hamilton test

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Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from....

customs duties and excise tax. Hamilton's excise taxes would bring in money from domestic goods, and customs duties collects duties on imported goods.

The Bill of Rights was intended to protect ____ against the potential tyranny of ____.

individual liberties, a strong central government. The anti-federalists were scared that a strong central government would take away their rights and become a monarchy. So the Bill of Rights was proposed to quell anti-federalist's worries.

According to the Federalists, the duty of judging the unconstitutionality of legislation passed by Congress lay with...

the Supreme Court. The legislative branch, executive branch, and judicial branch all check each other so that not one branch has too much power.

The immediate cause of the undeclared war between the United States and France was...

the XYZ affair. Three men traveled to France to come to an agreement, but were approached by men demanding bribes and loans. The American diplomats left without coming to any formal negotiation, and an undeclared war broke out.

Federalists advocated rule by...

the best people. Educated, wealthy, public-spirited men like themselves. Such people had the time, education, and background to run the country wisely. "Those who own the country ought to govern it," said Federalist John Jay.

The 1796 presidential campaign focused heavily on....

the candidates' personalities. John Adams was considered impolite and experienced. Jeffersonians were referred to as "fire-eating salamanders, poison-sucking toads."

Opposition by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to the financial plan of Alexander Hamilton resulted in...

the formation of permanent political parties. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison joined together in their opposition to Hamilton. Hamilton's followers began to organize their own party, while Jefferson, Madison, and their followers did the same.

Who was secretary of treasury?

Alexander Hamilton was the secretary of treasury. He created the national bank.

The political party of the outs that provided the loyal opposition to the party in power in the 1790s was the...

Democratic-Republicans. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison opposed Hamilton's financial plans. The feud among these men led to Hamilton's followers coming together to form a more defined Federalism. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's views created Democratic-Republicans.

Foreign relations between the United States and France deteriorated in the late 1790s over....

French seizure of American merchant ships. The French were mad over Jay's Treaty, and retaliated by seizing American merchant ships.

Who was secretary of war?

Henry Knox was the secretary of war. He articulated the nation's early Native American policy.

Who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

John Jay was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He established Jay's Treaty.

Which amendment guards against the danger that enumerating rights might lead to the conclusion that they were the only ones protected?

Ninth. It was put into the Bill of Rights to make sure citizen's fundamental rights would not be denied, just because they weren't specifically mentioned.

Jefferson's argument against the constitutionality of a Bank of the United States were based on the strict construction principles, especially embodied in the

Tenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Jefferson thought the National Bank would give the federal government too much power over the states. He used the Tenth Amendment, because it's the States' Rights Amendment, which is supposed to protect the states from the federal government becoming too powerful.

The ____ Amendment might rightly be called the states' rights amendment.

Tenth. The Tenth Amendment was written to emphasize the limited nature of the powers delegated to the federal government, which shows that the states still have rights that the federal government can't deny.

Who was secretary of state?

Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of State. He and Alexander Hamilton fought over fiscal policy, particularly the Revolutionary War debt and its foreign policy implications.

The ____ amendment dealt with the problem of having a president and vice-president from two different political parties.

Twelfth. Under the Twelfth Amendment each singular elector must cast distinct votes for both the President and the Vice President, instead of placing two votes for President.

The aspect of Hamilton's financial program that received the least support in Congress, because of its heavy agricultural and commercial interests, was....

a protective tariff. Hamilton proposed protective tariffs that would increase industrialization. The Southern states heavily opposed this, because they didn't want to rely on manufacturing. They were agriculture based states. It received the least support, because it was a controversial proposal that many politicians and regular citizens were against, because of their own views on agriculture vs. manufacturing.

Hamiltonian Federalists advocated....

a strong central government. Hamiltonian Federalism's main focus was creating a strong central government. It's what defined Federalists as Federalists and anti-federalists as anti-federalists.

All of the following are guarantees provided by the Bill of Rights except a. the right to vote for all citizens. b. freedom of speech. c. freedom of religion. d. freedom of the press. e. right to a trial by a jury.

a. the right to vote for all citizens. The 15th and 19th amendments protect the rights to vote. These amendments are not in the Bill of Rights.

As secretary of the treasury, Alexander Hamilton's first objective was to....

bolster the national credit. Hamilton's assumption programs, financial plans, and his part in creating the national bank were all geared toward bolstering the national credit. It was his job as the secretary of treasury.

Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) XYZ affair, (B) Neutrality Proclamation, (C) Jay's Treaty, and (D) Kentucky and Virginia resolutions. a. C, B, A, D b. B, A, C, D c. B, C, A, D d. C, B, D, A e. A, B, D, C

c. B, C, A, D Neutrality Proclamation was in 1793, Jay's Treaty was in 1794, XYZ affair was in 1797, and Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were in 1798 and 1799.

All of the following careers were tried by John Adams except a. scientist. b. doctor. c. artist. d. orator. e. lawyer.

c. artist. After graduating, he became a teacher because of his oratory skills, then he became a lawyer. He tried science and being a doctor, because he craved a challenging career.

The new Constitution did not provide for the creation of a....

cabinet. The cabinet is a body of advisers to the president, composed of the heads of the executive departments of the government. The federal court system and supreme court were created in Article 3. The electoral college was created by Article 1. The vice president was created by Article 2.

Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt a. would do great harm to the nation's economy. b. might lead to military weakness. c. could persuade individuals and nations not to lend money to the United States. d. was beneficial, because people to whom the government owed money would work hard to make the nation a success. e. could help his economic plans but not his political plans.

d. was beneficial, because people to whom the government owed money would work hard to make the nation a success. Hamilton was pushing for a limited national debt with his assumption programs, financial plans, and the creation of a national bank. He wanted to bolster the national credit. He wanted what was best for the country; a limited national debt.

One of the major criticisms of the Constitution, as drafted in Philadelphia, was that it...

did not provide guarantees for individual rights. The anti-federalists were scared that a strong central government would take away their rights and become a monarchy.

Jay's Treaty contained all of the following provisions except a. a British promise to evacuate its chain of forts on U.S. soil. b. British consent to pay damages for the recent seizure of American ships. c. that Americans were bound to pay debts still owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary accounts. d. no promise by the British to pay for future seizure of American ships. e. a promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians.

e. a promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians. Jay failed to negotiate an end to the selling of arms to the Indians. It spurred arguments against ratifying the treaty.

All of the following were part of Alexander Hamilton's economic program except a. the creation of a national bank. b. funding the entire national debt at par. c. vigorous foreign trade. d. protective tariffs. e. paying only domestic debts but not foreign debts.

e. paying only domestic debts but not foreign debts. Hamilton's assumption bill specifically called for the federal assumption of the states' debts so that the United States could pay off their states' and national debt in full.

Washington's decision to retire from the presidency in 1797....

established a two-term tradition for American presidents. Washington didn't establish it as a rule, but the presidents to follow only served two terms after him until FDR ran for a third term.

Hamilton believed that, together, his funding and assumption programs would....

gain the monetary and political support of the rich for the federal government. Hamilton thought his plans would gain the rich's favor for the federal government, because his plan protected and favored manufactures.

62. All of the following were true of Alexander Hamilton except a. he served as the first Secretary of the Treasury. b. his intelligence was constantly under question, but his loyalty to the republican experiment never wavered. c. he would have been president if it were not for his ultraconservatism, a scandalous adultery, and a duelist's bullet. d. his chief rival was Thomas Jefferson. e. he claimed that the "British Government was the best in the world."

his intelligence was constantly under question, but his loyalty to the republican experiment never wavered. Hamilton was sent to America because he was brilliant, and went to King's College. He was also a federalist; he wrote some of the Federalist Papers. The answer choice contradicts everything that Hamilton was.

Federalists strongly supported...

law and order. They supported a strong central government yo put down democratic excess like Shay's rebellion.

The French grew angry with the United States after 1794 because...

of Jay's Treaty. It strengthened the relations among the United States and Great Britain. This angered the French, because they were at odds with the British.

The Neutrality Proclamation in 1793....

officially proclaimed America's neutrality in Old World quarrels. George Washington declared the nation neutral in the conflict between France and Britain, due to the nation being too young and the military too small.

President Adams sought a peaceful solution to the undeclared war with France in order to...

prevent the outbreak of a full-scale war. John Adams was a Democratic Republican, and pro-france. The Federalists called for war, but Adams didn't want to go that far. Adams wanted to be right, and come to terms with the French, similar to those of Jay's Treaty.

In Jay's Treaty, the British....

promised to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest. This was the primary American goal in the unpopular treaty.

The Federalist-dominated Congress's Alien Act was aimed at ____, whereas the Sedition Act was primarily aimed at ____.

recent immigrants, newspapers. The federalists thought that immigrants would sympathize with the French during a war. The Sedition Act permitted the prosecution of individuals who voiced or printed what the government deemed to be malicious remarks about the president or government of the United States.

When the French Revolution developed into a war with Britain, George Washington and the American government....

remained neutral. The American government agreed that the American nation was too young and the military too small to get involved in a war.

The main purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to...

silence and punish critics of the Federalists. The Alien and Sedition Acts were created to limit the power of anti-federalists. The Federalists thought aliens would sympathize with the French during a war. The Sedition Act permitted the prosecution of individuals who voiced or printed what the government deemed to be malicious remarks about the president or government of the United States.

Hamilton's major programs seriously infringed on....

states' rights. According to the Democratic-Republicans, Hamilton's excise taxes and protective tariffs gave the federal government too much power over the states. Hamilton's idea for a national bank, in the DR's eyes, was against the 10th amendment of the constitution.

The United States acquired free navigation of the Mississippi River, the rights of deposit at New Orleans, and the large disputed territory north of Florida in....

the Pinckney Treaty. It defined the boundaries of the United States with the Spanish colonies. It established the intentions of friendship among the United States and Spain. Thomas Pinckney negotiated for the United States.

Hamilton's position on the war between Britain and France in 1793 was primarily influenced by....

the national government's dependence on customs collections for revenue. These collections were very important to his financial plans to pay off the national debt. Hamilton wanted his plan to work, for economic advancement and to keep up his image.

In the election campaign of 1796, the Democratic-Republicans made their primary issue....

the terms of Jay's Treaty and the crushing of the Whiskey Rebellion. The democratic-republicans strongly opposed Jay's Treaty because it strengthened British relations, which the Democratic-Republicans were against. Democratic-Republicans were against the Whiskey tax, because they thought the government had too much power with it.

Alexander Hamilton's financial program for the economic development of the United States favored....

the wealthier class. Hamilton's financial plan benefited the wealthier class the most, because the whole nation had to repay the debt with taxes. Some states had already paid off their debts, so they had to pay even more and others had to pay less than they should.

For its continued success, Hamilton's financial program relied heavily on....

trade with Britain. The national government relied on customs collections for revenue so that they could use this money to pay off the country's debt.

Washington's Farewell Address in 1796.....

warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances. Washington believed that taking sides among other nations could prove risky for the United States and that aligning too much with or against other nations diverted his nation's interests from important matters at home.

Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793....

was based on calculations of American self-interest. America declared Neutrality because their military was too small and the nation was young. Therefore, they refused to take a side and participate in the war.

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