Guerrero - TExES 150 School Librarian Test Terms

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A place in which people with shared interests, especially in computing or technology, can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge.

Library of Congress

Classification system: uses standard subject headings. Alphabetical, w/subdivisions using letters, numerals, and decimal points

Open-Source Automation System

coding is not owned by vendor. Can personalize and modify system and share with other librarians


course of action taken to execute the policy

Reference Interview

effectively interview students to figure out what they need. Start with open-ended questions

Impact Studies

examines the effect of an event on the economy in a specified area, ranging from a single neighborhood to the entire globe

General operating funds

funding directed to an organization's operations as a whole rather than to particular projects.

Short-range Plan

part of a longer range plan but is... 1) accomplishable in less than a year 2) progressive small steps that lead to long-term goals 3) Flexible

Dewey: 400s


Spreadsheet Files extension


Dewey: 600s


Who wrote Tom Swift?

Victor Appleton

Who wrote Sounder?

William H. Armstrong


an important word or phrase that is used to retrieve information

Bibliographic integrity

the accuracy and uniformity with which items are cataloged in the MARC format

Marshall Breeding

An independent consultant, speaker, and author. He is the creator and editor of Library Technology Guides and the online directory of libraries on the Web.

Library Sparks

An indispensable resource bursting with fun and engaging programming ideas for today's elementary school and children's librarian.

Pathways to Knowledge

An information literacy model that closely follows the steps outlined in the Big6 model

Site Map

A list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a Web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.


A list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, usually printed in an appendix.


An international database of libraries and their catalogs that have registered with WorldCat. A great way to locate books and research from all over the United States and abroad. Visit the website's Help page for an overview of WorldCat and how to use it.. A union catalog that itemizes the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories that participate in the Online Computer Library Center global cooperative.

Acceptable Use Policy

A set of guidelines by which students and staff are to use network and web resources within the district. It outlines ethical behavior and the consequences for the misuse of the resources.


A social media site to which a user makes short, frequent posts.

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction

A story rooted in reality but the characters are fictionalized.

Genre: Historical Fiction

A story set in the past and sometimes borrows true characteristics of the time period in which it is set.

Genre: Fantasy

A story that cannot occur in the real world. Its plot usually involves witchcraft or magic, taking place on an undiscovered planet of an unknown world.

Tellable Tale

A story that is memorized for dramatic presentation


A sum of money given by an organization, especially a government, for a particular purpose.


A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.


A system of computers linked together to share data, software, and hardware


A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.

Cataloging Module

A systematic list of books and resources in a library.

Genre: Traditional Tales

A tale or legend originating and traditional among a people or folk, especially one forming part of the oral tradition of the common people. any belief or story passed on traditionally, especially one considered to be false or based on superstition.

Fiscal Year

A twelve-month period that is used for bookkeeping, or accounting, purposes. Usually, the fiscal year does not coincide with the calendar year. For example, the federal government's fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30.

Bibliographic Data

A unit describing a work in a bibliographic file, e.g., a catalog card.

Empirical Research

A way of gaining knowledge by means of direct observation or experience. Types of empirical research include - Quantitative - Qualitative

Intellectual Property

A work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark, etc.


An old term used to refer to the listings of all the subject headings a book could be found under in a card catalog The tracings were on the book's shelf list card and were especially important if an item was weeded from the collection. Library staff would use the tracings on the shelf list card to pull all cards referring to the work from the catalog.


An online interactive meeting - a presentation, seminar, lecture, workshop, etc. - that is held over the Internet.


Anglo American Cataloging Rules 2nd Edition Descriptive cataloging rules. It won't contain information until you input information into MARC fields described by the rules of AACR2


Annual publications that contain calendars, facts, statistics and other miscellaneous information

Directional Request

Answers to "where" questions Examples of Directional questions: "Where is the circulation desk?" "What time do you close?" "Do you offer storytimes for toddlers?"

Added Entry

Any heading that is not included in the main entry (100). Added entries are access points in the catalog.

Collection Development Tools

Anything used to help select, research, and acquire resources, materials, and media

Dewey 700

Arts & Recreation

The best time to teach library skills is

As the need arises. Students will get more out of instruction in library skills if they have to use the skills they are learning.

What term does the No Child Left Behind Act use to describe expected improvements in student test scores?

Adequate yearly progress. Even schools that are performing well are expected to show year-to-year improvements

Mrs. Crawford is assessing the relevancy of her reference information. Which is the best way to assess the relevancy of material in relation to curriculum?

Ask users whether the materials are relevant to their needs. The best way to assess the relevancy of a collection is to ask the users whether the materials meet their needs. Items which are irrelevant can be discarded or replaced with more relevant materials. A copyright date can give information on relevancy. For example, a ten year-old book on computers will most likely provide irrelevant information. A ten-year-old book on George Washington might still be a viable source of information.

Keyword searching is enhanced by...

Assigning controlled vocabulary (terms/phrases) to keywords.


Association for Educational Communications and Technology Professional association of educators and others whose activities are directed toward improving instruction through technology.


Association for Library Service to children. It is the world's largest organization dedicated to support and enhancement to the children, They provide methods and techniques for teaching and learning for younger students in a library and library media center. ALA subdivision giving the following awards: - Caldecott Medal - Newbery Medal - Pura Belpre Medal - Coretta Scott King Award - Robert Sibert Medal.

How often should an AUP be updated?

At least biennially (EVERY TWO YEARS) Because technologies change so rapidly, an AUP should be reviewed at least every two years. Check to see if all important components are included in the policy and update as needed. The policy should cover all telecommunication devices also.

Carnegie Medal

Award of excellence in children's videos

Schneider Family Book Award

Awards an author or illustrator for a book that embodies an artistic expression of the disability experience for child and adolescent audiences.

Discretionary Grant

Awards funds on the basis of a competitive process. The department reviews applications, in part through a formal review process, in light of the legislative and regulatory requirements and published selection criteria established for a program. The review process gives the department discretion to determine which applications best address the program requirements and are, therefore, most worthy of funding


Book jobbers are used to buy books at discounts, help make suggestions, and assist with inventory collection Act as the middleman between the librarian and the vendor (Follet titlewave)

The Printz Award is sponsored by

Booklist, administered by the American Library Association. The award is given for excellence in young adult literature.

Banned Books

Books or other printed works such as essays or plays which are prohibited by law or to which free access is not permitted by other means. A form of censorship.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal

Writers or illustrators of children's books published in the United States who have over a period of years made substantial and lasting contributions to children's literature.


Young Adult Library Services Association ALA subdivision giving the following awards: - ALEX award - Best Books for Young Adults - Michael Printz Award

Bloom's Taxonomy Domains

Cognitive - instruction, comprehension, and general education Affective - attitudes, values, interests, and appreciation Psychomotor - physically accomplish tasks and perform movement and skills

Which of the following is NOT involved in a needs assessment?

Community The general community does not regularly use the school library. The needs assessment guides the budget. It requires feedback from the stakeholders, which includes the administration, staff, faculty, students, and parents.

Dewey 000

Computer Science Info. & General works


Computer programs that tell a computer what to do; instructions to the CPU to tell it what to do with the data it receives


Confidentiality exists when a library is in possession of personally identifiable information (PII) about users and keeps that information private on their behalf. This includes such library-created records as closed-stack call slips, computer sign-up sheets, registration for equipment or facilities, circulation records, Web sites visited, reserve notices, or research notes.

The first part of the CREW method involves what?

Continuous Review The CREW method is the process used to build a media collection, and the first part involves Continuous Review, which is the process of constant monitoring the items in the current media collection and reviewing what is being used or what is not helpful. After this, the item, or items, are evaluated and then weeded out if necessary.


Continuous Review, Evaluation and Weeding Standard for weeding a collection.

Way to memorize 10 Dewey Decimal levels

Give (General - 000) Patrons (Philosophy - 100) Reading (Religion - 200) Series (Social Sciences - 300) Literature (Language - 400) So (Science - 500) They Are (Technology and Applied Sciences - 600) Accessing (Arts - 700) Library (Literature - 800) Genres in Hardcover (Geography and History - 900) Give patrons reading series literature so they are accessing library genres (in) hardcover

The Geisel Award

Given annually to the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished American book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year.

Hans Christian Andersen Award

Given every 2 years to an author and illustrator for their entire body of work

Orbis Picture Award

Given to best nonfiction book

The Online Computer Library Center features a what?

Global catalog.

Internet Childhood Safety

Global term referring to all laws / social efforts to protect kids using the internet. Schools accepting certain federal funding must comply w/CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act). It requires (in part) installation of filtering software.

STaR Chart

Designed to assess the technology needs of the school

Texas Bluebonnet Award

Grades 3-6; allows students to vote on their favorite book from a select list (only if they have read at least 5)

One of the biggest issues of any circulation policy is the circulation period for print materials. Reminding students about overdue books can be taxing and time consuming. Which of the following policies should best alleviate this problem and meet the needs of students?

Extending the circulation period to meet the needs of users. Students doing research may need more time than the established period. Use of these or all materials can be extended to meet the needs of users. This could eliminate much of the work of "chasing after" overdue materials.

Fair Use is a policy that is designed to protect what type of material?

Fair use is a policy used to regulate the use of copyrighted material, whether in print or electronic (online, computer, video, etc.). It permits a set amount of usage for copyrighted material without having to acquire permission from the rights holders for it. While schools are generally allowed a slightly higher usage of these materials for educational purposes, there are still rules and guidelines set in place for them.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act A Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

Genre: Science Fiction

Fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets.

Private Sector Grant

Grants by private voluntary agencies and non-government organizations (NGOs) are defined as transfers made by private voluntary agencies and NGOs in cash, goods or services for which no payment is required. The private sector comprises private corporations, households and nonprofit institutions serving households.


Graphical User Interface A type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices using images.

The library media center should have a separate area for

Group instruction. This will keep groups from distracting other patrons. This area can be used for activities such as direct instruction, reading aloud, and storytelling.

Library Advisory Committee

Group of people who develop and monitor local policies and procedures for the school library. (Administrator, Library media specialist, teacher, student, and possibly a parent)


Guides patrons to the resources needed to answer their research questions: can be web-based. Carefully constructed pathfinders can guide students to quality sources. Save time/frustration

Keith Curry-Lance

Has conducted many studies on the effect of school library media programs on student achievement

Block Grants

Funds earmarked for a specific purpose. Schools must apply for grant.

Dewey: 000s


Dewey: 900s


Your library wishes to apply for a GTECH After School Advantage Grant. What is the eligibility criteria?

GTECH After School Advantage Grants establish computer labs in schools that serve minority and other at risk children. To qualify, your school must have an existing after-school program and have the staff and funds to support such a computer lab.

Genre: Poetry

Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.

Dewey 800



Local Area Network A group of computers, connected by cables, set up in a single location such as a school or office which allows the sharing of resources


Local Call Number (The Tiger Rising) $a F DIC $a FIC DIC

Interlibrary Loan

Locating, requesting, retrieving, and exchanging materials across libraries (public or school)

Taxonomy that applies specifically to school libraries

Loertscher's There are two taxonomies that guide literacy models. David Loertscher's taxonomy is The Library Media Specialist's Taxonomy for the Library Media Program. The other taxonomy is the Teacher's Taxonomy of Resource-Based Teaching.


Look at the work as a whole to determine its overall contents Think of terms that summarize the primary subject focus of the work

Who is the author of Little Women?

Louisa May Alcott

Who wrote The Indian and the Cupboard series?

Lynne Reid Banks

Main Entry

MARC - 1XX fields

MARC records

MAchine Readable Cataloging records: makes bibliographic records standard from library to library across software


MAchine Readable Cataloguing A standard for the storage and exchange of bibliographic records and related information in machine-readable form.

Publisher's Weekly

Magazine that is aimed at booksellers and is not critical enough in their review since their goal is more of publicity for new and upcoming books. American weekly trade news magazine targeted at publishers, librarians, booksellers and literary agents. Published continuously for the past 138 years, it has carried the tagline, "The International News Magazine of Book Publishing and Bookselling."

Your catalogue system is mixed. Which style are you most likely to keep?

Most common. A uniform catalogue style needs to be chosen. This needs to be explained to vendors and the current catalogue altered. Choosing the most common style will reduce the workload.

What allows library patrons to access MARC records on the computer?

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)


Subject Added Entries (The Tiger Rising) $a Tiger $v Fiction $2 sears

Mr. Carlson is serving in an inner city school district which has no budgeted funds for professional development. He wants to keep up with developments in school library programs. Which of the following is his best option for doing so in his situation?

Subscribe to and read professional publications in the field.


Summary (The Tiger Rising) $a Rob who passes the time in his rural Florida community by wood carving, is drawn by his spunky but angry friend Sistine into a plan to free a caged tiger.

Program Budget

The program system describes a plan of activity or a funding for a particular activity. Reference services, for example. The major use for a program budget is for grants for which the library might apply.

Shelf Reading

The purpose of shelf-reading is to maintain the proper order within a collection, usually in Library of Congress, Title, or SUDOC order. Shelf-reading is the process of checking the collections for improperly shelved books.

Overdue Materials

The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures when dealing with patrons who have books or other materials that have not been returned or renewed

Intellectual Freedom

The right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored.

Maintenance/Continuity Budget

The same level of expenditures will be maintained and the program will continue as before


The speed in which data can be transferred


Uniform Resource Locator The web address where a website may be found. File extensions to the URL include: .gov, .edu, .com etc.

Action Research

Used by practitioners to attempt to solve problems and improve professional practice in their own classrooms, libraries, etc. Site-specific

Sears Subject Headings

Used for small libraries in lieu of Library of Congress, which are often too detailed

Truncation Symbol

Uses root of the word. Usually an * is placed after or before the root word so that search results retrieve words using that root by with additional affixes.


Wireless Local Area Network A local area network that links electronic devices via electromagnetic airwaves, rather than by wire or cable, usually providing connection to an Internet service provider through an access point (router).

Chris Van Allsburg

Won the Caldecott Medal twice, for Jumanji and for The Polar Express.

Boolean Operators

Words used to combine search terms in a keyword search. - AND narrows or limits (when you want to find 2 or more search terms) - OR widens or expands search - NOT eliminates words you don't want to come up

Subject Headings

Words/phrases assigned to books & articles to index them. Four main types: - topical - format - geographical - period (date).

Evidence-Based Measures

Work with QUALITATIVE data, standards designed to express ideas and responses. To measure this data, a rubric is created that outlines specific indicators to determine level of success (reference interviews, surveys)

Fair Usage Law

Works copied for educational, nonprofit, or personal purposes are much more likely to be considered within fair use than those items that that are copied with the intention of earning money. Only copy/borrow exactly what is needed

Berta and Elmer Hader

An illustrator who won the Caldecott award for "The Big Snow"

Who is the author of the Ramona Quimby series?

Beverly Cleary

What will guarantee active, authentic learning for students?

Personal construction of meaning


(Library Media Network) is a listserv for school librarians from all over the globe. When someone subscribes to the LM_NET listserv they are added to a mailing list. When someone on the mailing list emails LM_NET the listserv then forwards the email to the rest of the mailing list. The discussion on LM_NET focuses on school library issues. It is an excellent resource for school librarians everywhere.

Control Group

(Variable that does not change) While the behavior of the experimental group is manipulated in some way, no attempt is made is made to manipulate the control group.

Checklist for Fair Use

- Consider [educational] purpose - Nature - Amount and [commercial] effect of the use of the item

Which types of purposes for using copyrighted material is more likely to be considered Fair Use?

- Criticism and comment - news reports - research and scholarship - nonprofit educational use - parody.

Weeding: 3/10/MUSTIE strategy

- Misleading - Ugly - Superseded (by more recent material) - Trivial - Irrelevant - Elsewhere (available elsewhere) - 3 years since copyright - 10 = 10 years since last checkout (varies by call #)

Copyright and Fair Use for: Printed Material

- Poem less than 250 words; 250-word excerpt of poem greater than 250 words - Articles, stories, or essays less than 2,500 words - Excerpt from a longer work (10 percent of work or 1,000 words, whichever is less) - One chart, picture, diagram, or cartoon per book or per periodical issue - Two pages (maximum) from an illustrated work less than 2,500 words, e.g., a children's book - Teachers may make multiple copies for classroom use, and incorporate into multimedia for teaching classes. - Students may incorporate text into multimedia projects. - Copies may be made only from legally acquired originals. - Only one copy allowed per student. - Teachers may make copies in nine instances per class per term. - Usage must be "at the instance and inspiration of a single teacher," i.e., not a directive from the district. - Don't create anthologies. - "Consumables," such as workbooks, may not be copied

RADAR web-evaluation technique

- Relevance - Authority - Date - Appearance - Reason for writing

Bloom's Taxonomy Levels

- Remembering - Understanding - Applying - Analyzing - Evaluating - Creating

Under the Copyright Fair Use Brevity test, an educator may reproduce without written permission:

- Up to 250 words of a poem (if under two pages) - An article of 2500 words or less can be copied entirely - 10% of an article over 2500 words can be used.

Request for Proposal

-Are formal appeals put out by organizations to request that interested vendors submit proposals in response to a set of needs -Are sometimes preceded by requests for information (RFIs) - Promote competitiveness to secure the lowest price for a service or product

How does a line-item budget differ from a program budget?

A line-item budget is organized by categories and shows expenditures in each category; a program budget shows expenditures as they relate to specific services

Document Files extensions

.doc, .pdf, .txt

Web page Files extension


Picture Files extensions

.jpg/.jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png

Long-range Plan

1) 3-5 years 2) goals of all departments in school 3) achievable

Fair Use Tests

1) Brevity 2) Spontaneity 3) Cumulative Effect

Standards for the 21st Century Learner

1) Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 2) Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3) Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 4) Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Within each standard, there are 4 strands that are addressed: *skills *dispositions in action *responsibilities *self-assessment strategies

5 Factors of Fair Use

1) Length (less is best) 2) Market (don't take money from owner) 3) Nature of item/work (book, music, photograph...*Factual content is better to use than more creative works) 4) Once/Limited Time of Use (using the work only 1-2 times) 5) Purpose (why are you using it? education? parody?)

9 Common Beliefs within the Standards for the 21st Century Learner

1) Reading is a window to the world. 2) Inquiry provides a framework for learning. 3) Ethical behavior in the use of information must be taught. 4) Technology skills are crucial for future employment needs. 5) Equitable access is a key component for education. 6) The definition of information literacy has become more complex as resources and technologies have changed. 7) The continuing expansion of information demands that all individuals acquire the thinking skills that will enable them to learn on their own. 8) Learning has a social context. 9) School libraries are essential to the development of learning skills.

5 Components of Balanced Literary approach:

1) read aloud 2) guided reading 3) shared reading 4) independent reading 5) word study

What term is used to describe a book that condenses the main points of a longer book written by another author?

A compendium.

Five specific steps to creating the complete reference process (reference interview)

1. Set the tone (be approachable) 2. Clarify the request (allows patron to provide more information about what they really want) 3. Verify the request (make sure librarian understands the request) 4. Get the information (find what the patron is looking for/may teach the patron as well) 5. Follow-up (evaluation and make sure the patron is satisfied)

Controlled Language

A limited set of terms and phrases used as headings in indexes and as access points in catalogs. Most likely to yield accurate results

The number ______ is given by the Dewey decimal system to books on agriculture.


School Library Media Activities / (Now School Library Monthly)

A Magazine that supports K-12 school librarians as they plan instruction collaboratively with teachers. It helps strengthen information literacy skills, inquiry and the research process and encourages the use of a variety of resources. It promotes the integration of technology and provides links to a vast array of literature. The articles in each issue are written by school library professionals, helping others stay abreast of current issues and trends.

Lone Star Reading List

A TLA (Texas Library Association) reading list for 6th-8th grades

Tejas Star Reading List

A TLA (Texas Library Association) reading list for ages 5-12; bilingual

Tayshas Reading Lists

A TLA (Texas Library Association) reading list for high school students.

Lariat Reading List

A TLA (Texas Library Association) reading list for outstanding fiction published during the year that merit special attention from adult readers.

Spirit of Texas Reading Programs

A TLA reading list for middle school and high school students.

Maverick Reading List

A TLA reading list of graphic novels.

Books in Print

A bibliographic database of over 7.5 million U.S. book, audio book, and movie titles, as well as 12 million international titles, currently in print and information on forthcoming and out-of-print books. Also offers: reviews; tables of contents; cover images; author biographies; awards information; and annotations.

Union Catalog

A catalog which lists the holdings of multiple libraries (i.e. the FakeName ISD School Libraries, not just FakeName Elementary Library)

Which is the most accurate way to assess student use of materials for research papers?

A citation count


A criterion used in evaluating the QUALITY of information. Refers to the reliability and standing of an information source on its particular subject. "Who is the author? What makes him or her an expert on this subject? Why did the author write this article, book, or web site? Do you recognize this author's name from previous writings? Do they have a body of credible work? Is the author providing facts or opinions? Does the author acknowledge other ideas, viewpoints, and theories about a subject?"

You have a group of middle school students who have been researching current world health concerns. You have arranged for a guest speaker from a remote location. As host, you will be able to control the images which appear on the screen. This type of computer application is known as:

A facilitated chat

Sustained Silent Reading

A form of school-based recreational reading, or free voluntary reading, where students read silently in a designated time period every day in school. An underlying assumption of SSR is that students learn to read by reading constantly.

Purchase Orders

A formal request or instruction from a purchasing organization to a vendor or a plant to supply or provide a certain quantity of goods or services at or by a certain point in time.


A grouping of organizations (like multiple schools in a district) in a formal arrangement to exchange information, materials, or services or to split and SHARE EXPENSE OF LARGE PURPOSE of programs and equipment.

Head-end facility

A head-end facility is generally a central location in a building that is used to distribute the cable and internet information signals to the devices in the building, such as computers or televisions. The head-end facility is usually located within the library's media center and can be connected to the rest of the building by cables or using a wireless network.


A hierarchy of needs that motivate human behavior.

Genre: Memoir

A historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.

Library Media Connection

A journal of practical tips and articles and some reviews for librarians.

Horn Book

A journal or magazine with articles on children's literature. "Significant" books that are "Titles notable for high standards in plot, theme, characterization, and style" The most distinguished journals in the field of children's and young adult literature. The Horn Book Guide Online is a fully searchable database of more than 70,000 reviews


A journal with books that are arranged thematically (subset of Booklist)


A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.

Discovery Interface

A next-gen online catalog which a layer of software that sits on top of any existing database or integrated library system (ILS) ingesting records in many formats, including MARC and XML, and providing a best-of-breed, web-based search interface for users.


A notice that grants are available to fund certain types of programs. An RFA is usually released by a government agency or non-profit organization. It specifies what types of programs are eligible for funding under grants.

Genre: Graphic Novels

A novel in comic-strip format.


A person or institution that makes a grant or conveyance


A person to whom a grant or conveyance is made.

What is a strategic plan?

A plan for the continuous improvement of the library program.

EBSCO host

A powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers.

Balanced Literacy program:

A program that strikes a balance between both whole language and phonics. The program has been specifically designed to teach skills that have been proven to be helpful in learning to read, such as phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension


A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Based on evidence gathered from student interviews and assessment data, your school finds that a significant number of 7th graders are struggling readers. Administration asks you to design a program that will encourage reading among these students and use technology and other innovative methods to engage them in reading activities. Which of the following is the best potential funding source for this initiative?

AASL Innovative Reading Grant These grants are made to schools designing innovative programs to help struggling readers. Funds may be used for programs that assist readers in grades K-9

School Library Media Research/School Library Research

AASL's journal published to promote high quality original research concerning the management, implementation, and evaluation of school library programs.

The "Position Statement on Flexible Scheduling" was developed by:

AASL: American Association of School Librarians

School Library Media Quarterly

ALA's journal published to assist with program administration of school library media programs

Dewey: 700s


Which of the following is one of the three most common reasons why books are challenged by parents?

Age inappropriate material. Age inappropriate material is one of the three most common reasons why books are challenged. The others are offensive language and sexually explicit content. Approximately sixty percent of challenges come from parents.

Circulating Materials

All materials that are checked out for patron use (fiction/nonfiction books, biographies, e-books, audio books)

Number of books underperforming students should read each year

All students, regardless of their success should read 25 books a year. The books can be from any level. Specialists can create databases for students to track their reading

Wildcard Symbol

Allows for multiple spellings of a word. Used when user does not know how to spell a word or wants results that have certain letters. Put a symbol, like an *, where letters are excluded.

Flexible Schedule

Allows students to receive help and guidance at point of need. It also provides the library media specialist with time to collaboratively plan with teachers.


American Association of School Libraries Professional association for school librarians


American Library Association Professional association for librarians.


Americans with Disabilities Act Federal standards for access by the disabled.

Banned Books Week

An annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information.

Copyright and Fair Use for: Materials (Archives)

An entire work • Portions of a work • A work in which the existing format has become obsolete, e.g., a document stored on a Wang computer • A librarian may make up to three copies "solely for the purpose of replacement of a copy that is damaged, deteriorating, lost, or stolen." • Copies must contain copyright information. • Archiving rights are designed to allow libraries to share with other libraries one-of-a-kind and out-of-print books.

Book Review Digest

An essential library tool that brings together book reviews on a wide range of topics, from a variety of sources. It also includes descriptive summaries of the books.

Literature Review

An evaluative report of information found in the literature related to your selected area of study.

Arnold Lobel

An illustrator who won the Caldecott award for "Fables"

Kevin Henkes

An illustrator who won the Caldecott award for "First Full Moon"

Paul Zelinsky

An illustrator who won the Caldecott award for "Rapunzel"


Back side of the title page. Usually contains copyright information.

How do the Basal Reading Program and the Balanced Literacy Program differ?

Basal Reading instruction differs from a Balanced Literacy program in that it uses texts that are written to teach reading, as opposed to using written texts to teach reading.

Best way to promote the importance of information literacy for student learning across the curriculum

Becoming involved in policy-making at school, district, state, and regional levels. The school library media specialist should be involved at all levels where decisions will be made about information literacy. It is important that decision-makers at all levels understand the role information literacy skills play across the curriculum By being present when decision are being made, the SLMS will have more influence when curriculum and instructional policies are set. Being active, serving on committees and working with decision makers, will have more influence than offering information or asking teachers to add information literacy to their lesson planning.

Copyright and Fair Use for: Television

Broadcast (e.g., ABC, NBC, CBS, UPN, PBS, and local stations) • Cable (e.g., CNN, MTV, HBO) • Videotapes made of broadcast and cable TV programs • Broadcasts or tapes made from broadcast may be used for instruction. • Cable channel programs may be used with permission. Many programs may be retained by teachers for years— see Cable in the Classroom ( for details. • Schools are allowed to retain broadcast tapes for a minimum of 10 school days. (Enlightened rights holders, such as PBS's ReadingRainbow, allow for much more.) • Cable programs are technically not covered by the same guidelines as broadcast television.

The Library of Congress classification system has designated letters for books. what letter for books in the area of "Auxiliary Sciences of History"?

C - Auxillary Sciences of History A - General Works E - History of the Americans N- Fine Arts V - Naval Science


Calculations that reuse frequently repeated complex worksheet formulas

Which is not a name of a "signpost" in a MARC 21 record?

Call number The names for the "signposts" in a MARC record are field, tag, indicator, subfield, subfield code, and content designator. Fields are marked by tags (a 3 digit number) which identify the kind of data which follows


Calls on the talents and personality of the teller to bring the narrative to life. Usually uses actual books accompanied with props, puppets, flannelboard pieces, etc. Included in the early learning classrooms daily routines helps children develop a positive attitude towards books and learning, desire to read and build vocabulary


Cataloging in Publication A pre-publication cataloging program in which participating publishers complete a standardized data sheet and submit it with the front matter or entire text of a new book (usually still in galleys) to the Library of Congress for use in assigning an LCCN and preparing a bibliographic record, which is sent back to the publisher within 10 days to be printed on the verso of the title page.

Board of Education v. Pico-The Supreme court ruling involved...

Censorship! The Court ruled that school boards do not have the right to arbitrarily remove books from school libraries. The ruling was based on the fact that library books are not required reading. By a 5-4 vote, the Court held that school officials cannot remove books from a school library simply because they find the ideas in the books objectionable.


Central Processing Unit The hardware component of a computer that houses the circuitry for storing and processing data according to instructions contained in the programs installed on it, including the operating system, utilities to run peripheral devices, and application software. Generally speaking, the more memory and disk storage a CPU has, the more processing it can handle within a given amount of time, and the faster it can accomplish a task.

The ALA developed the Library Bill of Rights which states that libraries should resist what?

Challenging an item in a media collection. The ALA's Library Bill of Rights states that a staff member should resist making a challenge toward something in the media collection because the selection of items in the media collection are chosen by professional and educated individuals, such as teachers, principals, and, of course, library staff. Knowing that these people are working together to build a collection, it is important to trust their decisions and only make challenges when absolutely necessary.

Non-filing Characters

Characters at the beginning of the title (initial articles such as A, An, or The), that are ignored in alphabetical filing Example: 245 14 $aThe school library media manager /$cBlanche Woolls. The first indicator, "1", shows that a title added entry is needed for this record. The second indicator, "4", shows the number of non-filing characters present in this title entry. This means that there are 4 spaces at the beginning of the title that should be skipped when the computer alphabetizes, or files, this record in a list. This tells the computer to ignore the word "The" and the space following "The" at the beginning of the title when listing it alphabetically.


Children's Internet Protection Act 1999 congressional act designed to protect children from online pornography and contact with sexual predators.


Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Of 1998, enacted 2000, applies to the online collection of personal information by persons or entities under U.S. jurisdiction from children under 13 years of age. It details what a website operator must include in a privacy policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent or guardian, and what responsibilities an operator has to protect children's privacy and safety online including restrictions on the marketing to those under 13.

The ALSC is a library association dedicated to helping what group?

Children. Association for Library Service for Children They provide methods and techniques for teaching and learning for younger students in a library and library media center.

When choosing texts to read aloud to middle school students, which is the best guide?

Choose materials which match the highest level of understanding for the group. Reading to students at the highest level which they can understand exposes them to more sophisticated syntax, text structures, and vocabulary. Students can often understand material when it is read aloud which they might not be able to read themselves. The teacher can stop to discuss difficult ideas or vocabulary.

Fixed Schedule

Classes are assigned to meet in the library at regular and fixed times. Students may gather resources and/or be taught a lesson by librarian.

Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage Abilities:

Classification: the ability to name and identify sets of objects according to appearance, size or other characteristic Seriation: the ability to sort objects in an order according to size, shape, or any other characteristic. Transitivity: the ability to recognize relationships among various things in a serial order. Reversibility: the student begin to understand that numbers or objects can be changed, then returned to their original state. Conservation: students understand that quantity, length or number of items is unrelated to the arrangement or appearance of the object or items.

Scott O'Dell Award

Created in 1982 for historical fiction novels for young adults

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that helps to create a large library of creative works for individuals and businesses to share and work with for free. As a creator, you can claim free licenses through Creative Commons which allows you to share your work to the public. As somebody looking for content, you're free to use Creative Commons licensed work such as artwork, photos, educational papers, scientific research or music, as long as you follow the rules for attributing the creators.

Margaret and H.A. Rey were a married couple that wrote books together and were the creators of what famous childhood icon?

Curious George

ISP (Information Search Process)

Developed by Carol Kuhlthau Students often start a project with enthusiasm and initial success but can become confused and uncertain as they progress. Emphasis on: - the attitudes and behaviors of students during the process - Importance to not "give up" after the initial search for information. - Importance of providing students with an "invitation to research" that encourages students to visualize the possibilities - "dip in confidence" experienced by learners as a natural part of inquiry Seven stages students go through: 1. Initiating a Research Assignment Feelings: apprehension, uncertainty 2. Selecting a Topic Feelings: confusion, sometimes anxiety, brief elation, anticipation 3. Exploring Information Feelings: confusion, uncertainty, doubt, sometimes threat 4. Formulating a Focus Feelings: optimism, confidence in ability to complete task 5. Collecting Information Feelings: realization of extensive work to be done, confidence in ability to complete task, increased interest 6. Preparing to Present Feelings: sense of relief, sometimes satisfaction, sometimes disappointment 7. Assessing the Process Feelings: sense of accomplishment or sense of disappointment

Guided Inquiry

Developed by Carol Kuhlthau The primary objective of guided inquiry is to promote learning through student investigation. This material is designed to assist teachers in targeting higher-level thinking and science process skills for their students. Guided Inquiry works in conjunction with ISP. The ISP model describes what students' experience in the phases of the inquiry process. The Guided Inquiry Design framework is built around the ISP with specific direction for guiding students in each phase of the inquiry process. 1. Open 2. Immerse 3. Explore 4. Identify 5. Gather 6. Create 7. Share

Big6 Research Model

Developed by Eisenerg and Berkowitz, the Big6 is a process model of how people of all ages solve an information problem. It involves 6 steps. 1) Task Definition 2) Information Seeking Strategies 3) Location and Access 4) Use of Information 5) Synthesis 6) Evaluation

Carol Kuhlthau

Developed the Information Search Process (ISP) and Guided Inquiry Design models.

Input devices

Devices that connect to a computer and add data to it (keyboard, mouse, scanner, flash drive)


Dewey Classification Number $a [Fic] (no number since it belongs in fiction section)


Discarding worn or outdated materials. It should be an ongoing process. A part of the collection development process, sometimes called "deselection,' which serves to keep the library collection meaningful, easy-to-use and attractive

In which dimension of learning do students pose questions and seek information to solve a problem or resolve an issue?

Disciplined inquiry


EXPANDS results. Tells the database that you want all articles that contain EITHER of the terms. Think of the ENTIRE Venn Diagram. If you're searching for qualities of an employee on applications in a database, and you use the term OR for "reliable OR creative", candidates who listed either of those traits will populate. This expands the search by including candidates who include either of the two terms, or both terms simultaneously.

Experimental Research

Experimental research explores relationships between variables and attempts to provide evidence of causal relationships. Example: A teacher compared the effectiveness of three methods of teaching handwriting by using different methods with different students.

Dewey 100


Dollar General Beyond Words grant

Dollar General Beyond Words grants are made to schools that have suffered material loss due to natural disasters. Schools which have seen increased enrollment due to natural disasters (such as absorbing displaced students) are also eligible. Other eligibility requirements apply as well, including a time limit of 36 months between the disaster and the grant application.

Original Cataloging

Done in house with just the actual book in hand

Where would be the best location using the Library of Congress Classification System to find information about international relations between President John Adams and France?

E 323


EXCLUDES results. Tells the database that you do not want any articles that contain a certain term Think of only ONE section of a Venn Diagram. If you're searching for qualities of an employee on applications in a database, and you use the term NOT for "reliable NOT creative", candidates who listed creative will be eliminated from the search. This omits candidates who list a specific criteria.

Signage in the library

Easy-to-read, nonjudgmental signage is the best practice


Edition (The Tiger Rising) $a 1st ed.


Educational Research Information Center which indexes information about education and teaching.


Effort to prevent people from hearing, reading or viewing materials that are considered harmful or threatening to societal views.

Who created the Big 6 Model?

Eisenerg and Berkowitz

Texas Reading Club

Encourages students to read during the summer for recognition during the school year

Which of the following National Board for Professional Teaching Standards does having "teaching digital citizenship" address?

Ethics The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards outlines 10 standards of which the library media specialist is expected to follow: 1. Knowledge of Students 2. Teaching and Learning 3. Knowledge of Library and Information Studies 4. Leadership 5. Administration 6. Integration of Technologies 7. Access, Equity, and Diversity 8. Ethics 9. Outreach and Advocacy 10. Reflective Practice

When a library media specialist and teachers collaborate on the curriculum, what is one thing the library media specialist is not involved in?

Evaluating student test scores Library media specialists often consult with teachers on different points of the curriculum, such as subject and topic matters or instruction processes. However, they are not involved in standardized tests or evaluating how students perform on these tests.

When is the best time to complete an evaluation of your entire collection?

Every year

Which of the following best defines "intellectual access"?

Finding, judging, and using information

Which of the following does the American Association of School Librarians consider essential to integrating the library media program with the curriculum?

Flexible scheduling.

The term "Ibid" in a footnote or endnote means

From the same place. "Ibid" is an abbreviation for the Latin term "ibidem," which means the same place. It means the work cited is the same as the last work cited.

Ethical Use of Information

Helps you understand the ethical use of information by providing on quoting, paraphrasing, and citing the work of others and on recognizing and avoiding plagiarism.

Dewey 900

History & Geography

Your school only authorizes the holding of one book fair a year. Which of the following will best help students obtain books for their home libraries with this restriction?

Holding a paperback book exchange once or twice a year.

What is the focus of Reader Response Theory?

How readers experience texts. It emphasizes the reading experience itself, and values reading for enjoyment. It does not place emphasis on the author's intentions or the usefulness of the text.


ISBN (The Tiger Rising) $a 0763609110 (alk. paper)

A unique classification number for each individual magazine or periodical which is published

ISSN ISBN is the International Standard Book Number for books and other media. ISSN is the International Standard Serial Number which is assigned to each individual magazine or periodical published. CIP stands for cataloging in publication which is a book's bibliographic record which is usually found on the back of the title page. PS begins the Library of Congress classification number.

Access Point

In catalog or index: heading used to find information on an item. Common ones are author, title & assigned subject headings. These are retrieval points in the catalog where patrons should be able to look up an item.

According to current research, which is the best way to teach students researching skills?

In connection with the curriculum

Non-experimental research

In non-experimental research, researchers do not give treatments. Rather they observe participants in order to describe them as they naturally exist, without experimental treatment. Example: If a researcher asks student for their opinions on switching from the semester system to the quarter system the researcher would be conducting non-experimental research"

Your faculty has been complaining that many students have been copying papers from such websites as "" You want to suggest some steps that they can take to make plagiarism more difficult. These include all but which of the following?

Including a bibliography with the final paper The key to preventing plagiarism is to include steps for the paper which must be completed before the final paper is turned in. These include requiring an annotated bibliography, asking for a working outline, having essential questions which must be answered in the paper, reviewing note cards periodically, and requiring an oral presentation to accompany the report. Teachers can also use digital products to check for online plagiarism. Asking for a bibliography to be submitted with the final paper will not help students avoid plagiarizing.

Mrs. Tomey's budget for computer upgrades is very limited. She needs to increase her computer's capacity. Name an action that would be an effective course to follow.

Increase computer memory. Outside storage sources usually involve fees. Replacing monitors or re-routing printer requests will not increase capacity.

Cooperative learning benefits mainstreamed students with disabilities by

Increasing their interaction with other students.

Trash N Treasure

Note-taking strategy: skimming for keywords related to the learner's inquiry question and deleting unnecessary words that do not contribute to the understanding of the concept.

Your system allows for remote access to library resources for registered users. In order to prevent unauthorized users from accessing resources, which should be done?

Install a firewall. A firewall is a set of security procedures that separate and protect data on a local area network from unauthorized users who might wish to access the LAN from the Internet. A firewall acts as a barrier to keep intrusive or destructive elements out of a network.

Asynchronous online classes

Instructors provide materials, lectures, tests, and assignments that can be accessed at any time. Students may be given a timeframe - usually a one week window - during which they need to connect at least once or twice.

The Patriot Act became controversial among librarians because they saw it as a threat to

Intellectual freedom. The Patriot Act gave the government greater access to circulation records. Many librarians saw this as a potential threat to patrons' access to controversial materials.


International Association of School Librarianship Professional association for school librarians across the world.


International Federation of Library Associations Professional association for representatives of library associations.


International Society for Technology in Education


International Standard Book Number A unique numeric commercial book identifier.


International Standard Serial Number which is assigned to each individual magazine or periodical published.

Copyright and Fair Use for: Internet

Internet connections • World Wide Web • Images may be downloaded for student projects and teacher lessons. • Sound files and video may be downloaded for use in multimedia projects • Resources from the Web may not be reposted onto the Internet without permission. However, links to legitimate resources can be posted. • Any resources you download must have been legitimately acquired by the Website.

You have instituted a flexible access schedule for the first time in your school. You find that sometimes the library is overcrowded. Which would be the best way to alleviate this problem within the flexible schedule?

Investigate other spaces in the school which can be used for access.

With regard to the library program in modeling and promoting collaborative planning, and curriculum development, which one of these statements is true?

It includes teaching and assessment of student achievement in information-literacy concepts and processes.

What is an action plan?

It is comprised of the goals and objectives to be accomplished in a defined period of time. The funding needed to accomplish these goals should comprise a major part of a period's budget.

It is important for school library media specialists to keep current on legislation which may affect access, copyright and other issues for the school library media program. In October 2011, a bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives known as the "Enforcing and Protecting American Rights Against Sites Intent on Theft and Exploitation" or the "E Parasit" bill. How could this bill affect school libraries?

It might make libraries open to criminal prosecution for streaming information for educational purposes. Also known as the "Stop Online Piracy Act" or SOPA, this bill could call into consideration the criminal prosecution of libraries and librarians for streaming information or for public performances for educational purposes. The ALA has opposed this legislation because it might make uses of information for educational purposes a criminal offense. Bills often take many years to be passed, so it is wise to have a current and in depth understanding of legislation which may affect education and information science.

Who is the author of Peter Pan?

J.M. Barrie

Who is the author of Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, and the Fudge series?

Judy Blume

Who is the author of Wonderful Wizard of Oz series?

L. Frank Baum

Library Automation Life Cycle

LALC, is an effective device providing a clear and linear sense of what is entailed by the processes that define the automation of a library.


LC Call Number (The Tiger Rising) $a PZ7.D54156 $b Ti 2001

Dewey: 800s


Which of the following is NOT supported by the ALA's Freedom to Read Statement?

Labeling materials "For Adults Only" They also oppose the banning of books and publish an annual list of banned books during Banned Books Week. The Declaration supports free access to information.

Dewey 400


Laura Bush Foundation Grant

Laura Bush Foundation grants are grants of up to $5000. These grants are used to increase, update, and diversify book collections. They are made to individual schools. Only one application per school is allowed, and only one grant per school is permitted.

Which of the following is the most current full text database and index for English and foreign-language periodicals, journals, conference proceedings, pamphlets, theses, and books in the field of library and information science?

Library and Information Science Source. The Library and Information Science Source is a comprehensive bibliography for the field of library and information science. Other examples of field, particular bibliographies, include the MLA International Bibliography of the Modern Language Association and Lexis/Nexis and Westlaw.

David Loertscher

Library media specialist researcher. Wrote The Taxonomies of the School Library Media Program, which outlines 11 levels of school library media specialists' involvement with curriculum and instruction.


Library of Congress Control Number A serially based system of numbering cataloging records in the Library of Congress.


Library of Congress which develops rules for classification and cataloging of materials.


Personal Name with single surname (The Tiger Rising) $a DiCamillo, Kate.

Corporate Grants

Many large companies provide grants for specific topics such as technology, science, math, and reading.

Who wrote The Paddington Bear series?

Michael Bond

Of the following censorship court cases, which came as a result of a student making a comment that appeared to show he supported drugs?

Morse and the Juneau School Board et al. v. Frederick


NARROWS results. Tells the database that you only want articles that contain ALL of the search terms. Think of the middle/cross section of a Venn Diagram. If you're searching for qualities of an employee on applications in a database, and use the term AND for "reliable AND creative", only candidates who listed BOTH of those traits will populate. It weeds out the other candidates who didn't list either of those traits or just one of those traits.

Which organization is responsible for the "Right to Read" statement?

NCTE: National Council of Teachers of English

American Union of Library Employees

NOT a professional association for librarians.

Statement of Responsibility

Naming those with overall responsibility for the creation of the information package, usually recorded 245 tag For books, the chief source of information is the title page


National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education Accreditation that is required of a university program to license a school library media specialist


No Child Left Behind act 2002 act for standards based education reform.

A behavioral objective should be stated in observable and measurable terms, state stimulus conditions (the conditions under which the behavior should be exhibited) and include a criterion for judging the acceptable performance of the behavior. Which of the following lesson objectives best meets all of these qualifications?

On a sheet with 10 book titles, the student will be able to correctly capitalize the major words with a 90% accuracy rate. This objective includes a measurable goal (correctly capitalize), the conditions for observation (on a sheet with 10 book titles), and a criterion for judging performance (a 90% accuracy rate). The behavior should be observable (capitalizing major words). The other examples are missing one of the qualifications for a complete behavioral objective.


On-going process of building partnerships so that others will act for and with you, turning passive support into educated action for the library program. It begins with a vision and a plan for the library program that is then matched to the agenda and priorities of stakeholders.

File Extensions

One or several letters at the end of a file name that usually follow a period; indicate the types of information found in the file (.PNG, .PDF)

Which is vital for the maintenance of an effective library media program?

Ongoing administrative support. Having administrative support is vital to any media program in all aspects of the program including staffing and budgeting. Administrative support is vital for achieving program goals.


Ongoing beliefs and attitudes that guide thinking and intellectual behavior. Often referred to as habits of mind or tendencies to respond to situations in a certain way. Dispositions transform a learner from one who is ABLE to learn to one who actually DOES learn. Dispositions can be taught by structuring assignments and learning environments so that they require persistence, flexibility, divergent thinking, or any other learning behavior.


Online Computer Library Center A nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world's information.


Online Public Access Catalog Computerized catalog that can be used to search for resources. Primary advantage is users may manage their accounts remotely.

NoveList Database

Online database for reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world. The most basic and useful function of NoveList is the Title Read-alikes feature. Type a title into the search bar, hit search, and click on "Title Read-alikes." Within seconds, you've got a list of books similar to the one you've searched for. Selected by curators, the books are accompanied by a reason they're included on the list. There are also a pair of icons that allow users to agree or disagree with a given selection, which, when clicked, leads the user to an email form to share their opinion.

Dewey: 100s


Dewey: 500s


Online databases are typically accessed through

Paid subscriptions.

Output devices

Parts used to display data from a computer (printer, monitor, speaker)

Physical Access

Patrons are able to locate a wide variety of resources quickly and easily

Intellectual Access

Patrons have access to resources that cover a variety of topics to satisfy curiosity and to allow students to explore topics of interest

Copyright and Fair Use for: Illustrations and Photographs

Photograph • Illustration • Collections of photographs • Collections of illustrations • Single works may be used in their entirety, but no more than five images by a single artist or photographer may be used. • From a collection, not more than 15 images or 10 percent (whichever is less) may be used. • Although older illustrations may be in the public domain and don't need permission to be used, sometimes they're part of a copyright collection.


Physical Description (The Tiger Rising) $a 116 p. $c 21 cm

Piaget's Theory

Piaget's stage theory describes the cognitive development of children. Cognitive development involves changes in cognitive process and abilities. In Piaget's view, early cognitive development involves processes based upon actions and later progresses to changes in mental operations. His theory includes FOUR STAGES Sensorimotor stage: birth to 2 years Preoperational stage: ages 2 to 7 Concrete operational stage: ages 7 to 11 Formal operational stage: ages 12 and up

Reluctant Readers

Prefer books that: - present information in short chunks - inherently high-interest topics - low page counts - attention-grabbing descriptions

You are helping a student research information for a report on the Web. The computer station he is using has no mouse. Which of the following actions will get you to the address bar and to delete a previous address without using a mouse?

Press Alt+D Pressing Alt+D will highlight the information in the address bar. The student does not have to press backspace or delete. He can just start typing the new address. Press Shift+Enter adds .net to an address. Pressing "Backspace" will return you to a previous page. Swiping two fingers across the track pad may do the same.


Process of organizing resources by assigning an alphanumerical string that sorts physical objects by subject


Process of verifying the collection holdings and assessing the collection's physical condition. Purpose of inventory is to ensure accuracy of library catalog records


Projected publication date. The field 263 is used with items not yet published. It indicate the projected publication date.

Output Measures

Provide QUANTITATIVE data regarding the school library media program. This type of data can measure how frequently services and resources are utilized (circulation records, library data)

Monthly circulation records

Provide a snapshot of the number of books checked out during a specific period


Provide an authentic, technology-rich environment for problem solving, information processing, and collaboration involves students in a wide range of activities that make good use of Internet-based resources Bernie Dodge developed the WebQuest concept in the mid 1990s ( WebQuest elements: 1. introduction that sets the stage of the activity 2. doable, interesting task 3. set of information resources 4. clear process 5. guidance and organizational frameworks 6. conclusion that provides reflection and closure


Provide in-depth access to parts of items (chapters, articles, detailed listing of topics)

What is an effective way to engage parents who work full time as library volunteers?

Provide them with opportunities to do tasks that need to be done outside of library hours

What does AASL's AECT document do?

Provides guidelines for 4 factors in calculating the budget for print and non-print collection: 1) variation in student population 2) reduction by weeding 3) reduction by date 4) reduction by loss.


Publication (The Tiger Rising) $a Cambridge, Mass.: $b Candlewick Press, $c 2001

Of the following, the least important thing to consider when evaluating directories, almanacs, and handbooks is

Publication history. Publication history is the least important factor to consider when evaluating directories, almanacs, and handbooks. Scope, currency, and accuracy are important for obvious reasons. Format is not important for many other types of publications, but for directories, almanacs, and handbooks it is often crucial in determining the usefulness of the resource.


Publications with issues that are released at specific points throughout a year: Serials, journals, newspapers, magazines

Knowledge Quest

Published bimonthly September through June by the AASL (American Association of School Librarians), a division of the American Library Association, devoted to offering substantive information to assist building-level school librarians, supervisors, library educators, and other decision makers concerned with the development of school library programs and services.

Empowering Learners

Published by ALA Presents guidelines for school library media programs in the twenty-first century, offering lists of actions for school library media specialists to perform in support of each guideline.

Information Power

Published by ALA The book focuses on the media center's role in enhancing the learning process, rather than simply disseminating information. An information power logo introduces and graphically depicts the role of a school media center. At the center of the logo is student learning, with three intersecting circles representing the essential elements of the media center program: learning and teaching; information access; and program administration. Although written for the media specialist, Information Power could be particularly helpful for new principals since it includes clear discussions of the role of the media specialist in regard to these three elements.


Published by the American Library Association, Booklist magazine delivers over 8,000 recommended-only reviews of books, audiobooks, reference sources, video, and DVD titles each year. This journal is unique because all books reviewed are recommended - there are NO negative reviews.

Collection Development and Selection Policy

Purpose is to support and enrich school's curriculum for all content areas and all students. includes process for handling a challenged book, how to help teachers, how to encourage students' critical thinking with resources

The AASL produces a publication called School Library Media Research, which is dedicated to promoting what?

Quality management and evaluation of school libraries. The School Library Media Research is a guide of ways to help promote and create high quality research about management skills and evaluation techniques of a school library and its programs. It also explores different methods of instruction, teaching tips and current issues that may be a problem in your local library.

Research Request

Questions requiring extensive time and/or resources. Typically these require more than 15 minutes of time or use of several resources.

Ready Reference Request

Questions requiring usually only 1 or 2 sources. Typically these type of questions can be answered in under 5 minutes.

Which of the following letters is often used before the Dewey Decimal number?

R. The letter R is often used before a Dewey Decimal number to indicate that a book is part of the library's reference collection. Reference books are shelved separately and do not circulate.

Dewey: 200s



Random Access Memory A group of high-speed memory chips that perform most of the processing in a computer, allowing users to access bytes of data in any order, rather than sequentially. At startup, the operating system and any application programs are routinely loaded from the hard disk into RAM to allow processing to begin.


Read Only Memory A memory chip containing instructions and/or data that cannot be changed or erased because the manufacturer created it in unalterable form. Usually contains the programs required to start the computer.

2x2 List

Reading List for ages 2-2nd grade

All these are common types of reference interviews, except which one?

Reading a book. Ready Reference interviews include questions that can be answered with short and factual information. Research project interviews are questions that involve in-depth coverage of a topic, often requiring the use of multiple sources of information. Readers' advisory interviews basically take the form of recommending good leisure reading. Electronic searches now intermingle with other types of interviews. Many, if not most, searches will require online information

What subject received special attention in the No Child Left Behind Act?

Reading received special attention in the No Child Left Behind Act. The Act treated reading as the cornerstone of learning in all subjects

Pura Belpre Award

Recognition presented to a Latino or Latina writer and illustrator whose work best portrays the Latino cultural experience in a work of literature for children or youth

Coretta Scott King Award

Recognizes outstanding African American authors and illustrators, and is awarded for books about the African-American experience that are written for a youth audience (high school or elementary).

Mildred L. Batchelder Award

Recognizes publishers of translations of children's books into the English language, with the intention of encouraging American publishers to translate high quality foreign language children's books and "promote communication between the people of the world".

Printz Award

Recognizes the "best book written for teens, based entirely on its literary merit".

Newbery Medal

Recognizes the author (US citizen or resident) of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children for the book published in the US in English during the preceding year.

Randolph Caldecott Medal

Recognizes the preceding year's most distinguished American picture book for children.

Copyright and Fair Use for: Music (for use in projects)

Records • Cassette tapes • CDs • Audio clips on the Web • Up to 10 percent of a copyright musical composition may be reproduced, performed, and displayed as part of a multimedia program produced by an educator or students. • A maximum of 30 seconds per musical composition may be used. • Multimedia program must have an educational purpose.

What is a major advantage of joining a consortium when building a collection?

Reduced prices. Joining a consortium increases your purchasing power because you can take advantage of lower prices due to bulk purchasing. These may offer other services which will give you background and insight into purchasing.

Public Domain

Refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws.

Royalty Free

Refers to the right to use copyright material or intellectual property without the need to pay royalties or license fees for each use, per each copy or volume sold or some time period of use or sales.

Dewey 200


Special Needs Request

Requests made for particular titles or resources


Resource Description and Access New cataloging rules effective March 31, 2013 in the Library of Congress and worldwide.

ALA Bill of Rights

Resources should be interesting, informative and enlightening. Material should not be excluded because of the "origin, background or views" of those who wrote it or collaborated in its creation


Rich Site Summary An XML format used to deliver website content as a data transmission feed.

Equitable Access

Robust and reliable access to current and emerging technologies and digital resources, with connectivity for all students, including those with special needs, teachers, staff and school leaders

Dewey: 300s


A high school student is looking for political commentary for a project he is doing. To which of the following resources would you point him? is a Web magazine which focuses on news, entertainment, and politics. Choice is a selection guide for academic librarians. Kirkus Reviews reviews forthcoming books for adults, young adults and children. Bookwire is an Internet resource for reviews of best sellers and new releases produced by Bowker. Rain Taxi Review is a Minneapolis-based book review and literary organization that champions innovative literature.

Dewey 500


Truncation / Truncation Symbol

Searching technique used in databases in which a word ending is replaced by a symbol. Frequently used symbols include the asterisk (*), a question mark (?) or a dollar sign ($). Example: cat* would result in words such as: catalog, catastrophe, catch, cattle

Field Searching

Selecting the field (area) within the record where the search terms should be located (e.g., author, title, call number, subject heading, etc.) It is is particularly helpful when, for instance: - you're looking for publications written by a specific author; you know the title of the document you want; you want documents on a particular subject;

Which of the following is defined as the highest human need in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


Dewey 300

Social Sciences


Wireless Fidelity Protocol that allows computers and mobile devices to share an internet connection over various distances and at various speeds.


Shelves in the library where materials—typically books—are stored. Books in the stacks are normally arranged by call number. May be referred to as "book stacks."


Short summary describing main idea or content of a work

What term is used to describe the approach to management in which important decisions are made by a group of stakeholders rather than by one individual?

Site-based management.

Mr. Cominsky notices that his students are having difficulty understanding a long informational article. He breaks the class into small groups and assigns each a section of the article to read in order to explain it later to the whole group. After this procedure, the students agree that they have a better understanding of the material. Which information processing theory is being demonstrated with his procedure?

Social constructivism. When students work together to make meaning, they are engaging in social constructivism. They are constructing knowledge together. Learners construct knowledge from the information they receive from the outside world. Overlearning is a process in which students learn to mastery and then practice the information in order to remember it more accurately at a later time. Proactive facilitation is a process of verbal learning in which learning one set of information may improve the learning of other information.

Copyright and Fair Use for: Computer Software

Software (purchased) • Software (licensed) • Library may lend software to patrons. • Software may be installed on multiple machines, and distributed to users via a network. • Software may be installed at home and at school. • Libraries may make copies for archival use or to replace lost, damaged, or stolen copies if software is unavailable at a fair price or in a viable format. • Only one machine at a time may use the program. • The number of simultaneous users must not exceed the number of licenses; and the number of machines being used must never exceed the number licensed. A network license may be required for multiple users. • Take aggressive action to monitor that copying is not taking place (unless for archival purposes).

An example of a person who is "functionally illiterate" is...

Someone who manages to live with no or limited reading abilities.


Something acquired or gained


Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

AUP (Acceptable Use Policy)

Spells out legitimate uses for an institution's computer network. Includes use of Internet. Most AUPs define responsibilities & expectations as well as consequences for misuse of technology.

Mr. Emerson has set goals for his library center. One of these goals is "To weed outdated material from the collection." He is writing action steps to fulfill this goal. Which would be the most efficient step for accomplishing this goal?

Start with the section that is in the greatest need of weeding. If Mr. Emerson is planning on weeding the entire collection, he should start with the section in most need of weeding. To do this efficiently, he might construct a spreadsheet breaking down the collection into subdivisions and rating each as to need. He can then plan effectively for completing the task. Support staff or volunteers can then be instructed on weeding processes.

Under the No Child Left Behind Act, who sets standards for student achievement?

State education departments.

Purpose Statement

States the main purpose and goal of a library media center's program

Reference Materials

Stay in the library or are reserved under special check-outs (Dictionary, encyclopedia, atlas, etc.)


Stealing another's ideas and presenting them as your own (intentional or not)

Stop words

Stop words are words that many search engines DON'T stop for when searching texts and titles on the web. Ex.a, about, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, from, how, i, in, is, it, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, we, what, when, where, which, with, etc. Not all search engines recognize the same stop words

An activity in which students create collages about the books they have read over the summer helps to meet which of the following stated strategies for 21st century learners?

Students will grow aesthetically. Aesthetic growth can also be achieved through other programs and activities that integrate artistic creation with intellectual inquiry.

A student has been using the Web to find articles for a research paper. He has found many long articles. He asks you how he can quickly scan these articles without having to scroll through them. Which tip will give him the easiest and quickest way to scroll through a document while searching for information?

Tap the space bar. Tapping the space bar will scroll down one screen. If you want to scroll up one page, press the Shift key and then tap the space bar. These tips will help the student move quickly in a document on the Web.

Robert Marzano

Taxonomy focusing on action verbs and the connected mental processes. Has identified three areas central to school improvement reforms: 1. fostering and sustaining system-wide teaching strategies 2. providing effective feedback to students 3. building a strong student academic vocabulary.

Dewey 600



Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act Established the rules under which copyright protected materials could be used in online education.


Term for computer add-ons like printers, mice, keyboards, scanners, monitor.


Texas Association of School Librarians


Texas Library Association Professional association for Texas librarians


Texas Primary Reading Inventory Used to measure a student's reading progress throughout the year

Basal Reading Program

Textbooks used to teach reading and associated skills to schoolchildren.

The Dewey Decimal system was created in

The 1870s. The Dewey Decimal system was developed by Melvil Dewey in 1876. The system attempts to organize all knowledge into ten main classes. It has been updated many times to keep up with changes in science, technology, and culture.

Copyright Term Extension Act (Sonny Bono)

The 1998 Act extended the copyright terms to life of the author plus 70 years and for works of corporate authorship to 120 years after creation or 95 years after publication, whichever endpoint is earlier. (This act was nicknamed the "Mickey Mouse Protection Act" since Disney lobbied for the copyright extension so that Mickey Mouse wouldn't enter the Public Domain).

American Libraries

The ALA publishes an online and print magazine called American Libraries. It features articles and stories about current book lists, library events and recent library news. It is a great resource for a library media specialist since it will have very up-to-date information about being in a library and library media center.

The national bibliography of the United States is called

The National Union Catalog. It lists all works that are cataloged by the Library of Congress and associated libraries.


The ability of a search engine to retrieve all items matching a given query (broad or wide range of results)

Digital Literacy

The ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate and create information using a range of digital technologies.

One of the indications of information literacy is

The ability to identify inaccurate and misleading information.

Visual Literacy (media literacy)

The ability to read and understand pictures, is a basic skill for working with prints, photographs, drawings, and other pictorial materials. You need to learn to recognize subject content.


The ability to retrieve items that exactly match, or are highly relevant, to the query. (narrow and specific range of results)

Where would instruction in using information technology fall in Bloom's Taxonomy?

The cognitive domain. Bloom defined three domains of learning: the cognitive domain, the affective domain, and the the psychomotor domain. The cognitive domain includes all types of intellectual skills.

Integrated Library System

The components which make up an automated library system, including: acquisitions, circulation, cataloging, serials, OPAC; (Destiny) an automated system in which all of the modules share a common bibliographic database

Right to Privacy

The courts have established a First Amendment right to receive information in a publicly funded library. In a library (physical or virtual), the right to privacy is the right to open inquiry without having the subject of one's interest examined or scrutinized by others.

Cutter Number

The cutter number for a book usually consists of the FIRST letter of the author's last name and a series of numbers. This series of numbers comes from a table that is designed to help maintain an alphabetical arrangement of author's names within a subject area. For example: 636.73 Beauchamp Richard G. B38R Rottweilers for dummies 636.73 Boyd, Lee. B69C Canaan dog: a complete and reliable handbook 636.73 Brace, Andrew H. B72B Dog owner's guide to the boxer


The declaration that expresses what the library should become and where it wants to go strategically.

Acquisition Module

The department of a library responsible for the selection and purchase of materials or resources. The department may select vendors, negotiate consortium pricing, arrange for standing orders, and select individual titles or resources.

One of the central findings of the "Colorado Study" by Keith Curry Lance involved

The effect of library media programs on student achievement. One of Lance's central findings is that there is a direct relationship between the quality of library media centers and student achievement. Lance showed a statistical correlation between reading scores and several parameters, including library budgets, technology presence, collection size, and staffing.

Informed Consent

The process through which a researcher obtains, as well as maintains, the permission of a person or a person's authorized representative to participate in research study.

Which of the following should be given the most consideration when planning a budget?

The goals and objectives of the action plan

Over the years, the number of information sources has continued to grow due to what?

The growth of information technology. Although this provides plenty of options for students seeking information, it can also provide many sources that are unreliable or simply fake.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

The heart of a library system purchase and represents a coordinated effort between members of the library staff to develop a coherent statement of the library's mission, needs, and expectations

Universal Design

The idea of designing your facility and services for the average user, you design them for people with a broad range of abilities, disabilities, and other characteristics—such as age, reading ability, learning style, language, culture, and others.

Call Number

The label on an item Includes the DDC or LCCN classification number followed by a book identification identifier, in numerals or letters (such as first 3 letters of author's last name)

School Library Journal

The leading print magazine, and now, serving librarians who work with young people in schools and public libraries. The two resources give librarians up-to-date information needed to integrate libraries into the school curriculum, become leaders in the areas of technology, reading, and information literacy, and create high-quality collections for children and young adults

Example of a goal statement

The library media specialist will contribute to curriculum planning. Goal statements are general statements about the mission of an individual or an organization. Objectives (different from goal statements) are specific, measurable steps that must be taken to achieve goal

Circulation Module

The movement of books and resources in a library.


The physical parts of the computer such as the central processing unit (CPU), monitor, keyboard, etc.

Cloud Computing

The practice of using network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

Access Points

The primary data elements in a bibliographic record that are indexed by an automation system and used to instruct the system what MARC tag to access when a search is entered for retrieval. (Specific pieces of information, such as author, title, or subject.) This standard information is common to all bibliographic records and is used to locate records or additional information.


The process of controlling access to the library and the information it provides.

Needs Assessment

The process of using one or more techniques to collect and analyze data on library users or potential users.

Which best defines "webometrics"?

The study of the quantitative aspects of the construction and use of information resources, structure, and technologies on the Web. Webometrics collects data about the number and types of hyperlinks on the Web, the structure of the Web, and usage patterns. This information allows for the ranking of information. An example of a Webometric tool is Bing Search API 2.0.

How long does copyright last?

The term is the life of the author plus 70 years. After this, a work can be entered into the Public Domain.

Parallel Title

The title of an item in a language other than the primary language of the text.

Automation System

The use of computer to automate the typical procedures of libraries such as cataloging and circulation.

Fair Use policy in videotaping from commercial TV requires:

The user to show it in 10 days, erase by the 45th day.

Odyssey Award

This annual award will be given to the producer of the best audiobook produced for children and/or young adults

Robert F. Sibert Book Medal

This award is given annually to the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished informational book.

Collection Mapping

the practice of examining the quantity and quality of your resource collection and presenting it in a graphic display (typically color-coded, labeled, and possibly with pictures)

Genre: Informational Books

These nonfiction works present accurate facts and information about the past, present, and future of the world in which children live.

One way an adult learner varies from a child learner is that the adult learner wants to do what with how they are taught?

They want to decide when and how Adult learners want to be treated as mature individuals and want to have a say in how they are to be taught or how they want to learn. They do not do well with passive learning styles and usually prefer to work at their own pace when learning.

Line Item and Object of Expenditure Budget

This is the most common type of budget systems which actually translates into accounting codes. These are discussed together because when a line item is placed in a budget, the accounting system then used is normally called an object of expenditure code or system. This means that each item of the budget is placed on a line next to the account number and description of the item.

Expansion Budget

This type of budgeting may be required as a result of technological or social change or of administrative decisions to reorganize, enlarge, or improve existing programs.

Synchronous online classes

Those that require students and instructors to be online at the same time. Lectures, discussions, and presentations occur at a specific hour.

Cumulative Effect Test

Three short items from one work are allowable during one class term (but copied material cannot be used from term to term)

Which of the following court cases upheld the idea that school administrators must provide a constitutionally sound reason for placing restrictions on a student's First Amendment rights?

Tinker v. Des. Moines Independent School District Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District - Upheld the idea that school administrators must provide a constitutionally sound reason for placing restrictions on a student's First Amendment rights. Morse and the Juneau School Board et al. v. Frederick - Happened as a result of a student making a comment that appeared to show he supported drugs. Presidents Council, District 25 v. Community School Board No. 25. - Supported a school board's right to remove Down These Mean Streets by Piri Thomas from the libraries across its district. Minarcini v. Strongsville City School District - Resulted because a school board ordered the removal of Joseph Heller's Catch-22 and Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle from the libraries across its district. Right to Read Defense Committee v. School Committee of the City of Chelsea - It was determined that a school board did not have the authority to remove Male and Female Under Eighteen: Frank Comments from Young People about Their Sex Roles from its school library.


Title proper / Statement of Responsibility (author, editor, etc) (The Tiger Rising) $a The tiger rising $c Kate DiCamillo.

What is the primary purpose of writing collection development goals?

To define your vision for the media center Collection goals define your vision for the media center. These can be communicated to the principal and faculty for planning and budgeting. The goals should include implementation plans.

What is the basic goal of AECT?

To improve instruction through technology. AECT is the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. The basic goal of AECT is to improve instruction through technology. To achieve this goal, AECT promotes best practices and reserach in the creation and use of instructional technology.

In a MARC record, a 650 tag indicates which of the following?

Topical Subject Heading

You have developed a policy for social media use in your school. You have worked with a team to develop five points for usage. These cover issues of privacy, confidentiality, transparency, copyright laws and appropriate standards for contact between faculty and staff. Which of the these best applies in the scenario below? Tom is a senior. He has political views which may surprise many of his friends. He creates a social media site using a pseudonym to safely air his views.

Transparency. Transparency allows the reader to identify the user and sources for information. If Tom is hiding his identity on social media, he is not being transparent. If he gives personal information about peers, he is violating their privacy. If he gives information which has been given in confidence or which has not been approved for publication, he is violating confidentiality. If he plagiarizes material, he will be violating copyright laws.

Who wrote Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears?

Verna Aadema

Copyright and Fair Use for: Video (for viewing)

Video (for integration into multimedia or video projects) • Videotapes • DVDs • Laserdiscs • Multimedia encyclopedias • QuickTime Movies • Video clips from the Internet • Students "may use portions of lawfully acquired copyright works in their academic multimedia," defined as 10 percent or three minutes (whichever is less) of "motion media." • The material must be legitimately acquired (a legal copy, not bootleg or home recording). • Copyright works included in multimedia projects must give proper attribution to copyright holder.


Voice of Youth Advocates. Young Adult collection journal that rates books based on literary quality and popularity.


Voice over Internet Protocol Technology which allows the use of a computer to transmit voice telephone calls over the internet to other users.


Walter Crane - The Frog Prince Randolph Caldecott - Hey Diddle Diddle Kate Greenaway - Pied Piper of Hamelin Theodor Seuss Geisel - The Lorax Ezra Jack Keats - The Snowy Day

The library media specialist is working with the elementary teachers to help students learn more about library media. She suggests what type of schedule to help accomplish this?

Weekly scheduled sessions. In younger grades, students learn best when they are constantly introduced to a topic and given plenty of time to practice. To help the students learn more about the different forms of library media available, the media specialist should suggest weekly, scheduled sessions for the classes to come into the media center and learn them. Although flexible scheduling is generally more popular, it will not help younger students learn the skills in the appropriate time.


What the item is (description) rather than the content of what it is about


What the item is about

A collection development policy should NOT address this question:

Which jobbers are used? This is a question concerning procedures, not policies. A policy is a written statement of principles used to guide the actions of an organization. A procedure is a statement regarding specific actions. A procedure describes how a policy is implemented.


Wide Area Network A communication network covering an extensive geographic area, such as a country, region, province, or state. Typically 2+ local area networks

Your library wishes to apply for a Mora Award.

Your library must host an event celebrating El Dia de los Ninos/Children's Book Day. The Mora Award is presented for outstanding programming for El Dia de los Ninos/Children's Book Day. It is presented annually. Your school need not have a majority Latino population or be located in a Southwestern state to apply.

Reconsideration of Materials Form

a form to request removal or reclassify an item in the library's collection. If the library receives a completed reconsideration form, the person or group designated in library policy to handle challenges should follow Reconsideration guidelines from receipt to decision.


a general statement or outcome that is broken down into specific measurable objectives

Encumbered funds

money obligated/committed to be paid; e.g. for orders sent but not yet received and paid for. These funds are deducted from the budget balance although they are not actually paid until orders are received and all items are accounted for.

Information Literacy

a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. (What do you need to know and how are you going to get it?)


a shortfall in revenue/money.


a specific statement of a measurable result that will occur by a certain time. Must contain an action verb and must be measurable. An objective is a short-range plan.


a statement of core values/principles of an organization

Keyword Search

most common search engines are "Keyword based" which means all text query and retrieval will operate under keyword rules of stemming

Propriety Automation System

standard vendor bought automation systems that are already created, like DestinyQuest

Streamlined Technical Services

the process of bringing in MARC records, adding them to automation system (like Destiny), and ensuring they are correct

Fair Use

allow the use of copyright materials for educational purposes; copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and "transformative" purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work.

Reserve funds

an account set aside to meet any unexpected costs that may arise in the future as well as the future costs of upkeep.

Vertical File

an alphabetized file for pamphlets and other small publications that do not merit a call number in a library system

Learning Commons

are learning spaces, similar to libraries and classrooms that share space for information technology, remote or online education, tutoring, collaboration, content creation, meetings and reading or study.

Qualitative Research

attempts to answer questions about how a behavior or phenomenon occurs; data is typically represented in words rather than numbers

Quantitative Research

attempts to capture the relationship between two things that can be measured numerically

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature

the index to over 300 magazines. It is published 12 times per year and allows readers to look up articles by subject or author

Site-based Management

decisions are made by a group of stakeholders or committee members rather than being left to the discretion of one person

Incremental Budgeting

giving a certain percentage increase to the amount of a previous budget. It is common for the cost of large, needed increases to be distributed throughout a 3-5 year period.


giving credit to the creator or copyright holder of a work whose information you used in your own work.

Controlled Vocabulary

identify a preferred way of expressing a concept or term to make searching more efficient, precise, and consistent. It allows for multiple entry access points to get preferred term.

Google Scholar

indexes and retrieves scholarly research materials on the web, finds both open and subscription-based, hard to refine search, need to login to library account

"See also"

information is cross-referenced when information can be found under more than one possible subject heading. The user is directed to a more appropriate heading for the database (such as in a thesaurus or free-floating subdivisions. Example of controlled vocabulary)

Reader's Advisory

is the process of recommending sources to library users


laws that protect a work against unauthorized copying

Brevity Test

length of work that can be copied: - up to 250 words of a poem if under 2 pages - whole article 2500 words or less - 10% of article or book that is over 2500 words

Refining Searches

making changes to your search query by using different modifiers, phrases, or synonyms to make your query even more specific.

Research Instruments

may include surveys, tests, questionnaires, achievement/aptitude tests, observation forms, tally sheets, etc.

Capital funds

money designated for the purchase of fixed assets such as land or equipment.

Weeding procedures for DEWEY 200 (religion)

possibility of high turnover for religious books, so keep current

Active Listening

reflect back on what you are hearing/validate what they say and concerns before responding

Zero-based Budgeting

requires that all possible programs or services be costed out into what are called decision packages and then ranked according to priorities by the librarian. The director or higher administrator could then decide at which point services might be cut

Spontaneity Test

the inspiration and decision to use the work occur too soon prior to classroom use for permission to be sought in writing

Subject analysis

the part of indexing or cataloging that deals with the conceptual analysis of an item

Semantic Search

seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding the searcher's intent and the contextual meaning of terms as they appear in the searchable dataspace, whether on the Web or within a closed system, to generate more relevant results.

The library media program must be dynamic, enthusiastic, and

student centered It also must be the essential connection for the students and teachers to obtain the necessary informational resources

Distance learning

takes place in any situation where the student and the instructor are in separate locations

Formula Budgeting

takes various demographic and dollar facts and figures and converts them into proposed budgetary amounts such as how much money a given library should get for books, magazines, supplies, technology, and so forth


the administration may "sweep" all remaining unspent funds into a surplus account and that makes them unavailable for your use. The school librarian needs to have spent the funds before this happens or a reduction in the next year's funding is possible.

Quotation Marks

use of quotation marks for phrase searching


used to identify where and how information is covered and how to locate it (like page number). Identifies the variety of places where a subject is covered within the publication. More specific than "Table of Contents"

Subject headings

words or phrases that are used to locate resources by topics

Natural Language Search

would in theory find targeted answers to user questions (as opposed to keyword search). attempts to use natural language processing to understand the nature of the question and then to search and return a subset of the web that contains the answer to the question.


written statement of principle in which the policy-making agency guarantees a management practice or course of action that is efficient and consistent

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