Guidance and counseling

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list the differences between guidance, counseling and psychotherapy.

-service provider -location/setting -issues addressed -Duration -Client -number of client

Referral Services

A good counselor is not all problem solver. He can only solve emotional problem, It is needed to refer to others to hospitals, spiritual leaders and parents.

Mention the 7 guidance services

Counseling service Appraisal service Placement service Follow up service Information service Referral service Orientation service


Counselling according to Olayinka (1993) is the process in which one person assists another person in a person to person or face to face encounter. This assistance may take many forms. It may be educational, vocational, social recreational, emotional and or moral.

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy depth

Counselling deals with situational, environmental conditions, stressing problem solving, rational planning and are less intense in emotional expression than psychotherapy. Psychotherapy means deeper involvement with individual's personality. Deals more with more serious behaviour conditions.

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy Clientele:

Different names are used for counselling and psychotherapy. Clients are used for counselling and patients for psychotherapy.

What is guidance?

Guidance is a process of helping people make important choices that affect their lives, such as choosing a preferred lifestyle" (Gladding, 2000, pg. 4).

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy Degree of disturbance;

In counseling, the client is an "adequate functioning individual" while in psychotherapy the patient is "neurotic and pathological"


Makinde (1984) defined counselling as an enlightened process whereby people help people by facilitating growth, development and positive change through an exercise of self understanding.


Psychotherapy is a set of techniques intended to cure or improve psychological and behavioral problems in humans. Treatment involving psychological techniques; Consists of trained therapists and people who want help.

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy duration:

Psychotherapy usually takes a longer time to achieve its result than counseling. Counseling services usually take shorter, more limited contacts to accomplish these goals.

Orientation service

This is helping the clients to adjust to the new environment. This may take several steps i.e from primary school to secondary school, show them the office, dinning hall, staff room, introduce them to rules and regulations of the school. The uniforms codes. In the undergraduate level e.g senate building, health center and recreation.

information service

This is offering or giving information to the client.This is an indispensable services, it is very essential,it will guide without ambiguity.

Counseling Services

This is the hearth of the guidance programme. This is the assistance provided for clients who are sad, disorganized so that they can have successful life.

Appraisal Services

When you plan, make sure you evaluate, how is the performance of the students in the last exams, the teachers training, track the audience with your adverts evaluate placement, orientation.

placement service

achieve admission, get into an employment or to secure appropriate treatment.

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy helping

both seek to help. Counsellors stress positive individual strengths for development while psychotherapists stress diagnosing and remediation.

counselling according to ACA

counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals."

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy approaches;

counselling approaches are normally based on present conscious materials while psychotherapeutic approach emphasizes historic and symbolic materials in unconscious processes.

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy focus

counselling is concerned with helping client utilizes their own coping resources while psychotherapy is concerned with personality change and modification of abnormal behaviour.

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy setting:

counselling services are usually located in schools, pastoral agencies, organizations and in the community. Psychotherapeutic services are usually found in clinics and hospitals.

Difference between counseling and psychotherapy data:

counsellors rely more on normative data than psychotherapist who often rely on idiographic (specific cases and the unique traits ) data.

Follow-up services

counselor must not leave a client just like that. He/she must do follow up to see if the student/client is still adjusting or adjusting well. e.g chain smoker, drunkard.


helps people address and resolve their problems and work through their feelings.


may utilize insight, persuasion, suggestion, reassurance, and instruction so that patients may see themselves and their problems more realistically and have the desire to cope effectively with them.


the treatment of a behaviour disorder, mental illness, or any other condition by psychological means.

what is the common theme of guidance, counseling and psychotherapy.

they all involve helping others/ they are all helping relationships

counselling helps stimulates individuals to :

•Evaluate himself and his opportunities •Make feasible choice in the light of his unique characteristics and opportunities •Accept responsibility for his choice; and •Initiate a course of action consonant with his choice.

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