Guarantee 2 notes

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Which of the following riders provides for the payment of part of the policy death benefit if the insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness that will result in two years?

Living Needs Rider

Under ACA, when would pregnancy be considered a pre-existing condition?


The reduction of premium options uses the dividend to reduce

Next year's premium

What type of insurer uses a formal sharing agreement?


which of the following concerning the medical information bureau is correct

The MIB assists underwriters in evaluating risks

What is the exclusion ratio used to determine?

The annuity benefit to be excluded from taxes

Which is true regarding taxation of accelerated benefits paid under a life insurance policy?

They are received tax free

Which rider pays a death benefit that doubles or triples the face amount if the insured's death was caused by an accident?

accidental death rider

Any person legally capable of making a policy is considered

an insurer

Concerning the Family Protection Policy, all of the following are true except

children, upon reaching the age of majority, are permitted to convert to an individual policy with proof of insurability

A whole life policy is surrendered for a reduced paid up policy. The cash value in the new policy will...

continue to increase

If an agent follows the rules and terms of his agent contract, he is exercising his

express authority

The agent's statement is

not included in the "entire contract"

Key person insurance can provide protection for all of the following economic losses to a business except

pay the death benefit to the estate of the insured

All of the following are true of a qualified plan except

the income at retirement is tax free

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