growing democracy in england

¡Supera tus tareas y exámenes ahora con Quizwiz!

The Magna Carta influenced the separation of church and state because it prohibited the

monarch from interfering with the church.

The Magna Carta placed limits on the government and indicated that the monarch

must obey the law.

The Magna Carta was created during the reign of


Which monarch was forced to sign the Petition of Right?

Charles I

Why did James I resist Parliament's growing power?

He believed he was God's representative and should not be challenged.

Which best describes the significance of William and Mary accepting Parliament's limitation on the monarchy's power?

It affirmed Parliament's supremacy over government.

The English Bill of Rights effectively ended the threat of


The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 required accused criminals to be

brought before a judge.

Which of the following elements of the US Constitution has its roots in the English Bill of Rights?

protection from cruel and unusual punishment

Which rights for citizens did the English Bill of Rights support? Check all that apply.

protection from cruel punishment the right to bear arms the right to trial by jury

For which action did the Magna Carta require the monarch to obtain legislative approval?

raising taxes

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