tyrannical woman also : a glamorous often mysterious woman

dachshund (n)

: any of a breed of long-bodied, short-legged dogs of German origin that occur in short-haired, long-haired, and wirehaired varieties

molly (n)

: any of various small, often brightly colored tropical fish (genus Poecilia) that are live-bearers found in fresh, brackish, or salt water and include several that are highly valued as aquarium fishes mollie;mollies

digressive (adj)

: characterized by digressions a digressive talk

sushi (n)

: cold rice dressed with vinegar, formed into any of various shapes, and garnished especially with bits of raw seafood or vegetables

counterconditioning (n)

: conditioning in order to replace an undesirable response (such as fear) to a stimulus (such as an engagement in public speaking) by a favorable one 1962, in the meaning defined above

electronica (n)

: dance music featuring extensive use of synthesizers, electronic percussion, and samples of recorded music or sound

self-educated (adj)

: educated by one's own efforts without formal instruction He was self-educated, had taught himself German and French ... —Jack London

higher education (n)

: education beyond the secondary level especially : education provided by a college or university

ultraluminous (adj)

: emitting an extremely large amount of electromagnetic radiation (such as light, X-rays, or infrared radiation) : extremely luminous an ultraluminous infrared galaxy We review the likely population, observational properties, and broad implications of stellar-mass black holes and ultraluminous x-ray sources. — Rob Fender et al.

mydriasis (n)

: excessive or prolonged dilatation of the pupil of the eye

self-obsessed (adj)

: excessively preoccupied with oneself or with one's own concerns : obsessed with oneself self-obsessed celebrities also : characteristic of one who is self-obsessed self-obsessed thoughts

hyperaggressive (adj)

: extremely or excessively aggressive a hyperaggressive sales agent ... the high-status prizes now go only to those willing to be hyperaggressive about doing what's necessary to achieve results. — Kenneth Labich

ultrafast (adj)

: extremely or extraordinarily fast ultrafast trains ultrafast speeds an ultrafast wireless connection

murmurous (adj)

: filled with or characterized by murmurs : low and indistinct

lecherous (adj)

: given to or suggestive of lechery a lecherous lawyer hitting on his son's girlfriend — Dick Friedman & Mike Lipton

monitory (adj)

: giving admonition : warning

hard-eyed (adj)

: hard or cold in manner or approach : DISPASSIONATE a hard-eyed view of the candidates

monogastric (adj)

: having a stomach with only a single compartment swine, chicks, and human beings are monogastric

malapert (adj)

: impudently bold : SAUCY

midway (adv)

: in the middle of the way or distance : HALFWAY

malarkey (n)

: insincere or foolish talk : BUNKUM He thinks that everything politicians say is a bunch of malarkey.

apraxia (n)

: loss or impairment of the ability to execute complex coordinated movements without muscular or sensory impairment

zealous (adj)

: marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal : filled with or characterized by zeal zealous missionaries

life support (n)

: medical life-support equipment the patient was placed on life support

helpful (adj)

: of service or assistance : USEFUL a helpful neighbor helpful advice just trying to be helpful

premeet (adj)

: of, occurring in, or done in the time preceding a meet a premeet warm-up/ritual the coach's premeet pep talk A premeet favorite also prevailed in the girls' individual competition ... — Ben DeJarnette He had a premeet best of 54.59 seconds ... — David Woods

last-in first-out (adj)

: of, relating to, or being a method of inventory accounting that values stock on hand according to costs at the time of acquisition and not according to the cost of replacement

Monophysite (n)

: one holding the doctrine that Christ has a single inseparable nature that is at once divine and human rather than having two distinct but unified natures

Mohock (n)

: one of a gang of aristocratic ruffians who assaulted people in London streets in the early 18th century

man-eater (n)

: one that has or is thought to have an appetite for human flesh: such as a : CANNIBAL b or man-eating shark : MACKEREL SHARK especially : GREAT WHITE SHARK c : a large feline (such as a lion or tiger) that has acquired the habit of feeding on human flesh

migrant (n)

: one that migrates: such as a : a person who moves regularly in order to find work especially in harvesting crops b : an animal that shifts from one habitat to another

missense (adj)

: relating to or being a genetic mutation involving alteration of one or more codons so that different amino acids are determined — compare ANTISENSE, NONSENSE

laughing matter (n)

: something not to be taken seriously —usually used in the phrase no laughing matter

reality check (n)

: something that clarifies or serves as a reminder of reality often by correcting a misconception

hurry-up (adj)

: speeded up : completed in a hurry a hurry-up dinner

armistice (n)

: temporary stopping of open acts of warfare by agreement between the opponents : TRUCE

expendable (adj)

: that may be expended: such as a : normally used up or consumed in service expendable supplies like pencils and paper b : more easily or economically replaced than rescued, salvaged, or protected

Midgard (n)

: the abode of human beings in Norse mythology

front burner (n)

: the condition of being in active consideration or development : a position of priority —usually used in the phrase on the front burner — compare BACK BURNER

mariculture (n)

: the cultivation of marine organisms in their natural environment

multiprocessing (n)

: the processing of several computer programs at the same time especially by a computer system with two or more processors sharing a single memory

lynch law (n)

: the punishment of presumed crimes or offenses usually by death without due process of law

dormancy (n)

: the quality or state of being dormant

mansuetude (n)

: the quality or state of being gentle : meekness, tameness

mass spectrum (n)

: the spectrum of a stream of gaseous ions separated according to their differing mass and charge

midnight sun (n)

: the sun above the horizon at midnight in the arctic or antarctic summer

pioneer (v)

: to act as a pioneer pioneered in the development of airplanes transitive verb 1 : to open or prepare for others to follow also : SETTLE 2 : to originate or take part in the development of pioneered; pioneering; pioneers

take over (v)

: to assume control or possession of or responsibility for military leaders took over the government intransitive verb 1 : to assume control or possession 2 : to become dominant

liquidize (v)

: to cause to be liquid liquidized; liquidizing

catenate (v)

: to connect in a series : LINK catenated; catenating

subsample (v)

: to draw samples from (a previously selected group or population) : sample a sample of subsampled; subsampling; subsamples

microencapsulate (v)

: to enclose in a microcapsule microencapsulated; microencapsulating; microencapsulates

apprise (v)

: to give notice to : TELL They apprised him of his rights. apprised; apprising

cuddle (v)

: to hold close for warmth or comfort or in affection He cuddled the puppy. : to lie close or snug : nestle, snuggle ... dewy glens where couples cuddle on blankets ...— Bob Sipchen

potentiate (v)

: to make effective or active or more effective or more active also : to augment the activity of (something, such as a drug) synergistically potentiated; potentiating

poor-mouth (v)

: to plead poverty as a defense or excuse transitive verb : to speak disparagingly of poor-mouthed; poor-mouthing; poor-mouths

de-stress (v)

: to release bodily or mental tension : UNWIND

exempt (v)

: to release or deliver from some liability or requirement to which others are subject exempted from military service exempted; exempting; exempts

reprimand (v)

: to reprove sharply or censure formally usually from a position of authority reprimanded; reprimanding; reprimands

misgovern (v)

: to rule or govern in a corrupt, wrong, or incompetent way ... but the success of the American Revolution is part of what encouraged French commoners to overthrow the noble class that had misgoverned them for generations. — Ariel Bernier misgoverned; misgoverning

disaggregate (v)

: to separate into component parts disaggregate sandstone disaggregate demographic data : to break up or apart the molecules of a gel disaggregate to form a sol

double up (v)

: to share accommodations designed for one

loaf (v)

: to spend time in idleness loafed; loafing; loafs

reiterate (v)

: to state or do over again or repeatedly sometimes with wearying effect reiterated; reiterating

square off (v)

: to take a fighting stance : prepare to fight also : FIGHT

divert (v)

: to turn aside : DEVIATE studied law but diverted to diplomacy 1a : to turn from one course or use to another : DEFLECT divert traffic to a side street diverting funds to other projects b : DISTRACT trying to divert her attention 2 : to give pleasure to especially by distracting the attention from what burdens or distresses children diverting themselves with their toys

misemploy (v)

: to use (something) in a wrong or harmful way The series also tells the story of the fantastic scientific achievements of the time, achievements which would later be misemployed by Hitler's war machine. — Continental Choice misemployed; misemploying

mumble (v)

: to utter words in a low confused indistinct manner : MUTTER 1 : to utter with a low inarticulate voice 2 : to chew or bite with or as if with toothless gums mumbled; mumbling

mirabile dictu (n)

: wonderful to relate

cavalier (adj)

a cavalier attitude. 1 : marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful (see 1disdain) dismissal of important matters a cavalier attitude toward money has a cavalier disregard for the rights of others 2 : debonair 3 a capitalized : of or relating to the party of Charles I of England in his struggles with the Puritans and Parliament b : aristocratic portrayed the plantation owner as a cavalier fop c capitalized : of or relating to the English Cavalier poets of the mid-17th century — cavalierism noun — cavalierly adverb

bias (n)

a clear bias towards... 1 a : an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : prejudice b : an instance of such prejudice c : bent, tendency d (1) : deviation of the expected value of a statistical estimate from the quantity it estimates (2) : systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others 2 : a line diagonal to the grain of a fabric; especially : a line at a 45 degree angle to the selvage often utilized in the cutting of garments for smoother fit 3 a : a peculiarity in the shape of a bowl that causes it to swerve when rolled on the green in lawn bowling b : the tendency of a bowl to swerve; also : the impulse causing this tendency c : the swerve of the bowl 4 a : a voltage applied to a device (such as a transistor control electrode) to establish a reference level for operation b : a high-frequency voltage combined with an audio signal to reduce distortion in tape recording — on the bias 1 : diagonally to the grain of a fabric cut the cloth on the bias sleeves cut on the bias 2 : at an angle : diagonally to the fibers of something cut the meat on the bias carrots cut on the bias

commanding (adj)

a commanding presence. 1 : drawing attention or priority a commanding presence 2 : difficult to overcome a commanding lead

holding company (n)

a company whose primary business is holding a controlling interest in the securities of other companies — compare investment company

advantage (n)

a competitive advantage. 1 : superiority of position or condition Higher ground gave the enemy the advantage. 2 : a factor or circumstance of benefit to its possessor lacked the advantages of an education 3 a : benefit, gain; especially : benefit resulting from some course of action a mistake which turned out to our advantage b obsolete : interest 2a 4 : the first point won in tennis after deuce — to advantage : so as to produce a favorable impression or effect wishing to be seen to advantage

demonstrable (adj)

a demonstrable improvement. 1 : capable of being demonstrated 2 : APPARENT, EVIDENT

fatalism (n)

a doctrine that events are fixed in advance so that human beings are powerless to change them; also : a belief in or attitude determined by this doctrine fatalism that regards social problems as simply inevitable — fatalist play \ˈfā-tə-list\ noun — fatalistic play \ˌfā-tə-ˈli-stik\ adjective — fatalistically

guilty (adj)

a guilty smile. guiltier; guiltiest 1 : justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime Does the defendant plead guilty or not guilty? 2 obsolete : justly liable to or deserving of a penalty 3 a : suggesting or involving guilt The children exchanged guilty looks. b : aware of or suffering from guilt guilty consciences — guiltily play \ˈgil-tə-lē\ adverb — guiltiness

hair-trigger (adj)

a hair-trigger temper. 1 : immediately responsive to the slightest stimulus a hair-trigger temper 2 : delicately adjusted or easily disrupted

palatial (adj)

a home with palatial decorum. 1 : of, relating to, or being a palace a palatial home 2 : suitable to a palace : magnificent palatial furnishings — palatially adverb — palatialness

library (n)

a library of... plural libraries 1 a : a place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale b : a collection of such materials a library of jazz recordings 2 a : a collection resembling or suggesting a library an illustrations library b : morgue 2 3 a : a series of related books issued by a publisher a Dickens library b : a collection of publications on the same subject 4 : a collection of cloned DNA fragments that are maintained in a suitable cellular environment and that usually represent the genetic material of a particular organism or tissue

grandiloquence (n)

a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language was urged to follow up his grandiloquence with positive action — grandiloquent adjective — grandiloquently

loquacious (adj)

a loquacious vocabulary 1 : full of excessive talk : wordy 2 : given to fluent or excessive talk : garrulous — loquaciously adverb — loquaciousness noun

luminary (n)

a luminary in her industry. plural luminaries 1 : a person of prominence or brilliant achievement a literary luminary a luminary in the medical profession 2 : a body that gives light; especially : one of the celestial bodies skywatchers ... will see one more bright luminary below Orion and Canis Major —Martin Ratcliffe — luminary adjective

apophasis (n)

a manipulative apophasis. 1 : the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it (as in we won't discuss his past crimes) ... he indulges himself in apophasis about his ex-wives (No, I am most definitely not making any charges or accusations. It's merely that ...). —John Brooks 2 : the practice of describing something (such as God) by stating which characteristics it does not have especially because human thought or language is believed to be insufficient to describe it fully or accurately ... apophasis happens because, like Moses and the burning bush, persons have been drawn so close to the mystery that they have begun to realize how beautifully, appallingly, heart-breakingly mysterious God really is. —Mark Allen McIntosh

marathon (n)

a marathon, not a sprint. 1 : a footrace run on an open course usually of 26 miles 385 yards (42.2 kilometers); broadly : a long-distance race 2 a : an endurance contest b : something (such as an event, activity, or session) characterized by great length or concentrated effort

oligopoly (n)

a market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not control the market — oligopolist play \ˌä-lə-ˈgä-pə-list, ˌō-\ noun — oligopolistic

gravitational lens (n)

a massive celestial object (such as a galaxy) that bends and focuses the light of another more distant object (such as a quasar) by gravity and that is usually detected by the multiple images it forms of the second object

menace (v)

a menace to society. 1 : a show of intention to inflict harm : threat exploding in menaces and threats of vengeance —George Meredith 2 a : one that represents a threat : danger the intoxicated motorist is a menace to life and limb —Wayne Hughes b : an annoying person her friends were beginning to find her a menace —Guy McCrone

mendacious (adj)

a mendacious narrative. given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth mendacious tales of his adventures — mendaciously adverb — mendaciousness noun

felicific calculus (n)

a method of determining the rightness of an action by balancing the probable pleasures and pains that it would produce

negligible (adj)

a negligible amount. so small or unimportant or of so little consequence as to warrant little or no attention : trifling a negligible error last year sales were negligible a negligible risk a negligible effect — negligibility play \ˌne-gli-jə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — negligibly

parity (n)

a parity between/of two forces. plural parities 1 : the quality or state of being equal or equivalent Women have fought for parity with men in the workplace. 2 a : equivalence of a commodity price expressed in one currency to its price expressed in another The two currencies are approaching parity for the first time in decades. b : equality of purchasing power established by law between different kinds of money at a given ratio 3 : an equivalence between farmers' current purchasing power and their purchasing power at a selected base period maintained by government support of agricultural commodity prices ... parity is the price calculated to give the farmer a fair return in relation to the things he must buy. —New York Times 4 a : the property of an integer with respect to being odd or even 3 and 7 have the same parity b (1) : the state of being odd or even used as the basis of a method of detecting errors in binary-coded data (see 2binary 5) (2) : parity bit 5 : the property of oddness or evenness of a quantum mechanical function 6 : the symmetry of behavior in an interaction of a physical entity (such as a subatomic particle) with that of its mirror image (see mirror image 1a)

glance (n)

a passing glance at... 1 a : a quick intermittent flash or gleam b archaic : a sudden quick movement 2 a archaic : a rapid oblique movement b : a deflected impact or blow 3 a : a swift movement of the eyes b : a quick or cursory look was good at sizing people up at a glance 4 archaic a : a brief satirical reference to something : gibe b : allusion — at first glance : on first consideration at first glance the subject seems harmless enough

passionate (adj)

a passionate appeal. 1 a : easily aroused to anger a passionate but not a vicious boy —H. E. Scudder b : filled with anger : angry was passionate in her defense of her cub, and rage transformed her —G. D. Brown 2 a : capable of, affected by, or expressing intense feeling a passionate performance a passionate coach b : enthusiastic, ardent is passionate about basketball 3 : swayed by or affected with sexual desire a passionate love affair — passionately adverb — passionateness noun

mentor (n)

a patient mentor. 1 capitalized : a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus 2 a : a trusted counselor or guide a mentor who, because he is detached and disinterested, can hold up a mirror to us —P. W. Keve b : tutor, coach The student sought a mentor in chemistry. — mentorship

attitude (n)

a positive/negative attitude. 1 : the arrangement of the parts of a body or figure : POSTURE depicted her in a reclining attitude 2 : a position assumed for a specific purpose a threatening attitude 3 : a ballet position similar to the arabesque in which the raised leg is bent at the knee 4a : a mental position with regard to a fact or state a helpful attitude b : a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state a negative attitude an optimistic attitude 5 : the position of a craft (such as an aircraft or spacecraft) determined by the relationship between its axes and a reference datum (such as the horizon or a particular star) 6 : an bodily state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to a stimulus (such as an object, concept, or situation) 7a : a negative or hostile state of mind b : a cool, cocky, defiant, or arrogant manner He was showing some attitude in practice today, so the coach benched him.

rank and file (n)

a rank and file democrat. 1 : the enlisted personnel of an armed force 2 : the individuals who constitute the body of an organization, society, or nation as distinguished from the leaders — rank-and-file play \ˌraŋk-ᵊn-ˈfī(-ə)l\ adjective — rank and filer

schism (n)

a schism between... 1 : DIVISION, SEPARATION also : DISCORD, DISHARMONY a schism between political parties 2a : formal division in or separation from a church or religious body b : the offense of promoting schism

scrupulous (adj)

a scrupulous individual. 1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper 2 : punctiliously exact : painstaking working with scrupulous care — scrupulously adverb — scrupulousness noun

seismic (adj)

a seismic shift in public opinion. 1 : of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake also : of or relating to an earth vibration caused by something else (such as an explosion or the impact of a meteorite) 2 : of or relating to a vibration on a celestial body (such as the moon) comparable to a seismic event on earth 3 : having a strong or widespread impact : EARTHSHAKING seismic social changes

humility (n)

a sense of humility. : freedom from pride or arrogance : the quality or state of being humble accepted the honor with humility The ordeal taught her humility.

serial (adj)

a serial dater. 1 : of, relating to, consisting of, or arranged in a series, rank, or row serial order 2 : appearing in successive parts or numbers a serial story 3 : belonging to a series maturing periodically rather than on a single date serial bonds 4 : of, relating to, or being music based on a series of tones in a chosen pattern without regard for traditional tonality 5a : performing a series of similar acts over a period of time a serial killer b : occurring in or involving such a series a serial murder 6 : relating to or being a connection in a computer system in which the bits of a byte are transmitted sequentially over a single wire — compare PARALLEL

hiccup (n)

a slight hiccup. 1 : a spasmodic inhalation with closure of the glottis accompanied by a peculiar sound 2 : an attack of hiccuping —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction 3 a : a slight irregularity, error, or malfunction a few hiccups in the computer system b : a usually minor and short-lived interruption or disruption, or change a hiccup in the stock market

time-tested (adj)

a time-tested system. : having effectiveness that has been proved over a long period of time time-tested methods

token (n)

a token of appreciation. 1a : a piece resembling a coin issued for use (as for fare on a bus) by a particular group on specified terms b : a piece resembling a coin issued as money by some person or body other than a de jure government c : a unit of a cryptocurrency Bitcoin tokens 2 : an outward sign or expression his tears were tokens of his grief 3a : SYMBOL, EMBLEM a white flag is a token of surrender b : an instance of a linguistic expression 4a : SOUVENIR, KEEPSAKE b : a small part representing the whole : INDICATION this is only a token of what we hope to accomplish c : something given or shown as a guarantee (as of authority, right, or identity) 5 : a member of a group (such as a minority) that is included within a larger group through tokenism especially : a token employee 6 : a distinguishing feature : CHARACTERISTIC by the same token : for the same reason

abstemious (adj)

abstemious weekend activities. marked by restraint especially in the eating of food or drinking of alcohol an abstemious drinker; also : reflecting such restraint an abstemious diet

abstract (adj)

abstract concepts. 1 a : disassociated from any specific instance an abstract entity b : difficult to understand : abstruse abstract problems c : insufficiently factual : formal possessed only an abstract right 2 : expressing a quality apart from an object the word poem is concrete, poetry is abstract 3 a : dealing with a subject in its abstract aspects : theoretical abstract science b : impersonal, detached the abstract compassion of a surgeon —Time 4 : having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content abstract painting — abstractly adverb — abstractness

acquire (v)

acquire new skills. acquired; acquiring transitive verb 1 : to get as one's own: a : to come into possession or control of often by unspecified means acquire property The team acquired three new players this year. b : to come to have as a new or added characteristic, trait, or ability (as by sustained effort or natural selection) acquire fluency in French bacteria that acquire tolerance to antibiotics 2 : to locate and hold (a desired object) in a detector acquire a target by radar

scientific method (n)

adhering to the scientific method. : principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

agitate (v)

agitating the situation. agitated; agitating transitive verb 1 : to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb My presence did not appear to agitate or irritate him as before, and he accepted my services quietly ... —Charlotte Brontë 2 a : to discuss excitedly and earnestly b : to stir up public discussion of ... trying to agitate the old question of the embezzlement of the remains of the Confederate Treasury. —Robert Penn Warren 3 a obsolete : to give motion to b : to move with an irregular, rapid, or violent action The storm agitated the sea. intransitive verb : to attempt to arouse public feeling agitated for better schools — agitation play \ˌa-jə-ˈtā-shən\ noun — agitational

active (adj)

an active lifestyle. 1 : characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation an active life 2 : producing or involving action or movement 3 a of a verb form or voice : asserting that the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject performs the action represented by the verb Hits in he hits the ball is active. b : expressing action as distinct from mere existence or state active verbs such as eat and sing 4 : quick in physical movement : lively 5 : marked by vigorous activity : busy The stock market was active. 6 : requiring vigorous action or exertion active sports 7 : having practical operation or results : effective an active law 8 a : disposed to action : energetic took an active interest b : engaged in an action or activity an active club member c of a volcano : currently erupting or likely to erupt — compare dormant 2a, 1extinct 1b d : characterized by emission of large amounts of electromagnetic energy an active galactic nucleus 9 : engaged in full-time service especially in the armed forces active duty 10 : marked by present operation, transaction, movement, or use an active account 11 a : capable of acting or reacting : reacting readily active nitrogen active ingredients b : tending to progress or to cause degeneration active tuberculosis c of an electronic circuit element : capable of controlling voltages or currents d (1) : requiring the expenditure of energy active calcium ion uptake (2) : functioning by the emission of radiant energy or sound radar is an active sensor 12 : still eligible to win the pot in poker 13 : moving down the line : visiting in the set —used of couples in contra dances or square dances 14 medical : producing active immunity Active immunization against Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough, is now usually achieved with combined pertussis-tetanus-diphtheria (DTP) vaccine. —Scientific American Medicine — actively adverb — activeness noun

crack baby (n)

an infant subjected to prolonged exposure to crack cocaine in the mother's womb

inventive (adj)

an inventive mind. 1 : adept or prolific at producing inventions : creative an inventive mind 2 : characterized by invention an inventive method — inventively adverb — inventiveness noun

off-color (adj)

an off-color remark 1a : not having the right or standard color b : being out of sorts 2a : of doubtful propriety : DUBIOUS b : verging on the indecent off-color remarks

Shiba Inu (n)

any of a breed of small thick-coated agile dogs developed in Japan

a fortiori (adv)

as a bad planner, I am, a fortiori, the worst choice to throw a bachelor party. with greater reason or more convincing force —used in drawing a conclusion that is inferred to be even more certain than another the man of prejudice is, a fortiori, a man of limited mental vision *also & therefore*

astute (adj)

astute observation. having or showing shrewdness and an ability to notice and understand things clearly : mentally sharp or clever an astute observer astute remarks; also : crafty, wily — astutely adverb — astuteness noun

routine (adj)

becoming routine. 1 a : a regular course of procedure if resort to legal action becomes a campus routine —J. A. Perkins b : habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure the routine of factory work 2 : a reiterated speech or formula the old After you routine —Ray Russell 3 : a worked-out part (as of an entertainment or sports contest) that may be often repeated a dance routine; especially : a theatrical number 4 : a sequence of computer instructions for performing a particular task

generous (adj)

being generous. 1 archaic : highborn 2 a : characterized by a noble or kindly spirit : magnanimous, kindly a generous heart b : liberal in giving : openhanded a generous benefactor c : marked by abundance or ample proportions wide overhangs and generous verandas —Lewis Mumford : copious a thin salt-and-pepper moustache interrupted by a generous nose —Richard Zabel — generously adverb — generousness noun

herself (pron)

being herself. 1 : that identical female one —used reflexively, for emphasis, in absolute constructions, and in place of her especially when joined to another object she considers herself lucky she herself did it herself an orphan, she understood the situation accepted the award for her colleagues and herself — compare SHE entry 1 2 : her normal, healthy, or sane condition or self 3 chiefly Ireland and Scotland : a woman of consequence especially : the mistress of the house [ She was herself again after a good night's sleep. She's not herself today; something's bothering her.]

odd man out (n)

being the odd man out. a person who differs from the other members of a group

bonus (n)

bonus points. something in addition to what is expected or strictly due: such as a : money or an equivalent given in addition to an employee's usual compensation b : a premium (as of stock) given by a corporation to a purchaser of its securities, to a promoter, or to an employee c : a government payment to war veterans d : a sum in excess of salary given to an athlete for signing with a team

celebrate (v)

celebrated author; celebrate a victory. celebrated; celebrating transitive verb 1 : to perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites A priest celebrates Mass. 2 a : to honor (an occasion, such as a holiday) especially by solemn ceremonies or by refraining from ordinary business The nation celebrates Memorial Day. b : to mark (something, such as an anniversary) by festivities or other deviation from routine celebrated their 25th anniversary 3 : to hold up or play up for public notice her poetry celebrates the glory of nature intransitive verb 1 : to observe a holiday, perform a religious ceremony, or take part in a festival The holiday revelers celebrated all day long. 2 : to observe a notable occasion with festivities decided the only way to celebrate was to have a party — celebration play \ˌse-lə-ˈbrā-shən\ noun — celebrative play \ˈse-lə-ˌbrā-tiv\ adjective — celebrator play \-tər\ noun — celebratory play \-brə-ˌtȯr-ē, ˌse-lə-ˈbrā-tə-rē\ adjective

less (adj)

comparative of little entry 1 1 : constituting a more limited number or amount less than three less than half done 2 : of lower rank, degree, or importance no less a person than the president himself 3a : of reduced size, extent, or degree b : more limited in quantity in less time

lesser (adj)

comparative of little entry 1 : of less size, quality, degree, or significance : of lower status

de-emphasize (v)

de-emphasize a bias. to reduce in relative importance; also : play down

loss (n)

dealing with loss. 1 : destruction, ruin to save the world from utter loss —John Milton 2 a : the act of losing possession : deprivation loss of sight b : the harm or privation resulting from loss or separation bore up bravely under the loss of both parents c : an instance of losing His death was a loss to all who knew him. 3 : a person or thing or an amount that is lost: such as a losses plural : killed, wounded, or captured soldiers His regiment suffered terrible losses. b : the power diminution of a circuit (see 1circuit 4a) or circuit element corresponding to conversion of electrical energy into heat by resistance (see 1resistance 4a) 4 a : failure to gain, win, obtain, or utilize loss of a game b : an amount by which the cost of something exceeds its selling price The railroad claimed to be operating at a loss. 5 : decrease in amount, magnitude, or degree a loss in altitude 6 : the amount of an insured's financial detriment by death or damage that the insurer is liable for — at a loss 1 : uncertain as to how to proceed was at a loss to explain the discrepancy 2 : unable to produce what is needed at a loss for words — for a loss : into a state of distress events had thrown him for a loss

deem (v)

deem worthy. to come to think or judge : consider deemed it wise to go slow those whom she deemed worthy a movie deemed appropriate for all ages intransitive verb : to have an opinion : believe

dejected (adj)

dejected body language. 1 : low in spirits : depressed The team was dejected after the loss. 2 a obsolete : downcast her eyes dejected and her hair unbound —Alexander Pope b archaic : thrown down 3 obsolete : lowered in rank or condition the dejected state wherein he is —Shakespeare — dejectedly adverb — dejectedness noun

delusion (n)

delusions of grandeur. 1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated under the delusion that they will finish on schedule delusions of grandeur b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary the delusion that someone was out to hurt him; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone : the state of being deluded ... accused the Bohemian of having practised the most abominable arts of delusion among the younger brethren. —Walter Scott — delusional adjective — delusionary

deprive (v)

deprived of basic necessities. 1 obsolete : REMOVE 'tis honor to deprive dishonored life —Shakespeare 2 : to take something away from deprived him of his professorship —J. M. Phalen the risk of injury when the brain is deprived of oxygen 3 : to remove from office the Archbishop ... would be deprived and sent to the Tower —Edith Sitwell 4 : to withhold something from deprived a citizen of her rights

grasping (adj)

desiring material possessions urgently and excessively and often to the point of ruthlessness Her grasping children fought over her property when she died. — graspingly play \ˈgra-spiŋ-lē\ adverb — graspingness noun

dependency (n)

dissolving a dependency on... 1 : DEPENDENCE sense 1 2 : something that is dependent on something else especially : a territorial unit under the jurisdiction of a nation but not formally annexed by it 3 : a building (such as a stable) that is an adjunct to a main dwelling

good (adj)

do good, be good. 1a(1) : of a favorable character or tendency good news (2) : BOUNTIFUL, FERTILE good land (3) : HANDSOME, ATTRACTIVE good looks b(1) : SUITABLE, FIT good to eat (2) : free from injury or disease one good arm (3) : not depreciated bad money drives out good (4) : commercially sound a good risk (5) : that can be relied on good for another year good for a hundred dollars always good for a laugh (6) : PROFITABLE, ADVANTAGEOUS made a very good deal c(1) : AGREEABLE, PLEASANT had a good time (2) : SALUTARY, WHOLESOME good for a cold (3) : AMUSING, CLEVER a good joke d(1) : of a noticeably large size or quantity : CONSIDERABLE won by a good margin a good bit of the time (2) : FULL waited a good hour (3) —used as a word that gives force or emphasis to a statement a good many of us e(1) : WELL-FOUNDED, COGENT good reasons (2) : TRUE holds good for society at large (3) : deserving of respect : HONORABLE in good standing (4) : legally valid or effectual good title f(1) : ADEQUATE, SATISFACTORY good care —often used in faint praise his serve is only good —Frank Deford (2) : conforming to a standard good English (3) : liking only things that are of good quality : CHOICE, DISCRIMINATING good taste (4) : containing less fat and being less tender than higher grades —used of meat and especially of beef g sports (1) of a serve or shot : landing in the proper area of the court in tennis and similar games The serve was good. (2) of a shot or kick : successfully done (basketball) The first foul shot was good but she missed the second one. (American football) The kick was good from 45 yards. The kick was no good. [=was missed] h informal : having everything desired or required : content and not wanting or needing to do anything further Do you want anything else to drink? No thanks, I'm good. I have had girlfriends say, 'Hey, you wanna go walking?' And I'm just not interested. I'm like 'Uh, no, I'm good.' But they keep inviting me! —Laila Ali 2a(1) : VIRTUOUS, RIGHT, COMMENDABLE a good person good conduct (2) : KIND, BENEVOLENT good intentions b : UPPER-CLASS a good family c : COMPETENT, SKILLFUL a good doctor d(1) : LOYAL a good party man a good Catholic (2) : CLOSE a good friend e : free from infirmity or sorrow I feel good as good as : in effect : VIRTUALLY as good as dead as good as gold 1 : of the highest worth or reliability his promise is as good as gold 2 : well-behaved the child was as good as gold good and \ˌgu̇d-ᵊn \ : VERY, ENTIRELY was good and mad

entertain (v)

entertain the idea. entertained; entertaining; entertains transitive verb 1 a archaic : maintain b obsolete : receive 2 : to show hospitality to entertain guests 3 a : to keep, hold, or maintain in the mind I entertain grave doubts about her sincerity b : to receive and take into consideration refused to entertain our plea 4 : to provide entertainment for 5 : to play against (an opposing team) on one's home field or court intransitive verb : to provide entertainment especially for guests — entertainer noun

jingoism (n)

extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy — jingoist play \ˈjiŋ-(ˌ)gō-ist\ noun or adjective — jingoistic play \ˌjiŋ-gō-ˈi-stik\ adjective — jingoistically

familiarize (v)

familiarize yourself with the catalog/rules. familiarized; familiarizing transitive verb 1 : to make known or familiar Shakespeare ... familiarizes the wonderful —Samuel Johnson 2 : to make well acquainted familiarize students with good literature — familiarization

fare (v)

faring well. fared; faring intransitive verb 1 : get along, succeed how did you fare on your exam? 2 : go, travel 3 : eat, dine

fiddle (v)

fiddling with... 1 : to play on a fiddle 2 a : to move the hands or fingers restlessly b : to spend time in aimless or fruitless activity : putter, tinker fiddled around with the engine for hours c : meddle, tamper d : to make minor manual movements especially to adjust something fiddled with the radio knobs transitive verb 1 : to play (something) on a fiddle fiddle a tune 2 : cheat, swindle 3 : to alter or manipulate deceptively for fraudulent gain accountants fiddling the books —Stanley Cohen — fiddler

forward (adj)

forward progress. 1a : near, being at, or belonging to the forepart the forward section of the main deck b : situated in advance Baggage is carried in the forward cars of the train. 2a : strongly inclined : READY always forward to criticize his neighbors b : lacking modesty or reserve : BRASH Poorly disciplined children are often distressingly forward. 3 : notably advanced or developed : PRECOCIOUS The child is very forward at walking. 4 : moving, tending, or leading toward a position in front checked the forward movement of the dog also : moving toward an opponent's goal 5a : advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress a firm forward policy b : EXTREME, RADICAL on the forward fringe of conservatism 6 : of, relating to, or getting ready for the future forward buying of produce

gather (v)

gathered; gathering transitive verb 1 : to bring together : collect tried to gather a crowd gathered firewood 2 a : pick, harvest gather flowers b : to pick up or amass as if by harvesting gathering ideas for the project c : to scoop up or take up from a resting place gathered the child up in his arms 3 : to serve as an attraction for : accumulate books gathering dust 4 : to effect the collection of gather contributions 5 a : to summon up gathered his courage b : to gain by gradual increase gather speed c : to prepare (oneself) by mustering strength d : to gain or regain control of gathered his wits 6 : to reach a conclusion often intuitively from hints or through inferences I gather that you want to leave 7 a : to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers b : to draw about or close to something gathering her cloak about her c : to bring together the parts of gathered her hair into a ponytail d : to assemble (the signatures of a book) in sequence for binding e : to haul in the sailors gathered the sails intransitive verb 1 a : to come together in a body b : to cluster around a focus of attraction 2 a : to swell and fill with pus b : grow, increase the gathering crisis — gatherer play \ˈga-t͟hər-ər also ˈge-\ noun

footing (n)

get your footing. 1 : a stable position or placing of the feet 2 : a surface or its condition with respect to one walking or running on it; especially : the condition of a racetrack 3 : the act of moving on foot : step, tread 4 a : a place or position providing a base of operations : foothold b : established position : status; especially : position or rank in relation to others they all started off on an equal footing 5 : basis 6 : terms of social intercourse 7 : an enlargement at the lower end of a foundation wall, pier, or column to distribute the load 8 : the sum of a column of figures

give off (v)

giving off an air of... 1 : to send out as a branch 2 : emit gave off an unpleasant smell intransitive verb : to branch off

loathsome (adj)

giving rise to loathing : disgusting a loathsome disease Smoking is a loathsome habit. — loathsomely adverb — loathsomeness noun

glide (v)

glided; gliding intransitive verb 1 : to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly swans gliding over the lake 2 : to go or pass imperceptibly hours glided by 3 a of an airplane : to descend gradually in controlled flight b : to fly in a glider 4 : to produce a glide (as in music or speech) transitive verb : to cause to glide

go out (v)

go out on a limb. intransitive verb 1 a : to go forth, abroad, or outdoors; specifically : to leave one's house b (1) : to take the field as a soldier (2) : to participate as a principal in a duel c : to travel as or as if a colonist or immigrant d : to work away from home 2 a : to come to an end b : to give up office : resign c : to become obsolete or unfashionable d (1) : to play the last card of one's hand (2) : to reach or exceed the total number of points required for game in cards 3 : to take part in social activities 4 : to go on strike 5 : break, collapse 6 : to become a candidate went out for the football team

gut (n)

going with my gut. 1a(1) : BOWELS, ENTRAILS —usually used in plural fish guts (2) : the basic visceral or emotional part of a person She knew in her gut that he was lying. b : DIGESTIVE TRACT also : part of the digestive tract and especially the intestine or stomach c : BELLY, ABDOMEN d : CATGUT 2 guts plural : the inner essential parts the guts of a car 3 : a narrow passage also : a narrow waterway or small creek 4 : the sac of silk taken from a silkworm ready to spin its cocoon and drawn out into a thread for use as a snell 5 guts plural : fortitude and stamina in coping with what alarms, repels, or discourages : COURAGE, PLUCK had the guts to run for public office 6 : GUT COURSE

government (n)

government oversight. 1 : the act or process of governing specifically : authoritative direction or control 2 obsolete : moral conduct or behavior : DISCRETION 3a : the office, authority, or function of governing b obsolete : the term during which a governing official holds office 4 : the continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of functions for a political unit : RULE 5a : the organization, machinery, or agency through which a political unit exercises authority and performs functions and which is usually classified according to the distribution of power within it She works for the federal government. b : the complex of political institutions, laws, and customs through which the function of governing is carried out 6 : the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: such as a : the officials comprising the governing body of a political unit and constituting the organization as an active agency The government was slow to react to the crisis. b capitalized : the executive branch of the U.S. federal government c capitalized : a small group of persons holding simultaneously the principal political executive offices of a nation or other political unit and being responsible for the direction and supervision of public affairs: (1) : such a group in a parliamentary system constituted by the cabinet or by the ministry (2) : ADMINISTRATION sense 4b 7 : POLITICAL SCIENCE studied economics and government

grand (adj)

grand appearance. 1a : having more importance than others : FOREMOST b : having higher rank than others bearing the same general designation the grand champion 2a : INCLUSIVE, COMPREHENSIVE the grand total of all money paid out b : DEFINITIVE, INCONTROVERTIBLE grand example 3 : CHIEF, PRINCIPAL the grand ballroom 4 : large and striking in size, scope, extent, or conception grand design 5a : LAVISH, SUMPTUOUS a grand celebration b : marked by a regal form and dignity c : fine or imposing in appearance or impression sported a grand mustache d : LOFTY, SUBLIME writing in the grand style 6a : pretending to social superiority : SUPERCILIOUS b : intended to impress a person of grand gestures 7 : very good : WONDERFUL a grand time

salutation (n)

greetings and salutations. 1a : an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony b salutations plural : REGARDS 2 : the word or phrase of greeting (such as Gentlemen or Dear Sir or Madam) that conventionally comes immediately before the body of a letter

grow (v)

growing up. grew play \ˈgrü\; grown play \ˈgrōn\; growing intransitive verb 1 a : to spring up and develop to maturity b : to be able to grow in some place or situation trees that grow in the tropics c : to assume some relation through or as if through a process of natural growth ferns growing from the rocks 2 a : to increase in size by assimilation of material into the living organism or by accretion of material in a nonbiological process (such as crystallization) The tree grew to an immense size. b : increase, expand grows in wisdom 3 : to develop from a parent source the book grew out of a series of lectures 4 a : to pass into a condition : become grew pale b : to have an increasing influence habit grows on a person c : to become increasingly acceptable or attractive didn't like it at first, but it grew on him transitive verb 1 a : to cause to grow grow wheat b : to let grow on the body grew a beard 2 : to promote the development of start a business and grow it successfully —J. L. Deckter — grower play \ˈgrō(-ə)r\ noun — growingly

homeopathy (n)

homeopathic remedy. a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy persons symptoms similar to those of the disease — homeopath

hormonal (adj)

hormonal teenagers. 1 : of, relating to, utilizing, or produced by hormones hormonal changes hormonal therapy 2 : markedly influenced or affected by hormones (such as sex hormones) : exhibiting behavior characteristic of increasing or fluctuating hormone levels moody hormonal teenagers

sprightly (adj)

in a sprightly mood. 1 : marked by a gay lightness and vivacity : spirited a sprightly musical 2 : having a distinctively piquant taste : zesty a sprightly salsa — sprightliness noun — sprightly adverb

DNA (n)

in my DNA. : any of various nucleic acids that are usually the molecular basis of heredity, are constructed of a double helix held together by hydrogen bonds between purine and pyrimidine bases (see BASE entry 1 sense 7b) which project inward from two chains containing alternate links of deoxyribose and phosphate, and that in eukaryotes are localized chiefly in cell nuclei — compare RECOMBINANT DNA

defense (n)

in my/someone's defense... 1a : the act or action of defending (see DEFEND) the defense of our country speak out in defense of justice quickly jumped to her friend's defense b law : the denial, answer, or plea (see PLEA sense 2b) of one against whom a criminal or civil action is brought : a defendant 's denial, answer, or plea 2a : capability of resisting attack the body's defense against disease b sports : ability to keep an opponent from scoring in a game or contest : defensive play or ability a player known for good defense 3a : means or method of defending or protecting oneself, one's team, or another the nation's air and ground defenses Big shells are an effective defense against these predators as well. —Gregory P. Dietl also : a defensive structure b : an argument in support or justification offered no defense of his actions c law : the collected facts and method adopted by a defendant to protect and defend against a plaintiff's action His lawyers used an insanity defense. d chess : a sequence of moves available to the second player in the opening (see OPENING sense 3a) 4a law : a defending party or group (as in a court of law) The defense rests. b sports : a defensive team He was the linchpin of one of the league's stoutest defenses ... —Sarah Kwak 5 government : the military and industrial aggregate that authorizes and supervises arms production appropriations for defense defense contract

in medias res (adv)

in or into the middle of a narrative or plot

pain (n)

in pain. 1 : punishment the pains and penalties of crime 2 a : usually localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (such as a disease or an injury) the pain of a twisted ankle; also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action the pain of bee stings b : acute mental or emotional distress or suffering : grief the pain she had felt at those humiliating words —Morley Callaghan 3 pains plural : the throes of childbirth 4 pains plural : trouble, care, or effort taken to accomplish something was at pains to reassure us 5 : one that irks or annoys or is otherwise troublesome —often used in such phrases as pain in the neck His little sister is a real pain in the neck. — painless adjective — painlessly adverb — painlessness noun — on pain of or under pain of : subject to penalty or punishment of made to leave the country on pain of death

bass (n)

in the pocket. 1a : the lowest voice part in a 4-part chorus b : the lower half of the whole vocal or instrumental tonal range — compare TREBLE entry 1 c : the lowest adult male singing voice also : a person having this voice d : a member of a family of instruments having the lowest range especially : DOUBLE BASS 2 : a deep or grave tone : a low-pitched sound

incognizant (adj)

incognizant of his own immaturity. lacking awareness or consciousness incognizant of the danger — incognizance

incremental (adj)

incremental improvements. of, relating to, being, or occurring in especially small increments incremental additions incremental change — incrementally

indistinguishable (adj)

indistinguishable from... not distinguishable: such as a : indeterminate in shape or structure indistinguishable forms in the mist b : not clearly recognizable or understandable indistinguishable differences c : lacking identifying or individualizing qualities seemingly indistinguishable alternatives — indistinguishability noun — indistinguishableness noun — indistinguishably

serious (adj)

it's gotten serious. 1 : thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner : SOBER a quiet, serious girl 2a : requiring much thought or work serious study b : of or relating to a matter of importance a serious play 3a : not joking or trifling : being in earnest a serious question b archaic : PIOUS c : deeply interested : DEVOTED a serious musician 4a : not easily answered or solved serious objections b : having important or dangerous possible consequences a serious injury 5 : excessive or impressive in quality, quantity, extent, or degree serious stereo equipment making serious money serious drinking

security (n)

job security. 1 : the quality or state of being secure: such as a : freedom from danger : SAFETY b : freedom from fear or anxiety c : freedom from the prospect of being laid off job security 2a : something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation b : SURETY 3 : an instrument of investment in the form of a document (such as a stock certificate or bond) providing evidence of its ownership 4a : something that secures : PROTECTION b(1) : measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape (2) : an organization or department whose task is security

hurdle (n)

jumping a hurdle. 1a : a portable panel usually of wattled withes and stakes used especially for enclosing land or livestock b : a frame or sled formerly used in England for dragging traitors to execution 2a : an artificial barrier over which racers must leap knocked over a hurdle b hurdles plural, track and field : any of various events in which racers must jump over a series of hurdles won a medal in the high hurdles The hurdles is his best event. 3 : BARRIER, OBSTACLE a company that faces severe financial hurdles overcame many hurdles on her way to earning her degree

junk (n)

junk science. 1 a (1) : old iron, glass, paper, or other waste that may be used again in some form (2) : secondhand, worn, or discarded articles (3) : clutter 1b b : something of poor quality : trash c : something of little meaning, worth, or significance 2 : pieces of old cable or cordage used especially to make gaskets, mats, swabs, or oakum 3 slang : narcotics; especially : heroin 4 : junk bond 5 : baseball pitches that break or are off-speed (such as curveballs or changeups) 6 slang : male genitalia — junky adjective

guess (v)

just a guess. 1 : to form an opinion of from little or no evidence She could only guess what he meant. 2 : BELIEVE, SUPPOSE I guess you're right 3 : to arrive at a correct conclusion about by conjecture, chance, or intuition guess the answer intransitive verb : to make a guess We can only guess at what really happened.

garden-variety (adj)

just your garden-variety... ordinary, commonplace

score (n)

keeping score. 1 or plural score a : TWENTY b : a group of 20 things —often used in combination with a cardinal number fourscore c : an indefinitely large number 2a : a line (such as a scratch or incision) made with or as if with a sharp instrument b(1) : a mark used as a starting point or goal (2) : a mark used for keeping account 3a : an account or reckoning originally kept by making marks on a tally b : amount due : INDEBTEDNESS 4 : GRUDGE a score to settle 5a : REASON, GROUND was accepted on the score of high academic achievement b : SUBJECT, TOPIC has nothing to say on that score 6a : the copy of a musical composition in written or printed notation b : a musical composition specifically : the music for a movie or theatrical production c : a complete description of a dance composition in choreographic notation 7a : a number that expresses accomplishment (as in a game or test) or excellence (as in quality) either absolutely in points gained or by comparison to a standard b : an act (such as a goal, run, or touchdown) in any of various games or contests that gains points 8 : success in obtaining something (such as money or drugs) especially through illegal or irregular means 9 : the stark inescapable facts of a situation knows the score

lapse (n)

lapse in judgment. 1 a : a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention a lapse in table manners a lapse in security b : a temporary deviation or fall especially from a higher to a lower state a lapse from grace ethical lapses 2 : a becoming less : decline a lapse in the supply of technicians 3 a (1) : the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within some limit of time (2) : termination of coverage for nonpayment of premiums the lapse of an insurance policy b : interruption, discontinuance returned to college after a lapse of several years 4 : an abandonment of religious faith 5 : a passage of time; also : interval the roots of trees ... have been preserved after a lapse of five thousand years —Niger Calder

law of large numbers (n)

law of averages vs the law of large numbers. a theorem in mathematical statistics: the probability that the absolute value of the difference between the mean of a population sample and the mean of the population from which it is drawn is greater than an arbitrarily small amount approaches zero as the size of the sample approaches infinity

osmosis (n)

learning through osmosis. 1 : movement of a solvent (such as water) through a semipermeable membrane (as of a living cell) into a solution of higher solute concentration that tends to equalize the concentrations of solute on the two sides of the membrane 2 : a process of absorption or diffusion (see diffusion 3a) suggestive of the flow of osmotic action; especially : a usually effortless often unconscious assimilation (see assimilation 4) learned a number of languages by osmosis —Roger Kimball

high and dry (adj)

leaving someone high and dry. 1 : being out of reach of the current or tide or out of the water 2 : being in a helpless or abandoned position

lure (v)

luring customers. lured; luring transitive verb 1 : to recall or exercise (a hawk) by means of a lure 2 : to draw with a hint of pleasure or gain : attract actively and strongly

master (v)

master a skill. mastered; mastering play \-t(ə-)riŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to become master of : overcome mastered his fears 2 a : to become skilled or proficient in the use of master a foreign language b : to gain a thorough understanding of had mastered every aspect of publishing —Current Biography 3 : to produce a master recording of (something, such as a musical rendition)

damage control (n)

measures taken to offset or minimize damage to reputation, credibility, or public image caused by a controversial act, remark, or revelation

mend (v)

mending a broken friendship. mended; mending; mends transitive verb 1 : to free from faults or defects: such as a : to improve in manners or morals : reform was advised to mend his ways b : to set right : correct mend a corrupt text c : to put into good shape or working order again : patch up : repair the roads were never mended —Ellen Glasgow d : to improve or strengthen (something, such as a relationship) by negotiation or conciliation —used chiefly in the phrase mend fences spends the weekend mending political fences —E. O. Hauser e : to restore to health : cure before the bone was fully mended —Current Biography 2 : to make amends or atonement for least said, soonest mended intransitive verb 1 : to improve morally : reform It's never too late to mend. 2 : to become corrected or improved depression and lack of spirit mended visibly —Arnold Nicholson 3 : to improve in health; also : heal his injury mended rather quickly — mendable play \ˈmen-də-bəl\ adjective — mender noun

muster (v)

musternig courage. 1a : to cause to gather : CONVENE b : to enroll formally —usually used with in or into was mustered into the army c : to call the roll of 2a : to bring together : COLLECT b : to call forth : ROUSE 3 : to amount to : COMPRISE intransitive verb : to come together : CONGREGATE

necessitate (v)

necessitating the use of... 1 : to make necessary : REQUIRE Business was growing, which necessitated the hiring of additional employees. 2 : FORCE, COMPEL was necessitated to choose some other route

odd (adj)

odds and ends. 1 a : being without a corresponding (see corresponding 1) mate an odd shoe b (1) : left over after others are paired or grouped came without his wife and thus turned out to be the odd guest at the party (2) : separated from a set or series had in his possession only two or three odd volumes of the original 12-volume set 2 a : somewhat more than the indicated approximate quantity, extent, or degree —usually used in combination 300-odd pages b (1) : left over as a remainder had a few odd dollars left after paying his bills (2) : constituting a small amount had some odd change in her pocket 3 a : being any of the integers (such as −3, −1, +1, and +3) that are not divisible by two without leaving a remainder b : marked by an odd number of units needed two odd-length boards, one of three feet and one of five feet c : being a function (see 1function 5a) such that f (−x) = −f (x) where the sign is reversed but the absolute value remains the same if the sign of the independent variable is reversed 4 a : not regular, expected, or planned worked at odd jobs b : encountered or experienced from time to time : occasional manages to get in some reading at odd moments 5 : having an out-of-the-way location : remote found it in some odd corner of the house 6 : differing markedly from the usual, ordinary, or accepted : peculiar a very odd way to show gratitude — oddness noun

hemihedral (adj)

of a crystal : having half the faces required by complete symmetry — compare HOLOHEDRAL, TETARTOHEDRAL

neurotic (adj)

of, relating to, constituting, or affected with neurosis (see neurosis) — neurotically

Horatio Alger (adj)

of, relating to, or resembling the fiction of Horatio Alger in which success is achieved through self-reliance and hard work

Faustian (adj)

of, relating to, resembling, or suggesting Faust; especially : made or done for present gain without regard for future cost or consequences a Faustian bargain

hook (v)

on the hook for... 1 : to form into a hook : CROOK 2a : to seize or make fast by or as if by a hook b : to connect by or as if by a hook —often used with up 3 : STEAL, PILFER 4 : to make (something, such as a rug) by drawing loops of yarn, thread, or cloth through a coarse fabric with a hook 5 : to hit or throw (a ball) so that a hook results intransitive verb 1 : to form a hook : CURVE 2 : to become hooked 3 : to work as a prostitute

paper tiger (n)

one that is outwardly powerful or dangerous but inwardly weak or ineffectual

ongoing (adj)

ongoing investigation. 1 a : being actually in process ongoing research b : continuing The investigation is ongoing. 2 : continuously moving forward : growing the long ongoing history of medicine — ongoingness

saturated (adj)

over-saturated. 1 : full of moisture : made thoroughly wet 2a : being a solution that is unable to absorb or dissolve any more of a solute at a given temperature and pressure b : being an organic compound having no double or triple bonds between carbon atoms saturated fats 3 of a color : having high saturation : PURE

overindulge (v)

overindulged; overindulging transitive + intransitive : to indulge (someone, or something) too much: such as a T : to be too permissive with (someone) They overindulged their grandchildren. : to allow (oneself or another person to have or do something to excess For years he had overindulged himself in food, drink, and finally worry. —Sean Dennis Cashman b T : to yield too much to (something, such as a feeling, interest, or desire) overindulged their children's whims Already I had the uneasy feeling that I was overindulging that middle-aged longing for an epiphany ... —John Gregory Dunne ... it was felt ... that in these two books Dickens had overindulged his liking for grotesque exaggeration and caricature. —Michael Hollington c I : to indulge too much; especially : to have or do too much of something that one enjoys or desires ... probably enjoyed drinking and likely overindulged on occasion ... —Corey Andrews Other studies are shedding light not just on why modern humans occasionally eat too much, but why, when we do overindulge, we often choose foods that aren't the best for us. —Paul Raeburn Doctors who know better still overindulge in sweets ... —Nick Romeo Occasionally ... overindulges in long reminiscences of sports and school days ... —Helen Benedict

peak (v)

peak of his/her... 1 : a pointed or projecting part of a garment; especially : the visor of a cap or hat The cap's peak shades his eyes. 2 : promontory a steep rocky peak 3 : a sharp or pointed end the peak of a roof 4 a (1) : the top of a hill or mountain ending in a point the fog hung ... heavily on the peak of the hill —H. D. Skidmore (2) : a prominent mountain usually having a well-defined summit b : something resembling a mountain peak Beat the cream until it forms stiff peaks. 5 a : the upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail b : the narrow part of a ship's bow or stern or the part of the hold in it 6 a : the highest level or greatest degree a singer at the peak of her popularity b : a high point in a course of development especially as represented on a graph The graph shows that murders in the city reached a peak two years ago. 7 : widow's peak

peripheral (adj)

peripheral vision. 1 : of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface part 2 a : of, relating to, affecting, or being part of the peripheral nervous system peripheral nerves peripheral neuritis b : of, relating to, or being blood in the systemic circulation peripheral lymphocytes 3 : of, relating to, or being the outer part of the field of vision good peripheral vision 4 : auxiliary, supplementary peripheral equipment; also : of or relating to computer peripherals — peripherally adverb

dialectic (n)

philosophy 1 : LOGIC sense 1a(1) 2a : discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation specifically : the Socratic techniques of exposing false beliefs and eliciting truth b : the Platonic (see PLATONIC sense 1) investigation of the eternal ideas 3 : the logic of appearances and of illusions : the logic of fallacy the dialectic of Kant 4a : the Hegelian process of change in which a concept or its realization passes over into and is preserved and fulfilled by its opposite also : the critical investigation of this process b Marxism (1) usually dialectics plural in form but singular or plural in construction : development through the stages of thesis (see THESIS sense 4), antithesis, and synthesis (see SYNTHESIS sense 2b) in accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism (2) : the investigation of this process (3) : the theoretical application of this process especially in the social sciences 5 usually dialectics plural in form but singular or plural in construction a : any systematic reasoning, exposition (see EXPOSITION sense 2a), or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict : a method of examining and discussing opposing ideas in order to find the truth b : an intellectual exchange of ideas 6 : the dialectical tension or opposition between two interacting forces or elements

Gypsy (n)

plural Gypsies 1 sometimes offensive : a member of a traditionally itinerant people who originated in northern India and now live chiefly in south and southwest Asia, Europe, and North America 2 : romany 2 3 not capitalized : one that resembles a Gypsy; especially : wanderer

democracy (n)

plural democracies 1 a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections 2 : a political unit that has a democratic government 3 capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S. from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy —C. M. Roberts 4 : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority 5 : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

gusto (n)

plural gustoes 1 a : an individual or special taste different gustoes b : enthusiastic and vigorous enjoyment or appreciation described the adventure with great gusto c : vitality marked by an abundance of vigor and enthusiasm could not match the gusto of their competitors 2 archaic : artistic style

infirmity (n)

plural infirmities 1 a : the quality or state of being infirm b : the condition of being feeble : frailty 2 : disease, malady 3 : a personal failing : foible one of the besetting infirmities of living creatures is egotism —A. J. Toynbee

meritocracy (n)

plural meritocracies 1 : a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement only the elite, in that new meritocracy, would enjoy the opportunity for self-fulfillment —R. P. Warren 2 : leadership selected on the basis of intellectual criteria many private schools have sold their birthright by choosing ... diversity over scholarly meritocracy —L. G. Crovitz — meritocratic

raison d'etre (n)

plural raisons d'être also raisons d'etre play \ˌrā-ˌzōⁿz-ˈde-trə, -ˈdetrᵊ\ : reason or justification for existence

license (n)

poetic license. 1 a : permission to act b : freedom of action 2 a : a permission granted by competent authority to engage in a business or occupation or in an activity otherwise unlawful a hunting license b : a document, plate, or tag evidencing a license granted c : a grant by the holder of a copyright or patent to another of any of the rights embodied in the copyright or patent short of an assignment of all rights 3 a : freedom that allows or is used with irresponsibility Freedom of the press should not be turned into license. b : disregard for standards of personal conduct : licentiousness 4 : deviation from fact, form, or rule by an artist or writer for the sake of the effect gained poetic license — licensed

enchanting (adj)

powerfully pleasing, appealing, or delightful : charming enchanting music an enchanting story a book with enchanting illustrations One of the most enchanting museums in London is also one of the world's most important for architectural and design drawings. —Allison Eckardt Ledes — enchantingly adverb an enchantingly beautiful landscape A young woman ... smiled out at us enchantingly ... —Stephanie Burgis

domestic violence (n)

preventing/reporting domestic violence. the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another; also : a repeated or habitual pattern of such behavior

dent (n)

put a dent in... 1 : a depression or hollow made by a blow or by pressure 2 : an appreciable impression or effect often made against resistance hasn't made a dent in the problem specifically : a weakening or lessening effect costs that have made a dent in the budget

mock-up (n)

put together a rough mock-up. 1 : a full-sized structural model built to scale chiefly for study, testing, or display 2 : a working sample (as of a magazine) for reviewing format, layout, or content

rave (n)

rave reviews. raved; raving intransitive verb 1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm raved about its beauty 2 : to move or advance violently : storm the iced gusts still rave and beat —John Keats transitive verb : to utter in madness or frenzy

confidence (n)

self-confidence. 1a : a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed met the risk with brash confidence b : faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way have confidence in a leader 2 : the quality or state of being certain : CERTITUDE they had every confidence of success 3a : a relation of trust or intimacy took his friend into his confidence b : reliance on another's discretion Their story was told in strictest confidence. c : support especially in a legislative body vote of confidence 4 : a communication made in confidence : SECRET accused him of betraying a confidence

self-taught (adj)

self-taught programmer. 1 : having knowledge or skills acquired by one's own efforts without formal instruction a self-taught musician 2 : learned by oneself self-taught knowledge

megillah (n)

slang 1 : a long involved story or account Shaffer has Salieri declaring war on Heaven ... and determined to ruin Mozart because God's voice is speaking through him. Shaffer turns Pushkin's metaphor into a whole megillah. — Paulene Kael 2a : an elaborate, complicated production or sequence of events Today's affair is a luncheon ... . In fact, the whole megillah has a furtive vibe to it, half shameful ... — Jeff MacGregor ... a simple matter of identifying the dead man ... turns into a big political megillah. — Marilyn Stasio b : everything involved in what is under consideration : BALL OF WAX The only thing that could interest me is if I could win. I'm not talking about the nomination, I'm talking about the whole megillah. — Donald Trump That's $18 million between the whole group. Throwing in Miller makes $22 million. Say they decided to donate the whole megillah last year. — Jason Rhode

keepsake (n)

something kept or given to be kept as a memento

off-limits (adj)

something off-limits. not to be entered or patronized by a designated class (such as military personnel); also : not to be interfered with, considered, or spoken of the subject of sex was off-limits in her family

acquired taste (n)

something or someone that is not easily or immediately liked or appreciated

golden handcuffs (n)

special benefits offered to an employee as an inducement to continue service

cancer (n)

stage ____ cancer. 1 capitalized a : a northern zodiacal constellation between Gemini and Leo b (1) : the fourth sign of the zodiac in astrology — see signs of the zodiac table (2) : one born under the sign of Cancer I'm a Taurus, but my best friend is a Cancer. 2 [Latin, crab, cancer] a : a malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that expands locally by invasion and systemically by metastasis b : an abnormal bodily state marked by such tumors 3 : something evil or malignant that spreads destructively the cancer of hidden resentment —Irish Digest 4 a : an enlarged tumorlike plant growth (such as that of crown gall) b : a plant disease marked by such growths — cancerous play \ˈkan(t)s-rəs, ˈkan(t)-sə-\ adjective — cancerously adverb

nitpick (v)

stop nitpicking. nitpicked; nitpicking; nitpicks intransitive verb : to engage in nit-picking transitive verb : to criticize by nit-picking ... warns her lawyers not to nitpick on relatively simple matters. —Deborah L. Jacobs — nitpick noun — nitpicker noun — nitpicky

panic (n)

suddenly felt panic at the sight of an ex. 1 a : a sudden overpowering fright; also : acute, extreme anxiety b : a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight widespread panic in the streets c : a sudden widespread fright concerning financial affairs that results in a depression of values caused by extreme measures for protection of property (such as securities) 2 dated slang : someone or something that is very funny : riot — panick

tear down (v)

tear down walls. 1a : to cause to decompose or disintegrate b : VILIFY, DENIGRATE trying to tear down his reputation 2 : to take apart : DISASSEMBLE tear down an engine

default (n)

the default setting. 1 : failure to do something required by duty or law : neglect 2 archaic : fault 3 economics : a failure to pay financial debts was in default on her loan mortgage defaults 4 a law : failure to appear at the required time in a legal proceeding The defendant is in default. b : failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest lost the game by default 5 a : a selection made usually automatically or without active consideration due to lack of a viable alternative remained the club's president by default the default candidate b computers : a selection automatically used by a program in the absence of a choice made by the user using the default settings — in default of : in the absence of

epitome (n)

the epitome of (a go-getter). 1 : a typical or ideal example : embodiment the British monarchy itself is the epitome of tradition —Richard Joseph 2 a : a summary of a written work b : a brief presentation or statement of something 3 : brief or miniature form —usually used with in — epitomic play \ˌe-pə-ˈtä-mik\ or epitomical

gambit (n)

the queen's gambit. 1 : a chess opening in which a player risks one or more pawns or a minor piece to gain an advantage in position 2 a (1) : a remark intended to start a conversation or make a telling point (2) : topic b : a calculated move : stratagem

think (v)

thinking outloud. 1 : to form or have in the mind 2 : to have as an intention thought to return early 3a : to have as an opinion think it's so b : to regard as : CONSIDER think the rule unfair 4a : to reflect on : PONDER think the matter over b : to determine by reflecting think what to do next 5 : to call to mind : REMEMBER He never thinks to ask how we are. 6 : to devise by thinking —usually used with up thought up a plan to escape 7 : to have as an expectation : ANTICIPATE We didn't think we'd have any trouble. 8a : to center one's thoughts on talks and thinks business b : to form a mental picture of 9 : to subject to the processes of logical thought think things out intransitive verb 1a : to exercise the powers of judgment, conception, or inference : REASON b : to have in the mind or call to mind a thought 2a : to have the mind engaged in reflection : MEDITATE b : to consider the suitability thought of her for president 3 : to have a view or opinion thinks of himself as a poet 4 : to have concern —usually used with of I must think first of my family. 5 : to consider something likely : SUSPECT may happen sooner than you think think better of : to reconsider and make a wiser decision think much of : to view with satisfaction : APPROVE —usually used in negative constructions I didn't think much of the new car.

tinker (v)

tinkering around with... : to work in the manner of a tinker especially : to repair, adjust, or work with something in an unskilled or experimental manner : FIDDLE always tinkering with his car transitive verb : to repair, adjust, or experiment with tinkered; tinkering

consent (v)

to (give) consent to... consented; consenting; consents intransitive verb 1 : to give assent or approval : agree consent to being tested Her father consented to the marriage. 2 archaic : to be in concord in opinion or sentiment — consenter noun — consentingly

transcend (v)

transcending partisanship. 1a : to rise above or go beyond the limits of b : to triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of : OVERCOME c : to be prior to, beyond, and above (the universe or material existence) 2 : to outstrip or outdo in some attribute, quality, or power intransitive verb : to rise above or extend notably beyond ordinary limits transcended; transcending; transcends

defamiliarize (v)

transitive verb : to present or render in an unfamiliar artistic form usually to stimulate fresh perception — defamiliarization

traverse (v)

traverse the countryside. 1 a : to go or travel across or over b : to move or pass along or through light rays traversing a crystal 2 : to make a study of : examine 3 : to lie or extend across : cross the bridge traverses a brook 4 a : to move to and fro over or along b : to ascend, descend, or cross (a slope or gap) at an angle c : to move (a gun) to right or left on a pivot 5 a : to go against or act in opposition to : oppose, thwart b : to deny (something, such as an allegation of fact or an indictment) formally at law 6 : to make or carry out a survey of by using traverses intransitive verb 1 : to move back and forth or from side to side 2 : to move or turn laterally : swivel 3 a : to climb at an angle or in a zigzag course b : to ski across rather than straight down a hill 4 : to make a survey by using traverses — traversable adjective — traverser

trim (v)

trimming down. 1a : to remove by or as if by cutting trimmed thousands from federal payrolls —Grit b : to make trim and neat especially by cutting or clipping trim the hedges c : to free of excess or extraneous matter by or as if by cutting trim a budget trim down the inventory 2 : to embellish with or as if with ribbons, lace, or ornaments trim the Christmas tree the coat was trimmed with fur 3a : to administer a beating to : THRASH b : DEFEAT trimmed me at chess 4a(1) : to cause (a ship) to assume a desirable position in the water by arrangement of ballast, cargo, or passengers (2) : to adjust (something, such as an airplane or submarine) for horizontal movement or for motion upward or downward b : to adjust (something, such as cargo or a sail) to a desired position intransitive verb 1a : to maintain neutrality between opposing parties or to favor each equally b : to change one's views for reasons of expediency 2 : to assume or cause a boat to assume a desired position in the water a boat that trims badly trim one's sails : to adjust oneself or one's actions to prevailing conditions compromise or trim your sails to suit the political winds —Philip Johnston

hereunder (adv)

under or in accordance with this writing or document

woman (n)

when a man loves a woman. 1a : an adult female person b : a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) —usually used in combination councilwoman 2 : WOMANKIND 3 : distinctively feminine nature : WOMANLINESS 4 : a woman who is a servant or personal attendant 5a chiefly dialectal : WIFE b : MISTRESS c : GIRLFRIEND sense 2 6 : a woman who is extremely fond of or devoted to something specified I'm a chocolate woman through and through, but one bite of West's banana pudding cupcake and I was sold. —Hattie Brown Garrow

grace (n)

with grace. 1a : unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification b : a virtue coming from God c : a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance 2a : APPROVAL, FAVOR stayed in his good graces b archaic : MERCY, PARDON c : a special favor : PRIVILEGE each in his place, by right, not grace, shall rule his heritage —Rudyard Kipling d : disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency e : a temporary exemption : REPRIEVE 3a : a charming or attractive trait or characteristic Among disagreeable qualities he possessed the saving grace of humor. b : a pleasing appearance or effect : CHARM all the grace of youth —John Buchan c : ease and suppleness (see SUPPLE entry 1 sense 2b) of movement or bearing danced with such grace 4 —used as a title of address or reference for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop 5 : a short prayer at a meal asking a blessing or giving thanks 6 Graces plural : three sister goddesses in Greek mythology who are the givers of charm and beauty 7 : a musical trill, turn, or appoggiatura 8a : sense of propriety or right had the grace not to run for elective office —Calvin Trillin b : the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful accepted his advice with grace

yikes (interj)

—used to express fear or astonishment

head case (n)

: NUT sense 6a

dicey (adj)

: RISKY, UNPREDICTABLE a dicey proposition dicey weather dicier; diciest

malt whiskey (n)

: SCOTCH sense 3

M-day (n)

: a day on which a military mobilization is to begin

Hellenism (n)

1 : GRECISM sense 1 2 : devotion to or imitation of ancient Greek thought, customs, or styles 3 : Greek civilization especially as modified in the Hellenistic period by influences from southwestern Asia 4 : a body of humanistic and classical ideals associated with ancient Greece and including reason, the pursuit of knowledge and the arts, moderation, civic responsibility, and bodily development

stormy petrel (n)

1 : STORM PETREL 2a : one fond of strife b : a harbinger of trouble

tether (v)

tethered to one's friends. : to fasten or restrain by or as if by a tether felt tethered to her desk until the work was done tethered; tethering

hoodlum (n)

1 : THUG especially : a violent criminal 2 : a young ruffian

bodhi sattva (n)

a being that compassionately refrains from entering nirvana in order to save others and is worshipped as a deity in Mahayana Buddhism

bombshell (n)

a bomshell revelation. 1 : bomb 1a 2 a : one that is stunning, amazing, or devastating The book was a political bombshell. b : a person who is the cause and object of sensational and usually widespread attention, excitement, or attraction a blonde bombshell [=a glamorously attractive blonde woman]

brazen (adj)

a brazen move. 1 : made of brass drinking from brazen cups 2 a : sounding harsh and loud like struck brass the horrible brazen voice of the fire bell —Elmer Davis b : of the color of polished brass 3 : marked by shameless or disrespectful boldness a brazen disregard for the rules

candid (adj)

a candid conversation a : marked by honest sincere expression a candid discussion b : disposed to criticize severely : blunt candid critics c : indicating or suggesting sincere honesty and absence of deception her candid face 2 : free from bias, prejudice, or malice : fair a candid observer 3 : relating to or being photography of subjects acting naturally or spontaneously without being posed candid photos of the family at play 4 : white candid flames — candidly adverb — candidness noun

deafening (adj)

a deafening roar. 1 : that deafens 2 : very loud : EARSPLITTING fell with a deafening clap 3 : very noticeable their silence on the issue was deafening

self-serving (adj)

a self-serving attitude. : serving one's own interests often in disregard of the truth or the interests of others

diversify (v)

diversify your assets. 1 : to make diverse or composed of unlike elements : give variety to diversify a course of study 2 : to balance (an investment portfolio) defensively by dividing funds among securities (see SECURITY sense 3) of different industries or of different classes diversify your investments 3 : to increase the variety of the products of diversify the company intransitive verb 1 : to produce variety encouraging farmers to diversify 2 : to engage in varied operations diversifying into online services

firsthand (adj)

experiencing firsthand. obtained by, coming from, or being direct personal observation or experience a firsthand account of the war ... had a firsthand view of the turmoil that wracked the region. —William W. Finan, Jr. — firsthand adverb

gung ho (adj)

extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic

golden (adj)

golden rule. 1 : consisting of, relating to, or containing gold 2 a : being or having the color gold or the color of gold b : blond 1 3 : lustrous, shining 4 : of a high degree of excellence : superb 5 : prosperous, flourishing golden days 6 a : radiantly youthful and vigorous b : having talents that promise great success —often used with boy c : highly favored : popular 7 : favorable, advantageous a golden opportunity 8 : of, relating to, or being a 50th anniversary or its celebration 9 : mellow, resonant a smooth golden tenor — goldenly adverb — goldenness

salvific (adj)

having the intent or power to save or redeem the salvific life and death of Christ —E. A. Walsh

inculcate (v)

inculcate with... to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions — inculcation noun — inculcator

frequency (n)

plural frequencies 1 : the fact or condition of occurring frequently the frequency of automobile accidents 2 a : the number of times that a periodic function repeats the same sequence of values during a unit variation of the independent variable b : the number, proportion, or percentage of items in a particular category in a set of data 3 : the number of repetitions of a periodic process in a unit of time: such as a : the number of complete alternations (see alternation 1) per second of an alternating current b : the number of complete oscillations (see oscillation 3) per second of energy (such as sound or electromagnetic radiation) in the form of waves

holiday (n)

taking a holiday. 1 : holy day an important Muslim holiday 2 : a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically : a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event will be closed for the July 4th holiday a national holiday plans for the holiday weekend 3 chiefly British : vacation —often used in the phrase on holiday going on holiday —often used in plural spent the summer holidays in Spain 4 : a period of exemption or relief corporations enjoying a tax holiday

graveyard (n)

the graveyard shift. 1 : cemetery 2 : something resembling a graveyard an automobile graveyard

occasional (adj)

the occasional drink. 1 a : of or relating to a particular occasion a budget able to meet occasional demands as well as regular ones b : created for a particular occasion occasional verse occasional music 2 : acting as the occasion or contributing cause of something occasional causes for creating apparent effects 3 : encountered, occurring, appearing, or taken at irregular or infrequent intervals occasional visitors an occasional vacation found occasional errors occasional episodes of chest pain 4 : acting in a specified capacity from time to time an occasional lecturer an occasional essayist 5 : designed or constructed to be used as the occasion demands occasional furniture

third party (n)

thirdy party consult. 1 : a person other than the principals a third party to a divorce proceeding insurance against injury to third parties 2a : a major political party operating over a limited period of time in addition to two other major parties in a nation or state normally characterized by a two-party system b : MINOR PARTY

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