Hall Theology Final
Give me an example of a short saying Jesus used that is found in the Christian Scriptures
" do to others what you want them to do to you"
Who do cults recruit? Cults want people who are:
-Intelligent -Idealistic -Well Educated -Economically Advantaged -Intellectually or Spiritually Curious -Any Age
Tell me what you understand about st. Paul's role in the development of the Christian movement
1 Journey: Paul and bamabas visited Cyprus and Asia minor there they established churches Paul attended the famous council of Jerusalem 2 journey: Revisted the churches from J1 and started preaching in cities 3 journey: visited again wrote letters and was arrested
As a person of faith give three examples of how you are responsible to make the gospel message come alive today and in the career of your choice
1. Act as a disciple serving others 2. Pay attention to words(motivate people to seek God) 3. Turn convos to spiritual issues( trust HS to guide issues going on)
Name four activities that our society helps to carry out the work of Christ
1.Homeless shelters 2.Food drives 3.Free water to those who ask 4. mission Trips ( serving others)
2 levels: sense and sign Sense: literal meaning of a story Sign: holding a deeper meaning
Average age at the point of recruitment of religious cults
Do scholars know when Jesus was actually born? When?
4-6 B.C.E.
What is the principal theme of the Christian scriptures?
A Covenant that everything God promised the people of Israel he promised to us, fulfilled his promises through jesus revelation(second coming)
Financial Commitment
Achieving increased dependence on the group by burning bridges to the past, through the donation of assets
Jesus may have been see as am ______________ by Pontius Pilate
When did Jesus' followers finally realize who Jesus truly was?
After resurrection
What doe it mean to say that the Kingdom of God is "right here, but not yet"
Believers are actively taking part in the Kingdom of God, although the Kingdom of God will not reach its full expression until sometime in the future. we are already in the "kingdom" but we do not yet see in its -revealed through the second coming
Explain how the early church continued Jesus' prophetic ministry
Christen fellowship/ communion, prayer, and celebration of the Eucharist, the teaching of apostles
Tell me 2 things Jesus did and taught angered the religious leaders of his day
Claimed to be in a special role in establishing the kingdom of God( he was the truth), went against the laws such as doing work on the Sabbath (miracles)
Allegorical sense
Connecting the events of the old and new testament
Love Bombing
Creating a sense if family and belonging through hugging, kissing, touching, and flattery
Change of Diet
Creating disorientation and increased susceptibility to emotional arousal by depriving the nervous system of necessary nutrients through the use of special diets and/ or fasting
Passover is a historical and national day of
Creation and national day of freedom
Pitcher's mound/ first story
Death/ Resurrection of Jesus - 4 gospels present -Primary story in new testament
Definition: term Pharisee means "separated one. This group of laymen, many from the middle-class, actively pursued holiness. They had a great influence over the people -They believed in strict observance of the Law which they thought kept them from sin -Came into existence during the Hasmonean dynasty when they separated themselves from ordinary religion practice of that day -Of all the Jewish sects, Jesus' beliefs and spiritual practice most closely paralleled the Pharisees -Believed in resurrection of the body and divine judgement of the living and the dead -Held prayer, almsgiving, and fasting to be essential spiritual practices and they also accepted as inspired the Prophets and the Writings as well as the Pentateuch (Torah)
Verbal Abuse
Desensitizing through bombardment with foul and abusive language
Differ significantly in their worldviews from standard religions
what does it mean to say Johns Gospel has a "Christology from above"
Emphasizes Jesus' divinity
Confusing Doctrine
Encouraging blind acceptance and rejection of logic through complex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine
A Jewish sect known as the "apocrypha sect" are the ... Because they believed...
Essenes: 1.Think if themselves as the true form of the Jewish faith 2. They believe God will bring justice and eliminate the evil 3. Good will wins out and live with God in righteousness
2nd base/ crisis
Faith tested and deepened -Paul in concerned how they express their faith in Greek culture
Why did some Jewish religious leaders want Jesus crucified? Why could they not inflict capital punishment themselves?
For the deeds he did, the claims he made, and his threat to the religious system (healed a demon possessed man) thought he had power with the devil couldn't kill him because Jesus was too popular and it under Roman law that Jews weren't allowed to kill anyone
What is the central focus of Mark's gospel?
God's message
Mark clearly states in his prologue that Jesus himself is?
Good News
Articulate how the New Testament is divided up and what each section means
Gospels (good news) Acts of the apostles( power of the Holy spirit) Epistles(letters) Revelation ( apocalypse)
What did Jesus' , miracles reveal about his identity? Name two of the four categories of Jesus' miracles
He is very powerful, physical healing, nature miracles(calm storms)
Name at least two significant details of St.Paul's life
He persecuted Christians and he converted to Christianity his original name was Saul and God made him convert his name, he helped spread the word of God
Give an example how Jesus challenged his society's social level
He spoke to women in public and treated them as equal -accepted tax collectors/sinners
Explain how Jesus used his surroundings to get his message across his followers
He used his surroundings and the experience of everyday life to create parables so he could teach the people and they could understand them
What do we know about Jesus a man?
He was an actual person, enrolled in school which made him similar to a typical teen, had many friends, body was strong built, sense of humor, accepted people with compassion, found good in all people ,enjoyed told stories
what ideas about the Kingdom of God did Jesus clearly reject?
He wasn't trying to begin a political reign, he was not a King, opposition to violence, Kingdom has no boundaries or borders separating nations and people
Jesus had a reputation for...
Tell me at least two qualities that made Jesus an excellent teacher
His Character: His authority to forgive sins, his acceptance of worship,prayer, and faith His miracles: Healed diseases, exercised demons, turned water to wine, he turned disciples into confident preachers, his resurrection was the ultimate miracle
Describe what the Messianic Secret is an why it was a concern for Jesus
Idenity that he was the Messiah to be hidden, people would misunderstand his true identity as a suffering servant -avoid view in false terms, those came to Jesus solely for faith
Describe the differences between the Synoptic Gospels and John
In John's gospel, Jesus dies differently where in the synoptic gospel Jesus eats a Passover meal before he dies, John does not. Last supper was actually eaten before Passover. John omits Jesus' transfiguration, temptation of Jesus, and institution of Lord's prayer, Jesus casting out demons, sermon on the mount. John includes Jesus' early Galilean ministry, visits to Jerusalem before passion week, resurrection of Lazarus.
What city was classified as Herod;s show piece (because of the magnificent buildings)?
According ti Mark what launches Jesus' public ministry
Jesus baptism
Explain how Jesus' preaching and actions stirred the Jews on almost every level
Jesus did work/miracles on Sunday when its supposed to be a day of rest, talked to women in public and befriended lepers and tax collectors
How did Jesus differ from other teachers in relationship to his students?
Jesus expected them not only to watch and learn but to share in his mission of proclaiming the kingdom, were ordinary people who did extraordinary things, Jesus sought out his apostles
what is the difference between Jesus as a human being and as a christ?
Jesus has human ancestry. The genealogy of Jesus Christ links him to humanity. Jesus is also the Son of God. And he was assumed into heaven. He is 100% human and 100% divine. He has a mix of both natures.
Explain one way that Jesus was a sign of contradiction to his contemporaries
Jesus knew the Jewish scriptures well but seemed to contradict what they thought was the law. Since Jesus challenged that, he challenged THEIR interpretation of the law
What does it mean that Jesus used colorful, down to earth language?
Jesus spoke with parables, he used simple language so non-believers could understand his teachings, and used everyday examples to make the teaching relatable
home plate/ Second story
Jesus' words and deeds. -proclaim the presence and power of God
Jesus lived, taught, and died as a...
Describe two differences between the Jewish faith and that of the Christian faith
Jewish: founder is Abraham and the language is Hebrew, Torah/prophets Christianity: The founder is Jesus and the language is Aramaic
Who wrote the book of Revelation and why?
John, scholars believe the book has hidden meaning about God's ultimate plan for us -to oppose the anti-Christ ( evil/injustice/persecution) and to encourage Christians to remain strong in the heat of suffering and persecution " new Creation
Tell me at least one key theme brought up in Matthew's gospel
Judgement- we should always be ready for the Lords return Jesus is emmanuel- means "Gods with us" wills the salvation of the Jews and Gentiles alike Discipleship- requires humility,rejection,suffering Church- gathering of christians at liturgy, local or universal community of believers Right instruction- instruction manual righteous prayer conversion
Define disciple
Learners. Left former life behind.
Why did Luke write his gospel? What sources would Luke have used?
Luke had mark's gospel available to him, wrote to those who already christian to better help them understand their faith and roots; mainly gentile christian churches founded by st. Paul -potentially utilizing Mark's documents
Maintaining loyalty and obedience to the group by threatening soul, life or limb for the slightest negative thought, word or deed.
Tell me where, when, and why the Gospel of Mark was written
Mark was written in jerusalem around 70 CE he wrote the great persecution from emperor Nero ( blamed the jewish christians fro the burning of Rome) wrote for those suffering to show it was the same as jesus suffering
What are the probable dates for the composition of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's gospel?
Mark: 70 CE Luke: 75-90 CE (probably 85) Matthew: mid 80 CE John:90-120 CE
Tell me why Matthew's gospel is found as the first gospel within the Christian scriptures
Matthew has an introduction of how Jesus is related to King David it also is the most organized
Explain how Matthew and Luke's infancy narratives differ
Matthew has the genealogy of Jesus and Luke does not
Difference between the 4 gospel authors
Matthew: Has a nativity story Mark: No nativity story Luke: Has a nativity story John: No nativity story
According to Jesus to participate in the Reign of God one must do what?
Must have a change of heart and turn away from selfishness then the KOG will take root
Anagogical sense
Mystical and spiritual interpretation
Who are the gentiles?
Non-Jews -nation of people who were not circumcised
During what time of the year was Jerusalem overly populated...
3rd base/ crisis
Persecuting and martyrdom -Christianity thrives and flourishes
Tradition holds that Mark may have been a traveling companion with?
Peter and Paul
Explain the difference between Pliny the Younger and Josephus the Jewish Historian
Pliny the Younger was a Roman Legate/ letter writer. Mentions asking emperor Trojan for advice on how to manage Christens (Condemns christians) Josephus wrote the Jewish Wars and Jewish antiquities. Commanded Jewish forces during the first Jewish revolt. Mentions Jesus, John the Baptist, Pontious Pilat, and James (verifies Christ's existance)
We know that Jesus was baptized and became a...
Priests and aristocrats who cared for the temple, collaborated with Romans, only accepted the Torah as sacred scriptures, stressed human free will -Aristocrats who cared for the Temple practices and worship
Explain the difference between a priest and a rabbi during the time of Jesus.
Priests are part of the Sadducee, Rabbis are part of the pharmacies.
Short saying
Proverbs, "words to the wise" -often found without any story leading up
Reinforcing the need for "salvation" by exaggerating the sins of the former lifestyle
What is apocalyptic writing? What purpose does it serve?
Revealing of things that haven't happened but will, to unveil the events that are to happen on the "day of the Lord" -current age will end when God intervenes and establishes divine rule
Jesus was born as a subject of the...
Roman Empire
According to historians those who actually responsible for the execution of Jesus were the...
Who is responsible for the death of Jesus and why?
Romans. Jews did not kill Jesus because he did not break the laws that would have caused him to be put to death. The Romans did not like that Jesus was called by some people "king of the Jews"
Describe the two different types of parables found within the synoptic gospels
Sense level- literal meaning of the story Sign level- holding a deeper meaning(explaining something)
Separates from the parent religion, it maintains the same worldview and acknowledges the same sources of revelation as the parent religion
Why was Mark's gospel Written?
So the reader will be faithful in times of persecution.
Moral sense
The "moral of the story" or how one should act now.
The Christian church has experienced many obstacles and struggles throughout history. what do you see the church struggling with now and why?
The Church has struggled with women holding leadership positions. The Church holds traditions sacred and changing a tradition that had been around for a long time can lead to separation.
What were the objectives of the Zealot movement during the time of Jesus? What is the difference between Jesus' message and that of the Zealot?
The Zealots were an organized revolutionary faction, hated Roman Rule and believe violence was the only way to overthrow the Romans. Jesus preached peace, not violence.
Jesus demands a type of ethical eschatology which means...
The demands God is nourishing us to do something about the evil of the world
Explain this statement in relationship to Jesus' miracles .. once authentic faith is present in people, the real miracle has already begun in their hearts
The real symbol of faith is true belief is a miracle. Belief can not be forced. It is a true miracle that a person can believe in something they do not see.
Jesus' miracles were not intended to impress the crowds..why?
They were to reveal the Kingdom of God through Jesus -symbolically display relation to divine
Jesus' parables cause his hearers/ followers to?
Think and interpret
What was the common first century Jewish belief concerning the Messiah?
Thought of the coming of the Messiah in political terms (military ruler) Jews thought the Messiah was going to free Israel from Roman rule
Explain how Christianity contains a code of morality
Through the commandments, golden rule, and final judgment by which you will be judged on if you give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, and clothe the naked
Clarify the central theme of Jesus' message
To challenge his followers and those who question it, a freedom deeper than freedom from social, economic, or political oppressio(KOG)
1st base/ crisis
Universal-ism of Jesus' message Acts of the Apostles (disciples want you to know): -Will Jesus restore the rule of Israel?
Describe the situation of women in the New Testament times and how Jesus revolutionized it
Women were inferior to men and considered property, they were segregated during temple worship Jesus treated them as equals and many of his disciples were women Jesus talked to them in public and acted respectful to them
Pronouncement story
a story as a set up for the "punch line." Describes a sense first. Punchline contains the main lesson.
apocalyptic group, dead sea scrolls, read and produced commentaries on the Hebrew Scriptures -like the Sadducees, disappeared from Jewish history after the destruction of the temple
Literal sense
exploration of the meaning of events of historical purposes from a neutral perspective trying to understand the text and culture and time it was written in, and language and location.
Tell me about John
filled with symbolic language, focuses on Jesus divinity, reflective and prayerful, written 90-120 in Antioch or Alexandria, written by the same author of the book Revelation -presents the holiness of Jesus
Average age at the point if recruitment of therapy cults
mid 30's
organized revolutionary faction, hated Roman rule and believed violence was the only way to overthrow it
What is a parable and how does it differ from other short stories?
parables are easy to understand and have a theological meaning(deeper meaning) short stories do not -short story drawn from ordinary life that conveys religious truths. It differs because it conveys truth and looks at reality in a fresh way
Tell me why learning about the culture (political as well as religious) of Jesus time is important in order to interpret the message of the Gospels correctly
so that the authors message can be interpreted from their perspective(understanding parables, historical connections)