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What was Napoleon's Grand Empire

the French Empire, dependent states, and allied states

The French Estates system

the aristocracy, the clergy and the bourgeoisie and working classes, over which the King had absolute sovereignty. The First and Second Estates were exempted from most taxes.

What impact did it have on the European economy?

very little seft reliant


A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country


A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.

What was the Reign of Terror

Beheading of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette by Robespierre and the Jacobins.

What English monarch met a similar demise to Louis XVI

James II,

*Napoleon's education system is a reflection of the policies of which of the following earlier European rulers?

Maria Therese of Austria.

What caused Napoleon to create the Continental System?

Napoleon found it difficult to defeat Britain in a straight military fight due to the supremacy of Britain's Navy so he stopped trading with them

*What occurred during the Hundred Days in France?

Napoleon's return to Paris on March 20, 1815, after his exile on Elba, and the second restoration of King Louis XVIII to the throne of France

On what was money being spent at the beginning of the Revolution

Palace of Versailles, wars, soldiers, ships, and the luxury lifestyles they lived

How did the Concordat resolve the crisis over Catholicism in France in the Napoleonic era

The Catholic Church promised to promote French nationalism, while the French state agreed to abandon efforts to control church doctrine.


a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion

What was the fate of the church in France

attacks on Church corruption and the wealth of the higher clergy, The new revolutionary authorities suppressed the Church, abolished the Catholic monarchy, nationalized Church property, exiled 30,000 priests

the beliefs of the Montagnards

belief in many gods in nature, the practice of animal sacrifice, and fear of evil spirits

What did Robespierre and his COmmittee of Public Safety do

exercise virtual dictatorial control over the French government.


exporting the Revolution through aggressive foreign policies including war against the surrounding European monarchies. The Girondins were also one of the first supporters of abolitionism in France with Brissot leading the anti-slavery Society of the Friends of the Blacks.

*Why did the Directory continue the French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments

response to economic problems


social equality, economic equality, and popular democracy.

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