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(Ten Duel Commandments) What causes a duel? How can a duel be prevented after the process has started?

A duel is caused by an argument, or disrespect. It can be stopped by talking calmly or with the seconds.

(Aaron Burr, sir) What is the definition of a literary foil? Who is established as a literary foil to the protagonist?

A foil is the contrast of two characters and their qualities. Aaron Burr is a foil to Hamilton.

(Helpless) How is Eliza introduced to Hamilton? How do they break the ice conversationally?

Angelica introduces Eliza to Hamilton, they break the ice by talking and saying "I'm about to change your life" ("Helpless", ln. 43). She started talking to him, and both realized they loved each other.

(Satisfied) How did Angelica and Hamilton break the ice conversationally at the winter's ball?

Angelica went to talk to him about Eliza.

(Washington On Your Side) What could the tension between founding fathers lead to?

Fall outs, fights, political conflicts.

(That Would be enough) When and why does the protagonist interrupt his wife? What does this imply about Hamilton?

Hamilton interrupts Eliza because he said he can't come back home, this implies he puts work before family.

(Take a Break) How is Hamilton's work affecting his family life?

He barely see them

(Say no to this) What is Hamilton's self-defense?

He said he was tired and stressed.

(hurricane) What metaphor does Hamilton use to compare his present situation to his troublesome childhood?

In the eye of a hurricane, There is quiet, For just a moment, A yellow sky. He compares his situation to a hurricane.

( Alexander Hamilton) How does this song characterize the first sixteen years of the protagonist's life?

It talks about his mother, a hore, and his father, a scotsman. It also talks about how poor he was and how he was an orphan. Then he explains he moved to new York and then his cousin committed suicide.

(My Shot) What, in their words, is each character's specific rationale for or against joining the revolution?

Lafayette says he "I dream of life without a monarchy." Mulligan says, " I'm joining the rebellion cuz I know it's my chance To socially advance, instead of sewin' some pants!" Laurens says, "Until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me."

(Say no to this) What are the various possible consequences of his decision?

Sex scandal, brags, political issues, etc...

(Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story) How does Eliza spend the remaining half century of her life following the death of her husband? .

She tried to make sense of his writings and tried to connect with hamilton. She also raised funds in DC for washington monument, and the orphanage. She helped raise funds

(Guns and Ships) What does it mean to take a horse by the reins and make redcoats redder with bloodstains?

They want to control and make british soldiers suffer with all their effort and glory.

What are the most important similarities and differences between Hamilton and Burr?

both orphan and had a good education, both wanted a change and the revolution - hamilton had married someone rich while burr was waiting for a married women, hamilton acted fast, burr waited

who were at hamiltons side and who were notf

lafayette mulligan philip schuyler sisters washington not- burr king george jeferson lee

(Alexander Hamilton) What specific relationship-types are foreshadowed? Which characters belong to these groups?

Aaron Burr, Eliza,Angelica, Peggy, Lafayette, Washington, Madison. It foreshadows which of these will be at his side and which will not.

(The Story of Tonight) Why does Hamilton, at his own wedding, congratulate his foil? Does Burr agree with him?

Because Burr became Lieutenant colonel. Burr doesn't agree.

(One last time) Why does Hamilton propose writing with a fictitious name? What does he intend to write?

Becuase he has the affair so he will write under a pseudonym. He wants to talk about neutrality

(Guns and Ships) How are Hamilton and Lafayette similar in background and mentality?

Both immigrant, brave, tactically, intelligent, want revolution, stubborn.

(The Story of tonight) What is the connection between this song and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s final speech?

Both wanted freedom for their people, both were willing to die for their people.

(A winters ball) What can the audience infer about the desirability of the Schuyler sisters this evening?

Burr uses a language that makes the Schuyler sisters seem like they are everything like he loved them like they were "the envy of all" ("A Winter's Ball", ln.21). He also said that if someone married a sister, they were rich. It also seemed like he was angry with them. The audience can infer that the Schuyler Sisters are very rich and pretty, and many people want to marry them.

(A winters ball) How does Burr describe Hamilton? What causes Burr to use such venomous language?

Burr uses jealous language, he said " obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth bother..." ("A winters ball,"ln.4). He uses this type of language because he wanted to be George's right-hand man, however, Hamilton was.

(Burn) What does Eliza mean that Hamilton built her palaces out of paragraphs? Are these palaces well-constructed?

He declared everything that had happened with maria. He won eliza by his letters, so the palaces are because he wrote beautiful letters and made her feel loved, however they are not well constructed because they are breaking.

(Yorktown) Why does Washington share his experiences from the French and Indian War with Hamilton?

He does this to teach Hamilton about all his mistakes and how they cause him regret,

(Alexander Hamilton) How does the musical begin? In your own words, what does this enquiry signify?

It begins with "How does a bastard, orphan son of a hore and a scotsman.... Grow up to be a hero and a scholar. This means that Alexander Hamilton was born from nothing, and he used his intelligence and strength to change the world and achieve great things.

(Take a Break) How might the "non-stop" work affect Hamilton and his decision-making abilities?

It can cause him to lose reasoning and making decisions too fast.

(Stay alive-reprise) While speaking with his mother, what does Philip apologize for forgetting? What might he be referring to?

Philp is apologizing for forgetting the piano, that means the values Eliza taught him, she tought him to be satisfied and take a break.

(The reynolds pamphlet.) How does Angelica react to Hamilton's most recent publication? What is she deciding to put aside?

She decided to put what they had aside. She saw that he had cheated on her sister and he is with her sister against him.

(Burn) What is Eliza burning, literally and figuratively, as this song progresses? Why is she doing this?

She is burning because she is crumbling down because of Alexander. She is literally burning the letters Alexander gave her.

(That Would be enough) What news does Eliza reveal to her husband?

She is pregnant of her son.

(That Would be enough) What anxiety or insecurity on the part of Eliza is revealed?

She is scared that Hamilton cares more about dying in glory than raising his child.

(Satisfied) What specifically takes place during lines 27-30 as Angelica gives a wedding toast?

She remembers the night she decided to make Eliza and Hamilton meet. She is understanding and at the same time regretting her decision.

(The Schuyler Sisters) What does the audience learn about the Schuyler family and the individual sisters?

The audience learns that they are very wealthy and a lot of men want to marry them. Angelica is Beyoncé and she deeply loved alexander even though he married Eliza.

(Stay Alive- reprise) What feeling does the song's beat evoke? How does this musical element communicate song's main event?

The beat is transmitting a sense of heart beats, for staying alive and then it gets slower until the audience understand Philip died.

(The Story of tonight) What do Hamilton and his friends raise their glasses to? What does this gesture symbolize?

They are raising their glasses to freedom. It symbolizes how they want their country to be free and for the revolution.

(Wait for it) What specific contrasts between Burr and Hamilton are expressed in the lyrics?

While Hamilton is married with a rich and known person, Burr loves a woman who is married and from the other side. Also Hamilton has nothing to lose, while Burr has to hold up his mother and father's reputation.

(Hurricane) Why does Hamilton yet again revert to writing when facing seemingly insurmountable adversity?

Because by writing he seems to get things done, its something he does actually well and has got a lot of glory in. He says he is so good at writing people will forget that he cheated in his wife.

(Wait for it) How does Burr's relationship with Theodosia show that love does not discriminate?

Because even though she is on the other side and married, he can't help falling in love.

(Meet me inside) Why is Washington extremely angry about the Lee-Laurens duel?

Because he thinks duels are stupid and because Hamilton was willing to die. They are fighting themselves.

Why does Lin-Manuel Miranda believe the life of Alexander Hamilton embodies hip-hop music?

Because hip hop is from low classes and it has gotten more popular, also it helps express

(The Reynolds pamphlet.) Why is Hamilton so excited to see Angelica return from London after publishing his indiscretions?

Because she is the only one that understands what he is dealing with, but in reality she came for her sister.

(The Story of Tonight) Why doesn't Burr bring a date to the wedding?

Because the girl he was in love with was married and was from the other side.

(A winters ball) What interaction takes place between the protagonist and his foil?

Both talk about how ladies distracted men, they both are talking about the Schuyler sisters and how there are "so many to deflower" ("A Winter's Ball," ln. 12). They both kind of agreed that the Schuyler sisters are the "envy" of many men.

(Its quiet uptown) What is Eliza's reaction to their new unimaginable reality and Hamilton's sudden evolution?

Even Though she is mad with Hamilton about the decision he made, she will forgive hamilton because he is changing, she loves him still.

(The Story of Tonight) What advice does Hamilton offer Burr? How does this compare to Burr's advice to Hamilton?

Hamilton tells Burr to not wait and to go for it. Burr instead wants to wait. While Hamilton is married to a rich girl, Burr is waiting for a married girl.

(Its quiet uptown) How, specifically, does Hamilton's attitude about marriage and fatherhood evolve within this song?

He begins to realize how he needs time with his family and how he needed to be a better parent.

(Farmer refuted)How does Lin-Manuel Miranda create harmony when two characters rap simultaneously?

He creates harmony with rap by putting words over words and making the entire song fit into the rap, they use motifs and same notes to create the harmony.

(Non-stop) What monumental opportunity presents itself to Hamilton? How does Eliza react to this news?

He had to write a series of essays and they asked him to lead and be the right hand man. Eliza is telling him to be satisfied with what he has.

(You'll be back) How does King George perceive the American colonies rebelling against the British Empire?

He is frustrated and saying in a positive tone all the really bad and disgusting things.

(Right hand man) Why does Washington need help with the Continental Army? What is happening in the war?

He needs help with the troops and needed a right hand man because they are losing the war.

(Wait for it) what is Burr's perception of love and death? Why does he feel this way?

He perceives as something that just occurs, death just happens and it takes away people, no matter who they are. Love also just happens and it can't be chosen.

("The World Was Wide Enough) What motif recurs during the monologue in which Hamilton directly confronts his own mortality?

He said burr, his first friend and enemy, and he talks about what is the bullet is his legacy.

(Helpless) What motif recurs within Hamilton's marriage proposal to Eliza?

He said he "don't have a dollar to my name" ("Helpless",Ln. 90.) He had no money or family. He said he had no army, however, he said he was intelligent. He said Eliza's family made him a better person, and that he loved her.

(You'll be back) What two 'loving' threats does King George issue in hopes of causing the colonies to reconsider?

He said he would kill family and friends and send a fully armed battalion.

(Aaron Burr, sir) What advice does Burr offer the protagonist? What are the advice's implications for the revolution?

He tells him to smile more, Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for. These advice's are foreshadowing the frenemy between both characters.

("The World Was Wide Enough) Why does Burr believe so strongly that Hamilton will indeed fire his weapon during their duel?

He thinks that because hamilton was wearing his glasses and he thought he did that to kill him.

(My shot) How does this song establish the protagonist's verbal dexterity? ?

He uses a lot of verbal dexterity, but specially this song establishes it in "Shot" by meaning glory and in "Hey yo, I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy and hungry," by meaning the country is poor.

(Meet me inside) Why is Hamilton so eager to lead troops into battle during this war?

He wants to die in glory. Be a hero.

(Hurricane) What is Hamilton so intently focused on protecting? How, specifically, does he intend to protect this?

He wants to protect his legacy, he intends to do it by writing his way out.

(Non-stop) What honor does Hamilton receive following the war? How does this advance his rivalry with Burr?

He was chosen for the constitutional convention, this advances before burr wanted to be chosen.

(Satisfied) What are the three fundamental truths which Angelica realizes?

Her job is to marry rich Alexander wanted to be with her to elevate her status She knew her sister like her own mind.

(Washington On Your Side) What are their main complaints against Hamilton?

How cocky he is, full of himself, like he only cares about making money and not caring for the poor.

(Say no to this) How is the "helpless" motif used in this song?

It connected Maria to Eliza.

(Washington On Your Side) How is tension increasing amongst the Founding Fathers and others?

Jealousy and political differences.

("What'd I Miss) Who is sally? What did Jefferson promise her?

Jefferson had a slave named Sally that was about 20 years younger than him and bore him 6 children. He lied and promised her their eventual freedom.

(Stay alive) What military strategy do revolutionaries decide to use against the British Empire?

Laurens wanted a black battalion for better possibilities of winning and to prove they could be free.

(Helpless) What figurative language does Eliza use to describe meeting Hamilton and falling in love?

She says she is "helpless" and that as soon as she saw him, she said "my heart went 'Boom!' ("Helpless", ln. 15). It is a metaphor, she says "look into those eyes, and the sky's the limit." ("Helpless," ln.32). She uses very light and dreamy language to explain how he is the one she loves, and how wonderful it was to meet him.

(The Reynolds pamphlet.) How do Burr, Jefferson, and Madison react to the contents and implications of the Reynolds Pamphlet?

The are happy because it's one less thing to worry about and they think he won't be president now.

Why might Lin-Manuel Miranda have cast actors of color to portray Caucasian historical figures?

The cast of people of color was not good and has gotten better over time and represent america now

(Take a Break) "My dearest, Angelica" - importance of commas! How has their relationship evolved?

The comma changes the affection.

(The Schuyler Sisters) What is the connection between this song and Thomas Paine's much-renowned political pamphlet?

The connection is that Angelica said she read the pamphlet and wanted to change. The pamphlet inspired the declaration of independence.

(Ten Duel Commandments) How is the interaction between the protagonist and his foil particularly ironic?

The interaction is ironic because they are frenemies and both are agreeing a duel is dumb however, they end up doing one.

(Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story) What is the connection between Eliza's proudest accomplishment and when she fell in love with Hamilton?

The orphanage because she got to see them grow up and Hamilton is an orphan. She helped build Alexander his legacy and that is what he wanted.

(The Schuyler Sisters) What is the connection between this song and the Declaration of Independence?

The pamphlet inspired the declaration of independence. Thomas Jefferson is primary author of declaration of independence.

(Ten Duel Commandments) What purpose does this song serve for the audience? What does Miranda want to convey?

The purpose is to teach audience about duels. Miranda wants to convey how they dealt with issues.

(Right Hand Man) What reference is made to the protagonist's youth? How does this relate to the revolution?

The reference is to the caribbean, Hamilton said that as a kid in the caribbean.

What are the two most consequential historical events portrayed within Act I of Hamilton?

The revolution

(Right Hand Man) How is the rivalry between the protagonist and his foil advanced?

The rivalry is advanced because Burr wanted to be Washington's right hand man, and Hamilton was instead.

(Guns and Ships) What parallels does Burr highlight between the American Revolution and Hamilton's life?

They had harsh beginnings and standings and soon they got to great tasks and diversities.

(Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story) What do his Democratic-Republican adversaries from Virginia acknowledge about the $10 Founding Father?

They said he had an amazing financial system and that he had impeccable strategies and analytical strategies.

(The Story of tonight) What do Hamilton and his friends see when they look to the future?

They see a free country and that they remember them.

("The World Was Wide Enough) How does this duel impact Burr? What are the implications for the protagonist-foil relationship?

This impacted Burr because now without an enemy, he has no competition. He realized how many people liked him and how he had to hide. He paid for it because he is the villain in his history, he realized how both could have been friends.

(You'll be back) How/why does Lin-Manuel Miranda create contrast between this song and the rest of the musical?

This song is humorous and in a different style most of Hamilton's songs, it is fast and not hip-hop.

(farmer refuted) What two witty insults does Hamilton levy against a leading loyalist?

Two witty insults are that the loyalists are like a joke and he can't even listen to them, he knows the revolution is important and just makes fun of Seabury, "My dog speaks more eloquently than thee."

(Meet me inside) What is revealed about the temperament of Washington and Hamilton respectively?

Washington acts calmly and doesn't lose it. Hamilton is sensitive and acts too fast.

(Stay Alive) How does the partnership between Hamilton and Washington progress?

Washington gave direct orders to Hamilton not to act. However, Hamilton can't stop a person who didn't receive those orders. Hamilton wants to be in charge of the battalion.

(Stay alive) What takes place between Charles Lee and Washington? How does Washington react?

Washington gave strict orders to hamilton, so he couldn't act. While Charles lee could, so he acted and washington was angry because he"disobeyed him".

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