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What are megasporophylls

A leaf where megaspores form

What are bracts?

A small flap beneath the ovuliferous scale

Gymnosperms do not need water for fertilization because they have?

Air borne pollen

What can we see inside the megagametophyte>

Archegonium adn egg that is housed in the archegonium

Why are gymnosperms considered naked?

Because their ovules are not enclosed by a carpel layer

What are the general characteristics of the pine seed?

Contains the embryo Protects the embryo Provides food at crucial periods of establishment

What is an endodermis

Controls the amount of water that is transported to the inner part of the plant

Which have more naked ovules, cycads or pines?


Are cycads dioecious or monoecious

Cycads are dioecious and produces pollen and seed cones

Which have more naked seeds zamia or cycas?


This type of cycad have megasporophylls that aren't grouped into cones

Cycas circinalis

This cycas plant is used to make sago

Cycas revoluta - oliva/ sago plam

If gingkos aren't evergreen then what are they?


Gymnosperm seeds are not that susceptible to?


Is the megasporangium haploid or diploid?


Pine leaves have...

Endodermis and transfusion tissue

What are megaphylls?

Euphylls (they have leaf gaps)

What type of arrangement do pine roots exhibit?

Exarch arrangement

Ovulare cones are?

Female cones; seed cones

These trees dominated the land before

Fern trees

Most gymnosperms are evergreen except for?


What are the advantages of symbiote cyanobacteria

Give the plant a higher capability to get nutrients and produce certain metabolites that are unique to cycads

Gymnosperm etymology

Gymno = naked; sperm = seed

What are the advantages of narrow leaves?

Help conserve water?

Megasporangium has a ___ covering


Why did fern trees go extinct?

Lack of seeds and secondary growth

What are ovuliferous scales?

Large woody leaves that form the female cone of conifers and related trees

What are transfusion tissue?

Layer of thin walled cells found between the endodermis and the vascular tissues and facilitates the transfer of materials between the ordinary vascular tissue and tissues outside the endodermis

What shape do pine leaves have?

Linear to acicular (needle-shaped)

What are albuminous cells?

Load and unload sugar into the cavity of sieve cells

Describe the tracheids and rays of cycads

Long and wide tracheids with massive rays

Gymnosperms may either have what types of leaves?

Long shoots with papery leaves, short shoots with long needle like leaves

Pollen is part of what reproductive part of gymnosperms


Explain dioecious gymnosperms

Male and female cones in separate plants

Staminate cones are?

Male cones; pollen cones

Within the megasporangium we could find the

Megagametophyte (n)

All gymnosperm leaves including the needle like leaves of conifers are considered to be?


What is the pine ovule?

Megaspore mother cell/ megasporocyte plus the integument

What can we see in cycas seed cones

Megasporophylls and seed cones

The developing seeds of gymnosperms are often covered by what?

Megasporophylls of ovuliferous scales

Ovuliferous scales are also called?


Pollen entrance for ferilization


What part of the Cycas revoluta is used to make palm

Middle of the trunk

Gymnosperm leaves look like?

Monocot leaves

All gymnosperms have no side branches which means they are?


What is the meaning of gymnosperm?

Naked seed

Do pine leaves store water?


Is there a division between the spongy and palisade parenchyma


Do seeds detriorate easily? Why is this important?

No, for seed dispersal

Do gymnosperms shed their leaves?

No, leaves remain attached to the plant even during winter

Do cycads form trees?

No, only shrubs

What type of wood do gymnosperms have?

Non porous wood

The phloem of gymnosperms are composed of what?

Only sieve cells as they lack sieve tube members. They also have albuminous cells

The xylem of gymnosperms are composed of what?

Only tracheids as they lack vessel elements

What is an ovule?

Organ that forms seeds of the flowering plant

What is a carpel layer?

Outer layers of the ovule that develop into a seed coat

These are the longest living and tallest tree species


What are the general characteristics of pollen

Pollen distributes sperm through the wind Pollen tube grows to egg Winged pollen with air bladders Pollen tube is the passageway of sperm to the ovule

Gymnosperm xylem rays are almost exclusively uniseriate except when they bear?

Resin canals

These are root structures that are prominent in gymnosperms (pine specifically)

Resin canals, sclerotic cells, crushed primary phloem

Conifers are covered by?


Pollen grains ___ with 2 air bladders


Seeds are produced on an open...


What are gymnosperms?

Seed plants without flowers

Gymnosperms are evolved to have?

Seeds without flowers

Explain monoecious gymnosperms

Separate male and female cones in the same plant

Describe cycads

Short plants, stems are similar to seed ferns

What are fascicles?

Short shoot with stem tissue and needle like leaves?

What type of leaf venation do gymnosperms have?

Simple leaf venation

Are gymnosperms hard or soft wood?

Soft wood

Which generation is more dominant: sporophyte or gametophyte generation?

Sporophyte generation

These can be found in the leaves in some gymnosperm species?

Sunken stomata and hyppodermis

These bacteria are found in the roots of cycads

Symbiote cyanobacteria

The lack of division of the spongy and palisade parenchyma is what type of character?


Conifers are adapted to what types of regions?

Temperate - cold

Where do gymnosperms usually live?

Temperate regions

Pine leaves protects?

The leaf/ tree from too much water (Reduces environmental pressure; allows them to survive harsh winters and doesn't require them to shed of their leaves)

Why are primary phloem crushed?

They get crushed due to the continued accumulation of the secondary xylem

Why are gymnosperms said to be more advanced than spores?

They have seeds

Why are they considered soft wood

They lack vessel elements, fibers, and axial parenchyma cells.

Broad, regular, tropical leaves are susceptible too?

Too much environmental pressure (temperature is too much of a pressure)

Land plants are also known as


Gymnosperm transfusion tissue consists of?

Transfusion parenchyma and transfusion tracheids (more or less cubodial with circular bordered pits)

Where can sterile bracts be found?

Underneath the ovuliferous scale

In gymnosperms, xylem rays are almost exclusively...


Where are endodermis usually found in gymnosperms?

Usually in roots but also in leaves

What happens if pine leaves get wet or accumulate snow?

Water adn snow just flows to the tip

When can gymnosperms have branches?

When they are made that way to be bonsai

Are cycads ornamentals?


Can resin ducts be also found in gymnosperm leaves?

Yes but they are reduced

How many microsporangia do each scale or sporophyll of male cones have?


How many seeds to each ovuliferous scale or megasporophyll have?

2 inverted winged seeds

How many leaves do fascicles have?


Seeds should be dessicated to how many percent in order for it to undergo dormancy/ resting stage


How many cycad genera and species are there

9-10 genera 100 species

What are resin canals?

- PRotects the plant from fires, predators, and sickness - Resin can preserve animals through amber

What are sclerotic cells?

- Part of the outer layer of the root. - They function as support, food conduction, water protection, and help deter excess water loss

What are the 7 conifer groups?

- Pines - Firs - Hemlocks - Junipers - Spruces - Yews (long-life span) - Red woods (long-life span)

What are the general characteristics of pollen cones

- Smaller bracts (in some) - Relatively smaller (miniature seed cone) - Usually found at the tips of branches - usually yellow

Is the integument haploid or diploid


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