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Speed typing.

After completion of the home row keys, type at a speed faster than comfortable.

Re-key an exercise if you are not satisfied.

After typing(keying-completing) the beginning exercises, using the correct finger should be automatic. If you look at the keyboard when you type a particular key, rerun the appropriate exercise.

Finger placement

Check to see that the fingers of your left hand reside on the a s d f keys. The fingers of your right hand should gently reside on the j k l ; keys. Gently place the fingers of your left hand on the a s d f keys and the fingers of your right hand on the j k l ; keys. Your fingers should be slightly curved. Your wrists should be low but not resting on the keyboard. Your elbows should be close in, next to your side.

Make adjustments.

Check your distance from the keyboard. Adjust your chair when necessary to avoid a common problem - that of sitting too close to the keyboard. Also, adjust the angle of your monitor to minimize glare. Eyestrain is very tiring and will result in an increased number of errors. Remove excessive paperwork from your work area, and don't let direct sunlight in from windows that will result in screen glair(reflections- glare).

Avoid eyestrain.

Eyestrain. Eyestrain is serious. It is tiring and leads to errors. Eyestrain can occur when there is a reflection on the computer monitor. Adjust the angle of the monitor and/or the height of your chair to reduce reflections. The room should be slightly dark(dim) with no major rays of sunlight when learning touch typing. Squinting is very fatiguing. Monitor shields, or even monitor screens might be of some help, but most relief occurs when you eliminate background glare. We often forget to blink our eyes when looking at the monitor. So, Shut your eyes. Then open you eyes and look up. Tired eyes. Eyestrain is very tiring and will result in an increased number of errors. Remove excessive paperwork, and do not let direct sunlight in from windows that will result in screen glare.

Locate the home-row keys.

Force yourself to use the correct fingers to strike(press) the keys. If you forget which finger to use, look at the picture accompanying the exercise. The beginning exercises are extremely important because you are developing correct keystroke patterns.

Typing Games.

Games are fun. They are useful in reducing tension. The games encourage you to concentrate. Once you learn to concentrate, you will be able to improve your keyboarding speed and accuracy. Games are not a substitute for practice when typing on a keyboard. But practice is needed to improve speed and accuracy (master the typing keyboard). They are fine. But don't forget that practice is needed to improve touch typing speed and accuracy. Limit Typing Games. Don't forget to practice your typing. Typing Games? Yes, but spend your time in practicing typing speed and accuracy. No game playing. Computer games are a distraction and disrupt the educational process.

Error reduction.

If errors are occurring on the bottom row keys, move your chair back from the keyboard and slightly raise your wrists.

More practice needed?

If you feel you need more practice on the home-row keys, or for that matter, any exercise, type the exercise again. The computer is a patient but demanding teacher. Practice(Retype) each exercise several times until you are satisfied with your typing skills. Only go to the next exercise in a series when you feel comfortable with the exercise you have just completed.

Magic is not needed to learn to type.

Learning how to type is not magic. It does require patience and more practice. Use Word Wacker and let the Little Professor be your guide in (to help you) developing valuable typing skills.

Practice, but avoid "over-working."

Many learners, particularly beginning computer users, become very tense when using the computers. Tensions should be reduced so that learning is fun. We have extensive finger dexterity exercises as well as numerous physical stretching exercise to help reduce stress.

Posture is important

Most people remember the importance of using the correct key reaches, but there is a tendency to forget the importance of posture. If the keyboard or your posture position changes, sound typing skills will not develop. Always maintain correct posture while typing. If you don't sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the floor, the angle of your arms will change; thus changing the keystroke reach. Poor posture equals poor accuracy. This decreases your typing speed and accuracy. Plus, poor posture is fatiguing. So, please sit up straight

Move only the fingers needed.

Move only the finger needed when striking a key. Do not allow other fingers to wander away from their assigned home-row keys. This will be awkward at first, and will require will-power. But you can do it! Let your brain train your fingers. Train your fingers to stay on their assigned home row key. Pivot with the little or index finger for long reaches. Immediately return to the correct home row key.

Type without looking at the keys.

No peeking! Use a quick stroke to strike and bounce off the keys. Think in terms of snapping your fingers quickly downward on the keys. Do not "press" or "mush" the key. Strike the key quickly and move on!

Be patient.

Once the correct finger-keystroke patterns are used, touch typing speed and accuracy occur naturally.

Don't worry about speed and accuracy.

Relax when typing the beginning exercises. However, always use the correct finger/keystroke pattern. Speed and accuracy will develop naturally through practice once your fingers have been "correctly trained."

Use the correct finger-keystroke.

Study the pictures in the Nimble Fingers touch typing(keyboarding) program to (so you) know which finger to use. Whisper each letter before striking the key.

Have Some Fun.

The finger coordination exercises and stress reducing exercises, will help reduce tensions, and they often produce a smile. A smile and pleasant environment can help make learning fun. Check out the Healthy section.

Do you have an extra fifteen minutes?

Then you can complete a couple of practice exercises. It might not sound like much, but you have helped develop your typing skills.

Set up a schedule.

Unless you establish a "schedule for learning" it is all to easy to find an excuse for not practicing. The Little Professor never promised you a rose garden. It takes practice to develop touch-keyboarding skills.


When tired, take a break. Fatigue can result in your concentration wandering, and when this happens, you are not doing a good job of training your fingers. Come back to this web site, and practice the exercises shown to relieve stress and tension.


While your fingers are gently touching the home-row keys, the thumbs should be slightly above the space bar (the long bar at the bottom of the keyboard). To press the space bar, make a quick downward motion with your right thumb. It might feels better for left-handed people to use their left thumb to press the space bar.


Whisper each letter as you use a quick stroke to strike and bounce off keys. Do not "press" or "mush down" on the key. Quickly strike the key; bounce off the key, and return your finger to their assigned home row location.

Sit erect.

Your feet should be flat on the floor. Poor posture is tiring and leads to errors.

Check your hands!

Your fingers should be on the home row keys and your hands should slant at the same angle as the keyboard. Do not let your wrists become lazy and rest against the desk or the keyboard.

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